Fat Loss Optimizer Guide

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Metabolic Cooking Fat Loss Optimizer

Cooking & Nutrition Guide

By Dave Ruel & Karine Losier www.MetabolicCooking.com

Dave Ruel & Karine Losier

2011 And Beyond, Metabolic Cooking. All Rights Reserved.
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All Rights Reserved. International Copyright www.MetabolicCooking.com This publication is fully copyrighted and does not come with giveaway or resale rights. You may not sell or redistribute this report. Copyright and illegal distribution violations will be prosecuted. This document has been watermarked with a digital GPS identification tag.

The information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor is it a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice. This publication is presented for information purposes, to increase the public knowledge of developments in the field of strength and conditioning. The program outlined herein should not be adopted without a consultation with your health professional. Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. We do not take responsibility for injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have. You must get your physicians approval before beginning this or any other exercise or nutrition program. This information is not a prescription. Consult your doctor, nutritionist or dietician for further information.

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Table of Contents
1. 2. 3. Introduction................................................................Page 5 Meet the authors........................................................Page 10 Where it all starts: your food! .....................................Page 13
Protein...............................................................................................Page 13 Carbohydrates...................................................................................Page 17 Fats....................................................................................................Page 21 Veggies..............................................................................................Page 25

4. 5.

The 10 Rules of Metabolic Cooking..............................Page 28 How to use Metabolic Cooking efficiently....................Page 37

How are we going to do this?.................................................................Page 39 The Metabolic Nutri-Profile ...................................................................Page 41 Meal timing............................................................................................Page 42 How to calculate your daily caloric needs..............................................Page 44 How to create your own individualized meal plan.................................Page 46 How to fill up the plan............................................................................Page 48 Adherence, assessment and tweaking your plan....................................Page 49

6. 7. 8. 9.

How to manage your food preparation........................Page 53 What you need in the kitchen......................................Page 56 Money saving tips........................................................Page 57 What about supplements?...........................................Page 59

10. What about exercise?..................................................Page 61

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Let's face it, most diets are B-O-R-I-N-G. They have you eating the same foods over and over and over again, never offering any variety. Basically, you have to go about the diet in one particular way or you might as well forget it. Now you're looking for something else something new, something fresh, and something that will actually work for a change. The good news is that by investing in Metabolic Cooking, you're going to arm yourself with some of the most useful information you could have as far as fat loss goes. You see, whether or not you are successful with the mission of losing body fat will come down to about 80% of your dietary effort. You can workout for hours as hard as you like in the gym (which isn't recommended by the way you should be training smarter, not harder) but despite all this effort, if you haven't dialled in your diet and found a proper nutrition set-up that fosters fat burning in the body, you're never going to see the results that you're looking for. If you want success, diet needs to be a priority. Now, the big problem with many people is they will start up on a diet and see great results initially, but after a few weeks have passed by, things take a turn for the worse. Either they maintain the diet but it just doesn't produce the same rate of weight loss that it did before because their metabolism has crashed and you're burning off calories at a snail's pace or they fall off the diet due to boredom. Then, who can really blame you for cheating on a diet such as that with a slice of pizza or burger from your favorite fast food joint? You're sick and tired of chicken breasts and broccoli and any sane human would need a change of pace.

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We all crave variety in our lives and our diet is no different. Force yourself to eat the same meals over and over again and you're going to run into problems there's really no way around that. It really isn't your fault that you've failed on diet attempts such as this.

And most diets use the same food and more often the WRONG food to burn fat!
Thats right, most diets dont use the right food! How can it be? Well its very simple, they just dont use food that: Dont boost metabolism Dont have any Metabolic Thermo-Charge Dont fight the Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon Before we get going deeper on the subject of Metabolic Cooking, there are 3 terms I want you to get familiar with:

Definitions: Metabolic Thermo-Charge (of food) : The metabolic powers certain foods have to make your body burn more body fat. This is essentially our way to name the thermogenic effect of food. It stands for how many calories your body is going to burn just breaking down the nutrients each time you consume a certain food. For example protein tends to have a high Metabolic Thermo-Charge. For this reason, by having high-quality protein in your diet, you'll naturally burn off more calories and move closer to your goal weight.

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Metabolic Nutri-Profile: Profiling system used by the recipes in Metabolic

Cooking. Our special Metabolic Nutri-Profile is the profiling system that we've used in all the recipes throughout Metabolic Cooking so you can see precisely what you're taking in and make sure that each meal is making the most out of your metabolic rate. With this system as your guide, you can rest assured that each snack and meal is designed for maximum fat loss. There is a complete chapter about the Metabolic Nutri-Profile in this guide.

Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon: Phenomenon that occurs at the point

on your diet plan where you body clearly knows precisely what it's getting in terms of food intake and has fully adapted to that. When it reaches this state, that's when fat loss comes to a screeching halt. The Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon is a frustrating time for any dieter because this is the point where the body has fully adapted to the food intake you're feeding it and slows the metabolism down to match it. When the metabolism slows down, now you'll be burning off just as many calories as you consumed through the diet, hence fat loss will come to a halt. In order to get around the Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon, you'll have to vary your nutrient intakes regularly, shocking the body as time goes on. This keeps it guessing as to what's coming next and ensures your metabolism stays on high at all times.

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But what exactly is your metabolism? The metabolism is, simply put, how many calories you body burns off throughout the day in order to sustain its basic needs. The faster your metabolism is, the more calories you will burn, and hence, the more food you can eat or the faster you will lose weight. The foods you eat on a daily basis tend to have the largest influence on how many calories you burn throughout the day, so by making the right food choices you can really take one giant step forwards towards the goal of fat loss. So, if you want to see success with your fat loss program, you need three things. A. You need a diet that is properly designed with food choices that will continually torch that ugly body fat. You dont want to a diet that starts off strong only to take a severe nosedive after two weeks and have you suffering from a huge diet plateau. B. You need a diet that offers enough variety and great tasting Metabolic Thermo-Charged foods that you never get bored, are never tempted to come off the diet altogether, and get the fat loss results you deserve! C. You need a diet that is healthy! Most diets are actually incredibly unhealthy as they severely restrict your food intake and choices, setting you up for a number of nutrient deficiencies that will only set you up for long-term health problems. Instead, you want a diet that maximizes health so you can not only look great, but feel great as well. Optimized health = optimized metabolism = optimized fat loss!

When you get all of these requirements in line, it seems like magic is happening right before your eyes. Fat loss becomes easier than ever and you actually enjoy the process of losing weight.

