MK Rule of BTVR

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Planets keep tossing ones Coin of Destiny; Ones Destiny rules ones Mind; Ones Mind stimulates ones Actions; Actions have effects good or bad; A good effect is claimed to be the result of ones intelligence and efforts, whereas, a bad effect takes the blame of being ones Fate; Both are nothing but the two sides of the Coin.

MKs Predictive Techniques in KP Astrology


[email protected]

Advanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy Salem, India

Mobile: 99443 -07025


In KP Astrology, even a small difference of less than one minute is likely to reflect a change in the Ascendants precise position at the Sublord level, which can mean a totally different birth. It is this factor of minute difference in the Birth Time, capable of changing the Ascendants Sublord, that has given scope for the need of a Verification and Rectification Technique, and hence this article.

MKs Predictive Techniques In KP Astrology MK Rule of BTVR (Birth Time Verification and Rectification) Sivamayam Aum Sri Sairam

MKs Predictive Techniques In KP Astrology

Part 1

MK Rule of BTVR (Birth Time Verification and Rectification)

By Mohan Kumar.R., Salem, India.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(A part of this Article was presented by the author in the 6th Annual Souvenir of PAVARS on 23.1.2005)

E-mail: [email protected]

My respects to

Shri. K.S.Krishnamurti., Chennai, our KP Authorities Shri. K.Subramaniam, Chennai, Shri. K.Hariharan, Chennai, my first KP Master Shri. Prof.A.Vaithialingam Iyya, Shri. Durai Mathivanan, Chennai, Shri. K. Baskaran, Madurai, Shri. Umang Taneja, Delhi, Shri. Dr.Pt.K.R.KAR, Orissa. Shri. M.P.Shanmugam, Coimbatore,

Our Great Guruji

Salem, my second Master my third Master my fourth Master and my fifth Master My Special Thanks to my BTV Master
existence at all.)

(without whose guidelines this MK Rule of BTVR would not have come into

My Pranams to all KP Astrologers the world over. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Question: What is needed - Verification or Rectification of Birth Time? My Answer: Verification first and then Rectification, if need be.

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MKs Predictive Techniques In KP Astrology MK Rule of BTVR (Birth Time Verification and Rectification)

All these years, in Traditional Method of Vedic Astrology, Moon Sign (Birth Rasi) has been predominantly handled more than the Birth Ascendant (Lagna), which we are aware of. Using the Moon Signs (Birth Rasis), in the natal horoscopes of Twins, whose biological births occur within a few minutes of interval of, say, 5 to 15 minutes or 30 minutes, we are not able to understand the cause for the difference in the life events of these two in question. Evidently, the reason is that the Moon Signs, denoting the Moon positions in a particular Constellation in the birth horoscopes of the twins (their Birth Stars), show no difference of any sort, except in rare cases. But, as per KP method of casting natal horoscopes, the Ascendant positions of such twins do reveal a clear difference at the Sub level division in a Constellation (Star) within a Sign. And, in contrast to the traditional way, the Ascendant is exclusively handled to determine the destiny of the natives. So, as it is claimed in KP Astrology, this Ascendant Sublord (the Lord of the Sub-division), along with the Sublords of the other eleven corresponding Cuspal Points, (the starting points of the Houses, calculated as per Placidus System) account for the vast differences in the life matters of the Twins, born within a short interval. The Sub-divisions tenanted by the twelve Cuspal Points, as headed by the Ascendant, reason out the aspect of individuality even between twins or triplets or quadruplets, as the case may be. This criterion of a Cuspal Point posited in a particular Sub-division in a Star constitutes the core idea of KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI, shortly called KP System, which is an advanced system of astrology, based on such stellar sub-divisions of the zodiac. I feel that we should attribute the above aspect of individuality revealed by the Ascendant Sublord not only to twins but also to every single birth. This means that the Ascendant Sublord reveals a quality specific to any individual birth, be it a twin or not. Such an Ascendant Sublord is directly related to a particular Birth Time in a particular Place, based on the factors of calculation involved in the casting of the horoscope, as per KP.

On Birth Time of a Native:

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What is meant by Birth Time? There are many notions on this among astrologers and the public in general. Is it the time when the babys head comes out of the mothers womb? ( or ) Is it the time when the whole body of the new born is out of the mothers? ( or ) Is it the time when the new born touches this earth? ( or ) Is it the exact moment when the new babys umbilical cord is cut off? ( or ) Is it really when the child makes the first cry on exhaling the air from his lungs to breathe on his own so as to make his existence on this planet? Our great Guruji KSK has advised us to consider the last in the above list: The time of the childs first cry (the childs first breath) is the right birth time. As a concept, it is okay. But, what happens inside a labor room, where the birth of a new life takes place, and how do the doctors note the childs birth time is beyond an astrologers imagination. Does it really make much difference between the times when the babys head comes out and the time when the child makes the first cry? May be it will be just about two to five minutes or a maximum of ten minutes or more in between why such a fuss or craze on the accuracy of this birth time? Yes, in KP Astrology, at times, even a small difference of less than one minute is likely to reflect a change in the Ascendants precise position at the Sublord level, which, as per KP, can mean a different birth totally. It is this factor of minute difference in the Given Birth Time, capable of changing the Ascendant Sublord, that has given scope for the need of a Verification and Rectification Technique, and hence this article.

