This document discusses different perspectives on how individuals and personalities are understood, specifically comparing organic, legal, and dramatic views. The organic view sees personality as something that develops and changes gradually over time through biological and historical processes. In contrast, the legal view defines individuals by their specific acts and sees them as coherent identities explained by those acts. Dramatic views are more complex, recognizing identities shaped by implicit judgments that drive the plot, creating figures that represent both particular people and broader truths.
This document discusses different perspectives on how individuals and personalities are understood, specifically comparing organic, legal, and dramatic views. The organic view sees personality as something that develops and changes gradually over time through biological and historical processes. In contrast, the legal view defines individuals by their specific acts and sees them as coherent identities explained by those acts. Dramatic views are more complex, recognizing identities shaped by implicit judgments that drive the plot, creating figures that represent both particular people and broader truths.
This document discusses different perspectives on how individuals and personalities are understood, specifically comparing organic, legal, and dramatic views. The organic view sees personality as something that develops and changes gradually over time through biological and historical processes. In contrast, the legal view defines individuals by their specific acts and sees them as coherent identities explained by those acts. Dramatic views are more complex, recognizing identities shaped by implicit judgments that drive the plot, creating figures that represent both particular people and broader truths.
This document discusses different perspectives on how individuals and personalities are understood, specifically comparing organic, legal, and dramatic views. The organic view sees personality as something that develops and changes gradually over time through biological and historical processes. In contrast, the legal view defines individuals by their specific acts and sees them as coherent identities explained by those acts. Dramatic views are more complex, recognizing identities shaped by implicit judgments that drive the plot, creating figures that represent both particular people and broader truths.
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The document discusses different perspectives on defining individuals and character change, including biological, legal, and dramatic views.
The document discusses different perspectives on defining individuals and character change, including biological, legal, and dramatic views.
The document discusses how individuals can be defined organically based on their enduring being over time, or legally based on their actions and the coherence of those actions.
C HAP T E B 1 1
"We have already seen Bernard cbange; passions may
come that will modify him still more." ANDRE GWE, The Counterfeiters I .AN ECG WITH .AN .ANCESTRY, DEVEL- oping, changing its form, maturing; later, dying, decaying, again changing its form; always in a slow gradual way except for the shocks of birth and death-such is the broadest metaphor of the human personality devel- oped by the organic point of view and expressed in such studies of mutation as biology, biography, history, psy- chology. Whatever unity an organism maintains at the base of its transformations is something mysterious: the single being may be compared with other organisms which it resembles, it may be classified, accounted for statistically,' subsumed under a type; but its individul,lJibr can only be <felt.' To the human person hunseIfhiS own coherence is,. as Herbert Read once put it, "an organic coherence in- tuitively based on the real world of sensation." On the other hand, the concepts of morality or social 135 W AB OF PHANTOMS law, applying exclusively to human beings and ignoring possible analogies with other living creatures, tend to denne the individual not as an entity enduring in time but by what he has done in particular instances. A given sequence of acts provokes a judgment, and this judgment is an in- separable part of the recognition of the individual. Here too there is no Bnal comprehension of the single person; but whereas the organic approach points towards the exist- ence of individuals, each of whom can be grasped only by a non-rational operation, social legality operates as if it were unaware of them altogether, except as they are totally defined by their "overt acts." If the law is not always satis- fied with itself, it is not because it feels the need at any time to discover more about the nature of individuals, but for the reason that it realizes all at once that acts are being performed for which it has no means of holding them responsible. The law is not a recognizer of persons; its judgments are applied at the end of a series of acts. With regard to individuals the law thus creates a Bction, that of a person who is identified by the coherence of his acts with a fact in which they have terminated (the crime or the contract) and by nothing else. The judgment is the resolution of these acts. t The law visualizes the individual as a kind of actor with a role whom the court has located in the situational system of the legal code. In contrast with the person recognized by the con- tinuity of his being, we may designate the character defined by the coherence of his acts as an t Razkolnikov, for example, in Crime and Punishment sought judg- ment so that his act would be completed and he could take on a new existence. 