Edward William Lane's Lexicon - Volume 5 - Page 301 To 400

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2016 transferred from the category of proper names. (O.

)_Also the latter, (0,) or both, (],) A sma creeping thing that is found in the sands of 'A41 and of Ed-Dahnd: (0, 1:) or a large [sort of locust, or thA like, such as is termed] ,

[Boox I.
[said to be] meant in the trad. above mentioned. is also used as meaning The &a [i. . hya, or (Mgh.) _- And A phycian. ($, O, ].) - And femal~ hyena], because of the abundance of its One who sms [for_,.-. I read.. A] the ground, hair (g, O, V, TA) of the neck, (0, V, TA,) or and thus knows the places of water, and know in because of tbe length of its J;. (TA.) - And what country, or district, he is. (ISh, in TA, one says J.sl.L A log, or tall, camer's Aump, .) art.o t A having an . ". (TA.) And %'*lI and V 4 are syn., (S, 0, .,)like,g4Amountain having what resm~bls the J... (TA.) Li t A high mountain-top. (TA.) andSle, ($, 0,) signifyingKnoving; [&c., agree- And ig t Hig ruggjed ground. (TA.) ably with the explanations of the verb in the first And j.!L j` $ quarter of the first paragraph of this art.;] as .J, ($, O, g [in one of my copies of the 8 also t ~., ($, 0, ],) but in an intensive sense, which is denoted by the ;, (S, 0, TA,) meaning written j~/]) and .;" also (1Iam p. 47) sing. [knoing, &c., much, or well; or] knowing, or of Jll, which means Theface [and faces], and acquainted aith, affairs, and not failing to know any part thereof that appears; as in the saying [or recognie] one that has been een once; (TA;) J,W1a..il L... l [A man beautiful in the vjj Jq.,j [A man much, face, or in the parts thereof that appear];(., O, as in the phrase, ,)4 t or nell, acquaintedwith affairs]. ($, 0.) - For .i.-It also signifies parthe first, see also J ticularly [SkilUed in di~ e things;] pos ing knowledge of God, and of his kingdom, and of the rway of dealing mll with Him. (TA.)_. l Also, the first, [Patient; See also jj.;S. or] very patient, or having much patience; syn.

(AUn, V, TA,) having a the ;t., rese~b cret (J. Xi), (AljIn, TA,) not found save
upon [one or the other of two ~peci of plants, : (AI.n, ], TA:) but i. e.] a or an 1, Alan mentions only the latter form of the word, 11l.(TA.)


see J,,

in two places.

irst sentence. -[Hence,] ;j4: see 1, One who knows his companions: pL. sI*0. (0, 4.) The cheif, or head, (Mgh, ]C, TA,) of a people, or party; (1V, TA;) because he knows the states, or conditions, of those over whom he acts a such; (Mgh;) or because he is known as such [so that it is from the same word in the last of the senses assigned to it in this paragraph]; (];) or because of his acquaintance with the ordering, or management, of them: (TA :) or [or intendant, supsrtenmdent, overseer, tde or inspector, who takes cognizance of, and is r sponsiblbfor, the actiosuof a people], who is below thlie u.j: (., O, ;:) or the manager and superintendent of the affairs, who acquaintshimslf with tl,e cicmstance, of a tribe, or of a company of o in the sense of the men; of the measure measure tU4: (IAth, TA:) or the orderer, or manager, of th affairs of a people, or party; as also t J.1: (Mb:) pl. as above: (Q, IAth, M#b:) it is said that he is over afm person, and then the j.; is over is over five ., the ~ these. (M9b.) It is said in a trad. that the ,1 are in Hell, as a caution against undertaking the offico of chief, or head, on account of the trial that is therein; for when one does not perform the duty thereof, he sins, and deserves punishment. (TA.) - [It is now used as meaning A monitor in a school, who hsars th lessons of the

1 ;) because the person is known thereby: (TA:)

or, as some say, no sing. of it is known: (]gar p. 146:) and some say that it signifies the beawties, or beautifulpartU, of the face. (TA.) Er-Ri'ee says,

6,1 ' A


otAer ,aolart.] -8ee

it is syn.

also Jj,

with which

oh The olding, and the ercising, of the oce ;of 4. (if, Mgh,* 0, Mb,* ]. [An inf. n.: see 1, in the middle of the latter half.])

One [M~ufling our faces, or tAe parts tlreof that appeared, me fold, orfolding, to them tAshelga 1 [Such a ow was J * s qj says, UW (a sort of garment).] (., 0: but the of the bI smitten,or afficted,andwasfoundtobe patient]. (S, ;. '. ) And one says, ; u. latter has 1 ., : meaning ,LC [i. e. O.) And E L J3l.l, meaning [May God prtere] the faes. I restraineda patient soul, or mind]: (O, TA:) , Te faur (0, i) And j: JLa1. C like the phrase tG ~s in a verse of 'Antarah to me, haw Aknm of such a one, whereby he was [cited in the first paragraph of art. no] (S,* withered, like as the plant withers: said of a man means [A soul, or mind,] who has turned away, from the speaker, his love, O.) And t JSj ;. enduring; very patient; that endures an event, or affection. (TA.) And .iJl X. . H is of or a case, when made to exerience it. (TA.) those rho are kno~n; [or of thoe who are [is pl. of aUIG , and] means Patient she- acquaintanc,;](0, X(;) as though meaning >. camels. (IB, TA.) .l}.J!I LS.3, i. e. of tilose hlaving faces [wherby means )1 j..* . see first they are knon]: (0:) or asua subst; p. I Th/oe who are entitied to the man's love, or affwquarter, in two places. tion, and with whom ho has acquaintanec; [and Jk., [dim. of 01(, i. e. signifying One po- simply te acquaintancesofthe man;] and is pL e ui little kn~wge &e.]. One says of him in of V . (iar p. 140.) W'jl J4Q1 means 1 -. . [He is Thefaces, and known parts, of the land. (TA.) whom is a sin, or crime, ]. little knl~ nne other than one po~e The place [or part] upon which gro~ the lih (TA.) ] ;) of which latter the pl. is ji . (1.) -. &, is mentioned in "the Book" of Sb as J,~ .IU [meaning ^. used in the phrase U h/is is more hnown tan this]: irregularly formed from Jj;a, not from jil. (ISd, TA.)_

(AO,, o, O,;) and so *Jj;



3I,3: ee J,. , in two places. Jl, A ;t>&

[or divinr]: (0, O, Mqb, V :)
or the former is one who informs of tAh past, and the latter is one who informs of the past and of the future: (Mqb:) or, acoord. to Er-Righib, [but the converse of his explanation seems to be that which is oorrect] the former is one who informs offuture events, and the latter is one who informs of past events. (TA.) Hence the saying of the Prophet, that whoso comes to an Jl,/ and asks him respecting a thing, prayer of forty nights will not be accepted from him. (O.)-.And (M 9b) An atrooger, (IAth, Mgh, M9b,) who lays claim to the knoge of Ahiddn, or in oibb, things, (lAth, Mgh,) which God has made to belong ecclusively to Himedf: (IAth:) and this is

.( [or mane]; (., Mgh ;) the place of the eJ. of the horse, (O, J, TA,) from theforelock to the withers: or the ~J upon which grOws the Jj.

(TA.) But the phrase 4m 1

JaA ,lyj

means The cu~ttg [or taking] of somewhat from [i.e. a the ~J of th beat. (Mgh.) Also A thing havg what is te~ed J : pl., femn. mane, or the likeL (, 0,.:) a sublt. [signifying Knoldge, cognition, (10) It is applied to a masc. andfem,J horse, (Mgh, ~, TA,) meaning Having a fu co~nizane, or acpaintance;&c.: as such having meaning orts of know~dge:] mane, or muc hair of th man. (Mgh, TA.) for its pL J1;, And to a serpent (O, ) such as is termed from . signifying as expl. in the beginning of [which is described as having an Ja. X l this art.: (Mqb:) or an inf. n. therefrom. (., O, (O.) And the fem. is applied to sh~camel, ) - 8.See also J,a, last sentence but one. (], TA,) meaning High in the hump: or nrmm- - [In grammar, A determinate noun; opposed [or mane]: toR,-] bling the male: or long in her J. (TA:) or havng what rem~bles the JO by reasonof her fatnes: or havinug, pon her nech, -j" [pass. part. n. of X, q. v. -] Food rnfur lihe the Jg. (Qamp. 611.)_The fem. dered fragrant. (TA.) l And Food put part


Boox I.]
upon part [app. so that the uppermt portion (TA.) resembles a man or the like (J)]. [Golius, as on the authority of J, and hence Freytag, asign to it a meaning belonging to *5,. o.~.] - Also The place of halting [of the pil. (0, O, .) - And in a trad. grims] at occurs as meaning l of I'Ab, the phrae J After the halting at a, [or rather ;.,A ]. (TA.)

J2& - j hair: and he says that, accord. to the ancient Arabs of the desert, it occupies a space like that of a man sitting, becom rowhite vAhen it dries up, has a yelo~ produce, is eaten in the fr~ and dry stats by thc camedl and ~sep or goats, and its .J5 flnme is ntenly red, whence one says, i_1 [As though his beard were .~l;~ or a~ tha blazing, orflaming,of an 'arfajeh or of 'arfaj]. U (TA.) The fire of the CJ is called :j:l [The fire of the two walks]; because he who kindles it walks to it, and when it burns up he walks from it: (T, TA:) or because it quickly blazes and quickly subsides; so when it blazes they walk from it, and when it subsides they walk to it. (O. [See also art. JA.j.]) When the greenness of plants appears in it, it is termed Lae.i 'a;gJ,. (Aboo-'Obeyd El-Bekree, TA.) upon, and its stalk has When it has been rained , -.h,. i: when it become soft, one says i

2017 down; it Aas a smaU, diminutire leaf; grows upon the mountains; and the camels eat it, particularly deiring tAe upper extremities of its branchae: (0, TA:) [the word is a coell. gen. n.:] the n. un. is with ;. (O, ].) Isi "" 1 called] 1J. Camesc that eat the [kind of trees (TA.)

heads of which appears a yeUlom substance like thorns; its height is like that of a camel lying

[Known: and particularly well, or comnJ,/, and*t .J;, (O, Mb, # monly, known]. J..j*l j, (S, O, M;b, B,) nor. , (S, O, 1. ;1 J, TA,) accord. to Lth, but the latter is dis(S, O, Mhb, 1) and ,; Myb,) inf. n.O approved by Az, having not been heard by him on any other authority than that of Lth, (0, TA,) ;]) (S,O, g; [see an ex. of the last voce 1 [though there are other similar instances well ;) He ate off tIh Jxl, (, O, 1;a; and * known, (see ,`, and .;1;,)] signify the same from the bone, (S, 0, Mqb, V, TA,) taking it [i. e. A known affair or erment &c.]; (0, Msb, ~, with his fore teeth: (TA:) and one says also (M!b, TA,) - [Hence, TA;) as also V si. 1.J tj ;G.p3 [meaning as above]: (LI, TA in .] in grammar, The active voice; opposed to 1 .jsl is likewise said to Vl art. uw :) and .; _ See also JOy, former half, in seven places. ci; J -C,. .0 signify above. (TA.) 3 lJI **5 0. ICLand having a fragrant j.s; has become somewhat black, j,': when a little _ aba ,jI J I pared off what wn on the bone, of J~ Oq A mnan having more so, Lj!: when more so, . 1 1i: and when [or odour]. (TA.) i. e. a large, or broad, knife Jlsh, with a t , a purnt pustule, termed a65, comeforth in tie its i are perfect, .es.I. (AA, TA.) or blade. (TA.) - And [hence,] eitJI ^;ic, whitenes [or palm] of his hand. (S.) [Like the benfit con- aor. as above, i.e. [ThA years, or droughts, or JI 4 1i ; [part. n. of 8, q. v.]. 'Omar is related ferred by the rain upon the 'arfajeh], meaning years of drought,] took from him [his esh, or J..j; upon it when dry, and causing it to rendered him lan]; namely, a man. (TA.) . to have said, t.ZaJI 1 L,, meaning [Drive its flling is a prov., said, accord. to AZ, to <~- aI green, become jt-3, also, signifies the like, i.e. ye awvay] those who inform again.st tlhemselves [or thou hast conferred a benefit and whom upon him someconfess or aeknowledge the commission] of [A.jlictiowu, or calamnitie,] took from him [his who says to thee, Dost thou confer a benefit upon thing for which castigation is due to them; as le~h, &c.]. (TA.) J signifies A certain I.l though he disliked their doing so, and desired me? (TA.)that people should protect them. (TA.) mode of coitus. (0, .) in which is noroad. (O, . [In cited by Th, he expL a meaning In the dayx Sand [applied to language, or a phrase, or .h took away my Jles : word, means Knowm by common conavntional the latter it is expL as though it were a proper vhcn the year of the .. i.e., when the dirt, consequent upon drought, known name.]) It J usage]. One says, . [or wrists]; ,.?I I being them. among reached my., [by common conrentional usage] (MA. See also but ISd here used by poetic license for ,~.ijl: Forskil by called iis [A species of mimosa; says, "I know not what this explanation is." Arab., Egypt. Flora mimosa &rfota; (see his (L.) And .i, inf. n. 1 , signifies He (a pp. cxxiii. and 177;)] a sort of trees of the man) wras, or became, emaciated, or lean. (Ks.) .C~ A certain plant, (?,) or a sort of trees [descriptiontermed] ,c, (. , 0, J,) vhich exudes it ;JIt is also used in relation to other than [or shrubs], (C,) grorving in plain, or soJft, land: [tle gum called] 3J, and of which the fruit material objects; u the strength and patience of n. un. with; : (S, I :) it is said to be of the trees (,t) is vhite and round: ( :) it has a gum of camels, which are meant by a [" their pro[meaning either spring or disagreeable odour; and when bees eat it, some[or shrubs] of tie cas being this in J5. summer], soft, or pliable, dut-coloured,and having what of its odour is fou>rd in their honey: (TA :) perties" or " qualities," [Thefy jpl. ia [or prickly heads AHn says that, accord. to Aboo-Ziyid, it is of pl. of ii.,] in the phrase 1 a rough produce like the j Aboorising not (TA:) of thistes and similar plants]: the LbU, and spreads upon the ground, ezhaut, or wear out, their properties,or qualities, Ziyid says, (O, TA,) as related by Aln, (O,) towards tat sky, and has a broad leaf, and a of strength and patience], in a verse cited by IAVr, that it is of swet, or pleasant, odour, dust- sharp, curved thorn; it is of those trees of which describing camels and a company of riders. (TA.) coloured, inclining to greenness, having a yellow the bark is stripped off and made into well-ropes; -I[Hence, app.,] J,m.l 2 J; (,, TA) A blossom; (O, TA;) and when it becomes aggre- (O, TA;) and there comer forth from its fruit they pared it]. though road which men tradl [as gated and abundant in a place, that place is called (.;) what is temned ii't, [i. e. a pod,] resem(9, O,],) aor. , (8, , ib, (O :) it has no grains nor tho,is: (0, bling a bean, (0,* TA,) which is eaten by the (TA.) _ ,4l be required by the to seems as , not grow in plain, camels and thet shp or goats: (0:) it is said by O, TA,) TA:) it and tha A$j and the A . (e, O, TA) or oft, land, and on the mountain; and none of another, or others, that its fruit (LW) is caled method of the 1, (TA,) inf. n. the has thorns: its firewood is the best of fire- aw.j, and is white, as though frin~ed oith cotton; and .,1 (TA,) He (a man, S, O, TA) went wood in odour, and the q~ucet in takingfire and (O, TA;) lie the button of the shirt, or somewhat aray into the country, or in the land; syn. ' in blazing: (O :) AWn [also] says, certain of the larger: (0:) Aboo-Ziy6d [further] says, (TA,) [which, followed by .jj)Il ), often means he Armb of the desert informed me that its root is it is compact in its brancAes; has no wood that is went into the open country, or out of doors, to wide, occupyg a [considerable] piece of ground; usefil like other woode; and has abundance iof satify a rwant of nature]. (0, O, , TA.)i and it sends forth many shoots, proportionate to gum, which sometimes drops upon the ground until i.j1l jsY, (Q1, TA,) and JA.JI, aor. L, inf. n. the root, witut leave, [but see eo.,] being ther are, beneath the trees, what resemble great only lender shoots, at the extremitiesa w~heref are millU-~tos: Sh says that it is a short tree, the i,, (TA,) He made to the 1;i [or leathern [buds, or the like, uch as are termed] .j, at the branchLsof which are ear together, having many water-bag], (g, TA,) and to the i,, [or round 254







piece of skin in which food is put and upon which (S, 0, ,* TA;) in the ], ,l is erroneously great grmt river, i. e., in a place of pasture such as is one eats], (TA,) owhat is termed an ij> [q. v.]. put for S;.!, and so [in one place] in the 0; termed /jt,: : so says AZ: or, as AIHn says, the (Q, TA.) c, (, O0, Msb, aor. , inf. n. (TA;) as also tV;,3, said of trees, (M, 0, TA,) camels camels came to a piece, or tract, of land, such as d.^, (Mqb,) He smated. (, 0, O, .) -And and't ? ;, (M, TA,) and in like manner, t ~jjl, is termed ,j i.e., one exuding water and pro[hence, app.,] 1.V, inf. n. jy, said of a wall, It ducingsaltandgiving.qromthiotron. salt and giving growth to tree. (TA.) and t j,mjl, said of trees, i. e., struck their roots ducing Q. became moist: [or it exuded moisture:] and in into the earth, as in the A: (TA:) [but accord. Q. Q. 1. J1i .41 c, in inf. n. 'ls, I bound, or like manner one says of earth, or land, when the to Mtr,] in the phrase i t 4 41 .j tied, upon the leathern bucket the two cross-piece dew, or rain, has percolated in it (lt. ;i) so *j jJ., meaning [A man of whom a tree] of rood called the ejuAs. ($.) that it has met the moisture thereof. (TA.) whlreof the root crept along beneath the ground [It is also said in the TA, in the supplement to [into jo gj (S, o, M.b, K) and t 1; (R) [the latter the property of another], in [one of tile this art., that : 1~l :.,$ means ;: .. but books of which each is entitled] "the W4li'vit," also a pl.] A bone of vwhich the fl!eh has ben taken: (S, 0 :) or a bone of wnhich the leh has I think that the phrase is correctly 9] 'ij .Z3 should correctly be c . (Mgh.)_ been eaten: (Mob, . :) or a bone of which most P?; gand the explanation, c-ti: meaning I [Hence,] one says, Jll'; .l,;l si .1 [Ris of of the flesh has been taken, some thin and savoury did to him good: see art. ).. and LS..] - And paternaluncles and his maternaluncles implanted, portions portiom offlesh remainingt upon it: (TA:) or the , (0, (],)inf. n. j,, (TA,) signifies also He or engendered, in him, by natural transmission, a former signifies a bone upon lwhich is fle : and was, or became, heay, sluggh, lazy, or indolent. quality, or qualities, lpose~sed by them, or what is one upon wukich is no flesh: or, as some say, (0, ]C.) ~ ' ', inf. n. iUlJ, It had root: and termed a strain]; (S, 0, TA; [in which the mlwmf whereof most of tlat twhicah was upon it has been he was of generou origin. (MA.) [See also 4, meaning is indicated by the context;]) and so talion, taken, some little remainingi upon it: (Mghl:) or, latter half.] as some say, a piece of flesh-meat; as also ? .ya. (L, TA.) [See also the saying ; 9,6, ?t iJ: signifies a bone with its 1~ ~S ~.! J& (TA:) or 0 i J &i in the second quarter of 2: see 4, third sentence. -_ j.,I f, (0, 0, flesh : and t jl1, a bone of wtich the fleds has to,) inf. n. ; (, , 0, ,) He mixed the wine, the first paragraph of art..rj-.] And I.:1, (S, been eaten: (K:) thus they are correctly expl. [Nith water,] not doing so immoderatdy: (., 0 :) O, [agreeably with the context in both, in like accord. to Ez-Zejjijee; and the like is said by manner as it is with explanations of phrases here or he put a little water into it; as also e? gl; AZ respecting Vt !j: (TA:) but accord. to (. ;) or the latter signifies he put into it some preceding,]) or Lj,l, (g, [but I know nothing A'Obeyd, A'Obcyd, this signifies a piece of le~a-~sat; and water, not much: (s:) [but] accord. to LI, that is in favour of this latter except a question- 1Amb IAmb says that this is the right explanation, bet .,Jl '',,,% signifies I fdled the cup of wine: able explanation of 4j& which will be mentioned cause the Arabs say 0l.aJI *11, and they do ' a below, voce said of a man, and likewise not say ; t l *Ai: or, accord. to IAir, .f.Wll 4 signifies I put (Har p. 26:) [or, app., of a horse, (S, 0,) He was, or became, rooted diejWt-meat the Jlets-meat of a bone: and likewise the porlittle nwater to the eup of wine; and so Vt tvijl: (tl4J), (8, 0, g,) i. e. one having a radical, or timm, tionu, of trees, titat are cropped by camels: (see but thle former of these two phrases is also expl. hereditary, share (,0 ,J), in generousness or ,~; the :)1 pl. (of s, S, MIgh, O) is ?,l,;, as meaning I mixed the cup qf wine; whether nobleness [of origin, which, accord. to the S and Q5, (S, Mgh, 0, , ,) which is extr., (lAth, .K,) a pl. with little or much water not being specified: 0, and common usage, seems to be implied hy of a measure of which, as that of a pl., there are (TA:) and rJj l * V,j~ signifies I mized the verb when used absolutely], (S, 0, IK,) and few instances, (ISk, S, O,) [see an ex. voce [rwith nater the wine, or portion of wine]. (Ham also in meanness or ignobleness [thereof; mcaning and t,1] and 11,, so also, (IAnr, I~,) which is more I')- 61.) -C, __ u .i, O, g, TA,) in.n. he had a strain of, i. e. an inborn diLsosition to, a,~,able a,recable with analogy. (IAar, TA.) - Also generousness or nobleness, and also meanness or as above; (0, ;) and t3jpMl; (0,], TA;) A road whirh men trtel [as though they pared O,g.) [Sce an ex. in a verse it] so that it becomes plainly apparent: lie put into the bucket lea water than what would ignoblenessl. (S, 0, (]g,* .fill it, ($, 0, g,) on the occasion of drawing: cited voce .v,, in art. S.,b. And see also the TA:) an inf. n. used as a subst. [properly so a (, O:) or he put little water into the bucket; last form of 1 (sa) in the present art.] = jot tenned]. tenncd]. (TA.)_ Sec also .J , near the end. oi& also signifies He (a man, S, 0) nwnt, or came, and so ;t,l],J [into thethin]: (TA:) and,.; 06 j,s A Aj certain appertenance of a tree; (S, i, or jl1, g,) or journeyed, (ic, 0,) to ,1Ul ). Put thou les than rhatwo~ld fll it into (;., rood Mgli, Mglh, O, Mob, ] ;) the root thereof; or the part EBL'lrd : (S, 0, Ig:) and 1 I.slTThe,y entered the ves,el. (T.) _ ,Jh Thou madest a tlicreof thercof tiat is beneath the ground; (MA;) or its upon, or took their way in or into, the country of measure sign ,vith a thing, that had nothing to verify it, brartcltitW braunching roots [colectively]: (TA:) pl. [of rlI-lrda. (Th, TA.) [or madest a fale display, or a rain promise,] mult.] j . S, 0, Msb, ) and 3j. ( and [of and didst little. (IAUr, TA in this art and in 5: see 1, former half, in four places: mand 2, pauc.] 3~1l. (..) - It is said in a trad., i art. ~)t.) - ;;j. l Jipo, (0, TA,) inf. n. as former half: and 4, former half, in two places. (TA:) 3 above; and ~tjl; (TA;) He made the hors -,jU oJ; , (S, Mglh, O, Mb,) i- e-. J L2 i j i Walk thou in the shade of LM , [to sweat, or] to run in order that he might rweat, my she-camel, and profit by it, little and little. _,Jui, ,IJ,, (Mgh, O , Msb,) meaning [There is no and bicome lean, and loM hit fabbiness offlesh. (TA.) ---;Le lie n,restled with him, and rigitt right pertaininuj] to him wtho plants, (, Mgh, 0, (O,' TA.) - See also 4, again, in three places. took his head beneath his armpit and threw him Mshj Msb,) or sons, (S,) in land, (Mgh, Msb,) or in down. (J.) land which another has brought into cultivation (S, lat;d 4: see 1, former half. _ 6; JjAl He gave OP O, Mob) after it has been waste, ($, O, M9b,') 8: see 1, first sentence: and 4, former half: him a bone with esh upon it, or of which the r:wrontidly, in order that he may havw a claim to Jfesh 1ad boen aten. (TA.) - And [hence, - and the same, last sentence.iac 3cj l that land: (S, Mgh, O, Mb :) the epithet being app.,] e.; !' C. and t ^j L I gav him He took the she-camel and tied the cord called tropically applied to the .,., n. (Mgh, Msb,) as it not anything. (0, TA.) - And Jj ls He gave ,*1j to her.*LJ. [or halter, or the like]. (TA.) properly applies to the owner thereof: (Mgh:) him to drink pure, or unmixed, wine; or wine 10. ja;.1 HIe exposed himsef to the heat in but some, in relating this trad.,, sayjtf I, with a little mixture [of water]. (yHam p. 561.) order that he might sweat: (IF, 0, ] :) he stood making the former noun to be a prefix to the - See also 2, in four places. -, ilI l: in a place on which the sun siwne, and covered latter, governing it in the gen. case. (O.).. The Mob) see 3, last sentence but one. -j .J 3jl, ($, himslf with his clothes [for that purpose]. (Z, roots of the U (, j;'l .1l ') are long, red, 0, ],) and tt1, (s,) e tees, (f, O, ],) and TA.) - See also 4, former half. - c.J, l penetrating tltat into the moist earth, succulent, comtle plant, (Q,) ~etended their root into the earth; J1 Te camnls patured near to the sea or a pact, and dripping with water: and to them, in I witla

[Boox I.




lwriainiivj] whirh of


BooK I.]


it bas been heard: atrad., certain camels are likened in respect of ttamn app~rtan of the body; (0, M.b, K, io pl.; (TA;) or no pl. of their redness and plumpness and the compactness FA;) i. e. the hkollo [canal] in rwhich is the ( Mb :) Lth says, I have not heard a pl. of 3al; but if it be pluralized, it should be, accord. to jJI also sig- lblood; (TA;) [a blood-vess; a vein, and an b of their flesh and fat. (TA.) -_ E animal an in canal, or duct, any also zrtery: salogy, 0lwc. (O, TA.) - It is metaphorically nifies A certain plant ith vwhich one dye: (., body: and sometimes, though improperly, a nerve: tsed [in a similar sense] in relation to other things certain plant used by the or any one of the appertenances of the body that t o:) or jla [Thus] it signifies The han animals. (].) (m, ;j], dyers, called in Pen 4-,;j [or , 4 [ 10) Msb, (0, a well: (K:) and in like ' of ' moisture mult.] [of exuded] pl. :] roots ren~nble wood: (TA:) or i. q. ;;jl: or and TA,) i. e. yeUol when the dew, or rain, land, or earth, of manner r (Msb, ].) (],) and [of pauc.] sAl. -1j 4 so that it has met l: ; (TA:) or [Hence it may be applied to A spermatic duct: lhas percolated in it (1I .) J O , (~,) or

a trad., ;i; (I :) all which are nearly alike. and hence, app.,] it is said in S JI .bjl: t [Keep ye to meaning l3JA.U, (TA. [See also AIhtLJLI iiX, voce J4.])Madder, (l,1, TA,) wnithl fasting, for it is] a cause, or means, of stopping ,JaI And J.:t or an impediment to venery, which one dyes. (TA.) - And ,bJl Jjs.JI A venereal intercourse: diminishing the seminalfluid, and of cause a and certain plant that fattens women; also called of stopping venereal intercourse or passion. (T^ sueems sometimes to and TA in art..__.). (~)-[ia ;-A.ll. & means The -j' signify Straggling plants or stalks, spreading like pores through whiclh exude the moisture of the - And it signifies also Sprouts m roots: see 3jj.&) i. q. jl earth. (TA.)- And (i. e. , from the roots of trees: see C .] - And j


signifies also The root, origin, or source, of any(TA.)~ij... also signifies The thing: (J, TA:) and the basis thereof. (TA.) art. ... ]. J! Z Thus in the saying, TA.) (g, bodly. [And particularly The origin of a man, considered repect in j,Jl [Vcrily he is corrupt, or imlnure, as the root from which he springs: hence 3,s of the body]. (TA.) -And Milk. (K.) One is said to be applied by Imra-el-.Keys to tjSl sJM6, meaning Tty she-camel Adam, as the root, or source, of mankind; or to says, j;31 ilI IdJmael, as, accord. to some, the root, or source, has a cont!ant.flow, or abundance, of milk: or
of all the Arabs: (see " Le Diwan d'Amro'lkais," p. 33 of the Ar. text, and p. 103 of the Notes:) and the pl.] tlj~l signifies the ancestors of a man. (Ilar p. 034.) [And A quality, or has constant milk. (TA.) [See also

;ijl i,:"

[the significations of whiclh see in


dislodition, possessed by a parent or by an ancestor or by a collateral of such person, considered as

the source of that quality or disposition in a descendant or in a collateral of a descendant: and

such a quality, or disposition, when transmitted; a strain; i. c. a radical,a hereditary,an inborn, or a natural, disposition: and a radical, or hereditary, stare in some quality or the like: pl. Ol;{I.] One says, " 3~J {. s{1m [Good

qualities or dispoitions po~esed by a parent or by an an~estor or by a collateralof such a person, or strains of a good kind, extended to him]; and or . [evil qualities or dispositions &c., laI S or strains of an evil hind]. (TA.) And ,pW! ;C [The natural disposition is rwont to enter;
i. e., to be transmitted to succeeding generations]. . >, (TA in art. w,~, q. v.) And

[i. e.


or, accord. to more common usage,

or among them, an enil strain, or radical + 3- and ;ic . latter half, in two places,~ or hereditary disposition]. (TA in art. ,.b.) And..j$l ) 3j* 3 [Hle ha a radical,or lAere- J;. (the latter of which 'is that commonly ditary, shareingenerousntm or nobene~ of origin]: known, TA) signify A thing of which one is t}na(S, 0:) and in like manner one says of a person cious; (0;) a thing held in higAh estimation, of .K and TA in art. between whom and Adam is no living ancestor, which one is tenacious, (S and in desire: (TA in vie people whAicAh andfor ;,e,) hriditary, or to j [Heha a radical, only in a case of used be] to [said but :) art. that share in death]; meaning that he will inevitably IS "; & L, [Hence, app., A negation: one says, die. (0. [See also j J.])little, or modicum, or mall quantity or admixture, meaning It is not, in ,y estimation, a thing of any value, or worth. (TA.) . , ,j3 a, of something]. One says, Lb

periencedfrom such a one] hardship,as expl. by As, who says that he knew not the origin thereof; (S,0,) or di~iculty, or distress, as expl. by IDrd: (0:) and it is said that the j3, [or sweat] is of the man, not of the 1* [or water-skin]; and the origin of the saying is, that water-skins (.,.i) are [generally] carried only by female slaves that bear burdens, and by him who has no assistant; but sometimes a man of generous origin becomes poor, and in need of carrying them himself, and he sweats by reason of the trouble that comes upon him, and of shame; ($, 0;) wherefbre one says, i.e. In it is a litle, or a mod~, of and 3j Swreat; i.e. the moisture, or fluid, that *jA 3sc[expl. in art. .,q], (S,) 3 j acidity, and ofaltne~. (TA.) Ad "5! JI czudes (S,* O, , TA) from the shin of an w1 expl. in art. 3cj ;iZ ._* [likeaise *1J. >.u In the wine u a small quantity [or animal; (V, TA;) or the water of the shin, that or adasi~ture]of rater. (., 0, V.) - Also A cer- runsfrom the roots of the hair: a gen. n.; having ,.Z.]: accord. to Ks, the meaning is, I have

meaning She implanted, or

efgendm~ed, in

quarter.] - And Numerous oJffpring: (IAnr, K:) or milk and offsxwing; as in the saying, e ';A C [How abundant are the AiiiluL milk and qo/,pring of thy camels and thy swtep or goats!]. (TA.) [See, again, 3j, first quarter.] ~ Also Salt land that gives growth to nothing. (K(.)--And (K) A piece, or tract, qf land exuding mater and producing salt, (AHn, 1C,) that gives growth to trees, (AlIn, TA,) or that gives growth to the [rpecies of tamarixs called] USb: (. :) a signification the contr. of that in the next preA mountain ceding sentence. (TA.) -And that is travelled, or traversed: (TA:) or a mountain that is rugged, and extending upon the earth, (1,' TA,) debarringone by reason of its hesight, (TA,) and not to be ascended, because of its dfficult nature, (K, TA,) but not long. (TA.) And A smal mountain (]K, TA) apartfrom otlhers. (TA.) Thus it has two contr. significations. &. [or elongated and (1.) - And A thin elevated tract (not Je~ as in the CK)] of sand extending along the ground: (], TA:) or an elevated place: pl. Jjl. (]~.)--See also jt1,

the moisture thereof. (TA.)- And The ,w, [[or honey] of dates; (] ;) because it flows, or cxlides, from them. (TA.)_ And Milk; because it 1lows in the ducts ( 3j ) [thereof] until it comes lLt the last to the udder: ( ,:) or milk at the time (f bringing forth; as in the saying, j ,j1 i L. Howr abundant is the milk of thy sheep, or 7oats, at the time of their bringing forth ! (AZ, (K]) O.) [See also *j, latter half.]-And the in so ] :) 0, The offprring of camels: (S, 1 bt [Hor numeromu are the tj i saying, 421 osfpring of his camels !]. (8, O.) [See, again, latter half.] - And Advantage, proJit, *3~, utility, or benefit: (0, ], TA; in [several of] 1l is errothe copies of the second of which, neonsly put for i;ll: TA:) and a recompense, or rewyard: (K, TA; in some copies of the former of which, ;,odJl is erroneously put for 1.1.1: TA:) or a little thereof; (!, TA;) likened to [as meaning "sweat"]. (TA.) SJI/1.j 3 means A thing that one givsa, or yields, foi. friedship: (S, O, TA:) or a remardfor frieulsrip. (TA.) A poet says, namely El-IHrith Ibn-Zuheyr, describing a sword named Cjl1, (0, TA,) belonging to Milik Ibn-Zuhceyr, which Ijamal Ibn-Bedr took from him on the day when he slew him, and which El-HIirith took from .Hamal when he slew him, (TA,)


~4 a


[And he shall tell them the place of En-Noon, from me, and that I was not given it as a reward forfriendship]; meaning, that I took this sword by force. (0, TA. [In the ., the former hemistich of this verse is given differently, and, as is
said in the TA, erroneously.])_- p i O 3J (which is a prov., TA) means [I er1


sfiered fati~ , and imposed

[Boox I.

haw seated li th eating of th waters~: tima the latter, regarding the word as pl. of times as much as that meamure: (Mgh:) also pro- nounced 0,0 or, acord. to A'Obeyd, I have impo w pon .f .t Ui;,: (] :) or, accord. to Lth, the Arabs are U,p& nounced t j. (.) _- [And A suspensory of a related myself, in coming to the, what no on ha at- nounem X;jtl, 411 l, meaning tained, and what will not be; because the A J0: iJ s: am ee .. , in art. j... (A similar mean- related to have said, U^.,p& _4. t [i. e. May God utterly destroy their race, does not sweat: (0:) 1 i -- is a metonymical ing has b"en mentioned above, in this paragraph.)] _4.W.JtZ stwl, see sto4, or family], pronouncing the Zo with naf expremion for hard/ip, and d~fcty, or distress; - See also ;s. . And Raisins. (]. [But this is because said in the TA to be extr.: and I think it to regarding the word as [a sing.] like because, when the i sweats, its odour becomes foul: or because it hs no sweat; therefore it is have been probably taken from some copy of a ; or holding it to be pl. of Y.,, t but proas though one imposed upon himself an impos- lexicon in which has been erroneously nouncing the ; thus like as they do in saying sible thing: or it means the beefit of the &j; written for .]) g it is said, however, that this is a .3 ;t1j: (which is th fo~g of it water, TA;) as though mistake; that only he should pronounce it thus jj& . $ Co Milk of which thefaouw is corrut one imposed upon himself such a task that he bewho makes the word to be a sing. like *'2. came in need of the water of the ;sJ, i.e. of by the mweat of the camel upon which it is borne; (O.) [The saying is a provey., mentioned by journeying to it; or it means a A4 [or plaited (?, 0, ];) the ain containing it being boundt Meyd, who adds another reading, namely, ,A3l, upon upon him without any preervative between it and qory] whicA the camrer of the puts over Jholdingthistobefromy""'Imeanin his ide. (g, O.) holding this to be from t iil-W Aij. meaning "the 1. his cht [whenA carrying the AO on hi back]: hi's 2, (C:) accord. to IAr, it signifies the suenory that is woven around the J1UL" :" and Freytag, ;a: gee see ijja. J33>. (jX.Z.) by means of which the V is carried; in his Lexicon, adds also &j.~, with nayb, as on a 3i a pl. of !1.& [q. v.]. (Lth, AZ, ~, &c.) as also t'i; (O, TA;) the j being substituted the authority of Meyd; in whose "Proverbs" I - It is also expl. by IAcr as meaning People do not find it.] for J: (TA: see art. j :]) but he says also that of oun in reigiom. (TA.) "Ij j, means ons sweating with the Ae by ejUj& j.& [accord. to general analogy without ten,.Uj reason of the difficulty, or trouble, of carrying l-.: am see jj.:~and see also j), last ween and having for its fern. .sv, or accord. to it; and 'tt, that by which it is tied, or bound, quarter. the dial. of the Benoo-Asad with tenween and 0 0 aund then suspended: (L, TA:) the former is also see i.i: pt., in four places. having for its fern. L15.,] Sweating. (Msb.) said to signify the t jl. [q. v.] of the A, that ., ..... is ewed around it: (TA:) or it means that one .H: see 3j, last quarter, in three places. _ U0 ~l 1 ;iAp, is thus, (S, O, ]9,) with fet-h to the ' jo, has impo~ed upon himself di.~lty, or troubtle, Also Also The piece of aood, or timber, that inter,'e terv~ ~, (~, 0,) O,) like $.J, (1~,) and should not be proor fatigue, like that of the car~re of the J, who bamm betm the [or any] two rows of bricha of a allU. nounced with damm to the first letter; (, 0, O ;) swcats beneath it by reason of its heavinesm. (.) ($, 0, O, V, TA. [JL., in this explanation in the and *t3t5 signifies the same; (]~, TA; [in the jp also signifies A heat; i.e. a single run, CV, is a mistake for t.,k, with J.]) _- And Cl, CId, erroneously, lU,S15; but expressly stated in or a run at once, to a goal, or limit. (, O, .) The The border ( ) that is won in the ides of the the TA to be with fet-h snd then sukoon ;]) i. e. One ays, de;.; ij or Tho e [t~ The [tet ca i,,. (S, O.) See also ,5', last The The piece of wood. that is put across the j_i [or it. : from one part of the brim to the ran a heat or two heats. ($, O.) Also A row sentence. - And The v. [or whip], with which leathern leathm buctet, of horse, and of bird~, (?, 0, M9b, ,) and the one beats, or J~ (lJ.) - And The plaited o~ oppoite part]: (TA:) the O~Zi being the two like; (~, Meb;) and any thin di~poedi a row; thong with which a captive is bound: pl. ;UO picesof of wood that are put athwart the 1.s. [to (S, O, I, TA;) as also V a Js; (TA;) or this and [coll. gen. n.] Vl: (':) or laU signi- keep it from collapring and for tbe purlse of LUS' latter is the n. un. [app. signifyinr oM ofsach fie& attaching attaching thereto tle well-rope], like a crow: fie [simply] plaited thongs ( ). (, .) 0 as coml,oe a row]: (f:) pL J,r1 and -,;;. 0~~*i (A9, (Ay, S, O,] :) pl. jlc; (S, O, 1 ;) and if you (Myb.) [See an ex. in a verse of Tufeyl cited in a,, (t, 0, O, ],) which is agreeable with gene- plumliw.e pluralize it by suppressing the S [of the sing., or art. j.., conj. 5; also cited in the present ral analogy, and 1 ,, (], TA,) which is not rather ml rather if you form firom it a colt. gen. n.], you art. in the S and O.] _ And Any row of so, but which is used by some in the same sense say v , originally "5.,($, 0, L,) then , brircks, crude and bahed, in a wall: one says, as the former, (TA,) A man who rweata much. Bay ---#I,j and I.j a The (Q, and then . (L.) _ X j,; ! also signifies (, O, ]~, TA.) 0~J).3 15)0 J n 3.[ [T builderbuilt a row of bricks and two rows thereof ]: 3)., originally v see e:;*, of which it is a The two pieces of wood that connect the b1.., (], TA:) pl. '. (TA.)_-And Roads in [or [or fore part] of the [camed's saddle called] , coll. gen. n. 1.1 'i ;Ap& mountains; as also * JJi, (1, TA,) with fet-h and it ;.p [or hinderpar tltereof]: (S, 0, :) [.v~, said said by Reiske to signify The inner and and the and then sukoon. (TA.) And Foot-maruks of or, or, or, accord. to Lth, holding two pieces of wood. which are , camels foloUing one another: (I, TA:) n. un. thin skin in the egg of an ostrich, is evidently a upon upon the 1;: [q. v.], on the two sides of the * 33&. (TA.) [See an ex. of the latter voce mistake for ,] [camers [camera saddlecaUed] ;3. (0.) _ l v,^.] A poet says, 1U0 means U0-: see y..: ~ and the paragraph here means t Calamity,or misfortune: (S, 0, ], TA:) from, fonowing, for it is [properly] the 1; [or leather buckt]; following, in two places: - and see also i!O. {,,. for , .06.1 then fore and _jJl is one of the names for calamity: one ko 0, [And tAey had w~oe in the desert, or waterlm (0, v) and V1Oj {1'p (O, ai' (V) A tnw U..X. and 'coo accord. sound~ if 1<1 ' Bays, ja i [I e enced from deet,foot-marks in theirfolowing one another]. race, tock, or aource; syn. .;: (O, ] :) it, it, or him, calamity]: (TA :) or, as some say, it (TA.) - And A plait ofpal-la (f, O,Myb, root, originally or a wource of walth or property: or the main is from what hbre follows. (S, O,TA.)-p ]) Ic. (M, O) before a J. [so in the C and 0] portion of the root of a tree from which the jj. ,*LL11 *A11! signifies Such [eminencesof tbe kind called or J,ij [so in the ], both meaning the ame, [or minor roots] branch off: (g :) or, as some itthereto i.e.a bat,] is mad therewith: (?, O, ]:) or ,#Llbl AL4,1, AL,5 it (pl. of'"lb or ofl)] as are y rugged, has from others as or, moaning; last this has, SW). say, 3135-0, i you it a 0J*' itdf: ( :) or hence ($, O) it signifies not wt not to be unless with d eludty, or truble: 0,0~~~~~~~~~~~. ]:) theasanded 3 3 say, t UP! . (Ltl:, O.) They said, 41 'L ... t:" or &a" also (f, O, Mqb) a j (f, O)or [what is called] eay, '9, (, 0, TA:) or signifies any 1 exten _JjJI U,*o and .,4.; if they pronounced the hgupontheearth,[inform]tu~hitgvd' a JS (Mgh, M9 b) and J4, (Meb,) of large ?,t3U)~ ng upon the earth, [inform] as thoghit w,re th pieca As, woven of palm-eave, (Mgh,) capable of first letter with fet-l, they so pronounced the last heap by heap ovrpart] a grave, (Lth, 0, !,) elo~gated: (Lth, t coUapfing is

e,lty, for the, [or in coming to tee,] so that I t~nnedt, as some say, (Mgh, Mqb,) or thirty nounoed nounced the former with kesr, they thus pro-

on nmyaf dffi- contabaing conta'ivng fifPen times as much as the measure letter [before the pronoun]; and if they pro-



the him, [accord. to what Calamity,

BooK I.] not high, but over0:) an illb that extends, topping what is around it, near to the ground or sot near, and larying in different parts so that one place thereof is soft and anotherplace thereof rugged; being only a letel portion of the earth overtopping what is around it: (ISh, TA:) and J~lj1l is also said to signify continuous, or connected, .,t&, that have become as though they were one long t.4 [or abrupt, water-worn bank or ridge] upon the face of the earth. (TA.)Ji?alI signifies also The collar-bones (U.;JI), in the dial. of El-Yemen. (L, TA.)


(1,) or verb, which is J,st]: (TA:) and in like manner, river or a ea. (TA.) And *, j, oJlI, (TA,) T border of the rivuet Lfor (8, O, TA,) in a trad., (0, TA,) a man of whom irrigation](, TA) by which the water enters a there is no living anestor between him and Adiam * (., O, TA) i. e. j )t Va 1.1_ [i. e. garden, or garden of palm-trees mur- is said to be ;JI
roded by a mall], (TA,) from its nearest to its furthet cetremity. (V1,TA.) - Also The plu [app. meaning side (but see this word)] of a ;] mountain, by itself; [or so, perhaps, . l ]. . . (Ibn-Ab6bd, 0, 6.) and sot 3 [or And, as also t , Made to hare a radical, or hereditary, share (jA) in death; (O, TA;) meaning that he will inevitably die. (., 0, TA.) [In the Ijam p.438, f o,,, is expl. as syn. with Oie: but in the verse to which this explanation relates it is evidently employed in the sense of the act. prt. n. of Remains of the [plants, .. i', * lI ~"...l . ph jo, used ,civPI, eJlIj in the. phrase - las

or trees, called] S:;.

court, or yard, in front, or eltending from the slender, or spare, and light of spirit. (TA.) ~I,F, meaning A thing [i. e. a close-fitting cap, 31, ' T/ue side, of the hoiuse. (TB, g.)- _ j generally of cotton, to imbibe the sweat,] which is J3!0: see 0jl, in two places. (1g.) the ear. of edge, or surrounding circuit, worn beneath the turban and the [cap called] TheM sh rrounding the nail (],* 1,i 1 $;;ju, is a post-classical word. (TA.) Of, or belonging to, the country call aul above that are intestin s he (Mob.) .- al> tl means Camels that l .JI adlt. _ TA.) t3li: see W&, in four places. - Also, and the navel, ying breadthise,or across, in the belly. yaure upon what are termed 3j;r, i. e. remains (o, O) ;jl X [app. meaning * i, , i. 'q. J signifies also The inside of of the [plants, or trees, called] ui*.: (15, TA:) (1.)_ And j, Clear water, whetller much or little; or a little The QIj.l! of the horse's or, app., accord. to Az, camels of, or belonging to, 1.) (AA, featler. mater remainingin a buchet or skin]: (1 :) or, accord. to the L, the former word is pl. [or saddle are The two edges of the eij,, at thefore 5lW^l as meaning the water of lenoo-Saad-IbL rather a coll. gen. n.] of the latter in this sense: part of the saddle and its hinder part. (IDrd, Mdlik and Benoo-Mdzin: or, as some say, of, or signifies the same. (1.) (TA:) and ~t; TA voce ,2,, q. v.) - [Also A pace, or rate belonging to, the j!1& u meaning the side, or [only]. of oing.] One says in relation to a horse, on the shore, of eater: and it is also said that the And A copious rain: (f :) or so t l3 The herbage that has occasion of drawing forth the sweat, and of care- epithet in this phrase is a rel. n. from jWa1 [thuos (TA.) - And 1 ,Jl "j J6 a.. in my original, without any syll. sign and without comeforth after the rain. (Ibn-'Abbd, A,O, ].) ful tending, and fattening, 311J )>ld 3IpI j>jsclJ, meaning [Urge, or make, explanation]. (TA.) ,1. The double uture that is in the lower 1 thou him to go] the vehement pace and the inferior Zi, with teshdeed [to the j], A thing [app. 4;p and part of the [leathern water-bag called] J-;WI1 is the name a cloth for imbibing the re,at] that is put beneath pace. (Ibn-'Abbd, O, TA.) a.ji;; (Lth, 0, .K;) and this is of the firmest ;) vel hnown, the tW [app. meaningpad] of the O, Msb, of A certain country, (S, [or horse' kinds of suture therein: (Lth, O:) or theauture (Msb, 15,) extending from 'Abbdddn to ELIMorthat is in the middle of the ^,3 [or water-skin]: fil in length and from Elg-ddiseeyeh to .~ulwdn saddle] and the a4i [q. v.]. (TA. [Tho wontrd I have not found anywhere except in (TA:) or the pi~ce [or strip] of skin that is put in breadth; (1 ;) masc. and fem.: ($, O, Msb, 3J_, which I can only suppose to be an arabiinstance, upon the place where the two etremities, or edges, 15:) said to be so named because upon the jt*c, this of the [main] shin meet when it is sewed in, or i.e." side," or "shore," of the Tigris and cized word from the Pers. or Turkish "~, upon, the lomer part of the ;.lp: (] :) or the Euphrates: (0,' 1: [in which, and in other which is commonly pronounced by the Turks &c., appertenance of the 1, and of the ;tj, .~ , with . and L, and which means a pad, works, several other supposed derivations are which is [a strip of skin] doubled and tlen sewed beneath the saddle to prevent a piece offelt, mput or to too fanciful as I think mentioned, but such [theron thus] doubled: (Myb:) or, accord. to deserve notice:]) accord. to some, it is arabicized, its galling tie beast's bach.]) AZ, the [piece of] skin that is doubled, and then (0,O, Msb, 1,) from a Pers. appellation, (S, O,) seod upon the lower part of the [water-skin or .l [act. part. n. of LD]. A poet says, i. e. from .S~ X>!v (As, 0,* ], TA,) of which milk-skin called] .'tL: ($:) and, (1,) accord. the meaning is [said to be] " having many palm, &~ , 41 , 0iL f-510..~j~ ~ i.e. the trees and [other] trees;" (1 ;) but [SM justly ,) i.q. ; . (6, 0, 1;) to Ay, (, 0 the seams of piece of shin with which tlh punctures says,] in my opinion the meaning requires conare covered: (, ,0: see also 3C, latter half: sideration. (TA.) . .. sl,l)is an appellation of [I restrainmy tongue from my friend; but if I [and see 1u :]) pl. ~j (Lth, AZ, ., O, g, TA) El-B.raA and El-Koofe. (,O, 0,.) be compelled to have recourse to him in a case J'

(5.) -- I. I J$; TL7 q. v.]



means [A boy,oryoung man,]

and ~

(TA) and

/,,l; (Lth, O, TA ;) the last

a pL of paue. (Lth, O.) And p.j I S. signifies

The Suture urrounding the [round piece of shin called] pi, [q. v.]. (1.)- Also earnes, togdher, of the stitch-holes in a skin or hide: [so I : and it seems J11 U<>ti3; reading render lJI to mean ablso unformity thereof: for it is added,] hence the prov., 31t s , meaning t His affair (TA.) is mifmnn, right, or rightly dispo&

because they take from the man [Such a one X V, 1,) i. e. I and , 4 [his flesh, or render him lean]. (TA.) legtthereof. (Lth,O, ]- [It is said in the is rooted, &c., in generoumnes or nobleness and in Z3 V t 3jIJ ' "~JI ,2~d " ,p1, The night, in the year, most V that &; is pl. of 1;, in this sense: bt after- meanness or ignobleness]; and wards, that the pL of the latter in all its enses is Z I, abundant in milk. (O.)_ [~ja1 is also a comjj jJt; (.,o0;) and Xi; also; to which the TA adds J5.]) And [the part. n. being formed] on the supposition of parative and superlative epithet signifying More, accord. to AZ, Any pauturageadjacent to a great the suppression of the augmentative letter [in its and most, rooted in a quality or faculty: regularly 0

Also The sids,or shore, (Lth, 0, 15,) of water, (15,) or of a sea, or great river, alon the whole .wIAl I

applied to a man and to a 0,,) A', (?O, horse, means [Rooted, i e.] having a radical, or hereditary, share, (3i. ;J, ?, 0,) in generousness or nobleness [of origin, which, accord. to the 0 and 0, and common usage, seems to be implied by the epithet when used absolutely], (S, O, 1,) and also in meanness or ignobleness [thereof; or having a strain of, i. e. an inborn disposition to, generousness or nobleness, and also meanness or ignobleness]. (8,' O, .) And you say also

need, I am one who gnar to the utmost: , being here an inf. n.]. (S, 0: mentioned in both .) immediately after the explanation of;,ll t [i.e. The i. -And [the pl.] teeth, or lateral teeth, &c.]: (15:) an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates. (TA.)....And The C; [i. e. years, or ,drouhts, or years of drought]; so called ~1 X,i.J'l J' , (1], TA, in some copies of the K

nignifies j;4l

2022 ap perhaps poset-classical. (See De Sacy's "Anthol plied to a horse signifies [i. e. renderedt Gram. Arabs," p. 183, lines 1 and 3, of the Ar lean, or light of fsle, probably by being made tco text; and p. 441 of the Notes, in which he hai s weat, agreeably with an explanation of the latter expressed his opinion that it signifies "qui a jeti epithet, and thus radically differing from 3ja do plus profondes racines.")] and j .]. (TA.) See also 3Ia..-And I-., oi Oja. an inf. n. of 1 in the sense first expl. i; I this art. (., O, J.) - [And a noun of place t.Z and 3 see s: ; the former in signifying A place of sveat or of Jveatijng of ay two places. animal; such as the armpit and the groin: pl 0~. - Hence,J %sl j~ib i. q. "1 [i. e t The places trheAre the main body of the sant ends, anl where it is thin, not dee,p]: likened ta Q. 1. aji.l lie H lwocked, houghed, hamthe j)t of the animal. (TA.) -And j., strung, or cut the hock-tendon of, the beast. (S, [thus in my original; perhaps a., as denoting A, O, .h), tAnd ij He raised hisri ocks, "a place of sweat," like 'r from ;jl.It; or (namely, a camel's, 0,) in order that he might $ ~,a, as being likened to a utensil, like ;jI:, stand up: (0, VC:) he assisted him (i. e. a camel) and as being in form agreeable with many words to stand up, by raising [his hocks]. (TA.) Thus denoting articles of dress;] signifies An innermose the verb has two contr. meanings. (,.) - And garment for imbibing the sweat, lest it shiouldI -3., t Ie practised artiflce, craJft, or cunning. reaed to the garments of pride [i. c. tihe outer gar- (0, ].) One says, Jj ;;ai

. s 0~~~.

forned from J", or irregularly from wy&l: bu t ankle-bones: (TA in that art.:) and t 3a

term, app. because he is describing that animal:]) it is, in a quadruped, the tendon that [corresponds to that which in a human being] is behind the two ankle-bones, betnwen the joint of the foot and the hank/: in a human being it is a little above the heel. (TA, from an explanation of a trad. [This last explanation evidentlyemploys terms according to their applications in the comparative anatomy of quadrupeds and human beings, and therefore reqtuires the words which I have supplied. That ,r~c,in relation to a beast, signifies the hocktendon is well known: and that it also signifies the hock itself is shown by a usage of the verb .j.; (for it is by raising the hocks that a man assists a camel to stand up), and by an explanation voce ~,-] *l~ .W S [It iu an evil thing that has compelled thee to hate recours to the marrow of a hock] (1(, TA) is a prov. (TA) applied to him who seeks to obtain a thing from a mean, or sordid, person; (C, TA;) for the -3-, hlas no marrow. (TA.) And one

says, I U;JJEP3 < C ; [Such t [ IVhen thy debtor wearies thee,] practise artfice, a one smites the hockh-tendons of camels to slaughter them, and striles the sdtins of camels to make them ,j'. Wine (, having a littile ater put &c. (AA, 0, TA.) h) into it; (8, I;) and so * &a., (., O, I,) apQ. 2. j,s3 IHe mounted a beastfrom behind. lie down that he may mount them in haste]; plied to .;.J [which likewise signifies wine, or (O, TA.) - And t lIe took his course along the meaning that he entertains gutests and gives aid, .r* is a name of thick wine, '&c.]; (, 0;) and t / , (1,) narromo roads, or nays, of the mountain, which or succour. (A.)-(S,0, l) .) And JjaJ T7A Thirteenth Matnion of the AIoon. (lzw: of whlich last no verb has been mentioned: (TA:) are called or IF signifies wine (J*) pure, or unmixed: s4 o ant BHe pursued a iay hidden from his ad- see IlJl, in art. ~;.).. yj, j is an appellaor hatving a little mixture [of water]. (IJam vecrsary: said when one adopts another and tion given to Any bird from which one awjurs easier course of speech.. (TA.)-And Ja.a evil to camels, because it mounds them in the hochs p. 5L1.) . See also .s, in three places. .) (Meyd, TA.) The t l t tlic turned away, or declined, rom or hock-tendons ( te i.. : see m`. - [Accord. to Reiske, as Othe affair. (' ) ; ' l; 'I jk i Arabs say that when the bird ealled .! [q. v.] mentioned by Freytag, it signifies Rain that ap- 4 '. iFt [When he puts of tie fuoflment of is lights upon a camcl, its hocks, or ihock-tendons, pears to the people of El-Yemen from the region yromie, he acts lilte A rab (a man notorious for will assuredly be laid bare: and accord. to the of 1l.'Ird .] M_ -*.J1 j means TIhou putting off the fulfilment of his promises); and [0 and] g, 1,4l1 .e is an appellation of The hast le.ft the truth apparent, or manifest, between when lh promises, he acts lihe 'Oroob] (A, TA) s. (TA.) is a prov. (TA. [See the following paragraph, [bird called] 31j;. [which is said in the S &e. to be thc same as thie J,ld]; and [%g, and SM last sentence but one.]) ,a An iron implement, or a hnife, or broad add that] thcy regard it as of evil omen. (TA.) knife, or broad blade, with rohieh otne pares a bone (O, [The tendo Achillis, or hei-tn;] a -_ UlIl :. - means Tte O'C [or hank] of the with someJ l&h upon it, removing theflesh. (TA.) certain tense, (T, A, Mgh, Myb,) or thick, (o,) or Wi [or sand-grouse]. (S, 0, ].) To this a thing - see also 3ja. thick and tnse, (J, 0,) tendon, (T, S, A, Mgh, 53,, 0 #a. 0, Msb, ]C,) behind the tmo ankle-bones, (T, A, is hyperbolically likened to denote its shortness: 3,l~: see ij~,; in four places: _ and see .s Xe Sl; [A day shorter Mgh, Msb,) above the heel; (S, O, 1K;) the thing one says ULil that conjoins the slankl and the foot; (Ay, TA;) than the shank of the ba!ta]: (L,TA:) and a (TA, poet says, (S, &c.,) namely, El-Find Ez-Zim5JY A bone of which th fleh has ben [eaten in a human being: (S, O, 6 :) pl. ;4J. minee, (O, L, TA,) or, accord. to Seer, Imra-elor] throrwnfrom it. (TA.) -And Aman having &c.) The saying of the Prophet, "915& ki leys Ibn-'Abis, (IB, L, TA,) lttle . h; (]g;) and so.Util j,;a.; ($,O, ,s X [IVoe to the heel-tendons from the fire of ;) and t , (., O, TA, [and probably in Hell] means, to him who neglects the washing of correct copies of the ], but in my MS. copy of it them (Mgh, M9b) in the [ablution termed] K..4. [And my arroavs, with their notches, like the and in the CV 1 , which does not accord. (Mob.) - [In a beast, it is in some instances al- shanks of ash-coloured sand-grous]. (., 0, L, with any of the explanations of its verb,]) and plied to The lck, or hough; i. e.] the w. JO of TA.) _ . , also signifies t A turning, or a beast is that which, in its hind leg, corresponds bending, part of a valley: (] :) or a part ofavalley .ILII - t ~j;a; (TA;) and t a, and ja in whidrls is a great turning or bending. (., 0.) .a1. (1(.) And A horse having no Jlh upon to the 7Lj [or knee] in its fore leg: (S, O, :) [in other instances, it is applied to the tenlon of And A road in a mountain: (g :) or a narrow his .J [meaning bone of the legs]; as also the hock, or homugh; i. e., to the hamutiig; for, road in a mountain: or a road in a deep valkly, t ;:... (TA.) And &aLJI jj., applied as] Ay says, in every quadruped, thc iolown are in which only one can walk. (TA.) And [the to a horse, in which the quality denoted thereby pl.] .?, The prominenes, or lwojecting in the hind legs, and the s ir the fore legs; is approved, Having no flsh in the cheeksu: parts, of mountains: (O, K, TA:) and the nt (, , TA;) and the tw of the horse is the distant, orfar-extending, roads, or way:, thereof: (TA:) and I.>1 O a man having little tendon that eonjoins the part wherein meet the (Aboo-Khcyreh, O, TA:) for [in travelling mounJlUsh in te cheeks: (., 0:) and * *~, thai; (here meaning the ometatarsus] and the jC tains,] you follow v the most easy way, wherever it (] and TA in art. ,,J,) and 1, a man [here meaning the tibia]: (TA: [he says "of be: (Aboo-Kheyreh, TA:) or the narroow roads haring liUtb ~ tpon t ft, and upon tAhethe horse," instead of using a more comprehensive or ways, in the hard and elevated parts, of moun-

,tents]. (TA.)

iA ijI


BooK I.]

2023 and agreeable.with analogy, but I do not find any authority for it,] They pressed, straitened, or crowded, one another, ($, O, TA,) and rubbed, or rubbed and presed, one anotuher, (TA,) or strove together, and fought one another, (15, TA,) 123-4.) - 01 Ij, (MA,) inf. n. X.c&, (MA, in the place of fight, or battle; (S, 0, I, TA;) KXL,) He rubbed, or rubbed and presed, [or and .9 IJt i [in altercation]. (TA.)generally, as now used, he wrung, or twisted,] his And ;,l ) ti %b- ;t The camels presed, ear. (MA, KL.) _- ~1' .p, aor. and inf. n. or crowvded, one another, in the coming to water. as above, He felt her back, namely, that of a ' -,.b:., (Ibnshe-camel, &c., doing so much or often, to know (K.) [See also 3.] 'Abbad, 0,) or &., (1g,) said of a woman her state of fatness: (TA:) and .;J '.i He [menstruating] She stuffed her vulva with a piece felt thte hump, to know if there were in it of rag. (Ibn-'Abb4d, 0,1.) fat,nes or not. (S, O, TA.) _ ~ l dd., (S, K,*) inf. n. as above, (TA,) The camel made an incision, or a cut, in his side with his elbow, (K, TA,) and rubbed it, or rubbed and pressed it, (TA,) so as to reach to the flesh, (1X, TA,) cutting through the shin: (TA:) in which case the epithets * 1'j.~ and t ~. are applied to the camel. (]g.) [See also Xc below, which indicates another meaning.] , (Lh, 1, TA,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (Lh, TA,) also signifies t He put upon him evil (Lh, 1., TA) and misfortune: (:, TA: [the Cg has J,L Ak, [originally an inf. n.,] accord. to El3-

tains. (.,0,1.) And [hence, app.,];)a'l ^i e t Great and diffcult affairs: (., 0,15:) as alse 3lj .a (8,0.) -_ And A mountain alwayJ crowned with clouds, not rained upon. (TA.) Also tArtijice, craft, or cunning; or a stratagem, or trick. (0, 1f. [See Q. 1, last signification.]) And t Knowledge (;l.) of an argument, a plea, an allegation, or a proof (0, ]g.) Also the name of a certain man of the Amalekites, (S, 0, 1f, TA,) or, (so says Ibn-El-ifelbee, 0,) of the Benoo-Abd-Shems-Ibn-Saad, (Jm, 0, TA,) but this is said to be of no authority, (0,) or of El-Ows, (Jm, TA,) the greatest liar of his time, (15,) proverbial for breach of promises: (S, 0:) El-Ashja'ee (whose name was Jubeyha, 0, 1I) says,
,. ,

years, one after the other; then bring forth, and give birth to twiu: he makes war's destruction of them to be like the mill's grinding of the grain, and the various evils that are engendered from war to be like children. (EM pp.

(0, 0, g, TA) i, e. t Thou promisedst, but breach of promise was an inherent quality of thee, like the promise of 'Orkoob to his brother in Yetreb; which is in El-Yemimeh; or, as some relate it, n-'~, i. e. El-Medeeneh, or, as some say, the land of the Benoo-Said; but the former is the &.I more correct. (TA. [See also Ijar p. 160.]) *6. a~1.i jAMt 4A, meaning evil and mifortune And one says, 4 00 4.X [He assailed him, instead of yij l 4ia J_-, is more metulacious than 'Or!oob of Yetreb]. as in other copies of the K and in ihe TA:]) (A, TA.) and, as some say, ' h signifies he did evil to him, or brought evil upon him, repeatedly. 1. (,O, , 1,) aor. , (8,) inf. n. ~., 0.c (8, 0,) lIe rubbed it, or rubbed and pressed it, or did o rell; syn. i.j; namely, a thing; (., 0;) such as a skin or hide, or a tanned skin or hide, and the like. (TA.) - And [He wore it away by scraping, &c. ;] he craped, rubbed, chafed, or fretted, it, until he erased, or effaced,

i.e. An incision, or a cut, made by the elbow [of a camel], in the arm, [probably a mistake for in the side, (sec 1, near the middle of the paragraph,)] so as to reach to theflesh, cutting through the shin, by the side !of the callous protuoberance upon the breast. (O.) [See also j.-, in art. j_.] - [Hence, app.,] j , as used by a poet, [the dual, it seems, being put for the sing. for the sake of the rhyme, as it ends a verse,] is a metaphorical term for The vulva of a woman; the J, in its primary sense being in the camel. (TA.) Also The dung of beasts or birds of prey. (O,-.) 1 And Herbage trodden and eaten. (TA.)

'Adebbes El-Kinianee, i. q. jl.,


(TA.) _- 1,J~ ',,Jl Jo Tlme, or fortune, rendered such a one eperienced; or trained, or and 13j-: (0, 1 :) one of whom is called y , disciplined, and reformed, or improved, him. (g, (AA, S, MA, 0, 15,) meaning a fisherman nwho TA.) __J >} j- He I l ef the A holds in his hand an iron implement having fioe .1 ,1f

Fishermen; (AA, S, MA, 0, 5 ;)asalso ---; (MA; [but this I do not find elsewhere ;])

cames amid the plants termed ., to obtain prongs: (MA:) ;` and ts?, being like ', the what tley wanted. (Lib 1) and ~.w.: (AA S, , 0:) [i. e. .> is the n. un.:] .itPl k ' l,I The cattle ate thAe plants, or herbage. accord. to the 1g, A and 3 are ps. of ; it. (b.) -.Hence, i ( _- '- -. said of a woman, (S, 0, g,) or but IAth says that Oj.c is pl. of j;g e (TA:) .. ,LX, aor. and inf. n. as above, meaning t [He of a girl, or young woman, (Lh, TA,) aor. ', hence .- is used as meaning sailors,or mariners, acted] as though he scraped, &c., [with his side,] (S, O) inf. n. (0, 10 (, ) and ;, (0, f) (AA, 8, 0, If,) because they fish, not as being what had proceededfrom hi. companion, until he and b, (1I,) She mmtruated; (., O, 1g ;) as [properly] a name for them: (AA, 8, 0:) Zuheyr erased, or effaced, it: (TA;) [like as a camel also ? '~,~l. (~.)_ " ,(1],) [aor. :,] inf. n. says, allays an itching by rubbing with his side the ., (TA,) He was, or became, such as is teed trunk of a tree: i. e. he bore, or endured, what ; [q. v.]; strong, or vehement, in striving, conproceeded rom his companion: for] USS l j; JJ).aJl A.JJl t ~ $| Ab l . means [i. e. t He bears, or endures, tending, or conicting, (15, TA,) and in might, * 1A courage, valour, or proes, (TA,) in mar, or [The camel-drivers cover with tuem the middle of annoyance, or molestation; or forgi~s it, and feigns himsef neglectful of it]. (O and 1 in battle, (1, TA,) and in altercation. (TA.) the eleated expanse of sand like as thA seamen caue the was of the dep to cover the silM.]: explanation of _ And Aa.) U. &Al '~ 3. ;, (TA,) in.n. Jabt; . ($, 0, 1I, TA) but AO related this verse otherwise, saying j.,, ymJt, in n. as above, t [I fretted, or ground, and . 1!s, (TA,) He fought him; contended with or crushed, the party in the war, or battle.] (., in the nom. case, and making .3il to be an epihim infght, or battle: (.,*0,- ,- TA:) 1Q O.) And q. ; r[i. e., signifies the act of fighting; and thruutigat and thet applied to the :., as signifying , J.j [as lit., 7/ wmar, or battle, rerolmed upon them like wounding, one anotherl, in fight, or battle. though the meaning were, like as the coUlliding (KL.) the mill or mill-stone; meaningfrtted, or ground, - And bJ.s signifies also, in relation to camnels, waaw of the deep cover the hips with their surf]. or crusd, them]. (TA.) Zuheyr says, The prsing, or crowding, one another, at, or to (S, O.) - Also i. q. .C..[A sound, noie, voice, ($, 0O,.2 _It is also the get to, the water. (TA.) [See also this word &c.]i and so t *. subst. denoted by the phrase ,J1 tU ; 1 ii below. And see 8.] * ,; , ieD LUj [q. v., app. as meaning The act of leavin camel 4: see 1, last sentence but one. amid the p~uagetermed ,, ., to obtain tAereof (0) meaning i And it, i. e. war, wilfret [or grind 6: ee the next pagraph, what they want; a meaning given In the 0 as an or cru~] you, as the mid ith it skin put be8. Ib , (., 0,) or neath it, upon which thourfall,frets [orgri~nd] I, , explanation of .t #;q., which is perhaps in this 1 the grain; and it, i. e. war, will conceie two (], TA,) [and t tjbjW3, mentioned by Freytag, instance a mistramcriptioa]. (1.) I Bk I. 255

..,.,.,,,,6 j .S 'O

J)) - .J

[Booz I.

(1, o, ?TA;) i. e. (TA) Whose fatne is thou the market; for it is the battbeound of the ` A man who throsm don, or pr~strateo, .f,; not kmm unless byfeeding her hump: or of rwhoe Devil, and in it i set up his banner]: meaning Ahi antaigoiat mucA, or omP; syn. p; (g, hump one doubts rwMther twere be in itfat or not: that it is the dwelling of the Devil, and his place 0;) in the V and in some of the copies of the Q of alighting to which he repairs and which he Ct;,, like g.; [which is app. a mistranscripfrequents, because of the unlawful doings and the tion;] (TA;) strong, or mhement, (?, O,' , lying and the usury and the violence that occur J3a: seek. TA,) striving, contnding, or coiting, (V, therein. (IAth, TA.) And it is said in another 6l.! What is drawn from the udder before trad, 'o 'J TA,) and in might, courage, valour, or pronms, I 1 ' e ;~1 ' A:: (TA,) in war, or battle, (4, TA,) and in alter- the first ij [or milh that collect i the udder t [The space of the conflict of the decrs of death cation; (TA;) as also QtId: (,TA:) pl. of baetn tro milingy], (V, and before tse second is that betrseen the ages of sixty and eventy]. [perhaps a mis- (0, TA.*) the former bjj s. (W, O, V, TA: in the CV aid collects: also termed L;.' transcription for iij] and j;. (TA.) 1it,9' )sands, intermingling; (IDrd, O, V ;) ua also

~A J:

and t

Sand, or

nify the humps with the bachks. (O.) - [Hence, as meaning A war, or battle, is post- in phrases here following,] tNature; natural, classical. (TA.) _- b " ;, (, (O, ,) and native, or innate, dispoition or temper or the b J b, and '3, (TA,) and .:4u, like; (S, 0, V;) and oul, ,pirit, or mind. (J.) 4j1 t Such a one is easy, (0, O, V,) mean I met hinss once, (g, O, 1,) and One says, . l t1 or gentleb(, ( ,, , TA,) in natural disposition, time afer time, and twice, (TA,) and several (V, TA,) sbmiive, tractable; (0,* O, TA;) time: (Q, O, >) the noun not being used otherone whose pride, or haughtins, has been bron, wise than adverbially. (TA.) or subdued; (L, TA;) having little contrarina and aversion: and aj."I 5 twg in .~se: Meo .J inompliant, or ressting: (TA :) and '~9 i., (0, ,) and . J ,I. s, a phre s;rit, AZ4^ His pride, or haughtinews , became broken, used by '. bsheh in describing her father, (O,) ,it, t One who bears, or endu, annoyance, or moletation; or who fion / it, and fei/gn hims7f

:.'p and see ma: Wf , in three places. * .~/~, (L, TA,) which last epithet is erro- thereof: (]9:) or ,~.Jt '. signifies what neously applied in the V to the word j remains of the hump: (ISkl, , 0:) so called A piece of rag with rwhich a rwoman instead of j, as is also in one instance V W~1because the purchaser feels that part (;a%I) to stu;f her v,ulva (0, f) w/en menstruating. (O.) [in the CV in this latter instance written .3 a.*]. know the fatness and strength [of the animal]: !J.J [Much rubbed, or much rubbed and (TA:) pL J3J.~; which is said by some to sig(TA.) _ See also DJ;. prmsed: &c.: see 1].


A camel' hump: or the remainder

, 4d d b
* 0* .

[Morepatient than a camel, such as hlas a J&Ab much rubbed, or muchs rubbed and presed]: or, as some relate it, ~ J-5j, meaning a camel strong and .thick: the 1Jb1 is a tumour in the armpit of a canmel, like a bag, straitening him: the saying is a proverb. (Meyd. [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 737-9.]) /f :. fl. Water to which tc reis a pressing or roroding together [of camcls]. (?, O, V.)-_

glfecfil of it. (Q, g. [See 1, third sentence.])

o,:see .;, in two pla.es - a A witiow, or an imral, or unrighteom, woman; or an adulter, or a fornicatr. (O, ,.)And A tAhick, gros, coare, or rude, woman; au

also 't. iS . (V, TA. [The latter thus expl. in the 0, and, as is said in the TA, on the authority of Ibn-Abbid: in my MS. copy of the ] written meaning [A man fortunate, happy, or blest, in natural disposition, or] in mind. (TA.) ailI!,; and in the CV, . -]) ;;;: see 1, latter half_Also A thick, t a see c the next preceding paragraph. trong camel. (, 0, g.) see also _-. lp an inf. n. of 3 [q. v.]. (TA.) [Hence,] And the fem, with ;, A fat she-camel: pl. (TA.) - And t A bul/y, corpulnt one says, &llJI~ .I .1 l, (S, 0, ,) or, as in the !Ab,L4. woman: (, O:) or a woman ugly, or unseemly, " Book" of Sb, i.3,J tb.lf, (TA,) He made
htis camebl to come, or go, to the water together;

or subdued: (?, :) originally relating to the 3 h;lI Land whichl the cattle (8, O, O) camel; for they used to betake themselves to the pasturing at tihir pleasure (S, 0) hav rubbed camel when he had the disposition of refusing to be ridden or mounted, and incomplianee, and cut and pressed [with tiMir feet] ("te,) so that it [a part] in his hump, it being high, difficult to has become barren. (S, 0, ) - And Jride upon; and when this was done, he became J,, : A man preised wit petitions. (TA.) quiet, and was rendered inclinable, and the part of him that was the place of riding became easy 'j4': 3ee,-;; . the former in two plaes to sit upon; so one said, '- . -,.j' j;. (Har pp. 5667.) One says also J, , 5j, 3;a:: see J0-, in two places.

1. .;, and

aor. ' and , (g, M9 b, ],) inf. n. IL, , aor. , (IMb, 1,) inf. n. ;o; (Mb ;)

(., 1) and ;~i. ($,' Mqb,h 1) andS:; (C ;)

and .. ; (]; [in which the inf. ns. mentioned above follow this last form of the verb;] and so in a copy of the t in the place of. a, with j-t only for the aor.;) He wast,or became, eil in dipo~tion, or ilnatured, and veryers or cro or repugnant; (?, Mqb, g ;*) and sharp: (Myb:) or vtehnt, or strong: (I:) said of a boy, or child: ($:) or of a man: and, said of a boy,

(S, O, ] ;) the last word being in the accus. case after the manner of inf. na.; (?, O;) originally tli,; then they prefixed Jl, which does not change it from its proper state of an inf. n.: (, O, :) it is like the phrases ,qJ ,. o~t~ ,11 and Ah ',! (,0:) IB sap that ,lJl;W

(i;,) fJlshy, (], TA,) bulky, or corpulnt, (TA,) andfoul; (, TA;) as being likened to

the camel. (TA.) - And the mase, applied to a v,u [or pubes] (T, O, O) of a woman, (T, TA,) La"rp, or big. (T, O, - S.) See also
J3~,, last sentence.

,4a: see 1, latter half...- Also (without ;) or child, (or so [particularly] .. , inf. n. and.S~A woman m~truating; (, O, J;) and so and;, TA,) he bdiaved ino~ and !ei dIst4l are in the accus. case as denotafidy, or ngrateflly; syn. f or UiJ or j; r 4: (]:) pl. ofthe former 1t,. (O.) tives of state; and A .1JI as the in n.: but [all of which signify the same;] or Ae was, or bSb says that they prefix Jl to the inf. n. that is and 1; and Viw ajna and t J 3 [to us]. (Q, in the place of the denotative of state. (TA.) A place [or scene] of battle, or figAt: (Q,O, V:) came, bad, corrupt, or wicked; 'TA.) And accord. to IAr,, aor. , signifies [See also a similar phrase voce o.: and see a pl. [of the first and second and third] IJ. He was, or became, inorant; as also aud verse cited voce ] (TA.) It is said in a trad., tO a J ; ;i. (TA.) [See also"', below.] m; aid I .ti -[D;o*mmend .ij, applied to a she-camel, (?, O, ,) i. q. ,,*1; _j of a bone, [app. when burnt,] aor.:, (V, TA,)


BooK I.] accord. to the copies of the 1 i. q. or, as also t `L, blackes mized writh whitenesu, ;, but corrctly j [i.e. It ehaled it scent, in anything: or the quality of being pechled with (, TA,) blacknes and whitenss, without largeness of every ~e , or odour]. (TA.)-- jLiU. speckle: and a whitecm in the lip of the shep or in n. ;5;, (TA,) He treated sch a one with goat: (V:) or thus the latter word: ($, TA:) or crone and likewise the quality of being speckled with ilnature, and exceeding perr or re~ugnan. (V, TA.) -,i;%; . (9, g,) black, in tlh car tlhercof. (TA.) Also (i. e.. p) aor. Aand ~, inf. n..;.; (? ;) and t jA3; (m, The quality, in a collection of small cattle, of conV;;) are like 2j; and .3;a; (?;) [i.e.] both itting of ~heep and goats. ()==) See also ;.. signify He tripped of the J~ from the bone .P.: seeg;,t in two places. - Also A dam; [with his fore teeth, eating it]. (Ii.) - And in The cameln syn. $i% : (8, TA:) [or rather dams, agreeably j+1 . .1 like manner, (9,) .j with what here follows :] a pl. [or coil. gen. n.] [cropped the tresm; or] obtained [pature]from (]O) having no sing. [or n. un.]: (S, 1:) or its - And lt .j-, (g, TA,) sing. [or n. un.] is V ~, the trees. (9, .)(S, Msb, I~,) which inf n..A, (TA,) Ite (a child) sucked the bread signifies, (Kr, KI,TA,) as also t J.,'s, (Kr, TA,) of his mother; (g, TA ;) and Ho &.1 ,S4 L,1. a dam (;tl =, Kr, or ~, K) that is raised across (TA.) a valley, or torrent-bed: (K:) or . 1 signifies The act of mixing. (S.) One says, [dam suchl as are termed] 2. . , ', [pl. of u.. ] inf. n. .,

20aH [mentioned in the first sentence of this !;&, art. as an inf. n.,] (S, Mgh, Myb, ],) when used as [a simple subst.] denoting a quality of a boy, or child, (9, Mgh,) or of a man, (1,) signifies Evilne of diition,or illnature, and exceeding prrver~e or crosne or repugnance; (f, Myb, ]j;) and vehemence, and strngth; (Mgh,' TA;) and sharmpne; (Myb;) and annoyance, or molstation: ( :) [and] the quality of quitting the right course, and exorbitanae. (.yam p. 2 7 7 .) Hence, in a trad. of'Omar, metaphorically used as meanand trength of [the beverage ing tSharpn termed] k.i made of raisins. (Mgh.) - And Numerousness of an army, (9, 1,) and hamrpnes, and vehemence, thereof. (K.) - Also Ignorance. (Fr, TA.) - And The j3 [app. meaning fihmeat] of a bone: and likewise [i. e., app., por tions that are cropped by camels] of trees. (S, 1. ]) One says > . [See j o,ce [More eil in dispition than a AoI UU constructed in valleys, or torrent-beds, (Aln, .K, o orver a piece of sh-meat of a bone]. (TA.) TA,) in tle middle parts of these: (AHn, TA :) Or, accord. to Az, ;,I IP signifies, (TA,) or it in each of which senses it is said to be used in signifies also, (s,) What faj of th bark of the the Kur xxxiv. 15: (TA:) or it thelre signifies a [tlorn-tres caled] : (!, TA:) but others J torrent of ,whichthe rus is not to be nwithstood: (Msb:) and a violent rain, (1K, TA,) that is wot explain it in a general manner, saying that .*li to be endured: thus, accord. to some, in the Kur: i;..~1 signifies tze barh of the tree. (TA.) (TA:) and the male of the [species of rat called] See alsow ". .~, (I, TA,) which is tlhe .L, so, Az says, is M# A calamity, or misfortune: (g, TA:) there meant accord. to some: (TA:) and, (.I, or pressure. (TA.) TA,) as some say, in that instance, (TA,) it is because of its hardness, the name of a certain valley (K, TA) in El- See also.,.A, last two sentences. Yemen: so says Az. (TA.) . is [app. a reL n. signifying Of, or reAlso latin to, ignorance; being] said by Fr to be from 4*0:see .: m~ and see also k/--. -m A helmet of iron. (TA.) -*!p signifying " ignorance." (TA.) (S, M9 b, C,) applied to a boy, .jt and * ZL0 A. quantity of reaped corn or grain, colleterd toqether, (S, Msb, K,) trodden out, (~, K,) or child, (S,) or to a man, (1s,) Evil in diposito be nvinnoned, (S,) not yet rinnomved, (]K,) or tion, or ilbnatured, and ry pervrsew or cross or that is trodden out, tlen winnowed: (Msb:) repugnant; (9,M b,I;*) and sharp: (Msb:) 9 said by some to called only L~a,; but correctly or velemcnt, or strong: (g:) and, applied to a ,,, as is shown by its having for its pl. [or boy, or child, insolent and unthankfui, or ungrate. rather coll. gen. n.] t ;, as in an ex. cited by J ful: or bad, corrupt, or wiched: the former [in the S]; at-. and j.3- being anomalous: epithet, applied to a man, signifies also abominable, or evil: (TA:) and so its fem. pl. .t;.A t, of which the pl. is., (IB, TA:) and ' signifies the same; (Msb;) or ;a4% signifies (S,TA,) applied by a rajiz as an epithet to heaps of reaped wleat and of barley. (TA.) creeping [ticks, or similar insects, such as are And A place in which sandis collected: (S, K :) pl. termed] jl [pl. of .] ($:) and V.j i said ,~t~.. (IB, TA.) - And it is said to signify (Msb, TA) by IA9r (TA) to signify ignorant: ;yq [app. meaning A Aeap of dung (Myb, TA:) L". is pl. of.;.tL, and is applied as JLd such as is termed Jl;., q. v.]. (TA.) - See also ' [pl. of 3t]. (TA.) an epithet to boys, like i; IAlso -~. Fleh-meat. (Fr,.K, TA: omitted 'U A vrehemnt tonge. (TA. [Hence,]l..,t. , 51 ,l ~ij u in the Cr.) One says, a A day ]) -. And;.tG.;* [See an ex. voco Verily your dlaughltered camel is saoury in rcspect veheently cold: (TA:) or a day cold in the of the meat. (Fr, TA.)- And The odour of utmost dere: (g, TA:) and in like manner cooked flesh-meat. (I.)m Also a. pl. of sle ;.jW I [a night ewemently cold: &c.]: and [q. v.]. (TA.) [the pl. in this sense is.. .j1, :] aIt .UJI signi-[It is also said, by Golius, fies the vehemently-cold nights. (TA.) ~ Also 1: see.. on the authority of Meyd, to signify A vineyard.] [Sucking the breast; or] a nsucher of the breast: ~lq g.sd~ is a dial. var. of Xit1 .l, (IAar, K, so in a verse cited above: see 8. (TA.)_ see expl. voce;). TA,) as also [41d tpk, and] 0L. _oj,..: one


,4 lie mixed it with it. (T1g.)

3. .ijl The contendhng in an altercation,disputing, or litigating; and occasitming a,i (i. e. conflict, or discord, or the like,) with anotler; . (TA.) syn. 1a i.; and ; 4. dp lie bromujht upon him, meaning he induced him to dlo, a deed [of an evil nature] that he had not committed. (I.iam p. 707.)
5. ;.II ':

see 1, latter lhalf.

The being, or becmning, hard to A 8. 1 .il! be borne, svere, or distressing, said of p [i. e. trial, or conflicts and factions, &c.]. (TA.) t..;s, said of a mare, Sh rent at random, heedlessly, or in a headlong manner, not obeying guidance; and deriated from the right course. (.Ham p. 277.) - And, said of a mother, Site sought one who would suck her breast: or she sucked the milk from her own breat and spirted it forth from her: a poet says,



[in my original ;$iU3 '; for which I have substituted what I think to be the right reading: i. e. Do not thou become wearied like the mother of the boy if he find not a smcker of her breast, seekingfor sueh: or] he means, if she finds not one who will suck her, she contrives, and milks her own breasts, and sometimes she sucks it [i.e. the milk] and spirts it forth from her mouth: accord. to IAr, this is said to him who imposes upon himself the task of doing that which is no part of his business: or, accord. to Az, the meaning is, be not thou like him who censures, or satirizes, himself, when he finds not whom he may censure, or satirize. (TA.)- See also 1, last sentence. .C, Grease, or gravy; i. e. the dripping that


ewdsfrom~-meat andjromfat. (I.) And

The remains of the cookhing-pot: (K, TA:) or the dirt of the coohkitnpot; as also t ,;j. (TA.)

jIj "tc [Verily, or now says, ILb & ._.p*o Hard, strong, or velchentt; (K, TA;) .Jp The quality, in anything, of being of two surely, by God, I wiiU indeed do such a thing]. applied to anything. (TA.) - And Numerous; applied to an army; (S,],TA;) or, as some colours: a leopard hau this quality: (Th, TA:) (IAg, TA.) 255

say, to anything. (TA.) -And, applied to a man, Having a strong degree of.' [i. e. impotence, or diiuldty, in speech, or utteranc; or barbars , or vitiousness, therein; or in speaking Arabic]. ,ap1 [More, and most, evil in disposition, or and of all trees that never become great: ( :) or mnall trees of those called j,, that do not become large nor tall, of which the thorns are like the beaks of birds; the hardest thereof in the wood, and the best for bows: (IAar, 0O:) or certain

[Boox r.
part thereof; and it is what is called 3, [q. v.]: and, as I8k ays, purulent putls (3;i) tht arise in the neck of a came, in consuoe of which he scratecs, or scrapr, himslf, and om~ times he lies dowr against the tem of a tree and scratches, or crapes, hie f therewith; and it cure, he says, is the burning of fat upon him; (9:) and an mruption like pud~es, or purua t pustules, in the necks of youg eaned camels, in consequence of whic they scratch, or scraps, thm~ selves: (IB, TA:) or, as also t ai and ' : l;a, a certain disease in the hinder part of the hind el of a horse or similar beast, (1, TA,) like an abrason in the skin, (TA,) casing the hair to faU off: or a cracking, or chapping, (g, TA,) incident to horses, (TA,) in their fore legs and their hind legs: or a caoumme that arises in the pastern of a horse (g, TA) or similar beast, and in the place of its fetlock, in th hinder part, and a 3 tjU [q. v.] that betide it from th king against a mountain or stone. (TA.) ~ Also Thefoul nmdll, orfouln/r [of the hands] with the smell, of .lJs-meat and iut greas; syn. )*:

mall trees: or the small of the alt: or the small

.L,a.: see the next preceding paragrapb.

illnatured,we.]: see an ex. voce !.

Also of allU tree: n. un. with ;. (O.) V in. n. of : _and i q. , q. v.

[Haring thquality termed.s and L.a: femrn. L.,: and pl. ,p: i.e.] having in it blackness

and whitnes: [&c.:] (?,

:*) the eggs of the

sand-grouse are .; (, ,* TA;) they are ,,.j f [so in the TA, agreeably with the meant by this word in a verse of Aboo-Wejzeh verb; but in my two copies of the S, ; lu Es-Saqdee: (TA:) and sl. is applied to a ser- Water overspread, or becoming ovwrspread, with pent; (.8;) and means a ~erpent speckled mith ,,.~. (s, TA.) black and white; (V, TA;) pl..j&. (TA.) And i. q. hH: (], TA:) and, some say, G.w: [tdie former meaning Speckled: and the latter,

Po 1. ;el , aor. - (S, ) and=, (s,) inf. n. t, (S,TA,) He put the wooden thing called 1o~ [q. v.] into th nose of the camel. (S, g.)
And a, like Lj', ' e (a camel, TA) had

and sometimes the former also, leprous:] fem.

tL.a). (TA.) Applied to a sheep or goat, Having a whitmss in the lip: fem. as above: ( :) [but] it occurs in a trad., applied to a ram, as meaning white, with black specks. (TA.) And Coloured(g, TA) with two colours. (TA.) Hence ... I p; t, [lIme, or fortune, of two sorts]. (TA.) _ [Hence also,] applied to a collection of small cattle, Consisting of seep and 9oats. (.,

a complaint of his nose arising from the 0]lw (g:) so in the saying, i .; i j;.[I tI [above mentioned]. (g.) /.J! ';, (g[) psrceive the odour of the foulnes of thy hands [aor. ,] inf. n. t, (TA,) He bound, or wound, with the mell of l msa t and its ge]
a sinew upon the socket of the head of the arrow. (IAy, TA:) or OjC signifies the odour of./s.. (l].) And 'j., (!i,) aor. ', (TK,) in n. meat thahaast .J [i. e. grease, or gravy]: and 5p, ,(TA,) is yn. with-, (,) in. n. ,' also i. q. *ap [itself, q.v.]. (TA.) And The (TA,) i. e. He became accustomed, or habituated; odour of cooked flesh-meat; (Kr, V;) as also as in the phrase uJie. C 1 'p [he became ac- V p a. (g.) And A mark, or relic, [or soil,] of broth upon the hand of the eater. (EI-Hejeree, customed, or habituated, to the thing]. (TV.)I!JI .j , (so in copies of the ,,) or ;, (so TA.) And Cooked f~sh-msat: (IApr, V:) or, as some say, fles, or feshmeat, in an absolute accord. to the T.,) inf n. .! &, The house, or sense. (TA.) - And Smoke. (g.) _ Also A dwelling, or abode, was, or became, distant, or species of tree, with which one taN. (i.) Diosremote, (]g, TA,) and in a quarter, or direction, corides asserts the cv& to be A plant having that he who lewd it did not desire. (TA.)~ leaves resembling thoe of the small ltil, ecpt ', (S, ],) aor. s, inf. n. ~, (TA,) said of that they are longer than thiy, and having a the hind leg of a horse, or similar beast, (S,) or sem about a span tall, and a red Jor~ , and a said of such a beast itself, (TV, [and this is small root; growing in neglected, or ncudtivatd plainly indicated in the J,]) It had the disease places: a poultice of its Ieaws with oliv-oil is sudorific; its bruiMsd lea applied as a poultice rmed C; (9, J) and a and C;!;. ()-act as a discutiet to wounds and iflamed pus And j.,, aor. -, in n. j &, is said of a camel tule; and tahen in a beverage, or sirup, tlcy as meaning He had the disea~ termed expl. cure the dribbling of the wine. (Avicenna, i. e. below on the authority of ISk. (S.) Ibn-Seeni, book ii. p. 235.)

g.) -And

Uncircuncized: pl. ,;s,

and p1.

pl. ; p (1[, , TA,) which is mentioned by AA as an epithet applied to men, syn. with 'a1i [a

pl. of j.I3]. (TA.)

Also a sing. of Ot1

signifying Tillers, or cultivators, of land, syn. ,il, [in the CVibi (which is a sing.),] (Az, ], TA,) and so is W d , in the copies of the 1, erroneously written..*p [in some of them..,p and in others ]. (TA.) - And .,f and ', the latter more agreeably with analogy, are likewise pls. of OI signifying Placm of d-produce. (TA.)

Q. 1.

, inf. n. L

and Le , (4, ui:

o, g[,) It (water) became ovrspreadwit [q. v.]; (L4, o;) i.q. -' i. (i-) W."P (Lth, 0, P) and tuo O,

[g. C-iI s, is app. said, as meaning He j.p the masc. epithet applied to a horse, or nailed its head to the shaft of the apear: see the similar beast, signifying aving the diseas termed O~ [q. v.]: (TA:) the fem. epithet having this pass. part. n., ^.,U below.] VJ, i syn. (1, 4. ;p.F He (a man) continually ate wrhat is meaning is ai.; with which t TA.) Also One who hkeps close to thes, [or termed ;, meaning cooked eh-meat. (IAsr, ]," TA.) ~And He had the shanks of his young slaughterer, or superidnt~ of the sdghtering mistake;] acoord. to AZ; (9, O;) the green eaned camel msch cracked or chapped. (].) and of the division, of the camel for the game subance like '. [or marh-ma~llo], which is - And He had the iL, [i. e. mange, or scab, called .. J], in order that he may eat of the s (IDrd, !,
TA, written in the O d,La;j) i. q. .,; ($, O, 1 ;) i. e. The gre*n substance that come forth from the bottom of water, o as to over~pread it; ($, O, L;) also called ,W J% ; [O0; in the L, and in one copy of the $, 4!.II ;,, which is a

upon water; (I4;) a soft grn bance, lie or dry mange or scab], (t, TA,) or, as ISk says, slaughtered camel. (s.)

loosened and sparated wool, upon tale water; L5 : see , former half .- ;-0 signifies so says Lth, and he adds his opinion that it is pur~lentptules(C.) that arise in the neck and mscratching or scraping, (TA, [see Two speck, or spots, above th eye of a dog: so vegetative: (TA :) n. an. with (1.)- -. Also occation a in a trad. in which men are commanded to kill L.,]) among his camel. (1:, TA.) the former, (0, ],) and Vt w,..jp, (El-Hejeree, every dog that is entirely black having sWJ;a. g,) A ort of trees, of tho caled tac,(Lth, O, : see the next paragraph, latter half: (TA.) J,) having thorns li the beaks of birds;. the and see also ai , last sentence but one. k& One who prostrates, or throw down, his hardst thereof in the wood: (Lth, O:) or the former, (0, ],) a some assert, (AJn, O,) the can ; A callousnessin the hind lg qf a horse or antagonists much, or often; with whom oMn mall of the .tjl (A. n, 0,g) and of the , TA: [in the CV, ,1 l is similar beast, above the pastern, in the hinder not cope: (,

Boox I.] o:]) to IB, as accord. I erroneouly put for signifing ~i1, it s uwed in commendation: Fr says that when a man is On who pttrates,
or throws down, his antagort

2027 0 a. 0 ej,~ ej,. A spear havig i. head naied [to the . (TA.) is mads firm: (8, TA:) pl. . (, J0 _ See .ft] with th nail calUed And A nail; (8, , TA ;) accord. to El-Hejeree, J aft] also the following paragraph. that conjoinu the spear-headand the rhaft. (TA.) deo

And A horn. (.)

much, or ofen, extended, oroblong, tract. (TA.)

abomnhabk, wicked, or craft, [(t wihom one L;. i cannot cope,] it i aid that he is lL; rude, (TA.) - Alo A man coare, rough, or
and iggardly. (TA.) Aad One who servs

Aso The roots of the kousc, or tent. (TA.) erroneously, of the lg, the in TA, ?, ;i, (AA, j ditant, or remote, ;sfr TA,) which is a plant ued for tanning. and l'1. ;'Q and t hc ;Q ', the of wood The And .) (1 in art. C houe t&c.; (, TA;) j;a being an inf. n. used
(], ,) a specis of tree, (f, TA,) having the

Cii.$" A camel Aaving the wd thing caled tq. v.] put into his nose. (TA.) m Also, ej!o ej;2c in this sense a pL having no singular. (TA.) - I applied to a L: [or skin for water or milk], See also *.d. ~ And see 0c,, former half. 5 TA;) ; (, Tanned with the wood caUd . , Abo Distance, or remotenes, (8, ,) of a house, Tanned And [hence,] and so a... (TA.) And, so applied, Tanned or dwelling, or abode. (S.)withA the tree caUed 00 . (TA.) s.;& %; (TA) and * Zt I;1 (.8) A distant, or with remote, houe or dwelling or abode; (Q, TA;)
And Roads: 0a0 S b, , a * , MgS, M M~b,],) aoh, '" , ~~~ L ,l~~ 8,) as an epithet [and therefore applicable to a pL and (Mqb, Ajs1; ? and Msb;) (@, jv.; n. 3J0 to a fem. as well u a masc. sing.]: ISd says, it is ,) in syn. y,) .31, to him, (f, Mgh, came He ;) I hold lexicologists the as pl., a not in my opinion (j.) ~orEict. or Fight, or he Also (],) e:,, it to be. (TA.) (~, Mgh,) and d " , (f,) or 1. 1.j Cj3&: see 0 . repaired to him, syn. [..i, (M.b,) eeking (, 1 or bounty, (Mgh, ,) Mgh, O) his beneficence, or for the purpor of seking his gift, or aid: (Mb :) or both signify [simply] he, or it, came (Meb:) (IJam pp. 24 and 109:) or to him; syn. ,s: JJ-6d11.0, dJ., also, signifies [simply] I came to him; , :) and (Q in art. syn. ' * ; and so ,y: 0 Jc.A . jo and .iJqJI ne says, 3 s one [app. He came to the man, or upon him, with a vehe~ vehement oming; for it sems that j.jil is are inf. ns. of meant, and that ~ and . meant, after what here next preun.]: (TA, immediately un.] 1 also signifies [simply] j, cede*:) cede :) and l;, aor. saying of Lebeed in the he so~ght [&c.]: and hence a verse cited in art. ji [q. v., conj. 8]: (8,* TA:) the pass. part. n. is ;JJ0 -d Q. also, t.

_ Also Tree. occupying an

form of the @ [or planetree], (TA,) with which shain for water or milk are tanned, (8, 8,)
and andfrom whichA i cut the wood of the bstera waakern and whitener. of clothes, which i buried:

accord. to 18k, (but the same is also maid of the ;:i,] it is a specis of tree resembling the

XCJ A colbction of tree, (S, Myb, V, TA,) [or bow-thorn], cecept that it ia bigger than it, tangled, or luxriant, or abundant and dmns; a iUl and luuriant in the branch, and not having thicket, wood, orforest: (TA:) this is the primary tall stenu: (TA:) or it is called t op, [which signification; (8, Myb, TA;) whether there be is a coll. gen. n.,] and I;' is the n. un. (AA, T in it a lion or not. (TA.) And [particularly] A And [it is also expl. a signifying] collection of thorn-tre, (V, TA,) and of such as in art. .) whether there be a lion therein The piece of wood of the beaters and washer and are called .&.; And [hence], a also t t,, (TA.j peris not. or beati the which upon whitenera of clothes of resort, of the lion, (S, place or coert, . The fornd with that whAich is called the L and ?i, M,b, V,) and of the hyena, as alsow * (IKh, TA.) of the wogf, and of the rpent: and the former pe&w The first part or portion of anything. signifies also the buroro of the [lizard calbd] ($, Mb, j.) - And hence, (Myb,) (particu- , p: pL U. (I, TA.) - And (hence, TA) larly,] the frt [or upper] ;wrt ti. e. the bridge] ~** signifies also An open, or a wide, pace, of the nose, beneath the place where the eyebr or tending from the ide, of a house, infront, togethr; the place of what is tenned. l: Comea (1, Mqb, TA:) or the head of the nose: (TA:) [in this ase meaning a yard,] and of a town, as, for instance, in this latter case, of Mekkeh, occuror the hardpart of the bone of the nose: (Q:)or r ring in this ense in a trad., likened to the place of ) it inifies, (V,) or is sometimes applied to, (Mqb,) resort of the lion, becase of its resitibility. the nom, (Mb, V,) altogether: (V:) pl. ; --- (TA.) - And (hence also, TA) $Eminence, or y are high I bility; and might, strength, or resistibility. (f, (l%C . al [ThI (TA.) One says, s rpect of the nos, or (f the bridge. threof; TA). _) Also Such a is dry and broken of the (.) _ And F~ed.: (, l :) (]. ofeu meaning t they are haughty, or disdainfiW. [tree. caled] . il ($, Mjb.) And one of the learned has used so it is said to signify. (8.) _ And The pry of the lion, or the like. (I.) _ And The cry of the metaphorically, saying, (V, TA:) so in the T in art I [dow c~d] a.:

l and V j

(9, M9 b.) One saye i.e. Such a


. (Q, TA.) l Thi affair, And A t I.U' j( 1 and V$ (.) And or event, came upon me; syn. . *,.1 ;~. (M . (Mqb, 9 b, TA,) aor. jaThe affair, or one, g ow,
come to him; syn. vent, came upon him ('), (TA,) and befell him; him; (Mqb, TA;) us also ;lj:l. (M9 b.) And a The hard, or dijcult, adair, and ! .Rrjl .Rrjl,I.p signifies or event, befell hiam (Mgh.) And the same. (Ksh in xlviii. 25.) [And in like manner * !pIG said of a malady, and of diabolical bolicaJ poeion, &c., It bfel, or betided, him; attac~ked a~ked him; or occurred, or wam incdt or iin.] incidental, to him.] And j; 1 1 The coid smote incidental, .,.He (a man, See also2. him. (TA.) him. 9) was, or became, affected with what is temed g) [q. v.] of iver: (8, V, TA:) and El,the J the F"bee F"rabee has mentioned, in the " Deewan el-

;* t~OAIjA0Jf1

[lit. And

oed fohrtune became mutilated in the t marred, me,


see the next preceding paragraph. The cresta, or pper part, of wates,


now; by noed being app. meant thaugAty, or

didai"l;and by mutilatedin the

: r4
i; gii

or absd. (TA.) Hence also, lII *";p (TA.) TAc fwt of the rain of the cloud. And A obbe chief: (J,TA:) p1 signifies the chi%f., (?, TA,) and noble, (TA,) of a people, or party, (?,) or of the people, or of men. (TA.)

rising high; as in the phrase, JQ!y

i;, (8,
high Adee ( :) part, of a

TA,) meaning water having many and mates or bilowm or snrgae; (TA;) used by Ibn-Zeyd in describing the flood of Noah: or the middle, and main body, or deepest of the sa: and the flow, or extending,

part. n. i ?v .: but some say that the verb pan. i imperfectly written in my copy of [i.e. ~ the TA, but cleared from doubt by its being meaning the pin, or awis,] of the sheave of a (1I:) [app. a possesive epithet, meaning is aid but he is said to be thus called] because there added that the part. n. is j,] ply, (C,], TA,) by which th JLL [or iron s'dlj: sivering, a with came it meaning as fever, a of thing in which is the pin whereon the sheae tw] I I of his abominable nature, an4 his strength. (TA.) I

A piece of ood, or stick, which ia in. . torrent. (g.) ; (TA.) A eller of the wood called kf. rted in the partiton betdmm the notrib of a X ; ( idj ca albd spci the of camel (, 10 t&: see its fem., with ;, voce ;1., last senY (hence, as being .]) -And 8See also J likened thereto, TA) The wooden thing (app tence but one, in two places. - 4ii The lion:

Adab," among verbs of the cla of Jj, aor. iwc from 1d1: (ar p. 4086:) I8d say* ~, that the verb mostly used is the former, and its

2028 or tremblig. (TA.) _ Also, He (a man) was t,i| L; (T,S;) as also t or became, affected with te remour of fear s ays, #) 2 J [or

[Boos I.