My Quest for this Technique of Rectification of Birth Time

Astrologically, with regard to a natives destiny, we can derive much of his future prospects only from the study of his natal horoscope, than anything else. This natal horoscope is cast for the birth time of the native in a particular location. For this, the native himself gives us his birth data - the date, time and place. How far this Given Birth Time has been correctly noted by the doctors at the time of his birth is the subject matter of this article. This poses as a big hurdle, if not a burden, of doubt or confusion for any KP astrologer, who takes up things seriously and sincerely.
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MKs Predictive Techniques In KP Astrology MK Rule of BTVR (Birth Time Verification and Rectification)

RULING PLANETS, a special feature propounded by our great Guruji KSK, is the divine tool available in our hands to correct such a doubtful birth time. It is really a golden key for us to unlock the mysteries embedded in a horoscope, not to mention the birth time. None of us can deny or refute it. Despite this fact, when the Given Birth Time can be doubted as such, isnt there any chance to doubt how far the birth time correction itself, as done by a KP astrologer, is absolutely flawless? If it can be done so perfectly, any KP astrologer capable of doing such perfect corrections on birth time would, naturally, be very much applauded as a professional giving very successful predictions or as a researcher who can put things as two plus two is equal to four from the planetary dispositions in a horoscope. As we could hear about not many KP astrologers like that, a small question arose in my mind whether the birth time correction method itself needs to be improved. Of all the BTR (Birth Time Rectification) Methods advised or practiced by many KP astrologers, the one, with the heading Birth Time Verification, propounded by Shri.M.P.Shanmugam, published in the book Astro-Secrets and KP Part.1, attracted my attention. (Published by Mr. K.Subramaniam, M/s. Krishman & Co.,Chennai.) Based of the ideas of Shri.MPS on Birth Time Verification and those of Guruji KSK and many KP stalwarts regarding Significators, I have derived, after a long study, an exclusive method for my use to verify a natives Birth Time and to rectify the same. Having named it MK RULE of BTVR, I have been using it for analyzing natal horoscopes since 2002 and have been teaching the same to my devoted students henceforth. For all the KP astrologers to cherish this, I lay my humble findings at the feet of my first KP Master Shri. Prof. A.Vaithialingam Iyya, Salem.

(I joined his KP class as the 62nd student in the year 1996 and had coaching on the basics of KP for about 2 years. That he has, till date, trained nearly thousand students on this subject, stands as a testimony of his untiring sincere service to this science of KP Astrology. He deserves to be applauded by all of us. Guruve Namah) Various Methods of BTR:

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In KP system, Birth time Rectification is done on the doubt whether the Ascendant Sublord appearing for the given birth time is correct or not. This is achieved by seeing whether the Ascendant Sublord is related, in some way or other, to the Moons position at Birth or to the Birth Star, in particular. Various methods of achieving this, with or without the use of Ruling Planets, have come into practice now. Though I had been learning KP since 1996, when I ventured into its principles in 2000, this concept of determining the correct birth time of a native posed as a big boulder a hurdle in my path. I was so mesmerized that I dared not analyze a chart without making myself sure of the given birth time. How to do this? I went on asking what others are doing in my place. Months passed by. There were only two senior persons who could do this Birth Time Correction in Salem at that time one Mr.Durai Madhivanan (a KP scholar and teacher), and the other Mr.Thiruvenkatam Iyyengar (an experienced senior astrologer). With no more choices, I sought coaching from Mr.Madhivanan, my second Master, who taught me the backward calculation part in the process of Birth Time Rectification (BTR), using the Ruling Planets concept. Here it is:

Ruling Planets Method of BTR (as learnt from Shri. Durai

Madhivanan) Step: 1. When you take up a natives chart for analysis, note down the RPs of that moment; i.e., Ruling Planets (5) at the Time of Analysis (RPs @TOA), namely the Lagna Signlord and Starlord, Moon Signlord and Starlord, and Daylord. Step: 2. Calculate the Ascendant point in Deg.Min.Sec.(DMS) for the Given Birth Time, as per KP principles. Step: 3. The Asc. Sublord appearing for the Given Birth Time (GBT) is to be replaced by the strongest of all Ruling Planets (that which appears the most times). Step: 4. Then,the next strongest RP would take the position as Ascendants SubSublord, and this SubSublord is to determine the sex of the native, as male or female, which we come to know by

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the name of the native or hear from the concerned person to whom consultation is given. 5. Select two more RPs to place at the SSS lord and SSSS lord positions of the native's Ascendant. These levels help us to fix the Ascendant very precisely. 6. Now, find the starting Deg.Min.Sec.(DMS) pertaining to this precise position. Using a scientific calculator, you can do this by sub-dividing the Sub portion, then the SubSub portion, and finally the SubSubSub portion. 7. After getting this Deg.Min.Sec., take the relevant Cuspal positions from the Tables of Houses pertaining to the Latitude of Birth Place, and then work backwards to arrive at the corrected Sidereal Time at Birth, then go backwards with 10 seconds and LMT corrections and add the Standard Time to arrive at the Rectified Time of the natives birth. 8. Proceed to calculate the other cuspal and planetary positions as usual, pertaining to the Rectified Birth Time (RBT).

That is it.

(Note: One can see in the above method that no connection of the Ascendant Sublord to the Birth Moons position is involved or considered.)
Moreover, the master used to insist that the correct birth time would always be prior to the Given Birth Time, i.e. a few minutes lesser only. Why? His answer was: At that juncture, the doctors would only be bothered about saving the lives of the mother and the new-born baby. It means that the birth time is likely to be noted by the doctors or others concerned only after everything seems to be fine inside the labor room. (Is that so? Readers, what do you think?) Unfortunately, his coaching to me discontinued shortly with this calculation part.

