MGTL2-Business Plan Format

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Business Plan Format Title Page (Pattern to be provided) Approval Sheet (Pattern to be provided) Acknowledgments page i page ii

Table of Contents (Strictly follow the outline, sequencing and numbering from this Official Format) Introduction - Provide introductions about the whole business concept/idea. I. Business Description A. Company Name, Address, Form of Ownership B. Statement of Mission, Vision and Goals C. Nature of Operations and Product/s Being Offered - Describe if its manufacturing or service and describe here the product/s to be offered II. Executive Summary The executive summary is the first part of your plan, but it should be written last. It is an abstract of the pertinent essentials of your business plan. The wording should be chosen very carefully. This is what most readers will read first. The executive summary should be short, attention getting, and understandable. The executive summary, for some should summarize all conclusions and recommendations covering all critical aspects of the study. Summarize the whole study by presenting the following: 1) nature of the business; 2) potential market and sales projection; 3) process design and production schedule; 4) projected initial income. III. Major Assumptions and Future Plan of Actions The team must prepare the following suggested assumptions and future plans. However, not all of the items may be applicable to the business and not all may be part of the teams agreed future plan of actions. (Refer to the last page for the list of required assumptions) IV. Marketing Plan A. Market Description Describe the potential and target market, primary and secondary customers) B. Competition Analysis Describe competition status and present major competitors, if any. C. Marketing Strategies (Describe your strategies as follows) 1. Product Positioning Describe how the products will be positioned in the mind of the buyer as to its usefulness, value to the user/buyer 2. Product Strategies How will the product be called and briefly explain the reason? How will you package the product that to make it appealing, attractive and appropriate

Prepared by: Prof. JAYME C. IGNACIO Page 1

3. Pricing Strategy What will be the products selling price? Present the computation and component? What is the basis and reason for using such pricing technique?) 4. Placement Where will the store/shop be located? Will the shop be the same place with the place of production? How will it look like, the store layout, aesthetic design? What are the reasons for choosing the site like accessibility to market, low cost of rental and related expenses? Also describe the distribution design/Channels of Distribution 5. Promotions Describe the promotions strategies to be used like ads, sales promo, PR, direct selling, etc. Including the estimate required budget) C. Sales Projection Provide how much is the estimated sales per month/year computed at projected quantity x selling price. Briefly describe how the projection was arrived. Results of the market analysis can be used as basis of projections. Other assumptions may also be used. V. Technical Plan A. Process/Operations Design 1. Type of Operations Describe how the company plans to run the operations of the business. What shall be the groups activities and what shall be subcontracted, if there will be subcontracting? Operations might fall in any of the following categories: Full-production or Sub-contracting-for manufacturing, novelty items or non-dine in foods or Full-service or Selfservice-for food services like dine-in or a resto. 2. Operations Schedule / Operating Hours Specify what time will be the time to begin the business operations, what time is serving hours to customers and until what time will the company be operating daily or weekly. 3. Technology Describe the technology/process to be used in the process of producing the goods or providing the service. Describe major tools, equipments, machines needed in this format: a. Machines/Equipments/Appliances Item Qty. Purpose

b. Tools and Supplies (Including office supplies) Item Qty. Purpose B. Time & Motion Study and Capacity Assessment Enumerate here the steps in the production/provision of service including the time needed in each of the steps. The quantity of expected quantity of output should be specified to check how many units can be produced or how many customers may be served in every complete cycle.

Prepared by: Prof. JAYME C. IGNACIO Page 2

Analyze the maximum capacity which may be computed based from any of the following factors: 1) results obtained from the time and motion study; 2 length of operating time; 3) number of machines to be used; 4) number of people to operate. C. Production Schedule Present the output scheduled to be produced per week/month/year. The quantity should satisfy or meet the estimated quantity in the projected sales. D. Total Production Cost / Unit Cost Present the bases in computing the cost involved in producing the product either per cycle/batch or per piece. E. Break-even Quantity (Applicable only to groups with single type of product or with products with standard pricing) VI. Organization-Management Plan A. Brief Profile of Owners (Name, Address, Course, Company Designation) B. Organization and Compensation Designs Present the structure of the organization classified as 1) managers; 2)nonmanagers (staff); and 3) direct laborers. Specify the quantity including their respective duties and qualifications needed. Format as follows: 1. Manpower Requirements and Managers Position Count Job Description Salary/Allowance per Day or Month

