Intellectual Capital: Measurement Effectiveness
Intellectual Capital: Measurement Effectiveness
Intellectual Capital: Measurement Effectiveness
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Intellectual capital
Measurement effectiveness
Gopika Kannan
DaimlerChrysler Research and Technology India, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Intellectual capital
Wilfried G. Aulbur
DaimlerChrysler AG, Stuttgart, Germany
Keywords Intellectual capital, Measurement, Knowledge management Abstract Intellectual capital (IC), knowledge management and intangible assets are important factors in determining the value of an organization, as reected in the growth of the knowledge management industry. There is however, a lack of effective measurement techniques to specify and optimize the value of IC. This paper presents a detailed review of existing techniques and establish the need for a more comprehensive approach. The proposed framework addresses IC valuation issues across the IC cycle. People, process, and technology are measured and correlated in the nal step with social and nancial measures, thus providing a new framework.
1. Introduction Over the last decade, businesses have recognized the importance of managing their intangible assets. The development of brands, stakeholder relationships, reputation and the culture of organizations are viewed as providing sustainable sources of business advantage. The ability to build and leverage the value of these intangible assets constitutes a core competency for organizations. However, recent studies (McGrath, 1996) claim that empirical evidence and work, supporting theory is lacking. Clearly, empirical work must be based on adequate measurement frameworks that capture the organizational, process and nancial impacts of knowledge intensive business strategies[1]. Early measurements of intellectual capital (IC) focus on the accounting and nancial perspective. Most of the research centers primarily around three questions: What causes the discrepancy between a rms book value and the value of its physical assets? What are their intangible assets? And what characterizes their value? We need to dene what constitutes intellectual capital, to answer these questions. 1.1 Dening IC Intellectual capital can be dened as intellectual resources that have been formalized, captured and leveraged to create assets of higher value (Prusak, 1998). IC refers to intellectual material such as knowledge, information, intellectual property and experience that can be used to create wealth. Intangible assets are innately difcult to measure and include a large number of organizational and individual variables. Simple nancial measures fail to take cognizance of the complex nature of these assets. IC can be classied as human capital, organizational capital and customer capital (Bontis, 1996; Edvinsson and Sullivan, 1996; Roos and Roos, 1997; Stewart, 1995). Human Capital refers to the accumulated value of investments in employee training, competence, and future. The term focuses on the value of what the individual can produce; human capital thus encompasses individual value in an economic sense
Journal of Intellectual Capital Vol. 5 No. 3, 2004 pp. 389-413 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1469-1930 DOI 10.1108/14691930410550363
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(Becker, 1992). Human Capital can be further sub-classied as, the employees competence, relationship ability and values. A simple example provided by Kindred Pederson of Southern California Edison indicates that if a software package sells for $1 million before employee modications and $3 million after employee modications, then the human capital used to modify the software is $2 million. Organizational capital is the supportive infrastructure that enables human capital to function. Edvinsson and Malone (1997) further classify structural capital into organizational, process and innovation capital. Organizational capital includes the organization philosophy and systems for leveraging the organizations capability. Process capital includes the techniques, procedures, and programs that implement and enhance the delivery of goods and services. Innovation capital includes intellectual properties and intangible assets. An organizations policy and procedures, customized software applications, research and development programmes, training courses and patents are examples of organizational capital. Customer capital is dened as the combined value of the relationships with customers, suppliers, industry associations and markets. Customer capital refers to issues like trust and understanding and the strength and loyalty of customer relations. Customer satisfaction, repeat business, nancial well-being, and price sensitivity may be used as indicators of customer capital. 1.2 Benets of measurement of IC Our goal is to measure the value of organizations knowledge assets, both organizational and human capital, in order to justify investments in intellectual capital. A key reason for measuring intellectual capital is to recognize hidden assets and strategically develop them to achieve organizational goals. The benets of IC measurement include the following. . Identication and mapping of intangible assets. . Recognition of knowledge ow patterns within the organization. . Prioritization of critical knowledge issues. . Acceleration of learning patterns within the organization. . Best practice identication and diffusion across the rm, by presenting a strong business case for the best practice. . Constant monitoring of asset value and nding ways of increasing value. . Increased understanding of how knowledge creates interrelationships. . Understanding organizational social networks and identifying change agents. . Increase in innovation. . Increase collaborative activities and a knowledge sharing culture as a result of increased awareness of the benets of knowledge management. . Increased employee self-perception of the organization and increased motivation. . Creates a performance-oriented culture. Measurement of IC and knowledge management practices will result in signicant benets to the organization that will help determine business strategy, process design as well providing competitive advantage. While discussing all points mentioned above
in detail is beyond the scope of this paper, a few case studies based on our personal experience are in order. 1.3 Limitations of current measurement systems A detailed literature study (Bontis, 2001) identied several limitations in the existing measurement systems, which are as follows . The existing approaches relate to the organization as a whole and do not account for individual departments or knowledge workers. . They do not balance past-orientation with future predictions, or quantitative nancial measures with qualitative perceptual and process measures. . Behavioral dynamics and its impact on organizational economics are not measured. . There is no system for measuring process effectiveness in capturing tacit knowledge transfer. The above limitations can be overcome by integrating nancial measures, with perceptual, process and systems measures. Such an approach will account for every individual department in the value chain and will also help to identify key factors, which inuence IC effectiveness or retard its growth. The existing measurement systems are discussed below. The existing measurement systems can be broadly classied as belonging to the nancial or accounting framework or the perceptual school of thought. We further classify the non-nancial and non-perceptual measurement systems as other measurement techniques. We discuss the different measurement frameworks and their limitations below. Table I summarizes this discussion and provides an overview of the different measurement frameworks. 