MMU Risk Assessment Form Complete
MMU Risk Assessment Form Complete
MMU Risk Assessment Form Complete
2 days filming of 2nd Year Thematic Unit film 'One for Sorrow' short film on location in a small woodland area in Alexandra Park, Manchester. 1 half day in a house with filming equipment including lighting kit. What is being filmed (refer to attached script and shot list ) Dates: Monday 6th May 10am-4pm, Tuesday 7th May 4pm-8pm
Four 2nd Year MMU Filmmaking students who are the film crew and actors (2 children aged 10-12) and their youth worker supervisor from The Factory Youth Club.
Unfamiliar environment i.e. a park hazards specific to the site (an exterior location of a park and an interior location of a house) (film crew have been on location and testing shots several times to date) Props Mattress Branches Old Blunt Penknife On set Roots and branches Lighting wires
Clearing location of any harmful objects. Students to work in a team with the assistant of director and producer overseeing the shoot and communication between actors, parents and youth club chaperone. Gaffer tape down all wires for lighting and ensure there are no trip hazards Ensure all crew and actors can pass through the filming areas safely and freely Ensure no lighting stands present a trip hazard Chaperone Danny Price from The Factory youthclub has a copy of script, the call list and schedule so that he also knows where to prevent injury and to oversee the filming
with the child actors going through risks and procedures when using the blunt pen knife (the children are 10 years +) Producer and production designer Sarah -Beth Cooper to instruct the scene involving pretending to sharpen sticks with the penknife. Sarah Beth will also have sticks prepared for the scene. Please also refer to the risk assessments provided by Danny Price from The Factory youth club this was individually addressed with Danny. Students issued with the contact number of a member of staff in the event of an emergency The names of all the people involved in the production shoot are included in the form Briefing between students and tutor to oversee any possible risks (including assistance in addressing the risk assessment form)
5) FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Rehearsing in location to avoid any problems during filming. First aid kit on location. Chaperone Danny Price with children at all times. NAME AND TITLE OF ASSESSOR Joe Duffy SIGNATURE Joseph Duffy DATE REVIEW DATE
Staff Contact Joe Duffy [email protected] 07985623786 Producer Sarah-Beth Cooper [email protected] 07915698863 Director Jasmine Orrey [email protected] 07845431342 Cinematographer Abi McVeigh 07540338475 Sound Designer Harley Spence 07988756023
One for Sorrow Shot List Shot no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Location Bedroom Bedroom bedroom bedroom bedroom bedroom bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom > kitchen Living room Living room Kitchen kitchen Kitchen kitchen kitchen kitchen kitchen Corner shop Corner shop Shot type Lens POV Long shot Mid shot OSS CU Mid shot/CU Wide shot Wide shot CU 24mm/35mm 24mm 35mm/50mm 85mm/50mm 50mm 24mm 24mm 50mm Tom in mirror Toms hand in hair gel Hand going through hair Slow pan of the room Slow pan of room and dolly outside room Objects on desk Pan across room and move downstairs into the kitchen Tom centre screen Toms face? 24mm 35mm 35mm 50mm/85mm 35mm/50mm 50mm/85mm Moving - tripod pan Moving - rig Static Moving rig Static - rig Static Extra info Under sheet, reflections of shadows Boy on mattress and see night light Static/moving Moving - tripod Static - tripod
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Mid-long shot Mid shot Wide/long shot Mid/long shot Mid/long shot CU Long shot CU CU/mid Wide/long shot Mid shot
Wall to wall pan of kitchen Moving rig/tripod Track tom running through kitchen Tom running through kitchen Tom grabbing plastic bag Back door slamming Burning cigarette Moving dolly Static tripod Static rig Static tripod Static rig/tripod Static static static static static Static/moving Static tripod
50mm/85mm/ Dirty plates 35mm? 35mm/24mm 50mm Takeaway boxes Cans/bottles Mouldy cup of tea Empty fridge inside Fly on food Establishing shot of shop
See Lewis through Static rig window lurking around the sweets See tom leant against Static tripod shop and Lewis run out of shot
Corner shot
Long shot
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Corner shop Corner shop Inside shop Road road Road Park trees Park trees Park trees
CU CU CU Long shot Mid shot Side mid shot Mid shot Medium close up Mid shot
Tom tapping foot Tom with arms crossing tapping hand Sweets/hand grabbing sweets Track boys running down road Track boys running Track boys running Boys feet whilst hanging tree Feet?
