Two Way Slab Design (DRAFT)

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Two Way Slab units are kg, cm Fc' Fy Stress Block depth c balance 21 Mpa 420 Mpa

cb=d*612 612+Fy because Es= While ACI equation is cb = d* 600 600+Fy because Fy = 0.85 Minimum 0 .65 Max 0.85

() Coef.

0.850 0.593 0.504 *d 0.378 *d 0.428 0.811 *d 0.321 f'c*d*b 0.261 f'c*b*d 4.925 4.925 b*d 0.0161

a balance a max allowed by ACI (0.75

a b) ------------------------------------Z=d-a/2=d(1-a/2)
Nc (Concrete Compressive Force) M Max RU by ACI =(0.9*M)*fc *b*d Max Moment Allowed in the section (Ru*b*d)

units N, mm Mpa

max allowed as per ACI

318 Slab Thickness (h) According to ACI 318-99 For a panel with beams between supports on all sides, the realtive stifness of beams in two perpendicular directions shall between .2 and 5.0 Column Section mm Span in long Direction Span in short Direction Net Span in long Direction Net Span in short Direction Ratio between net span in long Direction to net span in short direction Width of beam in long direction Width of beam in short direction Width of Slab in long Direction Width of Slab in short Direction Thickness of Slab Thickness of beam Moment of Inertia of beam in long Direction Moment of Inertia of beam in short Direction Moment of Inertia of slab in long direction Moment of Inertia of slab in short direction C Ll Ls LLn' Lsn' Chapter 9

m 0.35 m 6.25 m 5m 5.9 m 4.65 m

' b beam s b beam l bl slab bs slab Assume assume

1.268817204 25 cm 25 ???: ????? 10 cm 30 56250 cm4 56250 cm 4 520.8333333 416.6666667 no need no need no need no need no need no need

Ibl Ibs Isl Iss

1 Ratio of flextural stifness of beam section to flexural stifness of slab in direction Ls in direction L L Ratio of length of continous edges to total perimeter of slab panel Average for all sides
LL*h 12

1 2 s

1 check 1 check



Ls*h 12 LL/Ls 1.25

Iss Isl Ibs Ib L

1/ 2
1X L2 2XLI

Assuming the same section of beam in both diections

Ib s X Iss Isl Ib L
ACI says no need


1.5625 Ok.

0.2 1X L2 5 2XLI
if if

ACI says no need


1/2 < 0.2 the provsions of ACI shall apply 0.2 < 1/2 < 2 ACI eq. no 9-11 shall apply . But h shall not taken less than 120 mm 1/2 >2 ACI eq. no 9-12 shall apply . But h shall not taken less than 90 mm
= 0.154472727 m take it as

h= LLn'(0.8+fy/1500) ACI eq. no 9-11 36+5 '(m - 0.2) h= LLn'(0.8+fy/1500) ACI eq. no 9-12 36+9'
from ACI 318 para 7.7.1 Concrete Cover is d=h-cover -5mm 129 20



Loads Dead Load Live Load W (Total Load ) DL = LL = 1.4*DL+1.7*LL = 3.75 KN /m2 5 KN /m2 13.75 kN/m2

Long Span ML
(W*Ls*LLn'^2)/8 299.1484375 KN.m

Total Negative Moment (M neg.)

Total Positive Moment (M pos.) Column Strip neg. M Middle Strip neg. M Column Strip pos. M Middle Strip pos. M

0.65*ML = 0.35*ML = Fm*M neg.= M neg -Fm*M neg. = Fm* M pos M pos-Fm*M pos (W*LL*Lsn' ^2)/8 0.65*Ms = 0.35*Ms = Fm''*M neg.= M neg-Fm*M neg = Fm'' * M pos M pos-Fm*M pos=

-194.446484 KN.m 104.7019531 KN.m -157.501652 KN.m -36.944832 KN.m 84.80858203 KN.m 19.89337109 KN.m 232.2729492 KN.m -150.977417 KN.m 81.29553223 KN.m -101.909756 KN.m -49.0676605 KN.m 54.87448425 KN.m 26.42104797 KN.m

Short Span Ms
Total Negative Moment (M neg.) Total Positive Moment (M pos.)
Column Strip neg. M Middle Strip neg. M Column Strip pos. M Middle Strip pos. M

Column Strip Coef. Long Direction Find Fm From Table 1 Column Strip Coef. Short Direction Find

