Harry Potter Spells
Harry Potter Spells
Harry Potter Spells
The name of the object can be stated, though it often is unnecessary; a "Banishing Charm." Ablattero ah-BLAH-terr-oh Causes the victim to babble incoherently and incessantly. Abludificus ab-loo-DIFF-ih-kus When cast on an item, prevents anyone from "cheating" with that item. Often cast on exam quills. Acalanthus ahk-ah-LAN-thus Temporarily transfigures an object into a giant canary. Accio AK-ee-oh Summons an object. The name of the object can be stated, though it often is unnecessary; a "Summoning Charm." Accetus AK-eh-tus When cast on a person, everything they eat or drink tastes like vinegar. Sturnerosa STUR-ner-oh-sa When cast on a person, everything they eat or drink tastes like vinegar. Accresco Momentum ak-RESS-ko mo-MEN-tum Increases the speed of a falling object. Acroasus ak-ro-ASS-us Magically reads a text aloud. Adesse ad-ESS-ay Causes the victim to suddenly raise their hand. Adhero ad-HEER-oh Adheres two objects together. Aeneus ay-NAY-us Causes an object to be made of bronze. Affligo ah-FLIG-oh Strikes a person, as if a blow were made. Agitantus agg-ih-TAN-tus Causes a person to feel as if they are being constantly followed. Agnifors AGG-nih-fors Transfigures an object into a lamb. Agrestus ag-RESS-tus Transfigures an object into a random barn animal. Aguamenti AH-gwa-MEN-tee Conjures a jet of clear water from the caster's wand. Alarte Ascendare ah-LAR-tay as-en-DAR-ay Causes an object to shoot up into the air. Alectiplectus ah-lek-tee-PLEK-tus Produces a parachute from the end of one's wand. Alohomora al-o-ho-MOR-ah Unlocks an object.
Alveus al-VAY-us Hollows an object. Alveusio al-VOOZ-ee-oh Creates a sizable hole in an object. Amitteo ah-MIT-ee-oh Causes the victim to misplace the first object they come in contact with, or are holding. Anakatus ah-NAK-ah-tus Dazes the victim. Anapneo ah-NAP-nay-oh Clears the target's airway, should it be blocked. Anataracus an-ah-tir-AK-us Prevents an object from being stolen. Anaticula an-ah-TIK-yoo-la Causes the victim's wand to emit ducks whenever a spell is cast. Animum Pulsare AHN-ee-mum pul-SARR-ay Stabilizes a heartbeat. Animum Quiesce AHN-ee-mum kwee-ESS-kay Slows down or, if so desired, halts the heartbeat. Not as dangerous as Avada Kedavra, as it can be easily reversed. Aniskey an-ISS-key Sobers a person. Ansalactus an-suh-LAK-tus Causes an object to sprout handles. Anserrus an-SERR-us Causes the victim to honk like a goose. Appareo ah-PAR-ee-oh Causes an invisible item to become visible. Aparecium ah-par-EE-see-um Makes invisible ink visible. Apiscus ah-PISS-cus Inanimates a magically animated object. Appicus AP-ih-cus Conjures a bee, or swarm of bees. Apsius AP-see-us Rakes leaves. Arachnifors ar-AK-ni-fors Transfigures an object into a large spider. Arania Exumai ar-AHN-ee-ah EKS-oo-may Casts a spider backwards. Arbusto ar-BUS-toh Causes a tree to suddenly sprout from the ground. Arceo ar-KAY-oh Locks a lock. Arcus ARK-us Shoots an arrow, or arrows, from the caster's wand. Aresco ah-RES-koh Dries an object. Arresto Momentum ah-RESS-to mo-MEN-tum Slows the descent of a falling object. Arretica ah-RET-ik-ah Throws a net from one's wand.
