Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
CHAPTER 10 BRAND DAN PATENT 10.1 Brand Brand is one of the attractions of the product in facing the market competition. A product with an attractive and selling trade names, has a great opportunity to get the attention of consumers and compete in the market. Our heat reflective paint product is a product that requires a brand, in order to have identification that can be known easily by public and can be distinguished from other heat reflective paint products. Moreover, with the presence of products brand, it will be easier for us to promote this heat reflective paint product, so that consumers can know the origin of heat reflective paint that we produce, as well as to ensure the quality of our product. However, our heat reflective paint products brand, NurCoolant, have to registered on the relevant parties in order to be officially listed and can be claimed as proprietary rights of us as producers. Moreover, by registering NurCoolant brand as our paint product, it will be the basis to prevent others from using the same brand as a whole or substantially of similar goods in circulation. Brands creation and registration also has has certain rules. In
Indonesia, the rules that regulate the brand listed in Legislation No. 15 year 2001. According to Article number 1 Paragraph 1, brand is a sign in the form of images, names, words, letters, figures, composition of colors, or a combination of these elements that have distinguishing features and used in the trading of goods or services. Whereas Article 1 Paragraph 2 states that a trademark is a brand that is used on traded items by a person or persons jointly or a legal entity to differentiate with other similar items. Regarding the rights of brand are set out in Article 3 which states that the rights of brand is the exclusive right granted by the State to the owner of the brands that are listed in the General
Register of Trademarks for a certain period of time by use it themselves the brand or giving permission to others to use. Regarding the request for trademark registration is listed in Article 7, is explained that the request for trademark registration made by the applicant, submitted to the General Directorate of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights), and signed by the applicant or their proxies. The following is the procedure for trademark registration as defined by Legislation No. 15 year 2001: 1. Request for trademark registration that is submitted by filling out a form provided for that in Indonesian language and typed copies of 4. 2. Applicant attach the following points: A statement on paper in sufficient stamp duty paper, signed by the applicant (not proxies), which states that the brand is being applied for his own. Special power of attorney, if the application for registration filed by the power. A certified copy of incorporation of legal entity certificate or a notarized copy, if the applicant is a legal entity. 24 sheets brands etiquette (4 sheets attached to the form) that is printed on paper. Copy of the applicant's identity cards. Proof of the original priorities and its translation in Indonesian, if the application is done with the right priorities. Proof of application fee payment of IDR 650.000,-. Fares of Registration of Marks that is set in Government Regulation no. 38 year 2009 on the type of fare on Non Tax Revenues type that applicable within the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. After registration, a substantive examination is conducted against application that is made at least 30 days from the date of receipt. This
examination is completed at the latest 9 months, and the results of this examination are the application is accepted or rejected. If after the substantive examination of trademark application is approved by the General Directorate of IPR to be registered, the application instantly is announced later than 10 days after approval. Then the announcement request regulated in Article 21, 22, and 23, summarized that the announcement of the petition was published in the Official News of Brand and the announcement listed the name, address of the applicant, the class and type item, date of receipt, the name of the state, and an example of the brand. Announcements lasted for 3 months in the Official News of Brand that published periodically by the General Directorate of IPR and special facilities that can easily and clearly be seen by the public provided by the General Directorate of IPR.
10.1 Patent After registered brand of NurCoolant heat reflective paint products, we also must be registered the patent of the product that we will be produced. Patents that we proposed is in terms of product patents and our heat reflective paint products patent do not we have patented the whole, but are limited in terms of the composition of the building blocks of paint that referred from existing patents then developed to increase the performance of that heat reflective paint already on the market so far. Regulations that regulates about patents listed in Legislation No. 14 year 2001. Article 1 and paragraph 1 states that a patent is an exclusive right given by the State to the inventor on the results of invention in the field of technology, which for a given period to do the invention by him/herself or give his/her approval to others to carry it out. Article 2, paragraph 1 explains that the patent granted to an invention that is novel, involves an inventive step and capable of industrial application.
Regarding the patent request in general listed in Article 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, is explained that request as a basis for giving a patent and each request can only be filed for an invention or some invention which is the unity of invention. Then the patent request filed by filling out the form provided for that interest and available also in Indonesian language and typed. Patent request shall contain the time and place of request, the name and nationality of inventor / authority, special power of attorney if filed through our authority patent application statements, claims, description, drawings (to clarify the invention), and abstract invention. Whereas the announcement request are listed in section 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, and 47, summarized that implemented the announcement the General-Directorate and placed in the official news of the patent. Announcements include the name and nationality of inventors, the name and address of the applicant / power, invention title, date of receipt, abstract, classification invention, drawings (if any), request number and the announcement. There is a provision that the patent holder must implement his patent in the territory of Indonesia, which means that the patent production in Indonesia, ranging from investment, employment, until the issue of technology transfer. For domestic patent procedures are mentioned, that: 1. Patent applicant must meet all the requirements. 2. General Director of Intellectual Property Rights will announce them 18 (eighteen) months after the date of filing of a patent application. 3. Announcement last for 6 (six) months to determine whether there is an objection or not from the public. 4. If this announcement stage passes and a patent application is accepted, the patent applicant is eligible for patent rights for a period of 20 (twenty) years from the filing date occurs. The following registration procedures imposed by the Director General of Intellectual Property Rights:
1. Patent Application filed by filling out the form provided, in Indonesian that later are typed in 4 copies. 2. In the registration process of this patent, the applicant should submit the following:
Special Power of Attorney, if the patent application for registration filed by a registered patent consultant as the attorney.
