Billings City Council Minutes 05-09-2013

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Minutes for the Regular Session Board Meeting May 9, 2013 at 7:00 p,m.

Billings Community Hall Mayor Pierce asked for a Roll Call.

Venable Present Thomas Present

Rufer Parks

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Absent YanZandt Present


Present were: Mayor Bud Pierce, Chief David Taylor, Water & Sewer Supt. Mike Lewis, Treasurer Chris Hopkins, Animal Control and Water Randy Poindexter, Attorney Jim Kelly and City Clerk Ruth M. Haskins.

Citizens and guests present were: W. R. Rethman of Clever; Steve Goehl of D. A. Davidson & Co,; Brady Brite of the Headliner News; Bill Barnett, Christian County Commissioner for the Western District; LeAnn Bailey and Carl Edwards with the Whispering Heights Subdivision; Jerry Corbett of the Planning & Zoning Commission.

Mayor Pierce Opened the Meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor's comments, while we are waiting on the other Board Member to arrive, we will talk about something that does not need a vote. Mayor stated the Sound System is now in place and everyone should be able to hear. And it will be easier for the Clerk to do the Minutes. If it gets too loud, let us know and we will adjust the volume. Economic Development and the Bank of Billings are putting on a 5K run June 29th,they are looking for sponsors, all the proceeds will be donated to the City to offset the price of the July 4th Fireworks. They will have flyers to distribute to businesses, and the names will be put on the back on shirts. This item is not on the agenda, but last month the Board had discussed a flusher for the Sewer Lines, the Board had authorized $1,500.00, and last Saturday the flusher was purchased at an auction for $400.00. It is going to cost $400.00 to transport the flusher back here, but we still did not spend the full amount. Also, last P & Z met last week for a couple of years. Beginning in June the P & Zwill start meeting every month on the first Thursday of the Month, at least for the next 6 months, to go over the book and if they have any other business to conduct. The meetings will start at 7:00 p.m., so if any one has any business before the P & ZBoard, that information will have to be at City Hall by noon on Tuesday so the Agendas can go out two days before the meetings. Also it is in your packets, Mayor wanted to say Thank You to Brady Brite for writing a nice piece in today's paper about Economic Development. Mayor welcomed our Christian County Commissioner Bill Barnett to our meeting to see what was going on in this part of the County. Now we have a Quorum, so we can do Roll Call. Review of Minutes for the April 10, 2013 Regular Session Board Meeting. Motion made by Rufer seconded byYar'ilandt. No discussion. Voting "Aye" Venable, Thomas, Rufer and Y anZandt. Voting'oNay" None.

Review of Minutes for the April 10, 2013 Closed Session Meeting. Motion to accept the Minutes made byYanZandt seconded by Thomas. No discussion. Voting 'oAye" Venable, Thomas, Rufer andYanZandt. Voting "Nay" None.

OLD BUSINESS. a. Bill No. 13-05. An Ordinance Requiring the Repair or Replacement of All Private Sewer Connections to the City's Sanitary Sewer System. Providing for the Prosecution of Persons Who Violate The Provisions Hereof; and, Providing Further For the Possible Imposition of a Lien and The Procedure for Such In The Event Property Owners Request Repair or Replacement by the City of Private Sewer Lines and Connections to the City's Sanitary Sewer System. Discussion only no Vote tonight, Mayor stated everyone needs to read this carefully for any changes that need to be made before we pass this next month. Rufer says if you read this as an ordinance, should we not explain why this has to be done. Kelly stated that is why he put in all those Whereas clauses so if you read those it will explain that the City is under the gun and if the City is under the gun, not to be funny but it flows down hill and the citizens have a problem with their lines. That allows ground water into the Citizens lines then they would have to be fixed before could be on City's Sewer System. They would have to repair their lines. Before pass anything, Kelly would like to pass some other similar ordinances that it is illegal to have gutters connected to the sewer system, or connected to a service line. Tried to get some forms form MML. Pass other Ordinances making it a Court case. Kelly states there are many ways that water that can get into the system. Because the City is under order from EPA to fix all the problems. This ordinance might need to have a Public Hearing on this item. Venable asked if any Contractor be set up to work for the Public. Mayor stated will do this next month and have a Public Hearing at the same time as the Regular Meeting. Kelly stated Billings is breaking new ground; Springfield is the only other City under EPA. However, Springfield is paying for all the repairs. Venable asked if the City will recommend a contractor to do the work for the Public. Mayor stated will do Public Hearing at next meeting. NEW BUSINESS, MEMORIALS, PROCLAMATIONS AND ORDINANCES. a. Charlie Zitnlk could not make the meeting, however Steve Goehl is here from D.A. Davidson & Co. Mr. Goehl said every city in the state is having EPA problems. If you Finance you will need to go to the voters. The cheapest money is USDA or the State revolving fund you have to go to the voters. If USDA it is a 35-year note, Bruce out of Springfield will work with you. They will set your rates. Interest is 2.75 and3.75 %. State Revolving Fund gets their money from the State DNR. Public Hearings are required. General Obligation Bonds is voter approved 417 approvals. General Obligation Bonds are not a good source. Lease Purchase financing considered expenses, rates are very good. No voter approval needed, but do need Public Hearings. At this time the City has Revenue Bonds will pay off in 2018. Could do a Refunding on Bonds. Discount back 71,000.00 net savings would be 32,000.00. Mayor asked when City could refinance. Goehl stated July 2013.


