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Performance Appraisal

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INTRODUCTION Once the employee has been selected, trained and motivated he is then apprised of his performance. Performance appraisal is the steps where the management finds out how effective it has been top communicated with the employee and rectify them. Employee appraisal techniques are said to have been used for the first time in the First World War when at the instance of Waller dill Scot the U.S army adopted man-toman rating system for evaluating military personnel. During the 1920-30 period relational wage structures for hourly paid workers were adopted in industrial units under this system the policy of giving grade wise increments on the basis of merit were accepted. These early employee plans were called merit rating program which continued up to the fifties however attention began to be devoted to the performance appraisal of the technical professional and managerial personnel.

2 Definition: The term performance appraisal has defined by various authors, of these the widely accepted definitions are as follows: EDWIN B.FLIPPO defines performance appraisal as A systematic, periodic and as far as humanly possible an impartial rating of an employees excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and his potentialities for a better job. DALE S.BEACH defines performance appraisal, as It is a systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to his performance on the job and his potential for development. According to M.W.CUMMINGS performance appraisal or merit rating attempts to recognize and reward the personal abilities that an individual brings to the job, measured by the extent to which his output or quality of his work exceed the minimum that even reasonably be expected for his basic rate of pay. So it can be said that performance appraisal is the process of evaluating the employees performance on the job in terms of requirements of the job

OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: The following are the specific objectives behind taking up of the study in this organization: To study and analyze the performance appraisal system prevailing in the organization. To study the effectiveness of the new performance appraisal system of Global Hospitals.

SCOPE OF THE STUDY: The study enables me to understand the practical way of implementing the performance appraisal system. This study helps the organization to identify the areas to improve their performance appraisal system in tune with the employee requirements. The present study makes a comparison of the old performance appraisal with the new performance system and how the new performance system is a best fit for the present industry trends. The study covers the employees who are in the arena of the new performance appraisal system. The departments included a such as personnel, administration, finance, nursing and other associated departments of global hospitals.


Performance appraisal has been considered as the most important and significant tool for the information it provides is highly useful in making decisions regarding personal aspects such as promotions and merit increases. Performance measures also link information gathering and decision making process, which provide a basis for judging the effectiveness of the personnel sub-divisions such as recruiting, selection, training and compensation. Accurate information plays an important role in the organization as a whole. They help pinpoint weak areas in the primary areas. It is easy for managers to see which employ needs training or counseling because jobs are grouped by categories. These performance data is available management can maintain consistent promotion and compensation policies throughout the system. Below are given reasons why the experts think performance appraisal is important: 1. They provide systematic judgments to back up the salary increases, transfers, demotions or terminations. 2. There are means of telling a subordinate how he is doing and suggesting needed changes in his behavior, attitude, skills or job knowledge. They let him know where he stands with the boss. 3. The superior uses them as a base line for catching and counseling the individual. According to Cummins the objective of performance appraisal is to improve the efficiency of the enterprise by attempting to mobilize the best possible efforts from individuals employed in it. Such appraisal has four objectives including salary reviews, the developments and training of individuals, planning job rotation and promotions.

On the basis of merit rating or appraisal procedures of various companies in India, the main objectives of performance appraisal are: 1. To enable an organization to maintain inventory of the number and quality of all managers and to identify and meet their training needs and Aspiration. 2. To determine increments and to provide a reliable index for promotions and transfer to greater responsibility. 3. To maintain individual and group development by informing the employees of their performance standard. 4. To suggest ways of improving employees performance when he is not found to be up to the mark.


Data collected from employees through questionnaires, Interviews and discussions with staff with open ended and close ended questions.


The data include information obtains from the other external sources like

magazines, other publications and internet, annual reports, circulars, journals, information brochures and other
literature of the company. METHODOLOGY Data is collected in the form of survey method with the help of questionnaire. Taking the sample size as 116 employees. Sample technique: convenience sampling. Questionnaire: open ended and closed ended questions. SAMPLE SIZE: The well-structured questionnaire with a sample size of 116 employees. SAMPLE UNIT: The sample unit i.e., total employees in the organization were 600 of which was taken as the sample size. So that it would confine to 40% of the total sample unit.

8 SAMPLE METHOD: The primary data was collected through the opinions of the employees and the questionnaire method and the findings are made by the percentage method. The research was conducted through various statistic tools and techniques. PERCENTAGE ANALYSIS; Percentage analysis is used to the percentage value of all different questions used percentage are used in making comparison between two or more series of data.

Accuracy of the report is completely dependent on the employees respondents. The study is limited to only Hyderabad branch. An in depth study couldnt be conducted because of the limited time period.

10 REVIEW ON LITERATURE; PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Once the employee has been selected, trained and motivated he is then apprised of his performance. Performance appraisal is the steps where the management finds out how effective it has been top communicated with the employee and rectify them. Employee appraisal techniques are said to have been used for the first time in the First World War when at the instance of Waller dill Scot the U.S army adopted man-to-man rating system for evaluating military personnel.\ During the 1920-30 period relational wage structures for hourly paid workers were adopted in industrial units under this system the policy of giving grade wise increments on the basis of merit were accepted. These early employee plans were called merit rating program which continued up to the fifties however attention began to be devoted to the performance appraisal of the technical professional and managerial personne Definition: The term performance appraisal has defined by various authors, of these the widely accepted definitions are as follows: EDWIN B.FLIPPO defines performance appraisal as A systematic, periodic and as far as humanly possible an impartial rating of an employees excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and his potentialities for a better job. DALE S.BEACH defines performance appraisal, as It is a systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to his performance on the job and his potential for development.

11 According to M.W.CUMMINGS performance appraisal or merit rating attempts to recognize and reward the personal abilities that an individual brings to the job, measured by the extent to which his output or quality of his work exceed the minimum that even reasonably be expected for his basic rate of pay. So it can be said that performance appraisal is the process of evaluating the employees performance on the job in terms of requirements of the job.