. (T,TA.) On e tJ [or vulva of a woman] is The~h of itJ er. and o_ ( in arlt. terior, (Q, TA,) or an external fiaesh, (so in (TA.) One says also, .it. J1 ie, mean _)] meaning 4L [i. e. He alig4ted, or some copies of the l,) which is, or becomes, thin, ing t He felt a want of the thing (thi 1 .. ) dscded and abode, in his region, or quarter, o and turs s to the right and left, ith [or at] th c .lower part Of the ,A [here meaning the clitoris]; afer having sold it. (, TA.) And . his vicinage]: (TA:) or jj and t j (1g, TA;) each of what are termed 1 5;j:; [i.e. .I tll. J. JJl;, meaning t My soul followe4 j i. e. [he alghlsd, &c.,] in his court. (Az, TAi.) [most vehemanty, or I felt a most vehment the ny,npha]. (TA.) -_And jy. signifies also 0 yearning toward,] property that belonged to mn JJ: see ie. A colection of [tlh tre,s caed] *1la and of [thoe 5 afer havingsold it. (TA.) And j1 't; t: e pe a see &: and see also W. Alsc aoeid] ) ~ that are depasturedin tlu cae of L t lie yearned towards, or longed for, sume hI One rwho is not disquieted, or rendered anxious drought: (I :) or especially a colection of ,. a thing. (TA.) or gridd , by an affair: (V:) [or] (J upon which men pasture [their beasts or cattle] wAn they exper.iece drought: or such as remain 9. .,1,4i Cs He put buton-loops (o ; [pl means I am free, or free in mind, (JL.,)from of .tv and of _ and are depastured in the of 3S.]) to the shirt; as also ;1. (TA.) _ it: (S:) but it is held by ISd to belong to artt case of drought; and it is not applied to any trees And i ;jll o, thus, with teshdeed, in copia sL e: (TA:) the pl. is .rW5l; (K, TA;) whicl h but these, unless to any trees that have remained of the 1I, agreeably with the Tekmileh, or t ; is said in the Tekmileh to signify persons who ar. in the [here app. meaning rpring, having not disquieted, or rendtred anxious, or grieved, b. [or a)], without teshdeed, m in the M, (TA,: survived the winter]: (TA:) also tangled, or ) that which diquiets, &c., their companiown luxuriant, or abundant and dense, trees, among He put a loop~saped handle ( tjo) tohe 3th j. (TA.) _And A conmpany of men: [pl. ae vhich the camels pas the winter, and whereof [or leathern water-bag]. (15, TA.) above:] one says, MWl i" .' t@ [In it are thej eat: (14 :) and (as some say, TA) trees of 4. Lj !jl (S, 1O) He assigned to him (i. e. companies of mn]. (TA.) which the leaves fall not in the winter, (., TA,) a man in need, S) a palm-tree as an ~a. [q. v.; i o.: see t -. Also Vehemence, or intc~ene . such as the .)jI and the m: (TA:) or trees that accord. to some, belonging to art. j5 ], (S, Myb,) ness, of cold: (S, g; mentioned in the latter in renain incessantly in the earth, not going: (S :) for him to eat its fruit: (Mb :) [i. e.] he gam or such as ,Nfice the camels, or cattle, throughout (TA.) to him the fruit of a palm-tree during a year. art.5 :) originally . the year: (TA:) or shrubs of hvAich the lomer (0; and 15 in art. ~,..)- _ 1.l His l;e: portions remain in the earth, such as the see !p, in two places. friend rvent, or removed, far away from him, -- ~~~~~j and the and te several kindJ of ai and ijj primarily signifies A thing by means of and did not aid him. (f.) And .. 1,_ ljs. bA*&i; so that rein men experience drought, the Thy eft thir companion (V, TA) in hit place; which another tJing is renderedfast, orfirm, and UPon which reliance is Placed: (TA:) or it is cattle gain the mneans of subsistencee; thus accord. and went away from hinm. (TA.) [But these to Az: or pasture that remains after the [other] two significations seem rather to belong to art. metaphorically applied in this sense; from the herbage has dried up; because the cattle cling 1.f'] _ See also 2. _ kSpl, intrans., He (a same word as signifying an appertenance of a man) was, or became, fevered, or affected ith shirt, and of a mug, and of a leathern bucket. thereto, or cat thereof in the wintcr, (I ,) aj -The , of a shirt, ($, M, and are preserved thereby; wherefore they are 1 feer. (TA. [From XIi.]) -_ And t,al We (Mgh, Mb.) Msb,) or of a garment, (1,) is well known; (S, also called aX: (Mgh: [but for " in my were, or became, affected by a cold night [such as Mb ;) i. e. [A button-loop, or loop into wlich a copy of that work, I have substituted &a as is termed Vc &]: or we came to experience the button is inserted and by means of which it is renbeing evidently the right word :]) [soee also ,a, cold of evening. (TA.) One says, .. ii i; deredfast;] the thing into naica the;j [or button] in the last quarter of the palragraph, in two %:..t i.e. [Betake thyself to thy family, for themreof enters; (M,TA;) the sister of thej places:] the pl. is L a, .. (S, TA.) -Also The thou hat reached the time nwhen] the sun has et thereof; ( :;) as also b, accord. to the copies environs of a town [where people pasture their and the evening has become cold. (S.) of the V, or SJ accord. to some of them; and cattle]. (K, TA.) One says, 2 ;3 ' 4; i. e. 8. ptl: see 1, in six places.._Also i. q. with kesr; but correctly with damm and with [ We pastured our cattle] in the environs of Melk3 i.e. l; [app. as meaning IIe re- the quiescent [i. e. t .. ] as in the Tekmileh; keh. (TA.) -And the pl., t.9, signifies t A pairedto his region, or quarter; or his vicinage]. and also with kosr [i. e. t 1 ]; as though these company, or party,'of men by whom one benefit, (TA.) - And i. q. J. [He, or it, rendered him two were pls. [or rather coil. gen. ns.] of or profits; as being likened to the trees [so called] poesed, or insane; or unsound in his intelect, or [i. e. iji and ijc]: (TA:) the pi. is t5,: that remain [throughout the winter]: (TA:) or in a limb or member]. (TA.) a company, or party, of men is likened to the (Msb:) <tp [i. e. L;] as pl. of e;Ga is trees thuts called. (S.) - And the sing., t Such 10. ,;I L.e.l The people ate the fresh ripe vulgar. (TA.)_[The cos pl.] also signifies as is held in high estimnation, or in much request, of dates (, ] , the latter in art. t.,) [in like manner] Certain [well-known] alperte- camels, or cattle, or otler property; as an e~cl& ls nances [i. e. loops] of loads, or burdens, and of the lent horse; (]K, TA;) and the like. (TA.) [in every direction]: from a, . (.) camels that bear saddles or burdens: whence the '.1l..:'l ;j,g means t 1h7 stay, or support, of I , (T, , 1, TA,) mentioned in the 1] in art trad. 1L ; 1 C5' t j 13 )' [The loops the .llha.o [i. e. poor, or needy]: and [henoe] is S' but accord. to Az, thus written with , as of loads Jhall not be made fast for the purpose of the name [or a surname] of a well-known man. belonging to the present art., (TA,) i. q. e~. journeying sae to three mosques; that of Mekkeh, (TA. [See ,j,Lt.])i3 jl ;j,.at signifies that of El-Medeeneh, and that of El-A4a at The firmest thing upon which one lays hold: (Bd [as meaning A region, or quarter; or a vicin xxxi. 21: [see also ii. 257, where the same nage]; (] in art. .p&;) and so *J, (. in Jerusalem: see also similar trads. in art. , (first paragraph, sec. col.,) and in art. Jx phrase occurs:]) and is [said to be] the saying art. ,) of which the pl. is .J; (TA;) and (conj. 4)]. (TA.) -The sji of the leathern "There is no deity but God:" from 5a1t [in ~t4. [which likewise signifies a vicimage; and bucket is likewise well known, (TA,) and so is the first of the senses assigned to it above, as is a place of alighting or abode; &c.; and also that of the mug: (S, TA:) each is The [loop- indicated in the Myb in relation to a similar has the two meanings here following]; as also shaped] handle: (, TA:) [so too is that of the phrase here following; or] as signifying "the t3l~; (1 in art. L ;) this last and IO both leathern water-bag: (see 2 :) that of the mug is trees that have a lower portion remaining in the signify a yard, syn. X; ( ;) and a court, syn. [also called] its . (Mb.) - The ;j a of the earth, as the * and the -.- &c.;" as expl. I


J1 ?1!

BooK I.]

3J - J50


above. (TA.) And


;f [

firmnst of the $ is affixed because the word is reckoned defect, or blemish: part. n. tJ. [if not a mistranscription for JG]. (Mqb.) And , ~S j.'1 t He was, or became, free from the affair: t >He is not, or does not become, free from this affair: and hence, j one rill be exempt t .? 1 O" Y [No .uj. I came to him; _ *J from death]. (TA.)~

thing up which one lays hold), occurring in a among substs., like * f and ali.b. ($, Msb.) saying of the Prophet, is expl. as being [religious] [It is mentioned in the ]g in art. LS&. See also belief, or faith. (Mgb.) - And ,;l.J is a name [or kind of basket, c, above.] - Also A AJ of Thelion. (S, Mgh, L) 4c. are cardates which in made of palmrleaves, ij A trenour,or shiring:(Mz, 40th p :) ried]. (]. and TA in art. Lj'. [In the CI, or the access of afever, on the occasion of the first 0j l is erroneously put for il.]) tremour, or shivering, thereof. (S, .) - [And [SjI, expl. by Freytag as signifying "oleris accord. to Freytag, it occurs in the Deew/n of the Hudhalees as meaning The coming of a hero, species " &c., is a manifest mistake for ;l%,n. un. and the tremour thence arisin in others. - And of ;l, q. v.] A feeling of yearning, or longing :] see 1, last sentence but one. - And The low voice (syn. a1; act. part. n. of #l5 in the first [and in others .. ) of the lion. (1.) - And The interval also] of the senses assigned to it above. (Mob.) .from the sun's becoming yeUlow to the night, when En-NAbighah says, cold ind prin up, (M,* ], TA,) i. e., the north, or northerly, wind. (TA.)
j) an epithet applied to a palm-tree such as i));iil JI LRO or have come to thee, as thee, to came I meaning ($, is termed Z. [q. v.]: one says c Mi.L, with my clothes beneficence, thy [or seeking guest a MCb,) the latter word without ;; like as one worn out, in fear, various thoughts being and old ($ `,,a i Pj!. (Msb.) -And says thought of me]. (S; one of my copies of which mentioned ($, ~: wind. cold A * (O) O)and has > instead of '~.) in the 1] in this art. and also in art. LpO.) And O,1;^1 (so in copies of the K and accord. to L ; ' o [Verily this one says also, qaI- . 3j,) A certain plant: our evening is cold]. (EI.Kilabee, S.) And the TA, in the CV 1 or one of which the leaves fall not in TA:) (I, se 15 A cold night. (TA.) the winter. (Cg.) ,as a subst.] A palm-tree which its owner [ LLe An epithet applied to a ' as meaning assigns to another, (S, Mgh, Msb, ]g,") who is in Haring what is termed jw [q. v.] (1, TA) or need, ([, Mgh,) for him to eat its fruit (S, Mglh, what are termed jU,j. (TA.) Myb, *) during a year: (S, Mgh, ] :) and of which what was ulpon it has been eaten: (Q :) so pan. part. n. of !O, q. v. (S, Msb.) 3, some say: or that dos not retain its fruit, this TA.) becoming scatteredfrom it: (TA:) and one that And part. n. of fjS, q. v. (ISd, has been excluded from the bargaining on the occasion of the selling of lalm-trees: ( :) so (S, Mgh, some say: (TA:) the pl. is t.ll: , (S, i (S, MA, Mgh, Msb, 1. Myb:) it is said that on the occasion of the (S, Msb,) inf. n. prohibition of ail t, whichl is the selling of the MA, Mgh, Msb,) aor. , fruit upon the heads of palm-trees for dried dates, L$ (Mgh, Msb, R, and so in some copies of license was conceded in respect of the Ql , be- the S, accord. to other copies of which it is tS.q, cause a needy man, attaining to the season of and also with kesr to the , as stated in the TA, fresh 'ripe dates, and having no money with which to buy them for his household, nor any [LSdl commencing the art. in the C; is a mispalm-trees to feed them therefrom, but having take for j lj,]) and Z.s, (Msb, I(,) He (a some dried dates remaining of his food, would man, Msb, TA) was, or became, naked, nude, come to the owner of palm-trees, and say to him, bare, or without clothing; ([, TA;) or bare of "8ell to me the fruit of a palm-tree," or " of two hij clothes: (MA:) and *t.s.3 signifies the palm-trees," and would give him those remaining same: (MA, ] :) [or rather] the latter is quasidried dates for that fruit: therefore license was pass. of la [and therefore is more correctly renconceded in respect of that fruit when less than dered he was made naked, &c.; or made bare of five j.,1 [pl. of pauc. of .%3, q. v.]: (Nh, TA: his clothes, or denuded thereof, or divested; or he [and the like is said, but much less fully, in the made himself naked, &e.; or denuded himself of Mgh; and somewhat thereof in the S:]) the his clothes]. (g.) [And sometimes it means He word is of the measure 11A in the sense of the was, or became, bare of clothing, or of his clothes, because the person to whom it is except one, or more, of his inner garments: and mesure Si, amigned repairs to it (Q, Nh,* Mgh, Myb, TA) in like manner, t ;P, Ae was made, or he made to gather its fruit: (Mgb :) or the tree is so himself, bare of clothing, or of his clothes, except called because it is freed from prohibition, (Nh, one, or more, of his inner garments.] - And I * . e)lp Mgh, TA,) from c.e, aor. y , (Nh, TA,) in [hence] one says also, AlJ l in [The body was, or became, bare of.lesh, or lean]. which case the word is of the measure is (TA.) - And ,dl , e i, aor. as above, it becauso ; or the sense of the measure 31o1

and jl


3 j, like H syn. A;' .";

[q. v.]. (I.)


2: see 4. .

[Hence,] one says also,


t He fred him from the affair. (TA.) t1I t I/ftl;ej it; or let it alone; i.e., _.And anything. (TA.) 3. sW' .J lVe ride the horses not saddled. (g, TA.) [See also 12.] , ' 4. ly! (S, MA, Msb, 1) 1; or ,t:JI X>, (MA,) or +; l and 4; (Msb,) 1 ce




" -




(1] ;) and *1, (S, MA, M,b, V,) inf. n. t.-3; (S, 1;) lie denuded him, made him bare, or divested him, (S,' MA, Mqb,* lI,) of his clothia, (Msb,) or of thle clothes, (MA,) or of the garmcnt. (.K.) - And oal signifies also He pluched out ithe hair of his (a horse's) tail; like j;il: mentioned by ICtt and others. (TA in art. e&.) See also three other significations (two of which $I seem to belong to this art.) in art. 3,. -~ as intrans. He (a man, TA)journeyed in [a bare and wide tract, or] wlhat is termed ,lp [q. v.]: and he remained, stayed, dnelt, or abode, therein. (Q, TA.) And He remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, in the lateral, or a4jacent, part or tract signifies also ,. (Ia. Jlt). (TA.) And [app. as meaning I was, or became, disi~!:-tant, remote, far off, or aloof; or I went, or removed, or retired, or withdrero myself, to a distance, or far away; thoughl I do not knowv 1 used otherwise than as trans.]; as also ;' mentioned by Sgh. , and *t .f.a: * (TA.) 5: sec the first paragraph, in two places. 8: see 4, last sentence. 10: see 4, last sentence: art. j. and see 10 in

12. ,jAI


($, ,)

or .tIo,


Mqb,) He rode tiu horse, or the beast, without a saddle, (S, Mgh, Msb, IC, e and Ham p. 42,) and having nothing beneath him: (.am:) the verb (S, TA,) a measure being of the measure i4!, of which there is no other trans. v. except jif!. the usage of the verb in the (TA.) -Hence saying of Taibbata-Sharr&,

j ` iU52L N U-- 'r iS"'i .ilJ%4 1.aXt;I rr rO'u3 ~~ ,rsrr Li1


t He pases the day in a waterss desert, and enters upon the evening in another than it, alone, and he ventures upon [tle surfaces of] the places of perdition without anything to protect him from u thotg,qh it were divested of its fruit: (Mgh:) t He, or it, was, or became, free from fault, them. (lIam ubi supr.) [See also an ex. of the


[Boox I.

act. pert. n. in a verse cited in the second para- plied to a man: (M9 b, TA:) fern. a4o (S, -_The former signifies also Thsat [camel or 6*MA, graph of art.,#,.] _ And'tSjt ' yJI ' ' 5J MA, Mgh, &c.) and t agl, (MA, Mgh, Msb, beast] Aich is left to pasture by itelf, and Upon
&c.,) applied to a woman: (S, Mqb:) the pl. of means '4.1j [i. e. t The mirage surmounted the &c.p) lt;ya I1 is hil;, or moun]. (TA.).-And !.1l kj..l 0 X S is fit ; (];) and the pl. of Vj? to.h t He henred upon, or did, an evil, or a ;!p&, ;!S, (Msb, J,) and that of a-V 'l is n . (Msb.) [Also, sometime., Bare of clothing, or foul, thing; (M,]Y;*) syn. '4j, (?,) or , (Mqb.) (1,) or beth. (TA.)-And .s$j$l signifies of ofs hu clothes, except one, or more, of hu inner also t lie journeyed by himslf, alone, in the garments.] See also I0 6.0 ,c.--0,1 #j applied to earth, or land. (1:.) sand, tAn exteded and gibbous tract (i), or 0 in the A hard and eleated, or an elevated and such as is accumulated and congested (, C1( xc), of sand, having no trees upon it. plain, part, or tract, of the earth, that it ap- Cl (ISd, ], TA.) Applied to a plant, or to herbparent, or open: pL. I ti. (TA.) [i, also, (18d, tge. Such as has beconme apparent. (TA.) (q. v.,) has a similar meaning, and the zame pl.] age, J t ! 1' OC~ is an appellation applied to t A - And i q. .1t. [A wall; or a waU of encloure; oop.JI 9/j: but in the A it is implied that it is used as or one that rrounds a garden: or a garden, in 9;tjo: denoting anyone who woi not conceal a secret. general; or a garde of palm-tree, mrronded denotine (TA.)(TA.) .LQ.. applied to a horse signifies by a wall. (TA.). See also I.0 in art. JO: Light, or active, and quick; tall; and long in t Light, and in the mame paragraph see its syn. 5ta. the legs. (], TA. [ExpL in the ] and TA by : see 1, last quater. WKUA; ,u ~ ; to which is added in the the words J A horse not havrg a saddle upon him; (5,Mqb,y;) and so p;p. and tiV.~.: (TA:) or not ha/ng upon him a sadde nor a saddl-coth, or houaing; as also t l.g,,a; but t signifies riding ithout a saddle and without a saddle-cloth, or houing: (Mgh:) or Ahich no burden is put. (TA.) Lqow: see &os, in three places. p,ad: see wej, * in two places.

(S, ,) He was, or be!,

1. ja, aor., inf. n.' (AZ, Q,A, O, Mqb, V) and and ;j, (AZ, 9, V,)or the latter is a simple

subst., (Msb,) and ;j

came, mighty, potent, powerfi, or strong; (TA, in explanation of jV ) and so t j3; or the latter a signifies he made himself so; he strengtheed himself; syn. Lqj: (M 9b :) and the former, he beinq low, or mean, in condition; came so after bein

(AZ, g, A,

;) as also ,

sec. pers. 'C,

U. [as also v sjad] signifies not haing upon Aim a saddle nor any fumiture: (TA:) 9ti;i
is not applied u an epithet to a horse, nor is to a man: (Mgh, Mob, TA:) the latter is an inf. n. used as an epithet, and then made a subht., having a pl., (M 9b, TA,) which is ff1. (9, Mgh, Myb, TA.)


ai: L k:. , and V jald , and '

i, LPatl,

and 1 .II' l, (], TA,) or, as in the M,

1Jjl, and in like manner in the A,

LqSjl and aI0I being tthere] said to be like A^..i! and 1;,JI in meusure and in meaning, (TA,) signif ', 1 (], TA,) i. e. [A girl,

manifea. j manifest. (TA in art.~ .) tS _0 :]) and ' Oq,J! (of which the sing. It U Is ,,A [thus I find the latter word, like is .S TA) signifies the hands or arms, and the verb (12), and without any sylL signs, perthefeet or eg, and the face, (C, V, TA,) as being the haps a mistranscription, and, if so, it may be the part that am re, (, TA,) of a woman: am jaya, like correctly S.P, of the measure .~~~~~~J . ,~ (f, TA:) so in the saying, . sjLt X ;-~! t, k.,] A rugged road (TA.) (TA.)

or young woman, beautifd in respect of what is udlad of her person; or] beatifW hm she iu j6jn Jj3: and] impo~ible,inp~erable,or wnattanlj6j [or two paps]. (TA.)_ 4nd [hence] V A, the CV, for one q: wnclad: TA: [see also able: or so, as E.-ra~ustee says, t . says, t! .- JI t The truth is [naked, i. e.]

the TA ,.3ltl: the first of these words I find ' written, in copies of the V, only , ; but it TV; and TA in explanation of '.;) as also t J3. (,' g,* TV.) 4.q ~, referring to the is correctly , .) is name of God expressed or understood, is a phrase ; [is app. a subst. signifying Nakedness, or of frequent occurrence, meaning, To Him, or to Whom,n, belong might and majesty, or glomy and barmm, baren, or th like: for._tll l ~L.. A, , occurs in the TA, in art. .,, ojy, (9, 0 evidently uas greatnss.] _- You also say, , meaning Leannes of the bones. Also] A wide, ,) aor. ,, (0, ,) meaning, ,-. , (9, or paciowu, place or tract of land, ($, M, Myb, 0, V,*) i. e., I e~ed him in noblen~, or VJ J,) in which is nothing that hides, or conceals, ity. (Ti.) - And j, [aor.,, inf. n.j (S, MybJ Myb,) or in which nothing mwiU be hidden, (M, g TA,) or in wehich one mil not be hidden by any- and 3. and app. 5jl; also,] He magniJed, or thing; (] ;) occurring in the ]ur xxxvii. 145 exalted, himself: (TA:) She was disdanfi, [and lxviii. 49]: ( :) or the vacant smrface of scornMi or indignant, in a blamable manner. the earth or land, or of a wide space of land: (TA, in explanation of ;j q.v. infir.) [See (TA in this art.:) or a tract such as is termed also 5.]-He reisted, or withtood: (TA, in it" sit [q. v.]: (TA in art. j,. :) pl. .T. (i.) 6, explanation of j :) he mas indomitable, in [In the TA in art.. the pl. is said to be ;el. cibk; cibl,; not to be overcom (B and TA, in explaBee See also L;.] nation --nation of ', q. v. infrL) And al, or. , it.; and its fern., with; : see it&; 'ejo, in three The thing was, or became, [di~clt, or hard; as J5. places._[-Hence,] tl,l Us : see i1. Plaow--also tj'!, (occurring in the TA, coupled with 53j1' dat ist~ means Having no ~h on the j_, in an explanation of , in art. &,) and JJ3

aor. :: (Msb:) he was, or became, high, or eevated, in rank, or condition, or state; noble, honourable, glorious, or illustrious; (S, A,* ,*


(Myb.) _ And jo, U, (gi, O, ,) aor. ,inf. n. ^ and ~ and (0, 0,) It (a thing, ?, 0, ], meaning anything, TA) sas, or becaue, rare, carce, hardly to be found. (9, 0, .) - [And hence, He, or it, wa, or became, dear, highy


asee m i.11 [The pl.] it;, [with the article tbltj] signifies partu where the bon appear [as distinct]from the [The e: or, some say, what are necem,ari/ made alw also t Plaes that do not g growth to plants, or herbage (].)And t Beds, or the like; syn. to appear, of a woman: and, some say, the ; ` herbage, Wd (V, S ( (, TA,) pl. of . (TA.) And in this [or pudenda of a woman]: and the yi [or uva]. ofthis ~an 1] (TA:) (, or, as some say, the

!,1 [How beaut

are the hands or arm, &c.,

,;.311; and its pL, ,it:

e med, or greatl wh .] - '_ 5 '"i 01, 0b1, (9, Mgb, O, Mqb, g,) aor.: (Mgh, O, M4b, 1)and (Fr, Mgh, 0, ],) [the second pers

of the pret. being C,,j and Z., ,] the latter aor. the more chaste, (0,) means Thy doing so distressed, or hath di ed, or afficted, me; or, emphatically, distreasses, or affi'ts,me; sy. (TA.) sense, (TA,) L9t. occurs for l., by poetic .,; (9, Mgh, O, M#b, IV, TA,) and , i(, license. liense. (.s, TA.) 0, ], TA,) and J~: (TA:) a phrase [often, j*lI: see the next preeding paragraph. but not always,] alluding to a loathing of the acdon, action, or indignation thereat. (Mgb.) In like X** and t Nauked, nude, bare, or without ISjoiJI tjj.Jl and i5.1l: see kijA, in three places. clothing; (Q,* MA, Mgh, Meb,' , TA;) apmanner also you say, 1b j Suc a tig his

BooK I.] ditrs , or a



aor. -, inf. n. '- A. z' what was in it. (0, 1.)- ~,, a;);j micted, me. ($.) And ci accord. to (g,) ;) and, (0, j ; and J d,oraictd,me to displease thee. ,tA It dstre~ (O, TA;) J iL IAr, (0,) ;jj, (O,l,) inf.n. jj; .l .,. like -Al;l (A.) And ,;A,

[or k. l1 d ;l i , meaning It is distressing that thou art goin~ away]. (TA.) And one says to a man, Dost thou love me ? and he rei. e., L. .JU, (A, O, ],) and . ji, plies, l.J, (A, TA,) meaning It distrsse~ me, what thou sayest; or it has distressdnua. (TI.) You say art. ,J.) jlt I wsu, or am, distressed also, Ji.;l i TA,) HIe rendered him 2. ajja, (inf. n. j., by what befell, or ath befallen, thee. (., 0, g.) or trong; e strengthpowerful, potent, mightyi, And .. elLa'gj.la' jMj;l That by which thom ened him; (S, Msb, TA;) .~ by, or by means has ben afflicted distrcs, s meJ: (, 0 :) [or hovr doth it distress me!] so in a trad. of 'Alec; when of, another; (Msb;) as also ,*, (., Mob, TA,) aor. ,inf. n. ;; (Msb;) and 't a1: (O, TA:) Js '*jj;l he beheld Talhah slain, he said, the agent is God, (., TA,) and a man: (Msb, TA:) le (God, 8, TA) rendered him mighty, potent, distrese me, or how doth it distress me ! 0 Aboo- poimefid, or strong,after he had been low, or mean, Mohammad, that I see thee Inrostratedupon tlhe in condition; (.K, TA;) as also E.410 [which is ground beneath the stars t(f weaven]. (TA.) [A the more common in this sense, and as signifying similar ex. is given in tihc A; without . prefixed lie renderedhim high, or elevated, in rank or conto cIl.] mj also signifies .ie was, or became, dition or state, or noble, whonourable, glrious, or weak: thus having two contr. meanings. (M 9b.) illustrious]. (S, J5, TA.) In the K(ur [xxxvi. 13], _mj, aor. , (, A, 0, ],) inf. n. ja, (S, O, some read, 'JCu lUj.5; (S, TA;) and others, TA,) lIe orercame him, or conquered him: (S, t li;.s; meaning And then we strengthened %, .7J A, 0:) Ie overcame him in argumentative con[them] by a third. (S, O, TA.) [See also an test; (g,* TA;) as also '.j4., (]S,) inf. n. jCjC; explanation of a verse cited voce ! in art. Sjc.] ) *jc: (Jel in xxxviii. -_ .?;' JlIjjc, (0, O, ,)and . jj., (O, .l (TA;) and so 22, and TA:) or this last signifies he became (g:,) TIhe rain made the earth K,,) in n.j ', stronger than he therein; (TA ;) or ie strove with compact, or coherent, (S, O, ]K, TA,) and hard, Vjt, (.S, Aim to overome therein; as also i t so that the fet did not sinh into it. (TA.) [,) inf. n. ijbt: (O, TA:) in thelSur xxxviii. ,, jjc, (inf. n. as above, TA,) He treated them 22, some read i;sp; and others, V i.tj: and with hardness, severity, or rigour; not with indul-

'_. He magnified and har[But see art.Lj.] dened himself; he behaved in a proud and hard manner, towards others. (TA.) - 4 jja3 He prided himnsef, in, or by reason of, him Sl1 (a camel, IAar, S, O, ], and a ewe or goat, glorid, or IAp, O) was narromw in the orifices of the teats; [or it]; (TA;) as also w j;;l; (0, TA ;) [and -_ aU _ ja3 Tihe~Jh of the tjl.], L (., 0,*] ;) as also * "j.1l,($, O, K,) and hard, or tougih. (g,' A, 0,' L, became she-camel [ijj, (which is of a very (S, ]:) or t ;jaJ: uncommon form,(sees, last sentence,)] she (a ewe, gI.') .- ,Ja; said of a camel and of a ewe: or goat,) became scant in iwr milk. (IKh, TA in see 1, last sentence. 8. wjs;l He reckoned hinelfstrong, or mighty, &C., (j.,) .] 4 tj places. _ by means of him; (S,' ;) [as also See also 5. - And see 1, in two

.IX i.j azl Such 10: see 8, and 5.a one overcame me. (., TA.) And at j (0, ,) Tle (A, 0,) or . -. u, ( .,iI,, disease became violent, or severe, to him, and overcame him. (0, J.) And w ,' 1 He was overcome by disease or any other thing: (S, 0:) or, accord. to AA, 1e (a sick man) became in a state of violent, or severe, pain, and his reason

pas overcome. (8.) You say also



God caused him to die. (0, V.) And 4 j!aZ; He died. (0, TA.) -_a t said of sand, (S, A, 0, I],) and of other things, (s,) also signifies It uld together, or cotwred, (S, A, O, I,) and 0, .) did not pour down ( O, R. Q. 1. ojc: see 1, latter half. without any means of avoiding it; (A, O, ;) nillingly or against his will: (TA:) [as though originally signifying by being overcomae and despoiled.]

t&, meaning, Ih strove with gence. (A, TA.) p you says, 43jj J5. me to ov~erome, and I overcame him: and ;jla 3. ojt in n. njla~: see *jc, in three places. signifies the contending tolxether in argument: . MiAght, potency, power, or strength; (TA;) 4. `41l: see 2, in two places. - Also He (TA:) you say also of a horse, U v9Jls [he V j.: (., 0, TA:) and especially after. also as but Sh reckons this overcame his rider, or gained tte *nastery over loved him: (AZ, 0, K:) lowness, or meanness, of condition; as also Y the and the verb of wonder It is said in a weak. (O.) - ~jj: him]. (. and 1 in art. ~..) latter word: (AZ, S,A, e Msb,and ],,inexplanation prov., (.8,) ii j. ; Hae mho overcomes takes thae jc?l: see ji, in three places. - .j'l said of of :) high, or elevated, rank or condition or spoil. (., A, O, J4.) And in another prov., (.,) camel and of a ewe: see 1, last sentence. _ Also state; nobility, honourableness, goriousmm, or , lj;i j1 (Th, S, 0, 1) When thy brother She (a cow) hIad difficult gestation, (S, O, ].,) or, ilstriousness; syn. Wu,; (TA;) contr. of $J; to IISt., bad gestation. (TA.) - And oercome thee, and thou art not equal to him accord. Sh/te (a goat, and a ewe,) manifested her pregnancty, (8, A, 0;) [as also t the latter word: see .] .") be thou gntle to him: (Az, 0, , and became large in her udder: (AZ, O, 1 :) or, ( W,; , [By my nd "Vv1 l.isj TA :) or when thy brotlher magnifes and exalts as some say, i. q. *-c>[ [q. v.]. (0.) ~ And might, &c., and by thy might, &c., such and suca himAelf against thee, abase thyself: (Th, TA:) jl lie became, (S, O, 1,) and journeyed, (TA,) or, accord. to Aboo-Is-b1i, what Th says is a things have happened,] like .5 and .ii , are ground such as is termed j!jc [q. v.]. (S, O, mistake; the right reading being i ?, with kesr, in bad phrases of the people of Eah-Shihr. (TA.) g, TA.) and the meaning, :hen thy brother is hard, or :] _ [&slf-~magncation; self-ealtation: see 5. jJ:0: see 1, first quarter, in four places. vere, to thee, treat thou him with gentleness, or and same: the and V "I [orV2,l ;. signifies i', with lamm, which is [It is sometimes changed to ;.i.] It is said in also,] disdainfIness; scornfie~; indignation; blandihment; not ~U jl ja. j ; [ Such as does " from A,lJ1: but I8d approves and justifies the a trad., L; (0, TA;) of a blameable kind; as in the gur not strengthen himself by the strength of God, he is ii. 202. (TA.) - The qualityj, or power, of rereading given by Th. (TA.) [See also 10.] n., also signifies the same as not of us]; expl. by Th as meaning he who does sisting, or withstanding; retistibility: (TA:) and , inf n. .pO. aor. not refer his affair to God is not of us. (TA. ,t ; [signifies the same: and] the quOlity, in a (Msb, TA*) and ej&;I,(TA,) in a sense jj voce ka3, in art. Ljc.]) reading another [See (M,b, places. two X, in see pointed out below: man, of being invincible, or not to be overcome: J# .a .1--3 constrained I , meaning & ja a say also, You and aor. same the with hence,] TA.) -[And (B, TA:) and both signify [dif~lty, or hardit, or of him, want, or los, the endure to mysdelf TA.) (Itn, him. helped, or aided, nes: and] impossibility, insuperablenes, or uninf. n., He I meaning, attainableness,of a thing. (Mb.) - [Rarmne; _4LJ, (0, ],) &or.,,(o0,) The woater~ with patience; originally - ;lta, sterted my strength or energy [to divert myseyf scarceness; as also 1 ;1: seee j.] - The act of .). And x4.a, 5!o, (0, ,) er or force; (TA.) orercoming; conquet; s,perior po~ for . (O,) The 1a. [i. e. wound, or pud~b,] discharged .from him, otr it]; like '2sa Bk. I.



2092 (TA;) u also t (.: O, TA :) and the latter or strong, King; or a glorious King]. (., has this signification especially in relation to an And El-Farezdat says, (TA.)

[Boox I. ;ijcj A small rater-cours of a valley, shorter than a b.,At. [q. v.]. (AA, TA.) - See also
,jc [fem. of ; q. v. - Also] An eawgle: so in a verse of Aboo-Kebeer El-Hudhalee: but as some relate that verse, it is s, (g, TA;) i. e. "that has gone far from the seeker:" (TA:) or (TA, and thus in the CIg,) expl. by Slkr as meaning "black" (o;l.) [as though for a.te, fem. of ".e: but the word .T1;" immediately follows it in that verse]. (TA.)

. r lG r0' * ~ J&( 1. lj twJ1 , I-;e TA:) or mighty, great, rain, that causes the 1 plain and the mountain to .fov. (TA.) And [Verily He who raised the heaven built for us a tent of which the props are strong and tall]: ~i J. An overpoering torrent. (A, TA.) meaning, L- *je: like the phrase in the ;a The female young one of a gazelle. ].ur [xxx. 26], vl X! .e j [meaning XC]: (e, O, P.) not implying excess, accord. to ISd, because Ji : oughou is: seem., throughout. and C,e supply each other's places [and one or * * 0 0 *.. the other of these, or a noun in the gen. case 4: see j! .- Also The state of being narexpressed or understood after the epithet, is row in the orificea of the teats; and so Vj;!. necessary to denote excess: see .i]. (TA.) (TA. [See 1, last sentence.]) _,,,~, .. as a name of God, signifies The ; Hardground: (., 0, g:) or hard, rugged Mighty, (TA,) who overcomes (O, TA)'everyground, but only in the borders of a tract of land: thing: (TA:) or Hse who redits, or withstands, (TA:) or a Aard place, that quickly flors [rwith so that nothing overcomes Him: (Zj, TA:) or rain]; (]zs, TA;) as also jjs: (TA:) or, The Incomparable[ or Unparalleled. (TA.) accord. to ISh, rugged ground, upon whtich the It also signifies The King; because he has the rain quickly f~, in plains, and [particularly] mastery over the people of his dominions: (O, suckh as are bare or barren, and the acclivities of 1]:) and especially the ruler of Mist. togetler mountain. and [hills or eminences such as are w/ith Ableandria; (K, TA;) a surname; like

argumetatiecontest. (K.) _j; ;j Vehement rain:'(, :) or copious rain: (IA9r, Agn, O,


- -*11






:Si6G and l 'js The extremity of the hip, or haunch, of a horse: (S, O, ], TA:) or the part betw,en the root of the tail and the 64.+ [q. v.]: (TA as from the K [in which I do not find it]): or the former, a sinew inserted in the rectum, ~. tending to the hip, or haunch: (Aboo-M6lik, TA:) dual of the former bRjpjs, and of the latter


(S0, o,TA.)

,..j: seej.l, in four places: and j;.. Glii [fem. of jst, q. v., last sentence: _ and]

termued] *i,

[the hih grounds t~ed] also j.

and the elevated parts (v ) of X q.l1 applied to the King of the Abyssinians, i. q.
i. (TA.) ~ See and -i 4 to the King of the Romans. (TA.)_


q v. (TA.)

$ ,i?

5 :j4,

[said of the Kur, in that book,

jS,. Narrow in the orific of th teat.; (., A, 0, ] ;) applied to a she-camel, (6, , ,) and to a ewe, (O,) and to a she-goat. (TA.) One says of a niggardly man possessing much

xli. 41, means And verily it is a mighty book: meaning, inimitable: or] defended, or protected, (Bd, Jel,) from being rendered void and from being corrupted: (Bd:) or of great utility; un-

equalled. (Bd.) [.ij1 ., Thei,hjbook, property, ,, ,j IJ o j; X'. t [Such a one is an appellation often given to the ]Cur-(n.] _ is like a segoat narrow in the orifices of the teats, that has mucA milk]. (TA.) jX signifies Great might, or the lile: or might, or the like, that is a cause of the same to a Mfi'ghty, potent, p~oeful, or strong, [in person. (TA.) _- It Is said in the ]Kur [v. 59], 1, an absolute sense; as also tj, accord. to the .. a i 1 j Ar i, . *.. , . l Mgb; and especially,] after lowneas, or meanness, of condition: (., A, Mvb:) [high, or elevated, in o~.mq5 ~! Ml~ o~.W*1, meaning, [Grod wil rank or condition or state; noble, honourable, bring a people wtlm He will love and who will 1, glorious, or illstrio: see ja:] rough in manners love Him,] g~ntle to the believers, rough in manners, or behaviour, to the unbeliever: (TA:) or or behaviour: (TA: [see J&i, which signifies, submissive to the beiev, though they be [themsometimes, the contr. of this:]) [proud: disdain- selves] mighty, or noble, proud to the unbelivers, I ful; scornful; indignant: see j:] reisting; though they be [themselves] inferior to them in ivithstanding; indomitabl; invincible; not to be highness of rank and in grounds of pretension to overcome; applied to a man: (TA:) [difficult, respect. (Az, TA.) _ [And one says, ` jall or hard: and impssible, insuperable,or unattain- ..L_ 0J: expl.'voce Jl (p. 75). And j. able: seej:] r ; scarce; hardly to befound: : see,i we . And Z J' jJ& ;I,l (1, ]g:) [and hence, dear, ligthly esteemed, or _ j.. also signifies Severe, difficult, greatly valued: hence, also, applied to a word see ,.L. or phrase, rare, or extraordinair, in respect of distressing, or ~grievous; (see an ex. voce ;)

J4g[More, and most, mighy, potent, po,, or strong: &c.: see .a, of which it is the comparative and superlative form: and see an ex. voce Ji (p. 75): and another in a verse cited in art. o, conj. 6]. It is related in a trad. of Aboo-Bekr, that he said to 'Aisleh, .,.1 ;A1
o.s ,.

; , ;4 ~sl vzl


J1 h,4i,


Verily thc one of mankind whose richness it most pleasing to me art thou; and the one of them hose poverty is most distressing to me art thou. (Mgh.) The fem. ofjl [as a noun of excess] is , S.j: (, ISd, O, ;) like as Jj is of ~jl. (ISd.) [But see what follows.]__t .. jJ was the name of A certain idol, (S, O, ],) belonging to ureylsh and WBenoo-Kindneh: (S, O, 'TA:) or a certaingum-acacia-tree, (C ,) which the tribe of Gha.tafdn (S, O, J) the son of Saqd the son of gKys-'Eildn (TA) usd to worhtip; (E, O, ] ;) the first iho took it as an object of worship was .Dhdlim the son of As'ad; above Dhdt'Irk, nine miles towards El-Bustdn, (0, P, TA,) at [the valley called] En-NahhleA Es-S mesh~,' (O, TA,) near Mekkeh; or, as some say, at EtTdif: (TA:) he, (g,) plhlim, (O,) or they, (S,) built over it a house, (S, O, [,) and named it E, (0, ,) accord. to Ibn-EI-Kelbee; or, accord. to others, .4L,; (TA;) and they appointed to it. ministers, (S, TA,) like those of the Kabeh; (TA;) and they used to hear in it a voice: (O, 1], TA:) but Mohammad sent to it Khalid IbnEl-Weleed, (., O, K,) in the year of the conquest [of Mekkeh], (O, TA,) and he demolished the house, (S, f],) and slew the [chief] minister, (TA,) and burned the gum-acacia-tree: (1, 0, > ) or, as is related on the authority of I'Ab, a certainsh-devil, who used to come to three gumacacia-trees (;...,) in Batn-Nakhleh, against whom Mohammad, when he conquered Mekkeh,

usage or analogy or both:] and ;jil also sigaifies and so ,pl, fem. '!,a:] you say, G! a; A the same asjjq; [mostly in the first of the senses severe year: ($,,O, g:) and ;2.ai. ' i. expl. above, or in a similar sense]: (, 0, O, :) i5WI :U J:JC [He whos patient endurance of and tV the same as j [app. as meaning a ios is of a good decription, what is diffcult, or noble, or the like], (0, J, TA,) applied to a distressaing, becomes easy to him]. (A.) _..A3 woman: (TA:) the pl. of i, is1 (S, 0, )O, p.;!l [The small tubercles that compose the root per sculentus, twhich have a sweet and and isl (., Mpb, g) and Lst; (S, ~ ;) but one of the cy~ pleasant taste, and which nomen eat wvith the viem does not say Ai!j, on account of the reduplication, of acquiringfatness thereby: and also that plant which is disliked. (TA.) -_ ;l U signifies itelf: both are thus called in the present day]. the same as .j [A mighty, potent, pomerful, (TA voce ie, &c.)




BooK I.]
sent Khlid Ibn-El-Weleed; and he cut down them (namely, camels,) at a distance from the the trees, and slew her and her minister. (TA.) place of abode of the tribe, not repairing, or re, turning, to them [in the e ing]: and t' A poet says, ] the of in copies is written and thus the verb , in a place where some copies have ,., occurs [He went away in the phrase ,Jdi 1U% e -" and his catte, or family his from ditance a to [Verily, or no surely, by bloods fjo.ing, and The cameu 7l: ; nning hitler and thither, rehich thou ,wouldst camel 4c.]. (TA.) And not repasturage, in the dittance to a awvay blood, upom thae montain-top went think to be dragon'e of El'Ozzd, and by En-Ner]. (f.) ISd says, turning in the evening: (S, 0:) and in like manner one says of sheep or goats. (O.) And 'j I hold t Ljall to be fem. ofj&).l; and if so, the Nothing is abent from his A a :,. JI in the former is not redundant, but is like the (God's) hnowledge. (TA. [See ]ur x. 62 and JI in %,11_1 and `ItdJl: but properly it should xxxiv. 3.]) And ;osl 1 J c [The wman's be redundant, because we have not heard S.jall state of pureness from the menstrual discharge as an epithet [of exces] like as we have heard wvas a remnote thlinw] means t tla woman's husband is was absent from her: (l :) or [rather] is said (L:, TA.)- _ .LSuI and L5;.JI. (], TA:) of the woman when her husband is absent from [however] used in the sense of ji,: t God made hisfor[Hence,] SX_ , iZ bearance to become rem,ote from him. (O.)_.




(0,) or :;

alone, (8,) We

lighted upon remote herbage. (8, O.) _As intrans.: see 1, first sentence: and the same in the ,t The people's latter half. [Hence,] ;;l camels went away to a distane in the pasturae, 0,* ],* TA.) O,* not to etun in the eving. ( 1, econd sentenc. - Also RHe see w,s: 5. passed the night with hi camels in the pasturage, not returning in the eowning. (TA.)- And t Hl abstainedfrom marriage: (], TA:) and in like is said of a woman. (TA.) One manner .t (8,O) t He was without says,J# U.j ,;. a wife [a long time, or h abt~inedfrom marriage a long time; then he took a wife]. (0.) [See also 1, near the end.]


". [correctly thus, but in the sense here fol[Such a ~ and ';l [fem. ,,] is also syn. with .j.,which her. (.S,O.) And 'L, . o lowing written in the TA without any syll. signs, also s ;) o (, him]; quitted forbearance one's 1.) (S, places. see in four and in the O written ej.,] A man who goes .,,.1. (O.) - Also, aor. , (Msb, g,) inf. n. away to a distance into the coutry, or in the j'11, as a name of God, lie mlwo givet'a [or at and I,ja, (Mpb, MF, TA,) or these are mighit, &c.] to whomsoever I,s will, of his servants. simple substas., (8, K,) t Hle was without a wife; land. (0, TA.) [And One who goes far away rith his camels to pasture: pl. .,,t.. (See also (TA.) or in a state of celibacy. (Mpb, ].) [And app. and 1.)] a nd t a is said in like manner of a woman, mean;j [accord. to analogy signifies A cause, or l means The staff of tle rwho gofar aw7ay ing t Slhe was without a husband. See also 5.] means, of i. e. might, &c.']: secc ;. camel to pasture; and a horse is their with t T7h land, whether fruitful t . l, - And (8, O, TA,) on account of its thereto, likened hardwith ye are treated yja..! Verily ~A or unfruitful, wa, or became, deitute of inhabicompactness and smoothnes; so in i marginal erity, or,igour; twit with indulgence. (S, tann; lad i,, it no one. (8, O, -) nm, note in the L: (TA:) [?gh, however, says,] thus O, TA.) From.a trad. ofIbn-'Omar. (O,TA.) ..,j in some of the lexicons, but in my opinion, (0,) 8. t,9 w..J: see 1, second sentence. i;)J Such a one is in a srev jt ;I Jal ;c is said of a herd of pasturing camels it was the name of a mare which was not to be .) itate of diase. (, 0 because [meaning It mas tabn to pasture at a dijtance outstripped, and which was thus called use of the for gratuitously her gave owner her jj,., applied to land, or ground, (.i;I, , 0,) .from the place of abode]. (8, 0, ]g.*) .. It is those of his people who had no wives, who made said in a trad. (S, O) of the Prophet, (O,) ji, e>. predatory attacks upon her, and when one of 1.) 0:. (8, 0, Hard, or firm; syn. .!t 01w;1, meaning [He them acquired for himself property and a wife, j.) ~ ~,,s And, so applied, Rlained upon (0, 1, TA) by rain such as is termed , and rendered compact, wi,o reads, or recites, the Ku-dx in forty nights] he resigned her to another of his people: ( O , goes to a remote period of tie from his comnence- ] :*) whence the prov. ; and , ,,k. or coherent, and hard; as also ment; (S, O, TA;) ormabes tat time of the comA. 1 . 019 (TA.) . 0 mencement tiwreof to be remote; (A;) and is C> i101 !' i,4" ?j; i syvn. with jL.;.. (TA.) You say, It tardy in doing so. (TA.) - .,-Y: see 4. [More highly estemed than Hirdweta-dAzAdb]. (O.) See an ex. in a vese cited vooe ..w ;i. - Alo Whatever is alo, ao& See alo tary, or apartfrom others. (TA.) ... And t A man having no ife; (Ks, , Mgh, 0, Mpb, ];) (Mgb,* TA,) which is the original; as also t

q'l .- , meaning f There is not _.,, [I reckon my,slf and ,.; -5 ..i sofuhA a one]. (A.) for such a one a woman to put an end to his of r .. by nea ,,theu 0, A, mare haring thick and strong celibacy by marriage,is like the saying h,h ,.) .;;s ' .esh. (TA.) "she takes care of him in his sickness." (O, U; .,'sj TA.) - And one says, ." see the next preceding paragraph. p.'-: t [Such a one undertakes, or manages, the affairs


of uch a one, and his ep~

]; i.e., actu for

(Mpb;) and Vt.J

, and VI1t

[which see

him lisU a treasurer. (TA, from the Nawadir elin the TA, &. is said to AqrAb. [In art. 1. ;*, aor. ' (8,O, Mqb) and ,, (8, O,) in n. signify, agreeably with the explanation above, O,) or it, (a (8, Mpb,) He, (a man, f, ',, or remote; distant, or became, as, thing, Mpb,) 4..,j He made to be distant, or remote; or (8,O, Mb;) and abent; js; from me: (8, 0:) or ,tjal has the former meaning: (V:) to go far away. (Jg,* TA.) You say, A1 1 j to go and 3,jc, aor. and ,, (Mpb, V,) inf. n. as God made him, or may God ake him, He ,,it 1 ' -_ TA.) (8, away. orfar away, above, (],) signifies Ae, or it, was, or became, pasturage, the in distance a to camels the drove abent, (Mpb, j,) and concealed: (Myb:) and ment amay, or departed. (], TA.) You say, not to return in tet erening. (TA.) And ,j.l He made his camels to pas the ,! 44, referring to sheel, or goats, Be went to i1 andVtya not bringing them back in pasturage, the in night a distance, or far off, with them: so in a trad.: or, as some relate it, ~ . C, meaning he went the evning. (TA.) And .. ,yj is like U with them to a remote pasturage:and he pastured [He made his camel to go astray]. (A.)_


below]; ( ;) but not V ,jl, (Mgh, 0, Mb, g,) this being disallowed by AUt, (O, Mpb,) and others; (TA;) or it is rare; (1K;) but it occurs in a trad.; (Mgh, O;) and some allow it: (O, Mqb:) the pl. of the first is ,,,[, (O, !,) or Ij1, (8,* MPb,) which is thus because the original form of the sing. is considered as as pi. of this pl. being like tih, being

).> , (Mbh,) or

bhs a both of these pbi., (O,)

is pl. of ,;ils, (TA,) and is applied to or .. men and to t women as meaning having no spouses: (8, TA:) *--- is applied to ta woman [as meaning having no husband], (Kg, 8, 0, Mhb, ]K,) and (O, Msb, 1) so ~j~; (Zj, lz,z Mgh, 254'


O, M9b, ] ;) and if .j&!be applied to a man, 4 *hi cattle, or camels ,pc., (p, A, , , ,) froM wisso1f 19^ $13 5"0, may by rule be applied to a woman; and 0 others in the pasturage; (?, O;) as also t,,,e : means t And they are devoid of reason, the inte the pi. of j is t.j: (Myb:) or, accord. tc ktcU [being] far away: 4,jlt here being pL olf (A, O, ]:) accord. to Az, the former is the only Zj, Iad is a mistake of Abu-l-'Abbas [i. e. Th], , except 1~, -J , l;G. (L, TA.) And [in a similar manner,] epithet of the measure and ,J. is used as an epithet of a man and of a 'l;t* .jl4 [in which ;--- is pl. of ijlc] is which is sometimes used; [but in the TA,!J1 woman, like as is ,a., and does not assume a and W_l4.? and il_ _ also are mentioned;] the dual form nor a pl. nor a femrn. frm, because it is applied as an epithet to women whose husbands are ; in 4a.., he says, is added to give intensivenem originally an inf n.; MIF, however, denies that absent: (S and O and TA, from a verse of En-NLbighah Edli-Dhubyanee: [for the lit, meaning, see to the signification, and to imply praise; the we have any authority for calling .e,j an inf.n.: 1, latter half:l) - [for] jlt signifies also Ab- meaning being, in his opinion, a man who .fr. he considers it to be a simple epithet, like '. quently betakee himsef, with his cattle, or camel &c.; and if used in the femrn. sense without the sent; and concealed. (Msb.) - It is also applied 4,c., patduring at a distance frim others, to the termination S otherwise than by poetic license, to to sheep or Coats, (:X, O, TA, and i, O,) and places vhere rain hasfallen, and to the uncropped be an anomalous epithet, like J.G, which is to camels, (J.l, O,) meaning Remote in the pat- herbage produced tlhereby; and he adds that the S applied alike to a man and to a woman: the turage, (0, TA,) that do not return in the eoen- is affixed to a masc. epithet to imply praise or phrue Aji. i -J)is also mentioned: and the ing, (O,) or that do not repair to tle place oj r blame when intensiveness is meant. (TA.) The alightingand abode [of thir oroners] in tlhe night: two epithets above are also expl. u applied to a saying . .ji s [in which the latter epithet (TA:) and [in like manner] V , is applied to man who pastures hti camels at a ditance from is merely an imitative sequent corrobative of the cattle, or camels &c., (jL, A, O, TA,) meaning thL abode of the tribe, not reipairiy to themn to former], and aj-- 4j and ,; is aid to that go awvay to a distance from their owner.. rest. (TA.) [See also - &c.] Also, (-, be [also] a quasi-pl. n. [of ,,jI], like as ;.j is (O.) See also c'A [which, thus applied, is a 0, ], TA,) or ' 1., (A, TA,) S A man who of.L.. (TA.) has been long without a wife, (S, A, O, g, TA,) quasi-pl. n. of ;]. And t; is likewise apso that he has no need of one. (TA.) ._.. See also 1i4 and Va*.s The state of having no rife plied to camels (0, 1) as meaning That go far or husband; celibaey. (, V1. [Each said in the away to pasture : ]:*)O, so in the prov. Lil $ and t to be a simple subit.: but see 1, near iajt.i-i jaI 1Jl ~. [I only bougjht tih sheep, dithe end.]) or goats, infear of loosing those that gofar away 1. ,j, aor. ,, inf. n. , He preented, hin,~ti~ A man who haa gone away to a distance to pasture]: said by a man who had camels, and sold them, and bought sheep, or goats, lest they dered, withildd, or forbade, him; (Mgh,* 0, ],0 (~.p0, as in some copies of the g), or rwho goes [the camels] should go far away to pasture; and TA;) and turned him awray, or bach; (Mgh, away to a distance (.m , as in other copies of his sheep, or goats, did so: (O, J :) it is applied the 4),fro,n hifamily and his cattle, or camels to the case of him who acts with gentleness [or 0, TA;) . '11 X from the thitg: this is the J'c. (]i, TA.) - And Cattle, or camels &c., at precaution] in the easiest of afrairs, and has un- primary signification, from whichl othcrs, mena distance from the tribe: heard by Az in this expected difficulty, or trouble, inseparable from tioned in the next paragraphl, are derived. (TA.) sense from the Arabs: (TA:) or a herd of See 2, in eighlt places. - AndSe9i %! ;t inf. n. him. (O.) - See also ,;, in three places._ camels, and the like of sheep or goats, that go ;I, I tied a cord upon tlhe.. [app. meaning anay to a distance fron thair owner in the pas- And see ,a. the upper pat* of t nostril] of the camd, and turag: (J, TA:) and J1 camtel that do iJ0 An old woman: (0, ] :) so called bethen put medicine into his nuuth. (O, TA.) cause of the long period that has elapsed since not return in the erening to the tribe: And lwJt jjI , (TA,) inf. n. as above, (g,) He her marriage. (TA.) thus used is pl. (or a quasi-pl. n., TA) of V t,}1, compressed the woman. (V, TA.) ","l; and the fem. Av: see ,. like as j is oft (, , TA.) See also 2. e ', (O, TA,) inf. n. ,S (, O, ], TA,) ;f1 .And see wj;, near the middle. r' One who goes awvayfrom Aisfamily with He disciplined, chastised, corrected, or pwished, his cauls. (Az, TA.) [See also y and him; ($, O, TA;) meaning he did to him that a4Jj A land in rMaich one ha" to go farfor &c.] - And S g distant herbage, such as is which should turn him away, or back, from evil, pasturage; (0, g ;) in tvwhich the pasturage is (TA.) - And One wvhose cames or Soul, conduct. (Ibrsbeem EF-Seree, O,* TA.) little: (TA:) the S is to render the signification termud ,1. go away to a distanez in the pasturage, not to re- - And hence, (s,) He in~icted tpon him a intensive. (O.) beating, or fogging, lek than that prmcribe~ by turn in the ewning. (?, TA.) the law; (S, M, Mgh,* O, Mqb,* ;) as also ... : see .j.. .taA femual dasv: (O, g :) or, accord. to V` ', inf. n. : (TA: but only the in. n. of .jl; Distant, or remote: (Mgb, TA :) applied Th, applied only to a woman that has not a ui- the latter verb in this sense is there mentioned:) in this sense to herbage: (, K :) or, applied to band: (TA:) pl. .,jt;, for which ,jt. occurs because it prevents the criminal from returning herbage, such as hat not boen depastured at all, in a verse of Aboo-Klhirsh El-Hudhalee. (0.)_ to disobedience: but whether this meaning belong nor trodden: and, accord. to the A, only nsuch as only to the conventional language of the law or See also a . is in a desert in Which is no eed-produce: (TA:) be implied in the proper signification, is disputed: and it is likewise applied to meadows ( d A herd of pasturin~ camels taken to pas- (TA:) or he beat, or fged, him ith th utmost ) [app. as meaning distant, or remote]; as also ture at a distance (C"tpa) from the placc of vehemence: (M, ]:) or ,3 signifies [simply] abode. (s, o, g.*) ?;c}.. (A, TA.) In the following saying, the act of beating. (A.) And one says,, meaning He beat him moderately; not #~. (A, 0, O) and V ,. and V k t (]1) I..aJ, 0 Wi ' 4t; ;t (TA in art. J.) *1 ;,J ,, , i,3 .I1 j t A man's waife, (A, O, I,) to mhom he resorts, e~ ing the ordinary bou -0 Also He constrained him againd his will, and who undertahk the preparingof his food and .J1 to do tih thing, (0, ],*) and taught him by S[In many a bosom hAos remote (or long-pat) tle taking care of his implements, utensils, accouforbidding him to return to the doing of that wkich anxiehy night has brought bach, grief has muuti. traments, orfusrniture. (0.) plied from every quarter], it is used metaphori,rasatvariancetherewith; and so t j;: (IAWr, .. q,.a.: see what follows, in two places. cally. (A.) And [in like manner,] in a trad. of 0 :) and he taught him the w1i and ,CI [or 'Atikeh, 3t!.a A man oho gos away to a distance with obligatory statute or ordinanca of God]; (0;)

. ... ,,

'rM -mi JOr

, ,




Boox I.]


- jjo


or j<iLlI, (Az, L,) or tVa1, (V,) signifies the bom [tmanged, or] made a sound. (An, TA.) #ec ,g [one] (Az, L, ) relig, (Az, L,) or _Jjj, aor. 5, (IA;r, O, 1,) in. . , 1,,,I l [i.e. the declaration of belief in the (TA,) He (a man, IAir, 0) continued occupied

' .JR

Clouds (. 1 *

) in whick is hard the

nd [or ..Aa (i. e. confusd and ont~iud t of God and in the mision of Mohammad] in eating and drinking. (IAyr, O, lg.)-J rumblig], Q) of thunder. (;, 0, .*") And Rain and ,C& . (L, I.) -And He said of a camel, Thle had of h/i windpipe heaved and thee . (3j.^. :,p) on the occasion of deat: (Ibn- sounding, or onding vm nt4a; say. blamed, ce,~red, or rep,red, .him; aU alsot ., a sound [scA as is (TA.) And Sand caming sor., , inf. n. ( ].)-'. And lIe aided, or Abbad, O, :) app. a dial. var. of tiZ [q. v.]. terend Aja (q. v.)] to e heard; as also VJ' ;. t a~td, Aim; as also V ., inf. n. as above: (TA.) (TA.) (]* TA:) and he strengthened him; (,* TA;)
4. Jal and so t .. , inf. n. as above. (TA.) He aided (IAr,O, 0 h against his enemy, or mies, by repeUlg the voce .i. of tha ands, He heard the .. , TA,) and of the winds, expl; below,


s: see j..

_Also Playing with, or

latter; (O, TA;) as ablso t

aor.7 and i, ar,


but the former is the more chaste, inf. n. as above: (O :) or he did o time after time: or with the sword. (O, TA.) -- And lie treated Aim with reverec, veneration, res!ect, or i,onour; (9, A, O, M9 b, lg ;) and so t e , aor. and , inf. n. as above. (O.) - Also lie abased him; rdred him abject, vile, de~cable, or ignominious: thus it has two contr. significations. (B, TA.) - And He loaded him, namely, an ass. (..)

6. IjW They recited, one to another, poems of the metre termedM ., [which are usually clanted,] and satirized one anot/er: or they vied, competed, or contended for superiority, one with another, in glorying, or boasting, or in glory, or excellence. (TA.)

upon, the mtuical instrument caUlld ;: and singing. (9, O, .) - [And, applied to a jinnee, Uttering, or maing, the sowund termed 'jc: pl., mase. and femrn., j.] A poet say, in relation to the sound of the jinn,

' " h * I,e;b; ;*)l 12. JJ i j He ,! preparedhimself or evil, or mischief. (Lb, TA.) [Perhaps a mistran- [And verily I cros the materle desert m amid scription; for j'!, q. v.] it are nightly hummers of the jinn, and hooting

as some write it, or, as others, j.l, At.'., , in two places. - See also .jp: see [TheI Angel of Death;] a certain angel, cell JQh. _ [Freytag explains it as meaning also known. (MF.) A personfrom whom roe are averse; whom we do V'%not love: from the Deew6n of the Hudhalees.] 1. A species of tree& (;,O,L, 1j1"W1 the surname of A certain long-necked bird, i.e. ,L, (,,) The pigeons calld J. which one alray seee in shallow water, (9, O, wild pigeons; (? and TA in art. jJ3,;) which 1,') caUed tlhe 4..: (,O:) or it is the have a cooing cry. (TA in the present art.) c,..b [or Numidian crane]. (i.)

ols]. (TA.)_ See also j.P.

.sja? and aUjs.: ee what follows

,jt.;. Musical instruments; (O, 0, ;) pusatile instrument of muwic; (Mgh, Mhb;') accord. to some of the lexioologists, (0,) tch as the

. O s.ic Abstaining from an affair, (0, (TA:) sing. t J, (Lth, Az, Mgh, O, Mfb, ,) ],) relnqui,hing it, or forsaking it, and turning as is transmitted from the Arabs; (Lth, As, amay, or back,from it: or ars from it: (V :) Mgh, O, Mb ;) the pl. being irreg., (M9b, TA,) L 5.U! m.& , aor. and '; inf. n. . t [i. e.] .. ij is syn. with t J_c, as also and a,; like ... and ph. of .i_J p4i, and J"4 [or ?], He H turned away, or [but in an intensive sense because of the affix ;], and Vt :, ([,) and ? A.j&; all as epithets applied to a man. (TA;) or the sing. is t 3:. back, fron the thing: (Myb:) [or] which are applied to a sort of muscal instrument (yam p. 675.) You say p11 a os ; J; A having many trings; (Lth, O ;) or the former of aor. , (9, O, l) and t, ($, 0,) inf. n. s.. man not desirous of play, or tport. (TA.) made by th people these signifies a sort of which w., is a con- And O";Z 1; (9, 0, ) and .. c, and j s Not desirous of nwomn. of El-Yemen, (Mgh, Mgb, TA,) now called traction of Jj.4, (TA, the last from a verse of alone, signifies One hardly, ,Mi; (TA;) or the lute. (Mgb, TA.) (TA.) And , Umeiyeh Ibn-Abee-'Aidh,) My soul abstained all, constant in truefriendship. (TA.) O , or not at from it, relinquiAhd it, or forsook it, (, 0, jqs [mentioned above as an inf. n.] A soundTA,) afer having ben pleased with it; (TA;) away, or back, from it; (9, 0, V, nd t~ed ing, or an emitsion of sound: (Mb :) [and parL fs;lJ! 3je, aor.,, (9, O, M9 b, 1,) inf. n. TA;) namely, a thing: (Q, O :) or became aerse ticularly] the low, or faint, or humming, sound of p, (9, O, Mgb,) He clave, or furroed, the the jinn, or genii, that is heard by night in the ftom;it. (IDrd, 0, , TA.) - And e_- Jj. E ; He withAdd, or r~trained, him~ ffrom deserts; as also t j [which is likewise men- earth, or land, with the implement called jt mc a thing. (TA.)-Jj, (9, O, Mqb,) aor.,, tioned above as an inf. n.]: (O, ~ :) or a sound (9, O, Mgb, [) and ja.. (0, O,.) - And (9, 0, M,b) and , heard in the night, like drumming: or the sound He dug the earth until the water cameforthfron (Meb,) inf. n. J, in the atmosphere, imagined by the it. (TA.) - The verb is [said to be] used only (Mqb,) He played with, or upon, the mutical in- of the ~ people of the desert to be the sound of the jinn. in relation to the earth, or land. (9, O, Msb, ].) rum calld Jj1;: ( 0, M,b:) and he means The sounds of the [But] Iji 3 occurs in a trad. as meaning Cut (TA.) ~J ,t ang: (f, 0:) and i signifies [particularly] '). (TA.) _ jl metonymically means [the not ye (jJ the beatij of tambourines; whence the saying in winds; ($, o, ;) and .'jil ,. used as meaning The act ofeating is post clanical. trad., of'Omar, J.jw [Hepaed by the same; or both mean] tle confused and continued (TA.) beating of a tambourine], whereupon he said, sound [or the rustling or murmuring] of the wtinds.

lute and [mandolins caUed] j;, (0,, TA) and the like of thse (0) and the tamourine c.:

($, O, 10) 2. .b1 i , "What is this?" and they said "A circum- (TA.) And one says also &.t.y inf. n. S, I ' routed, or decision," and he was silent: and it signifies also T7e confused and continued sound [or the rumbling] feated, and sle, the people, or party. (TA.) 'it " (IAr, any playing. (TA.)-And >.JI o. , (s,) of the thunder. (S.) And J 4. j.Sl He woorkd with the jaJi . [q. v.]. 0, 1) The sound of the sands; a certain sound "Ae (f) and j., aor.,, (0, O,) inf. n. (TA.) therein; but what it is [or what is its cause] is (TA,) The jinn, or genii, utttered, or made, the not known: it is said to be [the sound of] the lc: see the next paragraph. sound t~ed , expl. below. (, o,. *) falling of portions thereof, one upon another. e (TA.) - See also and . j inf. n. _ And ;e Winnomrs of wheat ( a ..- 1. [origi.1


[Ipsm n~] extrazit, et extra vulvam semen emisit. (Az,* Msb, TA.*) You say, t1 j, (9, 0, ],) the pronoun referring to the man's female slave, (S, O,) inf. n. `j., (Az, Mgh, O, TA,) [vaguely expl. as] meaning He did not desire her [having] offspring; as also tV tj : (I C:) the motive being that the woman might not tioM. (Lth, TA.) conceive. (Az, TA.) j~ , aor. ', (TA,) inf. n. .,. 4jj, (Mgh,' TA,) He (a horse) had his tail inse: ee the next paragraph. - Accord. to cliini to one side, (Mgh, TA,) by habit, not IA9 r, The ,, i.e. Aandb, of th [imp en~ natuyral: (TA :) when it inclines to the right caUlld) tA [q. v.]. (L, voce side, the Arabs deem it unlucky. (Z, TA.) [See h; The imp~ent with which th carth, or also 3'j below.] 2: see the preceding paragraph. land, is cloM, or frrowed; (, O, Mb, ];) [a 5: see 8, in four places. hind of Aoe,] resmbling the *,, or largerthan thi; as also t I.: (9 O, ] :) accord. to IDrd, 6. IljW Tltey wrent apart, away, or aside; the implemnut with which the earth, or land, is removed; or eparated themselves; each from cloven, orfurro~d; whether it be a 4. [mean- other, or one partyfrom another. (8, TA.) ing hoe], or a {L,.... [i. e. spade], or a AL [i. e. pl~ou hahre]: and fe says, it is a al [from the Pers. d meaning a ind of mattock or hoe] which is c~ed [in its blade]: and some say that

nally MJ'~l, in the CV 1,]). (O, ], TA.) [See also what here follows.] And Men evil in dis tiou: (0, ], TA:) sinf. [app. in the former sense as well u in this] t o : (TA:) or this latter signifies, (Q,)or signifies also, (TA,) like t $, dit in dipo~ition: (], TA:) or Aard, and m~ggardly, and dwut in dip-

J.& - J[o

[Boos 1. in n.a.of [q. v.]. (TA.) - Also The state, or condition, of not haing mith oen any e~apon; and so V 1;: (, TA: [the latter, by reason of an ambiguity in the ], misunderstood by Freytag a syn. with J3l; in the sense in which this is expl. in the C :]) they are two dial. var., like i and a j., and 3j and
4 ,AiJja.

(TA.) _And A dfcicy in on of the

[app. meaning, in the crest of one of tie two hip-bona]. (IAa, O, ].) - And The hinder part of an ass: so in the saying, b% ,jQ E! [Strike thou the Ainder part of tAy ,as]: (0, V:) said to the driver of the ass. (O.) 3~)~: saee mj), in three places.

it is [particularly] a ,OU [i. e. hoe] with two e~trmities to it [irom] head: (TA:) [it is applied in the present dy to a kind of hoe oith a broad blad:] pL 4j Q. (O, TA.) _- And, (],) aceord. or aide; remoed; or separated myslf; from to IA*r, (0,) The forked, or pron~ed, implement , or the people; [~hdre from asociatio, with which wheat i wi~ (0, ]; and L or communon, ih them; scededfrom them;] and le, forsook, or quitted, them: and both and TA voce J15.) verbs are sometimes used intransitively: (Mqb :) 3b.d ,i Land clove, or furroed,(9, TA,) [i.e.] ,p,l and tJ;r3 [used alone sometimes] with the :.~ , (9,) for oing, or cultivating. signify Ae went apart, away, or aside; &c.; as also t Jp;l: (]g, TA: [the last omitted in this (TA.) place in the C!~; but mentioned afterwards, voce l9jW :]) and they said, ,/ ", l *tjj;nl mean-;_: see j.. ing he went apart, or atside, from men, or the IF says that there is no word with t andji and people: (Mb :) and one says, of a pastor, j 3 that is of well-founded authority. (0.) i1 ~ * &1~ V[He a ~ goe apart, or aside, with hiJ cattle, and pastures them in a placeremote, or separate,from men, or the people]. ~JD

iJii a subst. (9, Myb) signifying A going apart, away, or aside; removall, or sparationofonslf; (9,' L, Mb,. I ;) [a ithdraming of o lffronm 7: see 1: and see also the paragraph here fol- association or communion; or secsio: and it seems to be sometimes used ina sense similar to lowing, in two places. that of JC,; for] one says, ;L ijl [app. 8. dj}. and t jdJ both signify the same, (9, meaning Retirement, or elf-sechAion, is a mode of O, TA,) i.e. He went apart, away, or aside; rigios vice]. (9, L, TA.) removed; or eparated himdlf; from him, or it: (0, TA:) and so . Jj,;l and t J'Z: Jl-1 The Ai [app. meaning the crest of (TA:) or -Wl *;jpZ and t J I ent apart,away, the hipbone]. (.) sj' [originally fem. of Oj;t; a subt. signifying] The lower mouth [or pout or outlet] of tie [leaths,n water-bag called] ;ij; (S, Mgh,O, Mb ;) the part where the waterpors fortAh f the a1; [a word here, as in many other instances, used as syn. with g,,] and thc like of this, (], TA,) nuch fur instance] as the in the bottom thereof, wlhre the Mater contained in it is drawnforth: Kh says that to every oJ tiJ. re are Ot4j4 [dual of s3**), in the bottom thereof: but it is said in the M that the .*j& is thw called becau it is in one of the ~;.; [meaning the two lower corn] of the ;,~t; not in its middle; nor is it like its mouth, in which it receives the water: (TA:) [the mouth, by means of which this kind of water-bag is filled, is in the middle of the upper edge; and the .'*e, in every in. stance that I remember to have seen, is in the hinder of the two lower corners, and is tied round with a thong: (see j!ll in art. ,J:)]


1. ;J

0, M,,b, V,) aor. , (Mob,

ye belieeme not,] leave me on equal terms, not being againt me norfor me. (O.) [And you say, l.4 dJIjal IHe withdrero himseyf from him to anotier: see l[ar p. 245.] And ItJ;., expl. the pl. is JSj. (S, Mgh, O, Mqb, ]:,' written with above, as syn. with t i.3: J see L And j:). the article J!laiJ, and in the K [improperly] "!,JI [lIe withhol(d himself, or khps aloof,frm .~j~ without the article,) and .i] also (,, 0, nrar, or battle]: said of him who has no weapon. M.b, :) is allowable; (s, ;) and ~,S.J, He mo~ed, depo~ed, or diplaced, him (TA.) occurs in a trad. for ij,l; these two words [from the age~y, or administration,or gomnO What is brougAt to the treasunry of the state being like MWl. ment]. ($, O, TA.) Andt * ', (]C, TA,) inf. n. a.ntd. and (T&.)Jq; 3, (TA,) signifies the same as u. (, TA.) i4 advance, not weighed, nor piched so as to have [Hence,] El-Kumeyt says, [describing clouds [In like manner also Oj&l is said by Freytag the bad put forth from it, to the time of the falling-due of the instalment: (0, l, TA:) [for the to signify Semovit, followed by CO, as on the second of the last three words of the explanation, authority of the ]; in which I do not find it.] which are correctly .;11 jl, the O has * And jj He was, or became, remoed, d , J* JL.j `e . . J j 4 )..d; the Cid, J ; and my MS. copy of the or di#placed, [from his office, &c.,] (9, O, M9b,) ], 1_., without any vowel-sign and without t [The outh wind drew tLm forth; and when used as quasi-pa. of ; in which sense Jj;l they became black and dene and accumulated, the is [said to be] not used, because in it [i.e. a] no the sheddeh:] from Ibn-Abbid; (O ;) and thus north ind loosed their spouts; i. e. caused the in the L. (TA.) labour, or exertion, is implied. (Mob.) _ j rain to pour forth]. (S, O.) And one says of a said of the 1t meats Pauldb ante emisionem, 0.~.: see the next paragraph. cloud (;,-), (Mgh, TA,) when it discharges

inf. n. ~, (Mqb, TA,) He put it, or aet it, apart, away, or aside; rm ed it; or separated it; (, O, Mqb, 1 ;) i.e., a thing; [.from another thig, orfrom other things]. (Mob.) And hence, He removed, deposed, or diplaced, him, namely, an agent, or a deputy, from his office, or exerci of authority. (M9b.) Or j.

(9, o.) i;;U ,.in the l,ur j,) [xliv. 20], means, accord. to Ibn-'Arafeh, [And if

1U) decided, or Boot I.] the tro conditions: (], TA:) and they are m (TA.) is croohed. hair grow,] the tail mhere he its pouring [rain],(Mgb,) or when it pours forth' t &e-, or an as to applied epithet as an (TA.) [app. a t JJI. -And called Iso its' :,js;[It copious rain, (TA,) to of th Q ;.W[which the like,] Deficient in one pot], (Mgb,) or Q,~j . a [it ha. lose eems here to mean, in the creut of one of tae two 1. its spot], and L Ij. - -;,, (TA,) which l hip-bonee]. (IAir,Or,1) -And The dsare, of f sky of the [also] is said [means the same and] 0, I :*) lesh-meat, of an absent gan: (IAUr, 1. ei=. , ($, Myb, 1,) aor. ,(M,b, (,) inf. . O) and Lj (TA) O; (& ,Mob, 1)and;, (, by way of indicating the vehement falling I pl.jJ. (IAr, O.) (,JI) I_ 77m of the rain, this being likened to its descent from (@, and (1() and 4 ' and nd md J A place of removal, or sparationof one[meaning spouts] of the ;tj' [or the mout b p. O,LPb,;) ,; (MO ;; (i;) and ,L;: and sf: o in the saying, I.Lbj IJ.Lb C,& l1 . (Mb.) - And, rather of the $fi; or ,, )oth and TA;) (IB, the same; both signify 4 t 'I was in a place, and hence in a state, of re 6A, [i. - e. the [hence also,] IX.dl signifies t The .. 1; and ,.*33 [app. ./ ($, ],) and V 4 ~o4al,or separation, of myself, from such and ,ie, anw; as being an outlet; and asbeing closed by . See (TA.) therefrom]. QU, but accord. to the TIt d,a3]; (I ;) [He uch things; I at aloof ,L,, means of a sphincter, like as the "$& properly ktffmined, eternmined, reoled, or decided, upon it, or upon 8. 6J.. 4) 15, in the lRur [xi. 44], means c thu termed is closed by means of a thong tied kin.g it, namely, ap affair ;] Ahedered to do it, doing And he was aloof from the ship [i. e. the ark], ' round it]. (0, .) he ;) h, and or determined, upon it; ( and decided, 4 ar from the religion of his father. (0, TA.) And * -4* ettkd, d, or drmined, his heart, or mind, firmly ettb ' jat is a word u!ed by the vulgar in the sense [I aim aloof (; L" 1z ; U! ane says, J j SU) :i,) upon doing it: (Mb:) or he se , , q. v.]. (TA.) of ,j [app. as inf n.of from this affair]. (S,O.) And J;J1 1 II.S Wboured, aboured, or toiled, in it, namely, an affir; or jtj Weakness; syn. JiR (L, ], TA: in Such a one is alooffion the truth. (Msb.) werted aerted himself or his poweror efforts or endeawurs urs or abiUty thAerein: ( :) orso j. : (TA:) It is also a vulgar term for the Cd] Oia..) with aside, or apart, 7who goes pastor A or,, iwous signifies also he and cli, The goods, orfurniture and utenmilb, of tha or ... , inf n. hi* cattle, and pastures them in a place remote, or strom, &.., in his affair: (M,b:) and ) ., or tent. (TA.). selparate, from men, or the people: (S, 0:) or a signifies signifies Ahe made the affair to ham, or take, ;[a dual of which the sing. is not men- pastor apartfromothers (Ji, TA) with his camels O'tjO ject; effct; and ~d it firmly: (ar p. 3 :) or, ationed] Thetwo feathers tluat are at the eatremity dIepturing the herbage not previouly pastured cord. to l$r, he so settled it, and confirmed it. of the tail of the eagle: (Ibn-'Abbd, 0, 1:) pl. upon and. scking succesively tih places where (Id. ', below.] (Id. p. 105) [See alsoj' -*.;& and L rain had falln: in this sense not an epithet 3ij. (Ibn-'Abbad,O .) d') means [xx. 114], Iur in the .,J$, ' dJ. of discommendation, for the doing thus is an act [And of a q~ality ham] not to him we found for 0ii'l: Se lJ. "',%, of the courageous and valiant of men: (TA:) 1 ,IJ, a prov.: ' [.a deciigan affair. pl. h --- (S.) _ And One who alights apart, d~
Jsi -A.W

Jb,l: Sea


Sia 8and (J;) separate, or cut off, (IAlr, - Also A otAer nds. (I.Ar,0.) O, ,)from (8, O, weapon; nmy him ith havin~ sot man * .', (0, t,) occurrin g ina trad.; t ;) as *abo (I,) or this signifies not (0;) and 1 (.., ( ,';) and the first pear; a with him having is sometimes expl. as having this particular meanof the first, (.8, O,,) and of ing: (TA:) pl. * Jjs, (V,TA,) j. and b(*0 and b, (, 0, I,) which is anomalous, but made to accord , pl. of the epithet .. , because nearly with tj like it in meaning, (R, MF,) and j.i, (I,) or or this is pl. of ' Jj, (0, TA,) and j0;, (IJ, ],) which is anomalous, (TA,) and this is pL of 1Jj (, 0, ,1) also. (i.) Hence, the epi(S, thet )j~*1is applied to one of the l._, O, I, TA,) i.e., to one of the two stars of which

or aloif,from tlh company of travellr; (V, t,ace sce expl. in art.,..j..] _ One says also, &.',je, A TA; [ "...JI ;. in the CIsshould be)LJ! e ;]) meaning e ^; (I, TA:) and hence, in the meaning wito nd ghis by himself; in which sense it is an ]ur wrho alights 1J} [And mrhen theaffair I ]tur [xlvii. 23], .l.j, 11#U And One (TA.) epithet of discommendation. is may be, tll who separateshimelffromthe players at thegame determined upon]: or the meaning w/w [and ,r,14jI to ;, [and then the duposers of the called caUed y.JI, by reason of meanness. (?, 0, K.) ,. aOair upon it]: but accord. to Zj, the determine affair And _ And One who is alone in his opinion, havinq meaning is, and when the affair is serious, or no one to share with him in it. (TA.) -See earnest, and the command to engage in fight be" L2 in two places. - Also Weak and also " also : JU wmes comes obligatory. (TA.) - 5 3tupid. 0,6 Jtupid (?I, means He conjured the nman: (,* g, TA :) or he
commanded him, or enjoined him, earnestly: J3j~ J3, [pass.part. n. of *j.;Put, or set, apart, commanded [iiiat [fliat [that he should surely do such a thing]: IJ.1 :>L , pJI ;^ JjiJj away, or aside; &c.]. away, 1 means I maeh thy inform. in the yur [xxvi. 212], means Verily they are (TA:) or 'dU ing iy be in which thing be a decided me to ing *-*. #5 shall I... there debarred, or precluded, from hearing [the speech -.. '. i.i also, one says and ~ception: no of the angels]. (TA.) and ;J: tJ [virtually meaning I conjure J, [q. v.], who asserted thm mJ, aI 1 A sect of the the to do such a thing]; as though one said, By that they eceded from what were in their estimajj* Allah, I demand not of thee [aught] sare [thy s doing) tthe tion the two partie of error, the pepleto of tion doing] this: so says Mtr, referring to " the Book" and l: an:) therefore they were thus of (0, mly and of Sb. (1[ar pp. 21 and 22. [But 'l is there, caUed, i.e. th eceders :] or thely were thu caled inadvertently, put for '1.]) - And one says,.jp; a meaning charm, charmerrecited I 7The 1 by EltIasan (Ic, TA) Ibn-Yesdr El-Baree A ,4>lj (TA) whmn Wdsil Ibn-h'Atd and his companions or'jrpdk, or'spell/, [for the cure of a discase, &c.;] (.K, TA;) as though he conjured the disease [&c.]: and in ~ ithdre fro him eto one of the columns of the u ,3, mosque, [agreeably with a common practice of mosque, erpent-charmerre.'a AI.JI [Th~ like manner, himseting them lecturers in a mosque, each of ciW when he draws said is or peUl,] cited charmt, self self on the ground at the foot of a column, while forth it. (TA.) he conjured though as serpent; the his hearers, wTith him, eated also on the ground, his [See j,; Hence, jJ.. in art. b1, ex. voce an form a ring,] and he (i. e. Wail, TA) began to d is invitel He as meaning day present used in the otabish establighthe dictum of the condition between the two ~ that the committer of a great n is not to an entertainment. - And Freytag mentions its conditios, tunbelier occurring often in the book entitled .j,J t* a belir aboutely (,, TA) nor an L~ absolutely (;, TA, but not in the Csl,) but be- ,0j L;~ . as signifying He went, or tended,
1 1 !

each is clled ;tJI [q. v.]; (TA;) because, unlike [the other it~t, i.e.] & !, it has no
star [nealr] before it that is regarded as its weapon; (g, O0,I, TA;) or because in the days of its rising [aurorally] there is no cold nor wind. (0, l.)_And A bird that camotfly. (MF, TA.) in) whAich is no rain. (., _- And Clouds (. 0, 1.) - And A horse having hi tail incinn~ tp os side, (f, Mghb, 0, ,) by Aabt, ($, 0, ,) not nauraay. (f, O.) [See j4.] Hence the


i. e. [I

ash protcti~ by God] from a [or the] man Aae~ with kin no weapon, upon a [or the] horse [or bone of the tail, or part of qf wch th



[Boo I, 'd to, or towards, (il,) some place: but this signi- "or"] a thing that is obligatory,of the thing tAat termed termed tJ sij: but ;,i11t j! are thoa fication is probably post-clnical: it is eorrectly God ha made obliatory. Qg, TA.) [charnu, [charm, or stpes,] by which one conjures th jim, expresed by 8, q. v.] or genii, and spirit. (TA.) - ?y"j , ,.1 . is aL;j A man's ;.I [or near k~ ; or his or : mee the preceding paragrapb, first sentence. near inme an an appellation of Certain portionu of the gur-dn, on the father's side]: and

his 21_.

8: ee 1, first sentence, in two plaoes. -. aj

l [or

signifies also

settalingit firmly ;] from ..JC also 4m, in three places._; is expl. by Lth ~.& meaning .L.t; and .; : or, as in the 1. .t. . I ;tc,( Mqb,* J,) first per.. u meaning An affair upon the doing of which Mj, the ettling, or determining, the Aheart, or J , (, Mb,) aor. , (, Mb, and in art. ones heart, or mind, is firmly settled or detenid,fi~y upon the thing that one dsers to do; . M. mined. (TA.) m Also The dregs of pressed 06~~~~~~,. o, in)*. n. j,., (TA,) He aertedhisrdatio. also V.A.: or, accord. to El-Ghooree, _,j [of on] to hIS father: (, Mb, ihip :) [you raisins: pl. ;. (.) signifies the precoding desire to dip~ and subject ., . .. e. 1, (]i,)or yc.,, (T in art. I,) and tha mind to the act. (Har p. 3.) [The pl., in all say, 9 'L j, 6 .HeO a~ AhiS (another's) tbesem, is.*l. Henece,]. ;;dI ':" !mean relat~ionp a won to Ncha one:] and s o, o -/..' .... hs --* and t .. ., (g) and tj.1, (TA,) To dtinatiou of tho m anders (.,* Msb, O, and .in art. U.j.) first per. 7The ,Z, [i. e. anu, or podex, app. the former]. tnthe hostile and p dering e~pedition to distant ;, (., Meb,)

ging. gjl% sing. of j (TA,) which signifies [Such tu as act with determination, reolation, or dcon. And particularly] Such as are und, or true, in l^ love, or affection. (1, TA.) -[And sing. of compl~yg wh the j#. desire of his ~rirwthe he pul~ed him n, (TA,) wAhich he seem, or deir. (.Ham p. 532.) _ See ;jt.; f. jl. applied to affairs.] Ij means [and] not tuning aide. (]ar.) - And 'J 'j also.&j., in two places. -_ And see *ait.. As The best of affairsare those in vwhich is determinaHe bore it, and endured it vith patimmnce; or he tion, resolution, or deciion: or upon which one A vehmt ruming. (, TA. [In the W. bore, and as patient, with him. (TA.) Am has confirmed his determination,and in *hich ont A1, C~,jz.,t is erroneouslyput for3i;ll.]) Babee, Awfid~ hasfulfilled vhat God aluenjoined. (TA.) .. an inf n. of 1. (., M 9b, ]g, &c.) [Hence,] Ibn-Ma~om Ed-Iabbee says, 9.0, -*jp& .jp A she-camel advanced in age, (Aq, 8,], ,)'1 o.?.OaI jjl, (], &c.,) mentioned in the TAJ TA,) and so a"j as expl. by IAr, (TA,) but ]ur [xlvi. 84], (TA,) TwAe, of the apostln, who *0 '' id . ; IIJI - JI ; having havin 9 somewhat remaining of youttfid vi~r; determined upon doing what God had enjoined t (A, (A,8,g,TA;) as also t.j hem: or they were Noah and Abraham and ( ,; ,TA;) of did not restrain him, when he rus, his which the pl. is .jc: (TA:) or one whos teeth Mosa and MoAammad; (K, TA;) to which [If several add and Jesum: (TA:) or those, of the vehAmnent runing would almost break th piece of have been eroded by old age: or one xtreme~ly & apostles, who were endowd mith earn~ and iro that stands up in the mouth from~ the middle aged, sucs as i tem edhi: [but see j. :] the m]. PI. (TA.) constany and patience: (Ksb, ]I, TA:) , in of the bit-mouth: see pl. is. ilt.. (TA.) .- And t An old woma~.n; 1 the dial. of Hudheyl meaning patience; as in 9~~., . , ,,, (8, 4 ;) as also 7... (g.)-- And, Swort, u S .0 their saying, a. a j C [I have not patinee aj an inf. n. of.a in tbe sense first expl. an epithet applied to a woman. (1,* TA.) above. (.,1 .) [As a simple sub!t., it signifies ,.. of separatio .from thee]: (TA:) or, (],) it is D~erination,retolaution, diin, or fiJed pur... Charming, or a charmer, (Ji, TA,) b said, (Ksh,) they were NoaA and Abraham and poa of the mind; as also V.,: and ' a..: or] meanm of pell. (TA.) Isaac and Jacob and Joseph and Job and Moses the diApoiton and msbjection of tahe mind to thet and David and JeNJ: (Ksh, 1:) or Noah and rish, or tAhing desred: (.[~ p. 336:) or it is a see.A.J Hood and Abraham and Mohammad: thus subst. [signifying the making an affair to have, accord. to Aboo-Is-t. (Yoo, R, TA.) _ See

J. '* aand a 1 ,., and .... .jaA: see w..l.at, above. or right cem , (.",*h,) (., ,,) in a thing, (.,) in running, and walking, &ac (V.) And .jl a pl. of;jet [q. v.]. (TA.) ,~d}l He wnt aloW upon the road without turmnng aside. (TA.)_.Also He tended, re5 ; A man whofldfil his promie; (], TA;) Aho, whn he promises a thing, perfomu it, and paired, or betook self, to, or towards, him, or it, either in a dire~ cowurse, or indirectly. (IJ; f.dils it. (TA.) - And A seler of..~, meanM and L in art. .. ) -_ And .Aj, (], TA,) ing drpof pr~sed raisin. (I.) or *. ;U .. pal (ar p. 3,) sid of a horse, ; [Detemneud, or resole;] one vAo perHe went along overcoming his rider, (1, TA, sm in his determination until he attainm that Iar,) in his runng, not

e (a man,

) pt to the cowse,

tribe]: pl

. (i.)

which which are

i.%*-JI [chap. xl] and i.a*qJI ' dk

.,&JI ;.J, [chap. xxxii.] and. 06.2

*J-le 9!i [chap. xcvi.]; (Mgh;) [thus called


JIt [chap. Iiii.] and

because] they are those in [the reciting of] mwhi one is commanded to prostrate himalf. (Mob.) J -&"1 ,&"1 The lion; as also o ;, (i.)

u" ;d" "4,,"'d..

ortae,effect; and


Parts, and their taking to tAe, became ro. (Tl ;) this latter verb being a dial. var. of the and th,_ to takg former. (S, M9 b.) [And the latter verb bu See al0so t ;a a similar signification &Lj.! is an inf. n. of 1, meaning A striving, ( T A. [Probably from a trad.])_. expl. in art. U ]_ And places. -- 1biao'a means T oblmat, A labouring,or toiling, in an affair; (Mqb, TA;) ia twoinu t ' - -or"' t to l,k means ord/na'o h bib,I . l j;o and di, intrans.: see 8. See also and strength. (TA.) - And one says, .JLC & tatute or ordinancesof God: (Mgh,Myb, 9, sentence in art. $.. , lthefirst sing. A Jc. (Mb.)_And, accord to 't .e a;'L , meaning He hasuunot.[determ~ ]' TA:) 'A:) sing. 4t... (M 9b.) accord. -And, to 5: see the next paragraph, in two plaes. tion, or reoluton, or] a deliberate way of acting ?r-Raghib, E a. signifies A charming; syn. or proceding, nor patience, in that upon wvhich he i It; as though thou imaginedst thy having im8. . $ jI (., Mgh, Mb, ) and (1) determines, or resolve, or decides: (lIam p. 31:) p osed an obligation [thereby] upon the devil, lest aerted his [own]relationuAip [ofsm] to him: or ?Agay t t I. means Such a one wll not Aep : for .jI in my original I read I as meaning .] (. ,Mgh,' M sb, 2J:) [you say, Yj J1 gjJa constantly, irmly, or ~teadily, [or rather hu not hhe should execute his desire upon thee: pI. and O)IJ He saerted Ais rlationshi of n to tlh quality of keping constantly, &e.], to an ,';.: (TA :) or.5jl. signifies charms, orspells, uch a one :] and so I Sja3, (., Mgh, M b, ,) 1 affair upon which he determin. (TA.) - See (I , ,) that are rected [for the cure of di, and # !. (lg.) It is said ina trad., .' also 3/ ;j j L.;._ (14, TA,) & ' c.]: or certain e~ of the gur.-dn that are ' 11t [expl. ' in such, in a trad., the poor-rate is said to be, (TA,) r cwied or persons affeted vith diseases, or the art. w,: see 4 in that art.]. (g, Mgh, Mqb.) tneansAdueof the d of God; i.e. [in the Cl like, in the ope of cure: (g, TA:) these are Seealsoart. $.

(~, TA.)

aor. , (., Mb, J,)innn.

BoK I.]




bj A party of men (S, Msb, .) such as is suprk,) or I;, inf. n. as above; (Yam p. 125;) ,i&, held by some to belong to this art.: see terned ;. [i. e., as expl. in the O in art. ".a , He Vas, or became, patient, or enduring, (M9 b, art. j$. whAo bgum together to defend one another], (., ., and Ham,) or commendably so, (s,) of that 4j.: see fi in art. Ij. TA,) above, or excseeding, [such as compose] a which befell him. (M.b.)I~ i JJl .1 , first iiL: (TA:) or, accord. to Er-Raghib, a com- pers. . Patience,or edurance; (9, ;) and ;jja i, aor. 5, in n. CU: see 1 in art. j. pasy of msn who assert their relationuhip, one to - [Hence,] 4J_ kj., aor. #js, I traced signifies the same, as in the saying 53JI :. another, either by birth or by the leaguing toethr up, or ascribed, or attributed, the tradition [jf [He is comnly in respect of patience or ndurance]: for mutual aid: (TA:) [for] the t is a substitute for the final radical letter which is j: (Mb :) or, &Ud to the originalrelater thereof]; syn. 3,_. (.lam p. 369:) or patient enduran of the loss of anything: (TA:) or co,mdypatieu or edurane; u some say, it is from kLh signifying "he was, (M,b, TA.*) (K, TA;) as also %;A,3 accord. to the copies of or became, patient;" as though they were a 2. a!i, in. n. Ja ($, Msb, ]L, TA) and .p., the ., but correctly t ij [inf. n. of 2, as company who took patience by one another's example: (TA:) [for, accord. to J,] the ; is a sub- (TA,) lIe enjoined [or exorted] him to be patient, though for X-:L;JI Ai i. e. eif-njoinmnt, or or enduring, (S,* 1.,* TA,) or to have comely self-exhortation, to be patient or endring, as is stitute for LS: (S:) the pl. is 6js (S, Msb, 0) patience; (]g, TA;) i. q. L.I [q. v.]: (S, M, K, indicated by what follows]: an Arab of the and ) and k0t, but they did not say ;J: TA, all in art. 1 :) [and hence, he consoled him; desert, whose brother had slain a son of his, is (f:) hence ^ e in the .ur lxx. 37, (S, TA,) often used in this sense:] or he said to him, ;_~. cited by the author of the Hamaseh u saying, [expl. as] meaning companies in a state of dis. lt, meaning May God grant thee comely [on his brother's being brought to him that he persion: (TA:) or separate, or sundry, parties: '.O patience. (M#b.) [You say, & Ij, He enjoined, might retaliate upon him, (see YIam p. 100,)] pl. of ;j., which is [said to be] originally ;j., or exhorted, him to endure with patience the death 0 0 from [the inf. n.] as ual: though each party of him; or the loss, or want, of it: and hence, asserted their relationship [as sons] to other than he consoled him for the death of him; in which those to whom the other party asserted their resense, d :,; is also now used.] _- See also , lationship: (Ksh, Bd:) ~ [I say to thesoul, i. e. to myself, enjoining patience is expl. by Et-Tarabelow. and enjoining enduranee, One of my two hands soosee as meaning companies oming in a state of 5. .;. He took patienee; or constrained himhas smitten me, not desiring, or not meaning, to diperon. (Msb.) One says, X l)t 1 , setf to be patient, or enduring; syn. J, (, do so]: (TA:) *.ti is [syn. with 4VtU, inf. n. of meaning [In the house, or abode, are] seerilsorts Msb, TA,) and . [q. v.]; (TA;) the sign ofnm (Ap, S.) e;,]ifrom ;3"1: and g;.JI [signifies as renof doing which is the saying, X. * I dered above; or] is derived from ijll, i. c. "the p: lsee I.;, below, in two plaoes : and [Verily to God we belong, and verily unto Him hard ground," and means the strengthening of the also in art. e jS. we return]. (M9 b.) It is said in a trad., [as heart: or it is from ,t!; oi &3jj; because the LS$, which is of the dial. of the tribe of some relate it,] 1. U M 's L, afflicted remembers his ancestors who have gone Mahrah Ibn-.IeydAn, but disapproved, (IDrd, expl. by some as meaning Such as doe not con- before him; and he means, I enjoin the soul to TA,) is a word expressive of' desire for one's be. strain himelf to be patient [with the patiene~ of endure his loss with patience, becoming consoled coming favourably inclined; [as though meaning God, he is not of wu]. (TA. [See another read- by the example of others wltose sons have been Mercy on me I or Icry memt;] and so t Lj'j": ing vocej.;. .]) And you say, 4**.p; is also a quasi, mean- slain. (Iam ubi suprL) _(.;TA:) or a word expressive of the being, or ing I constrained myself to endure rwith patiene inf. n.; like "ti, meaning 'Cfi, from aLl: becoming, favourably inclined; [as though mean- the loass, or want, of him, or it: [and hence, I (TA:) or a subst. [signifying Ejoinment, or ing Mercy on thee ] and so t, &j., (IDrd, TA,) consoled myself for the lou, or want, of him, or exhortation, to be pationt: and bence, conolawhich is of the dial. of the people of Esh-Shihr, it: held by some to be] originally . 3, mean- tion: and, as often used in the present day, the ing I exerted my strength or energy [to divert state, or ceremony, of mouning, when relations a bad word: (TA in art. Sij :) 6l tL t k5$ 1", (], and TA in that art., in the C. iSu,) myslf from him, or it]; like ; for 1 . and friends come to console the berearod:] from a saying of that people, (TA,) [app. meaning (TA in art.ji.) You say also s L 3 , meaning ai :; likeL from-t;, and. ;. from., . Mery on theel (or the like) it was not thus, or w .eU [i. e. He took patience, or conustrained (M9 b.) - See also art. jS. such a thing mas not,] is like the saying . himself to be patient, by r~e,cting upon him, or a Vefry patient or enduring, (Iam p. 125.) It.i Xrb ' ;i [" By my lif," or "by my re- it; or he tooh example by him, or became consold by his example, meaning the example of a person ligion," &c.]. (., TA.) : see LSjs, in art. jr. who had suffered in like manner and had been XljC ;t A certaintribe o the Ji#n, or Genii. patient]. (? in art._.,%.) n.4[4 place of consoling; and hence a place of wailingfor a dead person, because relations (I8d, ], TA.) 6. JQ They enjoined [or exhorted] one another and friends go thither to console the bereaved]. fis a subst. [signifying The assertion of rela- to be patient, or enduring, or to have comely (A. [There used as an explicative adjunct to tionshp of son to a particular person] from .i3! patience. (15, TA.) [And hence, They consoled aiL.]) or t.a3; (f, Mgh, TA; see an ex. above, voce one another.] t Vdq: see ,;kCj (in art. .) in two places. 8: see art. ~j;; to which, as well as to the (TA:) one says, 1 j.el;) and so tij.: j;'t [often] t,'JI ",.J and hL)1j, also, meaning [Verily present art., this verb belongs.

'1 ;jLa, i's. [i.e. The he is good in respect of] the assertion of elation- signifies & ship [of son; i. e. he asserts his relationship to a assertin one's relationship by saying "I am such 1. $, , 0, M,b, aon a,) :, (, A, O, a one the on of such a one;" and the ca/l, or cry, good father]. (1., TA.) i See also art. gc. (9, by means of which to norw one another; in war: M9 b,) inf. n. ~ (0, O, MOb, ]) and _; see 8 (last sentence but one) in art. . ; and see O, ;) and t .rl; (t, O, ]g;) He went roundabout, patroled, or ment the rounds, by night, (S, also;L,]. (lg in this art.) A, O, g,) to guard the peopl: (TA:) he made c Patient, or enduring; or having comnly search by night after nupic 1. t, (M9 b, K, and Yam p. 369,) aor.', pers, or persons (Myb,) in n. t.;; (];) and k$, (Vam ubi patience. (].) to be suspected, (, AO, 0, Mb, ]g,) and inwstiBk. I. 257


[Boox I.

gated, or discowr, their opinions, or sentimentt: night came on: (AO, IA#r, Msb:) or came on goes along avwhile, then goes roundabout, and then (Ilam with its darkness; (TA;) its darkness came on: yields her milk: (O," g,* TA:) and one ei in i (TA:) h went to and fro; syn. (IDrd, ?, 0, ]K:) or departed: (IDrd, O, X :) or dilposition lhen mnilked, (O, ]g, TA,) that grmp. 320.) It is said in a prov., n*s> . *. it has this last meaning also; (AO, IAar, Mgb ;) blei much, (0, TA,) and goes asid from the other bearing two contr. significations: (].tr, AHat, camels: (TA:) and one that kicks thl milkUr, as ; (0, ;) or, (?, 0,) or j.'L. .ra, s, Mqb:) or was dark; meaning, all the night: and spills the milk: (TA:) and one hose udder some relate it, WM.;, and w%; (TA;) [A dog (IA'r:) Fr says that, in the ]ur [lxxxi. 17], is stroked to try if she have milk or not. (O, ~.) thaat aso the rouds by night is better than a '1 J0.Ij, accord. to all the expositors, Also A she-camel that pastures alone; (AZ, ?, dog that has lain down; or a dog,going the rounds ~. (AZ, , O.) And A she-. &c. ;] said for the purpose of urging to make gain: signifies and by the night when it departeth: but O, g ;) like meaning that he who occupies himself in business that some of his companions asserted the meaning camel that sehk oafter bones, and eats tihefle is better than he who lacks power or ability: (TA:) to be when its commencment approacieth,and it upon them y~ [in the T]~ erroneously Yto3]). (Ibn-AbbMl, O, ]() - Also A woman who does 9. l 'c, becometh dark: like as you say # a., , C or, as some relate it, J .,* by night (O, O,) which signifies the clouds approacited tie not care,for, or tind, her alpp,roaching men: (0, o..s. ( [a do that haM one the ro :) or, accord. to Er-Raiglhib, who etures upon is better than a lion that has hidden hinuf]; earth: (Fr, Q, O, 8]:) or this is only said when t hat which occasion suspicion, or evil opinon. with darkness and lightning. it is in the night, alluding to the superiority of the weak who occu(TA.) - And A man in whom is little, or no, (Lth, O, TA.) pies himself in making gain over the strong who . Q* se .o g: 9,intood or goodne; or who doe little good. (0, 4.) holds back. (O, TA.) You also say of a wolf, - And One wh is o dow, or tardy. (TA.) -: see , in two places. R. Q. (0, 0, g,) and of any beast of prey, (TA,) *',,, meaning, He went roundabout by night, 4J * (F O, O lrin:g ,: see 1, (0, O, TA,) T, seeking for prey: (TA:) and 1thou the propertyl from vhere it is and lwhre it * ',. he (a wolf, TA) ou~ht for prey (?, O, is not: (TA:) iq g. ; , : (S, v,, see ,.-; each in two places. , :T, by night: (, TA:) and * j.; TA) he [a TA:) which means thus: (TA in art. .:) or man] sought, ~ght after, or ought to gain, tu- whence thou wilt: (S, O, ]4, TA, ibid.:) orfrom b,-*: see ., in two places. IAlso The he (a wolf, any, or every, quarter. (TA ibid.) tenanee: (M,O, :) and V O, 0, st [app. a) to find prey]. (AA, ,~ [or mirage]. (O,1.) AA, -.& A [drinkicup or bowl, of the kind -. ') -,;d,,.., ((, L, V,) aor. , inf n. ., called] tJ: L-& Icdge-hogs: because of their often (TA:) or a large C5J, (S,A, (L, TA,) His tidings9 were ldo, or tardy. (?, L, Mgh, O, L, Msb, ],) from whichl two or three going to and fro by night. (S, O, 15) ])_ ., aor. A, S/ ]~, TA. [In the O, or more [men] may satifij tleir thirst; (L, TA;) ~, One who patrols, or goe tih rounds, by (a camel) yilded littl milk, though her milk had larger than the jqb; (L, voco ,O ;) thoughll this (p, A, O, Msb, l5,)for the Sultdin, (Myb,) night, co~ected in ~ udder Since the t preo~ milkis greater in height; (TA;) and larg. than the to gu,ard tlh peole : (TA:) who ,nakes march by aor. , inf. n. l ing. (TA.) - And c., but not so night after suspiciou persons, or pesown to be n S.,J; (IA#r, in TA, voce 4;) Sse (a camel) grmble~ d muc,A on beinmilk. large as the ,,0: (S, O:) pl. ... (S, A, Mgh, pected, (S, A, O, ],) and inextigates,or dioners, (TA.) Hence, L. ,;c She yield Aer milk their opinions, or sentiments: (TA:) and any O, M#b, 5) and 'L. (TA) and [pl. of panuc.] seeker of a thing: (A:) used as a sing. and pl.: mnwillingly. (IDrd, 0, S, TA.) _- And ',, ;,,.G. (IAth, M,b.) - Hence, one says, h or it is a quasi-pl. n. also; being, without idgh6m, S, (TA,) (0, O, I,) aor. , (0, O, TA,) inf n. .like jl, and [i. e., in its original form, -,] SheA (a camel) pa~ured alons. (, O, ) - And .M j, ie ilI, meaning t t is apparent, OU ;,.s He mu parsimonio to me with manifest, or conspicuous, to thee. (0 in art.j. ) 3J4.: (TA:) or tho pl. is t;A., (A A; 0, - And The pni. (0, 1) Meb,' 1,) or this is a quasi-pl. n., (TA,) and his walth. (AA, TA.) - &.., (A,) aor. , like q_, (O,15,) [or this is also a t , 5LeeC ce _:: (1,'1;, (A ;) and *.; (~, A,) inf n. _; t and -. (TA.) (8ee . quai-pl. n.,] and TA;) He touAt, or sought for or after, Aimn [or _. lowns~ , or tardiness. (TA.) m Also, he tsoht, or A, :*) or the latter, it]: (g,* [in the CL, erroneously, C,o-,] etou mer- ,-~.] sought for or after, it (a thing) by night. (TA.) chants or traders: (IAqr, O, ,'TA:) accord. W~ A place oh~ a thing is ought, or to b w. , ; & He wemt away se- to [some of] the copies of the 1K, it signifies You say, oUght; syn. '&i. (?, O, g.) ISd cite, u ' ' manion. (A.) And ), ;,/inhis ;tj and Lej.; but the conjunction should be an ex., from EI-AkhIal, L's We sought for the omitted. (TA.) _ And Large es~se. (IAr,; ~ L.LJ ~ ?L.L" cames, or sought for tlhm by night, and found 0, V.)

iL.. A trace,foottep,tetige, or the like: see Such a one trac footst~p (A.) And V; 1, latter prt. (TA.) j,fill Hefolows rice, immoity, or unghteoCY.. A eothr: (TA:) [see ,Lw:] or aseer, ,., (0, .;I; g,) aor., , inf. n. or prr, n,s. (A.) of prey, or game, (S, 0, 1, TA,) by or at any time; applied to a wolf, or to ight, , (TA,) lIe fed the people, or party, any beast of prey: (TA:) or a wolf, or, as some somerhat little in quantity. (0, 1, TA.) say, any beast of prey, that sees much for prey , in 8: see b.p, in tlhree plaoe: - and and and ' as also ,t. He by nigAt; four places. - Ydu ay also, 1.Ib Z ,.s (TA:) and hence, (g,) t each of the trod such a country, and knw its tiding. (TA.) ,t t;: (?, O, ],) as well as the first, (1g,) a last three, - And iJIl ;j.l He ~ougAt to obtain the shmolf: (?, 0, ]1:) and the fi;st (~ ), a dog He J7'I j.I, -And camets milk. (TA.)_ that pursues much, and ill not eat. (TA.) entered into the midst of th cameS, and sroAed Abo A she-camel that yields little milk: (Ibntheir u~dders in orr that tAhey might yild thr kbb6d, O, 1:) or that will not yield her milk mnilk. (0, ."*) until she bewomes remote from men: (O, V:) 21 The and one that, wmhn s is roused to be milUed, c: see e._0 R. Q. 1.

not any trace. (TA.) And i:il,


[Defed wmth dust, the sword widl not reach the middle of it if thr~ be not in it a place whem omething is to be sought and a se~er]. (TA.) You say also, 1.J! Hq' a [He, or it, is near he, or it, is to be ougt]. as to the place hlerer (Tg.)