Letter of transfer of rights, if the petition is filed by a party other than the inventor;
Description, claims, abstract and drawings (if any) each of them in 3 duplicates.
The original of evidence priority and translation in Indonesian at the front page in 4 duplicates (if filed with a priority right).
Translation the description in English, if the original discovery in a foreign language other than English, made in duplicate 2.
Proof of payment of patent applications fee: IDR 575.000, -. Proof of payment of simple patent application fee: IDR 125.000, - and for the substantive examination of simple patent fee: IDR 350.000, -.
3. The writing of descriptions, claims, abstract and images as referred to above that were determined as follows:
Each sheet of paper is only one face that should only be used for writing and drawing.
The descriptions, claims, and abstract that are typed in HVS or that is similar and separated with A-4 size (29.7 x 21 cm) with a minimum weight of 80 grams with boundary: from the edge of the upper 2 cm, 2 cm from the bottom edge, on the edge 2.5 cm left and of the right edge of 2cm.
Paper A-4 should be white, not shiny and average use is done by placing that short side at the top and bottom (unless used for images).
Each sheet of the descriptions, claims and images consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals at the top center.
In each of the five lines of typing lines of description and claims, must be given rows number and each page is just the beginning (initial) and number placed on the left of the description or claims.
Typing should be done using ink (toner) black color, with a size between 1.5 line spacing, with letter-sized upright minimum letter height 0.21 cm.
Signs with lines, chemical formula, and certain signs can be written by hand or painted.
Images must be using black Chinese ink on white drawing paper size A-4 with a minimum weight of 100 grams that not shiny with limits as follows: 2.5 cm from the top edge, bottom edge of 1 cm, 2.5 cm from the left edge, and 1 cm from the right edge.
All documents must be filed in the Patent sheets of paper intact, should not be in case of torn, folded, damaged or embedded images.
Any term used in the description, claims, abstract and images must be consistent between each other.
4. Request for substantive examination filed by filling out a form provided for that in Indonesian by enclosing evidence of payment of application fee of IDR 2.000.000, - (two million dollars). After patent rights registered on behalf of the inventor, the patent holder has the right and obligation, and the exclusive rights to be acquired is the patent holder the right to implement its own patents, giving more rights to others, and the right to prohibit others to implement his patent without the consent of the patent holder. For packaging and raw material base, we refer to several patents and books on heat reflective paint that already exist. Meanwhile, the patent that we made on we products, is the composition of the raw materials that we change as well as additional materials to improve the performance of we products. Patent makingprocess of our products based on patent-making procedures that have been listed
above. There is also a patent that we refer to the basic raw material of paint and percent composition of paint that has been widely used in various types of paint buildings. Here's patent on the composition of raw materials and heat reflective paints that have been published: Paint Composition Patent by United States Patent Office with: Patent number Date of patent : : 2.818.344 Dec. 31, 1957
In this patent, claims there are 15 variations of the composition of paint that can be applied to various types of substrates. In addition, the patent described a variety of compounds (raw materials) and its constituent paint with their role and levels in a paint mixture. For example, zinc oxide that serves as a compound that can prevent the growth of mildew and mold can be combined with TiO2 coating to increase the durability of the paint. However, this patent has not given clear how levels of zinc oxide to be mixed into the paint. Thus, based on the composition of the paint on the basis of this patent and coupled with other sources, we make our own paint compositions which contain zinc oxide and TiO2 pigment in it. Thermal Reflective Paint Patent by United States Patent Application Publication with: Patent number Date of patent : : US 20120260819 A1 Oct. 18, 2012
This patent describes a heat reflective paint composition consists of active heat reflective agents, the percentage range of 5% - 100%, with the filler composition of 5%, and the amount of additives and resin (binder) amounted to 95%. This patent claims that the material composition of the paint will reduce the cost of manufacturing, low cost, small cooling energy use, and environmentally friendly.
CHAPTER 11 HUMAN FACTOR 11.1 Health and Work Safety Aspects of Plant Health and work safety is an important aspect in the activity of the industrial world. Personal safety and security is an important factor in implementing an activity all the time and wherever located. Relativity levels will be important or absence of occupational safety and health (K3) it depends on how big influence on the subject and the object itself. Occupational safety and health aspects become an absolute solution for protecting corporate assets which very valuable in the continuity and sustainability of the production process. In a corporate environment, safety is the responsibility of company management and the employees. Guidelines for Occupational Health and Safety (K3) are essential are created for the achievement of the conditions where there are no accidents (zero accident) as well as a healthy environment.