Arricneo ah-RIK-nee-oh The "Bucking Bronco Hex," causes an object to attempt to throw a person off of itself. Can be cast on chairs, rugs, brooms, animals. Arroncalus ah-RON-kal-us Causes the victim to snore. When cast on a snorer, causes the snoring to cease. Ascendio ah-SEN-dee-oh Causes the caster to shoot upwards. Astrapicus as-TRAP-ihk-us Causes lightning to strike an object, or person. Attero AH-terro One of the two "Backfiring Jinxes." Causes the victim's wand to either explode or snap in two, should the victim cast another spell. Auctus AHK-tus Enlarges an object. Aures Radiculae AHR-ays rad-IK-yoo-lay Causes radishes to fall out of the victim's ears. Avada Kedavra ah-VAH-dah kah-DAH-vruh The "Killing Curse"; foremost of the unforgivable curses. Avifors ah-VIH-fors Transfigures an object into a bird. Avis AH-vis Conjures a flock of small, twittering birds. Balatus ba-LAT-us Causes the victim to bleat. Barbulus BAR-byoo-lus Causes the victim to grow a thick beard. Barlabio bar-LAB-ee-oh Causes the victim to sprout a mustache. Barricus BAR-ik-us Transfigures the victim's head into a that of an elephant. Bombarda bom-BAR-dah Blasts open a door. Bracteus BRAK-tee-us Conjures a hard, thin sheet of metal. Briaro bree-AR-oh Causes an arm to sprout from an object, or person. Broccium [latin object] BRO-kee-um Causes an area to rain the uttered object. For example, Broccium Bufo rains toads; Broccium Bracco rains stones; and Broccium Cruento rains blood. Bumastus boo-MASS-tus Causes vines to spring from the earth and bind the victim. Caeco KAY-ko Gums up the victim's eyes. Caeruleus say-ROOL-ee-us Turns an object blue.
Calathus ca-LATH-us Conjures a wicker basket. Callesco cal-ESS-koh Heats an object. Calloselasma cal-oh-sell-ASS-ma Transfigures an object into a group of snakes. Campestus cam-PES-tus Flattens uneven terrain. Capacus ca-PAHK-us Causes an object to be easier to grasp; a "Gripping Charm." Capaxo ca-PAKS-oh Increases the internal dimensions of the target object without affecting the external dimensions. Caprifors CAP-rih-fors Transfigures an object into a goat. Capripes ca-PREE-pays Transfigures the victim's legs into that of a goat, much like a faun. Carpe Retractum CAR-pay re-TRAKT-um Pulls an object toward the caster, or vice versa. Caspisso cas-PISS-oh Thickens hair. Castreo CASS-tree-oh Causes a blow to the crotch. Generally only effective on males. Cattacrimsi cat-ah-CRIM-see Increases the intensity of weather, i.e. turns a drizzle into a torrential downpour; turns snowfall into a blizzard. Cave Inimicum CAH-vay in-ih-ME-cum An "Intruder-Repelling Charm." Prevents unwanted people from entering a certain area. Cerresco cer-ESS-koh Conjures wax. Cervifors SIR-vih-fors Causes antlers to sprout from the victim's head. Cirratus sir-AHT-us Curls hair. Claudicus CLAW-dik-us Causes the victim to limp. Clavesco cla-VES-koh Conjures a copy of a random existing key in the world. Practically useless, due to the extremely low chance of conjuring the needed copy. Cochlifors COK-li-fors Transfigures an object into a snail. Coclassus cok-LASS-us Places a bubble over the caster's head, so that they may breathe clean air; the "Bubble-Head Charm." Colloportus col-oh-POR-tus Seals a door.
Complectus com-PLEKT-us Strengthens the caster's grip on his wand. Compressus com-PRESS-us Compresses an object, or objects. Condolesco cond-oh-LES-co Causes the victim to experience a splitting migraine. Confringo con-FRIN-joh Causes an object to violently explode. Confundus con-FUN-dus The "Confundus Charm," confuses and/or disorients the victim. Conjectio con-JEKT-ee-oh Causes an object to be thrown in a random direction. Conjunctivitus con-junk-tih-VITE-us The "Conjunctivituis Curse," blinds the victim. Conjurus [latin object] CON-jer-us Low-level conjuring magic, used in tandem with an existing spell. For example, Plectrum conjures a quill. Conjurus Plectrum, thus, conjures a quill for a less adept caster. Consenesco con-seh-NESS-koh Heals wounds. Contralectus con-tra-LEK-tus Throws the victim from their seat. Convello CON-vell-oh Wrenches one object away from another. Cornifors CORN-if-ors Causes the victim to sprout horns. Corycus COR-ih-cus Conjures a sand-bag. Corymbus cor-IM-bus Conjures a basket of fruit. Crucio CROO-shee-oh An "Unforgivable Curse"; tortures the victim. Cruento croo-EN-toh Conjures blood. Decerpo dek-AIR-po Strips ripe fruit from a tree and arranges them gently in a waiting receptacle. Dedactus de-DAK-tus Removes fingers. Defenestra def-en-ESS-tra Prevents anyone from looking through a window from the outside. Defloccatus de-FLOK-ah-tus Causes the victim to become completely hairless. Defodio de-FOH-dee-oh Carves deep gouges in an object. Defoleo de-FOHL-ee-oh Removes leaves from a plant.
