Ern Mrcs Bk1
Ern Mrcs Bk1
Ern Mrcs Bk1
Acknowledgements Preface Contributors Introduction CHAPTER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Basic surgical knowledge and skills Claire Ritchie Chalmers Infection and inflammation Catherine Sargent and Claire Ritchie Chalmers Neoplasia Amer Aldouri and Claire Ritchie Chalmers Haematology Sheila Fraser and Claire Ritchie Chalmers Trauma Claire Ritchie Chalmers Peri-operative care Sally Nicholson and Catherine Parchment Smith Critical care Sam Andrews and Claire Ritchie Chalmers Surgical outcomes, research, ethics and the law Shireen MacKenzie and Nerys Forester Vascular surgery Sam Andrews and Nerys Forester Paediatric surgery Susan Picton and David Crabbe Urology and transplantation Sunjay Jain and Kilian Mellon 1 89 193 265 329 437 577 753 801 897 973 1113 1119 1121 1124 vi vii viii x
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6
Physiology of wound healing Skin anatomy and physiology Pathophysiology of wound healing Healing in specialised tissues Delayed wound healing Wound dehiscence and incisional hernias Creation and care of the surgical wound Classification of wounds Incisions and closures Needles and sutures Surgical drains Dressings Scars and contractures
3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7
Basic surgical techniques Anastomosis Biopsy Basic plastic surgery Abscess drainage Minimal access surgery Tumours and lesions of the skin and subcutaneous tissues Benign skin lesions Excision of benign skin lesions Curettage and cryosurgery Pre-malignant skin lesions Basal cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Malignant melanoma
A core knowledge of skin anatomy and physiology is essential to understand fully the processes involved in wound healing. The skin is an enormously complex organ acting both as a highly efficient mechanical barrier and also as a complex immunological membrane. It is constantly regenerating with a generous nervous, vascular and lymphatic supply, and has specialist structural and functional properties in different parts of the body.
All skin has the same basic structure, although it varies in thickness, colour and the presence of hairs and glands in different regions of the body. The external surface of the skin consists of a keratinised squamous epithelium called the epidermis. The epidermis is supported and nourished by a thick underlying layer of dense, fibroelastic connective tissue called the dermis which is highly vascular and contains many sensory receptors. The dermis is attached to underlying tissues by a layer of loose connective tissue called the hypodermis or subcutaneous layer which contains adipose tissue. Hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands and nails are epithelial structures called epidermal appendages that extend down into the dermis and hypodermis. The four main functions of the skin: Protection: against UV light, and mechanical, chemical and thermal insults; it also prevents excessive dehydration and acts as a physical barrier to micro-organisms Sensation: various receptors for touch, pressure, pain and temperature Thermoregulation: insulation, sweating and varying blood flow in dermis Metabolism: subcutaneous fat is a major store of energy, mainly triglycerides; vitamin D synthesis occurs in the epidermis
Dermal papillae
Sebaceous gland
Arrector pili
Figure 1.1a
Skin anatomy
Skin has natural tension lines, and incisions placed along these lines tend to heal with a narrower and stronger scar, leading to a more favourable cosmetic result (see Fig. 1.1b). These natural tension lines lie at right angles to the direction of contraction of underlying muscle fibres, and parallel to the dermal collagen bundles. On the head and neck they are readily identifiable as the wrinkle lines, and can easily be exaggerated by smiling, frowning and the display of other emotions. On the limbs and trunk they tend to run circumferentially, and can easily be found by manipulating the skin to find the natural skin creases. Near flexures these lines are parallel to the skin crease.
Figure 1.1b Langers lines. The lines correspond to relaxed skin and indicate optimal orientation of skin incisions to avoid tension across the healing wound
Wound healing consists of three phases: Acute inflammatory phase (see Chapter 2 Infection and Inflammation) Proliferative phase (cell proliferation and deposition of extracellular matrix, ECM) Maturation phase (remodelling of the ECM) Different tissues may undergo specialised methods of repair (eg organ parenchyma, bone and nervous tissue).
Tissue injury
Clot formation
Platelet activation
Complement activation
Endothelial cells
Collagen synthesis
Healed wound
Matrix remodelling
Figure 1.2a
Wound healing
The acute inflammatory response is generic to all forms of injury and noxious insult. It is discussed in detail in Chapter 2 Infection and Inflammation.