Ll/Ls Fm

0.8 0.81

Ls/LL Fm''

1.25 0.675

Sample Caculation


Long Direction - Moments KN.m -133.876 -11.813 -36.945 +Moments KN.m 72.087 6.361 19.893

Short direction - Moments KN.m -86.623 -7.643 -49.068 + Moments KN.m 46.643 4.116 26.421

Kind of Strip beam Column Slab (half) Strip Middle Strip

2.50 m

1.25 m

1.25 m

3.75 m

6.25 m

5 m

Fig 2

Ls Design Strip

The middle strip Negative Moment on the short span is normally considered the most crtitcal with regard to slab depth of flexture On the long Span M= M/Strip width = On the short Span M= M/Strip width = -14.78 -13.08


M Km (Ru)= b d Check Ru max from Table


units N , mm 4.93 units N, mm

Since Ru Actual is Ru max , the slab thickness 150 mm is ok

The Positive Moment ??????

Strip Width ( b) m Mu (KN.m) M= Mu/0.9 (KN.m) d = h- cover -0.5rebar dia (mm) As= M*1000000 (mm2) Fy*Z a=0.1d is sutiable in such case and Z=0.95d As(min)=0.0018*b h mm2 Min No. of bars where S=2h Use

Long Span 2.50 m -36.94 -41.05 129 931 695

19.89 22.10 129 501 695

Short Span 3.75 m -49.07 -54.52 129 1236 1043

26.42 29.36 129 666 1043

Calcualtion and selection of reiforcement for middle strip

Net half Strip Width ( b) m

Mu (KN.m) M= Mu/0.9 (KN.m) d = h- cover -0.5rebar dia (mm) As= M*1000000 (mm2) Fy*Z a=0.1d is sutiable in such case and Z=0.95d As(min)=0.0018*b h mm2 Min No. of bars where S=2h Use

Long Span 1.10 m -11.81 -13.13 129

6.36 7.07 129

Short Span 1.10 m -7.64 -8.49 129

4.12 4.57 129









Calcualtion and selection of reiforcement for part of slab column strip

assuming Width of all beams



Design the beams (B1)

KN/m3 =0.333*Slab KN Load*Beam = h*b*concrete Span density


+Fy because Es=2040000 hile ACI equation is +Fy because Fy =200000 Mpa

section 9.5

Iss Isl


take it as



d the most crtitcal with

e Ru Actual is Ru max , the slab mm is ok



Important Notes Modulaus of Elasticty for all grades of Steel is the same = 2040 ton/cm2 = 200'000 Mpa E Important Units

From Ib (force ) Ton Kibs Kg Ib (force ) to Kg KN KN KN N X 10 4.45 1/100 4.5

from to kg/cm2 Mpa kg/m2 Mpa psi (lbf/in2) Mpa KN/m2 Mpa Psf (lbf/ft2) pa X

from 1/10 Kg.m Ib.ft 0.007 1/1000 48 to KN.m N.m KN.m KN.m X 1/100 1.4

Stress Fc' MPa Block depth () Coef.








45 0.73










Whitney Rectangualr Depth

0.85 0.84 0.83 0.82 0.81 0.8 0.79

Whitney Coef.

0.78 0.77 0.76 0.75 0.74

0.73 0.72

0.71 0.7 0.69 0.68 0.67 0.66 0.65

21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 101 105 109 113 117 121 125 129 133 137 141 145 149