Importance and purposes:

Performance appraisal has been considered as the most important and significant tool for the information it provides is highly useful in making decisions regarding personal aspects such as promotions and merit increases. Performance measures also link information gathering and decision making process, which provide a basis for judging the effectiveness of the personnel sub-divisions such as recruiting, selection, training and compensation. Accurate information plays an important role in the organization as a whole. They help pinpoint weak areas in the primary areas. It is easy for managers to see which employ needs training or counseling because jobs are grouped by categories. These performance data is available management can maintain consistent promotion and compensation policies throughout the system. Below are given reasons why the experts think performance appraisal is important: They provide systematic judgments to back up the salary increases, transfers, demotions or terminations. There are means of telling a subordinate how he is doing and suggesting needed changes in his behavior, attitude, skills or job knowledge. They let him know where he stands with the boss. The superior uses them as a base line for catching and counseling the individual.

12 According to Cummins the objective of performance appraisal is to improve the efficiency of the enterprise by attempting to mobilize the best possible efforts from individuals employed in it. Such appraisal has four objectives including salary reviews, the developments and training of individuals, planning job rotation and promotions. On the basis of merit rating or appraisal procedures of various companies in India, the main objectives of performance appraisal are: To enable an organization to maintain inventory of the number and quality of all managers and to identify and meet their training needs and Aspiration. To determine increments and to provide a reliable index for promotions and transfer to greater responsibility. To maintain individual and group development by informing the employees of their performance standard. To suggest ways of improving employees performance when he is not found to be up to the mark. INTRODUCTION: Performance Appraisal is the process of assessing the performance and progress or of a group of employees on a given job and his potential for future development. It consists of all formal procedures used in working organizations to evaluate personalities, contributions and potentials of employees. Performance Appraisal is the systematic, periodic and an impartial rating of an employees excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for a better job. It is the process of obtaining, analyzing and recording information about the relative worth of an employee. OBJECTIVES OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL:

13 The main purposes of Performance Appraisal are as follows: To provide feedback to employees so that they come to know where they stand and can improve their job performance. To provide a valid database for personnel decisions concerning placements, pay, promotion, transfer, punishment, etc. To diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of individuals so as to identify further training needs. To provide coaching, counseling, career planning and motivation to subordinates. USES OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: Performance Appraisal provides valuable information for personnel decisions such as pay increase, promotions, demotions, transfers and terminations. Management gets an objective basis for discussing salary increase and promotions with the staff. Thus, performance appraisal serves as the basis for suitable personnel policies. It helps to judge the effectiveness of recruitment, selection, placement and orientation systems of the organization. It is useful in analyzing training and development needs. These needs can be assessed because performance appraisal reveals people who require further training to improve their weaknesses. It also identifies individuals with high potential who can be groomed up for higher positions.




15 The appraisal process begins with the setting up of criteria to be used for appraising the performance of employees. The criteria are specified with the help of job analysis which reveals the content of a job. This criteria should be clear, objective and in writing. It should be discussed with supervisors to ensure that all the relevant factors have been included. Where the output can be measured the criteria is clean. If work performance cannot be measured, the personal characteristics, which contribute to employee performance, must be determined. These characteristics include work quality, honesty and reliability, cooperation, teamwork, job knowledge, initiative, leadership, safety consciousness, attendance, learning ability, adaptability, judgment, sense of responsibility, health and physical condition, etc., these standards should be indicated on the appraisal form. Appraisal forms should be carefully designed. In addition, who is to do the appraisal and how frequently appraisal is to be done should also be decided. In fact, performance standards will depend upon the objectives of the appraisal i.e., to appraise actual performance on the present job or to judge potential for higher jobs. COMMUNICATING THE STANDARDS: The performance standards specified in the first step are communicated and explained to the employees so that they come to know what is expected of them. The standards should be conveyed to the evaluators. The reactions of the employees to the standards should be obtained. If necessary the standards may be revised or modified in the light of feedback obtained from the employees and the evaluators. MEASURING PERFORMANCE:

16 Once the performance standards are specified and accepted, the next stage is the measurement of actual performance. This requires choosing the right technique of measurement, identifying the internal and external factors influencing performance and collecting information on results achieved. Personal observations, written reports and face-to-face contacts are the means of collecting data on performance. The performance of different employees should be so measured that it is comparable. What is measured is more important than how it is measured. COMPARING THE ACTUALS WITH THE STANDARDS: Actual performance is compared with the predetermined performance standards. Such comparison will reveal the deviations, which may be positive or negative. Positive deviations occur when actual performance exceeds the standards. On the other hand, excess of standard performance over the actual performance represents negative deviation. PROBLEMS IN PERORMANCE APPRAISAL: The main problems involved in performance appraisal are as follows: ERRORS IN RATING: Performance Appraisal may not be valid indicator of performance and potential of employees due to the following types of errors: Halo effect: It is the tendency to rate an employee consistently high or low on the basis of overall impression. One trait of the employee influences, the raters appraisal on all other traits. For example, an employee may be rated high on performance just because he sits on the job late in the evening. Similarly a person who does not shave regularly may be considered lazy at work and may be underrated. This error may be minimized by rating all the employees on one trait before taking up another trait.


Stereotyping: This implies forming a mental picture of a person on the basis of his age, sex, caste or religion. It results in an over simplified view and blurs the assessment of job performance. Central tendency: It means assigning average ratings to all the employees in order to avoid commitment or involvement. This is adopted because the rater has not to justify or clarify the average ratings. As a result the ratings are clustered around the midpoint. Constant error: Some evaluators tend to de lenient while others are strict in assessing performance. In the first case performance is overrated while in the second case it is underrated. This tendency may be avoided by holding meetings so that the raters understand what is required of them. Personal bias: Performance appraisal may become invalid because the rate dislikes an employee. Such bias or prejudice may arise on the basis of regional or religious beliefs and habits or interpersonal conflicts. Bias may also be the result of time. Recent experience or first impression of the rater may affect the evaluation. Spill over effect: This arises when past performance affects assessment of present performance. For instance, recent behavior or performance of an employee may judge him.

