Spring Awakening Play A Round With Jodie Revitalization of The Bay of Quinte
Spring Awakening Play A Round With Jodie Revitalization of The Bay of Quinte
Spring Awakening Play A Round With Jodie Revitalization of The Bay of Quinte
Spring Awakening
Early Blooms
525 Days Road
(just west of Gardiners
and Bath Rds)
84 Cannifton
Road North
(off Hwy. 37 and 401)
144 Waltham Rd.
(behind Walmart
and the Superstore)
As we grow, a new Advertising Sales Manager has been added to the team. Mandy Bradford,
a former resident of Colborne now living in Picton has an excellent sales and marketing
background and such a cheerful smile that I knew on our first meeting she would be a perfect fit
for the magazine. I’m sure those that have met her will agree.
Years ago as a cottager on Lake Consecon, I passed by the church located at the crossroads of
County Roads 1 and 2 many times. It’s a beautiful solid structure I have always admired and I
am delighted to feature this amazing home in this issue.
For those cleaning their golf clubs and dreaming about their first tee off, Jodie Jenkins, J.J. The Golf Guy, has written a great review of the local
courses and lets you know which club opens first. Live theatre is alive and well in this area. Debra Tosh writes on the newest theatre groups and
on one of the oldest, The Belleville Theatre Guild.
This year we will feature two series: one on sustainable living and the other on eating clean. Sustainable living is the new “buzz”, but what is it
really? Garnet McPherson answers that question and makes us think about our environment and our future on this earth in a way we may not
have before. In the eating clean series, Kathy Terpstra will have you considering what you put into your body every day.
The Bay of Quinte is not only one of the best places in the province for fishing and boating, it is also home to many plant and wildlife species.
We are pleased to feature the positive efforts being made by many organizations to revitalize the Bay.
Spring means buds, flowers, and birds, so who better to describe this special time of year than Carolyn Lecker of Black Walnut Gardens. You
will be inspired. Have a wonderful spring.
Donna Kearns
We believe your shoes speak volumes about who you are. They can
represent your mood, your aspirations, even the way you conduct
yourself. So, what should your shoes say about you?
BD??>AC8E4 A=:3A
The Sommerville CentreqPhone: (613) 967-7977
DESIGN & PRODUCTION The Magic Moment when a Theatre is Born – Debra Tosh, 18
Michael Dickinson
Tom Lyons The Empire Strikes Back – Andy Forgie, 22
Vivy Naso
Maddi Traer
Sustainable Living – Garnet McPherson, 24
Assistant Editor
Emma Dobell
Play a Round with Jodie – Jodie Jenkins , 27
Marianne Gallagher
Trillium Wood Golf Club - Jodie Jenkins, 32
Donna Kearns
Sales Call now to reserve your advertising space in the summer issue.
Representative Booking deadline May 28
Tel: 613.476.2700
Toll Free: 1.877.476.0096 Mandy Bradford, Advertising Sales Manager
[email protected]
w w w. p i c t o n h o m e s . c o m 613.476.8788 [email protected]
Mandy Bradford
Advertising Sales Manager
In the last issue there was
additional information we
County & Quinte Living wanted to share...
We are pleased to welcome Mandy Bradford to Living with Art - the purple
our team. glass vase was created by
Mischka (Alexi) Hunter.
Mandy, a former resident of Colborne brings with
her many years experience in sales, marketing and Searching for the Fountain
customer relations. She has a passion for old houses of Youth – main photo
and her many tools and is lovingly referred to by courtesy of Claramount
her friends and family as ‘Handy Mandy’. Mandy Inn & Spa
has been involved in many home renovations and
likes nothing more than to sink her teeth into
yet………another project.
