2012 Icao Summary Jeppesen

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ICAO 2012 Change Summary

This document provides an overview of the ICAO 2012 changes. See the complete set of ICAO instructions here.

ICAO FPL 2012 Change Overview

Starting on November 15, 2012, Filed Flight Plans must be filed in the 2012 format. From July 1 through November 14, 2012, pilots and carriers will be able to file either the old ICAO flight plan format or the new ICAO 2012 flight plan format. This period of time is known as the transition period. During this time, either flight plan format will be accepted, but not both for the same flight. Flight plan data changes: o Item 10a Equipment new indicators for communication and navigation equipment and capabilities Item 10b Equipment new indicators for surveillance equipment and capabilities Item 18 Other Information new indicators, definitions, and requirements New relationships and dependencies between Items 10 and 18 Additional guidance on using the various ICAO 2012 codes is provided by EUROCONTROL here.

o o o o

Item 10a Equipment Code Changes

10a Code
N S A B C D E E1 E2 E3 F G

Pre-2012 Definition
No COM/NAV/Approach aid equipment VHF RTF, ADF, VOR, ILS Not used Not used LORANC DME Not used Does not exist Does not exist Does not exist ADF GNSS

No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No New Item 18 Dependency

2012 Definition
No COM/NAV/Approach aid equipment VHF RTF, VOR, ILS GBAS landing system LPV (APV with SBAS) LORANC DME Not used FMC WPR ACARS D-FIS ACARS PDC ACARS ADF GNSS NOTE: Specify type of external GNSS augmentation to be specified in NAV/

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10a Code
H I J J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 K L M M1 M2 M3 O P P1 to P9 Q R

Pre-2012 Definition
HF RTF Inertial Navigation Data Link Does not exists Does not exist Does not exist Does not exist Does not exist Does not exist Does not exist MLS ILS Omega Does not exist Does not exist Does not exist VOR Not used Not allocated/used Not used RNP type certification

No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No New Item 18 Dependency No No No Yes Yes Yes New Item 18 Dependency

2012 Definition
HF RTF Inertial Navigation Does not exist CPDLC ATN VDL Mode 2 CPDLC FANS 1/A HFDL CPDLC FANS 1/A VDL Mode A CPDLC FANS 1/A VDL Mode 2 CPDLC FANS 1/A SATCOM (INMARSAT) CPDLC FANS 1/A SATCOM (MTSAT) CPDLC FANS 1/A SATCOM (Iridium) MLS ILS Does not exist ATC RTF SATCOM (INMARSAT) ATC RTF (MTSAT) ATC RTF (Iridium) VOR Not used Reserved for RCP (future) Not used PBN Approved NOTE: PBN levels must be specified in PBN/ in Item18. Refer Doc 9613 TACAN UHF RTF VHF RTF RVSM Approved MNPS Approved VHF with 8.33 channel spacing capability Other equipment carried NOTE Modified: Equipment or capabilities that are not specified in Item 10 must be specified in Item 18 preceded by COM/, NAV/, or DAT/


TACAN UHF RTF VHF RTF When prescribed by ATS When prescribed by ATS When prescribed by ATS Other equipment carried

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Item 10b Surveillance Equipment Code Changes

10b Code
N Nil

Pre-2012 Definition

Definition change No No Yes

2012 Definition
No surveillance equipment is carried for the route to be flown, or is unserviceable Mode A transponder - 4 digits (4096 codes) Mode C transponder - Mode A and Mode C Mode S transponder with aircraft ID, pressure altitude and extended squitter (ADS-B) capability Mode S transponder with aircraft ID, pressure altitude and enhanced surveillance capability Mode S transponder with aircraft ID, but no pressure altitude capability Mode S with aircraft ID, pressure altitude, extended squitter (ADS-B) and enhanced surveillance capability Mode S transponder with pressure altitude but no aircraft ID capability Mode S transponder including both pressure altitude and aircraft ID capability Mode S transponder with neither aircraft ID nor pressure altitude capability Removed and expanded with the codes that follow next. ADS-B with dedicated 1090 MHz ADS-B out capability ADS-B with dedicated 1090 MHz ADS-B out and in capability ADS-B out capability using UAT ADS-B out and in capability using UAT ADS-B out capability using VDL Mode 4 ADS-B out and in capability using VDL Mode 4 ADS-C with FANS 1/A capabilities ADS-C with ATN capabilities