1.3.1 Financial measurement system. Financial measurement systems are a classication system for all IC measurement techniques that address nancial contributions made through IC assets Conventional cost accounting shows the costs of individual production operations without connection to other activities, e.g. marketing, service, etc. As production was the dominant activity, the results of all other activities in a company were not registered separately, rather they were considered general (indirect) costs. A small shift was made when activity-based costs (ABC) were introduced. This represented certain advancement, as costs per individual activity could be controlled in a better way and provided some sort of connection with the whole. Regardless of this, the measuring system based on cost accounting has proved totally inadequate for contemporary circumstances. Financial statements fail to measure and show the most signicant building blocks of business, which is the human capital, organizational capital, and customer capital. As a result, these nancial statements fail to communicate about the state of the business in terms of IC development to the management and investors. The current accounting framework, which is transactional and realization based, only recognizes the existence of an item when transactions with third parties take place (Brennan, 1999). This does not hold good for IC measurement. Intangibles such as staff competencies, customer relationships, business models, and computer and administrative systems receive no recognition in the traditional nancial and reporting model. Interestingly, even traditional intangibles like brand
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Advantages Perceptual measures Perceptions affect attitudes and behaviors Culture is a measure of normative behaviors Knowledge of employee perceptions can help the organization design more acceptable processes and bring about behavioral change When used to measure perceptions of process effectiveness, they can lead to continuous process improvements Process measures Mapping and establishment of current processes Determination of process/system usefulness and effectiveness (usability statistics) Predict future performance/infrastructure requirements Lead to tangible benets in terms of learning time and cycle time reduction Financial measures Provides the shareholders with a nancial value of the organizations intangible assets Clearly links spending on intangibles with prots Measures like ROA and ROI, as well as KCV provide for intangibles in the accounting framework and justify spending on intangible resources By linking process and nancial the organization can measure and improve its IC effectiveness Other measures Social network measures determine the optimum intangible resource allocation and utilization required for increasing the rate of innovation Human capital value addition measures determine the organizational processes that can be improved to sustain and increase the human capital value addition Econometrics measures reveal tangible benets and value of intangible assets and resources
Disadvantages Difcult to establish causal relations, hence cannot be generalized Subjective in nature and hence lead to bias Not correlated with performance and prots
Too much formalism Can be confusing when dealing with too many knowledge domains Can be effective only when knowledge ows are enabled across domains Not linked to prots or tangible improvements Too complex incorporates several variables and cannot be standardized May not be always possible to account for earnings from intangible assets Dependent on external factors such as market exuberance Does not take into consideration process and people factors and cannot be used to identify problem areas and design improvements These measures do not consider individual perceptions and hence may not result in the requisite behavioral change
Table I. The four schools of IC measurement and analysis of their advantages and disadvantages. Our integrated framework is based on these four schools and results in an effective IC measurement system
equity, patents, and goodwill are reported in the nancial statements only when they meet stringent recognition criteria, otherwise they have, until recently been omitted from the nancial statements (IFAC, 1998; IASC, 1998). The limitations of the existing nancial reporting system for capital markets and other stakeholders have motivated an evolving dialogue on nding new ways to measure and report on a companys IC. The product of this dialogue is a plethora of new measurement approaches that all have the aim, to a greater or lesser extent, of
synthesizing the nancial and non-nancial value-generating aspects of the company into one external report. Principal among the new reporting models are the knowledge production function (Machlup, 1962); the intangible asset monitor (Sveiby, 1997, 1998; Celemi, 1999); the balanced scorecard (Kaplan and Norton, 1992, 1996); the skandia value scheme (Edvinsson and Malone, 1997); the IC accounts (DATI, 1998); and the knowledge capital scorecard (Lev, 2000). Each of these seminal works denes a particular class of nancial reporting model. Table II provides a useful framework for comparing several of the main nancial measurement approaches. The new measurement frameworks have certain limitations. They do not factor in the effect of human behavior and attitudes, social networks or the importance of tacit knowledge transfer. The limitations of the current measurement systems will be discussed in detail in the literature review section. 1.3.2 Perceptual Measurement Techniques. The perceptual school of thought concentrates on employees perceptions and their need for an effective knowledge management system Perceptual measures include employee perceptions of top management commitment, need for knowledge sharing and knowledge management, perceptions of the value addition and of equitable reward structures. The perceptual school of thought also emphasizes the role of organizational culture in inuencing IC value adding behaviors. Analysis of organizational culture is essential for understanding knowledge ow in an organization. We dene culture as the shared values, beliefs, and practices of the people in the organization. Culture is reected in the visible aspects of the organization, such as its mission. It is embedded in the way people act, what they expect of each other, and perceptions of others actions (Schein, 1996). Clearly, behaviors determine that the organizations culture and employee attitudes are important determinants of knowledge sharing behavior. For example, individuals hold certain beliefs and in the process of socialization they share their beliefs and this becomes tacit knowledge. When an individual externalizes those beliefs, tacit knowledge becomes explicit team knowledge (Nonaka and Konno, 1998). This indicates the importance of individual knowledge worker perceptions and beliefs and their importance with relation to value creation and value addition.