KB Method of BTR (Shri.K.Baskaran,Cuspal Interlinks Theorist)

Then, I came across a small KP book Secrets of RP and Birth Time by Mr.Baskaran of Madurai, which threw more light on the subject, though it

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gave some confusion due to some printing errors in the examples shown in it. In the book, the author had referred many of Shri.KSKs concepts. The one which is relevant now is: (by Shri.KSK): Birth Ascendants position will be reflected in Moons position at the Time of Analysis and that of Birth Moons position will be seen in Ascendants position at TOA. i.e. Birth Ascendant is to match with Moon at TOA, and Birth Moon is to match with Ascendant at TOA. The contents of this small book impressed me so much that as a matter of my destiny, I got associated with my third Master and started learning Cuspal Interlinks Theory, advancement on KP as it is claimed and it is, indeed. When it came to quench my thirst on BTR, I saw my Madurai Master replacing the Birth Ascendants Sublord (of Given Time), just like that, with the Moons SubSubSublord at the TOA (RP Moons SSS lord or the Sookshama Lord, as he calls it). i.e., RP Moons SSS lord @ TOA replaces the Birth Ascendant Sublord. In the year 2000, at that stage of learning, I was really shocked at the simplicity of this method. Oh! Thats all! Its so easy! But, what is the logic behind this and how far this works out for results on the basis of his above said Cuspal Interlinks Theory is a question that needs answer from his side. In his method, he didnt consider determining the sex of the native in any way. By some logical reasoning known only to him, he told me that the sex of the native cannot be determined at all in any chart!?? You can determine the sex of your children from your chart, but there is no way to determine by your own chart whether you are a male or a female was his shocking answer to my question on it. After about a 2-year association with him as a direct student of his, much to my disappointment, I had to decline his principles, because the BTR done in his method for my birth time and the corresponding chart of mine could neither expose the past events of my life in a clear manner at that time nor could foresee the prospects of my progeny matter correctly, as my wife and I were longing for a child for nearly fifteen years till then.
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(May be I studied it in its trial phase. I hope he has got his theory improved by this time.) As I had put more faith on the basic principles of KP Astrology as given by Shri.KSK, I dropped both the above two methods for the main reason that they did not warrant any connection between the Birth Ascendants position and the Birth Moons position. My quest for the right solution continued. Well, coming back to the subject matter, we shall ponder into the basic principles of Birth Time Rectification as given by our Guruji KSK.

KSK Method of BTR

Though one of the KP Readers gives us a hint that Birth Ascendant Sublord will be connected to the Birth Moon in some manner, I have not found any illustration on it. In KP Reader III, 7th Edition 1995, Page No.325, Shri.KSK has mentioned thus: In Brihat Jataka, written by Varaha Mihira in Chapter 26, there are four stanzas to cast the horoscope of a person whose time of epoch (impregnation) and also the time of birth is not known. He gives the method to erect a horoscope from the time of query. From this, one can understand that the time of birth and the urge to work out and erect the horoscope of a native from the moment of query has a direct bearing. They are inter-linked. There can be no second opinion. Therefore, one is to follow the following method: 1. Note the lord of the day when the query is answered;(DayLord) 2. Note the star at that time, i.e. the lord of the constellation in which Moon Transits; 3. Find the lord of the sign in which Moon is;(Moons Signlord) 4. Who is the lord of the Lagna.(Ascendants Signlord) These (four) planets will be the same who govern the sign in which the Lagna is, the constellation in it, the Sub and the SubSub. So, it is evident from the words of the Great Master that the Ascendant Point needs to be fixed up to the level of SubSub, by considering the four Ruling Planets at TOA. But, another aspect of how to determine the sex of the native is not explained in the Readers as clearly as the above rule, but for a few illustrations
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As it is with many of the KP principles found in The Readers, this concept of Birth Time Rectification also is being interpreted in different ways by many KP followers. Which is the right or the most reliable way? This is one question still in the minds of the new entrants as well as the practitioners. The reason is nothing but lack of enough illustrations in this regard in the KP Readers. Ones choice is either get convinced with some approach already in use or derive a new one for oneself.

MPS Method of BTV (Birth Time Verification)

Late Shri.M.P.Shanmugam, in the book Astro-Secrets and KP Part II in Page No. 238, (M/s. Krishman & Co., Chennai) has presented a novel idea, I think, for the first time ever; to check the correctness of a natives birth time. This idea of his is, certainly, an eye-opener for any KP enthusiast like me. In his own words: If one has to know, whether the given birth time is correct or wrong, the method is the Birth Lagna Cusp Sublord should tell the Birth Star or the Moon Sign directly or in one way or the other. To tell the very Birth Star will be more correct. a) The Birth Lagna Sublord itself may be the Birth Star. b) The Birth Lagna Sublord, in whose constellation it is, that Constellation Lord or Sublord may come as Birth Star. c) The Birth Lagna Sublord in whose constellation it is, that Constellation Lords area has to be looked up to Sookshama level, which will be the Birth Star. i.e. Lagna Sublord is in a Star(Dasa) - then Sub(Bhukthi) - then SubSub(Anthara)and then in a SubSubSub (Sookshama). This SubSubSub lord (SSS lord) will be the Birth Star. d) The Birth Lagna Sub, in which Sub it is, that Sub will be in a Star SubSubSubSSS
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Here, we must take the SubSubSub lord (SSS), which should tell the Birth Star. A Birth has several stages like first cry, placed on earth (boopadhana), Siras Udhayam, Normal delivery, Caessarean, and so on. Under such circumstances, you cannot stick to one method of thinking alone. As the Birth Lagna Sublord has interconnection with Moon by four levels as explained above, this Lagna Sub if it, in any manner, touches the Birth Star, that time is the Correct Birth Time. You may have to work up to Sookshama level at times. Yes, here is the real clue The connection of Birth Asc. Sublord with Birth (Moon) Star. What Guruji KSK meant, Shri. MPS has explained. This clue will certainly serve our purpose to a great level. No doubt in it. We need to give a try on it, thats all. I have accepted these four rules as they are and I do apply the same to start with for every chart I take up for analysis. Let me illustrate Shri.M.P.Shanmugams Four Rules of Birth Time Verification technique: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MPS Rule No.1: The Birth Lagna Sublord itself may be the Birth Star.
Native: MALE D.O.B. 16 Sep 1974 T.O.B. 07.30.00 Hrs (Given Time) P.O.B. Edappadi (Salem,TN,India) 11.35 N; 77.50 E (+ 5.30 ) KP Ayanamsa: 23.24.34


