Media Use in The Middle East
Media Use in The Middle East
Media Use in The Middle East
An Eight-Nation Survey
June 2013
An Eight-Nation Survey
Forward Introduction: Understanding Media Use in the Middle East Survey Methodology Executive Summary of Results Survey Results Media Sources Used Media Reliance Perceptions of News Outlets Sources for News Sources for Entertainment Experience with the Internet Social Networking Freedom, Privacy and Regulation on the Internet The Internet and Political Influence Personal Connections on the Internet Internet Activity State of the Nation Highlighting Qatar Conclusion and the Way Forward 5 6 9 10 13 14 23 28 32 38 42 50 54 59 63 67 74 77 94
Continuous focus on the conflicts and controversies of the Middle East affords little attention to the steady and growing media sector in the region, which has an amalgam of traditional and new platforms and even whole media cities in such venues as Dubai and Abu Dhabi. With the Arab revolutions that began in 2011, greater interest in the role of the internet and social media has gained traction alongside the pervasive and expanding presence of Al Jazeera and its competitors. But the media of this often volatile region are more complex than that, as this study of Media Use in the Middle East: An Eight Nation Study attests. The diversity and complexity of the Middle East media scene is witnessed here through the prism of media use and attitudes toward media with special attention to the internet. Any image of the Middle East as an environment with limited choices for news, information and entertainment is quickly dispelled by a perusal of the text and data sets that follow here. This study, including the report presented here, and an interactive website (menamediasurvey., is the product of collaborative work at Northwestern University in Qatar. Along with colleagues Robb Wood and Justin Martin, I have led this effort as we documented the need for this research and subsequently engaged Harris Interactive to work with us and conduct the field work. We are grateful to Humphrey Taylor, Kerry Hill, and Donna Knapp, with whom we worked closely at Harris as well as several colleagues for their advice and assistance along the way, including David Carr at NU-Q, Frank Mulhern and Rachel Mersey of Northwestern University, Evanston, and others at NU-Q including Jan-Marie Petersen, Sian Sadler, and DeYette Little. We hope this study will be useful to those who are interested in a more textured understanding of the region, its people and their media use.
Little is more important to a university preparing its students for careers in communication and journalism than understanding how people actually use the media as readers, viewers, listeners and interactive participants. Such intelligence charts the current state and probable future of media and entertainment industries, with cues about what media the audience values and how consumer use is changing. The utility and importance of such information stretches well beyond the university and its particular interests, however. It is valuable for media industries themselves, for people in institutions like business, government, the nonprofit sector, and to almost anyone who wants to communicate effectively for whatever reason.
From its beginnings in 2008, Northwestern University in Qatar has watched and endeavored to understand the media in its host country, Qatar, the wider Middle East and the global community as a whole. At the dawn of the Arab revolutions in 2011 and beyond, interest in the media has intensified with much speculation, but relatively little systematic research, about the role of the internet generally and social media specifically; or satellite television, the international press and such traditional outlets as newspapers, magazines and film. Those looking for simplistic answers assumed that the unrest and push for freedom was mainly driven or facilitated by such social media as Facebook and Twitter or more pervasively by Al Jazeera with its broad footprint in television homes. And still others opined that that continuity of coverage by international media outlets reinforced those at home and brought world attention to a region not always at the top of the news agenda. At this time of such intense interest in and scrutiny of communication attending change in the region, we decided to conduct a study of media use across the pan-Arab region. To that end, we viewed available studies, some public and others proprietary, but found that none provided the comprehensive portrait we desired. Concurrently, NU-Q accepted an invitation to join the World Internet Project (WIP) wherein partners from major universities and research centers contribute data to
a global assessment, which is published biennially. And about that time, we contracted with Harris Interactive, a globally oriented survey research firm, to assist us and to carry out subsequent field work. As we mined other studies and began to craft our own questions, we connected them with the questions from the WIP and eventually produced a satisfactory survey instrument. After months of consultations, we determined that data collection in eight Arab nations would provide a basis to make some generalizations about the region against the comparative backdrop of the WIP study, which historically has had modest input from the Arab world. Our study is one of rather large scale with more than 10,000 interviews, nearly 90 percent of which were face-to-face encounters with people in their respective countries. With an exceptionally high response rate and confidence in the rigor of this research, we present it here for public consideration. These data will also be added to the yield of the WIP in its next compilation, thus contributing to a worldwide picture as well. For the study, we settled on eight Arab nations representing three important geographic designators: the Levant, North Africa, and the Gulf States. Ultimately, we selected Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Qatar, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates. We could not field studies in all of the countries of the region where timing, costs and sometimes safety were potential impediments, so we present
