Models of Church

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Models of Church

The Church Course

Document # TX001504

Five Models of the Church

What are the five models of the Church:


Mystical Body / Communion




The Church: A Great Mystery and a Divine Gift

We can only begin to understand the Church as mystery through analogy through models. No matter what modelor combination of modelswe choose, our models will fall short.

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The Church is defined primarily in terms of its visible structures, especially the rights and powers of its hierarchy. Church government is not democratic or representative, but hierarchical.
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Leadership Is Hierarchical
This model maintains that the Churchs leadership structure is part of the original Deposit of Faith handed down by Christs disciples. Therefore, the authority of the ruling class is understood as God-given, and should be accepted by the faithful unquestioningly.

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Need for Order

This model reflects a need for order, unity, and consistency of teaching.

All those who formally recognize themselves in relationship to an official Church community and Church teachings.

Popes, bishops, priests Catechism of the Catholic Church Canon Law Magisterium Diocesan directories

Strength in Unity
The strength of this model lies in its visible manifestation of unity. Unlike any of the following models, all tests of membership are clearly visible. This is the only model that must not be paramount. The institution must serve other ends besides its own preservation.

Mystical Body / Communion

The Church consists of people of faith who are united by their common participation in Gods Spirit through Christ. It is a communion of people, expressed by external bonds of creed, worship, and ecclesiastical fellowship.
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Strength through Sharing

The strength of this model lies in its emphasis on the shared life of mutual fellowship in loving community. This model emphasizes sharing.

Mystical Body / Communion

All who share in the body of Christ through the grace of the Holy Spirit. Prayer groups Parishes Relationships

The herald model emphasizes faith and proclamation over interpersonal relations and mystical communion. The Church is a heraldone who receives an official message with the commission to pass it on. It is the task of the Church to proclaim.

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The Gospel Message

The strength of this model lies in its emphasis on the message of the Gospel. Sometimes the spoken word eclipses the true Word of God, the Word Made Flesh. We must not only proclaim and witness but also act.
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All those who give witness to their life in Christ and see the Word of God as key.

Bible studies Evangelization Missions Media

The servant model shows that the Church is part of the total human family, sharing the same concerns as the rest of mankind.

Ministry of Jesus
This model is based on the ministry of Jesus, the Suffering Servant of God, who was a man who served others. Just as Christ came into the world not to be served but to serve, so the Church, carrying on the mission of Christ, seeks to serve the world.

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Serving Others
The strength of this model lies in its emphasis on serving others, and not simply serving the Churchs self-interests. Authentic service includes the ministry of the Word and Sacrament. The concept of service must keep alive the distinctive mission and identity of the Church.

Serving as Christ Did

All those who serve the needs of others as Christ did. Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me (Matthew 25:40). Hospitals Charities Service organizations Religious education classes

Name some of the servant groups of the Church: Deacons and priests Women religious Saint Vincent de Paul Society Campaign for Human Development Catholic Relief Services

In this model the Church is a sacrament, a sign and transmitter of Gods grace in the world.

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Visible Sign
A sacrament is a visible sign of an invisible grace. The Church truly transmits gracethe favorable presence of God.

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Sacraments are never merely individual transactions. Nobody baptizes, absolves, or anoints themselves, and the Eucharist is not to be celebrated in solitude. Here, the order of grace corresponds to the order of nature. Man comes into the world as a member of a family, a race, a people.

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Church Is Sign and Instrument

The strength of this model is that the Church is truly a sign and an instrument of grace to its members and to the world.

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All who share in the liturgical life of the Church, to be transformed by grace to be a sign of Christ in the world.

Liturgy Light and salt for the world Communal prayer Source of grace

Integrating the Models

Each model of Church offers helpful insights and positive contributions to understanding the role of the Church in the world. If the best insights are preserved from each model and integrated into one, a stronger vision of the Church is achieved.

No Model Is Complete
In the end, none of the models is sufficient to address the fullness of Gods call to the Church. Each model truly highlights and underscores a vital aspect of the Church. Institution Mystical Body / Communion Herald Servant Sacrament

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