P-Adic Banach Spaces

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Invent. m~h.

127, 417-479 (1997)

9 Springer-Verlag 1997

P-adic Banach spaces

and families of modular forms
Robert F. Coleman
u c Berkeley, Department of Mathematics, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Oblatum 21-VII-1994 & 15-V-1996

This paper & dedicated to Bernard Dwork

who has been a friend and an &spirationfor many years.

O. Introduction

Let p be a prime, Cp the completion of an algebraic closure of the p-adic

numbers Qp and K a finite extension of Qp contained in Cp. Let v be the
valuation on Cp such that v ( p ) = 1 and let II be the absolute value on Cp
such that Ix] = p-V(x) for x E Cp.
Suppose N is a positive integer prime to p. Let XI(Np) denote the modu-
lar curve over K which represents elliptic curves with Fi(Np)-structure and
let Up be the Hecke operator on modular forms on X l ( N p ) which takes
a form with q-expansion ~-~nanqn to the modular form with q-expansion
~'~n anpqn"
A modular form F is said to have slope ~ E Q if there is a polynomial
R(T) over Cp such that R(Up)F = 0 and such that the Newton polygon of
R(T) has only one side and its slope is -c~.
For simplicity of notation, now suppose p is odd.
Now (Z/NpZ)* acts on modular forms on Fl(Np) via the diamond op-
erators and we identify ( Z / p Z ) * with a subgroup of (Z/NpZ)* in the natu-
ral way. If X is a Cp-valued character on ( Z / p Z ) * , we will say a modular
form F is of (Z/pZ)*-character ~ if F I (d) = x(d)F for d E ( Z / p Z ) * . Let
z : ( Z / p Z ) * ~ #(Qp) denote the Teichmffller character.
We prove in Sect. B3:

Theorem A. Suppose ~ E Q and e : ( Z / p Z ) * ~ Cp is a character. Then there

exists an M E Z which depends only on p,N,e and ~ with the following
property: "If k E Z, k > ~ + 1 and there is a unique normalized cusp form F
on XI(Np) of weight k, (Z/pZ)*-character ez -k and slope ~ and if k' > ~ + 1
is an integer congruent to k modulo 1~+~, for any non-negative integer n,
then there exists a unique normalized cusp form F ~ on X t ( N p ) o f weight
418 R.F. Coleman

U,(Z/pZ)*-character ez -~' and slope c~. Moreover, this form satisfies the
F'(q) =- F(q) mod p,+l .

Both F and F ~ must be eigenforms for the full Hecke algebra of the re-
spective weight because these algebras are commutative and therefore preserve
the space of forms of a given slope. It is (a slight generalization of) a con-
jecture of Gouv~a-Mazur [GM-F] that M may be taken to be zero as long as
n > c~. When c~ = 0 this is a theorem of Hida [H-GR]. In this paper, we obtain
no information about M (except in one example, discussed in Appendix II).
However, using recent results of Daqing Wan, we have been able to give an
upper bound, quadratic in ~, on the minimal allowable M for fixed N and p.
We are also able to obtain results in the case when there exists more than
one normalized form of a given slope, character and level in Sect. B5. That
is, we prove, Corollary B5.7.1, the existence of what Gouv~a and Mazur call
"R-families" in [GM-F].
For example, let A be the unique normalized weight 12, level 1, cusp form.
A(q) = ~ T,(n)qn .

Then r ( 7 ) = - 7 . 2 3 9 2 . The above theorem implies, for any positive inte-

ger k divisible by 6 and close enough 7-adically to 12, that there exists a
unique normalized weight k, level 1, cuspidal eigenform Fk over Qp such
that FkIT7 = a(k)Fk for some a(k) E Z7 with valuation 1. Moreover, for any
positive integer n, if k is sufficiently large and close 7-adically to 12,

Fk(q) = A(q) - p A ( q 7 ) m o d 7 "

where p is the root o f X 2 - "c(7)X-k-711 in Z7 with valuation 10. (We prove

a similar, more precise, statement for p = 2 in Appendix II.)
The following is one important ingredient in the proof of Theorem A:
Theorem B. For integers 0 < i < p - 1 there exist series Pu, i ( s , T ) E
Zp[[s, T]] which converge for all T and s such that Is[ < p(p-2)/(p-1) such
that for integers k, PN,i(k, T) is the characteristic series of A tkin's U-operator
actin 9 on overconvergent forms of weight k and (Z/pZ)*-character fl-k.
This considerably strengthens the main result of [GM-CS].
Now let Mk,cl denote the space of classical modular forms of weight k on
Xl(Np) defined over K. Then the eigenvalues of Up on Mk,cj have valuation
at most k - 1. For a character e on ( Z / p Z ) * we also let Mk, ct(e) denote
the subspace of forms of weight k and (Z/pZ*)-character e and set d(k,e,~)
equal to the dimension of the subspace of Mk,ct(ez -k) consisting of forms of
slope c~.
As a corollary of Theorem 8.1 of [C-CO] we obtain:
Theorem C. With notation as above, the set oJ'zeroes of Pu, i(k, T -I ) in Cp
with valuation strictly less than k - 1 is the same as the set of eigenvalues
Families of modular forms 419

with valuation strictly less than k - 1 of Up act& 9 on mk, cl(T, i-k ) (countin9
multiplicities in both cases).
We are able to deduce from this, in Sect. B3, another result conjectured in
more precise form by Gouv6a and Mazur:
Theorem D. I f e is a C~-valued character on (Z/pZ)*, and k and k' are
integers strictly bi99er than c~+ 1 and sufficiently close p-adically
d(k, e, c~) = d(k', e, cQ.

Moreover, the closeness sufficient for this equality only depends on c~.
Wan's result implies a lower bound, quadratic in c~, of how valuation of
k - k t must be for the equality in the above theorem to be true. Since Zp is
compact this implies what is called a "control theorem", that is, for a fixed
c~ E Q, the dimension of the space of forms of a given weight and slope c~
is bounded independently of the weight. We are also able to deal with the
prime 2.
We show, in Sect. B3, that the set of slopes of modular forms on Fl(N)
(and arbitrary weight) is a discrete subset of the real numbers which is a
consequence of the Gouv~a-Mazur conjectures. In the Appendix I, we show
how to use the trace formulas of Eichler-Selberg and Reich-Monsky to prove
that there exist overconvergent forms of any given integral weight of arbitrarily
large slope. In a future article with Barry Mazur, we will begin to develop the
connections between the results in this paper and p-adic representations of the
Galois group of (~/Q.
What foreshadows our proofs is the study of the k-th Hecke polynomial
(see Eichler [El, Sato [Sa], Kuga [Ku] and Ihara [I]),

det((1 - Tpu q- p k - l u Z ) l & ) ,

where Sk is the space of weight k cusp forms of level one defined over C
and Tp is the p-th Hecke operator. It was used to relate the Ramanujan-
Petersson conjecture to the Weil conjectures (see the Introduction to [I] for
more history), lhara applied the Eichler-Selberg trace formula to this ef-
fort. This line of research was continued by Morita, Hijikata and Koike
([M], [Hj], [Kol] and [Ko2]). Dwork began another approach to the study of
these polynomials using what is now known as the theory of overconver-
gent p-adic modular forms and also the Reich-Monsky trace formula ([D1]
and [D2]). This work was continued by Katz [K] and Adolphson [A]. Both
of these lines of research seem to have stopped in the mid-seventies. Hida
[H1], [H2] developed to great utility the theory of "ordinary" modular forms
which in this optic are modular forms of slope zero. In particular, he proved
what may now be interpreted as the slope zero part of the aforementioned
Our approach is a continuation of that introduced by Dwork. In fact,
the inspiration for this paper arose in an attempt to interpret Dwork's paper
420 R.F. Coleman

"On Hecke polynomials" [D1] in terms of the point of view developed in

[C-CO]. The key idea in Gouv~a-Mazur's paper "On the characteristic se-
ries of the U operator" [GM-CS] provided the bridge between [D1] and
We will now give an outline of this paper. It naturally breaks into two
In Part A, which we entitle "Families of Banach Spaces", we show how
Serre's p-adic Banach-Fredholm-Riesz theory [S] works in a family, i.e., may
be extended over complete, normed rings, which we call Banach algebras. We
define and prove some basic results about these algebras, Banach modules over
them, orthonormal bases for these modules and completely continuous maps
between Banach modules in Sect. A1. In Sect. A2, we show that a completely
continuous operator on a Banach module has a "Fredholm determinant" which
behaves well under a contractive base change (such as the restriction to a
residue field). We define the resultant of a monic polynomial and an entire
series and prove some basic results about it in Sect. A3. This will be neces-
sary for us to extend Serre's Riesz theory to this more general situation, in
Sect. A4. I.e., given a factorization of the Fredholm determinant into relatively
prime factors, one of which is polynomial with unit leading coefficient, we
will be able to find in Theorem A4.3, a corresponding direct sum decomposi-
tion of the Banach module. In Sect. A5, we specialize our theory and consider
Banach modules over reduced affinoid algebras (which are Banach algebras).
In Subsect. A5.i, we show, Proposition A5.2, that a homomorphism of affinoid
algebras over an affinoid algebra A can be interpreted as a completely continu-
ous map of Banach modules over A, when the associated map between affinoid
spaces over A is what we call "irmef'. We also indicate how our Riesz theory
can be strengthened over an affinoid algebra. In Subsect.A5.ii, we prove our
main technical result, Proposition 5.3, about quasi-finite morphisms from an
affinoid to the closed unit disk. As a corollary of this result we may conclude
that if Z is the zero locus of the characteristic power series of a completely
continuous operator over the ring of rigid analytic functions on an affinoid disk
B, then for each z E Z there exists an affinoid open neighborhood X of z in Z
whose image Y in B is an affinoid disk and is such that the morphism from
Z to Y is finite.
In Part B, which we entitle, "Families of Modular Forms", we apply the
results of Part A to elliptic modular forms. In Sect. B1, we recall or derive
some basic results on Eisenstein series and define the weight space ~g" (which
is the union of a finite number of open disks). The rings of rigid analytic
functions on affinoid open subspaces of ~g" will be our Banach algebras. In
Sect. B2, we introduce the basic set up notation and explain how to extend the
results of [C-CO] and [C-HCO] to all primes and levels. Sect. B3 is the heart
of the paper. Multiplication by an appropriate Eisenstein series Ek of weight
k gives an isomorphism from the space of overconvergent forms of weight 0
to the space of overconvergent forms of weight k. Thus one can study the
U-operator on weight k forms, U(k) by studying a twist of the U-operator on
weight 0 forms, U(0). The key observation is that this twist can be viewed
Families of modular forms 421

as an "internal multiplication". I.e., there is an overconvergent rigid analytic

function ek so that, if F is a weight 0 form (i.e. a function),

(Ek ) -1U(k)(EkF) = U(o)(ekF) . (1)

Moreover, these functions ek vary analytically in k, for k in a subspace ~//'* of

W (as we point out in Sect. B4, with a more judicious choice of Ek (and more
work which we will carry out in another article [C-CPS]) one can replace the
ek with functions which vary analytically over all of ~ ) . This will allow us
to consider the family of operators (1) as one completely continuous operator
on a Banach module over the rigid analytic functions on any affinoid disk in
Y//'* (the ring of rigid analytic functions of ~#r* is not itself a Banach alge-
bra.) This allows us to prove Theorem B3.2 and its refinement Theorem B3.3
(which is Theorem B above extended to the prime 2), and this implies that the
Fredholm determinants of the U-operator acting on weight k overconvergent
modular forms, for integers k, are specializations of a Fredholm determinant
of a completely continuous operator over the Banach algebra of rigid ana-
lytic functions on any sufficiently large closed disk in ~#/-*. This, combined
with Theorem C and the corollary-to Proposition 5.3 discussed above, yields
Theorem D. We are also able to prove Theorem A, as well as its extension to
p = 2, Theorem B3.5, in this section. In Sect. B4, we give a definition of the
q-expansion of an overconvergent modular form of non-integral weight as well
as of a family of such objects which is forced on us by the considerations o f
Sect. B3 although we do not have a geometric interpretation of either. We also
show that the q-expansions of Eisenstein series, introduced in Section B 1, live
in an overconvergent family. In Sect. B5, we define a Hecke algebra which
acts on families of q-expansions of overconvergent modular forms and use it
together with our Riesz theory and a basic duality result, Proposition 10.3, to
prove a qualitative version of Gouv~a-Mazur's R-family conjecture. We dis-
cuss further results, including generalizations of some of our results to higher
level and the connections of our families o f modular forms with Galois rep-
resentations, which will be proved elsewhere (eg. in [C-CPS] and [C-HCO]),
in Sect. B6. Appendix I contains explicit formulas for the Fredholm determi-
nants of our operators as well as a proof of the existence of infinitely many
non-classical overconvergent eigenforms of any integral weight. We point out
that we have not been able to prove any of Theorems A - D using these formu-
las. Finally, in Appendix II, we show, by considering the special case p = 2
and N = 1, how our general results combined with the explicit formulas of
Appendix I can be used, in specific cases, to make the estimates in our theorems
We are grateful to the following people who provided comments help-
ful in writing and revising this paper: de Shalit, Iovita, Liu, Mazur, Serre,
Stevens and Teitelbaum. We thank Brady Kahn for providing the illustration
displayed in Sect. A5 and we also thank the referees whose careful reading of
the manuscript and insightful remarks helped make the paper substantially more
422 R.F. Coleman


A. Families of Banach spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422

A1. Banach Algebras and Banach modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
A2, The Fredhotm determinant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
A3. Resultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
A4. Riesz theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
A5. Rigid theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
B. Families of modular forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
B1. Eisenstein series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
B2. General setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
B3. Twists of U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
B4. Non-integral weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
B5. Hecke operators and R-families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
B6. Further results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
Appendix I, Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
Appendix II. A 2-adic example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
Index of Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478

A. Families of Banach spaces

A1. Banach al9ebras and Banach modules

Suppose A is a c o m m u t a t i v e ring with a unit element, complete and separated

with respect to a non-trivial ultrametric n o r m [[ (see [BGR, Sect. 1.2]).
I.e., Ill = 1,

[a + bl < Max{lal, lb[}, [abl < lal Ibl,

for a a n d b E A, and moreover, lal = 0 i f and only i f a = 0. W e wilt call such
a ring, a Banach algebra. W e will call an ultrametrically n o r m e d complete
m o d u l e E over A, such that lael < lal lel if a E A and e E E a Banach module
over A.
A n e l e m e n t a in A is called multiplicative i f lab[ = la[ Ib[ for all b E A.
W e say [I is a multiplicative norm if every e l e m e n t in A is multiplicative
(in [BGR] such a n o r m is called a valuation). Let A m be the group o f m u l -
tiplicative units in A, A ~ denote the subring o f A consisting o f elements a
such that lal < 1 and E ~ the A ~ s u b m o d u l e in E consisting o f all e such that
le[ < 1. Let J ( A ) denote the set o f finitely generated ideals I o f A ~ such that
{I n : n E Z , n > 0} is a basis o f open n e i g h b o r h o o d s o f the origin in A ~
W e will suppose throughout this article that J ( A ) : # ! ~ . Clearly, if there ex-
ists an a E A m such that [a t < I, then aA ~ E J ( A ) . ( W e also point out that
(.40) * = {a E A m : [a[ = 1}.) Suppose N is closed s u b m o d u l e o f E. T h e n b y
the i n d u c e d n o r m [IN on E/N, we m e a n

[amodNlN = I n f { l b [ : b - a E N}.

It is clear that E/N is complete with respect to this norm. W e will also fre-
q u e n t l y m a k e the following hypothesis:
Families of modular forms 423

Hypothesis M (for multiplicative).

IAml U {0} = IAI.

Since I ] is non-trivial, it follows from this hypothesis that [Am] :4=1.

Examples. (i) The rin 9 A = Qp with its standard norm is a Banach algebra
which satisfies hypothesis M while the subrin9 A ~ = Zp is a Banach algebra
which does not. (ii) I f A is a Banach algebra, we let A(Tl .... ,Tn) denote
the rin 9 o f restricted power series over A, i.e., power series over A whose
coefficients tend to zero in A with their degree. Then, if F E A(T1 .... , Tn),
we set IF] equal to the supremum o f the absolute vales o f the coefficients o f F .
(This is called the Gauss norm.) Then A(T1 . . . . . T,) is a Banach algebra with
respect to this norm and satisfies hypothesis M if and only if A does. (iii)
While we will later see many more examples of Banach algebras satisfyin9
hypothesis M, one which does not and which will be very important f o r us
in the future is the Iwasawa algebra, A : = Zp[[Z~]]. Some complete norms
on A may be described as follows: Suppose x : Z*p --+ C~ is a continuous
character. Then ~: extends by linearity and continuity to a continuous rin 9
homomorphism o f A into Cp. For 0 < r < 1 E R and 2 E A, let
12lr = sup I•(,Z)l

where tc runs over the set o f continuous characters on Z~ with values in

the closed ball o f radius r around 1. For example, if r E ICpl, I1 - [1 +
q]lr = r. Then ] ]~ is a complete multiplicative norm on A, A ~ = A, IA"lr = 1
and where q = 4 if p = 2 and q = p otherwise (p, 1 - [1 + q]) E ~r All
these norms can be shown to be equivalent and induce the "adic" topology
correspondin 9 to the maximal ideal o f A, as we will verify in [C-CPS].
If K is a multiplicatively normed field and A is a K-algebra such that the
structural morphism from K to A is an isometry onto its image, we will call
A a K-Banach algebra.
An orthonormal basis for a Banach module E over A is a set {ei : i E I )
of elements o f E, for some index set I, such that every element m in E can be
written uniquely in the form Z i E I aiei with ai E A such that lim/__,~ lai[ = 0
(this means that for any e E R>0 there exist a finite subset S of I such that
[ai[< e f o r i E 1 - S ) and
Iml = Sup {]ai[: i E 1}.

We say E is orthonormizable if it has an orthonormal basis. Clearly, if E is

orthonormizable ]El = lal and lael = lallel if a E A is multiplicative.

L e m m a AI.1. I f E is orthonormizable, and I E J ( A ) , I~E ~ is a basis o f open

neighborhoods o f the oriain in E ~

Proof. For e E R, e > 0, let E(e) = {e E E : ]el < ~}. What we must prove is
that the collections {E(e)} and {InE~ are cofinal. Since the collection{I"}n>__0
is a basis o f neighborhoods of 0 in A ~ it is clear that if e > 0, there exist
424 R.F. Coleman

an n E Z, n => 0 such that InE ~ C E(e). N o w suppose n E Z, n > 0. Then

there exists an s > 0 such that A(s)C_ I n. Claim: E ( e ) C P E ~ Suppose
a l , . . . , a m generate I n over A ~ and {el : i E J } is an orthonormal basis for
E. Let e E E(s). Write,
e = ~ biei.
Then bi E I n for all i. In fact, since [bi[ --~ 0, bi E I n+m(i) where m(i) > 0 and
m(i) --+ oo as i --~ co, so we may write

bi = ~ cijaj

where c q E I re(i). It follows that Icql ~ 0 as i --~ oo. Hence

e = ~ aj E cijei
j=l iEJ
and the inner sums converge in E. Thus e E InE ~ []
Using this, we see that if B = {ei} is an orthonormal basis for E and
I E J ( A ) then the reduction o f B modulo 1hE ~ is an algebraic basis for E~176
over A~ ~
One has, using the same line of reasoning as in the proof of [S, Lemma 1].

L e m m a A1.2. Suppose (A, [[) satisfies hypothesis M and [AI = [El. Then a
subset B o f E is an orthonormal basis for E if and only if B C E ~ and the
image o f B in E~ ~ is a basis of this module over A~ ~ for some a E A m,
lal < 1.
Suppose M and N are Banach modules over A. Then we put a semi-norm
on N | M by letting ]c[, for c E N | M, equal the greatest lower bound
over all representations c = ~-]~ini @ mi o f

Maxi{lnillmi[} .
We then let N ~ a M denote the completion o f N | M with respect to this
If B is a complete normed A algebra such that the structural morphism
from A to B is contractive, then B is a Banach module over A and it is easy
to see that B ~ a M is, naturally, a Banach module over B.

