Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis Linn.)

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Rosemary R Dinesh Indian Institute of Spices Research Calicut, Kerala, India

1.0 Introduction Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis LINN.), a small perennial evergreen shrub belongs to the mint family. The small narrow leaves have a very spicy odor that makes them valuable as a flavoring and scenting agent. Rosemary of commerce comprises of the dried leaves derived from an exotic, leafy, evergreen shrub of R. officinalis, upto 1 m high, cultivated in Indian gardens in cool places for its pleasantly fragrant leaves. Rosemary is cultivated in Yugoslavia, Spain, Portugal, Algeria, France, Hungary, Italy, the Middle East, Morocco, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey, USA and to some extent in India. The colour of the dried herb is brownish green. Rosemary leaves have a tea-like fragrance. Crushed rosemary, however, has an agreeable and fragrant, spicy aroma with a camphoraceous note. The taste has fragrant, pungent, bitter and camphoraceous notes. The characteristic flavor of rosemary is due to the 1-2 % essential oil content that is composed of pinene, camphene, borneol, camphor and cineol. It is used for medicinal purposes and to spice up fish sauces, soups, salads and sausages. The fragrance is also used in liquor, soap and other cosmetics (Parry, 1969; Frank, 1992). Production The major producers of rosemary oil are China, France, Morocco, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Tunisia, United Kingdom and United States. The worldwide production of rosemary essential oil is estimated to be around 295 t value at US 3.5 m $. ( 2.0 Composition The plant contains some tannic acid, together with a resin and a bitter principle and a volatile oil. The chief constituents of the oil are borneol, bornyl acetate and other esters, a special camphor similar to that possessed by the myrtle, cineol, pinene and camphene. It is colourless, with the odour of Rosemary and a warm camphoraceous taste. The chief adulterants of oil of Rosemary are oil of turpentine and petroleum. Rosemary yields its virtues partly to water and entirely to rectified spirits of wine. The active constituents of rosemary are carnosic acid, carnosol and rosmarinic acid. Variability of the amounts of active constituents appears to be due to different geographical locations of growth and seasonal variations (Yesil Celiktas, 2007b).

GCMS analysis of the essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis L. resulted in the identification of 19 compounds, representing 97.97% of the oil. The major constituents of the oil were described as 1,8-cineole (27.23%), -pinene (19.43%), camphor (14.26%), camphene (11.52%) and -pinene (6.71%) (Wang et al., 2007). Essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis extracted by hydrodistillation and their characterization by means of GC and GCMS indicated that the oil contained -pinene (14.9%), 1,8-cineole (7.43%) and linalool (14.9%), respectively, as the major compounds (Gachkar et al., 2007). The oils were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The major components of R. officinalis are piperitone (23.65%), -pinene (14.94%), Limonene (14.89%), 1,8-Cineole (7.43%) and thymol (37.2%), P-cymene (32.3%), -terpinene (27.3%) respectively (Rasooli et al., 2008). Two new abietane-type diterpenoid oquinones, 7-methoxyabieta-8,13-diene-11,12-dione-(20,6)-olide (rosmaquinone A) (1) and 7-methoxyabieta-8,13-diene-11,12-dione-(20,6)-olide (rosmaquinone B) (2), together with six known compounds have been isolated from the aerial parts of Rosmarinus officinalis L (Mahmoud et al., 2005). The oil of Rosemary, distilled from the flowering tops, as directed in the British Pharmacopceia, is superior oil to that obtained from the stem and leaves, but nearly all the commercial oil is distilled from the stem and leaves of the wild plant before it is in flower. Uses Rosemary has a very pungent flavour and it should be used with discretion. Rosemary oil is used as a tonic, astringent, diaphoretic, stimulant and as an antispasmodic. Oil of Rosemary has the carminative properties of other volatile oils and is an excellent stomachic and nervine, curing many cases of headache. It is folk medicine for the treatment of hyperglycaemia and is widely accepted as one of the medicinal herb with the highest antioxidant activity. (Bakurel et al., 2008). The aerial parts of Rosemary possess antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity, and reinforce the use of this plant in folk medicine (Gonzlez-Trujano et al., 2007). Rosemary is widely used in food processing and is the only spice commercially available for use as an antioxidant in Europe and the United States. One of the main potential uses is the suppression of warmed over flavour (WOF) (Mielnik et al., 2008). However, because of their prime use as flavouring agents, rosemary extract products are not technically listed as natural preservatives or antioxidants.

