Entry Tax

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Index For Downloadable Forms Under Entry Tax Act.

Sl.No 1 2 FORM No. FORM 5 FORM 40 Description Annual return of turnovers And tax payable Declaration to be furnished by a dealer in respect of goods mentioned in First Schedule sold by him to another dealer in the State Register of declaration in Form 40 issued to other dealers within the State Entry Tax Paid Certificate Form of application by a dealer for obtaining clarification/advance ruling

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[See Rule 8 and 9(2)] Annual return of turnovers And tax payable 1. Return for the year from .................................to ................................. 2. Registration Certificate No. under the Karnataka Tax on Entry of Goods into Local Areas for Consumption, use or Sale Therein Act, 1979. 3. Name and full address of the dealer 4. Style of business 5. Status of the assessee 6. Tax payable for the year (see overleaf for details) 7. Tax paid (details to be furnished) 8. Balance due/Excess paid. DECLARATION I,........................................................... do solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information furnished in the above return is true and complete and that it relates to the year covering the period from ............................to ....................... Place: Date: Signature Name of the Signatory Proprietor/Partner/Manager/Director Details of the purchase value of Scheduled Goods dealt in during the year and Tax payable Value of goods Sl. Description Value of goods [purchased/received No. of the goods (both from within and outside the purchased/received from local area and motor vehicles outside the local area imported from outside the State)] 1 2 3 4(a) Value of goods purchased/received from within the local area but returned to the suppliers 4(b)

Value of goods purchased/received [Purchase value of Total deductions Total Rate Tax from outside the local area, but sent motor vehicle imported 4(a)+4(b)+4(c)+[4(d)] value of of due(Rs. out of the local area otherwise than from outside the State goods Tax Ps) by way of sale excluding the on which tax has liable to amount shown under Col. 4(b) already been paid by tax (3-5) filing statement in From 3-AA] 4(c) Total: 4(d) 5 6 7 8

Note : The Values indicated should include the carriage inwards in all cases.

FORM 40 [See Rule 9-A(1)(c), 9-E and 9-F] Declaration to be furnished by a dealer in respect of goods mentioned in First Schedule sold by him to another dealer in the State 1. I/We.............................................................being a registered dealer holdings Registration Certificate No...............................dated .........................under the K.T.E.G Act, 1979 and carrying on business in the name and style of ...............................at...........................................................................(full address) have sold ...............................(quantity) of................................(description of goods) for Rs............................to M/s...........................................(name with full address) in my/our Bill No.............................dated .......................... 2. I/We have caused entry of the above goods into the local area...................................(name of the local area) and ( I am/we are liable to tax under the K.T.E.G Act, 1979 and we shall pay the same; I/We have purchased the above goods from M/s. ......................................... (name with full address) having Registration Certificate No.................................vide their sale bill No.................................dated..........................and the said dealer has stated that he/his seller would be liable to pay tax on the said goods purchased by me, and I am/we are not liable to tax under the K.T.E.G Act, 1979 in view of the declaration furnished by them. 3. I am/we are on the rolls of ...............................(specify assessing authority). Place : Date : Signature Name of the signatory Proprietor/Partner/Manager/Director

[See Rule - 9A(1)(c)] Register of declaration in Form 40 issued to other dealers within the State Sl. No. 1 Date of issue 2 Sl. No. of Form 40 3 Name and address of the dealer to Sale Bill No. and whom issued date 4 5

Description of the goods 6

Quantity 7

Value 8

Remarks 9

[See Rule 88-A(5) (b)] Entry Tax Paid Certificate

Sl.No. Office of the (Notified Authority) This is to certify that entry tax payable under Section 4-B of the Karnataka Tax on Entry of Goods Act, 1979, in respect of the motor vehicle imported from outside the State of Karnataka described below has been paid vide Challan No./Cash receipts No...............................dated........................D.D.No.................................dated..................... ....Drawn on........................... Bank by the importer of the Motor Vehicle Sri ..........................................who has imported the Motor Vehicle not for sale within the local area but for own use. OR This is to certify that the importer of below described Motor Vehicle Sri...........................................is a registered dealer under the Karnataka Tax on Entry of Goods Act, 1979, with Registration No...............................has paid entry tax payable under Section 4-B in respect of the Motor Vehicle imported from outside the State of Karnataka described below vide Challan No./Cash receipt No................................dated...............................D.D. No............................... dated....................... drawn .....................................................Bank:Class of Motor Vehicle 1 Model 2 Engine No. 3 Chassis No. 4

Signature and Seal of the Notified Authority

Form 43 (See Rule 9-H) Form of application by a dealer for obtaining clarification/advance ruling under Section 12-C of the Karnataka Tax on Entry of Goods Act, 1979 Before the Authority for clarification and Advance Rulings Applicantion No. 1. Name(s) of the applicant(s) 2. K.S.T. No. 3. K.T.E.G. No. 4. Jurisdictional assessing authority 5. Clarification on rate of tax applicable on which commodity (commodities) / exigibility of transaction involved on which advance ruling is required (specify) 6. Statement of the relevant facts having a bearing on the aforesaid clarification(s) / transaction (s) 7. Statement containing the applicants understanding of rate of tax / exigibility in respect of the aforesaid clarification (s) / transaction (s) 8. List of documents / statements attached. 9. Particulars of fee accompanying the application. of

(Signed) Applicants(s)

(Signed) Authorised Representative

VERIFICATION I/We ......................................................... the applicant / applicants do hereby declare that what is stated above is true to the best of my / our knowledge and belief. I/ We also do hereby declare that the question raised in the application is not pending any officer or authority of the Department or Appellate Tribunal or any Court.

(Signed) Applicants(s)

(Signed) Authorised Representative Notes: (1) The application must be filled in English in quadruplicate and should be accompanied by 4 copies of the statements and documents attach to the application. (2) Each application shall not cover more than 4 commodities / transactions. (3) The question on eligibility of transaction(s) raised should be precise and directly relate to any proceedings under the Act. (4) The applicant must state in detail the relevant facts and the approximate tax effect on each transaction should also be spelt out. (5) The applicant must clearly state his understanding of the rate of tax on the commodity / interpretation of law and facts in respect of the eligibility of transaction(s) on which the advance ruling is sought. (6) The application, the verification appended thereto and the statements / documents accompanying the applications must be signed by the applicant.

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