Proposition AI.3. I f {ei : i E I} is an orthonormal basis for M over A, for

some index set L then { I | ei : i E I} is an orthonormal basis for B ~a M
over B.
Proof. First, every element n in the image o f B | M in B @a M can be
written in the f o r m ~-~iE1 bi | ei where bi E B and bi ~ O. W e claim Inl =
Suplbi[ = : P. We have, for each e E R>0, there exists a finite subset T of I
such that
Ilnl- Insll <
Families of modular forms 425

for all finite subsets S of I containing T, where

ns = ~ bi Q ei .

It follows that In[ < P. Now, fix j E I and let h : M --~ A be the A homomor-
phism which takes ~ I aiei to aj. Then h is continuous, in fact [h(m)[ < [m[.
Let h8 denote the extension by scalars o f h to a morphism from B | M to B,
Suppose S is a finite subset o f / a n d j E S. Then h(ns) = bj. If ns = ~-~ici @ mi
where c i E B and mi E M. Then bj = hB(ns) = ~ i c i h B ( m i ) . Hence, using the
contractivity o f A --* B,

[bj[ <- Maxi{IcilBthB(mi)[B} < Maxi{lc~[BIh(m~)lA } < Maxi{lc~lalm;[}.

Since this is true for all representations of ns, all j E S and all S, it
follows that P < In1. This establishes the claim. The proposition follows
easily. []
I f J is a closed ideal of A then we call the induced norm on A / J the
residual norm. Then (A/J,I IJ) is a Banach algebra. We set Ej = ( A / J ) 6 E .
We note that, since A is complete, maximal ideals are automatically closed
[BGR, 1.2.4/5]. Since the map A ~ A / J is contractive, as a corollary o f the
previous proposition, we obtain:
Corollary A1.3.1. I f J is a closed ideal o f A and E is orthonormizable, Ej =
E/J. Moreover, if {ei : i E I} is an orthonormal basis for E, { e i m o d J E ) is
an orthonormal basis for Ej over A/J.
Proof By the proposition, we know {1 @ei) is an orthonormal basis for
Ej over A/J. Clearly, E / J E = ( A / J ) | On the other hand, if
x = ~-~i~I ai ~ ei E ( A / J ) + E where la~lJ ~ 0, we can choose cci E A such that
~i ==-ai m o d J and Ic~il~ < 21ailk. Hence e : = ~ / c c i e , - E E. Let y = 1 | e E
E/JE. Then Ix - Yl < e for every positive e. Hence x = y and so E/JE = Ej.
The last part o f the corollary follows immediately. []
Continuous homomorphisms. If M and N are Banach modules over A, and
L : M ~ N is a continuous A-homomorphism we set
ILl = s u p - -
,.,0 Iml

This determines a topology on the set o f continuous A-homomorphisms.

The homomorphism L is said to be completely continuous if
lira Lj
L = j---*~z

where Lj is a continuous A-homomorphism from M to N whose image

is contained in a finitely generated submodule of N. If f : M~---~ M and
9 : N ~ N ~ are continuous A-homomorphisms of A-Banach modules then it
is easy to see that 9 o L o f is also completely continuous. Let ~ A ( M , N ) de-
note the Banach module of completely continuous A-homomorphisms from M
to N.
426 R.F. Coleman

It is also easy to see:

L e m m a A1.4. I f A ~ B is a contractive map o f Banach algebras, M and

N are Banach algebras over A and L E cgA(M,N), then 1 ~ L Ecgs(B~M,
Remarks A1.5. (i) When A is feld, II is multiplicative and 1A*[4:{1} the
above is the theory discussed by Serre [S]. However, Serre's theory works
without change even when IA*I = (1}. It's only easier. Indeed, in this case,
an orthonormal basis is a basis and a completely continuous linear map
is a linear map of finite rank. (ii) When A is a field, [[ is multiplicative,
[A*I + 1, and V is a finite dimensional subspace of M, then Serre proves that
there exists a continuous projector from M onto V with norm less than 1
whose kernel is orthonormizable. We cannot prove this in our more general
Suppose {ei}l is an orthonormal basis for M and { d j } j is an orthonormal
basis for N. Suppose
L(ei) = ~ ni, jdj .
Then, as in IS], we have the following useful lemma:

L e m m a A1.6. The linear map L is completely continuous if and only if

lim Sup Ini41 = 0.

j---~or i E l

or equivalently, for S C L let zCs : E ~ E be the projector

E aiei ~ E a i e i .
iEl iES

Then, L is completely continuous if and only if the net {ns o L}, where S
ranges over the directed set of finite subsets of I, converges to L.

Proof. First suppose the matrix for L is as above. Then for each finite set S
o f J let
Ls(ei) = ~ ni, j d j .
It is clear that the Ls converge to L.
N o w suppose L is completely continuous. Then for each e > 0 there exists
an A-linear map L p : M ---*N whose image is contained in a finitely generated
submodule N' and is such that ] L - L'I < 5. Since N ~ is finitely generated
there exists a finite subset T o f J such that if rCr is the projection from N
onto the span o f {dj}jcr [ ~ r l N ' - idN, I < e. It follows that

[L - ~r o Z'[ < e.
This implies Ini,j[ < e for j ~ . T which concludes the proof. []
Families of modular forms 427

For an orthonormizable Banach module E, let E v denote the continuous

dual of E with the norm [iv defined by

Ihl v = sup {Ih(x)l : x ~ g ~

for h E E v. This is well defined and if B is an orthonormal basis for E,
Ih[v = sup (]h(e)l : e ~ B}.

Lemma A1.7. I f M and N are orthonormizable Banach modules over A,

M V ~ N is naturally isomorphic to cgA(M,N).
Proof Suppose {ei}~ is an orthonormal basis for M and {dj}j is an orthonor-
mal basis for N.
We can write any y E M V 6 N , uniquely, as

where hj E M v, Ihjl v ~ 0. N o w i f m E M, we set

y(m) = ~ hj(m)dj.
This clearly well defines a linear map from M to N and, since ]hjl v --* O, is
completely continuous by the previous lemma.
Now let e v be the element o f E v such that eV(ej)= ~i,j. We can rep-
resent any h E M v as Y~qaie v where a i E A and the set { l a i [ : i E I ) is
botmded. If, on the other hand, L E cgA(M,N) has the matrix (ni, j)l, J let
y = ~--~j(~]4ni, j e V ) Q d j which, using Lemma A1.6, we see is an element
o f M v + N . Clearly, y maps to L.
The map M v @ N to (gA(M,N) is independent o f the choice o f the bases
because it is the natural map on M v | N and is continuous. []

We say a normed ring A is semi-simple if:

The intersection of the maximal ideals of A is 0 and if m is a maximal ideal,

the residual norm on Aim is multiplicative.
Examples. (i) I f A is a reduced affinoid algebra over a complete multi-
plicatively normed field and the norm on A is the supremum norm [ BGR,
Definition 3.8/2], then A is semi-simple (see [ BGR, Proposition 6.1.1/3 and
Corollary 6.1.2/3]). It also satisfies hypothesis M. (ii) The rin 9 A with any
of the norms described above is not semi-simple.
Probably, the hypothesis on residual norms in a definition o f semi-simple
can be weakened, for our applications, to the assumption that that the residual
norms are equivalent to a multiplicative norm (two norms on a ring are said
to be equivalent, if they induce the same topology), as George Bergman has
shown, based on results in [B], if a norm i It on a field is equivalent to
a multiplicative norm [[2, then there exists a positive constant c such that
112 ~ C[ [1- We do not know an example o f a complete normed field whose
norm is not equivalent to a multiplicative norm.
428 R.F. Coleman

A2. The Fredholm determinant

Suppose A is a Banach algebra and E is a Banach module over A with an

orthonormal basis B. If L is a completely continuous operator on E, and

there e x i s t s a c E A M such that [eL I < 1, (*)

one can translate the discussion in Serre to produce a characteristic series PL(T)
o f L, with respect to B, which we will also denote by det(1 - TL) (which it
morally is). The key point is: By means o f ( . ) we may suppose ILt < 1 and
observe, if I E J ( A ) , Lemma A1.6 implies L ( E ~ ~ is contained in a
free direct factor of E~ ~ o f finite rank over A~ ~ We will suppose all
completely continuous operators mentioned in this section satisfy property ( . )
(which is automatic if IAm[~= 1). We can also prove:

Theorem A2.1. I f L has norm at most [a[ where a E A m then PL(T) is an ele-
ment o f A~ and is entire in T (i.e., if PL(T) = ~-']m>-OcreTin' ]Cm[Mm --~ 0
for any real number M). Also, PL(T) is characterized by:
(i) I f {Ln}n>=o is a sequence o f completely continuous operators on E, and
Ln ~ L then PL, ~ PL coefficientwise.
(ii) I f the image o f L in E is contained in an orthonormizable direct factor F
o f finite rank over A of E such that the projection from E onto F has norm
at most 1 then
PL(T) = det(1 - T L [ F ) .

Proof This follows by translating the arguments in [S]. E.g., suppose the
hypotheses o f (ii). Let ~z : E ~ F be the projection. After changing L by a
homothety in A m, if necessary, we may assume [L[ < 1. Let F ~ = {x E F :
lxl < 1}. Let I be an element o f J ( A ) . Then, since trc[ =< 1, FI = : F~ ~
injects onto a free direct factor o f finite rank o f E~ ~ over A~ It follows
PL(T) = det(1 - TL ]F 1 ) m o d l .
Assertion (ii) follows upon taking a limit. []

R e m a r k A2.2. I f follows from (i) and (ii) of the theorem that PL(T) does not
depend on the choice of the orthonormal basis but, as far as we know, it may
depend, in general, on the norm on E and not just the topology. However
below, Corollary A2.6.2, we show that, when A is semi-simple, it does only
depend on the topology.
Just as in IS, Sect. 5] (see the remark after Corollaire 1), one may deduce
from the theorem,

Corollary A2.1.1. I f u and v are completely continuous operators on E,

det(1 - Tu)det(1 - Tv) = det((1 - Tu)(1 - Tv)).

Families of modular forms 429

Also, one may deduce similarly to the proof of Corollaire 2 of [S,

Sect. 5].

Proposition A2.3. Suppose E1 and E2 are orthonormizable Banach modules

over A. Suppose u is a completely continuous homomorphism f r o m El to E2
and v : 17,2 ---* Et is a continuous homomorphism, Then

Puo o(T) = P ~ o u ( T ) .

Lemma A2.4. Suppose N is a closed orthonormizable Banach submodule o f

M over A such that the quotient module F :--- M/N, with the induced norm,
is also orthonormizable and moreover that there is an isometric section tp :
F -+ M o f M ~ F. Then M is orthonormizable and if L is a completely
continuous operator on M stabilizing N, its restriction to N and the induced
operator, LF, on F are also completely continuous and

P L ( T ) = PL1N(T)PLF(T).

P r o o f Let E : = { e i : i E I } be an orthonormal basis for N and D : = { d j :

j E J } be an orthonormal basis for F. Then, we claim,

B :--- {el : : E I} U {~(dj) : j E J } .

is an orthonormal basis for M. First, it is clear that if m E M, there exist

unique ai, bj E A, for i E / , j E J , such that

aiei + ~ bjt~(dj) = m .
i j

Since ~k is an isometry,

Iml < Max

iEI, j E J
{la, l, lbjl} =: K

Suppose Im] < K. It follows, from the fact that the norm on F is the induced
norm, that [y~'~jbid j[ < K. From the fact that D is an orthonormal basis for F,
we see that ]bjl < K for a l l j E J and hence that K = Max/st {]ai]}. Since E is
an orthonormal basis for N, this latter equals [ ~ i aiei[. Now, since [Y'~.iaiei[ >
]Y'~d bjdj I' we deduce that Iml - - K , a contradiction. Thus, B is an orthonormal
Now we know we can compute PL(T) with respect to B. For a subset S of
an orthonormal basis for a Banach algebra W over A, let 7Zs be the projection
of W onto the span of S, as described in the last section, and for an operator
U on W, let U s = rts o U. Now, for a subset S of B, let Es = S A E and
Ds = q*(S) C_ D. Now, since LIN = lims(L[N) & and LF = limsLZ~s as S ranges
over finite sets, these operators are completely continuous. It is elementary
algebra to check, for finite subsets S of B, that,

PLs( T ) = P(rIN)~s( T)PL~s( T ) .

430 R.F. Coleman

The lemma follows from the fact, which is a consequence of Theorem A2.1,
& ( T ) = li~nPLs(T), PLI.(T) = I~nP(LI,)~s(T ) and

PLF(T) = li~nPL~s(r),
as S ranges over finite subsets o f B. []
We remark that the hypothesis o f this lemma about an isometric splitting
is automatic when the absolute value on A is discrete (by this we mean that
the subset o f the real numbers {log ]a[ : a E A,a~=O} is discrete). Indeed, in
this case, with notation as in the proof o f the lemma, for each j E J , there
exists an e5 E M such that e~. = e j m o d N and [e~.[ = 1. Then we can define
as follows,

We will see below that we can also eliminate this hypothesis when A is semi-
It follows easily using Proposition A1.3 and Lemma A1.4 that
L e m m a A2.5. Suppose (a : A --+ B is a contractive map of Banach algebras,
~b(det(1 - T L I E ) ) - - det(1 - T(1 + L ) [ B ~ a E ) .
Proposition A2.6. Suppose A is semi-simple, E is an orthonormizable Banach
module over A and L is a completely continuous linear operator on E whose
image is contained in a free submodule of finite rank F such that there is a
continuous projector from E onto F. Then PL(T) ----det (1 - TL IF).
Proof Let {ei} be an orthonormal basis for E. Let m be a maximal ideal o f
A, k = Aim and I I,, the residual norm. Then the natural map from A to k is con-
tractive so 1 | ei is an orthonormal basis for k 6 E by Proposition A1.3. Also,
if rc : E ~ F is a continuous projector, id | 7z : k @ E ~ k | F is a continu-
ous projector and the elements 1 | n(ei) are bounded in k | F. We also know
k @ E = k + E by Corollary A1.3.1. The result now follows from Lemma A2.5
applied to B = A/m and Remark (1) o f IS, Sect. 5] and IS, Propostion 7d)].

This proposition together with part (i) o f the theorem implies that
Corollary A2.6.1. When A is semi-simple, Pr( T) only depends on the topology
of E.
We do not know whether or not this is true more generally.
Corollary A2.6.2. When A is semi-simple and M is orthonormizable, the con-
clusion of Lemma A2.4 remains true even without the assumption that there
is an isometric section from F to M.
Proof Let E = {ei : i E I} and D = {dj : j E J } be as in the proof o f
Lemma A2.4. Let e E R such that 0 < ~ < 1. For each j E J let d) be an
Families of modular forms 431

element o f M which maps to dj such that Id~.[ < (1 + ~). Let q5 be the unique
continuous section o f M ~ F which takes dj to d~.. Let C be
the set E U {d} : j E J } . Clearly, if m E M, m can be uniquely written in the
aiei + ~ bjff)(dj).
i j

We now let l[ ~ be the unique absolute value on M such that C is an orthonor-

mal basis. Then since ~b is an isometric section with respect to I1', we may
apply Lemma A2.4 to the characteristic series o f L with respect to this absolute
value. But it is clear that for m E M,

Iml' < [ml < (1 + e ) l m l ' .

Thus [[ and [[~ induce the same topology on M and so by the previous corol-
lary, the characteristic series o f L defined with respect to I[ I is the same as that
defined with respect to }I,Pc(T). Thus the conclusion o f Lemma A2.4 applies
to PL(T). []

R e m a r k A2.7. The Fredholm determinant may be defined and many o f its

properties proven when the condition "orthonormizable" is replaced by "lo-
cally orthonormizable."
Example. Suppose A is a Banach algebra, M is an orthonormizable Banach
module over A and u and v are two completely continuous operators on
M over A. Then if A IX, Y) is the ring of restricted power series over A,
the operator Xu + Yv is a completely continuous on F4 = : M ~ A ( X , Y) over
A(X, Y) (which is given the Gauss Norm). Hence we have a characteristic
series Pu,v(X, Y, T) = det((l - T(Xu + Yv) ) l ~l ) such that

Pu,v(X, y, T) = det((1 - T(xu + y v ) ) l M )

whenever x, y E A and both Ix I and lyl are at most 1. Clearly when [Am[+l,
P(X, Y, T) continues to a series entire in X and Y.
Now suppose A is an algebraically closed field with a multiplicative norm.
Then if u and v commute

eu, v(X, Y, T) = I-[ (1 - (aiX + b i Y ) T )


where ai and bi are elements o f A which tend to zero. This is a consequence

o f the fact that the generalized eigenspaces o f u are stabilized by v and vice

A3.. Resultants

tn this section we extend many o f the classical results about resultants (see
[L-A, Ch. IV, Sect. 8]) to our analytic situation. This is necessary for us to
432 R.F. Coleman

be able to prove analogues for completely continuous operators over a Banach

algebra of Serre's Riesz theory results [S, Sect. 7] for completely continuous
operators over a complete normed field.
Suppose (A, ]1) is a Banach algebra and ]Am[4= 1.

L e m m a A3.1. I f G( T) is a polynomial whose leading coefficient is multiplica-

tire and H ( T ) C A(T) such that G ( T ) H ( T ) C A then G(T) E A or H ( T ) = O.

Proof Let a E A m, [al > 1. Replacing G(T) by G(aMT) for some positive
integer M we may assume that the absolute value of the leading coefficient
c of G is greater than all its other coefficients. Suppose n = deg(G) > 0 and
H4=0. Suppose H ( T ) = ~-]~kbkTk and m > 0 is such that [bm[ ->_ [bk] for all
k with strict inequality for k > m. It follows that the coefficient of T n+m has
absolute value equal to [ebm] = [el[bin[ ~ 0 . []

For I = (il . . . . . in) E N", s(1) = il + ... + in and if (Tl . . . . . Tn) is an n-tuple
o f elements in a ring, we set T ' = T[ ~--- T/". Let A{{T1 . . . . . In}} be the ring
o f power series
over A in (T1 . . . . . Tn) where I ranges over N ", such that

[BIIMsff) --+ 0

as s(I) ~ c~ for all M E R. This is the ring of power series over A which
converge on affine N-space over A. In particular, if P ( T ) is the characteristic
series of a completely continuous operator on a Banach module over A , P ( T ) E
R e m a r k A3.2. The above lemma is also true if we suppose instead o f the
hypothesis G(T) E A[T] that G(T) E A{{T}} and either all the coefficients
of G are multiplicative or A is semi-simple.
Suppose el . . . . . en are the elementary symmetric polynomials in T1 . . . . . T,.

L e m m a A3.3. The subring of A[[T,,...,Tn]], A{(el . . . . . e,}}, /s equal to the

subr#T9 o f A{{TL ..... T,}} consisting o f elements which are left #wariant
under permutation of the variables Ti.

Proof For an element I = (il . . . . . i,), let t ( I ) = il + 2 i 2 + - - - + n i , . Now if

I E N", e t is a linear combination of T J where s(J) = t(I). Since

s(I) < t(I) < ns(I)

it follows that if
AIT t = ~ Bje J ,
1 J
where the sums run over Nn and the A1 and B j are elements of A, then

Max {IBjI} < Max (IX,l} (1)

s(J)=m ra <=s(1)<=nm
Families of modular forms 433

{IAzl} ___<m/n <Max
s(J) < m
{IBjI}, (2)
The containment of rings A{{el ..... e,}} C_A{{TI ..... T,}} follows from
estimate (2). It is clear that elements of A { { e l , . . . , e , } } are invariant under
permutation of the Tf. If f 9 A{{TI ..... Tn}} is invariant under permutation
of the Ti it follows that f equals g(el, .... en) for some g EA[[X1 ..... X,]].
It now follows from estimate (1) that g is in fact in A{{X1 ..... Xn}} which
completes the proof. []
Q(T) = T n - alT n-I + . . . + ( - 1)'an
be an element of A[T].
Lemma A3.4. I f S(el ..... en) is in

( ~ Q(Ti)A{ { ..... Tn} } ) NA{ {el ..... e,}}

then S ( a l , . . . , a , ) = O.
Proof First, suppose. C is a ring and K ( T ) = ~ i = IIT ( - 1 ) i c i T "-i and
R(el ..... en) is in (~i~=l K(Ti)C[T1,..., T,])N C[et ..... e,]. Consider the ring

B = C[b, ..... b n ] / ( K ( T ) - ~i ( T - b i ) ) .