Developed by Machlup (1962) Sveiby (1988, 1997) Kaplan and Norton (1992) Framework Knowledge production function The intangible asset monitor The balanced scorecard Classication model Investments in knowledge capital Production costs Economic growth Internal structure External structure Competence Internal processes perspective Customer perspective Learning and growth perspective Financial perspective Human capital Structural capital Total earnings Earnings from tangible assets Knowledge capital earnings
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There is no standardized procedure to evaluate or determine how an organizations culture supports the IC development. Managers need a conceptual framework of the links between culture and knowledge to design the interventions needed to create behaviors that will support their knowledge management objectives (DeLong, 1997). Current methodologies for culture assessments are correlational in nature, do not provide causal relationships and therefore cannot be generalized. The perceptual approach is inadequate as it focuses on individual levels of analysis and it is uncorrelated with performance and prot. It is a self-concept based approach and could lead to subjective bias in the measurement of IC. 1.3.3 Other measurement techniques. Measurement techniques that cannot be classied as purely nancial or perceptual fall under this category. They include measures of social networks, process measures and systems measures. Several measurement techniques are discussed in detail in the literature review section. A combination of nancial, perceptual and other measures will result in value adding behaviors and resultant organizational effectiveness. 1.3.4 Motivation for the study and research objectives. Based on our analysis of literature we are convinced that there is a need for a more holistic and integrated approach to IC measurement that will result in measurement of systems, processes and people issues and their impact on the organizations prots Table III shows a brief review of literature, research gaps found and the need for further research. Specic measurement techniques will be discussed in detail in the literature review section. The measurement gap analysis detailed above and our extensive literature survey shows that there is a need for a more integrated and holistic approach to IC measurement. The new approach must result in measurement of systems processes and people issues and their impact on the organizations prots. We believe that the measures and tools developed in this paper will enable managers to harness and develop an organizations IC in a more accurate and proactive way than currently possible. This paper attempts to achieve the following objectives. . To identify how IC is measured and reported. . To assess the current measurement techniques against the needs of knowledge intensive organizations. . To propose an integrated and holistic methodology towards IC measurement, which can be used as a diagnostic and also as a tool for nancial decisions. 2. Methodology framework Over 100 papers on measurement techniques and theories on intellectual capital were reviewed and analyzed. Figure 1 presents the methodology ow chart. We studied over 100 papers on IC management, which modeled IC effectiveness and also presented nancial, perceptual, process and other techniques for IC measurement. We then short listed methodologies that were of interest to us in our organization, using the following criteria: practicability, theoretical validation and measurement effectiveness regarding its impact on bottom line results. Specic nancial, perceptual, and process and other measures were then identied and selected to provide an integrated IC measurement framework. The next phase involved design of specic stage wise techniques for IC management and measurement. The stages include needs
Findings Organization as a knowledge repository Knowledge production and distribution in American Society and the importance of knowledge work and the knowledge worker Bass diffusion model describes the empirical adoption curve Work-based learning is a key practice in transforming organizational practice power resources are traded away Basili put forward the Goal Question Metrics Paradigm for continuous process improvements
Further research Need for studying organizations knowledge Empirical impetus to knowledge production
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To t the Bass curve as a process, outcome measure of adaptability What does it entail? And how should it be brought about?
1969 1974
Karl Sveiby
Need for behavioral perspective as an addition to intangible assets monitor Core competency theory- path breaking Four characteristics of high value adding perceptions: accelerate learning, framework for testing innovation, reduce risk, link between process and results, reduce costs Knowledge stored as predictable behavioral patterns Resource based view of the rm Communication processes and capacity building measures help manage intellectual capital Managing knowledge is not just an issue of technology but managing social relations also Knowledge ideas, skills and expertise can be captured and shared
The paradigm is perceptual process in nature and there is need for further work in terms of tangible measures for process improvements and linking them to nancial benets Good tool for nancial appraisal of intangibles, but does not help in understanding employee perception of value addition and increasing it Specialist knowledge alone, does not consider organizational capital and tacit generalist knowledge Importance of the possible relations between process effectiveness measures and perceptual measures leading to more effective IC management Impetus for exploring human capital value addition Does not take people into consideration Clearer understanding of communication processes and their importance Evidence related to importance of people, yet no specic measures of value addition What is the most effective way of doing that? How does it contribute to value addition? (continued )
Table III. Representing the literature surveyed, important ndings and research gaps
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Findings KM for strategy and innovation important, but inadequate studies Top performing information technology (IT) professionals with needed specialized skills are in short supply Lasting organizational change is dependent on cultural change; and requires formal education and training, communication, infrastructure and nancial incentives Findings show that organizations have lost a lot of information and expertise through loss of people Return on investment on knowledge assets Usability statistics for knowledge management IT solutions. Ginchereau.B devised performance measures for Knowledge Management systems and used them to compare different Knowledge Management technologies Intellectual capital theory and rst organizational application HP culture selects and rewards loyal employees (those who share and contribute). Has had a steady growth rate of 20 percent, while start up have higher turn over. Training is important to build knowledge capital The knowledge enabled organization uses the knowledge and skills of all employees, regardless of level or function. It provides tools and opportunities to share knowledge. Employee perception of the same may be a determinant of contribution. Organizations use only 10 percent of employee knowledge need for efcient systems
Further research No theories for organizational knowledge management Important for IT management to understand the characteristics and behaviors of high performing IT personnel Need for a holistic model that incorporates nancial, perceptual, process and social measures Need for knowledge capture and leverage through effective human capital management
Philips Ginchereau
1997 1997
Need to integrate it and technology performance with processes, people factors and nancial returns
Financial rather than a behavioral parameter. Difcult to improve performance and design diagnostics Does not explore the direct relationships between rewards innovation and performance. Need for a holistic optimal model for value addition Need for incorporating perceptual and systems measures in IC valuation
Table III.