this report recognizing that each country of the region has profound differences as well as striking similarities when it comes to media use. The results of our study taken as a whole provide a portrait of Arab media two years after the so-called Arab Spring, when freedom of expression and independent media were the mantra of several of the revolutions. The report presented here offers both a summary of all eight countries presented as well as close-ups on the individual nations. This report in successive chapters and sections zeros in on which media people use most often, which they rely on mostand for what. We also looked at media preferred as sources of news and of entertainment. A major focus is on the internet: the preferred devices and platforms most often used, matters of freedom, privacy and regulation and the extent to which the internet is an instrument for political influence. In a region of the world where interpersonal and face-to-face communication is especially important, we examined how internet use is employed for personal transactions of everyday life. Finally, we took an especially close look at media use in the State of Qatar, the locus of our university. Our interest in this country is not simply a parochial one, but rather a portrait of a venue with some of the highest internet penetration in the Arab worldand internationally. In assessing attitudes toward the media, one notable finding was a vote of confidence for improved quality of news media reporting between 2011 and 2013 with a majority of adults agreeing that it has improved in six of the eight countries surveyed. This optimism is also reflected in overall perceptions of media credibility in such countries as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar and the UAE, while less so in more volatile states including Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia. Internet use is strongest in the Gulf countriesUAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia and lowest in the
most populous Arab country, Egypt, which appears in question after question to be a media-poor country in spite of its large population. Only in Qatar is the internet regarded as a more important source of news than is television. In all countries respondents are multi-media users, of course. In the midst of great enthusiasm for the internet, the importance of satellite television, notably Al Jazeera, is the most popular source for news and public affairs across the region. While its popularity varies by country depending on local sources of news and other factors, Al Jazeera was mentioned by respondents in every country surveyed as a top source of news. At the same time, social networking is nearly universal among those online and no other social media site comes close to Facebook in popularity. Twitter and Google+ also get high marks in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and UAE. Although critics once complained that the internet only speaks English, Arabic language use exceeded that of English across the region on most media platforms. Amid the rapid adoption of new media across the region and the relative stability of traditional media, including newspapers and magazines, there is still some ambivalence about the impact and influence of the internet. In the data presented in this report, there is a somewhat puzzling paradox. Most respondents are optimistic about the internet as a medium of personal and political communication, with large majorities agreeing that people should be able to express their opinions online, no matter what those opinions might be. That commitment to freedom of expression in the abstract, however, breaks down on closer inspection since majorities in four countriesLebanon, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Tunisia also want tighter regulation of the internet in their country. Those in Bahrain, Jordan and UAE have mixed feelings about increased
Survey Methodology
government control. These and other findings are presented in greater detail and across various demographic and language dimensions on the pages that follow. In addition, we have developed an interactive online tool that helps readers examine the data more closely by making instant country and media comparisons engaging multiple factors. For that presentation, visit The proximity to the Arab revolutions makes this study a baseline for future research on the region that will no doubt be conducted in a variety of disciplines. As with any survey, no matter how textured and qualified, many questions are answered but others abound. Some findings here pose hypotheses and only touch the surface of concerns that may also benefit from qualitative studies, which we hope will follow. Begun as a project of internal interest at NU-Q, we are pleased to publish it for wider public consideration. We believe many of the findings offer urgent intelligence for media industries and their personnel as well as policymakers, scholars, business leaders and other interested individuals in the Middle East and globally. Further, the data illuminate and enhance understanding about an important aspect of the Arab Spring and its aftermath. Media use and attitudes toward the media, especially the internet, are important aspects of social and economic change. EED, JDM, RBW
