Cloud Computing 2

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Cloud Computing Learning

Panagiotis Kalagiakos, Panagiotis Karampelas

Department of Information Technology Hellenic American University Manchester, N.H. - U.S.A.

Abstract- Cloud Computing is evolving as a key technology

for sharing resources. Grid Computing, distributed computing, parallel computing and virtualization technologies define the shape of a new era. Traditional distance learning systems lack reusability, portability and interoperability. This paper sees cloud computing ecosystem as a new opportunity in designing cloud computing educational platforms where learning actors can reuse learning systems. resources To handled by cloud educational operating and









the way DL courses should be referenced. The

educational dimension of the cloud computing is here. Cloud computing has the potential to change the face of the entire DL industry.


Learning Object and Learning Object Service

A typical digital Learning Environment encapsulates





interoperability not only cloud computing API standards should be advocated by the key cloud providers but also learning resources standards should be defined by the Open Cloud Computing Education Federation as proposed by this paper. Keywo rds cloud

Learning Objects (LO) and Learning Object Services (LOS). A Learning Object is a construct made of data and operations. Learning Objects are structured within digital learning environments like Blackboard and MoodIe. A Learning Object

computing, open

cloud cloud

educational computing

operating education

exists because it satisfies an educational goal. That educational goal may be autonomous or collaborative. By increasing their rate of reuse their value increase as well. A Learning Object is transformed into one or more Learning Object Services if it exists ready to be reused no matter what the client environment of the end user accessing the resource is. Cloud computing provides a technological context for implementing Open Virtual Learning Object Service collaborative systems. It is now more imperative than ever that Learning Objects are being designed and developed following standards that have been defined by a consortium of the Distance Learning key players







Learning is about changing people's behavior and lives. It is a transformation process. Existing Distance Learning (DL) systems have limited synergistic capabilities because of lack of reusability, portability and interoperability. We need a new technology that would do more and could be accessible to more with less. Cloud Computing emerges. Cloud is a metaphor to describe web as a space where computing has been preinstalled and exist as a service; data, operating systems, applications, storage and processing power exist on the web ready to be shared. A new reality is being defmed and terms like SaaS (Software as a Service), and HaaS (Hardware as a Service) characterize the new ecosystem. Cloud computing can provide a context where a Learning Object is transformed into a Learning Object Service;


If it is to provide Learning Object Service environments then

we need specifications and standards for what constitutes a Learning Object like a course or learning unit. infrastructures comply with the following: DL Courses have a duration of 10 weeks each, each week covering a specific unit; each unit consists of the following learning discussion objects: forum learning question, guide, learning reading journal, assignment, assignment professor's notes, self quiz questions, written assignment, All DL





technology could shape a new domain that of the cloud computing based education looking at Education as a Service (EaaS). SaaS, HaaS of and EaaS share the same cloud and characteristics Reliability [I]. II. CLOUD COMPUTING IS ABOUT LEARNING The existing educational platforms designed and Elasticity, Flexibility, Efficiency

solutions. All DL systems store these learning objects in specific formats; any attempt to reuse LOs in another context requires considerable effort. This situation is backed by strong economic interests. It is a greedy attitude where sharing, reusing and contribution do not exist as a means of reforming a new social status. For a learning object to be transformed into a LOS it is required to be ready to serve upon request with no cost except perhaps the fee cost. This means that it is preinstalled in an environment ready to be reused. If we decide upon quality

implemented by the different DL organizations should be re engineered to take into consideration the cloud technology; already main components and resources of traditional DL systems can be found openly freely at the cloud offered by cloud computing apps with the highest personalization. Virtual

978-161284832-7/11/$26.00 2011 IEEE

object characteristics then we can design Cloud Educational Operating Systems where objects have been preinstalled, set up and ready to be reused.