Antioxidant properties of rosemary have been well documented. (Sotelo-Flix et al., 2002; Ponce et al., 2004; Mata et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2007; Yesil Celiktas, 2007a). Rosemary is considered both as a lipid antioxidant (Gladine et al., 2007; Samotyja and Maecka, 2007; Ahn et al., 2008) and its extract was also found also scavenge superoxide radicals (Basaga et al., 1997; Atsumi and Tonosaki, 2007; Gachkar et al., 2007). Due to

its potent antioxidant properties, the Rosmarinus officinalis extract exerts remarkable antidiabetogenic effect (Al-Hader et al., 1994; Bakurel et al., 2008).

R. officinalis oil also exhibited antimicrobial activity (Panizzi et al., 1993) against yeasts (Sacchetti et al.,. 2005) and E. coli, S. aureus and L. monocytogenes (Gachkar et al., 2007).suggesting that R. officinalis essential oils may be used as potent agents in food preservation. R. officinalis oil also possesses antifungal activity and is reported to inhibit Aspergillus parasiticus growth and aflatoxin production indicating that the essential oils could be safely used as preservative materials on some kinds of foods to protect them from toxigenic fungal infections (Rasooli et al., 2008). The essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis has been found to be ovicidal and repellent towards the mosquitoes (Veena Prajapati, 2005). The essential oil also allows manipulation of rumen fermentation to improve animal performance (Sotelo-Flix et al., 2002). The fresh or dried leaves may be used sparingly for special accent with cream soups made of leafy greens, poultry, stews, and sauces. Blend chopped parsley and a little rosemary with sweet butter and spread under the skin of breasts and thighs of chickens for roasting. There are many varieties and forms of rosemary available and the species is grown as an ornamental and hedgerow plant. Often the plant is used as a ground cover along roads and on embankments because of its beauty and deep root system, which helps stabilize the soil and allows the plant to withstand hot, dry periods. The plant is considered a good source of nectar for bees, having blossoms that both attract bees and appear when few other plants are blooming. As a medicinal plant, rosemary has been used as an external stimulant and as a relaxant for nervousness, muscle spasms, and headaches. At one time it was used in wines as a carminative, and it is thought to act as a stimulant to the kidneys. Rosemary has been used as an expectorant and as a folk remedy against asthma, eczema, rheumatism, and wounds. It has been used in the treatment of cancer, and is categorized today as a therapeutic emmenagogue (14.1-16, 14.1-35). The plant is used as an insect repellent. It is employed principally, externally, as spiritus Rosmarini, in hair-lotions, for its odour and effect in stimulating the hair-bulbs to renewed activity and preventing premature baldness. An infusion of the dried plant (both leaves and flowers) combined with borax and used when cold, makes one of the best hairwashes known. It forms an effectual remedy for the prevention of scurf and dandruff. The oil is also used externally as a rubefacient and is added to liniments as a fragrant stimulant. Hungary water, for outward application to renovate the vitality of paralysed limbs, was first invented for a Queen of Hungary, who was said to have been completely cured by its continued use. It was prepared by putting 1 1/2 lb. of fresh Rosemary tops in