The Media Use in the Middle East survey was conducted by Harris Interactive Inc. on behalf of Northwestern University in Qatar. The survey was conducted among the general population 18 years and older in eight countries in the Middle East. Across the eight countries, a total of 10,027 respondents completed the survey. Fieldwork was conducted between December 26, 2012 and February 5, 2013 in seven of the eight participating countries and between March 26, 2013 and April 18, 2013 in Qatar. Sample and Response Country Bahrain Egypt Jordan KSA Lebanon Qatar Tunisia UAE Sample Size 1250 1252 1250 1252 1256 1253 1250 1264 Response Rate 83% 92% 75% 81% 70% 54% 21% 70%
TOTAL 10,027 The survey was conducted face-to-face in seven of the eight participating countries and via telephone in Qatar. The survey was offered in Arabic, English and/ or French. The languages offered varied by country. In Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, KSA, Lebanon, UAE and Tunisia a multi-stage random probability face-to-face sample was implemented. In Qatar, a random telephone sample was implemented. Sampling plans were developed based on age, gender and region. In Egypt, Qatar, KSA, UAE, the sampling plan also took into account ethnicity National, Arab Expatriate, Asian Expatriate and Western expatriates. In Qatar, quotas were also set for landline versus mobile only respondents. Weighting was applied in Egypt, Qatar, KSA, and UAE to be representative by ethnic group, region, age and gender. For more information on the Media Use in the Middle East Report, including the methodology, detailed results and questionnaire, please contact Justin Martin or Robb Wood at Northwestern University in Qatar: [email protected] and [email protected]. For more information on the Media Use in the Middle East Report, go to
This report provides a view of how people in the Middle East use media and how they feel about their effect on their lives and societies. We interviewed approximately 1,250 people in each of eight countries - Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and United Arab Emirates nearly 90% of them face-to-face. The representation of nations from across this diverse area, while incomplete, allows for some consideration of media use in the region as a whole, while also highlighting significant differences and some surprising similarities between national and regional groups. Below are key findings described in detail in the pages that follow.
Survey results
Survey results:
Generally, women are less likely than men to spend time listening to radio or reading newspapers, but devote slightly more time to magazines. The pattern of usage of traditional media is reasonably consistent across age groups. TV is universally popular, although those under 25 are a little less likely to listen to radio
(54% vs. 60% overall), and much less likely to read newspapers (46% vs. 54% overall). Those over 45 are a little more likely to listen to radio and read newspapers than younger adults, but the greatest listening and viewing is among the 35-44 age bracket with 64% listening to radio and 59% of this group reading newspapers.
Home usage is by no means the only internet venue. Those at work typically spend an additional 12 hours each week on the internet at their workplace, and students another 5 hours at school. Perhaps reflecting the nature of the workforce in each country, those in Qatar spend the most time on the internet at work (typically 17 hours in addition to home use), as do those employed in UAE (16 additional hours), Bahrain (14 hours) and Tunisia (12 hours). In all other countries, time spent on the internet at work is about half that amount of time, around 6 hours each week. Among students, a similar pattern applies to time spent online at school, with Qatar, Bahrain and UAE leading the remaining countries by several hours each week. 19
The patterns in use of Arabic and other languages particularly English, but also French vary sharply by country and by medium, likely influenced by the ethnic patterns in each country. For TV, English complements Arabic in Qatar (61% Arabic vs. 56% English), Bahrain (70% Arabic vs. 68% English), and, slightly less so, in UAE (53% vs. 41%), but trails elsewhere where Arabic is the dominant language spoken. English content is accessed to a greater extent online. English, in fact, leads Arabic in terms of content read in Qatar (76% English vs. 56% Arabic), Bahrain (69% vs. 63%), Lebanon (79% vs. 66%) and UAE (64% vs.51%), but trails elsewhere. In Tunisia, online use of French content is closest to Arabic (85% French vs. 97% Arabic). Newspaper readership is much more common in Arabic than in English overall (74% vs. 29%), especially in countries other
than Qatar, Bahrain and UAE. In Qatar (59% Arabic vs. 45% English) and Bahrain (65% Arabic vs. 45% English) readership of English newspapers is almost as common as Arabic news, and in UAE, English is the most dominant language (47% Arabic vs. 54% English). Yet, elsewhere Arabic dominates. Although Arabic and English are the languages most used to access media in the eight Arab countries in the study, there are pockets of other languages that reflect the ethnic and cultural composition of specific countries. In Tunisia, for instance, French is the language most used for all media after Arabic, and many watch Hindi television in Bahrain (36%) and UAE (27%).
