Palonen 07 Political
Palonen 07 Political
Palonen 07 Political
Conceptualisations of the political and politics tend to diverge quite significantly from one another in contemporary literature. The origins of this split can be traced back to the works of Carl Schmitt and Max Weber. By accentuating the opposition between these conceptions, we are able to detect two different attitudes toward politics. The Schmittian ideal of the political longs for stability that extends beyond the daily quarrels of politics, whereas the Weberian thinkers understand politics as a contingent activity par excellence.
n 1981, Re gis Debray, the former revolutionary and later advisor to President Francois Mitterrand, published a book with the classical title, Critique de la raison politique. He opposes politics (la politique) to the political (le politique): Bref, la politique ma longtemps masque le politique (Debray, 1981: 13). For Debray, the decline of political activism was indeed combined with the reflection of the political as superior to mere politics. A number of other French authors shared this view, (see Marchart, 2003) whereas others, as the title of Alan Badiou Peut-on penser la politique (1985) indicates, have continued to reflect on the practical activity of politics. No real debate between the two
modes of conceptualisation exists in France or elsewhere. Should we understand politics by going behind the term itself to examine the political or by rendering the activity itself more intelligible? In this essay I shall track the conceptual origins of the two perspectives to the opposition between Carl Schmitt and Max Weber. The presence of the Schmittian and Weberian problematic already played a role in the inter-war literature and is even more distinct in the post-war conceptualisations of the political and politics. Finally, I shall conclude with the thesis that the Schmittian search for the political devalues the practical activity of politics, whereas the Weberian style of
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Schmitts famous opening sentence on the political as a precondition of the state, [d]er Begriff des Staates setzt den des Politischen voraus, (Schmitt, 1932: 20) is a direct inversion of Jellineks view. It is no longer the concept of the state but that of the political that is the key problem for constitutional lawyers. Schmitts call for radical novelty to become the norm in legal discourse is marked by this emphatic turn against Jellineks authority. For many practical purposes of legislation and jurisprudence, such as the political character of a crime or an association, the political can no longer be determined in terms of the state (Schmitt, 1932: 2226). An intense thematisation of politics and the rise of controversial calls for politicisation took place in the German academic and cultural context during the years between the publication of Allgemeine Staatslehre and Der Begriff des Politischen (see Palonen, 1985, 1989). The criteria of the political were broadly discussed particularly among constitutional and international lawyers, both in relation to the disputes surrounding the Weimar republican constitution and the controversy between the legal positivists and their fierce opponents (see esp. Vero ffentlichugen der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer vol. 5, 1929, and vol. 7, 1931). Schmitts construction of a new criterion for the political took place within the range of legal discourse; he no longer regarded the political as a residual concept that can neither be defined in legal terms nor considered a moral, economic, or other type of phenomenon. He aimed at identifying the political by its categorically distinctive criteria (in eigenen letzten Unterscheidungen, Schmitt, 1932: 26). It is to this end that he proposes his famous friendenemy distinction, Unterscheidung von Freund und Feind (Schmitt, 1932: 26). Schmitts understanding of the political was opposed to that of his legal colleagues, such as Heinrich Triepel (1927),
who still thought in terms of spheres. Although Schmitt offers distinctive criteria for the moral, aesthetic and economic spheres and compares the political with them, his point is that the political does not form a separate sphere of its own, kein eigenes Sachgebiet (Schmitt, 1932: 38). Although this distinction to Sachgebiete is not clearly formulated in the first version (see Schmitt, 1927: 4, 1011), it appears to be the result of the introduction of the degree of intensity as a supplementary component of the criterion, which is indebted to Hans Morgenthaus dissertation from 1929 (Schmitt, 1932: 2728, 3839). From the perspective of conceptual history, the distinction of the political alludes to a higher degree of abstraction. The Schmittian concept of the political constructs a metaphorical space of inclusion and exclusion. The distinction between friend and enemy by the decision (distinction) of a quasi-sovereign agent (in terms of Schmitts 1922 thesis) also eliminates all the ambiguous intermediate Spielraum for action. It is, however, the degree of intensity that gives the distinction between friend and enemy its temporal variability. With the additional criterion of the necessity of political unity among friends and enemies (politische Einheit, Schmitt, 1932, esp. 4345), Schmitt reaffirms the exclusive character of friendship and enmity and delimits the role of the purely formal criterion of intensity. Schmitt later specified that the figure of the partisan is one that attempts to deny the exclusivity of the distinction between friend and enemy and, correspondingly, dissolve the definite political units (Schmitt, 1963, esp. 93). Schmitt never explicates the relationship between das Politische and Politik, although he presupposes the real possibility of the struggle as a precondition of speaking of Politik (Schmitt, 1932: 32). The point is that the political does not lie in the struggle itself (Schmitt, 1932: 35).