He e-;, (the tA he ~amel. or compresed, stallion) covered, below.] (Mgh, Msb, TA.) [See also 1 The dog chas the And one says, a bitch wtith the deire of coupling. (TA.) - And IJ e, aor. and inf. n. u above, He t him

1. iti.JI _ .e, aor.:, inf. n.

Boox I.]


lhite mark, on a horse'sface, ((, TA,) of a long stallio~ to coer for hire. (.) [See also 4.] (TA,) and *;X (M,b, TA) and' :. and terminating before it extends as far as the shape, and . [of pauc.] .r1. (TA.) It is said aor. and in . n. as above, He ;, a, And upper parts of the ostrils; or extending pward (A,* J) of the Prophet, in a trad.,ul j# gae hire for a staios oering. uI 4 along the bone of the noe, wide and straight, until ~~~~~~A,'4 in, n. as above, I game You say, ).l th ma hirefor a stalion's covring. (Mb.) taken, i. e. he died, it reackes the loer part of the en portion of the JIj [He it be ittle or much, if it do not ohil the Kur-dn waJ written only upon leaJles forehead, thethr ey : (TA:) or a white line, the as a far reach -. I He lent him hs he-caml [app. pam-branm hes, and skins, or white skins, and or stripe, of the blaze, =tending downward. until , 4. trumps of pal-branchs]. (0, TA.*) - Also for oeing]. (Lh., TA.) [See also 1.] - . it touchee the fore part of the noe and moth. VL_c.`: (V:) or (En-Nadr, A'Obeyd, Az, O.) - And (accord. The bone of the tail; andso* said of a wolf, He ran, andfled. (O, IK.) part thereof: (TA:) or tile part where to Lth, O) A .;13 [or what we term a fathelr] "e.--'He asked, or dmanded, or the slnder ;4,q. 10. thereof, (g, TA,) i. e. of the tail: tair the grows in the part of the lank of a hors where the rider dsired,of him, the loan of his ecamdel [app.for the of part, the signifies , I ., or (TA:) dmare) strike it with his foot: (O,, TA:) but Az - .- -.. 1 She (a (TA.) ]ring. co .roe. hair the miere tail, the of bone and skin says that this is a mistake, and that the correct lieH (a dog) !./a red the staUion. (s.) And meaning [here outer The -And TA.) O, (0, meaning is that given above on the authority of hjJ became e~ d by lst: you say,of tthe humanfoot: and likewrse [i. e. A'Obeyd. (TA.)-The part upper] kS in ` ,-~ is aug4A+1~ Such a one become exited by lut gJ the shorter ide, or app., accord. to some, the mentative; because there is no Arabic word of -a-:. like a does the dog. (TA.) m And

My s ',% (0, 1..)

shaf (see ; as used in relation to a feather),] the measure disliked, or hated, him, or it. of a feather, lenthwise. (]K.)- And A elft, (&.) ;-L. orfsure, in a mountain; as also *

except .

(' , O.)

_.a A stallion's coering, or compresng: (, .e-' ._c: see the next preceding paragrapll. A, Mgh, O, I :) [in this sense an inf. n.: (sc s,L (],) aor. , (L, TA,) inf. n. 2L 1:)] ablo used, metaphorically, as relating to a The ting of the bees: (S, O,} :*) the (L, TA, and so in some copies of the Q, in other .. man: (TA:) or (so in the A and ]; but in the male bee. (A, 0,' .) - And hence, (S, 0,) [which is copies of the 1 and in the 0 t. ; (?, A, IS, TA;)

;, "and, it is said,") his ~a t The lord, or chief, of his people: (g, A, O:) or , (0, L, TA,) that of a horse or of a camel; in which sense it and 1. and (V;) or this wrong],) , ,.; has no verb: (TA:) or his progeny: and off- a great chief; as also in going alon neck his out stretched : He [a camel] s-" ~prig; syn. .j; (A,O, ,;) [app. of human signifies [simply] a lord, or chief, like that termed than quicker [qnickly: or went a pace (TA.) It is aid in a trad. of beings; for it is added by 8M that,] in this sense, (0:) pl. .Am. J.1, but not so ~ ick a that termed .l: it is, accord. to some, tropical. (TA.) One says, Alee, When such and such things shall happen , (S, O, L, ], TA.)- And ee t;]. i, (A, TA,) meaning [God cut ashort, (mentioning factions, or seditions), .'... ~. proeny, (A,) or his "i4 ,Ml.t; (A, 0, TA;) in which, accord. to aor. , inf. n. ,;;: H.e (a beast) limped, haled, or may God cut short,] .- : means the chief of mn in or a Jdightly lame: so in the M. (TA.)m , his progeny. (TA.) And Kutheiyir A., CJ.I and says, dscribing mares that had cast abortively rect of reli9im at that time; (TA;) or it An Arab of the desert said, when the lion was means tAe badr of the r~ion: (T and TA in desiring to devour him, and he [the lion] theretheir o~pring, art. ,, :) and it is said that .;J ,&,ybhere fore betook himself to a tree [or shrub] of the _ *0 * -U *jl qi tIIjt *~ ~~U. means shall quit the faction, or sedition, and it species termed C , partj, with his partisans in reliion; by dsjl vW*1I * being meant hiu folloors; and by ,, shall go away thiough the land, jouneying, or marringin [77y lea behand them the offpring of El._Lui .j [lie meaning yol 'j j,m the caOue of the rdigion: or, as Z says, ..
means Tshallremain, and be Jirm, tog~der mai~ean]: (0, !d.st reig~sfoloes ; and accord. to Aboohi with TA:) IljI and ~U were two horses; (O ;) Sa'eed, the same is said of the locust, when it is the hyena. (TA.) lays its eggs, thrusting its tail into the ground; two stanions; and j,i1;1 S ; and the meaning here is, t shall remainfirmuntil , _ Alo The hir of wring, for a the people shall return to him, and the religion for take is that Air the (Mgh, Mb,TA;) become manifest, and spread abroad. (TA. [See in a trad. in so ~talo's co_r : (?, O, TA:) : old; so called A])_Also which it is said that ) ."1l _. is forbidden. also .i and ,. an affair is which of means by that is it because (Q, Mgh, O, M9b, TA.) managed, or ordered: and [in a larger sense] ~- u' tj A head that hA remained og with- a thing to wkhic one hs recowrefor proteetion or th like; as in a saying of Mlee, in which (O,' ], TA.) out bing combd and aint of the unbelievers wealth is termed the . Wl4i# and Nd4i: thl hyea approliates


to r d~nua


conceal himlf, to eize me, by man of the all not as him: 'otuajeh: thnk~ that I the transpositions in the verse being app. meant to be undentood as occuaioned by the terror of

the man; for the words of the explanation may be read so as to have the same metre a those of [aor. ,] The the vrse]. (TA.)-~t j0l ,
camels became diead fom paturigupon the [srb cagled] - . (O0 , TA.) 9. t He (an old man) away bent by reaon of age. (0, V.) .l, inf n. A certain pace, or manr of goi~, of


4.0: ee

ut entenco. l,

or of the hypocrites (TA.)

And A certain


ee .~se ~ A pal-branch

flying thing, smaller than the locust; (As, camels. (TA.) [See 1, first sentence.] A'Obey.d, ];) or larger; (]~;) and havin a .a A portio of the night. (0.) which the eavw lon tail: (TA:) or a certainflyyig thing, onger

its wings hae bm remofed: (T, Mb, TA:) or a dmraight than the locwt, that does not contract .]. for is likened horse a .at [prt. n. of which to alights; it we~n branch from which the lea, de p and kindof a or O:) (Q, body: its of rlendernes the o which leate off: and o says, describing his shecamel, r~ haw be


ham not gro~: ( :) or the part, of a palm- mot, or the like, (W,-,) of a greeni colour, 0 ; e 49 r 13 i branch, a litt above the j, [or l~er, thick, thatjlies in the [sawon called] p. (lAth, TA.) ' #,. ,.l%, '0. . ,.,, which no leaa have [Golius explains it as "Insectum oblogunm, and broad, portio,] 'COO-Ati)Li 1 LO. leaves grom; that [or those part] upon which quat~i pnnis olucr, mordella Gaze, e orso,: (, O :) pL [of dacna Aristot."] have grown being termed And A ~pecie of -J [or [And the reddish, or yelloish, or dingy, whie TA.) - And A blaze, or cames, of a sort tatgo~ th pace te~ d 0., or mult.] .,, (0, M#b, TA,) with two ammeb, partridge]. (O, 257

m 202 pacetermed5;,witha uicA namely, %, and . and *; (TA;) Gold: (S, O, running, are rck wit the feet on their a, ]:) and (as some say, O, TA) any gems, such but ek otips]: he means, the camels go as pearls and ..iGi [or sapphirs]. (0, ]p.)swiftly, struck with the feet in their course, but Also Alarge, or bulky, camel: (O, .:) a small do not overtake my she-camel. (?, O.) one is called .3. (TA.) - And, accord. to .e9 [The , or bt o; of sral AZ, A certa salaon-ca~m (0.) See also the following paragraph. specs; but now particulrly applied to the, tycium 'i A Large weaned camels: (0, ]p:) small Europeu of Linn.: accord. to Sprengel (Hist. rei herb. p. 2l52, ae sted by Freytag), applied ones are called i. (TA.) - And, (O, ],) to the ~izypAu a Chiti, which is the rham- accord. to El-Mufaotal, (TA,) Camels on which nws spina Christi of Linn.; but this is the j :] kings ride; [and particularly] certain camels a speci of thor (?, O, :') c~rtain trees o)f which w,re decked, or adorned, for En-Noan.dn ,TA) bn-El-Mundhir; or, accord. to the thor-hind, (L,) having a round redfruit [or (0,o, AO, camels on which king ride, which bear [fine berry] hke the carndian-bead, (0, L,) which ii housings or the like, of the kind of stuff called] sweet, and is eaten: (0 :) or a sp torntree having a bitter redfruit in which is acidity, , .J [q. v. voce >]Lof great price: (TA:) and, calMed 0 (Mqb:) or certain troa having many (O, ], TA,) by EI-Mazinee, (TA,) it is said to thons, and of eral pci, whereof is one that signify (O, TA) camels that carry gold; (0, J, TA;) but IAW rejected this assertion: (O :) it produces a red fruit, caUed t , in which is is, said (O, TA) by Nar, on the authority of AV, acidity: (T:) when it grow larye, it is ld (TA,) to be a [fernm.] rel n. from the name of a ;i : (0, MNb:) and becwau of the sofnes oj certain Market in which is ,tq., i. e. gold: (O, its w th won of the Arabs of the desrt TA:) IA4r relates, on the authority of El-Mumak of it spi for spinning wool: (0:) the fa41al, that it is a rel. n. from the name of a certain stallion of generous race, called f ,,...; and he n. an. in with a: (C,O, Mlb: [in the ], of aorMthatgoest [BooK I. He acted contrarily, or advey, to inm; op , (I,) inf. n. )eaj : (TA:) and &,el t$ also signifim he straitned him. (8b, O,* TA.) O.l I..., (so in the C.b and in a MS. copy of the ],) or _.., (so in the TA,) Time, or fortune, became sere, rigorous, a.fictie, or adverse, (],) l; to u. (TA.).!iil , and TA*e shd.

pos.d him; (A, g;) as alo ,

carel was untrained. (0.)_ And , (V, TA,) and j. ;, (S, O, TA,) aor. ,, in n. OJ (; (0, O, , TA) and P. (0, ], TA,) 38e (a camel) raised her tail, after con~ption, to sh~o the stallion tlat she was pregynant: (g,* 0, TA:) and [as also, app., 't j:, or ' , in. n; n.


(sco ,c lJti, voce _',)] he (a camel) ra~icd her tail in Aer running. (V, TA.) [In the former case, the action denotes repugnance to the stallion: in the latter, a degree of refractoriness: in both, difficulty.] m -iiJ , aor. and ,

(0, O, Msb, ;C,) inf. n. ; (0, O;) and ,_,, (O, Myb, ';) We demanded tohe debt of tha debtor, it being diaicu.t to him to pay it: (~, 0, Myb, :*) and he took it of hin,it being dJ~ to him to pay it, and rw not le~ t tomard q _l also: (TA:) him util he was in easy circustanc is termed the pl.of :]) a. (TA.) nd it is sid that is said to have been called 1 in the T, (TA,) or by AO, (O,) it is said that _- ~j., (As, TA,) and 1 #' l, (f, TA,) He the pl. of the n. un.is W j: (TA:) I8d says, ,,I.. 1, (0,) was a forced, or compeWd, him, apainst his wis; tbe geimn-e is short beten the knt, hard P. O.--al, (0, TA,) or ad... a [i to do the thing;] i. q. , (A, TA,) in the wood, #asa in the bave, and does not grow horse or mare (,.,J) of the offspring of Ed-Dee0, TA.)O oA j, and :o large, and th is the bet sort: thus says Awn: naree (O, TA) Abu-l-Humeys Ibn-ZAd-er-RA. and kib: (TA:) in the ];, 1,lj is eaid to have (L:) some say that it is the Xj.l [i. e. A, (T1g,) or _, (], TA,) aor. , (TI,) inf. n. q. v.]: Dioscoride says, it is a troe that grows been [the name of] a mare (,';) of the offspring c.s, ($, Mghl, O, Myb, 1,) lie, (a man, T],) 'e. (TA.) in tracts that udo water and produce salt, of Ed-Deen and she, (a woman, TIC,) was lJT-halaed. (!, having et th y branche, and leav smehat Mgl,, 0, M;b, g._) - j , (O, L, and , and long, o sad with a oit vi substance: so in a copy of the S,) aor. , (L,) or , (TA,) 0J.. and there i anoter , whiter than this: and . (,) or 1. , aor. :, inf. n. .c (S, A, O, M'b, .K) inf n ... ; (L, TA;) and ' aner , of which the leaves are blackr t,~ , (L and TA, and so in a copy of tlhe S,) than tho of the~fr, and r, inclining a and _j . (~, A, ]) and ijLt (Mob, 1() [and andand nd08v and ;2 ^_ n little to rn, aor. and its branche are long, their ; (TA;) He cam~ on my right side. (, and ~ ~ 5~ and l being about #v cubitu, and having more O, L, ]i, TA.) below)]; and ., aor. , inf n ; numeo tho , and ahkr, and ls sarp, (see j. 2: see 1, in four places: and see 4. (A, O, M9 b, ],) and itsfruit is wide and thin, as though it were in (0, O, Myb, ] ;) and f;j-, 3. ;,, (1,) inf. n. LZZ., ($, 0,) le ath: and th e h AM a frait ie the t:R3 and fpwW, (Jr,) and tj-aL,I; (A, O, Myb, g;) It (an aflfir, or a thing, ?, A, O, M!b) muwas, treated him, or behaved towards him, with hard[or mulberry], wich is eaten: it grows mostly in or became, dffcult, hard, strait, or intricate. e, harshness, or ia-nature; (.,* 0,' K;) 3s. cold, or cool, countris. (Avicenna [Ibneen&], book ii. p. 22 [In this extract from Dioacorides, (1, A, O, Mqb, K,* TA.) You say, a- j.._, is the contr. of j.:,. (9, O.) (t, 0,) 0J,and :--, and ?j..wW, in the original, are some unimportant Words (TA,) and 4 _.1, (S, K, ~.,) infcn. ;1: i , (Kr, Mgh, and . (],) J..,, It was, or became, d.t'ic/t, which I have passed over, including two imper&c.,) and, accord. to Kr, _..; but correctly, the fectly printed, and unintelligible: and what is hard, strait, or intcate, to him. (; 0,*K.) said in it respecting the fruit I think doubtful, as Id y (as in the C and a MS former is an inf. n., and _. is a simple subst.; being inapplicable to the fruit of the box-thorn.]) copy of the ],) or _.., (accord. to the TA,) [as is also .;] (TA;) He as, or became, in a state of diclty; po ing litle power or . a.an epithet applied to a camel [app. What was in the bly would not come frtA. wealth: (TA:) he became poor: (Mgh, Myb, t; L: ;.U_ What w meaning That stretches out Ais neck much in going (].) You say ,l hA; belly woud not come forth. (TA.) _.Sc B:) he lot his property. (, O.) Lc; in the along: or that gottthe pace ter.ed much or also 4. __, (Mqb,) or , (IIg, TA,) or sense of tZt is a pure mistake. (Mgh.)_ melll. 0g;, l.) ,~?,l Se (a woman) had, or eper/ieed, dfii', (TI,) in n. and C.1 (M,b, Ilp, cuty in bg~ fort,A; (Lth, , O,g;) as alsbo TA) and _., (Ilg, J,)He (a man) had little t' ; . (0, TA.) You say, in praying for a genle~s, (M,b, Ii;,)% ) [in the execu- woman in labour, ',53ij Q; (Lth, A) May _R~, an instance of a quadriliteral-radical cution of affairs]; (Mqb;) and was narrow, or sh hawe an easy birth, and may de bring forth word without any letter of the kind termed nggard, in disposion: (IkfCf:) or he was hard a mae child: (Lth, O:) and in the contr. case A is ; (8, O, TA ;) the letters of this kind being ir diposition; or iUlatured. (I4,* Tv.) _ . you say, (May she Aave a di [._5 six; three pronounced with the tip of the tongue, .i, (A, and so in the C] and a MS. copy of birth, and may she bring forth afemae child]. namely, j and J and e.m; and three labial, the ]g,) or_, (as in the TA,) inf. n. ., (TA,) (Lth, A, O, TA.) . And in like manner, She (a 9


1in l;,

BooK L.] mmel) had d uy in br~ youmg forth, herA


didcuy, ease]. (O, TA.)

And again,

fa t at th tiun of the birth. (0, [x civ. and 5 6 ,] & . g. ! . p alt * j~ Di//cudt, hard,hard to be done or accome TA.) - And Blb (a camel) did not conem [And vriy ith dijl9cudy shall be eae: pshed, hard to be borne or ~d, di~ ing, during hw yar [ajfr h had bn coe d]; ; ou ~
(I, TA;) as also , , in the paw. form.

vrily with diAiculty shall be ease]: on reciting trait, or intricate; (g, O, MNb, ;*) applied to alo t,'. '; ~ ana fir, orathing; (, O, Mb ;) which, Ibn-Mes'ood said, _ ; 1ee,. (TA.)-j.4 ,j..t: [A dij~Fcuy will not predominate over twofold (S,A,O, Mqb, g.) _..:.~ . ., and t., meae], which, says Abu-l-A.bb6s, is meant as an 5. A..3: see 1, in two places. - It (spun *(L,) A want d,,J,lt explanation of the words of the ]ur immediately (g,) or e and ' i [sipeech], but this is a preceding it, agreeably with a rule mentioned by of attainment. (L, thread, j5., in the ] -, ., (j,) and _.) mistae, TA) bwam e~a~d, o that it could Fr [and applying to most cases, but not to all]: ?,:, (S, I,) and ?j.l, (V,) A dficut day; , with the pointed for jdal being mentioned, and then repeated with a day of djfficulty; (f;) a hard, distresful, or nok be unraed; as ablso ,J : so accord. to Lth, as related by Az, who Jl, the latter is known to be the same as the calamitous, day: or an unfortunate, or unlucky, confirms it as of the language of the Arab: but former; and !Ij being mentioned, and repeated day. ().) ,q, A man having little ?gh, in the T [and 0], says, You say of a without JI, the latter is known to be different ~entlness in [tho execution of] affairs: (Mb :) or thing, when it has become difficult, :-'al and from the former. (O,* TA.) - It is also said, hard in disposition; or ilnatured. (i.) [See l.] j` [If diiculty _,',:V eS f 1l JSJIi ' m.q.Jl J j_3; but of spun thread, when it has become ? .:, (as in one iit, (, A, O,)or V ease rould copy of the S,) A Mhe-camel not traind.: (i, A, the ground, a burrow in to enter were :, entangled, so that it cannot be unravelled, .. it is the 0:) or tVc ;iI and t ; withi the pointed t; not with the unpointed t, enter upon it]. (TA.) - As to t;t, a nd tS.;,$ O:) or both are inf. n.: (, contr. of/L", and unles using a forced, or constrained, mode of [and app t. :l ] (V) or a 4 ; 9 ; (Lth, Az, speech. (TA.) they are put in the places of_. and .: (TA:) (Lth, Az, Tl, o, L) and , o, L) and Va . or accord. to Sb, they both are epithets; for he d. IQl3 [They were diirdt, or hard, each t ~1 , (Lth, Az, Tg, O,) but what Lth says with th other; the treated, or behaved towards, holds that there is no inf. n. of the measure is not agreeable with the usage of the Arabs, j' g,i; o t. -. , or ilhature;] J3xi"; and the saying each other with hardnes, har~s (Az, TS, 0,) a she-camel that is ridden, (Lth, they disagreed, each with the other; said of a e,S~ -- is expl. as signifying Leave thou him to Az, S, O, TA,) or laden, (TA,) before she ha buyer and seller, and of a husband and wife; a thing in whtich he experienc" case, and to a been trained: (Lth, Az, S, O, TA:) or that has (TA;) u,tQ is the contr. of ,t: (, O :) see thing in vwhich e experiena di.iculty: and been taken in the first stage of her training,whike ]ur Ixv. 6. (TA.) - Bee also 1, in two places. J,,4 is also expl. in like manner. ($, 0.) [In yet di icult to manage, and had her no-rein [may be attacAed, and been ridden: (V.:) and the epithet also,] ;e'j tVjp~- C like manner 8. y..;l in the sense of .p..5: ee .. (], TA,) or ., 6'I j..tl He rode the she-camd bfore he was expl. as signifying I effcted a thing in whicAh mch applied to a he-camel is te, Cp5.eo (Lth, As, and so in some (Ci,) and t trained, (?, A, 0,) while he waJ difficult to a one experienced di~culty; meaning I treated hardessm, hardhe, or illnature; mch a one with copies of the 1,) and t Ol,~ (Lth, Az, TA, and manage: (A:) or he took her in tAhe first stage of to manag, and being] said when thou hast not treated the person so, in the place of the form immediately preceding, her training, while yet dildt attqched hr rein to her nose, and rode her. (V.) of whom thou speakest with gentleness, gracious- in some copies of the ],) and t t.,, (TA) .i! 31 : H ttered the speech ness, courtesy, or civility. (0, TA.) You also - Hence, .; as epithets,] and ' j.c; (, TA) and t say, [using j,~.e and its contr. j (~, o.) ;:. itation; withot mearing and without pr [Take thou what is ea :>.9 ;e;J; Uj' -_ Also t s... ai A sh-camd that ra. her ,. ; * prparing it in his mind. (AS, A.) dii~cut thereof]. what is and lbat thAou thereof, ( :) or the ; alson ;: tail in er r n H e took of the property of his on, or ; j. (A.)_ _ also signifies Poverty: (Mpb:) and conception: (TA:) rauing hr tail aJer latter, child, or childn, againt the wish of the latter: applied to wolves, t, [the same: or] littln of posion, of [see 1:] and [its pl.] ;t, ($, 0, ]:) so occurring in a trad., with M; ? from .. a'~ signifying "the act of forcing, or prop~ey, of wealth, or of power: ($, TA:) and that are agitated in their running, and ~ the compelling:" but accord. to one relation of that ' i,a and * e., [the same: or] dificulty, head, and contort ( ,)their tails, (g, TA,) by trad., it is with w^ (TA.) and poverty; contr. of ej:: (O,TA:) both re~aon qf brise. (TA.) And t?l, He ought, inf. ns.: (O :) and t ., [the same: or] dij/- A d-camdl tAat is wont to raie her tail when m 1j.s 10: ee 1, in two places. or deired, or dmandd, that in which h ex cult things, affairs, or circumstanca; (TA;) Moe rw, (T8, 0, V,) by rea of ightline 1.) rin~cd, or would expern, dicy~. (0, (O, TA.) In the L, instead of -, preceding contr. of Jj.: ($, O, TA:) and fem. of 1, 00 ... .*.. , we find j'#. (TA.) _- Also, t;. w],, applied to a thing, or an affair, or a circumatance. p., or.l.AI: s-ee , in two places. (T,he army of di,~sy] (Lth, O, ],) or t j', (s,) accord. to Lth, (TA,) (TA.)_ _t _*. and (,, A. O O, ) and t k (MA, is an appellation given to the army of Tabook; A ~carelnot con~iving ding hr year [aJr [respecting which, as well as because they were summoned to go thither during haa, be~ covred: (Lth, $, O, V:) but AS ]) and V j~ some other words here mentioned, see below, in the intense heat of summer, (0, ],) and in the says that this explanation by Lth is not correct, this paragraph, and see what is said of its contr. season of the ripening of the fruit, (0, TA,) so and that jo MU signifies, u expl. above, " V j*.. #ale 0, b-j * -voe a,] nd Vij-c and ' ,. and that it was hard to them; (0, ];) and because she-camel that is ridden before she hus been the Prophet never warred before with so nume- trained;" and so A4 explains it; and ISk says ' [all of which are app. * 5pA and t rous an army, amounting to thirty thousand. (0, the same. (TA.) in ns., of 1, q. v.,] (O) Dijculty; hardnm;

signifies, as some say, [ We wil smooth his way] 10._-.'1es Ibn-'Omar obmres that every noun to punishment, and a di.icul cam. (O, TA.) of three letten of which the firt is with damm and the econd quiescment is pronounced by some _, (,) or Lr l, (0, V,) A certain tribe of of the Arabs with the second movent like the the Jinn, or Genii; (?, 0, V;) as also *, (v,) .00 02* 002 ... 0*5 and,.Lj or '1l: n d j ad., firt; asj. and_, (0, :) or the first, (?, O,) or second (Q, O.)_-It is said in the l]ur and t last, (i,) a land ~ihabited by Jinn. (~, mad ;.. [xa. 7], p ' ' ' d Wjas [God wil give, 0, V.)

trat~ ; int

; CO: ofa. (?, A, 0,

TA.)_t j. S

in the lur [xcii. 10],



r..: ee.., in three place.

-. I...s

an: seaj.l, last entence.

Lj,.ms: see._,
,P e I

in three places: and see also

. ..

: and

~.se , throughout

'[Boox I. .;.t ; and [its pl.] `l;: a5-wnd l;-s the last in two places.
. --0* 0 oI.

seeW `, latter hal

and 3C3l-c: amo

0*~l -*0

~Ip~s and Iy~ ad Aij.~and

and ~.e o and lej ~..



(TA.) One says of a she-camel, J0 1 (0. ;) and t*L; , (g,) meaning In her is the suffering :cpl. above: (0:) or the [a.ffection, pr diase, and J_, (TA,) said of a camel, (O, ',) He L )t j J '(M,b,) , [aor.-, inf. n. was at the point of death, and had [the affection, termed] ;.; (O, V) occasioning her to be at thAe (TA,) He did th affair [or Ad acted in it] with- or diseas, tsrmd] J. : or, as some say, he had point of death and to breathe [or pant] so that us conmvced. (g.) out coideration;(Mb, TA ;*) and V t J. and th affection, or diseas, termed ; [q. v.]: (O:) Air ;..i tV .l have the like meaning: (Mb,* TA:) or he atu at the point of death by reason of the J,. Tranedling without following a right whenoe what next follows. (Myb.) - . [affetion, or diseas, terme] ;4, and began to direction; .asaso V J_l; and, app., in like ]He t,ram d the road not folloing a breathe [or pant] so that his i4; [or head of manner, t- .. , but in an intensive sense, occurright di~etio: (Mb :) [or you say,] .l the ipipe] became conld. (V.) [See also ring in a verse of Esh-Shenfark, (see De 8acy's Chrest. Ar., sec. ed., ii. 35960,) but not found by aor.,, (,) inf. n. J."; (TA;) and V*.. t, and t *,a; (0, 1 ;) h declied me in any of the lexicons:] pl. b.A, like as ,; The journey without any gn of from the road, (0, J, TA,) and journ~yed with- 3. J. is pl. of 0-. (Myb.) Applied to a she-camel mithout track; (TA;) and so t .L. as meaning That gos along at random, out dirction and mithout pru~ng a right cours: the way and hedlssly, (TA in art. ,...: see a verse cited in the first or in a headlon manner, not obeying a guide to (TA:) or J(,* TA) he t~ra th road, (!, TA,) ig an object of want, (TA,) paragraph of that art.) [See also 1, and 4.] - tlh right couse, and that ot turned by anywithout dirction; (], TA:) and t .. A., and A-, inf. n. as above, Hefatigwd, orjaded, him, thing. (TA.) - And [hence,] Acting wron y, t A.-, he travdl~d it without aiming at and (O, V, TA,) namely, his camel, (O, TA,) byjour- unjustly, injuriously, or tranniecalbj; syn. ;35;: ney7ng. (TA.) (TA:) or one who acts hitting #pOn a right corse: (TA:) and ronfjlly, &c, mnch, or i*j[d, (Mgh,) or RjlJl, inf. n. as above, (TA,) ], TA:) and 4. ~l He jornyed by niht, going at ran- ofen; syn. *.J.: (S, Mgh, O,4 he traerd,or crossed, the deart, or vaterle dom, in a headstrong and rcckles mannsr,] like t l also has the former [or rather the latter] 1

whose featlhn on the lft side are more numrom TA,) or an c,-.; (TA.;' u also tV 7Le (0, than tho on the right: (f,O, :*) and (?, O, O) , TA.)_ s and He worked, or some say (?, 0) having, in itu ig, white primary rought,for hin [as a hired ervant (I.) One feathers. (O, 4.) And k- A white primary says, Ji;.i*tk , (0) or ai (TA) i.e. [How feather; (O, ;) and sot ;. (0, ]; in long shall I] work for thee, (0, TA,) and mrn, one of my copies of the f written ; .) or gain, for tAshee, going repeatedly to and fro for thsee lie him ,who goe round about in the.ight .-.~ A man who pre his debtor, and straitenm wkin,g an object of quest, or desire? (TA.) _ hi., or pt Aim in d~ty. (T, T, 0, O .) And , X., (],) aor. u above, (0,) He [See 1, latter half]. kept, minded, or maged, theirestate, and ordered ment to ~ .and s_e: ee.; each in two places. its affair in their stead, (0, J, TA,) and and fro occwpied in that which should put it [or JAe: ee.., in four places. kep it] in a good, or right, state. (TA.)I J-* signifies also The breathing of death. (0, J.) And *j., (0, ],) aor.,, in n. *; (0, TA)

6: se 1, first quarter, in three places: and se .. _L. in language is from ; ,.iit, [and or an affair, or a circum tance: fern. . the like,] expl. above: (Mgh :) it signifies [in its (TA.)_. Applied to a day, . q.,q.v.; (;) general application The uing, or use of, a dis unfortunate, or unlucdy. (O.) A left-handed comendable lices in language: and particularly man; one who works with his lft hand; (ff, O, vague, or vagene~ of, &res~ion; or] the making M9b, ] ;) one whs tr~ h is in his left hand language to accord with [or to bear] a meaing or arm, and ao do~ with that what othe do which it does not plainly indicate. (KT.). with the right: (TA:) fem. A_: ( :) and pi. See also 1, third quarter. - [Hence,] one says, $!A, (0, TA,) like as ' is a pl. of d sA..a J.JI ItLs eJ i. e. [The mord fl upon (TA,) and,~. (O.) None is stronger in cauting as also tl,';: (O,.:) and lj;U&l _L him, and] hit the bone that va the main stay of or shooting than the .M. (TA.)_ _; A (O, ]) i.e. [7Te Sut&n, or ruling power,] acted the limnb,falling short of the joint. (TA.) man who use both his hand [ali/ke]; ambi- mronJly, unjustly, &c.: (1 :) inf. n. as above. 7. J..,al It bent, or inclindl; syn. lbt. dextrom; an ambidecter: (0, O, :) fe.m. _ (IAth, Mgh, TA.)_ And [hence,] i (O, s.) Hence, (TA,) Aboo-Wcjzeh says, t.-: (TA:) you should not day [of a man that lHe visted such a romn. (TA.)_And511 t' & 0 'itit . A a 0 he is] 't-fA1.; ($, TA;) nor of'a woman that A i.. 1,,J t Th tears are copious so that they shel is !p.i _ (TA.)5_i, fen-. of jflo in other than their [proper]channel. (A, meaning [And she knw, or became sure, that] te aor. and in n. as above, He side of the neck [mwa beading, or inclinin]. (O, ,~ , Thebft hanamd or arm. (TA.)-..2 ,, TA.) - And 'a, took hkis, or it, with stragth, or force. (M9 b.) TA.) ; A pigeon, or pi,eon, having a whi in 8: see 1, in six places. te leftJ wing. (Q,O.) And JIp. .t~; An eagl - And ML- lie took him as a ~crvant, (O, ]~,

,;l [More, and most, dicudt, hard, strait, a'es or intricate; contr. of ; %;] applied to a thing,

d~st, oithout dir , (Mgh, TA,) and without any tradled road; u also t iL.sl : (Mgh:) or ;.o signifies the takin a course not along the road, (S, IAth, O, TA,) and mithout knowldge: (IAth, TA:) this is said by IAth to be the primary meaning: (TA :) or, accord. to IDrd, the primary meaqing is the traluling the road without direction: (0:) and J1;; 1 signifies the taking a cours at random, roithout direction and without knowcdge. (]Uam p. 613.) And one says, j) Lw tri, inf. n. as above, He passed the Aight journeying therein without direction, seking a thing. (M9 b.) And J. [alone] signifies The going round about by night seeking an object of quest, or desire. (0, 1.) [See also 2, and 4.] Hence, i. e. from the frequent usage of the verb in its primary sense, L , meaning Such a one treated, or ured, such a one ~ fidUy, unjustly, injuriously, or tyrannically; (0;)

the weak-sighted he-amel that beat the ground with her fore feet a shes goe along, not guarding herelff rom anything. (IAtr,O, ], TA.) [See also 1, and S.] - And He punimed his young man ith hard work. (IAr, O, ]4.) - Alo He (a man, 0) had his camen taktn with the breathing of death, (IApr, O, g,) termed ".;I. (YApr, O.) - And He kept to drinkingfrom the larg cup or bowrl [termed ]. (IAr, 0, O, )


%A-& [inf. n. of 1, q.v. passim. - Also] A

large drinking-cup or bowl; (0, O, , TA;) like

bp.c pl. k

c. (TA.)

AA,.: sece what next follows.

~.4., in a camel, as expl. by A9 on the authority of.an Arab of the desert, is [The m#ff

in cxperienced],wh

the ;j;.

[or head of the

1 windpipe] is conuled (aj 3 , O, or , i. e. J..J3, ;) by the brating (frO) at death: (O:) they say that it is to camels libke tl to man.


,.l,, (0, V,)


BooK I.]


.j;.]) . And j.; mid of water, ';I, a Pers. word arabicised, (Ibn-El-Jaw6- 5Lc and meaning. (TA.). And One who taka mith (!, TA,) both with fet-h li.;, and J3 in n. drenth, or force; and so, but in an intensive lee4ee, Mgh, Mqb, ],") from j, (Mgh, TA,) sense, t. (Mb.)
An army: (S, A, 0, Mb :) pl. (A, O.)

A hired man; a hi~eig: (~, Mgh, O, MXb, *:) or a dame who is held in light, or mean, estimation, or in contempt: (0, L, TA:) in the l, ], d4 to - t is erroneously put for O; the reading in the O and L: (TA:) a poet says, (0,) namely, Nubeyh Ibn-El-JajjAj, (TA,) *

You say, ' A;1, and ' .& The army is coming, and are coming. (Th, TA.) - A collectio. (A, 1.)- A lare number, or quantity, of anything: (A, V:) as, of men, and of camels or other property, and of horses, and of dogs. (TA.) - The camdels or shep or goats of a man,

(O, TA:) it is of the &lae]: ($, A, O, M 9b, i sense of the measure J., from ) ;. meaning "he worked for him;" or in the sense of the (M 9b.)

$ ;Jl Verily he has few beasts. (TS, 0, TA.) The darkness of night. (TA.) __S.. -t u.ZJ. La LA. .. , * t Anietie, coming oue upon another, contjI [I obyed the l in reect of appetites until it -. _ - See also; . bomnman, a sla of a smctively. (0, TA.) d~d m as rmd ja): M.rafeh and MWin (~, in the [Hence,] ~;(.il meunrm C
!. .e J..g . - i. s

-~~~~~.' ,,., ,,J_;,.j;bI,,. L*

colectiely. (Az, 0, TA.) You say, LJ,i

:) because places of assembling.

ity: (S, 0,

meaure j,.,


meaning "he

tookt him us a servant :" (]: [and the like is 1:) and dearth, carcity, or drought. (s.)

y, ditress, or ad ,;rl Dicffiu

said in the O:]) pl. AL (E,Mgh, O, Mgb) and Tarafeh says, L.., which latter is anomalous. (TA.) 0
Jl , e.. : see J:.., lut two sentenceo se
f,.sL, fist

.. d.i

. -0 -



i. e., He became in a state of dcltcy, or distre, of lo of her. (S, O.) by rea

d togter. (Mb.) - And The Co ; Abo, applied to a she- place where an army coll itself; (U,f Mb ;) as eamel, (Aboo-Yoosuf, $, O, ],) without 3,(O,) also ; (TA.) w as well as to a he-camel, (TA,) At the point of Collcting an armnny; or a collector of an ;j, death, and having [the affection, or die, termed] t or, Us some may, hadving the affection, or army. (S,* Msb.) diase, termed . [q. v.]: (0:) or at the point to , and bgin of death by rea~ of the breathe [or pant] (Aboo-Yoouf, ; O that the L j,5l ja ;;, or. and;, (?, O, 0 ,) in n. ~ ] beom co ,W;. [or had of the (TA,) He made, or prepared, the food W (V.) , oV wihj: [i.e. io~y]: (g, 0:) or,au also A.AA Jl 4; ; men He i one who has (1, TA,) inf n. 3e (TA,) h mixed th food no o pl Qf ais, or pmust: (MNb in art. mith Aoney, (V, TA;) and made it pleasant and r.b: ) the last word is app. pL of Jt. , which eet. (TA.) - [Hence,] A .i He made him gy. (IAvr, F, TA.) And 1 He is of a form common to trilitemal-radical verbs, in an object of generl. (Mlb in the prent art.) (i.e. God) made him an object of love to men. (1, TA.) Accord. to an explanation by the wihout Prophet, of a saying of his in which it occurs, A plAe in which one tra hLA of the $ He (i e. God) granted him, or permitted Aim, (O, TA:) [in w.hich is no drei: d Aim, (TA,) to do a good :] one says, l. (O, TA,) i.e. di way nor any tracA: pL %" so that those around him death, hi before deed, tract in the way their took [They .sjl h.L and egized him; the him, ith pasd mre derts, in which !f the dsert., or Qf the wa to honey. (O,.TA.) likened being deed good d~c ]. (TA.) one trav m~t And Hefed im with honey. (TA.) See also 2. applied to a woman, Violat~ (TA.) - The inf. n. . also signifies The tcracting .~,

see J. 4T; a

to the',, (TA, [but the former in the C] is with the , quiescent,]) It bame agitated (, TA) and rippbd, (TA,) bing put in a tate qf commotion by tre wind. (V, TA.) - And J; maid of a wolf, (0, 0, V,) or of a horse, (V,) or of a fox, (TA,) inf. n. J.s and i, (9, 0, ], TA, [but both in the CV with the . quieseent,]) lie rvent the pace trmed j5, or t i., ei. e., with wide leps,] and quickly: and in like manner maid of a man: (S, 0:) or he mma in a state of agitation in Ai running, and sdook Ai head, (V, TA,) going along quickly: (TA:) or j.m signifies the haking of tAe limbs in rming; and is mostly used in relation to the wolf: (Er4-oghib, TA:) signify and, as some say, jill J3; and . ;v,) (,I the hors' being hement, or ardent, in hi running, bending dom his had, and having , said of a fox, JI his back eea: and 4 I. occurs in a verse of Sa'ideh IbnJu-eiyeh, for ;l ,~ ,; [app. a miatr iption for J.. &j [for .W( ~ c Il *I], like the phraue jaJI followL]) next what 4,. . Z]. (TA. [See One says also, of a guide, 3jl67 J.r;, (V, TA,) t cky, i, He (lam p 953,) or laL~ ' (i,) or ent 'with id ps, like tAe rof, (TA,)
[in tAe deurt, or wvaterles desrt, or in the way].

Jl ;i;.

(S,1) and -;JI, (V,) occ

ring in a trad., means Keep tou to going along


quickly; (?, Vi, TA;) from * ';l! signifying the goang along of the wolf and the quivering of the spear: or, as some may, by J.II is here ll j- [the honey of bes]. (TA. meant See also art. .. 4.)I- _J,J b;, (0, TA,) with kesr [to the .], (O,) like ;;, (TA,) or .%, ,j, (eo in two copies of the $, [in one of my oopies of the 8 omitted]) inf. n. 3.;, with fet-l to the ,., (O,) or jp_ ($, TA) and Js, (TA,) He kept, or clam, to the thing. (, O, TA.) 8. ,!sJIe, ~inf n. ' see 1, first sentence. _ ", (~, O, ],) inu as above, (~,

o,)I furnshed then ith J. [i. e. Ao~y] for

travllinpv ; (., 0, ;)a also t L.. (.)- And j;.i Jac, inf n. u above, He made th man's con~ t to J.; [or Aoey].

(TA.) _- And the Arabs may,

ki ,,. U,

part. n. of 7, q.v. (O,TA.) l

uest with omethibg honeyfrom a bee-hie. (KL.) - And ;t'jl J: , meaning Diert ye your g stomach] beof his cravig the alay to [whereby in (,TA,) He com, n. TA inf. aor .Tj&; like .q_ prad the woman: (], TA:) the verb in this fore the [mornin-m~ caled]
seeme may be derived from a phrase mentioned voce AX--I, or it may be a word independently coined: ISd says, " In my opinion it is derived." [in form] .;, j;, in n. (TA.) _ , He tasted hisfood. (AA, like -'', inf. n.

and ;,J:

&c. (El-Umawee, TA in art.

[The man collected an army]. i3t91%; (c)_...s*!J ; . I ollectedthe thing. (Msb.) elv toThe peole olleted th , in the ple: (TA:) or th ~t gther, ('i,) people fe into diffcuty, direm, or adverity: O, 1.) _m O, smaid of a spear; aor. ,, inf. n. (V :) or ito dearth, carcity, or dro~ght. (TA.) s:. , OOand ; (coretly L.;] and (,) It quiwred: (, :) or qpiered h night bcame dely dark. mJ,. %A _ Q. 1.

y. e bhee made t hL 3 A And signiA to Freytg, accord (TA.) - [And, fies He collected hony: but for this he names no authority.] 10. l.L. I Thy ~oght, or dmanded, or asked for, J.- ; [i. e. honey], ($, O, ],) as a

(0, V.)

I 1

gift. (..) .;: see muc (0. [In the C$ W. and Ut; ;areput for

below. ~i




[BooK I.

mL [i. e. May he stumble andfall; &c.; (seE 9,6 ' j dim. of JL., q. v.: or of its n. un. e or in the faUling, ("j, so in a copy of the $,) or Z4r& 14.& art. ,a;) 4.. being app. an inf. n., of which, in the returning, (. j, so in the ],) of the hand, - [Hence,] t i q. ia [i. e. The sperma of a in this sense, the verb is not mentioned]: (0, man and of a woman]: or the ,L. [meaning :) [or may As be reid; for] it is said that or arm, (S, O, .,) witA the beating. (TA.) g~a] ~pna] of a man. (Q, TA.) - And ! The deli. d signifies tAh reviling in blaming. (TA.) ,,, ji: see cioUnet, (S, Mgh, O, Mqb, TA,) or . ci~~, eetne~t,

(Mgh, 8, TA,) of ,tl.; as being likened to J. .*(O, ]) and Jl V? ', (0) i. q. :j, ,.. n. Iln. of 3 [q.v.] i 0.&& (0, g, TA,) i. e. A good manager and pastor oj e. is a eupeicmism for tThe place ofinjection of J.'[i. honey]. (S, O, M 9b, 1C,TA.) Thus, (Mgh, O, Myb, TA,) or as expl. in the next precattle, or camels 4c.: the pl. of Jc is J i.; sper~na: and hence it means t the tourcefrom (Mgb, (TA.).And t. JL Iib means Tiis is thue n,hich one prings; origin; ancstry,orparentage; ceding sentence, (TA,) in the saying of the Prophet to a woman who desired to be divorced like of &c.] One says, thi: and so a. (0.) i ' S i i.e. from a husband in order that she might return to j former husband,,j3j a former 0i3 _. , j . [(HorMy;] the luid that it ditcarted t [Such a one has no soure] of kindred (d.,), (, 0,) nor of cattle or property (Jb). ( .in art. JLU .'-i' . (Mgh, O, Msb, TA. [See 1 in art. from te mouths of bee, (g, TA,) wAShthby haa t 1 eaten, of thefloen and the lave, mrat fll their r y..) And ; r / J,jil; L meaning j31j) i3.m.]) _-And i l signifies Q [mean1 JIl bdlis, th 1 [i. e. t I know not the urms Mubstan~ beg tn conrted by J pol ing ingThemaleandfemak"italorgam]; 7Te male andfemaleenital orTans]; because (orthesource) God, wh thir blis, into J ;, wohich they from n,Aich h has pnung; or hi ancestry, or means of experiencing delight. (Z, TA.) jct.from thir moth: (TA: [in which, and in parentage]: (S, O,s ] :) or ! his origin, and any 3Li: see lAlso, ($, 0, M 9b, ,) the ], several other explanations are added, too wJifsfrom whom he has sprung. (A, TA.) And and VjL, (Mlb,1,) and t fanciful to deserve notice:]) the word is masc. (s,) A 3 J C ! Re reviled him so that /A spear spear that quier*s, (S, O, Mb,) by reason of and fem.; (,0,O, Mb, ;) in most instances .~ .J b rienoliedl his parentage, and denied his origin, pliablenew: pliablencss: (Mob:) or [so the second, but the feom.: (., O, Mb :) "L; signifies a portion, or or rank or quality. (Z, TA.) And k .. JS first and last,] a spear that quivrs much. (J.) somsehat, ~treof; (0, Mgh, O, TA;) being the &LL ;s. Q, said respecting his motier by an And al.. L, [Spears that quiver muctw]. (A n. un.: (TA:) the dim. is I 34;', with 5, beArab of the desert, meaning : Every child that in art. -j.)_ See, again, , . cause o.. is mostly fem., or as meaning iiL; ,shehas brought fort/a is from a manly sire. (A, (f, O, Mb ;) or it is the dim. of -&i': (Mgh:) TA.) And ait, [as a subst.] Bes. (0, O, ).And fi ~ 'hi 5j;. t Such a the pl. of J. is JL1;1 [a p]. of pauc.] and 3: The 3. of bees; (., TA ;) i c. the thing, such one kmn the whole company, and case, or conand 5 and and Ci ; (AAn, I;) dition, [or origin,] of the sons of such a one. (O.) as as a ,; [q. v.] e., in wiceh bees maAke hony. and these pie. are used when one means sorts of (TA.) [See also ; A thing of Te colour of J-. [i. e. ,,!.. (AIAn, TA.) - [It is also used tropically j4 j Agatherr~ of A~n (O, O,) from the for; J, i. e. t Flors, or blsm s; because honey honey]. (TA.) - [Hence,] ~J , le di hive ($, O) or from itu plae; as also VJtll. is made therefrom. (See , pn.)- And it is ap- tinctive mark, or sign, [which has sometimes (1.) (~.) [And J3,~ j): Bee oc,upied i gatherplied also to t The sweet, thick, inpisated, or been a honey-coloured turban, at other times a icUigetomu, juice of fruit:] and it signifies [par- girdle, or some other article of attire, of te asamen ing hony: see a verse of Aboo-Dhu-eyb cited in art. ~"., conj. 3.] - Also, as a posive epiart. ticularly] t the juice that Jlon .from ~ ripe coloUr,] of the Jen. ($, Mgh, O, J.) diet, A place in which is honey. (TA.) One diet, dates; (O, ,* TA;) because of its sweetness. : see , : and see also JlC. says i.Ltc a (S, 0, TA) A hie contaiaing (O.) [See also u .]-Also t The gum of th ho". hon. (TA.) -Also an epithet applied to a [,pecis of mima caedu Ja. [q. v.]; (0, V ;) Jg..; The broom, or implemnt for eping, man, (O, g,) said by As to be as though it were because of its sweetne. (O.) And.,11 , ; of the e&r ofperfumes, (~, 0, J,-TA, 'L - for 1 &. j, (O,) meaning t laving a good, or is t The gum thAat from th scie of tree in the V being a mistake for _, TA,) w/a rightsous, rightous, deed attributable to him, fJir Ahic tAhe calbd S havI, ,vingno nweetne, ; (0;) a thing which. he gathers together th pe ; (t, O, mbio Qulo of im is deemed mwet: (Az, O, I :) and [or substance], (M, TA,) or a certain odorifero TA;) it is a hair~ . wt wich Ahes (0, (0, g) accord. to IlAy, (0,) a.good, or righAteous, ndtance, (I,) that de from tAs pec of p th~pefme from Ait paved.floor: (TA:) or man man; as also t j.; (O, 1 ;) the former said of perfumes by him to be an instance of themeasure tree above mentioned, (M, g,' TA,) i. e. aeJI a feather wita which [the com po 3t6 in [generally applied to toraz, or styraz], (TA in caled] iMl ig ddache~,or d~aced: (Fr, IAr,' the sense of m 3.yI [aa meaning tmade an art. ,)l,) ud for fumigation, and called by the O,] :) pL Zl. (TA.) A poet says, object Doect of oy: sMee 1, econd sentence]: (O :) olQgar i.J ' ' (.. [See art. ~ and pl. of both j', (O, j,) accord. to him. (O.) 4 Ido..]) And w-il J.; is A rwhite thirg [or 0 -See alo l .-;11 also signifies The . r0 ' Ws G subtan, a spsi of manna,] that comes forth 4 i vof; [because of his manner of running; (see 1, Ark!~1 L from te sr~b caled] : [q. v.], resembling I latter half;)], i,,1o;) and so vttJ;L; (TA;) L.;. [i. e. pear, or ilver beads lie pearls]. [Then amend thAo my condition by means of Iand t iL (O, ]) and o iO. 1, with t and wealth: I will assuredly not be, with my mode of (*, TA.) - Also t A good, or righteous, deed, praising, like a Ahewer, one day, of a rocA rithA a te eulogy for whichA i deed se~t. (AZ, O.) .: (O0:) pl. of the first j.s and & t (.8, O, See J.;. - And The '.,. [app. u meaning Aair-broom, or amfeathr, of a seler of perfum]: I) [and 'tl,t is mentioned by Freytag as sigpt .sL, this last word inrippl] o.f rmning ratr,(IA4r, O, ],) [ariing] he means, Lt 1 nifying' wol/v from the Deewln of the HIutervening between the prefixed noun and its comfmf the blowing of the i~d. (IAr, O.)_ [In fdhalees]. one place in the CV, j.l1 is erroneously put plement because the noun of time is held by them 1 to be like what is redundant. ($, O, TA. [One ; A waft she-camel; ( ;) as u, also for ;Il: me e ., below.]





6 .



of my copies of the ? has Ut- ; the O, Uji: [

CL., (1, O, TA,) in the V erroneously said to

be like , i. e. V J,&, (TA,) applied to a man,

(V,) Vehement in beating, (%, O, g,) quick in the 0 .asig , 1 -p w nopiso b raing, (ej o, and so in copies of the ,)


e: (~, TA: [j ;11 in the Ckg, u syn. with and each of my copies of the ? buhas *. ; and h'.l, him is a mistranscription :]) the O in the former is augmentative; (IJ, f, TA;) for, s one of them, J.]).-And The ~ of an t; ~lp , (?t , 0, ,) and of a camel: pl. as above. Eb says, the word is ofthe measure from g) (g.)-Seee also J;l A_and see am [the inf. n.] Oj ;l; not, as Mo4ammad Ibni)..dt (0, seum

BooK I.]

0 *

JOabeeb aserts it to be, sym. with ,a,

the measure J.ia., (IJ, TA.)

f surface of the earth, like 3j [or roots], and arn (8, .) [Accord. to the TVJ, one says, and o: green: or a certain plant upon the banks of rivers, bending and inclining by reason of softness, or tenderness, or lu~riance: and, as used by the vulgar, rods, or twigs, or shoots, of recent growth. (L.) - Also t A boy, or young man, hot-headed, and light, or acti/e, in spirit. (IAar, O.) And ;t~J01 iar it. (O, ]) and *1,lS(0) ! A soft, or tender, girl or younrwmnan. (O, K, TA.) And . ;. t A soft, or tender, figure, or person: (0, J:) the latter word, used in this sense by El-ljjhj, said to be a contraction of ' t.0. (TA.) And t 4 tA perfect '' .IJ l, (using IWtl:, a is sometimes done,in the sense of the coll. gen. n. 11, or the fobrmer may be a misprint for the latter,) meaning The sheep, or goats, broughtforth,&e.] m And The tahing and iearing an old and -ortm ndal, or boot. (4.) [Accord. to the T]~, one says, j ;1 . , or Ji. I, meaning He took the sandal,or the boot, in an old and worn ot state, and wore it.] .,.= [mentioned above u an inf. n.] signifies A rigidity in the rrist,and andle; in consequene of which the hand, and foot, became distorted: (8, ]C:) or, a some say, a rigidity in a man's wrist: (TA:) or a distortionin the hand, or arm, in consuee of a rgdity in the wrist, or in the elows. (Mgh.)- See also.
,_c One wvio gains, or easrm, much for Ais family, or Iouwseold. (TA.)

with the J augmentative.

Gt{f ;. q. [JLi and] o,li: so in the saying --; LP l; j .s [He u of asemblance andI of charatritcsand Matural diotion which are th~e of hi.father]. (0, V.) Mi'3; A liht ~ p: but this is a vulgar [postclassical] word. (TA.)

'~ i. q. !l [q. v., i. e. The habitation oj f bees, whether it be a mantfactured hiw or a hAdUow in the trunk of a tree or in a rock, in which thy doit ther honey]. (i.) [See also state of youthfulness. (TA.)

1. . , eaor. :, (Myb, ],) inf. n. _, (S, owyn]: applied as an epithet in this sense to Mpb, ],=) It (a man's hand, and his foot,) wras, 3 J..; [or ginger]. (., TA.) or became, distorted, (S,* Msb, I,) [or, accord. to the ], app. said of a man, meaning he mas, or J ,t Sweet [or (as we say) hon became, distorted in his hand, and his foot, and talk or dicourse. (TA.) And 'I 'i i. thus in the Tv,] in consequence of rigidity in the tA 9irl, or young ewoman, smet in s~ech, beau- wrist, and ankle. (s,* Meb, __* [See also . tfed in expreion, plei~ in te modulation oJ below.]) , aor. ,, (8, Myb, ,) inf. n.._, the voice. (TA.) And --1 3, t Vera- (F, M9b,) He coveted. (M,Meb, g.) [It is trans. ciou, orfaithfu, inpromia. (TA.) by means oft).] One says, ,_ ' [He mwi


Made [or presed] with J.

[i. e.

,. -. One who toils, or wors laboriouldy,or who seehs gain or the mean of ubistn~,jbrhis family, or ousold; as also t..s: pl. [of the former, and perhaps of the latter alo,].~ ('.) - And A she-camel that has many young on". (O.) .,G: ! see the next preceding paragraph.

... i Having a distortion of tha Aand, and of or an affair, the contending with which for the the foot, in cone~ of r~git in the writ, mastery, and the masteringof rwhich, wi not be Q . 1.A ;,211 7ze tree putforth its and ankle; applied to a man: and so ap* erosted (0, -) - Also, inf. n. _ and:, . , or oft and grI rt or t,igs or hots He gained, or earned; or he sought sustnance; plied to a woman. (., M,b, g. [See also,...]) in the lg (TA.) syn. ~4; [&ce.: see tX]. (V, TA;) for h~m f; or for his - And An u sr~ (we, .) family, or household: (TA:) accord. to Pr, A thing that is, or that is to be, coreted; -. w:seeLmjl , in four place. .M.1; signifies 4l-' Jl [i. e. the gaining, or syn. S ;;(., TA;) as also ,._ ; or this applied to food (.U), i. q. Le [app. earning; or the seeaming usenance]; (?;) [and] latter signifies coviy, or coeto~ ; and, ., I , , with .A,, is a dial. var. of it. (TA in this art. meaning Thin, or sjtantial],(Ibn-'Abbad, 0, so. signifies ,;?.j . (TA.)_..s,. (8, 1,) aor. 5, (S,) He strove, laboured, or toiled; and in art...) 8o the former signifies in the 15,) i.e. in which are flour and water: (Ibnor he exerted himsdelf, or put himwlf to labour; in saying 'Abblad, 0:) or good, em~t, or plasant. (O, V.) , -J A L [TAere i is notfor the affair. a (, . *) _ And . , (,) or_e thee, in the wu of sAc a oe, ayting tAt is, or t: see the following paragraph. .!,.(S,)dlJ L;;, lHe plunged into the midst is to be, coted]. (..) [Freytag hs written C5. A branch, or twig, or shoot: (Mb :) of the peopl, or party, so that he mized with this word,; , as from the , in which I do them, not caring nhether it roere in battle or not: not find it; and has expL it as signifying dire.] or a brancih, or twi, or shoot, that is a year old: (S, ], TA:) or, accord. to some, it is peculiarly (Lth, O :) or a rod, or twin, or shoot, of recet~ growth: (TA:) or any plant that com forth in war, or battle; one says, _., aor.,, inf. n. gren, twisting, or mreathig, and soft, before it .,*, meaning he went at random, heedlesly, or 1. i 1 ;, aor. &a, inf. n. and . assumes other colurs: (AHn, 0:) or, as also in a headlong manner, witout conideration, into war, or battle, and threw himself into the midst of The wood, or stick, ma, or became, dry and &., (S, o0, V,) and j, (0,) a soft and it, not caring. (TA.)-- a: Hc is ey hard: (Ae,$:) and ;.JIg.JI L-., (Kh, 8, ]K,) gren rod or twig or shoot (, 0,) of a tree, and shed tears ( j-I [in the C1g C ;]): and (some inf. ns. as above, (], TA,) the plant was, or b,of a grape-vine, he t frst gro~nforth:(S, o:) say, TA) had foul matter in its inner angle came, thick, or coarse, or rough, (Kb, S, ,) ad or all signify a branch, or twig, or shoot, until a dry, (j,) and hard; (TA;) as asbo , (Kith, J [in the c, ]);as also , ,_: year old: (M, TA:) or t . signifies a soft, ( S, TA, [in the CI, in art. gy., erroneously or t~odr,branch or twg or .oot: (TA:) the pl. or had its lids closed, one upon the other. (1~, TA:) written ,]) a dial. var. of the former, (Kih, of C . i &.;: 4. *...l IHe, or it, rendered his hand rigid S,) (Mb:) and this is said to inf. n. l.;. (TA.) And :, aor. signify a cmrtain [ort of] white thing, that come~ [and app. distorted: see 1, first sentence]. (u.) inf. n. .. (El-Amar, g, Mb, TA) and He gate to him. (TA.) m See also 1, 7, forth in the bJ. [meaning either spring or mum- m ~. last sentence. u-V' (Mgb,) His hand became thick, or coarse, er], and stretchs alog is, the : [or kind or rough, from worlk. (-El-Amar, ., M9 b, TA.) of cane called rattan], soft, or ~pe, and bend8. -_-: " I gave him wshat he coveted from ing: (O :) it is [also] said to signify the jj;~ of me. (., TA.)~Andt.L;Jl signifies j.t L 1 -t.a said of an old man, aor. .sa, (As, S, Mb, g,) inf. n. gr., (At, .,) or trees, i. e. the , (Mb,) or , thereof [meaning the sprouts [expl. above]: see 1. (TA.) Also Th dep's, h jfro tahe roots (see art. .,)] that Mwootforth in or goats', bringingforth, and the pastor'scoming both, and f. and ; ; (i;) and , (KI, thea yar: and certain things that spread upon the and putting to eery otte of tlwm her young one. S, ],) inf. n. L;; (I ;) ][e became aged, or ad. 1 Bk. I. '28O

not covet it]. (f.) And


I A thing,

vanced in age, (M9 b, 1,) and (Mqb) in a decining state (?, Mlb) by reaon of age: like t;c. (S.) [See also an explanation of '~ more agreeable.with the first and second of the significations J0l1 L;. mentioned in this paragraph.] -And The night became intensely dark: (V:) but Lb is more known [in this sense]. (TA.)
t`. q.

[BooK Oiil [Zeyd is near to standing], the predicate being an objective complement or having the meaning of an objective complement: or, as some 5 L.>j J.i, i.e. [virX.JI say, the meaning is . tually, but not literally,] I eagerly desire, or I tope, that Z.yd may be perfomrning the act of standing: [but see Jc and JWi in art. Ja, as well as what follows in this paragraph after the explanation of the next ex. :] the complete is such [mean01 c as occurs in the saying, jst ing, accord. to what is said above, Zcyd's standing is near to being a fact]; the agent being literally a phrase composed of a subject and an attribute because el is here what is termed 5; is and , for .. [meaning 3j, ;.z equivalent to an inf. n., and an inf. n. may be used in the sense of an act. part. n.]; and another is, that X1 is here redundant, which reply is [said to be] nought, because XIt has rendered the aor. masqoob, and because it seldom falls out [from the phrase, though it should be remarked that JW, which is said in the Mughnee to be like in meaning, is generally followed by a simple aor. and sometimes by ,I and an aor.]: another opinion respecting the analysis of the phrase is, that 5C is a trans. verb, like ,;ij in meaning and in government, [agreeably with the explanations mentioned above from the S and ' 4,) with the preposiMsb,] or intrans. like tion suppressed; and this is the opinion of Sb and Mbr: the opinion of the generality is, that it is an incomplete verb [like etLb in the phrase Ot1 . ..j, mentioned above], and that Ojl and the verb following it compose a substitute of implication supplying what is wanting in the two preceding portions of the sentence:_ the second and way of using it is, the makiiig it to have the verb following this for its object, [as in mentioned above], so that it .b,j ,;: # a' is a complete verb: - the third and fourth and fifth are wliheii it is followed biy a simple nor., [being in this case likened to ;Lb, (S, K,* TA,)] or an nor. witlh . prefixed, or a sinIgle noifn; as [It may be that Zyd lstands, or in. a~ ,. . [It i,igy be that .j 'V will sta,u] and j,. [It mtay be [ eYd will stant a v ,nd ai j that Zcyd is xtandi;ug]; the first whereof is one of which tlhere are few cxs., such as the saying,
C-:4. 0

[Waz, or wacandie]. (].)

C1 Dates while gr and small: (?:) said in the Xl, in art. U., and [before] by Hr as is stated in the handwriting of Aboo-Zekereeyk, to be correctly with t; but mentioned by 8b in the "Book of Palm-trees," and by Al0[n in the "Book of Plants," as being with t and t. (TA.) ~i;JJ_is equivalent to .teS j I fj.J [so that - [Also, as stated by Freytag on the authority the MA and P'S and T.K *}i]: (Msb:)-[in of Dmr, The femal locut.] is expl.'as meaning It may be thlat; &c., L y.. Age; old age. (TA. [See 1.]) and this, or simply may-be, or may-hlasp, or lprhaps, I regard as the preferable renidering; as ,-', [part. n. of 1;] Thick, coarsa, or rou/h. being virtually the meaning in all cases: for (TA.) - And The fnuit-stalk of the raceme of a , in which it is used as an inI. j .. Xs1 palm-tree: (A'Obeyd, ?, and TA in art. L, :) . complete verb, however it may be rendered, virof the dial. of Belljrith Ibn-Kaab. (TA.)_ tually means It may be thlat Zeyd is, or illU be, J). (m, TA, both in And (TA) Palm-tree (o standing; or may-be Zeyd &c.: and i1 Ls art. U..) ,j.~.~, in which it is used as a complete verlb, L.;l [a pl. of which the sing. is not men- virtually means the same, though more prolperly tioned;] Hard [hollows, or eavities, in stone, or rendered 4eyd's standing may be a jict: its in rw.jed ground, that retain the water of the usages are various, and have occasioned niuclh dispute respecting its grammatical character and rain, such at are termed] Cj!hl. (TA.) its meaning or meanings; as will be shown by what here follows:] _ it is [said to be] a verb U-. unrestrictedly, or a particle unrestrictcdly: (K :) 1. .; is [mid by some to be] one of the verbs [but this statement seems to have originated from of appropinquation, implying eager desire, or a mistranscription: IHsh says,] it is a verb unhope, and fear, and not perfectly inflected, for it restrictedly: not a particle unrestrictedly, conis applied in the form of the preterite to that trary to the opinion of Ibn-lESarrij and Th; -- nor when it has an affixed pronoun, as illn,, which ocurs in the present: one says .iu lrd OI [meaning, aconrd. to what has been said contrary to an opinion of Sb, ascribed to him by Seer: (Mughnee :) it denotes hope in the case of above, Zeyd it near to going forth, though genethat which is liked, and fear in the case of that rally otherwise expl., as will be shown in what which is disliked; as in the saying in the 1ur [Such a an ij follows], and r'A




[It may be that the state of anxiety in which thou -;..l i. e. I hast become (or, as some relate it, have become,) is such that after it wil be a near removal tlserof]; and the third is one of whichl being the agent of is near to going forth]; ,i ;.} s e X IY.? 1 [But it may be that ye there are fewer exs., [and which is said in the 0 being its objective comple[s, e, YLand U4 dislike a thing wlen it is godfor you, and it may to be not allowable,] such as the saying, JI: and one says also, be tilat ye like a thing wmen it is eoil for you] ment and meaning C 0 kl; J..G "' 1 j ' it W5) ways; in various it is used :*) (Mughnee, [as meaning, accord. to what ,,W J;a 5,,t a 0 t - - UAl here precedes, I am near to doing that], and one of which is the saying, A . 5j .s. s_: C-& -' ', with kesr, agreeably witlh readings [in the [mentioned above], respecting the analysis of [or, as some relate it, J.,-;c, which is more comJ -, and ,; , with kesr which there are different opinions: that of the mon, i. e. Thou hast been profuae in censunrig, kCur xlvii. 24], a l [inagenerality is, that it is like, ` ' " and fet-h; and one says to a woman, X1 cc. peristing constantly: be not thou proJfis: eriyh much as - is here an incomplete verb]; but ; but one this is deemed dubious, because the predicate it may be that I am, or shall be, abstaining] l3I 1la;i; and [to women,] ep.; in [expl. l L "L;4 o prov., to the and as thereof, nor the form does not use the form , [.iaj Ol] is rendered by an inf. n., and the subS&l; (S;) both of which [however] are men- ject [.jj] is a substance; to which several replies art. ,,t, and of which it is said in the V that the and tioned [as used] by the author of the "Inl$f:" have been made; one being that a prefixed noun verb therein is used in the manner of 1, Lt,l is that is extr., phrase the ~ that in the (I'Ah p. 88:) [or, accord. to Fei,] ;S is a pre- is meant to be understood, either before the suband that the predicate, of the place put in thero terite verb, [used in the sense of the present,] ject, so that the meaning is,.ill rjl U there sometimes occurs in provs. what does hot aplastic, not perfectly inflected, of the verbs of or wil be, occur elsewhere], the right opinion is that X:A is, of Zeyd the case be that [It maay appropinquation, implying hope, and eager desire, or before is suppressed before L4.l; and [in the latter of standing], tl s act of of tie perforning and sometimes opinion, and cettainty; and it is -. incomplete [i. e. non-attributive], and complete the predicate, so that the meaning is ,g the two verses cited above] X .1. is suppressed (i. e. attributive]: the incomplete has for its pre- ,*iftl M.~. [It may be that Zeyd is, or will be, before tL.P; because thus the primary usage is dicate an aor. mangoob by means of 5., as in the tle performer of tle act of standing]; and another preserved, and because what is hoped is the perand son's being an abstainer, not the abstainer him3ti reply is, that it is of the class of J. ~ , meaning j,j Urj saying, *.. XI,J


Book I.]
self; and as to the second of the three modes of last mentioned above, with ~,a preusing is fixed to the aor., it is very extr. :_the sixth way of using it is the saying L..C 'and Jl. and *L, which is rare: in this case, accord. to Sb, it is used in the manner of ja, as governing the subject in the accus. case, and the predicate in the nom.; the predicate being sometimes expressed, in the nom. case, as in the saying,

2049 4 q . . He is adaptedordiposed by nature, apt, meet, suited, suitable, fitted, fit, competent, proper, or northy, for it or of it; as also t TA:) but one should not say O..". (TA.) t: ((g, B1qb,) Myb,) or a building, (Meb,) or a wall or the like, 0a. and if in the 0,) it is called ,%a, and ';L; (S, O,)

[See also

see art. ,.aI

(S, O, Msb,) and cmr-l: (i, o:) ground, ,el, or the nest of a raven or other bird, upon a tree, wlwn wrhen it is dense, or compact, and large: (Lth, T:) PI. pl. [of paue.] ,I ;I (8, Mob) and [of mulL]





tb,,b,,, ,,ti .u


[And I said, May-be it is tle fire of Ka-s, (for I suppose that .s.w is here a proper iname, that of a woman, daughllter of El-Kelhabeh El-'Orance,) being and perhaps site has a comrlaint, (i.



ill come towards her, and visit

he,] :- the seventh way is the saying, .j LsC JSi, mentioned by Tb; which is to lhe explained on the ground that . c is here an inecomplete verb, and that its subject is thle Ot,1;J,.' [i. e. AA is suppressed, the meaning being, It may b that the ease is this, Zayd isstanding], the nominal proposition being the predicate. (Mughnce. [Several other statements in that work, respecting u.~, I have omitted, as being refuted therein, or as being of little or nio importance.]) -It also denotes opinion, (Mhb,) or doubt, (]i, TA,) and certainty: (Msb, 1, TA :) the last is meant in the saying of Ibn-Mukbil,

6ME- and l. g, M9b) and :. (V M6h, ,It: : puberty attained hare to thought girl A :. L. ] It is said in a prov., (TA.) [See also 3 (Lh, TA:) or a girl near to attainingpuberty. (s.) quoin (O, TA,) Ij.1 .i El-Ilalaj, of quoted in a ;4i? [t Thlis is not thy nest, or] thou hast "'. 0jji you O"A,0 is from . , like 1:. from ,: ;i~ no right in this; therefore go thy way: (A, O, , meaning IIe is a person .K:) addressed to him who alights in a place of say, '.LJJ ; (W~)) [.fit, or proper,] for one's sayinu j of him, abode not befitting him: (A,TA:) or to him who raises himself above Ihis rank: and to him [It may be that he will do !i'a " . ,1 wlio who applies himself to a thing not of his business good]: (A and TA in art. Jil:) and iL..! hjl to do: and to lim who is at casem in an improper ;I. [i. e. Verily he is adapted time; wherefore he is thus ordered to be diligent 1hj4, meaning or disposed by nature, apt, meet, suited, &c., for and in motion. (TA.) And in another prov., such a thing]: (g, TA:) and in like manner, (TA,) t &'hl Sech tou, or seek thou . witllout variation, it is used in speaking of a i.epeat&lly, repeatedly, after pretexts, and [causes for] fasbe female, and of two persons, and of a pl. number. accwation, accusation, in thy fanily (0, L, K, TA) and (TA.) ilion those belon~ing to thee: (TA:) [not in others: (see Freytag's Arb. Prov., i. 235 :)] nearly like A she-camel of rhich one doubts whethcr !~. a (TA.) [In the CIL, U*;J there be in Ier milkl or not: (IAqr, Kg, TA:) or the former proverb. 6.1--is erroneously put for ,.] wnhose milk has stopped and it is hoped that it will i.s return. (Er-R'aghib, TA.) 0, and a ^ e : 1 see art. Y.&. see UC:&

;,as written by gh, S,) or r:,::(IApr, (I 1. .;s, (TV,) inf. n. u, (V,) lIc (a bird) A nest such as is called V,) or (0, both, (TA,) kept to his j. [or rust in a tree]. (IC, Tg.) 0 part upon another.. one ulp, heaped .P, when ,.P&, .1 a^,* 6A. lHe (a bird) made for (IAg, , inf. n. -, A. .. (IA/r, S, O, K.) X5 It J )~ I .i . % L * himself a nest in a tree; (S, O, I;) asalsoj..sl, . [Such a place is the h~ ~L 15'i jAtah (TA.) [My opinion of them is like an expremion of cer- (A, ],) or ! j.:l, (O,) inf. a. nests in the tainty while tley, in a desert, or in a desert deti-' It is said in a trad., (A, g,) in the story of place aherae the birds make their C.*) branchei O, (., trees]. of branches are &c., water, and herbage of or tute of tater wl';. wL 3 ' , meaning Umm-Zar}, (O, TA,) contending in reciting current procerbs instead of to ourfood, respect with utfaithfuld be not will She attending to the wants of themselves and their vrery corner, (A, in somnehat hiding by wheat, or uttered by God, it is camels]. (., TA.) -As 0,'1,) lihe birds that make tleir nests in sundry )I c : see 4. 1. * ;expressive of an event of necessary occurrence, 4.1 ; and (0,) so that it becomes like tle nest of the places, (., 15,) in the whole of the lur-in, except thce said of bread, (Ya4oob, TA,) It was, or bird in a tree, (A, O,) or so that it becomes lihe -. *^said 4u I.; " d1 ,.a , saying, [in lxvi.i5,]J a tree. in nests their the place where the birdsmake became, dry. (Yagp;oob, 11 , TA.) - And ,. ltq.WjjI [It may be that his Lord, if (1i.) [See another reading in the first paragraph [so in the TA, app. ,.c,] inf. n. 4It; and d 1 ; also, of a person greatly he divorce you, will give him in exrchange wivre of art. j..] - You say 4iia, said of a man, He became tdry, or tough, 4*i&, obstinately persevering in evil, ,.4 by reason of leanness. (Ya74oob, TA.) j. with what erring, and .. . better thtan you]. ( ) follows it, in the lur [ii. 247], means [virtually] *j: L j Ulh t [Th devil hath,made a nest in 2: see what next follows. ? to fleeing? (V :) some read thus; his heart]. (TA in art. jJ. ) nJ~.Jl ye A;e yiear 4. M ajol inf. n. aor.', and t , yJ1 :l; 4. [erro- The bread became mouldt, or spoiled and oter.ist C. (TA.)-.LI and some, . dried and l,) A, O, spread with greennsu, (8, 2The place produced its [herbs, or herbage, _ :; ".Jt&; neously written in the Cg U.]: see the first the bread until of the kind tsrm~d],r: left He ;.: JI Aji (a.) up. (Myb:) and in like sentence in art. ~. it became mouldy, or spoiled and overspread ith manner, (;, O, M!b, ],) (Msb,) J.?l c,,l, 4. t clI means How well adc:pted or disposed, sgrene [and dried up]. (A.) (Mqb,) and thus in a copy of the and Vt'.', or how apt, meet, suited, suitable, fitted, fit, com8: see the next preceding paragraph. V, ], [and in my MS. copy,] but in another copy, p)etent, or proper, or how worthy, is he! (LhI, a, (TA,) The land proland in the C],] t, c, c&: see the paragraph here following. I, TA.) duced also 12. After the [See .)' (, O, . duced , 0 colit what of bird,formed of a nest The mention of 4d,. i in the 8 and 0, it is said U _'. means t..Jl, [i. e. It is suit'; Msb, fi,) of slender in the former that for the verb one does not say O, Mgh, A, (S, together, lects a such do shouldst thou able, fit, or proper, that pieces of sticks, (., A, O, K,) &c., (S, 0,) or of and in the latter thing]. (V. [In the CI, and likewise in the otherwise than ,,j l .' 1, fragments of sticks, (Mgh, Mob,) in which it lays : its eggs, (Mgh,) in a tree, (S, A, Mgh, O, Msb, that one does not say ;,I 4.1.] _- And - &.J'.]) u =" and W.l TV, erroneously, .0, see art. .... ,**,01 7The people, or party, lig7hted on, or found, 5,) in the branclea thereof; (S, A, O, I;) as ,;ll


,,4 0

: see what next; follows.

0, ,c,; 1also t, c,: (A, 1 :) but if in a mountain, (S,

o, K;) as also..iJl Vt,', ![but (s, 0,


[BOOK I. l probably in an intensive sense]. (1].) One say s ,.JI .s c and Asjib ed dib and Aeschil confounding two usages of the verb, says =, to him who is sent to seek for herbage, 1 ed dib.] (TA,) inf. n. .e, (TA,) He took one from ten. i [Thou haao foud frek herbage: alight] (..) _. And ' He took one from among ]' i JlewAfamily, or household, among ,hom (O.) - See also 5. _ U t ;JLt [I asked d is none little, or young. (S, O, 8.) - See alsc them, they being ten. (M9 b.) - And_ j., (S, K,) aor. ', (8, 0, TA,) accord. to the 1P , but him and] As gave me an old she-camel, (S, O, ]g this is at variance with other authorities, as menTA,) i e. what i termed 4 . (TA.) ,.,..; fem. with ;: for the latter see '. tioned above, (TA,) inf. n. ';, (I,) or c, with 5. l C, m camels fed upon [herb, o0 77Te damrn, ($, 0,) the former correct, but the latter herbage, of the kind termed] . AL An old she-camel (ije; ,o1.; [mistrans- is preferred by MF, who quotes it from the ; and [accord. to the TA as a distinct meaning] became fat (y, lated by Goliuns and Freytag " dens exertus mag- Expositions of the Fs, (TA,) and < i; (i ;) TA) therefirom; (TA;) as also t C.4:, 1 accord, nus"]); (, , 1; [see 4;]) ase also L . (S, and (O, IA,) inf. n. .:t4; (TA ;) He to tho ], but this latter is wrong, being correctly O.) And An old ewe, advanced in age. (Q.) tookfrom them the: [i. e. the tenth, or, by extenAlso An old man bent with age. (.) A man, sion of the term in the Muslim law, the half of the - -;., as in the parent-lexicons. (TA.) and an old woman, bent, and slender, and advanced tenth, or the quarter of the tenth,] of their Tveral 8: see what next precedes. in age: (LI, L, TA:) or a decrepit old man and kinds of property. (S, 0, J.) And in like man12. ,wl !l The land prodced abun- old woman. (;, O.) A short man; (0, I ;) as ncr you say, (TA,) jljl c, (M.b, TA,) aor. ', (].) And A woman short, and inf. n. .i and;*.c; (Msb;) and t'; ; (TA;) dance, or much, of [herba, or herbage, of the kind also ~4t:. termed] ; this verb having an intensive sig- ugly, or despicable; (0, K, TA;) and so applied He took thej:& of the poperty. (Msh, TA.) It niaification, like O.$Z1,. [q. v.]. (~, O,TA.) [It to a man;. (;TA;) or so t : applied to a man. is said in a trad., respecting women, Ct 'j, is erroneously mentioned in the /K as syn. with (O.) And A man dry, or tough, by reason of meaning, They shall not hare the tenth of the leanness. (Ya4:oob, TA.) -;,,l.] -_ See also 4. value of their ornaments tahen. (TA.) -.. , l . c: ; and its fem., with o: see tAb, in aor. ,, lHe added one to nine. (L, K.) [In the ,i [a coll. gen. n.], fl. un. with 3; (TA;) TA and CK, this signification is connected withi ireal, green, juicy, soft, or tender, herbs or herb- three places. ~ And see also i+:. the first mentioned above, at the commencement age, (., A, O, Myb, ]1,) in the first part of the Lt%lA The state of having, or producing, [herbs, of this art., by *, instead of j, whiich latter is [season called] ) [i. e. '.! p, which begins or herbage, of the kind termed] ,, (8, 0,) or evidently the right reading.] And . ., in January and ends in March, O.S.]: (Msb:) not much therof (J.) aor. 7, (S, o, MQb, I~,) in n..v>, (S, 0, Mb,) termed , until drying up: (;, O :) or, in the ,~,t (8, A, 0) and *,,(A,) and He became the tenth of them: (, O, Msb, K :) opinion of the generality of the lexicologists, or lhe mnade them ten by [adding to their number] (Msb) and ; .. (Qe., himself (TA.) [See is applied to such as ia fresh and to uch' as , * . s also 2: and see Q. Q. L] and t,'*, (TA,) and w,;l it dry: (ISd, TA voce e - :) or the first, or and ,'t; 2: see 1, in two places. .. nj., (O, M.b, (M9b, 1) and * al:s (S, O, Msb, 1) and earlieat, of latrbage, (i0 lt,) in tte that "i.lc TA,) inf. n. ' , (TA,) also.signifies le made [aftetwards] dries up, and does not remain; the v t4 (Msb, 1) and ta;., (S, Msb,) but them ten, by adding one to nine. (0, Mob, TA.




term . being applied by the Arabs to 4. and to other kinds: and 4 is applied tofresh, green, juiCy, sGft, or tender, herbu or leguminous plants, of the desert, that comeforth in tie : and under this term are included those that are hard and thick, which are termed the j-* thereof; as well as to those that are sldender and soft, which are termed thejl thereof: or, accord. to AHn, ,shatlever is destroyed by winter, and grows again f.om tie stocks, or roots, tlhreof,or the seed: he says also that it is applied to such [!erbage] as is unintoerrtpted; as opposed to w. l: or, accord. to Th, it is arplied to the mature; as so opposed. (TA.) .iJJ. l l a.:& [TTe green herb of the dnel in.q] mneans that which growts in the ".5 [or patch of ground wvhich people hae blackened by their cooking and where their cattle have staled and dunged] of the d,elling, surrounded by fresh, or gireen, Ierbs, in a vwhite [or clean] part of the ground, and good soil: and hence, T Tlie . [oi. wonan whose father is a free man, or an A rab, and her mother a slave]; an appellation like j.0.31 tj' [app. lit. meaning "The green helrb that grows in the place where the water with whiichi skins have been washed, or the like, is poured out :" but IbrD thinks that it may be a mistranscription for i p?lp]. (TA.)_ [~ UIl $ 4:cis Eyptian toad-flaxr; antirrhinum A,egyptiacum; the name of which is written by lFo,skAl (Flora Aegypt. Arab., pp. lxviii. and 112,)

; S. .Ui 0 God, write down ten good deed for every one of my steps. (Lh, TA.) :c, or La., He reinained ten nights W-4_ Scanty, and scattered, or disunited, '..) with his wife: and in like manner the verb is [Ierbs, or lherbage, of the kind termed] : a word [of an extr. form (see .14) and] having used in relation to any saying or action. (TA -_ s,, (S, Msb, K, [in the C. no sing.: (S, 0 :) or scattered, or disunited, por- voce tions thereof: (AIHn, .g, TA :) or different kinds c,]) an n. ; ( ;) and t*;.:t; (K ;) of herbage: in the saying of a seeker of herbage, Sle (a camel) became what is termed -!.p ; (S, I;) she completed tie tentl month of her pre7it meaonr dsnia ted , i: (A.Hn, nancy. (Msb.) - And Ij.c Their camels beTA:) or c not yet mature. (Th, TA.) [See came such as are termcd j%1 [pl. of tp.]. (0.)

some do not say t$ , (Mob,) [A country, and a place, and meadon%s, and land,] having, orproducing, [herbs, or herbage, of the kind termed] 4.;, (S, A,O, Msb,) or much thereof. (g. [See also ])- -. And' t j;e A camel feed-

[See .]) And 1d;1 . ,&l Ie .i made the number ten. (TA.) ,j'l , inif. n. n, lie put, in tie copy of the K.ur-din, [the marks caled] the &l [pl. of t l;. (S, 0, .') _

ing upon ,.

(., o.)


.-- L&as opposed thereto.]

Sec also 4. _


Hic broke the .

and its fern.: see _l;, in three places. [or drinin.-borvl] into ten pieces. (0, TA.) And [hence, app.,] ,._ c t+4i Loe ema.,l. il, and i 1,d[Land, and ciated him [as though it broke his heart into ten lands,] having, or producing, mucl herbage [of pieces]. (TA.) - And t: (A, K,) inf. n. the hind termed ,,]: (K, TA:) ,~ is , (S, o0, g,) IIe (an ass) brayed nwith ten pl. of At., or it has no proper sing. (TA.) uninterruptedreciprocationsof the sound. (., A, [See also,;.] 0, ].*) They assert that, when a man arrived at a country of pestilence, he put his hand behind his ear, and brayed in this manner, like an ass, and then entered it, and was secure from the pes1. :f.s, (]K,) aor. ', as is expressly stated by tilence: (S,* O, TA:) or he so brayed at the gate the expositors of the Fa and by others, but F, of a city where he feared pestilence, and conse1

Boox I.]


i; [means He took the ten in number; not seven, as is said in one place quently it did not hart him. (A.) - Also lie O.^) _ Jlyl (a hyena) cried, or Aowled, in the same manner. tenth, or tithe, or by extension of the term in the in the TA. In Har p. 579, jUMl in this case is said (A.) And He (a raven) croaked in the same Muslim law, tise half of the tenth, or tite quarter to be pl. of;LG; but I think that we have better manner. (.) of tie tenth, of their seteral kinds of property]. reason for regarding it as a pl. of;c]. (Az, ., [as a pl. of 0, ].) Imra-el-l.eys says, (S, 1.) [See 1, and see ;I:c.] ecmj 1. *wt\c, (8,) in n. ;At", (S, 0, Myb, K,) He mixed with him; consorted with him; held which the sing. is not mentioned], applied to shesocial or familiar interceourse, or felloraship, with camels, T/tat excern into the udder (j.') a %- ; . ', him; conversd with him; or became intimate scanty ;) [or quantity of milk (in the C.K i-)] , Msb, ].) [See withlut its collecting [and increasing]. (0, YI.) ($ )l. with him; syn. [And thine eyes did not shed tears but that thou also 6.] mnightest play writh thy tro arromsfor the portions [camels'] *: A period of eight days between 4. j;,ll 1sl: see 2. - l%3j l ThaeJ became twice coming to wvater; for they come to water of a lteart subdued and killed by the pa&ion of l, said of a she-camel: see 2. on the tenth day [counting the day of the next lore]: he means, by the two arrows, the two te ($,0.)- ,. -Also She (a camel) complet'ed ten monthsfrom preceding watering as the first]; and in like man- called .bjl and ",,yl ; to the formoer of which tihe time of her bringingforth. (TA.) - Also, ner, the term for every one of the periods between are assigned seven portions, and to the latter, or VZtpk, She brought forth her tenth offpring. two waterings is with kesr: [see AJ:] (S, 0:) three; so that both together gain all the portions; (TA in art. A.) - And the former, said of or camels' coming to nater on the tenth day [after for the slaughtered camel is divided into ten porcamels, They came to water on the tenth day, the next precedingperiod of abstirnence, i. e., count- tions: therefore he means that she has played counting the day of the next preceding watering ing the day of the next preceding watering as tite for hiis heart with her two arrows, [alluding to as the first. (0.) - And 2 :el He nwas, or be- first]: or on tite ninth day [not counting thle day of the glances shot from her eyes,] and gained poscame, one whose camels came to water on the tenth tits net preceding watering; for it is evident that session of it altogether: (Az, 8,* O :* [se also a day, counting the day of the next precedingivater- these two explanations are virtually one and the vcrse cited voce ~.; :]) or accord. to some, he ing as the first; expl. by the words &! o>j the same]; (V ;) as in the Shems el-'Uloom, on means that his heart had been broken, and then 4, (S, TA,) orlJIl. (TA.) - And ile came the authority of Kh, where it is added that they repaired like as cooking-pots are repaired: but to be mithin [the period of]J the [first] ten [nights] keep them from the water nine nights and eight Az says that the former explanation, which is days, and then bring them to water on the ninth mentioned by Th, pleasecs him more. (TA.) Hence (T, TA.) 9)-#ijeh (!4..tl of Dhu-l day, which is the tenth from [by which is meant the saying, V , . -. Xi e 14, We. hare had ten nights including] the former [day of] watering: (TA:) v - And ;;;,i3 [lie playedfor all the portions of it, and was not pass over us since ne met. (L, TA.) after theci, there is no name for a period be- content with te fi.fth f it]; meaning he took the tween the two waterings until the twentieth alone means 6. Ij`lmj They mixed; consorted; or leld whole of it. (A.)-And ;l-? , Cooking-pots thtat boil the ten portions[ofa ja ]. social or familiar intercourse, or feUllowship; one [day]; (S,0;) but you say, I;j ; with another; conversed toget,her; or became inti- and Iji. I;, [and so on,] to the twentieth [day (Igar.p. 579.)-;j& also signifies The pr'imate, one mith another; syll. 1,j1.it; (S, 0, counting the day of the next preceding watering maryfeathers of the wintg of a bird; (., O, TA;) (TA.) Msb, ];) as also ? Ij:l. as the first]; (As ;) and then you say, that their and so (TA.) l S, (As, is Q1I, waterings two between period 8: see what next precedes. Ij, Three nights of the [lunar] month, [the 0,) i. e., eighteen days; (S, 0;) and when they ' He made it twenty: an extr. Q. Q. 1. i j [q. v.]. ilj.. [meaning tenth, elventh, and tweftlh,] aftra the exceed this, they are termed word [with respect to formation, and post-clas( with green pasture so as S, O.) Also [The asclepias gigantea of Linq. v.]. (1, TA.) [In the CP, "that satisfy themselves sical, like O.)- Also The nmus; or gigantic roallon-wort;] a t~pecies of not to need water"]. (As, S, d3>, and expl. there as signifying I made it eighth young one, or offs~prng. (A in art. %X.) tre [or shitrub] in which is a substance answering twenty: but this is evidently a mistranscription.] -l And A piece that is broken off from a cook- the puopome of tinder, (],)liAe cotton, (TA,) than ing-pot, (], TA,) or from a drinking-cup or which there is nothing better wherein to strike fire, :l fen. of 3e [q. v.]. bowl, (TA,) and from anything,; (~, TA;) as and with which cushions are stuffed, (g,) on ac;ji (6; 0, Myb, 1) and ,A (TAXA tenth; though it were one of ten pieces; (TA;) as also count of its oftness: (TA:) [see Dj, in art. Ij:] a tenth part; one part of ten parts; as also V) , (g, TA,) which signifies a piece of any- accord. to Aln, (TA,) a large speciu of tree [or * and Vjt.Z.; (,O, Mb, [;) whichlast thing: (0, TA:) pl. of the former, j;&l [and shrub], of the kind called aL!, having a snwet gum, t is [of a form] not used [to denote a fractional pl. pl. ,tlI]; (TA;) and of t the latter, ;ts;t. (AHIn, S, 0,') and milk, (60,) and broad leaves, part] except as app!ied to the tenth part (S, 0) and growing up high, (AHgn,) from the floers and t A cookingapp.,] jtMl [in the instance of 1. applied to] the fourth part: (O, TA.) - [Hence, ots of which, (AHn, ](,) or from the joints of shol pot, or one of stone, broken in pieces: thus [we tlhe branches and from the places of the flowers (0:) or, as some say, ;Ua is the tenth of the find the latter word] occurring in the pl. form i lwhercof, (O,) there conmesforth a well-known kind tenth [i. e. a hundredth part]: and as some say, [and used as an epithet]. (S, 0.) And t;ljo3 of sugar, (Al[n, 0,* ],) in which is somewhat of ;i. is the tenth of thte t , which latter is A cooking-pot broken into ten pieces: (J :) or a bitterness, (0O, g,) callUed 1.ljL; (AIgIn, TA;) the tenth of ties ; so that, accord. to this, the3 large cooking-pot, of ten pieces joined toget!her by is a kind of red sugar, which falls like this [or jtl~ is one of a thouand; ror it is the tenth oJ reason of its largeness: (A:) or a cooking-pot so from Ibn-Ma.roof the tenth of the tenth: (Msb:) [in the TA, " and large that it is carried by ten men, (],,) or by ten dew upon this tree; (Golius, resembli,uj bladders, also it produces ;)] the Mj and as some say, 1t.a is pl. of jel, whlich latter is women: (TA:) or [simply] a cooking-pot broken [or faucial bags] of camels, in which, pl. of . :" but this is evidently a mistake:] the in pieces; not derived from anything: (TA:) pl. the j1, them out from their mouthls, [blowing they bray, (A, ]g.) And X , (A,) and';,t. jL; , pL of:c is;Lc (Mqb, 1) and ;; (g;)and 1 with a gurgling sound,] (AIgIn, TA,) [and] like that of ?je. is l;t : (S, 0, M9b:) it is said ;Jl [A scabbard of a sword, or a Enord-case,] the bladder of the smaller %IS [q. v.]; (8, 0;) jel ;w cl in a trad., G .jwj ii broken in pieces. (O.) And ):l.cl %.J [t A and it has a blossom like that of the k3M., tin:ted, The [but with what hue is not said,] and shining, and ,oljlL, i. e. [Nine tenths of the meansu of sub- broken heart.] (S, ].) And j. jL players which [for beautifid in appearance, as weUll as a fruit: isitence consist in merchandise, and one part oJ f portions of a daughteredcamel TA:) n. un. with ;: and pl. [of this .(AHn, them consists in] the increase of animals. (, A,* i at the game called >1il contend, and which are

*,, ru

[Boox I.
latter] j; [or rather this is a coil. gen. n.]' and or by the wordj.t, or the letter E, over, or over. this; (MF ;) and ;L:.; (S , MO, b, ] ;) like as against, the commencement.] - When yout have ~.ii is pl. of ,; (Mb ;) and in : (1 passed the number ten, you make the musc. fem., art. .JU:) or ;t:.is applied to she-camels until and the fem. masc. [to nineteen inclusively]: in some of tlem hawt brought forth and othem are oSial, or familar, inteMrcourse; felothe masc., you reject the; in ;'j. ; and from expected to bring forth. (g.) Some say that sip; i. q. 3ilt"; (0,'1;) or a subst. from thirteen to nineteen [inclusively], you add ; to ij. have no milk; though EI-Farezda] applies the latter word. (f1, Mab.) Sometimes it governs the former of the two nouns; and [in every case] this term to camels that are milked, because of as a verb, [like the inf. n.,] accord. to some gram- y you pronounce the . with fet-; and you make their having recently bronght forth; and it is marians, as in the following ex.: the two nouns one noun, [nnd, as such,] indecl., said that camels are most precious to their owners with fet-h for the termination: (TA:) you say, when they arcj.. (TA.) .l:, as pl. of;t:, C,.l -. 1 -*!.14 1w od.I (9, [E!eoea], O,hentibeyarend t&i(T..... .1A. ~. [E&we], (S, 0, Msb,) [and X which is pl. of signifies Gazelles that have [By thine associatingwith the genermous thou stilt Twdele,] and j LsJ [Thirteen], and so on; recentiy brought forth. (O.) be reckoned as one of thns]. (I'4 p. 211.) (Msb,TA;) with fet-h to the ; and in one s . . Ji. ZIilk of the ., &c.]; (Mb;) j.~ [Ten;] the first of the of camels caml that ; (A,(;) dial. with sukoon [ that feed feed upon u th o~1, &e.] oor Mb with ;, (Mqb,) and with fet-h to the .,A, (TA,) the former only: (S, O :) and, as ISk says, some j.:, q. v. (TA.) ,, for the msae.; (Myb, TA;) and .c, without ;, of the Arabs make the t quiescent, [as many do .,,. ,,,Q}:. T,ecnty; twice ten: (.K:) applied alike (M9 b, TA,) and with one fet-hah, (TA,) for the in the present day,] saying e .. , and so on a.Tendy fc : ( :) sa ,,& .,,.hto a masc. and a fem.: (M.hb:) you say s'.c ij La [Ten to fem. (M,b, TA.) You say, & [inclusively] exceptin the instance e Te ,,& ,~,, ~.1. [Twenty men], and ; .n X O'l. s .. . [23vmty men]: and J.-_ j.,* [ton women]. (9, O, M.b, ofji I:c and'c ai:l, because of the quiescence momen: the noun following it being in the accus. TA.) [In Do Sacy's Arabic Grammar, for the of the I and U; and Akh says that they make case as a specificative]: (TA:) it is decl. with former is inadvertently put ;:.; and for the the t quiescent because the noun is long and its j. and S [!ike a pl. formned by the addition of latter, ... : and in Freytag's lexicon we find vowels are many: (., O :) in the fern., you add and X:)]; (M"lb;) nnd when you prcfix it to instead of:c. ] 1;1: [is the pl of : to the latter of the two nouns, and reject the ; another noun, mking it to govern the hitter in siod also] signifies Decimnal numbers. (M in art. in the former of them, and make the in th gen. casc, vou dro) tilc C, (K, Mlb,) and ,,) The vulgar make J: masc., as meaning quiescent: you say & J 'I' (TA,) [and .1; s say, Jj j" [Ti c t,tt.# of Y,eyaj, (M:b,) and n number of days, saying fJfl n.all, and 'd t ,#, ~ 0 ~ ~ -. 03j[Thy twtetity], (8,0 ~, n ~ 1~Ac,] and so on to ;* .. [inclusively]: and .J [T/ tent], (, O, Mb,) and , 'jl ; but this iswrong [unless thereby theymean if.yucho ousy- . t [&e.wit [Aly twenty], changing the j into t3 [in this last if youyou choose, say ;h , [&c.,] with to speak of nights with their days, as will be shown b case],eausc of the letter following, it, anid then : (., O :) so says Ks; but most by whlat follows]: the month consists of three kesr to the .,: the formeris of the dial. of the incoqi.ti,g people of El-.Hijaz, [and is the more common,] disallow this mode of prefixiig in thecase of a % .s1; .j.l Il [Th first ten nights, and the latter is of the dial. of the peolple- of decimal number [of this kind]. (Mb.) [it sigi namely, j' with their days], pl. of Jjt; and j lal -l [Te, Nejd: (9, O, TA:) but fet-h to the L in this nifies also Tnentieth.] It is not a pl. of~ [, (so case is unknown to the grammarians and leximiddie ten nights, with their days], pl of /j . 4 I cologists, as Az says, though an instance in s and th O and in th TA,) and s..)1 ;.;i1 [T/ last, lit. the other, ten nights, bee<adduced in an unusual reading of the .Kur or.a, (so in another copy of the 8,) [or perhapsl with their days], pl. of or &ll i ii. 57, and another in vii. 100. (TA.) Every the right reading is t., as may be intfbrred from noun of number, from eleven to nineteen [inclu- what will be presently added: but first it should. [T7he lat tem nights, with their days], pl. of' sively], is mansoob, [or more properly speaking, be observed that if it were pl. of J:, or of ;, (Myb.) [.p!jtl .3dl is also especially applied each of the two nouns of which it is composed is it would sipgnify at least three times ten:] some to The last ton night. of Ramal&n, with their indecl., with fet-h,] in the cases of ref.a and nas.b hold it to be a pl. of '.e, saying, (TA,) as khaf~~~, of twelve; except for that L~, ijl sayiand(TAJ days: and a*.JI j$ A. to T/e first ten nihts and klhafd, except and that of twelve; for and a! -l signifies camels' coming to water on the nintlh of DhJ-l~-1I) ', with their days: and j. t, are doel. [i. e. you say, in a case of nasb or kliafd, day, they do not say X .& [for twenty], but alone, to The first ten nights of El-Mo]arram, j,. and & 1.,.a!]. (TA.) - [In the they say 4,.L, (in with their days.] The Arabs also said, I r ..., manner also y. and are used in the b . meaning We journejyed ten nights, with their same ordinal compounds.] reading seems to be . ordinal compounds.] S : . but the . correct .. .. days; making the fem. [qJJ] to predominate Il~ta: TA: [in the CU.K it is moro incorrect, 1 5:,& A she-camel that has been ten months .~ over the masc. [ 1 ]; as is the case in the l]ur la t'JLI. J.. .. :]) making eighteen p1,",ant, ($, Mgh, O, M.,b, ]f,)fron the day of ii. 234. (Mob.) And ,;lt- . is used for As her having been cored by the staUion: she then days to be Jj':&, and the nineteenith and twenaJt i,J4Ill [Thle days of the ten nights]. ceases to be [of those] called vtol, and she is tiethl a portion of the third.!; and so, [regard(Mgh.) [See some other observations applying called o,l until she brings forth, and also after ing tho portion as a wholc,] forming the pl. to the syntax of andAc., voce .. a And she hat brought forth, (~, 0,) or rwhen aeo has X sJ'~; (I-,*TA;) agreeably with a well-known respecting a peculiar pronunciation of the people brought forth, at the completion of a year: or license, which allows the calling two and a part of El-I{ijhz, and a case in which ;- is imper- when she has brought forth she is termed5t1: of the third a pl.: (TA:) this is the opinion of fectly decl., see .] _ [' is also applied to (TA:) or that lau been eight months pregnant: Kh and IDrd and some others: but J and most A portion, or paragraph,of the Kur-dn properly or, applied to a she-camel, i. q. iUi applied to a of the lexicologists hold that X jy.s~ is not a pl. conaisting often verss; but it is often applied to woman: ( :) it is applied also to any female of ;j. nor of A. 5 nor of any other word, and somewhat more, or kl, than what is coansideredby that is pregnant, but mostlyv to the female of the their opinion I hold to be correct, applying as some, or by all, as ten verses, either because there horse and camel: (IAth :) it is the only sing. it does to the other similar nouns of number. is much disagreement as to the divisions of the word of this measure, which is a pl. measure, (MF.) verses or for the sake of beginning and ending l: (MF:) the dual is jl,3 : (S, with a break in the tenour of the text: (see except ;I.; Ten and ten; [or ten and ten togethler; or o, TA; in one copy of ten thd S O at a timeand ten at a time ;] (MF;) ehanged : :) and pl. ait :) pl. .1?. These divisions have no mark ;ll:t;; (S, O, , TA; in one copy of the $, to distinguish hem in some MSS.: in others, from ;':, (S,) or rather c ;:; uas also each is markel. by a round ornament at the end; and in the CI ;ljl '.,.; (MF;) [for which reason, and its ) but some disallow


(, O.) [See also





Boox I.]



having the quality of an epithet, each is imper- the like office for the Prophet and for the KhaleeIj1., (S, M, fehs after him may be thus called because of the fectly decl.] You say, ;LL relation of what he takes to the tenth, as the (M, O, L, .K,) and quarter of the tenth, and the half of the tenth, , O, L, ]1,) and once, (M, L, TA,) They and as he takes the tenth wholly of the produce once, and '. j.. (m, M, O, L, 1.) MF says that is watered [only] by the rain, and the tenth canm ten [and] t. that the repetition is manifestly wrong; but it is of the property in merchandise [of foreigncrs, and allowed by the M and L, as well as the K.; [and half the tenth of that] of non-Muslim sul)jects. is for the purpose of corroboration;] and " ' (TA.) [There is either a mistake or an omission t ' .* is also authorized by the TS. (TA.) in the last part of the statement above, in the TA, which I have rectified by inserting "of A'Obeyd says that more than ;. .and ;J. and foreigners" &c.] JI and Ia has not been heard, exeept ~L ;1. see jL;s&. - One says also, , occurring in a verse of El-Kumeyt. (O, TA.) [meaning lle became thl tenth of tlhe]. (m, [But J;i. is mentioned in the J.] Msb, 1.) ;'G: see .;, in three places. - Also A cer*t . The circularsign which maris a division tain measure of land, a tenth of the ', (0, 'as,hr (fj:) in a co,,y of twe Kur,-dn: (O, of an M 9b, 1,) which is th tenth of the rt i h[q. v.]: L:) pl .J .. ) - And L, K :) a post-classical term: (0, (O, TA:) pl. i5 U1.[ (TA in art.L means The verbs -I -l. (S, K.)_- And An associate; i.q. * *. (., O, Myb, g.) _ he because Myb, ](;) O, (8, And A husband; of the .ur-dn. (IK.) - And mlete an: that con and his wife are asociatcs, each of the otllher. (S, .l1; JI1 Ca,elnc coming to uater after an intcr. means TrUy are unjrateful to val of eight days; (S, 0 ;) on the tentl day [countO.) :jal l'; the husband. (Ms.b.) - And A tife. (Msb.) iUJ the da(tof the next preceding watering as tlae A relation. (1) .- And A frin -And first]: or on tIa ninth day [not counting tel day (Q0.) Pl. X c (15.) _ Seo also . . - of the next preceding wratering: see .C ]. (1.) [or hyena, or femal Also The cry of the l For anotllher signification of the pl.,~tc, see Ayena]: (15:) in this sense, a word not derived. j.c, last sentence. - ;~ is a proper name of (TA.) [i. c. hyena, or female hyena]; a deterTh; (O.) [but it has for] pl. ,.t. noun: minate 3tlw; and its pl.: we


author of the 1] may mean, or jinu: and also mankind:]) in the 1]ur [vi. 130, and Iv. 33], we find the expression .j..j ' " 1 e; but this means O >~ consisting of the jina and of manthe w , without kind: and [vi. 128], ,MJ. (M, M9 b.) mention of ,..l1: (MF:) pl. .. [See also places. "ace] -, : wce l., in four

;:*- SA woman mwho has completed her fl

time of prenancy. (TA.)

[,j~ pass. part. n. of 2, q. v. See also


: see jU;. - Also One whos# cameou havc brought forth: and one whoe camel have

becom Jtl. [pl. of ;C;]. (0, kC.)

;t' : see yc. m Also A she-camel whoa mnilk is abundant (.1, TA) in the nights of her bringing forth. (TA.)

