Manual Visual Prolog

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P# Manual (version 1.1.

Jon Cook October 1, 2003


P# is a Prolog implementation designed for use with Microsofts .NET Framework. Specically it translates Prolog to C# source code, allowing interoperation with C# and hence with other .NET languages. This allows the development of software which combines Prolog back-ends with C# front-ends. Much of P# is shared with SICStus Prolog and the tool from which P# is derived, Prolog Cafe (version 0.4.4). Details of predicates and operators which are shared with SICStus Prolog are not given, and in these cases the user is referred to the SICStus Prolog documentation. P# can be downloaded from the web-page: P# 1.1.3 improves on P# 1.1.2 by including support for oating point numbers (which brings it in line with Prolog Cafe 0.6.1), a stop/1 predicate which aborts a P# Prolog thread and the :/2 predicate for calling C# methods and converting their return data to Prolog types without needing to use cs_term. Also the constructors of PrologInterface have been made more sensible, and in line with C# naming conventions P# runtime methods visible from the C# programmers code begin with capital letters. The old method names with lower case letters still work, but generate compiler warnings. As of Mono 0.26 and P# 1.1.3, P# runs and compiles under Mono. Mono currently allows you to compile and run C# programs under Linux and some other versions of UNIX. Thus, P# can be now be used under some versions of UNIX.

Compiling a Prolog program to an executable

In order to run the interpreter, PsharpIntrp.exe, you can either copy the DLL, Psharp.dll into the same directory as the interpreter executable or add the DLL to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). To translate a Prolog source le, called, say, run P# and enter the command compile(myfile). then press CTRL-Z to exit P#. If the compilation was successful there will now be a number of C# les in the directory. Copy the le Loader.cs into the directory as well. The le Loader.cs can be downloaded from the P# homepage. 1

Assuming that your csc (C# compile) command is reachable from the path, and that you have put your Psharp.dll le in the folder C:\psharp, say, you should then be able to compile these into a P# application with the following command: csc /r:"C:\psharp\Psharp.dll" /out:MyProgram.exe *.cs This generates an executable le which when run will load the P# DLL and start executing the predicate main/0 in the Prolog le you compiled. To run another predicate of arity zero, say my_pred you can use the command: MyProgram.exe MyPred Notice how Prolog predicate names are renamed (if in doubt just look at the class name in the generated C# le). To run P# Prolog code from the P# interpreter use the built-in predicates consult/1, compile/1 and plcomp/1 (see below). Alternatively, use the P# Graphical interface.


Predicates shared with SICStus Prolog


consult/1, listing/0, debug/0, nodebug/0, trace/0, notrace/0, spy/1, nospy/1, nospyall/1, leash/1 Note that the support for these predicates is not as extensive as in SICStus Prolog. A list of les to consult can be typed directly in the terminal e.g. ?- [file1, File2]. however [user]. cannot be used to type in code on the terminal.


Input of Terms

read/1, read/2


Output of Terms

display/1, write canonical/1, write canonical/2, write/1, write/2, writeq/1, writeq/2 2


Character I/O

nl/0, nl/1, get0/1, get0/2, get/1, get/2, put/1, put/2, skip/1, skip/2, peek char/1, peek char/2, tab/1, tab/2, ttynl/1, ttyush/1, ttyget0/1, ttyget/1, ttyput/1, ttyskip/1, ttytab/1


Stream I/O

open/3, close/1, current input/1, current output/1, set input/1, set output/1, ush output/0, ush output/1



(is)/2, (=:=)/2, (=\=)/2, (<)/2, (>)/2, (=<)/2, (>=)/2


Comparison of Terms

(==)/2, (\==)/2, (@<)/2, (@>)/2, (@=<)/2, (@>=)/2, (?=)/2, compare/3, sort/2



otherwise/0, true/0, fail/0, false/0, repeat/0, (,)/2, (;)/2, (->)/2, (\+)/1, (!)/0, call/1, once/1



var/1, nonvar/1, atom/1, integer/1, oat/1, number/1, atomic/1, ground/1, compound/1, callable/1, functor/3, arg/3, (=..)/2, atom chars/2, number chars/2, name/2