Rachel, 31
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I hear the orchestra tuning up outside Sixteen gardens weave their way in
my door and in my gardens this time and around the land. Early spring
of year. Lives far more sophisticated with its soft light and lengthening
than mine (a mere mortal) hear it days warms the earth and the
first. Long before I do, the animals, compacted ground begins to soften.
birds, insects, and yes, plants around Little patches expand into greater
here can tell the harbingers of spring. carpets of colour. Pickwick crocuses,
They can tell because they are the lavender striped with saffron threads
musicians. Birds sing, insects buzz, are clustered in some corners. Pretty
investigating the ground. The plants white, yellow and blue anemones are
in turn, feeling the sun and breath of gathered in others. In the woodland
busy life around them, break ground. areas tiny maroon chequered
Buds swell, bulbs re-invigorate, leaves fritillaria (snakeskin) bobs next to
unfurl. lovely burgundy and green lenten
Inside, less lyrically, the walls are alive
with half dozing life. Unwanted, over- As spring progresses “blues” reign
wintering tenants emerge stoned with supreme. The wilder wood violets
sleepiness. Cluster flies, so stupid, and deep blue scilla naturalize the
fall into your soup. Ants scurry past lawns. Little grape muscari and
corners. Drunken wasps and hornets, exquisite bluebells collect in many
having nested, who knows where, are of the beds, the rock garden is lush
party to this intermarriage. Spring is already with lime euphorbia, tiny
better outside. iris, teddy bear allium, buttercup
and fuzzy pasque flower. Nests
The thin blanket of snow having are filling. Snakes are reappearing
disappeared exposes lovely tear- (their old skins shirked into a bed
shaped snow drops. Close to winter’s or another). One praying mantis
departure, brilliant yellow aconite has found his way onto my kitchen
form lovely starbursts. Wood doves, table.
sparrows, chickadees, juncos, nut
hatches and competitive cardinals, By late May all the gardens are filling
blue jays and blackbirds are busy at and looking lush. The regal crown
the bird feeding stations. But the imperials, albeit lousy and oniony
songbirds are appearing now. A red- for smell, are resplendent in oranges,
tailed blackbird sings prettily on the reds and yellows. Surrounding them
branch, eyeing better nesting in the are the prima donnas of spring – the
valley below. Any day the precious tulips. From April to June, without
robins will appear truly announcing pause, tulips will dominate the
spring. They will not have sung one beds; translucent ones like Apricot
note till their journey is complete and Beauty, regal “Emperors”, colourfully
they have returned here to nest. Then painted “Artists”, pretty fringed
they will sing their little hearts out. pinks and long blooming double
So will the others coming again to peony types – as well, the blousy,
nest and nurture. The yellow finches, outrageous Parrot tulip. Supporting
hummingbirds, warblers, orioles, these is a great chorus of iris as
the purple martins and swallows, well as butterfly narcissus, trumpet
will compete for branches and eaves. daffodils, and delicate jonquils.
Even the nesting boxes, “condos” and
gourd houses will be filled to capacity. Perhaps their only real competition
Spring time is intoxicating here. for show was earlier – a serpentine
winding of bluebells, muscari, and
Lorne Park
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Still with all the charm and promise that is spring comes a
need for real buckling down. Over the winter Black Walnut
Gardens is a mish mash of burlapped walls, cones and
unremarkable structures. Now burlap and stakes are removed,
herbaceous plants and shrubs cut back or appropriately pruned.
Old annuals need composting. Soil needs amending. Divide.
Divide. Thousands of seeds will be sown. Vegetables, flowers,
herbs. Exotics begun earlier inside, need potting up. Other
larger clay pots need sterilizing and setting out for use.
Bowerman Church
On the diagonal corner sits the original Bowerman home.
The Bowerman home, formerly a tavern, welcomed the weary
traveller as it is situated ideally, halfway between Consecon and
Picton. The connection between the two is both humorous and
profound. To more fully appreciate the relationship between
these two buildings and, specifically, how and why the Bowerman
Church was built, a few details of history may be helpful.
Three and a half years later, we can say unequivocally our decision
to relocate was more than we could have ever planned. The County
of Prince Edward is rich in friendliness, history, and recreation.
Whether we sit by the fire that eternally attempts to heat this
grand old building during the long cold winter months, or bask
in the summer sunlight on the front porch, we know that we have
arrived where we were destined to be.