(continued )
Author Warren
Year 1999
Findings APQC study stating that though technology may be necessary for KM, it is not sufcient. People value addition is important Biggest barrier to knowledge sharing are cultural factors that holding information is more valuable than sharing it Unsupportive cultures, where knowledge sharing is not considered a value added activity, leads to low knowledge sharing behaviors Rated knowledge transfer, learning, core-competencies, knowledge capture and dissemination, education, experience, and culture as issues related to knowledge intensive organization. Tacit knowledge is perceived by 81 percent of the sample as being captured by informal discussions Have an effective KM support system which is seen to facilitate value addition Attempt to evaluate the liability side of intangible assets but did not touch the people element. The great divide is around the question: is this activity/person contributing positively to future value creation or not? Companies successful in promoting knowledge sharing culture, adapt their KM approach to t their culture. Visible link between knowledge sharing and problem-solving. Knowledge sharing is built around networks people use in daily work The need to create a value adding chain, and to see where the individual ts into it
Further research Does not indicate factors involved in people value addition
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Need to explore knowledge worker perceptions and design programs and systems to overcome these barriers Need for a more detailed study of perceptions and behaviors of organizational factors leading to value addition Need to understand the exact relationships, organizational dynamics and social networks
1999 1999
Explore the relations between knowledge management systems and IC Value Diagnostic tool for measurement of human capital
Need to evaluate perceptions of culture and its relation to value addition to the organization
Need to create a theoretical model to understand value addition (continued ) Table III.
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Year 2000
Findings 3M-innovation and NPD, Enron creates value through culture change. Case studies of value creating organizations A key element in value addition is knowledge codication and sharing. It benets the organization better decision-making, more efcient staff. Knowledge investments are not adding value because of the low organizational environments disabling competency sharing. Formal frameworks would be benecial to link between internal resources and company performance; to close the gap between the level of expectations of senior managers and the level of delivery of projects Degree of learning are now deployed by organizations as components of reward systems-effect efciencies in individual and organizational performance Management initiatives could be used to increase rm functioning and productivity, through increased employee value-add. Many elements of employee value addition- network, perceptions, behavioral competencies and attitudes are not included in competency frameworks Measures for organizational architecture and performance based on social network analysis Design or redesign of business processes should factor in an understanding of where and how knowledge plays a role in the performance of the process
Further research Need to look at process variables that go towards creating IC Value Employee perceptions of these factors need to be understood and integrated into a holistic theory for value addition
Chong et al. 2000
Importance of learning and reward delineated, and to be integrated in a model for increasing value addition Perceived and expressed need for a behavioral model and tool to understand and assess these competencies
Possible correlations with processes and outcomes Understand processes that facilitate knowledge sharing and creation as well as value addition (continued )
Table III.
Author Iske
Year 2001
Findings The value potential of knowledge and the importance of context, ease of transfer and usage Human capital knowledge value addition, a perceptual process diagnostic of knowledge value addition
Further research Knowledge value potential coupled with ROI and process and systems measures can give an accurate estimate of IC development Possibility of linking value addition diagnostics to nancial outcomes and process measures
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Table III.
analysis measures, systems measures, process measures and outcome measures. Needs analysis refer to the measurement of organizational readiness for knowledge management and IC development and the employees perceived needs towards IC practice. The measures are perceptual in nature and involve people and their perceptions of organizational processes. Systems measures refer to performance of technology for knowledge management. Process measures involve the measurement of process effectiveness and outcome measures refer to the tangible and intangible outcomes resulting from IC. Outcome measures include nancial measures and social measures. Existing measurement techniques are incorporated into the above framework. Figure 2 shows a graphical representation of IC measurement frameworks as presented in this paper.