11.1.1 Basic Principles of Work Safety The entire workers of NurCoolant paint factory can not avoid and ignore the importance of safety in the workplace. This is caused by having to pay attention to safety will lead them to greater work productivity. Therefore, all workers, directly or indirectly, shall make the K3 as a lifestyle while in the factory environment so it is important to appreciate the principles of K3, as follows: a. NurCoolant heat reflective paint manufacturing plant, prioritize the creation of a work environment that is comfortable, safe, and based on safety. b. Safety is a measure of performance because it is strongly associated with work productivity. Corrective action against unsafe conditions must be done with safe work attitude.
c. Every accident or injury without looking no matter how small should be reported to the responsible party that is the Head of Occupational Health and Safety Section. d. When in doubt or lack of clear procedures to ensure work procedures are performed safely by getting information or knowledge work teams. e. Shall not modify, change, move, use, or operate equipment process heat reflective paint NurCoolant without permission authorized personnel. f. All equipment brought into the area of PT. NurCoolant must be safe for its intended use statement and label worthy life of the related fields.
11.1.2 Behavior and Attitudes at Work Location Work that safety and efficiently requires that all employees comply with company regulations and fully master the mental and physical abilities during work tasks. At any time, the following acts are prohibited: a. Smoking in the factory, except at the appointed places b. Joking rudely c. Make other people be shocked d. Fooling around with using compressed air or work equipments e. Fighting f. Come to work in a drunken state because of the influence of alcohol or narcotics or dangerous drugs g. To ensure safety in the workplace is maximum, an employee must notify the employer / supervisor directly, if he was taking medication under a doctor's advice will result in loss of control over the physical and mental abilities.
h. Carrying and storing guns or other weapons and flammable / explosive materials except for the purposes of plant i. Turn on or run production machine or other equipment without authorized permission.
11.1.3 Safe Work Behavior According to the ILO (International Labor Organization), there mandatory requirements and the right of workers to work in a safe condition to prevent major accidents. Here is the obligation of workers: 1. Workers have to do their job safely and not compromise their ability, or the ability of others, to do so. Workers and their representatives should cooperate with the management of work in promoting safety awareness and two-way communication on security issues, as well as in the investigation of major accidents or near misses which could cause a major accident. 2. Workers are required to immediately report to management any work situation which they believe could lead to deviations from normal operating conditions, in particular which situation could develop into a major accident. 3. If workers in grave danger installation has reasonable justification to believe that there is a real and serious danger to workers, the public or the environment, they shall, within the scope of their work, stop the activity as a safe way. As soon as possible after that, workers must notify the worker or improve alarm management, as appropriate. 4. Workers should not be placed at any disadvantage because of the actions mentioned above.
Whereas, workers' rights are as follows: 1. Workers and their representatives should have the right to receive comprehensive information of relevance to the hazards and risks connected with their workplace. In particular, they should be informed about: (a) The name and chemical composition of hazardous materials; (b) The hazardous nature of these substances; (c) The danger of the installation and the precautions to be taken; (d) Full details of contingency plans for dealing with major accidents at the site; (e) Full details of their emergency duties in the event of a major accident. 2. Workers and their representatives should be consulted before decisions are taken on issues relevant to the great danger. In particular, this includes hazard and risk assessment, failure assessment and examination of the deviations from normal operating conditions. In Indonesia there is Work Safety Act No.1 year 1970 which also regulates the obligations and rights of workers, which is: 1. The use of appropriate safety equipment regulations 2. Request for health insurance and workplace safety system 3. Compliance with workplace rules and giving clear information about safety in the workplace. 11.1.4 Work Safety Program The management has a responsibility to provide a safe working environment and healthy so making program Occupational Safety and Health Guidance for both short-term and long-term future for the benefit and safety of all components of the plant, namely:
a) Training of safety and health at every new employee and corporate guests. b) Checking the existing hydrant system within and outside the area of each plant once a month. c) Checking the emergency evacuation system every once in a month. d) Regular meetings every day for 30 minutes before and after surgery with the operator to discuss the work activities in the day. e) K3 training programs and refresher every once in two months f) Availability of trained health personnel g) K3 monthly inspection of how the workers and the factory operating system. h) Regular meetings of occupational health and safety committee every month. i) The medical examination of all workers regularly j) Conducting in-depth investigation of the accident and any corrective action that may be taken.
11.1.5 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) All employees must wear PPE that is provided for the cleanliness of the direct labor is considered by the company and has been adapted to the conditions of their jobs: a) Employees working in factories must wear full PPE, as already provided, in example gloves, masks, work clothing, headgear, safety glasses, and safety shoes. b) Ring or any personal jewelry should not be worn when working or being around machinery.
11.2 Work Safety Analysis In the safety analysis is usually done based on the rules and codes of conduct, both international and local levels. In Indonesia alone in providing job safety analysis should be based on the level of regulation following: ILO Code of Practice for the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents Work Safety Act No. 1 year 1970 Per.05/Men/1996 about Safety Management System and Occupational Health Analysis of safety and health as a reference, referral, and information standards that help reduce, avoid, minimize, and protect against accidents in the production process and prevent losses in the production process. Loss referred a fatal accident that resulted in death and disability for the employee or employees, damage to major appliances and supporting the process of production, loss of missing or damaged raw materials and supplementary materials processes, and the loss or damage of the product resulting in loss materially to business owners and business owners with or consortium of investors. Safety analysis includes several things: availability sheet MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) on the properties and physic-chemical properties of raw materials, auxiliary materials, or materials supporting the production process used. Aside from the safety analysis is also the Safety Assessment sheet covering sheet Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA), Hazard Identification (HAZID), Hazard Operability Studies (HAZOP), while for the food processing industry should also be included Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP).