Survey results:
Media reliance
This chapter evaluates the perceived relative importance of sources of information about news and current events. Its emphasis is on electronic media and newspapers, but it also explores the importance of interpersonal sources of information. The chapter also assesses the perceived reliability of these main sources of information.
Survey results:
Survey results:
Where it is more than a minor presence for news in Bahrain and especially Tunisia - Facebook is more often a source of news about current events for younger people although Facebook is generally well behind Al Jazeera even among the young.
Generally, older adults are more diligent news followers than their younger counterparts. Those 45 and older are more likely than those under 25 to claim that they follow news closely. Men are also generally more likely than women to be close followers of news of all types, with the difference most pronounced in Egypt.
Survey results:
Men and women regard media sources similarly in their overall importance for entertainment, but women give higher ratings than men to television and magazines for entertainment, while men look to the internet and newspapers for leisure more than women.
Survey results:
Who is online?
As noted in an earlier chapter, 66% of people surveyed in the eight countries are online. Internet use is far higher in some countries than in others. The highest usage is in UAE (91% of adults online), and is also high in Qatar (86%), Bahrain (82%) and Saudi Arabia (82%). At the other extreme, only one in five Egyptians (22%) uses the internet. With the exception of Jordan (46% online), the other countries enjoy majorities of adults online: Lebanon (58%) and Tunisia (60%) have very similar usage. Not surprising, internet use varies with age. More than eight in ten (82%) of those under 25 are online in the eight countries in the study, more than twice as many as those over 45 (37%). The incidence of being online as noted, 82% for those under 25 is 77% in the 25 34 age bracket, 62% for those aged 35 44, and as noted 37% for those over 45. In each country among the Gulf States in the study, the gap in internet use between younger and older people is marked, but not nearly as sharp as in the other countries Lebanon, Tunisia, Egypt for example where a factor of two separates incidence online between those under 25 and those over 45. Men are more likely to be online than women in all eight countries in the study.
The most common type of home connection is broadband, used by three-fourths (73%) of those with a connection. Only 21% use mobile broadband at home, although usage of this connection is much higher in Bahrain (55%) and Lebanon (41%). Phone modem connections (15%) appear to be fading in most of these countries, as it is around the world, although they are still relied upon in Tunisia (63%) and Bahrain (48%), perhaps as a second or third connection for those in Bahrain.
Wireless devices
Almost all internet users are wireless. Eight in ten (80%) internet users use wireless devices, such as mobile phones and laptops, a highly common form of access in all countries except Egypt (32% of internet users have wireless devices) and Tunisia (44%). Time spent on wireless devices varies substantially by country, at around 17 hours per week as high as 23 hours per week on average in Qatar, but only 12 hours (even so, nearly 2 hours a day) in Jordan.
The most common wireless devices are smartphones (71%) and laptops (65%). Access by smartphone is the norm in Bahrain (89%) and UAE (82%), much less so in Tunisia (37%), the other extreme. Besides smartphones and laptops, tablets such as the iPad (used by 22% of adults) and other cell phones (25%) are the only other devices used by more than a very small minority. Tablet use is highest in Qatar at 34% of internet users. MP3 players and e-readers are hardly used at all. In Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia, use of regular cell phones (non-smartphones) is much higher than elsewhere, and also higher than the use of smartphones in those three countries. The choices of wireless devices are consistent at all ages of users, and also among men and women.
Survey results:
Social networking
This chapter details online social networking, both its frequency and duration (in hours per day), and key sites visited.