We can write
R(el,...,en) = ~ X(Ti)fi(T1 ..... Tn),

where fi(T, ..... T,) 9 C[Tb..., T,]. Then we may conclude

R(cl ..... c,) = ~ K(bi)fi(bt .... ,b,) = O.

Now we assume the hypotheses of the lemma. Replace Q(T) with b"Q(T/b)
for some appropriate b 9 A m so that all the ai are in A~ We can also scale S
so that S(el ..... e,) is in

(~=1Q(Ti)A~ ..... Tn}}) NA~ . . . . . en}}

Write S as

with ~ s A~ ...., T,}}. Let ~ N he the sum of the terms of / of degree at

most N and giN = /~ -- fiN. Then if ~ > 0 E R for large N the coefficients of
giN have absolute value at most ~. Let I~ be the ideal in A ~ {a 9 A : la[ _-< 8}.
Then we m a y apply the above argument with the ring C equal to A~ and R
equal to S m o d I~, to conclude that IS(al ..... an)l <-_ ~ for all 8 > 0. Hence,
S(al .... , an) = O. []
434 R.F. Coleman

Suppose P ( T ) C A { { T } } . We know P(Tt).-.P(Tn)=H(e~ . . . . . e,) for

some H E A{{XI ..... Xn}} by Lemma 3.3. Then, for Q as above, we define
the resultant of Q and P to be

Res(Q,P) = H(at ..... an).

(See also [L-A, Ch. IV, Sect. 8].) Then

Res(Q, 1) = I (3)

Res(Q, aP) = a"Res(Q, P) (4)

Res(Q, PR) = Res(Q, P)Res(Q, R) (5)
Res(Q,P + BQ) = Res(Q,P) (6)
if a E A and R,B E A{{T}}. If P(T) = ~,>=o b,T", one can show Res(Q,P)
is the limit as m goes to infinity of the determinants of the (n + m) • (n + m)

[ 1 -at ...... ( - 1)nan

I -at ...... (-1)"a,

-. 9.. (-1)"a,

1 -al -

bm bin-1 ...... b0
bm bm-i ...... bo

bm bm-I "'" 9"" bo

in which there are m rows of a's and n rows of b's. If S is a monic polynomial
of degree m,
Res(SQ, P) = Res(S, P)Res(Q, P) (7)
Res(Q, S) = ( - 1)m"Res(S, Q) (8)
Res(Q, S* ) = Res(S, Q*) (9)
where if F(T) is a polynomial of degree d , F * ( T ) = TaF(T-I). We can
also interpret the resultant as a norm. Indeed, consider the extension B :=
A{{T}}/(Q(T)) of A. This extension is isomorphic to A[T]/(Q(T)) which is
finite and free and the resultant of Q and P is the norm of the image of P in
B toA.

Lemma A3.5. The resultant of Q and P is a linear combination of Q and P.

I f Q and P have a non-constant polynomial common factor G whose leadin9
term is multiplicative, then the resultant of Q and P is zero.
Proof When P is a polynomial, the first statement follows from [L-A Ch. IV,
Sect. 8]. In general, we can write P as BQ + R where R is a polynomial and
B E A{{T}} and then apply formula (6) above.
Now it follows that G(T) divides the resultant. However, the resultant lies
in A, and this together with Lemma A3.1 implies the resultant is zero. []
Families of modular forms 435

R e m a r k A3.6. By Remark A3.2, the conclusion o f this lemma is still true if

we only assume G(T) E A{{T}} as lon 9 as A is semi-simple.

L e m m a A3.7. Res(Q,P) is a unit if and only if Q and P are relatively prime

in A { { T ) ) .

Proof One direction follows immediately from the previous lemma. Therefore,
suppose f Q + gP = 1 where f , g E A{{T}}. Then using (3),(5) and (6)

1 = Res(Q, f Q + gP) = Res(Q, gP) = R e s ( Q , g ) R e s ( Q , P ) . []

We now want to explain the relationship between the characteristic series

of a completely continuous operator and that o f an entire series in that operator
with zero constant term (which we know is also completely continuous).
Suppose B and P are polynomials over A and

P(T) = t - alT +... + (-1)~anT n .

Then we set
D ( B , P ) ( T ) = I I (1 - TB(Tg)),

where on the right hand side we set e i ( T l . . . . . Tn) = ai. If B and P are in
A{{T}}, B(0) = 0 and P(0) = 1 then we set

D ( B , P ) ( T ) = lim D(Bn,Pn)(T)
n ---~ o o

where, for an element F ( T ) = Y-~=o ckTk E A[[T]], F~(T) = ~--~=0 ck Tk. It is

easy to see that D ( B , P ) ( T ) ~ A{{r)}. Moreover,

L e m m a A3.8. I f P ( T ) = R(T)S(T), R, S E A{{T}} and R(O) = S(O) = 1,

then we have,
D(B, P) = D(B, R)D(B, S ) . ( 1O)
and i f Q is a monic polynomial,

D(1 - Q * , P ) ( 1 ) = R e s ( Q , P ) . (11)

Proof. The first formula is obvious. For the second, observe that it follows
from the definitions and (9) that

D(1 - Q*,Pn)(1) = Res(Tnpn(T-1),Q*(T))

= Res(Q, Pn).

Hence the lemma follows by taking a limit. []

Theorem A3.9. I f u is a completely continuous operator on an orthonormiz-

able Banach module E over A and B E TA{{T}} then

Pe(u)( T) = D(B, Pu)( T) . (12)

436 R.F. Coleman

Proof As we remarked above B(u) is completely continuous, so Ps(~) makes

sense. W e m a y apply a homothety and assume that the norms o f u and B are
at most one. Suppose I E J ( A ) . Consider the operator Ul induced by u on
EI : = E~ ~ The corresponding formula is true for det(1 - UlT [EI) which is
congruent to P~(T) modulo I. Hence (12) follows by a limiting argument.

A4. Riesz theory

Suppose (A, I]) satisfies hypothesis M. Let u be a completely continuous

operator on an orthonormizable Banach module E over A. As in Serre, we can
define the Fredholm resolvant FR(T, u) : = det(1 - Tu)/(1 - Tu) o f u, which is
an element o f A[u]{{T}}, and use it and the theory o f resultants to prove:

L e m m a A4.1. Suppose Q(T) E A[T] is a monic polynomial. Then Q and Pu

are relatively prime if and only if Q*(u) is an invertible operator on E.
Proof Let v = 1 - Q*(u). Then v is completely continuous and we have,
(1 - vT)FR( T, v) = Pv( T) = D(1 - Q*,Pu)( T) ,

b y Theorem A3.9, and so using L e m m a A3.8,

Q*(u)FR(1, v) = (1 - v)FR(1, v) = Res(Q, Pu).

Thus it follows from Lemma A3.7 that i f Q and Pu are relatively prime, Q*(u)
is invertible. If, on the other hand, there exists an operator w on E such that
Q*(u)(1 - w) = 1, then we find that w is completely continuous and we deduce
using Corollary A2.2.1,

det(1 - v)det(1 - w) = 1

but by Theorem A3.9 and L e m m a A3.8,

det(1 - v) = D(1 - Q*,Pu)(1) = Res(Q, Pu).

Hence Q and Pu are relatively prime b y L e m m a A3.7. []

Let As denote the operator on power series in T which takes ~-]nanTn to

~-]~n(~s)anTn-s" W e also let A = A 1. Suppose a E A. Then we say a is a zero o f
H ( T ) E A { { T } } o f order h if ASH(a) = 0 for s < h and AhH(a) is invertible.
(With this definition, some zeroes do not have an order.)
Using the previous lemma and following the same line o f reasoning as in
[S, Sect. 7] one obtains:
Proposition A4.2. Suppose a E A is a zero of Pu(T) of order h. Then we have
a unique decomposition
E = N(a) • F(a)
into closed submodules such that 1-au is invertible on F(a) and
(1 - au)hN(a) = O.
Families of modular forms 437

Theorem A4.3. Suppose P u ( T ) = Q ( T ) S ( T ) where S E A ( { T } } and Q is

a polynomial such that Q(O)= 1 whose leading coefficient is a unit and
which is relatively prime to S. Then there is a unique direct sum decom-
E = N~(Q) | F~(Q)

o f E into closed submodules such that Q*(u)Nu(Q) = 0 and Q*(u) is invertible

on Fu(Q).

Proof We note that S(0) = 1. Let B ( T ) = 1 - Q * ( T ) / Q * ( O ) and v = B(u).

Then, by (A3.10)
Pv = D(B, Pu) = D(B, Q)D(B, S ) .

We have D ( B , Q ) ( T ) = (1 - T ) ' , where n = d e g Q and

D(B,S)(1) = Res(Q/Q*(O),S)

by (A3.11 ) which is a unit using Lemma A3.7. N o w apply Proposition A4.2

to the operator v and the zero 1 o f Pv(T). []

R e m a r k s A4.4. (i) Let R O = A[X]/Q*(X) ~- A[Y]/Q(Y). Then Nu(Q) is a RQ

module, via
Xm = um

for m E Nu(Q). (ii) Following Serre we have explicit formulas for the pro-
jectors from E onto the subspaces Nu(Q) and Fu(Q). For example, let v be
as above, then
(1 - v)AnFR(1,v)~ n
A'Pv(1) }

is a formula for the projector Onto Fu(Q) with kernel N,(Q).

Since projective modules over a ring are locally free, one can define
the determinant of an operator on such a module if it has locally finite

Theorem A4.5. Suppose A is semi-simple and Q has degree r. Then under

the hypotheses o f Theorem A4.3 the A module Nu(Q) is projective o f rank r.
Moreover, det(1 - Tu[N~(Q ) ) = Q( T).

Proof First suppose A is a field, then ][ is multiplicative. The result

[S, Proposition 12] of Serre applies and establishes our result in this case.
Let N = Nu(Q) and F = Fu(Q). Let m be a maximal ideal o f A. Then
because E = N + F, E m = Arm +Fm and Q*(u) is zero on N,n and invertible
on F,, so that this decomposition is the one established by Theorem A4.3. It
follows from the above and the hypotheses on A that Nm is a vector space o f
438 R.F. Coleman

dimension r over kin, the residue field at m. Now, let

fi = ~ ai,jej for 1 -< i < r


be elements of N which form a basis o f Nm modulo m. Then, there exist

jl . . . . . jr in I such that
9 = det((aid, )i,k)
is not zero at m. Let U be the affine open subscheme o f Spec(A) where 9 is
invertible. It follows that the f, are a basis for Np for every closed point P o f
U. We claim {f~} is a basis for Nv.
Indeed let h E Nu. Then because 9 is invertible on U, there exist ai E Au
such that the coefficient o f ejk in the expansion o f

alfl + ' " +arfr -- h

is zero for 1 < k < r. I f follows that this element vanishes at every closed
point P o f U. Thus by the hypotheses this element vanishes on U. If h = 0,
it follows that the a; vanish at every closed point P in U and hence ag = 0
for all i. Thus N is locally free, so projective.
Finally, by Corollary A2.6.2,

det(1 - Tu[E) = det(1 - Tu[N)det(1 - Tu[F).

N o w since Q(T) divides Pu(T) and Q*(u) is invertible on F, it follows, us-
ing Lemma 4.1, that Q(T) differs from det(1 - TulN) by an element o f A*.
Equality follows from the fact that Q ( 0 ) = 1. []

Corollary A4.5.1. Suppose A is semi-simple. I f RQ is dtale over A

(i.e., if ( Q ( T ) , A Q ( T ) ) = 1) than Nu(Q) is a locally free R O module of
rank 1.

Proof This is true when A is a field. It follows more generally when

A is semi-simple, by the same kind o f reasoning which established the
theorem. []

R e m a r k A4.6. One can show, when A is semi-simple, that Fu(Q) is locally


A5. Rigid Theory

In this section, we will show how the results o f the previous sections apply
in the rigid category. We will be able to obtain much more precise results,
which will be essential to us when we begin to discuss modular forms. A
good emcyclopedic reference for the foundations o f rigid analysis is the book
Non- Archimedean Analysis by Bosch, Guntzer and Remmert. A more low key
introduction to the subject can be found in the book GkomOtrie Analytique
Families of modular forms 439

Rigide et Applications by Fresnel and Van der Put and the original paper
"Rigid analytic spaces" [T] by Tate is quite accessible.
Let K be either Cp or a complete discretely valued subfield of Cp and
I] be the absolute value on K such that Ipl = p-1 (or more generally we
may suppose that K is a complete stable valued field (see [BGR, Sect. 3.6.1,
Definition 1])). Let K ~ = {a E K : lal < 1} be the ring of integers in K and
go = {a E R : l a l < 1} the maximal ideal o f K ~
If Y is a rigid space over K, A(Y) will denote the ring of rigid
analytic functions on Y, we let ]] also denote the supremum semi-norm on
A(Y) [BGR, Sect. 3.8] and A~ will denote the subring in A(Y) o f power
bounded functions, { f E A(Y) : [fl < 1}, on Y. The supremum semi-norm is
a non-trivial ultrametric norm on A(Y) if A(Y) is reduced [BGR,
Proposition 6.2.1/4]. As we have pointed out, A(Y) is semi-simple in this
case. We set t(Y) = { f E A(Y) : l f l < 1}, the topologically nilpotent elements
of A(Y), and I? = Spec(A~ In general, if X ~ Y is a morphism of
rigid spaces and Z is a subspace of Y, then Xz will denote the pullback of X
to Z (the "fiber" of X ---, Y over Z).
In particular, B,~ will denote the n-dimensional affinoid polydisk over K.
Then A(B~:) ~ K(T1 .... , Tn) and A~ -----K~ ..... T~). Finally, if a E K
and r E ICpl we let Bx[a,r] and BK(a,r) denote the affinoid and wide open
disks of radius r about a in A 1. When K = Cp we will drop the subscript K,
and we will sometimes abuse notation and let these latter symbols denote the
Cp-valued points of the corresponding rigid space.
(i) Fredholm and Riesz theory over affinoid algebras. Suppose X ~ Y is a
morphism of reduced affinoids over K. Then (A(Y), [I) is a Banach algebra
and (A(X), II) is a Banach module over (A(Y), II).
If A~176 is reduced then IA(Y)I = Igl so (A(Y),II) satisfies
hypothesis M. In this case, goA~ = t(Y) so the reduction of Y, l2, equals
Spec(A~176 =: Y. If Y is reduced, this occurs after a finite base ex-
tension. We will suppose for the rest o f this section that Y is a reduced ir-
reducible affinoid such that Y is also reduced and we will regard A(Y) as a
Banach algebra with respect to the supremum norm.
One can show, using Lemma A1.2,

Lemma A5.1. Suppose K is discretely valued, X ~ Y is a morphism of

reduced affinoids over K and A~176 is free over A~176 Then
the Banach module A(X) over A(Y) is orthonormizable.

The simplest case of this phenomenon is: X = Z XK Y where Z is a reduced

affinoid over K. This will, in fact, be the case of interest to us.

Definition. I f f : Z --~ X is a morphism of affinoids over Y then we say, f

is inner over Y if the image of-Z in X is"finite over Y.
This is a slight generalization of Kiehl's notion of inner which is called
relatively compact in [BGR, Sect. 9.6.2].
440 R.F. Coleman

Proposition A5.2. Suppose f " Z ~ X is an inner map o f reduced affinoids

over Y, X is reduced and A ( X ) is orthonormizable over A(Y). Then the map
f * from A ( X ) to A(Z) is a completely continuous homomorphism of Banach
modules over A(Y).

Proof Let B = A~ C = A~ and D = A~ Let xl ..... x~ be elements

of D such that the map from B(Tl . . . . . T~), T,. ~-. xi is surjective onto D
(these exist by [BGR, Theorem 6.4.3/1] using the fact that under our hy-
potheses IDI = [KI). The hypotheses that f is inner implies that the image of
X is finite over Y which is equivalent to the existence of monic polynomials
gi(S) E B[S], 1 < i < n such that f * gi(xi) E ~C for some ~z E K ~ such that
Ire] < 1. We can write any element of D as

al, NxI g ( x ) N ,

where x = (xl,...,xn), g = (gl . . . . . gn), I and N are multi-indices in N ~

ordered lexographically, I < deg(9) and ai, N E B. It follows that the image
of D in C/n"C is spanned by the images of f * ( x t g ( x ) u) where I < deg(9)
and S ( N ) < n. Now let {ei}i~t be an orthonormal basis for A ( X ) over A(Y).
Then ei E D. Let Fi, n be an element in the B-span of {f*(xlg(x) u) : I < degg
and S ( N ) < n} such that Fi,. =- f*ei mod ffC. There exists a unique continu-
ous B-linear map Ln : A ( X ) ---*A(Z) such that L.(ei) = Fi, n. Then L. converges
to f * and the image of L~ is contained in a submodule of C finitely generated
over A(Y). []

We will also need in Sects. B4 and B5, the following notion of relative

Definition. I f X ~ Y is a morphism o f rigid spaces over K, we say that X

is affinoid over Y if for each affinoid subdomain Z in Y, Xz is an affinoid.
Suppose W ~ Y is a map of rigid spaces and X C W is affinoid over Y,
then we say that a rigid space V C_ W is a strict neighborhood of X over
Y in W if for each affinoid subdomain Z of Y there exists a neighborhood
U o f Xz in V affinoM over Y such that Xz ~ Uz is inner over Y. Finally,
if X, W and Y are as above, we say that a rigid function f on X is over-
convergent in W over Y if f extends to some strict neighborhood o f X
in W over Y. When Y is Spec(K), we just say f is overconvergent on X

Now suppose E is a Banach module over A(Y). Suppose P ( T ) is the

characteristic series of a completely continuous operator u on E and P ( T ) =
Q ( T ) S ( T ) where S E A ( Y ) { { T } } and Q is a polynomial, whose leading coef-
ficient is a unit and whose constant term is one, such that (Q,S) = 1.

Proposition A5.3. Suppose Q has degree r. Then the A ( Y ) module N ( Q ) is

projective o f rank r and det(1 - TulNu(Q ) ) = Q( T).
Families of modular forms 441

Proof Indeed, this follows from Theorem A4.5 since A ( Y ) is semi-simple.


In fact, in the rigid context, we can strengthen Corollary A4.5.1. Suppose

RQ = A(Y)[Z]/Q(Z) is 6tale over A(Y). Then RQ is also a reduced affinoid
algebra and the supremum norm on RQ extends the supremum norm on A.
The operator 1 | u on RQ N E over RQ is completely continuous. Then Z is a
zero of Pl| = Pu(T) of order 1 as

APu(Z) = A Q ( Z ) S ( Z )

which is a unit since RQ is 6tale over A ( Y ) and (Q, S) = 1 so the subspace

Nl | - I T - 1 ) o f RQ| E is locally free o f rank one o v e r RQ. Summarizing,

Proposition A5.4. Suppose RQ = A(Y)[Z]/(Q(Z)) is ~tate over A(Y). Then,

if 1 | is the extension of scalars o f u to R Q | Z is a zero o f Pl|
of order one and, locally on RQ, N I | 1) is freely generated by an
element m such that

(1 | u)m = Z - l m .