Sign Lord Mer

Star Lord Sun

Sub Lord Mer

SS Lord Rah

SSS Lord Moo

Asce ndant Jup

Mer Sun Mer Moo

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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MPS Rule No.2: The Birth Lagna Sublord, in whose constellation it is, that Constellation Lord or Sublord may come as Birth Star.
Native: MALE D.O.B. 8 Oct 1966 T.O.B. 13.40.00 Hrs (Given Time) P.O.B. Sankaridrug (TN,India)

Moon Ket

Sign Lord Moo Ven

Star Lord Jup Jup

Sub Lord Mar Mer

SS SSS Lord Lord Moo Sun Ven Sat

11.30 N; 77.53 E (+ 5.30 ) KP Ayanamsa: 23.18.28 Native: MALE D.O.B. 17 Nov 1964 T.O.B. 12.00.00 Hrs (Given Time) P.O.B. Madurai (TN, India)

Asce ndan t
Moon Mar

Sign Lord Jup Sun

Ve Sun Ket n
Star Lord Mer Ket Sub Lord Sat Mer SS Lord Mar MAr

SSS Lord Jup Jup

09.56 N; 78.07 E (+ 5.30 ) KP Ayanamsa: 23.16.50

Asce ndan t

Ma Sat Mar r

Ra h


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MPS Rule No.3: The Birth Lagna Sublord in whose constellation it is, that Constellation Lords area has to be looked up to Sookshama level, which will be the Birth Star.
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Native: MALE D.O.B. 16 Jan 1993 T.O.B. 01.00.00 Hrs (Given Time) P.O.B. Kottarakaara (Kerala, India)

Sun Moon

Sign Lord Sat Ven

Star Lord Sun Rah

Sub Lord Jup Ven

SS Lord Moo Sat

SSS Lord Rah Jup

08.54 N; 76.43 E (+ 5.30 ) KP Ayanamsa: 23.39.56

Asce ndan t

Mar Ven Sun Ven Rah

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MPS Rule No.4: The Birth Lagna Sub, in which Sub it is, that Sublord will be in a StarSub SubSubSubSubSub. Here, we must take the SubSubSub lord (SSS), which should tell the Birth Star.
Native:FEM ALE D.O.B. 09 Dec 1985 T.O.B. 08.16.20 Hrs (Given Time) P.O.B. Salem (TN, India)

Moon Mar Ven

Sign Lord Ven Ven Mar

Star Lord Rah Mar Sat

Sub Lord Sat Ven Rah

SS Lord Jup Ven Jup

SSS Lord Ven Sat Rah

11.39 N; 78.10 E (+ 5.30 ) KP Ayanamsa: 23.34.31 Native:FEM ALE D.O.B. 8 Apr 1971 T.O.B. 09.50.00 Hrs (Given Time)

Asce ndan t
Moon Jup

Sign Lord Mer Mar

Ven Mar Sat Moo

Star Lord Sun Sat Sub Lord Jup Mar SS Lord Jup Ven SSS Lord Jup Sun
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P.O.B. Omalur (TN, India)







11.45 N; 78.03 E (+ 5.30 ) KP Ayanamsa: 23.21.59

Asce ndan t


Sat Rah

Ra h


Note: In my observation, out of the four Rules of Shri.MPS, Rule 2 and Rule 3 occur more often than the other other two, while judging horoscopes. However, Rule 1 and Rule 4 too need attention. I used to go through all these four Rules at a glance on taking up any chart to check the Given Birth Time. Even now, I get convinced by applying the above MPS Rules to start with, and in case they dont serve my purpose, then I opt for my MK Rule.

With this powerful tool of MPS in hand, it becomes much easier for us to shed our doubt on the Given Birth Time and to proceed on to the predictive side.

The Connection Between Ascendant and Moon- What is it?

The human mind, sometimes, does not settle down that easily. It asks a lot of questions. My mind did so. Why such a connection between Ascendant and Moon is warranted? What does this connection imply? ..?....?.......?........? No explanation anywhere. After much thought, I reasoned it out myself and got convinced. On my thinking, the answer came out like this: MKs perception:
HUMAN BIRTH The Seed of Life was received by Mother from Father. Father means Sun. Lagna (Ascendant) is calculated from Sun's position. So, Lagna means our Soul (or Life given by Father). MOON represents Mother who received the Seed from Father. Mother gave us physical form or body. So, Moon means our Body (given by Mother). Divine Science says: Soul and Body should agree with each other. My body would not accept someone else's Soul AND my Soul would not get into someone else's body. So, in one's chart, "Ones Soul would certainly match with Ones Own Body". Advanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy Page 15

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Hence, LAGNA should show connection to MOON.