11.2.1 MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) MSDS contains data concerning the properties of physics and chemistry, the way the use, handling, and storage of a substance contained in a plant for the sake of safety. Each ingredient contained in the plant must be equipped with MSDs who serves as the basis for the use of (material handling), and aims to ensure that everyone who works with these materials can be used appropriately and act appropriately and quickly in case of danger. Here is the MSDS of the raw materials used in the manufacture of heat reflective paint NurCoolant.. a) Product Name CAS Number Chemical Formula Hazard Identification A little hazardous in case of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion. Carcinogenic effects: Not available. Mutagenic effects: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. Teratogenic effects: Not available. Developmental toxicity: Not available. : Zinc oxide : 1314-13-2 : ZnO
Repeated or prolonged exposure is not known to aggravate medical condition. First Aid Measures Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation occurs. Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Get medical attention if irritation develops. Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention.
Serious Inhalation: Not available. Ingestion: Dont induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention if symptoms appear.
Accidental release measures Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and dispose of according to local and regional authority requirements. Handling and storage Precautions: Keep locked up. Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust. Wear suitable protective clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or the label. Keep away from incompatibles such as acids. Storage: Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do not store above 25C (77F). Physical and Chemical Properties Physical state and appearance: Solid. (Powdered solid) Odor: Odorless. Taste: Bitter. Molecular Weight: 81.38 g/mole
Color: White to yellowish-white Boiling Point: Not available. Melting Point: 1975C (3587F) Critical Temperature: Not available. Specific Gravity: 5.607 (Water = 1) Volatility: Not available. Odor Threshold: Not available. Dispersion Properties: Is not dispersed in cold water, hot water. Solubility: Insoluble in cold water, hot water Soluble in dilute acetic acid, or mineral acids, ammonia, ammonium carbonate, fixed alkali hydroxide solution.
Potential Acute Health Effects: Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation.
Carcinogenic effects: A4 (Not classifiable for human or animal.) by ACGIH, 3 (Not classifiable for human.) by IARC.
Mutagenic effects: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. Teratogenic effects: Not available. Developmental toxicity: Not available.
The substance may be toxic to lungs, upper respiratory tract. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.
First Aid Measures Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation occurs. Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Get medical attention if irritation develops. Serious Skin Contact: Not available. Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention. Serious Inhalation: Not available. Ingestion: Dont induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If large quantities of this material are swallowed, call a physician immediately. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Accidental release measures Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and dispose of according to local and regional authority requirements. Handling and storage Precautions: Do not breathe dust. Wear suitable protective clothing. If you feel unwell, seek medical attention and show the label when possible. Keep away from incompatibles such as acids.
Storage: Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area Physical and Chemical Properties Physical state and appearance: Solid. (Powdered solid.) Odor: Odorless. Taste: Tasteless. Molecular Weight: 79.9g/mole Color: White. Boiling Point: 2750C (4982F) Melting Point: 1855C (3371F) Critical Temperature: Not available. Specific Gravity: 4.26 (Water = 1) Vapor Pressure: Not applicable. Vapor Density: Not available. Dispersion Properties: Not available. Solubility: Insoluble in cold water, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, diluted sulfuric acid, organic solvents. Soluble in hot concentrated sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid, alkali
First Aid Measures General: Move the exposed person to fresh air at once. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues. Inhalation: Move the exposed person to fresh air at once. Keep the affected person warm and at rest. Get prompt medical attention.
Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting! Immediately rinse mouth and provide fresh air. Get medical attention immediately! \
Skin: Remove affected person from source of contamination. Remove contaminated clothing. Wash the skin immediately with soap and water. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues.
Eyes: Promptly wash eyes with plenty of water while lifting the eye lids. Make sure to remove any contact lenses from the eyes before rinsing. Continue to rinse for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues.
Accidental release measures Spill cleanup methods: Ventilate well. Wear necessary protective equipment. Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth and place into containers. Handling and storage Usage precautions: Avoid spilling, skin and eye contact. Ventilate well, avoid breathing vapors. Use approved respirator if air contamination is above accepted level. Persons susceptible for allergic reactions should not handle this product. Storage precautions: Keep in cool, dry, ventilated storage and closed containers. Keep in original container. Keep separate from food, feedstuffs, fertilizers and other sensitive material. Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: Viscous liquid. Color: Colorless. Odor: Aromatic. Boiling point: (C, interval): >300 Density: 1.00 (g/ml): Bulk density: 1000 kg/m3
Viscosity (interval): 1300 mPas Temperature (C): 25 Flash point (C): >200 M
d) Product Name CAS Number Chemical Formula Hazard Identification First Aid Measures -
EYES: May cause irritation, tearing, reddening, and swelling. SKIN: Prolonged or repeated contact may cause skin irritation. INGESTION: May be harmful if swallowed. INHALATION: Harmful if inhaled. Prolonged, repeated, or high exposures may cause weakness and depression of the central nervous system. In extreme cases, drowsiness and possibly loss of consciousness may occur. Inhalation may cause irritation to the respiratory tract (nose, mouth, mucous membrane). This product may cause nose and throat irritation. May affect the brain or nervous system causing dizziness, headache or nausea.
