ISKCON Desire Tree - Sri Krishna Kathamrita - Bindu 023

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Sr i K

Krrisishhna K
Kaathamr it
Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa(
tava kathāmta tapta-jīvanam Bi n du
Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications
Issue No. 23 24 February 2002 Śrī Bhaimī Ekādaśī, 26 Mādhava, 515 Gaurābda


Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja
Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhupada’s PadyĀvali

THE RIVER OF NECTAR flow of the river of nectar to come from the
mouths of pure devotees, then the cultivation of
Translation and Purport to
Krishna consciousness becomes very easy. When
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.29.39-40
one is engaged in constantly hearing the glories
His Divine Grace A.C.
of the Lord, he certainly rises above the bodily
Bhaktivedanta Swami
conception. When one is in the bodily concep-
tion, he feels the pangs of hunger and thirst, fear,
yatra bhāgavatā rājan sādhavo viśadāśayā'
lamentation and illusion. But when one is engaged
bhagavad-gu(ānukathana-śrava(a-vyagra-cetasa' in hearing and chanting the glories of the Lord,
tasmin mahan-mukharitā madhubhic-caritra- he transcends the bodily conception.
pīyū*a-śe*a-sarita' parita' sravanti The word bhagavad-gu(ānukathana-śrava(a-
tā ye pibanty avit*o npa gā+ha-kar(ais vyagra-cetasa', meaning “always eager to find the
tān na spśanty aśana-t+-bhaya-śoka-mohā' place where the glories of the Lord are being heard
and chanted,” is significant in this verse. A busi-
My dear King, in the place where pure
devotees live, following the rules and regu- nessman is always very eager to go to a place
lations and thus purely conscious and en- where business is transacted. Similarly, a devotee
gaged with great eagerness in hearing and is very eager to hear from the lips of liberated devo-
chanting the glories of the Supreme Person- tees. As soon as one hears the glories of the Lord
ality of Godhead, in that place if one gets a from the liberated devotees, he immediately be-
chance to hear their constant flow of nectar, comes impregnated with Krishna consciousness.
which is exactly like the waves of a river, one This is also confirmed in another verse:
will forget the necessities of life—namely satā prasa,gān mama vīrya-savido
hunger and thirst—and become immune to bhavanti ht-kar(a-rasāyanā' kathā'
all kinds of fear, lamentation and illusion. taj-jo*a(ād āśv apavarga-vartmani
śraddhā ratir bhaktir anukrami*yati
PURPORT: The cultivation of Krishna conscious-
ness is possible where great devotees live together “In the association of pure devotees, discus-
and constantly engage in hearing and chanting sion of the pastimes and activities of the Su-
the glories of the Lord. In a holy place like preme Personality of Godhead is very pleasing
Vrindavan, there are many devotees constantly and satisfying to the ear and to the heart. By
engaged in chanting and hearing the glories of cultivating such knowledge one gradually be-
the Lord. If one gets the chance to hear from pure comes advanced on the path of liberation, and
devotees in such a place, allowing the constant thereafter he is freed, and his attraction becomes
Issue Twenty-three, Page — 2 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNdu
fixed. Then real devotion and devotional ser- door towards hell, tamo-dvāram. Neophyte
vice begin.” (Bhāg. 3.25.25) In the association sādhakas, those who have come for sādhana,
of pure devotees, one becomes attached to hear- should be very, very careful in this regard. They
ing and chanting the glories of the Lord. In this should become greedy to regularly get associa-
way one can cultivate Krishna consciousness, tion with sādhu-vai*(avas. If you regularly asso-
and as soon as this cultivation is advanced, one ciate with sadhus your material attachment will
can become faithful to the Lord, devoted to the gradually be destroyed and you will develop at-
Lord and attached to the Lord, and thus one tachment to Krishna. Then you will find a very
can very quickly attain full Krishna conscious- secure position. Mahat-sa,ga, sādhu-sa,ga, is like
ness. The secret of success in the cultivation of a strong fort. One who always remains in the
Krishna consciousness is hearing from the right association of mahat-sa,ga, sādhu-sa,ga, is secure.