7844.523 mm Weight Kg/m

7844.52 Area of Cross Section in cm2

6 8 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 32 38

0.22 0.39 0.62 1.04 1.58 2.23 2.98 3.85 4.83 6.31 8.90

1 0.283 0.503 0.786 1.328 2.01 2.84 3.80 4.91 6.16 8.05 11.3

2 0.566 1.006 1.57 2.66 4.02 5.67 7.61 9.82 12.32 16.09 22.7

3 0.85 1.51 2.36 3.98 6.03 8.51 11.41 14.73 18.48 24.14 34.04

4 1.13 2.01 3.14 5.31 8.05 11.35 15.21 19.64 24.64 32.18 45.38

5 1.41 2.51 3.93 6.64 10.06 14.18 19.01 24.55 30.80 40.23 56.73

6 1.70 3.02 4.71 7.97 12.07 17.02 22.82 29.46 36.96 48.27 68.07

7 1.98 3.52 5.50 9.30 14.08 19.86 26.62 34.38 43.12 56.32 79.42

8 2.26 4.02 6.29 10.62 16.09 22.69 30.42 39.29 49.28 64.37 90.77


Weight Kg/m

Area of Cross Section in cm2

5 7 12 14 18 20 24 26 30 34 36

0.15 0.30 0.89 1.21 2.00 2.47 3.55 4.17 5.55 7.13 7.99

1 0.196 0.385 1.131 1.540 2.55 3.14 4.53 5.31 7.07 9.08 10.2

2 0.393 0.770 2.26 3.08 5.09 6.29 9.05 10.62 14.14 18.17 20.4

3 0.59 1.16 3.39 4.62 7.64 9.43 13.58 15.93 21.21 27.25 30.55

4 0.79 1.54 4.53 6.16 10.18 12.57 18.10 21.25 28.29 36.33 40.73

5 0.98 1.93 5.66 7.70 12.73 15.71 22.63 26.56 35.36 45.41 50.91

6 1.18 2.31 6.79 9.24 15.27 18.86 27.15 31.87 42.43 54.50 61.10

7 1.38 2.70 7.92 10.78 17.82 22.00 31.68 37.18 49.50 63.58 71.28

8 1.57 3.08 9.05 12.32 20.37 25.14 36.21 42.49 56.57 72.66 81.46

Common shape Areas

One Way Slab Bending Moments Coef (K)

Multi Spans of 1 way slab or beams neg M =-1/10 neg M =-1/16
The most Critical ( -)

neg M =-1/11

+ M=1/14
The Most critical(+)

Pos M =+1/16

Pos M =+1/16


Two Spans of 1way Slab or beams

-M =-1/16

-M =-1/9

-M =-1/16

+ M=1/14

+ M=1/14

Shearing force coefOne Way Slab =K1





Shearing force* =K1*w*Ln

*note it is not Stress , it is a force

Coef. Of moments for long Span in column strip

Ll/Ls 0.5 0.555 0.625 0.67 0.71 0.83 1 1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8 2

Fm 0.9 0.88 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.8 0.75 0.75 0.69 0.63 0.6 0.57 0.51 0.45 Table 1

Coef. Of moments for short Span in column strip

Shear Reinforcement

Av=2*leg area
2* area for 1 bar from the table

the steel strength increase , the moment capacity of the section decreases?????? Why Design double reinforceed beam in separate sheet

Fc' Fy Stress Block depth () Coef.

21 Mpa 420 Mpa

c balance a balance a max

allowed by ACI (0.75 a b) -----------------------------------

0.850 0.593 0.504 *d

Minimum 0.85 0 .65

Max 0.85

cb=d*612 612+Fy because Es=2040000 While ACI equation is cb = d* 600 600+Fy because Fy =200000 Mpa

0.378 *d


Z=da/2=d(1a/2) Nc
(Concrete Compressive Force)

0.811 *d

M Max RU by ACI =(0.9*M)*f c *b*d Max Moment Allowed in the section (Ru*b*d)

0.321 f'c*d*b 0.261 f'c*b*d


units N, mm

4.925 b*d


allowed as per ACI 318 0.0161

for T-Beams, Ru table and the follwing formulas not applied beacsue the section is T not recatngualr
As min(Rectangualr Section) =1.4*b*d As min 0

As max (Rectangualr Section) max 0 As max 0 cm2 As used is within the

Concrete densityv kg/m3 Kn/m3 ton/m3 KN/m3

From in2 ft2 to mm2 m2 X 645 0.093


















149 153 157 161 165 169 173 177 181 185 189 193 197

9 2.55 4.53 7.07 11.95 18.10 25.53 34.23 44.20 55.44 72.41 102.11

2.83 5.03 7.86 13.28 20.11 28.36 38.03 49.11 61.60 80.46 113.46

9 1.77 3.47 10.18 13.86 22.91 28.29 40.73 47.80 63.64 81.75 91.65

1.96 3.85 11.31 15.40 25.46 31.43 45.26 53.11 70.71 90.83 101.83

neg M =-1/11

neg M =-1/11

Pos M =+1/16


Total As


-M=W*Ln 8 Extend Total As to 0.25 Span then bend 1/2

Total As

-M=W*Ln 8

+M=W*Ln 8


Load Distribution to Beams


B 6.25 m

c B m

Section CC

50 cm

b =25


The edge beams will be designed as a rectangualr section beam , while all interior ones desinged as TBeams