Defundo de-FUN-do Causes it to rain. Dehiscus de-HIS-kus Splits something down the middle. Deletrius de-LEE-tree-us Deletes, or erases, something. Delitesco del-ee-TESS-koh Moves an object out of view. Descelestus desk-uh-LESS-tus Reverses the effects of character-altering magic; potions, spells, etc. Devesto de-VESS-toh Rips away the victim's clothing. Defervesco def-er-VESS-koh Stops a liquid from boiling. Defloresco def-lor-ESS-koh Causes a plant to wither. Denopso de-NOP-soh Cures stuttering. Densaugeo den-SAW-jee-oh A hex to enlarge the teeth of a person. Depasco deh-PAS-koh Causes the victim to become insatiably hungry. Depello de-PELL-oh Causes the victim to flee. Depesius dee-PEE-see-us Causes the victim's legs to suddenly give out. Depestime deh-PESS-tee-may Causes a Muggle device to malfunction. Depilio deh-PIL-ee-oh Strips a bird of its feathers. Deprimus DEH-prih-mus Causes an intense downward pressure. Depulso deh-PULS-oh Throws an object backwards; a "Banishing Charm." Derectus der-EK-tus Unstraightens an object. Descendo de-SEN-doh Causes an object to move downward. Desiccatio de-sik-AHT-ee-oh Removes liquid; useful for drying. When cast on a living thing, however, it severely dehydrates it. Despius DES-pee-us Causes the victim to drool uncontrollably. Detabulus de-TAB-yoo-lus Makes an object unplottable. Deterrio de-TAIR-ee-oh Causes the victim to panic and flee. Detrecto de-TREK-toh Causes sharp, intense pain to anyone touching the target of this spell. Devincio de-VINS-ee-oh Ties, binds, or fastens an object.
Diccatero dih-KATT-er-oh Prevents the victim from swearing; replaces any uttered swear word with a random, silly substitution. Dictarus DIK-terr-us Causes a quill to write anything that is dictated to it. Diffindo dih-FIN-doh Rips an object, or causes two objects to separate. Direptus dih-REPT-us Trashes a room. Dissemino dih-SEM-in-oh Causes a receptacle to spread it's contents over a certain area, e.g. pours a bag of fertilizer across a field; applies a bucket of fly repellent to livestock. Dimentica dim-ENT-ica Sucks out the happiness out of a living thing, much like dementors do. Dimentica Maxima dim-ENT-ica MAX-ima Sucks out one's soul, leaving an empty shell, that is only your body. much like a dementor's kiss. Dissocio di-SOH-shee-oh Moves two things apart. Doloricus do-LOR-ick-us Opens an object. Draconifors dra-CON-ih-fors Transfigures an object into a small dragon. Dumosus du-MOHS-us Covers an object with thorns. Duresco dur-ESS-koh Hardens an object. Duro DOO-roh Turns an object to stone. Eburneus eb-URN-ee-us Transfigures an object into ivory. Effasmus eh-FAS-mus Conjures spider webs. Efflio EF-lee-oh Casts a concentrated burst of gale-force winds from the caster's wand. Effodio eff-ODE-ee-oh Gouges out an item, e.g. an eye, or entrails. Effundo eff-UN-doh Pours a liquid-bearing receptacle (a cup, pitcher). Emungo ee-MUNJ-oh Causes the nose to spew out its contents. Engorgio en-GORJ-ee-oh An "Engorgement Charm," causes the target of the spell to enlarge, or swell up. Ennervate en-NER-vate Revives an unconscious person. Entabesco en-TA-bess-ko Preserves food; prevents spoiling. Epastus ep-ASS-tus Removes hunger. Epileptus ep-ee-LEP-tus Causes an object to rapidly flash different colors.
