RIS Utilities Guide: For 32-Bit Applications
RIS Utilities Guide: For 32-Bit Applications
RIS Utilities Guide: For 32-Bit Applications
InterAct, Intergraph, and RIS are registered trademarks of Intergraph Corporation. DIALOG, InterServe, and TD1 are trademarks of Intergraph Corporation. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.
1996 Intergraph Corporation All Rights Reserved Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Intergraph and/or third parties which is protected by copyright and trade secret law and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Intergraph Corporation Huntsville, Alabama 35894-0001
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Before You Begin .................................................................................................. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Document Purpose ....................................................................................... Audience ....................................................................................................... Document Prerequisites .............................................................................. Related Documentation ............................................................................... Additional Information ................................................................................ Document Conventions ................................................................................ Using On-line Help ...................................................................................... 1.7.1 Parts of the Help Window ................................................................
1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-6 1-6 2-3 2-4 3-3 4-3 5-3 6-3 7-3 7-4 7-4 7-6 7-7 7-7 7-8 7-9 8-3 8-8 8-9 8 - 10 8 - 10 8 - 17 8 - 18
Getting Started ..................................................................................................... 2.1 Products Needed to Use the RIS Utilities ...................................................
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
risbatch ................................................................................................................. risclnsr .................................................................................................................. risdcode ................................................................................................................. risdtype ................................................................................................................. risgui ..................................................................................................................... 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Exiting the risgui Utility ............................................................................. Performing Queries in the risgui Utility ..................................................... Options... ...................................................................................................... Utilities... ...................................................................................................... Restart .......................................................................................................... Set... .............................................................................................................. Show... ..........................................................................................................
rislod ...................................................................................................................... 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 The Log File ................................................................................................. The Bad File ................................................................................................. Loading Index, View, and Privilege Definitions ......................................... Using rislod with the Interactive Interface ................................................ Using rislod with the Command Line Interface ......................................... BNF Representation of rislod Command Line Syntax ...............................
rismgr .................................................................................................................... 9.1 9.2 RIS Schema Manager .................................................................................. Schema Definition ........................................................................................ 9.2.1 9.2.2 Displaying Schema Information ...................................................... Creating Schemas ............................................................................. 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.2.5 9.2.6 9.2.7 9.2.8 9.3 Creating Schemas (INFORMIX) ....................................... Creating Schemas (ORACLE) ........................................... Creating Schemas (DB2) ................................................... Creating Schemas (SYBASE) ............................................ Creating Schemas (Microsoft SQL Server) .......................
Dropping Schemas ............................................................................ Granting/Revoking Access Privileges to Secure Schemas .............. Obtaining Dictionary Access ............................................................ Modifying Schema Passwords .......................................................... Modifying Node Information ............................................................ Modify DB2 Password Form ............................................................
Displaying Table, View, and Index Information ......................................... 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3 9.3.4 9.3.5 9.3.6 Displaying Table Information .......................................................... Creating Tables ................................................................................ Dropping Tables ............................................................................... Appending Columns to Tables ......................................................... Including Tables, Views, and Indexes ............................................. Excluding Tables, Views, and Indexes ............................................
Reviewing and Manipulating Schema Files ............................................... Locating RIS Client Processes ..................................................................... Setting Modes and Enabling Databases .....................................................
risplbck ................................................................................................................ risrecrd ................................................................................................................ risunlod ............................................................................................................... 12.1 12.2 12.3 Using risunlod with the Interactive Interface ........................................ Using risunlod With the Command Line Interface ................................ BNF Representation of risunlod Command Line Syntax ....................... Changes to This Version of RIS ..........................................................
RDBMS Versions ............................................................................................... UNION and UNION ALL Supported ................................................................ Objects of Different Owners Within a Schema ................................................. Object Aliases .....................................................................................................
A.5 A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 A.10 A.11 A.12 A.13 A.14
Multi-User/Secure Schemas .............................................................................. Shared Dictionaries ........................................................................................... Dictionary Objects .............................................................................................. Dictionary Views ................................................................................................ RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT ....................................................................................... Interoperability ................................................................................................ Upgrade Utility ................................................................................................ Utilities ............................................................................................................. Parameters ....................................................................................................... Internationalization ......................................................................................... File Formats for risunlod and rislod ...................................................
A-5 A-6 A-6 A-7 A-8 A - 11 A - 12 A - 12 A - 13 A - 13 B-3 B-5 B-6 B-6 B-6 B-8 B-9 B - 10 B - 10 B - 10 B - 11 GL - 3 IN - 3
Appendix B: B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 B.8 B.9 B.10
Format for Representing Schema Definitions .................................................. Format for Representing Table Definitions ...................................................... Format for Representing Insert Into Statements .......................................... Format for Representing Field Definitions ....................................................... Format for Representing Table Data ................................................................ Format for Representing Data File Specifications ........................................... Format for Representing Index, View, and Privilege Definitions .................... File Format for Data Files ................................................................................. Use of Spaces and New Line Characters .......................................................... BNF Representation of File Formats ..............................................................
1.2 Audience
This document was written for application users, application designers, and computer software specialists.
For information about SQL terms and database structure, refer to documents related to specific relational database management systems (INFORMIX, ORACLE, DB2, SYBASE, or Microsoft SQL Server).
product.def MANIFEST.TXT
System key-ins, keywords, and programming code segments, appear in monospaced type. For example:
main ( )
OR commit In actual usage, keywords can be in either upper or lowercase. Words that appear in angle brackets, < >, are identifiers or names that you must supply, or dynamic information that can change for each error message. For example: ERROR: Error opening the file <filename> Phrases in square brackets, [ ], are optional phrases. Curly braces contain several options (used in conjunction with a logical OR symbol ( | ) or phrases that can be repeated (used in conjunction with [, ...]). A comma followed by a series of three periods in square brackets ([, ...]) indicates that the last phrase contained within curly braces ({}), or the last item, can be repeated numerous times (separated by commas). For example: { <column> <data type> } [, ...] means that numerous column names and associated data types can be specified (separated by commas). The logical or symbol ( | ) separates phrases or keywords within curly braces ({}) that can be used alone but not together. For example: { user | database } means that either the user keyword or the database keyword can be specified, but not both. This symbol notes important information.
This symbol cautions about operations that can cause limited damage.
This symbol warns about operations that can cause severe damage.
Use Contents
To Display a listing of the table of contents for the on-line Help file. Locate information about a certain topic that you enter in the Search box. Take you back to the previous Help topics you have already viewed. Display a sequential list of every Help topic you have viewed during your current Windows session. Display a dialog box used to retrieve partial or full text strings in the help file. Use the Hints button for information on constructing your search query. View the previous topic in a series of related topics. The button is dimmed when you reach the first topic in the series. View the next topic in a series of related topics. The button is dimmed when you reach the last topic in the series. If the graphics in the on-line Help appear distorted, check your graphics driver. If you are using an Intergraph TD1 machine, the S3 1024x768 256 color (Large Font) distorts the graphics slightly. Changing to the (Small Font) version corrects the display. If you are using other drivers, check with your PC manual for information about available graphics drivers.
Getting Started 2 - 1
Getting Started
Getting Started
Getting Started 2 - 3
Getting Started
The Intergraph Relational Interface System (RIS) is a generic interface to relational database management systems (RDBMSs). RIS offers simultaneous connections to RDBMSs from many vendors on dissimilar hardware platforms using numerous protocols. RIS makes an entire network of databases available as if there were a single, local database. During installation, the RIS utilities path is added to the system path environment variable. By default, the utilities are loaded in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\bin. RIS Utilities: 1. RIS Batch risbatch Executes SQL statements in ASCII files. 2. RIS Clean Server risclnsr Cleans up some of the RIS dictionary tables. 3. RIS Decode risdcode Prints the error message for a RIS error code. 4. RIS Data Types risdtype Instructs RIS to interpret a columns data type in a different manner. 5. RIS Interactive risgui Interactively query databases using RIS. 6. Configure RIS Version risintop Described in the RIS Installation Guide for 32-Bit Applications. 7. RIS Loader rislod Transfers data from specially formatted files into new or existing schemas. 8. RIS Playback risplbck Reads and executes files containing RIS commands generated by applications and captured with the risrecrd utility.
Getting Started
RIS Record risrecrd Records all SQL statements and timing data into specially formatted files. Useful for repeating long sequences when trying to uncover program problems.
RIS Unloader risunlod Extracts data from a schema and places it into specially formatted files.
Upgrade Utility risupgrd Converts a schema (dictionary and schema file) from RIS Version 4 to RIS Version 5.
risbatch 3 - 1
risbatch 3 - 3
This utility is a simple, shell-callable program providing easy access to RIS and to underlying databases. The primary purpose of this utility is batch execution of SQL statements. Any SQL statement can be specified in an input file, provided that you have the proper access. All SQL statements must be terminated with a semicolon (;). The RIS_PARAMETERS environment variable is used to specify the location of the parms file. Output is directed to stdout when the -o option is not used. To start the risbatch utility, do one of the following: Type risbatch in a Command Prompt window.
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from Program Manager; then choose the RIS Batch icon:
Usage ______
risbatch [-?] [-V] [-i <infile>] [-o <outfile>]
Flags _ ____ <none> If you do not specify any command-line arguments, or if you start the utility by selecting its icon from the Program Manager, the utility runs interactively and prompts for the necessary information. Display usage information and exit. Display version information and exit. Specify the input file containing the RIS SQL statements. The locate client command prompts for the client version. Specify the output file where output is stored. Type help at the risbatch prompt to get a list of available non-SQL commands. Examples _________ In this example, risbatch is invoked with the input file input.sql and the output file output.sql:
risbatch -i input.sql -o output.sql
-? -V -i <infile>
-o <outfile>
Files _ ____ c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\bin\risbatch c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\parms c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\ris.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\net.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\utl.msg Status Returns ______________ 0 other Normal termination. Abnormal termination.
risclnsr 4 - 1
risclnsr 4 - 3
This interactive utility deletes all nonessential records from the RIS dictionary tables. This utility is provided to clean up when the server process has not been able to do so. The server fails to clean up when it is killed or the machine is shutdown or rebooted. Do not run this utility while the schemas to be cleaned are being accessed.
To start the risclnsr utility, do one of the following: Type risclnsr in a Command Prompt window.
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from Program Manager; then choose the RIS Clean Server icon:
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from the Program Manager; then choose the RIS Interactive icon. Choose the Utilities... button from the RIS Interactive form; then choose the RIS Clean Server... button from the Utilities form.
If you use another utility within RIS Interactive, you must choose the Restart button before RIS Interactive is aware of any RIS parameter changes, or creating or dropping of schemas. Usage ______
risclnsr [-?] [-V] schema[.password] [user[.password]] [osuser[.password]]
The osuser[.password] option specifies the user and password for a secure schema. If the schema specified is a secure schema, risclnsr prompts for the osusername and osusername password (if one exists). Flags _ ____ <none> If you do not specify any command-line arguments, or if you start the utility by selecting its icon from the Program Manager, the utility runs interactively and prompts for the necessary information. Display usage information and exit. Display version information and exit.
-? -V Files _ ____
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\bin\risclnsr c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\ris.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\net.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\utl.msg Status Returns ______________ 0 1 Normal termination. Abnormal termination.
risdcode 5 - 1
risdcode 5 - 3
This utility prints error messages for RIS error codes. To start the risdcode utility, do one of the following: Type risdcode in a Command Prompt window.
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from Program Manager; then choose the RIS Decode icon:
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from the Program Manager; then choose the RIS Interactive icon. Choose the Utilities... button from the RIS Interactive form; then choose the RIS Decode... button from the Utilities form.
If you use another utility within RIS Interactive, you must choose the Restart button before RIS Interactive is aware of any RIS parameter changes, or creating or dropping of schemas. Usage ______
risdcode [-?] [-V] [<error code>]
Flags _ ____ <none> If you do not specify any command-line arguments, or if you start the utility by selecting its icon from the Program Manager, the utility runs interactively and prompts for the necessary information. Display usage information and exit. Display version information and exit. Decimal, octal, or hexadecimal error code.
To get the error message corresponding to an error code of 100, key in one of the following:
risdcode 100 (Using decimal.) risdcode Ox64 (Using hexadecimal.) risdcode 0144 (Using octal.) risdcode
You are prompted to key in the value to be decoded. In this case, key in 100.
risdcode 5 - 5
Files _ ____ c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\bin\risdcode c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\ris.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\net.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\utl.msg Status Returns ______________ 0 Always zero.
risdtype 6 - 1
risdtype 6 - 3
This interactive utility lets you instruct RIS to interpret the data type of a column differently and modify the size of a RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT data type. The variety of data types in database systems permits multiple mappings of database data types to ANSI standard data types. When a schema is created, or a table is included in a schema, RIS chooses one interpretation of a data type. This utility lets you instruct RIS to interpret the data type of a column differently by prompting you for the schema name, username (for secure schemas), password (if one exists), table names, column names, and new data types. The environment variable RIS_LANGUAGE specifies the language that RIS uses for parsing and error messages. The default is English. Consult the file c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\langs for other values. To start the risdtype utility, do one of the following: Type risdtype in a Command Prompt window.
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from Program Manager; then choose the RIS Data Types icon:
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from the Program Manager; then choose the RIS Interactive icon. Choose the Utilities... button from the RIS Interactive form; then choose the RIS Data Types... button from the Utilities form.
If you use another utility within RIS Interactive, you must choose the Restart button before RIS Interactive is aware of any RIS parameter changes, or creating or dropping of schemas. Example:
c:\risdtype Enter schema (<CR> to exit):sch1 Enter a table or view name (or ? for a list of names): >blob_table Pos Column Name - - 1 c1 type type-string len prec scale null - - 15 ris_blob 0 null null YES
Do you wish to modify this column? <y(es), n(o), d(one with table)>>yes 0 1 2 6 UNSUPPORTED CHARACTER RIS_BLOB RIS_TEXT
Choose a data type from those listed (enter the number) >>2 Current maximum ris_blob length is:0 Current maximum ris_blob length is:10000 Current status for nullable is YES, nulls are allowed Are null values allowed? <y(es), n(o)> >>yes Column definitions modified for object sch1.blob_table:
risdtype 6 - 5
Column Name - - - 1
type-string c1
Usage ______
risdtype [-?] [-V]
Flags _ ____ <none> If you do not specify any command-line arguments, or if you start the utility by selecting its icon from the Program Manager, the utility runs interactively and prompts for the necessary information. Display usage information and exit. Display version information and exit.
-? -V Files _ ____
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\bin\risdtype c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\ris.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\net.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\utl.msg Status Returns ______________ 0 1 Normal termination. Abnormal termination.
risgui 7 - 1
risgui 7 - 3
The risgui utility lets you interactively perform RIS queries. To start the risgui utility, do one of the following: Type risgui in a Command Prompt window.
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from Program Manager; then choose the RIS Interactive icon.
risgui 7 - 5
To save the query results in a file, select the Save Results... button.
History File
When you execute a query, the risgui utility saves the SQL statement in the history file. To determine the name of the history file, the ris utility uses the file: 1. 2. Specified by the RIS_HISTORY_FILE environment variable. ris.his in the directory specified by the HOME environment variable, if the RIS_HISTORY_FILE environment variable is not defined. ris.his in the directory from which you started the risgui utility, if the HOME environment variable is not defined.
When risgui saves a query in the history file, you can go back to the same query later and execute it again or edit the SQL statement to use it as the basis for a new query. Select the Previous or Next buttons to display the queries in the history file. Select the Search... button to perform a search in the history file.