Staff Position


Job Description

Salary/Allowance per Day or Month

Direct Laborers (If any) Position Count

Job Description

Salary/Allowance per Day or Month

Note: Minimal number of persons is suggested since you are just beginners. Decide if allowance only or a regular salary. Minimum wage is not mandatory if number of employees is below 10. 2. Organizational Structure Illustrate a functional organizational chart with no specific names. C. General Policies Enumerate common policies applicable to managers and non-managers, including types of required reports for managers and owners use. Attendance, individual quota, uniform, and the like are examples of policies. D. Plan of Action Present the immediate and long-term schedule of activities to be undertaken

Prepared by: Prof. JAYME C. IGNACIO Page 3

VII. Financial Plan A. Project Cost and Allocation of Funds Present the total capital needed to begin the business. The breakdowns where funds shall be used are as follows: Organization cost for the expenses incurred in organizing the business like business registrations and the like; Pre-operating expense for the expenses incurred before fully operating the business like free-sampling or free-tasting, ads, dry-run and the like; Capital Investment this includes major acquisition of equipment, machines, renovation and the like; Working Capital this would include estimated amount of money needed to begin the business until the time the operations become fully normal. Commonly, this is an estimate of one months operating expenses for raw material, personnel salaries, initial payments for utilities and rentals. B. Financing Plans Describe how the funding will be raised. Will it be purely equity financing or will also borrow money. From where/whom will the money come from, the payment terms if borrowed, etc. Present the breakdown of the various contributors. C. Major Financial Assumptions Enumerate major financial assumptions like 1. rate of increase in rent, if applicable; 2. cash and credit sales ratio; 3. rates of increase in compensation, if any; 4. rates of increase in sales; 5. collection and disbursements policies; 6. banking-related matters D. Financial Projections Present immediate and long-term financial projections as follows: 1. Immediate Financial Projections (First Four Months while in UE) a. Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income b. Projected Statement of Cash Flow c. Projected Statement of Financial Position 2. Long-term Financial Projections (For 3 Years) a. Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income b. Projected Statement of Cash Flow c. Projected Statement of Financial Position d. Projected Statement of Changes in Equity E. Financial Analysis Prepare computation and interpretations of various important financial ratios as follows: 1. Rate of Return 2. Payback Period 3. Profitability Rate 4. Break-even Sales VIII. Socio-economic Plan Present how will/can the business be of help to society such as its: 1) relevance to the course taken/government plans; 2) benefits derived by the community and other business establishments; 3) possible effects on national economy.

Prepared by: Prof. JAYME C. IGNACIO Page 4

IX. Risks Assessment - Present your alternative plans or actions if the following would happen: Chosen location is no longer available due to owners choice or misunderstanding; Primary product is not selling, target buyer is no longer possible; Sudden increase in the prices of materials and rentals; Contracting parties on various matters are quitting: market-related, locationsrelated, legal-related, capital-related , etc. Other predictable but not favorable events to come X. Bibliography A. Books (book, business plans) B. Manual or Journals C. Websites Appendices (With separator or divider before each type of attachments) Proponents Resume (Should be standardize) Sample Questionnaire Tabulation of Research Data and Results Various Required Administrative Forms and Management Reports Email Confirmation or Photocopy of Actual DTI Business Name Registration Certification of Proofreading

________________________________________________________________ ______ Major Assumptions and Future Plan of Actions Marketing Plan - Is there a plan to: 1. Add product line/s. Effective when? 2. Expand the target market 3. Increase/decrease of selling price 4. Change of: location, store design, Channels of Distribution 5. Open the business for franchising Technical Plan - Is there a plan to: 1. Change the operations design? Effective when? o From manual to computerize o From full processing to subcontracting of some parts of the process 2. Change the operating time or hours of operations? Effective when? o From half-day to whole-day operations or vice versa o From non-shifting to shifting of schedules 3. Increase/decrease capacity or schedule or output? Effective when? Organization and Management Plan 1. If the group is currently not hiring any employee/staff/crew, when will the group start to hire its employee? 2. If there is no plan to hire o What is the proposed compensation plan for the owner-employee? o What will be the schedule? Whole day, half-day or shifting? 3. If employee will be hired, when, how many and what will be the proposed compensation package? 4. Is there a plan to change/transfer location? Effective when? o Just for rental, or sharing of space, or owned 5. Is there a plan to invite additional investors? Financial Plan 1. Is there a plan to infuse/add additional fund. When? How? 2. If currently selling o a cash basis only, is there a plan to sell on credit? When? Will there be plan for major purchases or investments? When? How?
Prepared by: Prof. JAYME C. IGNACIO Page 5

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