Childrens National Pediatric Case Study - VSD
Childrens National Pediatric Case Study - VSD
Childrens National Pediatric Case Study - VSD
Overview of Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
VSD Cont.
Prenatally via fetal Echo Postnatally after signs/symptoms are evident Confirmed with chest x-ray, EKG, Echo, MRI
Maternal smoking during pregnancy Genetics Chromosomal abnormalities
VSD is the most common CHD Incidence of CHD reported at 1% US population
VSD Cont.
Heart murmur Increased breathing rate Sweating Tiredness when feeding Failure to thrive
Heart failure Growth failure Arrhythmias Pulmonary hypertension
Medications Cardiac catheterization Open heart surgery
Case Study
CT is a 3.5 month old female
Large VSD
Procedures during admission
VSD repair on 5/14
Colace (docusate) Lasix (furosemide) Zantac (ranitidine) KCl Heparin
50th percentile at birth 10-25th percentile
Oral Intake
Breast milk at 20kcal/oz Q4hr (average) Current intake at approximately 80kcal/kg Poly-Vi-Sol is given daily (1mL)
Additional Findings
No signs/symptoms of intolerance (N/V/D/C) Mother indicated patient seems irritated during breast feeding, possibly due to inadequate intake
Nutrient Needs
Increased needs for healing post-op and for catch-up growth Calories 120kcal/kg Protein 2.2g/kg Fluid 100mL/kg
PES Statement: Underweight related to inadequate energy intake as evidenced by patients current weight-for-length below the 2nd percentile
1. Recommend fortifying breast milk with Enfamil to 24kcal/oz. Add 2.7 grams Enfamil powder to every 100mL breast milk to = 24kcal/oz. Goal intake is 80mL Q3hr providing 120kcal/kg and 150mL/kg fluid. 2. Recommend initiate PO/NG feeds if patient consumes <75% of needs PO. 3. Continue to monitor electrolytes 4. Monitor and trend daily weight gain, goal of 25-35 grams/day average for catch-up growth. If weight gain is inadequate, fortify breast milk to 26kcal/oz. 5. Measure length and HC weekly to trend. 6. Continue Poly-Vi-Sol 1mL/day per home regimen. 7. Nutritional education was provided to family at bedsite
Nutrition Follow-Up
Findings NGT was inserted for insufficient intake. Patient was tolerating TF without emesis , diarrhea or gastric distention Patient had new recorded weight of 5.13kg (+.83kg) in two days which is c/w fluid overload Plan
1. Continue with breast milk fortified to 24kcal/oz with Enfamil at
80mL Q3hr via PO/NG. Continue NG until pt consumes >75% of needs PO. 2. Monitor and trend daily weight gain, goal of 25-35 grams/day average for catch-up growth. If weight gain is inadequate, fortify breast milk to 26kcal/oz. 3. Measure length and HC weekly to trend. 4. Continue Poly-Vi-Sol 1mL/day per home regimen.
1. Parrish, C. (2011). Nourishing little hearts: Nutritional implications for congenital heart defects. Nutrition Issues in Gastroenterology (#98) 2. Ventricular septal defect (vsd). (n.d.). Retrieved from 3. Ventricular septal defect (vsd). (n.d.). Retrieved from 0P4.html 4. Cardiac catheterization with vsd. (n.d.). Retrieved from