1. 2.
Key a search term into the Search String field. Select a search direction (Up or Down).
Select the Find Next button. The risgui utility highlights the next match.
7.3 Options...
The Options... button modifies the behavior of query results. 1. Select the Options... button.
To specify the behavior for query results that do not fit in the Results field, select one of the following: Fetch by screenful (Append) fetch one screenful of results. When you select the Continue button, append the next screenful to the results. Fetch by screenful (Overwrite) fetch one screenful of results. When you select the Continue button, discard the results and get the next screenful. Fetch all rows fetch all results without pausing.
Select the OK button to accept the settings or select the Cancel button to reject them.
risgui 7 - 7
7.4 Utilities...
The Utilities... button lets you start the other RIS utilities from within the risgui utility. 1. Select the Utilities... button.
Select one of the following buttons to start a utility: RIS Manager... starts the rismgr utility. RIS Loader... starts the rislod utility. RIS Unloader... starts the risunlod utility. RIS Record... starts the risrecrd utility. RIS Playback... starts the risplbck utility. RIS Clean Server... starts the risclnsr utility. RIS Data Types... starts the risdtype utility. RIS Decode... starts the risdcode utility.
7.5 Restart
While you are running the RIS Interactive utility, you can run other RIS utilities; however, if you modify the RIS parameters with the other utilities, or create or drop a schema, the RIS Interactive utility is not aware of the changes. Select the Restart button to restart risgui and make it aware of your changes. Your selection of modes, enabled databases, and default schema is not altered.
7.6 Set...
The Set... button sets RIS modes and enables the databases. 1. Select the Set... button.
Select the modes for the risgui utility: ANSI Mode Verify Mode Autocommit Blank Strip Mode Autorename Refer to the RIS SQL Users Guide for more information on the RIS modes.
Select the databases to enable: Informix Ingres Rdb ORACLE DB2 SYBASE MSSQL
risgui 7 - 9
7.7 Show...
The Show... button gives you additional information about RIS on your system. 1. Select the Show... button.
Select one of the following buttons: Parameters... shows the settings in your parameters file.
7 - 10
rislod 8 - 1
rislod 8 - 3
You must understand the risunlod utility before using the rislod utility.
The rislod utility permits the transfer of schema information between external ASCII files and RIS schemas by loading schema information from external files into RIS schemas. rislod: Reads schema information from the main external file and data files (if any) and restores them in the form of RIS schemas. Restores only user-requested schema information into RIS schemas. Lets information about multiple schemas be stored in the same external main file. May create two files to report the loading status: the log file reports successful loading and the bad file reports unsuccessful loading. The rislod and risunlod utilities are not designed for use as backup utilities. The following are some reasons for not using rislod and risunlod as backup utilities: If a view was created in the database (not with RIS), RIS cannot unload the definition of the view. If you drop a schema and then recreate the schema, and there were existing views, RIS cannot load the definition of the view because RIS lost the definition when you dropped the schema. In certain cases data types are mapped slightly differently in ORACLE databases. ORACLE uses numeric data types, and RIS uses integer, smallint, real, and double. If you create a column of RIS data type real, it is mapped to a float(21) ORACLE data type. If you drop the schema, then recreate the schema, RIS maps the float(21) in ORACLE to a RIS double data type. For these and further reasons, you should use the databases utilities to back up data correctly. The environment variable RIS_LANGUAGE specifies the language that RIS uses for parsing and error messages. The default is English. Consult the file c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\langs for other values.
The representation of information must comply with the format defined in the section File Formats for risunlod and rislod. The following figure represents the functional mechanisms of rislod and shows the input requirements and output generated.
Data for ris_blob and ris_text columns cannot be loaded; however, you can have ris_blob and ris_text columns in a create table statement. To start the rislod utility, do one of the following: Type rislod in a Command Prompt window.
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from Program Manager; then choose the RIS Loader icon:
rislod 8 - 5
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from the Program Manager; then choose the RIS Interactive icon. Choose the Utilities... button from the RIS Interactive form; then choose the RIS Loader... button from the Utilities form.
If you use another utility within RIS Interactive, you must choose the Restart button before RIS Interactive is aware of any RIS parameter changes, or creating or dropping of schemas. Usage ______
rislod [-?] [-V] [-n] [-p] [-e <db_list>] [-m {w|a|e}] [-i <filename>] [-b <filename>] [-d <delimiter>] [-c <commit>] [-s <schemas>] [-f <filename>]
Flags _ ____ <none> If you do not specify any command-line arguments, or if you start the utility by selecting its icon from the Program Manager, the utility runs interactively and prompts for the necessary information. Display usage information and exit. Display version information and exit. Set ANSI mode off. ANSI mode is on by default. Refer to the set mode statement in the RIS SQL Users Guide for 32-Bit Applications for more information. Preserve blanks. By default, rislod strips trailing blanks from character data. Refer to the set mode statement in the RIS SQL Users Guide for 32-Bit Applications for more information. Enable the database specified in the <db_list>. All databases are enabled by default. Refer to the set enable database statement in the RIS SQL Users Guide for 32-Bit Applications for more information.
-? -V -n
-e <db_list>
-m {w|a|e}
Specify the file mode for output files. The w overwrites an existing file, the a appends to an existing file, and the e returns an error if an output file with the specified name exists. Specify the main input ASCII file from which RIS schema information is loaded. The default main filename is ris.dmp. Specify the log file into which RIS schema status information is recorded. The default log filename is ris.log. Specify the bad file into which rejected RIS schema information is dumped. The default bad filename is ris.bad. Specify the character for delimiting column values of character type while loading rows in a table. A single quotation mark () is the default delimiter character. Specify the commit interval value that informs the loader to commit after inserting <commit> number of rows for a table. The default <commit> value is 25. Specify schema and schema-related information, such as tables, indexes, views, and grants. Alternatively, you can specify this information in a specification file. Specify the name of the specification file for <schemas>. This option cannot be used with the -s option.
-i <filename>
-l <filename>
-b <filename>
-d <delimiter>
-c <commit>
-s <schemas>
-f <filename>
See the section Using rislod with the Command Line Interface for more detailed information. Files _ ____ c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\bin\rislod c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\parms c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\ris.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\net.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\utl.msg Status Returns ______________ 0 1 Normal termination. Abnormal termination.
rislod loads user-requested RIS schema objects (items) from external ASCII files into RIS schemas. rislod can: Load schema definitions Load table definitions Load table data
rislod 8 - 7
Load index definitions Load view definitions Load privilege definitions Load multiples of above items in a single run Load items of one schema into any other existing schema Load table definition only without table data Load table data into existing table Delete records from the table before loading table data from external file Load table data from separate data file Commit table data insertion after specific interval Overwrite or append the log and bad files or return error if files exist Enhanced features of rislod include the following: Setting the ANSI mode on/off The ANSI mode can be turned on or off, depending upon your requirements, before starting the loading execution. Enabling specific databases rislod lets you enable specific databases before starting the loading execution. Loading of any other existing schema rislod permits information about a particular schema to be loaded into another existing schema using the rislod rename capability. You do not need to edit or correct the external main file to use this feature. Returning error and/or delete table records before loading You can specify that rislod report errors while loading data into a table, if the table already exists. You can also specify that rislod load data into existing tables or delete data from existing tables before loading. Committing insertion at a specific interval To improve execution performance, rislod commits table data insertions at specific intervals, rather than committing after each table insertion. By default, table data insertions are committed after 25 rows are inserted.
Not imposing the order of information stored in the main external file For an index, view, or privilege definition to be loaded successfully, all its references must exist. rislod does not impose a strict order on the information stored in the main file because it often postpones the loading of an index, view, or privilege until its references are loaded. There are three ways to interact with rislod: using the Interactive Interface, the Command Line Interface, or the Embedded Programming Function Interface. 1. Interactive Interface. When rislod is invoked without any command line arguments, interactive prompts display. You are prompted for required inputs as the main external file is scanned. See the section Using rislod with the Interactive Interface for more information about the meanings of these prompts and the corresponding actions taken by rislod. 2. Command Line Interface. When rislod is invoked with arguments, the rislod command line interface activates. This interface lets you specify, in a single command, the responses to various prompts that would have been generated if rislod had been invoked interactively. Errors encountered during parsing are not reported in the log or bad file, and rislod terminates abnormally. See the section Using rislod with the Command Line Interface for more information about the syntax for constructing a rislod command and the semantics of the command. 3. Embedded Programming Function Interface. The RIS_loader function provides the functionality of rislod in an embedded program when you call the function and pass the appropriate structures. Refer to the RIS Programmers Guide for more information.
rislod 8 - 9
Schema Information
Schema section, containing: Schema name Whether the schema loaded successfully or unsuccessfully Renamed schema name (if selected) Table section, containing: Table name Whether the table was created successfully or unsuccessfully Number of rows loaded successfully Number of rows loaded unsuccessfully Index section, containing: Table name Number of indexes loaded successfully for this table Number of indexes loaded unsuccessfully for this table View section, containing: View name Whether the view loaded successfully or unsuccessfully
Grants Summary
For each schema loaded: Schema name and table or view name Number of grants loaded successfully for this table or view Number of grants loaded unsuccessfully for this table or view Date and time of the run Total elapsed time
8 - 10
Additionally, the status of each schema item being loaded is echoed to the screen in the interactive and command line interfaces. The bad file can be opened in overwrite or append mode.
rislod 8 - 11
The following list discusses the interactive prompts in detail. 1. Set mode ansi ON(y/n) :[y] > The default is set ANSI mode on. See the RIS SQL Users Guide for 32-Bit Applications for more information. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default. Select n to turn off ANSI mode. 2. Preserve blanks? (y/n) :[n] > This prompt lets you set the blankstrip mode. By default rislod strips trailing blanks from character data. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default if you do not want to preserve trailing blanks. Select y if you want to preserve trailing blanks. 3. Set mode enable databases? all(a) specific(s) :[a] > This prompt lets you enable databases during the loading of a schema. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to enable all RIS-supported databases. Select s and rislod prompts you for a database type: Enter DBMS type (ex. informix) :[return] > Enter the RIS-supported database type, such as informix, ingres, or oracle. This prompt repeats until you press ENTER without entering a database name. 4. File mode of all output files? overwrite(w) append(a) error out if exists(e) :[e] >
This prompt lets you set the file mode for log and bad files. The file mode affects the log and bad files only. The default is e, error out mode. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default; when you are prompted for the log and bad filenames, rislod prompts you to quit if the files you specify already exist.
8 - 12
Select w to overwrite the existing log and bad files. Select a to append to the existing log and bad files. 5. Main file for loading :[ris.dmp] > This prompt lets you specify the name of the main file for loading. The default name for the main file is ris.dmp. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default filename. Enter another filename for the main file. 6. Log file :[ris.log] > This prompt lets you specify the name of the log file for loading. The default name for the log file is ris.log. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default filename. Enter another filename for the log file. If you selected e for error out mode at the prompt File mode of all output files?, and a file with the name you specify exists, the message Log File already exists is displayed. You are prompted: Quit risload? (y/n):[n] > Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default. You are again prompted to enter a name for the log file; key in a new filename. Select y to quit rislod. 7. Bad file :[ris.bad] > This prompt lets you specify the name of the bad file for loading. The default name for the bad file is ris.bad. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default filename. Enter another filename for the bad file.
rislod 8 - 13
If you selected e for error out mode at the prompt File mode of all output files?, and a file with the name you specify exists, the message Bad File already exists is displayed. You are prompted: Quit risload? (y/n):[n] > Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default. You are again prompted to enter a name for the bad file; key in a new filename. Select y to quit rislod. 8. Enter delimitation used in the files for loading: [] > This prompt lets you specify the delimiter to use for enclosing character values of variable lengths to use in the main and data files. You cannot use the space character as a delimiter. The files generated by risunlod use single quotation marks () for delimitation. This feature of rislod lets you use files not prepared by risunlod for loading as long as the other parts of the files comply with the file format used by rislod. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default. Enter another delimitation character. 9. Enter commit interval :[25] > The commit interval lets you commit the insertion of rows in a table after the specified commit interval value. The default is 25 (commit after inserting 25 rows in a table). Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default. Enter another commit interval. 10. Which schemas should be loaded? all(a) prompted - optionally transfer into existing schema(p) :[a] > This prompt lets you choose between loading all the schemas or only selected schemas from the main file. The default is a for all schemas.
8 - 14
Do one of the following: Press ENTER to load all the schemas from the main file. Prompts let you choose how to load tables, indexes, views, and privilege definitions. These prompts appear once, after the prompt for the schema, if you choose to load all the schemas in the main file. Select p and rislod generates a list of schemas and prompts you before loading each schema. (After each schema is selected, you are prompted for how to load tables, indexes, views, and privilege definitions for that schema.) Load schema <schname>(y/n) :[y] > Do one of the following: Select y to load the specified schema. If you select p at the prompt Which schemas should be loaded? and you select y at this prompt, you are prompted to optionally load into another existing schema: To Transfer <schema>s items into another existing schema... Enter an existing schema name :[<return>] Do one of the following: Press ENTER if you do not want to use another existing schema; rislod loads the schema into the schema name specified in the main file. Enter the name of an existing schema. rislod then prompts for the username, user password, and schema password, if necessary, for the specified schema. Select n if you do not want to load the specified schema. rislod lets you rename schemas only if the prompted (p) selection was made at the Which schemas should be loaded? prompt. If the schema is a secure schema, you are prompted for the database username, the database username password, the operating system username, and the operating system username password. If the schema has a password, you are prompted for the schema password. Passwords are not echoed to the screen. 11. Which tables should be loaded? all(a) prompted(p) none(n) :[a] > Do one of the following:
rislod 8 - 15
Press ENTER to accept the default and load all the tables in the schema. Select p if you want to be prompted for each table. Select n if you do not want to load any tables. If you select a or p at the prompt Which tables should be loaded? the following prompt appears next: Both definitions and data(b) definitions only(o):[b] > This prompt lets you decide whether to load both the definitions and data of the tables in the schema or load only the definitions. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default and load both table definitions and data. Select o to load table definitions only. rislod loads either fixed or variable formatted table data. If only the definitions exist for some or all of the tables in a schema, choosing to load both definitions and data does not cause any problem to rislod. These tables are created without data in them. Similarly, if both the definitions and data exist for some or all of the tables in a schema, choosing the second selection does not cause problems. These table data are discarded and the string only definitions is placed in the log file.
Select n if you do not want to load any tables. If you select b at the prompt Both definitions and data(b) definitions only(o) the following prompt appears: Continue loading into a table even though that table exists (y/n):[n] > When loading a table definition of a table that already exists, an error message is generated stating that a table/view with this name already exists. Whether or not the data is loaded into the existing table depends on the answer to this prompt. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default and data are not loaded into an existing table. Select y to load data into an existing table.