person. A Krishna conscious person is never dis-
turbed by the bodily necessities—namely eat- māyāre kariyā jaya chā+āno nā jāya
sādhu-kpā binā āra nāhika upāya
ing, sleeping, mating and defending.:
Even if I can cure my blindness and defeat the
SĀDHU-SAGA AND māyā-hangman, I cannot become free from ma-
terial illusion without the mercy of the sādhu-
VAIAVA-APARĀDHA guru and the saintly devotees. — Srila Narottam
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja Das Thakur’s Prārthanā 46.4
There are ten nāma-aparādhas, offenses to Although māyā is the inferior, external energy
the holy name. The first is sādhu-ninda, blas- of the Lord, it is very, very strong. daivī hy e*ā gu(a-
pheming a sādhu. This is the most serious mayī mama māyā duratyayā — A jīva cannot con-
aparādha. Other types of aparādhas can be rec- quer māyā by his own strength. [Bg. 7.14] Māyā
tified, but if you commit sādhu-ninda, vai*(ava- comes in various ways, even for those who have
aparādha, blaspheming sadhu, guru, vai*(ava, come for bhajana and have given up their home
that offense cannot be rectified or destroyed.
and hearth, material possessions, money, assets,
There is no atonement. The offender will lose
and family members. They have joined the
all of his bhakti-sukti. Mahaprabhu says that
Krishna consciousness society and are doing
vai*(ava-aparādha is like a mad elephant. If a
mad elephant enters into a garden then the bhajana under the guidance of guru. They have
elephant will pull out all of the creepers and become vai*(ava. Still, māyā comes to them in vari-
trees from their roots. Everything will be fin- ous forms. A conditioned soul is in the lap of māyā.
ished. From the very root, bhakti is finished. When you go to get out of māyā’s lap she becomes
Such an offender cannot develop k*(a-prema. very furious. Māyā says, “What is this? You are
How can one become free from such an trying to get out of my grip! I’ll see how you can
aparādha? You must beg excuse at the lotus feet get out!” So māyā enters. “All right. He has be-
of the sadhu or vai*(ava against whom you have come a vai*(ava. So I will become a vai*(avī, a
committed the aparādha. The only means to be- lady devotee!” Vai*(avīs are here, putting on tilaka
come free from this offense is if he excuses you. and chanting (imitates a lady’s voice), “hare k*(a
In the beginning you have attachment to your hare k*(a k*(a k*(a hare hare.” “Oh, such a nice
body, bodily relations, home and hearth, wife, western lady vai*(avī! She looks very nice. White
son, daughter, friend, family members, kith and complexion, very beautiful, and she chants very
kin. For those who have come to this path of nicely. Yes, I am a vai*(ava, and she is a vai*(avī.
bhajana, if they regularly associate with sādhu- We shall stay together and do bhajana. Very nice!
vai*(avas and hear k*(a-kathā from their lips, Then māyā says, “Now you are captured.”
then all these attachments will be finished. Then
māyāre kariyā jaya chā+āno nā jāya
you will develop attachment to the lotus feet of
sādhu-kpā binā āra nāhika upāya
Krishna. Therefore it is said, mahat-sa,ga vimuktir
dvā' — association with the mahātmā, pure The kpa of sādhu-guru is very powerful.
sadhu, guru, vai*(ava, opens your door to the Only if someone gets the mercy of sādhu-guru,
spiritual kingdom. But if you associate with can they conquer māyā. There is no other
atheists, non-vai*(avas, offenders, especially if means. Māyā is so strong. She is always there.
