Nama:Hanes Andriani T.P/F3212037/M.P.B/Upt B Andika Kurniawan
Nama:Hanes Andriani T.P/F3212037/M.P.B/Upt B Andika Kurniawan
Nama:Hanes Andriani T.P/F3212037/M.P.B/Upt B Andika Kurniawan
20022005 Operations Director 1. Provide management and support to staff so that they achieve the maximum performance in the world of work 2. Provide facilities for staff so that they are able to create an excellent customer service 3. Maintain full benefits and accountability of losses up to $ 5 million and then achieve revenue growth by more than 10% each year 4. Improve marketing management for companies and reduce losses 5. Enabling a 5% increase of the actual gross margin in one year through the implementation of staff work in incentive scheme Education and Qualifications S-1 Degree Economic Management of CFR University S-1 Degree Economic Management of CFR University Professional Development Management Development software Effective Management of industry Marketing Management skills Appraisal Training of Management Presentation Skills through a High Technology Team Work Building Finance for Non-financial Managers Creativity Training IT Skills Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Internet, Blog, Online Marketing and Email Personal Details Driving Licence : Full/Clean Health : Excellent; non-smoker Interests: Computer, Blogging, Golf
PT Pesona Metropolitan Perusahaan Bergerak di bidang Pengembang Perumahan membutuhkan beberapa Staf Accounting yang kompeten dibidangnya. Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan: Diisi dengan tanggung jawab pekerjaan : - Melakukan audit data -data pemasukan dan pengeluaran - Mengatur data-data client - dll Persyaratan Pengalaman: Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang akutansi diutamakan Keahlian: Diisi dengan keahlian yang dibutuhkan, contoh : - Menguasai Sistem Accurate - Menguasai Microsoft Office - Dll Kualifikasi: Diisi dengan kualifikasi pekerjaan, contoh : - Wanita, - Usia 20 25 tahun
Sebagai contoh, anda adalah seorang manajer di sebuah perusahaan penjualan handphone dan elektronik. Saat ini, anda akan menulis sebuah memo yang ditujukan kepada semua karyawan. Isi memo tersebut adalah permintaan kepada seluruh bawahan anda dalam rangka menghadiri acara perpisahan dari salah satu anggota staf.
Official memo
To: All Employees From: Muhammad Lutfi, Manager Date: June 21st, 2013 Subject: Farewell Ceremony
It is used to tell you all that the farewell ceremony in honor of Aldi Dafian, Assistant Manager, will be held at 07:00 PM on June 25, 2013. All people in this company are required to attend the ceremony.