full flower into 1 gallon of spirits of wine, this was allowed to stand for four days and then distilled. Hungary water was also considered very efficacious against gout in the hands and feet, being rubbed into them vigorously. Rosemary wine when taken in small quantities acts as a quieting cordial to a weak heart subject to palpitation, and relieves accompanying dropsy by stimulating the kidneys. It is made by chopping up sprigs of green Rosemary and pouring on them white wine, which is strained off after a few days and is then ready for use. By stimulating the brain and nervous system, it is a good remedy for headaches caused by feeble circulation. The young tops, leaves and flowers can be made into an infusion, called Rosemary Tea, which, taken warm, is a good remedy for removing headache, colic, colds and nervous diseases, care being taken to prevent the escape of steam during its preparation. It will relieve nervous depression. A conserve, made by beating up the freshly gathered tops with three times their weight of sugar, is said to have the same effect. Rosemary is also one of the ingredients used in the preparation of Eau-de-Cologne. It is a traditional flavouring for lamb dishes, but is used with most other meats and fish as well (Schnepf and Zhu-Wood, 1993; Janz et al., 2007; Mielnik et al., 2008). It is an important component in most combinations of mixed herbs and is invaluable in the stuffing for the Christmas turkey. Rosemary is also used as a tea and an infusion of the leaves has always been popular as a hair rinse. Sprigs of rosemary are worn on Anzac Day "for remembrance". Old diggers talked of rosemary growing wild on the Gallipoli battlefield and how the perfume of its crushed leaves evoked powerful memories. 3.0 History and origin Rosemary is native to the Mediterranean, Portugal, and northwestern Spain (Kowalchik and Hylton, 1987). The Ancients were well acquainted with the shrub, which had a reputation for strengthening the memory. On this account it became the emblem of fidelity for lovers. It holds a special position among herbs from the symbolism attached to it. Not only was it used at weddings, but also at funerals, for decking churches and banqueting halls at festivals, as incense in religious ceremonies, and in magical spells. At weddings, it was entwined in the wreath worn by the bride, being first dipped into scented water. A Rosemary branch, richly gilded and tied with silken ribands of all colours, was also presented to wedding guests, as a symbol of love and loyalty. Together with an orange stuck with cloves it was given as a New Year's gift - allusions to this custom are to be found in Ben Jonson's plays. 4.0 Botany Rosemary is a member of the mint family, Lamiaceae. It has opposite, simple, entire, evergreen leaves up to two inches long and an eighth of an inch wide. The leaf margins are revolute and the leaves are a shiny green on top and whitish beneath due to a dense collection of very fine hairs (Dirr, 1990). Much of the active volatile principle resides in their calyces. The plant begins to flower in late winter and continues through spring.

Flowers are normally blue, but cultivars can be found with pink or white blooms (Armitage, 1997). There are silver and goldstriped varieties, but the green-leaved variety is the kind used medicinally. Rosemary is a stiff, erect bush with dark green, spiky, narrow leaves with silver undersides. It grows to about 1.5m. The prostrate form has smaller leaves and grows as a trailing ground cover rarely exceeding 30 cm high. The flowers of both species are blue, though white-flowering varieties exist. 5.0 Classification and Varieties Rosemary has both creeping and upright varieties. Most varieties in the U.S. are of the upright variety. Upright rosemary will grow between 3 and 5 feet tall, but can get as tall as 6 feet in some warm areas. Rosemary grows as a shrub and should be pruned, not sheared when it is getting bigger than wanted. Rosemary is not a plant that will take over your herb bed. It is a respectful plant and not invasive. Creeping varieties grow very well as a trailer over walls and window boxes. Both can be grown in pots and shaped into topiaries or bonsai. When pruning your Rosemary make sure not to cut more than 20% of the plant.

6.0 Genetics and breeding Biotechnology In vitro studies of rosemary, such as tissue culture, in vitro selection and suspended cell culture, to produce active principles are in progress in several laboratories. Callus induction potential of various explants from rosemary, essential oil profile of in vitro cultures under salt stress, in vitro production of the pigment shisonin, in vitro production of carnosic acid in callus cultures and regenerated shoots, in vivo assessment of its antidiabetic and antioxidant activities are some of the biotechnological studies reported (Banthorpe et al., 1986; Zhu-Ru Xing et al., 1996; Tawfik, 1997; Hashimoto et al., 1997; Yang-Rong Hui et al., 1997; Caruso et al., 2000; Yesil Celiktas et al., 2007b; Tsai et al., 2007; Bakirel et al., 2008), though large-scale downstream processing of value-added products of rosemary from in vitro techniques or scale-up of the process for commercial exploitation is in its infancy.