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CLEANWhat you put in your body counts!
Have you ever wished that you had more energy?
Ever wondered why you feel sluggish and seem
to pick up every cold that comes within 10 km
of you? Are you carrying around an extra 10,
20, or 50 lbs. that you just can’t seem to get rid
of? Have I got your attention yet?
you put in your mouth? The What does eating clean mean? Eating clean
is a very simple concept – something that our
other 20% is attributed to grandparents did without even having to make
that choice. The concept is that you need to
genes and exercise. eat food as close to its original state as possible.
at 5 or 6 small meals every day;
at every 2-3 hours to maintain blood sugar levels;
rink at least 2 litres, or 8 cups, of water each day;
ever miss a meal – especially breakfast!
at a balanced diet consisting of proteins, carbohydrates,
and fats;
epend on fresh fruits and vegetables for fibre, vitamins,
and enzymes;
arry a cooler loaded with clean foods to get through
the day;
void sugar-loaded colas and juices;
void calorie-dense foods that contain little nutritional
When does that lighting bolt
occur? What has to happen to The Magic Moment
ignite the dream of live theatre
in a community? A desire to When A Theatre
Is Born
produce your own written word?
A city-sponsored survey?
A conversation over iced tea
on a hot afternoon? Or just
being tired of driving to and fro
Prince Edward Community Theatre
between other towns? Cherry Valley boy Lynn Fennell started up his own theatre company last
year called Prince Edward Community Theatre. After gassing up his vehicle
and spending countless hours on the road, he decided to fill the theatre gap
Here are the stories of the birth in Picton. Now he directs and produces his own shows. Their first season
of four local theatres. features three productions, with four performances each, at the Picton
Town Hall.
Their inaugural show was The Murder Room, a comedy thriller by Jack Sharkey
last November. It starred Lewis Frape, Helen Wells (a.k.a Lenni Stewart), Susan
Matthews, Sid Wells, Hilary Hunter, and Mike Zaffino. Their second show
was Special Occasions, a romantic comedy by Bernard Slade. The two-hander
starred Wendy Hay of Bloomfield and Fennell himself, with a dinner theatre
package available for Valentine’s Day. How the Other Half Loves, a comedy
about three couples by Alan Ayckbourn will be held in May.
Fennell first got involved in musical theatre in 1988, when his children were
taking classes at the Dance Den in Belleville. He discovered that he liked it
and performed in a few shows for them. In 1995, he joined Domino Theatre
in Kingston, where he performed and directed through 2006. His first show
with The Belleville Theatre Guild was in 1999. Fennell said he has lots of
good memories and appreciates all the opportunities he has been offered. He
is incorporating everything that he has learned into his recent productions.
Retired from teaching since June 2007, he plans to build on the company’s
initial success with a second season.
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In 2002, Mark Rashotte, also a professional musician and recording artist with
Capitol Records in the 1980s, and his wife Rose Mary Rashotte, purchased
the McCarthy building. Mark’s years of touring and performing provided him
with a unique insight as to what a performing arts centre should provide both
the audience and entertainer. The result is the current state-of-the-art 700-seat
gem, which includes two licensed lounges. The theatre is described by many
performers and patrons as one of the finest in Ontario.
Since The Empire’s grand opening in September of 2003, there has been no
looking back as it continues to host top national and international performers.
From pop, rock, blues, jazz, country, and classical, it all happens at The Empire
Those who have graced the stage range from comedic giants Bob Newhart
and The Smothers Brothers; Canada’s top bands, Great Big Sea, Blue Rodeo,
and The Tragically Hip; folk and blues legends, Judy Collins and Buddy Guy;
contemporary and traditional country favourites from Johnny Reid and Tommy
Hunter, to international stage shows Bowfire and Barrage.
The spin-off effect on Belleville’s once struggling downtown is there for all to
see. Restaurants are buzzing with pre-show concert goers and hotels are booking
to capacity with out of town guests coming to see their favourite performer.
Those who have lived in Belleville for generations are pinching themselves and
those who are new to our community are simply amazed.