Accidental release measures Eliminate sources of ignition. Evacuate the area. Clean-up should only be performed by trained personnel. People dealing with a major spill should wear full protective clothing including appropriate respiratory protection. Prevent product spill from entering sewers or waterways. Neutralize small spills with a decontaminant
Handling and storage GENERAL PROCEDURES: Flammable liquid. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing vapor over open containers. Avoid open container exposure to damp air. Avoid breathing aerosols, mists, and vapors. HANDLING: Use appropriate personal protective equipment as specified in Section 8. Handle in a well ventilated area. Handle and use in a manner consistent with good industrial/manufacturing techniques and practices. STORAGE: Keep away from heat, sparks, open flames, or other sources of ignition. Do not store portable containers in direct sunlight. Keep containers closed when not in use. For maximum storage life, store at temperatures below 50 degree Fahrenheit. Store away from incompatible materials. (see section 10) SHELF LIFE: 12 months from date of shipment under manufacturers recommended storage conditions. ELECTROSTATIC ACCUMULATION HAZARD: This material can accumulate static charges which can cause an incendiary electrical discharge. Use proper bonding and/or grounding procedure Physical and Chemical Properties Physical state : Liquid Odor Color : Ester : Colorless
Percent volatile: 100 Vapor pressure: Not Established Vapor density: Heavier than air Boiling point: Not Established Flashpoint: 7C (44.6F) Solubility in water: Partially Soluble Specific gravity: 0.826 (water=1) at 25C (77F)
Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Severe over-exposure can result in death.
Carcinogenic effects: 3 (Not classifiable for human.) by IARC Mutagenic effects: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells Teratogenic effects: Not available. Developmental toxicity: Not available.
Repeated exposure to a highly toxic material may produce general deterioration of health by an accumulation in one or many human organs. First Aid Measures Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation occurs. Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Get medical attention if irritation develops. Serious Skin Contact: Not available. Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention immediately. Serious Inhalation: Not available. Ingestion: Dont induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an
unconscious person. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention if symptoms appear. Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Accidental release measures Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and dispose of according to local and regional authority requirements. Handling and storage Precautions: Keep locked up.. Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust. Wear suitable protective clothing. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or the label. Storage: Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do not store above 23C (73.4F) Physical and Chemical Properties Physical state and appearance: Solid. (Amorphous solid powder) Odor: Odorless. Taste: Not available. Color: White. Boiling Point: Not available. Melting Point: Not available. Critical Temperature: Not available. Specific Gravity: 2.1 (Water = 1) Vapor Pressure: Not applicable. Vapor Density: Not available. Volatility: Not available. Solubility: Insoluble in cold water.
11.2.2 HIRA ( Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment) HIRA (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment) is a hazard identification and risk study to define the problem and how to manage the Hazard In daily activities and special of operation process and Industries production. In HIRA Analysis contain some step that must be followed. They are: Process of sorting to be sub process that more specific Hazard potential identification in every sub process Determine risk that may be happened (severity and likelihood) Determine the preventive ways and recommendation of risk Conclusion of hazard potential and risk which is solved for every activities Conclusion for all of working In HIRA analysis, it is indentified of hazard potential and risks with calculate the level of risks, recommendation, and final risk. Risk is combination of severity and likelihood. This is Risk can be described by this formula:
Likelihood of risk is consists of high, medium, and low. Severity is constant variable and also consists of high, medium, and low effect. Level of severity and likelihood is variant, they can 3 or more (also can 8 depend on agreement from the company). The table below will show a parameter to calculate likelihood and calculate a severity. Table 11.1 Parameter in Calculation of Likelihood PARAMETER Frequency of harm HIGH Every the job is working MEDIUM Once in 10 until 100 LOW Once during the job is working
Implementers level experience, not job skills ever doing the job before
Less experience