you associate with women or persons very much You should consider how māyā came to test
addicted to women, then you will open your Haridas Thakur. Who are you? What
Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu Issue Twenty-three , Page — 3
strength do you have? Haridas Thakur was You defeated me. Therefore I want to be your
chanting three lakhs of name, day and night. servant. Please give me harināma and make me
He was not sleeping, not eating, and he had your śi*ya, disciple.” In this way, māyā was de-
gotten siddha-deha [realized his spiritual na- feated. Otherwise māyā is very strong. Therefore,
ture]. Still, māyā came to test him in the form sādhu-guru-kpā binā āra nāhika upāya. One who
of a very beautiful young maiden. She said: has received the kpā, mercy, of a sādhu-guru is
very powerful and cannot be defeated by māyā.
o vai*(ava-3hākur, da(+avat
vāñchā-kalpa-tarubhyaś ca kpā-sindhubhya eva ca Without that mercy one will be defeated.
patitānā pāvanebhyo vai*(avebhyo namo nama' Therefore we have these regulative principles,
including no illicit sex. Illicit sex is a great sinful
“O Haridas Thakur, vāñchā-kalpa-taru — you activity and a great aparādha. Even if a married
are a desire-fulfilling tree. Please fulfill my desire.” vai*(ava develops too much attachment to his wife,
“Yes. What is your desire?” that also becomes illicit sex. There is only one
“I am a young lady, maiden. I want sex. proper attachment, which is attachment to the
That is my desire. Please come and have sex lotus feet of Krishna. Mahaprabhu has instructed
with me. Please fulfill my desire.” Raghunath Das, antare ni*3hā kara, bāhye loka-
A vai*(ava fulfills all desires, so Haridas Thakur vyavahāra — “Keep Krishna in your heart. Only
said, “All right, I may fulfill your desire, but I be attached to Krishna, but externally you should
have one condition. My guru has told me to behave as a ghastha, a family man.[Cc. madhya
chant three lakhs of names a day. When I finish 16.239] You have a wife, a father, and a mother.
I will fulfill your desire. Sit down outside the Externally you should behave in the way they
cottage and allow me to finish my chanting, deserve. You should pay respect to your father
hare k*(a hare k*(a k*(a k*(a hare hare and mother. As a son you should listen to them.
hare rāma hare rāma rāma rāma hare hare That is social etiquette. Also you have a wife, and
she expects something from you as a husband.
But Haridas Thakur did not finish chant- That is your duty as a husband. How can you
ing. The night passed, but the chanting was ignore it? But that should be all external. antara
not finished. When dawn came, the sun arose ni*3hā — In your heart there is only one attach-
and Haridas Thakur came out. ment, and that is to Krishna. These other things
“What can I do? I am very sorry. I cannot are all external attachments. If you behave like
fulfill your desire today because I cannot fin- that then it will be all right. Otherwise, if you can-
ish my rounds. Please come tomorrow.” not, then there will be havoc in your family life.”
For three continuous days, māyā came. Each That is Mahaprabhu ’s instructions, antare ni*3hā
time Haridas Thakur said the same thing, “I kara, bāhye loka-vyavahāra. This is yukta-vairāgya.
am sorry, what shall I do? I cannot finish my But there should not be too much attachment to
rounds. How can I fulfill your desire?” one’s wedded wife. The only attachment is to
For three days she heard the pure devotee Krishna. Some attachment is there, as much as
Haridas Thakur, chanting the pure name, required, but it is external. If you develop too much
hare k*(a hare k*(a k*(a k*(a hare hare attachment to your wife, then that also becomes
hare rāma hare rāma rāma rāma hare hare illicit sex. Then your bondage to this material
world will be very strong. Narottam Das Thakur
And by hearing the chanting she developed says that the wife, son, and daughter are like
bhakti. māyā-dāsī ‘prema’ māge, ithe ki vismaya? — timi,gila. In the ocean there are many ferocious
What is the wonder if the maidservant of Krishna, aquatic animals such as, crocodiles, sharks and
His external energy, begs for love of Godhead? whales. But there is another aquatic animal, a very
[Cc. antya 3.266] When Mahaprabhu came to in- big fish that devours everything. That is known
discriminately distribute prema, māyā also came. as timi,gila, the devourer of timi, the whale. This
She prayed, “Give me prema, give me prema also.” material ocean is a dreadful ocean. In this ocean
After the third day, māyā came to Haridas the wife, son, daughter, so-called friends and fam-
Thakur and said, “I am māyā. I had come to test ily members are compared to devourers of whales.
you. No one has defeated me, but you defeated If they devour you, you are finished. Then you
me. I have defeated Brahma. I have defeated Siva. will not be able to develop bhakti and you cannot
But I could not defeat you, Haridas Thakur. go back home back to Godhead.