Social networking is pervasive throughout the Arab countries surveyed, with more than nine in ten (93%) internet users saying they visit social networking sites. In fact, a substantial majority of internet users (60%) claim that they visit social networking or video-sharing websites on a daily basis. Daily social networking is common in all eight countries, with stronger intensity reported in Tunisia (77% at least daily among internet users) and Jordan (72%). Only in Qatar (45%) are daily visits to social networking sites reported by fewer than half of respondents. Time spent on social networking sites is substantial, averaging 2 to 4 hours a day in all eight countries.
Facebook is ubiquitous throughout the region, used by over nine of ten (94%) social network users in each of the eight countries. Although dominance of Facebook is seen in each of the eight countries, its nearest competitor, Twitter, is used by about half (51%) of respondents. The mix of social networking sites used varies by country in the context of the very strong presence of Facebook overall with Twitter being especially strong in Bahrain (72% use), Saudi Arabia (65%) and UAE (58%).
The only other social networking site of consequence besides Facebook and Twitter is Google+, used by nearly half (45%) of those using social networking sites. Use of Google+ is strongest in Bahrain (67%), UAE (61%) and Saudi Arabia (42%). Some social networking sites familiar in the West have yet to take hold in the Arab countries surveyed here. For example, Instagram has only gained traction in Bahrain (61% use it) and to some extent Qatar (17%). Devotion to LinkedIn and MySpace (6% each), Flickr (4%) and Tumblr (3%) is even rarer. The relative popularity of the leading social networking sites holds true for all age groups and for both men and women. Among those who use social networks, Facebook is as popular with those 45 and over as with the under-25s, as it is with men and women.
Survey results:
Survey results:
Survey results:
men socializing with family. Egypt stands out distinctly from all other countries, in that men and women spend about the same (low amount of) time socializing with family about 9 hours a week. In Qatar and Jordan, men are likely to be with friends about six hours more per week than are women in those countries.
Survey results:
Internet activity
This chapter highlights internet activity by focusing on what respondents do online in a typical day.
Online information
While nearly half (49%) of internet users in the region are online daily looking for news, fewer seek information about health (23%) or work and travel (9% each) as regularly. However, the majority have searched the internet at least some point in time for news (89%), health information (85%) and travel information (65%), but fewer have ever looked for work online (45%).
Online entertainment
Six in ten (60%) adults in the countries covered in the study visit social networking or videosharing websites at least once a day more in Tunisia (77%) and Jordan (72%), but fewer in Qatar (45%). A majority (56%) of adults also surf or browse the web each day. Other entertainment activities are not so often engaged in: even so, a third (34%) of adults download or listen to music or look for humorous content (30%) at least once a day, and about a quarter play games (27% daily), download or watch videos (23%), or look at religious or spiritual sites (21%).
Online transactions
Over three-quarters (77%) of internet users in the survey search for information about products online. This activity is particularly common in UAE (90%), Saudi Arabia (90%), and Bahrain (87%). By contrast, only 57% of Egyptian internet users gather product information online. However, online transactions are far less common. Fewer than half of internet users use online banking services (39%), make travel reservations (41%), pay bills (38%) or purchase items (35%) online at all (much less on a daily basis), and even fewer are investing online (16%) at all. Online transactions of all sorts are much rarer in Lebanon and Tunisia, and especially in Egypt and Jordan, than they are in the Gulf States.
That said, a majority (54%) of holders of bank and credit cards are not especially concerned about the security of their cards when or if they were to use them to purchase things or make other transactions online. (A quarter (26%), say they are not at all concerned.) Particularly sanguine about card security are Tunisians (62% of card holders there are not at all concerned about security). In contrast, a majority (55%) of residents of UAE express concern about card security (28% are extremely concerned), as are those in Qatar (29% are extremely concerned).
Survey results:
Taken as a whole, the geographic region covered in this study includes broad opinions on nations trajectories. When asked if their country was generally headed in the right direction, a bare majority (51%) of respondents felt this to be the case, but a third (35%) felt they were on the wrong track. This lukewarm sentiment about the state of the nation is not echoed everywhere. In Saudi Arabia, for example, the opinion on the general direction is more positive: over three-quarters (77%) of adults there feel they are heading in the right direction. A similar picture applies to UAE (73% say right direction). Other countries are mixed, but in Tunisia only a quarter (28%) of adults are confident in their countrys direction, and in Lebanon the view is even bleaker. Only 14% of Lebanese sense their county is headed in the right direction.