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If y is selected for the previous prompt, the following prompt is displayed: Clear existing data from table before loading(y/n) :[n] > Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default and keep existing data. Select y to delete all rows from this table before loading data from the main file. 12. Which index definitions should be loaded? all(a) prompted(p) none(n): [a] > Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default and load all index definitions. Select p and rislod generates a list of indexes and prompts for each index definition: Load definition <definition>(y/n):[y] > Do one of the following: Press ENTER to load the specified definition. Select n if you do not want to load the index definition. Select n and no index definitions are loaded. 13. Which views should be loaded? all(a) prompted(p) none(n):[a] > Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default and load all views. Select p and rislod prompts for each view: Load view <view>(y/n):[y]: Do one of the following: Press ENTER to load the specified view. Select n and the specified view is not loaded. Select n and no views are loaded.
rislod 8 - 17
Which privilege definitions should be loaded? all(a) prompted(p) none(n):[a] > Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default and load all privilege definitions. Select p and rislod prompts for each table or view on which one or more privileges are defined: Load access privilege on <relation>(y/n):[y] Do one of the following: Press ENTER to load the specified privilege definition. Select n if you do not want to load the privilege definition. Select n and no privilege definitions are loaded. If you selected p at the prompt Which table should be loaded? the following prompt is displayed. Load table <table>(y/n):[y] Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default and load the specified table. Select n and the specified table is not loaded.
When all the necessary information has been specified, rislod processes the schema(s) selected.
rislod -i \dir1\dir2\mainfile -d\" -l load.log -b load.bad -f ..\dir3\specfile -n -mw -e rdb informix -c 15
8 - 18
-i -d
Main filename. The default is ris.dmp. Delimiter. The default is a single quotation mark (). The delimiter in this example is a double quotation mark. The backslash before the delimiter causes the shell not to interpret the double quotation mark. Log filename. The default is ris.log. Bad filename. The default is ris.bad.The delimiter in this example is a double quotation mark. The back slash before the delimiter causes the shell not to interpret the double quotation mark.
-l -b
Additional options not used in the example are: Option -n -e -m -c Specifies ANSI mode off. Enable databases listed after this option. Set the file mode (w, a, or e) for the output files (such as log and bad files). Commit interval. rislod -s sch1.create_sch_passwd1.user_passwd1 all -s sch2 .create_sch_passwd2 .user_passwd2 new table with data all -s sch3 clear table with data t1 t2 grant all -s sch4 rename sch5 .sch5pass table t1 index t2 view v1 grant t2 v2 sch.t3 sch.v3 rislod lets you specify up to three passwords after a schema name (schema password, osuser password, and user password). Passwords are necessary if they are not already stored in the main file. For schema sch2, data is loaded only into newly created tables. For schema sch3, data is loaded into tables t1 and t2 after deleting previously inserted rows even if it already exists before loading. For schema sch4 all the following items are loaded into existing schema sch5. No data is loaded into table t1, but index definitions on table t1 and privilege definitions on table t1 and view view1 are loaded. The specification file format is the same for both rislod and risunlod.
rislod 8 - 19
<command_line> ::= rislod [-n] [-e <database_list>] [-m <file_mode>] [-i <input_file>] [-b <bad_file] [-l <log_file>] [-d <delimiter>] [-c <commit_interval>] { { -s <schema> [.<create_sch_passwd>] [<os_name>[<user_name>]] [.<os_passwd>] [.<user_passwd>] [rename <new_schema> [.<new_sch_passwd>] [user <user_name>[.<user_pwd>]]] [<info_tobe_load>] } [...] | -f <spec_file> } <database_list> ::= {<database> [...]} <file_mode> ::= w w represents a represents e represents | a | e overwrite file mode append file mode return error
<info_tobe_load> ::= all | { [ { | } table [{new | clear}] table with data <table_tobe_load>
] [view <view_tobe_load>] [index <index_tobe_load>] [grant <grant_tobe_load>] } <table_tobe_load> ::= all | {<table>[ ...]} <view_tobe_load> ::= all | {<view>[ ...]}
<index_tobe_load> ::= all | {<table>[ ...]} <grant_tobe_load> ::= all | { { } } [<schema>.]<table>|[<schema>.]<view> [ ...]
8 - 20
The following is the BNF representation of the format for a specification file.
<spec_file_format> ::= {<schema> [.<create_sch_passwd>] [.<user_passwd>] <info_tobe_load>}[;<new_line>...]
rismgr 9 - 1
rismgr 9 - 3
This utility creates, changes, and drops RIS schemas. You can also use it to display information about existing schemas. To start the rismgr utility, do one of the following: Type rismgr in a Command Prompt window.
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from Program Manager; then choose the RIS Schema Manager icon:
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from the Program Manager; then choose the RIS Interactive icon. Choose the Utilities... button from the RIS Interactive form; then choose the RIS Manager... button from the Utilities form.
If you use another utility within RIS Interactive, you must choose the Restart button before RIS Interactive is aware of any RIS parameter changes, or creating or dropping of schemas. Usage ______
Files _ ____ c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\bin\rismgr c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\forms\v5forms\* c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\parms c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\ris.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\net.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\utl.msg Status Returns ______________ 0 1 Normal termination. Abnormal termination.
rismgr 9 - 5
Operating Sequence
1. Activate the RIS Schema Manager. The RIS Schema Manager dialog box appears.
Choose the button from the RIS Schema Manager dialog box for the function you want to use. The RIS Schema Manager functions are described briefly in the following list. See the section listed for a complete description. Button Name Schema Definition Function Provides additional functions and dialog boxes for defining schemas. See the section Schema Definition. Provides additional functions and dialog boxes that manipulate tables, views, and indexes. See the section Displaying Table, View, and Index Information. Lets you review and manipulate schema files. See the section Reviewing and Manipulating Schema Files. Lets you review and specify the location of a RIS client process. See the section Locating RIS Client Processes. Lets you set ANSI, autocommit, autorename, blankstrip, and verify modes on or off and enable different databases. See the section Setting Modes and Enabling Databases.
Data Definition
Schema File
Locate Client
Do one of the following: Choose the Reset button to erase the subordinate dialog boxes. The RIS Schema Manager rereads the RIS schemas file. Choose the Close button to end the RIS Schema Manager session. Choose the Help button to obtain RIS Schema Manager help.
rismgr 9 - 7
Schema Definition
The Schema Definition dialog box lets you initiate functions to display schema information, create and drop schemas, access secure schemas and dictionaries, and modify schema passwords, node information, and DB2 passwords.
Operating Sequence
1. Choose the Schema Definition button from the RIS Schema Manager dialog box.
The Schema Definition dialog box appears. The dialog box has eight buttons, each letting you initiate a particular function. 2. Do one of the following: Choose the button from the Schema Definition dialog box for the function you want to use. The Schema Definition functions are described briefly in the following list. See the section listed for a complete description. Button Name Schema Information Function Displays information about a specified schema. See the section Displaying Schema Information. Creates schemas. See the section Creating Schemas. Drops schemas. See the section Dropping Schemas.
Create Schema
Drop Schema
Grants and revokes access to a secure schema. See the section Granting/Revoking Access Privileges to Secure Schemas. Grants and revokes dictionary access to a schema. See the section Obtaining Dictionary Access. Modifies the schema password. See the section Modifying Schema Passwords. Modifies node information. See the section Modifying Node Information. Modifies the DB2 password. See the section Modify DB2 Password Form.
Dictionary Access
Choose the Reset button to dismiss the subordinate dialog boxes. Choose the Close button to dismiss the Schema Definition dialog box. Choose the Help button to obtain RIS Schema Definition help.
rismgr 9 - 9
Operating Sequence
1. Choose the Schema Information button from the Schema Definition dialog box.
The Schema Information dialog box appears and displays information about the selected schema (if one has been selected from the RIS Schema Manager dialog box). 2. Do one of the following if the schema you want is not already the selected schema: In the Schema Name box, type a schema name. Select a schema from the Schema Name list on the RIS Schema Manager dialog box. The schema information is displayed. The following information is displayed: Schema Name Displays the schema name.
9 - 10
Schema Type Displays whether the schema is a standard or secure schema. Network Protocol Displays the type of network protocol being used to communicate with the RIS data server. Nodename or Address Displays a nodename, an Ethernet address (specified in the [lan.]address) dialog box, an Internet address, or an address appropriate for the protocol of the machine where the RIS data server is located. Database Username Displays the database username. OS Type Displays the operating system type on which the server is running (for example, UNIX or Windows NT). Dictionary Owner Displays the user who owns the dictionary. Database Type Displays the database type (for example, INFORMIX, or ORACLE). 3. To dismiss the Schema Information dialog box, click Close.
rismgr 9 - 11
Creating Schemas
The Create Schema dialog box creates new RIS schemas and corresponds directly to the RIS create schema statement. The database-specific information on the Create Schema dialog box can be entered in three ways: By entering the information directly in the boxes. If the schema is being created on a database unknown to RIS, this is the only alternative. By selecting an existing schema from the RIS Schema Manager dialog box. The database-specific information about that schema is entered into the Create Schema dialog box. This method is particularly convenient when creating additional schemas on a database. By selecting the Display Databases button. A dialog box listing all the known RIS databases appears. Selecting one of these databases enters information about that database into the Create Schema dialog box.
Operating Sequence
1. Select the Create Schema button from the Schema Definition dialog box.
9 - 12
The Create Schema dialog box has two areas: The DBMS-independent area The DBMS-dependent area 2. Enter the appropriate values for the DBMS-independent section of the dialog box. The following list explains the DBMS-independent controls. Schema Name Type a name for the schema you want to create. (Schema Name) Password Enter a password for the schema. The No Echo/Echo button causes the password to not display (No Echo) or display (Echo) when it is entered. Schema Type Click this button to toggle between Standard and Secure schemas. Network Protocol Select the type of network protocol to use to communicate with the RIS data server. Only the top (#1) protocol is used in the create schema statement. When you select a protocol, it moves to the bottom (#4). ISO, XNS and DECNET are not currently supported. To change the order of the Network Protocol boxes, select one Network Protocol box and its value is replaced with the value of the Network Protocol box below it. The value that was originally selected is moved to the bottom of the list. Nodename or Address Specify a nodename, an Internet address, or an address appropriate for the protocol of the machine where the RIS data server is located. Enter a value or click the Get Client Address button. Get Client Address Click this button to enter the addresses of the client machine in the Nodename or Address boxes. This is useful when the RIS client and the RIS data server are on the same machine. Database Username Type the database username. (Database Username) Password Type a password for the database username. The No Echo/Echo button causes the password to not display (No Echo) or display (Echo) when it is entered. Include Database Users Tables/Views Click this button to toggle between Yes to include the database users tables and views, or No not to include the database users tables and views. OS Type From the list, select the operating system type on which the RIS data server is running. Use Existing Dictionary Click this button to toggle between No (the default) and Yes. You must already have permission from the dictionary owner to use an existing dictionary.
rismgr 9 - 13
Dictionary Owner Type a user who owns a dictionary in the particular database. 3. Do one of the following: Select a database type from the Database Type list. If the selected database type requires additional information, boxes to enter that information are displayed when you select the database type.
The supported RDBMSs are: INFORMIX ORACLE DB2 SYBASE MSSQL The DBMS-dependent controls for each database type are explained in separate subsections following this section. To display databases known to RIS, select the Display Databases button.
9 - 14
The Databases dialog box appears. Databases known to RIS are listed on this dialog box. Select a database from the dialog box. Controls containing information specific to the database selected are shown on the Create Schema dialog box. 4. See the section specific to the type of database on which you are creating the schema for instructions on filling in the DBMS-dependent boxes. For more information, see these sections: Creating Schemas (INFORMIX) Creating Schemas (ORACLE) Creating Schemas (DB2) Creating Schemas (SYBASE) Creating Schemas (Microsoft SQL Server)
rismgr 9 - 15
Operating Sequence
1. Enter the appropriate values for the INFORMIX-dependent controls. The following list explains these controls. Database Name Specifies the INFORMIX database name accessible to the schema. If the RISINFDS data server or RISINFNS net server is on a UNIX node: For the INFORMIX Standard Engine product, the <dbname> must be a full pathname (for example, /usr2/informix/dbnam1). On UNIX systems, the filename portion cannot be longer than ten characters because INFORMIX adds a DBS suffix to it. For the INFORMIX OnLine Engine product, the <dbname> needs only to be the database name. If the RISINFDS data server or RISINFNS net server is on a Windows NT node: For the INFORMIX Standard Engine product, the <dbname> must be a full pathname and must include the INFORMIX server name with the @ separator: </C=/dbs/dbname@servername>
9 - 16
For the INFORMIX OnLine Engine product, the <dbname> must include only the INFORMIX server name with the @ separator: <dbname@servername> Database Management System Location Enter the path where the INFORMIX RDBMS software is installed. SQLEXEC Specifies whether INFORMIX OnLine or INFORMIX Standard Engine is being used. Enter this information if both the Standard Engine and Online exist on the machine; otherwise, INFORMIX defaults to Online. For the INFORMIX Database Management System located in $INFORMIXDIR: If using INFORMIX OnLine Engine, enter $INFORMIXDIR/lib/sqlturbo If using the INFORMIX Standard Engine, enter $INFORMIXDIR/lib/sqlexec For the INFORMIX Database Management System located in c:\win32app\informix on a Windows NT node: If using INFORMIX OnLine Engine, enter, c:\win32app\informix\bin\sqlturbo.exe If using the INFORMIX Standard Engine, enter, c:\win32app\informix\bin\sqlexec.exe This parameter is not used when the RIS Data server resides on a Windows NT node. If the RIS data server resides on a Windows NT node this information is obtained from the registry. DBTEMP Enter the path where INFORMIX will create temporary files. TBCONFIG Enter the path of the TBCONFIG file used by INFORMIX OnLine. This file permits INFORMIX OnLine to be configured so that a large number of tables can be used with joins. Also, table structures and limits can be varied with this file. Refer to your INFORMIX documentation for more information on the TBCONFIG file. 2. When complete, do one of the following: To create the schema, click the Apply button. To clear the dialog box, click the Reset button. To drop previously created RIS dictionary objects (such as RIS tables, views, indexes, and schema privileges) before creating the new schema, click the Force button. To dismiss the dialog box without creating a schema, click the Close button.
rismgr 9 - 17
Operating Sequence
1. Enter the appropriate values for the ORACLE-dependent controls. The following list explains these controls. Database Name Enter the system identifier (SID) of the ORACLE database. The SID should be in the correct format for ORACLE. Database Management System Location Enter the ORACLE home path (where ORACLE is installed). OS Username Enter a valid operating system log-in name on the server machine. Password Enter the operating system log-in password, if any. For a given ORACLE SID, all schemas created using that SID must have the same operating system username and password combination.
9 - 18
Do one of the following: To create the schema, click the Apply button. To clear the form, click the Reset button. To drop previously created RIS dictionary objects (such as RIS tables, views, indexes, and schema privileges) before creating the new schema, click the Force button. To dismiss the form without creating a schema, click the Close button.
rismgr 9 - 19
Operating Sequence
1. Enter the appropriate values for the DB2-dependent controls. The following list explains these controls. Database Name Enter a DB2 database name accessible by the schema. The name is case sensitive and must have from one to eight alphanumeric characters. Group Name Enter the RACF group name for TCPIP protocol. The RACF group name is passed to the RIS Transaction Processor security exit on the IBM mainframe system for use during sign-on processing. (Optional.) OS Username Enter a valid operating system log-in name on the server machine. Password Enter the operating system log-in password, if any. The No Echo/Echo button causes the password to not display (No Echo) or display (Echo) when it is entered. For LU6.2 protocol, the Group Name box is ignored in this version of RIS. TCP/IP is not supported.
9 - 20
IBM Network Protocol From the list, select the network protocol that RIS uses to access the IBM machine on which the DBMS resides. The protocol is LU6.2.