7.0 Soil and climate The reported life zone for rosemary is 9 to 280 C with an annual precipitation of 0.3 to 2.7 meters and a soil pH of 4.5 to 8.7. Ideal soil pH for Rosemary should be between 6.5 and 7.0. Though it needs a well drained soil, rich soil is not good for Rosemary. The drought tolerant plant grows in rocky to sandy soils, as long as there is adequate drainage and a minimum soil depth of about 0.2 meters. Rosemary succeeds best in a light, rather dry soil, and in a sheltered situation, such as the base of a low wall with a south aspect. On a

chalk soil it grows smaller, but is more fragrant. The silver- and gold-striped kinds are not quite so hardy. Rosemary needs full sun. It can survive in afternoon shade in very hot areas, but in most areas, put it in a sunny location. The pale-blue flowers can develop throughout the growing season, although profuse blooming occurs during late winter or early spring. The plant is not cold hardy. It is suitable for cultivation in the Himalayas and Nilgiri hills with dry to moderately moist climate. 8.0 Cultivation 8.1 Land preparation The three fundamentals for successfully growing rosemary are: sun, good drainage and good air circulation. In a frost free area, rosemary can be grown in the ground year round by providinga sandy, well draining soil and 6-8 hours of full sunlight. Rosemary requires a sunny, well-drained spot and thrives in sandy, poor soil. Once established, the shrub is very durable and long-lived. It is often used to create a dense aromatic hedge. Cuttings strike easily.

8.2 Seeds/planting material Propagation is typically done by cuttings or sometimes layering. A plant should be 2-3 years old before attempting to take cuttings from it for propagation. While rosemary seeds are available, the success rate in germination is very low. To produce a new plant by layering, peg down a small branch of the old plant into the soil using a piece of wire until the roots are well established. After the root system is strong, carefully remove the new plant from the old. Young plants need moisture, but not too much or root rot can take over. New plants should be planted in early fall to allow them to harden off before winter sets in.

Rosemary is propagated by seeds, cuttings and layers, and division of roots. (1) Seeds may be sown upon a warm, sunny border. (2) Cuttings, taken in August, 6 inches long, and dibbled into a shady border, two-thirds of their length in the ground, under a handglass, will root and be ready for transplanting into permanent quarters the following autumn. (3) Layering may be readily accomplished in summer by pegging some of the lower branches under a little sandy soil. The finest plants are said to be raised from seed. However, this herb rarely produces seed except under the most favorable conditions, so that it will be necessary to obtain plants or rooted cuttings to start. Debaggio (1990) reported that rosemary is difficult to grow from seed due to sporadic germination, so propagation is almost exclusively from rooted cuttings. The recommended technique is to strip leaves from the lower half of a four inch cutting, dip the stripped end in a rooting hormone, and stick it in a peat-based rooting medium with bottom heat around 75-80o F (DeBaggio, 1990). Rooting should occur within two weeks though Long (1998) noted a delayed rooting time during the hottest