When asked to personalize their views, nearly three-quarters (73%) of adults in the region are optimistic about their own futures, a sentiment reflected in all countries except Lebanon and Tunisia, where substantial minorities are pessimistic (43% and 38% pessimistic, respectively).
Highlighting Qatar
Among many of the Arab countries covered in this survey, Qatar is unusual in the mix of its population the number of expatriate residents in Qatar far outnumbers the native citizenry in the country. This chapter provides some insights into the studys findings as they pertain specifically to residents of Qatar. The main body of the report includes participants from Qatar, and points out issues on which Qatar (and other specific countries) stand out in some way, as well as examines differences by age and gender in Qatar and other countries. This chapter takes the analysis a step further by examining some of the key topics covered in the study by the ethnicity and category of residency in Qatar, not least as a result of its populations make-up. Sub-groups in the Qatar population considered in this section are Qatari nationals, Arab expatriates, Asian expatriates and Westerners.
The internet stands out in Qatar, in that English is more likely overall (76%) to be used than Arabic (56%). This general difference (English leading Arabic) may be explained by the high concentration of non-Qataris, especially Asians and Westerners, who access the internet in English. Qatari nationals are much more likely to go online using Arabic (94% say so), but a majority of them (56%) also use English to access internet content. The same is true of Arab expatriates (88% Arabic, 63% English).
Perceptions of the general reliability of information on the internet are more marked in the distinction between outsiders and locals than for TV. While nearly three-quarters (70%) of Asians and two-thirds (67%) of Westerners find the internet to be reliable, a minority (41%) of Qatari nationals feel this way, as do even fewer (37%) Arab expatriates.
Qatari nationals and Arab expatriates (58% each) are much more likely to turn to Al Jazeera than are Westerners (25%), and also but less frequently to Al Arabiya (19%), whereas the latter are more likely to go to the internet generally (17%) and Western sources such as the BBC (18%) and The Times (unspecified) (24%).
Speaking out
Residents of Qatar are mixed regarding speaking out on the internet. The internet is admittedly the first place I go to get information by over three-quarters (79%) of Qatar residents. Additionally, six in ten believe it is okay for people to express their ideas on the internet even if they are unpopular and generally people are responsible with regard to the opinions they express on the internet. However, only a bare majority (54%) feel comfortable saying what I think about public issues and fewer than half (46%) feel it safe to say whatever one thinks about public issues. A small majority (52%) feel people should be free to criticize powerful institutions on the internet, and slightly more (57%) feel
the internet in Qatar should be more tightly regulated than it is now. Only about a third (38%) is worried that powerful institutions are checking what they are doing online. Perceptions about speaking out are fairly similar across ethnic groups, with a few notable exceptions: Westerners are most likely to believe people should be able to express their opinions online, Qatari nationals are the least likely to agree (68% vs. 57%). Conversely, Qatari nationals are most likely to believe the internet should be more tightly regulated in Qatar, whersas Westerners are the least likely to agree (60% vs. 47%). Westerners and Asians (46% each) are more worried about powerful institutions checking what they do online, compared with one-third of Qatari nationals and other Arabs.
Residents of Qatar citizens and expatriates alike - are highly optimistic about their own future. Over nine in ten (92%) say they are optimistic about their own future, among which 59% are very optimistic.
