Theo Syllabus
Theo Syllabus
Theo Syllabus
Course Objectives:
1. To examine the nature, (several) methods, vocabulary and discourse of Christian theology from a Catholic, yet also ecumenical, perspective. 2. To examine central texts, both biblical and theological, of the Christian tradition with an eye towards critical interpretive tools. 3. To develop an understanding of the basic teachings of Christianity especially as enshrined in major creeds and expressed through rituals, the arts, and living. 4. To explore the historical evolution of Christianity highlighting the Latin West. 5. To deepen knowledge of and appreciation for the essentially symbolic and metaphoric nature of all religious discourse.
Required Texts:
1. People of God: The History of Catholic Christianity Author: Anthony E Gilles. Publisher: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2000. ISBN: 13 978-0-86716-363-6. This is available in the university bookstore. 2. The Bible - Use the following link to access the Bible on-line: (purchase not necessary)
3. The Documents of Vatican II - Use the following link to access the Documents of Vatican II: (purchase not necessary) 4. Catechism of the Catholic Church - Use the following link to access the Catechism of the Catholic Church: (purchase not necessary)
Suggested Text:
5. Theological Dictionary - For those not familiar with theological terms a theological dictionary may be helpful; here are links to two sites:; (purchase not necessary)
B. Tests - 20%
There will be 4 tests taken over the course of the semester. They will be based on the readings, discussions, PowerpPoint presentations and other materials provided for the various topics.
C. Projects - 30% 1. Art: This component will be 15% of your overall grade for the semester. Please see separate
2. Church visitation or Media Viewing: This component will be 15% of your overall grade
for the semester. Please see separate sheet.
Instructors Information:
E mail address: [email protected].