Carl Edwards of Whispering Heights passed out plans to the Board. Kelly asked if Simmons had seen this and the Mayor responded Simmons drew this. Kelly answered he is doing both sides. Mr. Edwards stated Phase 1A has not been dedicated to the City because of some issues. Phase 18 lots will be started preparing to build on lots. Mayor stated Phase t has been recorded. Mr. Edwards stated this really started out as a ressue, but now going to go solar roofs. Edwards stated that the houses would be from 1200 sq ft to 1650 sq ft. The houses will be I00% financed by USDA, interest is atZ.7oh. Venable asked about electricity being credited. Edwards answered yes. Kelly asked about the houses that are there now. Edwards stated he was going to give the owner of the three houses that are now rented, a very good deal to get him to go solar. Venable asked who would service the solar panels. Edwards stated that the solar panels have a25-year warranty and his company would take care of the repairs. Venable asked about Empire issuing checks for the excess, but give a credit to be used later. Mayor asked what the roofs would look like. Edwards answered like a black roof. Mayor stated the Building Inspector is a Certified Inspector. Edwards stated all the workers will have to provide a Performance Bond. Thomas thanked Edwards for coming to Billings. Edwards stated no Thank you for this opportunity. Kelly stated the Homeowners Association would have to maintain the drainage. Edwards stated everyone needs to go to the project when it is raining to get an idea of the problem. Kelly stated needed final plat of Phase 1B and dedication of Phase II. Mayor stated Mr. Sapp is no longer associated with this project. Mayor called for a Motion to move item d. before item c made by Thomas seconded byYanZandt. Voting "Aye" Venable, Thomas, Rufer andYanZandt. Voting'oNay" None. d. Edwards stated he would like to put solar streetlights in the subdivision. Mayor stated the streetlights are Empire District. Kelly stated Empire could not repair the solar lights, powered by batteries with back up. Venable asked about repairs. Edwards stated that is a new field for him. Whispering Height Phase II for approval. Kelly stated this is usually the time the Engineer begins. Kelly stated someone needs to make a Motion to approve Whispering Heights Phase II. Motion to approve preliminary plat Phase II made by Thomas seconded by YanZandt. Discussion: Venable asked is the preliminary plat just approval of the size of the lot? Mayor responded that if everything is done according to the plans, then the final plat will be approved and lots can be sold. Voting "Aye" Venable, Thomas, Rufer andYanZartdt. Voting.,Nay,,None. e. Mayor stated Board need to approve purchase of an Air Actuator Wafer Butterfly 12" Yalve for water Treatment Plant. Mayor is turning this over to Mike to explain what this is. Mike stated a couple of years ago there was another one that needed to be replaced on the polishing filter over the years it has eroded and it has to be replaced. Mike has a couple of prices $1,572.00. Motion to purchase the Wafer Butterfly Valve for $l ,572.00 made by Rufer seconded by YanZandt. Voting "Aye" Venable, Thomas, Rufer andYanZandt. Voting "Nay" None. Mayor had discussed applications last month, only one application was received clifton wallace, he will be starting as soon as EPA approves our plan. clifton will work at $8.50 per hour. Motion to give Mayor Authority to hire wallace.


Kelly stated give the Mayor approval to hire Wallace when the EPA Plan is approved. Motion made to hire Wallace made by Rufer seconded byYanZandt. Voting "Aye" Venable, Thomas, Rufer andYattZandt. Voting "Nay" None. Motion to Approve Payment of Wages, Expenses, Bill Statements and Other Expenditures for the Month of May 2013 made by Thomas seconded by YanZandt. Voting "Aye" Venable, Thomas, Rufer andYanZandt. Voting'oNay" None.

Treasurers Report by Hopkins. Motion to accept the report made by Rufer seconded by

Thomas. Voting "Aye" Venable, Thomas, Rufer andYanZandt. Voting "Nay" None.
Police Report by Taylor. Motion to accept the report made byYanZandt seconded by Thomas. Voting "Aye" Venable, Tlromas, Rufer andYanZartdt. Voting "Nay" None. Court Report by Haskins. Motion to accept the report made by Rufer seconded by YanZandt. Voting "Aye" Venable, Thomas, Rufer andYanZandt. Voting "Nay" None.

Animal Control Report by Poindexter. Motion to accept the report made by Rufer seconded by Thomas. Voting "Aye" Venable, Thomas, Rufer andYanZandt. voting "Nay" None.
Water & Wastewater Report by Lewis. Motion to accept the report made byYanZandt seconded by Thomas. Voting "Aye" Venable, Thomas, Rufer andYanZandt. Voting "Nay" None.

Building Inspectors Report by Hopkins. Motion to accept the report made by Thomas seconded by YanZandt. Voting "Aye" Venable, Thomas, Rufer andyanZandt. Voting "Nay" None. Thomas asked what P& ZwaxrtedMcNabb to do to rebuild. Inspector
wants plans drawn out.

Mayor asked for a Motion to go into Closed Session Pursuant to RSMo 610.021(2). Motion made by Thomas seconded byYanzarrdt to go into closed session Pursuant to RSMo 610.021(2).

Venable Aye Thomas Aye




YanZandt Aye
Meeting Closed to the Public.
Reopen to Regular Session.

Bill Barnett spoke and stated that everyone gets along together; you are in a good spot. The town is growing. Bud is always excited about things happening in your town.
Thank you and keep up the good work.

No Further Business. Motion to adjoum made by Rufer seconded byYanZandt. Voting o'Aye" Venable, Thomas, Rufer andYanZarrdt. Voting o'Nay" None.

Mayor Bud N Pierce


Ruth M. Haskins, City Clerk


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