Static rig Static rig Static rig Moving rig Moving rig/dolly Moving rig Static rig Static rig Static- rig
Lewis' face and Tom trying to jump in the background Lewis hanging and Tom jumping
37 38
Running through trees, Moving rig looking behind seeing lewis and lewis running in front Tracking both boys running in front Lewis running in front Both boys run through den Boys sat on steps Boys sat eating sweets Lewis/Tom mouth, eating sweets Both boys laid down Lewis laid down, Tom sat up Tom sat looking sad, Lewis out of focus in background playing with stick See Tom with penknife Moving rig Moving rig Moving rig Static tripod Static tripod Static rig/tripod Static tripod Static tripod Static tripod
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
Park trees Park trees Park trees Park steps Park - steps Park steps Park steps Park - steps Park - steps
Mid shot Tom POV Mid shot Wide shot Two shot ECU Wide shot Wide shot CU
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
Park steps Park steps Park steps Park - steps Park - steps Park steps Park steps Park -
Static rig
Penknife, see Lewis grab Static rig it? Toms eyes Looking into distance Reflection in penknife Reflection in penknife Lewis smiling Two boys jumping on the Static rig Moving? - rig Static rig Static rig Static rig Static rig
mattress 56 Park mattress Park mattress Park mattress Park rocks Park rocks Park rocks Park rocks Park rocks Park rocks Park rocks OSS lewis 50mm/35mm
mattress Tom jumping on mattress, Static rig Lewis with his back to camera Tom's face looking up at camera Toms feet Tom stood on left, Lewis sat on right Static rig Static rig Static rig
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
CU CU Long shot Mid shot Mid shot OSS Lewis CU CU Mid shot
Tom playing with stick Static - rig gun, whilst saying his line Lewis carving the stick with penknife Tom throwing stick on floor Lewis carving stick with penknife Static rig
Lewis in foreground. Tom Static/moving out of focus in back, he rig jumps off the rock and comes into focus Carrier bag Static rig See rock, and tom climbs Static/moving up onto it rig
66 67 68 69
85mm 50mm
Static rig
Front shot of Tom looking Static rig down at marbles in his hand. Lewis walks into shot Tom in foreground, Lewis Static/moving further away from camera rig and his arm comes towards the camera as he goes to grab a marble Lewis' hand infront of his face holding a marble Behind boys, as Lewis points towards trees and says his line Birds nest Tom reaction Lewis is in background facing camera Static rig Staitc tripod/rig
Park rocks
71 72
CU Mid shot
85mm 35mm
73 74 75 76 77 78 79
Park rocks Park rocks Park rocks Park den Park - den Park den Park den
50mm ?
Camera on floor ? Lewis scratches his head Static rig Tom touching upper lip? Static rig Magpie/boys looking over Tripod
view 80 81 Park den Lake Magpie POV Medium shot 24mm/35mm 35mm
magpie? Lewis picks up camera Handheld and puts in the carrier bag Boys looking over the Rig/handheld water. Camera pans down to see their reflection in water Lewis throws the bag in ? Rig/handheld We float away in dingy as Rig/handheld the boys stand/walk away
82 83
Lake Lake
Corner Shop
Shelves, counter and doorstep Damaged / broken equipment inappropriate use of equipment Inappropriate use of props Unaware of medical problems, special needs. Unable to contact parents in emergency No report, no review. Injury
Control Measures 5) Put away unwanted equipment 6) Cone off unsafe areas 7) Make all users aware of risk Make hazards as safe possibly Cone off unsafe areas Make all users aware of risk Make hazards as safe possibly Cone off unsafe areas Make all users aware of risk Pre use inspection of equipment Users instructed in proper use of equipment Isolate unusable equipment Adequate numbers of props Adequate training and experienced staff Isolation the problem All participants to registration details All participants to return release form Staff to hold participants registration forms in compliance with data protection 6) Danny Price will lead on this 7) Children not to leave without Sarah-Beth's permission 8) End of filming report to be completed by Danny Price. At least one member of staff to hold first aid qualification Ensure adequate first aid equipment is on site and accessible
Yes No Yes No
Please record any new hazards, which are not identified above (Update main Risk Assessment Form at earliest opportunity) Area Hazard Control Measures Carried out? Yes No Yes No
Synopsis: Family plays a large part in the development of a childs personality, but if those bonds are broken down then a friendship can blossom, taking you in a new direction. But every action has a consequence testing even the most loyal of character. Opening: Dream Sequence - Tom's Bedroom - Early Morning The NightmareFade in from black to the sealing of a young boys room; aged about 10. A night light lights the room in a forbidding, sinister way from the right corner of the room, creating deep, dark, daunting shadows of objects which scatter the room. The light creates the illusion that the room resembles a blue/green hue to its furnishings. POV of the young boy tossing and turning and looks down to his body emerged underneath the quilt covered in trains. The camera then pans up to the ceiling again. The the camera then moves in a semi-circular motion to the right of the character whilst also turning on it's axis to reveal the identity of the character; Tom. (Giving the impression of actually entering Tom's world and then an outer body experience so the audience feels like they are the character.) Titles Screen goes black and the title sequence is introduced. A young boys voice is humming a tune (which will be played by piano in the next scene. Close up of a small boys hand dipping into the pot of hair gel with a bottle of aftershave behind it. The title; ONE FOR SORROW appears and the screen goes black and we hear the sound of the aftershave being sprayed. Tom's Bedroom - morning WIDE ANGLE PAN: Long Shot of the bedroom which reveals a bunk bed to the center of the back wall. An older looking boy in the bottom bunk stirs as his alarm goes off. He hits the top of the alarm clock in an aggressive manner and slumps back into the same position facing away from the camera. At this point Tom s not in bed, but instead his cover is left hanging off the bed before the audience. The camera is still slowly panning across the room from right to left. Panning across the objects on the desk the camera reveals the nightlight amongst the childlike toys such as model trains, marbles and army figurines, mixed with aftershave bottles and hair gel and razors and a Playboy magazine and a pen knife. (This mixture of different objects signifies to the audience that he shares a room with an older brother, and thereby also sharing the most personal space for a young boy, with a character who is much more mature and developed in his life cycle than Tom.) The camera then dolly's through the doorway and across the landing towards the stairs. It then moves down the stairs and through the kitchen keeping at low level (child height), past what appears to be a mother and father and sister in the kitchen preparing food. All this time their identity is hidden. As we move out of the kitchen and into the living room Tom is sat cross legged, center screen, with his back to us, in front of the TV playing on an X box game. We hear the sound of loud gun shots and then a computerized voice; You die!