part of the summer. Transplant the rooted cutting into a larger container being careful to not plant it deeper than it was planted before. Pinching the new plant immediately after transplanting will to increase branching (DeBaggio, 1990). The plant will make a dense shrub 2 feet in diameter and about 3 feet in height by the end of the second season. Blooming generally begins when the plants are 2 years old or older. Some protection is necessary to prevent winter injury in localities where low temperatures are frequent. The growth can be pruned back several inches once or twice each season after the plants become large enough. The herb from the prunings should be dried on a screen and the leaves stripped from the stems and stored in closed containers. 8.3 Planting Cuttings of 10-15 cm length from selected mother plants are ideal for vegetative propagation of rosemary. Treatments of cuttings with growth hormones such as indole butyric acid (IBA), indoleacetic acid (IAA) or saponin enhance rooting of cuttings. Among the different seasons, the end of winter is found the best season for rooting cuttings (Silva and Pedras, 1999). Cuttings with the lower leaves removed are first planted in raised sand beds of convenient size, in a protected nursery. Regular watering is needed for good sprouting of the cuttings. It takes about 45-50 days for the cuttings to be transplanted to the main field. Rosemary seeds are very small and black in colour. In India, the seed nursery is raised usually during September to November. Seed rate is about 0.2 to 2.5 g seed per 1 m2 area (Farooqi and Sreeramulu, 2001). Raised seed beds with adequate shade, sufficient watering, good drainage and weeding ensure healthy seedlings. Seedlings are transplantable at 8-10 weeks. The usual spacing adopted for rosemary is 45 x 45 cm as a monocrop. If Rosemary is to be grown as a perennial space the plants a good 4 feet apart. Rosemary does not take well to transplanting. If it likes the spot chosen for it, it can grow for up to 30 years. When transplanting is imperative, avoid cutting any of the roots and dig up as much of the original soil as possible. Rosemary has a very long root; make sure to get the entire root system during transplanting. 8.4 Fertilizers Rosemary is not a heavy feeder, but fertilizing in spring with a fish/kelp emulsion will get it off to a good start for the season. Periodic foliar sprays with the emulsion will keep it looking great. Well-rotted manure added to the soil will encourage new growth, but it's not usually necessary. Boyle et al. (1991) recommend a soil less or soil based growing medium with control of irrigation and fertilization. They also found low rates of fertilizer (12N-5.2P-12.5K controlled release fertilizer or 20N-4.3P-16.7K liquid feed once a week at a concentration of 150 mg L-1 N) produced larger plants than higher fertilizer rates. Stress Symptoms include gray, upward turned leaf tips indicating a lack of water, yellow leaves at the plant base indicating nutrition problems or restricted rooting area, and brown leaf tips progressing to dead brown leaves indicating over-watering.

Boyle et al. (1991) also found that rosemary does not respond well to high levels of fertilizer. However, they did not determine the ideal fertilization concentration. They also found that larger rosemary plants could be grown in soil less media than a field soil based mix, but they did not explore variations in soil less medias In India, a fertilizer rate of 20 kg N, 40 kg P2O5, 40 kg K2O with 20 Mt farmyard manure per hectare is recommended (Farooqi and Sreeremulu, 2001). Field experiments conducted to study the influence of plant spacings (4530, 4545 and 4560 cm), fertilizer rates (0, 10 t vermicompost, 5 t vermicompost + 150:25:25 kg NPK/ha, 300:50:50 kg NPK/ha and modified urea material (prilled urea and 20% (DCD) coated urea), and 3 soil moisture regime (0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 IW:CPE ratios) on herbage, oil yield, oil content and oil quality of rosemary indicate that plant spacing of 4530 cm, application of 300:50:50 kg NPK/ha, DCD coated urea and irrigation at 0.50 IW:CPE ratio produced the highest herbage and oil yields of rosemary. The content and quality of oil were not influenced by plant spacing, fertilizer or irrigation regime (Singh, 2004). However, earlier studies by Prakasa Rao et al. (1999) suggest that highest crop yields were obtained with a plant spacing of 45 cm x 45 cm in combination with nitrogen application at 300 kg/ha/ year. The beneficial effect of biofertilizers such as Azospirillum, Azotobacter and VAM applied in combination with inorganic fertilizers in increasing herb and oil yield of rosemary has also been reported (Anuradha et al., 2002). Weed control in rosemary is achieved through occasional hand weeding and intercultivation. Application of Fe as foliar spray in irrigated rosemary increased the verbenone concentration in the oil (Moretti et al., 1998). Studies on the effect of growth regulators (brassinosteroids and uniconazole) on growth, yield and chemical composition of rosemary in Egypt revealed the beneficial effect of growth hormones (Tarraf and Ibrahim, 1999). 8.5 Irrigation Rosemary is considered drought tolerant, but it sill needs some irrigation. During the first growing season, plants should be watered every 3-5 days while the root system is being established. After the first year, water plants if they show signs of wilting. Two irrigations per week for good crop establishment and one irrigation during the later stages is recommended in India (Farooqi and Sreeramulu, 2001). Drip fertigation with water soluble fertilizers coupled with micronutrients is reported to increase growth, yield and quality traits of Rosemary (Vasundhara et al., 2002). A study in egypr revealed that irrigation once in 14 days enhanced herbage and oil yield (Kandeel, 2001). Munne-Bosch et al. (1999b) investigated the water relations, stomatal conductance, dew absorption, and CO2 assimilation rate of rosemary under drought conditions. They found that rosemary is very well suited to surviving drought, but not thriving in it. Stomatal conductance can drop by 50% during drought periods without any damage or adverse effects to the plant other than reduced growth. Nogues et al. (2001) found drought stressed rosemary caused a significant reduction in the CO2 assimilation rates of shoots without permanently damaging the photosynthetic ability of the plant. Rosemary is especially sensitive to over-watering immediately after transplanting (Debaggio, 1987). 8.6 Inter-cultivation