Modication of the Program

asserta/1, assertz/1, assert/1, clause/2, retract/1, retractall/1, abolish/1


All Solutions


Denite Clause Grammars

C/3, expand term/2, (-->)/2


Miscellaneous predicates shared with SICStus Prolog

copy term/2, (=)/2, length/2, numbervars/2, halt/0, abort/0, statistics/0, statistics/2, op/3, current op/3


Predicates shared with Prolog Caf e


The types of expression which may occur on the right of a call to is/2 are listed in Table I.



See Table II for a summary of P#s Prolog operators. The extra operators added for Linear Logic Programming (LLP) support are included in Table III.


Input of Terms

read token/1, read tokens/2, read with variables/2, readint/1, readline/1, parse tokens/2


Reading in Programs

compile( +FileName ) compile( +ListOfFilenames ) Compile a Prolog le or list of Prolog les to C#. The Prolog les are found in the currently selected directory and the C# les are output in the same directory. The Filename(s) should not include the .pl sux. For example, to compile, use compile( test ). To compile, use compile( Test ). To compile both use compile( [ test, Test ] ). fcompile( +FileName ) fcompile( +ListOfFilenames ) Same as compile/1.

Table I: Expressions 5 3.4 +5 -3 3 + X X - 1 X * Y X / Y X // Y 8 mod 3 max(4,X) min(X,7.0) 2 << 4 128 >> 2 7 /\ 4 1 \/ 2 ~23 10 # 3 abs(-5) integer(4.5) float(3) random pi e sin(X) cos(X) tan(X) asin(X) acos(X) atan(X) sqrt(9.7) log(Y) exp(X) pow(2,3) degrees(X) radians(X) integer oating point number unary plus unary minus addition subtraction multiplication division integer quotient (round down) modulus maximum minimum left shift right shift bitwise and bitwise or bitwise negation bitwise exclusive or absolute value (| 5|) convert to integer by rounding down convert to oat a random oat value between 0.0 and 1.0 the constant the constant e sine cosine tangent arcsine arccosine arctangent square root natural logarithm exponentiation (eX ) power (23 ) convert from radians to degrees convert from degrees to radians

Table II: Prolog operators 1170 1170 1170 1170 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1100 1050 1000 900 900 900 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 550 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 400 400 400 400 400 300 300 200 xfx xfx fx fx fx fx fx fx fx fx xfy xfy xfy fy fy fy xfx xfx xfx xfx xfx xfx xfx xfx xfx xfx xfx xfx xfx xfx xfx xfy yfx yfx yfx yfx yfx fx fx yfx yfx yfx yfx yfx xfx xfx xfy :--> :?mode public dynamic multifile block meta_predicate ; -> , \+ spy nospy = is =.. == \== @< @> @=< @>= =:= \= < > =< >= : + # /\ \/ + * / // << >> mod ~ ^

[ignored] [ignored] [ignored] [ignored] [ignored]

Table III: LLP Operators 1200 1190 1150 1060 950 950 900 fx xfx fx xfy xfy xfy fy forall \ :- resource & -<> => !


User dened hash-tables

See the Prolog Caf e documentation for details of using hash-tables. open table( ?Table ) close table( +Table ) clear table( +Table ) set table( +Table ) current table( ?Table ) get term( +Key, ?Term ) get term( +Table, +Key, ?Term ) put term( +Key, ?Term ) put term( +Table, +Key, ?Term ) asserta( +Table, +Clause ) assertz( +Table, +Clause ) assert( +Table, +Clause ) clause( +Table, +Head, ?Body ) retract( +Table, +Clause ) retractall( +Table, +Clause ) abolish( +Table, +Functor/Arity)


Miscellaneous predicates shared with Prolog Caf e

version/0 Output the version string. time( +Goal ) Calls the Goal and outputs a message indicating how long the goal took to execute. interpreter/0 Run the Prolog interpreter. url source( +URL, -Text ) Look up the URL (an atom) and returns the html contents of that location as an atom. 7