Q. 1. ~J, , said of a plant, or of herbage, and .] said of land, It became green. (Ibn. [j,= 'Abbil, O, ].) A certain plant, (S, :,) of th [hind the grain of hAich is , of plant. caalld]

good for th pile, and for gen~rating milk and

blackens the hair, (15,) or the eares wAereof, L, intensely gres, which are like tlhse of the th~ith, and is dreaed it blacke the hair whean caume it to grom: (TA:) n.un.with;: (1:)AbooZiy4d says, it is of the [kind of plant ald] .... , and is a tree [or plant] that spreads upon the ground, having thtick [in the TA wide] eams, and not having thorns, and is scarcely, or ner, eaten by anything but tae goats, which take sone little thereof, except its grain, for this i caten: sone of the Arabs call it W; and when a grain the;eof falls upon the groundul and dries, it becs~ red as thotth it were a bit of red wool: ometimes, ho says, the women use its leave in conbing alnd dresing their hair, which it blackens, and cause to grow: he says also, an Arab of the desert, of Rabee'ah, informed mc that tAhe aJ.. ries upon a short stemn, then spreatds into many branchA, and bears numeriousfruits, which are long, broadpods, in erery one of which pods are two rorws of grains exactly like tle stones of raisin, atdl Juee are eaten while fresh, and are cooked, and are pleasant in taste; and thlen the wind blont, thos pods become in a state *f commotion, being suJ. pended by sleider stallis, so that they make a ruxtling sound, and you hear, in the valley in wt/ick theyt are found, a low aul confused souul, whichf.iglhtecu the carnde; and tihe erpenU lo not ma/a their abode in that valley,.fleeing fron i, tiw sound: its leaves are lie t/hoe of tlhe intenblv green; and its grain is white, pleaant to the taste, easily broken, unctuous, and hot; good for tle pile': Aboo-ZiyAd also says that the i.Ls and i; [I. e. senna] are like each other, except that the kates of thi latter are thin; also, that an Arab of the desert, of the Benoo-Asad,

&;1I A garment, or piece of cloath, (A, 1,) us long. (, A, Mgh,O, 1M.) _ And A boy te years old: fem. with J. (TA.)


see what next follows.


,I3JA and t AIj, (Msb, O1)and t iv ],).or

; (Myb, 1) and 5;,j ,q (M. b, (O5) and t

cc.) , -.

L;and 1g


and V1in art. &J, :j (S, 0, 0;ril

Aman's kimfolk: (BSI and Jel in ix. 24:) A~. or his nearer or nearest relatiom, or next of kbia, by decent from tahe same fi.ther or ancetor: (J4:) or a mall sub-tribe; a saU portion, or a~ t mibdiiion, of a tribe, ls than a the : (TA voce a,, q.v.:) or a tribe; syn

or ;yl.WI n (~ in that art., &c.) and d;

(S, 0,) The tenth/day of tie month El-Moharram:

(S, Msb, 1 :) or tle ninth thlreof, (1g,) accord. to some; but most of the learned, of old and late times, agrce that it is the former; (Msb in art. and AZ says that by the ninth may be .j;) meant the tenth; after the same manner as the relating to camels' coming to water, is term , [said to be] applied to a period of nine days, [but means the coming to water on the tenth day, counting thbe day of the next preceding watering as the first,] as Lth says, on the authority of Kli. (TA.) Few nouns of the measure i*i$ have been heard. (Az, TA.) '. ~ A company, or collective body, (Az, S, 0, Myb, ]i,) of people, (s,) consisting of men, exclusire of women; like vi and ;. and -;.; (Az, M4b;) having no proper sing.: (Az:) or any company, or collective body, wrhose state of circumof the stances is one; a commnunity; as the j. Muslims and that of the Polytheists: (Lth:) or a great company, or collctive body; so called is [from ~;p,] because they are many; for S;; that large and perfect number after which there is no number but what is composed of the units comprised in it: (MF :) or thefamily of a man: or jinn (i. c. genii) and mankind: (15: [or the

(f,O,M 9b;) aman's


as also

~;,, without 5: (TA:) or a community, such a the DBmoo-Temeem, and te Be~oo-'Amr-Ibn: (ISh :) aword having no proper sing.: T1n (Mb :) accord. to some, from ,sc: accord. to others, from F~,the number so called: (Bd ubi . (M#b, ]) and supr, and MF :) pl.'.; (Mqb.) [See also :.]~'Iis also a pl.

pl. of Z'.t [q. v., last sentence]. (0.)

j;1 (f, O, Myb, 1) and t. A; (O, Msb, g) (TA) One who takies, or receivs, the and , :; [q.v.] of property. (S, Mob, .) Where . ;, is mentioned the punishment of thejl, or is to the. said that it is in traditions, as where be put to death, the meaning is, he who takes the tenth as the people in the Time of Ignorance used to do: such is to be put to death because of his unbelief; or because, being a Muslim, he holds this practice to be lawful: but such as performed


3.vZc - js

[Boox I.

, like (KL;) as also a inf. n. 'c and jc; !s' 5 [i.e. having for its aor. but the inf. n. is app. UC, as in the similar sense expl. in the next sentence]; (TA, and so in my MS. copy of the g;) i. q. VL, (S, K, TA,) [which is more commonly used than either of preceding verbs, and] whichl signifies lie ate the [teningmeal, or evening-repast, or supper, i. e. chat is upon trees, and cleaves to them. sart 1. *"~ 'because it twines Q.Q. *~ :.. called the] U.. (Msb, g, TA.) And 0(TA.). me:e .art. Q. Q. *. 1 J.bI, (ISk, S, V, TA,) aor. 4a;, inf. n. 'ti, i.U The ,. [a species of dolichos, the doli- (ISk, S, TA,) i. q. t .W [i. ce. The cames ate ; : the evening-pasture,or evening-fecd, called the ss]. clsos lablab of Linn.]; one of which is called i; = 1. iS, nor. , (S, 0, Msb, I, [accord. to the IDrd says, the [common] people assert that the (ISk, S, K, TA.) _ And o;., (]g,) first per.. TA, said in the Mtb to be like 3,,,, but in my ; is the k1a : (0:) accord. to Zj, (TA,) copy of the Msb it is correctly said to be of the j3, (f, M.sb,) aor. ;*':, (S, TA,) in n._*; IlW signifies a certain tree [or plant] that beclass of 4,j1 ) inf. n. i:e and J:, (S, 0, C,) (I, TA;) and inf. n. ;5 ; also, (TA, and thus in comes green, and t/hen becomes slender and yellon: thie latter mentioned by Fr, and said by Ibn-Essome copies of the K,) thus correctly, as in the M, 8arr6.j to be thus by poetic license, and with two (Ib, TA:) and ji'e is its pl. [or rather the coll. Ul.-c in [some of] the copies of the K being a fet-4nhs because two kesrehs are rare in nouns, gen. n.]: (V :) and Kr says that with the post- mistake for QI, the aor. being also ,.*-; (TA;) (TA.) - Also (J, O,) or the former is a simple subst., and the classical authors it is the ,4.. i. q. * L., (s, Msb, V, TA,) [which is more comlatter is the inf. n., (Mqb,) [and app. ; also,] The [tree called] ,it. (TA.) monly used than either of the preceding verbs,] He loved (another, ?, 0, 0) exesively; (IF, S, J., with two dammehs, A camel that keeps inf. n. a;:-j, ($,) i. e. lie fed hi:n (namely, a 0, Myb, I;) [or passionately; or nith amorous to the female which he covers and which desires man, Msb, or a horse, or a camel, S) withl the desire; or, agreeably with explanations of ij. none but him. (IAar, TA.) -- And Men wvho[eveningmeal, or supper, or the evcning-pasture below, admirinly ; or wit/h blindness to defects in trim, or dress, or put into a good or right state, the object of his love; or faith a disease of the the sets [so I render ..,)j, as pl. accord. to gene- or eveningfed, i. e. twhat is called the] :ot; (S, (::) and qIl l:, naturw of melancholia;] and V ';o as trans. is ral analogy of * ",,] of wveet-smellin plants. Mqb, .;) as also ;t .sl: (I, TA,) like t;; [i. e. having for its nor. y.]; syn. with jc as such. (TA.) [See also ,t -. ] (IAar, o, .) (TA;) and t (LI&; Iie pastured the camels by said of a she-camel, She roas, or And , q. v. (TA.);ve m i- q. j also signifies I renight. (T5, T..) - 4. became, vehemently derou4of the stallion. (AA, like t.WI X.,L or towards, him, or a metaphorical expression m;yself, to, is or betook paired, TA.) - And li; le, or it, stuck to him, or [meaning Excesive lover of eminence]. (TA in it, by night: and hence * '1 is applied to any it; (O, ];) as also '.t (O.) [Loved ex- one rcpairing,or beta/ing himself, to or towrards tje. art. i>..) - Also i.q. f [8. l: . is used in the present day as meaning cesimly, &c.]. (TA.) &, aor. And JI'l J. [an object]. (S.)He made him to be ajected with L&; but is .:L~, inf n.; . , I sought to be directed, or je& Affected vith much L ; (I Sk, , 0, ;) probably post-classical.] guided, or I directed, or guided, myself, by wveak applied to a man. (ISk, S, 0.) eyesight, to the fire: (S :) or I looked at the fire, 5. ,j-3 lie affected J&: ($, O, K : [in the ,~tA Lovingexcessively; [orpasionately;] &c.; or endeavoured to se it, and repaired,or betook ~, .;:"3, in which the pronoun app. refers to (M.b,] ;) [or anexcessive,ora passionate, lover;] myself, to it, or towards it; and I sam it, or -;3 :]) or he jLgl, is erroneously put for looked towards it trying whether I could see it, as also 9 ;&c: (TA:) the former applied to a and sought to be directed, or guided, to it by its showed, or exhibited, j.Lo. (KL.) And lie wvas, man and to a woman, (Msb, .K,) and 'i4 also lightt: (Hiar p. 53 :) El-Hotci-anh says, . (KL.j~ See also L or beame,, , .,, .. t,1 :) they said vL%, ', 1 is applied to a woman: (1C (IF, 0, O, Mb, 0) [generally held to be L;.;; [A voman exce&sively, or passionately, [likewise app. an inf. n.] loving to lur husband]; (Fr, S, 0;) and somean inf n.] and * ~; (0, ]K) Excessive love; (IF, 8, 0, Myb, K;) [or ' (TA) [WVlhen thou comnest to him, looking with blinking times they said ai"t: (0:) pl. pasionate love; or amorous desire:] or attachment to women: (IF, Msb:) or the lover's [and j: , mentioned in the 0 as an epithet eyes tonwards the light of his fire and seeking to be ) by Ru-beh]: it is asserted guitled by it thereto, tlhou findest the best fire, and [for ` c in the CV is a applied to eyes (O admiration (C.J4 that the `1~ is thus called from a:-JI meaning at it is the best kindler]; meaning ID & 1 .; of the beloved; and mistranscription for ]) it may be in chasteness and in immorality; (K ;) the 4J, because of his becoming dried up: (0, using the marfooa verb between two verbs whereof because of his cleaving to each is mejzoom because the verb in the future or j may be in chasteness and .,~. may be in TA:) or from &p", it ocuLrs in the place of a denotative tense^he; to the the object of his love. (TA.) - [Hence,] .ta immorality: (TA:) or blindness of tlhe (. :) or ;51 Lt and O1 is marfoos: of state faults, or defects, of the beloved: or a disease of jtl,91 an appellation of The insect called ~.,e. as also Jtl;l . . 1 c and .; ) wthico [q. v.]; because of its entering into the .j of the j,I, inf. n. ib the nature of melanci olia (,ainfand jtl' ; signifies he san tlhefire by night from .) oite procaires to himself by making his thouglht to virgin girl. (IB, TA voce, I 1

told him that the bloom of the A inclines to eercise absolute power over the approval of cerwhlitnes; and that te places of it growth ere I ain form: (1 :) Th, being asked respecting which of them is the more and 'j:I1, said by om to be the rugged tracts: (0:) Az ..- 1JI says that it is a herb of which the leaves and pro- commendable, said, .JI, because in 'o:Mis . :] Ibn-Seenl, [whom dc are li those of tAe j6l [or bay], eacept in excess: (TA:) [see also being larger: IA*r, that it is a red plant, of sweet we commonly call Avicenna,] in a treatise on odour, usd by the brides: and IB, from As, that ji!, , [regarding it as menning natural propenit is a cubit in heigt, having mall grains, and, sion,] says that it is not peculiar to the human but pervades all existing things of the when dry, producing a sound by reason of te pasTA nd: :) [Forsl (in his Flora species, but pervades all existing things of the a of the &agey of the wind: (TA:) [ForakAl (in his Flora celestial and the elemental and the vegetable and Aegypt. Arab. pp. cxi. and 86) mentions it as a the minerl and the animal, and that its meaning qseies of cania:] j~.I is pl. of ` , or of the is not perceived nor known, and is rendered more obscure by explanation thereof: (MF, TA:) it is gen. n. (TA.) said in the A that ".;1ais derived from UiL"I, , whichl means the [plant commonly called] . Quasi C&!&


: see ij

1. Ie, (TA, and so accord. to some copies of the ],) first pers z:., (S,) aor. , (TA,)

BooK I.]
afar,and repaired,or betook himself, to it, or to wards it, eeing to light himsifthereby, (1., TA,') and hoping to obtain thereby guidance and good (TA.) - And 'I X> 1 ie turned away antd aent from the light of the fire. (TA.) - Andd !p ' I went, or turned, from him, or it, tao another: whence, it is said, the saying in thee gur [xliii. 35], > Aijw f>- [,In such as turnsfrom the admonition of the Conpasionate]. (S. Seeo another explanation of this saying in what follows.) [This and other meanings expl. below are app. from what here next follows.] - aor. .- , (S, Msb, V,) dual -, not i., (S,) inf. n. U'', (S, Myb, K,) He was, or became, weak-sighted: (Myb :) or he did not see by night, but are by day: (8 :) or he had bad sight by night and by day: or he was, or became, blind: [said of a man, and of a beast of the equine kind, and of a camel, and of a bird: (see t, below:)] and lis, aor. y., signifies the same: (K:) or the two verbs differ in mcan-

in the present art. :) and in like manner, 1a dc. (A and TA in the former art., and S' in the present art.) - See also the next paragraph. [Hence,] A;rI U.&, inf. n. 'ae, He kindled a fire for the birds in order that they might become dim-sighted (u J) and consequently be captured.

each after the manner of the pomessive epithet, having no verb. (TA. [And ~ is said to have a similar meaning.]) ~ See also Ju;. c Darkness, (1J, TA,) in [any part of] the night and in the . [or period a little before day-

ing; so as that sb1

;v ;


; A bowl (t,.J) of milk which is drunk at or a.ai,']. (TA.) the time when the sheep, or goats, retatwn from the k.c Of, 5 or relating to, the [tinme called] pasture in the evening or afternoon, or after. that jW3 ,c, (Meyd, TA,) or ,;i;m p j ;c 4. c [or Ise q. v.]. ) [a prov., meaning Pasture.tiy camels by night, time. (S.) and be not negligent, or be not rnade to desire ,%lyAS A es of dates: (IDrd, ], TA:) or o:': see '.'6. what is vain, orfalse]. (S. [See Freytag's Arab. of palm-trees, (4, TA,) of such as arce late in Prov., ii. 92.]) And 1 V1 Qs".& IpasI:c inf. n. of u.: (S, Mb, K :) [used as a bearing. (TA.) tured the canmd with the [reeni7g-pasturecalled] simple subst., Weakness of sight: or sightlessness ' : , (S, g, TA,) originally 5I3, like .I:, so that they might come to the water having by nighAt nith ability to see by day: or] badness of lji, [q. v.] which is originally ol1j:, (TA,) satisfied themseltes withfood: and in like manner sight by night and by day; as also t oli.: (K :) A man (.) eating the [evening-meal, or eveningit is in human beings, and beasts of the equine one says, 4; t;. (A and TA in art. repast, i. e. what is called the] ,1'; (S, , and camels, and birds; as is said and i..s.) And l.j.Nj . .Pasture tlwu the kind (.,1), TA ;) as also u,t;. t (TA.) in the M: (TA:) or it is darkness that happens camels in tle evening ( gently: and in like to the eyJe: (Er-Righib, TA:) or blindness; (K, g) f,i The meal, or repast, (S, Msb, g,) of thse manner one says, Io . (A, TA.) And TA;) i. e. absolute destitution of sight. (TA.) a;'. [or niltfall], (8,' Mb,) or of the ;y; hence, j .'> L & (inf. n. 4;.a, ) I He o applied to a he-camel, and ag1e applied to [or late part of the evening, &c.]; (S,* I, TA;) acted gently, or deliberately, in ti affahir: (A a she-camel, That exceds tihe other camels in the [i. e. supper, in a general sense;] opposed to and TA in art. ~k and o ,. and S and * [evening-pasture, or evenint-feed, called] i. ; ;.; (S;) as also *t: A (. : [in the CK, TH I.

the ]ur xliii. 35, tius readby Home, means tAnd such as is blind to the adnonition of the Compas. sionate, i. e., to the l]ur-6n; but & j.,as others read, t uch as feigns himself blind: (Ksh and Bd :*) [see also 6: and see another explanation of the latter reading, above: or] i:c signifies also e (a man, TA) did as doa tie u; I [q. v.]. (V, TA.) One says also, ,itsa 11: S, aor. y:., [thus in my original, but the pret. is app. '.&, and the aor. J,] meaning J_e lacked strength of ight to 'prceive the thing. (TA.) And d;a. X like 5 in measure and in meaning [i. e. t He roas, or became, blind to his right, or due]. (TA.) And t" c" '"y 3 is one of their sayings, meaning [app. ,e will not become wak-sighted except] after his eating the [eveningmeal called the] .1tU: (TA:) [lfor it is said that] the eating of food in the night occasions weakness of sight more than [do] other things. (.ar p. 52. [;I:dl is there written in one instance for tl;l.]) -X .s , finf. n. tcs, means He wronged him; treated him mwronfully, injuritusly, unjustly, or tyrannically: (J, TA:) mentioned by ISd. (TA.) 2: see 1, former half, in two places. One says,

break]; (TA;) as also ts': (g:) or thofirst of 4: see 1, former half. - [Hence, app.,] ~ !t the darkness of the night: (Az, TA:) or the period between the beginaing and [the end of] the also signifies t Ie gaDe. (He.) - And He HLel [first] quarter of the night: (AZ, .8, 1 :) thus in (God) renderedhim 1l[i. e. weak-siygted, &c.: the saying, 5i: A X e [A period band in like manner one says Vt l:c: see 2, last trwen the beginning &c. of tiu night pased]: and sentence; and see also .ar p. 52]. one says also, ; , meaning [I 5: see 1, first quarter, in two places. One says laid hold upon them] in the blackness of night: also, Y U-5 ' He fed himself with it [in the even(AZ, S:) the dim. is V. (Az, TA.) In the ing, or] in the time called the .l:c: and [in like saying o a., meaning '.;L: [i. e. lIe came at manner] ,LI is said of camels [as meaning nightfall], it [is an adv. n. which] may not be they feed themselver with it, or pasture upon it, used otherwise than thus: you may not say, in the erening]. (TA.) And when one says to i5 ,.. (TA.) _ ;It [app. ..14] as dithee, ; [Eat thou the evening-meal], thou meaning At~ll, like ;.WiJ1 [app. ;j.%0JI] as meansayest, , (S,) or (TA,) ing I"s, is vulgar. (TA.) Also The ren[I have no desire for eating the evening-meal; see 5 turing upon, or embarking in, an affair that is in art, j.;] and not f. LG , (S,) or not 1* not clear; as also t and *3: (.8, :) %r , . (TA.) See also 6. o And oL.j one says, ;t and i' and 4, 1 '%tf signifies also He gave him an ;. [or 9=s, i.e. meaning [Thou hast made me to venture upon, or afirebrand]. (TA.) embark in,] a confused and dubious aJffair: this 6. HeW Hfeigned f et! himeef [i. e. nwak- is when you tell him of a thing by means of' sighAted, &kc.; and so tVI.a as used by B.d in xliii. which you have made him to fall into perplexity 35]. (S, TA.) _- And [hence] I Hefeigned him- or trial. (S.) -_ ;I. cJ ., occurring in a sefigjnorant, (IC, TA,) Ii6 X [of such a thing], trad., see expl. in art. k.. as though he did not see it; like 'sQ. (TA.) .;: see ;. m. Also, (S,1, TA,) and 8. t.W;.t Hte journeyed in the tinw of the Lt" t i'i , (.1, TA,) A fire which one sees by night [or nightfall]: (gi, TA :) like,..l meaning " he f,.om afar, and to vwhich, or tonards which, he journeyed in the time of the tiil." (TA.) repairs,or betahsw himsclf, seeking to light himself See also 1, latter half. thelebly: (g, TA:) or (TA) a firebrand ('a; ; ~>). (S, TA.) 10. e,tIl le found him to be deviatingfrom the right course, or acling nwongfully, injuriously, se: e : = and see also e;. unjustly, or tyrannically, (I,j oo4j, 1, TA, in some copies of the 1 {jl_,) .i..I &_ 5 [in .S. ' A state of perpleity, and of having little respect of the right, or due, of his companions]. guidance: so in the saying,,a*,1 .I G ...t (TA.)J~ And t;J .i l:Ie guided himself [or, perhaps, ... t X , i. e. Verily th/y are in a by means of a fire. (J.) state of perpleity, &c., in respect of their case,

(Ms ,)



[Boox L.

.Il is erroneously put for ,1:]) and in like ill come to him in the late part of the evening, wee ;, in two place. , pl. '~i: mner both are used in relation to camels [as &c., of to-morrow (in my original 4e1J, an oband , pls. .L and ;QL;: meaning their ening-pastre, or emoning-feed: vious mistranscription,)] without i when relating a &. see x.; the latter in two plae. see an ex. vooe 4a , and another voce ,;]: to the future; and lc .t;j1 [1 camz to thee in
1 1 (f, TA:) pl. of the former tA.t; (], TA ;) to tbh late partof an evening, &c.]; and l J4I~ which is added, in [some of] the copies of the i. e. [I came to him early in the morning , [or , and late in the evening, &c., meaning,] eery a, and j; but this is correctly as in some copies,] and commences another sen-: [or ."] and ;i1: (TA:) or, as some tence. (TA.) say, t & is a sing. [or n. un.] and a is its ft.1 [The time of nightfal; i. e.] the first, or pl. [or a colL gen. n.]: and, as IAmb says, beginnng, of thb darsk~ (Mob, O) of night: sometimes the Arabs make t 'C. maec., as (Mb :) [this is the sense in which it is generally meaning ~:: (Msb:) or signifies the used, and always when it is used as applied to time betwn the d~eining of tie sun [from the one of tAe fiwe timaes of the diuly-appoited acts meridian] and suaet: (Az, Mgh, Mob, TA:) or if prayer; [liaJI 'L,, and elliptically itU,M [the time]from the declinin of the sun [from the alone, meaning the prayer of nightfall:} or it is meridian] to the/ [app. here, as generally, [the time] mhn the mun has disappeared: (Az, meaning morning]: (Er-R4ghib, Msb, TA:) and TA:) or [the time] from sumnet () [i. e.] from . [or sometimes it means the night: (TA:) the pL is thAe prayer of smunt (Mqb, TA) to the ([1, TA,) the former of which darkmm after nigAtfal]; (Mob, 1[, TA;) [and 1tl: and l.., this is what is meant by its being said that it is] [is pl. of t 4s, like the latter, or perhaps of

' 1;ts

^ and

1 and

, pl., of the latter


LwWto~: see C' The fem., t, applied to camels, means SEating the [evnin~pasture, or

eening-feed, caled the] .t. said in a prov., a,(I

(ISk, [ S, .) It is
i;lwl [Such as are

eating tle .Io ezcite sucl aJ desire not, or refue; or she that is eating &c.]: i. e., when the camels that desire not, or refuse, the Z.L see those that are eating it, they follow them, and eat it with them. (S. [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. .l1, ($, , TA,) ii. 83.]) And [the pl.] t1

as u,] an epithet in [when indeterminate, which the quality of a subst. predominates, (TA,) signifies Tlwe (S, V, TA) ammls, and dshp or goats, (15, TA,) t/hat are pasturitgby night. ($, sy ith :;: (s:) or [the time]from the j-also, and] is originally c , then t i, [, TA.) - See also 1, former hall - [Hence,] [meaning the decl~ g of the n from th me- then j5:, then L5l, and then Qltl: (TA:) A':l& signifies also Anyttkng [meaning any man s,:) o idian] to the ring of th dawn: ( or animal] looking and repairing, by night, tothe dim. of . is 1e ireg., as though wards the fire of a pewn rha entertau guet. some asert, and they cite, as a es., . 1e; and (TA.) 0 formed from 5j'., and its pl. is i;s a' pi. another form of its dim. is t iq * e * Ulit Weak-sighted: (Msb:) or sightles by 0 ~1 .W ;4 Q;!"': and the dim. of t 4 . is V 4I., ~s by day: (?:) or ha,vin, bad night/, but [We rent early in tle morning, a little before pL .T';: and by day: and so * -: ( :) sigAt by nigit (~,TA:) one says, ti ;.': 1 daybreak, in a period betwn tAhe declining qf the [another form of dim., properly meaning I met fern. ., (S, Myb, 15,) applied to a woman; un from the meridian and the rising of the dawn, him in a short period of a late partof an evening, ($, Msb;) [the masc. being applied to a man, after the daytime had beome h ed]: (?, TA:) and either masc. or fern. to a beast of the equine 6l. &cc], and [in like manner] *t6I:1 , and Vt -i: ;, mean[sometimes] the Arabs aid, it:l kind, and a camel, and a bird, (see lU,)] and [in some copies of the V U;I:t], and t z:'i 1 Ii. , meining cti,. l; anda ing ' dual masa. Q11. (TA) and fern. : (, [accord. to the Mgh meaning ,cZ.], and ; ,, 0il means The time of (MNb vooe t:) fen. ita also TA:) [and pl. .]-The and Ur:;e'. ( [1.) . i 6 [7ue two particularly signifs.,A she-camel thtat not sunet and the a; [or darkns after nightfall: prayer f the af~ern] means the two prayers befr her, (?, 1K:, TA,) [or that hA weak sight,] (IF, ?, Msb, !g: [compare C.3:W. in Exodus of the ; and the ; (Az, Mgh, Myb, V;) and therefore tes ig with herforefeet, xii. 6 and xvi. 12:]) this is accord. to the saying because they are in the latter part of the day ($, TA,) not paying attntion to the places of that the :L.U is from the prayer of sunset to the C ), after the J.ji [or declining of her fet [on the groud]. (TA.) [Hence] one W(1)i 4;. (TA.) 5, meaning : Such a one the sun from the meridian]. (TA.) In the phrase says, dsl;I 5 affair m~thout mental perception,or pros~cuted his part of an eening, 1b t";; *; j [i.e. A late without certainty. (, TA.) And ;. &e., or its early portion of the forenoon, meaning o. [The late part of the eeing: or the or an early portio of the fortmoon of the same dj, (1, TA) H ie did it [at random, or] evening: or the afternoon: i. e.] the last, or the civil day], in the [ur lxxix. last verse, the ub out aim; thus accord. to the M: (TA:) or he latter, part of the day; (Mgh, M,b, [, TA;) is prefixed to [the pronoun referring to] the v~ntured upon it without mental pewption, and as also v i : ([, TA:) this is the meaning 21.&because the U and the 4s belong to wout certainty: ([,* TA:) or, as some ay, hi endeaurbg commonly klnown: (Mgh:) or [the time] from the same [civil] day, [for this day is reckoned as he took it upon himsf mt hout rigAt cow ; the doing of which to asertain the A [or darkess aJtr the period from sunset to sunset,] (Ksh Bd, Jel,*) the prayer of sunet to tbheU with error: it is is sometimes, or often, attended nightfall]; ($, Mob, TA;) like if%; (Mlb;) and also [by a kind of poetic license, for the sake random and a preov., applied to him who goes at of the rhyme, i. e.] because tat.., occurs a a and so Vt.:;: you say, _ . 3~; and does not care for the result of his conduct. (TA. also signifies, ([, ii' [q. v.]. (Jel.) -_ ,- j tI [ came to hi late in the eteing, U An [See also 1 in art. J j.])- And itt. or in the time btwen sumet and nightfall, &c., TA,) and so does V4.;, (,) Clous ([[, TA) eagle that cares not lw1 it beats the ground, and where it striltes wit its talons. (TA.) - See abo of yearday]: (, TA:) or ~ has the meaning coming late is te eeniy or at eventide (t' :). expl. in the ] [and mentioned above]; but (TA.) - And the former, as an epithet applied the fern. voce ;

0 1'

Z S:. relates to one day: and one says, ' .. [late this e ing, &.], and i i

to a camel, That contin~ long eating tlte Ac: A place in ohich one eats the ev~ [tZ [i. e. eningpare, or oning-feed]: fem. with ;. meal, or supper.] [.I came to him late'in an mening, &c.] and 431 I


[ee also c.])

mseee. dim. of

[or late part of the camw to kin in the 4! -4 tl [ eveing, &c,] qf this day; and.


, in ten places. ., q. v.

Quasi U .O u;.&: and U!%&c.: ee in art. :o


Boox I.]


and u,,

: see ,

4~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . gave by means .0 u..~lit .1 . . . , C and 1) Mb, O, Mgh, (8, .*a 1 t Such 4 r ` A ~ , offorce. (TA.) And .Je, Wha! jord 's 1 1 (O, M,b) and ,L . (IAKr, Mgh, 0, ) and a one as I am will not give by means offorce. (A, [And e ere, 0 Kureysh, when we grasped our and , t c Ui" (IA,r, V, TA) and t W TA.)_ .- J. '-- She (a.woman) bound her opponents, such that our grasping brought frah (L, : (IA4r, O, 81) and ,: and vudva with a bandage. (Myb.) - 3J.Ij _c, blood]; 4i1s meaning our grasping those whom v.] [q. TA) The [caudal bone called the] c , (19,) lie drew we opposed with the swords. (TA.) - And (.8 , O1s,) saor. , inf. n. of the tail; (Zj inhis "Khal] el-Insan," 8, Mgh, together the branctes of the tree (S, O, 1, TA) He clung, or kept, to a, aor. , inf. n. c', feels for /who O, Myb, 1;) which is felt by him of a means by TA,) that woere straggling, (1, He i kept to, it; (Zj ubi supra;) i. e., the [os coccygis, or] rope, (TA,) and then beat it, (S, O,, TA,) in a thing. (1..) One says, sl1 tno the between bon ' smaU '-c. tailbone; (f;) the order that its leaves might falL (S , TA.) or by, tle water. (IApr, TA.) And upper the which of that or buttocks: (Mgh:) , ';~ Tie man remained, or stayed, in his hue, [Golius assigns this signification also to And Ie' , and its loterpart the ,,j: or as on the authority of the S, in which I do not or tent, not quitting it. (0, TA.) part is the . a thing. surrounded, or the and encompassed, spine; the round, of went extremity the internal find it.] EI-Hajjij said, (S, TA,) when preachGabriel, angel the of trad., a in said is It (g.) :) ing to the people at EI-Koofeh, (TA,) "'.;f is its external extremity: (Azs, in L, voce The dust c w~ on the day of Bedr, ,lJI it is said to be the first part that is created, and A.L.Jt , ($) or &JI (TA) [I wbill aredly to, clung and surrounded,] [or overprnead, hlad the last that wastes away: (?, 0:) or i. q. draw you together and beat you as one does the ,. _4 his head: or, as some relate it, selem or the selemeh]. The V.l_ is a tree of the . pl. ~,, .J~[q. v.]: (IAVr, 0 voce;S:) and if this be not a mistake, the latter 11; (M.b, TA.)-Also ,Ja~* (Mgh, IAth) and kind callcd Uts, having thorns, and its leaves verb is syn. with the former: . and . being h(Mgh) What is in tha middk of the ajl are the Zi with which hides are tanned: [but often interchangeable: (L, TA:) the latter phrase U~ [or tail, or fat of the tail,] of the ~;shee (Mgh ;) see 13:] the removal of the leaves with the means, as also with ,4 , tie dust had stuck to [i.e.,].~-meatin tleinte~rorofthat part: (IAth, hand being difficult on account of the many his two central incisors. (TA in art. .... ) TA:) this is what the doctors of practical law thorns, its branches are drawn together and And Ibn Ahmar says, mean by this word in speaking of sales: (Mgh:) bound tightly with a rope; then the beater pulls 0; %a31 3j,JL; bl tA them towards him, and beats them with his staff; j* pl. as above. (IAth, TA.) - Also ,,c (IF, male. the in man (IF, 0) compact and strong whereupon the leaves become scattered for [t3 being for . ] i. e. V/len north wind and cattle and for him who desires to gather them. cold environ me. (L, TA.) And one says also, O, K.) - Also, (Ibn-'Abbad, 1,,) or (0, L, TA,) t A man (Ibn-'AblId, (TA.) Or this is done, (S, O, TA,) accord. to J 1 1 t,* !~51,^ ~ -D The dust encompassed, or nsurJI (S, O,) only (TA) when they desire L,) unpropitious, or mean, or hard, (L, K, TA,) A'Obeyd, (L, TA.) And A I. mountain. the cut down the selemeh, that they may get at rounded, Aaving litleb, or no, good, or goodne. (Ibn- to him: (., A, surrounded, or the stock. (e, O, TA.) [Hence,] one says, They encompassed, 'Abbad, O, L, K, TA.) I [Such a one will not have Mgh, O, TA:) and tltey encompassd, or sur;L .. -- s) ;s J.) hij selemehla bound round with a rope, and beaten]: rounded, him, looling at him: (8, 0:) and, a~ Pain of t,he W~. (O, (',) aor. of the ., a prov., applied to a strong, mighty man, not to (Msb, 91,) as also one see ,~..a And TA.) aC,~: n. os, (Msb,) (A,* inf. and abased. 1,) nor (Mob, be subdued former r, they assembled (1,) and aor. of the latter s, ,, ~. 2 6 j /jj, says also of winds, &. t [They compres the brancites of tle trees, as aroundhim(Mh, g)for.fightordefence. (Msb. _,., -- and though they bound thema round, in their passage For another explanation of if. n,)n. _ ,, (., A, among. them]: and such winds are termed see 12.) And _ 1. 4 z, aor. , ( -; q. i. _c Il s. 0 ,) lie twrited [a thing], or wound [it] Mgh, O, c, ,I aor. ,, inf. n. [app. meaning Th people, or party, included, or ,,4t,St. (0.) And , round: (A, 1, TA:) this is the primary signifit It (an affair, or event,) drew the people compr~hended, tie relations, or kinmn; for eation: (TA:) and he folded [it]; (A, K;) or ,~ hefolded [it] tightly: (8, O, TA:) and he bound togeter, and became severe to them. (Az, TA.) ,M"I is often used for _1 X];j]. (M9 b.) And (a 0Z 2;Y 4 *1.% The camels urrounded, or enc U L (it], or tied [it]: (A, Mgh, ]1, TA:) ,. de- -ab another with thing a notes the binding, or tying, smith) repaired the crack of the gla vessel by 41,., circled, the water. (8, O.)_-,- J~.' thing, lengthwise, or [more commonly] around. putting round it a band of silver. (0, TA.) (0.) See also 2, first sentence. [And see (, TA ;) T,* aor. , inf. n. _; TA,) O, tHe made disgrace to (S, ' -eA 1 d ;Q%I a(,* thread. spun, or 2L;&.] -_ He twisted, aor. '; (TA;) The saliva berame -, and it upon the TA.) And He put toqether thread, and bound bfall his people [as though he bound (, 0, ,* TA.) And . mouth. his in dry head oftheir chief orupon tie head of each of tltem]. , it, previously to dyeing it. (TA.) Tie saliva by its drying TA) O, (S, Ji1 (O.) It is related in a trad. respecting the battle l;~ ;.-1, (8, O, Myb, ],") aor. as above, (19,) and of Bedr, that 'Otbeh the son of Rabee'ah said, made his mouth dry: and the saliva adlered to so the inf. n., (S, Myb, 1],) He bound, or tied, his mouth. (TA.) Aboo-Molammad El-Fa4'asce ye, [Return t _;l l ,,' U 1; -W,i, (tightly, TA) the testicles oj. the ram, in order ,~ 5 says, that they might fall, without his extracting them : and fight not; and bind it upon my head]; '41 ' 6 1 6, (8, O, Msb, 1 :) and in like manner one says of meaning attach and attribute to me the disgrace m &p b33 6t3l ~PS . . 1 4 B that will befall you for relinquishing the battle 0 a goat, (15,) and of other beasts. (TA.) is it And TA.) (IAth, peace. to inclining and so and (Lg,) above, as ,JtI, (0, M.b, ,') anor. t Fulffil [The saliva makes his mouth dry, with what a I 1 L;; tL.&. also; said in another trad., .4the inf. n., (Myb, 1g, TA,) and drying! as the drying of the spuma of camels' (TA;) and V cl; (0, : ;) He bound the ye the obligation w/ith which He (meaning God) milk on the lips of the shin]. (S8, O.) And thighs of the sh-camel, (Msb, 15, TA,) or the has bound you; or rwhich He luu imposed upon His mouth, with , aor. , inf. n. _, i lower parts of lar nostris, (TA,) with a cord, you and attacled to you; by his commands and 6259 1

._~ : see what next follows.

1 and L;a c (Msb, TA,) in order that she might yield her prohibitions. (TA.) ..-1milk copiously: (Msb, 1], TA:) and (0) , %, He and aor. ,, inf. n. -." ,JI, AtI .,i [He bound the thigh of the se-came] grasped th thing with his hand. (l, TA.) A .] Hence poet, cited by IAr', says, for that purpose. (S, 0.) [See one says, -... 1.H il te JsI

4.sQ Lm..


208 4 see 1. - [Golius explains this v. as meaning "Firmiter rdigait:" or, as a trans. v. Sd, governing an accus., "constrinti jusit:" as on meaning [The mouth, or tAeeth, (the latter accord. of the S, in which I do not find it the authority to the explanation in the ],)] becams foul, or any sense.] in dirty, from dut and the like, (I, TA,) au from vhment thirst, orfear. (TA.) - -,*, aor. ,, [i.e. He bound the 5. a3i. q. Al , He wu, or became, [hungry; or] turban, or fet, round hit (own) head; a mean. in. n. vmy hunpry; or his bowels were almost dried up ing well known, whence that explained in the with hunger: because it is said of the practice next sentence: (see also 8:) and he bound a of a hungry man's binding round his belly, as bandag of ome kind round his (own) body, by

[Boot I.

his ,alia, became dry. (O0.) And,I and (1,' TA,) aor. , inf. n. -. ~


tion to heat,] meaning It waes, or became, vehement, or severe: (., 0 :) and of evil, meaning it was, or became, vehement, or severe, (, TA,) and concentrated. (TA.)

expl. vooe J~,

[q. v.]. (TA.) _-j*


. ---

The horizon became red. (, O. [In Preytags Lex. .c, as from the , in which I do not

find it seee,) m.])-kear, (8, O,) like


($, 0,


s aid of flesh, or

[i.e. ine, or ( flesh-meat, It had many . tendou]. (,0,,1]) - And ,_0, aor. ,inf. n. _.m, [so in the TA, and so in a veree there -,] He ma, or beame, Jirm and cited, not (TA.) - [Other meanings of compact in.fh. this verb have been mentioned above.]

,..a: see M l$a, in two places. - And see also . -. Also A particularsort of the gar(8, A, Mgh, O, I,) of thefabric mtnU called 2, of El-Yemen; (, Mgh, O;) a . of which the yarn is dyed, and then woemn; (Msb;) or of vhich the yarn is put together and bound, then . ($, O, Mqb,* J.) dyed, and theAn voven; (A, Mgh, TA ;) not of reason of hunger: see '] - And t He was made a chief; quasi-pass. the sort called iI ,a: (TA:) it has no pl., And it has also another (Nh, Msb, TA,) nor dual: (Mqb:) you say of s [q. v.]. (L, TA.) signification, from 4i*l; (S, 0;) [i. e.] it sig- :, l e , (Nh, ,?t (Nh, Mgh, TA) and ; (], TA;) which means Mgh, Mqb, TA) and 1&!+, ..all nifies also (Msb,) and also [He aided his peeple, or party, against lhostile _' and _. ;G, (Nh, TA,) and ';, conduct: or he was angry, or zealous, fr. the take


, A_ , 0, &, c.,) in n.



A, O,) [He bornd, or wound round, a thing mth erapl circumvolutoio :] he bound [or wound uwnd] a man's head with a turban, fillet, bandage, or the like; (8,* O,' Mb, ],' TA;) as also _ (MA:) and he bound a t _ .e, in n. broken limb, or a wound, with a piece of rag or a bandago. (L, TA.) He turbaned a man; attired him with a turban. (A, TA.) - Hence, (A, O,) signifiea s [The cronming a man: (ee the pum part. n.:)] the making a man a dcief: (A, O, ], TA:) for turbans are the crowns of the Arabs: (O :) when a man's people made him a chlief, they bound his head with a turban: (A, TA:) an kings wore crowns, so the chiefs of the Arabs wore red turbans: (L, TA:) there were hrougbt to the desert, from Harih (;1), red turbans, which the nobles among the Arabs wore. onJ i q. (As, TA.)_-[Henee also,] ':' t [He cut, or wounded, him in the place ,rf the turban, with the sword]. (A, TA.) And a, inf. n. as above, He, or it, [caueed him to bind his roait by reason of hunger: (see the pas. peart. n .:) and hence,] made him to ,4: The years of hWnger: (V:) and o~. dloght, or .erilitty, made them to hunjer: The years of drought, ;Jl1 _. (TA:) or or sterility, ate up his property, or cattle. (A'Obeyd, ?, O.) And It [i.e. drought or the ' like] detroyed him: (i :) and aJL 'A Adversefortune detroyed his cattle, or camebs c. [meaning He called him _. (TA.) -And poor]: so says IAyr; and he cites a an ex.,

c and of his party, and defended them: (see ) or] he invited, or summoned, others to the Ie: aid of his party, and to com~bine, or leaque, with thm against those who acted towards tlwm with hostility, whether they nere wrongdoers or wronjed. 77ley leagued, Ij 1 (TA.) And you say, or olected themsdlves, together against thlem: and We [leagued toetherfor him, 4I ,m , and s., and ~ith him, and] defended him. (TA.) [See also De Sacy's Chrest. Ar., sec. ed., i. 445-6; where it is shown that -.. al1 in religion means 2The being zealou, or a zealot: and see gar pp. 3 He wvas, or 423 and 573.] - And ,UrsJt became, content with t thing; as also t w-1

.. ,

(Msb,) and ,.

l ai.;; (A, TA;) and

t. (%)
1ma i. q. x, [app. meaning, as seems 7. to be indicated by the context (both before and after) in the 8, It wvas, or became, hard, firm, or

,trong]. (S, o, 8.


iZ. ,,..

[He attired himsef, or surSl ;1t

rounded his head, /ith the turban], and .ll [with the crown]. (?, 0.) And JU
s.f He c~rcled his [own] head with the crown. i3,- .:el: see 1, in the middle (Az, TA.) . 1 They became of the first quarter.-formed, or collected, into companies such as thol ~ . : ( :) or, into one of whereof one is alled such companies. (M, L, TA.) [See also 12.] i., ,..1I: see 5, last sentence.

12. .,ilI

The. people, or party, col-


zil m S 1 v
.1o~..': '-U ,: ~

'.Ad, ,.; .

[He is called the poor, whoe miltch-cattle have become fem: but should one vhos purpose is effectat, one of great boldn~, be caUed poor?]. (TA.)-Ls: " lA J jJI means 17u male [by makes the female to be such as is termned , his being conociated with her as such]. (Mgh.)

lected themelves together: (TA:) or did so, and L, (S, became companies such as are called O, TA,) and became one of such companies: [see also 8; and see a.-a:] and in like manner, [did so, and] strove, or ex~ d themselves, in journe.ing, or pace. (TA.) And .1 l1 c.a_l1 The camels strotve, or exerted the~nelves, injourneying, l: and collected themor pace; as also and selves together; (]g;) [and] so V '4c V -.~A: (Pr, .8,0:) or collected thte~elv together so as to become one 4Lo, and strove, or exerted themselves, in journeying, or pace. (TA.) _. e. ml is also said of a day, [app. in rela-

alone, the i being sometimes they say 4 known by this name: (TA:) or garmcrts of the kind called jj>, of tie fabt.ic of El-Yemen, the yarn of tvhich is put tbgetherand bound, and thm dyed, and ntoven, so that they becom partycoloured, because what has been bound tieeof remains white, the dye not havijn taken it; and such garments a woman in the period termed L;1 [q. v.] is allowed to wear, but not garments that are [wholly] dyed: or stri,ed garments of the and what is forbidden in that kind called jst; case is a garment that has been dyed after it has been woven; or what are forbidden are the _. of El-Yemen, whicll are said to have been dyed with urine: so in the L &c.: (TA:) or, accord, to Suh, garments of the hind called . of the fabric of ]El-Yemen; so called because whichl grows only in they are dyed with ,: El-Yemen; [he says that 4211 is a certain dye that does not grow but in IEl-Yemen; (Mqb;)] but in this he opposes the generality of authorities; for they agree in stating that the garments in 1..1.!, "the act of question are thus called from binding," because the yarn is bound in order that the dye may not pervade the whole of the m. (MF, TA.)_ Hence, t Clouds like such as are W [q. v.]: (S, O:) or red clouds or termed in the western horizon (TA) ix mist (K, TA) a time of drought, or sterility; as also t lc, (TA.) - In a trad., men(1, TA,) pl. 43L.. : Eltion occurs of a necklace made of Khatt.lbee says, if it do not mean the garments of El-Yemen, I know not what it is; yet I ee not how a necklace can be made of these: AbooMoos& thinks it may be ",.i, meaning the tendons of joints, as they may have taken the tendons of certain clean animals, and cut them in pieces, and made them like beads, and, when dry, made neck. laces of them; but he adds his having been told by some of the people of El-Yemen that e is the name of A certain beast of the ea, or of the great river, called also C*.) .A" [i. e. P/araoh' horse, perhaps meaning the hippopotamus], of wvhich [meaning of the teeth or bons of wrichA] beads and other tlings, as the handles of knies 'c., are made, and nhich is white. (L, TA.)m

Boot I.] And Salia that sticks and dres in the mouth: l&U, meaiung Ji whence the saying, in art.JA.)u TA (T and died. t Sc a one And A light, or an activ, and sharp-hed~d, boy, or young man; (IApr, TA;) [and] so 4,&. (IApr, TA in art. ,.) meaning ligament: (see an ex. of its n. Un. in an :) and someexplanation of iV ,.el, voce J, times it means nerves: (see a usage of its pl. voce 0, :) it is a coll. gen. n.:] the n. un. is with : (9, Mgh, 0, , .La. (S, O, TA:) and the pl. is M,b.)_-And tThe best (in a pl;. sense) of a (Q, TA) Cer- people or party. (].)- Sec also ~e. and tVa 4 _c~ and ^, trees, hai other tain tres that t~ine round -. ^' Flesh, or flesh-meat, having many weak baves; (TA;) the hind of trew called OWJ [i. e. /ne,, or tendons]. (TA.) [dolichos lablab of Linn.]; (I;) said by Sh to [q. v.]. ,' as syn. with a.~ n. un. of be a hind of plant that t~i round tres, i. q. (TA.) ~ :3ji : [coll. gen. ns.:] the ns. un. are L. J and : (TA:) accord. to Abu-l[q. v.]. (TA.)- And ;;; and X.L 4. #n. un. of thing men (AZ, 8, 0, Msb) of certain a company, or A party, Jarrab, (O, TA,).L& signifies who league together to defend one another; (0; [app. meaning plant] that twines about a 3; [or tragacanth],(0, ., TA,) thus, correctly, in [See also ia. ;]) in number from ten to forty; many copies of the ], but in some 3;, and in (AZ, S, O, Msb;) or, about ten: (IF, Myb:) or some at, both of which are wrong, though some accord. to Aldc, a company [of men]; as also assert the latter to be correct, (TA,) not to be a* A.e; having no sing.: (0:) or * the latter, (, (0, effrt: an nwith it but pled off from (S, 0, Meb,) or each, (.,) signifies a company, TA:) [see L! :] one says of a man strong in or an a.semblage, of men, and of horses, (S, 0, h.. L3 t [A Msb, K,) or of horses with their riders, (TA,) struggling for the mastery, a~ tragacanth twvined about b; a leblslb; the strong and of birds, (S, 0, MOb, .1,)and of other things, or man being app. likened to a tragacanth, and his (TA,) in number from ten to forty, (g, TA,) offorty, consisting or to ten, three fbrmerfrom the of trad. in a :) and (TA a lellatb]: to antagonist Ez-Zubeyr lbu-EI-'Owwuun, he is related to have or of eventy, but said to be originally applied to (IAth, an unlimited number: its pl. is ' .',: said, is 45Lt. ~ic. of pl. the and TA:) Msb, , . j l . * ~*, (S, 0, Msb, TA.) It is said in a trad. of 'Alee 11 ,r a in that the Jl1sl are in Syria; and the .'j, meaning, El-'Iri]; in t L,..S, the and (O, TA:) he puts .s for 3aia, [evidently, I Egypt; a think, a mistranscription for tk, (see i.'-, in by the last, Companies assembled for wars: or the with coupled because of devotees, company its proper art., for a confirmation,)] the meaning JJlt.b and the L.;. (TA.) ailk. .J.i.- [in which for Ui_& I . being

ened by them: (TA :) afterwards it beams ap plied to a single person u well as to a pl. number, and both a male and a female: (Mgh:) or the lawyers apply it to a single person when there is no other than he, because he stands in the plaoe of the collective number in receiving the whole of the property; and in the language of the law it is applied to a female in certain cases relating to emancipation and inheritances, but not otherwise either in the proper language or in the language is used as its of the law: (Mqb:) and t ' persons, or being of state the inf. n. [meaning i appli0d]: a person, to whom the term (Mgh:) it is said [by Az] in the T, " I have not accord. to analogy it heard any sing. of a:.. like as 4JL is sing. of 1 :" sllould be 4c, (TA: [and the like is also said in the Mgh: in the Mqb it is said that ~- is pL of ~4 , like


is pl. of LJ:]) the pl. is l as S, TA.)

;. (Az,

a .1 One Aho aids his people, or party, against hwo.tile conduct: or riow is angry [or zealous] for the sahe of his party, and defends them: [or one wiAo invites ottwers to the aid of his party, or to combine, or leagu, with tlunA against tlose who act towroards them wit hostility, whether they be wrongdoers or wronged: or one who league with others: or one who defends others: or a partitan; a person of party-spirit; or one zealou in the

caus of a party: (see 5, and ee the paragraph

next following this:)] occurring in a trad. (TA.)

read 'tAi]; then he likens himself to a tragaeanth in respect of his excessive tenaciousness;' for a?;: means "by the help of a thing of great tenaciousness:" [or &:; may be here an inf. n., the meaning of the verse may therei. e. of ;:.: fore be, I clung to thenm: werily I haw been created a gasper, and a tragacanth tuhat has rlun by means of a strong holidfast, or that has ch: nith grat tenaiounness:] (TA:) Sh explains e, (0, TA) with lamm on the authority of Ed-Deenawaree [i. e. AIln], and 4' with fet-b on the authority of AA, (0,) as meaning a ccrtain plant that twines about a tree, and is caled ',d; and a_; as meaning a man who, [but . when he sports withl a thliing ('

;' A mode, or manner, of binding, or winding round, one's Iwad with a turban or the like. (L, TA.)

(, &ec. [See the latter . .n. un. of by it and also voce headed paragraph in the word Also A man's people, or party, wrol __~.]) leagu together for his defence: (K, TA: [see also 1ak:]) thus accord. to the leading lexicologists. (TA.)-And The Acirs of a man who las left netiher parent nor o.ffing: and [parA cord with which the thigh of a sheticularly], with respect to the [portions of inq. v.], a camel is bound in order that she may yield her ; [pl. of ii heritances termed] See also atl,, in two such as have not a iabi named, and who receive milk copioudly. (v.) if thuere remain anything after [tIo distribution places.

: 4~c [The quality of him rwho is termed i. e., of him wwho aids his people, or party, against hostile conduct: or of him who is angry, or zealous, for the sake of his party, and defends them: or of him who invites others to the aid of his party, and to combine, or league, writ then against those wrAo act tonwards them with hostility, whether they be wrongdoers or mronged: or of him who leaguee with others: or of him rwho defends others: or partisandtip; party-spirit; or zeal in the cause of a party: or (as expl. by De Sacy, Chrest. Ar., sec. ed.,, i. 411,) a strong attachment, which holds sveral person closely united by the sameu inter~st or the same opinion: see 5, and sce the paragraph next preceding this]. (S, .K, TA.)

of] the ,.A;A: (K, TA:) thus accord. to those 4 or probably the right reading is . $ who treat of the 'daI3J, and accord. to the [other] quits or never, hardly, a thing]), to .i. e. clings lawyers: (TA:) or the relations by the side of TA.) it. (0, the males: this is the meaning of what is said by ,. [The sinenws, or tendons; though the fol- the leading lexicologists: (M.sb:) or, as is said lowing explanation seems rather to denote the by Az, a man's heirs consisting of male relations: ligamet;] the .lsl of the joints, (S, O, Myb, (Msb, TA:) or his sons, and relations on the ], TA,) wrhich connect and bind together tle father's side: (S:) so called because they enstructure thereof, in man and in others, such as compass him; the father being a j.. [i. e. an the ox-kind, and sheep or goats, and gazelles, extremity in the right line], and so the son, and and ostriches; so says AjIn; (TA;) i. q. .Ja: the paternal uncle being a rj. [i. e. a collateral or such as areyellow relation], and so the brother: (Az, S, TA:) or a ( and]V &c. in art. %.:) man's relations on tlhefather's side; (Mgh, TA;) of the ;t1t!(Mgh, Myb) of the joints; the e being the white: (Mgh:) [it is also used as because they encompass him and he is strengthA

e A she-camel that rill not yield lwher milk .copioulyunls her thigh, (,O0,) or thigahs,(A, ,) be bound with a cord: (9,A, 0, g:) or unless the lower parts of her nostri's be bound with a cord, and she be then urged to rise, and not loosed until she is milhed. (AZ, TA.) - And A woman having little JMh in her posteriors and thigha: or light in the hips, or haunches. (Kr, gi.) Liqhts [of an animal] bound round with L guts, and then roasted,or broiled: (S, O, :) pl. (S, (O) and [of mult.] _. [of pauc.] l: 0, g.) And Such as are twtted, of the guts of a sheep or goat. (TA.) And its pl. ~ , Guts

p0,0 of a sbep or goat,folded, and put together, and thAe put into one of the ining guts of tAhbely. (L, TA.)I Aboe, and t ?. M A enhement, or severe, day: (Fr, , 0,, :) or a ently-hot day: (Fr, ] :) and the former is in like manner applied to a night (La), without ;: (TA:) and t the latter signifies also a cold, and vry cloudy, day, in rhtich notAing is me of t/he y. (Abu-lAhi, L, TA.)

binds round Ais bU with a stone [placedt under (L.) - And , (S, 0, ],) aor. ', (]C,) inf. n. ri the bandage: see th ] ]: (TA:) or, accord. ;j.A; (S, o, 0 ;) also ., nor.' ; ( ;) to A'Obeyd, one w~hose property, or cattle, years said of a man, (TA,) .Hedied. (S, 0, ,.) of drought, or trlity, have eaten up: (S, O :) [or] it signifies also a poor man. (If, TA.) 4: see above, first and second sentences. And Turbaned; attired with a turban; (0, L, (0, , ) inf n. e;1~; ; (TA;) Q. Q. 1. ? (0,, TA;) [as also * . .] _ And [hence] t A and't and tljDi ; (0, ] ;) Tlhmy cried out, (0, ]:,) chy; chief; (],;) one made a chief (Az, L, TA. and fouglht one another: (I :) and * the latter, [See [See S.]) _- And [hence] t Cowvned: (0:) or a they raised a clamour, and became in a state of cro~ crowned king; as also t4 * . : (A, TA:) be- confusion. (TA.) 4.m A I tAing with which another thing is caunthecrown cause the crown encircles the head like a turban. bound, or wound round; as also Vl?L (J, TA) (Az, Q. Q. . . ja3: see Q. 1Q. , in two places. (Az, TA.) and tV_: (L, TA :) or a thing mith which t/h it d.. Je au Twvisted; turned, or wreathed, round or Aead is bound, or round round; (Q, A, Mgh, 0, %r--xe: -e: see the next preceding paragraph. about; contorted; roound; or bent; as also TA ;) and ,.L,.o signifies a thing Oith wAicA a ,#.9. -- [Tn.sted, or wound round: andfolded, ' ;y'. thing otAer than the Aead is bound, or mound (TA.) orfddd orf~ round; (A, TA;) anytAingu, such as a pece of sentenee. tiqhtly: and bound, or tied: see 1, first 5j. 1 is well known; (g ;) [as beg A ort rag, or a fillet, or bandage, with which a broken sentence. - And hence,] t Firm, or gtrog, in limb, or a wound, is bound, is termed thus, i.e. the compacture of the fles. (S, 0.) You say of tlticj grucl, consixting of] cheat-flour mnoisteed "a' na Jq. j t [A man firm, or compact, andstirredabout witl cla,.licilbutter, andcooked; .t_Lc: (L, TA:) and 4t~ signifies also a tur- AJUl .rlj.am ban; syn. i.t;&: (A,Mgh, Mb, l, TA:) or in repect of make]; (S, A, 0;) sron/ly, or.firmly, (L ;) one stirs it about, andl turns it ovoer, with a l,;:..., [i. e. stick, or the lile,] (also called V.::; this [in the TA by mistake written .. ,&] sig. knit, or compacted; not .flabby in flesh. (TA.) nifies a small thing that serves as a coverimng for And h4q., meaning i. ~ - i.e. and t c--~' , L,) so tl at o part of it tlat Aas not the head, [such as a kerchief or a fillet,] being b;l ,,1 aJ~' t [A girl, or youwlg woman, goo~dy been turned over remai,u in tie vescel; (IF,* S, sround round it; and what is larger is termed O, Mbl ;*) and hence it is thus called: (IF, in reupect of comrpacture; teUll compacted in re- 0, im 41t.: ('Inlyeh of Esh-Shihab, MF, TA:) or Msb:) [it is also commonly made withl boiling spect of make]. (S, 0.).-. And t A dlender, or Msb:j w.hatever is bound, or wound, round the head, an an eleant, sword. (1l.) - And t .IH~gry, wmater,flour, clarifed butter, and hone :] accord. whether it be a turban or a kerchief or a piece of having having his belly bound round: (A:) or [simply] to EI-Mufaddali it is properly thlitis called when rag: (TA, from an explanation of a trad.:) and hun" hungry; in the dial. of Hudheyl: (, 0:) or it is so thick that it may be cheed. (TA voco t ~ [likewise] signifies a turban, and any- wry very hungry: (.:) or one nwhose bowels are 41u, [q. v. see also .J thing with whitch the head is bound, or wound alnwst alnost dried up by hunger: an epithet said to be >3~ . 3.cA long day: (IAr,g:) and so applied to a hungry man because he binds round round: (, 0:) the pl. of is a.t4.St.. his and >JP. (L in arts. Ae and sfik.) _ Aind belly (MgIl, TA.) E1I-Farezdun says, - withl a stone [within the bandage] on all signify A high mountain. (L in arts. account of his hunger: it is said to hlave been a and ~ .) the custom of 0 any hungry man, among the Arabs, *Aa ,t4 at, C to bind his belly withl a ban(ldage, uidlcr which he -c: see the next paragraph,. in two places. sometimes put a stone. (TA.) - And t A letter 0 L*vW c(A I U5 " s li Evil, or miscie.f, arisingfromsd.augtr; [And a company of riders in such a state that it (4tb); thus called because beund round with seemed as thlough tie wind duired to take for a thread, or string: so in the saying, Ji j or ,ntual revili,j; or clamour; so in the l)hrase, itself sloil frwm thlem, by its dragging awray tie .[A letter came to me]. (A, TA.) ,ty.s _> [IIc ft thm in state a of e4 turbans]: he means that the wind untwisted their * ad 5* .1 o &e.]: (TA :) or clamour and confusin in war or : see a.,% in two places. turbans by its violence, as though it despoiled alte.rcation; as also V;.1 : (M,TA:) or clathem thereof. (TA.)_And [hence] t A croln. . : L~.; A strong, or sturdy, man. (TA.) mour in trialor affliction: (Lth, TA:) or afor(A, TA.) - See also ,, latter half. And midable, or terrible, case; (~, .K;) so in tho seeo ~, in four places. And for the pl. apphrase, '1 ) 1tj [l7Yy fell into a forplied to winds, see 1, former half. midable, or terrible, case]: (8.:) and . -. . (~, 0,.,) aor. (, K, K,) inf. n. )j4'. [ThYy are in aformilable, or terribkle, eae]: ;4J~ s:ae ~, near the end. 5 .c, (S, O,) He tmwsted it; turned, or wrathed, (::) or you say, a' '.4 ,J TIhJ are in _eaP i: see . , it round or about; contorted it; wound it; or in two places. trials, or qfafiictions, and altercationu. (TA.) bent it; (s,O,, ;) as also ? ~ . (IS.) _ Also, and sl m c, A man, and a woman, diJicult, ,t A under, or rpinner, of thread, or yarn; [Hence,] io. :,l 'e, aor. , (S, 0, L, M.b,) or stubborn, Aard, and evi, or miwhieo: (0, yn (AA, $, O.) inf. n. as above; (Mqb ;) and t L~I a; (O, L, ] :) applied to a woman, eil, or michieo~; Msb;) He stirred about and turned over the (O0;) or very evil or misdwho~ (TA.) [P]. ';j7ih mouth is dry~fr the dVing ;.,~ with a :, or (0, L, Mqb ;) MLai] You say, q.'M.t i , A vp of the saliva: and .:-i J A man in 1 made, or prpared,the;., he (L.) - And people who cleave to their advermris in war, (0, ,rhoe mouth the saliva ha dried up. (TA.) 1 ;- M, [and app. alone, (see ,)] ,) and will not quit them. (0.)_ And .1t.. 1 aor. :, inf. n. .ja, e...., (Q,O, TA,) accord. to the author of the He (a camel) bent his neck ,* I Distorted language; (0, ]g ;) [as thoqg] 1 his woithers in dying. (TA.) _ ,.., Z .like L$.0_, in all its sense there towards heaped together, one part upon another. (TA.) I US, (0, ],*) in n. ,c, explained, but acoord. to others like,., (TA,) (0,) I made And .. 4 t 1, Confused (0,' TA) and him to do the thing against his will. (0, ]*) One having his waist bound round in cons- A 0 darkne^ (O,- ], TA.) And in lik, marden~ ' quene of hunger; ($, 0;) one who binds round . -- 1ta t; ,3 Clamours such as are raised nor .,j~ is used in relation to cameb: (]:) his body (,) s itl pieces of a garment or of 1 in trial,or affliction, astailed tlem. (Lth, L.) one says, 1 -n. The camels came .i loth, by reason of A~uner; (, i :) one who, 1 , said of an arrow, It wound, or turned, in pressin, or crow~, on upon another: (. , 0:) in consence of lamtnes occasioned by Irunger, 1 its cours, not going directly towards tiet butt. and accord. to Ibn-'Abbid, came in a state of dis-

[Boox I.


BooK I.]
signlifies also Thirsty, persion. (0.) - .a1. (ISh, O, ]I,) applied to camels. (ISh, 0.) And )1e signifies A fatiguing approach, (0, ,) or ni,,ght-journey, (0,) to water. (0, ])

Le -i~e


It [or he] withheld, hindered, or Fprevnted, him: WL TVhat withldeld, tc (0, 1,*TA:) one says, I hindered, or prevented, thee? (0, TA.) And He refused, and witideld, it; (K,' TA;) namely, anything. (TA.) [See also 8, which signifies i.tc A camel bending his neck towards his the same.] -And ycS,,(15,) aor. , in n., ~, ,;.
* ...

withIrs in dying. (S, O, g.)

and . see

: e.


b , ]~,) or.,:, (O, MO ag,) 1. 'j , (S, Mqb, ,; (8, Mb;) and 9. _-:1; (, 0, inf.n. Mb, ] ;) [He pressed it, or squeezed it, so as to force out, i. c. he ex~prssed, itsjuice, sirup, honey, oil, water, or moisture;] he extracted, or fetched out by labour or art [i. c. byprssure or wringing], (Mob, ],) its water, or juice, or t/h like, (Msb,) or what was in it, (s,) namely, what was in like as tlou dost: (0:) but Aboo-Sa'ccd relates grapes, (9, Mqb, l~,) and the like, (MNb, K,) of it thus; ..... 4, , as, things having oil, or sirup, or honey: (TA:) or signifies le performed that act himsedlf; y' ysL~ [app. from ~ signifying "he i. e. ( ;) as also t os., inf. n. , aJ: (. gh, TA:) pressed " grapes and the like; and thus meaning, the essing thereof, or the latter, he superin tfrom rhonm is gotten, among us, like wvhat is i.c.,of grapes: (0:) and t;*;e' , he had it gotten from thee; or, as. it may be less freely doe for him: ( :) or this last, he did it for rendered, rwho has his bounty drawnforth, among another, or others: (Mgh, as implied by an us, like as thou hast thine drawn forth]; and he he U;' ' ) and 1' explanation of ': and] 'a. (TA.) disallowed the reading [ [See (S, 0.) lihe. or the preparedepredjuice See also 8, first quarter. - See also 4, second & is used as a contraction of sentence: - and last two sentences. ~ And see also 8 below.]

being pressed; (0 ;) or as though she entered upon the y of her youth: ($, O, TA:) or she attained the age of puberty: ($, I t:) or she lad tbe menstrual dischlarge: (Mb :) or se entered upon tie time of that discharge: ( .:) or she approached that time; for, said of a girl, it of a boy; accord. to Abu-lHe gave (0, g, TA) to him. (}, TA.) Thus is like Jij said (S:) or sie apprwoaced the el-A~ribeo: Ghowth it has two contr. significations. (It., TA.) age of tw,enty: (s:) or she became conJ~ld in Tarafch says, ) appointed t/e house, (g,) aund had a retreat ( * for her, (TA,) at the time of her having the meni. -. 'J ',' strual discharge: (g.:) or she brought forth; ~-- -,J%.b- Le M-. * 1 (K;) in which, sense it is of the dial. of Azd. cl.'e .p.w (TA.) The woman, or girl, is termed * aa (S, O, TA, but in the S with ,; in the place of with ;: (IDrd, O, (0, , Mb, g1) and t *a, .~,) i.e. [If thee were, or ,ouldd that thers TA:) pl. j wta. -. ht".. ( )(6, O) and were, among our hings one] giving to us tie like 1 1y;e1Mjt T/ clouds were at the point of what tlnu givest: (TA:) and another reading 12 forth from them by the J ji ; (0;) and it is expl. (by A'Obeyd, of haring rain pressed is, ee TA) as meaning, doing to us benefits (, TA) minds. (0, and B13 in lxxviii. 14. [But


see (: 1.


(0, TA,) and t wchat is termed


, (TA,) The wind brought [q. v. infK.]. (O, TA.)

il 'ieJI ;

And you say also,

[The wind raised the dust into the air in theform of a piUar]. (TA.) and 8, latter half.~I.q. : see 7: .-. [it was, or becamne, d;jficult, strait, or intri5. j.i

cate]. (TA.) -:

l e relt. (A.)

inf. n. as the paragraph here following. l. J [Hence,] J '. ((, O.) above, He vru~ out the water of the garment, 2: see 1: ~ and see also 4, second sentence. or pece of cloth; he forced out its water byi :; (1, TA;) but in the t- ;jil ~, in n. OjI-a ye wringing it. (M9 b.) - And rj. Tekmileh written ; ljl Vi~, without teshdecd; [Hie squeczed, or pressed, tih pustule in order (TA;) T/e corn put forth its glumes: (15, TA:) that its thich purulent matter might come forth]. app. from ys meaning " a place of protection :" [He squeezed his i. c. [thi rtidiments of its ears] became protected Lt.. J (Mob.) - And throat]. (Mgh and M.b in art. sjA.) - And in its glunasn. (TA.) I;, aor. , t He took, or collected, the produce Hc wvas and- t, 3. IiJ ls~, inf. n. ~-j of the earth: from the same verb in the first of to, attained or ie one: a such with the nes expl. above: and hence, accord. to Abu- contemporary TA.) (O, one. a of such time tle reac/ed, or j a I-Ghowth, in the u,r [xii. 40S], t And in it thy all tahe, or collct, the oduce Hence the saying, yo..lj ;,La ) [The being contemlporay is an occasion of the earth: ( :) or the meaning is, and in it 'li; press grapeJs, or olives, or the like: or of hard, or harsh, treatment; and t/e contenthey haU they shall milk the udders. (Bd.) [And there porary will not render reciprocal aid to his are other explanations, which see below.] fellow]. (TA. [But I have substituted St.o" for tjytas, which latter seems to have been Thy 1,) (0, * lcl o,) or zIt.t, (., Ija, written by mistake for the former.]) - See , were rained upon; thly had rain; syn. also 8, last quarter. (I], correct]. less is [which or I.j.1 (f, O,) 4. jy~l He (a man, TA) entered upon the time ].) Hence, in the Cur [ubi supra], accord. to (J, TA:) and also he entered upon caled jIit: one reading, oj.&Nj .,J, [And in it tey shall the evening, or last part of the day; like ,jil. hae rain]. (9, O.) [8ee also above, and below.] (TA.) - And .,sl, (., Myb, g,) and V;, d _ ,.~ also signifies He saned hM; pre~ of the .K, but in a copy the copies all so in (Q,) him: and hence, in the ]ur [ubi suprA], accord. e, without teshof the Tahdheeb of I .t * ; 4d And in it t/y shall to one reading, j--;: M deed, (TA,) Shte (a girl, 8, Msb, or woman, 1g) be samd, or preeed]. (BL).. Hence also, attainedtlhe of her youth, (TA,) or [simply] 4' And in attainedthe period of her youth, (s,) and arrived perhaps, the other reading, one another. (Bl.) at tA age of puberty: (], TA :) or entered upon dall aid, or ccoura, it t 8ee also 8, last quarter, in two places. the time of puberty, and began to have the men(0, TA) inf. a. (Oy (0 ,, TA,) tonud dicharge; (S, 0;) because of her womb's Alo e

quasi-pas. of 1 in the first of the 7. .;-l senses expl. above; [It becanepresed,or s~queezl, so that its juice, sirup, honeyj, oil, water, or moisture, was forced out; its juice, or t/e like, became extracted, orfetched out by labouror art, i.e. by pInwssure or nringing;] (., 0, Myb, ]l;) ].)- You say also, .tJ . (, O,J as also a.l [TThe strangling-rope, or IJI y1 ) a tlh like, becane compr~ed upon his throat]. (TA in art. s..) c , in three places. see 8. j e-': [Hence, app.,] yael lie voided his ordure. (O, ],*TA.) [See the act. part. n., below.] t He smallowed the water by And #"t.d little and little in order that sonefood by which lI was choked might be made to dec,end easily in his throat. (S, 0, .. ) - And ZJL o.atl H'e extracted, or extorted, his property from his hand, or pos~sion: (S, Mb, TA:) from the same verb as syn. with c expl. in the beginniig of thi9 art.: (Mob:) lh took forth his property for a TA:) and debt or for sme other reason: (Q,* y;_--l, tho took; (g;) us also tV., aor.,: (TA:) the tooh of, or from, a thing: (TA:) t u got, and took, of, or from, a thing: (., as implied in an explanation of the act. part. n.:) t he got a thing from a person: (L:) or, accord. to El-'Itreefee, t he took the property of his son for himself; or he suffered the property of his son to remain in his (the latter's) possession: you JL* qjW sa.l [such a one took do not say 9y4W for him.elf t/e property of such a one] unless lie be a relation to him: [you say so of a father:] and meaning, t he of a boy you say, 4e1 jb $stI,

[BooK I.
took te poperty of his father. (TA.) [See' ,j....l. ] .And 4t 1L al [or 0ltJl? 5 Jj i.e. The ~etorter,or ezactr, eatorted,or, exacted the property]. (A, TA.) _- Also ... , He took bach a gift: (A, Mgb, L, TA:) in the 1, the inf. n. is expl. by J?l t !; but in the nbut h came not at the [proper] time of coming. (AZ, 0, : but AZ relates it without s. TA.) And . j J L .. ,U, (]C,) or, accord. to AZ and 8gh and the author of the L and others, LI V ,l, (TA,) He slept, but hardly, or scarcely, lept. (AZ, ,& &e.) And . -j- -, but the former is the more likely. (TA.) [See an ex. of the dim.,vl.l, voce 'r, in art. jij.]

_You say also, ,:. .; _, meaning Such a one came late. (Ks, S, 0.) See also

-- j also signifies t Rain from the [clou called] ;~,l, . (1v.) . Also A man's [namr L, the verb is expl. by it .J.I, [and in like ,. Such Sanda one slept, but slept not during a. kinsfolk sUCh as are tcrmed his] hij and ;e : m e inthe A. band a land [considerable period of] time, or day; (A;) manner n the A and Mgh,] ~Yand .4 agreeably with other significations, here follow- (0, 1,' TA :) or his :_ [q. v.]. (TA.) (TA:) t he remokd, recalled, or retracted, the ing. (TA.) .j.~ also signifies An hour, or a c~ : see , in four places. - And see also gift; syn. &!4 !, (Mgh, O,) and (Mgh.) time, (cl,) of the day. (gatideh, O.)_A

~1 .


Hence the trad. of 'Omar, ;J iIl

PIi morning, before, ajter, sunrise; syn. ;J: father may take from hAit child what he a giv" and the aternoon;or or eening; or lst part of Aim; [but it is not for the child to take from Ai the day; until t sun becom red; as also .' fatAher what he has gi him.] (Mgh, O.) But tt tl un b a red; s also t , as to the trad. of Esh-Shabee, cs ~~ (IDrd, l) THence, f e1night and the [Thefather may take ac day: (O, TA:) ornightandday: (Msb:) andthe a1.-~j. [:The/athe may take bac what morning, before, or ater,mUnrin, and te atrnoon he has gin to his child], the verb is made trans. or eening; or the first part of the day and the ast by mesans of Ul beausem it implies the meaning Af J ( 0

S. A,i ~ ...

,J"A Ja

i-e'. a,the

, i. t,e


day: (:) [or day, as opposed to night:] and a night: (i:) [or night, as oposed to day:] also



of %4 s

, and a, :


(IAth, Mgh,O:)




or this latter trad. means, the father may forbid [See also Q .1'JI.] A poet says, his child hit property, and nwithhold it from him: * " (S:) and [in like manner] the former trad., the fatIter may withhold hit child fro~ giving Ai1 his' kij i1; r Inoperty, andforbid it to him: (TA:) for j.;l also signifies he pr~ , hindered, ithhelAd, or [And I pugt him off, dela~ying thi paymenat of his . (, TA.) Hence, . debt, morning and evening, or from morning to 'ied; ..syn. (], TA.) Heenie, e ng, so that he loatha me, and is content nith i,sl.J [The withholding, or refuing, the poor- half of the debt, though unwilling]: meaning, rate]. (TA.) [See also L] J.e" also signi- when he comes to me in the first part of the day, fles t He was niggardly, or avaricious, (~, TA,) I promise to pay him in the last part of it: (ISk, 4,. towards him. (TA.) 1.iy.l; (?, A, ?:) or, accord. to Sgh, the right reading (instead of 6 ~;) - (h, *and O; a d i(; or; .. ,) s J18 jlU )i [nwithout liberality]: ;)and sw tyA3, (g X(,) o and,-, or ; (0; and the verse is by Abd-Allah Ibn-Ez-Zubeyr ., inf. n. ;; (TA;) and to.s; (A;) EI-Asadee. (TA.) - Hence also (S, 0) ;" t He had recouwn to him for refuge, protection, .. (S, O, M1b,) and *4aJ. "j ., (O, TA,) or prsrmation; (S, A, ] ;) and sought, desired, , or asked, aid, or stecour, of him. (A.) In the fem. only, and simply '$ 1, [and tJV I,] mase. r [.' [sic], which is one and fem., (Msb,) [The prayer of afternoon; the l[xii. ~ ~.gur -time of which commences about mid-time bereading, is expl. by Lth as signifying And in it ye tween noon and nightfall; oraccord. to the Shashall lha recounre for refuge, or protecthon; fi'ees, Malikees, and HIambelees, when the shlade but Az disapproves of this: (TA:) [the orn- of an object, east by the sun, is equal to the length mon reading] OJ.* j, accord. to AO, (so of that object, added to the length of the shade in one copy of the 1,) or A'Obeyd, (as in another which the same object casts at noon; and accord. copy of the S,) ignifies and in it they shaU be to the Hlanafecs, when the shadow is equal to safe; from ;j.~ signifying " A cause, or means, twice the length of the object added to the length of safety:" ( :) or they sjallbesafejoom trial, or of its mid-day shadow: its end being sunset, or affliction, and shall pwsrve t~mselvs by plenty, the time when the sun becomes red:] so called orfruit.fe. (TA.) because performed in one of the I, , i. e., in 41~~~~~~,.~ ~the last portion of the day: (0:) also called (which is the most common form] and . *a UC~l 4Skil[accord. to some], because it is

pc: see if , in three places. ~ Also A place to whmaich one has recourse for rqige, pro tection, preservation, concealwent, covert, or loding; a place of refuge; an asylum; a rfge: (s, 0, :) and a cauxe, or m.ean, of afety; syn. .".: ($, J:) as also t?~c (l) and * , (S,O,TA) and ,0 g) and (O..I ) t t~~~~~~~~.aa. (TA) and *Ve , from whiclhrm is said to be contracted, (TA,) [and t .] You say, , ,, ~j .: n ,,anld and ?s t [Z!eyd is iny refitye]. (A.)= Also Dst; or dlust raixed aund spreading; syn. j.l4: (S, 0, I:) or vehelenent du,t; (TA;) whlich latter is also the signification of ?tL. and t *j.: (O, I, TA:) or this last, or, accord. to some, t ;~f , has the former signification. (L.) It is said in a trad., W& i;,.' >4ij e , (8, 0,) or E o .*, or, as some relate it, ~ '; , (L,) A pe,ftmed woman laed by, er skirt havingt a dust proeeding from it, (S, A, L,) occasioned by hler dragging it along [upon the ground], (L,) or ocasioned by the abundance of the perfume: (A:) or V 1~ may mean S an exhalation of perfwme: (L, TA :') [for] it has this meaning also: (IDrd, O :) but accord. to one relation, it is l., (L,) whiich also signifies dut raisedby rwind. (TA.)

aceyac :

and seeya .

.~a [app., A thing from which water or the Iie may, or may almost, be expre.ed, or ~nmy out]. You say, 1j:;j , ;; XijlJ 4 The rain retted his clothes so that their water na alrnost wvrung out. (TA.)_ See also , in four places. Also i. q. it: one says, ,9; ;. W4I i. e. Ae; [These are eons of our praternaluncle, or the like, closcly related], cecin2 ively (!f otArs: (s, o :) and so i2. (TA.)

V. (g, A, 0, MQb, O) and O) and se .. (A, O, O) i. q.

. (1, A, o, between the two prayers of the day [that of day>. [as meaning break and that of noon] and the two prayers of

;ij a:

Time; or a time; or a space or period of time]; the night [that of sunset and that of nightfall]: (6, A, 0,Mqb,l;) ~ ~ of ~ (Abu-l-Abbas:) ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~0 or any unlimited ~ extent pl. [of pauc.] 1 ; and [of time, during which peoples pa away and become mult.] (Mb.) [And hence li'ewise,]



see .rA,in thiree places. * .-. *, jL~: see ;&j~.


JcL.: seei a, and

extinct; (Esh-Shihib, in the" Sharb esh-Shifb;")

. -

[a s asionof ages:] such is said by Fr to be its meaning in the Iur ciii. 1: (TA:) pl. (of pa O). n., (, ) and. ; (;) and [of pauc, 0~ (O, and . (].) Youan [f m,ult.] ;, (~, '0, ) and .;. (I[.) You say, 1`a d , and , I did it Aot in its time,. (A.) And tCA

jg.a: sce0.a& Isappliedin atd.to Therayodaybreak and that of the ~; one being made preJ~ i. q. T j,; [Pr'asd, or quez~, or dominant over the other; (Msb, TA;) as is the vrungf, so tihat its juice, sirup, honey, oil, water, case in Cj!p.0 applied to the sun and the moon; * *, (TA;) or they are so called because they are or moisture, is forced out]; (K ;) as also t i... performed at the two extremities of the 1, ((TA.) See also t.J;, in two places. ij; Expreemd juice or the like; what flo~

i ape (


And hence lirewised

A. I go tame, meaning the night and the day; (Myb, TA;)

Boox I.] ($, O, Myb, 1) from grapes and the like, (Myb, pillar; a wind that raisesdust [or sand] between tle 1C,) of things having oil or sirup or honey, (TA,) sky andthe earth,and revolves, resemblingapillar; on premre or uzing or rying; (IDrd, Q, called also by the Arabs a a j3; of the masc. O, Myb, TA;) [an extract; but properly, ach as gender; (Msb;) a wind that raimes the dust [or (Mgh, Myb, 1) and: sand], and rises towards the sky, as though it were is erpresed;] as also* )ti;t ; (i;) or, as some say, jtLa is a pl.of a pillar; (S,O;) a wind that blows from the m For rather a coell. gen. n. of which the n. un. is] g nd, (IC, TA,) and raites thi dut [or sand], (TA.)--_ Also What remains of dregs, and rises (TA) like a pillar towards the ky; (sk , ; ;. ;j : (TA:) unless afer pessing toforce out the juice or tie like. (S, TA ;) called by tke people a vehemence, it is with manner, this in it blow O, TA.) - Also The choice part, or the refuse, . nind ;, :] a [sce (a;W [which has these two contr. significations]) not thus called: (Zj, TA:) I The produce (IF, that rises into the sky: (AZ:) or a enind that of a thing. (TA.) -Also tihe clouds, (S, 0, ,) nith thunder and lj ra jraises 5 ;c (A.) land. of a A, O) ligltning: (S, 0:) or in which isfire: (iK:) men[mens t Th chldrn nd r chtildren of tioned in the IKur ii. 268: (S, 0:) or in wvchich sad r & [meamns ~the 1t, such a one are of gentrous race, or of generous is rL, which signifies vehement dust, (i,) or this latter word signifies dust raied into the air, (if,)Ab .;, (l t a_ by the rwind, in teform of a pillar (~ .. . t A (I,) 1, t ... anid (S, 0,) O, and .J., , , O .) man geneu, or liberal,wraln asked. (S, 0, (TA:) [see also >. Cil) One ith whonm one cannot i1 a And tp lo [occury and TA,) l, (M"b, take refuge, or whoms protection is unobtainable. P:] pl. j 1 (TA.) And ?poUSI A b,, (O, L,) or >' ring in poetry]. (Iam p. 678.) ... [If tlhou be a vind, thou as in the [ and] 'M't writh a hirlwhrind of dust like a pillar] ]ast ait . 4;7', not (TA,) Of generous race. (0, L, ].) [See aso is a prov. of the Arabs, (O, TA,) relating to a man in whom is somewhat of power and who ~~.] meets with one superior to him, (O,) or to a man -c : see in two places. who meets his adversary with courage. (TA.) A i preser of [grapes or] oil [and the - And one says, ;tLI ;1.j; [lis plromising is ;t like]. (MA, KL.) - [And hence, 1 An extorter, unprofitable like a ,vhirnind of dust]. (A, TA.) -or ~a'ter.] 8ee 8, former half. - A - .' ;'. I '-.. e. a,. ace .4: .,. ,, ad part. n. of 1.s .

2063 e: e 5 a. _ Also : A tongue dry (O, TA) by reason of thirst. (TA.) c, in two places: -and .:' see !;l,a, in two places. see

j.:'m: One who exprese the juice of grapes, to make wine, for another or others. (Mgh.) [But see 1.]- Y Voiding ordure: (Mgh, 1I,' signifying "a TA:) from .a, or from . place of refuge or concealment." (TA.)- And t One who gets, and takes, of, or from, a thing. (S, O.)

diposiation]. (A.)

1 . e

:i,.~ , aor.,

and , *j. ($, viontly, or themlntly; as also t ,~L; O, Msb, Ig;) the latter of the dial. of BenooAsad. (S, O.)_ Hence, (TA,) _ac signifies also : The being quick, or wift; (Lth, O, TA;)

Myb, ,) inf. n. (o, Msb, ]h,) The wind blcw O, ($ ,

l and] VtLj : (TA:) and is and so[t J used in relation to anything: (Lth, 0O:) J signifying t lIc, or it, wea quick, or mof. (if.) " t Ske One says, of a she-camel, tl. (Sli, , rider; her with siftly, goaes quickly, or Z, 0, TA;) likening her to the wind in the swiftness of her course. (Z, TA.) And t -. '~;


t Shle

(a camel) wau, or beca,ne, quick,

or swif, in going alnmg: (TA:) and t h.A1 said of a horse, he went, or paued, along quickly, A.1, (O,) of or swfitly; (S, O, If;) like .. see 4, near the end._ ~-': and I.a: [I wilU not do it as long as there is an J.P var. (f.)_ a dial. be] to [said is which it exprerT of the oil of the olive]; i.e., ever. .;S,,, signifies t Clouds; (Az, If;) so called (O,If,OTA,) ti1d $~J! '~, [Hence, also,] , O.)._ t-.'-.ls [as though pl. of.G or of because they press forth water: (Aboo-Is-hi14, , (, O, TA,) $ War, or the war, $pjt~] TThrc stones wit; wlhich grals ace pressed TA:) this explanation is most agreeable with aor. . destroyed, tle people, or party; and of, carried o as to force out the juice, (I,) beinJ placed one what is said in the 1]ur lxxviii. 14, because the ,:a.,(O, ,) l as also. TA;) (, O, (, are not of the a;;1] [pl. of : One winds called j,;; upon another. (TA.) -.. al and 'J"c is [said to be] the more correct. (O, TA.) which who takes of the property (fhis child without the winds of rain: (Az, TA:) or clouds at the point signifies t It (a thing) inclined, or - And t.; latter's permniow#. (TA.) .. - to coi : Such of haring rain ressed forth from them by the last sentence.]. irin(d: (Bd in lxxviii. 14; and TA :*) or clouds declined. (g.) [See Jt;, us. (TA.) a one is tenacious, or avariiio TA,) and JI, 0, ]f, (Ibn-Abb4d, , J. WJt presclouds or (TA:) rain: fo'th pour to ready '~ (~, 0, Myb,O) and SIL, (8, O, If,) singforth rain: (S, 0 :) or clouds that .fo*v with (Ibn-Abbad, O,) aor.;, (i,) in D 5 (n, the former of which is the more commonly known, [or ooze forth] rain but have not yet collected 0,) He gained, or earned, or he ought s~nance, but the latter [accord. to my copy of the Myb together; like as*a is applied to a girl who has (Ibn-Abbad, ~, O, f, TA,) for his household, but this I regard as a mistake of the copy- almost had the menstrual discharge but has not or family; (Ibn-'Abbid, 0, f, TA;) and so j~, ist,] is the more chaste, (TA,) Origin; syn. .;: yet had it: (Fr, TA:) or winds ready to press .Al. * ,i ; (Lh, ,. O,. TA;) like as one (9, O, MNb, g :) rae, lineage, orfamily: (Mob:) forth the rainfrom the clouds: (Bd, ubi supri:) and =iJm.l: and some add, in explaihnsays 0. rank or quality, nobility or minence, reptation or winds having t.s.te; (Bd, ubi supri; and and he ought for hiJ luusehold, A l.&o ing or note or consideration,detioed fr~ ancstors, TA;) i. e., dust. (TA.) for them art, or skill, ercid and or family; orfrom one's on deeds or qualitie; syn. _ : (0, O, TA) The in the managem~et of affairs. (TA.) -. aa.. (I, TA) and p (, O, :) pl. . G. (Myb.) You say Oi~ (TA,) . ~., ;1, ; thing in ohich grapes (S, O, I) and olives (S) 1 ($, O, j, TA,) aor.,, inf n. ,i [Such a one is of generou origin, or are pressed, toforce out theirjuice (S, O, ) and .,aGI lIe cut, or clipped, the corn before its attaininj (L.) race, &c.,] like as you say .ula!at oiL (S.) [See also;;:.] to maturity; (~, O, g, TA ;) i.e. Ae cut off itU ~An element (t .) [of thos] wheof are comeaves that were inclining in its lower part, in of diffmerent nature; od the material ~ta~ 'e w A place in which grapes and tie like are order to lighten it; for if he did not thus, it [an elememt considered as that from which com- pressed, to force out their juice or tit like. (]K,* would lean: or he cut it from its staU. (,TA.) pontion commences:] it is offour kinds; namely, TA.) fire, air, earth, and water. (KT.) [But this ~1 (said of a 4: see 1, in five places..application belongs to the conventional language (, O, f.)-. or p~erd. died, He ?, O) man, -.;: seeyps. or wandered, dech',e devated, (a man) He And and'.?.] tCo, also See of philoophy. );..a 1That in wlhich a thing is put and pressed, f~ .L~ the road, or way. (TA.)_.,t in order that its rater, or the like, may flo [or The cames went round about the il, eagerfor the water, raising the the dst, (En-Nadr, O, V,) ;;A whirlindof dust [or and], rmb~ i a ooze] out. (I,* TA.) [See alsow `...] 260 Bk I.




[Boox I. [Ao

and spreading it, around. (En-Na4r, O.) TA:) likened to the 2L ; of wind. (Z, TA.) j~,Osi The corn, or se-produce, put forth See also ~, in three places.
its J [q. v.]: (., O, ~ :) or its J.. became jIL;s A seler of .3 [i. e. straw, or straw long: or it attainedto tie time for its being cut, tAat has been trodden, or thrashed, and cut]. or clipped. (TA. [See 1, last sentence.])

L A place abounding with corn, or ed-produce: (L/, ., L:) or with straw. (Lb, L.)
~ la1s

(IAgr, O, TA.)

5: see 1, second sentence. 8: see 1, last sentence but one:

10. ,JI .Aiaal'


TAe corn, or eed-produce:

j.;: see s;.._ Hence, (Z, TA,) Srift; applied to a she-ostrich, and to a she-camel ($, Q. 2. ~i..' It (a garment, or piece of cloth,) O, ](, TA) that goes swifly ith her rider; ($, became dyed w,ith & . (8, O, 0.) O, TA;) likened to the wind in tile swiftness of
her course: (Z, TA:) pl. j : (TA:) and -.-

Q. 1. ejL He dyed a garment, or piece of cloth, with, a. (, 0, M, b, .)

produced its culm, or jointed stalk. (TA.)

[Saqllower, or bastard saffron; i.e.,

.tA is applied in like manner to a she-camel cnicus, or carthanus tinctorius;] a certain dye, bA~~ (S., O,) or plant, (M,b, ]:,) well known, (0, MCb,) The herb ( J) of corn, br seed-produce: as meaning srift; (Sh, TA;) and so too is (Fr, S, O, ] :) and (TA) the leaves, or blades, of *ith which One dyes, (M,) the jrst juice (a5i 1 ) (TA.) corn, or seed-produce; (MA,* Mgh, TA;) as also 5"". of nwhich is caled JOtt, (TA,) and one of the Ojc ; each a pl. of i i : (MA: [or rather c.,Aa/: see -~iO.: and see also c, in prpertiesof which is that it causm tough meat ,a~ is a coll. gen. n. of which O is the pi. two places. to become thoroughly cooked, so as to faUll offfro tie bone, ([,* TA,) when and t i~ is the n. un.:]) or tim leaves, or Iomewhat therof is blades, that are upon the stalk of corn, or seediLUS What has fallen from the ears of corn, thrown into it: (TA :) its seed is caled : : produce, and that dry up and crumble; as also [app. wien tlhey are trodden, or thrasahed, con- ( :) tlsre are t*wo kinds of it; one of thd culti *;" and t iA~ and V ?ALM: or the Iavcs, dsiting] of the straw, ($, O, ~,[but in the C] vated land, and one of the desert; and both grow and wrat is not eaten, thereof: in these three 01! is put in the place of .1j,]) and tie like. in the country of the Arabs: (M, TA:) it is an Arabicized word. (Az, TA.) different senses it is expl. as used in the lur ( See also .A.. S.) Also Wltat the n;ind has lv. 11: (TA:) or it there means the stalk, or carriedaway. (TA.) ;gi..a (S, O, Mqb, K, &c.) and ;., (Ibnstem, of corn: (Fr, 8 voce 1 1 :) or straw; Rashee], MF,) but the latter is not an approved .. ~ The combined leaves in which are the (Jel, TA;) and so _g.l v .A ; (M voce form, because there is no chlaste word of the ears comrn: (S, O, g, TA:) or the eares that (MF, TA,) [The sparrow;] a 0;) or & t, ,i4..: (so in copies of the c open from around tie fruit: or the heads of tie measure j, certain bird, (S, O, J,) well known; (Mb :) voce :) and j. signifies straws: (IAqr, ears of wheat. (TA.) See also i, in three accord. to AHtt, the same that is called tht; places. TA:) or #~ signifies dry leawes, lihe straw: (Bll in lv. 11:) or corn, or swed-produce, or barlny, cut n,hile reen, for fodder; syn. J'm: (En-Nalr, TA:) or leaves of corn, or sed-profluce, tAat are cut, and eaten while fresh: or the leaves of the ears of corn; as also *"i.~': or swhat are cut thereof; as also I me: or both 5 signify the leaes, of corn, that incline in its lower part, and wAicAh one cut off, in order that it mnay become lightened: or the former signifies the ears; themselves, of corn: and the pl. is Jy; . (TA.) ),bL ,a , in the ]Jur [cv. last verse], means Like corn of h/ich tie grain has been eaten and the straw thereof remains: (Ellasan El-Baeree, ., 0, 1:) or lihe leaves of wAich the contents haae been taken and whAich remain without any grain therein: (O, J:) or liie A, ,J..; ~ (., O,Mb,) and :i.a; (O, Mab, I) and ' .j. [but this app. has a more intensive meaning] (S, O, O) [and t *. as used in " Fkihet cl-Khulaf " p. 196 line i8 but not found by me in this sense in any lexicon] and It I ' (0, O, g) and V ; . , Mb, .O) W'ind blowing violently, or vehemently: (8, O, Myb, ] :1 pl. of the first l..otl, and of the second %h.Mt;; (Msb;) and of the last two


;; and Vt

and ndt *l~

[pl. of

ai:,~-] which signifies winds that raise the clouds and the winds. (TA.) One says also iL c , (Fr, ., 0, Mab,) because of the violent blowing of the wind therein, (Fr, O, Msb,) .ot in this case being an instance of

(O,) or learw, (s,) whichA the beast, have eaten:

(0, 15:) or, as Sa'eed Ibn-Jubeyr is related to


in the sense of

have said, like barly growing or growng forth one says ;:1 .;,

(S, 0,) like as (Fr, O,) or like, 5t i; the


[that has boen eaten]. (TA.) -_ And IAr says, meaning being, A day in which the *indblows (O, TA,) [the pl.] Jj, (O, ], TA,) with violently, or vehemently: (S, 0:) this is the mean*. (Fr, O, I) in amunm to the t, (TA,) [in the C1g, erroneously, ing in the phrase ?i. the lur [xiv. 21]: or this phrase may mean ?.. ,] signifies Ha,ddfus of reaped corn; syn. [in a day violent, or vchej.b [a coil. gen. n. of which the n. un. is .S]: C,Jl . ,;

(0, TA:) in the copies of the


and in ment, in respect of tie wind], because the wind is

mentioned in the former part of the sentence. (Fr, O.)- See also . ..-. o also signifies : An arrow turning aside, or declining,from tie butt; (El-Mufa(!lal, O, I, TA;) pl. c; a tropical meaning: (TA:) and anything inclining, or declbding. (EI-M3ufa(!!lal, O, K.) .A~ , and the fern., and pls.: see five places:

the L, ,,.. (TA.) And accord. to IAir, (0,) J.~ signi6fies also WVine; syn. ;ji.. (O,L,I. [In the CI ;',; and in the TA, as from the ,.]) 0. .. M.c [as an inf. n. un. of 1 signifies A gust, or strong puff, of wind. - And hence,] t The odour, (g,) or fragrance (.) of odour, (Z, TA,) or exhakd odou, (IF, 0,) of wine: (IF, Z, 0, ,

t;, in

the male black in the head and neck, tAe rest of it inclining to adh-colour, with a rednme in the i~ ; the femnale inelining to yellonm and mhitenes~: (0:) the word is masc.: (TA:) fern. with 3: (M, 0, g:) pl.-Gl;. (Mqb.) Accord. to Yamzeh, it is so called because it was disobedient, and fled, ij .' (MF, TA.) [This, I believe, is said to have been the case when the beasts and birds &c. were summoned before Adam, to be named by him. See the Kur ii. 29-31.] [It is also applied to Any paerinebird. And hence,] .1 [. Th[ pass~birdof Paradise; meaning] the srallor; syn. J" L I. (ISd in TA art. Ji., and lB in TA art. bj.) [Also, sometimes, Any smal bird.] ;t, 1; .~ .; [lit., The spa~os of his head e ;] is a preoy., meaning : he became frigMhtened; as though there were sparrows upon his head when he was still, and they flew away when he was frightened: (Meyd:) [or he becamne lighAt, or inconstant: or he became angryj: like ;S ;tUS : (sec >to:)] or he becane aged. (TA.) _ . 2 sLK [lit. Te sparrows of his beUy cried], (.,) like ,4 tI> -, alluding to the inte~ tincs, is also a preoy., (TA,) meaning he wvas, or became, hungr*y. (., TA.) In like manner also one says, iJi . Ll.m. *jLU % meaning S Eat twou not until thou be hungry. (TA.) -, l e.,t; is an appellation of t Certain exeellent camels, that bdonged to kings: (8, O, 1 :) or certain excellent camels that bdonged to EnNoamdn Ibn-El-Mundhir were called j.sL a1. (T, TA.) ~j~Jl also signifies The

and for the fem., see also b..;.c.

BooK 1.] male locust (0, ]~.) - And The chief, or lord. - -) And The king. (i.) - Also (IA$r, 0, A portion, (, ,) or maU pton, (V,) of te brain, (, 0, ]g,) beneat th f; of thu brain, (TA,) as thougk separatedtherffrom: (, O, TA :) th two is a p~llile. (8, O, ) - And bet A certain vein n the heart. (IF, O.) - And A prominent bo in tat temple of the horse, ($, 0, ],) on the right and on the ft; both being o.) - And T/e place ; a:. ($, called whence gror the fordock [app. of the horse]. (M, 1g.) - And A narrowblaze extending domwardsfrom the blaze on the forehead of t/u horse, not reachingto the tnuzzle. (0, 15.) - Thej.la Aw. 1And of a camel's hump see expl. voce c~ signifies also A inece qf wood in the [kind of camdl-vehicle called] j, uniting tah eatremities of certain [other] pieces of rwood therein; [perhaps what unites the outer extremities of two long pieces of wood wlhich project horizontally from the lower part of the .Ls, from the two extremicanine tooth of a camel; as is the case only when he has become advanced in age: and, said of the same, [simply,] it became strong or hard; as also t 1. (TA.) Also, said of a horse, He had that titingof the tail which is signified by tht (1, expL below. (, T.) -, tcrm j. a man, (T1[,) said of inf. n. ;, TA,) aor. ', and of other than man, (TA, [in the TV1 said of a boy,]) also signifies He urined; made water: (IV, TA: [in the C1d, jtL is erroneously put for made water upon the head of an idol. (TA.) (S, 0, ], [in the 0, and a second time in the K~, mentioned in art. J.~,]) What i calbd ($, 0, (l, 0,, ,) J 1 1) by the phyicians (8, 0) j pronounced with Jit; [i e. de/id/ , notwithstanding the 3, which is generally an obstacle to JItll], and in some of the book of the physician witten with i, [i. e. J"11,] (0,) or only known to them as thus prouounced; (TA;) [i. e. sciUa, or squill; particularly the o.ci~al auil;] i q. J4l

i5telI; (O, ;) abo calWd i, );(d;) [se iQJ:]) it occurs in a trad. u said of a fox that art. J, ;] and a tigaris prepardfrom it:
(S, TA:) IA{r says that it is a certa~i plant in the d~ts,of which the assert that longi prnant women desire it and eat it, and that it is

w/hat is called l 1 J_l: Aln says, it conists of leaves like te ledk, appearing extnded and lank: and in one place he says, it is a certain tree [or plant] of the plain, or soft, tracts,grow. udg in places of water and moiture, in like man. 4: see1. [?], and it has a blossom like ner as does thte j Q. Q. 4. J He grasped, or laid hold upon, [or lily], of wrhich the ;J_ the white that of ties of cither side;] (g1 ;) haringthe form of the h,is taf$. (IKh, O,1 .) bees eat, and make honey; and the oxen, in cases [hind of saddle caled] JLb1 : (L:) or the pices of dvought, eat its leaves, which are mired for 3b: see the next paragraph. of ,rood nhich are in tah [kind of camets saddle tlhen in tle fodder: (TA:) it is good for the called] J10, by rhich the heads of the [curved q. v.:] A tristing in the alopecia, and iumi)plegia (WIW1), ,3; [inf. n. of j./, and sciatica; pin.e of wood called tle] 1. 1are fastened [to- c' [or bone, or slnderpart, or part where the and the vinegar thereof, for chronic cough, and gether]: (15:) and the wood bty which are.fased hair ~gros, of the tail ($, O, g) of the horse, asthma, and the rattles; and strengthen the weak the heads ,f tAh[kind of sadle called] ,. : ( :) (1,) so that a portion of the innersideupon wahich . (8, .)-. body: (]:) the pl. is iL. or the,.e*la of the ,.j'are its is no hair appears, (S, 0,) or so thiat it hits [the the pl. is jtl: s! (8, O) and ~ail j.Jh, j; -l is formed by trans- flh of the part of the thigh that is called] his ;al from which ilas 1ot, hip, or sochet of the upon the [the fle t.1 and (S,) [He entered upon, or took to, tit road of position; and they are four pins of wood which a road from El-YemtAmeh l.&a;dJl and Ja;ll,] ,5j. (]~, his is called] that thigh, in ath the ve cOooin] unite or whict areput between [or rather the Aheads of the ,;.. of the ,3; in each 'L. TA [In the CV, tU; is erroneously put for to El-Ba,rah, is said of a man as meaning t he 0 :) but A]At says that he are twro of thse pins,fasten~d with sines or with I;U.]) And Crooskedies ith hardness: (V:) went astray: (f, eL.;dl tjph, and he prorespecting Ae asked camel's skin; and in it [or appertaining to the or crooldness and trengt or hardness of a nounced the latter word with fet-h to the Ue; Also sing. of Ftcl same part] are the ZJ.L: (, O :) or the nails canine tooth. (S, O.) adding that it should not be pronounced with which the food i (IDrd:) or the signifying The intto vhich unite the head rf the .J: damm; and that the saying originated from Elj .~ of the [kind of saddle called] J.4LI is its passes from the stomach; (Aq, S, O, 1 ;) and it Faresday's mentioning, in his poetry, a man who (1i.)J from which latter word the former is (the sing.) is also pronounced ~.s. Jy.;,, went astray in this road. (O.) One says also, formed by transposition; anid it is a piece of And Wreathed, or twisting, and curoed, sands: L~;dl , 'i L, meaning t IHe pursued that wood fastened betveen [or rather uniting or con- occurring in this sense in a trad. (TA.) - And which asfalse, vain, orfutile. (TA.) (8, 0.) In a trad. Certain trees which, when the camel eats thereof, joining] the anteriorQ.,i. cause him to void thin dung: (8, 0:) or the trees see the next preceding 1j.l;a and ;II: it is said that it it is unlawful to cut or shake off trees resm:) or certain (I [q. v.]: k called paragraph. aughlt from the trees of EI-Medeeneh, except for of a ,.;J, or to supply a sheave of a bling the 9 , which tah camels eat, and after the j.~ l~I, applied to a horse, Haing a trwisting of pulley, or for the handle of an iron implement. which they drink water eery day: or, as some ;,, termed [of tAh tail, sea as e. the (.) -_ Also A nail of a shil. (0, 1.) that grow say, [trees of the kind cabd] is extr.; whlich (],* TA,) .J., pl. above]: expl. upon, or at, the waters: (TA:) a single tree . (, 0, ] 5. [See also or, in the opinion of I8d, this is pl. of t j thereof is called ;. Ait hardns; as also , in art. J.J.]) [Accord. to Forslil (Flora (TA.) And Crooked, ";& , Aegypt. Arab. pp. cxiv. and 110) now applied to t J'; t.., (g, TA,) aor. ', inf n. J (], TA;) both applied to anything: 1. JI (TA,) He made the >j [or piece of wood, or a species of Ocymum which he terms serplnJi- (TA:) pl. as above. (V, TA.) And [simply] branch, or the like,] crooked: m and J- , aor., folium.] Crooked; applied in this sense to a canine tooth; [inf. n. J.e, q.v.,] It was crooked naturally [or (, TA: [in the and to an arrow: pl. j.: ee J l, in three places. - Also An C] and in my MS. copy of the 15, yt.s: orially]: thus in the 1]: or, as in some copies, arrow crooked in [the portion called] its ;* [and among them my MS. copy, and the C1,] is erroneously put for olr,l 9 CaJ;,w.4 , the latter verb has this meaning: and it isadded, [q. v.]. (TA.).- And iAa,; a crooked t c E=:1 :]) or [the pl.] J`S is ,P0 Lb O [app. tree, (S, O, TA,) that cannot be straightened by rtlj , J--4 t

.*', It see 1. -Also, inf. n. J 8. ~J.: (an arrow) twisted when shot. (TA. [But see Also, (AA, 0,) inf. n. as above, J.-.])._ (AA, 0, 1,) said of a man, (AA, 0,) He was, or became, dslow, dilatory, late, or backward. (AA, O, V.)

5l I

meaning that this last verb signifies it became reason of its hardness. (TA.) crookedof itelf, ie., by me accident of ts goth]. t.1,applied to an arrow, Strong, or hard. a, aor. :, .[inf. n. ~--,] signifies (TA.) And (],* TA.) abo It mwas crooked, with hardness: (Q, TA :) and it was ercoked and strong or hard; said of the J.uI and ',J , and t;4;.'ll and a: l,

applied in this sense to arrows: and Ji-l applied to a canine tooth signifies crooked and strong oi hard; (8, O, TA;) and t 3_ likewise signifies crooked and strong or. hard, and old; applied to the canine tooth of.'a camel, because 260*

J~ it is thus only When the camel has become advanced in age: and the former, applied to an arrow, signifie also scanty in thefeathers. (TA.) _Also Crooled in the shank, ($, 0, K, TA,) dry, or tougyh, in the body: (TA:) pl. J,;: (I ) and the sing., applied to a man, [simply,] dry, or tough, in the body; and so [the fem.] c5k applied to a woman: (TA:) or this, thus applied, signifies havingnoJl~s upon her, (I,TA,) anddry, is applied to or tougk: (TA:) and [the pl.] J. camels as meaning lank in their bellies. (O.) Also (/, TA, in the CV "or") Keeping, or clinging, to a thing, andfatourably inclined to it.

