MMS June 2013 B
MMS June 2013 B
MMS June 2013 B
Vaporizers Hookahs Zippo Lighters Incense CDs T-shirts VHS & DVD Movies Black Light Posters Tobacco Products & More
Need A Vehicle Low down Payment and a quick approval. We own our fianace company. Military Discounts. See our ad on page 8 or call Steve 580-353-3800 Bryans Car Corner 250 Vehicles to choose from 4 locations Lawton Duncan Chickasha , low down & low monthly payments see pages 2,4,7 Tell em you saw it in Merrifield Want To buy your non running cars, trucks, vans. Call 585-2226 06 Honda Accord, 94k miles, good condition. $9500. 580-215-9527 Evergreen Lawn and Landscape Design serving Lawton/Ft Sill area. 30 years experience. No job too small (580) 483-1226 Need a Pre owned vehicle? I can help, any credit situation, payments as low as 59mo* WAC call Kenneth@ 580-919-9995 See our ad on Page 5. Tell em Sent you!
HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER PRESTIGIOUS WYATT ACRES 7507 NW Wycliffe Lane, Lawton OK 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bathrooms, 2 car garage, 1947 sq ft Priced to Sell Completely remodeled with new carpet, tile, and wood flooring. New countertops with backsplash, faucets, and sinks. Cabinets refinished, walls and ceiling with new texture and paint. Storm windows with wood blinds. Recently painted outside trim. Alarm system and sprinkler system with well landscaped yard. New roof with 50+ year shingles. New cedar fence. Please call 580.536.2658 for an appointment.
Does your home have any of these symptoms?:
Rooms which get too hot or too cold? Uneven temperatures from room to room? High utility bills & Poor energy efficiency? Thermostat wars with your spouse or kids? High humidity in summer? House just never seems comfortable? There doesnt seems to be enough airflow? Noisy equipment or airflow noise? Drafts, temperature swings, stuffiness, clamminess, mugginess, musty odors, etc.
Poor air quality? Dust buildup within 2 days of dusting? Problems with your comfort system since it was installed or you moved in? Anyone with allergies or asthma? AC starts and stops frequently or runs all the time, and house is still not cool? Poor temperature control? Have been told by other contractors that the problems cannot be fixed?
Action Pawnshop
We Buy & Sell Guns * Coins & Gold We Pay Top Dollar
If you answered YES to any of these questions, we can help! We fix uncomfortable, unhealthy, unsafe, energy-wasting homes
Pippin Brothers has certified specialists that can pinpoint and correct these problems, and in many cases you dont even have to replace your equipment, with the solution usually being easier and costing a lot less than you may think. Pippin Brothers is the ONLY contractor in the Southwest Oklahoma area qualified and certified with the proper tools, training, and technology to diagnose and correct these annoying, inconvenient, unhealthy, unsafe, comfort-compromising and energywasting concerns. Schedule your No Cost, No Obligation Comfort, Indoor Air Quality, Airflow, Home Performance Analysis and Energy Audit (a $295 value). Call us today and let us make your home Feel As Good As It Looks! After all, your home is your largest investment, and you and your family deserve to be comfortable - dont you?
(580) 699-5668
Call Today:
Balance Airflow
Better Selections, Better Prices! Why Pay More at the Other Lots We Finance. Pay Your Bill Here.
4 Door,Auto, Air
5sp, Air
Auto, Air
Page 2 PETS
Chihuahua puppies ready April 25th. 3 males, 1 female. $150 ea. 580-583-2779 NOTICE The City of Lawton requires a Breeding/Advertising/Transfer BAT permit number included in unalterd pet advertisements distributed within the Lawton city limit. For information call the Animal Welfare Divisions, 581-3219
CASH VEHICLES Every Vehicle Gets A Warranty 1st Time Buyers Credit Builder for Bad Credit
Pet Cremation at R a i n b ow B r i d g e . 1386 SE 1st St. Lawton, OK 73501. 580-351-8280