Table 11.2 Parameter in Calculation of Saverity PARAMETER HIGH Death, physical Human Resource defect, Physical disfunction, harmful. High damage in Asset equipment, production is stopped Protection Protection Equipment equipment is not at environment flammable chemical Available of evacuation time More than one minute Between 1-30 minutes Minimum Protection equipment MEDIUM Medium harm, The body still doing the job Low harm LOW
Low damage, no production effect Protection equipment is available enough and installation is well isolated More than 30 minutes
Table 11.3 HIRA of Heat Reflective Paint Product No . 1 Hazard Potential - Raw material are spilled on the environment 2 Raw Material Distribution Final Risk L
Saverity M
Likelihood L
- Raw material - Environment is spilled, fell down from truck, or messy contamination - Fire Risk
- Explicit SOP - Worker with skill - Give the boundary on the back of truck - Good Fire management around the unit
- Production is blocked
-Production is
- Explicit SOP
immediately off
- Genset Stocking
- Minimalize the volume or weight of raw material - Use the lifting toll to lift the raw material -Driver with high skill
Unit Operation
- Good Fire management - Worker with skill - Explicit SOP - Inspection and monitoring periodic of job worker
Equipment is Stopped
- Production is blocked
immediately Vessel Leak or over pressure - Fire risk - Explosion - Physical disfunction - Process not optimal H L M
equipment - Good Fire management - Worker with skill - Explicit SOP - Inspection and monitoring periodic of Vessel
- Install sign of warning - Explicit SOP - Using Complete ADP - Worker with skill
- Slipped
- Explicit SOP
- Install the warning sign - Using Complete ADP - Worker with skill
11.2.3 HAZID HAZID stands for Hazard Identification. It is an analysis of hazard prevention in the installation of process manufacture. The process done by considering all aspects in the manufacture. All of the aspects of the installation are: Informations or data from the installation of the industry or factory. The informations mentioned earlier are process flow diagram (PFD), pipping and instrumental diagram (P&ID), plant layout, meteorology data, sosio-cultural data, and all records of the factorys installation process. Locations, including the location of operation facilities, supporting facilities, roads, and the position of operation lines, for material pipe or electricity. The risks that may occur and the risks that give impact to human resources, environment, and another assets. The factors that trigger danger, such as operation process, transportation, geography, and meteorology. Potential hazards like fire and explosion.
To considering the effects of hazards in HAZID, a parameter used as followed: Table 11.4. Parameter in Considering the Effects of Hazards in HAZID Parameters Human resource Minors Majors If there is any No accident accident occurs, the accident is not fatal The losses is Asset lower than US$ 100,000 There is losses between US$100,000 and US$1,000,000 Losses which is bigger than US$ 1,000,000 Fatal accident Severes
If there is any No Environment environmental damage damage to the environment, the damage happens in a low level. Major damage to the environment
To considering the frequencies of hazards in HAZID, a parameter used as followed: Table 11.5. Parameter in Considering the Frequencies of Hazards in HAZID Most Frequency Hazards of More than 10 times in 10 years Likely Between 1 and 10 times in 10 years Unlikely Less than 1 time in 10 years
Table 11.6. HAZID of NurCoolant Paint Indonesia Location Description Causes Potential Hazard Effect of Hazard Frequency of Hazard Prevention There will be the Place to keep all of The storage of raw materials the raw materials: zinc oxide, titanium oxide, polyurethane, etc. The capacity of the raw materials is bigger than the storage capacity The storage becomes broken Minor Unlikely rest time or stopping time of the distribution the raw materials to the storage Cause the smell The storage is un-hygiene and illness, also can cause damage to the materials Minor Most There will be continous checking for the raw materials inside the storage.
The time of keeping materials in the storage is too long The storage system is not good, for The storage of the product The storage where we will keep our paint example, the can is not sealed properly or the arrangement is not properly Carton and erecting machine Using of the carton and erecting machine Noise Minor Most Leakage of the product which is means leakage of chemicals too MAJOR Likely Leakage of the chemicals
Scheduling for every input in Major Likely the storage and using the materials as the schedule too Checking the product as the schedule, make sure all can sealed properly and the arrangement of can is proper too Using the ear protector
Packaging unit
The packaging is untidy, not eyeThe packaged carton is broken catching, broken packaging, and makes the product rejected Product position when it want to Warehouse of the ready product The place where the ready product is kept. keep is not fit with the warehouse, for example: too high The outer packaging *carton) is fall The product becomes scattered Major Likely The product falls to people or other product below it. Major Likely Minor Unlikely
Checking and controlling the quality of packaging process and materials using for packaging.