This is the genesis of our work on R-families (see Sect. B3 and Sect. B5).
More generally, suppose Q = F m where m d e g F = deg Q, F*(u)N(Q) = 0
and Re is &ale over A. Let C = (RF) m. Then C is a reduced affinoid algebra
and the supremum norm on C extends the supremum norm on A(Y).

(ii) The zero locus of an entire series. Suppose P ( T ) is a non-zero entire

power series over Y (like the characteristic series o f a completely continuous
operator on a Banach space over Y). Suppose r < s are real numbers in IKI.
Then the subset o f Y x A~: determined by the inequalities r < ITI < s is the
affinoid Y x Air, s], the fiber product o f Y and the annulus of radii r and s,
which is irreducible. The subspace o f this affinoid determined by P ( T ) = 0
is an affinoid Z o f dimension equal to that o f Y. Moreover, the projection
Z--~ Y is finite to one if P ( 0 ) = 1. We will investigate this situation in the
abstract. I.e., suppose f : Z --, Y is a quasi-finite morphism o f affinoids over
K. Then for a closed point x o f Y, the fiber over x , f - l ( x ) , is scheme o f
dimension 0 over the residue field o f x. By d e g ( f -1 (x)), we mean the dimen-
sion o f its ring o f functions over this field (its degree as a divisor). We will

Proposition A5.5. Let notation be as above. Suppose Y = Blx. For each

integer i > 0 the set of closed points x o f B~ such that d e g ( f - t ( x ) ) >__i is
the set o f closed points o f an affinoid subdomain Yi o f Y. Moreover, Yi =
for large i.
442 R.F. Coleman

The following is a pictorial explanation of Proposition A5.5. Regard closed

intervals in the interval representing Y as affinoid disks.

i ,
J i i
I I i t
i I I I I
i i i I
I I i
i i s t t

I I i i
i i i a i

0 I i

L y2 Y
Before we begin the proof we point out the following corollaries:

Corollary A5.5.1. For each x E B~(K), there exists an affinoid ball B C_ Blx
over K containin 9 x such that 9 : Z8 ---+B is finite.

Corollary A5.5.2. Suppose K is discretely valued. Let T be an invertible rigid

function on Z defined over K. Then the set o f valuations,

(v(T(z)) : z E Z ( C ? ) , f ( z ) E Y ( K ) ) ,

is finite.
Proof Since the degree of f - l ( y ) for y E Y(Cp) is bounded and for
y E Y(K) the set of points of f - l ( y ) is closed under Gal(/s the points in
f - I ( y ) for y E Y(K) are all defined over a finite extension of K. The result
follows from this and the fact that T is bounded above and below on Z. []

To prove Proposition A5.5, we will need,

Lemma A5.6. Suppose # " W ~ BIx is a non-constant morphism of affinoids
over K and W is irreducible. Then the image o f g is an affinoid subdomain
Proof. We may suppose W is reduced and absolutely irreducible. We may
also extend scalars to Cp so that K = Cp and W = W. After a translation and
a homothety we may suppose ~ is non-constant. Since W is irreducible, if"
is connected and so the image of j is connected and thus an affine open. i f
every point whose reduction is in the image of ~ is in the image of g we
have nothing to prove since the image of ~ is an affine open and its inverse
Families of modular forms 443

image under reduction is an affinoid subdomain. Therefore suppose 0 is not in

the image o f 9 but is in the image o f ~. Then there exists a b E Cp such that
I b ] < l and 1b/91=1. Let h = b / 9 . Then as h, g E A ~ 1 9 1 = ] h 1 = 1 and
Ighl = ]b] < 1, it follows that W is not irreducible. Thus the lemma is true in
the case when W is irreducible and in this case 9(W) = B[0, 1] - UaErB(a, 1)
where T is some finite subset o f B[0, 1].
Now let Z be an irreducible component o f W. Let Z ~ be the complement in
Z o f the other irreducible components o f W and 2~~ = r e d - I Z ~ Then the rigid
space ~0 is an irreducible open in W and since Z ~ is an affine open in W, Z is
an affinoid subdomain with irreducible reduction. It follows from the argument
in the previous paragraph (after undoing the translation and homothety) that
9(2 ~ = B[az, rz] - UB(bz, j, rz) for some rz E [Cpl, az E B[0, 1] and some
finite set {bz, j} o f B[az, rz].
Let S = {B(x,r) "x~ 9(W),r = ](g --x)--lI--l}. Thus S is the collection o f
maximal wide open disks in B[0, 1] contained in the complement o f the image
o f 9- We also note that the radii o f the disks in S are elements o f IC~ I. Clearly,
9(W) = B[0, 1] - U S . We claim:

S C_ {B(bz, j, rz) : Z is an irreducible component o f W } .

This will complete the proof of the lemma as the latter set is finite. Let
B(x, r) E S. In particular, r < 1. After a translation we may suppose x = 0.
Let [hi = r and h = b/9. Then h is non-constant by the reasoning in the first
paragraph o f this proof if r < 1 and as an immediate consequence of the conclu-
sions of this paragraph in the case r = 1. Therefore, there exists an irreducible
component Z o f W such that hlz is non-constant. It follows, that g/---b[zo is
defined and non-constant. This implies, 1912o = r and thus B[az, rz] = B[0,r]
and since 0 is not in the image o f 9, B(O,r)= B(bz, i, rz) for some i. This
establishes the claim and completes the proof. []

N o w we define a descending tower Zi, i > 1 o f affinoid subdomains o f

Z such that, if Y / = f(Zi), x E Y/ if and only if d e g f - l ( x ) > i. The Yi are
affinoid subdomains of B~. by the lemma as quasi-finiteness implies f is not
constant on any irreducible component o f Zi. We take Y0 = Y.
Let X denote the affinoid subspace o f Z k, k > 1, determined by the equa-
tions f o hi(x) = f o nj(x), 1 -< i <- j =< k, where the rq -.. n~ are the k pro-
jections from Z k to Z. Since f is quasi-finite, X is one dimensional. Let Ark
denote the one dimensional affinoid consisting o f the union o f the irreducible
components o f X not contained in any hyperdiagonal, rci(x) = rcj(x) for some
i+j, o f Z k and set Zk = nl(Xk). It follows that Zk satisfies the required con-
Finally, we sketch two proofs o f the fact that Y~ = 0 for large i. First, ex-
tend scalars to a maximally complete algebraically closed field F containing K.
Maximal completeness implies there exists an x E ( ' ] Y , ( F ) if Y,.+0
for all i. But then d e g f - t ( x ) = ~ which contradicts the quasi-finiteness
of f.
444 R.F. Coleman

The other proof uses the stable reduction theory of curves. There exists a
semi-stable model of f over a finite extension of K. I.e. there exist semi-stable
formal scheme models ~J and ~ of Y and Z over K ~ and an extension o f f
to a morphism ~- from ~e to ~ such that o~ is quasi-finite. It follows that
for each irreducible component X o f ~ ' , the map ~-x has finite generic degree
d(X) for some non-negative integer d(X). Suppose x E X. Let ~ denote its
image in Y'. Then one can show

degf-t(x) < ~d(X)


where X runs over the irreducible components of ~ which meet ~ 1(~).

Questions and R e m a r k s A5.7. (i) Using the stable reduction theory of curves,
one can cheek this proposition remains true whenever dim Y = t. (ii) Is the
proposition true when Y has dimension greater than one if the phrase "an
affinoid subdomain" in this proposition is replaced with "a finite union of
affinoid subdomains?" (iii) It is clear that the results of this section can be
9lobalized to arbitrary rigid spaces over K. One only has to replace the
notion of orthonormizability with local orthonormizability. (iv) Suppose X
is an irreducible component of the zero locus of P(T). Liu has observed
that the image of X in B1(Cp) is the complement of a finite set of points.
(v) The projection from X to Y is not necessarily quasi-finite. In general, X
corresponds to an irreducible factor of P(T). Suppose

P(x,T) = 1 + xT1-'[ (1 - p i T ) .

Then, P(x, T) is an irreducible element of A(B[O, 1]){{T}}, whereas P(xo, T)

has infinitely many zeroes, for xo~O E B[0,1]. (Note, however, that
o~ 1 - P iT) has infinitely many distinct irreducible factors. )
x + T I-[i=1(
Although, we will not use the following result in this paper it will be
crucial in constructing an important geometric object which encodes much o f
the theory o f "families of modular forms" and related objects which we call
the eigencurve.
Proposition A5.8. Suppose P(X, T) is a rigid analytic function on B~x • A~x
such that P(X, O) = 1. Let Z be the zero locus of P(X, T) and f : Z -~ B 1
the natural map. Let cg be the collection of affinoid subdomains Y of Z such
that Y is finite over f ( Y ) and the collection {Y, Z T ( r ) - Y} makes up an
admissible open cover of Zf(r) (i.e., Y is disconnected from its complement
Z/(r)). Then ~r is an admissible open cover of Z.

Proof Let r E [K[, Yr = ZM(B~c x BK(O,r)) and let fr be the restriction of

f to Yr. Now, let notation be as in Proposition A5.5. Suppose V is an affinoid
in B)c such that d e g ( f Z l ( x ) ) = d > 0 for all x E K
Let B = B~. I f X C_ Y are affinoids in B we say Y is a strict affinoid
neighborhood of X in B if there exists a strict affinoid neighborhood U of X
Families of modular forms 445

in A~c such that Y = U N B. We will only complete the proof of the above
proposition when K = Cp. []
Lemma A5.9. There exists an s E ICpl such that s > r and there exists a
strict affinoid neighborhood W of V in B such that the affnoid Y := { f j - l ( x ) :
x E W} lies in cg and has degree d over W.
Proof Write P(X, T ) = ~-~i~o ai(X) Ti, where ai(Y) E A(B) and a o ( X ) = 1.
Let ~ = logp(r). It follows, from the fact that d e g ( f r l ( X ) ) = d for all x E V,
that, for all x E V and all i,
v(aa(x)) - v(ai(x)) <= (d - i)~,
with strict inequality for i > d. (Otherwise, there would exist a side of the
Newton polygon of P(x, T) of slope less than or equal to c~, extending to
the right of the point (d, v(aa(x))).) Now from the entirety of P(X, T) it fol-
lows that there exists a real number 13 > ~ such that v ( a a ( x ) ) - v(ai(x)) <=
( d - Off, for i > d. It also follows from the above inequalities that aa(x)
is invertible on V and so there exist real numbers 62 > 61 in v(Cp) such
that 52 > v(aa(x)) > 61 for all x E V. Suppose, c~< 71 < 72 < f l for some 71
and 72 in v(Cp). Let W be the subspace of B determined by the inequalities,

6t < v(a,i(x)) <-_ 62 (1)

V(ad(x)) -- 1)(ai(x)) <= ( d - i ) ~ 1 for i < d (2)
tJ( ai( x ) ) -- v(aa(x)) > ( i - d)72 for i > d . (3)
The entirety of P(X, T) in T forces all but finitely many of the inequalities
in (3) to be true for all x E B. Hence, W is a rational affinoid subdomain of Ys,
where s = p ~ , in the sense of [BGR, Sect. 7.2]. Since the affinoids defined by
each of the inequalities in ( 1 ) - ( 3 ) are strict affinoid neighborhoods of V, W
is as well. It is easily checked that Y has degree d over W. The fact that
Y lies in cg follows from the fact that Y and {y E Z~v : IT[ > s} make up
an admissible open cover of Z~v by two disjoint admissible open subsets with
respect to the strong topology. (See [BGR, Proposition 9.1.4/6].) []
Now to prove Proposition A5.8, first observe that the collection {Yr : r E
ICpl, r > 0} is an admissible open cover of Z. Thus all we have to do is find
a finite cover of Yr by elements of c8. We know, by Proposition A5.5, that the
set {a E B : d e g ( f z l ( a ) ) > i) is the set of points of an affinoid subdomain Ui
in B and Ui = 0 for i large. Let Zi = f Z l ( U i ) which is an affinoid subdomain
of Yr. Let d be the largest integer such that Ua 4: 0. Then Za is finite over Ua
of degree d. By the lemma, there is a strict affinoid open neighborhood Wa of
Ua in B and an s > r such that ira =: f f f l ( I ~ ) is finite over Wa of degree d
and Ta is a finite union of connected components of Z ~ . Suppose we have
affinoid subdomains of Z, Ti, Ti+l..... Ta satisfying
H(i) TiECg and i f S i = : UT,, SiD_Zi and
f(Si) is a strict affinoid neighborhood of Ui.
446 R.F. Coleman

Since f ( S i ) is a strict affinoid neighborhood of Ui, there is an affinoid

subdomain V of Ui-I - Ui such that V U f ( S i ) D_ Ui-1. Then, by the lemma,
there exists a strict affinoid open neighborhood W of V in B such that there is
an affinoid subdomain Ti-i of Z containing f/-1(V) which is finite of degree
i - 1 over W and is a union of connected components of Zw. It follows that
Ti-1 ..... Ta satisfy ( H ( i - 1)). Hence we may construct a cover T1. . . . . Ta of
Yr satisfying (H(1)) and this completes the proof. []

B. Families of modular forms

B1. Eisenstein series

For the statements about Eisenstein series discussed in this section see [H-LE,
Ch. 5 Sect. 1 and Ch. 9 Sect. 4] as well as [S-MZp, Sect. 3]. For the statements
on p-adic L-functions see [L-CF, Ch. 4] and [W, Chs. 5 and 7].
For a character ;( : Zp ~ Cp, let fz denote the smallest positive integer
such that Z is trivial on 1 + f z Z p if one exists, if not, let fz = oo. We call fz
the conductor of Z- For a ring R, let #(R) denote the group of roots of unity
in R. Let Wp = I~(Op)l, ~ : Zp ~ ~(Op) be the character of smallest conduc-
tor which restricts to the identity of #(Qp) and q = f~. Then WE = 2, Z is the
character d ~ ( - 1 ) (a-1)/2 and q = 4 , if p = 2 . Otherwise, W p = p - 1, z
is the composition of reduction and the Teichmfiller character and q = p .
For d E Zp, let ((d)) = d/z(d) which is congruent to 1 modulo q. Also fix
a ( p - 1)-st root n of - p in Cp. We summarize this notation in the following

p wp q ~(d) ((d))
2 2 4 (-- 1)(d-- 1)/2 d/z(d) --2
> 2 p- 1 p
hmn--.~ d p
d/z(d) (_p)l/(p--1)

We let ~ equal the rigid analytic space over Qp whose points over Cp are
the continuous Cp-valued characters on Zp. We note that Z injects naturally
into r162 indeed, send k E Z to the character which maps a E Zp to a k.
Let 1 denote the trivial character a ~ 1. We think of ~/f" as our weight space
(it has been known for some time that, p-adically, a weight should be thought
o f as a continuous Cp-valued character on Z p (see [K-pMF, Sect. 4.5] or
[G-ApM, Sect. 1.3.4]).) For x E ~r x . 1, and n > 1 E Z, let
try(n)= Z /~(d) a - 1 and (*(to)=--fx(a)a-ldEl,c(a)
dln /r 1 z;

in the notation of [L-CF, Ch. 4 Sect. 3] for any c E Zp such that x(c) is not 1.
So that, when x(a) = ((a))Sz(a) where s E Cp, Isl < Infil], and Z is a character
Families of modular forms 447

of finite order
~*(~) = Lp(1 - s,z)
where Lp is the p-adic L-function. (This number is zero when ~ ( - 1 ) = -1.)
If K ~ 1 let
G~(q) = ---f-- + ~ a*(n)q n .

Then when K ( a ) = ((a))kx(a), where k is an integer and Z is a character of

finite order on Zp such that ~ ( - 1 ) = 1, G~(q) is the q-expansion of a weight
k overconvergent modular form G* on Fl (LCM(q, f z ) ) and character Zz -~. We
call such characters [K[, arithmetic characters. It is classical if k is at least 1
(see [Mi]). (To prove that G~ is the q-expansion of an overconvergent modular
form, in general one first invokes Theorem 4.5.1 of [K-pMF] to conclude that
it is the q-expansion of a p-adic modular form. Next one observes that this
modular form is an eigenvector for the U-operator with eigenvalue 1. Finally,
one invokes a generalization of Proposition IL3.22 of [G-ApM] to conclude
that this p-adic modular form is overconvergent.)
Whenever ~*0r and ~c#l, let E~(q)= 2G~(q)/~*(~). We also set
E~(q) = 1. Suppose K E ~/#(Cp) and ~r is trivial on p(Qp), then [~*(~)/2[ > 1
IF,*(q)- 1[ < 1.

Remark BI.1. We may regard ~U as a rigid analytic covering space of A ~

whose fibers are principal homogeneous spaces for the group Hom(Zp,/~(Cp)).
Indeed the covering map is given by
E ~//'(Cp) ~ log(K(a))/log(a)
for any a E 1 -k-qZp, a # l ( ] t o ( a ) - 1 [ < 1 since ~: is a continuous homo-
morphism). The space ~ has Wp connected components (one for each element
of Z):= Hom(D,#(Qp)), where D = ( Z / q Z ) * ) each conformal to the open
unit disk over Qp. In view of this, ~* may be thought of as a rigid analytic
function on a covering space of Cp. ( We may think of ~ as ~ • D where
~ ( C p ) = Homcont(1 + qZp, C;).).
Let ~ * = BOp(0, I~z/ql) and "#/'* = ~ * x Z/wpZ. We identify a point s =
(t,i) in ~,U*(Cp) with the character 1r : a ~ ((a))tzi(a) (and will denote this
latter expression a s) and will also write, in this case, Gs = G~, and Es - E~.
Thus both Z and ~U* sit inside ~ " and in fact Z C ~//'*(Qp). More directly, an
element n E Z corresponds to the element (n,n modwp) of ~F'*. Let E denote
the weight one modular form E(1,0) which naturally lives on Xl(q). We signal,

E(q)= 1+~~>, z-l(d) qn. (1)

\ (d, p)=l

Note that E ( q ) - 1 modq because L p ( 0 , 1 ) ~ 1/pmodZp.

448 R.F. Coleman

For an integer m > 0 and a positive integer N prime to p let Zl(Np m)

denote the rigid connected component of the ordinary locus in X1(Np m) con-
taining the cusp oo. In particular, Z1(Np m) is an affinoid.

L e m m a B1.2. Suppose to(a)= ((a))kz(a) where k & an integer and X is a

character in ~ of finite order which is trivial on #(Qp). Then E~ (which
converqes on) does not vanish on Zl(p m) where p m = LCM(q, fz).

Proof First E~ converges on ZL(p m) because it is overconvergent. Next, the

lemma is true for E; i.e., E does not vanish on Zl(q), because E p-1 reduces
to the Hasse invariant on the component of the reduction of the Deligne-
Rapoport/Katz-Mazur model of Xl(q) containing oo. Now observe that F =
E~/E k is a function on Zl(p m) whose q-expansion is congruent to 1. It follows
that F is congruent to 1 on all o f Zl(p m) and so doesn't vanish there. Hence,
E* = FE k does not vanish on this affinoid. []

B2. General setup

{n this section, we will set the groundwork needed to be able to study over-
convergent forms in all levels for all primes.
Suppose N > 4 and n >- 1 are integers such that (Nn, p ) = 1 and there is
a lifting A o f the Hasse invariant to Xl(Nn). Such a lifting always exists if
p > 3 (indeed, in such a case, one can take A = Ep-1) and exists for suitable
n for p = 2 or 3. For v >_- 0 E Q let Xl(Nn)(v) denote the affmoid subdomain
Of Xl(Nn), v(A(y)) <__v. (In particular, XI(Nn)(O) = ZL(Nn).) Let El(Nn) be
the universal elliptic curve over Xl(Nn) and El(Nn)(v) denote its pullback to
Xl(Nn)(v). Then by Katz, [K-pMF], if v < 1/(p + l) there is a commutative
diagram of rigid morphisms;

El (Nn)(v) , Et (Nn)(pv)

Xl(Nn)(v) , Xl(Nn)(pv)

We will think of this diagram as a morphism, labeled @/~b, from El(Nn)(v)/

Xl(Nn)(v) to El(Nn)(pv)/Xl(Nn)(pv), which it is, in the category o f mor-
phisms o f rigid spaces. For w => 0 r Q let X1(N)(w) be the affinoid subdo-
main of X i ( N ) which is the image of Xl(Nn)(w) in Xl(N) and Et(N)(v) the
pullback of El(N) to Xt(N)(v).