Calling C# from Prolog

load assembly( +AssemblyToLoad ) Load a .NET assembly so that the predicate classes dened within it can be called from Prolog. P# rst tries passing the string provided (as an atom) to the C# method System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(), and if this fails to load an assembly it then tries System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(). For example: load_assembly( System.Windows.Forms ). When the Prolog engine looks for a predicate, it rst searches in the P# DLL, if it is not found there it searches the loaded assemblies starting from the last loaded assembly and ending at the rst loaded assembly. If an assembly which has already been loaded is loaded again then that assembly is moved to the top of the list so that it will have priority over all of the others. cs constructor( +Class( +Args, ... ), -CsObjectTerm ) Construct a C# object and return the corresponding C# object term. For example: cs_constructor( System.Collections.ArrayList, AL ). or cs_constructor( System.Collections.ArrayList( 10 ), AL10 ). cs method( +Class, +StaticMethod( +Args, ... ), -ReturnValue ) cs method( +Object, +Method( +Args, ... ), -ReturnValue ) Call a C# method. When you call Prolog from C# and then call back to C# from the Prolog side you have to call PrologInterface.AddAssembly( ... ) before the call. This enables cs method to nd the method in the calling assembly. For example: PrologInterface sharp = new PrologInterface( ); sharp.AddAssembly( System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly( ) ); sharp.SetPredicate( ... ); sharp.Call( ); The Prolog looks like, for example: cs_method( System.Console, WriteLine( Hello World! ), _ ). cs_method( System.Math, Max( 3, 4 ), M ). cs term( ?CsObjectTerm, ?PrologTerm ) 8

Convert between C# objects represented as CsObjectTerms and Prolog values. It is often necessary to convert values returned by cs method using this predicate for example: cs_method( System.Math, Max( 3, 4 ), M ) instantiates M to System.Int32(4). Then call cs_term( Int, M ), which instantiates Int to 4. +ClassOrInstance : +MethodCall [new in P# 1.1.3] The colon operator combines cs method/3 with cs term/2. It is used as follows: System.Math:Max( 3, 4, Int ) instantiates Int to 4. or Object:Method( Arg1, Arg2, ReturnValue ). cs get eld( +ClassOrInstance, +Field, -Value ) Get the value of a C# eld. For example:

cs_get_field( System.Int32, MaxValue, MV ).

Instead of a class a variable instantiated to a C# object term can be used as the rst argument. cs set eld( +ClassOrInstance, +Field, +Value ) Set the value of a C# eld. cs object( ?X ) Succeeds if X is a C# object term.

Miscellaneous predicates new in P#

plcomp( +File ) Compile the given Prolog le to C# and then compile the C# internally so that the predicates dened in the Prolog le can be called thereafter in the interpreter session. plcomp( +File, +Output ) Same as plcomp/1 except that an executable le with the given Output name is generated as well. plcs( +File ) Same as compile/1, except that only one le may be given. 9


Note that concurrency features will not work for interpreted code (code loaded by consult/1 or by entering a list at the prompt). To run concurrent code from the interpreter internally compile the Prolog le using plcomp/1.


Forking threads and message passing

wait for/1, fork/1, fork/2, stop/1 In order to be able to create new threads, we add a primitive called fork/1. The fork predicate takes a structure as an argument and then forks a new thread which evaluates the structure. A fork/2 primitive is also available, which forks the rst argument and returns a Prolog representation of a C# object representing the new thread. This object can then be returned to the C# part of the program where it can be used to stop that thread. A predicate, named stop/1 is provided, which can be used to stop a thread from the Prolog side. The predicate stop/1 should not be used in P# 1.1.2 and earlier. Having called fork with a structure containing an uninstantiated variable, anywhere in the syntax tree of the structure, a thread can use that variable to interact with the newly forked thread.