[Boox [o L A relic, and a trace, of anytling, (, VJ,) such as tar [with which camels are smeared when

! [i. e. he gained, or earned; signifies also -or he sought means of subsistence]. (8, I.) J;.it j:; . means The dwt stuck to his central incisor; like _,m [q.v.]. (TA.)_

mangy], (9,) and ,.,

[i. e. hinni (.;) and

the like, with which one dyes, or tinges, the hair is also e', aor.- , (I, TA,) inf. n. *., (f,' TA,) &c.], and the like: (;,1I:) and , said of a gazelle, and of a mountain-goat, [and expl. as signifying a trace of anything such as *o'D [q. v.] or saffron or the like. (TA.) A4 app. of a horse,] He asu sach as is termned.l. says, I heard an Arab woman of the desert ay to (g, TA.)

HfIe ezerted his trenh, and laid hold, 4. ,1 or fast lold, upon a thing, or clmng to it, lest his horse, or his camel, should throw him down; [or ,.~wlhas this meaning, or Ie laid rather t upon a thing, or clung to it ;] or fast hold, hold, An affair, or a (V, TA.) - And J3;1 l ! ramv, that is Aard, troublesom, or distresCing. and in like manner one says v V..o-'l, and (9;) H t;..al is said by Era t.:; (TA.) RAghlib, to signify thus; whence, in the gur * ; One who is hard upon his debtor. [expL. in art. ]: [iii. o 98], iI k,1 (O, g.) e,.t l signi(TA:) and [hence, likewise,] J ,j~An arrow that twists rwhen it is shot: fies H it _ [meaning iHe held fast by hAsi core(0, O, g:) or, accord. to Alee Ibn-gamzeh, it niant]. (Mgh.) One says also, .et. .to, l lIe from laid hold upon one of the cords, or ropes, of the is correctly * ", with the pointed t.; ; meaning "the egg twisted, or became camel, (.K, TA,) lest the camel should throw him difficult [to be excluded], in her inside." (TA.) down. (TA.) And .al ~j.t He laid hold upon the mane of the horsc, (], TA,) lest his A stick, or staff, wit a crooked, or bent, horse should throw him down. (TA.) And head, with which one reaches, or takes hold of, ~li eI laid upon such a one: (V :) or [or draws towards Aim,] the brancla of a tree. .t~..w I He clung to his companion. (S.) (IDrd, O, ]K.) And The [kind of goff-stick a, And [hence,] .Ie took refuge, and defended, called] ejiJ [q. v.]; u also t,... (O, I.) . from evDil; as also or protected, himself, see what next precedes. *9; at (.yam p. 810.) - Also V,,.>l, and lIe was not firm [in hit seat] upon the back of Ie preparedfor the horse. (I.) - UJ .,l suck a one, ($, K,) in the camers saddle, and in (TA,) the horse's saddle, (,) a thing upon which he a,aor.,, (], TA,) in n. _c, 1. i. q. ; [u meaning He, or it, ~p ted, or might lay hold, (S, ,) lest Ite souil fall. (S.) hindred: or, as is generally the case, defended, ._ ia4fl nasl: see 1, latter half.

her fellow-wife, of thy .;




[Give me] wrhat thou hast niped off andcut away

(S, TA-) affer thy dyeig of tly hands

is also a pl. of ;1.

rwith it. (TA.) -a

[q. v.]. (TA.)

,e: see m.

Also a pl. of.lI [q. v.].

A ;;J [meaning colar for a dog]; (g, g ;) as also t a._; (Kr,g ., &c. ;) rem a brael,et: (Er-RAghib, TA:) pl. (of the latter, .~ [in the TA) ..<, and pl. pl. ~.,l and C]g 4~"', but, as is said in the TA, with kear

and then fet-/], and pl. pl. pl. ;. ;1; (] ;) or

this last, which is said in the S to be pi. of l-;., and thougllt by ISd to be formed from i;i. after rejecting the augmentative letter [(], and said by some to be a pl. of which the sing. is '.m., like as JI,..I is of Jj*, is correctly pl. of,., which is pl. of ,., (IB, TA,) of

is also a p]. [of pauc.]. (TA.) And which '~%,

A;~' signifies also The straps (&; ) that are

upon the necks of dogs: and the sing; is I.~, (i[, and, (/, TA,) some say, (TA,) V:L.t,

or protected]: (], TA:) this is [said to be] the 1 7. primary signification: (TA: [but ee ;~. :]) or] preered; quasi-pass. of ~,. (s.) like as one says, .e [q. v.]. (TA.)I Also (0, and he, or it, pretr~ed, or kept; syn. j.: 8: see 4, first sentence, in three places. The quality denoted by the pithet ~ [q. v.]: f) a aai thing. (TA.) [Hence,] TA:) and it ithheldd ( ._l) & - He, held fast, or clung, (g, I :) ISh says, it is in the arm of the gazel o [br f;ortL ,j1 One ysa, unto God: (Jel in iii. 906:) or, to his religion: and of the mountain-goat: and IAr says, it is or he had recourse to God for inotection, in, in cloven-hoofed animal in the fore legs; and in ted im, or defended hi, (ha,) 17u food p or in respect of, the concurrew.es, or combina- the crow, in thie shanks; and sometimes, he says, t' ;, .) And ii from being Angry. (, tions, of his affairs: (Bd ibid:) he contided in, it is in whorses. (TA.) (Mgh, M9b,TA,) aor. as above, (Myb, TA,) in n. or relied upon, God, (B.d and Jel in xxii. last ~ [mentioned in the Mgh as an inf. n., but Je,, (Mgh,) or this is a simple mbst., (Mqb,) verse,) in, or in resect of, the concurrencex, or said in the M?b to be a simple subst.,] primarily (TA,) God dfended, or combinations, of his affairs, not seeing aid firn and the in n. is ., protected, Ain; (TA;) or prmardhim; (Mgh, aiany but Him: (B. ibid.:) or hIe defended, or (TA) signifies . [as meaning Precention, or Mb, TA;) .A1 w [frm evil], (Mgh,) or presrvd, himself, or he refrained, or abstained, hindrance: or, as seems to be indicated by most ( ' !,) by the grace of God, (S, Msb,* g,) from of its subordinate applications, defmence, or pro .,jl ;> (from woAat was diihAd, or hated]. tection]: ($, I, TA:) or, as some say, its pridiobedience. (S, .K. [See also 10.]) And tV;; (Myb.) And " --- I [defded, or protected, ,l signifies the same as H el. (1.) See mary signification is the act of tying, or binding; him; or] pres d him. (9.) - And [hence,] and hence the meaning of C: or, accord. to Zji -a.l .a, (I, TA,) aor. ,, inf. n. _'c, (TA,) also 4, latter half. m.G;c , said of a girl, or it primarily signifies ;. [i. e. a rope, or cord]; iLx.,] Slhe applied colly- and accord. to Mohammad Ibn-Neshw/n ElHe put, or made, to the water-skin, an t~;; young woman, [frQm (EI-Mui/rrij, TA.) rium to her eyes. (ISk, ., ], TA :) (I, TA;) as also t '~l: Hlimyeree, ~ and J.' [which mean the same]. or the latter signifies, (TA,) or signifies also, 10. ,.aa-l: see 4, in two places. - Also He (TA.) Defence, or protection, (TA,) or preva(I, TA,) i. e. defended, or prwerved, himsaef, or he refrained, tion, (9, Msb, g,) [in an absolute senseum, and] as (1i,) he bound it mith the .lc, [mhich is bound round its or abstained; syn. 4!. (TA. [Sce also 8.]) an act of God, (Msb, TA,) from that which the [tie calld] : would cam dm~truction of a man. (TA.) I' had to cofin~ th contents]. (TA.)- ^l ,~- : c (.1) and ',~?a (9, ]) ,;";4 signifies God's prervationof the propett; ._ (S, ]~) and aor. , (9, ],) in n. .a, (S,) am_, see 8.

,] mentioned by TA,) with kesr, [in the C t.l '. Lth. (TA.) [Hence,] one says, He became [dofended, or protected, and * a~ altoyetAr]; [i.e. I gave it to kim 4

BooK I.]

the.Cur [xi. 45], may pasturage. (TA.) - Also The cord, or bond, of M_ 1 irst, by th peuiar endowment of them with1 putumge. a ,, (],*TA,) nwhich is mean the [vehicle called] mean Tere is no ~ r [ts day from the mential purity of onutitution; then, by tAe con- the'[vehicle emeeceece; bound locree the transrse decree of God]: (TA:) or the meaning may be, ferring of lao e and higqhl bound at the extremity of [eac of 1 1 dfended: or no poe~or of d,fence: then, by aid against oppo~nts, and renderingtheir pieces piecea of wood caled] thwe e,J1s [correctly wo[person" j TA:) in that .,edt may be an instance of so (, feetirm; th, by sding down upon thm tranin the upper part of each of thae: [for,] also >II a : (?:) or it ma thus quiity (4s, q. v.), [see the ]ur ix. 26, &.,] u au Lth says, tAhre are two of such cords, or bonds: tII in the sense of j'0 be a possessive epithet. (TA. [See also j*b.]) and the premseration of their hearts, or minds, and Az says that the ejLI of the J. are be [Hencej L~dl;J is a name of El-Medeeel. and adaptation to that which is right. (Er-Ra- like thoe of the [pair of leathern water-bags _[Ilenee,] ghib, TA.) - Also [A dfMce as meaning] a caUed] callUed] $.~. (TA.) - And The slender part (X.)-,woto Wt is an appellation of The meal -,.. defenderfrm a date of perdition andfromnwant: of the end of the tail; (M,;) and La is a of parchldbarky or the like (j -J). (, ) ofparch:i so in a saying of Aboo-Tilib, in praise of the diaL var. thereof: (TA: [but see the latter:]) And Prophet, cited voce ti. (TA.) - And A [q. v.]. (.) And also Thefood called or the tail with its hair and its [q. v.]: of diwobeact faculty of avoiding, or sAunning, .. f0 .. (]g.) - See also a*, (ISh, TA:) pl. '~.. dience, [or of ef-rsratio therefrom,] with (I8b, e~on of power to commit them: (El-Muna- in two places. - Also Collyrifiunm: (1., TA:) 14~ .e~d : see .eya --- Also A woman who mentioned on the authority of El-Muarrij: so skeps wee, TA:) [or,]as ued by the Muslim theolo- mentioned PS long, and spas angrsdly whon e i rosl. sleeps gians, inabiUty to disob~y: or a dipst~ that called called because it defends and strengthens the eye. (TA.) as constrains (TA.) prevents [didi~ee], not suc * 1* , A guelle, and a mountain-goat, haring Lto act]. (MF, TA.)_.-C l ' . me The AY&D Edacious; voracious; (1(,TA;) ap- in his arm, (A, T,f, 1,) or i oneu of them, .e3a tie, or bond, of ma~rr : [also called, in the plied . ,s signi- (A0, plied to a she-camel; (TA;) and -#~ , (8, ,) the rt oJ (AO,$, M, g,) a whit~ . e. the woman's matri- fies present day, Ap,lt to a human him, TA,) applied same, (],, fiea the him being red or black: (V:) or a goat white i/ husband's being, male and female; (TA;) the latter occur- the fore ls, or in the fore g: (As,TA:) fom. monial tie or bond, which i in eAr Aand, or power: a term used by the lawyers:] ring in the saying o a r&jiz, applied to an old it~ ]:) and pl. _. (Q.)--And A sL'.: (8, g:) L e. [In his hand, or woman, (8, TA,) and said to have this meaning, horse swhite in the fore bj: (A, TA:) or hatving one says, ,?l 1; (?,) (8,) but as some relate it, the word is there with a whitees in one of his fore blgj, a~o th pa. power, is] the tie, or bond, of marriage: pl. wb; o signifies thus accord. tem: ,w; (S,TA;) and white: tern: (I8h,TA:) or haing a shitse in his .c: ,whence, in the Sur [(x. 10], Ig.; % to Kr, applied to a woman: 0 .y , however, fore shab: (Iam p. 18:) or hmsg a mwts~ $t,OI ..aa[And hod ye not to the matrimnial is of higher authority: (TA in art..a , :) ;f;L in one of his fore g, (8, TA,) but not in his Aind ties, or bond, of the ue ing women; meaning also signifies the same, applied to a man. (TA.) kys,(TAJ kes,(TA,) littbor much; in which cuas he is termed _-Also A female ahos~ family, or howe/old, td divorce ye such women: but the common reading -Also "% or .M or ;l~ [white in repect of the Aae becom numerous. (Az, TA.) *'j, which signifies the same]. (TA.) Aaw is 1 right ght fore leg or of the lft]: when the whiten~ is rght 0 .. _See albo a: me see :. -m Also S~a: (]g:) or, in both of his fore legs, he is trmed [whitein r~ctof th twofore ble]; unle having ac,ord. to Lth, rust [that is an 'ct] of ~at. [white A.! The tie of a 4i [or waterkin]; (8, uwrd. a blhe in his fce, in which cuam he is termed (TA.) u (TA.)-And Dirt, and urine tAat dr, ilat . la , [ cA is boMund tho c X)b ;) [i.e.] its [tist d thA thAighs of camel, (][, TA,) o at to beom like J'.. .~l; (, TA;) though a blaze , not .0"1; round th Amad to cone the contents]: (TA:) tke the road, in tilicknea. (TA.).. And Black Aair in his face does not cause him to be temnned and the strap that is aedfor the carrying thereof: that grows beneath the fusr of the camd mh it jq~ when the whitenes is in one fore leg. ,3 (,; Mb :) or a comrd that is ed for tha tyuing, or fa& fall of (Jf.sil fJi [perhaps a mistranscription (v.) - And A crow having a whitefeathr in its And binding, of the leathern bucdet and of the water- for wing; (8,]; [in some copies of the J, in its -_And The leaves of tree. ji . l]). If (].) kin and of the [leathem venssel for water called] (IB, TA.) two w~ ;]) i.e., in oe of it ~is: (TA:) ;I1: and the loop-,apfed ~ a that ms for bemuse because the wing of the bird corresponds to the a the spndi of the [bag, or other receptacle, a,1d [a rel. n. used as meaning Of the cla fore leg [of the beast]: (8, TA:) or white in the for travelling-provision or for goods or utensils qf wings: .,L is the (ISh, IAth, TA:) or whit in the /egs: of 'I.dm; and hence, ef-obled]. likened &e. called] .T: (V:) and anthibg that name of a chamberlain of En-No*man Ibn.-El (TA:) ) in the egs and bek; (Az, (TA :) or red (, for the protction, or prervation, of a thing: Mundhir: and [in relation to him] it is said V, ], TA;) and this is mid byAs to he the corct explanation; [but] he adds that the Arabs term (TA:) pL [ofpano.] t;.si and [of mult.] ,_, in a prov., C&P gj.b, cj As (, in (], TA,) or,.,, (Mob, and so in some copies TA,) [the former clause meaning Be thou of the [which properly sag. ,,5Q [i. e. whitenes] ;' tJhe ,,&Q nifies a wbman of white comsaying of rednes], of the ],) andA~, like the sing., of the clas of cl~ clas of '.idm, i. e. be thou self-ennobled, and] the **): (AZ, :) but As states, as what had latter clause meaning and be not of thone who plexion plexion that she is j~.: [so that by the last of j' a* applied to a been heard [app. by him] from the Arabs, respect- glory in old and masted and crumbliny bones, the foregoing explanations of.,~l ing the . of [the leathern water-bags called] [i. e. in their ancestors,] (TA,) alluding to his crow is app. meant swhite in the lejgs and beak:] and TA, but correctly the Prophet is said to have explained this epithet, p, that they are the cord that aren ixd in the saying, [so in the ~ and Y5 (see H ar p. 297,)] of En-N/bighah, saying the thus loopsof the pairs of water-bags, and w which one the thus applied, a meaning of which 08 of.9 ' legs t & ,,l . is .,th is white: (TA:) s,,me say that the back are bound upon tly thy are ted ~ 0 like to applied .,e, j) and eJ ;1 like s;Jl of the camld; afer which the [rope called] #j,1 is i* L L.h ,yW like LW J y ,' , " ' 5 tey are erroneously said by bod over thm:e: anything that is rarely found: (8, TA:) it occurs Lth to be the ;tI, [app. meaning borders] of [M e sol of 7sdm ennobled 'Isdm, and taught him in a number of trade.; and a righteous woman [7T the e~ ity of the .-- [or leathn water-bag], the tio art of attach, and boldness]. (8, Y, TA.) is likened thereto. (TA.) 1 haped pce And [hence] one says also, ai A at the ~ e of the 4a [or k j'i i, ' The part, of the for arm, which is t . L.
41l).. ;, l,lfin

long, long, both ponessive [person" "..*i Thefood





of Leather to ,whic a loop is s~

place of the bracelet; (8, M9b, g ;) rthe writ: Mention is made, in a trad., of a and of oriin. (A, TA.) also _.]) pl.,.i'Q :] in a citation from a poet (,ooe vj), plhe where a camel was shaelded with ,~, as [act. part. n. of a;, signifying] De- .,~! J1 is used by poetic Ihcnse for ,,.t;, . meaning that its abundance of herbage confined 1 ,~ l[act. him so that he would not go away in search of 1femding [&c.], or a defender [&c.]. (TA.) ' (L in art. 3j.) - And The , [meaning arm];

]. (TA. [See i. e. Such a one is noble in retpect of sodul, or se,

.~ j~

sabo 6.] -_ ' am: 3ee ._ [ also 2. - .. 1, ;a~,, (~, TA,) aor. ., (TA, I cO d to~ hr te peopble, or party, for goo, orfor viL (], TA.) [This seems to be regarded by some aus the primary signification; (ee 1L ; hut, I think,without good remwon.] -_ And . Jll, (ffl k,) inf. n. Y., 1 bound the wound (, V.) -- L, inf. n. *;., also signifies It w or bocame,hard: au though for t:.; the ,,.beio changed into ,. (TA.) _ And LU, aor. , mid of a bird, It e. (TA.) . tIt, , i; inf.n. a', e gaem Ahim tha t[or , ( [Accord. ]. d.].to Golius, *t1; evidently a mistake, for .ld is not mentioed by him.])

is from tshe littb sto.; the dim. having the aff (TA.) See an ex. in a verse of Er.PR'ee cited 48".A;[ (H d L ;Gt, sti ce him (], TA,) aor. , (TA,) inf. r i because it is the dim. of a fem. n.]; (6 ;) or] voce C Lt1 in this prov. is the f wita name tha of a mare o0 fotaf ncsurs] means th eacded the ", (TI,) He struck him, or beat him, with tb urmal boud n cnun. ink. (TA.)_ 8e staff or sticA or rod (Ld1~;): (]g, TA:) or Z.b, $ Jedheemeh [mentioned voce J.], and all h ' **; [8u t 1 I strucA Aim, or beat Aim, wit the dsa that of her dam; meaning that part of the thing, ,also 1 in art . J'- :jt one straightesm the taff of such a oM by turning cc.~(6.)-- And Q He took it, i. e. th e or affair, is from part; (6, , TA ;) and said a , when one is likened to his father; or meaning it round over thefre] means t such a on ma staff &c.: and -*; ~ U" e took his roord au that the big thing is in its commencement ordrs, or rwgulats, the affain of such a on small: onu taks the taft : or is druck, or beat, wit iit (TA: [see also Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 17:]) it (TA.) - 43L~ I '" [Ener not as on does nitA te staffe thou betwMen the staff and its pl] means [t inter; u also ;I, aor. ' s is not allowable to say "La ; nor to affix ;: (AV, ' mddle not thou between two cloeriied~; (see inf n. Lo : or you say A,c 1 c ; n and TA:) one says, tvb 11 . e [his i s Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 153;) or] ester not thou ;11, [(in the CV ,. ]: or the reverse of this : my taff; I support, or stay, mye upon, it]: into that which does not ncewrn the. (TA.) And or each of these verbs followed by qJlJ4 an, d Fr says that the first incorrect speech heard in I,Jd.lJ Z I p' [ ebd for Ahim the staff ] means tdIt~: (], TA :) all these phrases are mentionei El-'Ira was the saying, a.: L; ( :) the tI discovered to inm what as inmy mind. by the leading lexioologists and by ISd in the M : dual is Otas: (, Mqb :) and the pL [of mult.] _ lJi!J; [lit. The splitting of the taff] (TA:) or you say ', aor. a , inf n. is .~ (, M,b, ],) [originally .4,i of the (TA.). means t tA contra ing of the c~dctiv body [or L.;, meaning Ae struck witAh the sword. (f.) [8S measure , (., Mob,) and be~, ($, [) in th community] of ElIddm [i. e. of tAh M~/li]:

(], TA;) used in this ense in a verse of E:1- rod]: (:) originally ~, and accordingly it a AphA. (TA.) m Also, thus without the rticlle dual is us below: said to be thus called becaum e Jl, n me for The ~hegoat; which is celled tto the fingers and hand are put together upon it [tx be milked by one's sayingJn a , with thLe grasp it], from the saying 'ii' ,'a, c "I ol . lat letter quiescent. (~.) lected together the people, or party ;" as relate( d by A4 from some one or more of the Bayrees : ;., , A place of defnc, protection, or p (TA:) of the fem. gender: (S, Myb, ]:) it i s m tion. (Ksh and B# in xi. 45.) said in a prov., ' 'l* L,-l [lit. The sta.j

[Boox L
whoA e staff is weak], meaning /it [i. e., t oe who perfou wa the act of k ig or tning,

or of pasturing or fedi, o

camels]: (6:) or on

Awho beats th camdelittle (,, TA) ~wit the L: and such is commended. (TA.) And L Ijdl and I; i [(O wAoe taff is ard], i.e.

toMe wo is lm~ with the caml, beating them with the L: and such is disoommended.



8. JGt! He onotended with me in striking, or bating, (], TA,) or, as in the M, he act~ r~gy towards mu, and opposd me, or contedMe wm, (TA,) with the [. (or staff, Jc.], and I omrcam, [therin]. (V, TA.)
4. <al It (a gape-vine) Ptfort its CjI1

place: (], TA:) a prov.; (., TA;) applied to (6, TA.) [Hence,] their saying ,dl Ji; ,% l him to whom an afslir has become suitable and means t Beware thu qf slaying or bing sain who hs therefore kept to it: (TA:) or he made in making a sriA in th comumn on of fte Jr Ahis tent-pegs, and pitch~d his tent, or stayed; Musliu (: il ~ L.. ~ - (TA.) And (1, TA;) like him who has returned from his one says, t;;II jl (, TA) [The ff b. journey. (TA.) And .t; ~ [He took up his came split], meaning, t dimgrement, or dicor,
dsff] means the ced from stay~g [in a place befell (TA.) And tL:, -i J ' Q L at Awhich heA had alighted; he departed]. ([ar [lit. T7e staff of tAh ons of sun a oe Jl in p. 454.) - iU I .A ; * ,j [Put not plinters], a prov., meaning t the mo of suc thou away thy staff, or stick, f,om thy family, a one becam scattered in ariou diro l L [Tse stick of the Jla] or thy wJfe,] denotes [the practice of] discipline. (Meyd.)

Mob,) and is disallowed by Sb, who says that is the tate of cobination and union: (TA:) this ~ wu used in its stead. (TA.)[Hence is the meaning in the saying, respecting the Lt various sayings, here following. ._] 1 Ukl 1 [m~ee U+X Jl.; j t [Th [lit. He tkmre down his staff;] meaning hAe hat made a scAhim in the state of obo tion stayed, (6,Myb, ]C, TA,) and rested, (MNb,) and and union, or in tAe commni, of th M sli~ ]. cead frm journys, (S,) having reached his

(]~, TA :) and also t te duitingof tA ~octib e body of the tribe: (TA:) orLj I, t meams aE f) ollowing it, and [of pauc.] ~l (S, Mob, ]O) s~parated hi fro, and Ase co~tra , tAh and Q;2s, (1],) or this last is agreeable with olective body [or tAe community]: (Mob:) and analogy, but has not been transmitted, (18k, rit is said that] the primary signification of ";1t
which the is with kesr because of the kesrah

(6, g, TA) or ~

[i.e . rods]. (TA.)

is the thing witAh Which o,e stiA the t [or Adt LIdI [T/y are th sdavest ashs wherei bread is of the staff] means bad]. (TA.) - LJ;i
(6 Se art. e, p. 1122, ol. 3.]) _: thy are [perm] beaten with tha staff. (Ig, signifies also The bone of th sAa ,; (], TA ;) as being likened to the L [proprly so called]. TA.) It is said in the A, ,.tl ,~ J.l~ [Ma~ are the slates of tahe taf ], mneaning (TA.). And [the pL] J.ll, tTh bone that

5. ,:a Re struc, or bat, wt thb L! [or daj J&UJ]. (Mgh.) And L; 3 He made us of the I, [or stqf, &co.]: and Ae ~ , or boat, wi it. (gb.)

Mgh.) _ And L,:a He maks persons regarded as low, base, or vile. (TA.) of the ~ a a aa. (a,ndTAin thii art. Lwwt 4 [vr"y e) V he is one Mhose staf is and in . ~.) ._ And U H. He admt uppl] mens he is getle, a good mnar of a sta, or ick, or rod, (L,) f the that whereof he hA the charge: (6, ] :*) accord. tre ( .) to ISd, alluding to the beating little with the L1a. L. i Q.J [m meaning dsta, or stic, or (TA.) And L;l , ;1 [erily Ae is one

harm .[and are therefore to be kept in awe]. & Lait U .uau He beaned, or Ae ~pord, t Certain stars, having the form of the L; [or 7 (TA.) _ And t. i , ; , [ 7y are or tayed, A~ , pon rather of jrJ]. (TA. [But what stars thse teL [or a, i]. oe other than the daew of the staff] is said of are, I (,

that they are dreaded by reason of their doing are in the ri.

(A.) And [the mme, or]


have not been able to dtertmin.])._ Also, (i.e. Lti1,) Te togu. (].) [Perhap as being likened to a staff because ued in chiding.] -_ And Te woman's [mtlr, or Ahed o9m.be, ca&d] jQ- (]L) - 0ll Q1 ;2 t pastor's rod; an appellation of nob ,;gr, s p:cie of polgonum, p. avicure;] the t,Jt

BooK I.] and ' La , [to agree with which, the 2.&j ne (ISk, 4, O,) imp. (f, Mgb, 1 i,) i k^y, ,]t I claem, or , (TA,) in. n. pret by rule should be ' known]; mal and femalb, the former of whsich [i. e. , and wt"] and (TA.) And i, is tie more potenr: amerted by Dioscorides to be ,^e (Mgh, O, M,b, ]) and (0, 1]) and held fat, to my property. supuffers him who
c [i. e.

but the former name is the better

diuretic, and a remdy for , (TA, [see also ,4'ac, below,]) [I bit it; preuion of the urin (Ibn-een, whom we call ,.i' or] I ied it, or tooh hold of it, with my teeth, Avicenna, book ii. p. 22.) (A, Mgh, Myb, V,) and pressed it tl~ith; Im dim. of tu, q. v. (TA;) namely, a thing, (A,) or a morsel of food: ($,Myb:) or with my tongue; (A, ];) QZW: see u*' in art. as, for instance, a serpent does; but not a scorpion; for this latter stings: (TA:) accord. to the Book of Verbs by Il~G, one also says : -;a, in,. . f o and aen" aor. : (MQb :) ahd [it has been asserted that] L ;k~, aor. , (TA, and so in one says, (Msb, 1C,) though rarely, (MCb,) (M, M,b, V, TA) and t*a; some copies of the f,) or this last is a simple '~ , aor. ': (M.b, ]C:) it is said in the subet., (Meb,) He ([for instance] a slave, Myb, [and ?] that ISk cites AO ns asserting that TA) diwob~ Aim, or rebled against hm, (, -- :., with fet-l [to the first ;,h] is a diaL ~, TA,) i e., his master; (M9b, TA;) as also var. [which obtained] among [the tribes of] Er1mb, (4, Meb, ], TA,) inf. n. L;A; (TA;) Ribab: but, lB says, this is a mistranscription; lt t1#.aL., (f,)meaning he opposed Am, for what ISk says, in the book entitled "Eland 4 V or rited kAi, and did not obey Aim, [or he re0*1 iS 0 ia jl a MJt1" is, is, *---UU Isa, bele against Ain,] namely, his prince, or com-,tj ;3.ag,s J, with [the pointed !JJI mander. (TA.) [See also an ex. of the first and] the unpointed w: to which [says SM] U at J1 1 in a venrse cited voce t] I add, that thus it is found in the handwriting means t Such a one face the quar~,o i owhich of Aboo-Zekereeya and of Ibn-El-Jawilee~ee, in not opposig hAi ids to tei the wid blomr, the "IqlIl" of ISk, and they expressly assert (TA.) that what is in the g is a mistranscription. (TA.) paragraph. 3: see the preceding [The horn champed -1 vL. i#MtJI . Air bit]. (Msb.)- It is said in the Ilur [iii. 115], 5. -a3 It (an affir) ma, or became, dit;
.0*k 1-~

t Such a one kept, or clam, to ei, or i : michie, and didnot bae iL (A, TA.)--- , (Aboo-'Is-b, TA in art. j,) or 1 ,, I..(TA,) t He defamed Aim; (A, TA,*) in. n. -, spoke evil of him; or backbit him. (Aboo-Is-b4, i, Jl 'JIA , ubi aupr&; A, TA.) -

and ti ,,a, in. n. w,i, t The raighte~ odal i the pinched] [or to fat held intrument ,I ;a, in n. portiouof the pear. (TA.) _ ; a, 1 [Tahe cameFa saddle hurt him] as tAhough it _i }! h J [The wmpon, bit him. (lB.) " or weapon, sound them]. (O, TA.) -_ j~' i The thing, or affair, was, or bcame, wwre, or ditressing, or aJlictime, to him. (A, TA.) And you say also, $'.% ^:.; (A, O) or became, t :.War, or the war, wam, and & p. 628. Bee an ex. voce sere to him. (mn S wAc and . ) 0-P *. , signify : Th ad ;. Ac.j) smety, or rigour, of time, or fortune, and of war: or in these two cses, the former word is with b: ( :) or, accord. to I1lt and others, , a.1 and 'c are two diaL varLs. (TA.) And signifies also t He, W&, aor. , in. n. ,,a,
or it, was, or became, stron, or hard; syn. lSI (I1t,TA:) app. aid of a man: and (TA:) [or, thus used, it has a more comprehen. sive meaning; for] it is said in the 1 th "Z h, addressed to a man, signifies t becamest, or hast beomen, mch as is termed~ [q. v.]; and the like is said in the A; and gih adds [in the 0] that its in n. is Lt.. (TA.) 1 Travl re drd hin e_., , riencd, or expert. (A, TA.) And one says, (The A;t .1 P. jjalt' ,.b .:~ management of affairs rdered Aim epriec~d .) so that they taught him]. (A in art., [He bit him, or it, , inf n. ,A of the diaL of word a freq~tly,] or much, O , Temeem. (TA.) You say, teal Such a one bite (iM) his up much, or of n, by reason of anger. (4.) And, of an an, e'L,

1i.b 1-4 1> t [And > 11 X; > , ';.!:(J~, TA:) aid by some to be origisyn. bite the ends of the tAhey alone, are they wem (TA.) ay 4 ; like 'W"and J iger by rcma of wath, or rape, against you]: 6 jVsW [occurs in thef and TA, voce meaning that, by reason of the vehemence of their diobd , or hatred of the believers, they eat [or rather bite] .~, as meaning e feig their hands in wrath, or rage. (O, TA.) You s , rebellon: and in the A and TA, voce : [e H bit hid hand j say also, as meaning he manfated iaomplianee]. in wrath, or rage], when a man is inordinate in t 1 . The dateone was, or became, his enmity. (TA.) In like manner, it is said in 8. i Aard (f, g.) ki j& .~kId,. ka the lgur [xv. 29], paragaph. first the ee 10: t [And the day whs the wrongdoer diall bite his haids]; meaning, in repentance and regret. (0, [mentioned above as an inf. n., but t. k kc TA.) And it is said in a prov., accord. to the M9b a simple subt.,] obdi, i.e. ,C.J t [He bit hi togc]: applied to the or rellion contr. of ;S. (, .) clement, or forbearing. (O, TA.) One says also, .: see what follows, in two place J1 W,; meaning He bit thefierL (.am : He onfe Isol ) .bo; and t ~ Dibeyi, or rebellig; or p. 79O.) -s (Mgh.) Mobam; made it (both are men- Ai n~ [:) diobeiSt, or reeiow: (8, ~.. e,, .0J tioned in the C and V as though yn.: but] t the mad sid, e ; i.'Jl ~~; -j ; l'Vt ,.I,,.A. ~ latter is an intensive epithet [and therefore has LSjnl, meaning t [Keep ye . IJ?ljj4 t I;Jt the latter signification, or means ry tdint and the cours of conduct conduct, of cou my to or rebliow]: the pl. of the former is ". after me :] eaue ye, Kaefdu orhodo the of is an appellation of The yomng -(Mb.) 1 ,1 ye fast, ther~to. (Mgh,* Mob.) And hold or it diob~y~ it mots r, and does not coad 0, ,) aor., (, o, , .lfobo Ar. (TA.) - And It signifies also i Tbe you say, of a man, .. that wil not ceae bbdig: (8,, ,TA:) (,) inf n. 0 ) and ,4, (TA,) (0,o, (TA: j~: art. belonging to this art. and to t He hpt, or cae, to his ompanion; (, O, ;) (8) he , .jH mrntioned in art. M in thel:) pL to him: (TA:) and b as the ame, ~ whichis aidtobe theprimary,sigfication; (TA;) or this signifies he seized hi wth his t~ , because the doing so is a means of dcleaving. (lAth, and.;i; Q h' (, o, 14b, L) TA.) You ay also '; ,( [so in the TA, L :. b,) third pen. w, (e,) aor.', without any vowel-signs to the verb,] inf. n. O, d e, (, 0, A





bit him much, (0, ],) and .JI The a rated hinm w their teeth. (O.) - [And 1 H# jet with his gir or youn hence,] rwoman. (IA, 0, 1) _ Also L , (inf. n.
as above, IAgr,) t He drme water from a we/ . (IAgr, 0, V.) sAh as i term~d , with [the proudr camel his fed And He . (IAy, O, ,.) btermed] 3 .,a>Jt w.tl, (P, TA,) inf. n. ,tlo

), and IW%,(?,) The bea bt ou another. ) ,* , TA.) And ;in like mamr you may, They two bi eac other. (1 _ t9 ~t. ( (

or that will not olxen. (TA.)One nl,o kpi J close to his property: (TA:) a man who improve .,.LrP _.JU i.e. 'C [app. meaning T7se yeopb, or company of men, ham grappled with hisx means of subsistence and his property, attends cloely to it, and manageJ it well: (L:) or a

[Boox I.

[Hence the saying,] .u11

" ;'"

',l l


brought not to us anythiny that we might bits. (Ibn-Buzurj.) And Vtu b.i. Le and i,;

We hae not what is to be bittnand eatn. (,

. _- Applied to waters, i. q. .,..s, :Ibn-Busuj, $, O, and 'P W (Ibn- also Buzuj) A thing to be bittl (Ibn-Bsuzu, C, q. v. A, (" Nawidir" of AA.) - In the A and 4, to have only tropical significations], . t A lock written by mistake for b, ,, as mentioned O,g) and that will rea ly opm; or that is not ear to < n. (, o, 8].) You sy, U6i c peing ; expl. by :* ;f6 ,j: A,o;) O( , ,.. b ;, and ,,,s and He above, voce wa. (TA.) as 99 9~~~ * l~ the memaurn 3 ;; in other cases; but appeam

O.) And " 'I G I have not tasted a life during this year, and their life has been strait, 'em or dfficult, or hard]. (f.) [8eeS `. .AL .] managcr ofproperty: (4 :) or Sa. As, signifies thing to be bitten. (A.)_Also JLO'L, one wrho manages property well: (A:) or who [or shArnb] that have become thick, or coars: at .11d 5,I J 31 I4. &;AI- I made him to bite the thing; managu property vigorouy. (, O.) Nig- (] :) or plants that have become thick, or coars, or to size it, or take hold of it, vrith hiA teeth. gardly, tenacious, or avaricious: (J, TA:) for a and dry, or tough, and hard. (TA.) See also (9, 0, 4.) It is said in a trad., J.i c. man's keeping close to his property generally ,s. - See also the next paragraph, in two causes him to fall into niggardliness: or such a places. *, ,, a - , . A i, '? 'JJ t;M,J #y'- U^ 19..'.. (' Mgh, person is likened to a lock that will not open. Mgb, Og)i. e. 1Vhso asserteth his relationship [of (TA.) Evil in dixposition; (Lth, O, 6], TA ;) i,b ol, (ISk, ;, Mqb, ],) with kesr, (9, Mqb,) mon] in tle manner of the )eople of the Time of bad, wricked, or nmalignant. (TA.) - i A strong like (],) or t 'L. , (Sb, A,) like QtS, Ignorance, meaning by saying, in crying out for man; (IApr, T, A, ;) as also t ~i . (IAar, .,t, (A,) a subt., like ;,t not an inf. n., aid or succour, i tI, (Mgh and Mgb in art. T, TA.) It is said i. the A that rau,ll and (Sb,) and * k (ISk, ( , Mob,) The act, or jj,) and exclaiming, 'I w iOjs tUl, (Mlb,) j signify .. ,l: and in one place in the :, fault, of biting, (S,* Mqb,' ],*TA,) in a beut, say ye to hi,m ]; !, (Mgh, O,L, M,b,) that 4;1t signifies .: uuJt: and by (ISk, A, TA,) or a horse. (Mqb, ].) You may (Yaatoob, g, TA) to the purchaser of a beast, or lt ,1 L I, (s,) [IBite thou the t of thy Igh, in his two books, [the 0 and Tg,] as on the when selling it, (TA,) uJl.I fathlr,] and ue not a metonymical term for it, authority of IA9r, that 'alJlsignifies =J! and Vt a.qlo, (Yaefoob/., 6, TA,) i.e. [I amn by maying 4> for %1. (Mgh, O, L, J.) J.1.Jl: but the coTect reading is that which is irresmponsibl to te for] its biting men; (TA;) L L04 t[I made my sord to wound given in the T, with which other lexicons agree. or al1tji , 'P t ', [for the biting of this him;] I Aim with my word. (?, O,, .) (TA.) hmote Having strgth, or powcr, s~ nt bea]. (A.) And, V , ,1l : 1 andt "bU And siJ,jt J:11 , cL t:[He made th fora thing. (V.) You say, j ,ae ^ He [A beast haing a Iaui of biting]. (TA:) sword to mmnd the thigh,or hank, of the camel]. hau ~trenth, or power, rsujn for travel: (, lC, - > @i t Such a one endurs di, (A, TA.) And ;lii . il ,"l$ (Lb, A, O-) A, O :) ho is rmndrd perinced, or expert, by or afeiction, with patice. (S, O, ]) He made the cup~in nsru to cleave to tramvs: of the measure l3 in the sense of the p A horse that bit; (g, O, Mhb;) [i.e. thIke back qf Ai nck. (14.) m ti 1 t TAe measure J~. (A,TA.) And SJL ,." that k a habit of bitig; or that bita much; u r,ell bcamu as is term~du L. (,, o, .) i Havuing strentgth, or power, nsfcient for fight. the form of the word indict ;] and a camel; u _jhl Their camels at#[the prond cald] (TA.) - tAn qual in cour'age, or generally; alo t U '. (TA.) A bow aviW its ,L: (, o, ]:) and their cams paturd or an opponent, or adersary; syn. * : (O, :) stringcleaig, or sticking, to its %& [or hande]. [the tr.. alld] ., ($, O,) or o. (L) of another; (TA;) as also V (TA.) (A, 0, I. [Omitted in the TA.]) _ : A woman Cnumn, or intel- narrow in the Zj, (O,'],TA,) O that the - And ,hjl .L T land a ab bo;d i [See the latter, below.] _ ligent, or skilfl and knowing, and contentious; j.? will not peetrate into it; (TA;) u also JW , (9, O,) or Wj , (i,) or both. (TA.) in the sense of the measure JaW, because such a 'tLh : (JC:) the latter is thought by Az to 6: see person de&mes, or speaks evil of, or backbites, have this signification. (O, TA.)- t A well ,; The pondor, or fodder, of the popl of others: (A, TA:) t tm tanding and Ahoinj that is dp, or Aaving it bottom di~ant, ($, A, the c~ or toau; ruh as the dreg~ of ame- obscure, or abtruse, tAhing: (A, TA :) teloqunt, O, L,:V,) and na~r , ($, 0,) fron. wnh, ome grmabsf.om ~ dih the oil asa be er d, and and cmniy or intellgn or sriYfJl andkw ng: draw# by mn of the 3l ; ($, O,L;) u though ecrud datt~ona : ($, O, TA:) or dougA with (, O, ]g:) and [simply] t cuiyng; syn. *l.; it bit the water-drawer by the distre~ which it wich camel arefed: (Agn, O, V:) and [tbe applied to a man: (9,O:) or terY cunntng; oecasions him; (A;) and in like manner a thoi cald] cJ, (Agn, O, V,) i. e. e L. syn. :1;: (1 :) pl. [of mult.] m (O, 1) water; (L;) and waters; as abo ,~, : (Agn,O:) and barly and rbeat, not mixed and [of pau.] St. (" Nawddir" of AA:) or a well di to (TA.) -Also i. q. W-, witA any other thing: (AA, 0, :) or da-stos~ i. . (AZ, ?, O) Such as are small, of thorny tres, the water-drawer: (TA:) or a well having mh (]4, TA) cruhed, (TA,) and J, (I4, TA,) witA (AZ, $, O, j,) (as in some copies of a theA. and / . and and roater: (O, 1 :) pl. , which cam arefed: (TA :) and thick, or coarn, the g and ], and in the O and TA,) or , tree, [or sru] ramainingin th earth; (AA, O, J;S and. and the smaUler A31 (AZ, ?, 0) and (as in other copies of the Qand t,) and . ;) u also t. i: (AA, O:) or date-tone 4i1 and j.; [app. a mistranscription]; (AZ, ()Sere; grev~u; ditres~ i; aflictive: ($, TA) cnred, (TA,) and dougA: (i, TA:) applied to time, or fortune; (?, A, O, ];) and TA;) a also t W, (], TA,) accord. to Aln: and barley (g, TA) with one of thl two thl~; to war. (TA.) _- Unjust, or tyraical, rule, andL and.. andm J/ (TA ;) but 'Ale Ibn-Ihamzeh disallows its ppli- (TA:) or the or dominion; (A, 0, ], TA;) u though the otion to date-tone.: (IB, TA:) or thick, large andl and j and . and e;i w and subjects thereof were bitten; (O, TA;) an in.firmood, eo~led: (!, TA:) and dry hA tensive epithet. (TA.) A calamity; a misabo tw' : (C :) or the (#, TA) with Ahc beast arefed. (TA.) [See LJq,.; (V, TA ;) fortu. (0, L, V, TA.) - 8ee also W.,5'tin and Jltr and .Jh& and ~. and te. an ex. in a verse cited in at. ".,, conj. I.] three placee See also the next paragrph, last sentence, in two are of the trees called .l. [q. v.]. (AZ, TA.) placs. a: see . tl , in three places. - tAn 1 [A bite]. (A and TA vooe., q. v.) aocit~e; a companion: ot an equal in age: Wb1 [is of tbe meure i, in the sense of the syn. j. : (0, :) of another. (O, TA.) See ,I (Ibn-Buzuj, , A, 0, ]) and ' mweurer J in some caes,and in the sens of
,J .



Boox 1.] as to ditert him roith the tpear; though this meaning would be expressed more agreeably with *a a: see B .e l -. j _*; or rather _ usage by saying ,c n iI ;sl, which, I think, is the right readlI A camel tat feeds upon the trees callcd ing.]_ And It (disease, 0) rendered him weak, ,. (I8k, , O.) or infirm: (8, 0 :) and (0) deprived him of the poower of motion. (A,* 0, X.) You say, e':s wb,$ A sort of black dates, (g, O, g,) weet, (]L,) cry sweet, the place of origin of which is .Ilt, aor. as above, (0, TA,) and so the inf. n., Hejer: (8, O:) n. un. with 1: (s, O, ]i:) which (TA,) meaning [Disease of long continuance, or latter is said by AJln to be a date of a colour want of som one or more of the limbs,] deprived like that of the spleen, large, srcculent, meliferous, him of the poer of motion: and AHeyth says, luscious: and [also a tree producing sueh dates; it [in the 0 ~ (so that it does not refer to tiLl), for] he mentions his having been told that the and in the TA ,.alt,] is A'tlI and J.Al and a~:i bears, in Hejer, a thousand pounds, of .il [a state ofprivation of tle pooer of motion, the weight of the pound of El-'Ir4. (O.) and unsoundness, and lamenes; app. meaning n. un. of b,sj [q. v.]. - See also that these are the effects denoted by the phrase ';4r-]. (0, TA.) - See also 4. =a., ;;41l jc,i, third signification. (0, s,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (]s,) signifies Al~am [lit. A place in which to bite.. And also He returned (0, 0) 4 [against him]. [A place in wAhich, or on (O.) hence,] i. q..sl,_.; _ .. , said of a ram, (g,) or -, which, to lay iold: and a thing on which to lay said of a ui.[i. e. sheep or goat, male or female], Add]. (q, A, O, M,b.) So in the saying W Wt (, O, M9b,) aor. , (Mb, 1.,) inf in. ji (S, ; uejl U' t [There it not for w, in the O, Mgb,) He, or she, had the inner [part of the] earth, any place in rwhich, or on which, to lay horn broken: (S, O, Mgb, 5 :) or Alad one of the odd; meaning, in which to settle]. (A, TA.) horn broken. (S, O, Mob.) _- ,l l is mostly in used in relation to the horn: but sometimes, P.W u And in the saying relation to the ear: (A'Obeyd, TA:) one says S [There is not for us, in this affair, anything on of a l?, [expl. above], and of a she-camel, TA.) which to lay hold]. (S, 0, M *b,* ' .'~,s inf.'n. _, meaning He, or she, had a u,.a. One wvloe camels feed upon [the trees her ear slit, or had a slit ear: (Mgb:) [or had caUl d]. (, ) [and upon c also: see the hamf, or a third, of the ear cut off; for] accord. verb]. - And iia wj L znd abounding with to IAar, `,d1!in relation to the car is when half, or a third, thereof has gone. (O.)m. ,., [the trees called] sa (O)[and mith W]. (O, aor. ', inf. n. ap n (S, O, O) and r, man's tongue, t It was, or became, 1,) said of a jt~/ An ass bitten much by other asses, 1 a,,b sharp in ~peech; (., O,* s, TA;) being likened (0, I,) and lacerated with their teeth. (O0) to a sharp sword. (O.) .am [(pass. part. n. of 1; Bitten: &c.]_ 3. ,~' i. q. s;Ij [lIe endeavoured to turn in two places. See also hl, him from, or to, a thing]. (0, 6.)

2071 see


first eignification.

with;: after that, he is termed ,.; then, &_j; then, then,; ; ;, all his teeth are grown,.s.


and when

(0, L, TA.)

g4~ inf n. of .. [q. r.]. (8,c)) _ A.fracture in a spear. (TA.)


c4; t A man rho revile much. ($, A, O.) .. a.;l applied to a ram, and the fem. lhi applied to a itS [i. e. sheep or goat, male or female], Having the inner [part of the] horn .s AZ, ?, O) broken: (nAwich is called the/., (AZ, S, O,Mgb, ]C; and so in the Mgh as applied to a il :) or having one of tl horm bhoken. (., O, Msb.)And the mase. applied to a camel, (M9b, TA,) and the fem. applied to a shlecamel (S, O, Msb, sO) and to a ttl [expl. above], (?, Mgh, Msb, r,) Having a slit ear. (., Mgh, O, Msb, ]V.) The she-camel of the Prophet, called .;t.l, was not slit-eared; this being only her sunlame: (S, IAth, Mgh, O, Myb, ] :) or, accord. to some, the fewer number, she was slitcared: (IAth, TA:) or her name was taken from the epithet A.l. applied to a she-camel as meaning "short in the fore leg." (Z,TA.) -And the fem. is applied to a horse's ear as meaning Of which more than a fourth part has been cut off. (s.) And, applied to she-camel, Swort in the for-leg; as mentioned above: (Z, TA:) and the mase., (0, ],) applied to a man, (O,) sdort in the arm. (0, ][.).-Also the mase., applied to a man, t lVho has no aider against an enemy, (S,O, K,) nor brethren: (0:) and one whose brother has died: or rwlo has no b,rotlho, nor any one [be~ide]. (J)
.1-?~Weak, or infirm. (S, O, J].) And Crippled, or deprived of the poner of Motion, by diseas,.or by a protracted disease. (A, Mgh s , O,




,Cl 1

Inzpotent in

tongue; having an impediment in his speeccl. (TA.)

4. , 1, (Fr, 8, 0, Mb, 1g,) in n. ,,LG; (Fr, O, ljC,) aor. :, inf n. (]:;) and t 4.., 1. 4, (s, o, M,b,:,) aor. , (M,b, g,) 1. ob, ( h aor. , (, his, M , ],) inf. n.' , .. ; (AZ;) He reed a ;, [i.e. sheep or He cut, or cut of, inf u. .1=, (,A, o, &kc,) [or upper arm, goat, male or female], (Fr, S, O, M 1b, ],) and a (Mqb,) .He hit, or hurt, his ~. hi, or it. (A, A,* Mgh,* O, MNb, ].) j G betwseen the ebow and the sholder-blade]; (S, 0, 31 Ari, meaning [WAat aileth him?} may she-camel, (Myb, ,) Asch as is termed ,tr. M9b,s];)' i.e., a man's. (Mob.) -And, aor. God cut of (O, TA) his arm and his leg, or his (Fr,, , O, Mgb, V.) as above, (., A, &c.,)and so the inf. n., (Mqb,) hand and his foot, (0,) or his arms and his legs, 7. It (a horn) becdnme cut, or broken, t Hseaided, or assisted, him; (?, A, O, Msb, 4];) 1,,Jl or his hands and his feet, is a form of imprecation of. (TA.) he au, or became, an ,~ i. e. aider, or assistant, used by the Arabs. (TA.) And hence, (0,) one to him: (Mb :) thus used, it is doubly tropical; say, , J; J -- w i I.ai i . .Jl- t Verily -. ^ A sharp srord; (S, O, Mb ;) an in n. for J"* primarily [and properly] relates to the the ~sking of the object of want before its time (Myb, TA) used as a subst. [properly so termed], arm, then it was metaphorically applied to sig(Meb,) or as an epithet (TA) applied to a sword nify an aider, or assistant, then they formed the assuredly cuts it off, or prcludes it, and mars it: as meaning sharp: (TA:) or it signifies a srword. ti...~ a, ja JiA (].)-And tA tongue sharp in speech; (S, verb in this meaning, and it obtained so extena prov. (O, TA) And t Veify thou cuttest me off from [the attainment TA;) likened to a sharp sword: (TA:) and so sively as to become a &i alii_. [i. e. a word so much used in this tropical sense as to be, in qf] the object of my want. (TA.) .. And applied to a man; (]g;) or so CLjJI ,o-. him; (A,'* ];) and (A) so (O.)A..nd, applied to a boy, or young man, the said sense, conventionally regarded u proper]; [bewe] t He rid ; (f, A,O.)_ and .He beat him, (0, 5g, TA,) t Light-headed: (.K:) or light, or therefore it is not mentioned by Z [in the A] as L.. ' or stru him, (0, 1,)with a staff,or stiLk. (O.) active, sharp-headed, light in body; (IAar, O, tropical; (TA;) and t .I, (g,* TA,) inf. n. (S, A, O, TA,) likewise signifies he ,And ie thrust him, or pierced him, (~,) TA;*) as also ,..a.. (IAr,TA.)- And ;1b.t, aided him against another. (.8,* ],* TA.) with a spear. (Tl5.) [But in the O and TA, t The offspring of the cow when his horn comes 1a is expl. by the words ,lJ _ forth, (A., O, 8, TA,) which is afjcr he is a year - Also, *..bi, He (a camel) took him (another old: (Ag, O, TA:) or, accord. to Et-Tafee, wuhen camel) by his _" [i.e. arm], and threw himn ; and the meaning app. is, I occupied him so his horn is [or can be] laid hold upon: fem. down. (L.)__ I i~*e. [He bound it, or Bk. I. 261

2O72 attaced it, spon the -< (or upper arm)]; namely, a thong, or the like; (0, , TA ;) such, for instance, u an amulet. (TA.) _41-1.i , nor. :, [thus I find it in this instance,] inf. n. *p. [in the TA ~Ja,] 8He ralUed by the side [as though by the .ie (or arm)] of the beast, (L, M9b,) on the right or left, (Mgb,) or sometimes on its right and sometimes on its left, not quitting it. (L.) -- ;J.s, , (L, C,) aor., inf. n. ..~/, (L,) He came to the camels, or other beasts, mad for riding, fiwm the tracts, or parts, surrounding them, and gathered them together. (L, .*) - See also 4. - J-1 ai ., aor. , (Q, Mgh, O, &c.,) inf. n. o,LZ, (Mgh, Mb,) I He cut, or lIoed, the tree (Q,Mgh, O,MSb, '*) rith a K; as u.(;) t abo e .,zl. (Hr, O, V,;) us alo V (TA) and V; ' 9, 0 :) or 1; signifies what i cut, or lo~ped, from tres; or the leaes that are made to fal by beating tre, and uwd as food for cameis; as also ,;,: (TA:) or the ates scattered off fr?om a tree for camels. (Th, TA.) ~ See also o,&, first sentence: _- and again, near the middle, in two places.

[Boox I.
[xxviii. 35], means, accord. to Zj, S We wil aid thee, or assist thee, by thy brotler. (L.) Also tThe side of the armpit; and so V . (L.) And t A side of a road; (0, L; [in this sense written in the TA ;]) as u. also Vt ;l' a. (L.) t The side, or quarter, from which the wind blows. (L.) t A side; or a lateral, or an outward, or adjacent, part, or portion; a quarter, region, or tract; (0, L,I ;) of a house, and of

.L:, (S, O, Mqb, ]g,) which is the most common form of the word, (TA,) and .. ;, (S, M 0, Myb, .,) of the dial. of Asad, (0, Msb,) and t ,-., (AZ, 0, Msb, ],) of the dial. of Tihlmeh, (AZ, TA,) or of El-tlij6z, (Msb,) and t , (Th, TA,) and 1 , , (8, 0, MSb, 1g,) of the dials. of Temeem and Bekr, (0, M.b,) and 0 O.P ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 t j (, ,O, MSb, I,) and Vj.., (1,) the ) -And -. 5iJI : He scattered tihe last three of which are said to be contractions of eawrfrom the treefor his camels. (Th, TA.)- the first or second, or variants thereof formed .e i :", (0o, Ig,) inf. n. e, , (TA,) 177to assimilate them to other words preceding them; r&ddle galled and mounded him; namely, a camel. (TA;) all mase. and fern.; (L;) or febm. only; (O,I.) j- , (L,],) a verb like - , (1g,) (Lb, TA;) or masc. in the dial. of.Tihimeh; lie had a complaint of his A' [or up)ir arm]. (AZ, L;) or fern. in the dial. of TihMmeh, and (L, I.) And in like manner are formed verbs mase. in the dial. of Temeem; (AZ, Mb ;) i. q. relating to all other members, or parts of the h&, (S, L,) i. e. [The upper arm, or upper half body. (L.) -~ J He (a camel) Ahad the disease of the arm,] from the elbow to the shouldersblade, (S,) or the part between the elbow and the wuldertrnmed ~ [q. v.]. (s O, g.) blade, (L, 0, MSI), li,) of a human being: (L:) 2: see 4, in two places. [and in a beast, the arm; (see ' &c.;) in 3: see 1, second sentence. this case like t1;:] pl. I0 and ;tll, (Myb,) 4. Lj,l ..at, and V .%, The moisture of the or only the latter, (L,) which is used in a poem rain reached [or penetrated] to the [measure of of Sa'ideh Ibn-Ju-eiyeh as meaning the legs of : the] t [(or uper arm]. (L.)__ ; ., in the story i Lj;; bees. (TA.) Sa& of Umm-Zar, means t ie filled with fat, not us also j.a, inf. n. s--; [and app. V j likewise, said of an arrow; (see its part. n. peculiarly my -*^, but my rwihole body; for when \' ; )] t He shot, or cast, and it [i.e. the arrow the j.A- becomes fat, the whole body becomes [Hence,] [in the C~ .'L! or otllher misile] rcent to the right and left (0, g) so. (O, L.)_is erroneously put for W';] signifies also : An fell on the right, or left, of the butt: see aider, or asistant; (L, ]J[, TA;) and so any of its variants mentioned above, and] t , e 6: see 8. (TA) and * ;jla. (L, TA.) And it is also used 6. le..W tbl7 ey aided, or assisted, one ano- for [its pl.] :Lh;; as in the ]Cur xviii. 49, in th/er. '(0, Mpb, .) which the sing. form is said to be employed for the sake of agreement withl the other verses [pre8. ;."-s-1 He putit, or placed it, (i. e. a thing, ceding and following], that they may all end upon ( u,) his i) . [or upper arm]: (9, 0, with singulars: (TA:) but one also says, ,. :) [or] he placed it under his arm; as also and UtliS 1 [They are my aiders, or ;-' . q syn.; :rn A . (A.)l j.Ja! t IHe be- t. asistants]. (0, 1, TA.) And one says, came strong; or he strengthened himef. (TA.) 3LS,. 5 , meaning t SucA a one i my support, or -4 ': ^1 t He asked, begged, or desired, aid, stay. (Mob.) And &.b& 5I a t He broke or assistance, of him. (Q, A, O, g.) some of the intentioum, 71rposs, or designs, of his 10. ,.a;aul: ee 1, last quarter.-Also He aiders, or asistants, (or of the people of his house, gatl~red it; namely, fruit; (0,1 ;) ie cut it TA,) and separated, or dispersed, them from off and gathered it from a tree, to eat it. him: (0, J4:) or he sou~ht to injure him by (Hr, O.0) diminishing, or impairing, [in number or power,] the people of his house; (T and O in art. a ;) and : a see ,.m first sentence:-and tl. in like manner, .~I ' .J. (TA in the

anything: pl. ;.L&. (L.) [Hence,] ,


t The tract, or part, surrounding the camels, or other beas, used for riding. (L.) One says, el ,l ,l alU;L! t [lit. IrHa thou ~poesion ofthe tracts adjacent to the cameb], meaning direct thou aright tlw cours of the camels, so that they may not rwander away to the riyht and left. (A.) _Also, and ,' , (L,) and , (S, L, o,) which last is a pL of the two preceding words, as is also , (L,) i A raised enclosing border, or such/ borders, of built work, (S, 0, L, ]g,) jc., (9, L,) of a watering-trough or tank, and of a road, &c., (g,) or of anything, (S, 0,) such as tho >et of a watering-trough or tank, which

are stones, (S,) or broad and thin stones, (L,)

set up around the brink; (S,L;) also called ; extending from the place whnie the water Afonw into it, to it hinderpart: (L:) or , sig. nifics the two sida of a watering-trough or tank:

(IAar, L:) or its side: (0, TA:) and its btl

are its sd: and the )'t. of a portion of sown land that is separated from the parts adjacent to it by ridges of earth, for irrigation, are its raiwd

border that con.ine the water; (A;) j!p.l L I

signifying the [raied] boundarie between the portions of wwn land. (En-Na4dr, L) (0, g, in the CI J, ) is also syn. with tV ., (i,) or ' , (O,) as signifying tA row of palm-trees: (O, 1 :) the first of these words is mentioned by Hr as occurring in a trad., and is thus expl.: but others say that it is ', (TA,) which, accord. to AR, signifies a palm-tree having such a [lor] trunk that one can reachfrom it [the fruit or branchs]; (S, TA;) and the pL



is o %..a,:(~, g:) he adds that when it exceeds

the reach of the hand it is called ;1t.. (S, TA.)

1 lit..i and

1t3jLi& [and .'1;

present art.) And '" bj i..-. t ' t He brohe my strength, and dispersed, or sepa- 4.. of the %Jh and of the ,I4.. (0, L rated, my aiders, or assistants: (TA in art. ..J:) A certain disease in the it;l [or arms . In a similar manner, also, the term [for] signifies also 1 Strength, because the [See (pl. of ~.)] of camels, (S, 0, ]$,) on account of ! is used in relation to a horse's saddle: part so called, of a man, is a mean of strength to lwhicl tley are dit [in those parts]. (S, O.)i And tWhat is cut, or lopped, of trees; (S, 0, him. (L.) J.1 J.s. , in the ]Pur see h.YA.])_$ec also ,l' . see m , first sentence.

signifies t The to branches of tOe JJal of the sandal, deeMribed voce 11, q. v.;] the two appertenances, of. t sandal, that lie po the foot. (L.) _. ,,. 1t t. t T1 two piecs of wood that are attache4 to the fore part of the camers saddle, (L,) or to the lower portion of its for part (the blb1): (Lth, O, L:) or, accord. to AZ, the pper portun of the 9Aj: [a mistake for the 1;_] of the cams addle, net [the p~ of wood caed) the ; below them being the 9 j", wohich are the l~owr parts of the

Boox I.] ,J a complaint of Having / [o r uhper .. : see l,

camel having the dinsase armj. ( (TA.)--One that has drawn termed ,.. [i. e. the two near, or approached, to the pl: or tank. waterig-trough, teM of ides] (O, TA) drawn haw that as (O, ].).-_A male [wild] together the kease (;,5JI) from their ewral



^- -0 t Dats begining to ripn on one

former half: - and see also

s Also A he-camel that take thte 1 .% down lie her makes and [or arm] of a Ae-camed,

ide. (

o,.) 0,
; see

in five places.

quarters (as



: (0,


the former occurs in a verse of El-Akhjal, desribing a sportsman shooting at [wild] auses. An arm of which the A [or (o.)_i :^ elbow and th shoulder-blade] the portion bet .'- A us short. (ISk, ,O, .) And *

short pper arm. (TA.) sentence.- And see >tl.

a . a .. .- :,

see ,also

in the T ,3 .;9, TA,) this being an Arabicized accord. to [or upper word from [the Pem.] j.J: A man () lender in the A ,.. annrm]. (S, O, g.) And Having one A shorter Aboo-Ziyi4d, it is a herb, or le~gumius plant, of , first tkhan the other; (0;) short in one of his tlwe termed j1_.1, bitter, and having a yellow

that he may cover her. (?, O, ].) - And' One who waL/ by the side of a bmoa, (0, 1,) on the right or left tereof. (O.)- And tAn arrow that falls on the right or kft of the butt: pl. t Dwo ro of palm+ l.b1.. (Msb.) tres upon [the two side of] a river, or ri,vuet: palm-trees growing upon the and [the p] ides of a river. (L.) -And A cutter, or lopper, of trees. (TA.)

'.~: see

am4} Oi.*d


.bN [a word of a very rare measure (see

;e;~)] A ecrtain herb, or eguminmu plant; (6, (?, 0, TA, [and ., ld 0, ; ;) also cal

hence supposed by Golius to be the taraxicon,

with which the description has little agrenient,]


blo~om, deired by the camel and the asheep or goats, and liked also byj the horses, which thAri first sentence. B:: ee An amulet that is bound upon tahe "' tpon it; and it has a viscous milk: (0 :) it is a A woman thick and tgly in the [or upper arm]; as also V;Lc: (TA:) and herb, or keguminoum plant, of which the blosoma it ;L1 and >t [q. v.]: or, as ,"0 [or upper arm]: (Fr, 0,* V:) or, as some * Uirt signifies a thong, or the like, (0, 5,) more inten.ly yelow than the ,j to applied or former, the bindS, say, short. (TA.) And such as an ametT (TA,) rohich thou >. N some say, it is of the clas of trees ('JI a man and to a woman, signifies Siort: (0, ]:) attachest, ( .a. ,) upon the .' ; (0, 9 ;) [but this term jq. is often applied to small or this epithet is applied to a woman, and t ., herbs, or caled in Pera ;j. (TA.) Also, (O,;,) pilants]): and some say that it is of theA sense this in applied are ~ * and ,"t and and ,,; (S, O, M,b, ) and t*;. euminow plants, of [the sason callUed] the ,, to a mu; (L) And )%L, [in the CV and my (O, 1) An armlet, or braceetfor the arm; syn. haring in it a bitternen: thus in the M. (TA.) ;Lik', but it is] like [, apMS. copy of the ; (Lib, $, 0O, Mqb, 1];) which is thus called of compact, Swhort, man, young or boy, plied to a : because it is [(orn] upon the A-, like a moderate dimesions, (0, 1, TA,) firm in mak. (Lb, TA:) pl. of the first . (A.) _ And ,jsy (A'Obeyd, ;, O, O) and t :Js (O) (TA.) ,Ut0 U A she-camd that doe not An istrument with wAhicA tree are cut, or lopped; 0,, V1,) conme to tdie ratering-troufh, or tank, to drintk, (O, 1g;) as also Vt;iL: (TA:) aniything with The 4tq.a, (A'Obeyd, Ibn-'Abbid, the between is what tntil it is left to her wuoupied; that cuts rdf e.] i. perineum, [the is which which this is done: described by an Arab of the in so offfrom the other cams: (0, L:) such is also TA;) $, (A'Obeyd, genitals; the and desert as a heamvy iron instrument in the form of amu trmed4.k (L.) t: a reapin-hook, with which tres are cut, or the dial. of I)udheyl; also called or (TA,) also, :-I-(O,) Vl A say, TA:) some (AgIn, 1,) placem.Also (O, opped: in three (Ibn-'Abbid, 0:) and, .;el: see , e"' [or t tLM, (0, 1,) signifies an iron instrumen,t like the ! [or anu itself]; (0, IV;) as also mark mode with a hot iron upon th




arm] of a caml, (Ibn-yabeeb, g, O, TA,) cros~ a reaping-hook, (0, I, TA,) without teeth, having (Ibn-lIabeeb, TA.) its handle bound to a staff or cane, (TA,) with which the pastor draws down the branches of tres in two places: ~and see 4a: see ,, to his.camels, (0, , TA,) or his swep or goats: latter half, likewise in two places. .l, a snord which is commonly, (TA:) and .a, or umually, employedfor cutting, or lopping, trees; in three plaees..--. liL!: see .c, , Msb, 15 ;) and so t)taa; ($, O, Mgh O, (1g, ako signifies S The two sde, (L,) or woode id also signifies a swrord whireisth a which 1;) posts, of a door, (g, 0, L,) wehich are on the (0,1.) bones. cuts butcher and lt of a person entering it. (L.) One
wis. right

(0, ~,) accord. to IAnr, ~ : (0, V:) called] bone (0,) the [caudal

, it

s: (1:)and,

or [the meaning is that first expl. above, i.ec.] the line [or sam] thatextends froma the penis to the .6 anus; (1 ;) as in the M. (TA.) One says, Such a one is a erson laving much i4w.ii 4.

hair (S, O) of the part letween the anus and the genital, (S,) [or of the anus,] or of thc body. (0.)
and * lUo One wio acts and tj as a sewvant for the food of his belly: and a hired man: pl. J.JL.M and 1JadJL and hiL.M has the former of these signaifi(19:) or i?sc


1; They two stood stil ,. Apurse for money; (0, 1;) the thing L,o de-pos of a door. (A.) that the'travler binds upon his A [or upper as though the wye two --0 *1 ** Such a one is the cloe arm], and wherein he puts the money for his eo: io cjv 3>jJ And atteant of " a one; not quittiag himr. (A.) penes. (LJ, TA.) I , in art. C.J - Abo The [Seo also :~ A garment having sme figured, or two side of a buckle and the like: each of them mbre~,work on the place of the J.c [or c. (L.) - Andl The two side [or upper arm] (, 0, 1) of its nearer: ($, 0:) or is called .) marhked reith stripes in the form of the A.: brances] of a bit. (Az, TA voce upon is that (TA:) or of which its figued work is in its And 2Wo pic~ of wood in the yoke like: the or cart a draw the neck of a baUll that [q. v.]. (A, TA.) sides: (Lb, TA:) or i. q. the piece that is in the middle is called LIjI. upon the A; tor


: t$ 'and i*lt cations; and the pL is of (O,) each, or (S,) (Lth, 0:) and the former, these two pls. signifies fu,l~ers, (?, 0,) and the like of tAhm; (8;) and the sing. is ;j-U and (g, 0 :) and accord. to As, 41t sig. 3 .;M.:
; of which latter nifies hired mmn; as also g' [i.e. the three Also, (O.) 1LUe. is sing. the (Lth, i t or sings. above mentioned,] (],) O, TA,) with kesr, (TA,) The bae, low, ignoble, mean, or sordid, (Lth, O, 1, TA,) of men. (Lth, means !AmlZ. [i.e. O, TA.) And kiL Poor, or needy, peSwns: or thieves, or robbers].

L Camels branded -- L ($, 0, L.)_ mark cdUed L!s. the with arm] related by as In a description of the Prophet, :seo -.:, latter half. Yabya Ibn-Ma'een, the epithet J'-o' is applied Msb, (O, ,Lc and to him, meaning F'irnmly made: but accord. to O) LS~t~ (6, 0, Msb, the relation commonly retained in the memory, it and Uta, (0, V) A man largc in the . (TA.) [q. v.]. (TA.) ist [or uppr a,m]. (', O, Mgb, V.)
(0, L)

.. .



a61 *


2074hym se: e L.: _ and see also 5h. inf. n. JU ) ; (TA;) Ile draitened him (r, O Az to be correctly

[BooK [oxI I. :J ui, meaning 4.l; [app. a

(TA.) between him and that which he desired. See Q. Q. 4 in arts. JJI and Oiia. - Also The maophagu, or gullet, (JI, 'L )(S, O, TA.) - t5 .:J J.a The thing nwas, or which is the head of the stomach, adherent to tlu . 3, applied to a man, Very cunning; orpos e became, strait. (TA.)-, (S, 0,) or *.iA, red, oblong, and white in its interior. Jw L, (15,) inf. n. (S;) and sessing much intellignce or sagacity, or much intelligenc mixed with craft and forecast. (IA'r, (Ibn-Abbad, O,IC.) - And 4Jt-tl signifiec t:v~ct; (JC;) said of a woman, (g,O,JhC,) ) K, TA.) - And Very bad, evil, foul, or un[app. The azillary artaey with its branchsu ] thl and of a ewe or goat, (S, O,) Sle had her child, ,seemly;. as also 'tC '; (IAar, g, TA;) vins that are in the arm-pit, between the two por or young one, stickingfast [in her vagina], (S, 0, applied to a thing. (IApr, TA.) tions of fl&s. (Ibn-Abbad, O, ]g.) TA,) and not coming forth easily, (S, O,) or so thlat part of it came forth and part did not, thus J : see a";. - Also, (O, .K,TA,) accord. remaining: (TA:) or she had dificuity in bring- to the context in the , (K, TA,) and as written co . sm,ee: , in two places. - Also A ingforth her child, or young one,: (g,* TA:) and in all the copies, (TA,) with damm to the t, but in like manner one says of a hen (K, TA) t, fiabby trla. (4, TA.) it is only with fet-h to that letter and to the w/, (TA,) and of others: (g, TA:) itned [said off (, TA,) and thus it is written by IApr and any bird] meaning the egg twisted, or became djifi- other leading lexicologists, (TA,) The [lar9g cult [to be excluded] in lher inside: (TA in art. species of rat called] ^.: (S, O, :) or, accord. . j> The JP, ^ said of a woman, means (I1,) [i. e.] a smaU creep- JL :) or L"J to IAr, the male of the j' [or rat]: (TA, and her child becane choked in her vvira, and did not ing thing called hie, ft, , or smooth, to T in art. ji :) pl. ; c. (Aboo-Naqr, S, O, .) which the Jfinr of gi,.l are lihened,found in the come forth nor go in [or bach]: (Aboo-Mlick, 4l, occurring in a trad., said [See also Uii.] mads, and called by some hi and j,;, of TA:) and "; which the pl. are 4 ;.g and 4liM: (Lth, O:) of a gazelle, means hIer young one made her to (S, O, g,) and accord. to the V ~., or the male of the [speie of lizard called] Ui;; be such as is termed LUINW, bj sticking fast in her but correctly f b, (TA,) applied to a man, (0, o, g;) and it is (O, ]) said to be (0) one belUy, not coming forth. (IAth, TA.) - And (S,O,) [Muwular, musculous, or brawny;] having of tle animals ridden by the jinn, or genii: (0, [hence,] y oj'l alM A-r t The land became many ;c(s) or j.- (0, g) [i. e. muscls]: l:)p1. J,i; and Aij n: (Lth,O, :) choked with its people, (S, 0, , TA,) by reaon or large in the ij [or mwle] of hi sn of ther multitude. (TA.) And .SQI; JA dim. J. and i. (S.) ( -)--And a :, applied to a woman, Compact The place became strait, (.r, $t TA,) with inlaesh, and unsoemy, or devoid of beauty. (TA.) See also 3. sA~camenl became fatigued in cons~eunce of traa,& 4A calamity, or miortun: pl. I> (. , 1. .iLCt, (Af, ( , O, Mqb, I,) aor. ' and ; reinAg, and being ridden, and from any work. 0, Ik) and ~U [which latter may be a coll. (A, , 0, O, b ;) or it is '_, (1I,) i. e. the (TA.) nor. is '-and -and, ,the first of which is the !4. I #. -; : ";. l It (an affair) was, or became, hard, gen.n.]. (1(.) One says, most chaste and most known, and the second is Verily it is a calamity of tihe calamities [meaning mentioned by such as I;tt and ISd, whereas the stramit, or dicult, syn. o;:I (, 0, Msb;) and a grmat calamity]. (8, 0.) last is unknown and there is no reason for it; as tiough it nwe closed against one, syn. Jli.l. 'ir (S, o, g) and ti-; (MF;) or the author of the ~ may mean by this (O) [A mucl; (i, O.) You say, of 1 - enl, (K, TA,) and or any of what are termed tie wvolntary ma;sle that the verb is like . and 4-. and .;., not 4.~ t S4c, (IDrd, 0, ],) and C4, (TA, i.e.] any tendon, or sinew, with which is thick J4 as one might understand it to mean at first and am p. 258,) and Il, (Ke, TA,) Thes jlesh; (];) or any collected and compact esh sight; (TA; [but I do not find that any one has affair was, or became, hard, strait, or diwficult, upon a tendon or sinew: and particularly of the mentioned L-' ;]) inf. n. -,. (Aq, O, M,b, to himn, syn. ;ch; (IDrd, 0, ]~, TA, and glnmshank: ($, O:) pi. * () , 0, , ) [or rather !) and and ; a (Fr, O,;) and ubi supri;) and as though it er ctwed against this is a coll. gen. n.,] and [the pl. properly so termed is] ,. (S.) m Also the former, *t , (, TA,) inf. n. ~3; (TA;) Hie him, syn. Jaw.l. (TA.) - And J u;; pre , withheld, or darred,herfrom marry- (,) or g Jael, (0,) Such a one's affair, or accord. to AA, A certain tree rembling the/L, ing, (Ay, 1, O, MNb, 1, [tjll in the C]$ being case, wearied me. (S, O.) Hence the phrase, in which tie camels eat, afterwhich they drinkwater , ie (0,) i.e. oery day: but Az says that he thinks it be la.l, a mistake for :bjl,]) WmronfUy; (l ;) i.e., a a trad. of 'Omar, iS [The people of El-Koofeh have causd that] the [n. un. of J;1, q. v.,] with the unpointed ,; woman, (i,) or his hbubandles woman, (?, O,) means of effecting my object in their affair, or and what he says is correct. (O.) or a woman highly esteemed by him. (Msb.) case, hlae becone strait to me, (0, TA,) and the The primary signification of JlI is The act of trecating themr with gentlenes has become df cult j,s: see a. straieing; (0 ;) or prnting, withholding, or to me: (TA:) from iJLd, (0, TA,)asa pplied jUc applied to a disease, (S, O, MNb, ,) debarring; and straitening. (yIam p. 466.) 0 to a disease, (0,) or as meaning a "hard," or Seoere, or ditressing, (, 0, Msb,) that wearies "difficult," aflkir, "which one will not underthe physiciant; ($, O;) a also t,j- c and take," or " [be able to] manage." (TA.) One inf. n. ,, I struck his i. [i.e. mutcle]. 3ws;: (0:) or wearing and overcoming: (i:) 0 says of a disease [such u is termed Jl], Jla (TA.) -_ .;, ($, 0, V,) aor. :, (V,,) inf. n. or, so applied, hateful, that attachs suddenly, and 4It, and s o , It overcame the physicians, J , said of a man, (1, O,) [He was, or became, is not slow to kill; the treatment of which wearies muscular, mculdos, or branmy;] he had many (,1, TA,) and earied tlem. (TA.) - See also 2. the physicians: (Sh, TA :) or that frustrates the 5: see the next preceding paragraph. ,j* (i ) or ~ (O0, ]) [i. e.mc/lew]: or he ability of the physician, there being no cure for wat larje in the ia [or muscle] of his it. (lAth, TA.) And in like manner it is apQ. Q Q. 4. j. ., .JLl, The tree had many ad Jsha,h. (JI.) plied to an affair [as meaning That wearies him branchas, and eas tangled, or luxuriant, or dense. 8: ee 1, first sentence. _ as Jt. , inf. n. (u, u.) But [its part. n.] AtZIr , applied to who would perform it]: ($, O:) or meaning hard, or dificult, which on wil not undertake, 3ei.; (~, O, TA ;) or a, Jf cu , (1,TA,) branches, in a verse cited by J [n the g, is said by or [be able to] manage; and in like manner

jA&; pl.

ti; and e

: see

$ I, TA) in his affair, (S, O,) and intervented aJ mistranscription aIU i. e. soft, &c.]. an obstacle


BOOK L] I.] Boom t d-a]: or, as some say, the two places. [or affair [that is hard, or difficult,' is termed La& J t 'Jo; [i.e. t. in its firt dstate; and J (TA.) obligatory. when it is ? ~] or And _

applied to an arrow: see cutting of the sti, (., TA,) and th olle~tig aor. ', inf. n. wood thereof. (TA.) - li, ..fir,n

and :A


nd a l ,

e lied.


'L means A hard, cr severe, oath, in wrich is no e~eption: (11:) or, accord. to IAr, the latter word sig, in the phrase nifies a wonderful calamity; and the phrase means I sore an oath that wa a ere calamity. (TA.) : see the next preceding paragraph. ;is;:


see ;

Base, ig~oble, or mean; narrow [or illiberal] in dipition. (0, J.)


sh, applied to an affair, [Hard, strait, or diJicult; (see its verb, 4, first sentence;)] such the way to perform it. (., that one cannot4find -, O.) See also JU&, in two places. - And see J. :_and j -:

"li t . [as a subst.] sing. of $91-: (TA) handle, or part that grasped by the hand, of a and said that tAhere w in kim what wad not. (g, which signifies Hard, or distressing, revents: , bow: (S, V:) and A ; is a dial. var. thereof: ., He re~ild him, TA.) -And 4J, in. n. 0, , TA:) and LLa.* [app. accord. to the (AHn, TA:) pl....a. (1g.) - And The [part or vilified him, plainly [or in coare language, as a hard, or d./ffcult, or strait, context t a.I] [q. v.], (S, , TA,) or is shown by an explanation of it in the R]. (TA.) of the tail called] calamity. (.am p. 258.) Also, and *.;., and a and the ;jS. [or root of the tail where it is bare of hair, ... And c, in. n. An affair, or a case, that is straitin respect of because TA:) (A, enchanted: He 'ii , and S in art. j%:], (TA,) of the camel, (S, TA,) or the ways of getting out therfrom. (TA.) [Hence,] of the horse, (ISd, TA,) or of both: (] :) as enchantment is a lying, and a causing to imagine (O, a lt ^1, 0 a&J 0 S qi also tt;A,,(V,) of which ;L.C&is a dial. var.: that which has no reality: and he di~ed (TA.) (TA,) is a TA,) or, as some relate it, V:l-i (S, TA) 2: see 1, former half, in two places. (TA: [but see the latter :]) pl. ; aying of 'Omar, (so in the 6, but in the TA and_c, [both, accord. to analogy, of the latter I 2The land abounded with the 4. .;$l ' "in the trad. of Ibn.'Omar,") who meant thereby sing.,] the former of pauc. and the latter of mult. [I eek protection by God from] every dijcult (TA.) -And The t A lne, or streak, in a mountain, trees called U'.. (].)-And , , ... qwstion or case [lfor which there is no Aboo- diffeng from the rest in colour. (g, TA.)peopl, or party, had their camels depast,ri,tg ]asan; meaning, no one such as 'Alee the son of Also Mountain goats. (..) ~, e.) also 1, latter half, in ( ]. -See the . Aboo-Tilib, who was surnamed X J1 M[, and two plae. ;.ac,: see the preceding paragraph. was celebrated for his answers to what are termed "j j :i: see la, in three places.- _ J~CII, as is related by En-Nawawee, ;4,JI.h A,...o, applied to a she-camel, Hard, or in his Biographical Dictionsary (p. 437)]: (0, robust, (K, TA,) in her body; strong to journey. and t TA) (, (], TA) and t -~ _1, though determinate, is put in (TA.) TA:) uch as are called .L: A land having tre the place of that which is indeterminate. (IAth, (TA:) or abounding wih such tr,e (.,8 , TA.) 4t. TA.) -~; Edacious; oracious; (Kr, ,;) ap[also pronounced t L..] A lie, or faeplied to a woman: (Kr, TA:) but ' .m is of ,).;a [from 'aJ~ "a muscle"] Rendered a calumny; (Ks, i ,, TA;) as also and hood; higher authority [in this sense]. (TA.) - And firm, strog, or compact, in make: such, it is said, (.8, TA :*) the former said by Et-Toosee * 'Am: (1].) Having a habit of biting; syn. ,.e. wu the Prophet. (TA.) but it is not so: to be a mistranscription for ,; (IB, TA:) and it signifies also enchantment, (S, ( ,0,) and 0,ag) and a' ], TA,) and divination: (S, TA:) and its pl., (1) are epithets applied to a woman j*3 , (i, ],) or [rather] the pl. ofV 1. .- , said of a camel, (Msb, V,) or * 1 , (thu accord. (.8 O ) and to a sheep or goat (e, O) and in (8, TA,) said of camels, (S,) or of a she-camel, to the TA and one of my copies of the $,) is like manner to a hen and to others; (] ;) mean, TA,) in n. e, (TA,) or. : (S Mb, is of jc: (,],TA:) like as X , yS cid, or young one, stiking fat ing Haing herA red dse, dp or or tAey, He, TA,) (., Msb, gur [xv. 91], X,JI in the the saying whence (, eai: fort comi~g [in er agina], and not had or ], TA:) Msb, (?, ,.LU: caled the trees wo pronouced the . [Those $A; :,wiJS r *; her forth in briing 0:) or having di.~lty [&,.: see2:] accord. a complaint of th bel from th eating threof: IKur-dn to bo lies, or enchantments]: (S,TA:) child,'oryoungone: (:) dignifies whose chid, or young one, and U, aor. , inf. n. .C, he (a camel) ate accord. to Fr, [the sing.] t c.,is originally a, to LU, also the deficient [radical] letter being.; (.,* ; (i.) - And ;L,I wifl not comeforth, wo that de die: and Lth the .la. TA ;) (so accord. to the copies of the :;) is applied to a ;I as meaning t, b; sigof ]ureysh the dial. saysthat ' e in and for La inf n. form], [in like , :Wc, L' al or nify enchantm t [and enchantments], and they sti/ck fast [in Aer]; but As says that ehoWe ; (so accord. to. the term the enchanter Mls: (. :) or, as some say, f the epithet applied by the Arabs to a UJ is as also t, inf.n. (, TA:) the deficient [radical] letter is j, (, TA,) from tk,o: (TA:) the pL applied to sheep or goats TA;) He cut the tre called .a:

in three places. (I5.) And He ezited dicord, or dinon,and i made kAnown dicoume in a mischiewou manmer, :see J~a. ; or he calumor enbeliisd speech ithfaL~ (TA:) niated; syn. .; (g,TA;) or: whence the saying, in a trad., .law tj p.J3i (TA) i. e. [Know ye what is] the reportingof conimwoon the i.e. , A rcinnw~fork; w.versation, or of what has been aid, from o,a with F) (ISd, prongs plement (S, ISd, ) with which wvAeat is wi,vnwed: (?, I8d, ]:) and person to another, to maAe mischief betwee them? (EI-Jami' es-lagheer:) [or,] accord. to IAth, .4 is a dial. var. thereof: (Agn, TA:) pl. the calumnious speech between men ? or, accord. to [the former of pauc. and the , a * snd As, the evil, orfoul, speaking? (TA.) And the latter of mult.,] (]~, TA,) both anomalous; the same verb, (so accord. to my MS. copy of the true state of the case being that they formed from V,) or i., (so accord. to other copies and the .,^ the pl. ;1Lt ; and from this, i;, and TA,) He utteredfalehoodand calumny; as also is app. a contraction,] V l..aA: (]g, TA:) [whence] one says, J. ,._, [of which latter, , Thou hast uttered calumny, 0 . Q * ;4 (TA.) - And pgls. of jd. and like _ US ., (1,*], TA,) TA.) -And (?, man. The board, (?, ,) i. e. the broad board, (TA,) but it is] like , of the plo~h, at the head of which is the iron [or [in some copies of the ] ', share] (S, I4, TA) that cleaves the earth: and so [in form], (TA,) in. n. .h (., TA) and ' , The (TA,) }le calumniated such a one, (S, g, TA,) .AL, accord. to Aoln. (TA.) -And . [as a subst.] see A :,

JJ, . ' o, . o

s 'V 3e+

firreg.]. (O.)_ See also

in accord., to AIn, (TA,)


siguifies the I l3 i meaning aAi, (.,)or from st.gjl


[Boox I.

Lid,; or, accord. to some, the rejected radical denoting a calling for aid letter is ;:(AAF, $, Myb ;$) opinions differing on (TA.) this point because of the different fborms of the pl.; 'ac, originally I s: see :', in two places (AAF, B, TA;) the pl. being fi and (of pauc., TA) ; 1 (AAF, $, g, TA, in the C1 ~And see also ..6, in three places: and1 't;~,) (and ,sT ; (;) [the second and third art. Pia. of which are pls. of V iis;] or, accord. to I8d, 0... 0. I,ho: aee , L ,. eLle may be an instance of the kind of pl. that differs from its sing. only] in repect of the t, 9 u!", applied to a camel, T7at depastr t4u like a;, of which the sing. is o,J, [i. e., what trees cald LU ; as also Vt Lbs so applied; is more properly termed a coll. gen. n.,] or it (9, ];) and in like manner, applied to camels,p may be a broken pl., as though its sing. wero (TA:) the dim. [of 4L] is t c . (S, aj.t.-.s ; (q;) the second and third being 11 a.: roeL ns. from L.., and therefore irregularl 1 TA.) [Hence,l one says, 4ML* O Wj J [i. e. . h .l] i
formed, or from flh, not from :L,& because1 [lit. Suh a one tak

meaning ,t.j; (TA;) because they divided 1 to the fruit, or produce, of trees of the kind called .m.o-. A woman seeking, or demanding, ew their sayings respecting the Vur-ln, pronouncing m y oL': see the former of those words:] a single chantment: hence the trad., Vt4'i I t ;i it to be falsehood, or enchantment, or divination, 0 tree thereof is called Llto (9, ]) and V,.i t "'.Zit [May God cww Aer who rchant or poetry. (9, TA.) And one says, )ViA bl Qp and V ' ir, (9, Meb, ]g, [but in the copies of the and her who seeks, or demands, enchantment]. with kear to the J, [0 the lie?] denoting E 1 ]1 the last of these is erroneously written da,,]) (TA.) calling to aid; '(9;) or said on an occasion o:i the radical a being rejected in the last, as it is in wondering at a great lie; and with fet-. to the3

L. L, aor. , in n. a: ee , in three places.-Jl in the language of the Arabs

signifies [also] 1I [i. e. ;.U is the inf n. of Lu signifying He encAated; like or an int n.

of a

graph of art.

see u: the last sentence of the firt p ra(TA.) - And .ina ecJb

ntl..1 occurs in tho "Aghbnce" of Abu-l-Famj,

in the biographical notice of E-TtufeyI: [it means

e d to undstand, or hae skill in, wound: for it is added] m t lI means He who ueder stands, or is skiled in, tround.. (TA.)

2. Asiuj signifies The act of divrding [a thing] into arts, or portions: and the act ofdistrib y: the bark of other than his this is a pl. or has the meaning of a pl.: (TA:' own rLa,to tan therewith]; meaning t such a as also t e [in both of these senses]. (m, TA.) so too iJSpl applied to a camel, (~,,) and 1 (. 8See a verse cited in art. y'-; applied to camels, both with fet-b, irre- first sentence.] guar. (.) [See lso a ;.]

one arrogates to himself the poetry of another. You say, i it , , (,) or , , (Mb,) .. ) [See also 1, inf. n. a1.a3, (s,) I diided the s p,or oat,
($,) or the laugtered anal, (Mqb,) into



And see also a, see :L!.

Any great tre having thorns; tlhes being1 two places of two sorts, u1(ge ) and not e e 1 [dim. of ( t.; j): tbeformer ort are tAetJi, tAe






t the, ',

the Ji;, the


hi applied to a he-camel, as also * &., (,) it. (TA.) It is said in a trad., i;ij .,b, and the J4, and l.at applied to a she-camel, (., 1,) and iJr l J,= a4 3L [There hal be no dis the p, the the m , the,:;, the ~ thus also ;, (g,) Depasturing the trCe caled tributing in an inrta , #cpt in the cam of and the A JU; and trse are called th OL& of ot.; (&,&,TA;) and the pl. [of .M and tAat rwhich is nusptibb of diirion] ; i. e., wbat is not usceptible of division, joh u the bead of bows (, jt;L [i. e. .1] pl. of ,;i): the t..al] in this sense, applied to camels, is "li: small thorny tree are called w, [q.v.]: and (, TA:) or, accord. to 'Alee Ibn-unmeh, (IB, precious stone, and the like, all not be ditrisuch s ire neither 4A0 nor 'Lo, of thorny TA,) P,


aL; nd its fem., with ;: see ^.

in [i. e. limbs, or members, ; I imd it, or di mmbred it]: (M,Msb:) and itil LU, aor. an, in n. h, diided the he , or goat, intopart, or portiou. (TI.) And sj$ .;t inf. n. as above, I distribtd the thing: (i:)
and t .l t, aor. a,A inf. n. , h distr~ibted

the greater $, th ,>, ": the oter sort are the

the but it shall be sold, and its price shall be divided ; , and the (:) or, u AZ says in the the L,e~: (IB,TA:) or VI'P has the latter among them. (.) meaning, or the former meaning: or, accord, to beginning of his book of herbage and trees, :te eb and , (a, M#b, Jy, cJ,) the former of AlJn, L4 appliea to a she-camel signifies is the general name of certain tormy trees which which is the more commonly known, (Mwb, TA,) hae differnt particular names: the genuine braking the branchesa, or twige, of the *LI.. (A limb, a member, and an orgn, of the body;] eL. (I.-Jl AiWa; ) are tho,e w,hich are arge (TA.) [8ee also 'I ] ~Also Enchantingy, any bone ith tejeh e~ti, or with muchf; and Aaw stroy tkorru: such s are small, of or an encanter; (At, 1, TA;) in the dial. of (M, TA;) any entire bone of the body; thus in thorny trees, are called W and '.? [q. v.]: of sureysh. (Ac, $, TA.) See also the last para- the Abridgment of the 'Eyn; (Mqb;) anyleh graphofthis art. Apoetsays, tAat is atire, or much in quantity, with its bow; the al3u are the_, the j4l, thoe J(, the J;, trees, ae the up, the i;5i, the I.,

buted, even though one or more of the inheritors has this meaning; (IB, Mpb, TA;) demand its division, beause therein would be M signifies havinga complaintfromr eating injury to them or to one or more of them; but

threater M3, the the Jl,



&, t




. ~

] ~ -1`

[I seck protection by my Lord from the women it) are th J4, the , the ;jZ, and sputtering upon tAe knots of tie lying enchanter: the .#!m: (TA voce wm:) or i. signifies any see art. ", and the l]ur-6n cxiii. 4]: (9, TA:) or, as some relate it, _iia ) [upon the eacAanttrees haing thorn; as the L and the ment]. (TA.)-And i Z_ and al..u A or, accord. to some, eepet the .3jO and the j,.: serpent thlat kills instantly (AO, 8, ) wmen it (Mb :) or the greatest of tre: or the AL bitet. (AO,..) [q. v., for it is variously explained]: or any Aawing torns: or such as are great and tall, of .~u: see its fem. voce &d: and see the these: (]:) (i and i'f are terms applied verse cited voce :e..

and the .,d: these are the genuine lA.: and of the L.', of bows ( ;1 i. e. #ll

(4, TA;) a [ditict] portion of the body; (IL;) a part of an animal, uch a tAe head, (Mqb in art. 4 ,f) ', or the heart, and the brain, and the

liver, and the tsticls: (Mgh and y in that art.:)

and t of a bow: (V in art. es :) pL. ;. (m M9 b, TA.) One says A 1 J " [A porti of lesh forming a distinct limb or member]. (

voce LUL.) [And jt'1 11 is used as meaning

T/e male andfenmalb 1 also called ^,"l l: gaital organsru; which are

see i;., last sentence.]

L.. A piece, part, or portion, (Mb, ],) of a 1 thing: originally : pL , irreg., like

BooK I.]
O.q~. (Mgb.)

s -sji , or dying]: Z.o Z.4 [Perishi~ or rent, much, &j And A party, sect, or class, [pl. of * 3] dlit, or rent; or sit, Pj poet, voce a lb people: (TA:) [pl. as above:] one or in many placs. (IApr, 0, -.)


see an ex., from

(1, TA,) of
A ; sayas, hWI

In the house, or A garment, or piece of cloth, slit, or rent, ,,.m: see place of abode, are [eral] partis,set, or [lngthwis, or, accord. to some, brsadthwis, with Also A portion of rag by swe 4l:._ i;u: we (TA.) cidau, of p~ope: (s, TA:) so says AV, (8,) or out separation;] as also ti mwns of wAich fireis tahn: (] :) or a portion mans Also A lie, or falseood: pl. Ks. (TA.) of burning cotton (, A,O) or rag: (, O :) so [A place of litting or randing &c.]. One (I.) In this sense, (TA,) as sing. of .P .q [I perce/e th ,. [A reatof which the place in the saying, ' j the last word in the saying in the l5ur [xv. 91], says L;.l odour of a portion of burning cotton or rag]. 1-.W iI, its deficient [radical] of itting is wide]. (TA.) i-(, A, O.) (~, letter is ) or ., as has been mentioned in art. L;L;: see JmL. : (Ay, O, :) ;; A calamity, or milfo~rt , Z.9;; &.ha [q. V.]: (., TA:) those who say that it is. ]. (A 9, TA.) [inf. n. of from f., regard as an evidence its having for a pl. 1;.l&i; evian as regard and those who say that it is * And The main part, or fathomlm dep, of the





as dence their saying 'a,; . (TA.) - -~l C[ the. in meaning '.lJ [i. e. Enchantment, 11,] is [said to be] pl. of L~ (erroneously) , with . (.L [But see , in [in the CIS &LL] art. r.])

aor. , (A, sea: ma (As, K :) likewise from ;^L !: (A., TA:) Mgh,* O, and so 4;4, (] in art. 4e,) formed by trans position: (TA ibid.:) or the de~st place in the Myb,) and Z.f* also may be an inf. n. of the pocition: sea: (IAar, 0:) or a deprsed part be~ en tmo same, (Ilar p. 196,) He perished, or died: (f, A, ma. (IAar, O, .) ,aM Mghl, O, Msb, :) [Freytag mentions ;.L; also mam Moo do I which in ], the in the same sense, as from .ft: so in the saying, t.JC Mor [and most] soft: c2. The state of possessig uficient clothing not find it:] it is said of a man, and of other than l; ,,. 4.L1 SJts Cli [This ran is more soft and food. (ISd, _.) man: in a trad. it is said of seed-produce. (TA.) J' - And He (a camel, and a horse,) lagged, or in his wool than this]. (0.) U*ho applied to a camel,, and a,' applied became powerless: (J1,TA:) or stopped ithA is Z,SL:, :L; A place of perdition or destruction: master [or ider] from fatigue. (TA.) - And pi. 4 t .. (, O, Mqb.) [See also 1, first to camels: see #,., in art. d,. pl. He ws, or became, viole,tly, (0,) or iI; 4. 9entence.] sentence.] and clothig t A man po~sing sufficient mot iolently, (,) angrywith him. (0, g.)k.) alo 1, last sentene. See fooL (lSd, ,Jma One who scants his houseAold; syn. . :J&U and '.ll, ((O. .) *1 dsgnifi es 4jt (01 .) 4,,aor.', (0o, L ;,;, (~, A, Mgh, O, Msb, ,) . D. (, Mgh, Myb, g,) inf. . :, inf. n. ~;, (i, J;l I;, (, o, V,) aor. or piece of garment, the rent, or slit, 0,) He cloth, l~gthwie, (Lth, Q, 0, 1,) or breadthwi, sparation, (Lth, O, ]g,) but not heard ~tot by M;r as meaning breadthwise in chaste language; (Har p. 636;) like t ;':&; (1;) or (?, 0, TA) this, of which the inf. n. is 4i and !I,t also, (TA,) is with teshdeed to denote muchaes [of the action], or multiplicity [of the objets]: (f, O, TA:) and 4'; t i :t signifies [the same, or simply] he st, or rent, the garment, or ~ of cloth. (TA.) EIl-Mufaial is related to have said that he had read in a copy of the .16 Sl Wa . ._ lur-an, [in xii. 28,] 4 .J the in [And whenhA *aw that his sirt s rent hinder part]. (0, .*) ': see the preceding paragraph. 6: see what next follows.


(0,) and ~ : (V:) you say, (A, O, 1,) inf. n. 4..; and Z, 4 , (0,) It [i.e.

cotton, and wool,] was, or became, soft. (A, O,* below.]) V. [See also ,.,

road, along which one goes whhroevr ae wi/. road, .)- A generou, nobk, lberal, (18b, O,L, (ISh, Msb, K.) man. (Ibn-'Abbad, O, 10.).Asaipud spearHe took fire in a portion of head. (Ibn-Abbid, O, .)_ Accord. to [IDrd 1%. J1 8. , he took fire in a and) . 7. ~m.! It (a gament, or pieee of cloth,) cotton: (A:) or and] Az [and J], this word is quasi-coordinate (TA.) to the quinqueliteral-radical ela became lit, or rnt, (, ,O,) legthwse, or i (0.) cotton. of rag (0, ]) or a portion qf destroyed him, or caued him to perish (, A, 0,

Hard, Hard, severe, rigorou, or djlcut: ;>; ) of beverage, or wine, (IDrd, O, L, ] :) applied in this sense to anyin order that its odour may become good: (O, :) thing: and particularly to a journey: or in this so. says Aboo-Sa'eed. (0.) The phrase m_ case meaning distanL. (L) - A quick pace, or occurs in a poem of Lebeed, as some mte rate of going: (9, O, L, ] :) and so 'i>; [q. v.]. (L.) - A high mountain: (0, L, Il, TA: [in relate it; but as others relate it, it is ., Az; says so the CIg, J1_JI C.O is erroneously put for p.! which means "mixed:" (O, TA:) is." jL ,:]) all " and ;li. (L) _ A a asolo and he adds, "I know not what (TA.) - Also, in a grape-vine, The appearing long day: (O, V :) a complets day (L) or year: of the knots, or gems, in the places mhence gov (Ibn-Abbid, (Ibn-4bb6d, O, :) a rwhols day. (T, O, L, V.) of grapes. (.) the bu~ t arway a whole He H,, wen~ One says, tL; A), (calamity, 4. bc"l He (a man, Mqb), or it day. (O, V.) - A consuou, clar, open,



(O, ~,) inf. n. of

, (TA,) sig-

Ma iardness, ety, rigour, or dilacdty. (1Drd,. (IDrd,' O,* L)

nifies The brewing (L

t ~paratio; [aecord. to some] breadthwise, wio~ Cotton: (IAr, C,0, ] :) 4L~ and , j signifies latter the or (i:) au albo * a- : s~~~b , [as meaning it becaue dit, or ret, &c., much, or and * L$c signifies a portion therof, (., A, O, , ((, A, O, M.b,) aor. :, inf. n. or many, pa~; or is like the former TA,) or of woo. (TA.) [SM says,] In the T, , 1. , (?,A, in s~, verb but said of several, or many, garments, &c.]. ; a1a is said to mean JbJt; She Mb,) A, b,) said of a woman, (1, Cl, [and (80, 0, MO, JI 3 (0.) - Alo, said of a stick, or branch, or the ~ and said ~p med herslf; (TA;) and ,to.a, (A,O, like, It bnt ~out breAig to a to part so in the 0, where it is written 4;1, L;1at(A;) to be with fet-h,] and its n. un. is 3b; but I Kgb,) : ,b,) inf.n. L,a; ( ;)and ; a dr. (AZ, O, ]-) ] the [to wa set damm man) (a with he 'ia have found it written [signify [signifr the same: also 8: see 1.. [Hence,] one ays, 33. ::j, said of a therefore by ~ seems to be meant fJ [i.e. in the odour of his body; and O., tHe dam the efo,~ pro~of the p~ople, wSuch as is soft of cotton and of wool: which woman, signifies the same: see the part. n. :] or party. (TA.) us made woman) (a she 1]. signifies and $ .,fa. I think to be evidently a mistake: see of perfume. (TA.) [See also 5.] . (TA.) of thei caUl -[WraPpera I

[Boox I. [They T, (the she-asses) foUo~ a bulky male like thkesignifying High, applied to a mountain: and app., *#.A.].(Mqb.) -. jJ . i., (s,) L st tone with which the seller of perfumes pounds, oir Tall, applied to a man or camel: (L:)-and Long, applied to a day; and to a limit, term, in other lexicons than the we find V l puleriza, his perfume]. (S, o.) reach, or goal, or to a heat, or single run to a (TA,) [occurring in a provy.,] see in art. J,Ls[ a L: see;l;. goal or limit; (S, O, L;) and to a road: (L:) ) and Generou, noble, or liberal, applied to a ;f.]. (g.) ;1.lC One who loves perfume: (IApr,O, 0 :, man: (0 :) - and Quick, applied to a pace, or or i. q. . [q. v.]: (TA:) pl.;.CG. (O, .) 4: see 2, in two places. rate of going: (L:) - and Sharpened, applied 5: see L - It is said in a trad., of Mohamn 1, 1,jl;Lx I The most swet, in perfum, of thI to a spear-head. (0.) 14<;t j;l L Al jX e;4 sts(0, [, Arabs. (TA, from a trad.) I1;. i; i;a!: see the first paragraph. TA,) meaning Ha used to dislike women's j 1 a ~ fuming theniedva with perfume of vwhich [or;-: is the correct form, pass. part. n .;1; or ;1~, (accord. to different copies of odour wamp~erceived like that of men [and t r of .L,1, and agreeable with the pl. in two copies s the S,) or both, being perfectly and imperfectly affecting to be like men]: (TA:) or their b1 7 of the S,] (1, TA) A beautiful she-camel, as s decl., (]K,) but what is the cause of its being imwitut orna~nts (0, K, TA) and dye on a though there were a dye upon her fur by reason perfectly decl., with the quality of a proper name, hands 4c. [and their aJjecting to be like me of her beauty: (TA; and so the pl. is explained i requires consideration, (MF,) [The planet Alfr. (TA;) the j in this case being substituted for r: in the $:) or strong and beaut;fid; as also *;1 : cuny;] the star of the sribes; (Az, TA;) one of (0, ] ,*TA:) or ,L, here, is from what 9 1(, TA:) pl. of the former La, .f (TA,) or the stars called Il; (S, 0, 0 ;) accord. to lows: (TA:) _- ;. She (a woman, O, 1 I) !A., (S, 0,) meaning fat: or red, as though the ] [and 0], in the sizth heavm [or sphere]; remained in the house, or tent, of, (O, L,) dyed. - (O.)_ - ,*IA [or o;,1 ] A red she-oat. but the sheykh 'Alee El-MaJ.disee says that this with, (L,) her father and mother, and did is a mistake, for it is well known to be in the (El-Bihilee, as cited in the TA.) - Seec also mary. (0, L, K, TA.) second. (TA.) S. He perfumed a woman R [&c.; and


0)~ :~~,"' ;,

Y ,~ Lo


10: see 1, in two places.


;e&",: see ;i;, fj;[ ;tl;1

last sentence. 1. aor. ($, A, 0, M.b, 1) and ' (8 a,., 0, Msb, g,) the former of which is the more

Perfume; an odortiferous, or a fragra

(.,A,O,]:) pl.

stane; syn. ,_-:

, applied to a woman [Perfumed: see 2]. and ,tL-:

pauc.] ;tfli (A) and [of mult.] ;sl.

(A, O, ]

[And t };tf, as used in the present day, and medical books, signifies Peifumse and drugs:

an ex. voce herb: ems.]

.[L J

Ai.]_ A cert.