Make the standard for the height, make the sign of product level
11.2.4 HAZOP Definition The HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Study) method is technique used to identify the hazards on process facilities and prepare the system safety of potential hazards occurring in the operation. Even those who are not familiar with the hazards analysis process will often have heard of the term HAZOP, even if they are not really sure what it means. It has happened when the Process Safety Management (PSM) regulations in the United States were being promulgated in the early 1990s it was not unknown for a plant manager to say, "I know what PSM is, it's HAZOPs!" In fact the HAZOP method is just one of the many types of Process Hazards Analysis (PHA) techniques that are available, and PHAs are just one element of a PSM program. Nevertheless, these managers were somewhat justified in what they said because they knew that, unless they could identify the hazards on their facilities, they could not reduce risk. The goals of HAZOP are to figure out: The potential hazards, especially the most dangerous ones for human being and environment Some various operability problems in each process because of some deviations toward the design intent in plant, both active one or about to begin one. Furthermore, both regulators and legal advisors generally support the use of the HAZOP technique because of its reputation and because it is so thorough. The use of the HAZOP technique is very defensible if a company is challenged regarding its safety performance, particularly in a legal dispute. As a result of its widespread use and acceptance, large numbers of process safety practitioners are now trained in the use of the HAZOP method, and many of those are also trained as leaders/facilitators. Furthermore, a substantial HAZOP infrastructure has developed. Many
36 Technique A HAZOP is organized by dividing the unit to be analyzed into nodes. A node represents a section of the process where a significant process change takes place. For example, a node might cover the transfer of material from one vessel to another through a pump. In this case the process change is the increase in pressure and flow that occurs across the node. Another node might include an overhead air-cooler on a distillation column. Here temperature and phase are the process variables that change. The HAZOP team would systematically examine a proposed process design by asking questions using guidewords representing deviations from the intended parameters of the process which can be seen in table below:
Table 11.7 Guide Words and the Meaning Guide Words No or None More Less As Well As Part Of Meaning The negation of the intention (e.g.: no flow) A quantitative increase (e.g.: high pressure) A quantitative decrease (e.g.: low pressure) In addition to (e.g.: impurity) A qualitative decrease (e.g.: only one of two components present) Reverse Other Than The opposite of the intention (e.g.: back flow) Complete substitution (e.g.: wrong material)
Table 11.8 Type of Problems Indication Deviation No Flow Typical Problems Blockage, pump failure, suction vessel empty, vapor lock, control failure, etc. Reverse Flow Pump failure, pump reversed, over pressurization, etc.
Blockage, loss of control, reaction, explosion, valve closed, etc. Pump failure, leak, partial blockage, sediment,
cavitation, etc. Less Temp Less Press As Well As Heat loss, vaporization, leak, imbalance of input and output, etc. Presence of contaminants, e.g.: water, air, lubrication oil, etc.
Although the strength of the HAZOP method lies in its clear organization, it is important not to allow the analysis to become too rigid. If the team finds that it is talking about "Reverse Flow" even though the current guideword is "High Flow", the leader should probably let the discussion continue. If he or she were to postpone the discussion until the "right" guideword, the current thinking and creativity may be lost. On the other hand, the leader must also keep the discussion focused on the issue at hand, and should prevent too many digressions. 1. Select a node, define its purpose and determine the process safe limits. 2. 3. 4. Select a process guideword. Identify the hazards and their causes using the deviation guidewords. Determine how the hazard is "announced", i.e., how the operator knows a safe limit has been exceeded. 5. Estimate the consequences (safety, environmental, economic) of each identified hazard. 6. 7. 8. 9. Identify the safeguards. Estimate the frequency of occurrence of the hazard. Risk rank the hazard, with and without safeguards. Develop findings and potential recommendations.
10. Move on to the next process guideword, or to the next node if the guideword discussion is complete.
Some mistakes might happen in assessing HAZOP are: 1. Failing to establish a "safe" environment for team members. 2. Consequences of events not carried to conclusion. 3. Taking unwarranted credit for 4. Too little credit given for safeguards 5. Making recommendations as specific as possible 6. Poor recording of HAZOPS 7. Failure to HAZOP start-up and shut-down procedures 8. Poorly up-dated P&IDs 9. A HAZOP is performed in lieu of properly executed design reviews 10. Wrong technique for system being.
Table 11.9. HAZOP Sheet for Weigh Tank Weigh Tank Deviation No. Guide Word Less Parameter Level Cause Consequences Safeguards Action Required Action Assigned to The amount of ingredients put into the weigh tank is too few The ingredients will run out earlier before they come into mixer Rechecking inspection/maintenance regime done by engineers to prevent any problems 2. More Level The amount of ingredients put into the weigh tank is too many The ingredients will be over capacity Rechecking inspection/maintenance regime done by engineers to prevent any problems 3. Other Than Specification Feed Ingredients Wrong substance delivered and human error Possible reaction will occur since it will affect the work system of Reviewing Question and Answer procedures done by engineers to solve the problems By ensuring the engineers to distinguish each ingredients used Engineer By designing the weigh tank with alarm for high level occurring Engineer By designing the weigh tank with alarm for low level occurring Engineer
any equipment
Table 11.10 HAZOP Sheet for Energy Efficient Mixer 1 Energy Efficient Mixer 1 Deviation No. Guide Word Other Than Specification Parameter Flow in (Feed) Cause Consequences Safeguards Action Required Action Assigned to The flow inlet has obstacle to go through mixer or even no flow coming in The composition to mix the materials needed will be imperfect, not suitable toward the safety standard, and not fulfill the specification of market 2. Other Than Flow out Wrong substance The composition Checking the materials By designing the Engineer Checking the materials coming to the mixer for batch system done by engineers By designing the center flow control as well Engineer