Avon - earn $$ 10 start fee. Products to buy or sell. Mary, 536-2020 Avon - earn $$ 10 start fee. Call Vicki, 595-9185 MARCOS PIZZA is taking applications for management and drivers positions. Please apply at HVAC installers and journeymen with experience. Apply in person at 8887 North Highway 277, Suite B, Elgin, OK. 580492-4940. DACUS Heat & Air, LLC. LIVE IN Caregiver for Quadriplegic. Must be able to lift/transfer 150lb person. Drug screen & valid drivers lic. reqd. Call 512-9848 or 512-5530 for details. HVAC Technicians We are Hiring HVAC Techs for Service and Installation Journeyman license is required. Must have a drivers license and pass drug screen. Robinson Air. 4404 NW Cache Rd. Ste 4 Lawton, OK 580-699-5761 - Fax tammy@robinsonairhvac. com 580-699-5760 Automotive Tech 4 yrs. min., ASE preferred. Call between 9am-5pm, 580678-1510 Please leave message CASH PAID for salvage vehicles, any size. Bill of sale OK. FREE towing. 4835985, 583-3225 12x25 STORAGE UNITS for rent. orth of Goodyear. $60/Mo. 580284-0388 F O R R E N T RV Lots, boats, mini storage, outside storage, by Lake Lawtonka, 529-2425 Help US Tell em you saw it in Thanks! We appreciate you! Ill Buy your car, any car, any condition Top $$$ 580-353-1687 07 Buick Lucerne CXL, 88k, garage kept, $12,650. 580-678-3397
17 Yearling heifers, Beefmaster and Angus. Call 580-585-1780 HERFORD AND ANGUS BULL, Service ge. Rodney Drake Jr. Beef. 580-280-BULL(2855)
15 Flat bottom Tracker, trolling motor, seats, fish finder, regd until 2015. $3,800. 580-5315117 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 06 EXCEL 5th wheel, 32 ft., 3 slides, exc. cond., $23,500. 585-0448 06 EXCEL 5th wheel, 32 ft., 3 slides, exc. cond., $23,500. 585-0448 FOR RENT - RV Lots, boat stalls, mini storage, outside storage, by Lake Lawtonka. 529-2425 MOTORCYCLES & ACCESSORIES 11 REAL HD 3 Wheeler, black, less than 5k mi., $30,000. 492-5392 2005 Harley Soft tail screaming eagle pipes, windshield, saddlebags, chromed out Many Extras $12,500 580-458-1399
2000 Chrysler Voyager mini van. Very Dependable only $1500 580-458-1399 HD V-ROD 2,500 Mi Garage kept, $7,800 Call 580-510-0648
June 2013
Page 3
T & M Motors
Tanners Auto Body/Moovers Towing
Expert in Collision Repair & Refinishing
Fix Vehicle the Day You Drop it Off* Call Today for Details
Financing on Deductibles
1987 Ranger Bass Boat 360v, 150 HP Johnson, fish locator, loaded, trolling motor, $4500 580-695-1228 What a glorious time to learn to fly. Call Tim @ 580357-4068
1619 NW 26th St Completely remodeled, new CHA, 1700 sq ft., 4 bdrm, 1.75 ba. 2 liv areas, 2 car gar. $127,900. 512-4361 FOR SALE BY Owner, very nice, 3 bdrm., 1 ba., 1 car garage, lots of extras 351-8760 or 591-2282 For Sale in Walters Great Location! 316 E. Kansas. 3 bdrm., 2 ba., 2 car gar., 1770 sq. ft., built in 98, office, baulted ceilings, FP, tile, above ground pool, shed, fenced yard. $141,600 Call Lauren, 580-5851055.
Above Ground Pool 28 ft Pool and hardware, you move. $500 357-4565 2011 Ford Expedition El XLT 76k Miles, $23,900 Call Steve @ 580-353-3800 Br yans Car Corner 250 Vehicles to choose from 4 locations Lawton Duncan Chickasha , low down & low monthly payments see pages 2,4,7 Tell em you saw it in Merrifield
13th & Lee, Lawton 699-2554 New & Used Stuff & Furniture
Open Mon-Sat 10-6 Expect More From Your Thrift Store
June 2013
Page 4
Dont Pre Judge Your Credit! We Can Help Any Credit Situation. Come See Don & Crystal TODAY!
2007 HUMMER H3 2008 Chevrolet Impala LS 2007 Jeep Commander 2011 Toyota Camry
June 2013
Page 5
All American
Hard Top
$159 00*
Loaded, Leather
Regency Conversion
$ 169/Mo
2008 Audi A6
2009 Audi A4
$ 139/Mo
2007 Acura TL
June 2013
Page 6
Locally owned restaurant serving American classics with a twist, made from scratch!
25% Off
ALL REAL ESTATE 08 Pontiac Solstice convert., turbo, red, exc. 2001 Silverado 1500, ext cab, 06 FORD Super cab 4x4, 112k miles, new tires, $9100, Advertised in this publi- cond., gar. kept., less than 21k mi., asking $18,000 $5500 obo. 580-919-5467 cation is subject to the OBO. 580-585-1292 580-583-7948 Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin or any intention to make any such preference, limitation, discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. 602 S. 4th St. Chickasha, OK Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are available on an equal opportunity basis.