136 Character Change and the Drama the human individual as an actor, the term stands against the biological or historical organism-concept, which visual- izes action as a mere attribute of, and to, a being who can be known only through an intuition;/, The modem novel has more in common with the biological or historical view of character than with the legal. Remembrance ot Things Past and The Magic Mountain are models of a literature of character metamorphosis, Finne- gans Wake a high point in the rendering of organic texture. As for the legal definition, its way of shaping personae with a hatchet causes it to seem at first glance far removed from the needs of imaginative writing. Without considering the symboliC, collective or residual ingredients of feeling or motive, the law comprehends its "characters" in terms of the most commonly ascertainable elements of their acts. Only information relevant and material to the legal "cause of action" may be introduced as bearing on the parties and their transactions. The law is forever fixed to that edge of indiViduality where particulars are caught in the machinery of the abstract and pulled into an alien orbit. Yet in the old tragedy, the individual was similarly tom away from himself by the force of an impersonal system. There too, however, distinctions must be made: social law is not dramatic law. That the persons who stand before the bar of justice are identities, that they appear to be personiGcations of, and completely explainable by, the logic of their crimes, is the effect of a visible artifice of judicial thinking. In fact, of course, a man who has committed a murder may not have acted in a manner recOgnizable as murderous until that last instant when he pulled the trig- ger. That he meant to kill at that moment satisBes the law's demand for premeditation and homicidal malice; but 187 WAD OF PHANTOMS Those psychological explanations of the motivations of dra- matic figures which form so large a part of criticism apply to this layer of causality which is the outer form of dramatic movement; they do not touch on the dramatist's act of judging, t derived from his conception of how the world is ordered, by which his characters are moved. Psychology can establish the plausibility of Macbeth's or Lear's be- havior, but for the sufficiency of his motivation we must refer not to a possible Macbeth or Lear in "real life" but to the laws of the Shakespearean universe. It is with respect to these laws that drama reaches objectivity, that the dramatist's image mirrors the lives of I actual people. In "nature" individuals may evade any system of ends; but a dramatic identity is a creature in whom a judgment is involved at birth, a judgment which delivers him to pathos and gives meaning to it.(In thus substituting identities, whose motor organs are judgments,tt for person- I alities who live erratically within the freedom and hazard of moral laws not yet discovered, drama brings into being figures who are at once particular and general and its account of events appears as "more philosophical than
/' t Instead of the "dramatist's act of judging" we might refer to the "dramatist's act of seeing judgment as involved in and carried out by action." From the naturalistic point of view, there is no judgment impressed upon action, and the presence of judgment in the drama must therefore be attributed to an act of the dramatist; but from the "dramatic viewpoint" there is no action that is not an effect of judg- ment, whether of the gods, the fates or history, and the judgment is therefore seen as present in the real formula of the action, is said to be discovered by the dramatist, and not to be the result of his act. H The moral judgments of drama may, of course, not seem moral at all in the conventional sense; the dramatist may choose to execute a character because he is powerful rather than because he is wicked. 