China ' S Flourishing Civilization
China ' S Flourishing Civilization
China ' S Flourishing Civilization
Chinas Geography
Map of China
What topographical features are present and not-present on this map would influence Chinas development?
- Himalayas: 43% of Chinas land is mountainous! -Tibetan Plateau: very isolated region even today!
For many years, the Xia (shee-uh) Dynasty was thought to be a part of a myth that the Chinese tell as part of their history. The Xia Dynasty was in oral histories, but no archaeological evidence was found of it until 1959.
Selected By Achievement
Xia Yu was selected as the heir to the throne because he was able to control the Great Flood that had afflicted the Chinese for several years. Even though he was not the son of the Emperor and even though his own father had been executed because he could not control the flood.
Daily Life
1.The Xia were agrarian people 2.The ruling families used elaborate and dramatic rituals to confirm their power to govern. 3.The rulers often acted as shamans, communicating with spirits for help and guidance.
Shang Tang
Chinese Writing
Shang Contributions
Cowries shells (snails which inhabit the Pacific and Indian Ocean) served as money before bronze coins were produced. Silk thread is invented! Loved by the world, even to today,
Cowries Shells
Shang Art
Zhou Dynasty
Remembered for technological advances: the crossbow, the cavalry, iron plows, and irrigation and flood systems. Iron becomes very important to their culture.
Zhou Dynasty
Established a feudal state; 260 years helps bring on Confusicism. The belief in the Mandate of Heaven became an established practice during this dynasty.
Mandate of Heaven
1. Chinese believed rulers governed according to Mandate of Heaven 2. Allowed rulers to remain in power as long as they were just and effective 3. Religion influencing the government HOW?
Qin Dynasty
Qin Dynasty
Qin Dynasty Reading The First Emperor, Qin Shihuangdi, standardized society: weights and measures, coins, writing, and law
Though his methods were brutal, Shi Huangdi ushered in Chinas classical age.
This period is called a classical civilization because it set patterns in government, philosophy, religion, science, and the arts that served as the framework for later cultures.
Watch a video segment from: Treasure! Tomb of the Terra Cotta Warriors
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