As understood by me, this is what our Guruji could have meant by his formula, in saying that "Lagna should, in any manner, be connected to Moon." With this understanding and with the above clues from the great masters, and with their blessings, it so happened that I worked out a technique to sustain the underlying meaning, and at the same time got the rules extended by logical derivation, as I deemed it to be fit. I would certainly appreciate any other technique followed by others in this regard, provided it gives better results. In my experience, any method of doing a correction on Birth Time alone would not serve our purpose at all. It is the predictive part that needs more attention and success thereof. However, to start with, we need to convince ourselves with the Birth Time given so as to proceed further with some confidence. Mind it, not all clients will encourage our correction on their birth times. They want only our prediction, and not our manipulation of their Birth Time. So, Birth Time Rectification is only an astrologers part of doing his job, so to say. With this, I call upon your kind attention to my MK Rule of BTVR in the following lines. I hope the below technique of mine will help our community of KP astrologers to experiment and cherish the results for better understanding of KP charts in particular and the secrets of astrology in general.

MK Rule of BTVR (Birth Time Verification and Rectification)

Moon Sign (representing Mother) and the Ascendant (Lagna) derived from Suns position (representing Father) are the two important factors of prediction in a horoscope. According to KP System, the Ascendants position in a Zodiac Sign holds within itself the so-called FATE of the native, governing all the events of his life from birth to death. In co-ordination with this, the Moon Sign (or the Moon position, to be precise) divides the natives life into different periods to experience happiness or sorrow, success or failure, gain or loss, whichever is destined to him in this birth caused by his past Karma, as it is believed.

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Hence, the Ascendant position (denoting ones Destiny) and the Moon position (denoting Periods in the path to Destiny and ruling ones Mind, too) has to comply with each other in the right manner. Our Destiny (Ascendant-Lagna) rules over our Mind (Moon). Our Mind, in turn, stimulates our action or no-action efforts, which lead us to pleasure or hardship in every walk of our lives. In this sense too, the Ascendant and the Moon are inter-connected in our horoscopes. In ones horoscope, Moons position at the Sub level will hold good for a few hours; contrarily, the Ascendants position at the Sub level can change within minutes. Hence, it is the duty of a KP astrologer to adjust the Ascendants position to be in tune with that of Moon. This criterion is a must as advised by our Guruji. In KP system, the Sub-division of the Constellation in a zodiac Sign would indicate the precise position of an Ascendant for a given time in a given place; i.e. The Ascendant is indicated by a combination of a Signlord, a Starlord and a Sublord. In order to determine if the Ascendant Sublord for a Given Birth Time is the right one or not, consider the below MK Rules of BTVR (Birth Time Verification and Rectification).

To check if the Birth Time OR the Ascendant Sublord is correct or not:

MK Rule of BTVR No. 1:

If Asc.Sublord(A) / As Starlord / As Sublord = Moons SignL / StarL / SubL / SSL / SSSL

If the Ascendants Sublord (A), or As Starlord or As Sublord is the same as one of the five planets governing Moons position, i.e. Moons Signlord/
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Starlord/ Sublord/ SSlord/ SSSlord Sublord as the right one.

the Given Birth Time.

then, consider the above Ascendants

Note: This Ascendant Sublord will hold good for a few minutes plus or minus from

MK Rule of BTVR No. 2:

If Asc.Sublord(A)/AsStarlord/AsSublord is in 120aspect with Moons SignL/StarL/SubL/SSL/ SSSL

If the Ascendants Sublord (A), or As Starlord or As Sublord is in 120 aspect ( +/- 6 orb) with any one of the five planets governing Moons position, i.e. Moons SignL/StarL/SubL/SSL/SSSL, then consider the above Ascendants Sublord as the right one.
Note: This Ascendant Sublord will hold good for a few minutes plus or minus from the Given Birth Time. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MK Rule of BTVR No. 3:




0conjunction with Moons SignL/StarL/SubL/SSL/SSSL

If the Ascendants Sublord (A), or As Starlord or As Sublord is in 0rapt conjunction (+/- 2Orb) with any one of the five planets governing Moons position, i.e. Moons SignL/StarL/SubL/SSL/SSSL, then consider the above Ascendants Sublord as the right one.
Note: This Ascendant Sublord will hold good for a few minutes plus or minus from the Given Birth Time.


MK Rule of BTVR No. 4:

If Asc.Sublord is a Node(A), then A/ As Starlord/ As Sublord OR As(Nodes) Signlord (B)/ Bs Starlord/ Bs Sublord = Moons SignL/StarL/SubL/SSL/SSSL OR is in 120aspect with Moons

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MKs Predictive Techniques In KP Astrology MK Rule of BTVR (Birth Time Verification and Rectification)

SignL/StarL/SubL /SSL/SSSL with Moons /SSL/SSSL

If the Ascendants Sublord (A) is a Node, the above rules hold well as such directly for a Node. Indirectly, a Node being an Agent to its Signlord (B), if that (B) or Bs Starlord or Sublord is the same as Moons SignL/StarL/SubL/SSL/SSSL, the above Node appearing as the Ascendants Sublord is deemed to be the right one.
Note: This Ascendant Sublord will hold good for a few minutes plus or minus from the Given Birth Time.