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Take Our Sustainability Quiz – For many of us the idea of sustainability may be a relatively
What do you think it means to live sustainably? new concept, in spite of the fact that it is emerging as the most
A. Living within Earth’s limits. dominant issue of our time. It has fallen on this generation
B. Reducing our impact on the Earth’s resources. to deal with the issue in very concrete, if not dramatic, terms
C. Making lifestyle and consumer choices to limit our use of in order to save life as we know it in this country and on this
resources. planet. There is a significant and growing body of scientific
D. Living more simply. evidence that we are approaching an environmental tipping
E. Taking care of nature so nature can take care of us. point. Any way you look at it, “sustainability” is a concept that
F. Meeting our needs without compromising the ability of must grow in our consciousness as, in many respects, we are
future generations to meet their needs. at the “push comes to shove” point in our history. We cannot
G. Creating a balance between our natural systems, our afford a “too little, too late” approach because there will not be
economic system and our social system. a second chance to avoid the dire environmental, economic,
H. All of the above. and biological consequences of inaction.
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Black Bear Ridge Golf Course Napanee Golf & Country Club
My introduction to this course was the first year it opened
when I was honoured to play with owner Brian Magee. His The Granddaddy of them all, Napanee Golf and Country Club
commentary during the round on what was done and why was has been operating on County Road 8 in Napanee for more than
a nice treat for a course that really has no equal when it comes 100 years. A 9-hole course that offers great terrain and some
to conditioning of the turf. The first hole could be the nicest very challenging holes. The opening hole is a straightforward
opening hole in the area with a great elevated tee, which looks par 4 that just sets the tone for your round. A birdie on number
down on a somewhat intimidating landing area. Once you one is a great start but maintaining that under par score will be
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Reservations/Information Contact
County Vacation
One of the most attractive things with Oak Hills is the fact that
it boasts two 18-hole tracks. If you really want to make a day of Timber Ridge Golf Course
it, I cannot think of a better way to do it than to play 36 holes
all at one location for one fee! Whether you do the Highland Timber Ridge has been the recipient of several awards handed
or the Glen you will be in for a great day of golf. If you are a out by different publications in the last couple years and
walking player, both courses offer some great terrain that will deservedly so. This Steve Ward design is a great complement
put your cardio endurance to the test. A place that is always to Trillium Wood (also a Steve Ward design) and is a course,
buzzing with activity, Oak Hills is also another course where that makes you feel like you are in pro mode. One thing you
junior golfers are encouraged and developed. Another sweet will hear about Timber Ridge over and over is the greens. The
part of Oak Hills is that, generally, it is one of the first facilities greens all have some amazing undulations, which can either
to open for the season in the area and I am always one of the make you or break you in a hurry. Personally, I don’t think
first to book a time to get in that first round. they are as outrageous as some would lead you to believe but I
am sure that if the greens mowers were lowered a little, those
surfaces would be dangerous. I really enjoy the Timber layout;
Picton Golf & Country Club the holes guide you around the property nicely and making a
birdie or two on the day can make you feel real good. One tip,
This is one of those places where I have not had a lot of before you tee off, roll some putts, like maybe 150. Then you
opportunities to play simply because of the hectic pace of life. should be good to go.
Having said that, the few times I have played have been nothing
short of great. The County lifestyle is reflected in this course,
as it is a relaxing yet challenging layout, which will become a
mainstay on your places-to-play list. Originally, 9 holes were the
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Trillium Wood
Golf Club
This course has come a long way in offers players the opportunity to keep take care of all wedding, corporate, and
its 10-year existence. Some original track of the “leaderboard” and see where general gathering needs.
members probably remember the they sit in relation to everyone else.