Schmitts understanding of the political was opposed to that of his legal colleagues, such as Heinrich Triepel (1927), who still thought in terms of spheres.
Politics, which is the activity of struggling, is conceptually secondary to the criterion of the political, which also marks the priority of structure over passing temporal events. Accordingly, for Schmitt, the political decision regarding the identification of the enemy has already been made and, as such, is not left to the struggling soldier (Schmitt, 1932: 34). However, the very act of distinguishing or deciding between friend and enemy marks an exceptional situation that refers to time and action within his thinking. Der Begriff des Politischen evoked intense debates among Schmitts contemporaries, who frequently transcended his limited juridical problematic as well as the terms of his conceptualisation. As an example of this among historians, we can mention the medievalist Otto Brunner, who uses Schmitt in his polemic against the anachronistic projection of the state onto the Middle Ages and refers to the non-territorial concept of Fehde (feud) as the mark of enmity between political units (see Brunner, 1942). Helmuth Plessners Macht und menschliche Natur (1931) offers the most original application of the Schmittian categories. Plessner was a philosophical anthropologist who was indebted to Weber, and he already defended politics against the popular claims of the community in his Grenzen der Gemeinschaft (Plessner, 1924). Plessner incorporates the friendenemy distinction within Politik as existing in the situation of taking
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a stand for and against (in einer Situation des Fu r und Wider zu leben, Plessner, 1931: 195). The distinction creates a zone of ones own affirmation against that of the stranger (Plessner, 1931). Friendship and enmity are thus relativised and temporalised into zones within the range of the situation at hand and the activity oriented toward it. Plessners book is a strange combination of Weberian and Schmittian inspired views, although Weber clearly takes priority. Schmitts joining the Nazi Party in May 1933 changed both his own formulations and the reception of his work both in and outside Germany. In some French works, the very expression le politique was regarded as belonging to the Nazi vocabulary (see Palonen, 1990: 4445). Most of the British authors who were conceptualising politics in the thirties made no reference at all either to the abstraction of the political or to Schmitt. One exception to this general rule is Ernest Barker, who in his Reflections on Government discusses the alternatives to democracy after World War I and analyses those writers who idealised the memory of war. The consequent conception of politics and of the nature of the political may be seen in a pamphlet published in Germany by Dr Carl Schmitt in 1932. (Barker, 1942: 270) Schmitts strictly juridical justifications for re-determining the criterion of the political were clearly lost in such interpretations.