Proposition B2.1. I f 0 < v < 1/(p + 1), there & a unique morphism

O'/r : E1(N)(v)/XI(N)(v) --~ El(N)(pv)/Xl(N)(pv)

Families of modular forms 449

such that
E1(Nn)(v)/Xl (Nn)(v) , El (Nn)(pv)/Xl (Nn)(pv)

l ~' lC~' 1
EI(N)(v)/XI(N)(v) , El(N)(pv)/Xl(N)(pv)

commutes, where the vertical arrows are the natural forgetful projections.
Proof It is enough to check this on Cp-valued points. Let x be a point
Of Xl(N)(v) and (E,e:#u "--+E) the corresponding elliptic curve with level
structure. Let y be a point of Xl(Nn)(v) above x. Then y corresponds to
(E,/~) where /~ : ]ANn~ E is an injective homomorphism such that /~[~,U = C~.
It follows that qS(y) corresponds to (E',/~') where E' = E / ~ and /~' is the
composition of 3 and the natural map p : E ~ E/@ where ~ is the canonical
subgroup of E. Moreover, p = ~ e . The proposition follows from the fact that
Sy is independent of the choice of y. Indeed, 9~y(Cp) is the set of points
of E[p] closest to the origin. (If v ( A ) = w < p / ( p + 1) and X is a local
uniformizer on E at zero the points of ~ are the points P of E such that
v(X(P)) > (1 - w)/(p - i) and at the other points P of order p, X(P) has
valuation w/(p 2 - p) [K-pMF, Theorem 3.10.7].) []

Henceforth we will denote ~'/q~' by ~/q~.

This proposition is already enough to allow us to establish the main results
of [C-CO] for the primes 2 and 3. In particular, for any prime p we can define
an operator, U(k), on overconvergent forms of level N and weight k and assert
that any such form of weight k and slope strictly less than k - 1 is classical.
As in [C-CO, Sect. 8], we may and will regard Xl(N)(v) as an affinoid
subdomain of the modular curve X(N; p) = X( FI(N) fq Fo(p) ).
For m a positive integer, denote the set {v E Q : 0 < pm-lv < p/(p + 1)}
by the expression Im and I m - {0} by I,~. Fix a subfield K of Cp equal to
Cp or to a complete discretely valued subfield. All our constructions will be
over K. We will employ the notation and definitions of [C-CO]. For v E I~, let
Xl(Np)(v) be the affinoid subdomain of Xl(Np) which is the inverse image of
Xl(N)(v) under the natural forgetful map to X(N; p). For k E Z let Mup,,(v)
be the space of modular forms of weight k on FI(Np) which converge on
Xl(Np)(v). In other words, MNp,k(V)= ogk(XI(Np)(v)). Now, mNp,k(V) has
a natural structure as a Banach space and when v > 0 there is a completely
continuous operator on this space denoted by U(k) in [C-CO].
Now we will recall and modify some constructions carried out in [C-
HCO]. Let zc,~,l :XI(Np m) ---~XI(Np) denote the map which sends the point
corresponding to triples (E,~,fl), where E is an elliptic curve and where
c~ : #p, ,--+E and /~ : ,/AN~ E are embeddings, to the point corresponding to
(E, ~[,p, /3). Suppose, v E Ira. Let Xl(Npm)(v) denote the affinoid subdomain
of X1(Np m) consisting of points x corresponding to triples (E,~,fl) such that
rcm,l(x) EXt(Np)(v), (I~m--l(~(#p--,)) = 0 and (om-lE, o m-1 o ~,cI~ m-1 o f f )
450 R.F. Coleman

corresponds to qsm-t(n,,,l(x)). Let Et(Npr")(v) denote the pullback of Et(Np m)

to Xl(Npm)(v).
If v E In, we have a lifting of ~/~b to a morphism from
El (Np m)(v/ p)/Xl (Np")(v/p) to El (Np")(v)/Xl (Np m)(v), which takes (E, c~,fl)
to ( ~ E , a I, 9 o fl) where a t : #p- r E is determined by the requirements that
( ~ E , a t , ~ o fl) corresponds to a point in Xl(Npm)(v) and ~t(~) = ~ ( Q ) , if Q
is a point of E such that pQ = a(~) for ~ E/~pm, ~=[:1. We will denote these
liftings by the same symbols. The context will make it clear which spaces we
are dealing with.
Let og:=eg~vp, equal the direct image on Xt(Np m) of the sheaf
~QIEdNp,,)/Xl(Np,,,). For k E Z, v E [in, w e set

MNp',k(V) : : ogk(Xl(Nprn)(v)) .

These spaces may be considered as Banach spaces over K and when v > O,
we have a completely continuous operator, which we will still denote by U(k),
acting o n MNp.,,k(V) defined as in [C-CO] (see also [C-HCO]).
We can deal with N < 4, (N, p ) = 1 along the same lines as those dis-
cussed in the remark at the end of Sect. 6 of [C-CO]. In particular, if A, B E Z,
A,B > 4, (AB, p ) = 1 and (A,B) = N, we identify Mup,,k(v) with the intersec-
tion of the images (via the maps which preserve q-expansions) of MApmk(v)
and Msp.,k(v) in MABp,%k(V).

B3. Twists of U

In this section we prove Theorems A, B and D of the introduction as well as

their extensions to the prime 2.
Fix a positive integer N, ( N , p ) = 1. For v E l l , let X(v)=X1(Nq)(v)
and Mk(V ) : = MNq,k(V). Recall, Im= {V E Q : 0 <= pm--lV < p/(p + I)} and
i * = Zm - {0}.
Suppose v E I i and F E Mk-r(v) is an overconvergent form of weight k - r
which has an inverse in Mr-k(v) (we will see an example of such a form
below). Then the map from Mr(v) to M~(v), h ~ hF, is an isomorphism of
Banach spaces. Moreover, the pullback of U(k) on Mk(v/p) to Mr(v/p) is
the map
h ~ F -l U(k)(hF)
which equals U(r)(hF/a(F)), by [C-C0, 3.3]. 1 Thus, in this case, since the
restriction map Mk(v)---* Mk(V/p) is completely continuous, this formula, to-
gether with Proposition A2.3, implies the Fred.holm theory of the operator
U(k) on Mk(v/p) is equivalent to that of the completely continuous operator
U(r) o mf on Mr(v/p) where f = F/a(F) and mf is the operator "multiplication
by f " . (Note that Ii/p = I2.)

I If :F(q) is the q-expansion of F, a(F) is the overconvergent form in Mk-r(V/p) whose

q-expansion is F(qP).
Families of modular forms 451

Recall, E is the weight one modular form E0,0 ) on Fl(q) with character
~-1 described in Sect. B1. It follows that there is an analytic function e on
Uvel2 X(v) with q-expansion E(q)/E(qP). Since E(q) -= 1 m o d q , we see that
]e - 1 Ix(o) < [q[. As ]e - 1 Ix(o) = limv-~o+ [e - 1 Ix(v) (the X(v), v E 1~, form
a basis o f neighborhoods o f X(0)), we have,

L e m m a B3.1. For any E E R, [q[ < ~, there exists a v E 12. such that e is
defined on X(v) and [e - 1 Ix(v) _-< e.
Recall, n is a ( p - 1)-st root o f - p . For s E Cp, Is[ < [n/ql, 2 let u~ be the
operator on Mo(v), for any v E I2" such that ]e - llx(v ) < In~s[, defined by

us(h) = U~o~(he~).
Then from the discussion in the previous two paragraphs, we see that if k E Z

det(1 - Tuk[Mo(v)) = det(1 - TU(k)[Mk(v)). (1)

Recall, ~ * = BQp(0, In/q]). N o w we think o f s as a parameter on ~'* so that

we may view e s as a rigid analytic function on the rigid analytic subspace ~/'*
o f A 1 • X1(Nq) which we define to be that subspace admissibly covered by the
affinoids Zt(v):= Bx[O,t] x K X ( v ) where v E 12. and t E [Cp] M [1, Ire/q[) such
that e is defined on X(v) and ] e - llx(o ) < Inl/t. Let 3-* be the set o f ordered
pairs (t, v) satisfying these conditions. (The set ~'-* is not empty, in fact, by the
previous lemma, we see that the first projection to [Cp[ f~ [1, In/q[) is a surjec-
tion.) Since U(0) extends uniquely to a continuous A(B[0, t])-linear map from
A(Zt(v)) to A(Zt(v)) for (t, v) E 3-*, we may now view u~ as a family o f op-
erators, i.e. there is a compatible collection of operators {U(t,o) : (t, v) E ~--*},
where U(t,~) is the operator on A(Zt(v)), whose restriction to the fiber above
s is u~. This operator is nothing more than the composition o f id | Uo and
the operator, me~ multiplication by the function e ~, restricted to Zt(v). By
Proposition A5.2, if M(t,v):=A(Zt(v)), for (t,v) E 3 - * , U(t.v) is a com-
pletely continuous operator on M(t,v) over A(B[O,t]). We will abuse nota-
tion and write U* for U(t,~) when the context makes it clear we are talking
about an operator action on M(t,v). Also, as remarked after Lemma A5.1,
M(t, v) is orthonormizable over A(B[0, t]) = Cp (X/m) where m E Cp such that
Irn[ = t. Thus we have characteristic series P(t,v):= d e t ( 1 - TU*IM(t,v)) for
any (t, v) E ~--*.
We claim this series is independent of (t,v), in the sense that if (t, v)
and (t',v') lie in J ' * and t < t ' < In~q] then the restriction o f P(t,,v,), which
is analytic on B[0,t'] x Cp, to B[0, t] x Cp is P(t,v). Indeed, we first ob-
serve that if (t,v) E J ' * , 0 < w < v, s < t, w E Q and s E ]Cp], (s,w) E 9._..
From this, it follows that we only need to establish the claim when t = t t
or v = v'. When v = v', it follows from Lemma A2.5. Now suppose t = t'.
We may also suppose v = > v/p. For u =
> v' = < w such that (t, u), (t, w) E 9--*,
let R~ denote lip times the restriction map from M(t,w) to M(t,u) (which

2 The series ~-'~,n~_0(S) T~ converges for IT[ ~ Iql if and only if Isl ~ I~/ql.
452 R.F. Coleman

is completely continuous over A(B[O,t]) by Proposition A5.2 if w > u ) and

T~/p : M(t, u/p) ~ M(t, u) the trace with respect to the restriction of 1 | r to
M(t, u/p) (dp is the Frobenius morphism described in the last section which
restricts to a finite morphism from X(u/p) to X(u)). Then on M(t,u), U*
is the operator T~/p o RU/p o rues (see [CO, Sect. 2]). Now we observe that it
follows from the aforementioned finiteness of ~b that,

v' =.
TV~/p o Rv,/p R~, o Tv/ p o Rv/p
v' .

(Tv/p oRv/p
ome~ ) o R w, = Tff/p oRv/p
ome s ~ U*

the claim follows from Proposition A2.3.

Theorem B3.2. There is a unique rigid analytic function P(s, T) = PN(S, T)

on ~* x Cp defined over Qp, i.e. P(s, T) is a power series over Qp in s and
T, which converges for Is] < In/q], such that for k E Z and v E Q such that
0 < v < p/(p + 1),

P(k, T) = det(1 - TU(k)[Mk(v)).

Proof The existence of the function P(s, T) defined over Cp follows from
the discussion in the previous two paragraphs combined with formula (1) and
L e m m a A2.5. That it is defined over Q p follows from the fact that it equals
d e t ( 1 - TU*[M(t,v)) for any (t,v)E J'*. Indeed, M(t,v) is the extension of
scalars of an orthonormizable Banach module ML(t,v) over A(BL[O,t]) such
that U* restricts to a completely continuous operator on ML(t, v), for any finite
extension L of Qp contained in Cp such that t and p~ lie in ILl. Since we may
choose t = 1, it follows that P(s, t) is defined over any complete extension o f
Qp containing an element with valuation less than 1/(p + 1) and since the
intersection o f these is Qp, we see that P(s, T) is, in fact, defined over Qp.
Suppose now Q(s, T) is an analytic function on ~ * x Cp such that

Q(k, T) = det(1 - TU(k)[Mk(v)),

for k ~ Z and v E Q such that 0 < v < p/(p + 1), then R(s, T) := P(s, T) -
Q(s, T) vanishes on the set S = {(k, T) : k E Z}. Now consider the two dimen-
sional affinoid balls in :~* x Cp, Y(a,b) where a,b e [Cp[ such that a __< [zc/q I
defined by the inequalities Is[ __< a and IT[ __< b. Then the restriction ofR(s,T)
to Y(a,b) vanishes on S N Y(a,b) which is a union of infinitely many one-
dimensional affinoid balls defined by the equations s - k = 0, where k E Z. It
follows that R(s, T) E [']kez(S -- k)A(Y(a,b)) = O. Thus, R(s, T) vanishes on
Y(a,b) and since U~,b Y(a,b)= ~* x Cp, R(s, T) = 0. Thus Q must equal P,
which establishes the uniqueness. []

P(s, T) = ~ f,(s)T".
Families of modular forms 453

At this point we know that the coefficients of the series fn(s) lie in Qp and
the numbers [fnlg* are bounded independently of n. In fact, if p > 7, using
known properties of U(0) (e.g. L e m m a 3.11.7 of [K-pMF]), we could show
they are bounded by 1, but later, in the Appendix I, we will give explicit
formulas, derived using the Monsky-Riech trace formula, for the fn(s) which
imply that they are Iwasawa functions. We also give a conceptual proof o f this
in [C-CPS] as well as proof that P(s, T) extends to a rigid analytic function
o f 2 ~ x Cp.
We now explain how to factor P(s, T) into series depending on neben-
type. As Zt(v)= B[0,t] x X(v) for (t,v)E Y--*, the diamond operators (b),
b E ( Z / N q Z ) * , act on M(t,v). Recall, D = (Z/qZ)*. We will regard D as
a subgroup of ( Z / N q Z ) * in the natural way and also as a quotient of Z*p -
Then D acts via the diamond operators on all the spaces Mk(v) and M(t, v).
For a E Zp we set (a) = (a mod q). For each integer k, character e E / ) and
v E I2", let Mk(v, e) denote the subspace of Mk(v) of forms with eigencharacter
for this action. Similarly, let M(t, v, ~) denote the subspace o f M(t, v) with
eigencharacter e. Then,
Mk(v) = (~Mk(v,e)

M(t,v) = (~M(t,v,e)

where the direct sums range over e E / ) . Moreover these direct sums are stabi-
lized by the respective operators U(k) and U*. We thus have, by L e m m a A2.4,
the formulas

det(1 - = 1-I det(1 - ru(,)lMk(o,e))

det(1 - TU*IM(t,v)) -- I-I det (1 - Tus[M(t,v,e)).

Let P~(s, T) be the function on 2~* x Cp characterized by the identities:

P~(s, T)[s[o,t]xCp ----det (1 - TU* [M(t, v, ~))

for all (t, v ) E Y'-*. Then, arguing as in the proof of Theorem B3.2, we see
that P~(s, T) is defined over Qp,
P~(k, T) = det( 1 - ru(k)[Mk(v, e~-k)) (2)
P(s, T) = I-[P,(s, T) (3)

for k E Z. This implies Theorem B of the introduction (except for the assertion
that PN,i(s, T) E Zp[[S, T]] which will follow from Corollary 1.2.1), as well as
its extension to p = 2. That is, we have proven
454 R.F. Coleman

Theorem B3.3. For each character 0 < i < Wp there exists a series PN, i(S, T)
E Qp[[s,T]] which converges on the region Isl < N/q in C2p such that for
integers k, PN,~(k, T) is the characteristic series of Atkin's U-operator actin9
on overconvergent forms of weight k and character z i-k.
Indeed, we may take PN,i = P~,. (Note that, when p is odd, [~z/q[ =
p(p-Z)/(p-l).) While N is fixed we set Pi(s, T) = P~(s, T).
Recall, K equals Cp or is complete and discretely valued subfield. Let
Mk, cl = Mk, ct(N) denote the space of classical modular forms of weight k on
Xl(Nq) defined over K. For a character e E / ) , Mk, cl(e) denotes the subspace
of forms of weight k and D-character (i.e. character for the action of D) e.
Also, d(k, e,c~) equals the dimension of the subspace of Mk, ct(ez -k) consisting
of forms of slope c~. Theorem D, extended to p = 2, is,

Theorem B3.4. I f e E D, ~ E Q and k and k I are integers strictly bi99er than

ct + 1 and sufficiently close p-adically,

d(k, e, ~) = d(k', e, c0 .

Moreover, the closeness sufficient for this equality only depends on ~.

Proof The first assertion follows from (2), Theorem C (which is the assertion
that the set of zeroes of P,(k,T - l ) with valuation strictly less than k - 1
is the same as the set of eigenvalues of classical weight k eigenforms with
D-character ez -k of slope strictly less than k - 1) and Proposition A5.5. The
second assertion follows from this and the fact that Zp is compact. []

The fact that the set of slopes of classical modular forms on Fl(Nq) is
discrete in R follows from Corollary A5.2.2.
Let S(t, v, ~) denote the subspace of cusp forms in M(t, v, e) (i.e. the sub-
space of functions vanishing at the cusps in X(0)). Then S(t, v, e) is stable
under U* and we can proceed as above and let P~ T) be the function char-
acterized by the identities:

P~ T) = det(1 - Tg*lS(t,v,e))
for all (t, v) E ~--*. Moreover,

Pff(k, T) = det(1 - TU* [S~(v, e)) (4)

for k E Z. We also/]~ T) = P~ T).

We will now prove Theorem A of the introduction, its extension to the
prime 2, as well as a qualitative version of the Gouv~a-Mazur conjecture
about "R-families" [GM-F, Conj. 3] in the case in which U(k) acts semi-simply
on the slope ct subspace of Mk, ct(ez-k). To treat the general case, we will use
the ring of Hecke operators to be defined in Sect. B5.
Families of modular forms 455

Theorem B3.5. Suppose ~ E Q and e " ( Z / q Z ) * ~ Cp is a character. Then

there exists an M E Z which depends only on p,N,e and ~ with the followin9
property: I f k E Z, k > c~+ 1 and there is a unique normalized cusp form F
on X I ( N q ) o f weight k, (Z/pZ)*-character ez -k and slope ~ and if k' > ~ + 1
is an integer congruent to k modulo pM+n, for any non-ne#ative integer n,
then there exists a unique normalized cusp form F' on X't(Nq) o f weight
k', (Z/pZ)*-character ez -k, and slope ~. Moreover, this form satisfies the
F'(q) =- F ( q ) m o d qpn .

Let d ( k , e , a ) denote the dimension o f the slope a subspace of Mk(ez-k).

Also let d~ e, ~) and d~ ~, a) denote the dimensions o f the spaces of cusp
forms of slope a in Mk, c t ( ~ - k ) and Mk(ez-k). Then, by [C-CO, Theorem 8.1
and L e m m a 8.7], we know,

d(k, e, a) = d(k, ~, ~)
if k > c ~ + 1 (5)
d~ e, ~) = d~ e, a ) .

Fix e E / ) . Let 2 ~ be the zero locus o f P~ in ~ * x A 1 and for a >

0 E Q let z ~ be the affinoid subdomain of Z ~ whose closed points are
{z E Z ~ : v(T(z)) = - a } . This affinoid is, in fact, defined over Qp. Let r >
0 E Z and Tr(e, ~) be the subset of j E Zp such that d(j, ~, ~) = r. It follows
from Corollary A5.5.1 that Tr(e,a) is compact and if k E T,(e,a), there exists
an affinoid ball B := B[k, p - m ] C ~ * containing k such that the map Z~
B is finite of degree r. Thus there is a monic polynomial Q(T) of degree r with
coefficients in K ( ( s - k ) / p m) such that P~(s, T)8 = Q ( T ) S ( T ) where S ( T ) E
K ( ( s - k ) / p m ) { { T } } prime to Q(T). By Theorem A4.3,

MB = NuB(Q) G Fun(Q),

where UB is the restriction of U* to MB. Let

RQ = Qp((S - k )/pm)[X]/Q*(X) .