(S 1) Edge Slab


c 50 cm


25 cm
Section C-C

Short Beam design (B1) as Rectangualr Section

Fc' Fy
concrete Density

21 Mpa 420 Mpa 25 0.850 C


Stress Block depth () Coef. Column Section mm

Minimum 0.85 0 .65 0.35 m 6.25 m 5m 5.9 m 4.65 m

Max 0.85

Span in long Direction Ll Span in short Direction Net Span in long Direction Net Span in short Direction Ls LLn' Lsn'

for the purpose of load calcualtions, dimensions of beam section will be assumed as follwing:

h' b' d'= h'-concrete cover Concrete cover d'=

50 cm 25 cm 5 cm 45 cm

Load Calculations Wufrom slab to B1 =0.333*Slab Load*short Beam Span Slab Load 10.4 KN/m try to link this value to the slab Load calcs based on selecting Wufrom slab to B1 16.10388 KN/m 1way or 2 way slab , if not possible you can enter manually KN/m3 if concrete Density 25 B1 Self weight = h*b*concrete density 3.13 KN/m Ultimate self 4.38 KN/m weight(B1) Ultimate Total Load 20.48 KN/m (B1)

=- Km(neg)*W*L


=- Km(neg)*W*Lsn

From the ACI 318 ---------- the Moment Coef; Km as the follwing Km (neg) 1/10 -44.28 KN.m M(-ve) KN.m Mu(-ve) =M(-ve)/0.90 Mu(-ve) -49.20051 KN.m

M(+ve) Km (neg) M(+ve) Mu(+ve) Mu(+ve)

1/14 31.63 KN.m =M(+ve)/0.90 KN.m 35.143221 KN.m

since neg Moment is higher than positive one, -M will be used for reinforcement clacualtions

Mu(-ve)=Ru*b*d Max RU by ACI =(0.9*M)*fc *b*d therfore ( 44280458.28 d units N, mm

4.925 b*d 4.925 b*d

0 *1/b b (cm) 20 25 30 35 40 h (cm) 0 0 0 0 0 for check with Page 24 of the red book

d Min total Thickness Lsn/??

a max allowed by ACI (0.75 a b)

=As*fy 0.85*f'c*b 0.3780523 17.012355 0.8109738 36.493823 *d cm *d cm

a max
Z=d(1-a/2) Z=

Moment Reinforcement
As(-)= (-M) Fy*Z As(+)= +M Fy*Z 3.2099698 cm2

2.2928356 cm2

As min(Rectangualr Section) =1.4*b*d fy As min 3.75 cm2 As max (Rectangualr Section) = max*b*d max 0.0160672 As max 18.075627 cm2 As used is within the limit

use 2 dia 16 at the top the botom

a actual =As*fy

less than

a actual =As*fy

3.0211481 cm less than

17.01 cm


The Clear Spacing of bars in layer must not be less than nominal bar Dia or 4/3 of aggreragte size or 2.5 cm

Shear Reinforcement
according to ACI code the critical section for shear is at a distance equal to distance ( d) from support . Shear force at the supporting point =K1*w*Ln

K1 Vu(Force)= 47.61 KN

1/2 47.61 KN

0.45 m 2.325 m 47.61 KN Shear force at the critical Section (Vuc) Vuc
Shear force =Critical shear force X X-x''

38.40 KN

The concrete shear strength according to the ACI-99=0.17*(F'c)*b*d

Concrete shear strength

87.64 KN = Vuc-Concrete shear Strength

The shear Force must Carried by Stirrups

for shear , assume dia 8mm U stirrups @ 25 cm will be enough ,


64645.56 N 64.64556 KN

4 16

8@ 25 cm

3 16
Reinforcment Details of B1

Long Beam design (B2)

WB2=(0.333*Slab Load*Slab Short Span*(1.5- 0.5 )

D (Long span/short span ) 1.61 19.154295 KN/M 4.38 KN/M 23.53 KN/M D

W from slab to B2 Beam Self weight(Ultimate ) Total Ultimate load M(-) M ultimate (-) M(+)

=- Km(neg)*W*LLn

From the ACI 318 ---------- the Moment Coef; Km as the follwing Km (neg) 1/10 -81.91 KN.m M(-ve) KN.m Mu(-ve) =M(-ve)/0.90 Mu(-ve) -91.00609 KN.m M(+ve) Km (neg) M(+ve) Mu(+ve) Mu(+ve)