Mode A transponder - 4 digits (4096 codes) Mode C transponder - Mode A and Mode C Does not exist

Does not exist


Mode S transponder with aircraft ID, but no pressure altitude transmission Does not exist

Definition change Yes

D B1 B2 U1 U2 V1 V2 D1 G1

Mode S transponder with pressure altitude but no aircraft ID transmission Mode S transponder including both pressure altitude and aircraft ID transmission Mode S transponder with neither aircraft ID nor pressure altitude transmission ADS Capability Does not exist Does not exist Does not exist Does not exist Does not exist Does not exist Does not exist Does not exist

Definition change Definition change Definition change Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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Item 18 Other Information Indicator Change Summary

Indicators that are applicable to a flight must be included in the flight plan in the order listed in the following table. Indicator

0 (zero) if no Item 18 indicators Special handling information Performance Based Navigation

Major Change
No Yes Yes

Managed by JetPlan Filing Service Code-driven for 2012. See STS/ section below. New indicator indicating RNAV and/or RNP capabilities. See PBN/ section below. Definition revision. See ICAO reference. New indicator. Definition revision. See ICAO reference. Definition revision. See ICAO reference. Previously optional.



Navigation equipment Communication applications or capabilities Data applications and capabilities Surveillance applications and capabilities Name and location of departure airport if ZZZZ in Item 13 Name and location of destination airport if ZZZZ in Item 13 Date of flight departure Nationality or common mark and registration mark of aircraft Significant points or FIR boundary designators and accumulated estimated elapsed times Special Code, for aircraft so equipped Type(s) of aircraft if ZZZZ in Item 9 Aircraft address Enroute delay or holding ICAO designator or name of the aircraft operating agency Originators 8 letter AFTN address Aircraft performance data Destination alternate if ZZZZ in Item 16 Enroute alternates Takeoff alternate Reclear information Other remarks

No No No Yes No No Yes No No

No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No No

New indicator.

New indicator. New indicator.

New indicator.

Copyright 2012

Special Handling Codes (STS/)

Only the following codes can be used in Special Handling: Code

Flight operated in accordance with an altitude reservation Flight approved for exemption from ATFM measures by the appropriate ATS authority Fire-fighting Flight check for calibration of NAVAIDs Flight carrying hazardous material Flight with Head of State status Medical flight declared by medical authorities Flight operating on a humanitarian mission Flight for which a military entity assumes responsibility for separation of military aircraft Life critical medical emergency evacuation Non-RVSM capable flight intending to operate in RVSM airspace Flight engaged in a search and rescue mission Flight engaged in military, customs, or police services

Performance Based Navigation Codes (PBN/)

Performance Based Navigation usage: If the aircraft has Area Navigation and/or Required Navigation Performance capabilities, these capabilities must be described using the PBN/ indicator in Item 18 Other Information using only the codes in the table below. If R is in Item 10a, then Item 18 Other Information must have a PBN/ indicator and vice versa. Currently, a maximum of eight Performance Based Navigation codes are allowed in ICAO 2012 filings, but this is subject to change by ICAO. Also see the EUROCONTROL guidance mentioned at the start of this document for more information about Performance Based Navigation. Definition

RNAV Specifications: A1 RNAV 10 (RNP10) B1 RNAV 5 all permitted sensors B2 RNAV 5 GNSS B3 RNAV 5 DME/DME B4 RNAV 5 VOR/DME B5 RNAV 5 INS or IRS B6 RNAV 5 LORANC C1 RNAV 2 all permitted sensors C2 RNAV 2 GNSS

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C3 RNAV 2 DME/DME C4 RNAV 2 DME/DME/IRU D1 RNAV 1 all permitted sensors D2 RNAV 1 GNSS D3 RNAV 1 DME/DME D4 RNAV 1 DME/DME/IRU RNP Specifications: L1 RNP 4 O1 Basic RNP 1 all permitted sensors O2 Basic RNP 1 GNSS O3 Basic RNP 1 DME/DME O4 Basic RNP 1 DME/DME/IRU S1 RNP APCH S2 RNP ACH with BARO-VNAV T1 RNP AR APCH with RF (special authorization required) T2 RNP AR APCH without RF (special authorization required)

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