We know NuB(Q) is a RQ-module.

Suppose that (AQ(k, T), Q(k, T)) = I. This will automatically be true when
r = l and more generally when the eigenvalues of U(k~ as an operator on the
slope ~ subspace of Mk(e) over Cp are distinct. Then after shrinking B, if
necessary, we may suppose that (AQ(T), Q(T)) = 1 (now regarding Q(T) as
a polynomial over A(B)) and using Corollary A4.5.1, we may suppose that
N~/B(Q) is a locally principal RQ module.
Suppose, for the moment, that r = 1 and suppose k is an integer and F is
a non-zero overconvergent cusp form on /'1 (Nq) of weight k, character ez -~
and slope c~. Because all the Hecke operators preserve the space of slope ~,
character ~z -~ modular forms, F must be an eigenform. It is non-constant be-
cause it vanishes on the cusps in X ( 0 ) , so we may suppose it is normalized.
If F]U(k) = aF, then x = (k,a) is a point of Z~ Thus the map Z~ --+ B
456 R.F. Coleman

has degree 1. It follows that there exists a function f on B such that f ( k ) = a,

v(f(s)) = a and 1 - f ( s ) T divides the restriction of Pc(s, T) to B x A 1. This
latter is the characteristic series of the restriction of U* to the space M ~ B
by Lemma A2.5 and A(P,(s, l / f (s)) is invertible on B. Hence, since A(B) is
a PID, our Riesz theory implies that there exists an analytic function G on
B x X(0) t which vanishes at the cusps and spans the kernal of U* - f ( s ) in
S(e)B. Thus if U E Z, U =-kmodpm,Fk, := Ek'G(U) is a non-zero overcon-
vergent modular form of weight U, slope a and character ez -k'. Moreover, if
k' > ~ + I, Fk, is classical by [C-CO, Theorem 8.1]. Now let

G(s) = ~ an(s)q n

be the q-expansion of G(s). The an(s) are rigid analytic functions on B.

We must have Fk = at(k)F and so al(k):#O. Hence after shrinking B, we
may suppose al(s) is invertible and therefore we may suppose it equals 1.
In particular, now Fk = F. Since G is bounded on the affinoid B x X(0),
being a rigid function, the a , ' s are uniformly bounded on B. Hence, there
exists a constant M > 0 such that for all t >= 0 and all n > 0 and all
]an(k + pt+Ma) -- an(k)l < Iqptl.
As EP'(q) --= I m o d q p r, this implies

Fk,(q) -- F k ( q ) m o d q p t

if k' -- k rood pt+M. Since Tr(e, ~) is compact we see that we may pick an M
that only depends on ~. This yields Theorem B3.5.
Remarks B3.6. (i) Using the Hecke operators to be introduced in Sect. B5, we
will show in Lemma B5.3 that it is unnecessary to shrink B before assumin9
that a l ( s ) = 1 and also that, then, the functions la,(s)l are bounded by 1.
This means that if m > 0 is an integer such that B(k, Ipml) c_ B, then we can
take M = m + v(q).
(ii) All o f the above will 9o through with M(e) and Pc(s, T) in place of S(e)
and P~ T) if we suppose e is not trivial. When r = I, all we needed to
know was that our form F is not constant.
Now allow r to be arbitrary. By Proposition A5.4 (note that here X = Z - l ),
shrinking B if necessary, there exists a generator H E RQ | Nvn(Q) such
(1 | U)H = X H .
E~(q)H(q) = ~ bnq n

where the b. E RQ. Let YQ be the rigid space sitting over B whose ring of
functions is RQ. I f k E Z, and y is a point of YQ above k', ~,.>=o b,(y)q n is
the q-expansion of an overconvergent modular form Fk, of weight U, character
Families of modular forms 457

ez -k and slope ~. If k > c~+ 1 then Fk, is classical. In fact, because RQ is 6tale
over B, Fk, is an eigenform. In this way, we get a weak version o f an "R-
family" in the sense [GM-F] where R = RQ.
Recall, ~/r = ~* • Z/wpZ. It will sometimes be convenient for us to re-
place our base ~ * with ~/r Indeed, as we will see in Sect. B6, the ring A
embeds naturally into the ring o f rigid analytic functions on ~r (in fact, A is
naturally isomorphic to the ring o f rigid analytic functions defined over Q p and
bounded by 1 on ~/r First, we identify Z/wpZ w i t h / ) via i E Z/wpZ ~-~ z i.
Then we may view A(~/r*) as A(~J*)[D] and, if t < Ire/q] write A(~I/'*(t)) for
A(B[O,t])[D] = A(B[O,t] x / 3 ) . For (t,v) E J-*, we make M(t,v) into a Banach
A(~/CF*(t))-module as follows: If f = ~ d e D f d d is an element of A(~C/'*(t))
where fd E A(B[0, t]) and G is an element o f M(t, v) we set

fG = ~ fdGi(d).

Henceforth, we will write f as ~dED fd (d). N o w for e E/), let l, E(1/wp)Zp[D]

be the element ( 1 / w p ) ~ d ~ D e - t ( d ) ( d ) . Then any element m in an A(~Cr*(t))
module equals ~--~t5 m~ where m~ ---- t~m. We put "new" norms [ 1" on M(t,v),
for (t, v) E Y * , as follows: Suppose H is in M(t, v). Then we set

Igl* -- Max {In~lz,(v)} .


When p is odd, I [* equals the supremum norm and is equivalent to it, in

general (because t, is defined over Zp when p is odd and over (1/2)Z2 when
p = 2). Moreover, M(t, v) is a Banach module over A ( ~ * ( t ) ) with respect
tol I*"
If B is a Zp-algebra and e E/3, we also let e denote the unique B-module
homomorphism from BID] to B which takes (d) to e(d) E Zp.

L e m m a B3.7. With respect to the norm I 1", M(t,v) is orthonormizable over

A("tU*(t)). Moreover, on M(t,v), U* is a completely continuous A(~Cr*(t)) -
operator. There is a series QN( T ) E A('fU* )[[ T]] whose restriction to A( ~C/'*(t ) )
is the characteristic series for this operator. It is characterized by the
e(QN(T)) = P,(s, T) ,
for all e E s
Proof Since this result will not be crucial in what follows, we only sketch
the proof. For each 1 < i < wp, let vi.i ..... vi...... be an orthonormal basis
for M(t, v, z i) over A(B[0, t]) (with respect to the supremum norms). Then the
set Wl,..., Wn,. .. , where

W n ~ V l , n -4- . . . .-~ V w p , n

is an orthonormal basis for M(t, v) over A ( ~ * ( t ) ) .

The fact that U* is an operator over A(~U*(t)) follows from the fact that
U commutes with (d), for all d E D. Complete continuity follows immediately
458 R.F. Coleman

from the facts that the operator is completely continuous over A(~*(t)) and
that [ [* is equivalent to the supremum norm. The proof of the existence of
QN(T) follows the same lines as the proof of the existence of P(s, T). Finally,
the last assertion follows from elementary linear algebra. []

By the q-expansion over ~C* of an element F E A(~//'*), we mean the series

~--]~nanqn E A(~U*)[[q]] where an = ~-~a~o a,,a(d), an,a E A(~*) and ~ an,aq n
is the q-expansion of Fl(d-1).
As in Sect. B1, using (1), we may think of ~/C* as a subspace of ~ con-
mining the image of Z. When k = (s,i) E 2(Zp x Z/wpZ) C ~ , k:~O, Gk(q)
is the q-expansion of a Serre modular form of weight k [S-MZp, Sect. 1.6].

B4. Non-integral weight

Recall, K equals Cp or is a complete discretely valued subfield, ~ * - -

B(0, [~/ql), wp=LCM(p - 1,2), D = ( Z / q Z ) * , ~ * = ~ * • and ((a)) =
a/z(a), for a E Z*p"
In this section, we will give definitions of a q-expansion of an overconver-
gent form of non-integral weight and of overconvergent families of modular
As in Sect. B1, Zl(Nq) denotes the affmoid subdomain of Xt(Nq) which
is the connected component of the ordinary locus containing the cusp c~. (In
the notation of Sect. B2, this is also Xl(Nq)(0).)

Definition. We say F(q) = ~'-]~n=oanqn , an E K, is the q-expansion of an over-

convergent form on FI(Nq) with weight k = (s, i) E ~ * over K if F(q)/E(q) s
is the q-expansion of an overconvergent function on Z1(Nq) in X1(Nq) of
character zi for the action of D.
I f ql is an admissible open subspace of ~* we also say that

Fs(q) = ~ an(s)q n ,

an(S) E A(ql), is the q-expansion of a family of overconvergent forms over all

on 1"1(Nq) if Fs(q)/E(q)~ is the q-expansion of an overconvergent function on
o-//x Zl(Nq) over all. We say this family has type i E Z/wpZ, if this func-
tion has character z i for the action of D and is an eigenvector for U* with
eigenvalue f ( s ) E A('~?I) if U*(H) = f ( s ) H .
For k E ~C*, let M ] ( N ) denote the vector space over K of weight k
overconvergent modular forms on FI(N), let M r ( N ) denote the A(:~*) mod-
ule of families of overconvergent forms over ~ * on F1(N) and, for i E
Z/wpZ, Mr(N, i) the subspace of those of type i. Also let St(N, i) denote
the subspace of cusp forms in Mr(N, i). In the notation of Sect. B3,

Mt(N,i)= lira lira M(t,v,z i)

t_<-Irr/q I (t,v)E.~*
Families of modular forms 459

St(N,i)= lim lira S(t,v, zi).
t_-<[~/ql (t,v)~-*
Clearly, if F(q) is an overconvergent form of weight k and G(q) is an
overconvergent form of weight j, F(q)G(q) is an overconvergent form of
weight k + j . We will show, in a future article, that if k = (s,i), F(q) is
the q-expansion of a generalized Katz modular function with weight character
z v--+ ( ( a ) ) S ' c ( z ) i and the q-expansion of a family of modular forms with integral
q-expansions over a rigid space X C ~ * is the q-expansion of a Katz modular
function over A~ [K-pIE] (see also [G-ApM, Sect. 1.3]). Also,

Mr(N) = ~) Mt(N,i)
iE Z/wpZ

and if At(N) denotes the A ( ~ * ) algebra of overconvergent functions on

~ * • Zl(Nq) over ~*, then At(N) is isomorphic to M r ( N ) as an A ( ~ * )
module. For k = (s, i) E ~/U*, we have natural homomorphisms

M r ( N ) ---+Mr(N, i) ---+M : ( N ) ,

where the first arrow is the projection and the second is restriction.

Theorem B4.1. Suppose i E 2Z/wpZ. Then Gs, i is an overconvergent family

of eigenforms over ~*, tf i ~ 0, and over ~* - { 0 } , / f i = 0, on FI (q) of type
i with eigenvalue 1 for U*.

Proof First we observe that the set of cusps C in Zl(q) has order wp/2.
For c E C, let ]c[ denote the residue disk in Zl(q) containing c. We may
regard q as a parameter on the residue disk ]co[ of the cusp co. Fix (t, v) E
Y * , t > l, and let A = A(Zt(v)). Let Iv C A be the ideal of B[0, t] • C. The
homomorphism h:A--* A/IcA := B is respected by U* and by the diamond
Fix i E 2Z/wpZ. We will work on the z i eigensubspace of A for the action
of D, Ai, which maps onto the v; eigensubspace of B, Bi, and this latter is free
of rank one over A(B[O,t]). Since U* commutes with the diamond operators
and the constant term of the q-expansion of a form F is the same as that of
U*(F), the following diagram commutes:
Ai ~ Bi

Ai ~ Bi

It follows from Lemma A2.4, since the absolute values are discrete, that 1 - T
divides Pi(s,T). Restricting s to an integer k > 2 and using (8.2) and [C-
CO, Theorem 8.1] we see that (1 - T) 2 does not divide P,(s, T) since every
U(k)-eigenvector in Mk(v i-k) with eigenvalue 1 is a classical modular form
of weight k and character z i-k and the dimension of these is one. Let
460 R.F. Coleman

X C_ B[0, t] be an affinoid such that X x { 1} lies in the complement of the

zero locus S of APi(s, T). Then our Riesz theory, Theorem A4.5, tells us that
the eigenspace of U* over X with eigenvalue I is locally free of rank one. In
fact, using the map h and the above commutative diagram; we see this module
is free spanned by I I ( H ) = : F where /7 is the Riesz theory projector onto
the eigenvalue 1 subspace and H is any function in Ai which maps to the
element of Bi which is 1 along B[O, t] x ec. We may suppose that X contains
infinitely many integers greater than or equal to 2. Then for any such integer k,
we know Fk(q) = Ek, i(q)/E(q) k since in this case we know E(q)kFk(q) must
be the q-expansion of a classical modular form and the q-expansions of Fk
and Ek, i/E k have the same constant term, 1. Since the q-expansion coefficients
of F must be analytic on X, We see that Fs(q) = Es, i(q)/E(q)" for all s E X
such that Lp(1 - s , zi)+O. Since this is true for any affinoid X in B[0,t] - S
we conclude that L p ( 1 - s, zi)Fs =: Hs is an overconvergent analytic function
on ( B [ O , t ] - S ) x Z l ( q ) . But the q-expansion of Hs clearly extends to
B[0,t] x ]C(ee)[ when i~e0 and to (B[0, t ] - { 0 } ) x ]ec[ when i = 0. Hence
as Gs,i ( q ) = Hs(q)E(q)" for Isl <_ t, G~,i(q) is the q-expansion of a family of
forms over B[0, t] when i + 0 and over B[O, t] - {0} when i = 0. Since this is
true for any t such that t < In/q[ the theorem follows. []

Corollary B4.1.1. For (s,i) E ~r (s, 2 i ) # ( 0 , 0 ) , there exists an overconver-

gent form o f type (s, 2i) with q-expansion Gs,2i(q).
Corollary B4.1.2. For each i E 2Z/wpZ there exists an overconvergent func-
tion Fi on &* x Zl(q) such that
Fi(s, q) = G~,i(q)/Gs, i(qP).
We also see that Es, i(q) is a family of overconvergent forms over the
complement in ~* of the zeroes of Lp(1 - s , zi). So when i = 0, it is a family
of overconvergent forms over all of ~ * . In particular, we can replace ES(q)
with E~,0 in our definition of overconvergent forms of non-integral weight and
of families of overconvergent forms.
Remark B4.2. We couM now upgrade our Fredholm theory by using the
function Fo in place of e ~. Let J" denote the subset of Y-'* consisting of
pairs (t,v) such that Fo converges on Zt(v). (The set 9" also projects onto
Q n [1, Irc/q]).) Let 1t/" denote the rigid subspace of~//'* admissibly covered by
the affinoids Zt(v) where (t, v) E J-. Let U be the operator h ~ U(o)(hFo) on
A(~e'). It is a completely continuous operator on A(Zt(v)) for each (t, v) E 3-'.
It also sits in a commutative diagram
a(.r) , A( V')

A(~) , A(~)

where f is the function with q-expansion E(q)~/E.,o(q) which is a unit using

Theorem B4.1 and the fact that Es, o(q)/E(q) s is congruent to 1. It follows
Families of modular forms 461

that the characteristic power series of U is the same as that of U*. The
reason why this is an improvement, is that the q-expansion coefficients of Fo
are Iwasawa functions, so that U preserves the submodule of A( ~/-) consistin9
of elements whose q-expansions are Iwasawa functions. This will be used, in
a subsequent article [C-CPS], to 9ire a conceptual proof of the fact, proven
in the appendix, that the coefficients of QN(T) are Iwasawa functions and to
remove our restriction to the subspace ~tCr* of ~ .
Suppose that the tame level N equals 1 for the rest of this section.
For i E 2Z/wpZ, we have an overconvergent function E(i) defined on ~/'*
away from the fibers above the zeroes of Lp(1 - s , z i) such that

E(i)(s, q) = Es, i(q)/Es, o(q).

It follows that E(i)l(d) = "c(d)iE(i) for d E Z*p"

Theorem B4.3. Suppose i E 2Z/wpZ. Suppose F is an overconvergent func-

tion on ~/-* which satisfies

F(oo) = 1 and El(d) = zi(d)F

for d E Z'p, then away from the zeroes of APi(s, t) and Lp(1 - s , zi),

1 ),
U ) F ( s ) = E(i)(s ) . (3)
APi(s, 1)

Proof We know, for k an integer at least 2 and i E 2Z/wpZ, the U(k)-

eigensubspace of Mk(z i-k) with eigenvalue 1 is one dimensional and spanned
by Gk, i. It follows, in particular, that

U*E(i) = E(i) .

Thus 1 - T divides Pi(s, T) and since the aforementioned eigenspaces have

dimension one, 1 - T divides Pi(s, T) simply. Our Riesz theory, the uniqueness
of analytic continuation and the fact that the two sides of (3) agree at the cusps
now implies that it holds whenever both sides are defined. []

Remark B4.4. Overconvergent functions like F certainly exist, for example,

we can take F to be the function (which is "constant in the s direction")
Em, i/Em, 0 where m is an integer at least 1.

It is clear that P/(s, T)/(1 - T) = Pi~ T). Then since the polar divisor of
E(i) is the divisor of zeroes of Lp(1 - s , zi), equation (3) implies:

Corollary B4.3.1. For i E 2Z/wpZ, Lp(1 - s , z i) divides P~ 1) in A(~*).

Remarks B4.5. (i) We will show, in a future article, that when i:~O or 2, that
P~ 1) is the product of a unit in A C A ( ~ * ) and the function D(zi-2,s - 2 )
of Mazur and Wiles [MW]. (ii) Suppose p - - 1 rood4. I f ~k is a non-trivial
462 R.F. Coleman

character on the class group of Q ( x / - ~ ) then

@ ( d ) q Nd ,

where s~ runs over the ideals of Z [ ~ ] and N ~ is the norm of d , is the

q-expansion of a weight one cusp form on Fl(p) with character X = z (p-1)/2
fixed by U* and so dip~ T)lr=l = Ofor 0 < i < h - 1 where h is the class
number of Q(x/-Zp). (iii) In particular, when p - - 1 mod4, p > 23 and
p doesn't equal 43, 67 or 161, Dp(z (p-3)/2,1) = 0.
We also deduce from the proof of the theorem,

Corollary B4.5.2. For each i E 2Z/wpZ, Es,i(q) iS the q-expansion of an

over-convergent family of eigenforms of type i on the complement of the
zero locus of Lp(1 - s , z i) in ~*.