18 LACK OF RELIABILITY: Reliability implies stability and consistency in the measurement. Lack of consistency over time and among different raters may reduce the reliability. Different qualities may not be given proper weightage. Factors like initiative are highly subjective and cannot be qualified. INCOMPETENCY: Raters may fail to evaluate performance accurately due to lack of knowledge and experience. Post appraisal interview is often handled ineffectively. NEGATIVE APPROACH: Performance appraisal loses most of its value when the focus of management is on punishment rather than a development of employees. MULTIPLE OBJECTIVES: Raters may get confused due to too many objectives or unclear objectives of performance appraisal. RESISTANCE: Trade unions may resist performance appraisal on the ground that it involves discrimination among its members. Negative ratings may affect interpersonal relations and industrial relations particularly when employees/ unions do not have faith in the system of performance appraisal. LACK OF KNOWLEDGE: The staff appraisal performance of employees might not be trained enough to make correct. Approaches to appraisal performance Appraisal: Approaches to performance appraisal generally has three approaches

19 A causal unsystematic and often haphazard appraisal: This method was commonly used in the past but now it has given way to more formal method, the main basis here was seniority or quantitative measures and quality of output for rank and file personal. The traditional and highly systematic approach: Employee characteristic and employee contribution or both are taken into account in the rating obtained of separate personnel is comparable. The behavioral approach, emphasizing mutual goal setting: According to Mc. Gregor in traditional approach the supervisor is placed in the position of playing gods he judges at times criticizes the personnel therefore emphasis has been laid on the appraises and appraise.


Establish performance standards

Communicate standards/expectations to employee

Measure the actual performance by following the instruction

Adjust actual performance due to environmental influence

Compare adjusted performance with that of others and pervious Communicate the actual performance to the employee

Communicate the actual performance to the employee

Suggest changes in job analysis and standards, if any Follow up performance appraisal report

21 METHODS, TECHNIQUE OR TOOLS FOR APPRAISING PERFORMANCE: Several methods and techniques of appraisal are available for measuring the performance of an employee the methods and scales differ for obvious reasons. First, they differ in the sources of traits or qualities to be appraised. The qualities may differ because of difference in job requirements and the opinion of the management, second they differ because of the different kinds of workers who are being rated viz., factory workers executives salesman. Third the variations may be caused by the degree of precision attempted in an evolution. Finally, they may differ because of the methods used to obtain weighting for different traits. There is agreement on the best method to evaluate managerial professional or salaried performance. Different authors have suggested different approaches. For example Rock and Lewis, have classified the methods into two broad based categories The narrow interpretation The broad interpretation Robbins gives three categories Single trait-Single subject Single trait-Multiple subject Multiple trait-Single subjects

22 METHODS OF PERFORMANCE APPRISAL TRADITIONAL METHODS: 1. Straight ranking method. 2. Man-to-man comparison method by objectives method. 3. Grading method. 4. Graphic rating scales method. 5. Forced choice description method. 6. Checklist method 7. Forced distribution method. 8. Free form or essay method. 9. Critical incidents method. 10. Group appraisal method. 11. Field review method. MODERN METHODS: 1. Assessment center method. 2. Appraisal by results or MBO. 3. Human asset accounting method. 4. Behaviorally anchored rating scale method (BARS)

23 TRADITIONAL METHODS STRAIGHT RANKING METHOD: It is oldest and simple straight method of performance appraisal. The Whole man that is the ranking of man is done against that of another the relative position of each man is tested in terms of his numerical rank i.e. persons are tested in order of merit and placed in simple grouping. This is the simple method of separating the most efficient from the least efficient and relatively easy to develop and use. In this method with it is very difficult to compare a single individual with human beings having varying behavior trait. PAIRED COMPARISION TECHNIQUE OF EACH EMPLOYEE: Every trait of each employee is compared with all the other persons in pairs one at a Time. With this technique is simple and easy than the ordinary ranking method. The number of time each individual is compared with another is tallied on a piece of paper these number yield the rank order of entire group. MAN- TO- MAN COMPARISION METHOD: This technique was used by the U.S.A army during the First World War by this method Certain factors are settled for the purpose of analysis (such as leadership, dependability)and a scale is designed by the rating for each factor are awarded to them.

Advantage: This method is used in the job evaluation and is know as the factor comparison method.


Disadvantage: In performance appraisal it is not of much use because the designing of scale is completed. GRADING METHOD: The rater considers certain factors and makes them accordingly to a scale certain categories of worth and established and carefully defined the selected features may be analytical ability, cooperation, dependability, Self-expression, leadership and organizing ability they may be an outstanding, B-very good, C- very good/average, D-fair, E-poor and F-very poor. GRAPHIC OR LINEAR RATING SCALE: This is the most commonly used method of performance appraisal under this, a printed form, one for each employee to be rated according to these factors, employee characteristics and employee contribution. In employee characteristics are included such qualities as initiative, leadership, co-operation, dependability, industry, attitude, enthusiasm, loyalty, creative ability, analytical ability, and co-ordination. In employee contribution are included the quality of work, the quantity of work the responsibility assumed, specific goals achieved, regularity of attendance attitude towards superiors and associates etc., these traits are then evaluated on a continuous scale.

Sometimes discontinuous scale is used where in one factor is used along a scale consisting of appropriate boxes or sequence which are to be ticked. Advantages: The rating scale is easy to use and permits a statistical tabulation of scores.


Disadvantages: This method suffers from a serious disadvantage for its arbitrary and rating is generally subjective. FORCED CHOICE DESCRIPTION METHOD: This method was evolved after deal of research conducted for the military services during World War attempts to correct raters tendency to give consistently low or high rating to all employees. Advantages: The method used calls for objective reporting and minimum subjective judgment. Disadvantages: This method is not clearly superior to traditional rating method trained technicians are needed to prepare sets of series for each occupational group and most managers do not like to rate in the dark. FORCED DISTRIBUTION METHOD: This method was evolved by Joseph Tiffin after statistical work this system is used to minimize raters bias so that all personal may not be placed at high end or low end of the rating scale, under this system. It is assured that and desirable to rate only on two factors viz., job performance and promo ability. For this purpose a five-point performance scale is used without any descriptive statements are placed between two extremes of good and bad performance.