June 2013
3814 SE Camden Way Recent remodel to include new roof and AC. Three Bedrooms, 1 3/4 baths, central heat and air with vent in garage. Several large closets and storage area, newly refinished hardwood floors with some carpet. Appliances include like new refrigerator with ice maker. Near all east side schools. Large fenced yard and storage building. $93,900. Terms are negotiable. Realtors welcome. 580-248-7847; 580-695-8836 2009 Honda Ridgel i n e RTL 4x4 70k miles, leather, navigation, back-up camera, sunroof, heated power seats, 6cd changer with i-pod. NADA $25,700. Sale price $23,000. 580-917-6089 Wheat hay in the field, $65. Heavily fertilized. Larry Wilson, 580-7043994 JD Tractor Model 5103, 50 hp 208 hrs., & 6 Mower, $12,000 obo. 580-351-7052 Replacement Black angus heifers, 860 lbs. $1200. Larry Wilson, 580-704-3994 Limousin and Lim Flex Bulls, fertility tested and ready to use, $1,500 ea. Call Loyd Powers at 580512-2352 Lost : Male Scnhauzer, has tail, near 18th & Gore. 580-678-6266 401 Pine Street, Frederick: Two Bedrooms, totally remodeled, $35,000. Call 580-531-2300 833 NW 33rd St 1600 Sq Ft 3 Bed 2,175 Bath, Circle Drive with Carport, Corner Lot, 89,900 (58) 284-2890
Hiringlandscape workers. Must have valid drivers lic to apply. 4d Lawn & Landscape, 12502 SW lee Blvd. Fluffys Join our good environment and great team. Must be energetic & able to stock, work warehouse, cashier & lift 75lbs. Apply in person 4311 NW Cache Rd FULL TIME and/or part time help wanted. With computer experience. Apply at 905 SW 11th., Action Pawn. 40 in Magnavox color tv, exc. cond., $50. Call 580-647-2779. 2 Twin extra long new mattresses, Lady Americana, $200 each. Call 580-248-6746 Raindbow vacuum cleaner, $45 obo. 580250-0797, 580-583-0448 810 SW i Avenue, Lawton: Fixer-Upper home with four lots, built in 1920. High bid, must go! Contact Jimmy, 580514-1974 Brick Home Three bedrooms, two baths, 1,949 sq ft, large covered patio, storage building. Well maintained, Cache Schools, 103 Elk Drive, Cache, OK. 580-5120924 for details Buffalo Meat sold by hanging weight, 1/2s, $4.50 lb. Butcher vacuum packed. Larry Wilson, 580-704-3994 15 years of Dale Earnhardt collectibles. Must see to appreciate. Flagstone & Pond access. Call after 5 pm. (580)6993286 I BUY UTILITY TRAILERS! Any condition. 580-248-4940 For a Great Deal On a new or pre owned Cadillac or GMC Call Brandon Mitchell at 3551213 Buying Vintage Toys 1960-1985. New, used, and/or parts. Star Wars, Transformers, GI Joe, Mego, Hot Wheels, Ghost Busters, Etc. 580246-8142 Evergreen Lawn and Landscape Design serving Lawton/Ft Sill area. 30 years experience. No job too small (580) 483-1226
Lawton Gold Exchange buy sell gold & silver jewelry as well as coins jewelry repair customer jewelry. Come see us at 1919 W Gore Suite 3 in Lawton OK and 1400 NW Sheridan Suite 5
Page 7
Call Today
Call Today
2009 Honda Ridgeline RTL 4x4 72k Leather, Navigation, Back up Camera, Sunroof, heated Power Seats, 6cd changer, with I-pod Aux. New Tires $22,500 580- 16 inch photo studio kit - $50 I have a portable photo tent and lights kit for $50. If you are 917-6089 interested call or text (940) 605-2316
Call Today
only 41k miles, auto, if you are looking for a crossover this is the one!