(entscheidendes Merkmal, Schmitt, 1927: 2). The activity of striving receives no attention. Similarly, most of the textbook references to the Weberian concept of politics do not refer to striving. Even specialists in the field frequently disregard the point that, for Weber, even social orders (see Weber, 1922) are constituted in terms of human activities, the relationships between them and their contingent constellations. The canonisation of Weber as a sociologist and the almost total neglect of his merely political writings also contributed to the dismissal of the action perspective on politics. The notion of the striving for power as a characterisation of politics is, as such, nothing new. The legal philosopher Fritz Berolzheimer, for example, considered it to be essential to politics, der Wesenszug aller Politik (Berolzheimer, 1907/1908: 243). He did not, however, further explicate either striving or power. Weber marks the contrast by presenting politics in terms of verbs referring to activities. In addition to Streben and Erstreben, he uses the expression Politik treiben (all in Weber, 1919: 9) as well as the artisan metaphor of drilling or boring planks: Politik bedeutet ein starkes langsames Bohren von harten Brettern (Weber, 1919: 67). In other words, for Weber, the conceptual reflection on politics takes place in the explication of what the actors are doing and who is acting politically. One major difference between the politician and its counter-concept, namely the official, can be described in terms that refer to the differences in performance. Officials do not need to strive for power, but instead use existing power shares. They are not engaged in politicking, but execute or accomplish a given policy. Above all, they have no need slowly and patiently to remove the obstacles in their way in order to open up a new Spielraum for action, but instead remain within the existing one.
The broad range of verbs applied by Weber to describe the activity of politics indicates that there can be no guarantee that politicians will be successful. For Weber, this is not a sign of the powerlessness of politics, but refers instead to the openness of politics as a struggle. The contingency of politics as an activity is constituted by his concept of Chance, which links Webers political and methodological writings to one another (see Palonen, 1998). When interpreting Macht and Herrschaft in terms of chances, Weber (1922: 2829) insists that they be expressed and actualised only in and through action. Power is neither property nor a given structure, but a contingent constellation between struggling or competing political agents. In a consistently nominalistic fashion, for Weber, power is not a whole that is distributed into shares, but, rather, is something which exists only in the form of singular shares and their contingent constellations. Nor does there exist any readily available repertoire of power shares, but, rather, anything can be turned into a crucial power share in the situation at hand. As such, the redistribution of power shares contains the use of existing shares as well as the creation of new shares and the dissolution or devaluation of some of the old ones. Now we are able to understand better how Weber and Schmitt differ in their problematics of conceptualisation. For Schmitt, the political marks an element in politics that extends beyond its obvious contingency, an ontological foundation anchoring politics in something that is more than politics. Weber, by contrast, attempts to conceptualise the passing, fluid, fragile and contingent activity of politics itself, without reducing its contingency. In this sense, for him, contingency is neither merely residual nor the fortuna, but the concept of Chance offers him a principle of the intelligibility of the contingent activity. In this sense, we can
When interpreting Macht and Herrschaft in terms of chances, Weber (1922: 2829) insists that they be expressed and actualised only in and through action.
speak of the Weberian moment as having taken place in his twentieth century political thought (Palonen, 1998). In its contemporary context, Webers Politik als Beruf was much less controversial than Schmitts Begriff des Politischen, and his radically nominalistic action perspective was seldom recognised. Nonetheless, the Weberian conception inspired a number of Weimar authors, including Helmuth Plessner and Hans Morgenthau. Webers views soon gained international recognition in France, especially through the work of Raymond Aron (1938a, b). In the British context, a Weberian inspiration can also be detected in the early work of George Catlin, who referred, for example, to politics as an Activity, not a Thing (Catlin, 1929: 68). Independently of Weber, there also exist other attempts to reflect upon politics from the perspective of the politician, such as Louis Barthous portrait of the French politician (1923) or F. S. Olivers (1930) introduction to his study on Walpole.