Cell types involved in wound healing and time of appearance in wound Platelets Neutrophils Macrophages Fibroblasts Myofibroblasts Endothelial cells Immediate 01 day 12 days 24 days 24 days 35 days
Granulation tissue is a temporary structure which forms at this stage. It consists of a rich network of capillary vessels and a heterogeneous population of cells (fibroblasts, macrophages and endothelial cells) within the stroma of the ECM. It has a characteristic pinkish, granular appearance. Additionally the wound contracts due to the action of myofibroblasts.
Fibroblast migration
Macrophage migration
Figure 1.2b
Wound healing can be classified into: First (primary) intention Second (secondary) intention Third (tertiary) intention In addition different tissues have different healing properties. You should be aware of the healing properties of: Skin Bone Nerve Bowel Solid organs (liver, kidney, spleen, heart) Non-regenerative organs (eg eye)
Skin consists of two layers the keratinised stratified epidermis and the connective tissue of the dermis. Following injury to the skin, healing essentially follows the pattern outlined above. Blood lost into the wound clots into a fibrin meshwork (the scab). Inflammatory cells, fibroblasts and capillaries invade the clot to form a contractile granulation tissue that draws the wound margins together. Neutrophils release cytokines and growth factors that activate fibroblasts and keratinocytes, which alter their anchorage to the surrounding cells, ECM and 10
In order of increasing degree of injury: Neuropraxia (I): no axonal disruption Axonotmesis (II): axonal disruption/supportive tissue framework preserved Neurotmesis (IIIV): supportive tissue framework disrupted Principles of surgical repair of nerves: Accurate apposition of nerve ends Healthy surrounding tissue No tension Minimal dissection
There are many variations of nerve injury. A common classification was described by Seddon, dividing injuries into three groups: neuropraxia, axonotmesis, and neurotmesis. Sunderlands classification expands the category of neurotmesis and refers to categories of increasing severity.
Neuropraxia (I)
This is the mildest form of nerve injury, referring to a crush, contusion or stretching injury of the nerve without disruption of its axonal continuity. There is a reduction or block in conduction of the impulse down a segment of the nerve fibre. This may be caused by local biochemical abnormalities. There is a temporary loss of function which is reversible within hours to months of the injury (average 68 weeks). Motor function often suffers greater impairment than sensory function, and autonomic function is often retained.
Axonotmesis (II)
This is the loss of the relative continuity of the axon and its covering of myelin with preservation of the connective tissue framework of the nerve (epineurium and perineurium). It is a more serious injury than neuropraxia. Wallerian degeneration occurs and there is a degree of retrograde proximal degeneration of the remaining axon. Recovery occurs through regeneration of the axons (which grow along the existing preserved framework of the nerve). Regeneration requires time and may take weeks or months, depending on the size of the lesion. The proximal end of the lesion grows distally (23 mm per day) and the distal end of the lesion grows proximally (1 mm per day).
The layers of the bowel involved in the anastomosis heal at different rates. Optimal healing requires good surgical technique and apposition of the layers. The intestinal mucosa is a sheet of epithelial cells that undergoes rapid turnover and proliferation. It may sustain injury as a result of trauma (from luminal contents or surgery), chemicals (eg bile), ischaemia or infection. Injury to the mucosa resulting in breaches of the epithelial layer is though to render patients susceptible to bacterial translocation and systemic sepsis syndromes. Minor disruption to the mucosa is thought to be repaired by a process separate to proliferation called restitution, instigated by cytokines and growth factors and regulated by the interaction of cellular integrins with the ECM. After uncomplicated surgery to the GI tract, mucosal integrity is thought to have occurred by 24 hours. The other muscular layers of the bowel undergo the general phases of inflammation, proliferation and maturation as outlined above. Anastomotic healing results in the formation of collagenous scar tissue. Scarring may eventually contract resulting in stenosis.
Solid organs
Solid organs either heal by regeneration (through a process of cell proliferation) or by hypertrophy of existing cells. Some organs heal by a combination of the two processes. In organs in which the cells are terminally differentiated, healing occurs by scarring or fibrosis.