Episkey ep-IS-key Heals minor wounds, e.g. a broken nose. Eradicus eh-RAD-ik-us Pulls up a plant by its roots. Erecto e-REK-toh Erects a structure, e.g. a tent. Erpetesco er-pih-TES-koh Transfigures an object into a snake. [latin object] Eructo eh-RUK-to Issues a jet of liquid from the caster's wand. The liquid is dependent on the uttered subject; Aqua Eructo issues a jet of water, Cruenta Eructo issues a jet of blood, etc. Eruo AIR-oo-oh Rips an object out of the ground. Erupto ee-RUP-toh Causes a geyser of lava to erupt from the earth. Esserio ess-AIR-ee-oh Throws a random fruit or vegetable (inclusive of grapes, pumpkins, tomatoes) from the caster's wand. Evanesco ev-in-ESK-oh Causes an object to vanish. Everberus ev-AIR-ber-us Conjures a magical fist that strikes the victim. Everte Statum ee-VER-tay STAH-tum Throws the victim backwards. Excresco eks-KRES-koh Causes a geyser to erupt from the ground. Exomento ekso-MEN-toh Causes the victim to suddenly and violently loose their bowels. The eloquently named "Poo Hex." Exordium eks-OR-dee-um Conjures a large spider web. Exosseo eks-OSS-ee-oh Removes bones from the victim. Expecto Patronum ex-PEKT-oh pah-TRONE-um Conjures a patronus. Expelliarmus ex-pelli-ARM-us Disarms, or throws back, the victim. Expople eks-POP-lay Reverses the victim's knees. Exposco eks-POS-ko Throws the caster's wand from his hand. Expulso eks-PULS-oh Causes an object to violently explode. Expungeo ek-SPUN-joh Erases text. Extaspectus eks-tah-SPEKT-us Prevents anyone from noticing or seeing an item. It does not cause the item to disappear, but it appears invisible to anyone other than the caster. It remains wholly tangible. Extabesco eks-tah-BESK-oh Causes an object, or a person, to disappear and then reappear somewhere else. The reapparition of the victim is
anomolous and random; they can reappear inches from where they once were, or thousands of miles away. Extaviscus eks-tah-VISK-us The infamous "Entrail-Expelling Curse." Exsecracus eks-SEK-ra-cus Causes the victim to spew random insults; also can be cast on quills. The victim does not notice the effect of the spell. Exsterco eks-TAIR-koh Causes insects to be intensely attracted to the victim. Exstinxi eks-TINK-see Extinguishes something, typically a fire. Exuvai EKS-oo-vay Skins an animal. Fascius FASH-ee-us Conjures bandages. Fax FAKS Issues a steady stream of small flame from the tip of the caster's wand, creating an effect similar to a torch. Fera Verto FAIR-uh VAIR-toh Transfigures an object into a goblet. Ferula fer-OOL-ah Conjures a wooden rod. Fervensus fer-VEN-sus Intensely heats an object. Often used to cook food, though it can be used as an offensive spell. Fettio FET-ee-oh Causes an object to emit a horrible smell. Finite Incantatem fin-EE-tay in-can-TAH-tem Reverses, or ceases, the effects of a spell. May be shortened to Finite. Flabro FLAH-bro Conjures a sudden gust of wind. Flagrante flah-GRAN-tay Causes an object to burn human skin whenever touched. Flagrate flah-GRAH-tay Enables the caster to draw lines of fire with their wand. Flecto FLEK-toh Bends or curves an object. Flexipe fleks-EE-pay Gives the victim club foot. Flipendo flih-PEN-do Strikes an object with mild intensity. Floresco flor-ESK-oh Causes a plant to grow. Florifors FLOR-if-ors Transfigures an object into a flower. Fotorreo fo-TORR-ee-oh Causes the victim to smell incredibly bad; the "Stinking Hex."
Frendo FREN-doh Magically grinds a blade, sharpening it. Frigesco FRIJ-ess-koh Chills an object. Funestus fun-ESS-tus Causes the victim to feel extremely sad. Funisio fyoo-NEEZ-ee-oh Ties a knot in an object, typically a rope or chord. Furnunculus fur-NUNK-yoo-lus Causes the victim to sprout boils all over. Fusco FUSS-koh Fogs glass/mirrors/etcetera. Futtilus fuh-TIH-lus Causes an object to become brittle. Gelesco gel-ESS-koh Adheres the victim's feet to the ground. Geminio jeh-MIN-ee-oh Duplicates an object. Glacius GLAY-shee-us Freezes an object. Glisseo GLIS-ee-oh Causes a flight of stairs to flatten, forming a type of ramp or chute. Globifors GLAA-bih-fors Spell which pours colorful non-bursting bubbles out of the caster's wand. Generally for decorative purposes. Gravesco grah-VESK-oh Causes an object to become unbearably heavy. Harrundo ha-RUN-doh Causes reeds to shoot out of a body of water and bind the victim. Haurifors HOR-ih-fors Transfigures the victim's head into that of a hawk. Hedera he-DAIR-ah Causes ivy to grow from, or on, an object. Hinnuleus heh-noo-LAY-us Transfigures an object into a deer. Hippurus HIP-ur-us Transfigures an object into a fish of comparable size. Homenum Revelio HOM-eh-num reh-VEL-ee-oh Reveals human presence in the vicinity of the caster. Homorphus hom-ORF-us Causes a Werewolf to revert to human form for a few seconds. Homunculus ho-MUNK-yoo-lus Shrinks the victim. Illegibilus ih-LEJ-ih-bil-us Causes text to become gibberish. Reversed by Legibilus. Immobulus im-OH-byoo-lus Freezes objects where they are.