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No longer do you dread going on your diet because you've realized that you've just found a lifestyle approach that will not only achieve the weight loss you're looking for but then also continue to help you maintain a lean body over time. And the best news? If you follow the right diet approach, you won't have to do hours and hours of exercise either. Diet will take care of the fat loss results so that you can focus on short, intense workouts that firm the body and get you looking great while promoting maximum health. Exercise is still important to maintain a healthy body but it's no longer going to be the driving force behind your weight loss mission. Over the years we have worked with a very wide number of people. We're going to show you that dieting can be enjoyable again and with the right combination of foods, you'll enhance your metabolic rate so that the fat melts right off your body. That is, after all, what Metabolic Cooking is all about, optimizing your metabolism for faster, better results.

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Meet the authors: Dave Ruel and Karine Losier

Metabolic Cooking has been created and prepared by Dave Ruel and Karine Losier (Dave's better half).

Dave is one of the most respected and trusted fitness cook in North America and is a firm believer that eating healthy to support your body goals DOES NOT have to be plain and boring. He's seen fitness enthusiasts go the usual route of steamed chicken, baked potatoes, and broccoli for every meal and has had the opportunity to teach them that there is a 'better way'. With Dave's approach, you're never dieting you're just eating healthy because you love it. Dave has a large background in helping others achieve their goals, be it fat loss or muscle building and is always learning new and innovative techniques to use in the kitchen.

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Karine, co-author of the book is also known as the 'Lean Kitchen Queen' and has a strong passion for food, fitness, and culinary adventures. She gets excited about challenging the commonly used techniques that most chefs turn to while seeking out healthier alternatives. Simply put, she's a real kitchen glamour renegade. The two in combination are simply unbeatable and are able to come up with creative dishes that work well for both males looking to get in great shape as well as females who are after that lean, toned physique. Karine isn't just a bubbly little chef either. She's holds a master's degree in psychology so she is fully aware of all the psychological struggles that people face with regards to their eating habits and diets, thus why she knows the importance of good nutrition that tastes great and serves to motivate people to stick with their diet by challenging their commonly held psychological beliefs.

We have helped thousands 'fix' their boring, tasteless, and ineffective diets and now were going to help you too

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All in all, the duo of Dave and Karine are simply unstoppable in the kitchen and are taking the world by storm, proving that eating healthy can be the most nutritious, enjoyable, and fun experience. Looking great just got a whole lot easier when you turn to them for help with your fat loss

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Where it all starts: your food!

This chapter contains knowledge that is extremely important if you want to be successful with your nutrition. What you put in your mouth is directly responsible for the results youll have. Were going to have a comprehensive look at the three macro- nutrients that are essential to a healthy diet and why theyre so important to your success. Those three Macro-nutrients are of course: Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats Well also look at one food category that is often overlooked: vegetables!

The very first thing that you absolutely must do if you're going to realize true dietary success is to make sure that you're cooking with nothing but high quality protein sources. For most people on fat loss diets, they actually believe that their protein intake should come down due to the fact that these foods are often very high in overall calories. Unfortunately, nothing is further from the truth. The fact of the matter is when on a fat loss diet, your protein needs actually increase because of the fact that there is a higher chance that your body will start turning to incoming protein as a fuel source.

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What's more is that if you aren't taking in sufficient protein that your body needs to cover all its daily maintenance functions then it may start to rob protein from the muscles, bringing those amino acids into the blood. All in all, falling short in protein is a very bad move.

Protein also has special fat burning powers. In our words it has a high Metabolic Thermo-Charge!
In fact, it's the one macronutrient that will serve to increase the metabolic rate so that you burn more calories in the hours after consuming it. This is because the body will actually expend a large number of calories just breaking that protein down, therefore increasing your total daily calorie burn. Finally, protein ranks very high on the satiety factor. If you don't want to deal with hunger while on your fat loss diet program, protein is the type of food that you must be eating. There's no way around this one protein is top notch for hunger control. So as you can see, protein is a must-have. And the best sources of protein? Eggs, chicken and poultry, lean red meat (lean beef or game meat which is a fantastic source of protein), fish, as well as pork are the main ones to turn to.

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If you're like most people, you likely avoided pork on your diet entirely and there's really no reason whatsoever to do this. Pork is actually an incredibly lean and an incredibly delicious source of high quality protein, so starting today I want you do add it back into your diet plan. A quality source of whey protein powder is also a great way to get in more protein throughout the day and you'll notice that some of the recipes I'll provide you utilize this powerful supplement to not only enhance the flavor, but give more well-rounded nutrition. Make the most of it it's highly convenient, completely safe (unlike what you might have heard), and will be used by your muscles very well.

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*Reminder: 1 gram of protein = 4 calories

Here is a list of Metabolic Cooking Approved protein sources:

PROTEIN Tuna Salmon Halibut Haddock Orange Roughy Tilapia Sardines Shrimp Scallops Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast Ground Chicken Turkey Breasts Turkey Bacon Extra Lean Ground Beef Beef Roast Sirloin steak (beef) Venison

QUANTITIES CALORIES PROTEIN 4oz 4oz 4oz 4oz 4oz 4oz 3oz 4oz 4oz 4oz 4oz 4oz 1 slice 4oz 4oz 4oz 4oz 126 226 127 117 109 134 182 101 113 122 122 145 26 161 175 212 131 27 25 25 27 25 29 23 23 26 26 26 34 2 29 33 34 26

CARBS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FAT 2 14 3 2 1 2 10 1 1 2 2 1 2 5 4 6 3

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Elk Buffalo (Bison) Ostrich Wild Boar Pork Tenderloin Pork Chops (trimmed of all fat) Whey Protein Powder (1 scoop Blue Star Iso Smooth) Egg Egg Whites Low Fat 1% Cottage cheese Greek yogurt

4oz 4oz 4oz 4oz 4oz 4oz 1 scoop

122 118 160 173 174 174 133

26 25 31 32 30 30 30

0 0 0 0 0 0 1

2 2 4 5 6 6 1

1 large 1 large 1/2 cup 1/2 cup

69 16 81 60

6 4 15 11

0 0 3 4

5 0 1 0

One of the most important foods that you must be taking in through your diet plan is low glycemic index carbohydrates. Many people avoid carbohydrates entirely but this is a huge mistake. Not only are carbohydrates important to help keep your metabolism running effectively, but carbohydrates are also going to help to ensure that you have enough overall energy. But, this said, you need to choose your carbohydrates properly. Low-GI (Glycemic Index) carbohydrates are the ones you want to choose, not those overly

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processed, high-sugar, insulin spiking carbs that most people are eating. Those are ones that you should avoid. Low GI-carbohydrates are the ones that are going to break down and digest slowly in the body, thus they will release a steady stream of energy all day long, rather than providing you with a quick burst of energy and then leaving you with an energy crash where you only want to go and eat more simple carbs again to feel better. So this means making smarter choices for your carbohydrates such as brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain breads, quinoa, or sweet potatoes, plus plenty of vegetables as well.