The following controls are valid for LU6.2 network protocol only:
RIS LU Name Enter the SSI local LU name, either fully qualified or local. This name is case sensitive. Host LU Name Enter the SSI remote LU name, either fully qualified or local. This name is case sensitive. LU62 Mode Name Enter the name the Intergraph System Administrator assigned to the node that permits communication to the RIS program on an IBM machine. The mode assigns attributes to the connection and must be predefined by the Intergraph System Administrator. The mode name is defined when LU6.2 is configured. This name is case sensitive.
rismgr 9 - 21
Host Program Name Enter the name the IBM System Administrator assigned the RIS server when it was installed on the IBM machine. Also enter the CES transaction name. This name is case sensitive. 2. When complete, do one of the following: To create the schema, click the Apply button. To clear the dialog box, click the Reset button. To drop previously created RIS dictionary objects (such as RIS tables, views, indexes, and schema privileges) before creating the new schema, click the Force button. To dismiss the dialog box without creating a schema, click the Close button.
9 - 22
Operating Sequence
1. Enter the appropriate values for the SYBASE-dependent controls. The following list explains these controls. Database Name Enter the name of the database the schema accesses. Database Management System Location Enter the path where SYBASE is installed. See the README.TXT file delivered with the RISSYBDS product for more information. This information is not required for all servers. OS Username Enter a valid operating system log-in name on the server machine. Password Enter the operating system log-in password, if any. The No EchoEcho button causes the password not to display (No Echo) or to display (Echo) when it is clicked. DSQUERY Enter the database query listener. This value is the alias given in the interfaces file. The default name is SYBASE. This information is not required for all servers.
rismgr 9 - 23
IFILE Enter the name of the interfaces file for the schema. By default, RIS uses the SYBASE interfaces file named interfaces. On 32-bit operating systems the ifile is named sql.ini. This information is not required for all servers. 2. Do one of the following: To create the schema, click the Apply button. To clear the dialog box, click the Reset button. To drop previously created RIS dictionary objects (such as RIS tables, views, indexes, and schema privileges) before creating the new schema, click the Force button. To dismiss the dialog box without creating a schema, click the Close button.
9 - 24
Operating Sequence
1. Enter the appropriate values for the Microsoft SQL Server-dependent controls. The following list explains these controls. Database Name Enter the name of the database the schema accesses. Database Management System Location Enter the path where SQL Server is installed. See the README.TXT file delivered with the RISMSFDS product for more information. This information is not required for all servers. OS Username Enter a valid operating system log-in name on the server machine. Password Enter the operating system log-in password, if any. THe No Echo/Echo button causes the password not to display (No Echo) or to display (Echo) when it is clicked. DSQUERY Currently this field is not used. IFILE Enter the name of the interfaces file for the schema. By default, RIS uses the SQL Server interfaces file named interfaces. This information is not required for all servers.
rismgr 9 - 25
Do one of the following: To create the schema, click the Apply button. To clear the dialog box, click the Reset button. To drop previously created RIS dictionary objects (such as RIS tables, views, indexes, and schema privileges) before creating the new schema, click the Force button. To dismiss the dialog box without creating a schema, click the Close button.
9 - 26
Dropping Schemas
The Drop Schema dialog box drops schemas using the information you specify and corresponds directly to the RIS drop schema statement.
Operating Sequence
1. Choose the Drop Schema button from the Schema Definition dialog box.
The Drop Schema dialog box appears and displays the name of the selected schema (if one has been selected from the RIS Schema Manager dialog box). 2. Do one of the following, if the schema you want to drop is not already the selected schema: In the Schema Name box on the Drop Schema dialog box, type the schema name. From the Schema Name list on the RIS Schema Manager dialog box, select a schema. If the schema is a secure schema, a dialog box appears. Enter the database username, database password, operating system username, and operating system password in the dialog box, if displayed. 3. Do one of the following: To drop the schema, click the Apply button. To drop previously created RIS dictionary objects (such as RIS tables, views, indexes, and schema privileges), click the Force button. The Force button removes the schema regardless of who is using it.
rismgr 9 - 27
To dismiss the Drop Schema dialog box without dropping the schema, click the Close button. Choose the Help button to obtain Drop Schema help.
9 - 28
Operating Sequence
1. Select the Secure Schema Access button from the Schema Definition dialog box.
The Secure Schema Access dialog box appears. If a schema has already been selected from the RIS Schema Manager dialog box, this schema information appears on the Secure Schema Access dialog box. 2. Do one of the following, if the schema you want is not already the active schema: Select a schema from the Schema Name list on the RIS Schema Manager dialog box. Enter a name into the Schema Name box to display information about a schema. A dialog box appears. Enter the database username, database password, operating system username, and operating system password in the dialog box. 3. Click the Action button to toggle between granting and revoking secure schema access.
rismgr 9 - 29
Click the Privilege button to toggle between granting and revoking resource and connect privileges. Do one of the following: Enter a username in the Selected User box. Select a user from the Access Users list. Select a user from the All Users list.
Do one of the following: To grant or revoke privileges to the secure schema, click the Apply button. To dismiss the Secure Schema Access dialog box without altering schema access, click the Close button. Choose the Help button to obtain help with granting and revoking schema access privileges.
9 - 30
Operating Sequence
Select the Dictionary Access button from the Schema Definition dialog box.
The Dictionary Access dialog box appears. 1. Do one of the following, if the schema you want is not already the selected schema: Select a schema from the Schema Name list on the RIS Schema Manager dialog box. Type a name in the Schema Name box to display information about a schema. If the schema is a secure schema, a dialog box appears. Enter the database username, database password, operating system username, and operating system password in the dialog box, if necessary. 2. 3. Click the Action button to toggle between granting and revoking access. Do one of the following:
rismgr 9 - 31
Enter the name of the user to be granted or revoked access in the Selected User box. Select a name from the Access Users list. Select a name from the All Users list. 4. Do one of the following: To grant or revoke dictionary access, click the Apply button. To dismiss the dialog box without granting or revoking dictionary access, click the Close button. Choose the Help button to obtain help with granting and revoking dictionary access privileges.
9 - 32
Operating Sequence
1. Select the Modify Schema Password button from the Schema Definition dialog box.
The Modify Schema Password dialog box appears. 2. Do one of the following, if the schema you want is not already the selected schema: Select a schema from the Schema Name list on the RIS Schema Manager dialog box. Type a name in the Schema Name box to display information about a schema. 3. Type the new password into the New Password box. If the schema is a secure schema, the Username Password dialog box appears. Type the database username, database password, operating system username, and operating sytem password in the dialog box, if necessary. 4. Do one of the following: To modify the schema password, click the Apply button. You must click the Apply button after each session to alter the schema. To dismiss the dialog box without altering the schema, click the Close button. To obtain help with modifying schema passwords, click the Help button.
rismgr 9 - 33
Operating Sequence
1. Select the Modify Node Information button from the Schema Definition dialog box.
The Modify Node Information dialog box appears. 2. Select a schema from the Schema Name list on the RIS Schema Manager dialog box or type a schema name in the Schema Name box to display information about a schema, if there is no selected schema. Choose the Modify Node button from the dialog box. The current addresses display in the Nodename or Address boxes. Type the new names or addresses in the boxes. This action can also be used to change the order of the protocols. 4. Choose the Modify DB User Password button. The database user associated with the schema appears in the DB Username box. This is a read-only box. Type the database user password in the Password box. The No Echo/Echo button causes the password to not display (No Echo) or display (Echo) when it is entered.
9 - 34
This action does not change the users operating system account password. It changes only the RIS product copy of the user password. Typically this command is executed after users change their operating system account passwords. Otherwise an error occurs. 6. Choose the Modify OS User & Password button. The operating system user associated with the schema appears in the OS Username box. Type a new username. Type the operating system user password in the Password box. The No Echo/Echo button causes the password to not display (No Echo) or display (Echo) when it is entered. Do one of the following: To alter the schema, click the Apply button. You must select the Apply button after each session to alter the schema. To dismiss the dialog box without altering the schema, click the Close button. To obtain help with modifying node information, click the Help button.
rismgr 9 - 35
Operating Sequence
1. Choose the Modify DB2 Password button from the Schema Definition dialog box.
The Modify DB2 Password dialog box appears. 2. Select a schema from the Schema Name list on the RIS Schema Manager dialog box or type a schema name in the Schema Name box to display information about a schema, if the schema you want is not already the selected schema. Type the original password into the Old DB2 Password box and the new password into the New DB2 Password box. The Alternate LU62 Mode box appears on the dialog box if this information is required. Enter the LU6.2 mode value if the box displays. The No Echo/Echo buttons cause the passwords to not display (No Echo) or display (Echo) when they are entered. Do one of the following: To alter the schema, click the Apply button. This action changes both the MVS system password and the schema password. You must select the Apply button after each session to alter the schema. To dismiss the dialog box without altering the schema, click the Close button.
9 - 36
To obtain help with modifying the DB2 password, click the Help button.
rismgr 9 - 37
When you click the button for one of these actions, a dialog box associated with that action appears. If the selected schema requires a password, or a database username/password and operating system username/password, the information must be entered before the dialog boxes can accept information.
9 - 38
Operating Sequence
1. Choose the Data Definition button from the RIS Schema Manager dialog box. The Data Definitiondialog box appears.
If the schema you want is not already the selected schema, do one of the following: From the RIS Schema Manager dialog box, select a schema from the Schema Name list. In the Schema Name box, type a name.
Do one of the following: Click the button for the action you want to perform. See the section for the action chosen for further instructions. Click the Close button to dismiss the Data Definition dialog box. Click the Help button to obtain further information about the Data Definition dialog box.
rismgr 9 - 39
Operating Sequence
1. Choose the Table Info button from the Data Definition dialog box.
The Table Information dialog box appears. 2. To choose a table, type the table name in the Table Name box or select the table from the Type/Name list on the Data Definition dialog box. The table information appears on the Table Information dialog box. 3. 4. To dismiss the Table Information dialog box, click the Close button. To obtain further information about the Table Information dialog box, click the Help button.
9 - 40
Creating Tables
The Create Table dialog box creates tables in the schema specified on the Data Definition dialog box. If the name of an existing table is typed in the Table Name box or selected from the Type/Name list on the Data Definition dialog box, the definition of that table is loaded into the Create Table dialog box. This can be useful when creating several similar tables. The Create Table dialog box creates new tables. It cannot be used to modify existing tables. The ability to load existing table definitions into the dialog box exists only to provide a templateor starting pointfor new tables.
Operating Sequence
1. Choose the Create Table button from the Data Definition dialog box.
The Create Table dialog box appears. 2. The Create Table dialog box has two sets of control buttons. There is a set of dialog box control buttons (across the bottom of the dialog box), and a set of mode control buttons. The mode control buttons are used to execute and reset the different modes of the dialog box. The Create Table dialog box operates in three modes that are represented by three buttons:
rismgr 9 - 41
Insert Column Click this button to add new columns to the table definition. If a column is selected in the Column Name list, the new column is inserted in front of the selected column. Otherwise the new column is appended to the list. Click the mode Apply button to insert the column. Drop Column Click this button to drop columns from the table definition. Choose the column to drop by clicking the column in the Column Name list. Click the Mode Apply button to drop the column. Modify Column Click this button to modify column definitions. Choose the column to modify by typing the column name in the Column Name Search box, or by clicking the column in the Column Name list. Click the Mode Apply button to modify the column. Clicking the mode Cancel button clears the dialog box mode. 3. Type the table name in the Table Name box or select the table from the Type/Name list on the Data Definition dialog box. Do one of the following: To create the table, click the Apply button. To clear the dialog box, click the Reset button. To dismiss the dialog box without creating the table, click the Close button. To obtain further information about the Create Table dialog box, click the Help button.
9 - 42
Dropping Tables
The Drop Table dialog box drops tables from the schema specified on the Data Definition dialog box. Dropping a table removes the table data, the table structure, and any associated indexes. Once a table has been dropped, it no longer exists in the database nor does it exist to RIS.
Operating Sequence
1. Click the Drop Table button on the Data Definition dialog box.
The Drop Table dialog box appears. 2. To choose the table to drop, type the table name in the Table Name box or select the table from the Type/Name list on the Data Definition dialog box. Do one of the following: To drop the table, click the Apply button. To dismiss the dialog box without dropping the table, click the Close button. To obtain further information about the Drop Table dialog box, click the Help button.
rismgr 9 - 43
Operating Sequence
1. Click the Alter Table button on the Data Definition dialog box.
The Alter Table dialog box appears. 2. If the table you want to alter is not already the selected table, do one of the following: Type a table name in the Table Name box. Select a table from the Type/Name list on the Data Definition dialog box. 3. Define the new column by entering the information in the controls of the Column Definition to Append to Table group box. The following list explains these controls. Column Name Type the name for the new column.
9 - 44
dbms Column Name Type a column name for the underlying database. By default, this name is the same as Column Name, but you can specify another name. Column Type Choose the data type for the column. Length Choose the data length. This box remains inactive unless the data type you choose requires it. Nulls Choose whether NULL values are allowed in the column. Toggle between yes to allow NULL values or no. 4. Do one of the following: To append the column to the table, click the Apply button. Repeat from Step 2 to define another new column. To clear the Alter table dialog box, click the Reset button. To dismiss the Alter Table dialog box, click the Close button. To obtain further information about the Alter Table dialog box, click the Help button.
rismgr 9 - 45
Operating Sequence
1. Click the Include button on the Data Definition dialog box.
The Include dialog box appears. 2. Do one of the following: In the dbms Table Name box, type a name. From the dbms Table Names list, select the name you want to include. 3. 4. From the Type list, choose table, view, or index. Do one of the following: To alter the schema, click the Apply button. You must click the Apply button each time you include a table, view, or index. To clear the dialog box, click the Reset button.
9 - 46
To dismiss the dialog box without altering the schema, click the Close button. To obtain further information about the Include dialog box, click the Help button.
rismgr 9 - 47
Operating Sequence
1. Choose the Exclude button from the Data Definition dialog box.
The Exclude dialog box appears. 2. Do one of the following: In the Table Name box, type a name. From the Table Names list, select the name you want to exclude. 3. 4. From the Type list, choose table, view, or index. Do one of the following: To alter the schema, click the Apply button. You must click the Apply button after excluding each table, view, or index. To clear the dialog box, click the Reset button. To dismiss the dialog box without altering the schema, click the Close button. To obtain further information about the Exclude dialog box, click the Help button.
9 - 48
Operating Sequence
1. Click the Schema File button on the RIS Schema Manager dialog box.
The Schema File dialog box appears. 2. Choose one of the buttons on the right side of the dialog box. If you click the Locate Schema File button, all the controls become active, letting you enter the appropriate values. The following list explains the buttons. Show Schema File Location Produces read-only information on the specified schema file. Locate Schema File Lets you rename your schema file or specify a different protocol. Checksum Schema File Recomputes the checksum for the specified schema file. Checksum is a mechanism used to verify that the schema file has not been corrupted. If you manually edit the file (instead of making changes through the RIS Schema Manager), the checksum is no longer accurate.
rismgr 9 - 49
Enter the appropriate values on the dialog box when the Locate Schema File button is clicked. The following list explains the controls on the Schema File form. Local, TCP Choose a network protocol for your schema file from the check boxes. XNS and Decnet are not supported. Schema File Name Type the name of a schema file. The full pathname for the schema file must be specified unless the RIS HOME directory (the default directory) is intended. Nodename or Address Type the nodename or address where the schema file is located. If the complete path is not specified, the file is assumed to be located where RIS was installed. Username Type a system user name that has access to the schema file. A schema file must be readable by all users permitted to access the schemas. A schema file must be readable and writable by all users authorized to create, alter, or drop schemas. The users permitted to create, alter, and drop schemas must be able to create and delete files in the directory where the schema file is located. Password Type a system password associated with Username. The No Echo/Echo button causes the password to not display (the default, No Echo) or display (Echo) when it is entered.
