01 - Force Method of Analysis General Procedure

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Force Method of Analysis: General Procedure

Brief procedure 1. Remove supports to make the structure statically determinate the result is called the primary structure or released structure. 2. Calculate deflections at points where supports were removed. 3. Determine (redundant) forces necessary to return supports to original position.

Detailed procedure 1. Determine number of redundant. 2. Remove enough redundant to form a determinate, stable structure (this is the primary or released structure). 3. Calculate displacements (y or ) due to applied loads in primary structure where the redundant were removed. 4. Calculate y or at same points due to the redundant in terms of the redundant (the unknowns). 5. Sum y or at each redundant from applied loads and redundant and set equal to zero or known displacement, in the case of a known support settlement. Solve equations for the unknown reactions, which may be a set of simultaneous equations. 6. Use equilibrium equations to complete the analysis.

Suggested methods of computing deflections 1. Use table inside front cover if it fits. (or the IDE 110 superposition tables) 2. Use moment-area or conjugate-beam method if there are concentrated loads only (M/EI diagram with straight-lines). 3. Use virtual work or Castigliano's second theorem if there are only distributed loads or both concentrated and distributed loads (M/EI diagram with curved lines).

E Ex xa am mp plle e1 1:: 1 1s stt-d de eg gr re ee e iin nd de ette er rm miin na atte e

1. release redundant support 2. compatibility of displacement 0 = -B + 'BB 0 = -(downward displacement due to applied load) + (upward displacement due to support reaction) first subscript: point where deflection is specified second subscript: point where the unknown reaction acts 3. unit load at B acting in direction of B By 'BB = By fBB f = linear flexibility coefficient = measure of deflection per unit load (m/N, ft/lb) 0 = -B + By fBB 4. solve for By 5. solve for other reactions using equilibrium

E Ex xa am mp plle e2 2:: 1 1s stt-d de eg gr re ee e iin nd de ette er rm miin na atte e

1. release redundant support 2. compatibility of rotation 0 = A + 'AA 0 = -(angle at A due to applied load) + (angle at A due to support moment) first subscript: point where angle is specified second subscript: point where the unknown reaction acts 3. unit moment at A acting in direction of M MA 'BB = MA AA = angular flexibility coefficient = measure of angular displacement per unit couple moment (rad/Nm, rad/lb-ft) 0 = A + MA AA 4. solve for M A 5. solve for other reactions using equilibrium

E Ex xa am mp plle e3 3:: 2 2n nd d-d de eg gr re ee e iin nd de ette er rm miin na atte e

fBB = deflection at B cause by unit load at B fBC = deflection at B cause by unit load at C fCB = deflection at C cause by unit load at B fCC = deflection at C cause by unit load at C

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