Also important is that you time your carbohydrates properly. If you want to experience the fastest rate of fat loss possible, eat your low GI-carbohydrates earlier on in the day. This ensures that you have energy throughout the daily hours and that you can burn off all the calories before you go to bed at night. If you eat carbohydrates later on in the evening or before bed when you require very little energy, your body will have a higher chance of storing this as body fat, thus moving you further away from your goal. When eaten and timed properly, carbohydrates are definitely not the enemy. Keeping the right types of carbohydrates in your meal plan will help to propel you

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forward along the goal to lose weight and will make your meal plan that much more enjoyable as well.

*Reminder: 1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories

Here is a list of Metabolic Cooking Approved carbohydrate sources:

Sweet Potatoes

1/2 cup (cooked) 1 medium cup cup cup cup cup (cooked) cup cup (cooked) cup (cooked) cup (cooked) 1 slice

114 116 129 134 112 112 69 101 64 138 80 100

5 2 8 7 8 8 3 4 2 5 3 4

19 27 22 22 20 20 12 19 14 25 17 20

2 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 2

Pinto Beans Chickpeas Kidney Beans Black Beans Oat Bran Wheat bran Cream of wheat

Quinoa Bulgur Whole Wheat Bread

Ezekiel Bread, 1 slice

1 slice



Whole Wheat Bagels Whole Wheat Wraps and Pitas

1 bagel




1 small, 4 diameter



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Whole Wheat Pasta Long grain brown rice Potatoes (red)

cup (cooked)



cup (cooked)



1 medium



Fruits are also a great source of carbohydrates

Banana Apples Orange Pear
Unsweetened Apple Sauce Grapefruit Kiwi

1 medium 1 medium 1 medium 1 medium cup

108 100 64 105 56

1 0 1 1 0

26 25 15 25 14

0 0 0 0 0

1 medium 1 medium 1 medium cup cup cup

40 48 44 20 36 28

0 1 1 0. 0 0

10 11 10 5 9 7

0 0 0 0 0 0

Strawberries Blueberries Raspberries

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We know, you probably saw the word fats and became mortally frightened. Fat is not generally thought of as a nice word, especially if one is trying to drop some extra pounds. However, your body needs fat to burn fat. Yes thats right! Any person who neglects their intake of fat will not go very far with their fat loss goals. If you want to see maximum results, you have to include the good fats in your diet plan. The important thing to remember is that good fats are needed by your body to remain health and to function at optimal levels. Healthy fats are heavily involved in maintaining a healthy metabolic rate and will influence how well your thyroid gland functions. Since your thyroid gland is the 'master regulator' gland of your metabolism, the more efficiently it's running, the more calories you will burn. In addition to this, having healthy fats in the diet will improve the way your body reacts to the carbohydrate-rich foods you consume, making sure that they are used for energy purposes rather than being stored as body fat. This means that healthy fats in the diet are actually necessary so that you can burn fat, going directly against what most people think. Finally, healthy fats are also going to be vital for keeping your hunger levels lower, which is essential for maintaining a reduced calorie diet.

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All in all, including moderate levels of healthy fats in the diet will keep your metabolism healthy, helping provide nourishment for the body so you can work hard during your workout sessions to see faster fat loss, and will make your entire diet plan that much more enjoyable.

Good fats will keep your body working properly and help to maximize your metabolic rate
Fats can come from various sources (see chart below) but a great way to get good fats in your body is to start cooking with the right oils. Many people avoid oils entirely because they believe they are too high in calories to include as part of their plan but the point to remember here is that while oils are definitely higher in calories than carbohydrate and protein rich foods (at nine calories per gram compared to four respectively), if you make sure to use them properly, they will help to boost your fat loss progress and make your diet taste great. Not only do oils help to add flavor to the foods you're eating but they supply vital nutrients. Healthy fats are also great for helping to kill your hunger levels as well since they won't influence blood sugar levels or increase the insulin in the body, therefore by adding small amounts to your meals you can prevent hunger from creeping on at a later time.

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So which oils should you use? My top three favorite ones to add to your recipes include:

Olive oil Macadamia nut oil Coconut oil

One big reason why these stand out on my list of top oils to utilize is because they have a very high smoking point, therefore you can easily cook any recipe with them without worry. In addition to that, olive oil is well known to be one of the most 'heart-friendly' oils around, coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides which can actually be utilized by the muscles for energy instantly (whereas all other fats can't), and macadamia nut oil has a very high levels of oleic acid, which is very important to provide health benefits of lowering the level of inflammation in the body, and helping to promote healthy cholesterol levels, so your body can work with optimum metabolic capacities.

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So if you had to choose just three oils to be including in your diet regularly, these would definitely top the list of the best ones to choose both for their health benefits and their fat loss superpowers. Here is a list of Metabolic Cooking Approved fat sources:

*Reminder: 1 gram of fat = 9 calories

Natural Peanut Butter Natural Almond Butter Olive oil Flaxseed oil Macadamia nut oil Coconut Oil Almonds, dry

1 Tbsp





1 Tbsp


1 tsp 1 Tbsp 1 tsp

36 117 90

0 0 0

0 0 0

4 13 10

1 tsp 1 oz

36 179

0 6

0 5

4 15

roasted w/o salt

Walnuts Peanuts Macadamia nuts Avocados Cashew

1 oz 1 oz 1 oz

194 174 213

4 6 2

4 6. 4

18 14 21

1 medium 1 oz

345 169

4 4

17 9

29 13

*Remember that some meats are also high in fats, please refer to proteins list.

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One of the most effective tricks that you can use to jump-start your progress is to make sure that you make good use of Metabolic Thermo-Charged 'free' vegetables.

What's a Metabolic Thermo-Charged Free Vegetable'? These are essentially vegetables that will cause the body to move into a negative calorie state simply by eating them. Or, another way to put it is that eating these vegetables will cause you to burn more calories than they provide you. They could be considered a negative calorie food! Eat and lose weight? If you're like most people, you like the sound of that. These vegetables either contain so few calories in them that the body expends more calories just to break them down as it digests the food, or the vegetables have certain properties about them that will stimulate your metabolism so that you burn more calories at rest as your body burns off more heat after eating them. Either way you want to look at it, as far as weight loss is concerned, it's a winwin scenario. You can literally eat as many of these as you want, so don't feel at all limited to add them to your meals and snacks.