26 Advantages: This method is simple to understand and very easy to apply in organization. Disadvantages: This method tends to eliminate or reduce bias but its use in wage administration to low morale and low productivity CHECK LIST METHOD: Under this system the rater do not evaluate personnel department does employee performance he supplies reports about it and the final rating. A series of questions are prepared concerning an employee to his behavior, the rater, then checks to indicate if the answer to question about employee is positive or negative. EX: Is the employee really interested or in the job? Yes/no FREE FORM OR ESSAY METHOD: Under this method the supervision makes a free form open-ended appraisal of the employee in his own words and puts down his impressions about the employee. He takes note of these factors. EX: Job knowledge and potential, employee characteristics and attitude, quality and quantity control etc. Advantages: As essay can provide good deal of information about the employees. Disadvantages: It contains a subjective evaluation of the reported behavior of an individual and may effect such decisions as lay off etc. CRITICAL INCIDENTS METHOD:

27 This method was developed following the research done by the armed forces in the United States during World War II, the essence of the system is that it attempts to performance of the raters job. These events are known as critical events. Advantages: This approach reduces the regency effect (most recent incidents get too much emphasis) of most performance ratings. Disadvantages: Negative incidents are generally more noticeable than positive ones. GROUP APPRAISAL METHOD: Under this method employees are rated by a group, consisting of their superiors who have some knowledge of their performance, the supervisor explains the group the nature of his subordinates duties the group then discuss the standard of the performance of the job. The actual performance of the employee is then matched or compared with the standard set. Advantages: This is through very simple and is devoid of any for its multiple judges. Disadvantages: It is very time consuming. FIELD REVIEW METHOD: Under this method a trainer employee from the personnel interviews line supervisors to evaluate their respective subordinates. The appraiser is fully equipped with definite set of question usually memorized in advance. The supervisor is required to give his opinion about the progress of his subordinates. Advantages:

28 This system is useful for large organization and does not suffer from weakness that is evident in other system. Disadvantages: The main defect is that it keeps management representative too busy with appraisal.


MODERN METHODS: APPRAISAL BY RESULTS OR MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES (MBO): The method has been evolved by Peter Ducker this method is potentially a powerful philosophy of managing and an effective way for operational sing process. It seeks to minimize external controls and maximize internal motivation by joint goal setting between the manager and the subordinates and increasing subordinates own control of the work. It strongly reinforces the importance of allowing the subordinates to participate actively in decision that affects him directly. M.B.O Process: Although M.B.O has something of a mystery if is fairly simple procedure it has five steps to follow. Set organization goals. Joint goal setting. Performance reviews. Set checks posts. Feedback. Benefits of M.B.O Program: M.B.O helps and increases employee motivation. Managers are more likely to compete with themselves then with other managers. M.B.O results in a mean end chain. M.B.O reduces role conflicts.

30 M.B.O provides more objective appraisal criteria.

Drawbacks: 1. M.B.O program takes a deal of time energy and from completing on the part of the managers and he becomes so enmeshed in the assigned functions that he looses sight of the goal. It has been called the activity trip by adorn. 2. Those executives who have been involved find it very difficult to think about the results of work rather than the work itself. 3. There is sometimes a tug of war in which the subordinates try to set lowest targets possible and the superiors highest targets possible. ASSESSMENT CENTER METHOD: The assessment center concept was initially applied to military situations by simoniet in the German army in the 1930 the purpose of this method is to test candidates in asocial situations. These simulations are important for job success under this method many evaluators join to judge employee performance in several situations with the use of variety of criteria it is used mostly to help select employees for the first level (lowest) supervisory positions. Assessments are made to determine employee potential for purpose of promotion. The assessments is done with the help of couple of employees and involves a paper and pencil test interview and situational. Some of the features of the system are: 1. The use of situational exercises. 2. Evaluation is drawn from experienced manager with proven ability levels of management. 3. They evaluate all employees individually and collectively.

31 4. The member prepares a summary report and feedback on face to face basis administered to all candidates asks for it.

Advantages: To measure potential for first level supervision sales and upper management positions. 1. To determine individual training and development of the employees. 2. To select recent college students for entry-level positions. 3. To make early determination of potential. 4. To assist in implementing affirmative action goals. Disadvantages: The approach suffers from many real hazards. One of them is the exam taking solid performers in day to day operations suddenly check in simulated environment. Another drawback is the potential bad effects on those not selected to participate in the exercise. HUMAN ASSET ACCOUNT METHOD: The human asset accounting method refers to activity devote to attacking money estimates to the value of the firms internal human organization and external consumer goodwill. If able, well trained personnel leave affirm the human organization is worthless, it they join its human assets are increased.

32 The current value of the firms human organization can be appraised by developed procedure by undertaking periodic measurements of key casual and interviewing variables. Key casuals include structure of the organization management policies leadership, skills and behavior. The interviewing variables include loyalties, attitudes, motivation etc.

BEHAVIOURALLY ANCHORED RATING SCALES: This is new appraisal technique, which has been recently developed. The procedure usually has five steps. 1.Generate critical incidents: Persons with knowledge of the job to be appraised are asked to describe specific illustrations of effective and ineffective performance behavior. 2. Develop performance dimension: Those people they clusters the incidents into smaller into smaller set of performance dimensions each cluster is then defined. 3. Re-allocation incidents: Any group of people who also knows the job they reallocate the original critical incidents. They are given the cluster definitions and critical incidents and asked to redesign each incident to the dimensions best described. 4. Scale of incidents: The second group is asked generally to rate the behavior described in the incident as to how effectively our ineffectively it represents Performance on the appropriate dimension.



INTRODUCTION In a country like India where high rate of demographic pressure, illiteracy, environmental pollution and insensitivity among the masses have substantially been responsible for generating and aggravating the multi-dimensional diseases, we need concerted efforts to make an assault on priority basis. The hospitals also bear the responsibility of creating awareness by educating and sensing the masses, especially in the category of preventive services. On the other hand, in the group of curative services, they need to offer quality medical aid. We are well aware of the fact that till now the masses have not been getting even the basic Medicare facilities then what to talk of the healthcare services of world class.

35 This is due to a faulty national health policy, which has been found contracting the potentials of Medicare organizations. It is high time that hospital planners and hospital managers revamp the rural health centers and like them with the hospitals located in the big towns and cities. Since we make an advocacy in favor of an active participation of the corporate sector, it is pertinent that they expand their network albeit to the villages where the magnitude of problem is found very alarming and chaotic. We cant deny the fact those medical and paramedical personnel and the nursing staff. Contribute significantly to the process but even the quality inputs fail in delivering the quality outputs if we find everything mismanaged. The OT is ready for a surgeon but we cant expert anything concrete unless he/she is available to perform with his/her team. This makes it clear that for delivering quality services it is essential that a professionally sound manager commands and monitors everything with the prime motto of simplifying the task of doctors attending on the patients. We also find hospital where everything is available but in absence of a professionally sound manger, the level of efficiency comes almost to the zero level. In a majority of the government hospitals, we find something because the superintendents working in the capacity of an administrator lack professional excellence and fail in delivering goods either to the ailing patients (or) to the hospital personnel and organizations. This engineers form a strong foundation for the development of a world-class manager.