If given the right growing conditions, Rosemary takes little care. Keep tall plants from arching over young plants while they are establishing. Keep moist, but not wet Make sure soil is draining. Fertilizer is not necessary for Rosemary. Growing Rosemary in containers is a bit trickier. Because it is an evergreen shrub root rot can develop easily in a pot. Well drained soil, mixed with perlite, is essential. Make sure your pot is big enough. Pots will need to be at least 12 inches deep and 12 inches across to handle the root system. Inside Rosemary needs a sunny window where air is cool and the air circulation is good. Mist the plant once or twice a week and turn the plant every couple of days so that every side gets sunlight. Before taking it outdoors in the spring, harden the plant off just like a new seedling. For an easy to care for herb that gives you a multitude of uses, rosemary is a great choice. Rosemary is ordained with beautiful dew-like flowers, the most well known being blue. Flowers will last from spring to late summer in a warm and humid climate. But the real beauty in the rosemary plant is the aromatic leaves, shaped like pine needles and more aromatic. In the warmer zones, Rosemary will stay green all year round. Pruning of rosemary is advisable, though not essential, after two or three years to enhance shoot and leaf production (Farooqi and Sreeramulu, 2001). As rosemary is a perennial herb, aged plantations (10-12 years old) need to be rejuvenated by cutting back the plant to a height of 45 cm above ground coupled with fertigation for better herbage yield. 8.7 Harvest Leaves, flowering tops, flowers and twigs are of economic importance. First harvesting is done about eight months after planting, with the onset of flowering or just before flowering. In the first year, two crops can be taken, whereas in the subsequent years two to four harvests are possible at an interval of 100-120 days. Generally, harvesting of the plants can be done up to 50% flowering. At above 90% flowering, harvesting is not desirable (Farooqi and Sreeramulu, 2001). Tender, non-hardy shoots are also harvested for distillation upon attaining full size. To harvest Rosemary, cut off branch tips as needed and new growth will branch out from cuts. To dry or freeze some for winter use, hang in bunches in a dry dark place or just put whole cut pieces into a zip loc bag and freeze. Flavor is retained better if the leaves stay on the stems. ( Rosemary can be continuously harvested as long as the plants are growing. Strip the needles from the stems, then chop them before using. Rosemary also dries and freezes well. Usually the harvested leaves, flowering tops and shoots are used for downstream processing without drying. However, the leaves and twigs can also be used after drying for oil extraction. Drying studies in normal condition at 500C and in dehydrated air (30oC) revealed that, in terms of percentage values of the characteristic volatile oil compounds, the dehydrated air-drying product is on par with raw leaves (di Cesare et al., 2001).However,

Ibanez et al. (1999) reported that, among different drying methods, the traditional method (drying in a ventilated room) is the best in terms of the yield and quality of the antioxidant principles of rosemary. Influence of genotype of the plant, age of leaf and other growing conditions are known to affect the oil quality especially the antioxidant principle, the carnosic acid, in oil (Hidalgo et al., 1998). Boutekedjiret et al. (1999) reported a phenology-dependent variation in yield and quality. For best oil yield, the flowering stage of rosemary is the best, though the oil quality from such plant is slightly inferior. To get quality oil of good yield, one has to select an appropriate growth stage. In short, the flowering stage of the plant as well as pre-flowering plants are suitable for the production of oil, though there will be difference in the oil quality.