Communication between threads

The wait_for predicate takes as an argument a variable which is shared with an already forked thread. It then waits until one of the threads instantiates that variable and succeeds with the given instantiation. Except for this the instances of variables on dierent threads do not interact. Consider the following program: a( 2, 7 ). and( Y ) :fork( a( 1, fork( a( 2, fork( a( 3, wait_for( Y

Y ) ), Y ) ), Y ) ), ).

Three threads are forked, each calling the predicate a/2 with dierent values of the rst argument. Only the second will instantiate Y, the second argument to 7. wait_for(Y) will wait until this happens and then and/1 will succeed with Y = 7. It is also acceptable for a forked thread to wait for the thread which forked it or for 10

forked threads to fork more threads. The following example shows that forking integrates with backtracking. alpha( a ). guess( Z ) :alpha( X ), alpha( b ). alpha( c ). fork( correct( X, Z ) ), alpha( d ). fail. guess( Z ) :correct( X, Y ) :wait_for( Z ). \+ var( X ), % prevent cheating X = c, Y = X. The guess/1 predicate knows that the correct answer is a, b, c or d. However it can only nd out which by calling correct(X, Y) with the correct letter as X, in which case Y is instantiated to that letter. The guess/1 predicate forks a thread for each letter and waits for one of them to succeed. The variable Z correctly retains its concurrent information on backtracking, as it comes into existence as soon as guess(Z) is called. The following example is similar to the last, except that tail-recursion is used instead of backtracking. The user enters a square integer between 0 and 202 . The program forks 21 threads to try each of the possible square roots, and then waits for one of them to signal that the answer has been found. sqroot( S, R ) :sqroot_threads( S, R, 0 ), wait_for( R ). sqroot_threads( S, R, 21 ) :!. sqroot_threads( S, R, N ) :fork( ( S =:= N * N, R = N ) ), N1 is N + 1, sqroot_threads( S, R, N1 ). Note that the double brackets in the fork are necessary as the fork takes only one argument, which in this case is a structure with functor ,/2. This provides a way of writing the code to be forked in-line.


Queueing of multiple solutions

It may be that the programmer wishes to use a concurrent variable more than once, indeed if he or she cannot, then some algorithms will require unnatural implementations. 11

If a bound concurrent variable is later unbound by backtracking, and then bound again to the same or a dierent value, then that new binding is enqueued on the queue of messages to be consumed. Thus, a producer can give multiple bindings to a concurrent variable, possibly composing a set of solutions; and a consumer can repeatedly call wait_for to take each binding. The wait_for predicate can be called repeatedly by using the usual repeat/0 predicate, however wait_for also creates a choice-point and will yield the next solution on backtracking. The following code creates two threads, a producer and a consumer. The producer generates integer values from 0 up to 10 and the consumer consumes each produced value, doubles it and outputs the corresponding result. The producer uses a predicate pulse/2 which makes a binding and then undoes it straight away. The rst clause of pulse makes the binding, and then fails. This failure causes backtracking to the last choice-point, which undoes the binding we made in the rst clause and then executes the second clause which succeeds. Thus, the predicate call succeeds having made no lasting binding. This allows us to imperatively give successive bindings to the same variable. main :fork( prod( X ) ), cons( X ). cons( X ) :wait_for( X ), X2 is X * 2, write( X2 ), nl, fail. cons( X ). prod( X ) :enum( X, 0 ). enum( _, 11 ) :!. enum( X, N ) :pulse( X, N ), N1 is N + 1, enum( X, N1 ). pulse( X, N ) :X = N, fail. pulse( _, _ ).

When it is detected that all of those threads which have a copy of a concurrent variable are waiting for that variable, then all of those calls to wait_for fail. Thus, in the example above both of the threads eventually terminate, and in the square root example above, if the user asks for the root of a non-square integer the query will fail. If all of the forked threads with a variable succeed or fail having sent no message then a call to wait_for on the remaining thread will fail. However, care must be exercised. If we had dened main to fork both the producer and the consumer, then the main thread running under the interpreter would still have a copy of the variable X although it would never use it. This would stop the consumer thread from terminating. It is still possible to fork both threads by forking a thread 12

which itself rst forks the producer thread and then runs the consumer code. In this case the variable X is introduced on the consumer thread, not the interpreter thread.