The liver has remarkable regenerative capacity. The stimulation for regeneration is reduction in the liver mass to body mass ratio (eg surgical resection) or the loss of liver functional capacity (eg hepatocyte necrosis by toxins or viruses). Regeneration is achieved by proliferation of all the components of the mature organ hepatocytes, biliary epithelial cells, fenestrated epithelial cells and Kupffer cells. Hepatocytes, which are normally quiescent and rarely divide, start to proliferate to restore hepatic mass and function. This occurs initially in the areas surrounding the portal triads and then extends to the pericentral areas after 48 hours. After 70% hepatectomy in animal models, the remaining hepatocytes divide once or twice and then return to quiescence. About 24 hours after the hepatocytes start to proliferate, so do all the other cell types and ECM is produced, including the structural protein, laminin. Eventually the cell types re-structure into functional lobules over 710 days. The stimulus for hepatocyte proliferation is thought to be TNF and the IL-6 family of cytokines. Subsequently HGF and TGF- are responsible for continued cell growth. Regeneration is terminated after about 72 hours by the action of cytokines such as TGF-1.
The cells of the kidney are highly specialised, reflecting their terminal state of differentiation. Healing in the kidney predominantly occurs by scarring and fibrosis.
Splenic regeneration is controversial. Increases in size and weight of the residual splenic tissue have been recognised after partial splenectomy (eg for trauma) and, hypertrophy of missed splenunculi after splenectomy for haematological and glycogen storage diseases (eg Gauchers) may also occur. However, there is little evidence that this increase in size of the residual splenic tissue results in functional regeneration and the increase in size may be due to infiltration of the tissue with cells characteristic of the underlying haematological or other disorder.
Non-regenerative tissues
Non-regenerative tissues, such as the cornea of the eye, heal by collagen deposition and scarring. This is obviously accompanied by complete loss of function.
Wound healing is affected by: Local factors (factors specific to the wound) Wound classification Surgical skill General factors (factors specific to the patient) Concomitant disease Nutrition
Nutritional factors
Proteins are essential for ECM formation and effective immune response Vitamin A is required for epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation Vitamin B6 is required for collagen cross-linking Vitamin C is necessary for hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues. Without hydroxyproline, newly synthesised collagen is not transported out of fibroblasts; in the absence of hydroxylysine, collagen fibrils are not cross-linked Zinc is an essential trace element required for RNA and DNA synthesis and for the function of some 200 metalloenzymes Copper plays a role in the cross-linking of collagen and elastin
The same risk factors predispose to: Failure of wound healing Wound dehiscence Incisional herniation
Wound dehiscence is the partial or total disruption of any or all layers of the operative wound. Risk factors for wound dehiscence are the same as those for factors affecting wound healing Evisceration (burst abdomen) is rupture of all layers of the abdominal wall and extrusion of the abdominal viscera (usually preceded by the appearance of blood-stained fluid the pink-fluid sign) Wound dehiscence without evisceration should be repaired by immediate elective re-closure. Dehiscence of a laparotomy wound with evisceration is a surgical emergency with a mortality rate of > 25%. Management involves resuscitation, reassurance, analgesia, protection of the organs with moist sterile towels, and immediate reoperation and closure (usually with deep tension sutures) Incisional hernias are still common despite modern suture materials. They occur at sites of partial wound failure or dehiscence. Risk factors for incisional hernia are therefore the same as those for dehiscence. Symptoms include visible protrusion of the hernia during episodes of raised intra-abdominal pressure and discomfort. Incisional hernias usually correspond to a wide defect in the abdominal wall and so do not often incarcerate. Treatment depends on symptoms and size of defect (eg. conservative measures including a truss/corset and surgical repair). Further details on incisional hernias and methods of repair are covered in the Abdomen chapter of Book 2.
Wounds can be classified in terms of: Depth: superficial vs deep Mechanism: incised, lacerated, abrasion, degloved, burn Contamination or cleanliness: clean, clean contaminated, contaminated, dirty
Depth of wound
Superficial wounds
Superficial wounds involve only the epidermis and dermis and heal without formation of granulation tissue and true scar formation. Epithelial cells (including those from any residual skin appendages such as sweat or sebaceous glands and hair follicles) proliferate and migrate across the remaining dermal collagen. Examples: Superficial burn Graze Split skin graft donor site
Deep wounds
Deep wounds involve layers deep to the dermis and heal with the migration of fibroblasts from perivascular tissue and formation of granulation tissue and subsequent true scar formation. If a deep wound is not closed with good tissue approximation, it heals by a combination of contraction and epithelialisation, which may lead to problematic contractures, especially if over a joint. 19