OR is in 0conjunction SignL/StarL/SubL

Thats it. This is MK Rule of BTVR.

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I am sure that some illustrations would help the readers to understand well. MK Rule of BTVR No: 1

If Asc.Sublord (A) / As Starlord / As Sublord = Moons SignL / StarL / SubL / SSL / SSSL
Native: Male D.O.B. 16 Sep 1974 T.O.B. 07.30.00 Hrs (Given Time) P.O.B. Edappadi (TN, India) 11.35 N; 77.50 E (+5.30 ) KP Ayanamsa: 23.24.34

Planet Moon

Sign Lord Mer

Star Lord Sun

Sub Lord Mer

SS Lord Rah

SSS Lord Moo

Asce ndant
Planet Moon Ven






Rectified Birth Time: 07.29.56 Hrs Native: Male D.O.B. 22 Aug 1972 T.O.B. 01.40.00 Hrs (Given Time) P.O.B. Salem (TN, India) 11.39 N; 78.10 E (+5.30 ) KP Ayanamsa: 23.22.58

Sign Lord Jup Mer

Star Lord Sun Rah

Sub Lord Rah Mar

SS Lord Rah Ven

SSS Lord Sat Ven

Asce Mer ndant

Planet Moon Mer Sign Lord Ven Mer





Rectified Birth Time: 01.40.23 Hrs Native: Baby D.O.B. 4 Sep 2007

T.O.B. 11.48.00 Hrs (Given Time) P.O.B. Salem Junction (TN, India) Advanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy

Star Lord Mar Sun

Sub Lord Jup Sat

SS Lord Sat Jup

SSS Lord Ven Mer

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MKs Predictive Techniques In KP Astrology MK Rule of BTVR (Birth Time Verification and Rectification)

Note: It is most likely that two or more of the above MK Rules suit well in a KP chart for a Given Birth Time. This only ensures the condition we are seeking. So, it is doubly okay. Another important point to note:








Ascendant Sublord?
Those who are very shrewd would notice that, (as it happened to me), with any rules as this one, by which the Ascendant Sublord is supposed to have some connection with the Birth Moons position (or Moons Star, in particular), there will arise a problem of understanding when the Ascendant Sublord appears as Moon itself. I have seen people considering this situation as a very perfect one, because Moon itself has come as the Ascendant Sublord. No, it is not so. Birth Moon, as a planet, denotes the But, Moon as the Ascendant natives Body, as already understood.

Sublord is the Lord of the Sub-division governing the Ascendant point, denoting in turn, the natives Soul, as any other planet could do. Now when we connect the position of this Moon (as Ascendant Sublord) to Birth Moons position, it will naturally reflect itself. By this, the required connection should not be deemed as such. This is only an apparent one, and not a true connection. In case the Birth Moons position is in Moons Star or Sub or SubSub or SubSubSub, then there is a direct connection between the Ascendant Sublord Moon and Birth Moons position. If not so, there certainly arises a problem. MPS Methods Rule No. 2 or 3or 4 will serve the purpose in such a situation. MKs Rule No. 2 and 3 can also be handy, but, mind it, Moon must directly be in 120 aspect or in 0 conjunction with the Birth Moons SignL /StarL / SubL /SSL /SSSL.. Then it is okay. Now, let us make a comparison of MPS Rule and MK Rule:
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According to MPS, the Given Birth Time is correct if: Asc. Sublord (A) = Moons (Signlord or) Starlord. Asc.Sublords Sublord (B) = Moons (Signlord or) Starlord. Asc.Sublords SSS lord (C) = Moons (Signlord or) Starlord. Asc.Sublords Sublord is B. = Moons (Signlord or) Starlord. This Bs SSS lord (D If any one of the above A, B, C or D is the same as Moons (Signlord or) Starlord, then the Given Birth Time is deemed to be correct up to the minute. Now, my MK Rule of BTVR is, in a sense, an extension or an improvement of the above MPS Rule. Please see: 1. If Asc. Sublord (A) or As Starlord or As Sublord 2. If Asc. Sublord (A) or As Starlord or As Sublord 3. If Asc. Sublord (A) or As Starlord or As Sublord 4. If Asc. Sublord is a Node (A) then directly as above, OR indirectly if Nodes Signlord (B) or Bs Starlord or Bs Sublord = Moons SignLord / StarLord / SubLord / SSLord / SSSLord 1. 2. 3. 4.

is in 120 aspect (+ /- 6 orb) with Moons SignL / StarL / SubL / SSL / SSSL

is in 0 rapt conjunction (+ /- 2 orb) with Moons SignL / StarL / SubL / SSL / SSSL

= Moons SignLord / StarLord / SubLord / SSLord / SSSLord or in 120 aspect (+ /- 6 orb) with Moons SignL / StarL / SubL / SSL / SSSL or in 0 rapt conjunction (+/- 2 orb) with Moons SignL / StarL / SubL / SSL / SSSL

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Note: Here, in MK Rule, Ascendant Sublords SubSublord may also be considered as above. There will be no harm. As we are considering only Sublord level in Ascendants position for Birth Time Accuracy, Only up to Ascendant.Sublords Sublord is shown above.

MPS Rule goes up to SSS Level with regard to Asc.Sublord or its

Sublord, Whereas MK Rule deems connection upto SSS level with regard to Moons position.

(Pl see, KB Method takes RP Moons SSS lord at TOA as

the deemed Ascendant Sublord at Birth.)

