Interview LP
Interview LP
Interview LP
TE 408
Context: This lesson is designed for a 7th grade class with 70 minute class periods. It
would occur after students have finished reading the novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.
This lesson is designed for a unit with a research component to the final assessment.
Objectives: SWBAT
See and understand similarities and differences between 1960’s America and
today’s society.
Write meaningful interview questions that will expand their knowledge on the
time period.
Conduct an interview with an adult and take notes on that interview.
Interpret and analyze data collected during an interview.
Make connections between ‘real life’ and The Outsiders.
Rationale: Since The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, is set in a time period that the students
did not live through, many students have a hard time relating to the novel and
understanding many of the social aspects of it, such as the fads, events, ideas, etc. In this
lesson, the students will interview someone who lived through the 1960’s; they will
create and ask interview questions that are designed to give the students a better and more
in depth understanding of the time period and the novel. Through understanding what life
was like in the 1960’s, students can then make comparisons between life then and now,
making them make deeper connections to the novel.
Guiding Questions:
What were young people’s lives like in the 1960’s in America?
Is The Outsiders an accurate portrayal of youth life during this time period?
What are some similarities and differences between youth life then and now?
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Adult who lived in America in the 1960’s
Interview questions (created by students)
Moveable desks for small group work
Whiteboard/chalkboard/overhead for modeling
1. Introduce interview activity. Tell students they will be interviewing an adult who
lived through the 1960’s in America. Give the students ideas for people to
interview (parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors, family friends,
teachers, etc.—ask teachers beforehand if they would like to be interviewed or
not, and give students specific teachers who agreed to be interviewed. Tell
students that if they want to interview a teacher, they need to set up an
appointment with that teacher.) (5 min)
2. Ask students if they think the events, fads, ideas, etc. in The Outsiders are
realistic. Why or why not? Ask students to find specific passages in the book that
they think are either a) totally unrealistic or b) they want to know if things like
this really happened—stuff they are questioning the reality of. They will think
about this question and find passages individually. (7 min)
3. Have students get into small groups. In groups, students will discuss whether or
not they think the novel is an accurate portrayal of life in the 1960’s—students
must use evidence from the text to support their claims and tell why they think the
way they do. They should also share passages that they are questioning the reality
of. (10 min)
4. Have each group share with the class the things they discussed. Each group
should share a) group members views on the reality of the novel and b) at least
two passages and why they chose them. (10 min)
5. Model writing an interview question for the whole class. Example: How did
young men in the 60’s wear their hair? Is the description of the Greaser’s hair in
the novel accurate? (5 min)
6. Individually or in pairs (students choose) have students being to write interview
questions. Tell them that they can ask the adult if they’ve ever read The Outsiders,
and if they have, they can ask if the novel is an accurate portrayal of life during
that time period, but they must also find specific events, ideas, etc., to ask about,
too. (20 min)
7. After students have had time to being writing questions, ask students to share
some questions with the whole class to give people more ideas. (10 min)
8. Tell students they must interview someone by Monday, and they must take notes
on the interview. (3 min)
1. In their journals, have students write a reflection about their interview. Write the
following questions on the board and tell students to answer any number of them
(15 min):
Based on your interview, is The Outsiders a realistic portrayal of life in the
1960’s? Why or why not?
What aspects of the novel are realistic and which are not?
Did you learn anything from the interview?
Did you get the answers you expected to get?
How is life different today from the 1960’s? How do you know? What does
this mean?
2. Move desks into a large circle (3 min)
3. In a whole class discussion, go around the circle and have each person share one
interview question and response. After each person shares, open it up for
discussion from the whole class. Depending on the question and response, ask
thought provoking questions to get the class talking. Move around the circle until
everyone has had a turn. (30 min)
4. Ask students if The Outsiders really is ‘realistic fiction’ based on their interviews.
How do they know? (refer them back to the discussion/definition of ‘realistic
fiction’ on the 1st day of the unit). Do a think-pair-share. (10 min)
5. Introduce research project to students and hand out assignment sheet. Tell
students to pick a topic (see attached topic list) and research that topic in relation
to the 1960’s. Tell them they must also relate their research to the novel or pull
ideas from the novel that support their ideas (the novel could be used as a
secondary source for research—explain secondary source to the students.)
Example: student could research 1960’s music and then show how the themes in
the music are also themes present in the novel (refer to ‘Thematic Music’ lesson)
(12 min)