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Figure 2. Graphical representation of IC measurement frameworks that can be classied as perceptual, nancial, process and other
3. Survey of literature Over 100 papers on intellectual capital research and practice were analyzed. The literature surveyed included nancial and accounting measurement techniques, perceptual measures, process and systems measures, social networks analysis techniques, and econometric techniques for intangibles measurement. The measurement framework is described in Figure 3 and the advantages and limitations of each measurement type are presented in Table III. We discuss in detail about the seminal studies and popular frameworks for IC measurement, their drawback in general and the need for an integrated framework has been presented in Section 2. Hence we focus on drawbacks of specic measurement techniques in this section. We will present a detailed analysis of goal-question-metrics paradigm (GQM) (Basili and Perricone, 1984, Basili and Musa, 1991, Basili et al. 1994; Bhatt, 2000), the intangibles assets monitor (Sveiby, 1996, 1998; Bontis, 2001),
Skandia framework (Edvinsson and Malone, 1997; Sveiby, 1998; Bontis, 2001), Bagelleris R&D measures, (Bagelieri, 1997, 2000), knowledge capital value (Lev, 2000; Stewart, 2001), human capital value added (Kannan and Akhilesh, 2002), carnegie measures of knowledge architecture and performance (Carley et al., 2000), economic value added (Bontis, 1999; Starssman, 1999; Sveiby, 2001,West, 1999), organizational culture (Argyris, 1982; DeLong, 1997; Denison, 1982, Schein, 1996), return on investment, (Phillips, 1997), knowledge value potential (Iske and Boekhoff, 2001), knowledge production function (Machlup, 1962; Swanstrom, 2001), and learning and diffusion curves (Lam, 2000; Roth, 1995; Swanstrom, 2001; Watkins, 2001). The literature reviewed is classied as nancial, perceptual, perceptual process and other measures as shown in Figure 3. 3.1 Perceptual measures Perceptual measures, as discussed in Section 1.3.2, focus on employee perceptions of the current practices and the benets garnered through them. Perceptual measures have several limitations, as discussed in Section 1.3.2, but are still important as they can help to clarify possible barriers to IC effectiveness. Needs analysis, cultural analysis and commitment measures are perceptual measures, which are essential for understanding the organizations readiness for knowledge management activities and commitment to IC development and leverage. 3.1.1 Needs analysis. The success of a KM implementation program depends upon the organizations readiness and acceptance of the program. Any change can be brought about only through the organizations awareness of the need for change, acceptance of it and cooperation and commitment to it. This is possible only when the change agent has a clear understanding of the members needs. Thus, the rst step in the process would be to carry out a needs analysis (APQC, 2001; Hylton, 2002). Needs analysis is the measurement process which reviews and maps organizational information need, creation, use, ow, and storage; identies gaps, duplication, costs; and value; and uncovers the barriers to effective knowledge ow. The analysis is used to investigate the companys knowledge environment, ecology, knowledge use and sharing and most importantly the employees perceptions of knowledge management effectiveness (Hylton, 2002). Needs analysis involves questionnaire-based studies of employee perceptions of knowledge management initiatives, knowledge sharing within the organization, knowledge criticality and prioritization. Mind mapping tools are used for knowledge management needs analysis (Sprotte, 2000).
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Needs analysis has been established as an important rst step in an IC or knowledge management exercise (APQC, 2000; Swanstrom, 2001; Von Hippel, 2001). However, its perceptual nature can lead to subjective bias and there is a need to integrate it with other systems and process measures as well as nancial analysis, in order to estimate the effectiveness of needs analysis exercises. 3.1.2 Cultural analysis. The success of any KM initiative depends upon an environment which motivates people to communicate, collaborate, innovate, take risks, and share and re-use knowledge. Equally important are appropriate skills, competences and behaviours. Fundamentals like values, trust, beliefs and organizational politics dictate success or failure of KM interventions, so to add real value, the KM initiative must address the existing corporate culture and sub-cultures. Social processes and organizational structures (including self-forming groups) facilitate the conversion of information to knowledge, and the sharing, distribution and creation of knowledge. Other social processes like change management, managing complexity, communities of practice/interest, organizational learning, narrative, visioning etc. are also important and need to be accounted for in KM interventions (Davenport and Prusak, 1998; Guerteen, 1999). Sustained knowledge management requires the establishment of an organizational memory that is exible and adaptive to changing requirements. This is best achieved by a strong organizational culture that emphasizes knowledge sharing by the use of various communication channels (Lemkin, 2000). An analysis of knowledge culture is thus recommended. The results from the analysis of knowledge culture might show cultural barriers that need to be addressed. A supportive environment is the most critical factor for the success of KM projects (Davenport and Prusak, 1998) and should be given high priority. The cultural factors affecting organizational change have been undervalued, and cultural/behavioristic implementations have shown some benets. But the cause-effect relationship between cultural strategy and business benets is not clear, because the Hawthorne Effect may come into play, and because we still cannot make dependable predictions about systems as complex as knowledge-based business organizations. Positive results achieved by cultural/behavioristic strategies may not be sustainable, measurable, cumulative, or replicable (Barclay and Murray, 1997). 3.1.3 Commitment measures. Commitment to IC development and knowledge sharing are essential for the success of any knowledge management initiative. Commitment needs to be both attitudinal and behavioral. A high employee and management commitment will result in increased leverage of knowledge. Quinn and Sydney (1996) dened IC as commitment competence and emphasized on the importance of commitment for IC development. Building commitment involves engaging employees emotional energy and attention. It is reected in how employees relate to each other and feel about a rm (Ulrich, 1998). Theory and research from literature provides a framework for understanding employee commitment behaviors (Ulrich et al., 1989). Research indicates that employees perception of demands versus the available resources, affects their coping and commitment behaviors. Imbalance of demands and resources results in low commitment behaviors (Hamel and Prahalad, 1994). Once demands and resources are balanced, employees can contribute. They are committed to improve and competent