AN OVERVIEW OF INDIAN HEALTHCARE With the demand for healthcare for exceeding supply, Indias healthcare industry is expected to grow by around 13% a year for the next 6 years, CONFEDERATION OF INDIAN INDUSTRY [CII] has stated in a press release issued recently. Indias healthcare sector having made impressive strides in recent years has growth to Rs 73000cr industry, which is roughly 4% of G.D.P.

36 Healthcare industry is booming all over the world. In the U.S.A. it is already the largest service sector and worldwide it is slated to be a $4 trillion market by 2005. the corporate hospitals will play a positive role in the healthcare sector by taking the load off from government hospitals, whose performance hasnt been up to the mark. In the last three decades, as a result of initiatives and reforms, private sector is emerging as a major force in healthcare delivery service adding to this there the insurable companies, the hospital hardware and the software companies, which have come together to create the boom.


37 I) RECOGNITION AS AN INDUSTRY: In the mid 80s the health sector was recognized as an industry. Hence it became possible to get long-term funding from the financial institutions. The Government also reduced the import duty on medical equipments and technology, thus opening up the sector. II) SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHANGE: The rise of literacy rate, higher level of income and increasing awareness through deep preservation of media channels, contributed to greater attention being pained to healthcare with the rise in the system of nuclear families, it became necessary for regular health checkups and incenses in health expenses for the bread earner of the family. III) OPENING OF THE INSURANCE SECTOR: In India approximately 60% of the total health expenditure comes from self paid category as against Governments contribution of 25-30%. A majority of private hospitals are expensive for a normal middle class family. The opening up of the insurance sector to private players is expected to gibe a shot in the arms of the health are industry health insurance will make healthcare affordable to large number of people currently, in India only 2 million people (0% of Total population of billion are covered under medi-claim). iv) GROWTH OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR: Lack of funding has thus far been the biggest abstract to the growth of private hospitals the Government eliminated this constraint by extending tax benefits to investors in private hospitals with 100 beds (or) more. It also reduced in import duty on life saving equipment from 25-5% to encourage hospitals to input the latest equipment. The private sector already accounts for about 70% of Indias healthcare services market and the latest incentive will further fuel the growth.

38 v) OPPORTUNITIES: Good healthcare in India is in extreme short supply and this gap prevents vast opportunities to the corporate to plug in among the major groups, low density of doctors in India with only 43 doctors of every 10,000 people as compared to us. That has 2340 doctors per 10,000. A W.H.O (World Health Organization) report says that India needs to add 80,000 hospitals deeds each year for the next 5 years to meet the demands of its population, the huge shortage of hospital dads outline a major opportunity for the private sector. Acknowledging the immense opportunities in the sector, corporate are getting into business of Managing Hospitals, which could be explored. vi) ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY: Healthcare is racing towards high-tech, outwitted technology and health agencies wanting to distinguish themselves from the pack will have to opt for leading-edge technologies. And that means healthcare delivery through application of telecommunications technology or rather talent decline. This will help transfer of electronic medical data, including high-resolution images, sounds, live video and patient records from one location to another through telephone lines, ISDN, modem, Internet, situates, video conferencing etc. All this will result in better care at lower costs and the new technologies available will help streamline processes, integrate data and monitor care.


39 Only a small percentage of Indian Population that needs organ transplantation are able to obtain these services in the focused facilities to conduct organ transplantation overseas. As there are no such facilities in India, few others are taking their chances with the multi specialty hospitals in India that has low success rate. Yet others, who cannot meet the high price for the transplantation, are waiting for a natural course to takes to all. People that are going to the focused facilities to conduct organ transplantation overseas are given a low priority because by law most of these countries extend top priority to their own population in such a scenario the vision of Dr. K.Ravidranath and his team has created a focused facility to conduct organ transplantation program. The Global Hospitals is a 150-bed ultra-modern and focused facility situated at a central location in Hyderabad. It will provide transplantation services not only on a top priority basis but also at 1/3 rd of the prevalent cost to the Indian population. It being a hospital of international standards, the Global Hospitals will ensure that the success rate of organ transplantations would be at par with any other hospital in the world. The Global Hospitals being the first and only focused facility to conduct organ transplantation in accordance with the instructions of the Technology Development Board, Government of India, it will develop guidelines, standards and benchmarks for others to follow. It will also train professionals to develop and help them to establish similar facilities in India. In addition to organ transplantation facilities, the Global Hospitals will conduct following programs, Training program on the organ transplantations. Standardizing the operating procedures in transplantation. Development of organ transplantation policies, procedures and guidelines to establish national standards. Creating a strong research and development base.

40 Experience through xenotransplantation. Stem cell technology (organ genesis). Islets cell transplantation. Knowledge dispersal, CME programs, seminars, symposiums and workshops conducted by national and international specialties. Well-organized information resource center. National awareness programs on organ donation VISION: To be a pioneer and leader in multi organ and tissue transplantation in India, and a South Asian resource center for diagnosis, research, education, prevention and treatment of GI(gastro-intestinal) and renal diseases. MISSION: To remain the foremost center of excellence in India and neighborhood by Deploying state of the art facilities and equipment. Attracting the most talented medical, scientific and support staff. Providing affordable health care of unsurpassed quality. Exceeding service expectations. Adhering to professional and scientific integrity. Embracing change and encouraging innovation. Affiliations and Associations Focused facility to conduct Multi Organ Transplantation

41 Liver Kidney Bone Marrow Tertiary referral center for complicated Gastroenterology and Laparoscopic surgeries St.James University Hospital, Leeds, U.K. Medical University of South Carolina, U.S.A Technology Development Board, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. Affiliation: Liver Transplant Unit, Kings College Hospital, and London. The Global Hospitals is affiliated to Liver Transplant Unit, Kings College Hospital, and London. Kings College London is the second largest School of the University of London. Royal Charter founded it in 1829, with the support of King George IV and the Duke of Willington, by a distinguished group of patrons ecclesiastical and secular-who wished to promote a university education, which encompassed both traditional and modern studies but was less radically secular than the institution that is now University College. Kings was established next to Somerset House on land granted in perpetuity by the Crown, and this Strand campus is still the Colleges main site, in the heart of London, close to the seat of Government, the City, the Royal Courts of Justice and the Inns of Court. In 1908 Kings College School and Kings College Hospital Medical School became independent; other department except Theology is incorporated into the University of London. In 1923 Dental School established.

