Example: Problem 2.4.30 Definition of A Limit: 110.109 Calculus I (Phys Sci & Eng) Professor Richard Brown
Example: Problem 2.4.30 Definition of A Limit: 110.109 Calculus I (Phys Sci & Eng) Professor Richard Brown
Example: Problem 2.4.30 Definition of A Limit: 110.109 Calculus I (Phys Sci & Eng) Professor Richard Brown
Strategy: We will employ a method similar to that of Example 2.4.4 on page 114 of the text. A good method, in general, for nding a > 0 given an > 0 is to work with the given -inequality to make it look like the -inequality. Then the choice of as a function of becomes clear. Solution: For f (x) = x2 + 2x 7 and any choice of If 0 < |x 2| < ,
To calculate this , we manipulate the -inequality: Here |f (x) 1| = x2 + 2x 8 = |x + 4||x 2| < . To make this look like the -inequality, we need to nd a way to replace the factor |x + 4| with a number. In essence, we need to bound it somehow (nd a number surely bigger than it). To do this, note that anywhere near the value x = 2, we know that the expression x + 4 will be near the value 6. So choose a range of input values, say 1 < x < 3, or |x 2| < 1 so that in this range, we know 3 < x + 4 < 7. Then, as long as |x 2| < 1, we can manipulate the -inequality to read x2 + 2x 8 = |x + 4||x 2| < 7|x 2| < or |x 2| < 7 . This becomes our choice of = 7 , at least when we are within 1 of the value x = 2. If we make this choice, then for small original choices of > 0, we would have: If 0 < |x 2| < , then |f (x) 1| = (x2 + 2x 7) 1 = x2 + 2x 8 = |x + 4||x 2| < 7|x 2| < 7 = 7
= . 7 However, this will not work when we choose > 0 so large that 7 > 1, because will make our choice of = 7 > 1, and we will have violated our assumption above, namely that for |x 2| < 1, we would get |x + 4| < 7. For example, say we were given = 14, so that our choice of was = 7 = 2. Then the denition of a limit would be: If 0 < |x 2| < , then |f (x) 1| = x2 + 2x 8 = |x + 4||x 2| < 8|x 2| < 8 = 16 which does not work when our choice of epsilon was 14. The reason was that for |x 2| < = 2, the expression |x + 4| can large as 8, and not 7.
Date : September 26, 2011.
To x this, not that we actually have two stipulations for , namely |x 2| < 1 by assumption (which a good assumption since near x = 2 this is ne), and |x 2| < = 7 which will work for small > 0. Hence we can x this completely, but making sure our choice of never gets large than our assumption, no matter the size of . Hence the idea that . 7 Then for large choices of > 0, like3 our = 14, which makes the calculation of = 7 = 2, we instead choose to be the smaller = 1. Then the bound we made for |x + 4| < 7 still works, and we can say, If 0 < |x 2| < , then |f (x) 1| = x2 + 2x 8 = |x + 4||x 2| < 7|x 2| < 7 = 7 Try this with specic numbers. You will see it works. 7 = . = min 1,