The Global Table

global table/1, global assert/1, global asserta/1, global assertz/1, global retract/1, global retractall/1, global abolish/1, global call/1 Each forked thread is equipped with a private database which it can use in the normal way. In addition we provide a global database, which is shared between all the threads. Accesses are automatically protected by a mutex. The database can be modied by primitives global_assert/1, global_retract/1 and so on. To query the database a global_call/1 predicate is provided. Since the set of assertions in the global table for a variable are specic to that variable, the assertions for dierent variables do not interfere with one another.



lock/1, unlock/1 Our system includes two further primitives to ensure mutual exclusion among executing threads, namely, lock/1 and unlock/1. Both of these take as an argument any Prolog term, and respectively acquire or release a monitor lock on the C# object representing that term. backtrackable lock/1 A backtrackable_lock/1 predicate is also provided. The eect of calling backtrackable_lock is that everything deeper down the proof tree forms a critical region. The P# runtime system keeps track of each lock and unlock operation and maintains a variable which stores the current depth of locking. When the P# Prolog thread terminates all of its locks are automatically released. This mirrors the semantics of the C# lock keyword, where a finally clause releases the monitor when the critical region is exited. Thus, if the thread is aborted, all of its locks are released.


Interoperation with C#

The locks dealt with by lock and unlock are C# locks (on C# objects). Similarly fork initializes and starts a new C# thread, unication calls the PulseAll() method on an object and wait_for calls the Wait() method on an object, although they do far more besides this. A C# program which calls a P# Prolog predicate may wrap such a call with a fork. 13

Any variables passed to the predicate then become concurrent, allowing communication between the C# code and the P# Prolog before the Prolog terminates. A P# Prolog predicate can call a C# method in the following way: System.Console:WriteLine( Hello World!, _ ). The middle argument consists of the method name and any actual arguments. These C# arguments may include uninstantiated variables, in which case the C# will be passed a VariableTerm object. Thus, a concurrent variable can be passed from the P# Prolog side to the C# side. This time the use of :/2 should be wrapped in a fork, for example: run_cs_method( In, Out, ObjectToCall ) :fork( ObjectToCall:CsThreadStart( In, Out ) ). This would be matched on the C# side by code of the following form:

public object CsThreadStart( VariableTerm vt ) { ... // send message vt.Send( new IntegerTerm( 7 ) ); // or await a message int msg = (int)( vt.Receive( ).toCsObject( ) ); ... return ... }

The Send() and Receive() C# methods use a temporary P# engine to respectively perform a unication and execute the wait_for predicate. Each undoes any existing binding of the concurrent variable that it is given rst, and thus may be called repeatedly from the C# code. Such repetition must, however, be matched by backtracking on the P# side.


Miscellaneous Concurrency Predicates

sleep( +TimeInMillis ) Sleep for the specied time period. zap queue( +Variable ) 14

Clear the queue of produced terms waiting to be consumed for a given concurrent variable. wait for one/1 Similar to wait for, but does not retrieve subsequent solutions on backtracking.


Calling Prolog from C#


This section details how Prolog can be called from C#. The C# code which calls Prolog must contain the following imports: using JJC.Psharp.Lang; using JJC.Psharp.Predicates; and if linear logic is used, also the following: using JJC.Psharp.Lang.Resource; using JJC.Psharp.Resources; You should compile your C# together with the C# les generated from Prolog by P#.


Creating a Prolog Interface

When you wish to call Prolog, you rst need to create a Prolog Interface. PrologInterface has a number of constructors. To create a new PrologInterface as a daemon thread which uses the C# System.Console class for input and output, which is the usual thing to do, use a command of the form PrologInterface sharp = new PrologInterface( ); If you wish to set the thread to be a non-daemon thread, that is the C# application will be prevented from terminating if the PrologInterface thread had not terminated, use the constructor: new PrologInterface( false ) If you wish to set dierent input, output and error streams use the following constructor, where new in is a JJC.Psharp.Lang.PushbackReader, and new out and new err are both of type System.IO.TextWriter. 15

new PrologInterface( new_in, new_out, new_err ) A PushbackReader can be constructed in the following way, for example: PushbackReader pr = new PushbackReader( System.In ); There is also a constructor which combines the last two PrologInterface constructors discussed: new PrologInterface( new_in, new_out, new_err, false ) You must create a new PrologInterface object for each call into Prolog.