9.0 Pests and diseases Pests seldom bother Rosemary. DeBaggio (1990) lists mealy bugs, white flies, and spider mites as the major offenders suggesting a regular spray program with insecticidal soap for control. Rosemary is actually used to deter certain pests such as mosquitoes, wool moths, aphids (Hori, 1998; Hori, 1999a; Hori, 1999b), onion thrips (Koschier and Sedy, 2003) etc. Nevertheless, both the adults and the larvae of rosemary beetle (Chrysolina americana) feed on the leaves and flowers of rosemary. It can be controlled either with insecticides or hand picking of the adults and larvae. There are no recommended insecticides that can be used on rosemary if it is to be used for culinary purposes. The important diseases affecting rosemary are collar and root rot (Phytophthora incognitae,P. drechsleri), foliar necrosis/leaf spot (Alternaria alternata), aerial blight (Ralstonia solani AG-4), hook disease (Botrytis cinerea) and powdery mildew (Oidium Spp.) (Perello and DalBello, 1995; Minuto and Garibaldi, 1996; Cacciola et al., 1997; Conway et al., 1997; Villevieille et al., 1999). Alternaria leaf spot will be severe in humid and less well-ventilated areas, whereas powdery mildew assumes severity under shaded conditions. In the indoors Rosemary needs to be guarded against powdery mildew. Keeping good air circulation (even with a fan) and misting the plant often will help this. Powdery mildew caused by Sphaerotheca fuliginea (Schlechtend:Fr) Pollacci, root diseases caused by species of Armillaria, Phytophthora, and Rhizoctonia have been reported (Wheeler and Boyle, 1971; Farr et al., 1989). Rhizoctonia solani is known to cause a foliar blight and root rot on rosemary. Kalra et al. (1993) describe the foliar blight of R. s. AG-1 as necrotic lesions normally found at the tips of leaves. This strain has been found to have a larger detrimental affect on the prostrate forms of rosemary (Holcomb, 1992). Conway et al. (1997) document R. s. AG-4 as a potential problem for rosemary cuttings under mist systems and suggest a combination of the biological control Laetisaria arvalis and the experimental fungicide CGA 173506 as an effective control. Holcomb (1992) also lists powdery mildew caused by Sphaerotheca fuliginea as a minor pathogenic problem. Finally, DeBaggio (1987) states Botrytis can be a problem if plants do not have adequate air circulation, but suggests proper spacing as a simple solution. Harvesting before blooming will help to restrict the crop loss due to hook disease. Poor drainage is conducive to root rot. Spraying and drenching with fungicides Maneb (1%) is effective against root rot. Sulphur dusting is recommended against

powdery mildew. Biocontrol of powdery mildew with a commercial formulation of Ampetomyces quisqualis gave partial control (Minuto and Garibaldi, 1996). The first report of web blight of rosemary caused by R. solani was made by Holcomb (1992). Web (aerial) blight characterized by twig and branch blight that results in decline and death of Rosemary plants has been identified as being caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-1. The disease was observed on large landscape plants of both prostrate and upright forms of rosemary, but only the prostrate form was killed. Disease control was obtained with benomyl, iprodione, and mancozeb in greenhouse tests. An isolate of biocontrol agent, Laetisaria arvalis, if incorporated in the pots, followed by foliar spray of fungicides at a low dose, was found to check aerial blight of rosemary better than separate applications of fungicide or biocontrol agent alone (Conway et al., 1997).

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