Rohit Ranade RP
Rohit Ranade RP
Rohit Ranade RP
347 West Nittany Avenue State College, 16801, PA. Phone number: 408 497 6170 Email: [email protected]
Objective: To obtain a research position with the Penn State Design Ecologies lab for Summer/Fall 2013. Education: Master of Science, Electrical Engineering The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. Bachelor of Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication University of Pune, Maharashtra, India. (First Class with Distinction) December 2013
June 2011
Projects and Research Experience: Image processing using Coupled Oscillators (January 2013-Present): Mapping of algorithms to oscillator network and study of coupling dynamics in voltage controlled oscillators for the above purpose. Design and simulation of coupled oscillators at the high level using a phased lock loop approach in Simulink. Design of oscillators at the circuit level using UJT relaxation oscillators and their coupling. Study of possible devices including spin torque nano transistors and resonance body transistors and modeling of oscillations induced by the metal insulator transitions in two terminal vanadium dioxide devices. This is at the device level. Technical Skills: Device characterization, Matlab/Simulink, Multisim/HSpice. Research Assistant (January 2012 December 2012): Dow Chemical Collaboration Project: Time of Flight Mobility Measurement for Thin Film Transistors (TFT): Built Organic TFTs and LEDs. Ended work with mobility measurements for Zinc Oxide, TIPSPentacene, P3HT, Alq3 and NPD thin film transistors (on glass and silicon substrates). Put together fabrication processes for organic TFTs and LEDs. Facilities/Equipment used: Penn State nanofab, parameter analyzer, Lithography, Evaporator for thin film deposition, Oscilloscopes, Lasers, Microscopes, optical equipment. Luminescent Solar Concentrators: Simulation of LSCs and concentrators based on non-imaging optics using the optical design software Zemax. Lab Manager, Dow Project Lab, 253A, Millennium Sciences Complex, Penn State University. Technical Skills: Thin Films, Non-imaging optics, Lasers, Device characterization, Labview, Zemax, Clean room device fabrication methodology. Electrocardiogram (ECG) Processing using Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) (Patent application pending): Converted a QRS detection algorithm based on wavelet transforms, to allow its parallel implementation on the GPU and to reduce the time required to detect a single heartbeat and the overall time for processing a thirty minute ECG input file. The GPU was programmed using Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) .The final speed -up obtained was about 11 times faster than Matlab. Technical Skills: Matlab, CUDAC. Flow Rate Measurement and Level Indicator:
Designed an embedded system to indicate when the required levels in a water tank were reached and which would calculate the flow rate of water between each level. Also, as soon as the final level was reached, the system would automatically turn off the pump so as to avoid overflow of the tank. Technical Skills: PCB designing and simulation, Altium, Proteus. Bag of Visual Words Scene Classification: Trained a visual classifier and assessed its performance by computing the precision recall curve. Features were extracted using the Scale Invariant Feature Transfor m (SIFT), classified using the k-means clustering, encoded using histograms, while Support Vector Machine was used to train the classifier. Face Recognition using Eigen Faces. Implementation of peer to peer file sharing system [Java]. Technical Skills: Matlab, Java.
Work Experience: Internship: Digital System, Pune, India (June 2010 to September 2010): Worked in hardware and software domains of embedded systems. Hardware domain jobs included soldering of components on printed circuit boards and fitting of different mechanical parts. Software domain jobs included the programming and simulation of designs. Computer Skills: Front End: C, Java. Back End: MS Access.IDE: Visual Studio, Eclipse. Circuit Design/ Device Physics simulation tools: Multisim, HSpice, Altium, Sentaurus, Zemax, Cadence. Signal Processing/Mathematical tools: Matlab/Simulink. Other tools and Languages: Labview, CUDAC, VHDL, MS Office. Important Coursework: Semiconductor Devices and Physics, Organic Semiconductors, Analog Integrated Circuit Design and Applications, Data Structures and Files, Computer Networks, Data Structure and Files, Computer Vision, Digital Signal Processing, Advanced Microprocessors. Publications: Nonimaging Optics in Luminescent Solar Concentrators.
B. D. Markman, R.R. Ranade, N.C. Giebink, Optics Express, Vol. 20, Issue S5, pp. A622-A629 (2012).
Extra-Curricular Activities: IEEE Grad Liaison (August 2012-present) IEEE/PSU HomeBrew President (Embedded systems club) Penn State History Roundtable Penn State German Club