Do one of the following: To locate the schema file, click the Apply button. To dismiss the dialog box, click the Cancel button. To obtain help with the Schema File dialog box, click the Help button.
9 - 50
Operating Sequence
1. Click the Locate Client button on the RIS Schema Manager dialog box.
The Locate Client dialog box appears. 2. Click the Show Client Location button to show the current location of the RIS Client process. OR Click the Locate Client button to specify a new location for the RIS Client process. 3. In the Nodename or Address box, type the nodename or address of the RIS Client machine. In the Username box, type the name of the operating system user for the RIS Client machine. In the Password box, type the user password, if any. The No Echo/Echo button causes the password to not display (No Echo) or display (Echo) when it is entered. Choose the Local or TCP network protocol. XNS and Decnet are not supported.
rismgr 9 - 51
Do one of the following: To relocate the client, click the Apply button. To clear the dialog box, click the Reset button. To dismiss the Locate Client dialog box without relocating the client, click the Close button. To obtain help with the Locate Client dialog box, click the Help button.
9 - 52
Operating Sequence
1. Click the Set button on the RIS Schema Manager dialog box.
The Set dialog box appears. Setting any of these functions affects only the remainder of the RIS Schema Manager session. 2. To set modes and enable databases, click the OK button.
Click ANSI Mode check box to set ANSI on or off. The default is on. If you set ANSI Mode to on, schema, table, column, view, and index names are limited to 18 characters. Use this mode when creating names (for tables, columns, and so forth) that should be ANSI compliant (18 characters or fewer.) If you set ANSI Mode to off, names can be up to 31 characters, based upon the underlying RDBMS. Remember, though, that these names may not be portable.
If you set Blankstrip Mode to on, risunlod strips trailing blanks from character data. Set this mode to off if you want to preserve trailing blanks.
rismgr 9 - 53
If you set Verify Mode to on, table and view definitions retrieved from the database are validated against the definitions stored in the RIS dictionary tables. Setting Verify Mode to off retrieves definitions from the database only, omitting the validation. Omitting validation reduces the execution time when referencing a table or view for the first time; however, if an application dynamically creates tables and views, the definitions in the RIS dictionary tables and the DBMS may become inconsistent if Verify Mode is off.
If you set Autocommit on, changes made to the Set form take effect immediately. If Autocommit is off, the changes take effect only when you select OK. If you set Autorename on, schema, table, column, view, and index names that are longer than the particular database limitation are automatically renamed to comply with the shorter length. The default is on. Click the Enabled Databases check boxes to choose RDBMSs that can be used. Use this function when you want to create table or column names that conflict with the keywords of other databases. Do one of the following: To set modes and enable databases, click the OK button. To void the process, click the Cancel button.
9 - 54
risplbck 10 - 1
10 - 2
risplbck 10 - 3
This utility reads a <commandfile> that contains a list of the RIS commands executed by an application and executes each of the RIS commands. The <commandfile> is generated with the risrecrd utility. RIS recording is controlled by the risrecrd utility. The risplbck utility reads a file generated by a RIS application that is executed while RIS recording is on. This file contains a list of all the RIS commands executed by the application. The risplbck utility executes each of the RIS commands and compares SQLCODEs and times. This utility is for debugging purposes only. The risplbck utility can only read files generated with the risrecrd utility of the same basic version. That is, if you generate a file with risrecrd Version 4.3, then you can play back the file only with risplbck Version 4.x.x.x. The risplbck utility compares the SQLCODEs of the recorded commands with the SQLCODEs of the playback commands and reports if they are different. If they are different, the action risplbck takes is specified in the action file. Each row of the action file has three fields separated by colons(:): 1) the recorded results; 2) the playback results; and 3) an action. Valid values for the two results fields are: SUCCESS END_OF_DATA ERROR RIS command executed successfully. RIS command returned end-of-data. RIS command returned an error.
Valid values for the action field are: STOP CONTINUE RETRY Here is a sample row:
Stop the playback execution. Continue the playback with the next RIS command. Retry the RIS command one time, if it fails, stop.
The row indicates that if a command executed successfully at record time, but got an end-of-data during playback, continue with the playback anyway. By default, risplbck continues on all results.
10 - 4
To start the risplbck utility, do one of the following: Type risplbck in a Command Prompt window.
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from Program Manager; then choose the RIS Playback icon:
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from the Program Manager; then choose the RIS Interactive icon. Choose the Utilities... button from the RIS Interactive form; then choose the RIS Playback... button from the Utilities form.
If you use another utility within RIS Interactive, you must choose the Restart button before RIS Interactive is aware of any RIS parameter changes, or creating or dropping of schemas.
risplbck 10 - 5
Usage ______
risplbck [-?] [-V] [-n] [-i] [-c] [-d] [-t] [-f] [-v] [-a <actionfile>] [-o <outputfile>] [<commmandfile>]
Flags _ ____ <none> If you do not specify any command-line arguments, or if you start the utility by selecting its icon from the Program Manager, the utility runs interactively and prompts for the necessary information. Display usage information and exit. Display version information and exit. No execute mode. Just read and validate the file. Immediate playback mode. Ignore any delays. Calculate command times. If command times were recorded, compare the playback command times and the recorded command times and report the difference. Calculate delay times. If delay times were recorded, compare the playback delay times and the recorded delay times and report the difference. Calculate total elapsed times. If elapsed times were recorded, compare the playback elapsed times and the recorded elapsed times and report the difference. Fetch blob/text files into same files as recorded session. The default is to fetch blob/text files into temporary files. Verbose mode. Actions are defined in file <actionfile>.
-? -V -n -i -c
To play back the RIS commands previously recorded in the command file load.rap and calculate command, delay, and total times, key in:
risplbck -cdt -o load.out load.rap
10 - 6
Files _ ____ c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\bin\risplbck c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\parms c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\ris.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\net.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\utl.msg Status Returns ______________ 0 1 Normal termination. Abnormal termination.
risrecrd 11 - 1
11 - 2
risrecrd 11 - 3
This utility controls RIS recording for the current user. RIS recording can be turned on, turned off, and the status of recording can be queried with this utility. When RIS recording is on, any RIS command executed by any of the current users applications are recorded and placed in <outputfile>. These commands can then be re-executed by the risplbck utility. This utility is for debugging purposes only. The risplbck utility can only read files generated with the risrecrd utility of the same basic version. That is, if you generate a file with risrecrd Version 4.3, then you can play back the file with risplbck Version 4.x.x.x. The risrecrd utility affects only RIS applications executed by the current user. If an application is run by a user other than the current user, risrecrd has no effect. When specifying the <outputfile>, the characters $$ have special meaning; they are replaced with the process ID of the RIS application. This produces unique output files every time the RIS application is run. To use the $$ characters, the <outputfile> name must be placed in single quotation marks; otherwise, the shell interprets the $$. For example, an <outputfile> name of risrap.$$ will generate filenames such as, risrap.1252, risrap.1323, and so forth. To start the risrecrd utility, do one of the following: Type risrecrd in a Command Prompt window.
11 - 4
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from Program Manager; then choose the RIS Record icon:
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from the Program Manager; then choose the RIS Interactive icon. Choose the Utilities... button from the RIS Interactive form; then choose the RIS Record... button from the Utilities form.
If you use another utility within RIS Interactive, you must choose the Restart button before RIS Interactive is aware of any RIS parameter changes, or creating or dropping of schemas. Usage ______
risrecrd 11 - 5
risrecrd [-?] [-V] [on <outputfile>] [-c] [-d] [-t] [-a] [off] [query]
Flags _ ____ <none> If you do not specify any command-line arguments, or if you start the utility by selecting its icon from the Program Manager, the utility runs interactively and prompts for the necessary information. Display usage information and exit. Display version information and exit. Turn RIS recording on and place output in <outputfile>. If a full path is given for the output file, then all output is placed in the named file. If only a filename is specified, RIS stores the recorded output in a file by the directory name where the application (ris, risbatch, and so forth) was started. Record command times. Store how long each RIS command took to execute. Record delay times. Store the time between each RIS command. These values are used by risplbck to reproduce the commands in real time. -t Record total elapsed time. Store the total elapsed time from the start of the application for each RIS command. Append to the output file if it already exists. The default action is to overwrite the output file. Turn RIS recording off. Query the current status of RIS recording. The results are displayed on stdout.
-? -V on <outputfile>
off query
Examples _________ The following risrecrd command turns record on and places the output in c:\appl.rap.
risrecrd -c on risrecrd.out
11 - 6
risunlod 12 - 1
12 - 2
risunlod 12 - 3
This utility retrieves information about one or more RIS schemas and stores it in one or more external ASCII files. You can later reload the schemas from the ASCII files using the rislod utility. The risunlod utility is not designed for use as a backup utility. See the rislod section for more specific information. The environment variable RIS_LANGUAGE specifies the language that RIS uses for parsing and error messages. The default is English. Consult the file c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\langs for other values. The representation of information must comply with the format defined in the section File Formats for risunlod and rislod. The following figure represents the functional mechanisms of risunlod and shows the input requirements and output generated.
You cannot unload ris_blob and ris_text data; however, you can unload the table definition, which contains ris_blob or ris_text columns.
12 - 4
To start the risunlod utility, do one of the following: Type risunlod in a Command Prompt window.
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from Program Manager; then choose the RIS Unloader icon:
Choose the RIS 05.nn icon from the Program Manager; then choose the RIS Interactive icon. Choose the Utilities... button from the RIS Interactive form; then choose the RIS Unloader... button from the Utilities form.
If you use another utility within RIS Interactive, you must choose the Restart button before RIS Interactive is aware of any RIS parameter changes, or creating or dropping of schemas.
risunlod 12 - 5
Usage ______
risunlod [-?] [-V] [-p] [-m {w|a|e}] [-o <filename>] [-s <schemas>] [-f <filename>]
Flags _ ____ <none> If you do not specify any command-line arguments, or if you start the utility by selecting its icon from the Program Manager, the utility runs interactively and prompts for the necessary information. Display usage information and exit. Display version information and exit. Preserve blanks. By default risunlod strips trailing blanks from character data. See the set mode statement in the RIS SQL Users Guide for 32-Bit Applications for more information. Specify the file mode for output files. The w overwrites an existing file, the a appends to an existing file, and the e returns an error if an output file with the specified name exists. Specify the main output ASCII file into which RIS schema information is to be unloaded. The default main filename is ris.dmp. Specify schema and schema-related information, such as tables, indexes, views, and grants. Alternatively you can store this information in a specification file. Specify the name of the specification file for <schemas>. This option cannot be used with the -s option.
-? -V -p
-m {w|a|e}
-o <filename>
-s <schemas>
-f <filename>
See the section Using risunlod With the Command Line Interface for more information. Files _ ____ c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\bin\risunlod c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\parms c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\ris.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\net.msg c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\config\english\messages\utl.msg Status Returns ______________ 0 1 Normal termination. Abnormal termination.
12 - 6
The risunlod utility unloads user-requested RIS schema objects (items) into external ASCII files from RIS schemas. The risunlod utility can unload: Schema definitions Table definitions Table data Partial table data using risunlods extended where clause Index definitions View definitions The risunlod utility does not unload a view that has a NULL in the RIS_VIEW_DEFS column in the RIS_VIEWS dictionary view. This condition exists when a schema is created on a database that has an existing view in the underlying database. Views created in RIS are not NULL in the RIS_VIEW_DEFS column. Privilege definitions Multiple above items in a single run Table definition only without table data Table data in separate data file (one for each table) Table data in either fixed or variable format (See the section File Formats for risunlod and rislod for more information.) As discussed earlier, risunlod requires that all schema information be unloaded before starting the actual unloading. The schema information is unloaded into the main external file (the default is ris.dmp) and/or additional data files, if you want. Multiple schema information can be unloaded in the same main file during a single risunlod execution. Enhanced features of risunlod include: You can open the external main file and data files in overwrite or append mode. An error is reported if files with the specified names already exist. All the schema item statements (such as create schema, create table, insert table, table field definition, create index, create view, and grant) are unloaded into the main file. If the user wants, risunlod can unload the table data into separate data files, one for each table. The risunlod utility provides a risunlod extended where clause to unload partial data from one table. The risunlod extended where clause has two parts:
risunlod 12 - 7
A join clause that lets the user provide powerful selection criteria to unload partial data from one table while joining across different tables. The join clause is optional. A sql-where clause. For example, the following risunlod extended where clause for table t1 unloads partial data from table t1 while joining across table t2. join t2 where t1.c1 = t2.c1 and t1.c2 > t2.c2 There are three ways to interact with risunlod: using the Interactive Interface, the Command Line Interface, or the Embedded Programming Function Interface. 1. Interactive Interface. When risunlod is invoked without any command line arguments, interactive prompts display. You are prompted for the required inputs before any unloading is done. See the section Using risunlod with the Interactive Interface for more information about the meanings of these prompts and the corresponding actions taken by risunlod. 2. Command Line Interface. When risunlod is invoked with arguments, the command line interface activates. This interface lets you specify, in a single command, the responses to various prompts that would have been generated if risunlod had been invoked interactively. See the section Using risunlod With the Command Line Interface for more information about the syntax for constructing a risunlod command and the semantics of the command. 3. Embedded Programming Function Interface. The RIS_unloader function provides the functionality of risunlod in an embedded program when you call the function and pass the appropriate structures. Refer to the RIS Programmers Guide for more information.
12 - 8
The following list discusses the interactive prompts in detail. 1. Preserve blanks? (y/n) :[n] > This prompt lets you set the blankstrip mode. By default risunlod strips trailing blanks from character data. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default if you do not want to preserve trailing blanks. Select y if you want to preserve trailing blanks. 2. File mode of all output files? overwrite(w) append(a) error out if exists(e) :[e] > The file mode affects the main file and all the data files. By default risunlod returns an error if the specified main file or data files already exist. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to accept the default. Select w to overwrite the existing main file and data files. Select a to append to the existing main file and data files. 3. Main file for unloading: [ris.dmp] > This prompt lets you specify the name of the main file for unloading. The default name for the main file is ris.dmp. Press ENTER to accept the default filename. Enter another filename for the main file. If you selected e (for error out if exists) at the File mode of all output files? prompt, and a main file already exists, risunlod prompts you to quit unloading or to key in another filename. Quit risunlod(y/n) :[n] > If you select n, risunlod prompts you for a new name for the main file. Specify a new filename at this prompt or key in y and risunlod exits. 4. Enter schema name (<return> after last schema): > This prompt lets you specify a schema for unloading.
risunlod 12 - 9
If a secure schema name is entered, the user is prompted for the database username and database username password, and the osusername and osusername password, if appropriate. If the schema has a password, the user is prompted for the schema password. Do not add the password at the end of the schema name. The schema and user passwords in a schema definition are not unloaded into the main file for security reasons. Instead, they are designated by a period immediately after the schema and user names. If the passwords are not added to the main file before loading, the user is prompted for them when loading the schema. Do one of the following: Enter the name of the schema to unload. risunlod displays additional prompts to gather schema information, then returns to this prompt to let you specify another schema. You can unload multiple schemas during a risunlod session. Within a schema, data are unloaded in the following order: tables, indexes, views, and privilege definitions. Press ENTER without entering another schema name when you have entered all the schema information you want to process. risunlod will process the entered schemas. Press ENTER without entering any schema names, and risunlod terminates. 5. Which tables should be unloaded? all(a) prompted(p) entered by user(e) none(n):[a] > This prompt lets you specify which table(s) to unload from the specified schema. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to unload all the tables in the current schema. Select p and risunlod generates a list of tables and prompts you before unloading each table: Unload table <table>(y/n): [y] > Select y to unload the specified table or select n if you do not want to unload the table. Select e and risunlod prompts for a table name: Enter table for unloading:[<return>] Enter the name of a table to unload.