This is a technology that allows anyone connected to the internet to use hardware and software on demand. In its description for cloud characteristics The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines as cloud characteristics the following: On-demand self-service, Ubiquitous network access, Resource pooling, Rapid elasticity (resources can be scaled up and down easily), Metered service (resources' usage is measured) and Pay-as-you-Consume business models [5]. Staffing, upgrading, crisis situations, licensing, depreciation, maintenance, back-up, recovery become the service provider's concern, leaving the internal team to concentrate on strategic decisions. The traditional concept that hardware and software are capital expenditures, are now being challenged and IT service providers can now rent hardware and software. The drives of the market are the efficiencies provided by improved communication, a pay-per use pricing model and the technologies such as virtualization and outsourced storage. Many argue that IT should behave as a utility that can be turned up or down as usage fluctuates [6]. Cloud computing technology is based on grid computing, distributed computing and parallel computing coupled with virtualization. The virtualization technology defines images of the operating systems, middleware, and applications pro created and pro-allocated to physical machines or slices of a server stack.
A. HaaS

Software as a Service is a considerable change as we see software. No expenditure capital, only service cost. Software just like the processing power and storage is seen as a utility that clients can pay for only as needed. The goal is to centralize administrative tasks while improving scalability and work loads. The following illustrates this technology. Building a large-scale web commerce software has been always a challenge. Amazon solves this problem by providing a ready-made infrastructure that has resulted to the biggest worldwide online store. Amazon hides complexity and offers a simple API. The Amazon team takes the full responsibility of storage, lookup and management of data - and turns them into pay-per-fetch and pay-per-space web services. Business Week points out, "Wall Street is not going to jump on this. But the SmugMug photo service did and other startups and small businesses will follow. So even if large corporations will not come, there is plenty of money to be made" [8]. However according to this paper this is only the start, Wall Street companies are going to jump on this as the complexity and the associated costs of IT increase dramatically while revenues decrease. Compromises are going to follow hard economic and social decisions. A new huge market emerges as many organizations and individuals attack it aggressively. Different schemes of charge systems are designed based on Gbyte for storage service, CPU hour for computational services or per node server if one has a clustered application.
C. Learning Actors in Cloud Computing

Hardware on demand defines Hardware as a Service (HaaS) that runs a web-based operating system offering WebOS services. This new OS should not only drive the new application development race but also the development of interoperable Cloud Educational Operating Systems (CEOS). Hardware as a Service (HaaS) is similar to licensing. We started with the MSP modes; according to this model a Managed Service Provider (MSP) remotely monitors and administers hardware on a client's site on a subscription basis. Because not all hardware lends itself to this model, some MSPs provided, still provide, on-site hardware for clients and build its cost into their fees. However, this arrangement puts financial burden on the MSP. The HaaS model, in which the vendor allows customers to license the hardware directly, was developed to alleviate this financial burden. The ability to build new systems and re-engineer existing ones without interfering with internal hardware is making Hardware as a Service attractive. To increase availability and security, private clouds are developed - provision of a cloud computing architecture over the corporate network rather than openly across the internet. IBM, Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Microsoft have established many cloud computing centers worldwide for customers working out their cloud strategies [7].

A Learning Actor is any entity involved in the learning process like management, students, instructors, lab staff etc. There are five types of resources that can be provisioned and a Learning Actor can consume over the Internet [9]. 1) Infrastructure resources including computing power, storage, and machine provisioning. 2) Software resources including middleware (cloud-centric operating systems, application servers, databases) and development resources (development, testing tools, and deployment tools). 3) Application resources. Educational Software applications are delivered through Software As A Service (SaaS) model or mashups of value-added applications. 4) Learning processes. Applications exposed as utilities or tasks. Learning process sharing is the learning-driven application outsourcing that supports provisioning, reuse and composition. 5) Learning Objects as defined in paragraph 2.1 This paper supports the open cloud manifesto [10]; however this is still a manifesto it does not provide any standards yet and as a result cloud computing facilities and services do not support interoperability. On the other hand cloud computing provides the context where DL can flourish openly and widely. Cloud Learning Objects and Cloud Learning Processes will be greatly benefited by the following two key technologies that will play very important roles in this revolutionary phase:

virtualization technology and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

a uniform resource interface for the user. The corresponding Open Cloud Computing Education Federation will go one step further as providing also integration guidelines and standards for LOs and LO Services and a uniform Cloud Educational Operating System; the latter is crucial as the new development efforts must result to reusability with minimum cost. OCCEF's primary goal is to ensure portability and interoperability as the problems identified by Zehua Zhang and Xuejie Zhang should be solved and the effects minimized.

middleware, and applications,


The virtualization technology manages a) the imaging of the operating systems, b) the pre-allocation of all the resources to the right be moved around and put into production

physical machines or server stack slices; ideally, images should environment on demand, c) the licensing mechanism of all software layers in the cloud computing platform.