The final point I must make about
days of playing in the early going and The course itself is amazing. I find that Trillium is the people. From regular
also pulling rocks out of the fairway it’s a course that you never get tired members to the staff, they are always
to assist in the development of the of playing; each day seems to present smiling and going out of their way to
something different and the challenge make your day one to remember. From
to push yourself to be better is always Colin Pine in the pro-shop to Caleb
present. There are two holes that I really getting your bag from your car, to Bob,
Now Trillium boasts some of the best
enjoy, number 6 and number 13. Six is Darwin, and Murray sending you off on
fairways and greens in the area. Bentgrass
a par 5, dogleg right that invites you to number one, this team is here to make
wall-to-wall at Trillium makes for superb
bite a chunk off the corner to get there you feel like the star! Speaking of staff,
playing conditions and each year there
in two, however, it seems to me that I if you get a chance, track down one of
are improvements all over the course
am usually playing out of the trees when the top brass, Steve McCurdy, and ask
that enhance each round played.
I attempt this. Number 13 looks like a him to share the “that ain’t no snake
straightforward par 4, but the tee shot is territory” story. You will be glad you
Here’s what we know about the course:
crucial. The smart play is a fairway wood did. Trillium Wood should be proud
high quality service that puts the focus
off the tee. Keep it in the middle and go of what they have accomplished and I
on the customer and fully-paved cart
from there. Nothing beats teeing off on look forward to seeing where they go
paths that can also assist in taking a 230-
number one in July at 7 a.m. with the from here.
yard drive to a 275-yard drive if you can
hit the path in the right spot.
Jodie Jenkins, “The
Trillium is also coming into its third Golf Guy”, is heading
Last year, Trillium launched its full
year of a full restaurant setup that has into his eighth year of
GPS outfit on all carts which really
really seen an increase of usage each broadcasting his golf
makes your day a treat. Not only can
year. Trillium boasts an amazing bar program on 800 CJBQ.
you get exact yardages but you can order
with a sweet flatscreen, a very welcoming
food and beverages right from your
dining area, and an always-packed patio This year he debuts
cart as well! The GPS also has another
that overlooks number 18 green. Since on the MY FM Network of stations across
interesting feature that allows them to
the addition of the restaurant area, Ontario. www.jjthegolfguy.com
be programmed for tournaments which
Trillium is now in a position to fully
Listen for
“The Golf Guy”
This is a new addition to our comfort side dishes at Earl & Angelo’s and they are a huge hit
with our clients. This is a very simple recipe, but oh so decadent.
2 large Yukon gold potatoes
2 litres hot zero trans fat oil
3 tbsp freshly grated parmesan reggiano cheese
5 to 20 drops truffle oil to your taste
fresh cracked black pepper to taste
sea salt to taste
With a mandolin, slice the potatoes into thin slices – “potato chips”.
Fry them in the hot oil until golden brown.
Sprinkle and toss with the rest of the ingredients.
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Jon Alexiou
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Times of Change
Thanks to the combined efforts of the Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan
team, Quinte Conservation, Lower Trent Conservation, Cataraqui Region
Conservation Authority, enthusiastic volunteers, landowners and the general
public, the ecosystem and water quality in the Bay has improved significantly.
The Remedial Action Plan, commonly known as the ‘Big Cleanup’, as noted
by Jeff Borisko, Implementation Manager for the Bay of Quinte Remedial
Action Plan, “is an ecosystem approach in restoring and protecting the Bay
by recognizing the complex interrelationships between water, land, air, and all
living things – including people”.
The Plan is implemented in three stages: the first stage defines the problem,
the second stage recommends and implements actions to restore the ecosystem,
and the third stage monitors its success. Currently, the Bay of Quinte has
completed stage two and is projected to complete stage three within the next
couple of years, thus changing the status farming practices. Greener industrial
of the Bay as an “Area of Concern” to an practices have also resulted in less toxic
“Area in Recovery”. The restoration of discharges and, with much thanks to the
the Bay has resulted in a reduction of community, many shorelines have been
phosphorus loadings by half, thanks restored and wetlands rehabilitated.