signified the return to a division of sectors, one of them being the political. The political thus refers to a metaphorical space within the holistic order of the system. In the functionalist version of systems thinking, political science was reduced more or less to a sub-discipline of sociology, the imperialistic discipline of the post-war decades. The result was the priority of order over action and struggle, a kind of Hegelianism without history. Two German sociologists have more recently attributed an autonomous role to the political. Niklas Luhmann has related systems to environment (Umwelt) and attributed a constitutive role to contingency. In his posthumous Die Politik der Gesellschaft (Luhmann, 2000), Luhmann polemicises against voluntarism, but allows room for opportunistic politicking as a part of the vitalisation of the relationship between system and environment. Ulrich Becks reinvention of politics (1993) has its roots in the radicalisation of risks, the individualisation of life-styles and biographies, and activist movements. He opposes the subpolitics of everyday agency to the systemic view of ordinary politics, not to replace or revolutionise it, but to expand politics into a Doppeltheater containing both the systemic ordinary polity and the activities of sub-politics. Beck thus attempts to combine action and systems thinking, although, perhaps unwittingly, still attributing a certain priority to the spatial metaphors. In Germany, the reception of Schmitts work among historians led to the modification of his ideas. In his study of the Greek origins of the political, the classicist Christian Meier revises the political into a field of action (Handlungsfeld) between political units (Meier, 1980: 3439). Meier wants to incorporate action and time, that is, he wants to incorporate politics into a constitutive element of the political field. He retains the priority of the political, but in the sense of its being an element of
movement between political units (1980: 36). Meiers historical interpretation accentuates the opening of the horizon of decidability and controversiality as the main political novelty of the dethroning of the Areopagos and its conceptualisation by Aischylos a few years later (Meier, 1980: 144246). He thus plays with the ambiguity of the German concept of Entscheidung and takes from it much of the Schmittian emphasis on the closure of the situation. In France, for example, Charles de Visscher (1953) relies on the criterion of the political presented in Morgenthaus early work (1929, 1933) on international law. For the phenomenologist Paul Ricur, [l]e politique est organisation raisonnable, la politique est decision (Ricur, 1957: 729). For him, as for Schmitt, politics as action is secondary to the deeper level of the political, but the difference between the juridical criterion and philosophical reason is obvious. Julian Freund, who as a former re sistant was initially suspicious of Schmitt, mediated Schmitts concept of the political to the French audience. The title itself, Lessence du politique (1965), already indicates a clear distinction between his thought and that of Schmitt. Instead of a criterion, Freund presents the political as an essence, an invariable condition of la politique (Freund, 1965: 12). The political refers to the weight, pesanteur, of the political (1965: 15). For Freund, the Schmittian friendenemy distinction serves as one of the pre suppose s of the political, the other pairs being those of command and obedience and the public and the private. In the conflict between these presuppositions dialectical relationships prevail, and the dialectic of friendship and enmity lies in the struggle, and it is here that we can detect Freunds debt to Weber. Similarly to Schmitt, Ricur and Freund, the former revolutionary Re gis Debray also regards the political as the
unchanging element beyond the contingency of politics, although his views are more inspired by the structuralist thinkers. He defines the critique of political reason as the study of stable human groups, their conditions of organisation and functioning (Debray, 1981: 45). Such a study aims at the understanding of the limits of the entire political project (enterprise) (1981: 60). Debrays work is clearly tinged with the tone of a disappointed activist. Since then, the level of reflection on the political has significantly increased among French philosophers. Much of this reflection remains strictly philosophical and far removed from the dirty world of everyday politics (see Marchart, 2003). Chantal Mouffe, a Francophone author writing mainly for an Anglophone audience, incarnates the leftist reception of Schmitts work. In her Return of the Political, Mouffe wants to think with Schmitt against Schmitt (Mouffe, 1993: 2), particularly to replace the concept of the enemy with that of the adversary (Mouffe, 1993: 4; 2005: 2021). She thus accepts, contra Schmitt, the pluralistic character of democracy and defends agonism as opposed to antagonism. Both the use of Schmitt and the softening of his views is a tool used by Mouffe against the tendency to reduce the role of the political in, for example, Rawlsian, Habermasian or even Marxist thinking. Unlike the French philosophers, Mouffe is certainly not uninterested in daily politics. Still, like the other post-Schmittian thinkers, she looks beyond politics to the ontological level of the political (Mouffe, 2005: 8). For her, the political refers to the constitutive dimension of antagonism, whereas by politics I mean the set of practices and institutions through which an order is created (2005: 9). For Mouffe, politics also remains subordinated to order as a moving historical element, whereas she is not interested in the closer explication of the activity of politicians.