supports improving

component-based reusability,

software and

Currently the situation is that the APIs of the different cloud computing providers are private. Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, Yahoo, Google own millions of servers to support cloud computing. Each such CCSP organization has invested enormous effort and budget to promote their environments and attract customers. No one is willing to abandon anything. Although all have expressed their will to discuss standards however nothing yet has happened. As a result resources can not migrate and interoperate among CCSPs. In our opinion OCCEF should work on the following directions:



flexibility. In order to construct scalable cloud computing platforms, we need to leverage SOA to build reusable components, standard-based interfaces, and extensible solution architectures. Creating a cloud computing platform is crucial in enabling sharing and reusing of its resources. Building a unified, scalable and reusable Cloud Computing Educational architecture to support sharing of all types of resources still faces big challenges in the areas of technology breakthrough and best industry practices. The idea is when new learning objects are needed we should be able to consume (reuse with the least effort) existing resources and assemble new courses running on a Unified Cloud Computing Educational infrastructure.


Developing a Cloud Educational Operating System to manage learning objects and learning object services providing an open API.


Developing a technology that restructures the eXlstmg learning material stored in the different CCSPs and presents them in a way that complies to standards so it can be ready to be reused.; this can be supported by mobile agents. Zehua Zhang and Xuejie Zhang Federation) that combines mobile agent


Open Cloud Computing Education Federation

The OpenCourseWare Consortium


propose cloud


is a worldwide

MABOCCF (Mobile Agent Based Open Cloud Computing with computing to construct a cloud computing federation mechanism that can realize portability and interoperabi Iity among different cloud computing platforms. Many concerns rise about cloud computing security since all resources exist at the provider's side. This is a critical domain and it is also going to influence any progress concerning OCCEF. Understanding Cloud Computing vulnerabilities is about distinguishing general security issues from cloud-specific issues and then trying to develop solutions. We referred earlier to NIST's five essential cloud characteristics: on-demand self service, ubiquitous network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service. Based on these characteristics here are some critical cloud computing vulnerabilities issues a) unauthorized access to management interface, protocol vulnerabilities, that Identity, c) data b) internet e) recovery vulnerability, and

community of thousands of universities and organizations creating a pool of high quality educational content using a shared model. The consortium has introduced the OpenCourseWare (OCW), an open and free university - level educational material including courses, course planning, and assessment tools. OCW is accessible to anyone, anytime via the internet. This is a promising movement but the material produced does not comply with any standard. The shared model they have advocated does not follow guidelines. Reusability is not possible. Open DL education needs OCW in a way that high availability can be ensured with the least effort. OpenCourseWare objects for the Consortium and of b) should move a) to design cloud In learning specifications management computing this new

technology developing a Cloud Educational Operating System those resources. environment, learning actors will change their habits totally; they will not own hardware, systems software, applications, networking infrastructure, learning objects, DL software. In this new environment, learning actors only need computers in order to access the cloud computing learning resources. A learning cloud computing environment should enable learning resource sharing in terms of scalable infrastructures, middleware and application development platforms, and value added learning applications. This paper proposes the Open Cloud Computing Education Federation (OCCEF) a similar concept to the Open Cloud Computing Federation (OCCF)

metering and billing evasion. Berns Grobauer et al emphasize Authentication, Authorization, Auditing Mechanisms (IAAA) vulnerabilities become a critical issue in cloud services; some examples include a) denial of service by account lockout, or b) weak credential-reset mechanisms, faulty authorization checks d) c) insufficient possibilities coarse

authorization control, e) insufficient logging and monitoring






We are at the beginning of the cloud era; however lessons of the past do not drive cloud strategic decisions. In this race the learning domain should defme its own moments designing a

researchers from industry and academia; OCCF consists of many Cloud Computing Service Providers (CCSPs) providing

Cloud Educational Operating System, an open and minimalist


and provide free learning objects following standards

designed by OCCEF. The vision is a world in which the desire to learn is fully met by the opportunity to do so anywhere in the world - where everyone, everywhere is able to access affordable, educationally and culturally appropriate opportunities to gain whatever knowledge or training they desire. The OCCEF consortium should act to realize this vision by addressing one issue - that of access to high quality portable and interoperable educational material - and by partnering with organizations addressing related problems like cloud security that must also be solved to make this vision a reality.

To my father Nickolaos Kalagiakos for all his support.

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