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Here are the ones that you need to know about. Cruciferous Vegetables These are low in calories and taste great steamed, stir-fried, or eaten raw. They include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower. Gourds This category of vegetables, with the most common being the cucumber, are also ultra low in calories but pack in a ton of fiber, making them excellent for fat burning. Green Leafy Vegetables Green leafy vegetables work great in salads and pack in less than ten calories per cup. They're also loaded with various nutrients so will keep you in very healthy condition. Stock up on kale, lettuce, and spinach and add them to your diet on a regular basis. Nightshade Vegetables These vegetables are also ultra low in calories and some actually offer added metabolic effects. The ones to focus on here include eggplant, peppers, or tomatoes. Root Vegetables Finally, the last of our Metabolic Thermo-Charged 'free' vegetables are root vegetables. These are perfect for providing a nice thermogenic boost to the body, allowing you to burn fat all day long. Carrots, celery or onions are great examples of good root vegetables. These are also going to help to flush the fats out of your system, so are especially important when on a fat loss diet.

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Here is a list of our Free Veggies *Reminder: In Metabolic Cooking, we do NOT count calories from free veggies Asparagus Bean Sprouts Bell Peppers any color Bok Choy Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celery Collard Greens Cucumber Eggplant Fennel Garlic Green beans Kale Leek Lettuce any type Mushroom Okra Onion Radish Scallion (Green Onion) Snow Peas Spinach Tomato Zucchini

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The 10 rules of Metabolic Cooking

Arranging your meals and forming your diet plan has to take on a level of complexity no less than that of wiring a space shuttle. You can actually follow a few simple guidelines and watch your goals realize themselves without having to dabble in brain surgery or reprogram the entire internet. Thats why we have created 10 principles that are essential if you want to look and feel great. Ive put together a small list of principles, all of them important and non-negotiable if you want to be successful. Skipping or neglecting any one of these basic principles will lead you to failure, which you certainly want to avoid. We want you to be successful. We want you to be able to look in the mirror with satisfaction and know that youre looking better with every day that goes by. This is the main reason why Ive put this list together for your convenience.

Rule #1:
EAT EVERY 2 TO 3 HOURS It's not only what you eat but also how much and when you eat it that makes the difference. Your body is a complex machine but my experience tells me to let nature and doctors take care of that. For you and me, we can boil it down to a simple analogy: if you keep adding logs to a fire gradually then you will keep it burning steadily throughout the day; on the other hand, if you throw them all on the fire will expand out of control and you won't be burning all day long. Our

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bodies are remarkably similar and thus you must spread your meals out to keep your body burning the fat. You need to eat every two to three hours for as long as youre up. Aim for 3 major meals a day and 3 snacks (one mid-morning, one mid afternoon, and one in the evening). If you workout, dont neglect post workout nutrition (BlueStar IsoSmooth whey protein isolate is recommended).

Rule #2:
EAT A COMPLETE SOURCE OF PROTEIN WITH EVERY MEAL Each and every meal you eat should contain some manner of protein. A minimum of 15g is required per meal. Earlier, we reviewed the metabolism booting super powers of protein and how protein causes the body to expend a high amount of calories simply breaking it down. But protein is also an absolute must-have if you're aiming for maximum fat loss because it's the one tissue that will literally save your muscle cells. You can think of your muscle tissue like a storage house of protein (amino acids) so when you don't have enough readily available in the blood from incoming food, that's the first place the body is going to go looking to get them. In the end, this means you wind up losing lean muscle mass tissue, which is precisely what you don't want. The less lean muscle mass you have, the less energy you burn on a daily basis, the less body fat you lose. All in all, you NEED protein for maximum fat loss.

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Rule #3:
EAT A SOURCE OF HEALTHY FATS WITH ALMOST EVERY MEAL Your body needs a certain degree of fat and failing to provide this through your diet will provoke additional fat storage. Healthy fats raise your metabolism and actually make your body burn off more fats the science may be confusing and a little illogical but like I said that's mother nature's job. It is also important to try to balance monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and saturated fats. Because of its calorie density, its very easy to reach your daily needs, just start cooking with oils like olive, coconut, or macadamia nut oil, eat more nuts, or simply supplement with fish oil (we recommend Omega Blue, the best fish oil on the market at the moment) Earlier, we have listed the Metabolic Cooking Approved sources of healthy fats, refer to this list and make sure you eat a minimum of 5g of healthy fats per meal thats the minimum amount required (see meal timing section for more info on meals that require fat intake). Fish oil is one thing that you absolutely must consider with regards to your fat intake. Fish oil is a great source of essential fatty acids and is going to provide numerous benefits for the body. In addition to this, fish oil will also help to optimize the metabolic rate so that you will burn more body fat off over the entire course of the day. Just as we mentioned how protein rich foods will help you burn more calories after consuming them, fish oil will actually help you burn more calories permanently provided it's taken on an ongoing basis. Finally, fish oil also helps to protect against disease. If you want to ensure maximum wellness in the long term and help fight heart disease, cancer, along with many other health conditions, adding fish oil will be a necessity. (Again, we recommend Omega Blue, the best fish oil on the market at the moment).

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Rule #4:
CHOOSE GOOD SOURCES OF CARBOHYDRATES Healthy carbohydrates are next on the list and this is a tricky area in terms of the potential for misconceptions arising. Only too many people believe in cutting out carbohydrates. You will not get fat by eating carbohydrates in the right quantities as part of a balanced diet. We are firm believers in the controlled carb method, that means we need to adjust and time our carbohydrates intake based on your individual needs and goals... Also, our individual response to carbohydrates can vary a lot. We will review how much carbohydrates you really need when well start the individualization plan. In the meal timing section you will also find out when and when not to eat carbohydrates. When you have to eat carbohydrates, a MINIMUM of 10g per meal is required.

Rule #5:
EAT VEGGIES, LOTS OF THEM, AND DONT COUNT THEIR CALORIES Earlier we talked about the Metabolic Thermo-Charged free vegetables that will cause the body to move into a negative calorie state simply by eating them. These vegetables either contain so few calories in them that the body expends more calories just to break them down as it digests the food, or the vegetables have certain properties about them that will stimulate your metabolism so that you burn more calories at rest as your body burns off more heat after eating them.

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Thats why Metabolic Cooking doesnt count calories coming from free veggies. You need them to give your body the minerals and vitamins needed for normal organ functioning and a vital part of any diet. If you aren't getting at least 4-6 cups a day and aren't losing weight or looking in better shape, this may be your problem. Thats why, eating vegetables with most meals is extremely important. Its also a good idea to supplement your diet with a good multivitamin and greens drinks.