to better municipal sewage treatment CQ_Living_ad 3/19/09 1:31 PM Page 1
and more environmentally responsible
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Gleaners Food
Bank Gala
A fundraiser for the Tri-County Food Network
Anita Halfpenny, John Rollins with Irene Dorner & John Fitzpatrick
John, Joan and Steven Halloran Jan and Danuta Jagaciak Margaret Dinsmore, Charlie & Annie Burghgraef
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The County’s A complete
Largest line of
Showroom accessories
2009 Guardian Angels Mary & Mark Hanley Allyson Hewat & Ryan Williams
Martha Sherratt, Len Kennedy, Jennifer Tretina & John Sherratt Evans & Evans Rick & Angeliqúe Belanger
Christopher Costello & Lindsey Harker Vicki, Darcy & Peter Smith
Elizabeth Blomme & Bernie Finklestein Dianne Milan, Terry Williams & Linda Tuck-Chapman
John & Heather Williams, Louise Hood & Col. Michael Hood Angel of Hope Award Winners John & Angela Smylie with daughters Megan,
Lyndsay & Jessica
Deb Thompson, Heather Thompson, Buck Pascoe, Andrea Miller, Bonnie Delaney
Let Us Help
With All Your
Entertaining Needs
With a background in international development through sport, I was asked to modify materials
prepared by the Coaching Association of Canada and research on conflict, program management,
advocacy, and leadership, into educational modules for the Peace Pioneer Certification Program
(PPCP). The PPCP is offered through Peace Camps which include workshops, interactive seminars,
presentations, debates, role playing, simulations, case studies, and sport sessions.
I was Lead Facilitator for the 08 Generations For Peace Camp held in Amman, Jordan from
November 26 to December 6, 2008. Seventy-one delegates from 16 war-torn countries (Afghanistan,
Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Nigeria, Palestine, Sierra Leone, Sri
Lanka, Sudan, Togo, Uganda, and Zimbabwe) attended the 10-day camp supported by 25 staff from
Canada, Dubai, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Nigeria, USA, and the UK.
The United Nations, UNICEF, the United Nations Development Program, the British Council,
and National Olympic Committees recommended delegates. Although most of the delegates come
from difficult situations, they have all made a commitment to peace building. Beyond conflict issues
such as the child soldier, tribal, religious and ethnic clashes, and refugees and displaced persons,
the 08 Camp focused on integrating those usually excluded from community life, such as girls and
women, persons with disabilities, and orphans.
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May 23 – June 6 June 6 June 11 - 14 Art Among the Ruins
Lies and Legends: The Musial Wingfield’s Inferno Loyalist Settlement Experience - Outdoor art show set among
Stories of Harry Chapin By Dan Needles. The Regent 225th Anniversary picturesque ruins of a 19th century
Presented by Lennox Theatre. The Theatre, Picton Re-enactments, Fife & Drum band, mill beside rapids of Napanee
Village Theatre – County Rd. 11, 613.476.8416 ext. 28 Herkimer Batteauxs doing battle River. 27 Earl Street Newburgh.
Selby. 613.354.3346 www.theregenttheatre.org offshore. UEL Heritage Centre & 613.378.2225
www.lennoxtheatre.ca Park, Adolphustown 613-373-2196
June 6 www.uel.ca June 14
May 27 Tour of Homes Art on the Fence
The Dofasco Male Chorus Napanee and surrounding area. 225th Anniversary Celebrations Ameliasburgh Historical Museum
Stirling Festival Theatre An impressive collection of four – Loyalist Landing 517 County Road 19, Ameliasburgh
613.395.2100 historic homes and three newer Strathcona Paper Centre – Napanee 10am - 4:30pm $2 admission
www.stirlingfestivaltheatre.com homes 613-354-6668 www.uel.ca 613-968-9678
May 28 The Audition JUNE 18 - 21
The 5th Annual Play a round for June 6 - 7 The Regent Theatre, Picton
the Kids Golf Tournament 613.476.8416 ext. 28
Trillium Wood Golf Course, $125 www.theregenttheatre.org
early bird, $150 after April 30th.