42 1928 The Household and Social Science Department becomes a separate college (later to become Queen Elizabeth College in 1953). 1980 Kings reconstituted by Royal Charter as a constituent college of the University of London. 1983 Kings College School of Medicine and Dentistry reunites with Kings. 1985 Queen Elizabeth College and Chelsea College merge with Kings. 1997 Institute of Psychiatry merges with Kings. 1998 UMDS merges with Kings. SERVICES: Operation Theatre ICUs Liver ICU Renal Dialysis Endoscopies Transfusion Medicine Biochemistry Micro biology Hematology Histopathology DEPARTMENTS: 1.Administration

43 2.Billing 3.Bio-Medical 4.Bussiness Development 5.Cadiology 6.Cathlab 7.Commercial 8.E.D.P 9.Finance &Account 10.Front Office 11.Global Health Se 12.Global HI-Tech 13.Human Resources 14.Lab Services 15.Managing Directors Office 16.Maintanance 17.Medical Services 18.Neourology 19.Nephrologe 20.Non-Invasivelab 21.Nursing

44 22.Operation Theater 23.Pharmacy 24.Physiotherphy 25.Purchase & Stores 26.Radiology 27.Security 28.Transfusion Medicine 29.Transport co-ordination 30.Transport

HR.ACTIVITIES. ON THE JOB TRAINING The main OJT titles assigned to me by the company are leave management, time office management, motivation, training and development of their employees.

45 OBSERVATION: To observe all HR functions in the HR department. Daily leave applications and permission slips are brought to the department. Main HR functions observe is recruitment, attendance management, leave management, performance appraisal, wages and salary. LEAVE MANAGEMENT: In leave management daily we have to post leave applications of the employees. Permission slips, update leave register and extra duty register. We receive an appropriate of 50 leave applications and permission slips daily. TIME OFFICE MANAGEMENT: In time office management we have to understand the shift timings first. For time office management we have employee software called savoir. From this employee software, attendance is taken. MOTIVATION: Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a job or function. It may be undertaken by an employment agency or a member of staff at the business or organisation looking for recruits. Either way it may involve advertising, commonly in the recruitment section of a newspaper or in a newspaper dedicated to job adverts. Employment agencies will often advertise jobs in their windows. Posts can also be advertised at a job centre if they are targeting the unemployed.

OBJECTIVES: Observation Time office Management

46 Leave management TARGETS: To conduct survey on performance appraisal of the employees. Sorting resumes form the data bank. To post employees permission slips and leaves applications regularly. Verify attendance regularly. To attend seminars which are conducted every Tuesday To prepare the late coming reports. To fill employees data in performance appraisal forms. STRATEGIES: For leave management, I am Performing practically by posting leaves and Permission slips. For time office management, till date I have learnt a soft ware, savior and understood a brief on shifts, duty roaster of employees through observation How to go about for performance appraisal is yet to be decided by our guide.

47 ACHIEVEMENTS: I am posting the permission slips without taking any assistance from the HR executives now. I have learnt whatever work has been assigned to me which will be helpful to me in some or the other way. I was appointed as a Personal Secretary to Dr.Veera Prasad the Vice Precedent of Medical Services at Global Hospital. LIMITATIONS: Same work is assigned everyday, which does not give an opportunity to learn different activities. The work is limited to HR executives only. No fieldwork is required. The work is limited to only HR department of the organization.


A questionnaire consisting of 17 statements are distributed to 116 members of staff. I have calculated the percentage of performance according to the parameters. Statement wise analysis or staff and overall employee performance has been calculated. For each question, the respondents table by showing all the departments according to the staff and the same table will be shown in the form of graphs. For the overall analysis, the table will be shown in bar diagram and overall employee performance on job will indicate on bar diagram.

49 Title:1 Awareness of the New Performance Appraisal System . Table 1. Awareness of the new performance appraisal system S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No. Of. Respondents 110 6 0 0 0 116 % Of Respondents 95 5 0 0 0 100

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


% of respondents

5 Strongly agree Agree

Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree Disagree dimensions

INTERPRETATION; From the above table it is inferred that 95% of the employees were strongly agreed that they were aware of the new performance appraisal system.. Whereas 5% only agree.

50 Title:2 clear about the policies, procedures and techniques involved in the New Appraisal System. Table:2 clear about the policies, procedures and techniques involved in the New Appraisal System. S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No. Of. Respondents 72 16 12 8 8 116 % Of Respondents 62 14 10 7 7 100

70 % of respondents 60 50 40 30 20 10 0




Strongly agree


Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree Disagree dimensions

INTERPRETATION; From the above table it is clear that 62% of the employees were strongly agreed that there are clear about the policies, procedures and techniques involved in the new appraisal System. Where as 14% of the employees agreed,. 10% neither agree nor dis disagree and 7% 0f them disagree. Title:3 New Performance Appraisal system is effectively is implemented.

51 Table No. 3: New Performance Appraisal system is effectively is implemented

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5

Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total

No. Of. Respondents 74 20 13 6 3 116

% Of Respondents 64 17 11 5 3 100

70 % of respondents 60 50 40 30 20 10 0




Strongly agree


Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree Disagree parameters

INTERPRETATION; From the above table it shows that the 64% of the employees strongly agreed that the New Performance Appraisal system is good but depends on how it is implemented. Where as 17% of the employees agree and another 13% of them neither agree nor disagree. 6% of them disagree and only 3% of them strongly disagree.

Title:4 Identification of small factors of performance which were not included in the previous format

52 Table No.4 Identification of small factors of performance S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No. Of. Respondents 55 25 21 10 5 116 % Of Respondents 47 22 18 9 4 100

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0


% of respondents


18 9 4

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor Disagree parameters


Strongly disagree


above table it is clear that 47% of the employees that the small factors are

were strongly agree

identified in the performance appraisal system. 22% of them were agreed,18% of the employees neither agree nor disagree. Where as 9% of them disagree and only 4% of the employees were strongly disagree.