B5. Hecke operators and R-families

In this section we eschew the notion of "radius of overconvergence" (i.e. we

ignore how far into the supersingular region an overconvergent object con-
verges). We will prove a qualitative version of the Mazur-Gouv~a conjec-
ture on the existence of "R-families" (Conjecture 3 of [GM]) in this section.
This conjecture asserts that for any classical eigenform f of weight k,
tame level N and slope ct there is a finite fiat Zp[[T]] algebra R, a power
series F = ~ n = l r,q" with coefficients in R and homomorphisms r/j : R ~ Cp
for j an integer such that [j-kl < p-~ and j > ~ + 1 such that
f J ( q ) := ~-'~,~1~lk(r,)q" is the q-expansion of a classical weight j modular
form of tame level N and slope a and fk(q) = f ( q ) .
For d E (Z/NZ)* x Z~, we will let ((d)) denote ((dp)) where dp is the
projection of d into Zp. Recall, K is a either Cp or a complete discretely valued
subfield and M r ( N ) is the A ( ~ * ) module of families of overconvergent forms.
We define an action of Hecke on M t ( N ) . First, if l E (Z/NZ)* x Z*p we
(fl(l)*),(q) = ((l))'E'(q) -~ (l) (q),

for s E ~*. When k E Z,

(Fl(l)*)k = lkF~Kl). (0)

Next, generalizing the notation of Sect. B2, if n and M are relatively

prime positive integers, we let F(M;n) denote the congruence subgroup
FI(M) M Fo(n) of SLz(Z) and X ( M ; n ) the corresponding modular curve over
K. We can repeat all of our previous constructions and definitions in this
situation and we will use obvious extensions of our previous notations. For
example, if (Nn, p ) = 1, Z(Npm;n) denotes the rigid connected component of
Families of modular forms 463

the ordinary locus in X(Npm, n) containing the cusp c<z and At(N; n) denotes
the A(~*)-algebra of overconvergent functions on ~* • Z(Nq;n) over ~)*.
If F is modular form on XI(M) and l is a prime not dividing M, we let
F[ V~ denote the modular form on X(M; l) such that

FI V~(Y,a,C,co) = F(Y/C, l - i v o a,~* o~)

where Y is an elliptic curve, ~ : PM ~-~ Y is an injective homomorphism, C is a
cyclic subgroup of Y of order l, co is a non-vanishing differential on Y, v : E
E/C is the natural isogeny and ~ is its dual. Then
F[ Vt(q) = F(qZ) .
Since E(q)/E(q l) is congruent to 1 modulo q, and both E and E[Vt have
weight (1,0), there is an element e 7 in At(l, l) C At(l) whose q-expansion is
(E(q)/E(qt)) s and which is invariant under the action of D.
For prime l, let ~bt be the operator on A(~*)[[q]]

r n) =~a.~lq'.,
Lemma B5.1. For each prime number l there is a unique continuous operator
T(l) on M t ( N ) such that, for F E Mt(N), when l = p,


when tIN
F[T(l)(q) = ~l(F(q))
and when l XNp
(F IT(l))(q) = ~bl(F(q)) + l - 1(Fl(l) * )(qt ). ( 1)

Proof If l = p, there is nothing to prove. When llN one may verify this
lemma by first showing, using a correspondence, in the usual way, that for
9 E At(N), there is an element in At(N) with q-expansion $t(9(q)) (see
[Sh, Sect. 7.3] or [C-PSI, Sect. 8]), and then observing that

(~bt(g(q)))s = ES(q)~t \{ {~-~

F ~ e ' l) j( q ) ) .

Now suppose l XNp. If G~(q) is the right hand side of (1) (at s),

Gs(q) _ ~t { F~ eS )

which, by the previous discussion, is the q-expansion of a function in At(N; l).

Moreover, when k is an integer, Gk is clearly on FI(N), since the specialization
of ( ! ), in this case, is the classical formula for the/-th Hecke operator acting on
the overconvergent modular form Fk of weight k. Now consider, the function
464 R.F. Coleman

in At(N;I),Tr(Gs/E s) - ( l + 1)G,/E', where Tr is the trace map from level

F(N; l) to level FI(N). By what we have said, it is zero when s is an integer.
It follows that it is zero for all s, since it is an analytic function. This implies
the lemma as Tr(Gs/E s) is on Ft(N). []

Remark B5.2. Our proof implies that T(l) acts on families of forms F,
such that Fs(q)/E(q) s converges on some strict neighborhood o f ~* | ZI(Nq)
which depends only on l. With a little more care we can show that one can
use the same neighborhood for all l (at least when p4=2). The key fact
needed to prove this is: I f R is a rin9 o f characteristic p and A is the Hasse
invariant form over R, then if E/R is an elliptic curve, co 9enerates H~ 1 )
and 7 : E ~ vE is an isogeny o f degree prime to p,

A(E, co) = A(TE, ~*o~)

where ~ : 7E --+ E is the isogeny dual to 7.

Let T := TK denote the A(~*)-algebra generated over A ( ~ * ) by the oper-
ators (d)* for d E (Z/NqZ)* and T(l). Similarly, if L is an extension of K in
Cp and k E ~/U(L) we may define operators (d)~ for d E (Z/NqZ)* and Tk(l)
for primes l. We let TL,k denote the L-algebra generated by these over L. We
define additional operators T(n), for positive integers n in TK by the formal

T(n) = I I (1 -- T ( l ) l - t ) -1 1-I (1 - r ( l ) l -t + ( l ) * l - l - 2 t ) - I
n> 1 nt l[Np (l,Np)=l

where the products are over primes l and when k E ~/U(L), we define Tk(n) in
TL,k, similarly. When, k E Z, it follows from equation (0) that (d)~ = dk(d)
and hence Tk is the usual Hecke algebra acting on overconvergent weight k
modular forms on FI(Nq) (see [G, Ch. II]).
We now prove the assertions in Remark B3.6(i). Let notation be as in
the proof of Theorem B3.5 in Sect. B3. In particular, e ~/3, ~ is a ratio-
nal number and B is a disk in g * about an integer k such that the affinoid
{zE~* xA l:P~ has degree one over B and
s ~-* (s, f ( s ) ) is the corresponding section. Also, G is a function on B x W0t
which vanishes on the cusps and spans the kernel of U* - f in S(e)B.

Lemma B5.3. I f the q-expansion of G is

an(s)q n ,

then function al(s) is invertible and [a,(s)/a1(s)l -< 1 for n > 1 and s E B.

Proof First, note that F~(q) := E~(q)G(s)(q) is (the q-expansion of) an eigen-
form for T. Suppose T(n)F~ = c,(s)Fs. I f

F~(q) = ~ b,(s)q n ,
Families of modular forms 465

bl(s) = al(s) and we see that

Cn(S)al(S) = bn(s) .

So if a l ( s 0 ) = 0, Fso(q)= 0 and this implies G(so)= 0. We see this is im-

possible using Lemma A2.5 and our Riesz theory.
Now, it is easy to see that the operator T(l) is bounded by one on the
relevant Banach spaces if l 4=p. This and the fact that the coefficients of the
characteristic power series of U* lie in A imply that [cn(s)[ < 1 for all n. This
completes the proof. []

It is clear that we have a natural homomorphism, h ~ hk, from T onto Tk

for k E ~Y-*(L) which takes (d)* to (d)~ and T(n) to Tk(n). Also,

Lemma B5.4. I f k E ~r h E T and F E Mr(N) then

(hF)k = h~Fk .

R-families. Before we proceed, we point out that if ~ E Q, ~ 4: 0, the slope

subspace of Mk(N) is canonically isomorphic to the slope a subspace of
Mr(N) and we identify the two. For a rigid space r ~ * and an element F E
Mt(N)~u, we let an(F) E A ( ~ ) denote the coefficient of qn in its q-expansion.
Suppose a is a rational number, i is an integer such that 0 < i < Wp and
k0 E ~ * ( K ) . Suppose 0 < r < lit/q[ and r E [K[ such that the slope ~ affinoid
in the zero locus Z ~ of P/~ T) (i.e., the affinoid whose closed points are the
closed points P in Z ~ such that v(T(P)) = - ~ ) is finite of degree d over the
affinoid disk B = BK[k0, r]. (We know d = d~ a, z i-k) if k0 is an integer and
ko > a + 1.) This disk exists by Corollary A5.5.1. Let A = A(B). Suppose Q is
the corresponding factor of p/O(~, T) over B. (Recall, P~~ T) equals P~~ T),
which is morally the characteristic series of the U* operator on S(N,i).) Then,
Q satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem A5.3, so the A-module H := NuB(Q),
where Us is the restriction of U* to S(N, i)B, is projective o f rank d over A.
Since A is a PID, this module is, in fact, flee. Let R denote the image of
T | A in Enda(H). Since EndA(H) is free of rank d 2 it follows that R is also
free of finite rank. In particular, R is the ring of rigid analytic functions on an
affinoid X(R) with a finite morphism to B.
We have an A-bilinear pairing

(h, rn) = al(hm) .

Similarly, if k E ~*(L), we have an L-bilinear pairing ( , ) k from R~ x H~ to
L. (In our previous terminology, we are actually working over the point (k, i)
of W'(L).)

Proposition B5.6. The pairing ( , ) is perfect.

466 R.F. Coleman

Proof First, arguing exactly as in the proof of [H-LE, Theorem 5.3.1], we

see that if h E R, (h,m) = 0 for all m E H implies h = 0 and (h,m) = 0 for
all h E R implies m = 0. The key point is that i f F C H, (T(n),F) equals the
n-th q-expansion coefficient of F.
N o w if k E B(Cp), the same argument yields the same conclusion for the
pairing ( , )k : Tk x Hk --- Cp, but since this is a pairing over a field, it follows
that ( , ) k is perfect.
Since A is a PID, it suffices to check that the homomorphism,

7 : R --~ HomA (H,A)

~(h)(n) = <h, n ) ,
is an isomorphism. By L e m m a B5.4, if h E R and m E H , the restriction o f
(h,m) to k is (hk, mk)k. Since H is free, Homa(H,A)k = Homcp(H/,,Cp). Thus
7k is an isomorphism for all k E B(Cp). This implies 7 is an isomorphism and
the proposition follows. []

Corollary B5.6.1. I f ko is an integer and ko > c~+ 1, the degree of X ( R ) ~ B

is d~ ~, vi-k).

Theorem B5.7. Suppose L C Cp is a finite extension o f K. For x E X(R)(L),

let qx : R ~ L be the correspondin 9 homomorphism and set

Fx(q) = ~ rlx(T(n))q n .

Now suppose k is an integer such that k E B(K) and k > ~ § I. Then the
mappin9 from X(R)k(L) to L[[q]], x E X(R)k(L) ~ Fx(q), is a bijection onto
the set o f q-expansions of classical cuspidal eigenforms on X l ( N q ) over L o f
weight (k, i) and slope c~.

Proof After extending scalars we may suppose L = K. First, suppose x E

X(R)k(K). Then it follows from the proposition and the freeness of R that there
is an m E H such that ((h,m))k = r/x(h). This equals al(hkmk) by L e m m a B5.4.
Since r/x is homomorphism, mk is an eigenform. It also follows that Fx(q) is
the q-expansion of mk and since k > ~ § 1 that mk is classical.
N o w suppose F(q) = Y'~n>=lanqn is the q-expansion of a weight k cuspidal
eigenform on XI(Nq) o f weight (k,i) and slope ~. It follows that F(q) E Ilk.
Hence gives rise to a K-linear map q : Tk --~ K, r/(h) = (h,F(q))k. Since F
is an eigenform, r/ is a ring homomorphism, so corresponds to a point x E
X(R)k(K). Finally, since (T(n),F(q)) = an, Fx(q) = F(q). []

We can show that the subring of R generated over A~ by the T(n) is

finite o f degree d over this ring. When r E [K[, A~ is isomorphic to K~
where K ~ is the ring of integers in K. From this, it is not hard to see that the
R-family conjecture of G o u v r a - M a z u r would follow from the assertion that
the radius r o f the disk B about k0 can be chosen to be at least p - ~ .
As Glenn Stevens pointed out, we also have
Families of modular forms 467

Corollary B5.7.1. Suppose ko & an integer, ko > ~ + 1 and F is an eigenform,

new away from p, on XI(Nq) o f weight (ko, i) and slope ~. I f i = O, F has
character e = eNep and U*F = aF, suppose in addition that a 2 =~eN(p)p k~
Then there exists an affinoid disk B' containin9 ko and rigid analytic functions
an(S) on B I such that if k is an integer strictly 9reater than ~ + 1 in B'
Fk(q) := ~ an(k)q n

is the q-expansion of a classical cuspidal eigenform on XI(Nq) of weight (k, i)

and slope ~ which is equal to F if k = ko.
Before beginning the proof we need to discuss families of new forms.
Definition. We say an overconvergent modular form o f weight k (or a family
of overconve?yent modular forms) on /'l(Nq) is a p'-new form (or a family
of p'-new forms) if its image in Mk(d) (or M r ( d ) ) is zero under any o f the
degeneracy "trace" maps for any proper divisor d o f N.
We note that the image of a classical modular form is new in this sense if
and only if it is new "away from p."
We denote the Banach module of p'-new forms of weight k by M~ (N)
and of families of p'-new forms by M r ( N ) p'-nw. Now, U* acts completely
continuously on this module. We now restrict U* to M t ( N , i ) p'-nw. Let

ei pt-nw ,ts, T) = det(1 - TU*IMt(N, i) p - , w ) .

r.~p t - - r t w e
Everything we said above about P/(s, T) carries over to r/ ~.s, T) and
we will use the same notations. In particular, now B is an affinoid disk such
r~p t-nw z ~
that the slope ~ affinoid in the zero locus of Q ts, ~) is finite over B
and R now denotes the image of T | in the endomorphism ring of the
A(B)-module of families of p'-new forms of slope ~ over B. The form F
corresponds to a point x of X ( R ) by the theorem. It suffices to prove that
the morphism X ( R ) ---, B is unramified at x for then we will have a section s
in a neighborhood of k0 such that s(ko)= x and we may take F k ( q ) = Fs(k)
for k E Z N B. This assertion follows from the fact that the classical Hecke
algebra acts semi-simply on the space of classical p'-new forms on XI(Np)
satisfying the hypotheses of the corollary. This in turn follows from the well
known fact that the Hecke algebra on I'I(M) acts semi-simply on the space of
new forms on I'I(M) for each positive integer M (see [Li, Lemma 6 iii)]), the
fact that the classical p'-new forms on l'l(pN) is the sum of the new forms
on this group and the images of the new forms on 1"1(N) and the Lemma 6.4
of [C-CO] which explains how the Up operator acts on this space. 3
We can also define a form or a family of forms to be p'-old if it is a sum of
elements in the images of Mk(d) (or M r ( d ) ) (under the various natural maps)

3 See also [CE] which proves that the exceptional case never occurs in weight 2 and discusses its
likelihood in higher weights.
468 R.F. Coleman

where d runs over the proper divisors of N. Although the corresponding state-
ments about classical forms are true, we do not know if every overconvergent
form or family of such is a sum of a pt-new form and a p~-old form or
whether, if it is, this decomposition is unique.
Theorem B5.7 implies that an eigenform of slope a lives in a family of
eigenforms of slope a, but in fact any form of slope ~ lives in a family of
forms of slope a. For each k E B(K) M Z, specialization gives us a map from C
into the space M,(N, i)~ of slope ~ forms on Fl (Nq) of weight (k, i) (which
are classical if k > c~+ 1). We have,
Proposition B5.8. The map from H to Mk(N, i)~ is a surjection.

Proof Suppose F E Mk(N,i)~. Then we can certainly produce an element

G E Mr(N, i) which specializes at k to F (if we regard Mr(N, i) as func-
tions on ~//'*, we just take G to be the function F/E k on Zl(q) x ~* which is
constant in the ~* direction). Let/~ be the projection into H of the restric-
tion of G to the fiber above B. Since projection commutes with specialization
j0k = F. []

B6. Further results

In this section we will explain how our series Pu(T) also "controls" forms
on Xl(Np m) when (N,p) = 1 for n > 1 (the proofs will appear in [C-CPS])
and indicate the connection between the results of this paper and the theory of
representations of the absolute Galois group of Q.
If y E Zp, let [y] denote the corresponding element in the completed group
ring A of Zp over Zp. Then there exists a unique injective homomorphism
from A into A~ *) such that, for 7 E Z*p ,

~([7])(s,i) = ((y))s~(y)i.

(In other words, [7] goes to the element ((7))s(y) in A(~*)[D] = A(~Cr*).) It
follows that, for 2 E A, c~(2) is bounded on ~/r* and

= l li.t,

where I]l,I is one of the absolute values on A described in Sect. A1.

We will show,
Theorem Br.1. The series QN(T) lies in A[[T]] and converges on ~ • Cp.
We, actually, give one proof of this in the appendix using explicit formulas,
but it is also possible to give a more conceptual proof which we do in [C-CPS].
The space of overconvergent forms of level Np m of integral weight k to-
gether with an operator Uk is defined in [C-HCO] (see also Sect. B2). For x E
cg and F ( T ) = )-'~,>=oB,T"E A[[T]] we set ~c(F)(T)= ~-~,>=ox(B,)T". We
can map Zp onto (Zip"Z)* which is naturally a direct factor of (Z/NpmZ) *.
Families of modular forms 469

Hence, we may regard characters on Z p of conductor pm as characters on

(Z/NpmZ) *. We also prove in [C-CPS]:
Theorem B6.2. I f ~:(x)= Z(x)(x) k where k is an integer, )~: Zp ~ Cp is
a character of finite order and p" = LCM(q, fz), then ~C(PN)(T) is the char-
acteristic series o f the operator U(k) on overconvergent modular forms of level
Np m, weight k and character Z.
The analogue of Theorem C is true in these higher levels. In particular, we
prove in [C-HOC] that any form of weight k and level Np m of slope strictly
less than k - 1 is classical.
The next theorem describes one of the main implications of the combined
results o f this paper and those of [C-CPS]. For an integer j and Z and a character
o f finite order on 1 + qZ, let s()~,j) = Z(1 + q)(1 + q)J - 1 and s ( j ) = s(1,j).
Theorem B6.3. Suppose ~ is a character on ( Z / q Z ) * , k E Z, c~ E Q and
d(k,e,e) = 1. Then there exists a real number R, a subset S o f B(k,R),
a function r: S --* R such that, ifX(k,e,c 0 -- B(k,R) - Ua~sB[a,r(a)], s(k) E
X(k,a,~), there exist rigid analytic functions a,(T), for n > 2, on X(k,e,c 0
bounded by 1 such that if
F(T,q) = q + az(T)q z + . . . + a~(T)q" + . . . ,

Z is a character of finite order on 1 + qZp and j is an integer such that

s()~,j) C X(k, e, ~), F(s(z,j),q) is the q-expansion of an overconvergent eigen-
form Fz,j o f tame level N, weight j, finite slope and character r-Jr Finally,
Fl,k has slope ~.
In fact, we can show X(k,e,e) and an(T) are defined over Qp.
We note that one can show that if f is an analytic function on X(k, e, ~)
bounded by 1, and if d and e are in X(k,e,~) such that I d - b I = l e - b I =
Is(k) - bl for all b E S, then

{ f ( d ) - f(e)l < Id - elMax(1/R,r(b)/ls(k) - b[Z: b E S } . (2)

We note that these hypotheses hold when B[s(k),t] C X(k,e, ct) and d,e E
X(k, e, ~). This implies that Conjecture 2 of [GM] follows from the assertions
(which we don't know how to prove):

(i) B[s(k), p -(~+1)] C X(k,e,e),

(ii) v(ap(e)) = e if e E B[s(k), p-(~+l)],
(iii) R = 1 and
(iv) r(b) < I s ( k ) - b[2 for b E S.
Now, let G(nP) be the Galois group of a maximal extension of Q unram-
/fled outside Np. With Mazur, we prove,
Theorem B6.4. There exists a 2-dimensional pseudo-representation
rc : G(Np)--~ TQ such that, for primes l~Np,
Trace(Tr(Frobt)) = T(l) and det(rc(Frobt)) = (l)*/l.
470 R.F. Coleman

The proof of this is based on the Gouv6a-Hida Theorem (see [G-ApM

Theorem III.5.6] and [H-NO Sect. 1]).

Appendix I: Formulas

Fix a positive integer N prime to p. Let QN(T) be the characteristic power

series of the operator U* acting on overconvergent forms on FI(Nq) whose
coefficients are in A(W'*), as in Sect. B3.
For an order (.9 in a number field, let h((9) denote the class number of (9.
If y is an algebraic integer, let O r be the set of orders in Q(y) containing y.
Finally, for m an integer, let Wp,m denote the finite set of y E Qp such that
Q(?) is an imaginary quadratic field, ~: is an algebraic integer,

NormQ(7)(y ) : p m and v(y) = 0. (3)

Theorem I1. Suppose N >__4. Then

TJ-~QN(T)/QN(T) : ~ AmT m

where Am is the element of A C A( W'* ), expressed by the finite sum,

Am = ~E ~ h((9)~N((9,y)- [J---]
7EWp.~ ~EO,,. ~2 _ pm

where BN((9, y) is the number of elements of (9/N(9 of order N fixed under

multiplication by 9.
(Recall, for a E Zp, [a] denotes the element of the group of which A is the
completed group ring.)