12 - 10
Select n and risunlod does not unload any tables for the schema. If you selected a, p, or e at the Which tables should be unloaded? prompt, the following prompt appears: Both definitions and data(b) definitions only(o): [b] > This prompt lets you decide whether to unload both the table definitions and the data in the tables or only the table definitions. Do one of the following: Select o to unload table definitions only. Press ENTER to unload both table definitions and data and the following prompt appears: Definitions and data in the same file(s) data in a different file(d):[s] > Press ENTER to store both the definitions and data in the main file, or select d to store the definitions in the main file and the data in data files with one data file per table. The name of a data file is composed of the first three characters (or fewer) of a schema name, followed by the first three characters (or fewer) of a table name, followed by a number signifying the number of data files generated so far in a risunlod session. The name of a data file is terminated by .dmp. For example, the 100th data file generated for storing the data in table, tab1, of schema, sch1, has the name schtab100.dmp. All these files are placed in the current directory. On the first line of a data file, risunlod specifies the table and schema from which the data comes. If you selected a, p, or e at the prompt Which tables should be unloaded? and selected b to unload both definitions and data, risunlod prompts you for a fixed or variable data format for unloading table data. Data in fixed (f) or variable (v) format: [f]> Do one of the following: Press ENTER to unload the table data in fixed format and data that does not fill the entire column is padded with spaces. Select v and variable length data will be delimited by single quotation marks (). This saves disk space, and lets you easily edit the data. If you selected p or e at the prompt Which tables should be unloaded?, you are also prompted for risunlods extended where clause for each table to unload partial data.
risunlod 12 - 11
Enter where clause :[return] > Do one of the following: Press ENTER to ignore the where clause prompt. Enter a where clause. This where clause is risunlods extended where clause. It lets you join across more than one table for powerful selection criteria. Examples of the where clause: Enter where clause: [return] > c1 = 100 and c2 not like john ENTER Enter where clause: [return] > join t2 where t1.c1 = 100 and t2.c2 not like john and t1.c1 = t2.c1 ENTER The join clause permits additional tables to be specified for better selection criteria. In the previous example, the current table is joined with t2 using the join clause. Partial data can be unloaded only from the current table, even when a join clause is specified. Use single quotation marks () for character strings. 6. Which indexes should be unloaded for a table? all(a) prompted(p) entered by user(e) none(n):[a]> If you selected p or e at the prompt Which tables should be unloaded?, you should key in n at the prompt Which indexes should be unloaded for a table? unless indexes on additional tables are required. risunlod automatically unloads indexes created on the tables selected as p or e at the Which tables should be unloaded? prompt. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to unload all the indexes created in the current schema. Select p and risunlod prompts for each table that has indexes: Unload index on table <table>(y/n):[y] > Press ENTER to unload the indexes of that table or key in n if you do not want to unload indexes. Select e and risunlod prompts you to enter the table:
12 - 12
Enter table for unloading index:[<return>] > Enter a table name and press ENTER. Select n, and risunlod will not unload any indexes. 7. Which views should be unloaded? all(a) prompted(p) entered by user(e) none(n):[a] > The prompt for unloading views in a schema comes after the prompt(s) for unloading the indexes. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to unload all the views created in the current schema. Select p, and risunlod prompts for each view: Unload view <view>(y/n):[y] > Press ENTERto unload the view or key in n if you do not want to unload the view. Select e and risunlod prompts you to enter a view name: Enter view for unloading:[<return>] > Enter a view name and press ENTER. Select n, and risunlod will not unload any views. 8. Which privileges should be unloaded? all(a) prompted(p) entered by user(e) none(n):[a] > The prompt for unloading privilege definitions comes after the prompt(s) for unloading views. As is the case with unloading indexes, risunlod automatically unloads privilege definitions granted on tables and/or views that were p or e selections to the Which tables should be unloaded? and/or Which views should be unloaded? prompts. Do one of the following: Press ENTER to unload all the privileges created in the current schema. Select p, and risunlod prompts for each table or view on which one or more privileges are defined: Unload access privilege on <relation>(y/n):[y] >
risunlod 12 - 13
Press ENTER to unload the access privileges or key in n if you do not want to unload the privileges. Select e and risunlod prompts you to enter a table to unload all the privileges defined: Enter table or view for unloading access privilege:[<return>] > Enter a table or view name and press ENTER. Select n, and risunlod will not unload any privileges. In a schema, privileges may be granted on a table or view owned by the schema or by another schema. Privileges granted on a table or view owned by another schema are illustrated in the following example. Schema sch1 grants select privilege on its table tab1 to another schema sch2 with grant option. Schema sch2 can then grant the select privilege on sch1.tab1 to yet another schema sch3. Thus in schema sch2, a privilege on the table (tab1) belonging to another schema (sch1) is defined. The following command line option illustrates the previous example: risunlod -s sch2 grant sch1.tab1 When specifying a table or view on which privileges have been granted, only the name of the relation is needed if it is owned by the current schema. Otherwise, the relation name must be preceded by a schema name in the form of <schema>.<relation>.
In a command line, information is specified in four levels: 1. Level One [-m{w|a|e}] The -m option specifies the file mode of the output main and data files. The valid characters suffixing this option are w, a or e representing overwrite, append, or return error mode, respectively.
12 - 14
If the main file or data files exist, and if the -me option is used, risunlod exits.
[-o <filename>] The -o option specifies the name to use for the main file. The absence of this option causes the default main filename, ris.dmp, to be used. [-s <schemas>] The -s option is used to specify which schema and which information in the schema is to be unloaded. More than one -s option can be used for multiple schemas. [-f <filename>] The command line interface permits information specified by -s options to be stored in a specification file. The -f option is used to specify a specification file. The -s and -f options are mutually exclusive.
For secure schemas, the clause user <os_usr> [/<os_passwd> must be specified after the schema name. The following examples show commands containing Level One information.
risunlod -mw -o \dir1\dir2\mainfile -f ..\dir3\specfile risunlod -s sch1 .sch1_passwd <level 2/3/4 -s sch2 <level 2/3> -s sch3 <level 2/3/4> -s sch4
The <level 2/3/4> in the second example represents information belonging to Levels Two and Three.
risunlod 12 - 15
Level Two Level Two specifies the types of schema information to be unloaded. The specification is mainly composed of keywords. To specify: Unloading only the table definitions Storing table data in the main file Storing data in the data file Storing data in the data file with variable format Use keyword(s): table table with data table with dfile data table with var dfile data
The keywords index, view, and grant are used to specify the information they represent. If the keyword all is used, then all the information in a schema is unloaded, and the table data is stored in the main file. The following example shows commands containing Levels One and Two information.
risunlod -s sch1 .sch1_passwd all -s sch2 table with var dfile data <level 3> -s sch3 table with data <level 3> grant <level 3> -s sch4 table <level 3/4> index <level 3> view <level 3> grant <level 3>
The <level 3> in the examples represents information belonging to Level Three. The middle two lines specify that only tables of schema sch2, and only tables and privilege definitions of schema sch3, are unloaded. 3. Level Three Level Three specifies the items of a particular type of information that should be unloaded. The specification can be either the keyword all (all items) or the item names. The following example shows a level 1/2/3 command. risunlod -s sch1 .sch1_passwd all -s sch2 table with var dfile data all -s sch3 table with data t1 t2 grant all -s sch4 table t1 index t2 view v1 grant t2 v2 sch.3 sch.v3 4. Level Four Level Four is valid for tables only. It specifies risunlods extended where clause for a particular table.
12 - 16
The following example shows a complete command. risunlod -s sch1 .sch1_passwd all -s sch2 table with dfile data all -s sch3 table with data t1 t2 grant all -s sch4 table t1 join t2 where "t1.c1 = t2.c2" index t2 view v1 grant t2 v2 sch.3 sch.v3 The where clause should be within double quotation marks (") for shell interpretation. The character string within the where clause should be in single quotation marks ().
For schema sch4, indexes created on the table t1 are also unloaded. Although t1 is not specified for index, it was specified to be unloaded. Privilege definitions on table t1 and view v1 are also unloaded. When a command becomes too complicated, all the -s options can be moved into a specification file. The specification of each schema is separated by a semicolon and can occupy more than one line. The flag -s is invalid in the specification file. The following example shows the contents of a specification file.
sch1 .sch1_passwd all sch4 table t1 join t2 where "t1.c1 = t2.c1" index t2 view v1 grant t2 v2 sch.t3 sch.v3
risunlod 12 - 17
<info_tobe_unload> ::= all | { [ { {table | table with [var][dfile]data} <table_tobe_unload> } ] [view <view_tobe_unload>] [index <index_tobe_unload>] [grant <grant_tobe_unload>] } <table_tobe_unload> ::= all | { { <table> [<where_clause>] } [ ...] } <where_clause> ::= [join <from_list>] where "<conditions>" <from_list> ::= { <table> [...] } <view_tobe_unload> ::= all | { <view> [ ...] } <index_tobe_unload> ::= all | { <index> [ ... ] } <grant_tobe_unload> ::= all | { { [<schema>.]<table> | [<schema>.<view> ] } [ ...] }
The following is the BNF representation of the format for a specification file.
<spec_file_format> ::= {<schema> [.<password>] <info_tobe_unload>}[;<new_line>...]
12 - 18
Appendix A
Appendix A
Lets applications easily create logical groupings of tables. Considerations when using this capability: Since objects owned by different users can be included in the schema, the owner information is maintained in the RIS dictionary. The dbms_owner value applies to a table, view, or an index, and can be in upper or lowercase. This capability cannot be accessed through RIS Version 4. The access restrictions of the underlying RDBMS are encountered when using this capability. Most databases let two different users create tables/views/indexes with the same name. However the names of tables/views/indexes within a schema are unique, regardless of the dbms_owner. If both T1 owned by U1, and T1 owned by U2 need to be included in a schema, one of the tables has to be aliased. See the section Object Aliases for more information.
Within RIS only the RIS names (aliases) are valid. The external/DBMS name is not valid.
RIS Version 5 allows long binary or long text data that lets you: Use it for document or picture storage by INFORMIX OnLine and ORACLE. RIS has no RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT support for INFORMIX Standard Engine, SYBASE, Microsoft SQL Server, or DB2. Insert, update, or retrieve large data. Access character strings with a length greater than 249 characters for other RDBMSs not supporting RIS_BLOB. Considerations when using this capability: To use RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT data, the client and data server versions must be at least 05.01.01.xx. This feature is available only through the programming interface; no interactive access is available. The application should track the data length. The RIS_BLOB data type is for binary data; for example, GIF files, executables, and so forth. RIS makes no attempt to convert or interpret the data. The RIS_TEXT data type is for text data; for example, ASCII files. RIS does convert the text data between different hardware platforms as it would for char data. The text data can be inserted into a RIS_BLOB column, but no blob data should be inserted into a RIS_TEXT column. To create a table with a column of RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT data type
create table emp (name char(25), id int, picture ris_blob (50000))
The default size of the RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT column is 0. The maximum length of the data is dependent on the database. If the maximum data size is set to 0, data can be retrieved from the database to a memory array and not a file. The file_used field is required for inserting and retrieving. RIS uses the filename or the memory array as the targeted user variable. The text data and character data are converted for different hardware platforms. The maximum size limit cannot be zero when retrieving data from the database. The maximum size limit is zero when retrieving data from memory. RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT columns cannot be used in the SQL WHERE clause or GROUP BY statements, and cannot be indexed.
The number of RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT columns allowed in one table is subject to the restrictions of the underlying RDBMS. INFORMIX allows multiple RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT columns while ORACLE allows one RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT column per table. The size of RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT is subject to the restrictions and limitations of the underlying RDBMS. Tables with RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT are created through RIS and data is inserted through RIS. Currently, RIS uses the first 8 bytes (ORACLE only) of the RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT column in databases to store the length of the data. Existing tables with data, when included in a RIS schema, will result in incomplete data when retrieved from the database. To manipulate RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT data, any tables with RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT fields need to be created through RIS and the data inserted only through RIS. When the maximum size limit for a RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT column is zero, data cannot be retrieved from the database to a file. This situation does not apply when the data is retrieved into a memory array. If a positive, non-zero value is used, RIS will use this value as the maximum size limit for the RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT object. If the value is zero, or no value is specified (using default of zero), then RIS does not impose a limit and the maximum size supported by the underlying RDBMS can be used. The limit size can be set to zero in the following situations: An existing table which has RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT columns is included in a RIS schema A table is excluded from the RIS schema and later included back into the schema A table is created through RIS without specifying a RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT column size. To check the value of the maximum size limit:
select char_max_length from ris5columns where table_name = table and column_name = column;
A - 10
null Yes
In the above example, RC01 is the dictionary owner as shown in the schema file, blob_table is the name of the table with a blob column, set to values other than 10000. RIS limits the data size inserted into a RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT column if a size is specified when the table is created. For example:
create table blob1 (c1 ris_blob(100000))
would impose a limit of 100,000 bytes. If the table is created without specifying a size, then the underlying RDBMSs maximum limit for RIS_BLOB/RIS_TEXT data will be used. For example:
create table blob2 (c2 ris_blob)
A.10 Interoperability
RIS Version 5 lets multiple versions of RIS products be available on most systems. The following figure details interoperability of RIS Version 4 and RIS Version 5.
This capability: Lets you continue to use RIS Version 4 applications with minimal impact. Version 4 applications should continue to run. Considerations when using this capability: RIS Client and Data Servers should be upgraded to RIS Version 5. Multiple versions are available remotely through TCP only. The ORACLE 7 Data Server requires the RIS Version 5 Client. The Sybase SQL Data Server requires the Version 5.02 Client. A RIS Version 4 application attempts to start up a RIS Version 4 Client. Only if the RIS Version 4 Client is absent does it start up a RIS Version 5 Client. Removing the entry 04.03 in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Intergraph/RIS will force the RIS Version 4 applications to start the RIS Version 5 Client. The same is true for Client/Server. Only RIS Version 5 applications can query RIS Version 5 dictionary objects. Only RIS Version 4 applications can query RIS Version 4 dictionary objects.
A - 12
The RIS utilities are also applications and the previous restrictions apply. The risdtype utility of RIS Version 4 cannot be used with the RIS Client Version 5 or the RIS Data Server Version 5. Files generated by the RIS Version 4 risrecrd utility cannot be processed by the RIS Version 5 risplbck utility. If an application is built with RIS Version 4, the resulting record file can be processed only by the RIS Version 4 risplbck utility.
A.12 Utilities
The RIS Version 4 ad hoc utility ris has been renamed risbatch. There is now an ad hoc query utility with a graphic user interface (GUI), called risgui. Considerations when using the Version 5 loader/unloader: The loader/unloader provides no BLOB support. The unloader unloads (or saves) RIS names (aliases) only, not the underlying object names. The unloader unloads (or saves) schema ownership only, not underlying RDBMS ownership.