Rule #6:
EAT WHOLE FOODS WHENEVER POSSIBLE Whole foods have their entire nutritional value left intact and are not stripped of their Metabolic Thermo-Charge. Nothing will feed your body with the nutrient, vitamins and minerals you need like whole foods. When you aren't eating whole foods, you're missing out on all the fiber that they contain, which is vital to make sure your digestive and elimination system is working effectively and for helping to keep you feeling satisfied as well. Obviously you'll feel much more satisfied after the latter since you're actually eating a meal. This is precisely why eating whole foods is important. When on a fat loss diet, you must maximize every calorie that you do take in and whole foods are going to do this. If you're consuming your calories in supplemental form, you won't be left feeling full and will likely seek out more food later on, thus failing to achieve your desired calorie deficit. . They're only there for back up to make sure that you aren't missing out on any nutrient with your diet plan.

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Rule #7:
VARY YOUR NUTRIENT SOURCES AND RATIOS Never allow your body to get used to certain foods by rotating and varying your nutritional sources. Variety makes your meals more interesting too and aids your motivation along the way. The Metabolic Cooking cookbook is designed to bring you a wide range of nutrient sources and various ratios in order to beat the Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon (we will cover this concept later in this guide). Thats why we only go with calories and have created a Metabolic Nutri-Profile for all our recipes. We will cover all these concepts later in this guide.

Rule #8:
CUT THE JUNK We shouldnt really have to mention this point, but its better to be safe than sorry, my mother always used to say. Junk food isnt good for you. If you havent met your caloric needs throughout the day, consuming junk food in an attempt to make up for it is not a good move. In fact, its metaphorically committing fat loss suicide. And, we also wanted to mention that if you try to convince yourself that certain junk foods, such as cookies, popcorn or potato chips arent that bad for you, think again. All three of those things are full of trans fats, refined sugar and processed garbage. None of them have any nutritional value, they are not thermo-charged, and your body will respond by packing on some more fat.

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We cant emphasize enough the importance of making good decision when it comes to your diet. Quick Metabolic Tip: when Karine has cravings, she eats a serving of Protein Freeze Ice Cream. It`s a delicious high protein, low calorie treat developed by our friend Kim Lyons (from NBCs The Biggest Loser). More info at http://www.proteinfreezeicecream.com

Rule #9:
ALWAYS BE PREPARED Failing to plan is planning to fail! While they say variety is the spice of life and I definitely do promote a WIDE variety of foods in your diet plan, one place where you should get habitual is with your cooking. Creating a ritual of cooking up a batch of food on one day during the week (preferably a day off) is going to dramatically increase the chances that you stick with your diet. One of the most common reasons why people fall off their healthy eating plan is simply because they don't have the time of day to do the food preparation. By getting into a good cooking ritual though, this will never be an issue. Devote a good three hours to making a big batch of chicken breasts, lean red meat, or whatever other recipes you have your eye on for the coming week and then package these in individual Tupperware containers in the fridge (stored for up to two days) or place them in the freezer for use at a later time. If you're going the freezer route, I'd recommend using a vacuum seal as this will really help to lock in freshness and keep those foods tasting great.

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Another smart move with your cooking ritual is to start getting in the habit of using a slow cooker. This will help to take much of the time out of the cooking process as you just toss in the ingredients and let the slow cooker do its job. In five to eight hours, you have your meal all ready to go. The more you can pre-plan out your meals and pre-make them ahead of time to save you from having to do it during the week as you get busy, the more likely you are to see dietary success. Almost all of the recipes that are included in Metabolic Cooking can easily be prepared ahead of time if desired, so even the busiest of busy people will have time to eat healthy.

Rule #10:
DONT MAKE IT MORE COMPLICATED THAN IT REALLY IS Most people like to make things a touch complicated when it comes to planning their diet and often resort to accurately weighing their meals and counting every last mili-calorie. While you might feel like this guarantees you will get results, all it really does is drives your stress level through the roof. Not to mention when you're stressed, you secret cortisol and that will cause you to gain unwanted belly fat. Remember that while it is important that you get your calorie intake correct and consume enough protein along with carbs and fats, if you have 10 more grams of carbs one day and a few fewer grams of fat, this isn't going to completely destroy your progress. Thats why we have created a VERY SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE approach. Even the best of dieticians and personal trainers can really only give you estimates as to what your needs will be as your day to day activity levels will vary.

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We can certainly get within a very close range of what you should be eating, but to obsess over the small minute details is just overkill and will only make you feel overwhelmed and cause you to feel tempted to throw in the towel entirely. When your diet becomes the entire focus of your existence, you can rest assured you're headed for some problems. So relax and put your mind at ease. If you follow the concepts that we've been outlining in this book and do your best at all times, you will see results. There's no need to contemplate whether or not choosing oatmeal or brown rice is going to have a much greater effect on your six pack abs and feel badly for choosing one over the other.

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How to use Metabolic Cooking efficiently

The biggest problem that you'll run into today with people and their diet programs is that of over-complication. Not only do they spend countless hours searching out the 'perfect' diet plan, but then once they start that plan, reading through all the advice that's given, they start to further try and tweak it to what they think is best. They will literally spend days trying to get this meal plan perfect and then find that after a week of being on it, they're bored silly. Does that sound familiar? If so, you aren't alone as this is by far the most common issue that comes up time and time again with those seeking fat loss. Instead, you need to focus on the bigger picture. The more you distract yourself with the little details, the less you think about what really counts and the less energy you have to devote to your workouts and following the plan. Instead, you're left feeling so confused and drained that you don't even want to continue. Additionally, many people will force themselves to eat the same old boring foods day after day. Chicken and rice, chicken and rice, chicken and rice. They may change it up one day and toss in some turkey instead of the chicken, but generally everything stays the same. They're too scared to venture into the 'unknown' and try something different. What these people don't realize however is that its the unknown where their results would be seen. By eating the exact same foods day in and day out, they're only asking for a process referred to as metabolic adaptation phenomenon to take place.

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What this essentially is will be a point on your diet plan where your body clearly knows precisely what it's getting in terms of food intake and has fully adapted to that, making sure that it can run efficiently on exactly what you're giving it. When it reaches this state, that's when fat loss comes to a screeching halt. Not exactly what you were aiming for, was it? To help cure this metabolic adaptation problem, we simply shake it up a bit. We change up the macronutrient mix . We do whatever it takes to get the body to sit up and take notice that something is different. It keeps your metabolism high, and you keep burning body fat. As soon as it notices a difference, it responds. It's like when you're sleeping at night with a fan in your room. Despite the fact the fan is humming along making plenty of noise you stay asleep because it's constant. Nothing is changing and your mind has adapted to the sound of the fan. But if someone walks in and slams the door, you'll jolt awake immediately. Why? Why didn't you sleep through that noise like you did the noise of the fan? Because it was different it was something new that your body wasn't used to and it responded to it. That's precisely what Metabolic Cooking is all about. Shocking your body and get it responding again. We want to wake up your metabolism so that you start burning off body fat at the rapid pace you should be. If you don't do this and just sit there with the same old ho-hum slow metabolism, you'll eventually start to gain body fat because of it. That is precisely what we are aiming to avoid!