;;, applied to a man, (I, TA,) and ;j applied to a woman, (., A, O, Mgb, 1,) Has perfum pon, or uming parfumefor, or perfumi

(himelf, and] he~elf; (I, O;) and e.. a., g plied to a woman, (s, ,) signifies the same. (1 [See abo .;, and 3L." , and ;* .] - Al
w, eet in the odour of his body; and in li manner i;.' applied to a woman. (TA.) 51

ju ~mij means A woman who perfumes a

cleanes and wadss hersf much: (0:) [or
s~t in the odour of her body, and ofn uses t tooth-tich; for] 31.. signifies here ,4JI ;ji' (TA.) -_ p; A ;he-camel easy of sale isn g

approved, and therefore it alone is mentioned in see ;eaL; each.in two L some copies [of the [], (TA,) inf. n. u:;;, (S, A,) or both, (O, g,) or places. - and see i.; and ;., in three (Mob,) or ;t", 1 the latter is a simple subst., (TA,) Ha neezed; places. expl, by AJ1Ml eZI: (A, 1:) [properly] said je ., applied to a woman, (Msb,) or to a only of a man. (MP, from the " Ittiril") It man and a woman, (.; ],) and t ;tl;u , applied is said in a trad., ,.al~ l J-l~ X s Q, p to a woman, (S, Msb,) or to a man and a woman, [He (Mo]ammad) ued to like msezin, and dis('J,) and 1 *i,L., (I,) One who perfAmes himlike yawing]: (0, TA:) because the former is self, and ersnlf, much; (, Msb;) and who froaccompanied by lightness of the body, and openquenly doest o: and V.j and t atL. a woman nes of the pores, and facilitation of movements; who is accustomed to 'do so: pl. ,jl. (TA.) whereas, in yawning, the contrary is the case; Lb says that an epithet of the measure SJit is and these properties are caused by taking light masc. and fem. without ;, except in some extra- nourishment and little food and drink: (TA:) but the Arabs used to augur evil from sneeing; ordinary instances, in which the fem. is with 5. (A, 0 ;) so that if a man were journeying and (TA.) - Also .J.a, A she-camel red, and heard a sneeze, it prevented him from going on. wlhosem weat has a sweet odour. (L, and so in the (., 0, I,) in n.,,l.a, Cl.) In [some of] the copies of the 1, i;;' (A.)__ ~.,a ,,.,

j'l 1 is put by mistake for jI

8ee alsol. ;).b: h see.;, last sentence.

market; (O,' ;) that sell her lf byArgood n,,; (TA;) as alsot J;1 (O, ) andt vj-'-.
(TA:) or a she-camel of g9rous race, or ea ent; (Q, 0, O ;) as also tjUm. (1, O, TA) am

Xhe dawn broke: (., :) or onefort. 4&,.. (TA.) (TA,): (A, Mob.) uJJ1 ", (A, 0, ~,) and .JI, (A,) Eil ome~ brought ill k

him: (A, 0 :.) J and .4J are pls. of 4

and ;t1J, which are syn. with te'., because the ;jo refrains one from a thing that he wants: for they used to augur evil from sneezing [as remarked above]: (A:) or he died; (A, O,!,;)


asee JDF,first sentence.

35 and t*~ [or ,L.:P]; (1,TA or** g;:: (0:) and ;L,l'; and*t1;: sh
camel goodly, and of genreous race, or ec

lent. (A.) ZVl [Fragrance]. (TA in art 3.)

3;t;a The trade of a ~r of p mes.

Q. 1. I


Make t,uhou it to be to us, (0, as also ,,

,alone. (0) [See also Li..]


_ See alo'. A sllr qfpef ; (0, V;) andt;

g,) with thee, or in thy estimation, (0,) like the S. !-&, inf. n. He H, [or it] made im pronmis, (;Stjlb, j, TA, in n. of ,.j, and to nm (i.) this is the only explanation given by the leading adthorities on strange words, TA, [in the 0, LI'. (, A, 0, 1) and d bAL. (M9 b, TA) eing: or, acord. to the A or like the apparatusthat -it prepared [A sneze, or a

or the casualties offorthn; (;ijal and tjIl; and 0 and ][, the latter is an in n.: see 1]. It is said, L ; >. j1 l GjJI [The cat was signifies the same in the saying of El-MAj, d Ibn-'Abbld, 0, ];) and t . ; Jia; r4t. sigcreated from the ~ze of the b]: (A:) (app. scribing the [wild] he-a and the she-asses, nifies the same. (0, .) because it resembles the lion in make and dis ,~|zz; * |. ,;1 ig. q.; in i several meanings: (, :) 1position: for] one sys aJbo, 4 Li; *

BoOK I.] meaning Suck a one resble such a one in make


L~Ja& 3. ;.1 l;f



[aor. of the latter, accord. to the former, not used alone. (., 0.) And ,.i

general rule. . He vied with him in endeavour- '..,iL. A. '., t_ .. S. rTr_...', and dispoition; (A, 0, V, TA;) and [in the geneml ~-J~ ~ ' LJ~^ ~. 1 & I LP' O UWI0 0Ur& iag to satisfy, (see 6,) or in bearing, thirst, and thirsting for blood, as though tho waert Atdin]: ing sme sense] they say, i.j1 *C L U; IA. (TA.)

,.-teo: see LU._ -. L1t : The dawn, or daybreak; (Lth, Az, A, O,9;) as also V ,I~t. (V-)
You say, ' tpLAI Jff U sI a1 l and "LtIl [Such a one came before the risng of the dawn]. (A.) And a poet ays,

4 11

1 W Lf iS l ;1;

t [And sometime I go early in the morning, before dawn, oith a horse that mum stretching out his fore ls grac ly as if swimming]: but As relates that the meaning is said to be, before I hear the se of a meerer and augur evil from it; and that he had not heard any authority worthy of reliance for the meaning assigned by

Lth. (TA.)
;_Jh; is [said to be] applied to a man as meaning Bold in wars and rigours, (TA in this art.,) [and to be] thus correctly, as written by Az and others, but in the 0 and 1[ with t. (TA

sur.pawd surpassedhim therein]. (0, Jl, TA. [But whether (A:) this being the name of a sword of A.bd-EIsanctioned sanctioned by usage, seems to be doubtful.]) Muttatib Muttalib Ibn-Hsshim. (A, 0, ].) The dim. of 4. A,fi. His camels, or cattle, thirsted. (T, 'j.J" is * Ct. , as though from OtLi; and , M, O, K.) .6 W jJ&ot ;.l.ct He made such a t J also; but the former is the better. (ISk, one to thirst. (0, I, TA.).Jm 1l He onotothirst. O.) [Hence,] tVOti also signifies .Longincreased increamd the intervals betreen tthe two drnkings, ing; or desiring. (].) You say, i'il 1r or waterings, of the camels, and withheld them frm [Vertil, I am longing for seeing thoe]. from coming to the rater,(0, K,) or from thes t ;LU :.= water on the day of their coming thereto: (TA:) (1A1r, 0.)I. *A ta (S, 0, Mb) and and * LA., [in like manner,] he increased their * JJm (S, O) A place in wohich is little water: thirstin: (A:) or the latter, of which the inf. n. (S, O, Msb:) or in rowhich is no water. (M,b.) is LlIt V;*Ls (A) or t(I0l AL is iaOi has a more intensive signification than the former verb: (0, g, TA:) or it signifies he (TA) : [Such a woman is slender in the waist; kept them thirsty; i.e., did not water them at all; or in the belly andJlank; like kept or, or, watered them little, so that they were not 't satisjW: CjL1,,: fem. U and 4i':C: eeo satisfied: (TA, voce 1; :) when a man has been , amutomed accustomed to bring his camels to water on the throughout. third day, or the fourth, and waters them one day ,,, L,t" [Insatiable thirst;] a certain diaea, beyond that, you say % 1s. (TA.) beyond (S, 0, , TA,) that attacks a man, (., O, TA,)

ca~l J1 G].

HIe constrained himself to thirst; or a child, (TA,) the sufferer from wahich drinb water and canot satisfy hi tbhirt: (, O, ,* maur qyn. j.X;ot ,. (0o,.) oyn. TA:) or intaes thirst: the sufferer thereof i in art. ,.J.b.) - And one says, ;11 L O. 6. Lj,t [app. They vied, each with the otAher, permitted to break his fast. (TA.) jqpSflJ(A, 0,-V.,*) and V,AJ.CWI, (A, TA,) and in endeavouring to satisfy their thirst, (see a, (TA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .*_U, (TA,) [accord. to the A, app. meaning A .) voce 1.ZC: dims. of , q. v. (ISk, 0.) voce tbl,) or in bearing thirst]. portentous event bringing il huhk befell him: (see 1, L4";L; fem. with ;: see the next paragraph, last sentence:) or] meaning death [befell him]: S.t: see,., see ~, in three places. in three places.



(0, v:) .11 being here made sing.; (A, TA;)

and so,1i. (TA.)

L t: osee l4LQ: ~and see also _ Also A gazelle coming towards one from before his face; (A, O, ;) i. q. -U: because

h4J hJi

(Mgh, O,M;b, 1) and * j.o.(g) and


one augurs evil from it. (A, TA.) DI I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .j!*L A thing by which one i made to seze. (Seer, 1].) -A certain beast, from which one augrs evil: (IAU r,O, :) or a certain fJh in the ea,,from which the Arabs augur evil. (IKh.)

Ls alsoV'~ '" a g,) which which is also used as a pL, (., 1,)and a S also Vt isae G;,jt: (TA:) pl. of the former 1 Voi (Lth, ISlI.dU: ; (Lth, . (o, 6 0, ]:) .)_ pl. A cauo of thir., (TA in masc. [of the first j,.Ja Abased. (Ibn-Abbad, A, 0, j.) You three Lnd Lnd third and fourth, and perhaps of the second a rt. j,+) B say, t= ijI repeled him abas (A.) A B ,Iso,] b.qd ,tt, (., 0,O,Msb, 1) and ,-Jl [which ,4 Confined, or withed, (0, g, TA,) J water, purpody. (TA.) 5 is irregular] and . 1 J.a and [of the second] j orom ~ u (TA) and [of the third] ,I,: ($, O, . ltLL It. Very thirsty; or ofln thirsty: applied 1. dispo,son; (, iO n , T ].b, A ;,) t 9:) ::) pl.two fem. ,;,.L, like the masc., (,0,g,) to oa man and to a woman. (Lb).Having and ometimes ' , (TA,) He thirted; was nd [of the first] ., (Lth, 0, ],) but this ti&irty camel: applied to a man and to a woman. thirsty: ras in want of drink; and it was in .nd ras ignored(Lh, by Aboo-Leyl&, (O,) and [of the (4 ras o, g.) [See also ,.J.] want of irrigation: LU&a being the contr. of

,.sjl (Q, 0, Mqb, V) and .. jl, (Lth, 0, 0,]g,) the latter being sometimes used, (?,) or only the former, (Az,) The noe: (Lth, ?, 0,
Meb, 1V:) pl. I>;I;. (TA.)t

see an ex. voce t,.. And] sing. of , b, tI i ti [without [without and with tenween, as is shown (O, 15,) which signifies The appointed timse by by the two forms of its fern., which see in what (0, 4 S,A, 0, 1) of thirst, or of t rtraio follows,] follows,] ($, Mgh, O, M9 b) and * ' G (TA) ('14s, sg of cameflsrom, water, (, A, O,) or of tAh,s Thirsting; Thirsting; or thirsty: ($, TA:) or needing water: 0. r of the retrani~ng of camelsfrom water. (I.) (Mgh:) (Mgh:) or you say, S:1 &9t. i [He s thirsting, . uA man whose camel hae beco thirsting, or thirsty, now]; (Lh, g;) and ja also ,b V ,.J.l [He ill be thirstiny,or thirsty, to- t hirsty. (TA.) [See also j.ttL.] -See morrow] morrow]; (Lh,O, ;) and s Xt . t I 6, /$1 1k [He wil not be thirsting, or thirsty, MI ,Jd A man who has not had drink gimn to thethit day]: (Lh, TA:) fern. [of the first] A after ajker I him. (TA.)
Lil -iti (O, M 9b, 1) and [of the 'TA) (TA) and [of the third] t L$!", u

[The pace1in which on becomes thirsty:

second] * 'ii.

(., 0, Mob,

'1.L A landin which is no water; (O, g;)


Accord. to Mohammad Ibn-Esor deired, [lit, thirwtd,] to meet wh him: like B leree Beree, V i iL" is originally i lile i5~, L a they say ] . (IDrd, O.) And ` L, (., Mgh, 0, Mob, ,) aor. :, (0, UI tC 1 .. he Oj being substituted for the fern. 1, as is shown he ,) inf .n. J., (Mgh, M,b,) or J ;, (0, [Aw Jo AI t [I am vehemently mogi, or byy its plural's being .Ll ' like k a..: ($, or UW Lr1 ~~T A,) He, or it, (a man, S,0, or a thing, Meb,) (0, dresir , to met with the]. (A.) tSee also the C) :) [but there are many similar pls. of epithets /z [but irregubr] iclined; ($, Mgh, 0, Msb, ];) or bent: (MP, 0, fir t p mragraph of art. f the measure cii ; as 5k.. and 5i. and T oe.]meanausg 0oi f A:) and * . 1l also hu the former meaning, we 3. t and ~,iI and j.J,- &C.] You say also . (:MIgh, M b, TA,) as in the saying '.3J ' .. kai 9 forms third )t4m; )L'Sw; B: Iee. pl. the latter being an imitative sequent to i. e. he, or it, inclined towards him, or it; (TA;) Bk. I. ](;) 262 thit

M 0, TA.)_d5W J,1o

sHe longed,

eoond] econd]

( Lth, Lth, 0, g.)

'Lil"(TA) and [of the third] .6l!".

2080 [or the latter meaning;] or it became inclined, (Mqb,) or became bent, (',0 O, Mob, V,) or both, (TA,) ua quaui-pas. of ;aL;; (9, 0, Msb, TA;) and Vt ,f likewise has both of these meanings, as quwie'us. of :;c, or [signifies it became much inclined and bent, for] J. is with teshdeed (TA.) Hence, (MF, to denote muchnes. TA,) J . ~. , (~, Mgh, MA, 0, ],) [aor. as above,] inf. n. jL;; (MA, MF, TA;) and db ,t Ji 3; (g, MA, O,J;) [and .ALI; *l ;] H Ie war, or became, favourably inclined towards him; or affectionate, or kind, to him; (MA, P?;) he regarded him, or treated him, trith mercy or pity or compassion; (MA, Mgh ;) because in mercy, or pity, or compassion, is an inclining towards its object; (Mgb;) i. q. 3JWl Xc; (9,O,g;) and :U;, and *. (TAin explanation of the second.) And i ijf, 8aor. u above, inf. n. js, said of a shecamel, t She became favourably inclined, or compaionate, towardst her young one, and yieded her milt; (Mqb;) and :t V.J [signifies the ame, or se wa made to incline to him, or to affect him]. (M in art.;j, &c.).--: U. also signifies He turned, or returned, againt him: (s:) or he charged, or made an asault or attack, upon him, [in battle,] and turned, or returned, against him: (0, :) or he rtue d tujainst himn with that which he dii~ , or hated: ind to him with that which he duired. (L, referring to a verse of Aboo-Wejzeh E-Sadee , aor. as cited in art. C~, q.v.),.-And above, (TA,) inf. n. ,~ , (V, TA,) signifies also He turned away, or back. (,* TA.) And [hence,] lm signifies t the contr. of *1 JL in the first of the senes asigned to this latter above [i.e. it signifies I He ma, or became, aee .from him; or diafftcted, or unkind, to Aim; or unmerc/fdl, ~ty~, or uncomparionate, to him]. (MF, TA.) - J-i and jl. [as intrans. inf. ns.] also signify A sheep's, or goat's, bndg the neck, not by reaon of an ailment. (TA.) -And J" [app. likewise as an intrans. inf. n.] also signifies Thefolding of the ew~miti of the sirt, of the facing, or outer side, upon, or agait,thOe ining, or inr side. (TA.) _', , (Mgh, Msb, TA,) [aor. as above,] inf n. . , (Mgh, M4b,) He clin~ ed it; (Mgh, M9 b, TA;) namely, a thing; (M,b, TA;) as also * A1 l: (Mgh:) or he bent it, or doube~d it, orfobltd it: (Mb :) or it signifies also he bent it: and t ~A likewise, inf. n. Jai, hau both of these meanings: (TA:) or this latter verb is with teshdoed to denote much. nes [of the action], or multiplicity [of the objects]: (Q, O, TA:) you say, jui :.1U () I bent [or inl~nd] the sick, or pisce of wood: [I bent, or in(MA, P$:) and X I1I t .cined, the sticks, or piec of wood]: (9, 0:) and

bilbo breast]. (0, V.) And one says, $j, ; 3 1e 'Ie lHe incrlined, or bent, or turned aside, the head of his camel torards him; inf. n. Ji: (TA:) and ' 6 AL aa--*t sHe turned aside his de-camel (i;) by pulling her now-rein in order that she should incline r head. (Mgh.) And i,lj1 .iL;, (S, 0,1 ,) aor. and inf. n. as above; (0;) and *LC; (ig;) He bent, or doubled, or folded, the pillow, or cushion, (9, 0, I hen k,) eaing ith hi elbow upon it. (O.)And [hence] one says, ULC;I % di j"; .'j ui;, t God made the hart of the Sulsdtn, or ruing power, to be favourably inclined tomards hitsubjects; to regard them, or treat them, rwith mercy. (TA.) And.j-, ': iLi; t[The feeling of relationh.ip, or conangyuinity, or the sympathy of blood, cauwd, or hath caused, thee to befvourably inlind towards them; tc.]. (UIam 7: see 1, first qarter, in two places.

[BooK I.

8: see 5. _ [Hence,] ,.J I i;1ict He Aung upon himself the bow, putting it supensory belt or cord upon his neck or shoulder; (IAcr, TA;) and so j.JI the svord. (TA.) 10. !&a, l, (0, ],) or 4. L-AL, (e, [in which the meaning is indicated by the addition h.. j! J&, [(He of .i",]) signifies %,& asked him to become favourably inclined towards him; to be affectionate, or kind, to him; or to regardhim, or treat him, with mercy or pity or compassion]: (0,1 :) [or he ~ought, or endeawoured, to conciliate to him Ais affection, or good ill:] or S;Ci l signifies jIAa. *I ZLj_ [I asked him to incline, or bend: but perhaps hA. is a mistranscription for ib"]. (Mb.) ee also 1, latter half, in two places. paragraph, last sentence, is used in grammar u an antecedent: this is of the ep~icative adjmtio,

ji;: see the next p. 76.) And j; si;iI Ji; t [He made in two places. [It the she-camel to incline to, or affect, her young one]. meaning Adjunction to (M in art..i; &ce.: see also " Wti in this two kinds; Xjt UIm

art.) And 1'I iL. J.ii t [She (a camel) is as in x J1 s4; and j..i "JIm the ordinal made to incline to, or affect, the stuffed skin of a , st.: (in each of adjunction, as in jc young unweaned camel in order that she may which instances the latter noun is termed tJAZ; yield her milk, when her young one has died]. and the former noun A:. Vj3.q :) and hence, And 4: . i :'-Z;; (8, o. [see ,L.])_ JjJ. , meaning a particle of adjunction; or t I turned him away, or back, from his object of what we commonly call a conjunction; (as , want. (Myb.)- And nc 511 j ; i.-e. and,,, &c.;) also termedt * J_ an admeans The turning round about, or shue71ing, of jsnctive particle.] the gamingarro. (S voce C..: see a verse cJL The side of ahumanbeing,from tl head there cited.) to the hip, or to the foot: (Mgh :) and the side i, 2: see 1, latter half, in four places. m of a thing: (Mb :) or the dual signifies the two VtJ , inf in n. I made my garme~t to be. sides of a man, from the part next the head to the [by hips: (S, O :) and the two sida of the neck of a to him; an JLti, (0, 1, TA,) i. e. a man: (TA:) and the to sides of anything (, putting it] pohis shoulders, as men do in the 0, ]g:) as relating to a man, (TA,) or a thing, [season of] heat. (TA.) (Mqb,) the pl. is JlC1, [properly a pl. of pauc.,] 5: see 1, former half, in three places. (Msb, TA,) and, as relating to a man, JtL [, L 3 also signifies He (a man) affected a bend also, and j . (TA.) Hence the phrase, . ing of his body; like 'i., with which it is W; e3Jt [They are more pliant, or pliable; procoupled in the [ and 0 and V in art. .]- perly as meaningflerble, mppl, lithe, or limber; fjfl. J~ IHe clad himsef (F, 0O,] .) with but app. here used tropically, as meaning cornthe Ji.L (O) [i.e.] with the .T;j; (s;) as also pliant: compare I%;JI ;J]. (Mgh.) And 4 t Ji.1. (Ibn-'Abbid, 0, JC.) _ Hence, in JUitcl X>J [Pliant, or pliable, &c.], applied to a trad., (TA,) in a prayer of the Prophet, (0,) a horse: (En-Nadr, TA voce t: [see also


e . [lit. He bet [hence, also,] one says, ' from me his ide], meaning he turned awayfrom~ deHs.Hecamein me. (t, 0, ].) And o,& 6. ,IW3means L.',; L~ ; [i.e. an ustraitend, or an eas, or a plasant and t Tey were, or became, fawourably inclined, one (O, J:) or (V) ~T/fu4, state, or condition: towards another; or affectionate, or kind, one to in the :ur [xxii. 9] means (O) t another; i&c.: see 1]. (e, 0, ])) - And JblW ing, or bending, his neck: (0, J :) or (1) .p. .He . (a man, Lth, O) hokh, or moved nifying himself, or behavan proudly, and turming 4 J1 s VI A.Ij bent, or inclined, much, about, his head, in his gait: (Lth, O, ]:) or he te head of th piece of wood]. (TA.) One say indclind from ides to side, therein: or he /alked away (0, ) from El-Isdm. (O.) And CAi of a she-gazelle, ' 1I t&q 1i [She in- with an elegant and a proud and self-con ed ';C. .. [lit. Such a one looks at his ila], meaning, is sef-conceited. (IDrd, 0, .*) cl~, or bends, Ar nech when she lie doswn on her ait. (o,* g.)

j;j 15 Ji > *'. , (0, TA,) meaning : [I declare, or cdebrate, or extol, the absolute perfection] of Ilim who hath clad Himelf with might as with a ;I, [and (as expl. in the g in art. J3 and by gh) hath predominated thereby]. (IAth, TA.)

in art.

and V JiA6I



t JIJlJ and JLLtP, which signify the same,] ..) And so applied. (Q and O and TA voce

I.~ J%

BoOK 1.] Absd The armpit (As, 0, V, TA) of a man: and (Az, TA.)- And hie uld r: pl. Jj. The cured part of each of the tewo etremitie, of the bow; (O, ], TA ;) the two being called its i t , 00mf. (TA.) One says, ii

2081 to signify the -jri, mentioned in the next pre- of the 1V ,, [which would make this explanation virtually the same as the one immediately followceding paragraph]. (].) ing it,]) time after tinu: or that is repeated, [i.e. U" A csrtain plant which ta~nes upon trms repeatly put into the Aj anddrawnmforthfrom and hm no bams nor branche, fed upon by the ome [app. meaning the wild oxen,] (V1,TA,) but it,] time after time: and t JLt.; signifies a gaming arrow that turn aside from the places injuwio to them: (TA :) some of its j.a [app. here meaning root-like stalks] are taken, and whenc the [other] arron are taken (,." twisted, and charmed [by some invocation or ifl]), U 1t,1t [for which the C] has LWIdt otherwise], and cast upon the woman that hates and becomes alone, by itself. (0, ) - -. Also her husband, and she consequently loves him: J ,4, tOne much inclined to favour; or to be (1, TA:) so they assert: (TA:) accord. to AA, affectionate, or kind; and to show mercy or pity iL; signifies one of tie strange hinds of trees or compass~ion. (0.) t A betower of favour, or of the deert: (O, TA:) iiL is the n. un. thereof bounty; good in dipotion; as also t jbG; . (TA.) See also (TA;) of both of which JL is pl.; (, TA ;)

). .3 (0, TA,) in the copies of the I, S


d*AL, but the former is the right, (TA,) meaning [The bow] bert to the ri/ht and eft [in the t,ro croed parts of its e mities]. (O, ], TA.) ;, [i. e. Go s C L& y One says also, thou asidefrom] the beaten track of the road; as signifies albo t & : (IAr,O,1 :) or t 'i" a bendci (Mgh, Myb) in a street (Mgh) or road, (Mqb,) being an inf. n. used as a simple subst.; and t Jlt also has this meaning, applied to a see J3a. ,,, ,: but the .AL in a street [or road] is [a bent part, man: (Lth, TA:) and also this last, and j3fo., ft/tJ [as an epithet applied to a l:t, i. e. sheep being] of the measure J. in the sense of the ~who are t a man who protects, or defends, thoe (Mgh. [See similar instances or goat,] Having the horn t6isted; like 4':is: defeated, or put toflight. (TA.) And t A woman measure 3, occurring in a trad. relating to the poor-rate. lovig to her husband, ajectionate to her child or voce t. (TA. [The masc., c/;I I do not find men- childre~ (TA.) And t A she-camel that is _ Also L~ngth of the edge. tioned.]) ,jL;: see IJ. made to in~ine to, or affect, (g, O,) or that inof the eyelids, (O, 9, TA,) and a bending [app. clines to, or affects, (so in the copies of the 1,) _Lc and l.L. [A garment of either of tie thie stuffed skin of a young unweaned camel, [when psward&] thereof: (TA :) occurring in a trad.: or the word, as some relate it, is jLi [q. v.]; hind, called] a .1 (, 0, O )oand a c;LJ4, and her young one has died,] and that kp, or cleawv, (O, TA;) which is of higher authority. (TA.) any garment that i worn like as is the tij, (TA,) to it: (, O . (TA. [See 1, near :) pl. J 0,

" [las an inf. n. un.] An inclining: hence, e I9a uj, in a thd., ; [AJ though their inclining, ,vhen ;Z;i E SICJ they eard my oice, ere the inclining of the cows (app. meaning wild cows) towards their young one]. (O, TA.) - And A cert~in bead by 0 r;) ms of wich women captiate men; (S, 0, Also), (V,) or V ", u al ao t Us. (i.)

and the former also signifies an ~jj: (]:) the &c.: and the two words are like ;j and 9j, .iJ is said to be called JUa. because it falls against the two sides of the man's neck, which are termed his OtiSe: the pl. [of pauc.] of J~L. is u and ~ and [of mult.] JL and J_j; [also] is a pl. of JiL (TA ;) as meaning an

[or the end.]) - Also, and * JA, A ;;. snare, trap, gin, or net], (O, ], TA,) so called because (0, TA) having in it a pce of wood that
, or incina, (O, ], TA,) in its head: (TA:) bendh also called JjAi. (TA in art. q...)


tA woman havin no pride; gntle; iime or obedient. (AZ, O, ].) s mvery

- and see what here folLabtU: see Jd.: !:1: (, TA:) the pl. of tjL'*' is J,tZL; but Ay says that he had not heard any sing. of lows. this pL (0, TA.) - Hence, (g, O, TA,) ,tL. UI. and U A bow: pL U;. (TA.) signifies also A msord; (S, 0, ], TA ;) because the Arabs called it [in like manner] 'i; [q. v.]; j-OU : see JiJfa, in three places. _ (TA;) and so * :m 1. (].) - And one says, is like ~'j mt, meaning t They who return to 4tU S j,.JI, meaning I put, or plate, the fight [after fleeing, or wheeling away]. (TA 4ls ) the srord upon my side, and beneath my armpit. in art. (TA in art. 41.) incling, or bendA she-gazelle (4) al; down on her breat. she lies wA her nck ing, 'i - Apapplied to a bow: see j1, J plied to a gaming-arrow, (0, lI,) of those used (0, o,.) And Lil; A sheep or goat (A5) bendig its nek, not by re~on of an ailment. in the game called .j. , (0,) as also * t;, , latter half. -' And That inclines towards, or upon, the other arroM (TA.) - See also verse of Aboo-Wejzehlt of the explanations see the [in te receptacle caled the ;], and comesforth e~. - J1, 1 is applied art. cited.in Es-Sa*dee ainning, or before the others: [app. because it is at the goal of the hor~ arriving the first upon which the hand falls :] (O, I:) an to The sixth [in a race; (MA, TA, for together are started that ex. of the former occurs in a verse of gakhr-elon the authority of related as p. 46;) Ham and (O, TA:) [in the TA, Ghei cited in art. ,, that those who not find Az did but EI-Muirrij; in art. W.e, it is expl. as meaning, in that verse, persons, trustworthy him were as from this related a borrowed arrow, in the luck of which one has or (TA:) trustworthy: was himself he though confidence:] or the former, accord. to El-lfuta(TheIloe of her mingled with, and clung to, my bee, (O,) or each, (1K,) signifies the arrow to the forth the.eof (gar p. 270.) - See abo blood and my fesh, like the minling and clinging nhich is aied no ji and no gain; (0, I ;) Ja. of an Al with, and to, the branche of a ild it is one of the three OJli; and is called i.Jla : pl. of inc~ 1i'PI [tA bias, or cau blo-tree]. (ISh, O, TA.) because it returns into every 343 with which one i iZ A it l]. One says, Ui s: see ia;, in two places._ Also The plays; and El-]utabee says that ija t .; in _ and 4X [t A bias of relationship doe not cutreamsits [or teril] of the vine, that hang the verse of .akhr is a sing. in a pl. sense: (0:) signifies me towards the; or no bias of rationhp J:L inclie 8kr, (O,) to accord. (O, ],) or, (!.)- And The tre [or plhnt] thermj. so in the 0, in the copies inclins me towards thee]. (, 0, TA.) - [And s, q. v., said by some that coma [.forth] ( esaed l.. [(n. un. of ,a, I 262 for which ail is used by poetic license, (ISh and O, [referring to a verse which will be found at the close of this paragraph, in which verse, however, it is certainly not used as applied to what here immediately follows,]) A tree to which the ,. [i. e. grape-o~, or branch of a gmrape in,] clis~ ; (ISh, O, j ;) and so iXc, (f,) or thus as written in the "Book of Plants" by AIn, who says that it is thus called because of its bending and twining upon trees: (O: [but this remark seems evidently to show that he means thereby one of the plants mentioned below voce "A. or voce Ua";, or perhaps what here follows:]) IB says that the aii is the .Y,4 [doicho lablab of Linn.]; so called because of its twining upon trees: (TA:) [and this, or what will be found mentioned voce il below, may be meant in the following verse :] a poet says,


[Boox L (lar p. 26 :) accord. to Er-Raghib, mean The not infficting the [punishments ter~ed
j.,. upon him to omnn thy are dw. (TA.) 4: see 2, first sentence.

dgsI hence, m being a cause of inclining,] ab nifies [also] delationsip [itself]; or the tie, or ties, threqf; syn. 4 aj-l: an epithet in which the quality of a substantive predominates. (TA.) [And] t Action, or kindn~; mercy, pity, or compasion. (MA.)

L.Il signifies the being d te of ornature,or decoration. (TA.) _ And sometimes j.l.I is used [for . Jb .l] as meaning The being dstitute : of a thing; though primarily relating to women's ' He ornaments. ($, O.) One says, JQtI jl (a man, 0) was, or became, destitute [of property], see Sj.~It: 9, last sentence. [ofdcipline, or good qualities and and /jl' [A attributes, of the mind, &c.]. (0, ].) - And .: see J'.. j;,a"; and its pl. j placo of inining, or bending, of the body; it signifies also Th being destitute of occupation.


6: see 1, first sentence. - j3, sid of a man, (S, 0,) He remained [or became] itout work, or occupation. (S, 0, V.) [Said of a man, &c., He, or it, was, or became, inactive, or inert. (See #.)] -;

Jt _ 1 u,L> f;< -,

i said of

[or leathern bucket, meaning It wa e

from, i. . unuedfor, tbhe dra~i of mater t J and Ab.;It: see ,.J: (Er-RPghib, TA.) One says,e'. i 3aL;, aor.-', oAith]. (TA.) - And JL3 is said of a tent [as whence,] .1, aor. ', in measure and in meaning [i. e. a,J, , or creaeng, of the skin; like [and a place of~ meaning It became wcant]. (TA in art. v) The hired man was mithout occupation; though whence it is sid that the pl.] .Ibta signifies the 10: see 1, first sentenoe. it seems that in this sense also, accord. to general places,of the body, that nwat. (TA in art. ... ) aor.-]. (Msb. [See also 5.]) usage, theverb is j';, Jt JL;I TAe trew Ad mn Q. Q. 4. 4i.o lAnd A place of doubling, orfolding; or a duplil 4i The canemel rwere ihout a pa- branches, and wu m"uc tangle, or rm And J tatre, orfold, of a garment, or piece of cloth.] luwiant tor to tend them. (M,b. [The context there app. or dense: so acord. to As. (TA.) 8ee abo ii~l: see JIUs, in three places. indicates that the verb in this case, likewise, is la., applied to bows (., to denote muchnes or multiplicity; (?, O, ], TA;) [so that it may signify either Much bent, or, as applied to a number of bows, simply bent: but it is said that] the meaning is, having one of the curvd eatremitie bent tow~rs the othr; and as); also J . so applied to a single bow (, And in like manner applied to milch (TA.) camels (W); [meaning : Made to incline to, or affect, a young one: for] sometimes, or often, they made a number of she-mcamels to incline to, a t 1.J~ or affect, a single young one, (j.9 L;,) and drew their milk while ,lj I they were in the condition of doing thus, in order that they might yield it copiously. (f, O, , TA.)
with fet-h to the IJ; but I believe it to be more is with teshdeed correctly .J;.]) _ And 0j, (0, j~,) with Q. Q. 4 in arts. J!c and Olb.



lat sentence.

kesr [to the J], (0,) [i. e.] lilike Vi, (1,) signi.

Xj; inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (, O, ])

fies also He was, or became, large in the body. The dnudmd, or unclad, part, or parts, of the (0, I) ;J; so wjq,: in the saying a body; syn. %QL;I [A rwoman beautful in respect of th 2. sO1 Ji e and t WacI signify the same ]. [app. in all the senses assigned to the former]. denuded, or unclad, part, or parts, of the bo (O.)- _'isheh is related, in a trad., to have said ', meanrespecting a woman who had died, ti ing Divest yo her of her ornaments. (O, 0.) _ [Hence,] 541 J , in n. l";i, He disrtded the bow of its string. (TA.) - [Hence likewise,

(TA.) ,And The body, or pen~; syn. ~

(g, 0, 1, TA;) particularly, u some say, of a human being; (TA;) like ,i": (?, O, TA:) !f.4, ; i pl. Olt;f. (1.) And one says, meaning [flow beautiful is] his tallnet, orjutne of stature, and his perfectness [of make] I ($, O.) signifies [also] lhe rendering - And The neck. (]).) _And Beauty of body. the inf. n.] ,j.l vacant, void, or woccpied, (J, TA,) a place of (TA.) m Also A stalk of a raceme of a palhacord. to IDrd: abode, and the like. (TA.) And The teaving a tree; (, 0 ;) as also t ll;, thing wntendd, unminded, or ne~ected. (l, TA. (0:) or the former,.(TA,) and t the latter, ..ila [Inclined, or bent: &c.].- [Gl..h in the CIF is a mistake for lstl.]) One accord. to IDrd, and accord. to As, who rays 0, s:) of b4am. An Arabian bow, (IDrd, , O. that he heard it from the cultivators of palm-tres says of the frontier of a hostile country, ;, whirh the crved etremity is much bent towards (0,) the sak of a l ') in El-Abp, meaning It roa gl without any to d~nd it. ( l:

it, and which i umed for [shooting at] the butts: , mean- raceme of a mal palr-tree, (0, TA,) to which .4i signifie the (TA.) And of subjects one ays, (IDrd, O, I :) and t* ing Tey nere ft ithout any one to govern them. Az adds, wit which the female p~amtr is same. (TA.) - See also JA, in two places. A place of inclining, or bending; (?, *" O,M,b, ] ;) [as ablso t';i , pl. .S.Li;] and the so * J ,o: (TA:) you say Lq ll (f, vally: of the or bending, plce Qf inclning, O, Mb, ]:) and 4,f1 VJMi [thb places of 'in isg, or beding, of the /lys]. (. voce
% , inf. n. as (TA.) One says ao, j?I above, I lf the camel it out a pastor to tend t1; , in the Blur 'LJI, them (M,b.) lxxxi. 4, men Andt wen the pregnant camde [tn months gone wi young] shall be tkt witou~ a paor, or ith t being milked [P] ; (Jel;) by reason of the terrors of the hour; (0 ;) i. e. by men's having their minds occupied by the terrors of the day of resurrection. (TA.) And " is said of lands of seed-produce as meaning They 1 signifies / rtneft~tivatd. (TA.) -S.~ also i I [as meaning The making, or leat.ng, vacant from any work, occupation, employment, or uMemor use; free therefrom; unoi; I 1 One says, . (, 0, ]) ployed. (Mlb.) be Unoccuied. to made th Ahired man fecundated: (0:) or t ~ ' andt signify

a stalk of a i

[or spadiw] of a male pahtre

[with thlow~ers upon it]. (V, TA.)

[,3L is an epithet of which only the fem. (with

is applied to a she;) is mentioned.] _-l'; camel as meaning Good/4, or beaut/fid: pl. '..:s (%, 0:) which is expl. by A'Obeyd in f: this sense, and not derived by him: held by ISd to be a possessive epithet: (TA:) or the sing., thus applied, goodly, or beautifil, in body: ( :) or thus a applied to a woman: and, applied to a she-camel, perfect in body and taillns (TA.) [i. e. - Also, applied to a she-camel, i q. i; or o milk las tr Abound ing i out the year]. (I.) And, applied to a ewe or she-goat, Abounding muc in mil: (0:)or, accord. to Lth, that is knomn iA [the app ance of] Aer nekA to be one abounding in miU. (O.) _ And, applied to A jt [or leathern bucket], Having its [tog called] 1; brohe, (0, , mtt TA,) othat it hAs become eaeptdfo

1. 'A..', [in my copy of the Mqb said to be of the cl,e of J3, perhaps a mistrmncription for jj, but am what is said below of " as ,yn. with t;4, from which it may be inferred that -",, is correct in the sense here following as l,] msid of a woman, [aor.: ,] in n. well as

:'," > / '1 JL (9 od v in rt. ,) L(,0 o V)and (o, V;) and,-. ~O; And the os from srice in oarfare;] [Hefrd (, O,1 ;) Sb had not upon Aher any wome's go to mar upon the horns. (TA in did not he ornaments; (V, TA;) and wore not any ornature, or dwora~tion: (TA:) or her nAc w dmsite of that art.) - [Also Te asertion of the tmet, or ji. " , q.v.] . And ,>l ncklace, or the like; (?, 0;) as also v ..a;.,l: tnt, of th J


BooK L.]
1 Soft, or tender, trees. (TA.) - See [i. e. unaued.for,]) the dranningof nater there- j aS '~ sentence. last with: (TA:) or that has b-en 1eft for a time un- also iL;, used, and of which the thongUJs abov mentioned, S*L: see the next paragraph, in two places. and the loop-shaped handlex, hare been broken. [pass. part. n. of 2 (which see for some 'j~ (IAth, TA.) Hence the saying of 'Aisleh, dcis applied to Anything left significations)] its of ; [IIe ,W! j.j l scribing her futher, i.ll untended, unminded, or neglected; as also Jj. repairedtit rending, and put .,; to that bucket signifies People, or subrere w; brn,ken]; meaning that he (TA.) [Thus] j.i of which the to goveren them. (TA.) one any without left jects, restored the afflirs to their state of order, and without a pastor. [left] J1 Camels strengthened the condition of El-Islam after the And tL

2083 made to relate to 4, q. v.,) thn offering her the i a second time: (V, TA:) or it signifies water [agreeably with the first explanation above] her j ati4fying her thirst, then lying doa: (],' TA:) iin which explanation, in [some of the copies of ] is erroneously put for JhJP ,. 1 the ], j3Z IL;,. 0 occurs in a trad. as (TA.) '.1 1 1 meaning Tihey had rested, or had driven back to 1 rite nightly resting-place, their cattle. (TA.)


apostatizing of men. (O, TA.)

(~,) so says J, but, as Alee Ibn-.lamzel 1 says, it is the a;i, a well-known plant, not the IB [rik, that is used for this purpose, ( , TA,) i, [or perhaps Ui. is a mistranscription for the Sur xxii. 44], (O,TA,) A weU or whose neck is destitute of neklaces or the like; reading [in syn. of a be to jb art. in g the in said water is not drawn, and of the water which is :) or t this liut signifies from wohich as also t 3jlU : (, O [i.e. the fce thus tmud], or of w,hich no use is made: (TA:) or it is thus 'a~,] or .i her: up orant omen's no having it, and comred it usuay called because [it is on of which] .it omnrs have st, and thre the in into Aubbeoe (]:) the p1. (of Ujl, TA) is JU.1i and (of perished: (S, O, TA:) neglected by reason of th ower, in order that its wool might the inb throwa is it which ~ed and looe; after (~,TA.)and ~. death of its omrs. (JeL) J1;, TA) JI' tan: ( :) or, as also V "., he put the sdin into [Hence,] JUl:i applied to camels, (?, 0, V,) *jiJ One who asrt~that the universe is devoid the tan, and left it so that it became corrpt aln Having no haltersupon them: (~, 0 :) or haring of an artiJficer who constructed it tkifully and stinking: (V:) or he sprnkled water apon it, (V, no collars upon them, nor halters; and so a adorned it: (Er-Rhghib, TA:) [but] the 'aLUA TA,) andfolded it, (TA,) and buried it (V, TA) applied to horses: (I:) and, (Th, ,) applied of the Arabs were of different sorts: one sort of for a day and a night, (TA,) so that iut hair to camels, (Th, TA,) having upon them ino brands: them disacknowledged tSe Creator,and the raisnng (], TA) or its wool, (TA,) became loose; in .]_ (Th, :) sing. ` . (V.) [See also and restoring to life, and asserted that nature is order that it might be plucked off; (], TA;) And, applied to men, Having no weapons rith that ,vhich brings to life and time is that which and that it [the skin] might be then thrown into them: (S, O, :) in this sense, also, pl. of jlp. brings to noulht: another sort of them acknon- the tan, it being then stinking in the utmost .S. . applied to a bow, Having no string ledged the Creator,and the beginning of creation, degree: (TA:) or Idl1 signifies the putting [a (15.) aor. :, , but disacknobldged the raising and restoring to skin] into the tan. (As, TA.)upon it: (0,O, M9b, :) pl. ,Lt 1. (TA.)the acknowrrledged them of sort another and life: It behide, a of said (S,) , ,1 and (;, g,) inf. n. [or J1.JI' and t ji And ' and a came stinking, and it wool fil off, in the procaE creation, of beginning the and Cteator, ! (see 1)] signify, appfied to aman, Destitute mode of restoration to life, but disachnoledged [expl. above]: (AZ, ., TA:) or it of property and of discipline,or good qualities and the apostle, and worshipped idols, and asserted termed ' wa put into the tan, and left so that it became attributes, of the mind, &c ($, O, V.) them to be their intercmors with God in the life corrupt and stinking: (]:) or water was sprinkledt come, and performed pilgrimage to them, and upon it, (!V, TA,) and it was folded, (TA,) and i The state of being, or remaining, without to victims to them, and offered offerings, sacrificed worh, or occupation; (S, MA, O, g ;) a subst. and wought to advance them~elv in their farour buried (], TA) for a day and a night, (TA,) aso that itu hair (V, TA) or its wool (TA) became (0, ,1.) One says,/iUJ l $: from j. by means of religious rites and ceremonies, and loos; in order that it might be plucked off; (/, [He complains of being without work, or occupa- legalized [certain things] and prohibited [others]; TA;) and that it [the skin] might be then throwns mean. He is and these were the generality of the Arabs, except tion]. (TA.)_ And ia.~ . into the tan, it being then stinking in the utmost one who has no estate upon which to labour, or a small portion of them. (Esh-Shahristanee.) degree: (TA:) and eikaat signifies the same: work. (TA.) (., ] :) or this signifies it (a skin) became loose places. two in sentence, first 3L;, see S~t~: which no ue is made, and from which no advan, applied to a woman, (B, 0, d ) ; and tage is derivred, of land. (S, O, V.) And .t Myb, !r,) Having no women's ornaments upon accord. to one i~ her; (Myb, g ;) [and] so t jl : (IDrd, O:) i.L, (8, O, TA,) and plant, j1

(Mo ,

aor.; (S, O) and ', (](,) inf. n. 2;f l '., which is a certain j;1, (S,) He took j;i, .) And ~L;1 What has no onr,of 1

*)lMa [a pl. of which the sing. is not men- TA.) tioned] The parts which are the places of the or;, latter half, in three places. see jJ': H.,,e made for hims,f S. >L, inf. n. nament of a woman. (IDrd, O, ](.) like as one says of a TA:) (], v.]: [q. an'CL >c&: see J;, first sentence, in two places. v.: also q. see , 'JUL . part. n. of [3'L bird ,.4., meaning "he made for himself an _ tHence,] 19 ;Gi r s of which the Q. Q. 4 in arts. s,Jmo and Jlk.] : JUl* P" [i. e. " a nest "]. (TA.)-j ords are without diariticalpoints: opposed to see 1, near ee 1, first sentence. - -JI 'c: i ^ Fi,s. (Var pp. 60810.) the middle. in th ~ck, with bauty of body; (, TA;) applied to a woman: (TA:) or long, or tall, in an absolute sense; and thus a applied to a she-canel and to a horse: (TA:) or long in the weck; (i, ]., TA;) applied in this sense to a woman, O, and to a she-md, (g, O,) and to a horse, (g,) or to any animal: (], TA:) or tall, with beauty of a~et and fates; thus as applied to a sheamend: the g is augmentative. (TA.) It is bo a proper nme of a eertain she-camel. (?, O.) - Also Tall, as applied to a [hill, or moun(O.) - And tain, such as is termed] 4ae.

se~ U>, first sentence. : ee

in its wool without becoming corrupt. (Agn,


Long (I, TA) in tse 3j1,

i. e., (TA,)



ccS(, (,Mob,

Jl K) or

" ;S [7Tn ple, 4. .; ~I mL means ;X! L

owJI ;,,

, (8, or party, had thircamels lying dom at the wter (TA,) aor.: and, inf. n. ajPr having matisfid teir thirsnt: ee 1, first M9b,l ,) The cames lay down [at the rwater] ajbr !entenoe]. (g, .)~ 1 C.Lo.l He waterd after having atisfied their thirst; (., Msb,- g ;) !entmoe]. made them to li down [at the : (1:) and jlsl, (], TA,) it the camels and the ; uas o V water]: he eonid the camels at the or (F, TA:) is said, (TA,) signifies the rating, or the driving afer kavin oom to it down, lay they and water, water, back t the nigh9tly rsting-place, a she-camel after [and order that they might is TA,) (V, drunk], her drinkinj: (], TA:) or the bringing her back this the Arabh do only in (TA:) drink again: drink to the ' L [q. v.], waiting in ~spectation ith the intense beats of summer; not when the season her, because he did not drin the first time, (so becomes cool: (Mb :) or they do this only when in the 1 accord. to the TA, but in the CV, the asterism of the Plciades (Q~1l) rises [auro. agreeably with the ., this last meaning is f the

m 2084 rally, i. e. about the middle of May, O. S.], and 1 liberal, munficnt, or generous. (S, KC, TA.) men return from the seeking after herbage to the And .L.1 signifies .",iJll [app. as meaning places of waters, or of constant sources of water: Odour, from the same word as inf. n. of they da so only on the day of the camels' coming 11 said of a hide]: so in the saying of Adee Ibnto the water; and they cease not to do thus [when 1 Zeyd, cited. by Sh, necessary] until the time of tihc [auroral] rising 1 of Canopus (Jew [i. c. early in August, O. S.]), 1 in the 42, [app. here meaning the period olr the rain so called, (sce the latter of the two tables in page 1254,)] after which they do it not, but [Pure in conduct, or actions; he guards his the camels come to the water and drink their r honour, or reputation,fr'omn unseemlinesw in re.pect (Irauglit and return firom the water: (Az, TA:) of that which should be Iteld sacred, or inviolable, or Jol XAl0 signlifies he brought back tke canmels orJilthinessof odour]. (TA.) to the p.L; [q. v.], nwaiting in expectation with part. n. of ' [q. v.] said of a hide. thenm, because they did not drink tge Jirt timne. r,i Stinking hides. (So in the CV [agreeably with what here follows; (S, TA.) [Hence,] (TA.) lit see 1, first sentence].) And one says, i1&l &L a subst. from 'j I alI [q. v., as such the >,", waiting in expectation with him, he not signifying The waterinj of camels and thin making tiem to lie down at tihe water: or the having dr-unk. (S.) confining of camels at the water, whwre they lie 7: see 1, last sentence. doen, after having come to it and drunkl. (1.) ~ Also The place of [the operation termed] .&; and * jk (ISk, S, Mgh, Msb, O) or i ;it [inf. n.. of 3XL in the phrase ,=LJI XL, ,;L 1 ; (TA [but this I find not elsewhere]) The q. v.]. (AZ, TA.) uxual abiding-place of camelsw: (V:) and also, (], TA,) by predominance of usage, (TA,) or *1% Feces such as are termed .,, or salt, which only, (Az, Mnb, TA,) the place of camels, where one puta in, or upon, a Aide, [in preparibg it for they lie down, (Az, $, Mgh, Msb, TA,) at the tanning,] in order thlat it may not stink. (V1.) 7cater, (Az, $, TA,) or around the 'water, (Mgh, Myb,) or around the watering-trough, (V, TA,) a;cL; i. . _,L;, q. v., applied to a skin. in order that they may drink a second time, after (1.)-And (hence, TA), as also t L41, apthe first draught, and then be sent back to the plied to a man, Stinking (., TA) in the exterior places of tsture to remain therec during the in- of the skin: or the latter, blamed in respect of tervalb beteen tho ivaterings; ($;) anid likewise somefoul affair. (TA.) the places of shleep or goats, where they lie down 4! : see what next precedes. around tie wmater: (ISk, $, M9 b, I, TA:) pl. of the former ,LLI;; and of the latter tV,?b; ;,ts, (S, ]~,) applied to a she-camel, (.K,) or (Az, i, Mgb, M9b, IV;) which latter pl. is used to camels, (S, Msb,) as also [the pls.] .! (S, by the lawyers as meaning [generally] the places Meb, 1) and of lyisg down of camel i ~, (1],) but not 5th thus (Myb.) The [space called] y,i [q. v.] of the well of the jk; is applied, (TA,) Lying down [at tite water] after said to be forty cubits. (Mg.) Prayer in the having satisfed her, or their, thirst. (S, Msb,* -)_And ia Uand X* and -", (,TA) pjacI of camels is forbidden, because the person praying is not secure from being hurt by them, and o~.tr (TA) [all plt. of Of] Men who and diverted from his prayer, and defiled by the have alighted, or descended and abode, in , tZ sprinkling of their urine. (IAth, TA.) g4, [pl. of :]. (lg, TA.) Jl [in which S 1 is understood after ';; and its pl. .Q: see . ofJ1] means Tie camels lay down [in a place by the water]: (p:) or sat fied themselvi with ,;,& A skin prepared for tanning in thi drinking and then lay down around tihe ater or manner signiJied by the phrase 2.4i ;a, expl. by the watering-troughs, to be brought again to above; (s, asalsot*;'.. u;) (1.) drink another time. (lAth, TA.) And one says, aiwl J J; The she-catnl lay down [&c.]. (TA.) And g ;uL; ules o the people's coamele ti f thsves with drinking until they lay dorm and remained in their place [at the water]; occurring in a trad.: (TA in art. :) or the people atied their thirt and the abode at the water. ( and TA in the present art.) [Hence] one says, li J,O.K (X,) 1. Ii, [aor. , ,] . inf. n. ;. : see 6, first quarter, in five places. - [Hence] one says ,[Hih, so that the hand wi not reach it]. (TA.) - And 'ias signifies alo The act of raiting the head and the hands (1, TA) to take a thing. (TA.) See also an ex. or JL It , (b, TA,) Such a one is a in a verse cited voce el, p. 106, first col. [And pe n po yng much wealth; haing an amp ac;e , and so.n_ ;' ' : am 6. dUelling or place qf abode; (, TA;) andeoe d *~'ater,ui, power or strength or ight; or S. jr j, (e, ], TA,) with tesbdeed, (g, 1 ;ja ).J.I Tl man brioulght back his camel to [Boox I. TA,) thus in the M, M' as well as the g, erroneously TAJ written in [some of] the copies of the ]C f "m, . | (TA,) lHe srvesw me, does ervice for me, or ntinisters mninisters to me; as also t hsa. (?, C, TA.) CiA You say, / - i. e. IWho has the office of serving serring thee? (TA.) ~ And I inacited hitia, him, or mtade him, to hasten, or be quickt. (.Stg, g.) 3: see 4, in two places:

and see also 2.

,. eLr 1! means ite boy wrought for his family, and gave them, or landed to them, what they desired. (ISd, Z, V, TA.) - And itI~l signifies A man's mneeting, face to face, a man havingtwith him a sword, and sayiig, "Bring tnear tly snord," and lh gives it, and tiereupon each acts with the otiter awhile in a manner resembling the slaying with the edge of the sword (,J [see tu i ~ p]); they being in a marketplace or a mosque: thie doing of which is forbidden. (TA.) jLi 4Il5 means [I joined in mutualy, or reciprocaly,giin, or pr senting, the pints of wine; i. e.] . I;J,v.7. ' o11 3t!t &lJs [I garc, or preted to, the cup-companion, and they gave, or prnted to, me, the pintU of wi,]. (giar p. 650.) 4.

, (KI,MF, TA,) and t 1L.4 (S, M,b,

O) and :*Ul, (K,) The act of giving, preosenting, or offering; or giving with tite hand in the way ofpresenting or offering; syn. 3'l. (S, Mgb, 5, MF, TA) 4 ' ui..; and 1t~i has been
expl. as syn. with L4~; but several authors make a distinction between these two words, saying that the latter is sometimes obligatory and someU.'CL.N times by way of favour, whereas the former is never but by way of sheer favour; as EI-Fakhr Er-Rizee says; though most of the leading lexicologists know not this distinction. (MF, TA.) One says, %, lLI; and ," tJ,, inf. n. 5 .j U,s"4 and t~.; He gave him, &c., the thing. (TA.) And 1. Ua&l [He gave him, &c., proa ' 1Jd I gave hin, &C., a dir/temn. (Msb.) And as the significatioa of tlhis verb does not depend upon the condition of taking, or receiving, but only upon giving, or delivering, one may say, Jd.. I I gave, or delivered, &c., to htim, and he did not take, or receive]. (Mqb.) [See also a verse cited in' the first paragraph of art.,h, in which this verb has a single objective complement with ., redundantly prefixed to it.] l !,(S,) inf n. as above, (1],) signifies also t He wans, or became, tractable, manageable, or submissive; (S, j, TA;) 1 said of a camel: ( :) and #,o Jissl [lit. e gave h/i hand, said of a man,] signifies the same: j 1 accord. to Er-Righib, .cl, said of a camel, primarily signifies he gate his head, and did not i resist. (TA.) [Hence,] one says to a tractable camel, when his haltering becomes loosed (lit. 1 opened) from his muzzle, Ji. [meaning ~e thAy head]; whereupon he bends his head towards his rider, and he renews his haltering. (TA.) -

perty]. (s.) And

Boor I.] largea giver is he of pro- noble, or honourable; and Vthe latter, in relation or foul. (1I, TA.) And :; c, and to that which is bad, pry!] is like the phrase o;; Z %i (S, Msb) i. e. Such a ,,i, lUj. says, one j,~! tL; anomalous, because the verb of 3 one enters into such a thing: (S:) or ventures wonder is not formed from the measure WOil, boldly, daringly, or courageousay, upon such a and only what has been heard, of this kind, from thing, and dloes it. (Msb.). [And Such a one the Arabs, is allowable. (., TA.) takex, or aplplies hiimself, to such a thing; as wine, or the drinki.ng thereof; and gaming: you say, 6, last also see mAnd 10. see J.a.: 5. or hastened, Also lie see Ksh and B1d and alc: quarter, in two places. iWts1; and 'JI .L;fILL, [Hon

2085 Mgb, X :) or, as some say, ','Z is a coll. n.; and when the sing. is meant, one says t i6 : (TA:) is &lJ [a pl. of pauc.] and !.A;. the pl. of Us& latter is a pl. pl.: (1. :) and the which K) (Mgh,

pl. of V 6 is t"L;- (S, Mgh, Mb :) and !tZ

made haste. (.gh, 15.)

6. 1 . The act of taking [a thing that is given, presented, or offered, or that is as though it presented, or offered, itself], or taking with the

hand; as also Vt;4; syn. of bothbJ


has also for a pl. 9 Ubt~, anonymously. (TA.) Wt also signifies [A soldir's stipend, or pay; or what is given his allow:ance; and so it :] -treaury the governmennt from soldier the to out L tZ He af. Jel in ii. 216.] And a:JI J out is given what w3J, and *.,.) in art. or twice; not. (TA a year, but weas once fected to be a poet [He afcted, to him every month: or the former, everJ year, .w t1JMH i j uw J,.& And t or atte,;mpted, eloquence, not being of those endowed or month; and the latter, day by day: or the former, and t Zib,, wlhat is assigned to thoss who tlhereith]. (TA in art. &.)

One says, U.*W He took it, or took it witl hu

wrhat is asig~d to 10. UIa-Al He aslted for a gift; as also Jight: and j.b and ac, 1Ie t o 3.; (8, ..) And i' ,'AI LL.a;rl and the poor iludims wrhen they are not Jfigltitg. hand; syn. ;j : (8:) and C1 ;4t ; j.]) take, or take with his hand, such a thing; [as, 5 lIe sought, demanded, or a,ked, [a gift] (Mgll. [See also for instance, food, and beverage;] syn. 'd L: a.. ... (f imen or of the people [with his hand and in his sc: sceje~. j 9tL1 Zeyd took, or took hand]. (M, TA.) (TA:) and IL with his hand, a dirhemn; syn. dJjW: (M.b:) ,;1&, q. v. (8, TA.) dim. of t1: see U&.

and syn.

;'la and ;jl;.: see tU.;, first sentence. applied to a gazelle, :and and anL, (1(, TA,) and to a kid, accord. to Kr, who men6seC i;, latter half, in six places. 4'/A: l took th thiL,, tions only the first, as though an inf n. used as jl], inf. n. , .. [i. e ;Jt 2 or took it with his hand; syn. djLOj: anti an epithet, (ISd, TA,) Stretching itelfup towards [Hence] 1;a.I Thi mill, or hand nilU; syn. L1;iI. (T in art. A*.) He took the vessel, or took it the tree, to take therefrom; as also bu l ( ;) d.. 1" . ; t with his hand, (aJ)j,) before its being put upon [Se also st;.] h1t A gazeile raising his hcad to take the leares the ground. (TA.)- And The taking with tiw .] Henco, (TA,) [fa treel. (TA.) [Sec also hand (J;l) wrhat is not right, or just, or due. and tA bow that is easy (, iS' ,.A,i .Iy; 'j . bc (S, Meyd, TA) Taking [or reach(1.)-And The contending in taking. (IS.) One yielding. (S.) [See also J..] ing to .take] witout there being aught of things says, sli:rI ;lt TIey took the thing, or took it dpe.ided, (Meydi) a prov.; (S, Meyd, TA;) apr jl Such a one Coided thin orddre tal,z swith the hand, one from another, and contended plied to him who arrogates to himself that which together in doing it. (TA.) -[And The con- [as an 4tawee, measing] much in quantity: he does nbt posses';. (Meyd;) or to him who tenSing in giving, presenting, or o.bring.] One originating from the fact that B man of the Benoo- arrogates to himself knowledge that does not says also, 1.3j;" LL3, (S, 1, TA,) aor. A,eeyeh voided thin excrement on his being regulate him; (TA;) or meaning, taking [or 1 is the appellation reaching to take] that which is not to be hoped ,Ia (TA,) i. e. [te contended in giring, and it flogged. (Z, TA.) ,;J1, may also mean in taking, and] I overcame, or of A sect of the , so called in relation to. for (S, TA) nor to be taken. ($. [See also art. .o surpassed, him [therein]. (8, 1g, TA.)_ [And .teeyleh Ibn-El-Aswad El-Yemumee El-Hanafee. l,.b]) [And 'j.~L is applied to a mare as simply The giving, preenting, or offering, mu(last senmeaning Raising her head: see iet (TA.) tually, re?iprocaUy,or by one to another. See an J.] tence) in art. . - And hence, The reciting, one :t. and V l A gift, as meaning an act of ex. voce LiLCl [signifying lffore, and most, .cee/mnt in with another, or the rying, one with another, in giving [in an absolute sense, or] of such as is :) ( generous: or munificent, is anomalous, being formed from the augbountiful, giving liberal, If, says One reciting, ;erses, or poetry.] is a subst. 5.sc of giving,] the act signifying [as mented verb .s l]: see ,v.I. f>1.(.TA and TV in art. j.j) t Thley re.,,~ another, [or they vied, one rwith [i. e. a quasi-in n.] from [.;l (, Msb;) and cited, onme w Lk [Giting, &c.]. When thou desirest Zeyd another, in reciting,] verse, or poetry, of the is originally jL : and when they affixed to it ;, [i. e. any person] to give thee a thing, thou sayest, as uJ;also ,;jW. (TJI in that to denote unity, some said 1 i't[i, and some metre termed j .i [lit. Art thou my gioer of it ?], 1 .E: Jo art.) And The standing upon the extremities said V"L": and in forming the dual, they said . teshdeed to the iS: and in like fet-h and with of the toes, mith raising tlhe haids to a thing. (V.) and 0 .j : (., TA:) it is used as a manner thou sayest to a pl. number, ~,;i -31" And hence, (1, TA,)as some say, (TA,) ,Lt quasi-inf. n. in the saying, falls jia, (], TA;i in the ]ur [liv. 29]: (TA:) for because the ;j [of the word .,4] 4, m this is said to mean And he stood upon th eo- 0 prefixed a becoming word's of the reason by out Le , 9*1t ?j ~ 5&*1 tUiS ~i, 4 J js tremitis of his toes, then raised his hands, and p noun, and the 3 is changed into iS and incorpoA'-Ca`1 isyl AiLL" xm,ote her: (., TA ) or this means and he took is prorated [into the pronominal iS], and the the sword, (osh, Bd, Jel,) or the. she-camel, [Shall I show ingratitude after the repelling of nounced with fet-b because [originally] preceded (Ksh,) and slewher: (Ksh, Bd, Jel:) or andhe deathfrom me and after thy giving as a bloodwit by a quiescent letter [i. e. the 3 which is changed embo&dend hirself &e.: (Ksh, Bd :) [for] for me the hundred camels pasturing at large into S]: and to two persons thou sayeat, 3 ,I.; signifies also The being bold, daring, or amid abundant herbage?], I,WI1 being governed %J.a jt1;31, with fet-b to the iS: and thus you courageous, so as to attempt, or mntre upon, a in the accus. case by .iU;I: (I'A p. 211:) the do in similar cases (S, TA.) - [Hence,] thing witout consideration or hesitation: (TA:) _,in (i, TA. [See dim. of '*U& is * . i.ad. t A pliable bon7, not rigid nor resisting to or, as also ' fw;, the enturin upon, or embarkas A gift 1] and [i. e. .oi Also )art. wrho pu//s the string: or, as some say, that him ing in, or doing, (V, TA,) a thing, or an affair, so ti; (J;) or giim; that is a thing meaning bent and not been broken. (TA.) [See ben has (v,) or a bad, or foul, thing or affair: (TA:) gbh, (8, also V'1a6: so 1) (gbh, and or the former is used in relation to that which is (Mgh;)

I took th thing with the handl; 'rV, t`.;A; J1 V *L;, and (S:) or l aglt I:



*' -(B A mucA, or cro 8, .)


[Booz L

fiLo A man, and a woman, who ~

or o"I: pl. a; nd IQ;. (bAh,

d, upon it. (Marg. note in an auto- as is also .,Lc]: (S, Mb, ]:) A]n ays, one graphical copy of the TA.) of the Arabs of the desert told me that the ,ri is the maeb a_.: he also says that it is a salU 8: see 3, first sentence.

tree or plant, (Q e), of the [ekLu cald] %, ub;; [a pl. of iL Z and] an nomalous pl Q. Q r. 4. JI JluW The troe had r.any that grows in a late ena , and the greem of of ft, q.v. (TA.) brance. .(IKbh,O.) See also Q. Q. 4 in arts.
J.L and Js,.

jJ.: 1. ,'1 J .iGt , nor. '; and aort.; aor, (i, TA ;)inf. ;. j ; (TA ;) Th dog mounted,
oea upon another, (V, TA,) in coit. also 3.]) t

aee J.

which is lasting: and in one place he says, an Arab'of the desert, of the SarAh (3;IbJ), told me that the ';L. [which is the n. un.] is a tre or

4, ,


see 5.

8 c.L, (i, TA,) or >lJtI sj -Ila, (0,) inf n. and jti , (, 1,) said of dogs, (., 0, J,)and of beasts of prey, (TA,) and of locut, (8, ],) and of whatever stick fast (., 0, ], TA) in ooitu; (TA;) u also 't .JW , (., 0, 9,e) and r .. ,Ui~ , (O, ],") said of locusts (O) c.; (8;) [(, and so t a; (see 6 belowr;)]
CokArmn in coitu. (., O, l] , TA.) And

that ries upon a stem about a cuit tha.) JIL. and : A , large ;Ji [or rat]: also plant ( mentioned as with ,,: on the authority of Aboo- [in height] and las brarhdes at thLe etremitis of (TA. [See Sahl. (Marg. note in an autographical copy of which are iwhat re~mbl tLh blowna of the j,,b [or coriander], and it (the tree or plant) is dutthe TA.) [See alo LU.] coloured: (TA:) some say that it is the .i [or i [a pl. of which the sing. is not mentioned] Brazil-mood]: (Msb :) MF says, it is the ; .a q ,,~, i. [of which see the sing., ,W*.]; [or marxl-maxow]: (TA:) thus says El-]areeree; (IA*r, O, as U;)also t . (Marg. note in but El-'Okbaree says that it is not that: (ar p. 625:) and some say that it is a certai rd an autographical copy of the TA.) dye. (TA.) Hence the prov., :Sii. j lHe is the permson ho says to him, "I am lika the," or " better than thou," and to wmhom * th latter say th same. (Marg. note in an autoi. e. [A white, or fair,femal,] whoe whitem~ graphical copy of the TA.) [or brijhteas]Ji,~rwill not blacen [or darhn]: ' Ji and [its pIl] ( 0, 0j V) and St1 applied to that which is notable, which nothing (marg. note in an autographical copy of the TA) will conceal. (Meyd, TA.) - Hence, as being likened thereto, (S,) it signifies also The dark and Ulti, (ISh, TA,) applied to locusts (;tq), JJ. (TA.) CoAete in coitu. (S, O, ], TA.)- [Hence,] night: (5, [ :) one says .. M A certain day (i.e. coct) of th

;lbo is aid of anything u meaning It mounted upon it, or ovmray it. (El-Amidee, TA.) u" ls1 signifies C* m.: t [i.e. VJUa Th
itroducig isto mrm a hemiatich, or a er, or nor, ofanoterpot; co.: ee more in art. ].

(8, 0.) One says, 1 s Jil, inf. n. jls, Arab, wel kmown; (.8, O, ];) said in the A to be that of m3ooTemeem, when thy went to fight meaning C~ [i.e. Hes itroduced into the ode a against Behr Ibn- WdI: (TA ) so called because ,Aem~&, c-]. (].) And b s the people bore, or pressed, or crowded, as though uHtiJI [S,cA a o,n doa not, or wi not, intro- mounting, one upon another, (l - due intose k&.]. (..) 'Omar said, of the 8, O, I,) therein, (., O,) when they were routed: best of poets, :0l ~*LJ ', meaning He do (TA:) or because they congregated therein as not mae onM part of th language to accord in though they were mounting, one upon another: (A]ei, TA:) or becaue two and three of them maning with another, [(so I render . , rode upon one beast (., O, ], TA) in the rout: . i4 ;M ,p, (see art. J,..,) i. . he does not thus says A 4 : or because Bigtm Ibn-]eys and ,nake of tao~gy,] nor do Ah wutter tlat H(ni Ibn-]abeeah and Mayroo Ibn-'Amr and wAich is a repetition, or that which it dimpprovd, El-*owfain combined therein for the command. (JAI1 >. jl,) nor reaitra an apressw: (TA.) or, oaccord. to El-Amides, lA dos not make th
langage obs~, nor crord on part of it upon (Kr, ]) anoter: (TA:) or he sid, ;A ' a; ; - ,


Dark~. (g.)

Du; syn.

and .



sand J

Z A place aboundg i


3fL see what next precedeL. [And see its referring to Zuheyr, and mesaing he rndred the aying distinct and plain, and did not naA it vfrb, Q. Q. 4] obsr. (O, TA.*) - ,b also signifies He sid to Aim, "I am iik ths," or " b r r tAan thou," the lattr ying t nme. (Marg. note in Q. a L.4.i, [from L as signifying aceran autogphical copy of the TA.) . jl is a dial. var. of j;ilJI. (Marg. bcam, dark, and e note in an autogrphical copy of the TA. See 8, becau like the ., . anfirt sentence.) - : i t,.LL TLey colUctd ;.U, (.8, Mb, ]F,) themu tog~th against Aim; (A; , O, ];) a var., (MF, TA,) The lbo t 1., inf. n. Ju~i: (]:) or thy bore, or
tain plant or dye,] said of the night, It a, or black; (V, TA;) i. c. it (TA.) of which _.:I

1. .A., [aor. ',] inf. n. s (., M9 b, ]) and .ol;, (Mob, kC,) accord. to El-Ihbahiao, primarily signifies He w, or bcae, gr~t hit bone: then metaphoricaly said of anything [or great], whether an object of sense or of intl. leot, a substance or an acdent: (TA:) i. q. ;X, (., TA,) id of a thing [uas meaning it , or bcame, great, byg, or large], (., Mb, TA,) in n tand breadth and thicb : (TA:) [and in like manner, metaphorically, mid of an object of intellect; meaning it was, or becam, great in etimation or rank or d~ y; and thus abo mid of a man: or it imports more than ;; signifying it s, or bcame, great i com rio M othr th~ of its kind; he, worn, or mat; and in a similar sense it is mid of a men; and in an incomparably higher ses, of God: ( se* ?, below:)] and *.rb.l smid of an adir, or event, signifies [like_;] it became,1. (TA.) -

is the cotr. of


a. nd

: mee 6, in three plam: and seealbo 4. is a dial. *.,e; m~ j~ce of a,~ i And 1 ,** (o [which is similr in meaning to of tre or pla~t, (4Az, TA,) th colour of AhicA ;;l,;l t. if not a mitunscription for L. prd, or crodd, aU toA mounting one anois k J. (or iodigo], (1.-) inclning to 'i% -]): see 4. - In ehe ase of expressing thr, uvon Aim, to beat hm. (TA.) - And one , [ ow great says, l ,l ! 3Ai He pad the dukinm : (Az, TA:) or a certainplant, (., ,) wonder, one says, or tJhing, (Mqb,) mia whicA one dye, (., Mqb, J,) i the belly, thy be J/],Coontr~ting .. , and time pu ing hAard afler it during the day; [i. e. the traferring the vowel of its middle letter to [the me~aing a thing that had escaped him. (0, TA.) said to be (M,b) cad in Pers. J idigo-plant]: (Mqb, and so in some copies of phelace of] its first; and thus one does in the ce 6: 3, fit 8 rentence. -. ,",; IjUW3 the .; other copies of which, for JJ, have J3:) of that which denoteo praise or blamne, and of T bcaume umero at the water, and~pred, or i. q. tij [an appellation now applied to woad; whatever (verb] may be well used in tho mauner

m Boon I.] and ' : but what may not be thus used was, or became, of great magnitude, or moment, of'j, or importance; or of great gravity; or (like does not admit of the transferring, though it may - ". ) difcult, hard, severe, grie~ous,distress. be contracted; so that you may say, s.tI1 C.. afflictire, troubleome, or burdensome; in its ing, _ and sjl D 4;;,. and I;; sq.'efect upon him]. (Myb, 1, TA.) In a trad., ( .)'1l q4; .;i but not i ,il;, God is related to have said, c)s .. .a inf. n. >, IHe gae the dog a bone ;4.I.;.o, [i. e. A and ' .;MI, meaning Wi,;, A (F.)_ And (vl. to eat; as also t like it; sin is not dicult, &c., to me to forgiw inf. n. 1;k (1, TA) andc.i , (TA,) lIe struck (TA.) ] as one says, uaj,~ J and uch a on uonupn his bonet. (I, TA.) - al.. ,L10. I,:L.l as intrans.: see 5. a; and t 1Jli; [lie S. !.* , inf. n. i rechoned it, (S,) or he salv it, or judged it, He I.- And made it great, big, or large: see l , or treated writh to be, (Mgh, M..sb, g,) ,ei& [i.e. great, &c.]; hence,] lie mnagniJied, respwt or reverence or veneration, him, [generally (, Mgh, M9b, 1 ;) as also V olU,J, (Mgh, J,) meaning thus, i. e. a person,] or it, (~, Mb, .,) whichl latter is mentioned by ISd, but disapproved [I heard I "an J"a ;L by him: one says, tJ i. e. an aftlir. (8.) [One says, L; cJ I did thus for the purpose of rendering ionour a narration and I julged it to be of great &e. to him, or it.] .;.LJIA, inf. n. as above, moment, &c.]: (TA:) and t,J;a3 is thought by The rain moistened to the meawre of the A;i [or ISd to mean he loolked utpon [a thing] as A.e. ..) - Also, lIe took tae greater, thick part] of the arm. (TA voce .I [q. v.].) (TA in art. j I WI .is, inf. n. as above, lie cut up the or main, part of it, (g, TA,) namely, a thling. (TA.) shieel, or goat, bonie by bone. (1V.) 4. ,~1l as intrans.: see 1, former half. and 10, in two places. - On 2 ;.1s: see:..a jl. meaning t;ih' says also, LI L, or terme, frightened ai(dst thlou IVIat [i. e. ;L its in or distresring, rJi&ed me, and was yricerous, L v)] and tj. ;lj effect upxon me (like L. for mistranscription [if not a OI@ UJ *W
4 .'"],' meaning ;5,4J . [Mly doing that mill ~ ,tot f.iylgten me, or te'r. me]. (TA.) _,kiot %;;,: se 1, last sentence but one.



; The main part, or middle, or

see L.L.

beaten track, of the road. (I.)


Sdf-magnijcation,pride, haughtinem, or

inoleince; (9, M 9 b, g ;) as also t;';

(9, *)

and t LUland'j$iJ : (t:) as anattribute of a human being, it is [generally] blamable:

(As, X, TA:) [but] one



i; 0.M

5. ma [IIe moale hiim,rf to appear great, big, or large: as is indicated by an explanation _i. And of the word a6' in the S, iin art. proudly, or behared himelf; lhence,] lle magniJfied (9, haughtily, or insolently; as also t.JL..-h; says, one ;) [and so .. bW: - whlence Mlyb, ~ 9'" and ;a;tJ,,,3, bothI of whichl occur in the I, the former in art. s. in explanation of I~tb ~, $ , and the latter in art. J~. in explabothl mcaning lie held himnation of ~" Jt4.; elf abore it, disdained it, or i'as disdai;ful of it.]

[hliere meaning bone, but pro.M The ,. perly applied to the bones of the hands and feet, or of the arms and les,] sof an animal, ulpon :] pl. [of which is tte flesh: ( :) [dim. . mult.] .;L (9, M;b, 1O) and ILUi, with; as characteristic of the fern. gender, (1,) and [of (Msb, ].) _ [And app. A porpaue.] .ji,. tion of a camenl daughteedfor distribttion in the game calledj.i,J: Freytag explains it as signifying, in the Deewan of the Hudhalees, "portio animalis mactati in ludo alearuin :" and having .j , or C ; t,; for its pl...'l.] _ is the name of A certain gamte of tle Arabs, (~, TA,) of the children of the Arabs of tihe desert, (L in art. .bj,) in which thely thwrow in the night a piece of bone, (TA,) or a wrhite bone, (L in_art ) and he who lights upon it orercomes his coJmpanions: rehen one tf the two parties overcamne, he, or thley, used to ritde those of the other partyfr.om the place in n,hich theyfound it to the place fronm which theJ threw it, saying, 1.
8*8* 8

owA.I meaning To such a one bongs a title to honour, or respect, in the estimation of men; and i.e. I IIIi I likewise: and Verily he isgreat in respect of the title that he has to honour, and of the rights that are held in high account; one to rehomn it is incmbent [on othdrs] to mpay regard, or conideration. (TA.) - As an attribute of God, it is not to be ascribed to a human being; (As, 1], TA;) for, in relation to or majety, Him [it means tcmpZarabb grenat and] it is not to be specified by the amription of its quality, nor defined, nor likened to anything. (TA.) - Also The thick part of the fore arnm; (S ;) the half next the dlbow, of the fore arm, in wrhich is the [main] mucle; the half next the hand being called the A.,. (Lb, V.) - And The thik inart of the tongue, (1, TA,) aboer the ;', ,which is the owt thereof (TA.)--.'~t .i, Tihe chiefx, and nobles, of the people, or party. (iS, TA.) _- See also L;U . A female that desires great j.i [pl. of

q. v.]; as also

' .O

.. (:.)

[in the CV k..ga, but it is a rel. n.,] A pigeon inclining to whitenes; (1, TA;) al,i . o called in relation to the bone ( .JI), bI. reason of its whiteness. (TA.) e :.A, see ;l': .eiI first sentence.

see the next paragraph. hIaring tle quality denoted by the rerb

- , 8-

- ---

[t;W A and ';W may be best rendered little bone of a thing vwery apparent, do thou Incomparable in greatnew, or rnajesty, is God.] appear to-night, and do not thou appear any _ See also 10. The wood j night after it]. (TA.) .- ", '6,O ' , l u intrans.: see 5, in three places: 6. bW of the [camelas dde called] J~:,without .l and ee 1i; . _- [tWa3 signifies It was, or be [i.e. the broad,plaited, latlurnbands with which ea,ne,. 1 & i. e. great, &ce., in comparison rithit.] it is bound], and without any gear. (9, L) _r broad board of the plough, (V, T 1 :') ;, meaning [A tor- ~1t,stI One says, '. be wil nothing which with comparson mrt] in TA,) at tae Aead of which is the iron [or share] is a dial. t tL,J Avhereby the earth is clotvn: and ,v U great. (TA.) And :rd) dial. var. a is also ;L -. (TA.) thereof. var. manner, in like [meaning, ' ,Jft i.e. ,a (A]n, A winnowing-fork. signifying L.o of Rain i comparison writh wehich (lit. in jataof var. dial. a And v.) , q. . in art. puition to which) nothing Il b reat fe upon TA t 1,1*4 15, .D as signifying The handle, or part that is us]. (?,TA.) And t. grasped by the hand, of a bow. (AHn, TA in which with in comparison affair] is an TA) [This g,m.) e also ,i... 1Wa said art. notAing will be great. (V, TA.) -_

_a,; [i. e. great, big, or large; &c.;] (9, Myb, ];) as also V.aI (S, K, TA) in an intensive sense [i. e. signifying wery great &c.], (TA,) and tIU (15, TA) in a more intensive sense tlian [i. e. signifying venjrmjry great &c.]: .;UL signifies esteemed great &c. by (TA:) or , which w, anotAher or others; differing from signifies "great he. in itself:" (EI-Fakhr ErRizee, TA:) or the former is the contr. efj '; [i.e. it signifies of great aceout or mestimation;] is su' U . is inforior to and a rior to ;e ; (Ksh ad Bd in ii. 6;) and signifies great, or tae like, in comparison withl other things of its hind: (Bd ibid :) (it may therefore ne, enormous, or st: uscd often be rendered metaphorically, a applied to an object of the intellect, it means great in e~ation or rmnk or dignity; and thus uas applied to a man: b of great. magnitude or moment or importa~ : o ere, grimosm, grat gravity: d cult, Ihard, bud~so,e: or troubesome, licte, dir~g, (Bj in (see 6 :)] and formidable, or 'terble. 2~~~~~) 1 '2(N3


of an affair, or event, (,1, f, M9 b, TA,) signifies (Mlb, 1, TA) also (1], TA) a,J V;i. [i.e. It places. I. 1 Bk I. Bk

see m

;i;: _sand see k*, in three

[Boox I.
. .A young weaned camel having a bone (IDrd,O,g:) or it remained in te udder; may not (15;) or thus ~ Jt %. J.. (Ibn-'Abbd, 0.) Si.1Ij t [A man great in respect of glory, honour, in his tongue broken, in order that he lignity, or nobility, and of judgment, or opinion]. 2. .:/A, inc n. ~-d, I gate him to drin MS L;. and t i.. t [le re(TA.) And is termed a;IL [q. v.]. (IDrd, 0, .) nwhat _JA orUko proacked kin, or upbraided Aim, with, or he 4. X i, l God made him to be c [i. e. accused hin of, a thing, or an act, of great AiNA, in the CIl: :li: see what follows. gravity; or an enormity]: both mean the same. abstinent, 1&c.]. (., 0, M;b,L)- ~, il, [in is;llU and, applied to i& (TA.) [The pl. of Ui', (S, Myb, TA,) which is of the dial. the C15, erroneously, cz.l,] said of a ewe, or 1 as an epithet of the people of El-'iliych, (Myb, TA,) and she-goat, is from WLiWll [and therefore signifies . rational beings, i;i;.]-of ,She had milk collected in her udder: or sae had applied to God is syn. nwith e1 [signifying The kUibc, (., Myb, 1g, TA,) which is of the dial. A cerQUlis,] C1g [in the TA,) (Myb, Temeem, some milk renainingin Aer udder a.er most of Inrcomparablyreat]. (TA.) tain reptile, or tnaU creepng thing, (S, 1, TA,) it had been nsed]. (ID)rd, 0, ].) sce el;.: . .,; : and largerthan thae aij, (S,) like the [lizard called] Ablo He (a man, ., 0) 5. *Ma: see 1. e'tl;C; (Myb, 1],TA) inform, or make, (Msb,) drank what is terned,ii [q. v.]. (, 0, I t. ,1.) k,U.: see but somerchat larger: (TA:) or a *J.; [or *.: , a 6. iSU taJ Milk thou tly camel after the , or mixfortune; as also Pers.wordsaid to simgify aseciesofspider]:(MA:) Axevere calamity . milking. (S, o, L, 1.)_ And J1W mid first a certain PS;) (MA, lizard; of qspcies thus in a [or] a ,i;.';.; (.8,5;) [and so ).., to a sick man, 7reat thy.sf medicaly. (5.) verse cited in the . in art. ,J):] pl. of the first reptile, or creqeing thing, (4l.,) larger than the . a A -- a a sapccie of large lizard: (MA:) [see also One says, ostaL li; ; , , l#f 'it.h whlat thing shall (TA.).sii~; and of the second t.ia. [And A great crime or the like; a meaning well ',~.= :] pl. t '*U, (S, Mob, 1g, TA, in the we treat oureloes nedicazlly? (AA, O, TA.) in art. C15 :i&J,]) i. e. pl. of ;liUi, (S, Msb,) [or rather known: so I have rendered it voce The camrl J01 ;l 8: see L_E un.,] the n. is 'Uir of which n. gen. a coll. is ,J took with tha tonjue [or licked up] the dry herbage is rendered .,J. in the O and TA, its pl..;i, and It., (TA,) and also .;tiL', which last is above the earth or dust, taking the bet, or choieo, 8ee S also LUi;I. ~. ] by .,..: se l. (0, 10) pl. of i;'lf. (Mqb.) A woman of the desert, tlwreof; as also * z see whom her lord (1' ") had beaten, said, C;.| pl of.i]: [a rel. n. from ;I, a fc" 10: see 1, in two places:-_and see also 8. 1 41 [May God Jmite dJ sIj; ,pi *i;1al.l CL.o~, in art.. ~, in two places. the with a di~ease for which there is no resedy | ./; and its fem.: see C. .Us: ee, ,. but the urine (lit. urinae) of the .Uli], which is a ma: see UUs. - A8o An old noman: (Ibnthing hard to be found. (TA.) and see also what here I U: : se LO.~f: El-Faraj, 0,1], TA:) like iL: being formed tollows. [from the latter] by substitution. (TA.)m And A certain fish, snootl, whvite, and small; whnm t i;~ and V1A;a and * ia and ?L i; (S., O, Mqb, g, &c.,) nor. , (., O, cooked, hattinu a taste like that of rice. (Ibn-EI1. (, 1g, TA) [the last written in one of my copies (, 0A , Mqb, 1) and Farj, O, g.) b,) inf. n. aL and (TA) [and * !;" M9 of the ? 4:] and VLT (Freytag from the Deewan of Jereer)] A thing A. and M,, (0, ,1g,) He abstained (., O, |JUX A medicine, or remedy. (AA, O, g.) like a pillomw (Fr, .) 94c., (Fr,) or a garment, or Mqb, 1O) from (C>) what was unlawful, (S, 0,) pieee of cloth, (1C,) with wahich a woman makes or from what was not lawful nor comely or de, such |" s and c. epithets from corous, (M, 15,) or from things that should be her posteriors [to appear] large. (Fr, Q,15.) ]1) from what Abstaining (~, O, Mlb, signifying sacred or inviolable, and base, or carnal, objects what is not lawful &.. The greater, main, [Pri~ncial, chief,] of inordinate desire, (TA,) or from a thing: is unlawful, (S, O,) or from or from things that (1,) or decorous, nor comely or most, part or portion, [or body, or aggregate,] (Mb :) [but it is implied in the V that the verb is and base, or carinviolable, or sacred be should (8, Myb, 15,) of a thing [or of things], (f, Meb,) used without the expression of the object, or ob(TA,) or from a desire, of inordinate objects nal, or of an affir, or event; (]i ;) [the main, gross, jects; and it is very often so used, as meaning ahe as meaning used often very [and :) (Mb thing: nma, or bulk, of a thing or of things;] as also was abstinnt, continent, chaste, virtuous, modet, abstinent,continent, clate, irtuwo, modest, deowt, i;: (Lb, ] :) decent, or decorout:] and ViaLl signifies the or decorous:] fem. ofthe former with ;i; (, O,],;) *.: (8, Mgh, M9b, 1])and ?. xxii. 1.) Hence one says, ~_jIl .aui; 1 .




or *.it , it is said, [as also ;

cases,] signifies the midde, or midst, of a thing. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of Ibn-Seereen, meanA , Jt , . .0 -, ing [I sat by an as4mbly in which was] a numew ro~ company of ts An$dr. (TA.) [ 4. 1;jl, and .;jl, signify The thick, or thicket, or the main strens or struggle, of thefAight or battle, and of death in battle: see V (near the end of the pargraph) in art. p.j and s.] - [And aoeord. to Preytag, it oocurs in the Deewan of the Hudhalees as signifying The harder part of 8ee also the body, a the neck, the thigh, e1]

in many same; ( ;) as also t a: (Mqb, ]:) or this and so of Vthe latter, (8, O, Myb, ],) which has last signifies, (S, O,) or signifies also, (15,) he af- no broken pl.: (TA:) the pL mae. (of shs, fected, or constrained himnldf, to abstain from or he was Myb, TA) is sL! (0, Myb, , TA) and Til: what was uiawful: (f, O, ]:) patient, and kept himself remote, or aloof,from a (MNb, TA:) applied to a woman, signifies ah', thing [that was unlawfuld or the lik]: (TA:) e/scelent, or hjh-borm, good, ryight , or imeans he abstained( ) tuou; and [more commonly] continent, or cate; ' ja.I and ,.JI from beggbg: (S, O :) whence the trad. of the (TA;) and the pl. of this is -;,;. t and L. Q ,J.JI >. '.-1 [Abstain (o,,.) Prophet- *
thou from begging, as much a twhou art able]: aid of milk: (0, is the subet. from . Miut signifies the k(0:) or, as some say, lla:.w] :) so says IDrd: (0:) [accord. to him, it app. ing to abstain from what is unlawfid, and from signifies Milk that has collected in the udder:] beng of me: and one says also, s 1 ~gz and it signifies (., 0, s) accord. to another or ."1! [Ad abrtainedfrom that which was eil, or others, (O,) us also Vt ,somew~hatof milk refoul]; this being [likewise] from all. (TA.) maining in the udder (8, O, 1) after most of it And P explains (O, .) ; said of milk, aor;, (IDrd, 0,V,) inf. n. has beea suche -

1i;fa; and its pl.,,A ;: see ;m . And for,;b. as a pl. of which the sing. is not mentioned, see 'U.



0,) It colleted in tah udder: | IAJI, with am,

by, tbe words



Boox I.]



. !

A Ji

A [as though signifying The

takinsg thing after thing, by licking it up, or otherwie, fron the ground, choosing th bet tuherof: but this mode of explanation is often used in lexicons to denote the thing, or things, mentioned therein; not the act: and I think that what is here meant is the thing, or things, thus taken: this, moreover, is agreeable with the general Jit; as is analogy of words of the measure i]. (TA.) shown by many exs. in the Mz, 40th

therein. (K.) It is is said in a trad. of Aboo: see PM. - Also pi. of JlI [q. v.]. J- 0 0 . *fl-J A 6*. , aij 1 [Doth, > V^ io (S, ~) i Cj &V.3 ~i Jahl, 'sp or shall, MoAammad deile his face with dut, or ora .P. A boar; (,O, 0;) as also *,: rub hisface in the dust, in the midstof you?], of a one young or the meaning his prostrating himself in the dust: and mnte, as a common term:

at the end he says,*i

tjbs1, Cc;9l

,ow. (P) -

- (., A, 0, ]) and *s ' (6gh

[I vill asuredly trample upon ). -,W,J hit nech, or I wvil defile, or roll, his face in the dust]; meaning that he would abase him, or render him abject. (TA.) - He dragDd him, *1 He (a man, ., O) came at being about to roll him in the dust: and you say JIUJ ,La 1s~ the time of that: (S, O, 5 :*) a dial. var. of 't, -J--' [HIe dragged his garment ---I t. a: (, 0:) or, accord. to IF, formed [from the in t/e dst]. (Aboo-Na.r, L, TA.) - And . 1, , latter] by substitution. (0.) (I,) inf. n. ", (TA,) He cast him upon the :, (1.) You say, t:ihsel ground; as also V .~., The lion cast him upon the ground: (A:) his neck, (S, O, or the lion seized him, and broke He [a man, or TA,) and cast him upon the ground, and shook [aor. :,] ifn. . L , a beast other than a ruminant,] was, or became, him about. (TA.) And ',.)AZl He leaped, or [pl. of C. q v.] (L.) 1ti; fat in his sprang, upon him, or at him, (;;g1,, O, g, for which #j3 is erroneously put in some copies of see w: the next paragraph. and the 1g., TA,) and dragged him, and cast him upon aor.:, the groumnd. (TA.) [See also 2.] ~mJ, -& and Ce (8, O, :)and (Myb, ]1,) inf n. C and was of it, or He, ., (Mob,) sings. of the colour termed ;i: (Msb, g:) or of a col~ur (L, and some copies of the O5) * ~. 0~~~~. '69 0 resembling that. (Mab.)

(A, O, !,) in in TA in art. jiO) and VtIa, which the LS is to render the word quasi-coordi-

nate to t;,

[I substitute this word for j;,

in the L, and ;!IZ in the TA,Q and the 3 to give (A, 0, l,) intensiveness, (L, TA,) and V, in which the . is to render the word quasicoordinate to ,.Z, (TA,) [or to render it a contraction of kA,] and t c a, which occurs in one reading of the ]Cur, [xxvii. 39, and is agreeable with modern vulgar pronunciation,] (0, CI,) and ' 1i9 , (C1,) and V R' , (A, 0, L, ],) in which the 3 is to render the word quasi-coordinate to

and the i is to give intensiveness, l jL,

(TA,) and t,

(O, 1,) and t

1 5

, (Sgh, V,)

and 94L;

, (Sgh,],) and




which the pl. is

A, and Wicked, or malignant; (?,0,O,;) c,raJty, or ... 2: see 1, in four places._ (TA:) the LMI are The .t, [or intestins into cunning; (8, 0;) abominable,foul, or eril; ( ;) He wrestled with hI adv afli jJJU 9.1t, which the food pases from the stomach]: (TA, abounding in evil; (TA;) strong, or powrefil; made him cleave to the dust. (A.) and sary, (A;) intolent and audaciou in pride and in arts and Ianm p. 641 :) or the lowmr ta.t: (TA, and or sheep black his mixed He #;_, n. in. ,LB, of rebellion or disobedience; (A, TA;) rwho rolls Zj in his "Khali el-lnin:") or in human (0, : ; term~ed colour the of otiers with goats beasts his adverary in the dust: (A:) and the epithet beings, and in solidloofed animals, and in in ex. goats or sheep white took he or TA:) 1], of ry, (., o,) that [portion of the intestin] to applied to a woman is . , (8, 0,) and ' , which the food pa frrom te tomach; (8, O, chiangefor black; because the former have more g sig. (Sh, 0:) or t ,).A: increase. (S, O, TA.) - And He made, or renw- (Lh, ],) and I;) which is like tAe [intesna caUed] ;>jtJl nifies anything that excds the ordinary bound.; in canls and in cloe-hoofed animals, to which dered, white. (S, 0.) 8, 0:) and and Vai&A is syn. with it: (AO, the stomach transmits what it has concocted, lit. 3: see the next preceding paragraph. s (Zj, ) apt and t,wk and ,I V :) (., 0: in some . what it has tanned ( The plied to a man, and as applied in the ]gur, ubi 1 jla placesm-. in three 7, see 5: ) or the C. is ' L:i copies of the former, wild animals becamefat. (0, g, TA.) suprS, [to a jinnee,] (Zj,) sharp, vigorout, and to that wrhich has what is in the place of thel, effective, in an affair, exceeding the ordinary 6. JMW said of [food of the kind called] .j, no h.~,: or, accord. to Lth, it is, to any animal bound. therein, with craftinet, or cunning, (Zj, made rwhite. (X. [See jA, latter half.]) that do not ruminate, such of the .t1 [or loer It was O, 1,) and wickednes, or ,nalignity: (Zj :) or 7. .Aa, and *,*/:l It (a vessel) became rubbed , .~ intetin] of the belly as is like the abk to the is properly applied to a jinnee, and sigit became much rubbed with nifies evilin dipotion,and wickd or malignant; is also the inf. n. wmth dut: and tL. sheep or goat. (TA.) dust: (Mqb :) or the first and V second, (S, O,) and is metaphorically applied to a man, like as is of ~f [q. v.]. (L.) and 9 the last also, (0,) it (a thing) became de:,Am: (B:) it is applied to an evil jin~ that fild with dwt: (, O :) or the first and tlast, : see the next precedling paragraph. . as is termd ;: , but inferior to ~ is poeu~ Also A man [and app. a solid-hoofed animal and he, or it, became roiled, or turned over, .d also signifies i. q. (Mir-at ez-Zeman:) 9t 3j a beast of prey]fat in his Lr l [pl. of ,q. v.]. in the dust: or became hidden therein. (1].)- J*la [app. meaning vey craft or cuming, rather ' 0-, And one says, ,;st,J:h .owal L.W . and A,i.. & 0:) ,'* than a calamity]: 8Q, 1 (, TA.) Lare in the ntered the water, and my feet did not reach the are also applied u epithets to a Ot)L;3 [or devil]: ground. (A, TA.) (Kh, S:) the pl. of the former of these two epiJy 8: see 1,infourplaces. ~See also 7, in two thet is ' f, (CKb, , 0,) or ~/,U; (Fr;) and places. L ;U, aor.;, (gl, O, Mjb, ],) in n.~,(M, that of t C.jm ics "tr ; (Kh,Fr, g, 0;) and O, Mlb,) He rbb~ it (namely a vessel) with Q. Q. S. ; q~ He became, or acted like, an ; (Sh ;) and that ofi.L is ~ iseCO d it much with dust: ~:nLa; (], TA;) from which latter word this that of he rubbA dust: and * `/ (Mb :) or the latter, he defiled, or so~id, it with verb is derived, the [final] augmentative letter ,;);i. (TA in ar. :.. .) You ay,' u a ole dust: (Mgh:) and the former, and Vlatter, (., being preserved in it, with the radical letters, to ; (Sch 9 ,Cand t ~ the indicate to and meaning, full the O,1,) of which the inf. n. is.;a, (1, O,) he convey is wicked, or ma~igant; c. ;] the latter of thes (TA.) originaL in the j two words being an imitative sequent. (AO, g, oer, Aim, or it, ,,l ro/ld, or td

Ul (S, O, ])

and aq.A:

(Lth, TA,) ;, (Lb, TA,) and ' ji,s 9 [respecting which last, see the latter portion of this paragraph,] applied to a man, (M,0, J1,) and to a jinnee, or genie, (]ur, ubi suprS,)



dAst: (., 0, V:) or h hid (A ) him, or it,

JB: seec, in four places.

0.) And in a trad. it is said, w ; lj 263 *

5Jh: sees, first quarter.

[Boox I.
is podu d; (8, 00 o;) ~j [or ~ sces of wood, or stick, utd for that prpoem,] being made of its branchu: (],* TA:) accord. to information given to Agn by certain of the desert-Arabs of the 8ar6h (;-JlI), it resembles the hind of tree called the l,,, by reawn reason of its smallnes, so that when one see it from afar he doubts not its being the latter kind fmm of tree; its blossom, also, is like tAat of the latter ti.oe; tr e; and it is a kind of tree that emits much fire, so that thle Uj mnade of it are ecellent: (TA:) pl. of !iAs; 115 (1 ;) or, more properly, [a coll. gen. n., and] its n. un. is with ;: (O, TA:) it and thle t* contain fire that is not in any other kind of tree: Az says, I have seen them both in the desert, and the Arabs make them the subject of a prov., relating to high nobility: (TA:) (TA :) they say .jj-I 1 u

(S, 0, o, .,) by means of wnhich fir

re Iiea see ad. eticed or malignant, the abounding in evil; ol hi: who collects much and refu to gire; or hin ;.1M see is, first quarter: n who acts very wronqfuiy or unjudtly or tyranni. call/; [who will not uff'er los in his family no, next paragwph, in three places.
in his property.] (TA.) ~"" l, and *"'*

)[Veriy God hatea] tie crafty or cunning, tdu

and see the

: see,in six places. The hair, and annd -.. , and t l- , (.K,) and , ,the featlwe, of the back of the neck, of the lion, and of the cock, &c., cwhich it turns bach towards (TA,) and V I*., (~, [respecting which se the to) of its ewad when ezxasl.ated; as also what follows: in the CV j , which is wrong ; M (S, O) and , (S,) or V, t : (O, in two respects :]) A strong, (,) p1owerful, grcat, TA:) and U , the feathers around thA neck of (TA,) lion: (, TA:) or J'L.i the lion; s a cock and of a bustard ( &c.: (; in art. &;c-) called because of his strengthl: (S, O :) ann or S, [whether Vj. ;j, (?, 0, TA,) like the mase., (TA, [o:rr :) or a4ky and VtJi, without or with tenween is not shown, but I it may be in this case withli the fem. , i. e. with. think it is more probably without,] of a cock, the out tenween,]) or * ;, (V, TA,) a stron~ : (TA :) lionen: ($, 0, ]:) or tho epithet, of either featers of the neck; (IS;) as also V and of a man, the hair of tlw bachk of the neck: gendor, signifies bold: from ;.. signifying (.:) or the hair of tlu part over tiL foreaead: "dust," or from "h in the sense of &, orr (TA:) and of a beast, the hair of thefore-lokh: t1,1t 0, TA) In. all tes is fire; but the (, O, fhrom the strength and hardiness of the animal :(J:) or the hair of5 markh and 'afir yield much fire, more than all kme back of the neck : (TA:) (TA:) and iU"#" MU a strong she-camel; pl. and [of a man,] the hairs that grow in the middle other trees. (O,' TA.) [See also and of ta lhead, (C,) tiat stand ulp on an occasion of .a.J] .,y~s: (~, 0:) but you do not say 1.~/ J.. J.] , It is also said, in another prow v.,jI and tes (Az:) the alif [which is in this case written 5.] fight; (TA;) as also ;i* ' ~' ~ l.. ol %ZI J ~., [Produce and C in j are to render it quasi-coordinate (].) You say L4 Wj I sL, menning* tlimi.flre tlho fire with marlh or with 'afdr: then tighten, to o to q.i [which hIows that it is with ten- Such a one cane tm a state of anger. (S, 0.) if thou please, or loo~en]. (TA.)~ See also weeA]. (1.) And .t o 4, and t :le canme ll,, s,nreading hiJ hair , by rcason of covetouaness, and ,At (IDrd, S, A, 0, Myh, g) and *;I (IDrd, The quality, or dixposition, of him who is inordinate dsire. (ISd, TA.) A, O, ) Daut: (IDrd, , O, Mb :) [like ;ji termed l termed and A and ' 5c.; i.e., the duxt of the earth: (Freytag, from Meyd:)] &.c; and & c: and the fern., I4: wickednass, wickedness, or malignity, Jc. (g,' TA.) or tlhe exterior of the dut or earth: (A, g:) see1i.k, in ten places. and the tuiface of tit earth; (Mqb;) as also #' aS' : seea, in three places.


;l t As: (TA:) pl. ; I (V.) You say U.. e;#l t ) There ig not upon the 4


s~ee~ h, in two places.


face of the earth the like of him, or it. (0, TA.) And %A s ;, , (1.,) or d a y, (TS, TA,) [lit., Language in which is no dust; or l,hich has no dut; like the saying 51; ;j 4: "language on which is no dust ;" meaning] t language in wldch is nothing di;fult to be understood. (g.) And IAqr mentions, but without ex 2 laining it, the saying, 4j ;IJlj ;ai de)

~i~ : see ji^, in two places.

;bti bi and 'V].a' and t;~ 1.4 witi miti, dust: hence, Jl

and t Defiled l , e wose ml face is

J1OUI [app. meaning, May tie dut, and perdition, and eil of the drelling, be his lot. See ;]
(0, TA.)


[part. n. ofra. j ]

Land of the

colour termewud ,

[q. v.]. (O and TA in art.


,a.) _ee also `

jM, and the fern., with I: see places

., in four

l5 A dut-colr inclining to whitene~ ; a whitish dto~r: (TA:) or whitene~ that it not clear: (Mgb, Mb :) or whitee that ig not LjjA and ery clear, (AZ, A,) fi the color of the mrfae The latter also of the earth: (AZ, A, Mgh :) or wAit~en with demon, caUled] a ting of redn omer it: (A:) the colour of an antpe~ nuc a u is nedj.l. (V.) _- See also Kj-c: see

Tle lion. (AA, 1].) So in the prov., l! b>H ,; [Verily he is more courageous c than the lion]. (AA, TA.) :.s. is the name of a certain place in which are lions, or abounding with lions: (S, 0, V:) or the name of a certain country or town. (As, AA, S, M.) m A certain insect, whre~ retreat is the soft dust at thl bases of walkl; (0, V ;) that rolls a ball, and then hider itelf within it; and heln it is roused, throwr up dust: (0, TA:) the word [C.ts.] is of one of those forms not found by Sb: (TA:) or a certain crepig animal (l;), like the clamdeleon, that opose itself to the rider [upon a camel or horse], and that strikes with its tail. (0, 1.) [See also ~;o : and see gam p. 131.] - Also t A complte man; [i. e., complete with respect to bodily vigour, having attained the usual term thereof;] (0, V, TA;) .fifty years old. (O, TA.) - And t Resolute, orfirm-minded; strong, or poverfiL (S, O, ], TA.)

0 d,ejikd dkeid with dust: and ,J1 o~;0, v , and t He H._, ha the face tioiled in the dat. (TA.)

S;(.,) and

A,~, in three place.



.gL,m:,ee %Ly.

1 'j

: see jA.

(TA,) (TA,) i. q. ; t ., (Fr, 8, J,) i. e., Ay fea into d/~ fel y, or ditrem. (S.) Some say that the J is substituted for o. (TA.) [But me see jy#its] ' #it ,p."I ,l."I Duet-coloured inclining to white; of a whitiah whitish duet-colour: (TA:) or white, but not of a clear hue: (Mqb:) or, applied to a . buckantelope, white, but not of a e clar white, (AZ, Ay, , O, ,) being ke tAe col~ur of the mrface surface of the earth: (AZ, A, Mgh :) or a buck-antelope having a tinge of red over his m/,~, h,~,itene ., A, A(A,J,) mith a short neck; and such is the weakest of antelopes in running: (AA, .,O :) or having a rdns~ in his #.P back, muh with white f.an: (s:) [in the CV, after tbe ,i,s: seeac", in three places. words thus rendered, is an omission, of the words signifies The [kind of goblin, or ; j ,Z4jl .:] or Ach as i ~t e td, n ed, . (0, .) stony tracts, and hardgrowdo; and n is red: 3 As; first quarter. - and see (AZ:) or haWng white horns: (A:) fem. t!Ui: (8, 1, &c.:) l&c.:) also applied to a she-goat, meaning of a clear white c r: : (TA:) pL Ai. (, A, Also A certain kind of tree, O.) 0.) - El-Kumeyt says s 1

BooK I.] *


... *s.$ .j. U.~lal.j.5jIqq.

--- g a.