140 , Character Change and the Drama II Religious thought also interprets the individual as an identity; it looks to the judgment that will establish his eternal role. To it the psychology of personality-develop- ment is irrelevant; for upon the fixed situation of an identity, mutations of the personality have no bearing. As in the bloody book of the law, there are in religion stirring exam- ples of this division between identity and personality. For instance, in demoniacaI possession identities usurped per- sonalities: the demon, in all respects a new being controlled by the conditions of a supernatural world, subjected the individual to its own will. t The personality of the possessed remained intact. The demon was a character with a name of his own. His voice was heard from the mouth of a man -but he was not that man. any more than Hamlet was Barrymore. And he could be influenced only by means fun- damentally identical in all contemporaneous cases of pos.- session-there was one law for demons belonging to the same system. Exorcism was a contest between powers of a purely religiOUS cosmos. The exorcist addressed the demon directly; no attempt was made to aHect the psychological structure of the possessed. As we have said, it was irrele- vant. An identity is constant. In the worlds which give rise to identities, growth is excluded and change of character occurs above the rigid substratum of the identifying fact: whatever happens to the murderer, the murder still stands as his sign. Dramatic reversal of situation derives its over- t See the references in "The Profession of Poetry," above. The cases reported in the Middle Ages. including the epidemic outbreaks of possession, are perhaps the most striking. 141 WAR OF PHANTOMS whelming effect from this persistence of identity. Every- thing has turned inside ont, yet the actor goes on doing the same thing. Were psychological adjustment to the new position possible, it would destroy the tragic irony and disperse the pathos. Identity may be revealed more fully as a drama pro- gresses. In such so-called character development, behaviour rises or declines on the moral plane without, however, alter- ing the fact by which the character is identified; we simply see a second side of the same character: e.g., the idling Prince Hal's Wen. thus we play the fools with the time belongs to the same royal identity as Henry Vs oonscien- tious Our bad neighbour makes us early stirrers, Which is both healthful and good husbandry. Unchanging identity may also be present in the sudden reversals of moral direction that occur in crise de cOfl8Cience episodes of novels and plays, moral reversal being merely a species of character development carried on at qUick- time. J'7 Yet not through development, but through a process that causes the central fact which identiJies the character to give place to one belonging to a different constellation of values. When such a shift of centers the fact to which the cnaracter's action was previousfy attached loses its power to move him. His moral nature may remain sub- stantially the same, but his acts crystallize differently; he 142 Character Change and the Drafl1lJ is a different dramatic individual; all his likelihoods have been recast It is especially in the substitution of one identity for another, or for a personality, that the type of coherence which marks the identity is clarified, since change of iden- tity takes place, as we shall see, leaF, and not as in personality through a continual transformation of elements. begin with the legal instan,?e; the fact of the crime / c"c __ "h .. "c," ofganized (by determinfug their relevance) the acts of the criminal and interpreted them. For the law he lived by that fact alone. Were it suddenly discovered that no crime had been committed, the coherence of his action would collapse and the prisoner, haVing been converted in an instant into the hypothetical and undefined figure of an innocent man, would no longer exist under the eye of the court. If there- after he were charged with a different crime, his legal identity would depend upon this new fact and would be entirely unrelated to the one he had lost; he would emerge out of the void as a "new man." In and change of identity have been, . one may say, the dominant interest of the most Significant and important ceremonies. Professor Guignbert writes in Christianity: "In the Phrygian cult of CybeIe and Allis, but not in that alone, for we futd it in various other Asiatic cults and . in that of Mithra, a singular ceremony, called the taaro- bolium, look place. It formed part of the mysterious initia- tory rites exclusively reserved for believers." Having given an account of the rites, Guignbert explains their transforming funC!tioq: 149 f' f " . {JO WAR OF PHANTOMS "The pit signifies the kingdom of the dead, and the mystic. in descending into it, is thought to die; the bull is Attis, and the blood that is shed is the divine life-principle that issues from him; the initiate receives it and, as it were, absorbs it; when he leaves the pit he is said to be 'born again' and milk, as in the case of a newborn infant, is given him to drink. But he is not born the mere man again he was before; he has absorbed the very essence of the god and, if we understand the mystery aright, he is in his tum become an Attis and is saluted as oue." Guignbert then draws attention