Adding the calling assembly

The next thing that you program should do, if you wish the Prolog to call back to C# is to add the calling assembly. Do this as follows: sharp.AddAssembly( System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly( ) ); Alternatively the following method can be called, but this will fail to work correctly under the current version of Mono (0.26). sharp.AddCallingAssembly( );


Creating Terms

It is possible to create Prolog terms in C# which can then be passed to the Prolog side (see next subsection). To create an integer term, use IntegerTerm i = new IntegerTerm( 3 ); To create a oating point number term, use DoubleTerm d = new DoubleTerm( 2.5 ); To create a symbol (atom), use SymbolTerm s = SymbolTerm.MakeSymbol( "a_string" ); To create a C# object term, for example of a StringBuilder, use CsObjectTerm o = new CsObjectTerm( new StringBuilder( ) ); 16

To create a variable, use VariableTerm v = new VariableTerm( ); If the P# Prolog code instantiates the variable, after the call to Prolog has been made, v can be dereferenced to obtain the instantiation, for example: IntegerTerm it = (IntegerTerm)( v.Dereference() ); To create for example the list [1,x,2], you could use the code: ListTerm ListTerm ListTerm ListTerm ListTerm empty = SymbolTerm.MakeSymbol( "[]" ); item1 = new IntegerTerm( 1 ); item2 = SymbolTerm.MakeSymbol( "x" ); item3 = new IntegerTerm( 2 ); list = new ListTerm( item1, new ListTerm( item2, new ListTerm( item3, empty ) ) );

To create for example the structure age(Jon,25), you could use the code: Term[] args = { SymbolTerm.MakeSymbol( "Jon" ), new IntegerTerm( 25 ) }; StructureTerm st = new StructureTerm( SymbolTerm.MakeSymbol( "age", 2 ), // ( functor, arity ) args );


Calling a Predicate

Suppose that you wish to call a predicate called lives in/2 with semantics lives_in( Person, City ) and you wish to obtain all solutions to the query lives_in( Person, Edinburgh ). You would do this as follows: VariableTerm person = new VariableTerm( ); PrologInterface sharp = new PrologInterface( ); // the next line is not necessary in this case. sharp.AddAssembly( System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly( ) ); sharp.SetPredicate( new LivesIn_2( person, SymbolTerm.MakeSymbol( "Edinburgh" ), 17

Table IV: Data Conversions Prolog datatype C# datatype atom (SymbolTerm) string (System.String) integer (IntegerTerm) int (System.Int32) oat (DoubleTerm) double (System.Double) (at) list (ListTerm) object[] (System.Object[]) C# object term (CsObjectTerm) object (System.Object) variable (VariableTerm) JJC.Psharp.Lang.VariableTerm structure (StructureTerm) JJC.Psharp.Lang.StructureTerm new ReturnCs( sharp ) ) ); // call predicate to obtain all solutions for( bool r = sharp.Call(); r; r = sharp.Redo() ) { Console.WriteLine( "Name: {0}", person.Dereference() ); } If you only wanted one solution, instead of the for loop, you could just use sharp.Call(). See the Prolog Caf e documentation for details of how to manipulate other Prolog terms from the C# side, such as ListTerms. The data conversions between Prolog and C# are analogous to those for Prolog Caf e version 0.4.4, see Table IV.

Linear Logic Features

For information on the linear logic features see the link below.

Useful URLs
P# homepage (Jon Cooks homepage): Downloading P# 1.1.3: 1.3/dlpsharp.html Prolog Caf e: Prolog Caf e documentation: PrologCafe061/doc/ SICStus Prolog manual: toc.html LLP (Linear Logic Programming):


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