UT Assessment
UT Assessment
UT Assessment
FIELD ASSESSMENT POINTS 1. Whether the technician is having the proper procedure with him for performing the job? 2. Does he have understanding of the applicability of the procedure & acceptance standards? 3. Does he carry a copy of valid Level II certificate with him? 4. Are all the steps adequately followed during the examination as instructed in the procedure? 5. Does he carry the equipment calibration certificate copy/ batch certificates with him? 6. Does he check the surface preparation prior to start of the test? 7. Does he have adequate knowledge about the test variables? 8. Does he receive the actual weld/ job configuration prior to start of job from client? 9. Has he checked the instrument for linearity prior to start of test? How often he checks the instrument linearity during the examination period? 10. Has he checked the probes/ cables for any damage or variation in probe angle/ index point/internal reflections/noise etc.? 11. Has he prepared proper scan plan or carry instruction sheet how to do the scanning to ensure complete coverage? 12. Can he be able to discriminate between relevant and nonrelevant indications? 13. Can he answer all relevant questions asked by AI/TPA? 14. Good housekeeping is maintained? 15. Is he aware of the ethics/ Quality policy of INSPEC? 16. Does he follow all the safety rules existing at the work site? 17. Are the individuals interpretation/evaluation skills adequate? 18. Is he preparing reports in compliance with the approved procedures? Assessment by: Name: Level: Designation:
Yes /no.