to the resemblance between these rites and the Christian baptism and eucharist. The change consists then in both religious instances in (1) the dissolution or death of the previous identity through cancellation of its central factt-this may involve the physical death of the individual (as with Ivan Ilych, whom Tolstoy abandoned on the threshold of change) or his symbolic death; and (2) a re-identification, wherein the individual is placed in a new status, is "rebom," so to say, a new character and perhaps a new name. r Draml1i is no more religion than it is law. But the act thaf:t:nephenomenon of religious conversion is the only one which actuallytt effects a change of identity in the liv- ing person, in which through the touch of death a course of living is annulled and another substituted without ing the organic continuity of the individual, .relates religton t That the purpose of the law in executing a criminal is to avenge itself upon him or to deter others has long been denied by phlloso- pbers of the law. The logic of the execution becomes clear when we understand it as an attempt to eliminate the criminal identity and thus to cancel the crime itself which that identity personifies. The death of the criminal is incidental to this aim of cleansing the past. Any other means equally certain of accomplishing the dissolution of the criminal identity would be, theoretically, as satisfactory. H The legal change is of course a purely formal one. 144 r' ! i Character Change and the Drama and drama in a peculiar way. To present identity-replace- ment in a credible manner the dramatist must imitate the experience of religion and subject his character to the ordeal of death. But he may do so in terms of action alone and witliOtii-adopting any metaphysical supposition as to the cause of the change. In a word, dramatic death and regen- eration need not be involved in faith: t there is the death- laden incident; then occurs a transfer of identities within the single figure, a The process appears with characteristic modifications in different literatures. A very early account of identity- change is the life story of the whose char- acter is built out of connotations of the word from which his name was derived, as when Esau complains in the Hebrew pun that he was "Jacobed" twice. A self-reliant trickster, he wins his way through ruses and negotiations until the threat of death descends upon him in the approach of the avenging Esau. Then "greatly afraid and distressed" he calls on God to save him and schemes to be the last of his company to die. Alone behind the encampment, how- ever. he is met by the angel and wrestles with him until dawn. During this contest he receives the sign of the dis- located thigh and his name is changed to Wrestler-With- God. In the morning he advances to meet his brother. whose fury has been unaccountably-psychologically, that is, though enforCing the pOint of Jacob's new identity-trans- .// formed to love. t Deaillin the .drama meaDS..onh.cessatlon of. the character's action ( and the of his taking it. up again: TIiis stoppage may mirror natural death-the character has died or been killed; or, as in the impostor type of comedy, the death may apply to a ticlitlom individual continues to be present but through having heen exposed as a fraud cannot go on with his old act. r, .. i 145 r ' \, WAll OF PHANTOMS From that time the lone adventurer, gainer of property and wives, has disappeared; in his place sits the patriarch, and interest shifts to his children. In the next episode. the seduction of Dinah, it is his sons who plot and carry out the treacherous revenge. The transformed Jacob. his character "deducible" from his wrestle with God, is busy with the erection of altars. This is an extremely simple picture of the process of identity-cbange. There is a minimum of action-detail. only the death threat and alteration by contact with the divine over-plot and by renaming. '/In the next example, a personality is transformed into adramatic identity. In it, the action of a person. which is the expression of a psychological condition. is contrasted with that of an identity, which always takes place in response to his role-which he performs as required of him by the plot, by the whole in which he is located. That this hero is a person at the outset means that the work begins as a species of biography; that he changes into an identity means that from that point on the biography-drama be- comes a true drama. there is a fusion of t;v0 forms of tation, the naturalistic and the dramatic. 