Issue Twenty-three, Page — 4 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNdu
sādhu-sa,ge k*(a-nāma — ei mātra cāi I offer my respectful obeisances to the
sasāra jinite āra kona vastu nāi devotees of the Lord. Simply by hearing the
[Prema-vivarta 1.6.13] two syllables ‘Krish-na’, their bodily hairs
Only one desire should be there: greed stand up in ecstasy and they become moved
— how I can have sādhu-sa,ga, the asso- to dance in ecstatic bliss. With their san-
ciation of a dear sadhu, premi-bhakta, hear dals they expertly extricate the fallen souls
k*(a-kathā from his lips, and in his asso- deeply sunk in the fetid mud of the ocean
ciation chant: of repeated birth and death. — Sri Autkala
hare k*(a hare k*(a k*(a k*(a hare hare hari-smty-āhlāda-stimita-manaso yasya ktina'
hare rāma hare rāma rāma rāma hare hare sa-romāñca' kāya' nayanam api sā nanda-salilām
This should be the only aspiration, the only tam evācandrārka vaha puru*a-dhaureyam avane
desire. It is the only requirement. There is no kim anyais tair bhārair yama-sadana-gaty āgati-parai'
other way to cross this dreadful ocean of By remembering Lord Hari, the devo-
material existence. tees’ hearts become overwhelmed with
Neophyte sādhakas should understand bliss, their bodily hairs stand erect, and
this and they should be very, very careful their eyes become filled with tears of joy.
not to commit vai*(ava-aparādha. Vai*(ava- O Earth, these devotees are the best of
aparādha is like a mad elephant. All of your men. Please carefully maintain them for
bhakti will be completely destroyed. The long as the sun and the moon shine in
bhakti creeper will be uprooted and thrown the sky. What is the use of your carefully
out. Then everything is finished.: maintaining those other burdensome per-
— From a lecture in Bhubaneswar, Orissa, 3 May 1994
sons who are simply intent on coming
THE GLORIES OF THE DEVOTEES and going to and from the house of
Srila Rupa Goswami’s Padyāvalī Yamaraja? —Sri Sarvananda

tebhyo namo ‘stu bhava-vāridhi-jīr(a-pa,ka- tvad-bhakta' saritā pati culukavat khadyotavad bhāskara
sammagna-mok*a(a-vicak*a(a-pādukebhya' meru paśyati lo*3ravat kim apara bhūme' pati bhtyavat
k*(eti var(a-yugala-śrava(ena ye*ām cintāratna-caya śilā-sakala vat kalpa-druma ka*3avat
ānandathur bhavati nartita-roma-vnda' sasāra t(a-rāśivat kim apara deha nija bhāravat
O Lord, Your devotee sees the king of
SRI KRISHNA KATHAMRITA BINDU rivers as a handful of water, the sun a fire-
a free bi-monthly service provided by: fly, Mount Meru a clump of earth, the em-
Gopal Jiu Publications peror of the world a servant, a multitude
c/o ISKCON Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir of cintāma(i jewels simply pebbles, a valu-
National Highway No. 5, IRC Village
able kalpa-druma tree a mere stick, the
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, 751015
Phone: (0674) 557026 entire world a bunch of straw, and his
Email: [email protected] own body a burden only. — Sri Sarvajna
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Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His
— Srila Rupa Goswami’s Padyāvalī Text 54,55, 56, 58. Translated by
Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda
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