Tilte 5: The New Performance Appraisal system helps in identifying performance and to analyze work effectively. Table No.5. Identifying the performance and to analyze work effectively. S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No. Of. Respondents 85 16 10 3 2 116 % Of Respondents 73 14 9 2 2 100

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


% of respondents


Strongly agree


Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree Disagree parameters

INTERPRETATION; From the above table it is clear that 73% of the employees were strongly agree that the new performances appraisal system helps in identifying the performance and to analyze work effectively. 14% of the employees agree, 9% of them neither agree nor disagree. Whereas, 2% only disagree.

54 Title 6: The New Performance Appraisal system is definitely an improvement over the previous systems in terms of co-ordination from the supervisor for facilitation of work. Table No:6. Improvement in terms of Co-ordination from supervisor for facilitation of work. S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No. Of. Respondents 89 15 8 4 0 116 % Of Respondents 77 13 7 3 0 100

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


% of respondents


Strongly agree


Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree Disagree parameters

INTERPRETATION; From the above table it is clear that 77% of the employees were strongly agree that the new performance appraisal system is definitely and improvement over the previous system in terms of co-ordination from the supervisor for facilitation of work. 13% agree, 7% of them neither agree nor disagree and only 3% of them disagree. Title 7: Feeling about the new performance appraisal system is not desirable


Table No:7 Feeling about the new performance appraisal system is not desirable S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters No. Of. Respondents Strongly 45 agree 40 46 Agree 40 40 34 35 Neither agree nor Disagree 12 30 Disagree 25 10 Strongly 20 disagree 15 Total 10
5 0 Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree Disagree parameters % of respondents 10

% Of Respondents 40 34 10 9

8 116 9

7 100

INTERPRETATION; From the above table it is clear that 40% of the employees were strongly agree that the new performance appraisal system is definitely not desirable for the company. 34% agree and 10% neither agree nor disagree. Whereas, 9% of them disagree and only 7% of the employees strongly disagree. . Tilte 8: The new appraisal system offers an opportunity for to discover strength and weaknesses.

56 Table 8: opportunity to discover strength and weaknesses. S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No. Of. Respondents 85 16 11 3 1 116 % Of Respondents 73 14 9 3 1 100

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


% of respondents


Strongly agree


Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree Disagree parameters

INTERPRETATION; From the above table what we can interpret is that 73% of the employees were strongly agree that the new appraisal system offers an opportunity for them to discover strength and weaknesses. Another 14% of them also agree and 9% of them neither agree nor disagree. Whereas, 3% of the employees say it is disagree. and only 1% of the employees strongly disagree. Title 9: The self appraisal format easy or having any problems in justifying the claims made by them in the work. Table No 9: The self appraisal format is easy or having any problems.

57 S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No. Of. Respondents 50 26 20 10 10 116 % Of Respondents 43 22 17 9 9 100

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0


% of respondents

22 17 9 9

Strongly agree


Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree Disagree parameters

INTERPRETATION; From the above table it is clear that 43% of the employees strongly agreed that the self appraisal format is easy or having any problems in justifying the claims made by them in the work. 22% also says it is agreed and 17% of them neither agree nor disagree. Where as 9% of the employees were strongly disagree.

Title 10. The new performance appraisal system motivates to improve the performance. Table No 10: The new performance appraisal system motivates to improve the performance.


S.NO 1 2 3 4 5

Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total

No. Of. Respondents 80 16 15 5 0 116

% Of Respondents 69 14 13 4 0 100

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


% of respondents


13 4 0

Strongly agree


Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree Disagree paremeters

INTERPRETATION; From the above table it is clear that 69% of the employees were strongly agreed that the New Performance Appraisal System Motivates to improve the performance. 14% of the employees also agree, 13% of them neither agree nor disagree and only 4% disagree. Title 11: The appraiser is the right person to appraise your performance. Table No 11: The appraiser is the right person to appraise the performance.

59 S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No. Of. Respondents 88 15 8 3 2 116 % Of Respondents 76 13 7 2 2 100

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


% of respondents


Strongly agree


Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree Disagree parameters

INTERPRETATION; From the above table it is clear that 76% of the employees were strongly agreed that the appraiser is the right person to appraise the performance. 13% of them also agree and 7% of the employees neither agree nor disagree. Whereas, 2% only strongly disagree.


Title12: The new appraisal system provides for a frank discussion between the appraiser and the appraise. Table No:12. The appraisal system provides for a Frank discussion. S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No. Of. Respondents 85 14 11 4 2 116 % Of Respondents 74 12 9 3 2 100

80 % of respondents 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0



3 Disagree

2 Strongly disagree

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor Disagree parameters

INTERPRETATION; From the above table it is clear that 74% of the employees were strongly agree that the appraisal system provides for a Franck discussion between the appraiser and the appraise. 12% of them agree and 9% neither agree nor disagree. Whereas, 3% only disagree and 2% strongly disagree.

61 Title13:The new method is giving regular feedback about their potential for higher level of jobs. Table No:13. New method gives regular feed back about their potential for higher level of the jobs. S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No. Of. Respondents 84 16 9 4 3 116 % Of Respondents 72 14 8 3 3 100

80 % of respondents 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0



Strongly agree


Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree Disagree parameters

INTERPRETATION; From the above table it is clear that 72% of the employees were strongly agree that new method is giving regular feedback about their potential for higher level of jobs. 14% of the employees also agree and 8% of them neither agree nor disagree. Whereas, only 3% of them strongly disagree. Title 14: Performance appraisal system identifies training and development.


Table No:14: Performance appraisal system identifies training and development.

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5

Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total

No. Of. Respondents 91 12 6 5 2 116

% Of Respondents 79 10 5 4 2 100

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


% of respondents


Strongly agree


Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree Disagree parameters

INTERPRETATION; From the above table it is clear that 79%of the employees were strongly agree that the system identifies training and development. 10% of them agree, 5% of the employees neither agree nor disagree, 4% disagree and only 2% of them strongly disagree.