contingency as a medium of the intelligibility of politics (in the sense of Palonen, 1998). The Arendtian view accentuates the distinction of politics as action from fabrication by the criterion of novelty, and she uses the metaphor of the performing arts to refer to politics (esp. Arendt, 1968: 177). Oakeshotts famous metaphor of politics as sailing on a boundless and bottomless sea (1962: 60) is an indication of his strong anti-foundationalism. Sartre was among the first to regard politics as a dimension of person (Sartre, 1964), and he defends the oblique and persuasive activity of the situated politician against the paradigm of the social engineer (Sartre, 1972: 261262). The action perspective is also close to the thought of those authors who have closely followed the acts of politicians, for example J. D. B. Miller (1958, 1962) and Bertrand de Jouvenel (1963). For both, the Weberian inspiration is clearly visible. A new legitimation of the study of politics through the activity of politicians has been presented in the new rhetoric and the speech act theory. For example, John Pocock once published an article entitled Verbalizing the political act (Pocock, 1973), and Quentin Skinner recently affirmed that perhaps agency after all deserves to be privileged over structure (Skinner, 2002: 7). From this perspective, it would be senseless to go behind politics in order to understand it. On the contrary, it is the very activity of contingent politicking that is the main objective of its understanding. Here, we can already detect a link to the rhetorical tradition.
Politik als Beruf remains the best study to date on the activity of politics, and this is largely due to Webers high regard for politicians (see Palonen, 2002).
of them legitimate, and the attempts such as Plessners and Freunds to combine them hardly sound convincing. No real debate between the problematics of the political and politics appears in sight, but clarifying the opposition helps us to understand the lack of debate. The problematic also has different value orientations. The search for the political, whether as a philosophical foundation or an ontological instance of stability, may be understood as an attempt to create a legitimate place for the political in the order of things. From this point of view, the contingent temporal, passing and rhetorical aspect of the activity of politics necessarily remains unintelligible. The reverse side of this attitude lies in the lack of interest in the dirty world of mere politics. Here, the highly academic search for the political comes close to joining the chorus of the widespread popular opinions expressed in politician-bashing. The scholars of politics should rather attempt to understand better the activity of politicking; politicians seldom have either the time or the desire to explicate what they are doing at the very moment at which they are acting as politicians. Journalists often do a better job of that than politicians themselves, and scholars should take politicians own words as the first step in the assessment of their activity, which can then be explicated and interpreted in greater detail. Historians tend to be better at this than political scientists. Part of the problem may lie in the very self-conception of those who
study politics academically as social scientists. Faced with escalating contingency and a wide variety of political action, the urge to retreat into a search for ontological narratives on the essence of politics, democracy, legislation, etc is quite understandable. For Weber, the contingent aspect of the activity itself serves as a source of its intelligibility. The reason why I consider Max Weber and not Carl Schmitt as marking the turning point in the understanding of politics is precisely because of his attempt not only to understand but also to re-value the activity of politicians. Max Weber was a life-long homo politicus. He keenly commented on daily events and occasionally served as a critical advisor to politicians such as Friedrich Naumann, and his personal observations and experiences also played a
crucial role in his writings. Politik als Beruf remains the best study to date on the activity of politics, and this is largely due to Webers high regard for politicians (see Palonen, 2002). He recognised that professional politicians are an indispensable component of a parliamentary democracy, particularly as persons with both the will and the competence to question the powers of bureaucracy (see Weber, 1918). The interest in the political also provides the scholar with an excuse to retain a pro-political attitude while remaining disinterested in the actions of politicians. However, politicians exist within a highly competitive and contested environment, and from time to time they are obliged to revise both their stands and the legitimation of them. How they accomplish this is a fascinating topic.
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