' 61 U.l%.j

[And reused, when an solent~ tyrant of a peo dwired to excute against m a plot, to carry him upon the horn of an antelop of a whitish dustcolour, or white but not of a clear hue, &c.]; meaning, we used to slay him, and to carry his head upon the spear-head; for the spear-heads, in time past, were of horns. (., O.) - Hence the saying .Asl 1 XiJ) 0s ' ' LisLJ" q6, qq. '' .&JI [He sent upon me a calamity; or ih made a ry rafty man to be my atsailant]: for the -..- 8 .I . same reason, also, A 1 e ) is proverbially used to signify I A d/)icudty, or distrms, that befalls one: and one says to a man who has passed the .o ..* .--* night in disquieting distrem, "ai" a) O . [Thou matt pierced by grief]. (TA.) One says also, of him who is frightened and disquieted, ---6 6 C. -n, Al ;iJ ailb&[He is as though ere pon the horn of an antelope of a whitish dustcolor, &C.: meaning, upon the had of a spear]: the like of this phrase is used by Imra-el-Heys. (A.) - Also sJ,A, A ewe of a colour inclining to wites. (O.) - And ;U%, Red sand. ($, O.) - [Food of the kind called] j made white: (H, TA:) from '$5*Asignifyingthe"colour of the earth." (TA.) ._ ,11 WVite. (1.) Ij wjl Untroddn land. (H, TA.) _- iA" I te thirteemth night [of the lu.r month]: (S, O :) or the night of blachnem: (A:) but accord. to IA4r, 1An11 uJ1tI signifies the white nights; (A;) and so says Th, without particularizing: (TA:) or the nights thus called are tih semnth and eighth and ninth night of tih lunar month; ( ;) because of the whitenes of the moon [therein]. (TA.) It is said in a trad. ,llIt I ,,

He twi~ his arm, or (, Mgh, O, Mqsb,) and agarmentoftih kind called hand. (O, H .) - , (0, ,) aor.;, inf. n. jt, (Az,) so caled in relation to ,. (S, o, K, , (TA,) He eakened, or enrvated, him, &.,) a word imperf. deel., (S,O, 1,) because of its (..,) in wrestling. (0, 1.) - And tG~being of the form of an imperf. deel. pl., (S, O,) H/e cormped hler, (Ibn-Abbid, O, H,) namely, as the name of a tribe of Hemdan; (S, O ;) or a woman, (Ibn-'Abbid, O,) or his young woman. as being the name of a son of Murr, (Sb, Mgh, (H.) Msb,) brother of Temeem the son of Murr, (Sb, 2. [,+;J1 &L Mgh,) and father of the tribe above mentioned, 1 He dyed the garment, or piece (Msb, ]g,) which was a tribe of El-Yemen; of cloth, rith wo, or galas. See the pass. part. n., (Myb ;) or as being the name of a place, (IDrd, below.] 4. - .9i O,) or a town, or district, (H, TA,) of El-Yemen, 4. ;jsjWI al: see 1, in three places. ~ (lDrd, O, TA,) in which Ma'afir Ibn-Udd took j^.I ,ol Hel puH t ' [or gal] into the ink. up his abode, accord. to Z: (TA :) j;OMa is per(TA.) fectly deeL because the relative U is added to it: 8. du* wU:l1 He (S :) and it is thus formed because took from him hi rit, 1 is sing. in its application; whereas, in a rel. n. from a or due; (Ibn-'Abbid, 0, ;) as also 1 . pL used as a pl., the formation is from the sing., (0o, 1.*)

toAe, (Mgh,) A kind of garment, or piece ofcloth, also 8..-_.... '


as in the instance of 5jq .. as a rel. n. from a~c [Galls: and the trees which bear them:] ~.G.' : (TA:) ?jt.la should not be pronouneed a certain thing vel known, (Mqb, 1,) of whi/A with 4damm to the,*: (Msb, 1 :) and it is wrong ink is made, (8, O, TA,) and with which one taw; to call the kind of garment above mentioned (Mqb;) the produce ofthe tre caU* ed J.t [or #12, with damm, and .. , without tenoak]: (L, TA:) or applied to the tr [which ween, and . (Mgh.) bear it] and to the fruit [terof ]: ( :) or a

certain tree of the kind caUed b,A, which [is also

*a.: see.tl, in two places.

the name of a produce of that tree, i. e., of the acorn, (both of which applications are agreeable with modern usage,) lke as ~ it also the name j"_- The dust-coloured gazelle: (K :) or the ofanotherprodue teureof, i. e., the gall, or gallazelle, as a general term: (,' TA:) as also nut; for it is said that this tre] bears one yem. JAad: (1:) and the [young gazeUe such as is Ojand another year ,,L. (Lth, 0, ,) of call&] ;k: (S,O, :) or the buck-gazelUe: which ink is made: (Cl :) it is not of tAegrowt (S, Mgh, 0:) and (S, lAth, O, in the Mgh of tJu land of the Arabs: (I B, TA:) it is astrin"or ") the young one of the wild cow: (S, IAth, gent; drying; having te quality of repelliny Mgh, 0:) n. un. with ;: (TA:) pl. ,eh. (S, ffluent matters; and strengtheningJflaccid anl 0.) - Also A light, or an active, ass. (IAr.) weak members; (, TA;) and espally the And it is said to mean t The form of a man, teeth; (TA;) and whe ~ d in ~viear, it .cnfiom a distance, reembling a jY. [in one blackens the hair: (1 :) the word is post-clasical; I T Tlw moon-lit nighlts are not like the of the senses expl. above]. (L, TA.) - And One (;, 0,1 ;) not of the language of the people of blatck nightU: some say that this is a proverb. of tie divisions of the night, (K, TA,) which are the desert: ($,IF,O,Mqb:) or it is Arabic; C., l..J . .0 CJ (TA.) fire, called .b.,and h (Alln, O, H ;) and from it is derived t 1 and ~ and , Ca.., a. signifying "a taste in which is astringency and and j;~,.. (TA.) jAw.: seep?, in two places. bitterness ;" s also the epithet t ', applied . One kwo sep or goats are of tie colour to a tate. (A,In, O.) termed ijmi: there is no tribe among the Arabs 1. s..11,m, aor. ;, (H,) inf. n. ./, (TH,) A twsting in th nomme: (O, :) so they to whom this appellation applies, except HudheyL He dobled,folded, or bent, the tAing. (1.) Hence say. (O.) (A, TA.) [Accord. to analogy, this lshould rather * ; 0Ii `et&. (TA.) - --j ', I ua , (Fr, W&LA A taste (AlIn, $, O, Mb) having an be written. A-; and perhaps it is thus in correct A, O, Mqb, aor. o,) ;, (Mqb, 1,) inf. n. , astrget qua~ty, (Aln, ?, 0, Myb, ],) and oopies of the A.] (Mqb,) He tied, or bound, the ,.A (q. v.) upon bittuer , (Agn, 0, Vj)wiich rnder waUowg ::..-., , c., ., fo j9 ac:eJ~ ol Land of whicch thefi~, ,or bottle; (S, A,*O, 1 ;) asalsot ? ~1t: di/m/t; (TA;) diagree~leand choking; or dithe herbage has been atm. (?, 0.) ( :) or he put the e.l upon the head of the agre~able,with dry~n and b te~; or rough; a .. bottle; and so, accord. to some, t the latter also: syn. . (TA.) 8ee,. t :ee , in three places. (Msb :) or t the latter signifies he made for it, u, [app. A erof , or ga. Five an ,bic;'(Fr,S, o, ;m t One who walks with companie of tra- or put to it, (1 J.,) relaters of traditions of whom each bore this M b ;) and so, (Fr, O, Mb,) accord. to some, 9 eilebr(, (0, O, , TA,) and so, accord. to the L, (Msb,) the former also; (Fr, O, Msb;) each appellation are mentioned in the TA.] Qtn, (TA,) and obtain of their superabun- having two meanings: (Msb:) and the former, b;tli The reele in whih is put ny or dance [of provisions]. (?, 0, TA.) also, he stopped the bottle writh a stopper. (A) the lke that one e~ d, (A'Obeyd, Ar, A, Mgh, s.i, aoer. H,e pulled it out or forth. (1.) I t -; (, Mgh, 0, Mb,) pl. ,j O, Myb, ],) or, as some say, in wAich is th pa.in.... S~~~~j --- e0., And 4.a l I pulled townards me its ears; tor's money or the like that he epns, (TA,) 3> , (?, 0, V,) and iLp ; ji (Az,) and namely, the ears of a head that I was eating. made of skin, or of a piee of rag, or oter mate. hence, simply, tVA`, (As, Mgh,) as a subst., (Ibn-Abbad, O.) And IAar allows this verb rial. (A'Obeyd, As, A,* Mgh, O, M;b, H.*) (As,) without the relative S, (AS, Mgh,) accord. with m as well as with wm. (TA.) - See And hence, (A'Obeyd, O, As, &c.,) The shin wnith

[Boor I.
wAicA tAe head of a flask, or bottle, is covered: (A'Obeyd, Az, ?, A, Mgh, O, M9b, C:) it is said to be itsU. [or stopper]; (Az, Mgh, O, Mb ;) by Lth; (Az, O, MNb;) but the right explanation is that given by A'Obeyd: (As, Mb :) that which enters into its mouth is thee,ol : (S:) or it has this latter signification also: (A:) or it signifies accord. to El-Ghooree, (Mgh,) or signifies also, (A, 15,) the case (Js [whMich has app. been misunderstood as meaning the skin cover of the head of a flask or bottle, before mentioned,]) of a flask, or bottle: (A, Mgh, O, ] :) but the first is the explanation that is preferred. (Mgh.) [See 1, first signification.]

U.3 [(mentioned above (see 1) as an inf. n.] Putridity, or rottenns; i.e. a state of decay from moisture &c. ($.) And [A stinking, or] &us: see J.. - Also The e;jU; [q. v.] of a alteration [for the worms] in odour, of flesh, or flesh-meat. (Msb.) woman: so accord. to IAar. (TA.)

excrescence of~ fle in the vulva of a woman; also called C i: [but see this word;] (Az, Mqb, TA;) they say that it is not in the virgin, but only in the *voman after childbirth: (Msb:) so says Aboo-Amr Esh-Sheybinee: (TA:) and it is said to be a melUing between thie 0jtfl. [or vagina and rectum] of a rwoman, by reason whereof her vulva is contracted so as to preenat initus: (M.ib:) accord. to IDrd, it is, in maen, a thickness that arises in the anus; and in rvomn, a thichness in the_ [here meaning vulva], and so in beasts. (TA.)

A A thing, (Az, ?,) or a rope, (g,) putrid, or rotten; i. e. decayed, ($,) or in a corrupt, or an unsound, state, (Az, 1,) from moture, (Az, S,' TA,) or some other caum, (TA,) and fiom being kept in a Clow place, (Az, TA,) so as to crumble on it being felt. (i.) And Flesh, or flesh-meat, (Mob, 1g,) [stinking, or] altered [for the worse] in odour; (M4b;) or radered jo; as also h , (i) .

ti* in taste, (g,) Atringncy (S, }) and O A.,: see es)i. Jl0 , [indecl.,] like .ti., an expression of bittesr , (],) which rnder swallowing difficult: reproach, (O, .K,) addressed to a woman: (1 :) (TA:) a taste in rwhich is astringency and bitterone says to a female slave, JtA I [as though nes: derived from ,^c, q. v. (Agn, O.) [See meaning O tlhou that hast Nhat is termed Ji, or 1. U&, aor. a~., (S, Msb,) inf. n. t;U (C, Mob, also _'.] il&]. (0.) O) and ja& and *#i, (Msb, XC,) It wat,or became, ,..~ A garment, or piece of cloth, dyed with (?,Mqb, i;) ji One who wears short clothl over such as e.faced,erased, rased,oroblitrated; [or gall]. (O, J.) as also * sW: (1 :) and it, or he, perished, came are long. (IAUr, O, I..) to nought or to an end, or died. (S, TA.) One U.1t~ A young woman extremely eil in dit:I A ram haing muchfat of the ar. [i. e. says, 31 % The trace, tige, orfootprt, asu, position: but the el it ' (with 3) is more evil tsticl, or scrotum], by reason ofplumpness. (TA.) or became, effaced, &c. (TA.) And thence,] i than she. (IAar, O, ]C.) And [the fem.] j*; A woman having what , in n. He perished, ordied. (..) And IQ H, is tnned ( O, O, Mb, ) o0, or )j. (s, .) jJIM,, aor. as above, (S, MOb,) and so the inf. na. It is said in a trad. of I'Ab, that the selling, and as in the first sentence, (Mob,) The place of aligAtgiving in marriage, of such is not allowable. c 'L nor. (M,,) ar, , inf. n. ;, (Msb,) ing, or abode, was, or became, effaced, &e.: (TA.) _ And [& L.' [in the Cg (errosaid of a woman, (Mob, g,) and of a she-camel, Msb :) and "tJl .U, aor. W, inf. n. ; uud neously) ;.Is] A lip that becomes inverted on (/,) or of any female, (Mqb,) She had a certain the occaon of laughing. (O, ].) ,0& [and j]; (TA;) and t ~ , (, TA,) and

thing, (M,b,

calld Ji 3g,) and


come forth in Aer vulva, re~bling the ol [or wrotal hernia] of a man. (Msb, ],) _ 1. S , sor.:, in n. o;c (S, Mgh, Msb, , He filt his (i. e. a ram's) J; [q. v.] in order to TA, in the CgX [erroneously] ]a,) and a ic, 5 aee what as Ais state of fatnes. (TA.) (Q,) It (a thing) was, or became, putrid, or S. 't , (0,) inf. n. };a, (0, 9,) I attr- rotten; i.e. it became decayed, (Mgh,) or in a buted to Aer the having what is tenned .3i. (0, corrupt, or an unsound, state, (Msb,) by the effect *) --. And J*AZ signifies also The curing vhat of moitture upon it, (Mgb,* M9 b,) so as to bocome diundered when felt: (Mqb:) said of a is termed :j. (Ibn-'Abd, 0O, 1g.) One says, rope, (?, j,) it became decyed, (?,) or in a apil ibJ le awed the woman's ([ or] i'. corrupt,or an unsound,state, (g,)from the effect (TJI.) of *water,(s,) or from noisture, or some other jAn [in the CX (erroneously) Vt] The part cause, (TA,) so as to crumble on its being flt; as (g.) And 'UI c The of a sheep or goat, (K h, , O,) or of a ram, (X[,) also t i3. Jlh~, or which i* the place where it is felt, (Ks, ~, O,) be- jlesh-mat, becams [stinking, or] altered [for the treen it hind bgs, (Ks, Q,) to know whether it be vorse] in odour; and so * 'u;. (Msb.) fat or kan. (Ks, ?, O, ]..*) - And The fat '._I *t -, (Mob, ],) aor.-,, (Msb,) inf. n. of the testic of a ram, with what is around it. ;.$c, (TA,) He made tIe jlesh, or~ fh-meat, to be(IF, V.) -And Abundance of thefat of rohat is come [stinking, or] altered [for the worse] (M.sb,l) be~tn the hind legJ of the he-goat and of the in odour; (Mb ;) and t -;A signifies the same. bull; seldom or never used except in relation to the gelded (1X,TA) of these two; and not used - J .JI i;, (Kr, ~,) inf. n.. , in relation to the female. (TA.) - And The (TA,) He ascended the mountain; (Kr, g ;) as perineum; or line betwenm the anus and the also S. (Kr, TA.) pmni. (C.) 9: see the preceding paragraph. , A certain thing that comes forth in the 4. C.JP1 He (a man) had hit shin, or Aide, or dulva of a woman and of a camel, res..bi ,g the tanned skin or hide, pierced with holes. (,.) 01! [or tcrotal hernia (in the TA the i;v in the And ~,, e;al! He found the flsh, or fl~shik. .)] of mnm; as also ii: (, 0, ]: [the meat, to be [stinking, or] altered [for the worse] latter word is said in the Msb to be the subet. in odour. (Msb.) from , q. v.:]) accord. to IA#r, a certain 5: see the first paragraph, in two placee. 9


f & also; (TA;) The house, or ddling, or abode, wras, or became, effaced, &c. (S, TA.) A'Obeyd cites, as an ex. of -i1t signifying the being, or becoming, effaced, &t., and the perising, &c., the saying of Zuheyr, (S, TA,) mentioning a dwelling, or an abode, (TA,)
!1 .
tIQ t;i .#it ' a ' '


11t~~% .





[Its occupants departed from it, and sparated themseles, or removed far away: may the state of that wPhich it ffaced, &c., be, or rest, upon the trace of what has gone away: or the meaning may be, dust is upon the tracs &c.: (see ; as a subst., below:) but it is not thus accord. to A'Obeyd; for] he says, This is like their saying t,II -sas an imprecation against one, expresing a prayer that he may go away and not return. ($, TA.) MP says that IUc is one of those verbs that have contr. significations: for it signifies It was, or became, unapparent, or imperceptible: and also It wat, or became, apparent, or perceptible: and it has two other contr. significations, which will be mentioned in what followL (TA.) - And .. signifies also The act of effacing, erasing, raing, or obliterating. (.,


One says,



(TA,) or


(S, Mob,) and j1JI, (TA,) Th wind ffaced, &c., (~, Mob, TA,) the trace, estig, or footprint, (TA,) or the place of alighting, or abode, (C, Mb,) and the Aour, or d.ling, or

BooK I.]



tity; (TA ;) and said of the hair of a camel, (]:,) ind effaced, &c., or of the hair of a camel's back, (TA,) it became mightily, or utterly, t houe, or dUing, or abundant and long, and coered his rump; (V, It, or he, TA;) and said of herbage, it was, or became, abode]: (, TA :) and effad it, or his, traee, ~dige, or footprint. much in quantity, and talL (TA.) And IC. in i. e. the ]:ur vii. 93 means They became many, or ," (MA.) - Hence, as some say, X May God effae [from thee thy sin, &c.; mean- numerouL (g, Msb.) And c.;.y l ThA land ing may God ab~ole thee]; (TA;) or may God became covmred writh herbage. (V and TV. [In efface tAy sim: (Mob:) rand ,se O'. May he the Cg, b,sjlgI is erroneously put for k.,'l%]) be abold, orforgivn, orpardoned:] and hence I made it to become much in quan17c - And 1; i. e. [Ask ye tity, or many in number; as also t ickl; (S,* the aying in a trad., ;l;JI. Ii of God] th effacmeAt of fin; [or ask ye of God (TA.) Accord. to Msb, TA ;*) and so */c. abwolution,orforginos,or pardon;]andt ltaljt, nor. . l, Es-Sara4ustee, one says,:a11 ;cj, [of the signification, i. e. the

ber. (MF, TA.) It is said in the former sense broth, which is ter the i;t. (P.) -And abode: (TA:) and in like manner, 3o*, of hair, and of herbage, &c.: (s :) or, said of ). JI ;iC I aked, or petitioned, the man. 'n. , (TA,) in which the hair, It was, or became, long, and much in quan;1j, (f, TA,) inf n. * (Myb.) And &30S and $ f-1fi! I came to him verb is with teshdeed to denote intensiveness seeking, or demanding, Ais bninc e: you say,


,l :~


and t:./-:



guests come to him seeAing, or demanding, his

aorpitality]. (s.) And 0;~

' *>1

(5:, TA,) aor. ;A, inf. n.;b, (TA,) Ae camel

tooh [or cropped] the pastur near by. (, TA.) m 1it %f l7 ewater was untrodd by what

would render it turbid. (F, .) 2. ;,.s .M:._and jlJ til J

: and

[which have a similar meaning: and t iiLJL inf. n. ees ]: (TA:) and one says, :e' C' ,

A; and ";,A aor. dhl, inf. n. * I left the hair to becone abundant and meaning meaning I left lim, and did not punish him: Hie And one says, a[ UJI * jl '(Mqb.) long. and ,ji and J a X .i'; ( or . left the beard to become abundant and long, (Mgh, from him], meaning the acted well, or rightly, o;3 Oi J i. e. I turned arrayfrom him, or from I,, TA,) having ce~ed from cutting it: (Mh :) after acting ill, or wrongly. (a.) - See also 1, his crime, sin,fault, or offenea; syn. ";: c; latter half, in two places. - [Hence] one says, 13 j whence, (TA,) it is said in a trad., .c k and I turned aray (;b I)from punishinghim: liA, meaning Leate ye this camel ~ l 1S' O I L Wj I. JI [He commanded that the [lit. the back of this camel] so that hA may become (Mgh:) or;tl signifie the turing away (it, be clipped closely, or much, and s mustache dwuld fat. (TA.) ]1, TA) from the committer of a crime or the like; that the beards should be left to become abundant (TA ;) and the relinquid;im the punishmmnt of l #1j:11 1' A.1 and long]: (, TA :) or l X^, in. n. 3. XI ;#lc, (S, M,b, V,) , the de ing [treof]: and one says, ec A; ;JUJI [Clip ye &c.], and one may also use the 'Q.1 (V) and f. (TA as from the']) and A and d; C [hL turned away ' l Q and from Lt]. ? at,I (],) or this is a subst. (g, Mqb) put in ; and rdlin- unaugmented verb [saying lI'[c, from him, or frnan ir crm, t of an in n., (S,) or ablso an inf. n.; the place (Myb, TA.) And 1J ! ' , l.I, (',) or punishment, quihed the idnliciom of his m~ ($, 5;) God granted him and *tll; (Msb;) TA:) (18, him]: or pardond Aim, i.e. forgya aZ, (TA,) I left the hair of the camel, .JI and safety, or srity, i. e.] or soundness, [hIwalth, ; O: (so or the hair of the back of the camel, to become or O '~ U& and # Z G and defence (S, O) from diseass andfrom trial:( :) acoord. to the C :) aoord. to MF, the primary abundant and long; as also V 4 .; (]g,TA;) or [restored him to health, or soundn~, and to signifiation ofjo i i.l 1: but tbis is not the this latter with teshdeed. (TA. [In the CV, security from punistment, i. e.] effaced from him w1 it is expL in the 5] [by which ame: and '"X .]) JyJI U, expl. in the V as signifying dieases, and sins. (M9 b. See also 1, formner is [or rather implies] the relinquishing of blame, He shore, or sheared, the wool, signifies Ahleft half.) And q and t ,Al [the latter perhaps or reproof, or of severe, or angry, blame or the wool to become abundant and long, then shore, c.l1, but more probably, I think, tl, agree~reproof; and this is more than [is signified by] or sheared, it. (TA.) _ Also, inf. n. 'hc, i q. ably with what here precedes,] are both used in '.al, for the latter is sometimes without the Ja [It eeeded; it was, or becanme, redundant, the same sense, said of a sick person [as meaning former: the primary signification of i;l [when or superjfluous; or it remained over and above]. He was restored to health, or toundnes]. (TA.) trans.] is [said to be] the purpo~g to tahe a (Msb.) You say, IA [correctly, L -_ And UZC signifies also God's defJ'~g thee 1..i, J is as thing; and Er-Rghib says that .i ;0 ... I,] meaning J..- J..h [i.e. Take thou from men and defending them from thee: (J, though it meant I have purposed to remove [or to TA:) IAth says that it signifies his mrdeng take away] thy crime or the like: (TA:) [but I what has weeded, or become redundant, and has thee indqndent, or in no need, of them, and renthink that the primary signification of ;il when become facilitated]. (Mgh.) - [And He ex- dering them indepndent, or in no need, of thee, (& He exeeded a To its object is a crime or the like is that of effac- ceedd] You say,.A.L and averting their harm from thee and thy harm mat: and hence likewise what next follows:] him i knodge; syn. j;. (V.) And ; from them: and some say that it signifies one's ;11J is also metaphorically used a meaning TThe ,,,pLJI He exceeds, in for/ivinq, or pardoning, men, and their forgiving, ': H ; withdrawing from a right, or due, and from seek- ging, the ih of th wiher and the petition of or pardoning, him. (TA. [See also 6.]) ing, or demanding, it: and thus the verb is used I' 2 ZA the petitioner. (TA.) And j in the Vur ii. 238 [q. v.]: and in the saying of 4. l > :1A 'He made him to be f,ree, or exceeded to him [what nwas incumbent on me] with him, romn the affair. (I.) You say, eempted i; my property, and gae him. (TA.) - And Uie, . ' J IjI~ the Prophet, , [Make and ;L Js1 A~S IXU' > [i. e. We haae remitted to you the poor-rate of nor. A, signifies also [simply] He gam. (TA.) hors and of the da or &laves]:(Mgh:) [and thou me to be free, or eempt thou me, from this gae to him, namely, one seeking, And -Uel H%e *"JI means t I have annuled X 3i' hence] ;. ' ...J or demanding, his beneficence. (Ham pp. 377 affair]. (TA.) And i~ ths right, or due; u though I erased [or ried] AWl He gae to him E:empt thou me, or ec~e me, from go/9 forth and 723.) And ~ it from [the account of] him who owed it: (M,b:) fuUy, or wAholy, his right, or due. (gar p. 117.) with thee. (S, Mgh, Mqb.) - See. also 3, in tC a A js~ t I hae rinudish and .S two places: - and 1, latter half, in three places: _ And 'p , > : '; I laded out for him - and the same paragraph, last quarter, in two [or rmittd] to him what was du to me on his to him in prefermence, wome of the places. ~ A.. also signifies He expendd the part. (TA.) _ Q signifies also It was, or be- first, and gave ' aJa.. jl.]) -_And (s. [Ee broth. . of his property; (, TA;) i.e., the clear came, much in quatity, or many in number: (M#b, MF, TA:) and also the contr., i.e. It I left in the bottom of th coohing-pot [as a portion thereofA~; or the reddant portio of it. ma, or bwame, little in quanity, or fe'w in num- gratuity for the lder thereof] the last of the (TA.) - And He was, or became, a posor~ of

-S1 tsC e': see 1, former half, in three placue ', s. inf n. `:3, [Hence] one says, s Ja [Perdition, or destruction, e., ffaced them,] meaning they died. (Z, 5, TA.) And Ub



[BooK L much property; and indepedent, or in no need. (TA.) And you say, JIJI . ' ; i.e. [I (TA,) The best, or choice, ($, TA,) and abundant, (TA.) gave him, of the property, tthat for which he did (TA,) of a thing, (?,) or of property, (TA,) aad 5: see 1, first and fourth sentences. not ash; or spontaneoudy;] rithout being asked. of food, and of bevrege. ($, TA.) One qys, ka 1M c The Rsof, or tender, and . ^Iinfe[h oit,opa ($.) And l,hi 'LI.I tIgave him spontaneously;] 6. U.tAJI signifies [The forgiving, or par- rwithout being asked: (}(, TA:) or rithout con- bet, of this herbage, gone: ((, TA:) and cdoing, one another, or] the turning away f.om straint. (TA.) And JI - He cord. to the M, t A., with datnm, signifies sch punisking one another: and jj.J I -sj,0 He as is soft, or tender, of any herbage, and suck as -A a o e d vJ I ~~~~I^WJ ~attained'tbe thing eawily. (TA.) And iJi Jti .:Z originally ?j3.mJl~C, j9e,(.e Bln U , originally ~, JI IL, [i. e. Relin- jis [That came to ine easily]. (A and g in art. hast not in it anythuig troubleome, or burdensome, qis ye the pr~cribed punishments in respect of ,h .) -. Also The Iortion of water that re- to the pasturing cattle. (M, TA.)- And ;h n,a occrs between you,] means let every one of mains over and above what is required by the and ;31 signify The hair of tAhhead of a man. you turn away from [or relinquish] punishing his 1jt [which may mean either the people that (TA.) fellow; the phrase being elliptical, or the verb dnell thereby and to tv/om it belongs or the flue [an inf. n.: used as a subst., signifying being made to imply the meaning of JJJJI, and drinkers], (1, TA,) and is taken wvithout conThe state of being effaced, erased, rased,or obitherefore being made trans. in the same manner straint and without crw~ding or preuing. (TA.) rated: and of perihing, or dying. Also] Dut.

JlI 1

(gar p. 00:) [and hence it is said that ta;J! signifies j3b.oJI [app. when each is followed by Cpa, and thus meaning The lpsig by, or over, another, or one another, without punishing]. (TA.) _ And it signifies also Th finding, experiencinj, or obtaining, health, or soundnet. (KL.)

as .ilpJI: (henc,] t,jC.iL 9 J is used by El- -And Te most lawf.ul, (J_l,) so in the copies (~, ..) One says, in reviling, A. WI d4 t{areeree as meaning If15 tActn:. ofthe 1, but in the M a (Ilar~~~~~~~~~~o ee meaning a if I Ilinquit/ud relinquished the-: .g.I [mto beautiful beautiful, or sAtit [In his ~outhbe dut, and may th tate of p. Om0
goodly], (TA,) and mot pleasant, of wealth, or property: (M,y,TA:) and the clear portion thereof. (TA.) _-And The choice, and bet, or moat excdlnt, portion of a thing, (]g, TA,) and such as is not attended miAth fatigue, or wearinea. (TA.) - And Goodnes, or benejicence; or a that wh/ich is effaced, &c., be, or rest, upon Aim: see also the verse cited near the beginning of this art.]. (TA.)-.And Rain: (i :) because it effiaces the traces of the places of alighting. (TA.) _And A whiten~s upon the black of tAdhe eye. (1.)

8: see 1, last sentence but two, in two places: benefit, or beefaction: syn. . .o. (g.)! --- and and seo sec also the Paragraph paragraph here here following. followring. And also the .14A first run: one says of a courser, j M is' T,i lie has a firs,t run, and a subsequent, 10. [iUaz? is Thy or denanding, and more of rduewnt, eehing, run. (A in art. u.) him who impose upon tu an qaffair that is diff- Also, and ti , and V, A young a; and so cdult, or troubleome, or inconvenient, his e.nptijng, tV ; ( ,-g;) or, accord. to ISk, t : ( :) or eusing, thees fromn doing it. (]g.) You say, y, and the female is callcd (, TA) andt 1 3U petitioned llIe ask-*eudd, or 'd ~.d~1 r ~j.JI '~r b , asked, or petitioned, (TA:) pl. [of mult.], accord. to the copies of the him to exempt, or e~.use, him froni but y , saidbyId said by ISd to be with him. Mbe, ::ret going f, orr , ", utcorrectly T xtith M. tinz i, Ik1 Cal i the only iistanco of a word with j as a final and V^IZea mean The camels took with their lips radical movent after a fet-hah, (TA,) and Ii. , the dy herbage (g, TA) fromn above the dust, (ISd, g,TA,) and [of pauc.] "'"1:(ISd,TA:) (TA,) pick/iw out the clear, or best. (g, TA.) and [hience] hence] ~"l al means The a; (, TA;) and ~ means 7'Adate; (g~, TA ;) 1: see_4, second and last sentences. [lit. the father of the young being [pi. Of,atm o ftdyugae;]'tkl ase;] U1JI en pl. 4 of c signifying the young am. (TA.) , see the next paragraph, last sentence. . OA and : see the next g" [an Inf. n.; for which see 1, throughout. And also] A landin which is no sign of the i A bloodwit: (, TA way nor trace of habitation or cultivation; ~ of it pardon is obtained from trodden, and not havingt in it any tracs, or man. (TA.) ~ 1JI ;i

f'a Such as is abundant of the plumage of the ostricl, (S, 1,) and of thefur, or wft hair,of the
camd, (S, and so in the ] accord. to the TA,) and long and abundant hair: (1:) [seean ex. of the last meaning in a verse cited in art. ,~, eonj. 6:] the n. of un. is with; ; but it is said that a single feather is not termed 'a. unless it be [one of feathers that are] dense and abundant.

(TA.) One says .Ue : i5



having abundant fur]. (f.) a-.l means t WThat resembles nap, or pile, in the Mrfae, of the cloud, which [mlwn they hame thais] scarcely ever, or nevr, brcak their promoi of yielding rain. (TA.) UIW e. _A& A man forgiving [or who for give] the Crime, or mseed: (]:) [or rather]


, a-,

tiges, orfootprints: (?:) ora country, orpor-

Aafl signifies he who forgiv much: (?:) and [as meaning thus, or the Very Forgiing,]it is one :) because by means the heirs of the slain of the names of God. (TA.) and V L' and ;5jU: see ;'#.

preceding sentence.

tion of the earth or of land, in which is no trace ;Uc/: see ;5/, in two places. as also 1 * , and ' Oi5jo and of its being posed by any one: and so *t ;. t Ojs, signify Thd froth, or foam, of the cook. ;Uc:see ijb, in two places:In and ee also (g.) - And A reduntdantportion, (~, Mgh, ],) ig-pot; (g, TA;) and the best, or choice, por... being such as is left, (Mgh,) of property, remain- tion thereof, i. e., [of the contats] of the cooking- M., last sentence. ing omr and abov what is epended. (v.) A pot: (TA:) or t ;WiI signifies the broth that i J Being, or becoming,efaced, erased, rand, poet says, [app. addresming his wife,] firt taken up out of the coohi~-pot, and nith orobliterated: [&c.: see 1, of which it is a * &, , . ,. . * wAich he who is honoured is pcuiarly fawured: A1P * tii 5 0s`W US-;& or, assome say, the Jirt and beat of the broth: I Part. n.:] pl. uc. (s, TA.) ~ Having long * 1,u o,r ~.. ~ 'a3 ; * and t ;j , th lt of the brotA, which the hair. (p, .)- A pehy, ump, boy. (TA.) A she-cmel havigm c h: bonrower of the cookij-pot returns mth the cooAh. And,_U 1lc (Take thou what is redundantfrom sne, eking ng ~ t. ($, TA [See also JC ]) - ;j F tha continmane of my affection; and tpeah not pl. ;l. (]5)_And 1~ ,1 A tan1 qf , *a. e in my it qf irritation,nhen I am angry]. ( i.) !.." ! J is What has not been depastured, of. rhich the hrbage, not haingbeen dd Some broththat rbage, and is therefore abundant. (TA.) A hawbecome abundant. (TA.) jall , in the ur ret~ ined in the cooi~n-t whe it ha ben Expend ye what is cedwudant and abundant. And 1 owl JI is The upply of water that has meas mhat is left (TA.) -,i (TA.) And And;!W'l 'q;1!o~l, inteem the same [vii. [vii. 198], 19t8], collected , be,fo~e the draming.fiwm it. (TA.) b'orrowedt(1:)or! Jl J i a the cookingy-pot (Aq, $, M) by th borrower, means [Take thur, or accept thou,] what i re- e also dundant: or accept thou what is easily obtained i.: for the lender. (M, TA.) [See also .] see the next preceding paragraph: from the dipo~tiou of n; and oppose them and also the next following, in two places. guest: (S,* 1 :) and any seeker, or demander, not, for in that eme they would oppoe thee, and ,, , f afacour or bounty, (Q, V,) or of meanu of sbthoene would be engendered hatred and enmity. IjtA: see tM.. -Also, (g, TA,) and V ;., i tence: as.also V A .: (:) pl. AU (l, Ta)

and ,h, (?,]) both signifying ~ , &c., when he has attained to the prime of manhood, (TA,) ;a also 1,6C; (, TA;) which lst signi- and become strong, with a tribe; originating fis also beasts, and birds, (?, TA,) as well as from the fact that as long as the boy was an inmnen, (9,) seni of, or ~ssking, taderdap of ash- fant, his mother hung upon him amulets to pre.istence; (9, TA;) and it. pl. is ~.;)l~. (TA.) Iserve him from the evil eye; and when he became -~A, .0 -# full-grown, they were cut off from him: whence One sapy,,.~! ',.b and 3,Mal and 1 the saying of a poet, [77e [He is oat whoe ha many guats,&c.]. (.)A - And Aseeker o.f herbage. *~ TA. [In the U"?m ~ L&~ .a. . .. . CV, .~3~jI is erroneously put for ,~I~lLJ) - And * tjj ~ 0 * A comer to water: (V,. TA:) and ,tQi t the comm'r to thwater. (] , TA.) a [A conttry in whicA the attainingto tha prime of manhood cut off my amu~, and te 'first land of 3,1 from a sulist. ~~~ which the dudt touched my &kin]. (TA.)... And * e a ubet fo : , q. v., (9, Meb,)

2005 Hudheyl, by lB to be El-As'ar EI-Jofee, who was absent from this reconciliation, (TA,) says, I. . .d


and from l[t'1 linf. n. of 4, q. v.], (TA,) signi-

fying Health, or s oudeso, and safety, or surity: (TI]:) [or, as it may be best rendered, health and safety, considered as proceeding from God; i.e.] Ood's defence ofta man (9, ].) from disae andfrom trial: (]g:) or fredom fro eviL (KL.) See arlso 1,: ormer haldm[Afrmwere rent;] and V~! [means the same]; fem.vofiL ( qL. B ando, usedras p hal [Also(TA;) and 1 - 'l [likewise). (O.) And fern. of .Jt (q.v.), and used us a pl.] -- -m-**~j or .b . LP-', (') (.], tAG a word occurring in the saying of 'Omar aor. (9, - Mob, TA) and :, (TA,) inf. n. Ibn-'Abd-EI-!Azeez; t--C. M9b,) He laugl~ d a a acriffce (., M,b, Ky '.,, ; i.e. [BY my TA) for his chid, (., M9b,) or for the .e-bo %.?fjo, or h myrion, the hackne] are not fa~ child, (i,) a suep or goat, (T, M b, TA,) 9 lij tenaoce,rally ,~ the a ,].taur,]onthementhdayofler easyor on the inLy r my ~ rf oupect dae te,an [and guardianship ,e birtA. tkaa tad Aorie, or mare, of good breed: see -1.-] (T, S, M b, TA.) And He shaved the [Aair 9

shot an arrow toard, t]e sy, tn the said, "Mak ye rc iiation:" would tha I. were d among the party wenA ty troked the beard]: (., 0, TA:) or, as some relate it, the first word is IW, with fet-h to the j; which belongs to the class of unsound verbs [i. e. to art. . U",]. (, 0.) One says also, 6Jail u01 , 'S ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~0 [hence,] :J'.%J .as, aor. and in n. as 0, ],) or ettO, (Mob,) anor. , ( ,Mb,) 0, an n. above, 7w wind drew forth a sowe.r offine rain I (9, 0,M 9 b, )and iL-' (9, 0,/~)and from the ;. [or clou~ containing water]; as o., (TA,) He was undutiful, diwb~ , r~fracthough it rent them. (TA.) And ~! c~ tory, or ill-manned, to his parent, or fatlar; T/' cloud Pouredforth it. water; [as though it contr. ofe; (I h broke hi/ compact ofobe he;)


eTA)_ or (.l,O.M--bOn saors Mbin 9,

diten to hu parent, or fatrea ; (TA;) he di.objdd hisfather; and failed, or eltd~, to be. havm to Aim in a good, or comely, manner. (M9b.) AndAI.;IlJU, (TA, and Yam p. 98,) like "ti ie. iHe sered the tie,or tie, of,relationAhp, by u*kind behav~iu to his kin . (Yam ib.) And [alone], anr. inf n. [He was urn[at & o dt/f,&c.; orheacedundu,tidly,&o; or]he contravnd, or oppo~ed, him whom he was an oblgation to obey. (Uar p. 158.) J4~

~b~, thus correctly, like .i.,,

(latter halft) in art. jip.

as in the M, ~or He sht the arrow towards the shy; and that parents] is said in a trad. to be one of the great f9 "' sins. (O.) in the ] said to be like L .. , (TA,) One who arrow was called a'?,; And it is said in a prov., J91JI (80,O ;) and it was , . [Und a cate, with another w'ntAt se~king to obtain the arrow of self-excuse: they used to do thus in [ UAdutifdd treatmnt of a parn is his bounty. (0, TA.) You say, 69-.Lm '/ .L ! the Time of gnorance [on the occasion of a de- one of teA two sorts of being be/t of a Mild]: or, bA~ [)Ie aseoiated,each of us doin so nitlow maand for blood-revenge]; and if the arrow reas some relate it, JS A 0,4 ji,I~! A [Unseeking to obtain the other's bomuty]: and henoe turned smeared with blood, they were not content duti~ treatment of a parnt is (like) the beathe saying of Ibn-Mubil, esave with the retaliation of slaughter; but if it mert of him ho is not (really) bee of his child]: returned clean, they stroked their beards, and i.e. he whom his children have treated andumade reconciliation on the condition of the blqod- tifully (,-. is '') is as though **, -were bereft ~. * wit; thle stroking of the beards being a sign of children fhis although they ae he living. (0.) semi ' t:.g t j reconciliation: the arrow, however, as IAtr says, [ so 3: and 4] - Hence, from [For e w n st a mn beoe com- did not [ever] return otherwise than clean: (,[ panionship, ad tut ilt ye ied a. ocmatn f 0:) the origin was this: a man of the tribe was t.!iJ~Jl, the verb is metaphorically used in the e ither's seekig to obtain th, other's bounty, and slain, and the slayer was proeecuted for his blood; saying, in a trad., "d 1..j . t toil in so living). (TA.) whereupon a company of the chief men [of the a .l i't _ ' /. .' :;a ' t family of the slayer] collected themselves together .. . . ', 5.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-O. ,8' .. ~ A es.mel left umridde. (]~ and TA in to the heirs [who claimed satisfaction for the Y .; h ee i [T gi~' d e Ofyou and of art.0.) blood) of the slain, and offered the bloodwit, ask- 'kbAeh is that of the ye in the head, whie it hurts ing forgivenm for the blood; and if the heir its owner, and he cannot treat it seerely aew .. : s jts. [who claimed satisfaction and who acted for him- that wihich is good for it: app. meaning that her self and his coheirs] was a strong man; impatient severity was for the good of the objects thereof]. of injury, he refused to take the bloodwit; but if (TA.) intrans., said of lightning: se 7. L sor. mtn.weak, he consulted the people of his tribe, and s L ', "l i~ , nor. d'q[,~ in n. t.~rm: seeI then said to the petitioners, "We have, between e, a L


termed] ao

of the ne

[q. v.] (?, TA) of hi. child, (,) JL-

,, AiU(A .- An.,


treamn, &c., of the two

us and our Creator, a sign denoting command ,.I %.a, in n. ~, means Ihe bcket~ came up and prohibition: we take an arrow,. and set it on Jll from the we/; and some of the Arabs say a bow, and shoot it towards the sky; and itit ashavingf 1i3forits inf i to take the bloodwit, and are not with the retaliation of slaghter; but if it return clean, as it went up, we are commanded to take the bloodwit:" they made reconciliation; for this arrow neversoretured otherwise than dean; and thus they had an excms in the opinion of the ignorant ofthem. (L, TA.) A poet (., 0, TA) of the family of the dain, said by some to be of
return to us smeared with blood, we are forbidden

(Mob, ]5, TA,)nor. ;, (TA,) in a. 3., (MOh, 0, Mfb, TA,) He ah, #pi, dnt, ri~ d, or re.; (Mgh, 0, M,b, ]L TA;) and he cut. (Mgh, 0, TA.) You say, ~ He slt,ripped, or ret, hi g arment. (M mb.) And 9'~t ~ *- (H~ /i.5 amuletdwas cad o.f'amng t/e so*. of ucha one]; said of a boy BkI.



to be] originallyt e changed into ., [which is then in this cmas sup. presed,] like as they said from*ait: [it is, however, mentioned in the TA in art, jpT also, and there expl. u meaning it romu in the well tuming round: and from what here follows, it appears to mean it roseswjpdly, clav th air:] a poet, cited by lAgr, says, of a bucket,

nal bu'.it ir [mi

2096 .A ;;cl also 1, first quarter. [And ee 7.] He dre the sord (0, ]) from its scabbard. meaning It cloe [the air of] the well, riing i, l [probably from Jt nwIftly, lik th atening of the nift eagle in its (0.) - And jLc immothe due bounds, or aVs q. v.,] He eceded flight towards the prey. (TA in the present art.) derate, in ezcung himedf. (TA.) 9: ee above, lat entence. B. Q. 1.Lt ' e-, (O, TA,) inf. n. Lic, 3. GI Ji4,aor. It, inf. n. ote, I con- (0, 0,) said of the t*U [or magpie], It uttered trawned, or oppod, such a one. (TA.) [See also a [kind of chattring] cry, (?,* O, TA,) re1;j cS, in the latter half of the first paragraph.] bling the ound of and 3 [or the rtpated sound 4. ',0 jal i.q. Qp'11 4. [i. e. Such a one of 3e]; (O, TA;) whence its name: and said of a bird [that utters a cry of this kind] when it did that which was an act of undutifulneu, disobedinc, refractorines, or il manners, to his comes and goes. (TA.) - And Lan signifies also The shaking, or being in a state of commnofather or the lih]. (?, TA.) [See also #.jt jo, lion, [so as to produce a kind of crackling, or And rudling,sound,] of paper, and of a new garment; in the latter half of the first paragraph.] lj ;t L [How unduttid,duoobediU~, likle ir[quv.]. (TA.) you sy, 6M refractory, or il-mannered, is he to hiA father!]. HS Any cleft, orfurrov, and any hole, in sand (TA.) _ 4st She (a mare, $, 0, 1, and an

[Boox L.

a [proper] name for js;I [dutifuls,


obedience, refractoriness, or ill mamers, to a

parent, or the like]: (], TA:) mentioned by IB, and in the 0. (TA.) 31ki, applied to water: see j3.

3jla, applied to a mare, ( 0, O, TA,) and to an as, (TA,) Preant: (, 0, O :) or not pregnant aJr having be comerd by th stallion, or during a year or two years or som yea; (];) or it signifies thus also; (0;) having two

contr. meanings; (s;) or it is applied to one

in the latter state as implying a presage of good; (0, ! ;) so says Aglt; (O, TA ;) i.e., as though they meant that she would become pregnant:

(TA:) it is extr.; [as being from

;] j and

as, TA) conceived, or became pregnant; (g,O,

&c. (S, TA.) See also [Up. - Also i. q. j1, 4;) or se did not conceive, or becorne pregnant, q. v.(0, I.) ~ t:b: see . u after having been coed by the stallion, or during a year or two year or some years; (j;) 3. iL, with damm, (O, TA,) or t :, (thus andt *;, aor., (O, V, TA,) the verb being written in my copies of the [ and in the 0,) and of the clau of 4, (TA,) inf. n. 'tA and "j t LL, (0, X, TA,) Bitter water: (S, 0, :) (0, ], TA) and j 9 , (Cl, but not in other or iatenely bitter water: used alike as sing. and copies,) rignifiesr the same, (O,0 V, TA,) maid of pl.: (TA:) like e, (TA,) or (, 0O,) and a mare, (0, ,) and of an as; O ;) or Juig ctj. (O, TA.) signifies prenn itlf, a also 31, (V,) and so: see what next follows. j; (Q, 0;) or l; ignifies Jsh bcamne prewant; and Ite, the [hair cald] aleiJ grew in


hr belly upon t

young on that sks bore. (TA.)

, cavity, trench, A deep excavation, holowo

Also It (a palm-tree, and a grape-vine) put or the like, in the ground; (I, TA;) as also

forth what are tered e [q. v.]. (Q,0, op) _ IlHe made it bitter; (, 0, g ;) namely, water; maid of God; like Zio. (T, O.) And ljtl %j 4al h1e earth made the water bitter. (TA.)

7. jail It wane clon, split, slit, ripped, or iid of anything; rent; or it clae, plit, &o.; (Q, 0, 1, TA;) mentioned by Th as maid of a
garment. (TA.)ItiJ1 ; a;l The cloud

accord. to the (, there said to be with kesr, but correctly Vh;, with fet-b, [q. v.,] which signifies an elongaed escavation in the ground, and is (TA.) originally an inf n.: thus in the LO And A blaze of lightning estending in an elongated form in the shy, (IDrd, O,Ij,) or in the s.ide of the cloudi, (A,TA,) and said to be as though it ere a drawn sword. (TA.) [See also

one should not eay t 3a; or this is a bad dial. var.; (S, 0, ;) or, accord. to AA, it is from :.zcl, and ii" is from ;.: (TA:) the pl. is and Slic is a pl. pl., (0, O, l,) i. e. pl. of acn, jh. (S, O.) It is said in a prov., ,';,I ;j ~idl, meaning He sought an impossible thing; because .;41is applied to a male, and jgls means pregnant: (?, 0, and ] in art. i :) or jjMil jL"jl means th dawbn, because it breaks, i lit. cleaves. (0, and V in art. J.)E.) ;a~.ll means Dat-stonea tAat are earily brohkn, (Lth, ?, O, ],) soft to be chewed; (Lth, O, ;) which are given as provender to camels, (f,) or to the pregnant thereof, in consideration of her state, wherefore they are thns called; and which are eaten, or chewed, by the old woman: but this is of the speech of the people of E-Barah, and not known by the Arabs in their desert. (Lth, 0:) and sometimes they called a singl dat-stone of ths ort La,;. (s.) - See alo
,t C7, pped, or rent; and cut; slit, ri,

as also t $, TA.) the former half. ,an : amse ai in tio,

A3 .


And [hence] Any

becae rent with te water. ($, l0, .) See also 1, first qurter. [And ee 8.] - SjIl jal' and t [of which latter the aor. is probably 4_I n. aid in the V to mean (OA, and the in. n.O, j%1ti,] signify 9" and Mt [as though meaning Tei lightning became clov;n]; (TA;) [but] the former is expl. asu ignifying the lightning ,
or beca, in a state of commotion ( ) in tho

to w ehich boys play. (L, chandl rohich th water of a torr~t ha cloen am A certain thrang (S, O,' Mb,* 1) of old (M,b) and made wide: (, O:) and a alley: (O, ] :) pL 1 (, O,

clod. (t , O.) [Another meaning is suggested (q. v.) in relation to by an explanation of i (,,lightning.]A d,,I ) (,ult i o. te itlf]: (IF, 0, ing The dust spread, or did 4.' [bcame clef, and di;fuOe~ :or itself]. (TA.) _ ~ptlt jalt The valley was, or bcame, dep. (Ti.) - ;4U 1 oaabt T/u or firmly, (0,a -, kot became strongly, otied. TA.) . j Te clouds ecame rent, (T/, . . TA,) and thAr whater pouredforth. (TA.) 8e

M9 b, ], TA) and iti. (TA.) And t1j to be signifies also Pools of water in cleft ,roro: AIt is said in the .id: see syn. with 1t; but in this sense the correct word I (Ayn, TA :) and some say, red sands. (TA.) - See also a3i, in two plaoez - Also [Car(TA.) ,is b. nelian ;] a pecieg of ,gZ [or stones tAat are and see also set in rings]; (, i) a ort of stoe, (MOb,) or reM ji: see '." i, latter half: a., in tweo places jb [meaning prcios tone], (0, ,) of which in Elare made; (O,Mlb;) eig ,..j seae to. a sing. and u spl.: a i, Yemn, (g, TA,) near to E:-SkiAr, said by me threof at lt >is an inICL n. of said of a mare (0, V) Et-Teefdsee to be brought froI an;d, (TA,) and on tAh shor of th Sea of and of an ass: (0:) or it fignifies Pregnan trof is of a a~tu one kind ) Roomeye; , (,) as also itself; (;) s(AA,, tfd Mun nfrom like water appearance, and t [which is likewise said to be an inf. n. .. eat, and having is itfaint wit lines, (, TA,) iUJI TAes and this, Et-Teehdiee say, is what is kmo of z;]. (s.) You say, Iglic A by she-as manifsed prenancy. (AA, g, O.) _ . tAe appelwation ,ph [so in my original]; the And, accord. to Esh-Shafi'ee, An embro; or a best ind is te red; then, th yedbw; thb, the s white; and the other kind are bad: or, a 'som like half: [indecl.,] ie ~Uc, _ fetus. (TA.)

BooK I.]
11) is the bet: (TA:) say, tle daked ( (I omit some absurd mertions in the 1] and TA respecting various virtues suppoaed to be possed by this stone:] the n. un. is with 5: and the pl.


and al, which is an extr. [meaning anomalouls pl. (ltam p. 93.) pi 3, (S, O,) in a trad., (?,) said by Aboo-Sufytn to aIamzeh on the day of Ohod, when he pased by him' slain, (,* 0,) ; ji [Tasr thou tha rtomnsp means i ofthyde]d (,) or .i1 l3 [ta thoAo dlaugt r], mutifJil, & ; or, acord. to the [O (O,) explanation in the TA mentioned above, i, for 0 l, mean~ O ~ y duI , &c]. (S, O.)
The shoots, or offe, of th palmd13iI 3I; trs, that grow forth theremith. (0, ].) [See also l.] s1 j& [More undutifj'l, &., to kindrod, _. than a lizard of the species called ,.s] is a prov. [mentioned, but not expl., in the O]: lAir says, the female [of the _,] is meant; and its I & consists in its eating its young ones. (TA.) [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 152-3. And seo

ligAtning in a tate of commotion in te cloud: (Q, 0:) or lightning e~tending in an ongated form in the side, or breadth, of the cluds: (TA:) or ligtning that cleame thi clods, and , itut ~tend high, into thte midst of the or, n i.:) going to the right and lft: (g i art. lation applied by some to The agate.] as expl. by Aboo-Sa'eed, a f.la of lightnag that :) a made so by the affix has rpread in the horizon: (0, voce g 11;. [a subet. from S1a, . Henoe, becauso cleft, or furrowed, in the sword is likened thereto: (?, 0, ] :) and [the iis a name for words: (O, :) tL, pl.]j earth,] A river, or ri~et. (IA, 0, .) -


1 , i anppel-

And A fillst, or bandage, (M, ) at the tim of also, signifies lightning. (TA.) - And Ui.i its bg rent fron a garmemt, or piec of cloth. signifies also An arrow sAot toward the sky; O.)- And The ppuce of a boy (S, O, I ;) the arrom of sef-excs; which was (IAr, O, (AO, IAp, O, 1) wien A i circumcrsd. (TA.) used in the manner described in the explanation And [app. because made of cut pieces of skin,] pa [q. v.]. (}, 0.) - See of the phrase .J4 A [kathern mater-bag uch as is commonly called) also _J, last signification. . Also The wool of a ;j44. (IApr, O, YC.) A cloud pouring forth its water: ibUL 3a4$ ,. [or ~r a or before its secod year]: (S, (TA : or a cloud much rent by water. (T, TA 0, ], TA:) that of a ,' [or sheep in its third ) voce year] is called 4*.*: (TA:) and the hair of a Y~oug one recently born, (S, Mgh, O, M 9b, L, Shoots that come forth from the J.:it TA,) that comea forth upon his head in his [meaning trunks, or stems,] of palm-trees and of mother's belly, (TA,) of human beings, (S, Mgh, grape-vines; (S, O, O ;) and which, if not cut O, Mqb, ], TA,) because it is cut off on his off, cause tteo J.l to become vitiated, or unsound. seventh day, (Mgh,) and of otaer, (Msb,) [i. e.] ;.: and see j a, below.] (S, O.) [See also also ti of beadss likwse; (, O, ], TA ;) as and t a.; (~, O, Mqb, ] ;) but A'Obeyd says zwo [The magpic, corvus pica; so called in that he had not heard this luast except in relation the present day;] a certain bird, (S, 0, Myb, to human beings and asses: (S, O, ] :*) its pl. g,) ellU known, (s, O,) of the si of the pigeon, :) the pl. of (Mqb,) party-coloured,black and white, (0, Msb, : (, ) is (i. e. the pl. of g,) having a long tail, (0, M9b,) said by Iy-h.1 : a lawof the Sunneh isn j3 andjg t1 EI-Mowsilee to be the same that is called $., requires that the A1A of an infant should be (Th, IB, TA,) a tpecies of crow, (IAth, M 9b, weighed, and its weight in silver be given to TA,) wherefore it is said in a trad. that the man the poor: (and Herodotus, in ii. 65, mentions a in the state of 41l.may kill it; (IAth, TA;) similar custom as obtaining among the Ancient its cry resemblea the sound of , and j [or the Egyptians :)] when the hair has once fallen from repeated ound of ,a]; (0, lg;) and the Arabs ceases the young [by its being cut], the term ii regard it as an coil omen. (M 9 b.) [See also to be applied to it: so says Lth: (O, TA:) but it occurs in a trad. applied to hairas being likened to the hair of a recently-born infant. (TA.) jSr Undutiful, disobedient, refractory, or ill-


an ex. of conj. 2.]


;l in a verse cited in art. Jaj,


,m.: see 3ij. j3ia-: see oe:, first sentence.

1. 4, ($1, ,) aor. ', (TA,) inf. n. a., :, TA.) T, (TC,) He struck his ~a [or hed]. ( - And '~-, (S, Mgh, Msb, ], TA,) aor. ',

(Mgh, Msb, TA,) inf. n.




Henoe, (g, O,) it is applied also to The ~p, or the latter,] that is laug~htered(, goat, ~ge .raly Mgh, O, Mob, ) as a saificefor th recentlyborn infant (S, Mgh, Mqb) on the occasion of the shaving of the infant's hair (0, ]) on the senth day aJfter hit birth, ($, M9b,) and of which the

mannered, to his parent, orfatlhr; (S,0 0,* g ;) breaking, or one who breaks, his compact of obedience to his parent, orfataher; (TA;) disobeying, or disobedint to, his fatler; and failing, or neglbeting, to behav to him in a good, or comely, manner; (Mb ;) [and ~eering,or one who severs, limb aredivided,and cooked with water and salt, the tie, or tie, of relationship,by nkd behaiour and gien a food to the poor: (Lth, TA:) Z si dgnifies holds it to be thus called from the mune word as to hi kisndred; (see its verb;)] and ., (, O,TA,) also , g ;) as (O, the samue; applied to the hair: but it is said [by some] to be so called because it is slaughtered by cutting but in an intensive sense, altered from 3;s, like the windpipe and gullet and the two external , and j; from .l and j.Ai, in the 1 errojugular veins: (TA:) the Prophet disallowed (L, 3 this appellation, (Mgh, Msb,) as being of evil neously said to be 3s; (TA;) and t ci; omen, (Mgh,) or as though he saw them to and TA as from the ]~, but not in my MS. regard it as of evil omen, (Meb,) and desired copy of the 1] nor in the C] ;) which last signithem to use 4,i in its stead; (Mgh, Myb, TA;) fies'also [as a pl.] men severing, or who sever, the ties of relationship, by unkind behaviour to their -l 1. (TA.)- _ saying I like not kindred; and also remote, or distant, enemies: signifies What remains [for an instant] in the (TA :) [andt .s; is app. used (as Freytag as, of the rays, or beamn, of lightning; (Lth, C o~ (I ;) which, as well as serts it to be) in the sense of 3lc in the F{kihet O, 9;) as also * j1l; el-Khulata, p. 55, 1. 7 from the bottom :] the pl. ui.z't, is also expl. as meaning lightning which , (A , 0, MO b,n],) like ; , (L,) one sea in the midst of the clouds, resembling a of 30, iBs signifies and drawn sword: (TA:) or "i, i , like , a form used by Ru-beh, (0,)

TA,) He came ofter him; [as though at Ais lael; and hence, properly, clowe ajter him; but often meaning near after him;] (9, Mgh, Myb, ], TA;) followed him; suceeded him; (S, Mgh, 15, TA;) came in, or took, is yplace; as also t Ai-l: (S, 1, TA:) and in like manner both are said of anything, (TA,) as also t , ( Msb, M.,.3; q, 1;) (M 9b, ., TA,) inf. n. and t ,JIr; (?, Meb, ] ;) and t i:sl; (TA;) meaning it came ajfr; (t,* M9 b, J,* TA;) &c.,as above: (TA:) and -'t is used in this sense, but not rightly. (Mgb.) [All primarily and denote proximate sequence.] You say, U lti. XT 1,j They came after us (TA.) And

They ucc~ded u, 1 _ 6i and t; in alightig, or taking up teir abode, after owr 7%*1 4 LI The departue. (TA.) And A;v[q. v.] follow divorce. (Mgh, Mob.) And , as also &eA, Such a ' CJj X ~j1 t qW nmded him, or took one went away, and Ai sonsuc 1M V .,J [TAir 1U O.) And ($, hi place. succeeded this] is said when the latter is gone, and there remains nothing of it, and the former has taken its place. (TA.) And one says, n ,, J U, (?, O, TA,) aor. '-, in n. 1 X o . * Jt;, this being a subet. (TA,) and quasi-inf. n.t used in the sense of an in n., like as 4Ia3 is [said to be] in the lur lvi. 2, (g, O,) or it is an (MOb in art. jj,) Suc a inf. n. syn. with ,., one succeedwd, or took the place of, hi father; (r, 2fl4'

2008 , and': and 't O, TA;) as also t ~4,. (TA.) [Hence also readingo, t ;i, or carry off, take, ye and means first the (TA:) a in several phrases here following.] - It is said ?, TA:) or the Ibn-EI-Ajda', (Masrook spoil: 4Z JLa Wyai. J s i.e. trad., second has this meaning; and the first means [Every party that goes forth on a warring, or and ye punish them so that ye take, or carry off, marring and plundering, ~edition] shall take its spoil: and the third means andye have a requital: turn, on after anothcr:] when one company has the second is the best; and the third is also good; gone forth and returned, it shall not be con- but the second has'a more intensive meaning: strained to go forth again until another has taken (Aboo-Is-hla the Grammarian, L, TA:) accord. ,s to Fr, the first and second signify the same: (L, Jqjl its turn after it. (TA.) - l [inf. n. of 4iA] is :.t -&.J [i. e. I sought to do evil TA:) and AXsays that .i means to the man, and took his place (see art. L,.), syn. with 4aio [inf. n. of .Jlc; but whether with re~pect to his wnife; i. e. I coammitted adultay with reference to this case, I do not find]. (TA.) with his irfe]: (S, 0:) or :i; signifies [simply] -And also signifies I. r, aor. ', inf:n. .is, rsome othler or wealth, [in (8: after, sought him]: or to evil sought, to do lie [he oght > ;, which A.i; seems to have been inadvertently thing. (TA.)~ (S, O, .,) aor.: and ', -r~, omitted: but SM immediately adds what here (TA,) inf. n. 0i, lie bound a thing (S, O,) i follows:]) and one says also, S.j a$ ; with [tle kind of siaen, or tendon, called] Y. ex. an see which of [inf. n. ,.w, meaning He ac- as also ? . L, aor. ', inf. n. ,i, CO crued the man [app. behind his back] of a thing in a verse cited voce 'a-]: he bound therewith diliked, or hated; he [so] defamed him, or charged a 3sj, i. e. the ring of an ear-drop, fearing lest him with a vice or fault or the like. (TA.) it should incline on one side: or hce bound an earSuch Suc1 h]a [liko 53i jii;r ~is (TA:) and IA ring with a thread called ,.i': man married nu.h a woman ajftr her fi,t huoan arrow, and ]g,) 0, (S, bow, a round wound ,i, aor. and ', inf n. (S, 0,) with [the kind of sinav, or tendon, called] ' bandl. (TA.)-411 Y, WiUtene~ of the hair, or hoarine, camn ic, (O,) or with omeolhat thereof: (S, J :) after [or took the place of] blackness; as also or l, '. he bound it, namely, the [arrow _- said of a horse, aor.; *t~ s. (TA.) , with the ,c , in consequence of its termed] . [which see below,] Iie per[or t ?], inf. n. .lJ, ;,s having broken. (IB, L, TA.) _ 4-t1 formnned a run after anoter run. (L, TA.)_ [thus I find it written without teshdeed, but per-

[Boo- I. another, and one wmarring, or warring and phodering, ~tpeditiom with another. (TA.) And ui He prayed in the night i t a f and then repeated terjayer. (IA4r, TA.) And


1f, Te arring,or (and ; YtI IW I45, mnrring and plundering, party was made to be folloed by another, conuiting of tAe li of it, wnt in its place. (TA.) And it is said in a trd. jt t. He mad, s of 'Omar, JZJ.JI L very year, to call back one party of te fores and to send anotlher to take it turn after the formtner. (0, TA.) - Also The performing of prayer (IAth, O, g, TA) as a supereroatory act (TA) after the [prayers called] C 3. :
(IAth, O, Jl, TA:) such prayer is to be performed in the house, at home, (IAt, O, TA,) not in the mosque. (IAth, TA.)- And The waiting (.K, TA) in prayer; or remaining in one's place in prayer waitingfor anotlherprayer. (TA.) a, (i, 0,) inf. n. as , ~, And you sayv, 'j"1 above, (S, A, O, Msb, ],) ]I. sat after the perforning of the [ordinary] prayer for the purpos of a supplication (6, A, O, MNb, g) or a pe-

V La; The camels removed from ~u~; andand place to place, pasturing. (IApr, TA.)_I_

Ji. u &>

'i ;.i , (TA,) or'4.



in the 0, [in which JUIt o. is put in the place of Jut. ,,,]) Whater evil consequence happe to me, with reslct to it, (referring to merchanipoibility for it will be on thee [and dise,) th r compensation shall be made from thy property]: Rummeh says, (thus in the 0) appears, from what and [iAt Ir,, , '6 a a S this in verb latter the n. of inf. an be follows, to sense; or it may perhaps be from the former verb, like 3h; from Jia; for] one says, LIqQ H sold me an meaning [As though the crying of the dusky she;a9 ;ij;aL [He i ;l ,a camels] looking, or raitinj,for our returning article of marcandie, and was rwponsiblsfor an from watering that they might go to the water evil consequence, (or for damage afterwards found after us [were the barbarous talk of low, or igin it,) should ter be any in it]. (I8h, O, TA.*) noble, Nabathrant,ovr it, i. e. over the water]. and ' lil and V `.rui signify also H1 -. 4.. 2Te t.;, faor.: ,] inf. n. ,4, (TA.)~- ';i! g in exchange, d,from Ais somethin took, or reci slender, became herbage, or plant, of the branches an eckhange, a btitte, or an ~eqant, for and the baves threof turned yelow. (IApr, TA. , another thing: it is said in a trad., [See also 2.]) If thy etertain kinnot, ;1 .'J. 1 W.;1aj ,i S: see 1, first three quarters, in seven places. hall AWav right to take from thm asa mbAhe - The inf. n., a.J, signifies also The doing a which they his mttai the li of i thing and thenm returningto doing it: (IAth, TA:) ,eI, Il l says also and one denied him: the performing an act of prayer, or another act, or I , He tooA, or reid,from him in echange and then returning to doing it in the same day: ,i;, aor.:, (Sh, TA :) and [particularly] the making a wargood, or oeo: (TA:) and ;).l He tookfm the man's property th lik of whroat ring, or warring and plundering, ~zpedition, and .)[See he (the latter) had ta from him. (0, TA.) thn another in the a,ne year. (6, 0, 1 OLW "ic , and After the words in the lVur Ix. 11, S,,i: l;54 also $i4] You say, iV, !O He fo wd Q,one prayer with j; O, there are three different !5 o ; ji;i -. 1

".ain the t;tion. (, 0, Mob.) .MJ'" j l l]ur [xxvii. 10 and xxviii. 31], means [He did did not turn bach retreating] and did not wait; (0, TA;) properly, did not make advancing to follow his retreating: (O :) or and did not tr aside (S, M.b) nor wait in eapectation: (Q:) or and did not turn aside nor return: (O :) or and did not look aside: (f,* TA:) or and did not return; from C said of a combatant, meaning .1 , (see He re~rned after ~ haps it should be t 'i,, from : (Bd in xxvii. 10 :) ,,i~,)] We lined ti t well with stones behind [tihe you say, 4 agaimst him; He rerned eL other] stona. (TA. [See also 4.]). [The inf. n.] syn. -- , and q.j: and ea signifies also The .jl,, [which generally t.ijt also signifies turning back, or receding, fiom a thing that oM means Th mahing, or causing, to return, or go had deired to do. (TA.) :Jl i ;. back; but this may perhaps be a mistake for i _ mto [app. means He had latterly, in the I, for it is immediately added,] Dhu-r- time of hoarne, good di~p itio]. (0. [The

meaning that I have assigned to this phrase seems to be there indicated by the context: but I incline to think that the right reading is .,, t lit. Hie wasu made to be folod, in hoarinm, by good dispostio; agreeably with what next
-0 *1 A 8mv.W. [means Such a one caused good to betide me, and it was made to be folowed by t wa buttr t/lan it]. (A, TA. [In the former it is followed


4.4jI, evidently for the by the words ' j purpose of explanation.])- [Hence,] one says,
9 ;e; trI Li,

3, meaning


He gave an alms in whic ma no n~ an ception. by following it up with a condition]. (0, - delayd, or d,1 c ) A, O, Meb. , to me my du (1) ered, the gig, or payi~


He lookd to thonw R

, ed,

isse, or relt, of the ajair, mvt, or cam (TA. He mt rel . [See also 5.]) - And peatedly to and fro, or made re ted fforts, in , or seng to accomplh the a,fatr, s

outing himse.

(?, o, L, TA.)

In te L

,A*~1 [the inf.. n.] is expl. u signifying )j~l

Boox I.]


11 .jl

~J: but the right reading is

_ M ,iL.. (TA.) [See also . .] n. inf. O,) (S, .,., called] [plant ofthe said ,~";, (s,) It became yedlow in its fruit, (S, O, 1,) and attainedto the season of its drJing up: said of a plant or herbage. (, O :) from ~ ,.
inf. n. as above, lie Ilaned , (TA.) 1 IClS called .,ALU, in a rell. kind tie of off a stone (TA. [See also 4'.m..]) ~See also 1, last quarter, in two places. 3. ~.Jt: see 1, second sentence. .- Also ,Jt, and .LLO, J I, (Mgh,* TA,) inf. n. 41 (Mgh,) lie did a thing with the man alternately, I. each tahing his turn; (Mgh, TA;) and so ~ (TA.) And [particularly], (TA,) inf. n. ai-t, (0, O,) He rode in his turn after the man, each 1, riding in his turn; (8, O, TA;) as also t

by its master, or rider, and retaliatedlby kicking ' another person]; meaning, he made nothing to be incumbent on the master of the beast unless the latter made the kicking to be a consequence of that [i.e. unless the beast kicked in consequence of its being beaten by the master, or rider]. (TA.) [See also 4, which has a similar said of a meaning, that of requital.] - -'. rNn perfornm to required rwas ,She mare means 277.) p. (Ham run. after

(0,o,,) l g

* ,f lie repented of his affoair. (TA.) _ .L * I1l , j? man, upon the camel, lie riding in his turn ofter me. (;, O.) And in like manner you say, meaning Descend from the station of the Kllalec- .JI Ol IIae doubted of the information,or quesWj-TAey rode by turns nith fehs that the family of lhdshini man mount, 0 tioned it, and asked again respecting it. (S, O, [(, and t t ;.. TA. [In mycopies of the S,and in theO,,0 Jll: him, taking their turns after him. (TA.) - And leiy#a [for O sons of Uineiyeh]. (TA.) . -- as , .It mladeC a thingr to jfollon ns [And W is uised as [lie made an interchange,or [And It madle a thing to sefllons ,,z *E!, ll a a ing ouenlye but see what follows; in which Y. alternation betnwee~n the two thinsy; he made the to him: the verb in this scise being doubly a noun of place of the verb in this scnse.]) 'rufeyl -;il It occasioned himn .A One says, two things interchaneable, or commutable;] lie trans.] ,. , , ' (Mgh, Msb, TA,) relentance, conjsquence its as brought, or did, the two things interchangeably,or g .. i , a,. ,.,a I,. 1 i.l .:- a. ; alternately, i.e. one of themn one time and the and L*A anxiety. (TA.) And otAher of them another time. (TA.) [Thus, for 1 [And there 'as no place of, or ground.for, doubtits as him occasioned that repast lIe ate a and aslai,,g again, i,wpcting mhat they told]. ,1 i,g, J1 . l [The Arabs consequence a sichkness. (3, 0.) And [hence] instance,] St, -WI * J 0 TA.) And one says, U P, 1 O,( ~ ^~~ ~ ~ ~~~S 5 make an interchane between J and t; make 1 plce any not] found [I i. e. TA,) (A, ' canged or fo exchanged is wtas might J and :. interchangeable,or commnutable; i. e. putJ in tahe place of :, and bs in tie place oJ into, [lit. made to be follored by,] abascnecnt. of, or groundulfor, inqiringy into, or inrvetigating, (A, TA;) [or q =; Jj; as in jJ.q and .on-; and t..a3 sig- (TA.) See also 2, first quarter, for another cx. thy saying; syn. Kiur the in Li, ,_ LkL likewise,] [Hence, it;] meaning, examine to signifies returning e,Jt or it; tioning nifies the same. (S, O.)- And and tinme !/ypoclrL."y one ligs cau.sed his IIe of one [Tlhmefore [ix. 78], means also He Jtood upon thy saying was right and true, so that it did not legjs caused hi le or] moved or them; to time; anothlr consequence as a tofollow spon the other require . a;l; (A;) or I did not allow myself alternatdly. (TA.) - [SIJt ma denoting conse- tAem to err, because of their evil deed, as a punish- to doubt, and ask again, respecting it, that I quenoe, and retaliation, or retribution, also sig- ment to them. (O.) And [in like manner] one might see whether I should do what thou saidst _;~ii [God gare him, or or abstain from it. (TA.) - [And the verb is L I ,, says,.- 6.i .4; nifies He puisied ihim.] You say, 4. (1, Myb,* TA,) int. n. .. d (, Myb,'TA) and1 may God give him, as a recompens, or requital, used transitively in a similar sense.] You say, , good, or prosperity]. (TA.) 'Ji 1h", (M:b, TA,) He p;nishd~ him for hiJ for his benef a3 .J He sarched after the i,formatioN crime, sin, fault, or offence: (S,0 Mb,* TA:) And &;;.Lt -j'l He recompensed, or requited, repeatedly, or time after time; (Mgh, TA;) Lui syn. 'j: (Mgh, TA:) and t w,usl has a like to and [in like manner] t ls-' He punishedl him imfor his obedience, (g, 0, ],') and or a fault, (i.e. a man, ~, O)for a crime, a sin, for what he did. (TA. [See also 3, which has a meaning. (ylam p. 287.) And He asked rspec~t1 an offence, that Ae had committed. (S, O, V.) similar meaning, that of retribution.]) 1.A ::klJ ing the information another person than the one In the saying in the ]ur [xvi. last verse but one], 1 means also He gave him in exclange good. (TA.) whom he asked te jfirst time. (A, TA.) - And [And tf ye See also 1, latter half, where the verb is expl. in Oj.l '4~ J4;lj>IIah bsZJt ~ I ought to disco~r in the man tAat that mith the contr. sense, that of taking, or receiving, in rhich he would be ashamed to ezpo~; or the *dp, of like the with ye pnish, then punish which ye have been aj~icted, lit. punided], the exchange. - 5&lUI 4k:1l Thle diabolical visita- or fault, that he had committed: and V-i 1 iverb first denotes punishment, and is aRfterwards tion, or insanity, returned to him at times. (S, 0.) signifies the same. (0, 1.') [In critical obser used for the purpose of assimilation: and similaz s ld [is app. from vations and the like, ~.u is often used as mean4 .. >* t..l to this ie the saying in the same [xxii. 59],L __ ; s (see ... ), and] means lIe laidstones ing Hefoundfaut with him; animadverted upon [And whoso punishet 1 ; JI .. ,.& - . , .. regular him; or impugned his judgment or assertion; with the like of that wit which he hath been of 1 c'ompactly together at the bach [behind the by his saying so and so. And iC Jfict~d, lit. punihed]. (O.) For another ex., casing] of the well. (TA. [See also 1, near the L;% p died, man) (a le intrans., as .jul seems to be similarly used as meaning l& -from the ]Jur lx. 11, [where it implies retaliatior end.]) or retribution,] see 1, latter half. [In like manner,] and left off~pring. (s, 0, .) One says, He animadverted upon kit saying: (oompare

and * -, 1. (TA.) And Lc'turn after the ;J ;j, I rode in any

4. .iet: see 1, first quarter, in three places: -and see 3, in three places. - [Also Ile nade himn to take hiL place. And hence,] lie des.cended from his beast in order that he (another) minght ride in his turn: and one says also 4au1 meaning ,. 1 Thy riding-camel Descwad thou in order that I may ride in my turn: hin. (0.). of kind any to respect with manner like in and became, or has become, jaded, orfatitgued. (0.) action: thus. when the office of Khaleeftch became !1 i3 li]e looked to the conseqttene, end, 5. transferred from the sons of Umeiych to the isue, or resull: and le considered a sceond time. H(Mshimccs, Sudeyf, the Poet of the 'AbbLisces, i (TA. [See also g, last quarter.])- ' said,

[A female noble of countenance, (or whose nobility was manifest in what appeared of hercountenance,) she did not invoke one of tie people dead, on a morrown after an engagement, as having perished without leaving a successor, or one tofJill his place:] i. e. when a chief of her people died, another chief came; so that she did not bewail a chiet who lhad not his equal. (TA.)- lCe (a boarower of a cooking-pot) returned a cookin9g-pot O .)in it. (S, O, 7rith tie remains ternmied (TA.) to good. lIe (a man) returnedfromn evril -_ 4. LS.4: 1 iec set upon hin beating

o ,v


p 1 [Two men of them died .~ ,.'i! :) but more commonly as meaning [ l ~.A I it is mid in a trad., . (He made the hkicking of a beast with t and ft offspring, and one died. and left no off- he animadmerted upon it, i. e. a saying, and the .,ti like.] - See also 3, near the middle of the parakind 1/s to be of no account tmule it wre beateo spring]: and Tufeyl EI-Ghanawee says,

2100 graph. -.. lI

,. -

[Boox I

Ju He thought repeatedly upon i. e. ohen emancipation folloms it. (Ms.b.)

th affair, or cams. (TA in art. bij.)---_l He found his opinion to hae a good issue, or resuit. (8, 0. [See a somewhat similar signification of 8 and 10, under the former.]) - See also 1, second sentence. _ [The saying of AbooTlium6meh, * -

may be rendered, nearly in aecordance with an explanation by Et-Tebreezee, And if a speech slilp by mistake from my companion, I substitute another having sulperiority: or '.a3 may here mcan I search out: but see the YHam p. 287; where are some remarks, on this verse, that appear to me to be fanciful and flu-fetched.] 6. 1;,I (T, S, O, Myb, TA) 7hey/ follo eac; other [by turns]; or alternate; (T, Mgb, TA;) one coming and the otler going; (TA;) sid of the night and the day; (T, MRb;) or as the night and the day; (~, O, TA;) as also O' .:'i- (TA.) You say, 9L ,.2 vJ , lJl i The two toravelcrs rode upon the beast, carlch f them in his turn. (TA: and the like is waid in the Myb.) And c. LW They two did sa work, or deed, by turns, or alternately; syn. ;t;g!, (I and TA in art. Cj,) and ;el'. (TA in that art.) And lW They helped each

,lther by turns. (TA.) And


'-' .j

'Tey to plyhim by turs u ith beating. (A.) See ulso 3, near the beginning. 4 1aN also signifies The coming to water [by turns, or] time after time. (TA.) 8: ee 1, former half, in two places: and see 3, near the beginning, in two places; and 6,
also in two places. [iii.1

signifies also He

took it, or had it, nbsequ~tly. Thus one of the meanings of i;l. is expl. in the A and TA by the words jllX,L , .j i.e. lI'hat they hae, or take, after the main portion of the meal, consisting of weetmeat. - And He had it, or experienced it, as a consequence of an 4 (s, Mgh, 0, M.b, I, &c.) and t, act &c.: and that it may have tIe:, for an (M,b, TA,) the latter being a contraction of the inf. n. in this sense (as well as in other senses former, (Mqb,) [The heel of a human being;] the uageeably with analogy) seems to be meant by hinder part of tJhe foot of a human being: (S, its being said (in the .am p. 287) that J I Mgh, 0, Myb, J :) of the fern. gender: ($, 0, signifies 1 , 1j: .J.; i.e. . 1 . See also a M9b :) pL [of paue.] ! (TA) and [of mult. somewhat similar signification of 5.] One says, as well as of pauc.] .Ail: (Msb, TA:) and h..C.. cl. U4A~ Iji vCW . ii.e. [I didsuch a t is said to signify the same; but MF thing and] Ifound, or rienced, in consen~ceI cites an assertion that this is a word of a bad theref repentance; (S, O;) as also .Q* 1. dialect. (TA.) 16l > ,AU [Wo to (A, O.) And t~ ,.. *i?t IC. Hefound, the heels from the fire of Hell], (0, Msb, TA,) or erperienzed, in coneu of such a thing, or ;-. i 1a Jj [Wo to the hel &c.], after such a thing, good. (T, Msb.) And hence, and jI X (TA,) occurring in a trad., means wo to him who perhaps, the saying of the lawyers, X!,I. 11 neglects the washing of the heels in the ablution U t ',.n-4 3l1 [as meaning The sale, or pur- preparatory to prayer. (O,* Mb, TA.') ~.' chase, is valid when it has emancipation as an aftekte ]: but this does not agree with the ~AL;IJ, (0, Mqb, TA,) or, as some say, t a; former phrase unles by a far-fetclied interpreta- Ol~ JI, (Msb, TA,) with damm, (TA,) which tion; and therefore one should say, -j, is forbidden in prayer, is expl. as meaning The 'c 'I

one: and in like manner, .JI [lit. He H is one whose heel is trodden upon]: (0, TA:*) 10: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places: _ and see also 1, latter half: - and 5. because of his having command over people, and - [Accord. to Reiske, as mentioned by Freytag, their being submissive to him: (0 :) the latter phrase means he is one Rho has many follo~er : ;:---I1 signifies also Hefollowed hIsfootstepl.] (A, TA: [see also art. tj :]). U., sI N,J c~s: see 4J", in eigllt places. 3..s primarily signifies Zeyd cae putting his foot in the place of the foot [or he] of .mr ri.s: see 4as, in seven places. every time that the latter raisedhisfoot. (M,b.) .i; (A, 0,) or od _ The . [meaning siners, or tendont,] And one says, id i t "X, i-, (TA,) meaning e camet thou of mvrich jU3l [i. e. stringsfor boews or the like] ii are made: (S, O, V: [see also 1, last quarter:]) or Wh nce ast thou come? (A, 0, TA.) And n. un. with : (;, 0:) or such as are wvite of the ~ 5 i; ; j Such a one returned by the .,,1. of the joints; (Mgh, Mab; [see L ;]) rway of his hedl; i. e., by the way that was bAind the M. being such as are yellow: (Mgh and him, and whenc he had come; quickly. (Mfb.) M,b in art. ~ :) accord. to IAth, the And .,. i;. j;, and '.li ui;, He tned [or sinen, or tendon,] of the two portions of back, or receded, from a thing to midch he had sh next the back-bone on either side, and of the betaken himself. (TA.) , Os e ', OGt and Q 'k; [meaning the hind and fore occurring in a trad., means Turn not thou then shanks], that are intermingled with thefilsh, of back to thleir former condition of not emigrating any animal; the half of one wthereof, divided # IIlj L lengthwise from tih other half, it extended, or [for the sake of religion]: and X .;s4 t.J , in another trad., means They ca~d drawn out, and trimmed, and cleansed of the fiesh, and the ; [or string for the bore or the not to return to infJidelity; as though they went like] is made thereof; and telwy are sometimes in backwards. (TA.) - The . of the j. [or the two sid of tihe camel; but [properly speaking] sandal] is The part [or wide trap] that embrao~ there is a diffjerence between tihe and tihe the heel. (AO, in an anom. MS. in my pom~ .. ; the former being such as incline to yellow, sion.) - [And ,.I;JI"means h pot whereat the latter incline to whkite, and are tihe (generally of wood) at the bottom of the doo', harder, and firmer, or stronger, of the treo: turning in a ockhet in the thre~ ] - And AHn says, on the authority of Aboo-Ziy4d, that Zi and , (TA) and and ,:,U the are [the sinews, or tendons,] of the two (6, O, Myb, 6, TA) and V and VA. and portions of .lesh next the back-bone on eitu.r ide, ;ILL and tj SL and V;J1t (TA) are sn of the ~hep or goat, and of the camel, and of the tV ox or cow. (TA.) [See also i1s..] with * 1S., (S, O, Msb, :, TA,) which signifies,

,Sl1 also signifies He mithheld, or detained, a thing in his possession. (TA.) And [particularly] IIe (a seller) rithheld, or detained, an article of merchandise from the purchaseruntil he should receive the price: (S, A, 0, }g:) for the doing of which he is said in a trad. to be responsible; meaning, if it perish in his keeping. (S, A, 0.) And Ile detained, confined, or imprisoned, a man. (S, o.) _ See also 5.

placing the buttocks upon the eels best n the prostrations; which is what some term AWJA1: (Mgh, ' 0, Mqb, TA:) so says A'Cbeyd: (Mb :) or, accord. to some, this means the laing the heels wn ashed in the ablhtion prparato&y to

prayer. (O.) ij

v i;

[ le [lit.

people trod upon the hal of such a one] mean the pyople ralk~d after, or near after, suc a

(S, O, Msb, 1~,) i.e. as signifying, (TA,) The

end; or the lat, or latter, part or tate; [but generally as explanatory of this last word, and often as explanatory of _a and 4; and , as meaning the con~snce, or reIdt, or u s ;] of anything: (S, O, M9 b, V, TA:) [and the smo words, app. with the exception of c and ;1;, signify also a time, or state, of ub:] the pl. [of the first four words is .li;, and] of the


last ' -.

(TA.) Hence, (?,) it is said in the

liur [xviii. 42], p [orIj [or *( or t ., accord. to different readings, i. e. He is the bst in r~pect of recompenle, or rmard, and the but in r~pect of. o~ , or reM, or inse; i. e., the consequence of the actions &e. of believers]. (g, O.) And in the same [xci. hast verse], t I J1 9j; i. e. And Hef~et not t cont~ ce thereof. (Th, TA.) And they said, '1 j U t Vial meaning 5hi1 [i.e. A

BooK I.]
May the end to the be in that rwhich is good; or may thy cas ed in good]. (TA.) And it is G, (T, O, M9b,) --J. , maid in a trd., iLw meaning He jourswyed in the end, or the last, or latter, part, of Ranmadn: (T, Mb :) or, wohsn Ramadn had almot ended. (O.) One says, .. , (ISk, Q,O, Msb,0) with ,J; U So with kesr. (TA.) ,;i. (S, A, Mgh, O, Msb, 1) and V%.' (S, 0, Msb, O) also signify The child, or children, (S, A, O, Msb, 1g,) of a man; (S,O;) as also 9tL3l: (S,O,J]:) and the child, or children, of the child or children, (S, A, O, Mob, 1],) of a man: (S, O :) applied to such as remain after the father:.(TA:) or a man's offpring; (Mgh;) and so i iJtl: (MRb:) or his male cdildren: and, accord. to some of the lawyers, the children of the dawjhters [of a man, also]: (Mgh:) of the fernm. gender, on the authoUlitl. (TA.) The rity of Akh: (S, 0:) pl. There is, or are, meaning , ' djii say, Arabs no maks offprin~ remaining to him: (TA:) and v i3.Woi' %1. There is, or are, to such a one, no [remaining] child, or children. (S, O, Msb.) i] signifies A thing, ; ' ':s t 9a[or whatever it be, tihatfollot, succeeds, comes after, or takes thw place of, a thing; as the water of a well, and the blowing of the wind, and the flying of the sand-grouse (UIl), and the running of a And , horse. (TA. [See also 4>i.])

2101 [women's camel-vehicle called] Ci:: (0, ]~,TA:) as also i4;: (O, TA:) accord. to Ya,4oob, the (TA.) . is a substitute for,. c, in three places.-Also last that remains: so in the saying, i~

a ai': see

Tho jow

kesr to the 3, (I8k, ?,) meaning [I came] when

there was somewhat remaining of Rama.ddn. (Ik, S, O,* Myb.) And v.Jl c i . ..,

and t


s), and


iU;,, 1 came to thee in

the latterpart of the month, v/hen ten days of it, He jiaiC or le, remained. (L.) vipl is in thes state of convalescnace in which somemhat


of the disae: (Myb:) and .,lii; ) ,Fil in the [state in rwich there are some] re

m ain of the disease. (TA.) One says also, r. -i, meaning Z'e came after hi; .,. ; and Vt [as though at his heel; and him; atr ter or na hence, properly, close after kinm;] and #hps .; from the phrase jr .~ L Nj

4i., meaning

jt .. . as expl. above. (Myb.) And; th. one, n of ch a : ";..c i. e. [The mu ; the of] matmring of thsir camels is] a.fter [tat wons of snch a one; a saying mentioned by ISk. (Myb.) And Ws,1 Lyll ,, IV i. e.

[We performed prayer] aftr the obligatory [by

way of superogation]. (Lb, IF, M.b, TA.) ue .q i. e. I came after the a And 'Jl month hadpa~d. (El-F6Abee, Myb.) And A SucA a one remained, or stayed, after .. .,n. me. (Msb.) Er-R. ee ays. in the Mukhtar eqih4, that heo had found no authority in the T ejj [. ~i , nor in the I for the phraue lapp. J.'], meaning Such a one came after such a one, except a similar saying of ISk, cited by


Az, in which ;J.

is expL as signifying after.

(TA.) [But if the word in question be ., sufficient authorities for its use in this sense have been cited above: though it seems from what

here follows that


or %J,U in this sense is

; t. ~

One says,

;i; and L(O, t , and (,) or d, (o,)* , i($, 0,) meaning I t 4;, (L,) and V .;xj came whes tAIe whole of the month of Rama'e i ~. On. had passed: (, 0, L:) and V4
I came to thee at the end of Ranmadn: . t4,C and and r U i and ,d- t ?;1 ,;A and V I came to uch a one after he

had goe: and jili


and ris

r J0b and 01l)

rIQ$ I came to and 01f

zLcame I t j hee after that: and to him after his arriMaL (Lb, TA.) One says Such a one ULa 4> also, qSi 3Ji r99 . wa ra.,er thefamily qfnui a one. (TA.) drw r 'l q. [app. mean- a; and ocAnd MF mentions r sij ;; , ti.t.4 iL signify Variegated, or fgured, change. (, 0.) And ing I came to thee aqter him, or it]: and Aboo- cloth: (TA:) or one of the sorts of variegated,or curs in a trad., meaning I will giw th sonme ing ., f~red cloth [that sere for the covering] of the in exchange [for her, i. e.] for sparing her life, gMi-bad mentions [app. in this sense]' 9r

k, or, as (S, g,) (IAar, IF, A, Msb,) or * using Arabs the As says, each of these, some of A (Msb,) contraction, of by way the latter form, run after anotler run, (Ag, IF, S, Msb, 15,) of a horse: (Ag, IF, S, Msb:) or the last, or latter, run, of a horse: (IAar, Mob :) or one says of a meaning lie hat afir-st courser, i.sJ c ;b .5 09*#,3 .1 .. 1 . run, and a .ubmsunt, and mnore vehement, run: 0 a, L .iIa;is uA ; teao 4 C lw (A :) and t.iG is said in the L to have the first * ' 1 of these meanings: (TA:) or it is pl. of 4.1 [or ,:Jo] as having that meaning: (lHam p. 358:) [but this I would rather render, Verihy I have to pasture and water an ex. of it occurs in the following verse, (yam, incumbent on me a turn I am not a neglecter it; I perform and camels; TA,) cited by IAyr: (TA:) thereof nor a delayer of it]; meaning I drive the camels which I pasture and water in my turn, 0 , ; ,,5 e 1 ,,L J.. 1 h4 1- MA for i - j Ijt z J is for t', and I tend them well: 1 6 .31,:= place The Also (TA.) rhyme. the of the sake [That would satisfy thine eye by his beauty, in the in which one mounts a beast to ridse [app. in his area before the dwelling, and content tlwe by run turn]. (TA.)- And The distance, or space, of after run, or by runs after runs, if thou vilt, or two leagues; i. e. twice the distance termed. by lightness or agility]: (1am, TA:) [or it may and the distancea to awhich onejourneys [app.fromn be here an inf n., (of 3,) meaning on an occasion one halting-place to the nect; i. e. a stae oJ' a of being requiredto perform run after run: (see journey]: pl. as above: a poet says, 3, last sentence:)] or, accord. to IA4r, the mean;s "' 4 t.tJ ,Li'. t ing in this instance is, by his owner's making, upon him, warring, or marring and plundering, e heavy in the hinder part, that ditions time after time: (TA:) accord. to Kh, [Soft, or tender, rill not perform men's marches]; meaning that said of a horse, means he has a reotwer- she will not [or cannot] journey witll men, beafter ceasing cause she will not endure the doing so on account [i. e. ;l]) ing of strengt (h to run. (Ijam ubi suprL) - Hence, A reply: of her soft and delicate life. (TA.) And The so in the saying, relating to him who stops, or distance, or space, between thl ascending and OL i [I.f he descending of a bird. (g, 0, ].) - And The . S; breaLk off, in speech,,' had a reply, assuredly he would have spoluen]. night and the day; because they follow each other. (J1.) - And A substitute; or thing that (A, TA.) - See also 3i. is gisen, or taken, in exchange for another thing; ..- U: see the next preceding paragraph, in six (S, O, L, ;) as also u . . (L, TA.) One places. 1 C;.> ; lt. I took, or reeaived, says, :-_ : q. v. (L.) ~ And for my captive, a substitute, or something in CeZ! J~_ i. q, .l ac,

e[Such a one is tAu last thiat remains of tle sonof such a one]. (L.) .And A turn; or time at which, or during which, anythling is, or is to be, done, or had, in succession: (~,Mgh, O, (Msb.) One says, %..j Msb, ]:) pl. ,w. (g, O.) And ;j; is completed. turn .il'7, Thy Tc7w turn of such a one came round. j 4' H~ rode one turn: anti .He (TA.) And 4 rode his turn, or in his turn. 4ohfj IoHe -' ' $. > said in a trad., ' it is (TA.) And o realks a turn to a cer"' ' a41; Whoso tain point, instead of his beast, to im shaUll be means .l i given such a tAing. (TA.) hirer the hen ride; to turn hired-man's The he and morning, the in example for dismounts, (tlhe former) rides. (Mgh.) And [the pl.] ZU means [particularly] The turn of camedl, whein tl6ey are being mtaterd: the watering of a number of camels together after another number is termed (TA.) [See also ui.]..And [it their '-. is said that] it means also Camels which a man ~stures and wraters in his turn; and IAir cites as an ex.


It4 :Z,

2102 and liberating her. (L, TA.) - And Pasture, it may be in conjunction with the said star only or food, of an ostrich, that is eaten after other once in the year, as the moon's path varies in pasture orfood: [and likewise of camels: and of! each successive month. (TA. [See also Qa,.]) men:] pl. as above. (AA, 9, O.) One says of 1s See also 1;.. camels, 4' --- i.e. Tley pastured upon tlhe | aa [A mountain-road;] a road in [or upon] [kin;d of plants termed] ,a_ after the [hind a mountain: (Bdlinxc. 11:) or a road in the termed] a.; (A, L;) or upon the Ia after the upper part of a mountain: (IIam p. 287 :) or. a dicult place of ascent of the mountains: (]:) ,,a_: (L:) and of men one says, . Ic. ! They ate their repast of sreetmeat after the or it is in a mountain and the like tlhereof: (Msb:) other food. (A, TA. [See 8, near the begin- or [it sometimes signifies] a long mountain that ohing.]) - And The remains of tie contents of a lies across the way, and over rwhich the way therecoo)king-lot, adlering to tihe bottom. (TA.) And fore leads; long, or high, and very d*.icult; so &So,ewl/at f broth whlich thie bortroer of a cook- called, too, when it is further impassable after it i,g-pot returns rhen he returns the pot. ($, 0, is ascended; rising high tomards the sky, acending and descending; most difflcult of ascent; but ;.)..[.4lience,] i*al is an appellation of The sometinme its leight is one [or uniform]; and its cooking-pot. (T in art. .1.) ;~.i V%is a sur- acclivity is in appearance like a mall: (TA:) anlic of Tlhe hog. (gar p. 603. [But the origin [generally it means a road over, or tip, or down, of thisi I know not.]) -One says also, or over some part of, a mountain:] pl. ,~i. e.;01 'as, meaning I erperiencedfrom him, or (S, 0, Meb, ].) i1lt ."3l [properly signifyit, di.fficltfy: [as though lit. signifying, the result ing lie attempted the mountain-road] is meta*if the deed that I had done:] and [simply] phorically used as meaning lie entered upon a 2L ~ e. Ui lie erperienced from him, or it, hard, or dificult, affair. (Bd in xc. 11.) See dificulrty. (TA. [But in a copy of the A, and also Li, near the end. - It is also n. un. of [q. v.]. (s, O.) in nby olpinion correctly, the last word in this Ilhramsc is written V see Li, below.])sp1: ,,,~:,see , second quarter, in four places. Anid ;I jl ;U j 't1y %=, expl. by IApr -It occurs in a trad. respecting the prayer of ns mennaing I mas such that, wihen I clung to a fear; in which it is said of that prayer, &tb misa,, he erperiecced evil fiom me; but nor I '3 [It was an affair of tur.ns]; meaning that hare rereltedfiyJp& bei;g such, through weaness. it was performed by one company after another; (TA. [It is a prov., sonewhat differently related several companies performing it successively, by in art. ;., q. v.]) - 8eo also the next pamturns. (TA. [Comapare U as expl. in the graph, in four places. third sentence of the paragraph on that word.]) .4:(Lb, 9, O, ]) and ' :', (Lh, , g,) .-Also i. q. 9. [app. c.a i. e. A returnbut the former is the more approved, (Lb, TA,) ing, &c.]. (TA.) - And The requital, or reand ".U, (so in the TA, [app., if not a mistrancornpence, of an affair, or action. (9, O, 1.) scription, t ,]) A mark, iign, trace, impreu, See also a~., latter half, in two places. chatacteristic,or outward indieation. (Lh, ?, O, C.) One says, a.J1 ,L ,. (9, 0,) and . I 1 9a& i. q. .., $1 [tohe .r being app. a substitute for .A,] i. e. Obscure ~eech or , :>:), (0,) and JI(, (0, ,) i. e. Upon hin language, which men do not kno. (TA in is the mark &c. [ofgene~oty and manline, and of beauty]. (9, 0, O .)-- , , ' a and * 4": see e: .a",in four places. j.*1 mean The return of tle moon, mhm it has Mt, or disappeared,and tn risn: (L:) [or the Cai;: see .,, in two places. return of the moon after the chlange; for] one .piI,(so in the 0,) meaning He does not that sae once in each month: (., 0 :) but, accord. to IAr, 1I V i, with 4amm, ts a certainstar, or asins,wkich is in coqnction with the moon 1 once in the year; and 4p i'L means one in the year: so in the following verse, of one of the Benoo-'Amir:

[BooL I. for his mother ist noro, but he ham a father mknown]: (MF, TA:) the pL (of pauc., S, O) is .JI, (, 0O, ],) because it is of the fem. gender and the measurem .Wl specially belongs to pls. of fem. nouns [though not to such exclusively], (S, 6e5 O,) and AL;:I, (Kr, TA,) and (of mult., C, 0)

~tiL (s, 0, O;)

and aic

accord. to Agei, but

Ed-Demameenee thinks this to be strange; and pl. pL i -. (TA.) ;OIJ`I 3i [The eag that prey upon the large ficld-rats] are not black, but of the colour termed ;;4 L; and no use is made of their feather, except that boys feather with them round-topped pointles arrors. (AJn, TA.) _ [Hence,] 4,isJ is the name of t One of the northern constellations, [i. e. Aquila,] the stars of which are nie rithin the fure, and nie with. out, of the former of which are thre wmll komm, caled j3JI [q. v.]. (Kzw.) [Hence


also,] t The 3A'C of the banner, or standard;(9, O;) [app. meaning thefilag attachedto a lan;] larat it bound [to a lance] for a prefect, or governor; likened to the bird so called; and of the fem. gender. (L, TA.) It is also the name of t The banner, or standard, of the Prophet. (0, ].) And . , also means tA large banner or standard. (TA.) And ti. q. ;, : so in the saying of Aboo-Dhu-eyb, describing wine,

-4- o i)fi' l; &1'W &;l Lt '

[He will not apply to his hair that descendt belo the ear musk and camphor, nor the p~erfme caaed tj)l, sam once in the year]: or, u Lb relates it, .mIl i; 1 : thus in the L; in which it is added

that this saying of IAqr requires consideration,

became the moon cuts [a meridian of] the celestial sphere once in every month: but MF replies that

[meaning It has a banner, wrhici guides the garous; like as the military banner guides and attracts warriors: for i'l sometimes signifies a sign which the vintner used to set up to attract customers]: the repetition is approvable because of the difference of the two words in themselves: fl. ot;. (TA.) _- ati also signifies t A black she-camnel; as being likened to the bird. [so called]. (AA, O.) - And A stone (or pie~e of rock, L) protrudingin the inside of awell, wmick lacerates the [leatk ] bucet; (9, 0, ], TA;) sometimes it is before [i. e. abowo] the caaing [of stone or bricks]: it is rhen a mass of tone becomes displaced; and sometimes the wratcrdrawr stands upon it: it is of the fem. gender: pl. as above. (TA.) And The stone upon wAich the materer stands, (O, I,) [accord. to SM,] pro* li& Jq. A rough, coarse, or rude, man; jecting beyond the casing in a wml, the same that is meant in the next preceding sentence, (TA,) syn. Aci: pl. C [so in the TA, either . l [but this I think doubtful, for ;gh adds,] betms or eLW]: mentioned by Kr: but Az doubted tNo stones which support it. (0.) Accord. to its correctness. (TA.) IAar, the aiie is a mass of stone, or rock, at the mouth of a well; and the Os4 are [two mase .&li [The eagle;] a certain bird, (S, O, ~,) of thoe that prey, (Msb,) well knonf : (1 :) of of stone] at the two sides of the W, spportig the fern. gender: (1, O, Mb :) [though] applied it. (TA.) And A rock, or mass of stone, pro. to the male and thefemale; but with this distinc- jecting in the side of a mountain, like a stair, or eries of stop: ($, 0, O :) or an ascnt, lie tion, that you say of the male, ;# y I." stairs,in theside of a mountain. (TA.) . Also [This is a mal eagl]: or it is only female; and A hill; syn. ae$;. (O, V.) And Any~ti da bird of another kind couples with it; whence ) vated, that is not vry long or tall. (0, V . Ibn-'Oneyn says, satirizing a person named IbnA channel by ,whichwater ~ows to a tro~A, or 8eyyideh, Say thou to Ibn-Seyyideh, tanR. (0, g.) - A thing rembling an alnod, * . st .1 111d - I --AI 1.. 0-kthat comes forth in one of the leg of a beat. j j# ' 0 .0 -- IR,. 0 (O,I[.)_A small tiread that enters into [or 0 J ~ -rd &). MAPA4 paus through] the two bore of th ring of [" Tou art not otAer than the like of tihe ege ;" tihe b [or ear-dro,p], (0, [,-) with which the

Boox I.]


-2103 .l; .i ' i. e. One /rhs~state is used for J clhanged]. IAar cites as an ex. of this word,

latter is bound, or fastened: (0:) or, accord. to the 0, the bird meant is probably an eaglet, or a Az, the threadthat binds the two eztremities of the small speci of eagle.] it sigring of the bI. (TA.)- Accord. to Th, (S, O, 0In;, I.,) l,:.' ..;i- , and ;-ic;, and -. nifies also Garments of the kind called tl [pl. of and i;k-, (O,) and ic._-, (I in art ij,) the _-l..) And accord. vars. of the first being formed by transposition, ~, q. v.]. (TA voce [or eagle].having sharp talons: to Kr, [in the Munjid,] i. q. jo. [app. meaning (O,) An .,.i abominable, or hideous, or having .K:) (S, O, A plo~hhare]. (TA.)_-See also .. isl.talons: (T, TA:) or quick in seizing, and abomiAnd QLI'wl signifies Two pieces of wood between nable, or hideous: accord. to IAar, the epithet which a man is extended to be fogged: (L, TA:) denotes intensiveness of quality, as in the cases. or two pieces of wood wvhich are et up, stuck in of .1 c and J 4 : accord. to Lth, the ground, betmeen which he who is beaten, or he ;*.:- applied to an .,.li signifies cunning: and who is [to be] cruci.fed, is extended. (MgIh.) the pl. is t:i'. (TA.) [See also art. ~..] It is also pl. l;.,last quarter. ;.AU: see ;1 J Comning afte 4I~i [act. part. n. of See also 3,~,tl. of i;L [q. v.]. (S, &c.)~ , j.l; means Any per,on [&c.]. (Msb.) [or thing] that comes aefter, or succeeds, or comes in see ,JL; , near the end. ,;:


... ~. Lam w -&--t -CT to-

- 0


meaning [Every liring being] com~e to a tate different from that in which he was [by turns, or tine after time]. (TA.) but this I aa. [accord. to the 0, ,.a*, 5r think a mistranscription,] A star that succeeds, i. e. rises after, another star, (S, 4, TA,) and ots the rising of which, he wtvo rides in his turn, after anotler, mounts the beast: (TA:) a star at the appearance of which twvo persons rlso ride by turns during a journey taLe each the other's place; when one star sets and anotherries, Ihe who was walking mounts the beast. (AO.) See *. . _ Se also 4, latter half; where an ex. occurs in a verse. '.a He who is brought up for the ojce of A7aleefeh after tthe [actual] Imdm [or Khaleefeh]. (O, g.).. And A skilful driver. (O, C.)And A camel that is ridden by di~erent perona And A w~man's jl.t in turns. (O,' TA.) [i. e. mufler, or head-covering]; (IAvr, 0,' , TA;) so called because it takes the place of the sY3_. (0, TA.) - And An ear-drop; syn. ;0. (0, I.)

the place of, a thiing. (S, O, TA.) ,jmWI is an

Anything that is a sequent, of, or to, appellation applied to the Prophet ( 0, MO, b) another thing; [in an absolute n,] (S, M.b, by himself (S, 0) becamse he came after other prophets, (Msb,) meaning The last of the prophlets, ,.JI [Tlhe . TA,) as nwhen you say,, S,l 1.. means One who is (S, O.) And salutation is a sequent to the h.W (q. v.)], and the last of the lusbands of a woman. (TA.). c ijall [The ;~ (q. v.) is a sequent [Hence,] l .Birds ucceeding one ' to divorcement], i. e., one follows the other; another, tlsis alighting and fl/i~ng, and then ano(Mb ;) and [by alternation,]as ,henone says of ther alighting in the place where the former .. alghted. (TA.) And i. It Camels that be, tl,l ~ the night and the day, mi.t [EacA of them is the alternatingsequent take t to plntjiful pasture where they vhedses aJ.er eating of the [Iind of plants feed freely, of of its cormlative]: (Az, Myb, TA:) you say .: [or] they are not so called unless [They are two caled] -, the night and the day, jt.a; camels that, in a seere year, eat of tree, they be alternating sequents]; and li-i; signifies He' and then of the !~_; not when the_.pasture who does a deed, or work, sith thee by turn, he upon fresh, juicy, or tender, herbage. (IAar, doing it o htime amnd tho oanother: (A,' TA:) a1 Camels that drink'vater, TA.) And ,.4 Msb,) as also signifies the same, (~, t and 4,;j and thn return to the place where they lie down (Myb.) As y the water, and then go to the water again. and] '*,.. and t ' ['t'4, Jnh (IApr, $, 0, ].) - And ,.!l signifies also A ei for the saying of the lawyers, [meaning He doe tialt after the prayer], uceso of another in goodne, or beneficence; .. (O, l5.)_ And A chief, or and the like thereof, there is no reason to be and so t below the chlief or lord: (TA:) one who is lord' or given but a suppression; the meaning being, ) of the chief or lord. (S, ](.)_ the succenor or .o 8 a timefollowing that of See also .;f, in two places. being an epithet qualifying ,J.: prayer], ". (Mb :) and Er-Rsee says, in the Mukhthr epZ;t~ a quasi-inf. n.: see 1, first quarter._. Si44d,that he had found no authority'in the T See also .. , in four places. nor in the e for the phrase "ai. 5w. meaning .. t1 pl. of , : [q. v.]. (Myb, TA.) _- And He came after him. (TA.) See also S , first [hence] Streaks, one behind another; as streaks sentence. [And compare ,ql.] of fat so disposed. (TA.) - And Pottery [or n the brickh in the casing of a Punishment; (1, MA, Mb,- KL;) pots~erds]put bete~ I,to welU, in order that it may become strong; said by (MA.)_. And Detention, confm~ i.q. 0J. Kr to have no sing.: (TA:) [or,] accord. to mant, or imprisonment: so in the trid., ~I 1l 3 (TA,) or t iU, i. e. like ,.t,, IAr, t ,t,L, h1 j &;& J i. e. [The sont man's putting (thus written in the 0,) signifies pottery [or potoff the pay t of his debt with promises repeated h]rd] between the ro, or courm, of brick, time aJfer time redrs alsorable] the imprioning (0,' TA,) in the casing of a well. (0.) [IApr of him and the accuing f him. (IAy, TA. cites an ex., in a verse, in which ,,iel would signifies tAeword. to one relation, mentioned in the TA in not be admissible.] And >L ,c art. wk,, this trad. ends with ` )j, there mid What wround the caing of a well; i. e. what are behind it. (TA. [See 4, latter half.]) s j.1) to men



.1... One who is made to go forth, (so in the C/~,) or whto goe forth, (0, and so in my MS. copy of the C,)from the shop of the vintner when a greater man than he enter. (0, C.).-*.. He came at the end, or clo~e, of the day. ta
_ . An arrow which [in the :, (TA.) game caled .J.I] is return~d into the at%i [q. v.] tinu after time; the prize allotted to which is hoped for. (TA.)-- Jl, p.., J:,. Afat : 3a Asandal slaugytered camel. (TA.)-.. [q. v.]. (O, TA.) having an , .A Coming ater, or near after, another It is said that it is -.thing. (O.) See applied as an epithet to an angel; that one says - L~ [meaning An angd that folow ano... ; and that lo4a is a thMr]; and Z-- ' J means The angeb of the pl. pl. (O.) , night and the day; (S, O, .;) because they succeed one another by turns; and the fem. form is used because of the frequency of their doing so, ,. arad in like manner as it is in the words



1.~: (,O,0:)

the a~

called iiil

[pL of

-,J . q. v.]: so in the l]ur xiii. 12: in which : some of the Arabs of the desert read (TA:) this [may be an anomalous pl. of like as ~.1; is of ; ,e , or it] is pl. of ',

,:;, like 3, Mn^um Bk. I.