Readers, Kindly observe the role of the SSS Lords in different

areas, as used by different authors. In MPS method, one can see that the focus is mainly on the Moons
Starlord, probably because it is the Natives Birth Star, for which the traditional astrologers give utmost importance, also MPS has taken it, I think so.

But, in MK Rule, the focus is on the Moons precise position, wherein all
the planets governing that position is taken into consideration, i.e. Moons Signlord/ Starlord/ Sublord/ SSlord or SSSlord. If WHY SO? is your question, then WHY NOT? is my answer. Here is my logic behind this: We all know: Moons Starlord means the Dasa lord, the lord of the major period at the time of ones birth. Now, let us suppose that a native is born in Venus Dasa, Kethu Bhukthi with a balance period of one year or so, would he experience the potential of the Dasa Lord Venus to a maximum level be it good or bad? No, certainly not, I think so. With the influence of all the other eight Bhukthi lords having passed over before birth, the Dasa Lord Venus himself will be at an almost exhausted stage to execute whatever powers he has with him. Now that the last Bhukthi Lord Kethu is in for action, associated with its master-the Dasa Lord, Venus, the very birth of the native has taken place. By this, we can understand that this one Bhukthi Lord, with one particular Anthara Lord and lastly with one particular Sookshama Lord, has come
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forward, during Venus Dasa period, to trigger the very birth of the native, on a particular date, at a particular hour, and within that hour at a particular minute. These Lords of the periods namely Dasa, Bhukthi, Anthara, Sookshama Lords (DBAS Lords) who, acting jointly as a combined force to trigger the natives birth, are none but those indicating the Moons position at that time. All the events experienced by a native, good and bad during his life time, are only the results of such a combination of these DBAS lords, acting at a particular point of time in his life. This combination of DBAS is like a perfect string of participants in an event program, wherein we cut at any point to ignore someone, and the event does not happen at all. So, each participant, for his unique quality, should be considered and rather not underestimated anytime. Therefore, it would be only logical, and not otherwise, to connect the Ascendant Sublord with any one of these DBAS lords at the time of birth. The readers may kindly note that until this stage of checking the Ascendant Sublords connection to the Moons position, no Rulings Planets are required at all. This means that the said connection has to exist by itself, naturally, in the incidence of a birth. Readers need not be carried away by this point too much. Dont expect, dont assume, dont doubt it, or, for the sake of it, dont even raise an argument whether, in any given place, at a time when the Ascendant Sublord gets connected with the Moons position in the above said ways, there must be a birth. No, it need not be so. The idea applies only for the births that occur. It is not absolutely necessary that birth should occur for a condition as discussed above. Now, suppose this Asc. Sublord appearing for the given time does not connect with the Moons position, in any of the above said manner, then it becomes necessary that Ascendant Sublord be changed so as to get that connection with the Moon. Now arises a question, Who else can take the place of the Asc. Sublord? Naturally, we would prefer the one prior to or the one after that Ascendant Sublord. Which one of these two?

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MKs Predictive Techniques In KP Astrology MK Rule of BTVR (Birth Time Verification and Rectification)

Here is the situation where we need the help of the Ruling Planets, which we must note down at the time of taking the horoscope for analysis. What is the role of these Rulings Planets (RPs) that emerge at the Time Of Analysis (TOA)? Our Guruji KSK guides us by his following words: 1. The RPs at the TOA will be the RPs at the TOB (Time Of Birth); i.e. the four RPs at the TOA will indicate the four planets ruling the Ascendant point; @ TOA, The Daylord, Moons Starlord, Moons Signlord and Asc. Signlord ( 4 planets) will show @ TOB, Ascendants Signlord, Starlord, Sublord and SubSublord (4 planets). (But, whether we have to consider in the same order as given above is not clear.) 2. The RP Ascendants Sign at the TOA is the Moons Sign at birth; i.e. @ TOA, the Ascendant will be in a Sign; that Sign is the Moons sign at TOB. 3. Moons position at the TOA will show the Ascendant at the TOB; i.e. @ TOA, the Moon will be in Sign; that Sign is the Ascendants Sign at TOB. Now, by MK Rule, take the RP Moons position at TOA, i.e. Moons Signlord, Starlord, Sublord, SSL, SSSL. (five planets) From these, note the one that goes prior to or comes after the Ascendant Sublord, which we want to change. Consider the new one selected from the RP Moons position at the TOA, and see if it has any connection to the Birth Moons position, as per MK Rule. Then decide that one as the new Ascendant Sublord. (Mind that you dont go for the ones that are still farther from the original one, lest you should give much difference between the New and the Given Birth Time.) With these guidelines, we can now try to fix the Ascendant SubSublord. This is the point where we can determine the sex of the native, whether a male or a female.

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How to determine the best one among those remaining in the RP Moons position? Compare the significators in the RP Moons position and those in RP Ascendants position at the Time of Analysis (TOA). Select the one which appears common at both the points. This is the strong significator. At this juncture, we can even take a look if that strong significator repeats itself at the 7th Cuspal Point too. (Why? Just to add more weight age to it. Why 7 th Cuspal Point? RP Moon at TOA indicates Natives Ascendant at TOB. If so, what role can we assign to the RP Ascendant at TOA? Will it not mean something? Well, I consider it as the Astrologers point who seeks the answer for the doubt on natives Birth Time. (That is why we have to compare the RP Moons position with the RP Ascendant position to get a strong significator.) If RP Ascendant Point at TOA denotes the th astrologer, the 7 Cusp, the opponents point, would again mean the natives Ascendant Point. But, this 7th Cuspal Point at TOA is only secondary in nature to that of RP Moon at TOA

Note: We must select the natives Asc. significators only from the RP Moons point at TOA, and not from the 7th Cuspal point, which can be considered only for purpose of re-confirmation.
Now that we have judged whether the Ascendant Sublord for the given birth time is the right one or not, we have to proceed to the next step, that is, fixing of the Asc.endant SubSublord.