1/14 58.50 KN.m =M(+ve)/0.90 KN.m 65.004347 KN.m


since neg Moment is higher than positive one, -M will be used for reinforcement clacualtions

Moment Reinforcement
As(-)= (-M) Fy*Z

5.9374749 cm2

As(+)= +M Fy*Z

4.2410535 cm2

As min(Rectangualr Section) =1.4*b*d fy As min 3.75 cm2 As max (Rectangualr Section) = max*b*d max 0.0160672 As max 18.075627 cm2 As used is within the limit
use 4 dia 16 at the top 3 @ the botom

a actual =As*fy

5.5882117 cm less than

17.01 cm


The Clear Spacing of bars in layer must not be less than nominal bar Dia or 4/3 of aggreragte size or 2.5 cm

Shear Reinforcement
according to ACI code the critical section for shear is at a distance equal to distance ( d) from support . Shear force at the supporting point =K1*w*Ln

K1 Vu(Force)= 69.41 KN

1/2 69.41 KN


m 2.95 m 69.41 KN

Shear force at the critical Section (Vuc) Vuc

Shear force =Critical shear force X X-x''

58.82 KN

The concrete shear strength according to the ACI-99=0.17*(F'c)*b*d

Concrete shear strength

87.64 KN = Vuc-Concrete shear Strength

The shear Force must Carried by Stirrups

for shear reinforcement , assume dia 8mm U stirrups @ 25 cm will be enough , Av =1.006 cm2


64.65 KN 4 16

8@ 25 cm

3 16
Reinforcment Details of B1

Design of Internal Beams(B3, B4) as T Beams

Design of Internal Beams(B3, B4) as T Beams 4 m

(S 5) edge Slab (S1) Edge Slab

5 m

(S 2) intenal Slab



B4 0

6m m

c a 4 m 13 cm 50 cm 20 section a-a 13 50 cm 4m 20 cm section b-b Column Section mm Span in long Direction Span in short Direction Net Span in long Direction Net Span in short Direction Slab thickness C Ll Ls LLn' Lsn'
cm a B3B m

b c

3m (S 3) Edge Slab

6m (S 4) Edge Slab

Distribution of loads from slab to beams

0.35 m 6.25 m 5m 5.9 m 5.8 m 13 cm

for Symitrical monolithicaly cast T-Beams , the ACI code 318, section.. Limits the flange width not to exceed 1/4 the span of the beam and the effective overhanging slab width on each side of the web not to exceed. 1-8* slab thickness 2- 1/2 clear distance to the next web Therefore width of flange must be the smallest value of

calcualtionFlange width for short beam 228 cm 2*8*slab thickness+b web

half clear distance to the next web Span/4 The flange width will be

595 cm 145 cm 145 cm 50 cm

assume total depth (t)= d= h-cover- Stirrups- .5main steel

d= h-cover- Stirrups- .5main steel

43.2 cm

The initial value of arm should be obtained from the follwing two equations which ever gives larger.

assume a = thickness of flange (slab thickness)

13 cm

Z=0.9*d or
Z=d- a/2

38.88 cm 36.7 cm 38.88 cm

Take the larger

Short Beam design (B3) as T-beam

Load Calculations Slab Load 10.4 KN/m Wufrom (Slab to B3) =0.333*Slab Load*short Beam Span Wufrom S2 to B3 20.08656 KN/m Wufrom S4 to B3 20.08656 KN/m
if concrete Density B1 Self weight

KN/m3 25 = h*b*concrete density 2.50 KN/m

Ultimate self weight(B1) Ultimate Total Load (B1) M(-ve)

3.50 KN/m 43.67 KN/m

=- Km(neg)*W*Lsn

From the ACI 318 ---------- the Moment Coef; Km as the follwing Km (neg) 1/8 -183.65 KN.m M(-ve) =M(-ve)/0.90 KN.m Mu(-ve) Mu(-ve) -204.0505 KN.m M(+ve) Km (neg) M(+ve) Mu(+ve) Mu(+ve)

1/14 104.94 KN.m =M(+ve)/0.90 KN.m 116.6003 KN.m

since neg Moment is higher than positive one, -M will be considered for reinforcement clacualtions

First Trial As(-)= (-M) Fy*Z As (+) Nc = 0.85*F'c*a*bflange

Nt = As*Fy

12.49575 cm2

7.140426 cm2 3364.725 KN 524.8213 KN

Nc> Nt


If Nc > Nt , the beam can be desinged as rectangualr section beam with Flange width