.,the* being to eompenmate for the supor of pressionofone of the two j. (Bp.).._ A,.! that tand b~d also signifies 2The ~ca the towards are p~ g the that [4; a modern word signifying A catchwith teedeed of the iS, (0,) or . 9 mdca trogh, or tamn; - t~ ~ h 4 ] word at tAe bottom of a page: pl. ... )_ in pa.~ (. , ~ away, another co A ortain bird, (0, ],) well () &whiuiO,ow u inj ,-~ (O.) [If th name be correctla [appem, from what here follows, to be And The

#f Th

'2104 one anotAhr, (0, V,) repeated at tah end of the a mnes~ and the prayer fir the snszer [which is ordinary prayer, thirty.tAhrs in number, and usually " God have mercy on thee"]: the memory thich arefoUlowd by 4s .ji thirty-three timea, of the blood-rMnger shaU not die. (TA. [It is there also said that,i., t (app. a mistranscription a.nd i,';thirty-four tim. (O.)_ And for '1, at may be conjectured from the fact as va" signifies also One who maA repeatedly that the after the article is often indistinctly warri/g, or warringand plundering, epeditions; and who journeys repeatedly, and does not stay written, and inferred on other grounds,) is syn. as here explained.]) witA Ais family after Ais return. (TA.) - And with 4it One who seeh after a thing repeatedly, striving, .4ia..: see 8: ~ and see also 5, last sentence. or e ncrting Aimslf: (., 0:) one whofollows after 0: * .0, a tAing that is his due, demanding restitution of ba..: see vhC. it: or one who fllors clos after a man, for * a somthing that is his due: one who eks to recoter no-;*: see 5, former half, in two places. his right, or due: and one who, being despoiled of all hi property in a hotile attack, maka a Aostile adu,perfectly decl., because it is an Arabic attach upon him from rAom h has thus suffered, word, not altered, and, although having an augand endeaom r to recover hi property. (TA.) mentative letter at the beginning, not of the Lebeed says, describing a [wild] he-ass and his measure of a verb; whereas %mL as a proper female, name of foreign origin is imperfectly decl.; (S, ,,L ,, ; , , ;, I. 0;) The J;4 [or partridge]: (I:) or the L~CI ~1~3ca malb of theJ,) ; (S, O, Mb ;) or of the ; (Lb, Mgh ;) but ISd says, I know not whether or the aj or the (., 0, but in the latter cJI I1 .,) i. e. [Until he Lh mean by this the J;. C,1.., nor do I know that the .i is the same went along in the midday heat, (Cl$Itt or t. u the .. : (TA:) and the male of the 1i [or tljll being redundant,)] and drove her on [by as sand-grouse]: (TA:) pl. 44. (., Mgh, O, a pursuit] like the seeking of him who is making repeated efforts, having been wronged, to obtain his Msb.) q.Jl ; t;li .~ ., occurring in a due: (0:) ,J.. 1.iis an epithet qualifying trad., means [As though ye were the males of 1.JalI, and is in the nom. case agreeably with partridges] in your haste, and your flying into the meaning, (8, 0,) because it is put afer its destruction: for they are such that, when they proper place; (0;) and 4..JJi is literally in the see the female in the possession of the fowler, gen. case, but as to the meaning is an agent: (S, they throw themselves upon him, so as to.fall -'.) And O :*) or, accord. to some, ,.fl [here] signifies into his hand. (Z, TA in art. accord. to some, (TA,) the pl. also signifies the debtorrwho put off the payment of his debt; so Horses: they being thus termed as being likened that.o~lIg) is an agent and ". ll is an objective to the ,4,Ua of the J;;, (O, TA,) because of complement: ( :) or, as some say, 4,aI signifies their swiftnems: (TA:) so in the phrase W j he who demands tAe payent of a debt and rspeats .,.ll [As the ruing of the hors, or of the his demand thereof. (TA.) - Also Any one reoift horses]; in a verse of Selameh Ibn-Jendel: turning [app. to the doing of a thing]. (O.)_ See also 1,Jli._ -L J ;Z 1 y, in the lur (0, TA :) but others say that the meaning [here] (TA.) It is said in [xiii. 41], means Thre is no rmlr of hAis decree. is, th males of the ;.. (TA.) Also A man who descends into a eU to the L that 3,i' , iY means A orse that ha a irise a sone of theind called c ,a . (TA.) [See n ajbr anothlr run [or the power of repeating also the verb.] his rung] ( [or " ]). (TA.) - J has tik~ A woman who umally bringsforth a cited [in the S] the words of a poet,

[BOOx I. person of Chrid], and who are tb m unbeining ot and stubborn of tAe CAr~tia: so says E-Ma. reesee, in one of his tracts. (TA.)

1 ,,_JI/,

(., Mgh, L, Msb, , ] &c.,) aor. -,

(L, Msb, ],) inf. n. J1L. (Mgb, L, Myb) and

;1'[of which see an ex. in a verse cited voce ,.3j, and which is properly an intensive or a frequentative form]; and V; [which is also intensive or frequentative, inf. n. *, ;']; and ft?;::I; (L;) He tied te cord, or rope; knit it; complicated it so as to form a knot or kots; tied it in a knot or knots; tied it firmly, fast, or

strongly; contr. of '1. ; (L;) syn.

( :)

the etymologists assert that the primary significaa1 tion of U, is the contr. of Jr: that it was after. wards used in relation to sales, or bargains, contracts, &c.: and then, in relation to a firm determination of the mind. (MF.) [:J1 iA He tied for him a banner, to a spear, is said of a man on appointing him to a command.] And one says, d. ,~ meaning t He xerted and prepared himself for action 4c.: and : j ,LaJI t He is incompetent, or lacks power or ability, to do a thing, by reaon of Ais abject

state. (L.) -__I

&c.,) and X'el, &,



'.I, (,

, ML, b,

(L, M.b,) aor. as above,

(L, ],) inf. n. j.;

(L;) and '.iI .iJs, (L,)

malab after afema/b. (8, O, _-And A.) A chamber ( in n) weAch raiins are put. (.) ;,-: [Hence,] see 1 t

J .

c I


. ,.,

.. i,. -

and i 'Jll,(L, Mgb,) which latter form of the verb has a more energetic signification; (Msb ;) He concluded, settled, confirmed, or ratiJied, the sale, or bargain, and the contract, compact, onant, agreement, or league, (L, M.b, C,) and the oath. (L, Msb.) In the phrase ,i, Xj'i or 1, :, or or V accord. to dif rent readings, in the ]Cur [iv. 37], by the verb is meant ratification; and by..lL,dt, your oaths, or your right hands: (L:) [i. e., accord. to the first and second readings, the meaning is, And thos whose contracts, or the like, (;.; being understood,) your oaths, or yor right hands,ha ratified: and accord. to the third reading, and thos~ with whom (., being understood) your oaths, or yoir right hands ham ratfied a contract, or the like.] One says also,,i; A-

[HigA, so that the 3,, falls hort of reaching iw , with which it is syn.it] as an ex. of the last word meaning the male of Xi Cam&e that eat one time, or the j4.: but IB says that it appears to mean turn, f the [hind of plant cald] , and in this case the male of tAe w,Ai [or eagle]; like another of the [kind caled]J Uas 1l means the male of the . (., 0, .) and a;; And 'ti i A palm-tree that barsfruit am;I, the male of the k...; for the J ; is one year, and fails to do so another. (TA.) not known to have so high a flight: and ElAnd JL also signifies A reenger of blood: a Farezdag describes 4taJ.t as congregating with poet, cited by IA9r, says, vultures over the slain. (TA.)

1>JU He impod upon thAm obligatiom (L) And a i Jl jiA He imposed upon Ai.Adjq. self the obligation to pay the [taw caUled] dj.. (L, from a trad.) And I. ) 4; Ji, and I.i 3J t , I obliged him to do sch a thing,

by taking, or ewacting, from Aim an angagem ent, or a security. (L.) .,JI b, ; i [Hc settled, or determined, Ahi heart, or mind, fimy upon the thing; (see the first sentence of this art.; and see also ,j ;)] Aheld, adhered, or clae, to 0 L.a.4 a1 [a coll. gen. n., n. un. L,] the a a the thing [with his heart, or mind; he knit Ai a a -ar -r * L W AU .ai c#.j1r name of A sect of the .jli,foUlowersaof Yaa oob heart to it]. (L.) See also 8. , C Ibn-'Alb El-Koofee. (TA.) - And A sect of said of a she-camel, (S, O, L,) She tmsted her meaning [And we slew, in El-MaAdrik, (app. the the Cristians; the followers of Ya.aoob El- tail, as though tying it in a knot: (L:) this she name of a place,) a horseman,] taking our blood- Barddi'ee [or Jacobus Baradeus], who assert does to make it known that she has conceived. revenge quickly, in the time that elaps betwen the unity of tAd divine and human natures [in the (s, O, L.)_ "'. He d~rsd his beard

BooK I.] so as to make it knotted, and crip, or curly: this they used to do in war, and their doing so was forbidden by the Prophet: (0, L:) they did it from a motive of pride and self-conceit. (L.) _ U-"-5 'U [lit. He knotted hi forelockh] means the was angry, and prepared himslf to do evil, or michief. (A, O, L) [See .] -- . ," l t He had rmourse, betooh himelf, or repaired, to him, for refuge, or protection; (0, L, X(;*) heard by Is-lmmk Ibn-Faraj from an Arab ofthedesprt: (L:) and so tl . (O.)--~. ,


or (,)

, (0,) or .+lI


nor. , (0, TA,) inf. n. J;U, (TA,) HIe numbered, counted, or reckoned, (M, A, 0, ]I,) with his fingers [by bending their tips dorn upon the palm, one after another, commencing with the little .finger, and then by extending them in like manner]. [The JI -(MA, O.) -sl the of sperma the upon cosewd mdvla of the mowth 't 1he beasts, or ,! .j.J male]. (0.)-. birds, of prey ~ere retrained from injuring the eattle, and the like, by means fcf eharm and talis, 3, - 5- - 1 mans. (L, from a trad.) - -_l; j3 CW1 U&, and V jC:'rt, ]Is put the cronm upon his head. I ., (A, L,) [aor. ;,] inf. n. .J.; . (L.) -_(A, O, L, ,) inf. n. (L;) and t o, (L;) lle arched [or vaulted] the building, or

structkre. (A,O, L, .)




'., aor.:, inf. n. l', 11, cemented the builds-, _ , in9, or structure, with gypsmm. (L.)-in (], c, or art.J.,) in (M plant, said of a i; 4.,]) and 4. alone, that art., [in the C]K (A,O, ], in art. Je., [see 4 in that art. and also in art. hdt,]) [It organized and compacted, or compactly organized, its fruit; and in like manner each verb is said of a fruit in relation to a fruit-stone, such as that of a date, and of a peach, c . Loa..Z i5..3L3 4: a j s [The pasturing cattle will not make upon it fat nor fJeh], said of a pasturage. (O in art. -.. ) S,'' The fat became forned and com,,1 (Q, pacted, and became apparent~.. (L.) -_ ;, M, A, L, [in the 0 ;, which is app. a mistran-

scription,]) aor. , (M, L,) in n. ;i;


'l; and 4a3; (K, , ,O,L, ];) and t LA (M, A, L;) said of rob, (Ks, 8, O, M, A,) and of tar, (Ks, ?, O,) and of honey, (M, A, O,) and of expremed juice of fresh ripe dates, (s,) and the like, (Kt, ?, M, 0,) [generally meaning when treaty, or an engagement, (S,O, ,) O, J boiled,] It thickened; became thick, or inpated. [respecting the matter betoeen them]. (S, 0.)_ (Ks, ?, M, A, 0, L, I].) - [Hence, app.,] ! ;J.3W The dogs stuck fast together in $j ZJ' [His belly became constipated]. (M voce o,) cow,ling. (.S, ,, q. v.) _~"ic, said of ,a bitch, (TK,) 7. 4a6l1, said of a cord, or rope, (S, O, L, , (O, L, 1,) Her vulva chlung . [aor.: ,] inf n. Msb,) as also t -3, (S,* O,' L,) [but the latter of thedog. (O, L, fast to thead of th .. 5 has an intensive or a frequentative signification,] (?, O, 1;,') It became tied, knit, complicated so as to form a tongue, of the said -a, V, TI.) aor.:, (~, [in the 0 , an evident mistake,]) inf. n. knot or knots, tied in a knot or knots, tied firmly s, (, 0,) It had in it an impedim~nt. (,* O,* or fast or trongly. (L.) - And the former, L, ].*) And, aid of a man, IHe had an impedi- said of a sale or bargain, and of a contract or mat in hAis tonge; was unable to ~speah freey; compact or the like, (S, O, L,) It was, or bewa tog-tid (TA.) - Ablso, aid of sand, It came, concluded, settled, confirmed, or ratified.

til 0 .l T1e #;.jjl * became moisteed in consequence of much rain [so (L.) One says, as to coher]. (L.) marriage ras, or became, concluded, settled, &c., between the husband and w/if. (L.) - Said of Ji,.;J : see 1, first sentence. [Hence,] an animal's tail, It became twisted [as though tied [They tied the fordocks of their horses in knots] in a knot]. (L.) - And said of hair, It became on an occasion of war, or battle; it being cusknotted, and crisp, or curly. (L.) - Said of the tomary on such an occasion to do thus to the date [and other fruit, It became organized and 0 hair of the mane and that of the taiL (W p. 14 .) compact, or compactly organized]. (Q in art., - See again 1, former half,. in two places: &c.) See also 8, latter half. - Said of sand: and latter half also in two places. - See also 4. see 5. _ And said of rob, and of tar, and the 4.^ He rendered his speech, or lan- like: see 1, last quarter. -^4 S.. J guage, obscure. (A, L.) And ,e; eeo 8. :.L.;.l: see 1, first sentence:-and In his speech, or language, is obscurity. (A.) l, (Msb,) ; also 1 in the latter half. i*;Il, (S, 0,) He settled, or deterd uut;;,, (Msb,) inf. n. 6.b, (S, or .4A J. S. 1 O, L,) I united with him in a contract, a com- mined, his heart, or mind, firmly upon such a pact, a covenant, an agreement, a league, a treaty, thing; or he held, adhered, or clave, to such a or an engagement, or I covenanted with him, re- thing with the heart, or mind; i. q. di t1 specting, or to do, such a thing. (S,* O,* L,* M 9b.) ,Hl 413.i; (Meb;) [h belied, or belived See also 1, former half, in two places. firmly, or wus firmly persuaded of, such a thing; 4. ;l. ; (Ks, S, M, A, O, 1 ;) and .&, this is its moseet usual meaning;] Ae wan, or be0;-'; ;) but the came, certain, or sure, of such a thing. (P.) O, ( 0, (S, O, L, 1g,) inf. n. former is the more approved, (L,) He thickened [It is mostly used in relation to matters of reliit; caused it to become thick, or inspissated; (Ks, gion, to religious dogmas and the like.] Sec also S, M, A, O, Ii;) by boiling it; (O,I;) namely, ..--. _;j l also signifies He acquired, (S, rob, (Ks, S, O, M, L,) and tar, (Ks, S, 0,) and Mgh, O, L, ],) or bought, (A,) an estate conhoney, (M, A, 0,) and the like. (Ks, S, M, O.) sisting of land, or of land and a house, &c., property: (S, A, Mghi, See also 8, (S, A, O, L, XC,) or other 5. ,i*.: see 7, first sentence. O, L, ] :) he collected property. (Mgh,' Mgb.) 7u7/ rainbow Also, [without any objective complement exs. J ,t last quarter._j3 became like a constructed arch (0, L, 1) in the pressed,] He bought what is termed ',l, i. e. is said an estate, or a property, conidtinf in land or sky. (0, L.) And in like manner s (A, L.)of a collection of clouds (,.__). lie , Li l-;.l hous. (L.) - And dll "~ in a well is The projecting of the loter part adopted a brotlher in God. (A.) _.ll ji-sl, of the interior casing of stone, and the receding andl. ,Lt, He made the pearl/, and the beado, of the upper part therlof as far as the 1 J of into a necklace; and in like manner, other thinga. the well, (0, L, g,) which is its .1. [app. here (L.) j.;al said of a date-stone, (A,) or other meaning thle main portion of the vell, from the thing, (., O, L,) [as also V~l, which frequently water, or a little abowve this, to the mouth; this occurs in the lexicons &c. in the sense here followportion, it seems, being without casing]: (0, L:) ing,] It became hard. (S, A, O, L.) - And 3 said of hence, [so in the A,] Li.l L. thus expl. by El-Ahmar. (O.) - .. C A:;sl Fraternity voce became true, or sincere, and firmly established, and ;l, (S and O and sand, [as also ,,,) tlhm two: (A:) and [in like manner] ] It became accumulated, or congested. between (S, g.*) And the former said of moist earth, It t ..A it (i. e. fraternity) became firmly eatabecame contracted,and compacted in lumps. (L.) blished. (L.) - And accord. to Ibn-Buzurj, wund, or ulcer, .;.il signifies lHe (a man) closed, or locked, a [The t - And a1.Jl ,I formed itself into a knot, or lump]. (] in art. door upon himseulf, hen in want, that he might J^ : see 1 in that art.) - jla3 said of rob, and die: (0:) thus Sh found in the Book of IbnBuzurj, i.e. ;'lI, with 3: (TA in art. ~ :) of tar, and the like: see 1, last quarter. but others say that it is s;.la, with J: (0:) 6. .i4l.3 They united in a contract, a com- [or] m.;l and &rWl signify the same. (!.) pact, a covenant, an agreement, a league, a She (a sow) desired the molk. 10. ;iib,j.


(0, K.) wj.l, [as an inf. n.: see 1. _.See also U. - As a, which is syn. with the inf. n. simple subst.,] see a3i, third sentence. - Also A contract, a compact, a covenant, an agreement, a league, a treaty, or an engagement: (Mgh, O, (0, L.) Agreeably witthis L, J:) pl. . explanation, the pl. is used in the lur v. 1, as meaning Contracts, &c.: or it there means the obligatory statutes, or ordinances, of God: or, accord. to Zj, the corenantt imposed by God, and those imposed mutually by men agreeablywith the 265 ' .

2106 requirements of religion. (L.) And tV J;t

[BooK L.

is tioned by Freytag under .1. Hence also] one (IAar, 0, L:) and when this is the cue, the says, '.i G ; [lit. Rig hot became loosed, epithet .JJi is applied to the dog. (IAr, 0.) ysed in the sense of jL: thus one says, c tad [sl Betwrn thean are contracts, compacts, or untied], meaning t his anger becans appeae~L Also An aetate con~ing of land, or of land .) And U ;1 r3 hi and a house, ur of a house or land yieldi~g a &c.]. (A.) - Also Reuponsibility, accountable- (A, O, jud~ment and his consideration of hi own affair remeue, or of a house and palm-tres, or the lib nes, or suretiship; syn. jb. (Ibn-Arafeh, 0, syn. , (9 , A, 0, L, 1,) and ;it, which a is a makns. (TA.) And %ial _.:, o0v.) - See also jo;n. Also An arch; [and person has acquired (.".1) as a posion. (0, a ault ;] a sttrcture that is cuoed in like man- curring in a letter of 'Omar, means t [irn] in L, 1C.). Any land aboundingwith erage (, nt, and in the management, conducting, ,wr as are [in many instances] doorways: (A,* j~ ordering, or regulating, of affairs. (TA in art. TA) and w7ith trees. (TA.) A place abou~g 0, L,* g:) pl. jsI, (A, 0, L, 1C) and sil [a with trees or palm-treew; (S;) or with tree and 0--..) And .;i " ; (9, O, L, *') t In palm-trees; (0, L, n ;) or with tree of the hind pl. of pauc.]. (L.) [Hence,] ,.Jlisl The his tongue i 0~~~~~~~~~~~ an imptdiment [as though it were. caUed .: and.J., or, accord. to sone, not of orches of the clouds: sing..t. (L.) - Applied tied], or a distortion. (L. [See >ic.]) The the latter kiutd, (L, TA,) sving for pasturage: to a he-camel, it means llaving the back firmly knot, tie, or bond, (L,) or the oblijation, (0, g,) (TA:) or a garden of many palm-trw, srof marriage, (0, L, 1],) and of anything, (0, ,) compacted: (,0, , :) and so 1il t ;j,i. rounded by a wall: and a town, or vilage, aipplied to a she-camel. (9, A, O.) - [And A as a sale and the like: (TA:) and the ratiifcation abounding with palm-tres, the crows of which *dcimal number; of those numbers of which the (O, L, Myb) of marriage (O, Mgb) &c., (Mgb,) are not made to fly away: (Ibn-IJabeeb,L:) first is ten and the last is ninety: (I have not or of anything. (L.) It is said in a trad. relating !P --- . [whence] it is said in a prov., ;~ X J; fbund any satisfactory authority for the ortho- to prayer,_jl ;." k 4 A meaning [We ., [Afore familiar than the crow Of a place abondgraphy of the word in this sense; and have offer to Thee,from our hearts,] the ratificationof ingtwith trems or palm-trea]; because its crow is therefore followed the general usage, in mention- the resolution to repent. (L.) -A promise of not made to fly away, (9, 0, L, ]g, [or, u in ing it as ,s: in the MA, it is written .*, as obedience, or von of allegiance, ratifned to persont some copies of the 9 and 1], does not fly away,]) from only one MS.; and Freytag has mentioned in acknomlegment of their being prefects, or go- on account of the abundance of its trees; (/;) .l ; [the [or ;.s its pl. under 1; which I hold to be wrong:) ernors: (0, L, ,* TA:) from J ;i > than th rowm of'Ode~; for] the pl. is j1: thus in the A and V in art. .c, knot, or tie, of the cord or rope]: (0:) thus in ; is perfectly deel. as a name for any fruitful the saying, in a trad. of Ubel, ;is.I u .l ' it is said that ,'ll is the first of the $.] land, and is imperfectly decl. as a proper name [Tlhos who have received tit promise of obedience of a particular land (0, K) abounding with palm. A necklae; ($, O, Mb, 1 ;) a st,ing &c. have perished; virtually meaning the same trees. (0.) Also Ierbage, or pasturage, nsfupon which beads are strung: (L, TA:) pl. as the saying in the sentence here following]. (L.) ficitfor cameli: (O, ]g:) or a place abounding .,a: (O,L, Mb,]Z:) and ?tlL signifies a A.td [hence also] The prefecture over, or govern- itha herbage, or pasturage, su.Jcientfor cattle. string upon which beads are strung and which is ment o;,a towrn, country, province, or the liAe: (TA.) And Pasturage sucrh at is tertned ., L, K, TA:) thus in the saying of (O, L, Ik, [in the C1. t.', and in hung upon tah neck of a boy; (O, L, ;) as pl. ,,: my MS. 1itl ,1 JI [T/he posessors of tht pre- copy of the .K ,]) does ;L also: (TA:) and ? .w, likewise, sig- 'Omar, remaining from the net fectures &c. har perished]. (L.) - Also A place preceding year; also termed nifies a kind of necklace. (L.) 5j": (0, L:) or where a knot, or node, is formed: and [particuremains of pasturage: (L:) pl. ,& (0, L) and i [as an inf. n.: see 1, last four sentences. larly] an unen juncture (.>) [of a bone] in the ;%c. (L.) And accord. to the copies of the C, - Alo] A twiting in tha tail of a sheep or goat, it signifies also Camelb, or cattle, tha are eonas thoghit wereknotted, or tied in a knot. (L.) arm: (S, 0, ]:) thus in the saying, ,o .Jt r h;s [Hlis arm was set and joined une~nly, strainel to feed pon trw : but [this is evidently And A twisting, or a knottine in the horn of a he- i;2 goat. (L.) - And A canker, corrosion, roteCn- so that a node, or protuberance, was produced in a mistake; for] it is said in the L, [as also in the ess, or blacness, (syn. 51i,) in teeth. (L.)_ the bone]: (S, 0:) and in like manner one says, O,] sometimes camels, or cattle, are constrained to .th; Li.i yS H4e et and joined his bocne feed upon trees, and these [trw] are trumed See also the next paragraph. _ And see e l;g. unenly. (L.) -[Hence also A joint, i. e. an ;.,i and ;ijj&; but while the .. exists, the : wee tU. - Abo, applied to moist earth articulation, of the fingers: and a bone of a trees are not termed ;.J' nor ;j.. (TA.). Also Anything finger, i. e. whrreby any one a of the man feelw phalanges: himelf to be it is used (i;O), Contracted,and compacted in lumps: [said well established, and in whe~o both he of these rdlies; senses from in the the present day: and to be] in this sense a poessive epithet [as distinsame word signifying "a garden of many palm* i.aill occurs in the Msb, in art. 0.;, guished from a part. n.: but see 1, last sentence]. L 1'l (L.)_.And [as an epithet in which the quality in explanation of a4i_*l; which is generally expl. trees, surrounded by a wall ;" because, when a of a subst. predominates, i. e. used as a subst.,] as meaning " the head of the finger," or "the por- man has this, he considers his condition to be well established: (L, TA:) or a thing, (k, TA,) Sand accumulated, or congsted; as also ; tion in which is the nail." (See also *..~.) - A or an estate consiting of land or of land and a ($, O, L, ;) the latter accord. to AA: (9, O:) knot, orjoint, of a cane and the like. And what house &c., (;U, 0,) in whic is a ci~ for u. un. of each with ;: (9, 0, L, ] :) pl. ;Ut. is termed A knot in the horn of a mountain-goat a man: (O,F,TA:) pL J,'. (TA.)See (L.) See also si;, in two places..- is a.b; (as in the 8 and V~ in art. s.) and the like.also . A node, of a plant, mhsece a A meadom of which the hrbage is continuous, or A not in a tree. lef uhootsforth: a bud, or gem, of a plant: and i. The root of the tongue; (0,s ];) as albo uninterrupted. (O.)--.. applied to a camel, any fruit, or produce, of a plant, forming a comn'.U [q. v.]; (0;) i.e. the thick part thereo i~ort, and patient in enduranceof labor: (IAyr, pact and roundi~ head; by some termed a .., (TA.) - Also n. un. of M& as applied to sand. 0), ] :) or, so applied, strong. (TA.) And A n. un. of l,, q.v. Q4;ill signifies The kind of trye, tle lBea of which consolidate (9, o, L, K. [See .].) noda of a planet. (See .;) And is.; sigunds. (i.) n. un. of bi [q. v.] as applied to and. nifies also Any small nodous lump; such as the IE.s A knot; a tie; (L, M,b;) pl. ie&. (L.) ubstance of a ganglion; see i.ls: and a gland, [lience .i~tl u .tl: see art. %t. And or glandular body; see Jt.. And A knob in a J.1u A species, or ort, of dates; (O, L, ;) ;~1I meaning t Thl star a Piscium; as being general sense. _- And hence,] The penis of a dog U also (L.) w nx. in the plaoe of the knot of the two strings: the (IAgr, A, O,L, V) compresus in coitu, et ew same, app., that is called i>J %I * I , men- tremitate turgs: otherwise it is not thus called: .i. q. * ,01, (., 0, 1F,) o. *Ao uitm,


(e;, o,.L, 1.)


Boox I.]




saying occurring in a trad., means Good fortune lt A wolf, (O, L, ],) and a dog, and a ram, iiaying , in a ontract, a compact, a coeant, an or *awe# deaves to thefrocks of ~hors u though it were tail trited a having (L,) animal, other any and agreement, a league a treaty, or an engagement: Sed ied to them. (L). Also A sale, or bargain, t :) (O,L,P knot]: a in tied ere it though [as (], TA:) a confederate. (TA.) One says, Lnd a contract, a compact, or the like, concludd, and and [the fem.] 5T4;L, a sheep or goat (l:t) having E s1 and .4111 [He is bound by nature to _ confirmed, or ratified (L.). -witled, ettled, a twisted tail as though it were knotted or tied in gno~;y and to meam~]: (9,O, :) the fori Ld4 [i. . He has not 1j; And ,ael signifies Tlhe ;i,:. means meu is said of him who is by nature generous; a knot. (S,' L, ]g.*) thereof; name well-known a ;) 1 L, 0, (S, any sttled, or determined, opinion or judgmrt ]. and the latter, of him who is by nature mean. dog; his tail's being twisted as of because L;) O, (9, A building, or structure, .: O, K.)_ (s, 0, (TI.)- Also, (9, M, A, O,) and V .~, (M,) though it were tied in a knot. (S, L) - And A [arched, or vaulted, or] having archa, like those and V JI., (A,) applied to rob, (9, M, A,) and crooked tail. (L.) - And A stallion [app. of the [arched, . honey, (M, A, O,) and the like, (?, M, A,) camels] that raises his tail; which he does by of [many] doormays; (A, O, ]g;) as also V Thick, or thickened, or initated. (9, M, A, O.') reason of sprightliness. (L.) - And A he.goat (A.) -! ,il *;: ee e~. (L.) horn. his in knot, a or tnist, a having ;~ [A doctrine, or the like, upon wir/ch one's ace~. see e.a. .ea: For one of its meanings as an epithet applied to a mind i firmly settled or determined; or to which A Jc, t and _Also, half. latter one holds, adhere, or eleaves, rwith the heart, or dog, see oc, &;.-: sec see e;.5 . mind; a belief, or firm belie'f or permsuaion; a man having an impediment in his tongue; unable creed; an article of belief; a redigious ttenet; i.e.] to speak freely; tongue-tied. (S,e 0," L, 19.')bia' ,.? An oath to do, or to abstainfromr !'~,: -:, in And .'IW . A mean man, of difincult, or stub- doing1 ~ CJ?- ,;ht: (Msb:) [see .1 doing, a thin in thefuture. (KT.) [the fem.] connection with which it is mentioned in the born, diwposition. (ISk, O, L.) -And J^ , asserted by some to be the only word in signifies the 1it. signifies A female slave. (AA, O, 1C.) Mtb: pl. .. : and V ,Pb the language of the measure j;ea except so too does -0;I: pl. l same as ;?;; [or tying, &c.,] of .%L" The place of the 4 L, g,) (O, isated, (0,) or thikened, lIoney (O,) an inf. n. used in the sense of a pass. part. n.; pl. a thing: (Msb:) pl. (S,0: in which -. by means of fire: (O, I8 :) and (as some say, L) di [He has s1;U3s1.] One says, :i_ signifies food, or wheat, (. ,) made thick iAth honey. this is similarly explained.) a good belief]; meaning he has an ,.%-" fre The place of a cord, or rope, wh'ere it is tied, (0,'L, (O, L,1..) fom doubt. (Myb.) [See also ;j;.] knit, or tied in a knot or knots. (L.) [Hence,] [lit. He is, in respect l, e it~ A she-camel that has eonfessed herelf to one says, glJ 1 have conceived; (P, O, 1 ;) or that has closed her of me, in the place of the tying of the waist1. P;, (S, Mgh, O, &c.,) aor.:, (Mgh, O, lda upon the pera~ of the stallion; (L ;) for wrapper], meaning he is near to me in station, .Ie Myb, RI,) inf. n. ;i, (S,* Mgh, O, Mpb, l,) ee then twists her tail as if tying it in a knot, and standing, or grade: (S, O, L, :) and in like Mqb, so, ;) [and ] M#b, O, Mgh, (9, wmnded him; wunded it is thereby knon that he ham conceived: (9, manner, .Wl .'I t.. being a: (TA:) ljU O, L:) and a she-camel twisting her tail as if an adverbial phrase having a special applica- app., accord. to the J[, 1 vi, in n. s. i; or tyi~ng it in a knot, (L,) or that ha so twisd er tion, but used as one not having such an appli- the latter signifies he wued Aim much; for it tail, (0,) on the occasion of her conceiving; (0, cation. (L.)-And A joint, an articulation, is said that] :.ei signifies more than ;: (S, L;) in order that it maybe known that she haJ or a place of juncture between two bones. (L. 0:) you say of a lion, and of a lynx, and of a con~ed: (O :) pL 2l_. (L.)_.AndA she- [See also ze, in the latter part of the former [He w~und leopard, and of a wolf, ulJI ' gaeelle having the end of her tail twisted [as if half.]) _i. e. I ash e A' : .aiw&iUlmI , men]. (As, Mpb.) - And jM, (}, O, M Ib, tied in a knot]: or bending her neck in lying &c.,) title the consists whcrin properties the by Thmee or. , (,) in n. o.,) ,pl, (L, Mgh, &c.,) and l',, down: or raisingher head infearfor Ierself and thy throne to glory, or by the places wherein Aer yon~ one. (L.) And A gazelle putting his of ;L; (s,) and L&j, , t and ;) &e (Mgh, ';; wsck om his mp, (O,L,) having bent it to those propertiesare [as it wvere] knit together, pro- (LJ latter has an the [or (TA;) ; , n. in (L,) JOW, slp: (L:) or having bent his neck (O, , TA) perly meaning by the glory of thy throne, is a intensive signification, ;je; or appliea to many o in prayer, of which, IAth says, the to ~ep: (TA:) or haing put his neck upon his phrase used w ee above;] He hocked, houghed, or hamtru~j, (L.) disapprove. Aboo-]aneefeh of party. rump: (]:) pl. as above. (O, L) _And one A (,.,*,) him, or her, namely, a beast; (TA ;)J#.. 4, 4 meaning He came twisting For another meaning of the pl., ;JtW, aee . ir ways, laid bare his [or er] (namely, a camel'sa) .,#j laid of pride. (A, O, L.) _ JL. his nck by re [or kock-tend]; such being the meaning of,J i -m*: see Joi. is also applied as an epithet to Jd [q. v.] meanwith the Arabs; (Az, TA;) he std~u, (J, lAth, ;is [Tbd in many knots]. One says L ing That of which the water has gone, and which Mgh, Mpb,) or cut, (TA,) hi, (a amei's, , knots]: in many tied rigs, or b, [Thr~ :i vooe TA (A~Ut, IAth, O, Mpb, or a horse's, f, 0, or a sheep's cooked. is tghly denote to teshdeed with being word latter the or goat's, lAth,) or Aher, (a cmel's, L, Mgh,) [q. v.] of a Also The [space called the] . -And L.) O, (S, multiplicity. or muchness, fb ord (t, IAth, Mah, O, by, ,. j wml; (9, M, O, ];) and what is arond it, [hence] applied to language, (9, 0, L, ],) as Meb, beat wa tamnda~; (1Ath;) the whie TA,) Myb, the (d-_. , $, M, TA,) i. e. what is around meaning Rendered obscure: (S, O, L:) or [sim- he cu oe of Ai, or br, (a camel',) s, p,i.e.what is ply] obre. (-.).- . See also ;j~.-And .M .: in the 1 [and O], J not misht it that animal, the viously, stabbing to viously arord the well; but the former is the right. see ,.;. - It also occurs in a trad. as meaning ran when being stabbed, but might fall away run (TA.) A sort of b, of the manufacture of Hejer. (L.) down, and so be within his power; h mwd d; [his or] her (a camel's) beg with th ;1':: see what next follows. '-. [2/ing a number of knots or many knots: (I]t, TA;) he made a marh, or m~od, ia (9, 0, L, M,b, 1, &c.) A as enchanters used to do. (See ^ .)- And notch, in his, or Aer, (a horse's, or a e~smel's,) and , ;t ;,ip ,) of grapes, hence,] An nchanter. (A, O, I.) raceme, or bunch, (Mgh voce legs. (v.) [See ,;, below.] - Hence, (As, TA,) ajio (Q, O, L, Myb, ],) and the like, (Mqb,) as of aor. and inf. n. aus hove, Ie Abb~ i'cU, ee jai. Ui;: dates, (Mgh ubi suprh, and ISh in art. j.p. him, namely, a camel; dagAtered M by tabA cord, or rope, tied, knit, complicated bing: (Az, Mpb, TA:) beaum tbe dsahterer j of the TA,) and of [the fruit of] the 05), and or knots, or tied firmly, fast, or of the camel first lays bare its Ck [or boca knot into A$;, (0, ,) and the like: (4 :) pl. ,;.. gsJ, a tendon; or hooks it; or srikes or cute its lqp, strongly. (L.) t"'I l I ---j;y (Mo, L, &W) 9



[Boox I. or one of its legs, with a sword: see above ]. thou badst hocked (;e) my camel and I were of %..^. , (S,) or of the second, (M, L, ],) and (Az, TA.) So in the saying of Imra-el-l]eys, therefore unable to journey: ISk cites as an ex. .U).c (M, L, 1) and ij-iU, (V,)

or o)1., (M and

** [Arnd the day hen I dslaughtered for the virgi u

(accord. to different copies of the ,) orjt; , (M ramels at the grave in the time of El-Iddm]: fiDr and. L, as in the TA,) also of the second, (1,,) they used to slaughter camels at the graves of thhe or of the third; (M, L;) She (a woman [and a dead, saying, The occupant of the grave used tto camel &c.]) asJ, or became, barren: (IC, TA:) slaughter camels for guests in the days of hiis or did not conceie: ($:) or ceased to conceim. e 'JLM. 4 Ul life; so we recompense him by doing the lik (TA.) One says also (I.t;, MPb.) _s, -.. aor. :; and,, aor. :; He te after his death. (IAth, TA.) - Hence also, H fi.1 I had a mant, and he withheld me from it, (a man [and a beat]) as barremn; did not genedew him; he destroyed him: of this significatio n and hind~ me. (Ibn-Buzurj, L.) Hence,:' rate. (TA.) -,i b , aor. -', inf. n. v=, t It (an l,s, we have an ex. in the story of Umm-Zarq: . : j JI, (Az,TA,) meaning yl. ~ affair) did not produce any issue, or result. (g.) r [i. e. The shifting about of the course of a journey ~ 4Wj ,jt, And [a cause of] the destruction of he He (God) made her [to be barren, or] a .J, third sentence]. to cease to conceive. .fellow-nife through [the latter's] envy [of herr] by sucessive chang: see (Msib.) and rage [against her]. (TA.)--) mA i. q. .3j [app. _ JtJ. , (O, TA.) _ And ,'to 2. .: sace 1, first and second sentences. _ (Mgh, O, Msb, I, &kc.,) said of a woman, (TA, ) meaning He made much dslaughter among the occurring in a trad. of afeeyeh, (Mgh, Msb, TA, ) objects of the chase]. (0, Y.) - And :W ;.,f; &a ;s.A I said to him 1.L 1J1 l;.. (1b.) in which Mohammad is related to have used thia She (a woman) smote their wauls, and wnouded [See L] exprenion, on the day of the return of the pil l their harts. (O.) - V ;JI ., (inf. n. , 3. *At& He contended with him for superior grime from Mine, when he was told that she ha4 TA, and subst. [or quasi-inf. n., like I,4 and glory (Ig, TA) and generosity and ezcellence (TA) her menstrual flux, to which he added, "I se kc.,] tj?U, T, $, O, TA,) He in the hoching, or slaughtering, ( . [see 1],) of &t; her not to be aught but a hinderer of us ;" thu s '"' and d cut off the head of the palm-tree, (T, $, O, 1j,) camel. (g, TA.) It was customary for two accord. to the relaters of traditions, each wor being an inrf. n., like LS.; (O,0 TA;) of thi e altogether, with the heart (j. JI), (T, S, O,) men thus to contend for superior munificence, measure .W ; or, as some say, the k. is t o so that it dried up, (]g,) and nothing came forth [giving away the flesh of the victims,] but they _c),P, Thou did so for the sake of display and vain glory; mark a Imlise; (M.gh;) and ti ~.. , (O, l,' ) fron it tr - . Ulg,q.) wherefore the eating of the flesh of camels which are also inf. ns.; (TA;) and this is accord shalt by no man cut down trees. (Mgh.)_ slaughtered on an occasion of this kind is forto the usage of the Arabs; (Az, TA;) being aa u.~jJI He cut down the trees of the pasture-land: bidden in a trad., and they are likened to animals form of imprecation, though not meant to exprese he cut down the herbage, or pasture, and spoiled sacrificed to that which is not God. (TA.) a desire for its having effect, (Az, Mgb, TA,) fo] r it. (TA.)- _ Wt j.i, He ate the herbage, or And 3t.&, (T],) in. n. ;""t, (, 1,) He hed what is meant by it is only blame; (Msb;) expl patture. (0, K.) And He had the herbagefor a dialoguc or coloquy, or a diqsntation or debate, by ;U3 jIWts 41 ti;, (5,) i. e., [May Goo pasturage. (O.) - You say of wine, 'iii.. with him, ($, .,) and encountered him with r mutual (enalted be lie) wound her, &c., and] sharve her r [It ditables the intellect; like as a man disables a r~eiling and satire (S, TA) and cursing. (TA.) hair, or afflict her with a pain in her throat: : beast by hocking him]. (IAr.) -_ ek, (S, O, =Also .;, ,(.,) inf. n. iAti, (s, 0o, ,) re, (TA:) or may her body be wounded (,i), ani TA,) aor.-, (TA,) inf. n. :, (. , O, TA,) He or it, hept, confined himself or itelf, clave, chg, may she be ajlicted with a disease in her throat: : (a man) galled his (a camel's) bach: (TA :) he or held fast, to him, or it: (S, 0, X:*) he kept, (Mgh, 0 :') so accord. to A'Obeyd: or may her galleUd it; namely, a camel's back: ($, O :) it (a or applied hinmself, co*utantl#, or pereringly, to le9 and her throat be cut: or may her leg be cut t camel's saddle, TA, and a horse's saddle, S, O, (S,* TA,) and her head shaven: (Mgh:) [or may she ba TA) galled his (the beast's) back. ($, O, TA.) - him, or it. (TA.) You say ;.Jl), and simplyjiL, (TA,) He hept, or applied himtdestroyed, and may her throat be cut :] or the And S ;sjc Their well was demolished. self, constantly, or perseveringly, to the drinking two words i.i. and J1. are epithets, applied to a woman of ill luck; and the meaning is, (Z, (O.) * t., (.. K,) aor.:, (E,) in n.~., (S, of wine: (S, TA:) or ,..AJl5 ; . signifies thc O, TA,) she is one who extirpates [or destroys, 0,) His (a man's) legs betrayed him, tso that he contending with wine for superiority; as when a and cuts the throats of,] her people, by the effect t was unable to fight, by reason of fright and man says, I have more, or most, strength for of her ill luck upon them; (Z, O, K,' TA;) be- stupefaction: (S, 0 :) he became stupfied, or de- drinking, and so contending withl it for supeing virtually in the nom. case, as enunciatives; prived of his reason: (S, ] :) or he was taken by riority, and being overcome thereby. (Aboo!. e., ,U-. _ S,. (Z, TA.) Lh mentions suddenfright, (1K, TA,) and stupified, or deprived Sa'eed, TA.) You say also, ioAl _.J1 ;.t; of his aton, (TA,) so that he could not advance The wine remained long confined to the [jar the phrase, t kO'C. k.tI 1jh *.3 y [app. meannor retire. (K, TA.) .' .1 j,l 't 3' . ,, called] O J; syn. a.j'. (, g.) And :.Ij)c ing, Do thou not that: may thy mother be child[My legs betrayed me, &c., so that I feUll to the 'Z1 .. *Jl [app., The wine tooh hold upon tAche less: (see .fj :)] without explaining it: but he earth] was said by 'Omar. (S.) And one says, intellect: or contended with it for stperiority]. (S.) mentions it with the phrases Wjo Wt and Lo. l ow1 if J L.* b Z,pU [I am stup~fied, &tC. (TA.) Or signifies Having the or taken by sudden fright, &c., so thtat I am not 4. ,!1 He supified him [so that his legs bemestrpualfiux. (g.) One says also, imprecating able to talt]. (M, TA.) [And . alone means trayed him and he nas unable to fight or to a curse upon a man, :i;.j , , t,.~, mean- He became unable to speah. In one place in the advance or retire: see ]. (S,O.) ing, May God [maim him, and] wound (j.1) his L, this verb is written .; but this is probably 't~.a l rendered hod her womb barren; (0, body, and afflict him with a pain in his throat: a mistake.] a=o, or. ; ; (s, IJ, M, IK., TA;) God aoffeted lher wonab mith a diseae (g, TA) so that she did. not conceive. (TA.) . and sometimes, ; ,.9 I, without tenween. L, Msh ;) in the , 4.>, of the class of c; ($.) [8ee also 1 in art. j1._.] but the authorities indicated above show that li3j jil lie asigned to such a one a grant of s-'ie killed tie beast which he was riding, and made him to 4.a is the correct form; (TA;) and .,, land; syn. '.ai. I i. e. a. (..) -_ And go on foot: h hoehd, houghed, or hamstrung, his aor.;; (M, Il]tt, L, Mb, K;) and a4,s, one says, liS C . j aor.:; s. I have given beast. (TA.) - Hence, Uj ' Thou hast (M, ftft, L;) in n.b,, lkast, ( i, ,Msb, thee permission to pasture thy beasts upon the long detained me, or re~trained me; as though ]g,) of the firt, (S, Msb, like as ~ is inf. n. herbage of such a place. (0.) = And .ulHe

my ridin-camgl]. (TA.) And so in the trad.' j ,^s_1 ;i ' [T7re shaull be no daughtersngiof

.. * 0 [Umm-Kkazraj has log detaiSud the party, or people]. (0, O, TA.) And in the A it is said that i J, means Suck a woman, or girl, came forth to the riders on camels, and they staid log in her preence; as though she hocked (oc) the camels upon which they rode. ..

L, as in the TA,) which are of the first, (M, L,

.,) and (M, I t, L, Msb, g,) which is of (M, the second, (M, L, Mqb, ],) and i;L, or a;l,

BooK I.] became possessed of much pperty such as is a


r" * 'W

[app., t 17e meeting thee hath been (.4 LX.,

termed Jlc. (?,1I, o.)



(1,) or Ll

O,) They (,swW,

two hoched, or hamstrung, their camel, (O., 1t.. , 9, 0, or c ,) 4i, vying, each rith the languid. (A,TA.) other, terein, (,, 0,) that it might be seen which .jL .J t The war became [Barrenness, or a in a palm-tree means -. j [See 8.] of tham sould do o most. (.) drying up, and perishing, occasioned by] having 7. jiY1t He (a camel, and a horse, [&c.,]) the [fibrous substance called] .I stripped off [became hocked, houghed, or hamstrung; had his TA) from the hieart, (0, TA,) and the (O, 15, hock-tendon laid bare;] had his legs struch [or taken away; (0, .5, TA;) which itself heart (a camel's cut] ith a sword. (S.) [See 1.] -It it dries up and perishes. (Az, O, being done, or a horse's back) became galled by tie saddle; ;, or the latter is used only prov., or t 9 -~ Also, TA.) The trough, [liea, tan or , e I (ti;l. , g.) as also swhich a man drinks, or tank,for watering beasts 4c. is demolished only license, Anything by poetic 8: see what next precedes. and in consequence thereof has no offspring born by commcncing from its hinder part]; meaning, ce, j 1 The act of wounding; 'c.: [see 1:] a to him. (0, TA.) , Also, ij, A kind of dowry, an affair is performed only by setting about it in (S,) or compensation, (IAth,) nwhich is given to a theiproper way. (TA.) - Also The part of a mark, or round, ( ,) lik a notch, (jaJLb, 1, woman when connection ras been lhad with her in well where the fore feet of the animals watering TA, [in the C15, ~LJ,]) in the legs of a horse, consequence of dubiousness, or a likeness [on her stand when they drink. (TA.) - See also ,L, and of a camel. (1._) [Hence, lk Ii. , and part to the man's mfe]: ( in two places. -, first sen- or a , Mgh; or 11J ;j L SP: msee 1.] 1 See also s;, IAth :) or a : fern. ;.c: see the latter voce e : tence: - and again in the last quarter. - Also to a nwoman for connecis given which recom~pee A A, What is, or constitutes, the most essential part, of and see ;j.. - oji& bU, accord. to the (AO:) or a mulet, or fine, which anything; or the prime, or the principal part, tion with her: but save/fromfear: will not drink she-canmel that is paid to a roman for ravidsing her: (Lth, Msb, thereof; syn. s1.: [such appears to me to be V :) or whiat is given to a female slave who has accord. to IA*r [and the S and 0], that will not the meaning of JO,l as here used, from what fol- been ravished, like a dowry in the like case to a drink same from the ' of the trough, or tank; 0. S lows.] ($, IF, Msb.)}_The prinipalpart (0J..) free wonan: (A4mad Ibn-.ambal:) so called and a!l signifies one "that will not drink save of a jli [i.e., a country]; (As, S, Mqb, 15;) because devirgination wounds the object of it: from itsoj"," i. e. "from its fore part." (TA.) (lAth, TA.) - Hence, in consequence which is the place where the people dwell, or pl. ;tl. : see;-, in two places. abide; (A, $;) asalso g.: (As, S, Myb, :) of frequency of usage, (Msb,) A woman's dowry; the former of the dial. of Nejd; (As, TA;) and (Mgb, 5 (O.) - Also The ez;) i. q. . e see ., in two places. the latter of the dial. of the people of EI.Medee- ploration of a wvoman to see if ske be a rir,gin or .. 6.... neh, (Aq, $,) or of the dial. of El-Ilijaz; (TA;) not: (Kh, O, 1g, TA:) but Az says that this is oa: sees,,first sentence. or both of the dial. of the people of El-I[ijza; unknown. (TA.) [Perhaps it is a meaning inf..D.. and the latter, in the dial. of others, signifies the see ,;C, first sentence: ~ and again in IaL. is ferred from-what here follows.] _..,. chief, or main, part of a jl.; (Mqb;) and the quarter. the last T7hat [egg] vwith which a woman is tested on the latter albo signifies the middle [or heart] of ajl: occasion of devirgination: (K5: [but what is lc. , in two places; and 0,Xd: see both signify the meant by this, I have not been able to learn:]) (15:) or ,IjJI ji and Vt. principalpart (Jol1) of the place of abode of a or the first egg of tie hen; (1., TA;) because it Also A kinl of bead (ij,, S, O, 1.) which a people, upon which they rest their confience. wounds her: (TA:) or tle last eqg of the hen; vomnan binds upon her Jfanks, in order that she (Mgh, O.) This last signification is exemplified (O, ], TA ;) when slw is old and weak: (TA:) mnay not conceime; (T, S, O ;) or nrhich a n~ n ` . or the egg of thle cock, which [they say] he lay. bears, or carries, in order that sle may not bear *& ' i by the trad. of Alee, i.al-l qffvnriiig: (K :) accord. to IAar, a kind of bead 12 (No p~ople have had war waged against them once in the year, (0, g,) [or once in his life, for] which is hung upon lewr who is barren, in order they assert that it is the egg of the cock, because in the principal part of their country, upon which he lays, in his life; one eJg, somewhat inclining to that she may bear offspring; but this is strange. thley rest tihir confidene, but thiey have become (TA.) Hence the saying, 0jy.I ,e I l,a abased, or brought into stubjection]: (Mgh, length; so called because tie virginity of the girl, or young woman, is tested with it: hence, they [Ttat which renders lkntonledge barren its forget0 :) or the meaning here is, in the midst [or lS fulnes]. (S, O.) Sece also.t~, in two places. heart] of tlhir country, &c.; i.e., in the place say of a thing given one time [only], a: where tlhy abide, or lodge. (L.) It is said in .ajl: or, as some say, it is like the phlrases ~, .qdJa: see 1, in five places. , meaning, dO'Jt and j*W1 L;4I31; so that it is a phrase t 11 jl; another trad., .L! j ;.q.C: sec the paragraphl hIere tllihwing. The principal part (J,Ll), and the place, of the proverbially used as applied to a thing that never ,,-- .; ,, , --country of l-Isldm is Syria : apparently point- is: ($, 0:) accord. to A'Obeyd, when a niggard Also lRe,l, or inino,,alil..~ U: see ing to a time of conflicts and factions, or sedi- gives once, and not again, one says [of the gift], a1A, . OA), Igl, or . tions, when Syria should be free from them, and JAi%l ; -: .; and when he gives a thing, able, property, (J,1. W 24 the Muslims slould there be more secure. (TA.) and then stops doing so, one says of the last time Jl to J ., KT,) [an , M.b, or L1 J Lth has confounded in explaining what is the [of his giving], aldl - 1L (TA.) One estate] consisting of a house or land yliel!ding a S. ,p of a jb and what is the .Us of a tank or ;tb meaning t Tkat rewenue; (Mgh;) or suck as land and a houae; says also, .aJIl L. .WJ trough for watering beasts &c. (Az.) (KT;) or such as a hmoue and palntt-trces: (Mob:) happened once, not a second timne. (TA.) And land yieldintg a revenue; syn. a ; J ( M, &c.) and ., (M,) or i.l a- means also II: nwho has no oyxfpring. or simply, 15:) as also 1i 5 t.: (.gl, l:) or land; (Mgh, and V{LuJ, (A, K,) Barrenness, in a woman, (S, (1, TA. [See also.lJ?.]) And t Ie wnho stands and a-l); lal,,15 &c.,) and in a man. (S, TA.) You say also another in no stead. (TA.) ~ Also A grant of or lands yielding revenues (syn. , 0. a.0 i. trees; (I, O,TA;) and the like: (TA:) and [The she-camel conceied land; syn. a; 4i. ,pa c J 1WI (. (O, 1 ;) and so t i. (L, K) in particular: (L:) pl. ) . palm-trees And O.) (S, barren]. been after harin alight wrrere people A place And [See 4.]) 9

productive of good after barrenness thereof]. (A, j1 ,jp, a phrase used by TA.) And pcha Dhu-r-Rummeh, referring to wars; i. e. t They returned to stillness. (TA.) And .;J!I Caq..

.K, TA) between the house, or abode, and the trough, or tank,for matering beasts ec.; (TA;) as also *'1 : (I, TA:) or (TA, but in the 15 "and ") the hinder part of a trough, or tank, for watering beasts &c., (S, 15, TA,) where the camels stand when thay come to wvater; as (S:) or the station of the drinker; also t.: (1 ;) as in all the copies of the ]; but accord. to the T and Nh, the station of the animals drinking: (TA:) or the place welure the bucket is emptied, at the hinder part of the trough, or tank; the place at the fore part being called its l ($, 0.) It is said in a .Il: (IAvr:) pl.

and e .d;sd: seewa. . i. A, place of . [or olh, i. e. of ga~it, to a palm-tree (i.S),ts also t j ;, (As,,TA,) y m; mee am_ Ablo, applied to a woman, or beyg galled, upon the back of a camel or the and, accord. to the copies of the ], ti ,, bit .Barm : (0, ], TA:) that does not concesw: like]. (TA in art. LjI.)

[Hence,] applied to a camel, (male, Mpb, and gjLQ1 t Iron of eclent manufacture. (0, [..) tbmale, L,) Stabbed; lawgAterd by stabbing: I O . : see the next preceding paragraph. (L, M#b, TA :) pl. as above. (M,b.) _Applied

(Boox I. correctly * A, u in the M, (TA,) Having iJ 1 ts (S, O:) or that has ceed to conceive: (M 9b:) had cut oj, (Az, 1C, TA,) altoyether, with the as being from Ai', it is an instance of the conheart, TA,) and having in consequence dried fusion of dialect.; i~ ~ (Az, ~ l~ [being properly from ;1 ;] up, (6, TA,) so that nothiig comeufrthfron& id or it is a possessive epithet [meaning having the trnk. (I.ff TA.) ~ A man unable to malk, o r quality of barrena]: (IJ:) pl. , (g, TA,) to fight, by reason of fright and stupefaction (TA;) taken by sudden fright, so as to be unabl which is applied to women and to she-camels, to advance or retire: or ^tupefied: (Ks:) in whic] i (TA,) or );l and .lJ3l;: (Mob:) and t *i last sense it is applied to an antelope. (TA.) m* is in like manner applied to a woman, signifying, See also>le. having a discase in her womb, (0, K, TA,) in conseuence of wrhich he does not coceive. (TA.) ekc signifies A' to [TWh/at is wounded, o'r - Applied to a man, Barren; that ha no offhoked, or struck or cut in the legs,] of wilc i spring born to him; (S, O, Mqb, g ;) as also animals that are snared or hunted or chased, an dI 9j : (K:) the former anomalous; [if regarded the like; (C ;) of the measure Jia in the s'ns4 as from , not from ; buta said of a man, of the measure aiad. (TA.) See e A I do not find;] the latter regular; [if fromAj;] man of high rank who is slain. (S, .) So ir annd the latter has not been heard applied to ;tU Wine: (3,O,]:) or wine that does nsot the saying,..#i L. ; ; I. L; [I have a woman: (TA:) pl. : (MXb, TA:) and delay to intowicate: (TA:) so called because c ;,U is also applied to a man, and signifies, one of not before secn, as on this day, a man of higli Its taking hold upon the intellect, or oontendin g rank who in slain in the midst of a people]. ($.) nwIho cOmea to women, andfeels them, and indul with it for superiority, (~j.il V,jlI j.,) ) ac - A leg, or shank, cut. (S, 0, V.) - Hence, himxe if with thien in mutual embracing, orpressing cord. to Aboo-Na 9r; (?;) or because of its re 'The woice, or a cry; (S;) the voice of a singer to the boson, (fi -) but has no offrpring Inaining long confined to the [jar called] J, (g (V, TA) siging; (TA;) the wice a weeper born to hin. (IAir,TA.) tA tree (Q pg; (TA;) the voice of of a reciter that does not bear; barren: and in like manner ), ],) accord. to AA; (;, O;) [see 3;] or be (1g, TA) cause the drinker keeps closely to it; (TA;) o or reader (Q, TA) reciting or reading; (TA;) t o,, occurring in a trad., as the name of a cerhecause it prevents the drinker from walking rthe utmo ~etent oftthe roicco of a cry. (TA.) tain tract of land (u;) which name Molammad sjJ Suchs a one raised his changed (l ;) or because it disables (,' u) the intellect You say > to o .; or this may be from the same voice: the origin of the saying was this: a man epithet applied to a palm-tree. (TA.) [9See also (IA#r.) m See also lii. had one of his legs cut; or cut off, and he raised Applied to a tract of sand (.ij), it, and put it upon the other, and cried out with ,p*U]. .,i, applied to a dog, ($, O, M 9b, I,) and te t Tlhat produces to plant or herbage; (O, C, TA;) any animal of prey, as a lion, and a lynx, and i his loudest voice: so this was afterwards said of likened to a [barrcn] woman: (TA:) or of rich leopard, and a wolf, (Az, IAth, M9b,) and tho any one who raised 4is voice: (S, 0:) or it is thei sides produce plants or herbage, but the middl expl. thus: a man had one of his limbs wounded, like, (IAth,) each ofthese being called. 1;; ;. does not produce: (TA:) or such as is large: and he had camels which were accustomed to his (As, IAth, Mqb,) because of the same rapaciomu singing (i:) or larye and inproducing no plants or hearbin driving them, and which had become nature as the dog, (IAth,) meaning,.That rounds dispersed from age. (S.) him; so he raised his voice, cry(As, IAth, O, Mqb,) and hill, and eizes its J ing, by reason of the wound; and his camels, prey and breas its nech: (IAth:) [or thai hearing, and thinking that he was singing to drive wods, &c., much; for] it is an intensive epi- them, came together to him: and hence this was (, o : )[More barren than a s: mwee]: thet: (TA:) only applied to an animal; (?, ]; afterwards said of any one who raised his voice, [in the latter of which, the words thus rendered singing. (Az, (T'A in arit. TA.) are preceded by "or;" the epithet in what pred A man hasing much propey nsuc as is cedes being restricted to a dog, but not exLS} Lc a dim. n., of the occurrence of which tered.lit. (S, ) See also the next paAplained ;]) V~ being applied to an inanimate the only instance known to lt is in a trad. cited graph. thing: (I:) pl. L., (Mqb, and so in some copies and expl voee._l: said by IAth to be derived et, or (0, of the ],) or * . (So in some copies of the ], fromniin the phrase ,ll L. (TA.) and I;tUa and : *p;i (1) and in the TA.) t a nd O 0, V) ;i [A simple; a drug;] any of the elements and 'ti; (AZ, Q,O, and it;l;t, (O, e,) applied to the saddle s. i q. a (IF,O, ;) applied to a (ta; ( Jj.) of medicines; (,O;) what is used medi- horne (a, g) and that of a camel, (TA,) of iAt min; Wonded: (8, 0:) pl. .;ep. (,, Mgh, i.e., that wualy 0, ].) - Applied to a camel, (;, Mgh, O,) both inally, of plants and of their roots (J..il) and galls th back; ($,'0,,;) to a male and to a female, (TA,) and to a horse of trees: (Q, TA:) [accord. to the CkC, what is galls the bach: if it galls it but once it is only (A'Obeyd.)-Alo j [or mare, &c.], (?, 0,) [Hocked, oughd, or ted mtdhilay, of plants,or of their roots: and termed t?l%. and hanutr;] havirg Mth [hock-tendon or] two tree: the last word being in the nom. case:] as and A man who galls the backs of hock-tmdons laid bare, so as to be unmable to rn; also tje;: (V:) or whatis ued mndicinally, of camels byfatiuing thn imith abour, or by ~sri applied to a horse; (TA;) struc [or cut] in the pbnt and tre: (L, TA:) or a medicine that is the much in ajournoy. (L, e.) 1I with a sword; (8, Mgh, 0;) [a camel hatving usd for moving the bowels: (Az, TA:) or any *me of the les cut, previously to being stabbed; curative plant; as ;an Haviry her womb rded barrim by also its pl., (AHeyth,) which kaing a mark, or rmond, like a notch, made in God. (TA.) his, or Ahr, (a camel's or a horse's) leg.: ee 1:] is J 53iQ (AHeyth, e:) nothing thus termed is pl. as above. (?, Mgh.) [See alo t;'. ]__ called j. (AHeyth.) - [Hence,] ,g. see aa. (M,b.) You say ;UL .; ;I; i L He HaA not a hows nor land, or lands yielding rvenAue, or yralim-tres. (Q, O.)_Also (sometimes, Mq b) lousehsold goods, orfujrnitureand utensils, ($, ( M.h,0 ], TA,) whiich are not used except on t, its occasions offtstivals, (n, TA,) and necesary qiffairs of great importance, (TA,) and the liko 1: (If, TA:) thus, with fet-h, accord, to AZ arid 1Air; (TA;) and sometimes with damm [t;tU ], .(I,) thus accord. to As; (0, TA;) but in sa Ying so, he differs from the generality of auth,0rities: (TA:) or the best of furniture and tlhe like, because none but the best is spread on ti he occasions of festivals: (TA :) and the best of anything. (0, TA.) One says ;lc 11 : p ; In the house, or tent, are goodly furnitum / and ut~enils. (S, 0.) ,ia


Boot I.]


the crupper of a horse, or the like, is bound to rog in make. (O.) Also, and ' 'L;u; ),, thesaddl. (O, .)_ AnA the pl. 4,jt signi- One w,ho aids, or assists, much, or rwe, (O, 14v,$ Q. L , ,.i He twsted, wreathed, curled, TA,) and reists attack: (V.:) or an aider roAo fies also t Malicious and mischious mi curved, or bent, a thing. (MA.)~ [And, acreusit attack it energy. (MF.) sentations, calumnies, or slanders. (0, 1[, TA.) cord. to Freytag, He imitated the scorpion in iua; Js.a rii I Verily his malicious acting: but for this he names no. authority; and One says, $ 1 ,t% A place having in it corpions I doubt its correctness: see the next paragraph.] and michieous mireprsentatiow, cc., cree, c). (, 0o.) And i;,i ,;l (9, 0, M,b, along: (TA:) or he traduces, or defames, people (. Q. I ,~, [It was crisp and cured; said behind their backs, or oth~erris. (0, 1.) And 15) and i ;,i, ($, O,' ,) the latter as though of a lock of hair hanging down upon the temple: formed from ;'c after reducing it to three so accord. to Reiske, as mentioned by Freytag. the phrase 4'Ah C4.: is sometimes used to sig- letters, (9,) A land in which are ot7pions: ($, O, - And He acted like YL4rab; a man notorious nify t His downy hair crept [along his cheeks]. Mb :) or a land abounding with scorpion. (1.) for putting off the fulfilment of his promises; as (MF.) . And ! Reproachesfor benefits conferred: is said in the TA in the present art.]. (A and so in the saying of En-Nibighah, 0. ~-~* , *0, 00 TA in art. .p&: see Q. 2 in that art.) ,v;.~ [The scorpion;] a certain enomou reptile, (TA,) well known: (K, TA:) the word 0,, TA,) is mase. (TA) and it is fem., (S,O, generally the latter; (T, Mob, TA;) but is applied to the male and the .female: (Lth, T, O, (T, Mob, TA:) and the male is called ' i 'I, g, O, Myb, 1], TA,) accord. to some, (O,) when one desires to denote it in a corroborative manner, also; (1];) or these (M9b, TA,) and ' L two words are syn. with .', .p: (15:) and the femae is called t 'k, (T, 9, O, Myb, 1,) sometimes, (T, Myb,) and t l"4'j5, which is imperfectly decl.; (8, 0,1k ;) or these two words and ~pk, accord. to the " Tahreer et-Tembeeh," all V ',t : denote thefenmak, and the male is calledt (TA:) or, as some say, the male and the female are called only ,.: (Msb, TA:) and oftV it is said by IB, on the authority of Agit, that but [as it does not signify the male of eu expt below] "a certain creeping thing, having long legs:" (TA:) IJ says that you may drop h: (L, TA:) the v t; and say $ and an instance occurs of V ,l,p, as a coll. gen. ., in the following verse:
0 0
: X

.0 3


v 1A1

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[I seek protection by God frm the sorpions raising the joint of the taib]: but the I here is said to be inserted for the purpose of what is termed 1L',1: (MP, from the "Mukhtasar elBayAn:") and ,3:Wlis applied as an epithet to i.q. 3'91 Ji;'> [an appellation now applied to a sing. n. because this is used as a coll. gen. n.: the earwig]; (Az, ];) and (19) so v o. (M voce :) the pL of ;L is .;t;. (9, (0o,.) O.)- And [hence] ;,U,lI is the name of t A ; ';.~s: see ,is.. certainsign of tse Zodiac, (T, $, 0, 1,) [i. e. &or*pio,] to which belong the Mansions of the Moon s, : see -;ja, first sentence. Il] and called St41 and 4th1 [and js A s&ee i.e.s, first sentence:-and vtji1. (T, TA. [See these words, and see also and ,Ijl j.' in art. j. a%,, It should ; ;~ : msee .;., first sentence. also be observed that the Arabs extended the figure of this constellation (as they did that of nu. [Twited, wreathed, curled,] cured, or Leo) far beyond the limits that we assign to it.])

1. 1. , aor., (Msb,) in n. , (Lth, 9, Mgh, IAth, Mqb,) She (a woman, Lth, the end [I owe unto 'Amr favour after favour, for his Myb) twisted er hair, ad irted father, not accompanied by reproache for benefits thereof into the parts net the rooU: (Mgh, IAth, conferrd]. (TA.).And tHardships,seritis, Mb :) this is the primary signification: (lAth:) di'iculties, trouble, or distressee. (1.) 4ic or she tooh each boc of uer hair, and twised it, thn tied it, wo that there remained in i; a twisting, ,l:I means t The hardships, sewities, &c., of and then let it hang down; (Lth, O;') each of winter: (TA:) or the intense cold thereof: (0, the said locks is termed 1a : (Lth:) and he 15 :) and # 'JI 's, accord. to IB, the assault, tied ht hair upon the back of her neck: (TA:) and intens cold, of winter. (TA.) And jql o and she plaited her hair: (Mqb:) or a:1 i` ,jU means t An uneasy life: or alife in rhich signifies the gatAering of the hair togther upon is evil and roughness. (TA.) - See also the next the head: (Mgh:) or the plaiting of the hair: paragraph. and the totting it upon the head: ( :) and you AUc: see ~,o, first sentence. -Also t An say, ja' ;c., aor. as above, (and so the inf n., iron thing like the ~ [or. fslh-look], which is 0,) meaning, he plaited his hair: and he tmisted suspended, or attached, to the horse's saddle. (0, it. (A, O, .) -j,I , (S, TA,) aor. :, (TA,) ].)--And, of a sandal, t The knots of the inf. n. ,.;c, [q. v.], (i, O, TA,) HYe wa, or became, niggardly, or close-handed, (9, O,' TA,) [tlong, or trap, called] f.;1i [q. v.]. (TA.)And, (0, ]1,) thus in all the copies of the 15, and evil in dipo tion. (.) - And 'tI-; and in the handwriting of Ibn-Mektoom, but in i$jJI [as also tZ] SThe asadbecame restive, the L ' 2,i', (TA,) tAn itlligentfemal slave, or refractory, to me, and stoped. (TA.) who doe much.service, or work. (O, L, 1], TA.) .,L t Hle renderedhis affair d7icult, 2. * Ols : see ~,,, first sentence. or intricate, and involved in con.fuion, or doubt. (TA.) ~to: see .. c, first sentence, in three places.- Also, [or it has this meaning only, as S. LM.; ^;A t I tookh it striving to ovestated above, voce ,] A certain creeping come; (O, V;) as also itL~ . (O.) thing, having long legs, and the tail of which ,,ir [app. an inf. n. of which the verb is ,] is not like that of the ~i [or scorpion]: ($, IB, A twiding, or contortion, in the horn of a sheep O, TA:) or a mal creeping thing that enters the or goat: (A:) or a tisting,or contortion, of the ear; long, yelow, and having many kgs: (TA:) upon his ears, backntard. (.)

hornm of a goat,

.a$. Sand accumulated, or contd, in niwich there i no way: (9, O, :) said to be syn. with J;U: and t 3.i signifies and like such as is termed 3il [q. v.]; or Li.A and t i : , as expl. by Aboo-Alee, signify sand contorted, one fart upon another, and metd~d; like Lal and i.; . (TA.) - And The rnck of the uL~ [or stomach of a ruminant animal]. (IF, O, 1. [In ,St X; is erroneously put the C., for ~5~! ';,S; after which a should have been inorted.]) _ Also, (9, O, and i, (,) (O, 0

[or lock of hair hanging 15,) and t e, (IDrd, O, ,) and ,',P bent. (.) A t, _ [Hence, likewise,] 1.> signifies t A thong, temple curled, or] cured, or (TA,) I Niggardly, ingy, or close-anded, (8, down upon the or strap, of a sandal, (0, 15, TA,) in the form of haing one part trned ~ po another. (, O.)_ O, ], TA,) and ev in dipoition: (:) and the rvpi of this nam (TA.) [8ee also 'ih;.] And t A thong, or strap, (0, 1,) plait and And trong and ~cpact in make: (1]:) or u,% [app. $ Wa.i, or perhaps t 6 , 5 L,] sigarving a buckle at its earmity, (0,) by wohic) ~.[ J, applied to a wild ass, compact and I nifies eil and perere in dispoition. (TA.) Bk. I.


2112 LIMU A knot of a horn: (O, V:) pl. .ic.

[B60K I.

the pl. being s,%i;

-L': see L1, in two places.

and ;S'c. (S, O.) [See fleeing from dogs which (other) dogs mere follUowalso ;.lc as expL by IApr, above.] ,.2,a is ing]. (S, 0, TA.)
Jli A disease that attacks the sheep or goat, ( 0, O, ) and sometimes any beast, (0,) in its legs, so that they become bent, or crooked, in conseuenc of it. (8, 0, 1.) i-*U A cow's udder of which the stream of milk comes forth contrarily, on the occasion of milking. (AH.at, O, . ) a;;'i A thorn bent likt tie crooked piece of iron in the head of the spindle. (TA.)

i;! IAnything(IDrd,O) bent,curved,crooked, [Ihooked,] contorted, or distorted. (IDrd, 0, 1f.) And Bending. (0, 11.) - A gazelle having the horns bent. (TA.) And [the fem.] uie Asbeep or goat (it) of which the horns are contorted [or bent down] upon its ears. (TA.) - Also t Coare, word ,;o is also a pl.]. (O,' TA.) rough, rude, or churlish; as an epithet applied to an Arab of the desert. (S, 0, ].) - And t Poor; e..~uz: see the next preceding paragraph. L ':c , O, Mo,b, V,) aor. :,(O, Mqb, ],) needy: (Lth, O, ] :) pl. t.Xs. (TA.) - And inf. n. -Ui&, ($, O, Mqb, KL,) He bent it; (S, [the fem.] 1Ls signifies [An iron hook;] a pie~e ,,: see Wj" , last sentence. O,Mb, 1, KL;) crooked it; made it hooked; of iron of whitch the extremity has bee contorted, a-*U A portion of a woman's hair which is or doubled it: (KL:) and V 4 .a, (Msb,) inf. n. and in which is a bending. (0, ]g.) tvisted2, and of wvhich the ends are inserted into the J a.~f, (S,KL,) signifies [the same, or] he bent parts nect the roots; (IAth, Mqb;) as also 0 La Ja; [Hair that is recurvate at the it, or crooked it: (, Mb, KL :) [or he did so extremitis; as though ending with hooks]: Vta.i: (Mqb:) or a lock of a ,voman's hair much:] and 3 signifies also the making nwhicht die twists, then ties, so that there remains (M and TA voce :) and 'V in it a tn,isting, and then lets hang down: (Lth, crook-backed. (KL.) ~_ u;i, [app. ".c, the [signifies the same]. (TA in art. J~,.) [See A:) [i. e., a twisted lock of a woman's hair, part. n. being jJa, or this may be a possessive also = , and , ;.] which either has its end inserted into the part epithet, and, if so, the verb may be .i. or J,1 applied to an old man, Bent by reason next the roots, or is tied, and left. to hang donn:] ;:,1 said of a sheep or goat (;it), and likeof grea age. (TA.) - See also ml.:: .and or i. q. .eL; as also V;I;-; (, 0O,];) the wise, sometimes, of any beast (i1;), It had the latter on the authority of A'Obeyd: (S:) pl. (of diseae termed iU. [q. v.]. (TA.) the former, ?, A, Mb, TA) ,p , A, M, b, 2: see the preceding paragraph. 18,) and (of the latter, S, Meb) &;e, .(;,0, 5: see the next following paragraph. Q. 1. ^tj.Jl a si, (S, 0, ]g,) and ZpjiA Msb, I,) and (of the former also, ,, Msb, apd 7. ts1 It became bent, (S, O, M.b, I,) or .iL, (1,) and &tI,i: of the latter also, S, TA) i,si, (S, O, Myb, (Lth, O, ,) Cala1],) of which A'Obeyd cites the following ex. in crooked; (K;) as also in either sense, t i. mities destroyed him: (Lth, t, O :) or prostratd a verse of Imra.el-yeys: (0, .) and destroyed him. (C.) i The fox. (IF, S, 0, I.) So in the folQ. 2. He" (a man) perished: (Lth, 0:) lowing verse, (ascribed by IF and IB to H.omeyd or became prostrated and destroyed, (]s,) by cala0 1 bi si~~ ~s U13 ~cc.~c j,U~l h~~biS' '''~~~ ~ El-Arieat, and by J to Homeyd Ibn-Thowr, but mities. (Lth, O, .) said by $gh to be of neither of the Homeyds, TA,) [Its pendent locks being twisted upward,, the tnwists Q. 3: scel. 1. . ; .0 , . ,a s . 0 beroming concealed among hair doubled and hair made to hang down]: or, as some say, it [.w]Ui] 0 'iL [in. n. of 1.1 Also] Cra.nes, or cua% L4b 0~11 e m signifies what a wooman makes, of her hair,like a ning, of a [demon of the kind called] Jg. (O, pomegranate; each lock of whAich is termed -;a -; 1[As though he were a fox titat had turned away TA.)
0 -. ,(i -

hbo used in the sense of >14 [or Locks of hair hanging down loosely from the middle of the head ia-'and i.ea: see we. to the back]. (Mgh. [But this is said in relation to an instanw of its occurrence in which it may j,ue A string with which th ends of the sjl; with propriety be regarded as pl. of L.;: or [or locks of hair hangi~ dorwn loosey from th middle of the hicad to the back] are tied: (0, Lic in any of the senses before explained.]j) M.sb, I1 :) or a thong with which the hair is eiW: see Wh , last sentence, in two places. M,0tlcred togetker: (Mgh:) pl. i~ : (Msb:) a-cs: see .~iis, last sentence. or, as some say, ~,, (Mgh,) or ,.3oM, (TA,) significs black strings, (Mgh,) or strings of twisted t.s l A goat ( S O, , b, ]~) or sheep (Msb) Nr,,ol, d.ed bllack, (TA,) which a woman joins to whose horns are twisted, or contorted, upon his her hair: (Mgh, TA :) of the dial. of El-Yemen: ears, (S, 0, Msb, P],) backwards: (S, 0, ] :) (TA:) [in Egypt, in the present day, the term DJill *-;~signifies a pW., is applied to red silk strings, each with fem. Lt-ii : (Msb:) or a tassel at the end, worn by women of the tLA[i. e. sheep or goat] having a twisting, or conlonwer orders, who divide their hair behind tortion, in the horn: (A:) and t .ti, a sheep into two tresses, and plait, with each tress, three or goat crooked in tis horn. (1K.) - Also Having I!f these strings, olwhich reach more than half- the fingers twisting, one upon another. (Ibneway tow'ards the ground, so that they are 'Abbdd, 0, I.) - And Vhose central incisors usually obliged to draw aside the tassels before enter into his mouth, (0, K, TA,) atnd are twisted. they sit don :] MF says that, accord. to some, (TA.) - See also ~u.', last sentence. ,.lUs. sibmifies a tlworn, or the like, with wvhich a A crooked arrow: (S , O,:) and, (1f,) nonman arrangeJ, or puts in order, her hair: whichl is strange: (TA:) and IA4r says that it or accord. to As, (TA,) an arrow of which the head breaks, and its tongue, or tang, remaiing signifies ..1., [i. e. horns with which people tl~hin, is extracted, and beaten until it becomaes xcratch their heads; or things like packing-needles, long, and then restored in its place; (K,TA;) nith which the female hair-dreser arranges, or but it does not perfectly serve in its stead: (TA:) puts in order, tihe locks of omnen's hair]; and this meaning he assigns to it in explaining a verse of Imra-el-Ieys [which see below, voce >l:see am i. _ See also l. 'a,L, of which word, as weU as of i;U, the

i;i A piecd of wood [or a stick] crooked [or hooked] at the head thereof, with whichl a thing is extended, (Z, so in the O and L and copies of the g,) or drawn, or pulled, towards one, (,, so in the CI,) like tite & [q. v.]: (0, L, or it is [a part, app. the crooked, or hooked, o:) head,] of the ;': (Msb :) and some say that it is a OlJo [q. v.]. (TA.) [In the present day it is applied to A hook, or a small hooh.] ut1, applied to a sheep or goat ( , 0, I:[, and sometimes to any beast (;tl, 0), Having the disease termed oi ; as also ".* ',.



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[;5 i

BooK I.]
A calamity (8, 0, V, TA) offortune: the slaying or the like of a lawe,] applies, accord. (TA:) like AU11; from which it is said by IF to to Aboo-I[aneefeh, to the case of a slave's comfree person: (S, 0, be formed, by additional letters: (0:) pl. ;.i. mitting a crime against a Mqb, V]: [and thus as expl. in the Mgh:]) but, (O, TA.) - A crafty, or cuning, [demon of the (S, 0, Msb, ]C,) accord. to Ibn-Abee-Leyla, (S, clamorous O, Msb,) it applies to the case of a free person's (O, TA.) -A kind called] Ji. and fodl-tongued woman, (IC, TA,) that over- committing a crime against a. slave; for if the scorpion. (O, K.) meaning were as Aboo-IHaneefeh says, the phrase con with evil. (TA.) -A - A she-camel so old that the back of her neck ; (g, O, Meb,l; ;) l bej o, . wouldbe>=iw be~. almost touche her shoulder (., O, TA) by reason would correct: (S, O, to be this pronounced As and of her extreme old age. (TA.) in the Expohowever, Msb:*) Akmal-ed-Deen, sition of the Hidayeh, says that ai. is used in the sense of - j iG, and that the context of 1. [The inf. n.] 3 signifies The act of rith- the trad. indicates this meaning, which MF also holdiy, or rstraining;syn. ;. (TA.) [This defends. (TA.) [See also the saying .i;;) is app. the primary signification, or it may be ;WJl ;miAl in art. .] , inf n. as above, -(8, Mgh, also means He set him up [app. a man] on one of from what next follows.] _.' ali, O, Msb, ],) aor., (S, O, Myb,) inf. n. ~>, (S, his : . ;] as also ;. e 1 ie5s; [app. from Mgh, O, Msb,) He bound the camel with the [rope and every JiU is a raising. (TA.) - Also, called] JtL.; (Mgh;) meaning he bound the [agreeably with the explanation of the inf. n. in camers fore shank to his arm; (s;) i.e. he the first sentence of this art.,] and * ., and folded together the camers fore rhank and his V L3^,(TA, [see also the first paragraph of art. arm and bound them both in the middle of the _..,]) and * J;l, (Msb, TA,) lie withheld (S, O, M 9b;) him, or restrained him, arm n'ith the oe called jti; (Mob, TA,) .1. t signifies the same; as also t ; and e_l_l from the olject of his want. (TA.) - And ic, from 3tLJI, (S, O,) [hence,] 'd ( ;) or you say, ;JI : (S, O, Msb, K,) nor. 'Il J,, inf. n. . .;j (0,) [i. e. I bout,d the camels in the ($, .) and ', (K,) inf. n. J, (TA,) T/e mcdimanner expl. abowe,] this verb being with tesh- cine bound, or conJined, his bedly [or bonels] ; syn. deed because of its application to a number of Z: (S, 0, Msb, V:) accord. to some, parobjects: (S; O:) and sometimes the hocks were signiticularly after looeness: and i t i.I

s. (TA.) it in a certain manner; as also t I;i, aor. , in. n. ;i and * j3,, ($, O, ]~,) or the latter, accord. to Sb, is an epithlet, [or a pass. part. n.,] for he used to say that no inf. n. has the measure * `, (B, O,) lie wa, or became, J3! [i. e. inteUlligent, &c.; and so V,; as though he were withheld, or restrained, from doing that which is not suitable, or befitting: see 0.& below]: and t* :, (], TA,) inf. n. LAZ3, (TA,) signifies the same, (ll,) or [he poxsessed much intelligence, for] it is with teshdeed to denote muchness: (TA:) and J'A, aor. :, is a dial. var. of J , aor. ;, sifnifying he became J.lt. (I.tt, TA.) - And ,sLJl J;I , (Myb, ], TA,) aor.;, inf. n. Jie, (Msb, TA,) e understood, or knev, the thing; syn. a.A: (], TA:) or i. q. pS~ [app. as meaning he looked into, considered, examined, or studiod, the thing repeatedly, until he aor. :, is a dial. var. thereof. a.i;, knen it]; and (Msb.) See also 5. _lrj i.o ;ti tb, (S, and so in the ] accord. to my copy of the TA, but in the CI~ and in my MS. copy of the i t .i,) meaning Jl.JI jl, E [Dismissfrom thee doubt], is [said to be] mentioned by Sb; as though the ib. . jJ speaker said, l'I IL t

bound with the Jl.. (TA.)

The sbe-camel,

also, wua bound with the jtUl on the occasion of is meher being covered: - and ihence jil tonymically used as meaning 5t JI [i. e. t The ng a woman]. (TA.) act of compre~ (S, O,) mj;l, j 'll, (I, Mgh, Msb, 1,*) or aor. as above, (TA,) and so the inf. n., (Myb, TA,) means I aw,ve, or paid, the bloodrwit to the heir, or next of kin, of the slain person: (., Mgh, O,

Myb, V :*) for the camels [that constituted the

bloodwit] used to be bound with the J;c in the yard of the abode of the heir, or next of kin, of the slain person; and in consequence of frequency of usage, the phrase became employed to mean thus when the bloodwit was given in dirhems or deenars. (As, ., O, Mqb.* [See a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. .a.]) And [hence] (inf. nas above, TA,) , one says also, meaning I paidfor him, (the slayer, Mgh,) i. e., in "i stead, (S, Mgh, O, Myb, ],*) the bloodwit that was obligatory upon him, (S, Mgh, O, 1,,)

[I know not aught of whtat thou sayet, so dismis fron thee doubt]; and [to be] like the phrases A& and tZ.. .: Bekr El-Mhzinee says, I1 asked AZ and As and Aboo-Mhlik and Akh is said respecting this phrase, and they all said, 'We fies the same. (TA.) And iiu J. know not what it is:'" (so in the Q :) [but] it is of a medicine [as meaning, in like manner, It a mistake, for ',.lb b; (], TA ;) and thus it is binds the bowels; is astringent]. (TA in art. mentioned by Sb and others, with t and .i. a_..; &c.) And 'l: J.i [app. 3.] The (TA.) ;lq jia3 a y A palm-tree that belly [or bowels] became bound, or confined; syn. wil not receifeundation is a tropical phrase .. [aor.:,] ., . Jfi."I. (TA.)_ iJ _ [perhaps from ,)-- meaning "he understood" a in n. jU., means He coUcted, or exacted, the thing]. (A, TA.) _- -; *i " see 3. _ a: poor-rataes of the people, or party; [app. from , r., inf. n. 3,jL (8, o, ,) and 3, (s,) jea.l i;; as though he bound with the rope called Jti the camels that he collected ;] on the authority of I4tt. (TA.) 'Omar, when he had deferred [collecting] the poor-rate in the year [of sent Ibn-Abeedrought called] ;!lJ. I t DhubAb, and said, _.. ' li aq. J. He (a mountain-goat, 8, 0) became, or made himself, inaceasblein a high mountain: ($: in the 0 unexplained:) or Ahe (a.gaselle) ascended[a mounsignifies Tle tain]. (Ii.) Accord. to Az, protecting onesef in a mountain. (TA.) And and JjL., one says, 'il ., aor. :, inf n. proHe betook himself to him, or it, for re


or wh,at was obligatory upon iim of the bloodwit. j :S JJ I relinqptised in (Mfb.) And of the blood of such a one favour retaliation his J j J3I for the boo~it. (., O, M,b, 1g.) (.8, Mgh, O, Myb, ],) in a trad. Ia sj; i,. (, O, Msb) of Erh-Shaebee, (O,) or a saying of

Esh-Shaabee, (Mgb,* ]g,) not a trad., (1g,) but the like occurs in a trad. related on the authority i.e. * N f, ,o0) or of I'Ab, (TA,) [meaning, accord. to an expl. of [Such a one haJ] a [mode of] twisting his leg with the verb when tran. without a particle, mentioned [whereby he wrestles with men]. (TA.) anothAr's above, T osremo are re~ponibbfor the payment _g i' , (inf. n. JL., TA,) said of a f a bloediit in certain cases shall not pay it for an intntio~ act of slaying or the like, norfor woman, Sh combed her hair: (, O :) or combed

'9Uh [Collect thou from them two jt v years' poor-rate; then divide among them one year's poor-rate,and bring to me the other]. (0.) One says of the collector of the poor-rate, ;# [He collets, or exacts, the poor-rate]. ^.l -. signify He O )Jic and ' LI (S, O.) threw down such a one [in wrdestling] by twisting his leg pon the latter's leg: ( ,* TA:) [or] you say, ik..JI t ;ZU "a-l He wvretled with him and twisted hie leg upon the leg of the latter: (, O :) and one says of a wrestler, * I ;1U

Jc, (, tection, covert, or lodgi. (8, O, I,) aor. :, (g,) in. n. ji (1) [and proalso], Th shade declined, and conbably . tracted, or shrank, at midday; (., O;) the sun became high, and the shade almost disappeared. c (O, 0 , ,) aor.;, (],) inf. n. (6, O, ].) Ji, (TA,) said of a camel, He pastured upon

(0, .) - i, aor.:, JO,. the plant calld (8, O, 0, j,l He (a camel) had a (Is,) inf. n. tristing in the hind bg, (., 0, ],) and much
ridth [bo~en the hind legs]: (.8, 0:) or Aad an excessive id s, or sprading, of the kind egs, so that the hocks knocked together: (ISk, ., O :) or had a nocrking together of the knees. (,.) [See also .] 2: see 1, in four places. it~, in n. .*'3, 26*



[Boox L
6. "j,# ILW They paid among themclve, or conjointly, the mulctfor the blood of nuch a one. (].) It is said in a trad., jIl ' Ut t Verily we will not pay among ourslces, or conjointly, thAe mulctu for dight wouYnds f the head, [lit. the stroke with a sord,] but will oblige him who commits the offence to pay the mulct for it: i.e. the people of the towns or villages shall not pay the mulcts for the people of the desert; nor the people of the desert, for the people of the towns or villages; in the like of the case of the (TA.) And in another . [wound termed] a .b [lTey | i it is said, Uj1l ;iJl shall take and give among themseloes, or conjointly, theirformerbloodwits]: i. e. they salal be as they were in respect of the taking and giving of bloodwits. (TA.) And one says, 1l C .l LSte . ;jJpa [The pop, or party, are acting in conformity with tAat usage in accordance with which they used to pay and receive among thems#rle bloodrits]. (S, 0.) - JiW also signifies He affect~d, or made a show of poseing, A; [i. e. inteullgence, .], ithout haoving it. (S, O.) 10. [:;lia.A He counted, accounted, or a. teemed, him Jl5, i. e. intelliget, &c.: for] you say of a man, " [from ji;1l], like as you say _ [from JaJl1], and . ; from itl. (AA, S in art. Lsb'.) ); an inf. n. used as a subst. [properly so termed], (Mqb,) A bloodwit, or mulet for bloodshed; syn. 4?; (A4, 8, Mgh, O, Meb, ] ;) so called for a reason mentioned in the first paragraph in the explanation of the phrase L; oi;l1; (A4, ~, Mgh,* O, Myb;) as also t I , (S, Mgh, 0, I,) of which t iiA-, with fet-l to the 3, is a dial. var., mentioned in the R; (TA;) and of which the pl. is )la: (, O, , :) one s i. e. We haw S s. Xi W says, t;; a remainder of a bloodnit owed to us by ach a 6L&. They one. (S, O.) And Ij1l tI a are [acting] in conformity mrith [the usages relating to] the bloodwitr that were in the Time of Ignorance; (V, TA;) or meaning ISb C i . XS.II [expl. above (acsee 6)]: (, O :) or they are [acting] in conformity ith the conditions of theirfathen; (1X,TA;) but the former is the primary meaning: (TA:) and [hence] U. V Ui * eJ'iA jLa The bloo of suc became [the occasion of] a debt icut a one on his people, or party, (S, O, K,*) to be paid by being originally the inf. n. of J. in the phruse

[i. e. also signifies Hd, or it, rendered him intelligent, &c.]. (0, 4.) _ And ji said of a grape-vine, (0, ],) inf. n. as above, (TA,) It or graps in their first, sour, put forth/it i, state. (0, .)
s. 4., J!-i -jSi ZW , Mgh, O, 19) means The woman is on a par woih the man to the third part of her blod~rit; (M,Mgh, 0 ;) she receives like as the man receives [up to that point]: (Mgh:) i.e., [for instance,] his [or wound of the head for which the I.._ are equal; mulct is five camels] and her ',. (4 ;) but when the portion reaches to the third of the bloodwit, her [portion of the] bloodwit is the half of that of the man: (., O, ] :) thus, for one of her fingers, ten camels are due to her, as in the use of the finger of the man; for two of her fingers, twenty camels; and for three of her fingers, thirty; but for four of her fingers, only twenty, becausm they exceed the third, therefore the portion is reduced to the half of what is due to the man.: so accord. to Ibn-EI-Museiyab: but Esh-Shafi'ee and the people of EI-Koofeh asign for the finger of the woman five camels, and for two of her fingers ten; and regard not the third "t, (0,O, ,) inf. n. part. (TA.) m t of the former WJlZ, (TA,) and aor. of the latter ',(, 0, O,,) and inf. n. ja, (TA,) means I vied, or contended, with him for mperiority in

[See alo 5.]

8: ee 1, former half, in three places. _J ;.i said of a man, He was witlheld, restrained, or

aw a

confined. (S, O.)- And ZCJ 3'0;, (., Mgh, O, Mqb, 1],) and J1;!, also, (Msb,) His tongue
as writhhld, or re~trained, (Mgh, Mqb, TA,)

himn tlhrein. (., O, ],* TA.)

Ja [or inteUi~gence], (0, TA,) and I nsuasd from speaking; (Mgh, Mqb;) he wa unable to them from their possessionsu. (., O.)~And as
/eah~ (?, Mgh, O, M,b, V.) _ [Hence,] i;l d I He put the hind lgs of the ewe, or ~shgoat, bet~oee his shan and Ais tAigh, ($, O, g,) to nik her, (F,O,) or and so miled her. (I.) And JAi;t He put his rpear betwean his shank and his stirrup [or stirrp-leather]:(S, 0, 1[:) or Ahe (a man riding) put his spear beneath and his thigh, and dragged the end of it upon the ground behind him. (IAth, TA.) And ,JJl

4. JhI He (a man)owend what is termed G, (O, ], TA,) i.e. a year's poor-rate. (TA.) , Mt J, gl The peopble, or party, beam in the th shade to hae declined, condition of fi~d and contracted, or shrunk, wth them, at midday. (O,O.) :_ S Xle found him to beU; [i.e. inteligent, be.]: ( :) it is similar to *'.q a..lJ. (TA.) - See also 1, last quarter.

5. ALs: see 1, near the middle: - and see 8, -;; s ii;4 "J i in four plaes.tS aI, (O, ,*) a saying heard by Az from an Arab of the desert, (0,) means Put thy two hands togetherfor me, and intersert thy fingers to~ er, in order that I may put my foot upon themn, i. e. upon thy hands, and mount my camel; for the camel was standing; (O, 1 ;*) and was laden; and if he had made him to lie down, would not rise with him and his load. (O.) - [It is used in philosophical works as meaning He conceed it in his mind, abstractedly, and otherwise; and . Hence at, aor.:, inf. n. so, ometimes, t

one says,

I.'"' This it a thing that

as intrans.: see 1, is not coceivabk.] _ ,. latter half. - [Hedoe, He recored his intellect, or undertanding. - And] He affected, or en-

dearouredto acquire, ja [i. e. inteUigence, &c.]:

. (, O.) [See like as one ays. ; and also .] - Said of an animal of the chase, as meaning It stuck fast, and became caught, in a net or the like, it is a coined word, not heard {from the Arabs of chaute speech]. (Mgh.)

or] o'M; (MNb;) or .;JI meaning [ as originally meaning 'Il, because it withholds, or restrains, its possemor from doing that which l as meaning " the is not suitable; or from J place to which one hu recourse for protection &cc.," because its possemor has recourse to it; (TAj) ntandg, *>t signifies also Intelligence, knowledge; syn.jq.il, intelect, mind, reason, or J1;l, (0, (0;) or jjil j%lt, and ;i; V,) accord. to one relation of a verse of Dhu-r- (., O,) and JJl, (s,) or a~l, (O,) or l;ml, Rummeh, (0,) and Vtl,Ji; (];) He [a man and .li, (M9b,) or itl, (1,) or the contr. of riding upon a camel] folded hAi leg, and put it J;.ma; (M,TA;) or the knowedge of the dj : (0, ,,* TA:) in the ], J)ll is qualities of things, of their goodness and their badupon tAuhe erroneously put for .lI,JI: (TA:) the St; is nes, and ther perfectness and their defectivene; before the 3Lj, [or upright piece of wood in the or the knowldge of the better of twro good tins, and of the worse of two bad things, or of affairs fore part] of the camel's saddle: (AO, in TA abolutely; or afa~y whereby is the di~ ina. J..zLU i ;il tion between th bad and the good; (, TA;) but art. .j :) and one says also, both meaning the same [as above]: these and other explanations of Jdl in the ] and t ,1; ol are all in treatises of intellectual things, and not and He folded (TA:) and 'ttJil ;V [or saddl of mentioned by the leading lexicologists; (TA; his leg upon th fore part of the [in which are added several more explanations of the horse or the like]. (Mgh.)-See also 1, a similar kind that have no proper place in this also sig- work;]) some say that it is an innate propty latter half, in three places.j- Ui'l [or narro strip of skin by which man is prepared to ut nifies The inerting a and tpec~; or keather], when sewring a skin, beneath a ~,, in (Mb ;) the truth is, that it is a spirital ligt, order that it may become strong, and that the (K, TA,) shed into the heart and the brain, (TA,) the insdinctive and pcu water may not isue from it. (AA, O.) _ And wihey the su acqu of knoe~ , and the comenm~ lati ki~ ia l, (O, 1,) and ' 4 one says, .; v9 of itJ eutence is on the occaion of the yougs .iL5, (O,) meaning He took, or receied, the beoming in thefetal state, [or ratherof its q~ckJ;I, (O, ], TA,) i. e. the mulet for the blood of ening,] after which it cotiues to increase until ,ty it becoma complete on the attainment of pu ucha one. (TA.)

BooK I.]


(,, TA,) or nil the attainm t of forty years: (Mgh, O, Mqb ;) for when one gave the poor-rate the quality of a subst. predominates; (TA;) and of his amels, he gave withl them their jA: (O, signifies a m~n's party ($, Mgb, O, J, TA) who (TA:) the pl. is ,,: (1:) Sb mentions J, O9, as an instanoe of an inf. n. having a pl., namely, Mb :) or (Mgh, TA) he meant thereby a paltry league together to defend one another, (, O, TA,) coniting of the rations on the father's [rope thing, (Mgh, Mqb, TA,) of the value of the J3,; like ~ and h. : (TA in art. ,4 ) side, (, Mgh,0 O, TA,) who pay the bloodit IAr says, (O,) JLI is [yn. with] ,1, and called] JU: (TA:) or he said J,c ["a she- ($, Mgh, O, TA) [app. in conjunction with the kid "]; (Mgh, TA;) so accord. to Bkh, (Mgh,) ,Li is [sn.with] J,i: (0, 1:) and, j,i~1 slayer] for him who has bent slainuninteationally: and most others: (TA:) or ["a '. little kid"]. ($, O, TA :) it was decided by the Prophet that like is [said to be] a subit, or name, for jil, (Mgh, TA.) - Also A young [she-camed such a. it was to be paid in three years, to the heirs of ij;;.l and J-_' l for oi,.;;J'l and ;:4l: (,ar 0J --- .~0 is caled] ,.. (..) _, j1u means the person slain: (TA:) they look to the offender's p. 1 2 :) it is said in a prov., t '1. j, :l , brothers on the father's side, who, if they take it (Meyd, and ]lar ubi supr1,) meaning He ha. sot The man of high rank who, whe he has been upon them, pay it in three years: if they do not tr prpop e of mind, [to withhold, or protect, made a prisoner, is ransomed with hundreds of take it upon them, the debt is transferred to the him,] like the J. [or casing] of the well of the cameb. (O.) sons [meaning all the male descendants] of his collapsing whereof one is free from fear because A medicine that bindls, confines, or grandfather; and in default of their doing so, to J3" of its firmness, r intelect, or itellgenee, (ji,) astri~e, the belly [or bowels]; (S, O, Msb;) as those of his father's grandfather; and in default to withhold him from doing that which is not also t J_jt&; contr. of j;5~. (A in art. j~..) of their doing so, to those of his grandfather's grandfather; and so on: it is not transferred suitable to the likes of him. (Meyd. [But see - See also tJts, latter half, in two places. & .d69 ,,, ,POd. from any one of these classes unless they are ,jIa. below.]) [Hence, ~Ji,I C, (see 1 in aLi A woman of generous race, (S, O, K,) unable [to pay it]: and such as are enrolled in a art. ,f.) and ) iall ljt (ee w ), both register [of soldiers or pensioners or any corporameaning The wisdom-teeth.] [It is said that] modest, or bashfud, (S, 0,) that is kept behind the tion] are alike in respect of tie bloodwit: (IAth, curtain, (C,) held in high estimation: (TA:) the J also ; signifies A fortrm; syn. O(I.) TA:) or, accord. to the people of El-'Ir&], it exrcelknt of camels, (Az, S, O, Il,) and of other [But this seems to be doubtful.] See ; _ things: (Az, TA:) or the most exceUllent of every means the persons enrolled in tlhe registers [of sol. diers or of others]: ($, O :) or it is applied to the And A sort of red cloth (s, O, ]J) with which the kind of thing: ($, O, . :) and the chief of a persons of the register which was that of the [women's camel-vehicle called] tv. is covered: people: ( :) the first is the primary significaslayer; who derive their subsistence-money, or tion: then it became used as meaning the excel(]:) or a ort of what are calld O. [pl. of;, allowances, from the revenues of a particular lent of any kind of things, substantial, and also q. v.] or a wrt ofJf~red cloth, (J,) or, as in the register: (Mgh:) Almad Ibn-[ambal is related (TA.) to have said to Is-.hal] Ibn-Mangoor, it is applied M, of red figured cloth: (TA :) or sch as is ideal, as speech, or language: pl. J;.i (S, 0, TA,) to the tribe (a:J;) And All'', (.,) or .. 1 IJ, fured oih longformi (Har p. 416.) [of the slayer]; but that they signifies The pearl, or large pearl: (S, 0, IO,* bear responsibility [only] in proportion to their 3X A bond le the J0U [q. v.]: or a shackle. TA :*) or the large and clear pearl: or, accord. ability; and that if there is no 3i.Ut, it [i. e. the it seems to signify An to IB, the pearl,or large pearl, in its shell. (TA.) (lglar p. 199.) -[Hence bloodwit] is not to be from the property of the ~ impediment of any kind.] One says, ; '& a~ t Certain hardy, excellent, highly offender; but Is-hAi says that in this case it is I i3 J0 ; "; [app meaning In him is esteemed, camels, of Ned. (M.b.) to be from the treasury of the state, the bloodwit not being [in any case] made a thing of no an impeint arising from enchantment, and a charm, or an amlet, A. been made for him]. J A lmping, or slight lameness, syn. account: (TA:) the pl. of B.lh thus applied is (g, O.) - And A [mode of] ~t on''s leg (so in copies of the $,) or &. [which is said to ~tMfa. (Msb.) _ JJl also signifies .lIaviny, with another's in reting. (TA.) See 1, latter signify the same, or corretly to signify a natural or possessing, JU. [i. e. intelligence, understanding, half. - And A tw~ng of the tongue whem one orookedneu], (so in other copies of the S and in &c.; or inteligent, &c.; a rational being]; (g, deirw to speak. (Mbr, TA in art. w..)the 0,) which occurs in the legs of a beast: (S, O, Msb, g;) and so t 3 , (,S O, , .C,) or this And, in the conventional language of the geoO :) or a certain disease in the hind leg of a beast, latter has an intensive signification [i. e. harin! maneres, (0, ,,) it consists of A unit and a such that, when he goes along, he limps, or is much intelUigence &c.]: (TA: [see an ex. in a pair and a unit, (O,) the sign :: (], TA:) also slightly lame,for a while, after rhich he stretchesw forth; (Ig,TA;) accord. to A'Obeyd, (TA,) saying cited voce &.iL, in art. ti ]) the former called Jli. (0, TA.) peculiar to the hiorme; (1, TA;) but it mostly is expl. by some as applied to a man whro writhhold, or ratrains, and turns back, his or goats. (TA.) _- ' Jt& s [~s InteUectuad, as meaning of, or relating occurs in ~ A die~ of which one wil not be cured. (TA.) wul from its inclinations, or blamable inclina. to, the intdlect.] tions: (TA:) and it is likewise applied to a - ,JI Jati Thra herbs that remain after woman, as also ikit: (M9b:) the pl. mae. is AJ rope with which a camel's fore sJmhan having been cutm, which are the l~,. and the is bound to his arm, both bein flded to~ er and and i,, (M.b, ],) this latter pl. someand the QI. (TA.) And ,L. , [a Ji bound in the middle of the arm: pl. 'i. (, O, times used; and the pl. fem. is j. and . l pl.] of which the sing. is not mentioned, [perhaps (Mqb.) _ tt is also applied to a mountainMfb.) [See also .1 _ And The poorrate pl. of , but in two senses a pl. of 3i,] (, Mg, 0, Myb, O) of a year, (S, Mgh, O, J,) signifies The portions of a grape-vine that are goat, as an epithet, signifying That protects himcon igof camel and of ~he or goats. (g.) raied and uported upon a trellis or the like. self in his mountainfrom the hunter: (TA:) [and [See a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. (TA.) in like manner * A,' is said by Freytag to be used in the Deewin of Jereer.] And it is [also] ] One says, U.,p1 a. and -. 5 J U.&Lo. Grapes in their first, sour, state. a name for A m.ountain.goat, (S, 0,) or a gazelle; On the wons of such a one lies a poor-rate of two (];) because it renders itself inaccessible in a years. (?, O.) And hence the saying of Aboo- (0o, .) high mountain. (S, O, 1.*) - And WlU sigBekr, JUB u; ' ji (Mgh,, 0, Msb) If tltey fiaJI ,.l i. q. i and . (AZ, TA nifies A female comber of the hair. (S, 0.) rid ,me a year's poor-rate: (Mgh, O :) and 4t in art. j' .) is said that the phrase Sl; 1I was used when Al;t, as a coil. gen. n.: see ,13t; of which it JEt. [act. part. n. of Jc: and as such,] The the collector of the poor-rate took the camels is also fern. themselves, not their price: (TA:) or Aboo- payer of a bloodwit: pl. [or rather coil. gen. n.] Bekr meant a rope of the kind above mentioned; lsee J3 . Also A bent portion, (s, L'Ult: (M.b:) the latter is an epithet in which 1


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