63 Title 15: The organization has got effective communication for execution of the New Performance Appraisal. Table No: 15 Effective communication for execution of new system.

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5

Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total

No. Of. Respondents 88 16 10 1 1 116

% Of Respondents 76 14 8 1 1 100

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


% of respondents


Strongly agree


Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree Disagree parameters

INTERPRETATION; From the above table it is clear that 76% of the employees strongly agree that the organization has got effective communication for execution of new performance appraisal. 14% of them also agree, 8% of them neither agree nor disagree. Only 1% strongly disagrees. Title: 16 Opportunity for each appraise to know what is expected from his /her

64 Table no.16: Opportunity for each appraise to know what is expected from them. S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No. Of. Respondents 89 10 10 4 3 116 % Of Respondents 77 9 9 3 2 100

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


% of respondents

Strongly agree


Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree Disagree Parameters

Interpretation : From the above table it is inferred that 77% of employees were strongly agree that they provide opportunity for each appraise to know what is expected from them. 9% of them neither agree nor disagree and 3% of them disagree. Only 2% of the employees strongly disagree. Title: 17 The appraisal system provides an opportunity to express development needs by the appraise

65 Table no.17: It shows opportunity to express development need S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total No. Of. Respondents 76 15 10 9 6 116 % Of Respondents 65 13 9 8 5 100

70 60 % of respondents 50 40 30 20 10 0


13 1 Strongly agree Agree

Neither Disagree Strongly agree nor disagree Disagree Parameters

Interpretation: From the above table it is clear that 65% of the employees were strongly agree that the appraisal system provides an opportunity to express development needs. 13% of the employees also agree and 9% of them neither agree nor disagree. Whereas, 8% disagree and only 5% of them strongly disagree. FINDINGS

66 Most of the employees have clear understanding of existing performance appraisal system (new) and they are aware of the policies and procedures of evaluation of the existing system. Employee has a clear understanding about the procedures used in the new performance appraisal. The new performance appraisal system is helping the employees and organization to identify the training & development programme. Employees are not so comfortable with the existing performance appraisal system because they do not have proper knowledge about the tools used in performance appraisal system. Employees are given freedom in setting their targets but with proper guidance from the superiors. Companys promotion policies are well defined to the employees, so it reflects on the performance appraisal system. Employees feel that the new performance appraisal system is helping the employees to develop good interpersonal relations with the superiors. It is found that the new appraisal system is acting like a motivational tool and is enabling the employees to improve their performance. The new performance appraisal system is helping the employees to do SWOT analysis of their performance.



From the above findings we can conclude that the new appraisal system followed in Global Hospitals is adequate and relevant. The system in Global Hospitals well defined and is appropriate, and is tied directly to the organization to the strategies. It is found that the new performance appraisal is just not used for giving increments and salaries but also helping the employee to develop his performance and it has increased the relationship between the superior and subordinates.


The strength of any organization is its Human Resources, so in order to change human resource in to valuable assets performance appraisal system is helping so much to the organization. It is suggested that the global organization adopt good procedures and policies for the effective implementation of the new appraisal system It should be seen that the co-ordination between the superior and subordinates is made effective for the effective implementation of the new performance appraisal.


1. Arrange regular meetings and ground discussions so that your superior-subordinate relations can improve. 2. It is better to conduct appraisal interviews. 3. Transparency and constitution should be practiced to give confidence to the employee. 4. The extension of performance appraisal system like pay hike, promotion etc should be done has objective as possible to give approved. 5. Performance appraisal system should be in the way where employees go for selfactualization needs rather then other needs like pay, bonus, etc. 6. Employees should come voluntarily to give suggestions.








Name of respondent: Age:

Department: Designation:

1) Are you aware of the New Performance Appraisal System in your Organization. A)Strongly agree disagree 2) Are you clear about the policies, procedures involved in the New Appraisal System. A)Strongly agree disagree 3) The New Performance Appraisal system is Good but depends on how it is implemented. A) Strongly agree disagree. 4) The New Performance Appraisal System identifies even the small factors of performance which were not included in the previous format. A) Strongly agree B) agree C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree 5) The New Performance Appraisal system is helps in identifying our performance and to analyze our work effectively. A)Strongly agree disagree B )agree C)Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E)Strongly B) agree C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E)Strongly B) agree C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E)Strongly B) agree C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E) Strongly


6) The New Performance Appraisal system is definitely an improvement over the previous systems in terms of co-ordination from the supervisor for facilitation of work. A)Strongly agree disagree. 7) The performance appraisal system is not desirable for the company. A) Strongly agree disagree 8) The new appraisal system offers an opportunity for you to discover your strength and weakness. A )Strongly agree B) agree C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E)Strongly disagree 9) What Problems did you experience during self appraisal. Whether easy or had no problems A) Strongly agree B) agree disagree 10) Is the New Performance Appraisal System Motivates.To improve your performance A)Strongly agree disagree 11) The appraiser is the right person to appraise your performance. A) Strongly agree disagree 12) The new appraisal system provides for a frank discussion between the appraiser and the appraisee A) Strongly agree disagree 13) The new method is giving regular feedback about their potential for higher level of jobs. A) Strongly agree disagree B) agree C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E)Strongly B) agree C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E)Strongly B) agree C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E)Strongly B) agree C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E)Strongly C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E)Strongly B) agree C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E)Strongly B) agree C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E)Strongly


14) This system identifying training & development . A) Strongly agree B) agree disagree. 15) The organization has got effective communication for execution of the New Performance Appraisal. A) Strongly agree B)agree C) Neither agree nor disagree disagree 16) The new appraisal system provides an opportunity for each appraise to know what is expected from his /her A) Strongly agree B) agree C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree 17) Is the appraisal system provides an opportunity to express development needs by the appraise A) Strongly agree B) agree C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E) Strongly disagree. D) Disagree E)Strongly C) Neither agree nor disagree D) Disagree E)Strongly


BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS: T.V.RAO, Appraising and Developing Managerial performance, 1998,5th Edition, Excel Books, pp.71-90. K.ASWANTHAPPA, Human Resource and Personnel Management, 1992, 3rd Edition, TATA McGraw-Hill, pp.199-240.

WEBSITES: www.globalhospitals.net www.performanceappraisal.com www.hrd.com www.google.com www.wikipedia.com

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