If Nc > Nt , the beam can be desinged as rectangualr section beam with Flange width

a =As*fy 0.85*f'c*b

2.027707 cm Far from assumption , 2nd trial is required

Second Trial

Assume a = Z=d-a/2 As Check a for this As a is close to assumed one

use rebards --------------

1.927707 42.23615 cm 11.50281 cm2 1.866583 cm

Shear Reinforcement (B3)

according to ACI code the critical section for shear is at a distance equal to distance ( d) from support . Shear force at the supporting point =K1*w*Ln

K1 Vu(Force)= 126.65 KN

1/2 126.65 KN

0.432 m 2.9 m 126.65 KN Shear force at the critical Section (Vuc) Vuc
Shear force =Critical shear force X X-x''

107.79 KN

The concrete shear strength according to the ACI-99=0.17*(F'c)*b*d

Concrete shear strength

67.31 KN Vuc-Concrete shear Strength =

The shear Force must Carried by Stirrups

40.48 KN

for shear , assume dia 8mm U stirrups @ 25 cm will be enough ,

Vst Vst > Required

62.06 KN OK

Long Beam design (B4) as T-beam

Long Beam design (B4)

calcualtionFlange width for long T beam 228 cm 2*8*slab thickness+b web
half clear distance to the next web

440 cm 147.5 cm 147.5 cm 50 cm 43.2 cm

Span/4 The flange width will be assume total depth (t)= d= h-cover- Stirrups- .5main steel

The initial value of arm should be obtained from the follwing two equations which ever gives larger.

assume a = thickness of flange (slab thickness)

13 cm

Z=0.9*d or
Z=d- a/2

38.88 cm 36.7 cm 38.88 cm

Take the larger

Load Calculations

WB4=(0.333*Slab Load*Slab Short Span*(1.5- 0.5 )

D (Long span/short span ) S2 1.03 20.424125 KN/M

W from S2 W from S3

to B4

D (Long span/short span )

to B4

4 14.2857 KN/M = h*b*concrete density

3.50 KN/m

Beam Self weight(Ultimate )

B4 self wt = = Total Ultimate load

38.21 KN/M


=- Km(neg)*W*LLn

From the ACI 318 ---------- the Moment Coef; Km as the follwing Km (neg) 1/10 -133.01 KN.m M(-ve) KN.m Mu(-ve) =M(-ve)/0.90 Mu(-ve) -147.7871 KN.m

M(+ve) Km (neg) M(+ve) Mu(+ve) Mu(+ve)

1/14 95.01 KN.m =M(+ve)/0.90 KN.m 105.56222 KN.m


since neg Moment is higher than positive one, -M will be used for reinforcement clacualtions

Moment Reinforcement
First Trial As(-)= (-M) Fy*Z As (+)
Nc = 0.85*F'c*a*bflange Nt = As*Fy

9.050259 cm2

6.464471 cm2 3422.738 KN 380.1109 KN

Nc> Nt


If Nc > Nt , the beam can be desinged as rectangualr section beam with Flange width

a =As*fy 0.85*f'c*b

1.44371 cm Far from assumption , 2nd trial is required

Second Trial

Assume a = Z=d-a/2 As

1.34371 42.52814 cm 7.44652 cm2

Check a for this #DIV/0! use -----------at As the top and ---------@ the botom cm a is close to assumed one

The Clear Spacing of bars in layer must not be less than nominal bar Dia or 4/3 of aggreragte size or 2.5 cm

Shear Reinforcement
according to ACI code the critical section for shear is at a distance equal to distance ( d) from support . Shear force at the supporting point =K1*w*LLn

K1 Vu(Force)= 112.72 KN

1/2 112.72 KN


m 2.95 m 112.72 KN

Shear force =Critical shear force

Shear force at the critical Section (Vuc) Vuc

Shear force =Critical shear force X X-x''

96.21 KN

The concrete shear strength according to the ACI-99=0.17*(F'c)*b*d

Concrete shear strength

67.31 KN = Vuc-Concrete shear Strength

The shear Force must Carried by Stirrups


for shear , assume dia 8mm U stirrups @ 25 cm will be enough , Av =1.006 cm2 Vst Vst > Required 71.83 KN OK
4 16

8@ 25 cm

3 16
Reinforcment Details of B1


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