Impedimenta im-ped-ee-MENT-ah Either freezes or throws back the victim. Imperio im-PEER-ee-oh Allows the caster of obtain control of the victim. An "Unforgivable Curse." Imperturbatum im-per-ter-BAY-tum Creates a barrier that sounds, objects, and people cannot cross. Impervius im-PERR-vee-us Makes an object resistant to water. Imprecari im-pre-KAR-ee "Antonin Dolohov's Curse", a Dark curse often used by Death Eater Antonin Dolohov. Cast using a slashing movement with the wand, causing a streak of purple flame to hit the target. Potentially lethal. Used by Dolohov on Hermione Granger during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. Incarcerous in-CAR-ser-us Summons ropes that immediately bind the victim. Incendio in-SEND-ee-oh Casts a fireball. Infensus in-FEN-sus Enrages an animal, or person. Infragilus in-FRAJ-ill-us Makes an object unbreakable. Infrendeo in-FREN-dee-oh Removes teeth. Inlutulentus in-loo-too-LEN-tus Dries mud into earth. Inopso in-OPS-oh Causes the victim to stutter. Insideo in-SID-ee-oh Prevents the victim from disapparating. Intepestus in-teh-PES-tus Causes the victim to vomit uncontrollably. Komodoensis (kom-OH-do-EN-sis) - Conjures a Komodo dragon Laetificus lay-TIFF-ih-cus Causes the victim to act exceedingly happy. Laceus LAY-shee-us Casts a rope from one's wand, which can be coiled or ensared around something. Lapidosus lah-pih-DOH-sis Summons a cloud of stones that hurl themselves incessently at the victim. Largus Watri (Lar-JUS Wat-REE) - conjures a wave of water. Langlock LANG-lok Causes the victim's tongue to be glued to the top of their mouth.
Legilibus le-JILL-eh-bus Makes jumbled text legible. Counter-spell to Illegibilus. Legilimens leg-ILL-ihm-ens Allows the caster to read the victim's mind, albeit with no control over what is seen. Non-verbal Legilimency is a more precise practice. Lentesco len-TES-koh Softens an object. Lepifors LEH-pih-fors Transfigures an object into a rabbit. Levicorpus lev-ee-CORP-us Dangles the victim in mid-air from their ankle. Libaugeo lib-AAH-jee-oh Causes the victim's lips to swell in size. Liberacorpus lib-erra-CORP-us Frees a suspended body. Counter-spell to Levicorpus. Lingaugeo lin-GAA-jee-oh Causes the victim's tongue to swell up. Locomotor [english object] lo-KO-mo-tor Causes the uttered object (e.g. Locomotor Trunk) to travel through the air. It may be steered by the caster. Locomotor Mortis lo-KO-mo-tor MOR-tis Causes the victim's legs to lock together. The "Leg-Locker Curse." Lumos loo-MOS Causes the caster's wand to emit light, similar to a torch. May be extinguished by the spell Nox. Lutulentus luh-tuh-LEN-tus Turns earth into mud. Lyssacus LIS-ah-cus Causes the victim to foam at the mouth. Mactus MAK-tus Causes an object to glow. Madidus mah-DEE-dus Drenches the victim with water. Manifesto man-ih-FES-toh Returns a transfigured object to it's original state. Also works on Animagi. Marmimicus mar-MIM-ih-cuss Transfigures the victim into a statue. Marmora mar-MORR-ah Transfigures something into marble. Massalus MASS-ah-lus Replaces the victim's teeth with a set of dentures. Medimento med-ee-MEN-to Seals a wound. Mellicus MELL-ih-cuss Causes the victims to suddenly act as if they are in a musical. They will break out in song and dance for as long as the charm is not reversed.
Melisculus me-LISS-kyoo-lus Makes a person feel better; does not heal anything. Mendaflesco men-da-FLES-koh A "Flame-Freezing Charm." Causes flame to tickle the caster, rather than burn. Mercimonium mer-kee-MOH-nee-um When cast on a container, conjures a parchment listing the container's inventory. Merdesco mer-DESS-koh Causes the victim to excessively produce excrement. Meteolojinx Recanto mee-tee-OH-lo-jinks re-CAN-toh Halts most meteorological spells. Migmus MIG-mus Blends a concoction. Milvus MIL-vus Trails a kite from the end of one's wand. Mobili[latin object] mo-BILL-ee Moves the uttered object. Popular variations include Mobiliarbus and Mobilicorpus. Mobiliarbus mo-BILL-ee arr-BUS Moves a tree. Mobilicorpus mo-BILL-ee COR-pus Moves a body. Moneo mo-NAY-oh Reverses minor memory-altering magic. Morsmordre mors-MORD Casts the Dark Mark. Muffliato muf-lee-AHT-oh Fills the ears of anyone near the caster with an unidentifiable buzzing, making it difficult to hear things. Mulceo MUL-kee-oh Calms an animal. Mulsus MUL-sus Sweetens food. Muscifors MUS-kih-fors Transfigures an object into a mouse. Musso MUSS-oh Prevents the victim from speaking any louder than a whisper. Musticus MUS-tih-cus Transfigures an object into a ferret. Myrmicus MER-mih-cus Conjures ants. Naugeo NAA-jee-oh Causes the victim's nose to grow in size. Nefastus neh-FASS-tus Causes the victim to suddenly vomit and defecate profusely. Nemesco nem-ESS-koh Conjures a short burst of wind.