to mix the materials needed will be imperfect, not suitable toward the safety standard, and not fulfill the specification of market
coming to the mixer for batch system and the filter used
Impeller in mixer
By ensuring the capacity and composition of the mixture is suitable with the procedure
will run faster then inspection/maintenance there will be friction between impeller and mixer and economic loss regime done by engineers to prevent any problems
mixture tank
economic loss
any problems
Table 11.11 HAZOP Sheet for Grinding Machine Grinding Machine Deviation No. Guide Word Other Than Specification Parameter Flow in (Feed) Cause Consequences Safeguards Action Required Action Assigned to The mixture coming from previous mixer tank is too hard to be cut and crushed to get paste form of paint or can be said its not perfectly mixed The cutter in grinding machine is hard to run and motor of transfer will be broken fast Rechecking the performance of equipment, standard operating system, and viscosity of the mixture coming from previous mixer tank By ensuring the cutter in grinding machine is sharp and the mixture of ingredients has the best quality Engineer
Table 11.12 HAZOP Sheet for Energy Efficient Mixer 2 Energy Efficient Mixer 2 Deviation No. Guide Word Other Than Specification Parameter Flow in (Feed) Cause Consequences Safeguards Action Required Action Assigned to The flow inlet has obstacle to go through mixer or even no flow coming in The composition to mix the materials needed will be imperfect, not suitable toward the safety standard, and not fulfill the specification of market 2. Other Than Specification Flow out (Feed) Wrong substance delivered and pollutant coming through the flow The composition to mix the materials needed will be imperfect, Checking the materials coming to the mixer for batch system and the filter used By designing the optimal performance of the filter Engineer Checking the materials coming to the mixer for batch system done by engineers By designing the center flow control as well Engineer
not suitable toward the safety standard, and not fulfill the specification of market 3. Less Level Mixture of ingredients needed is lower than the capacity of mixture tank and operator error 4. More Level Mixture of ingredients needed is higher than the capacity of mixture tank and operator error Impeller in mixer Rechecking By ensuring the capacity and composition of the mixture is suitable with the procedure Engineer
will run faster then inspection/maintenance there will be friction between impeller and mixer and economic loss The overcapacity of tank will be hard to make impeller run and economic loss Rechecking inspection/maintenance regime done by engineers to prevent any problems regime done by engineers to prevent any problems
By installing safety control where machine wont be on if overcapacity happens like alarm and drain valve to purge the higher
Table 11.13 HAZOP Sheet for Pump Pump Deviation No. Guide Word Less Parameter Level Cause Consequences Safeguards Action Required Action Assigned to The flow inlet is too low then there will also be air coming in to the pump and operator error Pump failure and cavitation occurs Rechecking inspection/maintenance regime done by engineers to prevent any problems By designing the level alarm system and installing gas detector Engineer
Table 11.14 HAZOP Sheet for Paint Filling Machine Paint Filling Machine Deviation No. Guide Word Less Parameter Level Cause Consequences Safeguards Action Required Action Assigned to The flow inlet has obstacle to go through mixer from previous mixer tank and operator error The product is not complete and can danger the safety also can distract the next process and even economic loss since the target of production is not achieved 2. No Level Distraction of stream in belt conveyor because the pollutant stuck Economic loss as the production stops from this spot to the Checking the belt conveyor in a good condition to use By doing daily inspection to all belt conveyors after production has Technician Rechecking inspection/maintenance regime and feed flowing has been completed By ensuring the final capacity of products, automatically processing the previous stream, and reviewing the upstream equipment done by supervisor Engineer, Technician
in wheel of conveyor
downstream production
Table 11.15 HAZOP Sheet for Automatic Packaging Machine Automatic Packaging Machine Deviation No. Guide Word Other Than Specification Parameter Tin Feed Cause Consequences Safeguards Action Required Action Assigned to The tin can be broken or not qualify the standard from the vendor as long as the delivery or loading process The product will be off spec, not qualify the standard operating system, and can affect the safety of loading and inventory process 2. Other Than Specification Carton Feed The carton can be broken or not The product will be off spec, not Rechecking inspection/maintenance By ensuring the product coming out Engineer, Technician Rechecking inspection/maintenance regime of tin will be suitable toward the specification By ensuring the product coming out of the machine and mapping the off spec product (separation) Engineer, Technician
qualify the standard from the vendor as long as the delivery or loading process
qualify the standard operating system, and can affect the safety of loading and inventory process
Distraction of stream in belt conveyor because the pollutant stuck in wheel of conveyor
Economic loss as the production stops from this spot to the downstream production
By doing daily inspection to all belt conveyors after production has finished
1. Brand is one of the attractions of the product in facing the market competition.Our heat reflective paint product is a product that requires a brand, in order to have identification that can be known easily by public and can be distinguished from other heat reflective paint products. 2. After registered brand of NurCoolant heat reflective paint products, we also must be registered the patent of the product that we will be produced. 3. Safety analysis includes several things: availability sheet MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) on the properties and physic-chemical properties of raw materials, auxiliary materials, or materials supporting the production process used. Aside from the safety analysis is also the Safety Assessment sheet covering sheet Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA), Hazard Identification (HAZID), and Hazard Operability Studies (HAZOP
Tanggal Akses : 24 Desember 2011. Anonim.2001. UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIA - Komisi Informasi. Tanggal Akses : 24 Desember 2011. Chemical Industries Health and Safety Council. 1977. Hazard and Operability Studies. London: Chemical Industries Association. Lees, F. P. 1981. Some Features of and Activities in HAZOP Studies. The Chemical Engineer. Kletz, T. A. 1986. Notes on the Identification and Assessment of Hazard. London: The Institution of Chemical Engineers.