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How are we going to do this?

First, youll have to obey the 10 rules of Metabolic Cooking that we talked about earlier. Second, we're going to make sure that you vary your nutritent sources to combat the Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon. Rather than always choosing chicken, egg whites, and protein powder, we're going to introduce some new foods into your diet. Something different. Third, all your food must come from our lists of Metabolic Cooking Approved foods. These all have a high Metabolic Thermo-Charge to make you lose fat faster. Forth, you're going to start using spices and herbs. These have great metabolism boosting qualities about them and will liven up any meal, any time. If you aren't using them right now, you're missing out. In fact, certain spices such as Cinnamon, Cayenne, Chili, Garlic, Ginger, or Pepper may in fact increase your metabolism, control your blood sugar, and improve insulin resistance all factors that are vital to fat loss success. All of the recipes included in Metabolic Cooking are going to keep these fat burning spices in mind and incorporate them whenever possible. The next way we're shaking up your diet is by having you strategically time your nutrient intake so that you aren't eating the exact same thing at every meal. It's a proven fact that when you consume the right nutrients at the right times during the day, you will get a better metabolic response because of it. This means that certain foods should only be eaten at certain points in the day, which is something that will be a clear focus on this program plan. If you aren't making the most out of your meal timing,

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you're also making a critical error. So by focusing not just on 'what you eat' but also on 'when you eat', you can enhance your results.

All in all, the concept that we've come up with after years of testing and real-life trial and error with a wide variety of people is called my "Metabolic Profile System". With this system, you we aim for simplicity and ease of following it. You won't be a slave to some complicate diet any longer but will have easy-to-implement guidelines that will get you on the path to success.

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The Metabolic Nutri-Profile

First, as we explained in the 10 rules, you'll be making sure that you take in a quality source of protein with each and every meal. Along with that, you'll also have one source of fats with each meal with your carbohydrates only placed in certain meals of the day. Vegetables will make up a very important part of the plan and are something that will get added in frequently throughout the day to boost your metabolism even more. As you work your way through the cookbooks, you'll find the recipes based on the particular nutrients included, referred to as proteins (P), carbohydrates (C), fats (F), and vegetables (V). The recipes have been created so you'll be eating a certain amount of these foods with each recipe, thus promoting the overall metabolic boosting benefits. Its called the Metabolic Nutri-Profile. Each recipe has a Metabolic Nutri-Profile. The guidelines for this metabolic nutri-profiling approach are:

will contain 15 grams of protein per serving

will contain 10 grams of carbs per serving

will contain 5 grams of fat per serving

will simply contain enough vegetables in the recipe to work out to one serving size (minimum of 4-6 servings a day).

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Meal timing
Here is how to break down your meals. Below youll find a basic chart that explains the macronutrient splits throughout your day.

Free veggies should be consumed as much as possible and added to as many meals as possible.
(Remember that you don't have to count calories for the 'free' vegetables in your recipes as these are extremely low in calories and your body will often burn just as many calories breaking them down as what's actually contained in the vegetables.) *Note: it is ok to have traces of carbs from foods in Protein/Fats meals as it is very difficult to have no carbs at all.

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Post workout (could be any time during the day)

*As part of this meal system, dont have to count calories from post workout shake (protein only)

Protein Powder (for quick availability) + Glutamine (for recovery)

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How to calculate your daily caloric needs

The first step is to estimate your daily caloric needs based on 2 factors: your activity level and your body type.

A. Calculate your daily caloric needs base Choose your activity level and your goal in the table above. Simply multiply your bodyweight in pounds by the listed multiplier to get your daily caloric needs base.

Activity Level None (No Exercise) Light (Exercise 1-2 times/week) Moderate (Exercise 3-4 times/week) Heavy (Exercise 5-7 times/week) Fat Loss Bodyweight (lbs) X8 Bodyweight (lbs) X9 Bodyweight (lbs) X 10 Bodyweight (lbs) X 11

Activity Level None (No Exercise) Light (Exercise 1-2 times/week) Moderate (Exercise 3-4 times/week) Heavy (Exercise 5-7 times/week) Fat Loss Bodyweight (lbs) X7 Bodyweight (lbs) X8 Bodyweight (lbs) X9 Bodyweight (lbs) X 10

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B. Adapt your caloric needs base to your body type Take the basic daily caloric needs number you got and apply the proper coefficient corresponding to your body type


MAIN CHARACTERISTICS Fast natural metabolism Relatively Low Body fat % Thin, very linear appearance Lack muscle mass and little belly fat Often referred as skinny fat Going for the ripped look Average natural build Regular metabolism Weight is usually stable but still have excess body fat Their body is built proportionately They are quite muscular Slow metabolism Visible and large amounts of excess body fat especially around the waist, hips and thighs. Large and stocky structure Have a hard time losing weight Can gain body fat easily

COEFFICIENT Daily Caloric Needs Base X 1.2


Daily Caloric Needs Base X1


Daily Caloric Needs Base X 0.8

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How to create your own individualized meal plan

Once you have your calorie needs figured out, the next step comes to planning out your diet so that you know precisely what to eat and when throughout the day. It cannot be stressed enough how much having a proper plan in place is vital to success so this is one step that you absolutely must not skip over. The very first thing you should take the time to do right now is review the 10 rules of Metabolic Cooking. This is going to help guide you through the set-up process and make sure you're choosing the correct foods at the correct times of the day. As long as you follow the guidelines, you're not going to have to calculate any specific nutrient breakdowns or other over complications that you might have gotten yourself all wrapped up in with your last diet approach.

The primary thing that you just need to keep yourself focused on is your total calorie intake
We've already discussed nutrient timing so you already have the information you need to know with regards to that. Remember that you are to eat a minimum of 15 grams of protein with each and every meal you consume to help keep your blood sugar levels stable and ensure you meet your daily needs. In addition to that you will be eating fats with almost all of your meals and they will contain a minimum of 5 grams per meal. Finally, in the first three meals of the day (mid morning snack carbs can be replaced by fats) , you'll have your healthy carbohydrate sources and those are to be included at a minimum of 10 grams of carbohydrates per meal as well. Remember that later in the day we are cutting out your carbohydrates apart from

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your free vegetables sources as this is what will ensure that you maintain a high rate of fat burning over time. It's the meal timing aspect of this diet that is going to be largely responsible for the results you see, so not something you should overlook.