Nemmio NEM-ee-oh Causes the victim to forget their name. Nepacus NEH-pa-cus Transfigures the victim's hands into lobster claws. Nescindo neh-SIN-doh One of the two "Backfiring Jinxes." Typically causes harm to the caster, although the produced effect is totally random. Effects are inclusive of -- but not limited to -- the caster growing a mustache, turning blue, shrinking, transfiguring, shooting into the air, disapparating, frowning, exploding violently, losing appendages, and even dying. A common result is that their wand breaks, as in Attero. Nimbus NIM-bus Shrouds an area in a thick fog. Niveus niv-AY-us Conjures snow. Nobiscus no-BISK-us Enchants an object to follow the caster, or another person. Nomisma no-MIS-mah Conjures galleons that disappear after a period of time. Also known as "Leprechaun's Gold." Norricto nor-RIKT-oh Causes skin to grow over the victim's mouth, preventing speech. Nossus NAA-sis Removes bones. Novacula no-VAK-yoo-la Throws a dagger from one's wand. Nox NOKS Extinguishes a wand illuminated by the spell Lumos. Obex OH-beks Barricades something, usually a door or window. Obsapeo ob-SAY-pee-oh Rigs the target area with an alarm. Oblittero ob-LIH-ter-oh Erases something (e.g. footprints; writing). Obliviate ob-LIV-ee-ate Erases memory. Obrigesco ob-rih-GES-koh Causes something to stiffen. Useful on hands. Obruo oh-BREW-oh Causes everything in the vicinity to be thrown at the victim. Obscuro ob-SKYUR-oh Blindfolds the victim. Obvallio ob-VALL-ee-oh Causes a wall to erupt from the ground. Offugno Ah-Foog-No Reaveals a hidden platform that was hidden by dark magic. Oncorreo on-KORR-ee-oh Repels insects.
Oppleo OP-lee-oh Plugs a hole. Oppugno op-UG-no Causes something (typically animals) to attack the victim. Oppunco oh-PUNK-oh Bends or perverts an object. Optio OP-tee-oh Throws a small ball of light from one's wand. Often used to illuminate long corridors. Orchideous ork-id-AY-us Conjures flowers from the caster's wand. Ossicus OSS-ih-cus Conjures a charmed skeleton. Pack PAK Packs assorted items into an object. Pallesco pah-LES-koh Causes an object, or person, to become pale. Pammesto pah-MESS-toh Covers an object with a tarp. Pancrestus pan-KRES-tus Conjures a skeleton key. Parmeo PAR-mee-oh Emblazons an object with a target. Paterra PAT-err-ah Conjures a bowl. Pediculosis ped-ik-yoo-LOHS-is Infests the victim with lice. Periculum ''per-ik-u-lum shoots red sparks out of one's wand as a location signal. Peniculus pen-ICK-yoo-lus Conjures a sponge. Pependi peh-PEN-dee Causes gravity to pull excessively hard on the victim. Perpatesco per-pa-TESS-ko Causes an object to sprout legs. Perpessus per-PESS-us Hardens skin. Perplectus per-PLEK-tus Conjures a thick, nigh-impenetrable spider web. Petrificus Totalus pe-TRIF-ih-cuss to-TALL-us The "Full Body-Bind Curse." Causes the victim's body to become entirely rigid, and immobile. Phalesco fa-LESS-koh Coils, or rolls up, an item, e.g. rope, a carpet, parchment. Picarus PIK-uh-rus Conjures a magpie. Picassicus pik-ASS-ik-us Causes the victim to become intensely attracted to shiny objects.