613.242.9253 June 12 – 14
www.quintechildrensfoundation.org Greater Napanee Summerfest
with Steve Wingfield
May 30 Evangelestic outreach festival
Opening Reception – Ben celebrating with music, song and
Woolfitt children’s activities. 613.354.8699 Fiddlers on the Trent
3– 7 pm Show runs May 29 – www.stevewingfield.org Music fills the canalway. Frankford
June 23 Oeno Gallery Milford – PEC Cycling Weekend Tourist Park
www.oenogallery.com Omnium Stage races for OCA June 13 www.fiddlersonthetrent.150m.com
competitive cyclists Sat. & Sun.
MAY 30 - 31 & June 6 - 7 Kiwanis sponsored Cribbage ride June 19 - July 5
Oak Hills Studio Tour for everyone midday Sat.. Milford Art In The County
Tour several studios within the and Picton. [email protected] Old Town Hall, King St., Picton
scenic Oaks Hills of Quinte West. 416.252.7903 10am - 5pm
613.395.5959 www.artinthecounty.com
June 7
June 3 - 6 200th White Chapel Annual June 19 – 21
Elvis – The Concert Series! Service. White Chapel Rd. Stirling Truck Show
Stirling Festival Theatre Picton 613.476.3068 www.stirlingtruckshow.com
www.stirlingfestivaltheatre.com June 11 June 20
Opening reception – Artist Brian Gardener’s Gala The Piano Men
June 5 - 7 Lorimer Prince Edward Curling Rink, Songs of Billy Joel and Elton John
West Lake Bluegrass Celebration 6 – 8pm Show runs June 12 – July Picton 10am -3pm Flower Show, starring John Ritter
3 day Bluegrass Festival. 19. Gallery ArtPlus, Belleville Ikebana Exhibition, Plant Auction The Regent Theatre, Picton
Fields on West Lake, Wellington 613.961.1977 by Master Gardeners Guest 613.476.8416
519.496.0397 www.galleryartplus.com Speaker, Dennis Winters of Tales of www.theregenttheatre.org
www.wellingtonbluegrass.com the Earth
613- 4 71-1016 Make Your Dreams Come True with a New Kitchen, Bathroom, Deck or Garage!
Now’s the time
We play at :
TOP QUALITY t Lumber, Hardware to do it.
• garden parties • family reunions
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WE INSTALL t Flooring, Kitchens, Get up to
Bathrooms, Windows
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and much, much more!
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home renovation purchases
$1,000 (before taxes).
June 25
Phedre 8 Wing CFB Trenton Armed
The Regent Theatre, Picton Forces Anniversary Weekend
613.476.8416 A weekend packed with
www.theregenttheatre.org entertainment for the whole family.
Air show, interactive displays. Free
June 27 admission. www.cfbtrenton.com
Mill Fest
A benefit in aid of Children of July 9 – 12
Fallen Soldiers. Fun outdoor Belleville Waterfront & Ethnic
heritage family activities during Festival
the day, dinner & concert indoors West Zwicks Park. Free admission
at night, at historic Stockdale Mill www.bellevillechamber.ca
Grist Mill, 1914 Stockdale Rd., 10
km. north of Trenton 613.398.6356 July 9 - July 25
www.stockdalemill.com Ship of Fire
Mt. Tabor Playhouse, Milford.
Opening Reception – Andrew Lui Wed to Sat at 8pm, matinees Wed
3 – 7 Show runs June 26 – July 21 & Sat. 2pm, 15th, 18th, 22nd and “Your County Ford Dealer for 25 years”
Oeno Gallery 25th, 1.866.584.1991
www.oenogallery.com www.festivalplayers.ca
July 17
BRIGHTON Parade of
HOMES MAY 2224 • 11am - 5pm
This spring, don’t miss this showcase event
and your chance to win valuable prizes
Check out the web site for details or once
to Brighton, simply follow the signs.
of Brighton
Serving Quinte with the
Nature’s Wonders at your Doorstep Picturesque Rural Setting Highest Quality since 1956
www.tobeydevelopments.com www.phillipsfs.com www.mirtrenhomes.com
For more details, visit www.brightonparadeofhomes.ca SPRING 2009 COUNTY & QUINTE LIVING 55