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How to fill up the plan

Take your daily calorie needs, and multiply it per the calorie percentage recommended per meal (example: if you need 2000 calories per day, you will need 400 calories for breakfast . 2000 calories x 20% = 400 calories) Then fill the recipes or food section with recipes from the Metabolic Cooking cookbooks, or food from the Approved list. As simple as that.

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Adherence, assessment and tweaking your plan

Adherence One of the most important things that will be a must do is to make sure that you maintain the plan as much as you possibly can. One of the most common reasons why people fail to see the success they're after with weight loss is because they fall off the diet and go and eat foods that they know they shouldn't be having. Regardless of how great the diet is, if you don't stick with it, it's not going to produce the results that you're looking for. Adherence, more than anything else, is the top secret to success. Since this plan is designed to provide you with an overabundance of healthy, great tasting recipes however, you really shouldn't find adherence to be a problem. It's more commonly when people get stuck in the same rut of eating the same thing over and over again that they fail to stick with their plan. As we've said before though, variety is a cornerstone of this program so you'll never be forced to eat that some old meal of chicken breasts, brown rice, and broccoli again. You'll have plenty of flavor so your taste buds never get bored and you'll be reaching all your nutrient requirements at the same time. Assessment One thing that we would strongly recommend you do at this point is a weight assessment. Right before you begin and then periodically throughout the program you should be checking your body weight to see how far you've come.

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But, do not check your weight daily! Remember that is perfectly natural and normal to see weight fluctuations from day to day so checking it every single day is only going to promote feelings of frustration, anxiety, and obsessiveness. Instead, get on the scale once a week and do your assessment. Track your progress and check back on it regularly, looking for overall trends. Don't get too overly concerned if you do find that it goes up slightly one week; this is normal, as we mentioned and it may happen from time to time. It's the overall trend that you're looking for here. As long as the weight is continually moving downwards, that's the main thing to remember.

Tweaking Now, one final word must be mentioned on tweaking. As good as all of our approximations on your calorie intake are, some of you will have variable metabolism and may find that you do get different 'real world' results. This again is completely normal and not something to get frustrated about. All it means is that you'll have to make a few minor adjustments to get yourself moving along precisely as you had hoped you would. First, you should always give your diet a two week trial period before you tweak it. This is going to allow you to give it a real assessment for whether it's producing the results that you're looking for. If after two weeks you're either not losing weight fast enough or are losing too much weight, then you simply add or drop your calorie intake by about 250 calories. Note that you should still maintain the same meal timing goals that we've set out while adding these calories to the diet plan. Once you have those calories added, then you are to give it another two weeks before you assess again. This constant assessment period is what you must make

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sure you're doing as it's what will ensure that you get the results that you're looking for over time. So to recap: You are NOT losing weight fast enough = cut 250 calories (daily) You are losing too much weight = add 250 calories (daily)

Now this covers everything that you need to know about the Metabolic Cooking approach. If you feel a little overwhelmed here and feel as though you'd love a complete done-for-you solution, then we have the answer to your prayers. If you haven't picked up your copy of the Metabolic Express Done-For-You Meal Plans, Success Guide, and Success Tracker, I would strongly recommend that you do this. This will make a big difference in your overall level of adherence, making sure that you stay on track at all times. Remember how we talked about the critical importance of adherence? This is really going to help you along the way. After all, it's time that you finally had some real success on a diet plan for once and all these tools are going to help get you there. If you've struggled time and time again on previous diet plans due to lack of planning, feeling overwhelmed, or just not knowing what to do next, then this will solve all of these problems instantly. After all, if you're going to put in the effort to starting up on another diet, don't you want to do everything possible to guarantee the effort is realized in success? Today is the day that you'll finally change your bad luck and get on the path to results if you can make the commitment to using all the tools that we've provided you.

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If you pick up the Metabolic Express Meal Plans, all thought will be taken out of success you simply just follow the plan and watch in the mirror as you make your very own body transformation.

Click here for the Metabolic Express Meal Plans

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How to manage your food preparation

Another key thing that we need to talk about in order to make sure that you're fully prepared to see results is the element of food preparation. When it comes to getting fit and being in the best shape, nothing will overcome strong organizational skills. Basically, if you don't plan, prepare to fail because planning is #1 and will determine your results. When the game plan is in place, then you aren't giving yourself the option to fail you know what you have to do. When a plan isn't in place though, then you're really just winging it and praying that something good comes out of your actions. Unless you happen to have a strong background in nutrition and exercise science, 'winging' it is not likely to lead to the results that you were hoping it would. This is especially the case when you consider just how easy it is to choose unhealthy. There is a drive-thru around every corner in most major cities so you're never very far away from bad food. Likewise, all it takes is one walk-thru of the grocery store to come to see just how many convenience products are out there that are just waiting to take you off your sound diet approach. By having a plan in place, you'll save yourself a lot of the anguish of constantly having to go through this and dealing with set-backs as they do occur. Now, what's the best way to stick with your fat loss diet? Meal preparations. The more you can plan your food ahead of time, the better the chances that you will maintain a healthy diet. When the food is right there

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waiting to be consumed, you'll be far more likely to eat it when hungry than go the easy route of hitting the vending machine. So what we want you to do while you use this plan is cook multiple meals at once. Rather than just grilling up one chicken breast for dinner, grill up five or six and you'll have chicken for the next three days. Likewise, rather than making just a small serving of brown rice, make a much larger batch. Rice will last for up to a week in the fridge so by doing the prep once for many meals, you'll dramatically cut back on your total meal preparation time, making it that much easier to eat healthy. What would be a good idea is to designate one day to meal preparation. Most people will find Sunday works the best as many of us do have some downtime to spare on this day while the rest of the week proves to be incredibly busy. Whatever day works best for you though select it and plan to do a good few hours of cooking. If you can cook up a few large batches of food this day, it will save you a lot of headaches as the week progresses along. Make sure after cooking each of your foods that you also package them by weight and portion size to make things easy when it comes time to planning out your meal. We like to store ours in Tupperware containers in the fridge so they're easy to grab on the run without any extra work being needed as you prepare for the busy day ahead. If you are going to freeze the foods that you prepare, make sure to vacuum seal the bags as much as possible as this will ensure freshness and prevent freezer burn. Doing up very large batches of meat and freezing them tends to be a very good idea as protein is generally the hardest to prepare on a regular basis. While there is nothing like a fresh lean piece of meat off the grill, having the option of frozen when you're busy is extremely convenient. That way, when youre feeling a tad lazy, all you have to do is open your freezer, reheat and eat!