Proof If • E W'* is an arithmetic character the specialization of this formula

for ~:(QN) may be proven using the Monsky-Reich trace formula, as in Dwork
[D1], Katz [K] and Adolphson [A]. The general case follows from the fact that
the coefficients of the powers of T in the series QN(T) are an analytic functions
on W'*. []

Another version of the above theorem is:

Theorem I2. Suppose N >=4. Let Y be the component of the ordinary
non-cuspidal locus in the reduction of XI(Nq) containing go and, for x
a closed point of Y, a(x)E Zp the unit root of Frobenius on the fiber of
EI(Nq)/XI(Nq) above x. Then,
QN(T) = I I I I (1 - - a(x)r[a(x)]Tdeg(X)/a(x)r+2) -1
r>O x E Y

where the second product is over closed points of Y and ~(x) is the complex
conjugate of a(x) in Zp.
Families of modular forms 471

Corollary 12.1. The coefficients of QN(T), as a series in T, lie in the Iwasawa

algebra Zp[[Zp]].
This answers a question of [GM-CS].
Also, using Hijikata's application of the Eichler-Selberg trace formula [Hj],
Koike [Ko] proved the specializations of following result to arithmetic charac-
ters and the general case follows by analyticity as above.
Theorem I3. We have the formula,

T d-~QI(T)/QI(T) = ~ Bm Tm
u~ m>l
where h((9) [7]
Bm= ~ ~ w((_9) 3~2 pm
~,EWp,~ ~EO.,,

We note that the specializations of the B m to ~ * • {i} C ~r are all zero,

if i is odd, as they should be, since there are no overconvergent forms of the
corresponding weights.
One can generalize these formulas to the moduli problems associated to
subgroups of GLz(Z/NqZ) in the sense of Katz-Mazur [KM, Ch. 7] of the
form G • Gl(q) where G is a subgroup of .GL2(Z/NZ) and Gl(q) is the
semi-Borel in GL2(Z/qZ). We will now use the above formulas to prove
the existence of nonclassical overconvergent eigenforms.
Proposition 14. Let k be an integer. Then there exist weight k overconvergent
new forms on Fl(Nq) of arbitrarily large slope.

Proof We must show the characteristic power series GN(k, T) of U* acting

on the space of weight k overconvergent new forms on FI(Nq) is not a poly-
nomial. Let i

T - ~ G N ( k , T)/GN(k, T) = ~ Dm(k)T m .
It suffices to show that the numbers Dm(k) are algebraic and are not all defined
over a finite extension of Q.
For a positive integer n let f ( n ) be the number of distinct prime divisors
of n and
(--2) f(n) if n is square free
I0 otherwise.
Using (10.2) and the two linearly disjoint degeneracy maps from forms on
F1(Mq) to forms on F1(Mlq) for primes l and positive integers M prime to p,
one can show
aN(k, T) := 1--[ P~ T) t(N/d).
To simplify the argument, we will complete the proof only in the case in which
N = l t where l is an odd prime and l t-1 > 5.
Suppose M is any integer at least 5. Let K C Qp be a quadratic field
of discriminant D less than - M . Also, suppose for simplicity of exposition
472 R.F. Coleman

that D ~ 1 m o d 4. Then there exists an m E N and an element y E K [7 Wp,,,

such that ~7-- lmodN(gK where CgK is the maximal order o f K. In fact, since
N > 5, - y is the only other element o f K A Wp, m. Then Theorem I2 implies
Din(k) = ~ + fl where
= ~ h(O)(BN((9,7) - 2BN/1(0,7))72 Z pm

and fl is a sum o f elements contained in quadratic fields different from

K ( B N ( ( 9 , - 7 ) - BN/~(O,--7)= 0 for all (9 E Or). The corollary will follow
from the claim: K = Q ( a ) . It is easy to see that K = Q(vk/(72 - pro)) and
BN((gK,7) = N 2 - 3(N/l) 2 + 2(N/12) 2 > 0. Thus all we need verify is that

C((_9) = : BN((9,7) - 2BN/t((9,7) > 0

for all (9 E O r W e first observe that the numbers BH((_9,7 ) only depend on
the p o w e r o f l dividing [(-OK: (.9]. Therefore suppose K has discriminant D
and (9 = Z [ l S x / ~ ] is in O r Also suppose ~ = 1 + ~ where a = N ( a + blrv/-D)
where a,b E Z and ( l , b ) = 1. It follows that r > 0 and t + r > s. Suppose
x E (.9 and x has order N modulo N(_9. Let x = c + dlSv/-D. Then

ax - N b c F x / D m o d N ( 9 .

Hence, ~x ----xmod(N/l)C if and only i f c F - 0 m o d l s-1 (here when s = 0 we

require no condition on c) and ~x -- x m o d N C if and only if cF - 0 m o d P.
Suppose first that r < s - l, then in either case l[c so (d, l) = 1. Thus,

C((9) = lt-(s-r)(N - N / l ) - 2 l t - l - ( ( s - l ) - r ) ( N / l -- N/I 2)

= F - S N ( N - 3Nil + 2Nil 2) > O.

Suppose now r = s - 1, then c may be arbitrary in the first case and l[c in
the second. Thus,

C((_9) = ( N / l ) ( N - N / l ) - 2((N/1) 2 - (N/12) 2)

= N2/l - 3(N/l) 2 + 2(N/12) 2 > O,

because l > 2. Suppose finally that r > s - 1. Then,

C((9) : N 2 -- 3(N/l) 2 + 2(N/12) 2 > O .

This establishes the claim. []

R e m a r k s I5. (1) One may deduce that the field generated by the coeffi-
cients o f Qu(k, T ) , f o r any k E Z, equals the compositum o f all the imaginary
quadratic fields in Qp in which p splits. (2) We expect that the same meth-
ods can be used to prove that there exist overconvergent f o r m s on Fl(Npm),
o f weight k and character X o f arbitrarily large slope. (3) This p r o o f gives
no information on the distribution o f the weight k slopes.
Combining this proposition with Theorem B5.7 we deduce:
Families of modular forms 473

Corollary I4.1. Given an integer j and a posithJe integer n there exist arbi-
trarily large rational numbers ~ such that there are infinitely many integers
k - j mod pn and classical weight k eigenforms on Fl(Nq), which are new
away from p, and have slope a.
Remark I6. To prove the existence of arbitrarily large rational numbers a
for which there exist infinitely many weights k such that there are classical
forms of weight k and slope ~, one could also use Theorem D combined with
Gouv~a-Mazur's method of "proliferation by evil twinning." Indeed, if one
has a classical eigenform F on 1"i(Nq) of weight k and slope fl which is either
old or of non-trivial character at p, there exists another eigenform F , the
"evil twin" of F, of weight k and slope k - 1 - ft. Using Theorem D, there
exists infinitely many weights j for which there is a classical eigenform Fj
of weight j and slope fl which is either old or has non-trivial character at p.
Hence, the evil twin, Fj, of Fj. has slope j - 1 - fl and applying Theorem D
again we deduce the existence of infinitely many weights of classical eigen-
forms of slope j - 1.- fl for each j.

Appendix II: A 2-adic example

Although, apart from the results of Appendix I, our theorems have been in-
explicit, the methods used are strong enough to given explicit results in any
given case. Throughout this section, we will be working over C2.
Theorem II1. Suppose k is an even integer. Then there does'not exist an
over-convergent eiffenform form on Fo(2), weight k and slope in the interval
(0,3) and i l k -- 2rood4 there does not exist one of slope 3. However, i l k is
an integer divisible by 4, then there exists a unique normalized overconvergent
eigenform Fk on F0(2), weight k and slope 3. Moreover,
(k - k ' )
Fk(q) =--Fk,(q) mod ~ Z 2 9

Remarks II2. (i) We know Fk is classical if k > 8, by Theorem C. Mathew

Emerton pointed out that F4 is also. In fact, we must have F 4 ( q ) =
G 4 ( q ) - G4(q 2) = G(4,0). (ii) We must also have F12(q)= A ( q ) - flA(q 2)
where fl is the root of X 2 + 24X+211 of valuation 8 ( - 2 4 = z(2)) and F8
is the unique normalized cusp form on )(0(2) of weight 8. (iii) As Mazur
pointed out, using the facts that A(z) =/'/(z) 24 and Fs(z) = (tl(2z)tl(z)) 8, one
can show that,
F12(q) -= Fs(q) mod 16
and using the congruences discussed in [SwD, Sect. 1], one can show

Flz(q) =- F4(q) mod 32.

This and other computations of Emerton suggest that the above congruence
can be improved to be modulo 4(k - U ) rather than (k - k ' ) / 2 .
474 R.F. Coleman

To prove this theorem we must establish estimates for the 2-adic sizes o f
the coefficients o f the characteristic series o f the U* operator. The proof o f
its entirety, by its nature, can be used to give upper bounds for these which
ultimately allow us to ignore most o f them when we search for information
about forms o f a small slope. We then can use Koike's formula to determine
the exact sizes o f the remaining finite number.
We identify ~ * = B(0,2) with ~ * x (0} C ~//'* and will restrict the func-
tion Q~(T) to the region ~ * • A 1 (as we remarked after Theorem I1 it is
identically 1 on ~ * x 1), where we may regard it is the series P(s, T) o f
Theorem B3.2, by Eq. (3) of Sect. B3.

Lemma 113. Let P ( s , T ) = I + C I ( s ) T + C 2 ( s ) T 2 + ... Then, on ~*,

v(Cl(s)) = 0 and v(Cz(s)) equals 2 + v(s - 2) t f v(s - 2) < 2 and is at least
4 otherwise.

Proof Let
-1- 1+ v c i 3
7 -- 2 and P - 2

where the square roots are taken so as to be elements o f 1 + 4Z2. Note that
y -~ p =- 1 mod 4. We know, from Theorem I3, that

dl(S) 2 -'1-d2(s )
Cl(s)=dl(s) and C 2 ( s ) = 2

7s- 2 72s-4 2 p S- Z
dl(s) -- 1 -- 2y -2 and dz(s) - --------------~
1 - 47 + ---------~
1 - 4p "

Clearly, dl(s) has valuation 0 for v ( s ) > - 1 . We now investigate the next
coefficient o f P(s, T). It is easy to see that

l - 2s - 9pS)mod
C2(s)--- ~tY 16(_9

This element o f (_9 has valuation equal to 2 + v(s -- 2) if v(s - 2) < 2. []

Proof o f Theorem. Silverberg suggested considering the family o f curves with

a point o f order 2:

16c )
(Ec,Pc) : = y2 = x 3 + x z + 1 + 6 4 c x' (0,0)

c + 0 or - 1 / 6 4 (c may be thought o f as a parameter on X0(2)). The curve

isogenous to Er after dividing out by Pc is Ew(c), where w is the Atkin-Lehner
involution; w ( c ) = 1/212c. The j-invariants of these curves are

(1 + 16c) 3 (1 + 256c) 3
j(Ec) = c2 and j(Ew(c))= c
Families of modular forms 475

It follows that Ec has potential supersingular reduction if and only if - 1 2 <

v(c) < 0 so the connected component of the ordinary locus containing 0, of
the above model of X0(2), is the disk {c : v(c) > 0}.
Let ~b be the Tate-Deligne morphism near 0 (which is wcpw where ~p is the
Tate-Deligne morphism near ~ ) which is defined on a wide open containing
B[0, 1]. Since the point Pc of Ec is not in the kemel of reduction if c E B[0, 1],
we have:
q~(r C2
(1 + 256q5(c)) 3 -- (t + 16c) 3 (1)
This implies
~(c) = cZG(16c) (2)
for some G ( T ) E Z[[T]] such that G ( 0 ) = 1. (This means q~ converges on
the disk v ( c ) > - 4 , which implies that the Hasse invariant of the reduction
Modulo 2 of a smooth model of Ec has valuation strictly less than 2/3 (and
more importantly, the Hasse invariant o f the reduction of Ew(c) has valuation
strictly less than 1/3).)
For a E Cz, v(a) < 0, let V~ be the affinoid disk {x E X0(2) : v(c(x)) > v(a)}.
Then, an orthonormal basis for N~ := A(Va) is {(c/a)" : n > 0}. For v(a) > - 4 ,
q~ is a finite morphism from V~ to Va2, so we have a map T' := 89 : N~
N~2. Now let r denote the restriction map from Na2 to N~ and U ~ be the operator
on Na2, T l o r.
Let I ( Y ) = Yz/(1 + y)3 and H ( T ) = T/(1 + 256T) 3. Then we may write

y2 = A ( I ( Y ) ) Y + B ( I ( Y ) ) ,

where A -- TAo(T), B = TBo(T) with Ao,Bo E Z[[T]] and Bo(O) = 1. Let

e = c/a and d = c/a 2. Using the fact that H ( ~ ( c ) ) = I(16c)/162, we conclude,

e 2 = 16a(9*(d)K((16a)2(a*(d))e + (a*(d)J((16a)Zq~*(d))

where K , J E Z[[T]], J ( 0 ) = 1. Thus, T ' ( 1 ) = 1, T'(e) = 8adK((16a)Zd) and,

for i > 2,

T'(e i) = ( 16a)dK((l 6a)Zd)T'(e i- 1) + d J ( ( 1 6 a ) 2 d ) T ' ( e i - 2 ) .

Thus, if
U'(d i) = ~ cij(a)d j ,
cq=O, ifi>2jor i=O, andj>O and

-2jr(a) if i = 2j
v(cij(a)) > 2j(4 + v(a)) - i(4 + 2v(a)) - 1 if i < 2 j .

Let rj(a) = miniv(cij(a)). Then if, v(a) > - 3 / 2 ,

rAa) > -2jr(a), (3)

i f j > 0 and ro(a) = O.
476 R.F. Coleman

The form E~ (the weight 2 Eisenstein series on X0(2) whose q-expansion

is 2E2(q 2) - E2(q)) corresponds to a constant multiple of co = dc/c. We need
to compute E - l ( c ) := 89 From (2) we deduce, E(c) = 1 + V(8c), for
some V(T) E TZ[[T]]. In any case, E(c) = 1 rood 8c for v(c) > -3.
Now we investigate the operator U" : f ( s , c) ~ r o U~(ES/2(c)f(s, c)) on
the functions f ( s , c ) on the region determined by the inequalities v ( c ) > - 2
and v(s) > - 1 - v(c), where r is the appropriate restriction map (E~/2(c) makes
sense on this region). Now P(s, T) is also the characteristic series of this
operator. Suppose v(a)< 0. Then d" is an "orthonormal basis" for functions
on the region (which is now an open subdomain) determined by the inequalities
v(c) > v(a) and v(s) > - 1 - v(a). Suppose

U't(d i) = ~ cij(a,s)cP .

Writing E(c) s/2 = Y']~,>__oh,(s)c", we see that

Utt(d i) = ~ a2nhn(s)U'(dn+i).

cij(a,s) = ~ aZ"h,(s)cn+i,j(a).
Now, [aZ"hn(s)] < 1 if

v(a) > - 1 + (1 - v(s))/4 (4)

and v ( a ) > - 5 / 4 . We see that, under these conditions, if R j ( a ) = miniv(cij

(a,s)), Rj(a) = rj(a) and so, using the analogue of the estimates in [S, Sect. 5]
and (3),
v(Cm(s)) > ~ Rj(a) => -v(a)m(m - 1). (5)

This implies that on the disk v(s)> 1, v ( C m ( s ) ) > 3 ( m - 1) if m > 2 (given

any s in this disk we may choose an a such that - 1 > v ( a ) > - 5 / 4 so that
the inequality (4) holds). Since E(c) s/2 = E(c)(S-2)/2( 1 -+- V(8c)), we may also
verify this inequality on the disk v(s - 2) > 1. This together with Lemma II3,
tells us that all, if v(s - 2) > 1, and all but one, otherwise, of the sides of
the Newton polygon P(s, T) with positive slope have slope strictly greater
than 3 and moreover, if v(s) > 1, the Newton polygon has a side of slope 3
above the interval [1,2]. This implies all the assertions of the theorem save
the congruence. The congruence follows from Lemma B5.3. []

Remarks 114. (i) What we have ultimately proven is that there exists a
F(s, T) := q + a2(s)q + a3(s)q 2 + . . .
Families of modular forms 477

where the ai(s) are power series which converge and are bounded by one on
the disk v(s) > 1 such that F(k,q) = Fk(q). We can show that the ai(s) ana-
lytically continue to rigid analytic functions bounded by one on a wide open
containing {x : v(x) > O, v(x - 14) < 4}. This implies that the modulus o f the
congruence in Theorem II1 may be improved to 2(k - U ) . (ii) Theorem II1
implies the result of Hatada [Ha], that each eigenvalue o f the Hecke operator
T2 acting on the space cusp forms o f level 1 o f any weight is divisible by 8.
(iii) We have used the above techniques together with a Pari program set-up
by Teitelbaum to show that the next smallest slope, after 3, of an overcon-
vergent modular form of weight 0 and tame level 1 is 7 and the dimension
of the space o f such forms is 1.

Index of Notation

We record here the first occurrence of a symbol after the introduction.

Sect. A 1
A~176 J(A) ....................................... 422
A(T~ . . . . . Tn),A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
N ~AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Ej . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
cga(M,N) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
EV,[[ v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Sect. A2
PL(T) = det(1 - TL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
Sect. A3
A{{T1 . . . . , T.}} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
Res(Q,P) ............................................ 434
F*(T) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
D(B,P)(T) ........................................... 435
Sect. A4
FR(T,u),6S, A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
Nu(Q),Fu(Q),RQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
Sect. A5
II,K~ ............................................. 439
A(Y),A~ 7,Xz, B~x,Bx(a,r),BK[a,r],B(a,r),B[a,r], ~" . . . . . . . 439
Sect. B 1
fz, #(R), z, wp, ((d)), re, ~r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
a~(n),Lp(x), G~,E~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
D , D , ~ , ~ * , ~f'*,Gs, Es, E = E(1,o),ZI(Np m) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
Sect. B2
X1 (Nn)(v), E1 (Nn), E1 (Nn)(v), ~, c~, gP/4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
~ , X ( N ; p),Im,I~,,XT(Np)(v) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
mNp, k(V), U(k), Rrn,1, E1 (Np m), co, Xl (Np m)(v), 09Np,., MNp,.,k(V) . . . . . . . . 450
Sect. B3
X(V) = X I ( N q ) ( v ) , Mk(v) = mNq, k(V), mf, e, Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
478 R.F. Coleman

3e'*,~-*,Zt(v),M(t,v),U(t,~),U*. ............................ 451

P(t.v), Tuu/p , g w u ,P(s, T ) = PN(S, T) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
Me(t, v) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
( b ) , M k ( v , e ) , M ( t , v , e ) , P ~ ( s , T) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ..... 453
Mk, ct = Mk,~t(N), Mk, ct(e) = Mk,~t(N,e),d(k,e,~) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
S(t,v,e),P~ T) ....................................... 454
d(k,e, oO, d ~ 1 7 6 oO, Z~176 Tr(e, ot), UB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
z~, I1" 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
Sect. B4
Mt(N),MtK(N),Mt(N, i) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
At(N), C ............................................ 459
F; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
J','U',U,E(i) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
Sect. B5
((d)),dp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
( l ) * , F ( g ; n ) , X ( M ; n), VI, e ] , A t ( N ; / ) , ~kt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
T(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
T = T x , (d)~, Tk(I),TL, k, r ( n ) , Tk(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
(,),(,)k ............................................. 465
qx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
MkP'-nw p p ' - n w 467
M~(N,i)~ ............................................ 467
Sect. B6
[~,] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
x(F)(T) ............................................. 469

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