Piertotum Locomotor peer-TOH-tum loh-koh-MOH-tor Animates inanimate objects, e.g. suits of armor. Pilosus pih-LOH-sus Causes thick busy hair to grow all over the victim's face, including out of the nose and ears. Pinnatus PIN-ah-tus Causes an object to sprout small wings, and fly about. Pinocchio pin-OH-kee-oh Causes the victim's nose to grow substantially. Piphalus PIF-al-us Causes the victim's mouth to burn. Also known as the "Pepper-Breath Hex." Plectrum PLEK-troom Conjures a quill. Ploratus plor-AT-us Causes the victim to bawl, or cry. Point Me poynt me Causes the caster's wand to point North. The "FourPoint Spell." Porrectio por-EKT-ee-oh Stretches an object. Porrifors POR-ih-fors Causes the victim to sprout leeks from their ears. Portus POR-tus Turns an object into a Portkey. Practus PRAK-tus Sharpens something. Praeruptus prai-RUP-tus Smooths an incline, similar to Glisseo. Prior Incantato pree-OR in-can-TAT-oh Causes a wand to reveal the last spell it performed. Prolato pro-LAT-oh Causes an object to increase in length. Propatulus pro-PATCH-yoo-lus Opens an object. Protego pro-TAY-go Creates a magical shield to deflect spells. Can also be used to physically impede others. Protego Horribilis pro-TAY-go horr-IH-bih-lis Protects an area from dark magic. Protego Totalum pro-TAY-go toh-TAL-um Disallows physical -- as well as most kinds of magical -- entry into an area. Proteus PRO-tee-us The "Protean Charm." Magically binds objects to the target object. Any change in the target object is subsequently reflected in the binded objects. Pulvinexpulso PUL-vin-eks-PUL-soh Banishes dust from an object.
Quam Celerrime KWAM kel-AIR-ee-may Speeds something up. Quietus KWAI-eh-tus Decreases the volume of a sound, typically one's voice. Useful for negating the Sonorus charm. Ramale ra-MALL-ay Skewers something with a stick. Useful for making kebabs. Rantisma ran-TIZ-mah Pours wine from one's wand. Rapneo RAP-nee-oh Removes theft-preventing spells. Reducio re-DOO-see-oh Reduces an object's size. Useful for negating Engorgio. Reducto re-DUK-to Blasts an object apart. Refervesco ref-er-VESK-oh Causes a liquid to boil. Relashio re-LASH-ee-oh Casts a strong blast of heat from one's wand, often accompanied by sparks. Underwater, produces scalding bubbles. Reparo re-PAR-oh Repairs an object. Repello Muggletum re-PEL-oh mug-LEE-tum Causes Muggles entering an area to suddenly remember an important appointment and leave. Repleo REP-lee-oh Refills an object, typically goblets. Restinxi re-STINKS-ee Sprays a fire-smothering foam from the caster's wand. Revomai REV-oh-mai Causes the victim to burp uncontrollably. Rictusempra rict-oo-SEM-prah Causes the victim to laugh uncontrollably; the "Tickling Charm." Riddikulus rid-IK-yoo-lus Causes an item, creature, or person to take on an amusing appearance. Particularly useful on Boggarts. Robbigo ROB-ih-goh Causes something to rust. Rostratus roh-STRA-tus Causes the victim to grow a beak. Rubesco roo-BES-koh Causes a person to blush. Saburra sah-BUR-ah Throws sand from one's wand. Sacceo SAK-ee-oh Transfigures an object into a handbag. Sakaki sah-KAH-kee Puts the victim in a straitjacket. Saleo sah-LAY-oh Causes a geyser to erupt from the ground.
Salsamentus sall-sah-MEN-tus Causes something to taste excessively of salt. Salvio Hexia SAL-vee-oh HEKS-ee-ah Protects an area from hexes. Sapeo SAY-pee-oh Causes a fence to sprout from the ground. Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas SAH-taur ah-RAY-poe TAY-nut OHpurr-ah ROE-tass Chanted five times in a row, this will create an area that does not obey the laws of Physics as we know them. This is a very strenuous spell created by an early, anonymous Roman wizard and has not been known to provide any practical use whatsoever. Saurifors SOR-ih-fors Transfigures an object into a lizard. Saxifors SAKS-ih-fors Transfigures an object into a stone. Scandeo SKAN-dee-oh Throws a grappling hook from one's wand. Scaphium SKAF-ee-um Conjures a bowl and places the target object inside the bowl. Scaturrio sca-TUR-ee-oh Causes a liquid to bubble over. Scleresco sklerr-ESS-koh Conjures a cloud of noxious gas. Scoppica SKOP-ih-kuh Prevents an object magically endowed with flight (ie, a broom) from flying. Scourgify SCOR-jif-ai Cleans an item; a "Scouring Charm." Scuticus SKUH-tuh-kiss Casts a flagellum from one's wand. Sectumsempra sect-oom-SEM-prah Slashes the victim. Senectus sin-EKT-us Causes the victim to appear dramatically aged. This spell has no effect on the elderly. Sepelio seh-PEL-ee-oh Causes the victim to sink into the ground. Serpensortia ser-pen-SOR-tee-ah Conjures a snake. Serperastra ser-per-ASS-trah Bandages something. Serrasmus seh-RASS-mus Conjures piranhas. Siccitus SIK-it-us A "Drought Charm," causes a body of water (from puddles to ponds) to dry up. Silencio si-LENS-ee-oh Silences the victim. Silius SIL-ee-us Causes something to suddenly jump into the air.