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Its impossible to live your life in your house. Theres going to be times when youll have to leave, which is why investing in a cooler is absolutely essential. A cooler (you can find a great one at http://www.thesixpackbag.com) will allow you to bring your meals w ith you, and since most of your meals contain fruits, meats and vegetables, its very important that you keep them cool. After all, you dont want to go home with food poisoning, right? Last but not least, you should always carry an extra protein shake. A protein shake is your contingency plan. If you run into a traffic jam or have to work some overtime at work, you still have your protein shake to rely on. Switch that meal for the protein shake, as simple as that.


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What you need in the kitchen

In order to prepare and eat healthy nutritious meals you need to have the necessary kitchen supplies. You will see that a lot of the basic tools can be bought for cheap at your local discount store. These are the basic tools that youll need to prepare your meals: A good set of Pots Non-stick Frying Pans (I recommend a marble coated pan) Measuring Cups and Spoons A Cutting Board A Food Scale A good set of Kitchen Knives A Blender A Kitchen Grill (such as the George Foreman grill) Spatulas Shaker bottles for protein drinks A well stocked Spice Rack Bowls Baking Pans and sheet If you can arm yourself with all of these, you'll always be prepared for any meal prep work you have to do.

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Money saving tips

By following the tips below, alert shoppers can save a lot on their grocery bills. Are you ready to start trimming the fat off your food bills? Get a Wholesale Store membership You know the stores we are talking about: Sams, Costco, BJs, etc Wholesale stores generally offer their products a lot cheaper than traditional grocery or retail stores. The average person can save between one to two hundred dollars a month on groceries by purchasing some of their food at a wholesale store. We personally save a lot by buying our egg whites or frozen fish at Costco. Buy in bulk Freezers make it possible to do this and you can keep many foods for quite a long time. Go to your nearest wholesaler and stock up. Buying in bulk like this will reduce the average cost per item and thus save you a lot of money, especially compared to supermarket prices. You only really have to buy fresh fruit and vegetables just before you need them, and even these can be frozen sometimes! Start by using a shopping list This way you will not miss anything and the chances of you picking up a great stack of unwanted items will be reduced too. Make your list as organized as possible and try to stick to it, no matter how tempting those junk foods may look, or how alluring the bakery aisle may appear. This isnt to say that you shouldnt take advantage of the best deals on offer though. The perimeter rule Much of the best food is found around the perimeter of the grocery store. Around the perimeter youll find the produce section (fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc), the meat section (chicken, meat, fish, etc), and the dairy aisle (cottage

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cheese, yogurt, eggs, etc). Sure, the middle aisles might have to be visited from time to time but be on guard, its the aisles in the middle (snacks, juices, etc) that can get you into trouble with their pretty packaging and magically delicious flavors. Browse grocery shelves Its often the case that we buy the same brands every time, or just pick the market leading brand. This isnt a wise choice and marketing plays far too big a role in our decision making. Have a look at all of the brands and this means browsing the bottom shelves for some of the better value products. A hefty proportion of us do our shopping at eye level and this can cost us big time! Dont miss Sales and Promo Coupons Supermarkets are always running special promotions and coupons and you can find a great number of deals like this every week; providing you actually look for them. Dont dismiss them as silly offers or false economies either; check them out in full and take advantage if you can. Take further advantage of deals or offers and freeze what you dont need. Use your freezer to help you store away all of the hidden value to be found in our supermarkets. Build relationships with local suppliers If you have local suppliers and you are able to offer them regular custom, then you will be more than welcome to walk through their doors. You will often be able to get yourself some nice discounts and deals if you have a good relationship with your local stores. The market, butchers or grocers are all good places to go for this type of treatment. Once you become a regular, local suppliers see that you are supporting their business and they want to keep to you as loyal customers. Therefore, they will be happy to give you their best possible deal. Dont be afraid to ask to a discount too!

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What about supplements?

One question that we get asked about time and time again is what you should be doing in terms of supplementation. Everyone sees all these fancy supplements gracing the pages of magazines and wonders which are the best ones for them to be using to maximize their results. They often read the claims that these supplements make and after going through all those, it can be very hard to deny the fact that they sound mighty good. What you must realize here with supplements is that the vast majority of the time supplements are just fancy advertising. But, that said, there are a select handful of supplements that will help you get an edge up on your progress. Now, we are not saying you can replace a diet and workout program with supplements and still see great results far from it. You need to have that diet and workout in place first and foremost. What we are saying though is that some of you may need a slight helping hand to guide you along your pathway and this is where the right supplements can help you. It can get confusing trying to determine which supplements will help and which will just waste your time though, which is why I've put together

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the Supplements Optimizer Guide that will give you the straight facts about which work and which don't. If you feel overwhelmed about supplements which I'm guessing you likely do, then this is the guide that will clear up the confusion and allow you to see what you should and shouldn't be doing.

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What about exercise?

Finally, the last thing that you might be wondering about is exercise. Shouldn't you workout while using this diet to increase your results? Of course you should! Staying active with a properly planned workout program is an important part of the equation when it comes to fat loss success. This is why we've created Metabolic Workouts to guide you. If you haven't picked up your copy of this, we would highly recommend doing that now as this will make a huge difference on the overall results you see. Look at it this way. By using just the diet alone, you will see great fat loss results. It's perfectly possible to lose body weight without exercise simply by watching what you eat. But, if you want to make a complete body transformation that is you want to be firmer, more toned, and see great muscle definition, then you are going to need to do the right mix of workouts. With diet AND workout, you can really improve your results. Create a new you that looks fitter and healthier than ever before. That is what you want to be. A totally new you. Imagine what it will feel like when you walk into a room and see others who havent seen you for a few months (think extended family, former classmates, or just good friends that you don't see all that often) and they hardly even recognize you. You'll blow them away with the transformation that you've made simply by pairing workouts and diet together. I cannot stress the importance of adding these workouts in there enough. While were confident the diet plan alone will

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help you lose weight, were even more confident you will be 100% happy with your results if you do the workouts. And, for those of you who think you're too busy to workout, the great news is that these workouts have been designed for people on the go. You won't have to become a slave to the gym, in fact, most of these are minimal time commitment workout plans that will quickly get you in and out in minutes. But, the difference you'll see in the mirror will be significant so don't let the lack of time being spent fool you. If you train smarter, you don't have to train longer. That's the key. The Metabolic Intensity Workouts we've developed will give you multiple fat loss workouts to choose from so you'll never be bored but instead, will keep on forging your way to success. If you dont have them already, make sure you give some strong consideration to these workouts. If you're going to put in all the time and effort on your diet, you would be shorting yourself not to give these a try. You deserve to get yourself the absolute best results possible and these workouts will definitely provide help you along.

Click here for the Metabolic Intensity Workouts

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