Java Syllabus

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Core Java
1. Java Fundamentals: History JDK and JRE Byte Codes and JVM(Java Virtual Machine) Platform Independent Applications and Applets Principles of OOPs First Java Application Variables and Constants Arithmetic Operators and Expressions Type Conversion in Java Comments in Java (3 types) Java's Control Statements if if-else do-while while for Increment and Decrement Operators Escape Sequence Characters Relational and Logical Operators Ternary Operator switch case break Bitwise Operators Arrays - Single and Multi Dimensional 2. Java Classes and Methods: The General Form of a Class Constructor and Method Overloading The new Operator Garbage Collection finalize method Command Line Arguments The System Class Instance methods and variables Static keyword Inner Class/Nested Classes

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String Class Math Class Wrapper Classes 3. Inheritance: Single and Multilevel Call by value and Call by reference Method Overriding this and super keyword Abstract and Final Classes 4. Interfaces and Packages: Multiple Inheritance Interface Inheritance Instance of operator Creating Packages and subpackages import statement Access Specifiers 5. Exceptions: Throwable - Exception and Error Checked and Unchecked Exceptions Five keywords - try, catch, finally, throw, throws Nested Exception 6. Collections: The Random Class The Date Class The Calendar and Gregorian Calendar Class Set - TreeSet and HashSet List - LinkedList and ArrayList Vector Iterator Stack Map - TreeMap and HashMap Hashtable StringTokenizer

7. Multi-Threading: Multitasking vs. Multithreading Life Cycle of a Thread

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Creating Thread Thread Priorities, Joins and Sleep method Synchronization Deadlock

8. I/O Package: Overview of I/O Streams Files and Directories Byte and Character Streams Random Access File Object Serialization 9. Assertions:

Introduction Putting Assertions in Code Enabling and Disabling Assertions

Advance java
1. Introduction

Introduction of this course

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Java EE Overview

2. Web Core Technologies: Servlet and JSP Web Application Structure

Servlet Basics JSP Basics Using NetBeans for Developing Web Applications Servlet Advanced Session Tracking Expression Language JSP 1.2 Custom Tags JSP 2.0 Custom Tags JSTL Building Bookstore sample applications Applet




4. Web-tier Security

Security Basics Web Application Security SSL Web Application Security Threats and Counter-measures

5. Struts

MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework

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Struts Basics Step by Step Guide for Building a Simple Struts application Struts Sample Applications Struts Tags Struts Advanced Struts Validation Framework Tiles Framework Struts Testing, Debugging, Logging, and Performance Struts Best Practices Struts and Databases Struts Security

6. Struts 2

Struts 2 Basics Struts 2 and Ajax () Struts 2 and Tiles Struts 2 and view technologies

JavaServer Faces (JSF) 1. JSF basics I

Building "Hello World" JSF applications Step by step guideline for building "Guess a Number" JSF application JSF basics JSF Component Model JSF tags


JSF basics II

Managed Beans

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Page navigation Event model Life-cycle and PhaseListener Immediat flag Styling with CSS JSF 2.0



Validation Client side validation





Data tables

Data table JSF and Persistence


Sample apps

Walk-through of Car store sample application Walk-through of Bookstore sample application Building some JSF sample applications



Tiles overview


Using JSF-enabled IDE

Net Beans Visual Web Pack basics Net Beans Visual Web Pack advanced


Building JSF components

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Building a JSF component Render Kit Building useful components


Related frameworks

Face lets Shale dialog Spring Web flow and JSF Spring framework and JSF Seam JSF Templating ()


3rd-party JSF components


Misc components Wookstock JSF components

Wookstock components Building Woodstock components () Wookstock components and Ajax ()


JSF and Ajax

Ajax Basics Building Ajax applications DynaFaces Ajax4jsf


Ice Faces



JSF and Portal/Portlets

JSF and Portlets

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3. Testing and Debugging tools

Testing tools




8. Other Web-tier Frameworks


Shale (The next generation Struts/JSF) Tapestry Echo2 Wicket Comparing various Java Web Application frameworks

EJB 2.x

EJB 2.x Overview JMS Session Beans Entity Beans

9. Java EE 5, EJB 3.0, Java Persistence API (JPA)

Introduction to Java EE 5 EJB 3.0

EJB 3.0 Enterprise Beans Overview


Java Persistence API (JPA) Basics Java Persistence API (JPA) Mapping Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL) Java Persistence API Advanced Java Persistence API (JPA) Transaction

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10. Design patterns, Best practices, Performance tuning, etc

Java EE Design patterns Performance tuning UML



Hibernate Step by Step Hibernate Basics Hibernate Mapping Hibernate Support in Net Beans IDE 6.5 Hibernate Query Language Hibernate Transaction and Concurrency Hibernate Interceptors and Events Hibernate Join Fetch

12. Spring framework

Spring framework basics

Refactoring Hello World application using Spring framework Spring framework Dependency Injection Basics Spring framework Dependency Injection Advanced

Spring framework and persistence

Spring framework and Hibernate Spring framework and JPA

Spring framework Web-tier technologies

Spring MVC Spring Web Flow Spring integration with Struts

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Spring integration with JSF

Spring AOP

Spring AOP Basics

Spring framework and J2EE (JMS) Spring framework and Web Services Spring and Transaction ()


Advanced Spring framework Spring Pet Clinic Sample applications Acegi security with Spring framework Spring and testing ()


Portlets and Portal

Portlet Basics

SIR Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

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