enough to make the right improvements. Their intellectual capital increases (Ulrich, 1998). Commitment may be measured along the following criteria. . Is there an expressed positive attitude towards the project? . Are positive commitment behaviors exhibited? . Are value adding behaviors exhibited? Such as initiative taking behaviors, contributions to IP/IC, knowledge sharing and problem-solving, etc. 3.2 Perceptual-process metrics Perceptual-process metrics refer to measurement techniques that combine process measurements with employee perceptions of their effectiveness. Perceptual-process measures are more enhanced and holistic than traditional perceptual measures. They can be used as diagnostics. Perceptual-process measures are, however, limited to measures of process improvements and do not provide denitive social or nancial implications. The goal question metrics, usability statistics, human capital knowledge value added are some of the perceptual-process measures we discuss in this paper. 3.2.1 Goal/question/metrics paradigm. GQM is a widely used perceptual framework for measuring IC, that is process oriented and focuses on diagnostics and deliverables and is used to determine process efciency (Basili and Perricone, 1984). The GQM approach involves experts and involves three steps: dening goals for the desired state of knowledge management in a specic domain, dening questions on processes and nally dening metrics. GQM denes the goal of measurement in concise terms using ve facets: analysis of object (process/product under study), purpose, focus (quality attribute of the object, e.g. reliability), viewpoint and environment (context). The goals are translated into specic questions, which allow a verication of success. Questions are rened through suitable metrics, thus making it possible to control the success of the process. The metrics for each question are dened by asking for information specic to the question. Data collection procedures are dened for each metric. Data are then collected, validated and analyzed and feedback provided to the process team. The GQM model helps in integrating knowledge management with organizational processes, provides assistance in performing knowledge management activities, comparison of knowledge management processes for designing interfaces between virtual teams and also for inter-organizational knowledge transfer. The GQM framework tracks how the KM system reaches the goals and monitors the processes in detail. The limitations of the GQM model are that it is process focused and does not address people issues or nancial outcomes. A potential danger is the possibility of making KM include too much formalism. The process-oriented view is confusing as it deals with several knowledge domains. While knowledge domains are a means of splitting this complexity, the linking between them is important. KM can only be fully effective when knowledge ows are enabled across organizational divisions or units. Further, the value addition provided through the specic process improvements is not measured in monetary terms or linked to organizational performance. 3.2.2 Usability statistics. Usability statistics refer to the ease of usage of processes and technologies for IC leverage and knowledge management. The measurement criteria according to Ginchereau et al. (1997) include the following.
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Performance: refers to ease of implementation, ease of maintenance, ease of administration, ease of analysis and usage, ease of information transfer, dissemination and distribution. Documentation: refers to technological support provided by the tool to facilitate documentation. Technical support: refers to the availability of technical support staff for clarications and maintenance.
3.2.3 Human capital knowledge value addition. Human capital knowledge value addition (HCKVA) is a perceptual-process measurement technique that is used to determine the organizational factors that contribute to employee performance. It acts as a diagnostic and can be used to monitor process change and enhancements, to develop human capital potential. Ability development, quitting consequences, knowledge access and rewards were identied as the most important determinants of employee value addition. The limitation of this measure is that it does not link performance behavior and processes to nancial outcome measures. 3.2.4 Systems performance measures. System performance measures are broadly divided into two categories, system, and output measures System metrics measure the general health of the system. For example, number of page hits, number of visitors, response times. Output measures are core day-to-day activity measures. Example, turn around time, percent complete on time, turn over rate, retention. Systems measures contain too much detail and may not always explain the behaviors. They measure a part of the what, but not much of the why. Systems measures do not determine the means to create customer value, or how internal knowledge assets improve that value. 3.2.5 Skandia navigator. Skandia is considered to be the rst large company to have made a truly coherent effort at measuring knowledge assets (Bontis, 1996; Huseman and Goodman, 1999). The navigator has four areas of focus: process, customer, nancial, renewal and development and human capital (Edvinsson and Malone, 1997). The Skandia model uses 91 IC metrics plus 73 traditional metrics to measure the ve focus areas mentioned above (Bontis, 2001). Edvinsson and Malone (1997) acknowledge that various IC indices may be redundant but still recommend 112 measures in the navigator. The Skandia model does not assign a dollar value to IC, but uses proxy measures to track trends in assumed value added (Lynn, 1998). The metrics used are subjective in nature and cannot be generalized (Roos and Roos, 1997). They also emphasized that the balance sheet approach followed by the Skandia model results in a snap shot view and does not represent the dynamic knowledge ows in an organization. Financial measurement systems do overcome problems of subjective bias and reliability. We present key nancial measures and their limitations in the next section. 3.3 Financial measures Financial measures as discussed in Section 1.3.1 focus on the nancial outcomes of IC investment. Some examples of nancial measurement techniques are the intangibles assets monitor, economic value added (EVA), the knowledge capital valuation method, knowledge production function, return on investment and knowledge value potential. Sveibys intangibles assets monitor scorecard approach presents three distinct indicators of IC: external and internal structure, and individuals competence.