Call Today
2009 Hummer H3 Luxury Wheels 27k Miles, $25,900 Call Steve 15 metal frame above Help US Tell em you saw it in @ 580-353-3800 g r o u n d s w i m m i n g Thanks! pool - $250 lots of ex- We appreciate you! tras....405-712-1827
2012 Dodge Durango SXT 12k 2008 GMC Yukon 80k miles, $26,988 Call 580miles, $25,900 Call 580-353-3800 252-9292 2000 Honda Accord 2007 Chevrolet Av87k miles, $7,150 Call alanche 77k miles, 580-252-9292 $21,600 Call 580-2522007 Honda Ridge9292 line 109k miles, $17,450 2008 Chevrolet ImCall 580-252-9292 pala 37k miles, $14,400 2007 Hummer H3 580-252-9292 63k miles, $20,988 Call 1999 Chevrolet Sil580-252-9292 verado 150 93k miles, 2005 Infiniti G35 Se$8,995 Call 580-252dan 64k miles, $15,325 9292 Call 580-252-9292 2010 Dodge Chal2 0 0 7 Je e p C o m lenger 32k miles, m a n d e r 72k miles, $21,500 Call 580-252$17,725 Call 580-2522012 Dodge Journey SXT 9292 9292 25,395 Miles 2011 Dodge Charger 2008 Kia Amanti 76k 11k miles, $21,888 Call miles, $17,725 Call 580580-252-9292 252-9292 2006 Dodge Ram 2005 Kia Sedona 53k 69,659 Miles $21,100 25,522 Miles 1 5 0 0 11 8 k m i l e s , miles, $8,995 Call 580$15,225 Call 580-252252-9292 2011 Mazda3 37k 9292 2012 Chevy Camaro LT miles, $15,125 Call 5802008 Dodge Ram 252-9292 1500 182k miles, 2000 Mercury Cou$17,950 Call 580-252gar 87k miles, $15,125 9292 Call 580-252-9292 2008 Dodge Ram $24,900 23,780 Miles 2009 Nissan Fron24,446 Miles 1500 76k miles, $16,750 tier 84k miles, $21,175 Call 580-252-9292 Call 580-252-9292 2007 Ford F-150 43k 2011 Ford Focus SES 2005 Pontiac Grand miles, $20,700 Call 580Am 65k miles, $8,500 252-9292 Call 580-252-92922 2009 Ford F-150 65k 2007 Pontiac Grand miles, $33,100 Call 580Prix 59k miles, $11,995 252-9292 32,122 Miles 2006 Ford Fusion Call 580-252-9292 Sunroof $14,500 69,079 Miles 118k miles, $9,175 Call 2012 Chevy Camaro 580-252-9292 24k miles, $24,900 Call 2 0 0 9 Fo r d S u p e r 580-353-3800 Duty F250 117k miles, 2012 Chrysler 300 $35,700 Call 580-25225k miles, $24,900 Call 9292 580-353-3800 2007 GMC Sier2010 Chrysler 300 r a 1500 100k miles, Touring 69k miles, 31,603 Miles 42,005 Miles $15,988 Call 580-252$16,900 Call 580-3539292 3800 2010 GMC Sier r a 2012 Dodge Charger 1500 30k miles, Call 26k miles, $21,900 Call 580-252-9292 580-353-3800 20 Wheels 2 Brand New Ceil2012 Dodge Charger ing Fans in the box $25 23k miles, $22,400 Call Each. 580-250-0797 580-353-3800 12,469 Miles 76,366 Miles Large Set of old fash2011 Dodge Charger ion drinking glasses, 42k miles, $19,400 Call short & fat $20 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee 2012 Dodge Avenger SE 580-353-3800 580-250-0798 2011 Ford Taurus L a w t o n G o l d Ex47k miles, $18,900 Call change buy sell gold & 580-353-3800 silver jewelry as well as 2012 Ford Focus 40k coins jewelry repair cus$24,900 miles, $15,900 Call 58033,362 Miles $16,900 22,683 Miles tomer jewelry. Come see 353-3800 us at 1919 W Gore Suite 2011 Ford Focus 47k 3 in Lawton OK and 1400 miles, $14,500 Call 580NW Sheridan Suite 5 353-3800 1976 Lincoln 460 50k 2012 Chevy Malibu show car with many tro31k miles, $17,200 Call phies Must See! All origi580-353-3800 nal 580-355-4946 2011 Chevy Malibu 23,324 Miles 36k miles, $16,900 Call 580-353-3800 2012 Mazda 6 Sport 2012 Chrysler 200 33k miles, $15,400 Call Willis Painting interior 580-353-3800 & exterior work. Guaran2012 Chrysler 200 tee with retaxing prices 37k miles, $14,900 Call since 1979. Call Jerry @ 580-353-3800 $16,900 37,698 Miles 57,158 Miles (580) 250-0540 2012 Chrysler 200 Will trade work for truck 32k miles, $15,500 Call or van 580-353-3800 Evergreen Lawn and 2012 Avenger 22k FULL SERVICE & BODY SHOP FOR ALL MAKES AND MODELS Landscape Design servmiles, $16,900 Call 580ing Lawton/Ft Sill area. 353-3800 30 years experience. No 2012 Avenger 37k job too small miles, $15,400 Call 580(580) 483-1226 353-3800 NEW George Foreman Entertainment Center H77 W88 D27 2012 Mazda 6 Touring 2012 Volkswagon Jetta 2012 Avenger 36k electric grill stand. $90 with center opening for lg. TV. End columns with 37k miles, $16,900 Call 580- 35k miles, $16,900 Call 580- miles, $15,400 Call 580353-3800 353-3800 lighted glass shelved cabinets. $350. 458-8082 353-3800 580-536-2341 2009 Hummer H3 Luxur y Wheels 27k miles, $25,900 Call 580-353-3800
2007 Cadillac STS 2008 Chevy Tahoe 74k miles, 94k miles, $16,750 Call $23,500 Call 580-353-3800 580-252-9292
June 2013
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