AdibahAwang2009 Planning Land Disposal, A Comparison
AdibahAwang2009 Planning Land Disposal, A Comparison
AdibahAwang2009 Planning Land Disposal, A Comparison
Content :
What is land disposal? What type of land that can be dispose? Why disposal? When disposal? How disposal of land? Why the need to plan land disposal?
1. 2.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Therefore :
Need to plan disposal of state land
The laws on planning land disposal in Malaysia National Land Code 1965, ascertains types of disposal, land use, tenure & ownership Town & Country Planning Act 1976ensure that development of town & country conform to the statutory plan sustainable development
Whether SA when exercising its powers of disposal under the NLC need to comply with TCPA 1976
No provision under the NLC nor TCPA or legislation S.108 of the NLC in dealing with the powers of State Authority in imposing condition and restriction in interest on land, in the event of conflict with that of the planning laws under the TCPA, the planning laws cease to apply & the condition/restriction of interest prevails.
Malaysia: National Development Planning Framework after 2001 (perancangan pembangunan fizikal & sosio-ekonomi
Encroachment or trespass of state land especially in strategic location squatters in urban areas Though law on adverse possession clear in Malaysia, infringement of these laws are rampant Scarce state land for development purposeshave to resort to land acquisition- expensive
Sidek bin Haji Muhammad & 461 ors lwn Kjaan Negeri Perak dll. (1982) 1MLJ 313,FC
Related provisions discussed in the case : S. 46, 78, 341 & 425 NLC
Fakta kes
Bbrp orang dari perayu datang ke Telok Anson dari Kedah, Perak Utara & Selangor & membuka sbhg besar dari satu kaw. hutan. Mrk adalah setinggan & kemudian ramai lagi setinggan mengikut mrk Terdapat perjumpaan diantara penduduk setinggan ini ini & pegawai2 kjaan dimana didakwa bhw Pengarah Tanah & Galian mengatakan bhw setiap keluarga dari peneroka akan menerima 5 ekar tanah padi. Terdapat juga bbrp artikel di akhbar Utusan Myu,kjaan negeri bersedia membuka sehingga 10,000 ekar tanah untuk dimajukan oleh penduduk setinggan itu. Lama kelamaan bbrp orang penduduk setinggan diberikan 3 ekar tanah ttpi yang lain termasuklah perayu tidak berjaya. Mrk membawa tindakan mahkamah untuk satu deklarasi bhw mrk berhak dibawah undang2 & ekuiti ke atas lot yang mrk terokai, buka & tinggal. Resp. memohon di bawah Perintah 18 peraturan 19 Peraturan2 Mahkamah Tinggi untuk menolak & membatalkan tindakan perayu atas alasan perayu adalah setinggan & adalah menjadi budibicara hanya kepada PBN sahaja untuk b/milik tanah. Mahkamah Tinggi menerima permohonan responden & perayu merayu ke Mahkamah ini.
There is a need for an integrated planning and management of disposal of land so as to fulfill the sustainable development concept as propagated by the Town and Country Planning legislation and also Malaysia Vision 2020. Brunei land alienation policy of alienating land under her TOL is a good example of resolving housing problem to landless whereby land for housing purposes is alienated under TOL and after a certain period of time the TOL will be converted to title so as to convert land occupation to land ownership. There is a need to introduce the concept of ihya al mawat which is similar to the Common law adverse possession where long uninterrupted occupation of land, is given ownership rights on the basis that he who clear & develop the land without any form of adverse claim, will be given ownership rights.