'The self-analytical Hamlet of "non-action," describing himself in every speech, and using speech as a substitute for deed, is very much the figure of a personality, of a being insuffi- cient for, because irrelevant to, the dramatic role offered to him. t Hamlet has all the qualities required for action; what t Psychological criticism lays Hamlet's failure to act to the prep0n- derance of one trait, usually the reflective one. htI character in terms of dramatic identity, we relate his Incapacity to a 148 , ;' I ' {' 'I Character Change and the Drama the which would fit him to be a Cliitacter in a drama, a with his role originat- ing in and responding to of his dramatic world. Thus he is contrasted or "paralleled"t with Laertes whose situation is similar to his, ; For by the image of my cause, I see \ The portraiture of his, but who is characterized as an identity by his readiness to act; and the point is repeated in setting off his psychological ( tliat he is a personality )The revolving sword ' :!' ... of judgment cuts him off at that point where he would force an entry into the dramatic cosmos. He has been exiled to a ! , middle ground between the natural world and the dramatic; governed by contradictory laws, it is a playground of some- A -" - . (/ ",_, P.<>...."d" \.}, ero, per son who matches his self agamst his part, he thinks too much not because he is an intellectual but because it is imposSible for him to do anything else. 'The mystery which surrounds him consists in that he is neither an identity nor a personality wholly but a combination of ,ltypo- structural insufficiency, that is, to his failure to be part of an action- system, a defect for which there is no psychological remedy. I do not know Why yet I live to say 'this thing's to do; Sith I have cause and will and strength and means To do't. t "Save yourself, my lord." etc. The scene belongs in aD respects to the rOle of Hamlet. 141 WAR OF PHANTOMS thetical actor who has wandered by accident upon a stage. t i Clearly, then, this character must be changed if the' play is to become a tragedy, if the action is to resolve itself and not to break down into a series of episodes exposing psycholOgical layers. To arrive at a pathos, Hamlet must be given an identity which will alter his relation to the action and fit him into the drama. But there is only one way to represent such a change dramatically. Until we meet Hamlet on his return from the voyage to England, where he had been sent to his death and nar- rowly escaped in the grapple with the pirates, we have to do with the standard figure of Hamletcriticism. But after ) ;, I ! this immersion in death, tt we encounter a new character, regenerated man. In his next appearance on the stage, Hamlet takes death as his subject and discourses on it as an insider. More to the point, he has acquired a itl, !/ \ certainty with respect to his feelings and a capacity for action. "This is I," he announces, as he leaps into the grave of Ophetr:,="f!;mlet the Dane'" Ha\jng he is at once by Laertes but with unexpected firmness proclaims his dramatic equality. I prithee, take thy fingers hom my throat; For, though I am not splenetive and rash, Yet have I something in me dangerous, Which let thy wisdom fear. Hold off thy handl '* With this "dangerous" new ability to act, he is 00 IongeJ' troubled by ambiguity of feeling: -V'For he was likely, had he been put on, To have proved most royally." tt "High and mighty," he writes to Claudius without apparent reason, "you shall know I am set naked in your kingdom." 148 , l' 'I: I Character Change and the Drama Why, I will Bght with him upon this theme. I loved Ophelia. . To his mother Hamlet's self-assured identity is unrecogniza- ble; she sees him as he was before the change: This is mere madness, And thus a while the Bt will work in him. Anon, as patient as the female dove When that her goMen couplets are disclosed. His silence will sit drooping. But Gertrude is mistaken. For Hamlet had commenced to act his had assumed im- mutabl'yhis dramatic being, at that moment when aboard- the ship bound for England he had read his death.warrant Then for the nrst time his mind had responded with the-- immediacy of the actor: Being thus be-netted round with villainies- Ere I could make a prologue to my brains, They had begun the play- *. And now this hero who had looked with such passionate %n passion is "constant in his purposes" towards the magical ev:nt barely indicated CHad I hut time, 0, I could tell you ) has released his action hustles the play to its tragic close and the apparently acci- dental character of his revenge serves to emphasize that he is controlled at the end not by the conflicting intentions , .. of a self but by the im,Rlli$jQ1!S .. 