A.13 Parameters
The parameter file generated by a Version 5 application or utility is compatible with Version 4 applications. In Version 4, if a parameter file existed, all parameters were expected to be set. Unlike Version 4, Version 5 is more tolerant with respect to parameter files: any number of parameters can be left unspecified and RIS uses the default values. A new parameter, CLIENT_VERSION, has been added with the default value set to 0.0, meaning that the application connects to a compatible client. When future versions of RIS become available, Version 5 and higher applications will be able to use this parameter to specify the client version. Using this parameter causes Version 4 applications to fail; hence, for now, leave it commented out. When the CLIENT_VERSION parameter is set, Version 4 applications can no longer use that parameter file.
A.14 Internationalization
RIS for 32-bit applications (Version 5.3.1 and later) support 16-bit or multi-byte languages. Most 16-bit languages are Asian. In the RIS documentation, the maximum size allowed for table names, view names, index names, schema names, column widths, and character data is specified as x characters, where x is an integer. For those using multi-byte languages, the maximum number of characters should be interpreted as the maximum size in bytes. RISMGR and RISGUI implement multi-byte character support. RIS limitations and guidelines: RIS schema and user names can be internationalized, but not passwords. Only alpha-numeric characters can be internationalized. Setup is not fully internationalized. RIS does not localize dialogs, gadgets and error messages. RIS is internationalized on NT only. The RIS application, RIS Client, and RIS Data Server must be on NT to take advantage of the RIS internationalization. The period (.) used between username and passwords must be 8-bit English. All punctuation, keywords, column datatype definitions, timestamp data, statements must be 8-bit English. Schemas, tables, views, columns, index names can be 8-bit or 16-bit characters. RIS data dictionary tables and views are created using 8-bit English characters.
A - 14
The following components of a create schema statement are 8-bit and 16-bit characters: create schema schema name schema pass db type dbname db dir osuser ospass ostype db user remote clause 8-bit English 8-bit and 16-bit English 8-bit English 8-bit English 8-bit and 16-bit English 8-bit and 16-bit English 16-bit English 8-bit English 8-bit English 8-bit and 16-bit English 8-bit English
Character columns are analyzed to make sure that they are wide enough to hold the data. For example, a 10 character name in a 16-bit language requires a char(20) column. The maximum number of 8-bit characters in a column is 240. The maximum number of 16-bit characters in a column is 120.
A - 16
Appendix B
Appendix B
line of data
Specifies the data filename Indicates where information from a table ends in the main file Defines an index Defines a view Defines access privilege Indicates where information from a schema ends in the main file
Commented lines have two hyphens (--) as the first two characters in the line. The loader ignores commented lines. The default schema and create [secure] schema statements can appear by themselves or together. Their presence marks the beginning of a schema, represented in the main file. Because multiple schemas can exist in the main file, an end of schema indicator is used to mark the end of a schema: ***RIS*** End of Schema ***RIS*** The items from create table through the end of table indicator in the preceding list are used to represent tables. The order in the representation is: create table statement insert into statement field definition lines of data or a data files specification end of table indicator Not all of the statements are needed to represent a table. The presence of these statements is defined by three rules: 1. 2. The create table statement and an end of table indicator are required. The insert into statement and a field definition are required only when data or a data file specification is present. The insert into statement and a field definition are permitted even if data or a data file specification is not present.
Rules 1 and 2 cover the situation where only the definition of a table is unloaded. Since both the insert into statement and field definition are needed for loading table data, Rule 2 covers situations where one or more rows of data are unloaded into either the main file or a data file. Rule 3 covers the situation where a table is empty, but risunlod is instructed to unload data from the table.
The number of statements representing a table may vary. For rislod to correctly identify where the information of a table ends in the main file, an end of table indicator is necessary: ***RIS*** End of Table ***RIS*** The representation of index, view, and privilege definitions is much simpler than that of a table. The definitions are represented by the create index, create view, and grant statements, respectively.
1. 2.
default schema sch1 create [secure] schema sch2.passwd2 on database (oracle, dbname db2) user user2 default schema sch3 create schema sch4. user user4.passwd4
3. 4.
Because of these assumptions, only the positions occupied by each column on a line need to be specified in the field definition. Thus, a field definition is typically made up of one or more components, one for each column, consisting of a column name and the starting and ending positions of the column data on a line. In rislod, the combination of a column name and its starting and ending positions is referred to as a field. The following is an example of a field definition for table tab1 accepted by rislod: char_col1 1 12 char_col2 14 23 int_col 25 35 smallint_col 37 42 double_real_col 44 66 real_col 68 81 decimal_col1 83 94 decimal_col2 95 109 The starting and ending positions of a field are constrained by the following relation: 10,000 >= ending position >= starting position >= 1. The starting and ending positions of a column should be separated by one or more spaces. risunlod uses a single blank to separate the starting and ending positions. The keyword var following a column name distinguishes a character column having variable-length values from a character column having fixed-length values. The absence of the keyword var after a character column name signifies that the column values have the same length. The values of a variable character column are represented differently from those of a fixed character column. A variable character column value is always enclosed by a delimitation, while the value of a fixed character column is assumed to occupy the entire field. Because a character column supported by RIS can store values of different lengths, it is always unloaded as a variable character column. The delimitations used by risunlod are two single quotation marks. The field definition for a table must include all the columns listed in the insert into statement of that table. However, columns that are not listed in the insert into statement may also appear in the field definition. The column decimal_col2 in this example was not specified in the insert into statement for table tab1.
The conventions used by risunlod for determining the field width of a column are: Column Data Type character decimal integer small integer double real Field width is equal to... The column length plus two extra spaces for delimitation The precision plus two 11 6 23 14
risunlod can unload table data in variable format, and rislod can load the same variable formatted data. The variable table data is identified by the string ***variable*** in the field definition line. This string is sufficient to identify variable table data following it. Starting and ending position does not make sense in this format. The column data is separated (delimited) by a blank space, while the character data of a column is delimited by default single quotation marks (). The following is an example of a field definition line and several rows of variable data. Notice the third row. The delimiter can be escaped from within the string by an extra delimiter preceding it. ***variable*** 1 nyz 23 nyzabc 246 nyzabc ***RIS*** End of Table ***RIS***
This example is prepared according to the field definition for the table tabl1. In this example, the column char_col1 is a character column with variable-length values. Thus, its value, xxxx, is enclosed in a delimitation (two single quotation marks). The column char_col2 is a character column with fixed-length values. There is no delimitation surrounding its values, and these values are assumed to occupy the entire fields. In this example, the value for the column char_col2 is a string of four ys followed by six blanks. NULL value is not represented by the keyword NULL in the format. Instead, if a column value is NULL, the entire field for storing that value
should be filled with blanks (not spaces). In this example, the value for smallint_col is NULL. Although in the previous example all the values begin at the first positions in their fields, a column value can actually start anywhere within its field. The following describes how rislod handles the values of different datatypes stored in a file. 1. In the field of a variable character column, the first and last nonspace characters must be delimiters. A delimiter is permitted among the character values. If there are more characters within a pair of delimiters than the size of the column (n), only the first n characters are loaded. If the field width (m) is greater than the size of a fixed character column (n), only the first n characters in the field are loaded. Otherwise, all m characters are loaded with (m - n) trailing blanks. A decimal value must have precision and scale no greater than that specified for the column. For an integer or small integer value to be loaded correctly, it must fall within the ranges of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 and -32,768 to 32,767, respectively. Real and double values are rounded to precisions 7 and 15. Values of timestamp type are also supported.
5. 6.
B - 10
Comments and Errors: For example: --This is a comment. --This is another comment. These are also used to represent errors encountered during loading in the bad file. This bad file is reprocessable by rislod. For example: --risloder Error (-xxxx) --ssss --RIS Error (-xxxx) --ssss --DB Error (-xxxx) --ssss The xxxx represents the error value, and ssss represents the corresponding error message string.
B - 12
<create_schema> ::= create [secure] schema <schema_passwd> [on database (...)] user <user_passwd>
<header> ::= ***RIS*** Data in Table <table> of Schema <schema> ****RIS*** <comments> ::= -- [<string>]
B - 14
Glossary GL - 1
GL - 2
Glossary GL - 3
absolute pathname
Sequence of directories, beginning with the root directory (/) that locates a file. See also pathname and relative pathname. Receive input, such as characters, integers, or data buttons. Also, confirming an element selection. Perform actions necessary to use software. Change the state of an object or entity so that it accepts or displays data. Query formulated at runtime by input from a user or by the program itself. Label, name, or number that identifies an exact storage location in memory. An alternate label for a command, program, or database entity such as a line added to the start-up file that lets you start the software without having to key in the full pathname each time you want to use the software. Acronym for American National Standards Institute, a private organization that develops, maintains, and publishes industry standards in the United States. System of programs or utilities designed to accomplish specific tasks as requested by the user. Data structure used to organize data into contiguous lists. Keys used to move from one field of a menu or form to another. American Standard Code for Information Interchange character set. A relationship between two or more objects. Characteristic of an element. See also parameter. The features of an object, such as color, line width, font, and font size.
access activate
ad hoc query
GL - 4
Binary digit represented by a 1 or 0. Smallest unit of storage in a digital computer. Long binary data type. State gadget that has a three-dimensional appearance and can be set on or off. General-purpose, structured programming language developed at Bell Labs in the early 1970s. A physical location for documents in DM/Manager. Tables in the DM/Manager database. An I/NFM catalog. To store frequently used information in a device that is faster than the device it is usually stored in to improve performance. For example, frequently used information that is usually stored on a hard disk drive can be cached in memory, which is considerably faster. Table of files, arranged systematically, containing required and user-defined file attributes. Data type that stores one character. Alphabetic letter, digit, punctuation, or symbol. A small box that lets you select or unselect an option. When the check box is selected, an X appears in the box. State gadget consisting of one or more boxes, followed by text or symbols, usually arranged in a column. To activate buttons, fields, and so forth on forms. Pointing to a menu command, button, or item on your screen and quickly pressing and releasing the left mouse button. Portion of a client/server-based application that requests services. Version of the UNIX operating system ported to run on Intergraph systems. A logical grouping of files for ftr searching and indexing. Vertical arrangement of figures or words. Software that interacts with the user, obtaining user input and then acting in a specified way based on that input. Each icon on the menu accesses a command, although there could also be additional commands accessed only by key-in.
BLOB button
choose clicking
Glossary GL - 5
command file
ASCII file containing the PPL (Parametric Programming Language) statements needed to provide a user-specific capability. Alphanumeric key-ins used to invoke an executable directly from the operating system environment. Acronym for Central Processing Unit. Acronym for Cathode Ray Tube. Either a filed object space that contains information about the classes that make up an application or a set of ASCII files created by a utility called a data dictionary processor (ddp). Point entered with the mouse or with a precision key-in, which specifies a position in a drawing file. Structure whose components are data objects. Data structures are used to group logically related data. Classification of a data item as an integer, letter, or real number. Collection of comprehensive informational files having predetermined structure and organization that can then be communicated, interpreted, or processed by a specific program. A proprietary relational database management system. Fixed point number data type. Predetermined value of a parameter or option that is automatically supplied by the system or program whenever a value is not specified by the user. Schema in which statements are issued unless another schema is specified (a RIS concept). To remove, destroy, eliminate, or erase. Separating mark or space; a character or sequence of contiguous characters that mark the end of a string of characters. Nonaddressable component of a network, that is, a component onto which a user cannot log, for example, tape drive, disk drive, and floppy disk.
command line
data point
data structure
data type
default schema
delete delimiter
GL - 6
dialog box
A box that requests information about a particular task you are performing. A button or command that is displayed in light gray instead of black. When a button or command is dimmed, it is disabled and nonselectable. Round flat plate coated with a magnetic substance on which data is stored. A file or many files that are handled as one entity to the redlining software. Data type which stores a range of floating point numbers. The storage requirement and range of values are dependent on the computer and compiler. To discontinue current status or association; to return to a previous or more primitive status or association; to descend levels. To add, delete, or change text, graphics, and objects. ASCII text editor. To enter data from a mouse or from a keyboard. Graphic or descriptive component in a graphics file. Can also mean a database table. Variable defined on or across invocations of a command shell. Processes are given access to the information in these variables by the operating system. Description of an error found in a program. Popular implementation of a local area network. Program that has been written in or translated into, a machine language that is ready for execution by the computer. To terminate a job or process. Any of the data grouped together in a record (also known as an attribute or column). Also, a gadget allowing text entry on a form. Collection of logical records stored as a unit.
environment variable
exit field
Glossary GL - 7
Set of objects filed away for subsequent retrieval. Filed object spaces let objects be stored and retrieved, with their connections intact. User-defined name given to an interactively created file. The name should be relevant to the contents of the file. A variable that can be set to indicate the presence or absence of a certain condition. Data type which stores a range of floating point numbers. The storage requirement and range of values are dependent on the computer and compiler. Flexible magnetic sheet used to store information. Complete set and style of the characters and symbols of a typeface used for displaying text. Rectangular display through which a user and an application can communicate using gadgets. Acronym for Full Text Retrieval. Name of the entire path or directory hierarchy to a file, including the filename. See also relative pathname. Small segment of code written to complete a portion of a larger task. Graphic device on a form that helps a user enter or receive specific information. Relation privilege which gives a schema the ability to grant relation privileges to other schemas. Any symbol or method of visual communication that is not text. A collection of icons that represent documents and applications within the Program Manager. See on-line Help. Form in which the Help topics are displayed by the Help process. Classified structure with superiors (roots) and subordinates (dependents) for grouping files or commands.
grant option
GL - 8
Parallel to, in the plane of, or operating in a plane parallel to the horizon or to a base line. Symbol that graphically identifies a command, application, or document. Name composed of numbers or characters given for identification purposes to a record. A record number. To indicate your selection on a form or graphics by placing a data point on the item. Storage mechanism used to provide faster access to the rows in a table. Extraction and sorting of all the indexable words in any new or modified documents and updating the index files with the new information. Relational database management system. Data type which stores a range of integer values. Value in the set of all positive and negative whole numbers and zero. Also, a data type which stores a range of integer values. Storage requirement and range of values are dependent on the computer and compiler. Of or relating to the process of entering data and receiving a response from the computer. Shared boundary through which the user and software communicate. Intergraph On-line Reference Library. Provides easy access to Intergraph documentation on compact disk. Unit of storage within a larger unit, such as a file in a cabinet. The smallest organizational unit in the structural outline of DM/Capture. A job correlates to one item (that is, a storage unit) in the database. A job can contain one file or multiple files. Process of relating the data in two or more tables, possibly restricted by some condition. Information or command keyed in, rather than selected using a mouse.