The indicators examine growth, renewal, efciency, and stability/risk in each of these categories. External structure consists of relationships with customers and suppliers, brand names, and reputation. Internal structure consists of patents, concepts, models, systems and culture. These are created by the employees and are thus generally owned by the organization. Individual competence is peoples ability to act in various situations. It includes skill, education, experience, and values. The IAM method provides a scorecard of the companys intellectual capital strengths and weaknesses. However, it does not result in an overall quantiable value. Sveiby assumes that IC and nancial outcomes are innately related. Lynn (1998) argues that value creation is not possible without appropriate support for nancial feedback systems and more importantly a supportive culture. IAM does not provide quantitative measures of IC value addition or ROI. Economic value added is a comprehensive performance measure, proposed by Stewart (1997), that uses the variables of capital budgeting, nancial planning, goal setting, performance measurement, shareholder communication, and incentive compensation to account for all ways in which corporate value can be added or lost (Bontis, 1999). In simple terms EVA is a measure of surplus value created on an investment. EVA is calculated by subtracting capital charges, taxes and operating expenses from the net sales. Capital charges refer to the charges generated on an asset over a period of one year. Operating expenses are the money expended on running the operation for a period of one year. Net sales refer to the total volume of sales in a given nancial year. The formula for calculating EVA is presented in equation (1). Net sales 2 operating expenses 2 taxes 2 capital charges EVA 1
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EVA does not add to the understanding of the organizations intangible resources or their specic contributions to the organizations effectiveness. EVA uses 164 areas of performance adjustments, leading a trade off between complexity, accuracy and ease. The large list of possible variables for EVA measurement make it nonstandard and difcult to compare. There is little conclusive empirical evidence on the accuracy of EVA measures. Price to book value. The most common method for measuring knowledge assets is to subtract a companys book value from its market value and arrive at its IC worth. The price to book ratio compares two different types of valuations: (1) the stock markets valuation as reected in the stocks price, and (2) the accountants valuation as measured by book value. Specically, the price to book ratio is market capitalization divided by shareholders equity. The shortcoming of the market to book value method is that the number rises and falls with market exuberance (Starssman, 1999). Knowledge capital scorecard method proposed by Lev (2000) is performance driven and makes it possible to assess the worth of organizational knowledge. The value of IC is dependent on the earnings of the organization and accounts for earnings from intangible assets. The difference between the total earnings and earnings from tangible assets is termed knowledge capital earnings (KCE). The knowledge capital is then calculated by dividing the earnings by an expected rate of return on knowledge assets. The formula for calculating knowledge capital value (KCV) is shown in equation (2).
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KCV normalized earnings 2 earnings from tangible assets= 2 knowledge capital discount rate where normalized earning refers to: earnings adjusted for cyclical ups and downs in the economy; earnings from tangible assets refers to the nancial earnings; and knowledge capital discount rate refers to average after-tax prots of: software and biotechnology industries 10.5 percent. By inserting it in the formula, one can put a dollar gure on a companys knowledge capital. The strength of the method is its predictive capacity. Empirical studies show a strong correlation 0.53 between return from stocks and knowledge earnings (Stewart, 2001). Another study in the chemical industry, spanning over 83 companies and 25 years, shows that R&D investments returned 25.9 percent pre-tax, whereas capital spending earned just 15 percent. The major drawback of the knowledge capital valuation method is that the variables measured by the Knowledge Capital Valuation method are futuristic. The knowledge production function refers to knowledge measured by R&D investment and patents. Knowledge production function is the relationship of investment in knowledge capital towards the reduction of production costs and increased economic growth. Machlup (1962) dened knowledge production as any human activity that is effectively designed to create, alter, conrm a meaningful appreciation, awareness or cognizance of ones own or others experiences or ideas. Knowledge production function is measured as a function of the sum total of individual knowledge and learning the organizational knowledge and is described in equation (3). Q f K ; L; Kn f K ; L: 3
where, K refers to natural knowledge; L refers to learning; and Kn organizational knowledge. The knowledge production function is the most basic and fundamental metric towards measurement of the value of organizational knowledge. However, it does not answer the fundamental question will it make money? Philips proposed the return on investment measure monitor the economic returns from a knowledge investment. Return on investment refers to a systematic means to determine a monetary gure to how results compare to costs. ROI is used for evaluating IC investments as protable. An example being training. ROI is calculated as a percentage of the ratio between the net benets derived from a process or knowledge system and the total costs expended and is shown in the equation (4). ROI % Net benefits : Total costs 100 4
ROI measures help determine the value of the contribution of a process, system or individual, prioritize programs, improve processes and focus on results. ROI measures can also be used for enlisting management support and changing employee perceptions. However, ROI measures are expensive and time-consuming.
