5 Plaster

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PART I : GENERAL A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Work of this section, as shown or specified shall be in accordance with the requirements of the whole set of the Contract Documents B. DESCRIPTION 1. 2. Work Included plaster work and accessories required for this Work as shown as on the drawings. Related Sections : a. Brick Masonry : Section B4 b. Gypsum Board System : Section B11 c. Ceramic Tile : Section B8 d. Stone Work : Section B2

C. REFERENCES All work and materials shall be in accordance with: 1. PUBI 1982 2. SII 0013 81 3. SII 0077 75 4. ASTM C 847 83 D. SUBMITTALS 1. 2. General: Comply with the provisions of section 01300. Product data : a. Complete materials list of all items proposed to be furnished and installed under this Section. b. Sufficient data to demonstrate compliance with the specified requirements. c. Samples of the proposed accessories Sample Mock Up: Provide sample panel on project site showing texture, workmanship for architects approval, sample panel location will be directed by Project Manager and will be used as reference throughout the project Portland Cement Plaster : a. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, type I, Low alkali. b. Aggregate : ASTM C 897, sand c. Additive : AM building product, 3 ounce for every 100 lbs. of plaster d. Mix : ASTM C 926, except lime deleted e. Local : Cement + sand + split brick + rummage PRODUCT HANDLING Protection : use all means necessary to protect the work and material of this section before, during, and after installation and to protect the work and materials of all other trades Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the architect and at no additional cost to the Owner.

3. 4.

E. 1. 2.


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PART II : MATERIAL A. PLASTER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sand: Sand shall be coarse, clean sharp sand, free from clay loan or other impurities. Sand shall be uniformly grade from coarse to fine and shall conform to PUBI 1982 clause 14, PBI 1972 Chapter 3.3. Portland Cement: Shall be grade S-S according to SII 0013.81 plastic cement will not be permitted unless specifically approved in advance by the Engineer. Only one brand of cement shall be used in the work Water: water shall be potable clear, fresh and free from injurious mixture such as oil, acid, alkalis and other organic materials. Unless otherwise mentioned, contractors should prepare construction water by themselves. Lime: Lime used for plaster shall be dry hydrated lime Putty, if used, shall weight no more than 131 kg per cu. m. Additive: waterproofing powder additive shall be added to mortar on places required and shown on drawings or finish schedule. Mix requirements refer to manufacturers instruction. Acceptable product: AM building Product or equal approved, AM building product. Bonding Agent: Thoro system product Thorobond or comparable moisture insensitive product acceptable to Architect. Metal lath : Metal lath are required to the construction of : a. Edge of masonry wall b. Water drip

B. OTHER MATERIAL All other materials, not specifically described for a complete and proper installation of the work of this section, shall be as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Architect. PART III : EXECUTION A. PLASTERING 1. Portland Cement Plaster Installation : ASTM C 926 and as follows : a. 3 coat work over metal base : 7/8 overall thickness b. Skim coat work over CMU : apply bonding agent and fully seal substrate; then apply skim coat from 1/8 minimum to thickness as necessary to level surface Delivery, storage and protection of materials: Manufactured materials shall be delivered in the original packages, containers and bundles bearing the name of the manufacturer and the brand name. Plaster and cement shall be stored off the ground under watertight cover and away from sweating walls and other damp surfaces until ready for use. Damage or deteriorated material shall be removed from the premises Thickness of Plaster: Thickness of plaster from the face of the plaster base to the finish plaster surface shall be 25 mm. It is necessary for the Engineer to suggest the used of temporary metal grounds in assuring a full true finish surface. Voids left by removal of ground should be filled flush with plaster Preparations for Plastering: Concrete surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and free of paint, efflorescence, oil, grease, acids, and other loose or foreign matter prior to application of base coats. Start of work: No plaster work shall be applied on masonry works less than 2 weeks old Mixing of plaster: Plaster shall be mixed in mechanical mixers, hand mixing only by supervisor approved for small quantities. Caked or lumped material shall not be uses. Each batch shall be proportioned by volume, accurately measure by manual or mechanical services, and thoroughly mixed with the minimum amount of water until uniform in color and consistency. Re_tempering will not be permitted, and plaster that has been begun to stiffen shall be discarded. In cases where plaster mix dries too rapid before allowing proper application of plaster, the engineer can require the soaked of lime and water at the rate of 4 kg. Lime per 200 liter water ( 24 hours before being used for the mix ) Proportions: These are to be differentiated into 2 types : a. 1PC: 3 sand. This type shall be used: On all walls starting from foundation surface up to 20 cm above finish floor, walls facing bathrooms, toilets and other wet areas up to 150 cm above finish floor, additive shall be used in proper value, if required on drawings or schedule of finish. b. 1PC : 5 sand Other areas which has not been mention above


3. 4. 5.



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1PC: 8 sand (with additional split bricks & for re plaster type, see drawing for location. Plastering: Plastering shall be done in two coatings, both shall be proportioned as mentioned in 3.2 E, but sand to be used in the finish coating shall be of the finest grade. The first coating shall be applied with a spatterdash, which is to be done by forcible throwing the wet mix on the surface and making no attempt to level it. The second coating will be applied after the first coating has hardened. And then, a wet soak sponge shall be rubbed on the finish surface. Patching: Plaster showing over sanding, cracks, blister, pits, checks, discoloration or other defects will not be acceptable. Such plaster shall be removed and replaced with new plaster. Patching of defective work will be permitted only when approved by the Engineer and such patching shall match existing work in texture and color.



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