As the findings in this study indicate, the Arab world, unlike its somewhat monolithic image in the West, is awash with diversity and complexity, thus making generalizations from data about media use across the eight countries in the survey difficult. Though mostly unified by Islam and to a large degree the Arabic language, it takes little more than a cursory assessment to see the striking differences in peoples media use in the several nations. As readers of this study drill down into the findings across various demographic variables, there are striking differences that beckon ones attention. For example, citizens of a given country versus expatriatesamong them permanent residents as well as those more transient, including so-called guest workers, and even refugees. Even generalizing about a given country where a large majority of residents are not citizens, such as the UAE and Qatar, calls into question what one makes of data in places were the population may be fluid and where residents carry scores of different passports. Different dialects of Arabic, some easily understood by all Arabic speakers, some not, exist in the Arab world alongside other regional languages and those brought by outsiders from Europe, North America and the Indian subcontinent. Education and wealth levels also reflect a yawning chasm between the populations even in countries that can otherwise be typecast as rich or poor. Residents of Arab Gulf countries, for example, register high internet use by global standards. They spend more time online, are more likely to have broadband at home, tote more tablets, and receive more data on smartphones than residents in the Levant or North Africa. Sizeable numbers of those in Jordan, Tunisia, Lebanon, and Egypt, on the other hand, do not use the internet or own mobile devices.
While commentators in the west decry the intrusion of the internet on interpersonal communication and the death of conversation, this is assuredly not the case in the Arab world, where interpersonal communication continues to play a powerful roleeven in online communication (social communication online is the most popular activity reported by those in the survey). Arabist Margaret Nydells statement that conversation is the Arab worlds most popular form of entertainment is reinforced in this study. In-person interactions also rank high as a major source of news along with television and internet in this research. It is not surprising that the most common online activity among respondents in the study, in fact, was conversation; instant messaging is the most common online pursuit among respondents, with email a near second. Participating in chat rooms was, likewise, also a common undertaking, the third most common online activity. Those online in the eight various countries are highly active on social networking sites. Respondents also indicated that time spent online doesnt tend to detract from face time with family and friends. Although the perceived role of the internet in the Arab revolutions in 2011 was widely publicized, the data in this study reveal a genuine digital divide, between the four wealthy Gulf states Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE and those that do not share such abundance Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia. The digital divide demarcates technological abilities in the Arab world about as starkly as anywhere on earth. For many of the media use variables in this study, the four Arab Gulf countries reflect development, while the four non-oil rich states of Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon demonstrate lack of access to certain media, or avoidance.
Qataris are hyper-connected, for example, and own multiple mobile devices, and half of Qatars citizens use tablets, which may the highest rate of tablet reliance anywhere. Bahrainis report the highest overall levels of media consumption of any national population examined in this study, including substantive consumption of traditional and e-books. Egypt, on the other hand, is media poor, and people in that country report extremely low levels of book readership (1 in 14 people said they read books), low internet connectivity, and underwhelming use of magazines and newspapers. There was agreement across the region in terms of support for both online freedom of speech and government regulation of internet communication. Respondents tend to agree that individuals have a right to say what they wish online, even if incendiary, while also agreeing that governments should do more to regulate the internet. While observers in the West may view this as an obvious contradiction, according to the research of Richard Nisbett and others, support for personal freedoms versus government oversight is not a zero-sum game. What do we learn from this study? We gained a better understanding of the interplay of new and old media. In a region where studies of this scope and depth have not been common, this research gives us a base and a platform for further study both in Qatar, our home base, and across the region. As part of our commitment to the World Internet Project we will continue to contribute data to their body of findingsand enhance understanding of an underrepresented Middle East. By using the WIP questions in this study, we necessarily focused more on news use and public affairs indicators than on entertainment. Further research may probe the changing contours of entertainment and opinion media and perhaps the role of advertising in a region
where state-sponsored and subsidized media live alongside more independent news organizations online. The study reinforces our desire to continue to explore not just media use, but also matters of freedom of expression and freedom of information. No where in the world are media poised for greater change both in understanding public affairs, but also the development of a modern media economy and knowledge-based industries. The months of effort this study represented, including negotiating with governmental authorities to get permission to field the project in eight very different countries was, in our view, well worth the time, energy and resources devoted to the task. Already with the release of early data from the study, media across the region not only covered the general findings, but seized on specific data to open discussions of the role of television, how the internet is changing pan-Arab communities, and the varying longevity of legacy media. This study opens the window on much research that can follow, whether at NU-Q or elsewhere. To the extent that we have stimulated dialogue on the importance of media as a matter of intellectual and social development, so much the better.