9.!Jhe.....plpt. Transformed k { from the image of a personality into that of a dramatic \ identity, he has found at last his place in the play. L / . Our third example is from Ktsramazov. This author's handling of change of identity 149 WAR OF PHANTOMS follows more literally experience of typically religious COD- version than does either that of the Old Testament or of Shakespeare; it is related directly to Christian beliefs and emotions. The "Biograpbical Notes" of Father Zossima set out two parallel cases of identity-change. First there is Markel, Zossima's brother, whose conversion is briefly sketched to furnish a gronnd for Zossima's own conversion com,:, later and is developed in greater detail. After his brother s death Zossima was sent to Petersburg to enter the Imperial Guard. From the house of his childhood, he records, he had brought none but preciOUS memories of a religiOUS import, but these grew dimmer in the cadet school and he became a "'cruel, absurd, almost savage creature." .. A disappointing love affair, an insult, and a challenge to a duel ... "and then something happened that in very truth was the turning point of my life," The evening preceding the duel he flew into a rage and struck his orderly so vio- lently that his face was covered with blood. Zossima awoke the following moming he went to the wmdow and looked out upon the garden. The snn was rising. "It was warm and beautiful, the birds were singing." At that point the conversion began. "What's the meaning of it, I thought. I feel in my heart as it were something vile and shameful? Is it because I am going to shed blood? No, I thought, feel not .that. Can it be that I am afraid of death, afratd of bemg killed? No that's not it, that's not it at all ... And all at once, I hew what it was; it was because I had beaten Afanasy the evening before'" Then Zossima recalls his converted brother, the deceased Markel. On the field of honor, risking his companions' con- 150 , :1 Character Change and the Drama tempt, he halts the duel after his adversary has fired. A short time later he becomes a monk. This incident, turning on danger of death though fear of death is denied, stages the typical antecedent conditions listed by psychologists for cases of religiOUS conversion; it may be assumed that, apart from his own experience after being threatened by the Czars firing squad, Dostoevsky was familiar with the subject through books on the psy- chology of conversion. Yet Zossima's transformation arouses no suspicion that it is an ideolOgical fable of the descent of Grace rather than a genuine dramatic happening. The change takes place through events which, for all their real- ism, are the equivalent of the legendary and picaresque circumstances of the Bible and Hamlet. In all three exam- ples, the process underlying the character's change is the same, although the nature of the action accompanying it is different in each instance and explanations vary from angelic intervention to terror and remorse. In all three an identical anxiety is present. In the terse account of Jacob's transformation he is desCribed as "greatly afraid and dis- tressed," Hamlet recalls that . in my heart there was a kind of fighting, That would not let me sleep, while Zossima feels "something vile and shameful." "The so-called psychic states preceding conversion seem all to have this in common, that .. c:1is.solve the economy of theindiY!<!':1al. and,.excite the soul. but cannot satisfy it c"' or allay its distQrpance. They are psychic states which pro- pound questions, but do not answer them; they initiate, but do not complete. They provoke a suspension of the soul in which they are being experienced." Religiow Cof'lV6f'sion, Sante de Sanctos 151 WAR OF PHANTOMS III Individuals are conceived as identities in systems whose subject matter is action and the judgment of actions. In this realm the multiple incidents in the life of an individual may be synthesized, by the choice of the individual him- seH or by the decision of others, into a scheme that pivots on a single fact central to the individual's existence and which, controlling his behavior and deciding his fate, be- comes his visible definition. Here unity of the "plot" be- comes one with unity of being and through the fixity of identity change becomes synonymous with revolution. Of this dramatic integration religiOUS conversion, of all human conditions, supplies the most complete example, although only an example. Through conversion the individ- ual gains an identity which revolves upon a fact that is su1>jective in. its. effect upon him yet gtra- :e.ersonal in its relationf:o.his..:world. In all converts, regard- less of what they are converted to, there comes into being that surface coherence which is the sign of the dramatic character. To other individuals unity of action may be attributed;t the convert claims his one-ness to be himseH and compels his life to conform to his interpretation. It is recognition of the individual as an identity that establishes the fundamental connection between religious and dramatic thought. In both, the actor does not obey his own will but the rules of the situation in which he finds bimseH. In both, change (and escape from the plot) can be t nus is rarely done by biographers, who stress the "'human" aspects of a character. But contrast Prince Mirsky's bioaraphy of Lenin as a man who had almost no perscmal life. 152 f Character Change and the Drama accomp1ished through one means alone, of identity and the reappearance of the a "re- . state. In thus reflecting the limits by action, II the unnatural" processes of religion and drama correspond \' i to those of actual life. ISS