Glossary GL - 9
Word defined to have special meaning in a programming, command, query language, or indexing. Collection of subroutines. Having a single dimension; a line. Combine one or more program segments, subroutines, or library routine into a single executable program. The physical location of the data on the machine or the location of the data by the way of remote mounting capabilities. Computer networking scheme in which nodes that are geographically local are connected to a network through multiplexers, and networks of geographically remote nodes are connected through routers. File containing the direction of the translation, the command line used, a count of elements processed, and any errors encountered during the translation process. Enter the necessary information, such as a username and password, to begin a session on a terminal. Username/password combination used to gain access to a computer. Device that can store data. Means for storing and selecting commands: icon-based, function key, or paper. A proprietary relational database management system. A windows-based graphical interface that is used with MSDOS. Particular functioning arrangement or condition. Also, the behavior of a gadget. Hand-controlled input and command selection device. There are several models; most common are the 2-button mouse, the 3-button mouse, and the 12-button mouse. Acronym for the Microsoft SQL Server. Interconnection of host computers and workstations that lets them share data and control. The term network can mean the devices that connect the system, or it can mean the connected system.
log file
log in
memory menu
MSSQL network
GL - 10
Any addressable component of a network; that is, any component of the network onto which a user can locally or remotely log in. Symbolic name given to each device on an ethernet network which can be translated into a network address. Indicates no value. Set of on-line, context sensitive files, that provide information to the user about the capabilities of an application. System programs that control the overall operation of a computer system. Symbol that indicates that an arithmetic, logical, or relational operation is to be performed. Relational database management system. See I/ORL. Reduced resolution display of an image in a raster data file. An overview is normally located in the raster data file itself. An association of two objects, such as a document to a piece of equipment. Property that associates a variable name with a value. Programming language developed by Intergraph Corporation for writing user commands to automate operator activities.
operating system
Word that is entered during log in that prevents unauthorized people from using the file, software, or computer. Sequence of directories leading to a file or a sequence of menus leading to a command. Sequence of directories leading to a file. See also absolute pathname and relative pathname. To create and position an element or object. Designating a program that is easily executed (or can be easily modified to execute) on multiple computers or software systems. Abbreviation of Parametric Programming Language.
place portable
Glossary GL - 11
Described by the ANSI SQL Standard. A privilege is a right to access. For example: a relation privilege is a right to access a relation (table or view) within a database. Entity composed of a program or series of programs. The main window in Microsoft Windows, used to start applications and open documents. It also organizes the applications and documents into groups. Within these groups reside icons that represent each application and document. Text displayed by a command that tells you the inputs expected by that command. A search in a database. Values used to limit a database search. Terminate a job or process without saving any changes or data entered. Also, to dismiss a form without processing any changes. Pattern of horizontal scanning lines on the screen of a CRT: input data causes the beam of the tube to illuminate the correct pixels on these lines to produce the required characters, curves, and so forth. Generic term that refers to a group of pixels. Each of these pixels has an associated color and together they form a viewable image. File containing raster data (pixels). Raster data files can be generated by optical scanner, video frame grabber, digital camera, interactive paint package, and so forth. Intergraph raster data files are characterized by specific data formats which are identified in the file headers. Acronym for Relational Database Management System, the software that lets you organize, store, and manipulate data in a database. Data type which stores a range of floating point numbers. The storage requirement and range of values are dependent on the computer and compiler. Grouping of logically related data which can be manipulated as a single entity. One or more records make up a file or a table. Also known as a row or tuple. Table or view.
raster data
GL - 12
relation privilege
Privilege granted to a schema regarding its access to relations in other schemas. Organizes data in two-dimensional tables to define relationships. Intergraph software system that provides a generic interface for applications to access many popular relational database management systems. Sequence of directories leading from the current directory to a particular file. See also pathname and absolute pathname. Standard and user-definable table format for information queried from the database. See client. To change the size and position of a form or window. Number of pixels of which a screen is composed. The greater the number of pixels, the higher the resolution. Acronym for Relational Interface System, the software that lets different relational database management systems communicate with each other. Element upon which an associative element or macro depends. Set of functions constructed to process specific information. Grouping of logically related data which may be manipulated as a single entity. One or more rows make up a file or table. Also known as a record or tuple. To execute a program or process. To enlarge or reduce the size of a defined element, modifying only the dimensions, not the ratio among the pieces. Concept described by the ANSI SQL Standard as a collection of tables and views. Within RIS, this collection corresponds to the collection of tables and views within a database. C-like statements that let you further customize reports. To move vertically or horizontally through displayed text, symbols, or windows.
relational database
relative pathname
routine row
run scale
scripts scroll
Glossary GL - 13
scroll bar
A gadget that lets you move vertically or horizontally through displayed text symbols. Also, a numeric gadget you can use to send numerical values to another gadget. Words or phrases used in an I/FTR search query. To activate a command. This can be done by the user or software. Computer, connected to a network, that provides services to one or more devices on that network. A server can also refer to a process that provides services to one or more client (requester) processes locally or remotely. Grouping of items that can be manipulated as a single item. Body of commands providing interface to low level software. For example, a UNIX shell provides an interface between users and the UNIX kernel. Top level catalog classification that represents a location. Numeric gadget that accepts and displays numerical values. Also, the three-dimensional portion of a slider gadget that moves along a linear track. Data type which stores a range of integer values. Storage requirement and range of values are dependent on the computer and compiler. Acronym for Systems Network Architecture. The primary networking strategy for IBM, introduced in 1974. SNA is made up of a variety of hardware and software products that interact together. Defines the characteristics of a unique class: name and version number, ancestry, instance data structure, channels, messages, and overrides. Acronym for Structured Query Language. Word or group of words that has a specific meaning in a programming language. Steps that an item goes through from creation to completion. Terminate a job or process. Sequence of characters.
set shell
site slider
specification file
SQL statement
GL - 14
Structured language designed for accessing relational database management systems. The computer operating system for a SunOs UNIX workstation. The computer operating system for a SUN Microsystems UNIX(r) workstation. A proprietary relational database management system. Rules governing the structure and use of statements in a language. Collection of information and processes designed to interact to complete a task. Collection of data for quick reference, stored in sequential locations in memory or printed as an array of rows and columns of data items of the same type. To quickly press and immediately release a button. Acronym for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol; a network protocol. A CLIX file that stores templates. Graphic gadget used to label other gadgets. Utility that lets you create an ASCII file. Data type that stores a timestamp consisting of year, month, day, hour, minute, second. To switch; to change between two alternatives. Also, a state gadget that can be used to change between two alternatives. Concept described by the ANSI SQL Standard. A transaction is a group of SQL Statements that affect the database simultaneously or can be canceled simultaneously. Converting an ASCII file to a binary file. Record or a row. Type of data that a programming variable can contain. Representative of a building location within a site.
Sybase syntax
tap TCP/IP
Glossary GL - 15
General purpose operating system developed at Bell Laboratories in the late 60s and early 70s. Person who uses a computer. End users means of communicating with the software, including any of the means of entering values, selecting commands, or locating elements. The menus and prompts are examples of user interfaces. Numeric or character data. Quantity that can assume any one of a set of values. Computer/operating system combination. The VAX is a family of processors manufactured and sold by Digital Equipment Corporation. VMS is an operating system for the VAX family. The number associated with the specific release of a product. ASCII text editor available on many systems. Concept described by the ANSI SQL Standard, used to combine tables or restrict access to columns in a table. A view looks and acts like a table, but does not actually store data. Independent rectangular area that displays applications or documents and can be moved, resized, reshaped, minimized, or maximized. General purpose 32-bit operating system developed at Microsoft Corporation. Terminal that contains an internal CPU and can operate in a standalone mode or as part of a network. Communication protocol used on the Ethernet network.
version vi view
Windows NT
GL - 16
Index IN - 1
IN - 2
Index IN - 3
A accessing dictionary views A-7 aliases exclude/include sequences A-4 object A-4 within RIS A-5 ASCII files loading schema information from 8-3 B bad file 8-9 batch execution of SQL statements 3-3 binary data A-8 BLOBS programming interface A-8 C changing columns data type 6-3 schemas 9-3 choose 1-4 clean servers 4-3 client locate 9-50 command line interface 8-17 command line syntax 8-18 commandfiles 10-3 commands recording 11-3 connecting to tables granting and revoking authority A-5 create index B-4 create schema dialog box DB2 9-19 INFORMIX 9-15 Microsoft SQL Server 9-24 ORACLE 9-17 SQL Server 9-24 SYBASE 9-22 create [secure] schema B-3 create table B-3 create table dialog box 9-40
create view B-4 creating log files 8-8 schemas 9-3 tables, granting and revoking authority A-5 creating dictionaries A-6 D data file B-3 file specification B-3, B-9 including owned by privileged accounts A-3 inserting large A-8 long binary A-8 long text A-8 retrieving large A-8 updating large A-8 data definition dialog box 9-37 data files format B-10 data type 6-3 changing 6-3 RIS_BLOB A-8 RIS_TEXT A-8 databases multiple schemas in A-6 DB2 create schema dialog box 9-19 dbms_owner A-4 declare schema statement A-5 decode 5-3 default schema B-3 definition of schema in RIS 5 A-3 deleting nonessential records from dictionary tables 4-3 dialog box secure schema access 9-28 dialog boxes alter table 9-43 create schema 9-11 create table 9-40 data definition 9-37
IN - 4
dialog boxes (continued) dictionary access 9-30 drop schema 9-26 drop table 9-42 exclude 9-47 include 9-45 locate client 9-50 modify DB2 password 9-35 modify node information 9-33 modify schema password 9-32 schema definition 9-7 schema file 9-48 schema information 9-9 schema manager 9-5 Set 9-52 table information 9-39 dictionary adding schemas to A-6 creating A-6 creation A-6 objects A-6 shared A-6 views accessing from application A-7 information in A-7 dictionary access dialog box 9-30 dictionary tables deleting records from 4-3 displaying schema information 9-3 document audience 1-3 document conventions 1-4 document prerequisites 1-3 documentation, related 1-3 dropping schemas A-6, 9-3 E end of schema indicator B-4 end of table indicator B-4 environment variable RIS_LANGUAGE 3-3, 6-3, 8-3, 12-3 error codes printing messages for 5-3 error messages printing 5-3 exclude/include sequences A-4 executing commands from commandfiles 10-3 F field definition B-3
field definitions format B-6 file bad 8-9 files ASCII, loading schema information from 8-3 data B-3 log, creating 8-8 main B-3 outputfile 11-3 format data file specifications B-9 data files B-10 field definitions B-6 index definitions B-10 insert into B-6 privilege definitions B-10 schema definitions B-5 table definitions B-6 view definitions B-10 G getting started 2-3 grant B-4 GRANT CONNECT TO A-5 GRANT RESOURCE TO A-5 GRANT SCHEMA TO A-6 H Help using on-line 1-6 I identify 1-4 include sequences A-4 including data owned by privileged accounts A-3 index definitions format B-10 loading 8-10 indexes with same name A-4 INFORMIX create schema dialog box 9-15 insert into B-3 format B-6 inserting large data A-8 interactive interface using rislod with 8-10 using risunlod 12-7
Index IN - 5
K key in 1-4 L line of data B-3 load 8-3 loading index, view, and privilege definitions 8-10 schema information 8-3 loading queries 7-6 locate client 9-50 log files, creating 8-8 long binary data A-8 long text data A-8 M main file B-3 Microsoft SQL Server, create schema dialog box 9-24 modify DB2 password dialog box 9-35 modify node information dialog box 9-33 modify schema password dialog box 9-32 mouse 1-4 N names, aliases A-5 new line characters B-10 O objects aliases A-4 dictionary A-6 of different owners within a schema A-3 ownership A-3 sharing among schemas A-3 on-line Help 1-6 operators UNION and UNION ALL A-3 ORACLE create schema dialog box 9-17 outputfile 11-3 overview of utilities 2-3 ownership of objects A-3 P parts of the Help window 1-6 passwords RIS A-5 stored for schema A-5
performing RIS queries 7-3 playback 10-3 printing error messages 5-3 privilege definitions format B-10 loading 8-10 privileged accounts including data owned by A-3 Q queries changing object names A-6 loading 7-6 performing 7-3 results 7-6 saving 7-6 R RDBMS logins A-5 security tracking A-5 versions, compatible with RIS 5 A-3 reading commandfiles 10-3 record 11-3 recording commands 11-3 records deleting from dictionary tables 4-3 related documentation 1-3 Relational Interface System 2-3 reset 1-4 retrieving large data A-8 schema information 12-3 REVOKE CONNECT FROM A-5 REVOKE RESOURCE FROM A-5 REVOKE SCHEMA FROM A-6 RIS 2-3 object ownership A-3 password storage A-5 utilities overview 2-3 versions interoperability A-11 RIS utilities risbatch 3-3 risclnsr 4-3 risdcode 5-3 risdtype 6-3 rislod 8-3 rismgr 9-3 risplbck 10-3 risrecrd 11-3
IN - 6
RIS utilities (continued) risunlod 12-3 risalpha utility A-12 risbatch 3-3 RIS_BLOB A-8 risclnsr 4-3 risdbms_indexes A-7 risdbms_tables A-7 risdbms_views A-7 risdcode 5-3 risdtype 6-3 risgui 7-3 risgui utility A-12 RIS_LANGUAGE 3-3, 6-3, 8-3, 12-3 RIS_loader 8-8 rislod 8-3, 8-8 ANSI mode enable databases file mode 8-11 command line syntax 8-18 files 8-12 loading bad file 8-9 command line interface 8-8, 8-17 embedded programming function interface 8-8 interactive interface 8-8, 8-10 log file 8-8 prompts 8-11 rismgr 9-3 ris_object A-7 risplbck 10-3 risrecrd 11-3 RIS_TEXT A-8 risunlod 12-3 command line interface 12-16 interactive interface file mode 12-8 indexes 12-11 main file 12-8 schemas 12-8 tables 12-9 unloading 12-6 interactive interface 12-7 risunlod and rislod file formats B-3 S saving queries 7-6 results 7-6
schema administrator granting and revoking authority A-5 definitions, format B-5 schema manager 9-3 activating 9-5 create schema dialog box 9-11 DB2 9-19 INFORMIX 9-15 Microsoft SQL Server 9-24 ORACLE 9-17 SQL Server 9-24 SYBASE 9-22 data definition dialog box 9-37 alter table dialog box 9-43 create table dialog box 9-40 drop table dialog box 9-42 table information dialog box 9-39 dictionary access dialog box 9-30 drop schema dialog box 9-26 exclude dialog box 9-47 include dialog box 9-45 locate client dialog box 9-50 modify DB2 password dialog box 9-35 modify node information dialog box 9-33 modify schema password dialog box 9-32 schema definition dialog box 9-7 schema file dialog box 9-48 schema information dialog box 9-9 secure schema access dialog box 9-28 Schema Manager Set dialog box 9-52 Schema Manager dialog box 9-5 schemas adding to dictionary A-6 changing 9-3 creating 9-3 definition in RIS 5 A-3 dictionary creation A-6 displaying information 9-3 dropping A-6, 9-3 granting and revoking authority A-5 multiple in databases A-6 multi-user A-5 objects of different owners within A-3 passwords stored for A-5 retrieving information 12-3 secure A-5 sharing objects among A-3 transferring information 8-3 usernames stored for A-5
Index IN - 7
secure schema access dialog box 9-28 secure schemas A-5 security A-5 tracking, RDBMS A-5 violations, including data without A-3 select 1-4 select statement A-3 sequences, exclude/include A-4 servers cleaning up 4-3 shared dictionaries A-6 software changes A-3 spaces B-10 SQL Server, create schema dialog box 9-24 SQL statements batch execution 3-3 statement declare schema A-5 select A-3 SYBASE, create schema dialog box 9-22 T table information dialog box 9-39 tables creating logical groupings A-4 definitions, format B-6 with same name A-4 with same name in one schema A-4 text data A-8 transferring schema information 8-3 U UNION A-3 UNION ALL A-3 unload 12-3 updating large data A-8 usernames, stored for schema A-5 using on-line Help 1-6 utilities risalpha A-12 risbatch 3-3 risclnsr 4-3 risdcode 5-3 risdtype 6-3 risgui A-12, 7-3 rislod 8-8 utilities overview 2-3 V values, dbms_owner A-4
view definitions format B-10 loading 8-10 viewing on-line Help 1-6 views including data without A-3 with same name A-4 W WHERE clause A-7 ris_object condition A-7
IN - 8