Singulto sin-GUL-toh Causes the victim to have hiccups. Sisyphus SIS-ee-fus Conjures a boulder. Sittybus SIT-ee-bus Conjures parchment. Snaticus SNA-tih-cus Causes the victim to sneeze uncontrollably. Somnus SOM-nus Causes the victim to fall suddenly asleep. Sonorus so-NOR-us Increases the volume of one's voice. Spathacus SPATH-a-cus Transfigures the caster's wand into a sword; effect is reversed by repeating the spell. Specialis Revelio spesh-ee-AL-us rev-EL-ee-oh Reveals any properties hidden by magical means. Splingio SPLIN-jee-oh Causes a thorn to sprout from the victim's tongue. Spongify SPUN-jih-fy Causes an object to become springy, like a trampoline. Stacta STAK-ta Throws oil from the caster's wand. Stamatama stah-MAT-ah-mah Prevents the victim from disapparating. Stillato stil-AH-toh Causes the victim to drop whatever they are holding. Stupefy STOO-pif-ai Stuns the victim. Sublivacius sub-lih-VAY-shee-us Considerably lightens an object, in terms of weight. The "Sublivacious Charm." Succlamo suk-LAM-oh Causes a person to spontaneously scream in pain. Sudabus SOO-da-bus Causes the victim to sweat profusely. Suifors SOO-ee-fors Transfigures an object into a pig. Sufflafors suff-LUH-fors The "Braking Charm," causes the victim to suddenly brake. Often used when the victim is atop a broomstick, or a similar mode of transportation. Sufflesco suf-LES-koh Causes an object or person to inflate and float away. Supplanto sup-LAN-toh Trips the victim. Susurra suh-SOO-ra Lowers a person's voice volume to that of a whisper. Synnifus SIN-ehf-us Causes an area to become overcast, or cloudy.
Synth SINTH Spills small red sparks from the tip of one's wand, in an effect similar to Muggle flares. Syrticus SIR-te-cus Turns ground into quicksand. Tarantallegra ta-ran-ta-LEG-rah Causes the victim's legs to dance uncontrollably. Tarassus ta-RASS-us Silences an alarm. Tartarus TAR-tar-us Creates a bottomless pit. Taurifors TOR-ih-fors Transfigures an object into a bull. Telacesco TEL-ah-kess-koh Forms a web between fingers and toes, for swimming. Tenebro ten-EB-ro Removes all light from an area. Light-producing magic (like Lumos and Optio) is prevented from functioning in the affected area. Tepesco tep-ESS-koh Cools an object. Tergeo TER-jee-oh Siphons something into one's wand. Used for cleaning purposes. Tondeo TON-dee-oh The "Scything Charm," reaps cereal cops and similar. Thyella thai-ELL-ah Makes it windy. Tinctus [latin color] TINK-tus Turns an object the uttered color. For instance, Tinctus Verto turns an object green. Titillando tih-TIL-an-do Tickles the victim. Tondesco tawn-DES-koh Shaves hair. Tripsi TRIP-see Lathers an object with soap suds. Turbeo ter-BAY-oh Causes an object to spin like a top. Vedilectus ved-ee-LEK-tus Dispels gas, e.g. clouds, fog, and noxious vapors. Velamentus vel-ah-MENN-tus Causes an umbrella to sprout from the end of the caster's wand. Vepreculus vep-REK-yoo-lus Throws a number of small thorns from one's wand. Vermiculus ver-MIK-yoo-lus Conjure worms.
Verresco ver-ESS-koh Charms a broom to sweep a certain area. Vespasicus ves-PAS-ick-us Conjures a swarm of stinging insects, e.g. wasps or bees. Vivifors VIH-vih-fors A charm which causes an object to spring to life for a short amount of time. The animated object can be commanded by the caster to do his/her bidding. Vogallio vo-GAL-ee-oh Causes the victim to speak in a ridiculous French accent. Volactus vo-LAKT-us Causes an object to become capable of flight. Most commonly used on brooms. Volraptus vol-RAP-tus Counters theft-preventing magic. Wingardium Leviosa win-GAR-dee-um lev-ee-OH-sa Levitates an object. Xiphius ZIF-ee-us Transfigures an object into a swordfish. Yggdrasil IGG-dra-zil Lets a wise, talking tree grow from the Earth. The ground and underground must consist of soil and/or mud for this spell to work. Zerocso zer-OKS-oh Photocopies a document.