The next section describes measurement techniques that are used to understand the effect of social factors and are classied as other techniques for the purpose of this paper. 3.4 Other measures Other measures refer to a variety of measurement techniques that do not fall under the classication of perceptual, process or nancial. They include measures of social networks, econometrics measures like learning and diffusion curves, and knowledge value potential measures. Social outcome measures refer to processes and social networks which affect knowledge sharing and generation. These include social network measures, ROI of communities of practice, learning curves, diffusion curves, etc. Social network measures refer to measures of interpersonal networks and authority structures (Carley et al., 2000; Galbraith, 1973; Thompson, 1967). Examples of social network measures are presented below: Span of control: average number of lower links per manager Density: the number of actual links in a network divided by the number of all possible links in the network Density NN/S ij where i 1 j 1 Cognitive load is a measure of commitment network. Cognitive load is a measure of commitment network. Cognitive load: dened for each person Number of people person i interacts with/total number of people in the group; Number of resources person i manages/total number of resources Number of tasks person i is assigned to/total number of tasks sum of number of resources required by the tasks person i does/(total number of tasks * total number of resources) sum of number of people who do the same tasks person i does/(total number of tasks * total number of people) sum of negotiation needs person i needs to do for each task/total possible negotiations Resource load: average number of resources each individual has access to. Skill complexity is a product of the number of people and number of available Social and interpersonal network measures determine intangible resources allocation and utilization in the organization and affect the rate of innovation in an organization. Rate of innovation can be measured based on the time taken from invention to replacement of an old technique and the value added by the new technique (Swanstrom, 2001). Learning costs associated with new technologies and innovations can be reduced through effective processes. Reduction in learning costs can be measured through learning curves. The learning curve represents natural knowledge production cost reduction without intervention (Abernathy and Wayne, 1974). Organizations can reduce learning costs and increase diffusions through use of efcient knowledge management systems. Learning and diffusion curves should be applied to knowledge management tools and processes to determine the value add created by them (Watkins, 2001).
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Diffusion curves track the diffusion and adoption of new ideas, processes, and products, i.e. Innovations and are based on aggregates of people. A small number of early adopters evaluate and accept an innovation, which then spreads rapidly across the organization (Nielsen, 1995). The curve typically has an S shape and is called the S curve as a result (Mahajan et al., 1990). Figure 3 presents the diffusion curve. Many factors, including, opinion leaders, knowledge base, adoption of another innovation, ability to forget the innovations being replaced and technology, govern the rate of diffusion. Diffusion may be measured using the formula presented in equation (5). N t N t21 pm 2 N t21 q N t21 m 2 N t 21 m 5
Where, m is the market potential, the total number of people who will eventually use the product, is the p the coefcient of external inuence, the likelihood that somebody who is not yet the using the product will start using it because of mass media coverage or other external factors, q the coefcient of internal inuence, the likelihood that somebody who is not yet using the product will start using it because of word-of-mouth or other inuence from those already using the product. Managers intervene to compress the diffusion curve by conducing a cultural change, economic analysis and knowledge base analysis of the opinion leaders and then design an intervention to address the individual preferences for the packaging of innovations and the packaging of the knowledge. Increasing perceptions of a relative advantage and cost savings can inuence diffusion of an innovation. The next step in the evolution of IC measurement factors in the potential value of knowledge. Knowledge value potential. Paul Iske in 2001 proposed a measure of knowledge value potential, which helps in making investment decisions and planning for IC growth. Iske denes the value of knowledge as the difference between the value of the end-state and that of the original state. The original state refers to the context in which knowledge is being measured and the transition process is the end state. The primary thesis being that value of knowledge is context dependent. Knowledge value potential equals the sum of the probability that knowledge is related to a context, and is multiplied by the ease of transfer and the ease of usage and context specic value addition and is shown in equation (6). Xn pK V; G rK V; G aK V; G V K ; G V P K V
io Xh G V P LG i K V; Vi 2 I Li K V; Vi
Knowledge value potential can be directly applied to KM systems such as yellow pages, smart documents. The effective exchange between two persons must be measured according to the presence of trust, communication skills, language (barriers) motivation, the prevalence of not-invented-here syndrome and shared mental models. The success of a knowledge management system depends heavily on these issues. The identication, transfer and activation of knowledge across contexts determines the
value added. Hence, the value of knowledge is not the intrinsic property of an organization but is dependent on the environment and the objectives of the measurement. Knowledge potential is context dependent and affected by social factors, interaction and sharing behaviors. 4. The proposed framework Perceptual, nancial, process and other techniques of IC measurement were discussed in the previous section and a clear need established for an integrated holistic framework for IC measurement that combines elements of perceptual, process, nancial and social impact of IC. We present an IC measurement framework that addresses issues of organizational growth and economic success. Rather than follow the general denition of IC given above, we restrict ourselves for the purposes of the study to the OECD denition of IC, which describes IC as the economic value of two categories of the intangible assets of a company: organizational and human capital (OECD, 1999). We discuss in detail, measurement frameworks for human and organizational capital, thus capturing the people, process and technology aspects of IC valuation. Customer capital or social networks are only captured via debrieng forms, to include social IC valuation, albeit to a limited degree. In addition, we include nancial measures to correlate the traditional OEC framework with bottomline performance measures. We propose a three-step model for IC measurement. The three steps include: identication and awareness, systems and output measures, and outcome measures of tangible nancial returns (Figure 4). 4.1 Knowledge management readiness: the rst step towards measurement of IC KM awareness measures the organizations awareness and readiness for knowledge management, the extent of employee and management involvement, identies core-competencies and establishes knowledge criticality. This step also includes culture audits. Systems and process are the diagnostic stage, where current system and process effectiveness is measured. This includes existing frameworks such as the goal-question paradigm and process efciency measures as well as usability statistics.
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This step involves current status assessment and indicators for future enhancement or change. The processes and systems are then linked to basic effectiveness standards and nancial and social outcomes in the next step. The IC outcome measures link the various organizational processes and systems to specic nancial and social outcomes. These measures can be at two levels: the project level or the global organizational level. They include measures of ROI, ROA, knowledge productivity function, learning curves, etc. Detailed descriptions of each step and analysis are not within the scope of this paper.
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