Fixing the SubSublord (SS) and the Sex of the Native

Having decided upon the strongest Significator from the RP Moons position at TOA to be the Ascendant SubSublord, it should be checked to denote the sex of the native. In MK Rule, it is considered that, while the PLANETS indicate the mental status of the native, the Zodiac SIGNS occupied by those Planets indicate his physical status. On selecting the strongest Significator as said above, look at its SubSubSub lord (SSSL). This SSS lord is the deciding factor for the chosen Significator.

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In the natives chart of given time, see whether there are any other planets posited in this SSSLords Stars. If not so, then the SSSL should be the one posited in a male sign of the zodiac if the native is a male or in a female sign if the native is a female. If this is opposite, i.e. the SSSLord of the selected Significator is in a female sign for a males chart, then drop that Significator and consider the next stronger one from RP Moon position at TOA. Check again to see if the SSSLord of the Significator (of second choice) is in a male sign of a males chart and so on till someone suits well. Now, suppose there is a planet in the Star of the Significators SSSLord, then go for the Starlord of this SSSLord, who should be posited in a male sign to denote the native as a male. It may so happen, sometimes, that the SSSlords (the deciding factors) of all the available Significators, who are deemed to be the Ascendants SubSublord, are all in the female signs in males chart, or all in the male signs in a females chart, which is a mismatch for indication of sex, as per this MK rule. In such exceptional cases, the only possible option is to have the 12 zodiac signs divided into two halves the first half is the Male Hora of 15 and the second half is a Female Hora of 15 in a Male Sign, and vice versa in a Female Sign, and to check the position of the SSSlord or its Starlord, to justify the sex indication. Such a way of dividing a Sign is not primarily encouraged in MK Rule, because a native can possess a dual nature masculine and feminine by character which may be evident in due course, but one cannot be physically both masculine and feminine at birth. Also, if taken primarily, even this division of a male Hora and a female Hora also may not serve our purpose in determining or fixing the sex, when, in very rare cases, all the Significator planets may be posited in Female Hora sections in a males chart or in Male Hora sections in a females chart. It has to be accepted that any method of determining the sex based on signs of the zodiac will have this limitation, though to a minimum level, in general.

Sharpening or fine-tuning SubSubSub (SSS) level





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The remaining one or two Significators from the RP Moons position at TOA are supposed to take the position of SSS lord and, if possible, the SSSS lord. The choice of who is stronger among two or more such Significators depends upon the criterion that the one whose Stars are unoccupied by other planets is stronger than the others. This selection of the Ascendants SSS lord (and SSSS lord) helps to sharpen or fine-tune the Ascendants point, which will bring about the fixation of the other 11 Cuspal Points up to their SSS levels automatically. Now ends the fixation of the Ascendant point exact to an Hour-MinuteSecond (HMS) by Clock time.

Whats the Warranty?

The main idea behind this MK Rule of BTVR is not to have any undue doubt about the given birth time. It is to be assumed as correct unless and until the consulting party or the native himself is doubtful about his birth time or date. It is to be admitted and I do admit that, in spite of such precise positioning, by way of correction, of the Ascendant Point and correspondingly, the other 11 Cuspal Points, this does not warranty 100% perfection. WHY? The reason is that any chart, whether corrected or not, should reflect the past events, at least some of them, to an astrologers satisfaction, so that the future events can be foreseen with confidence by him. Checking of past events is an issue of bigger dimension and it requires the understanding of the working of MKs Cuspal Point Signification Theory, a special feature under MK Method of Predictive Techniques, for confirming the correctness of the Birth Time Rectification. As the explanation of the above CPS Theory under MK Method will go a little away from the scope of this article, I would like to take leave of you for a while before that. Obviously, I would be only very pleased to call your attention back to it as soon as possible. I intend to present the same in the form of a text book with illustrations for practice and application in reading a natives destiny from his horoscope. In my experience of applying these MK Rules of BTVR, Cuspal Point Signification Theory, etc., for the last five years, they have given satisfactory results in nearly 80 to 85 per cent of cases.

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MKs Predictive Techniques In KP Astrology MK Rule of BTVR (Birth Time Verification and Rectification)

I sincerely request all KP followers to give a try on this MK Rule of BTVR method and help one another to set right the flaws in it, if any. I await your genuine comments on my above ideas. Just be frank enough to tell me whatever you all feel about this. I pray to the Almighty to bestow on us the light of knowledge to lift this Divine Science of Astrology to the appropriate height of recognition in this modern technological world of material science. May I request your comments, Readers? MK MOHAN KUMAR. R., B.A(Econ)., D.MAS., e-mail: [email protected] Secretary (2006 & 2008) PAVARS -- Prof.A.Vaithialingam Astrological Research Society, Salem. Scientific Astrologer & Spoken English Tutor Advanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy, Wisdom Institute of Spoken English (WISE), 219/84, Moongapadi Street, Gugai, SALEM-636 006. INDIA.
Mobile: 99443-07025

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The END of Part 1: MKS PREDICTIVE TECHNIQUES IN KP ASTROLOGY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GOOD LUCK AUM SRI SAIRAM

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