Flashing on the red screen of the TV are the words; GAME OVER The camera slowly eases into Tom and the TV screen. Tom sighs loudly in exasperation and runs past the camera out of shot, leaving the TV in center screen. (Tom is dressed in his school uniform by this time and his hair looks almost wet with gel on it.) Kitchen Mid-long shot of Tom (at his height) running past the three other family members, tracking him running from left to right and he grabs a plastic bag, hanging from the back of a kitchen chair. As he does so he places two objects into the bag whilst running out of the door. Outside a corner shop - Morning Tom is stood outside of the shop with his arms folded and tapping his foot whilst looking frantically to the side of him and then back to the doorway of the shop. Suddenly another boy (Lewis) in the same uniform runs out with his arms filled with sweets and crisps. Lewis Go! (Laughing) Both boys off out of shot with sweets flying out of their grasp and spilling over the floor. As we track the boys running down the road from behind they are laughing and panting and sweets are still flying out of arms reach. Tire swing - park - morning Lewis is pushing Tom on the swing and they are both laughing. A series of POV and close up tracking shots concentrating on the motion. Stone Steps - Park - Late Morning Establishing shot, easing in to both boys sat on the steps eating the sweets and looking very pleased with themselves. They are surrounded by sweet wrappers and giggle in contentment of each others company, every now and them looking over at each other in admiration. TIRE SWING - PARK - MORNING Cuts back to this scene along with the static shot of the two boys eating the sweets, building tension. PARK CUT: Close up shots of the park; rubbish on the floor, muddy patches of grass, broken glass on the floor, dead bird remains of bones, and magpies flying away. (Signifies the boys to be over indulgent and greedy, by stripping the world of it's 'fruit'.)
STONE STEPS - PARK - LATE MORNING Cuts back to the boys having finished eating the sweets. Tom is in the foreground and Lewis out of focus in the background leaning back and looking up at the sky. Tom looks sad and distant and as the camera eases into an extreme close up of Toms eyes, the sound of people arguing, screaming and hitting each other fades in. Cuts to a POV shot from Tom and the park is blurred and distorted with a shiny, silvery effect. Cuts back to the shot of Tom and Lewis and Lewis comes into focus as he leans forward towards Tom. Any ambiance sound swiftly fades to nothing. Lewis Have you brought it? Tom looks towards Lewis and reaches into the plastic bag, drawing out his brothers pen knife and hands it to Lewis. Lewis grabs the knife and smiles in a sadistic way, widening his eyes. Cuts to a close up of a stick and the knife slides alone the grain of the wood, shaving it into a point. Den - Park - Midday Cuts to mid shot of the boys sat cross legged on the floor in a den in the middle of some trees. Tom is holding 6 sticks which have already been shaved into a point and Lewis is still shaving the the 7th. They are both looking at the sticks with great concentration and importance. Tom then drops the sticks on the floor and dives into his bag, bringing out a bag of marbles. Tom Oh look what I found in my Dad's shed last night! Lewis Cool! Lewis grabs the marbles from Tom, bringing them close to his face and looks at them in amazement and says; Lewis This will work better Tom! Cuts to reaction shot of Tom looking confused. Cuts to Lewis who looks daring towards Tom and offers him a marble whilst beckoning him forward. Park Long shot of the park and the sound of a birds flapping and tweeting in terror. Outside the entrance to the DEN - PARK - MIDDAY Camera is on the floor looking up at the two boys who are looking down towards the camera, looking startled and a little remorsed. They tilt their heads and look confused and then look at each other.
Lewis drops the bag of marbles which fall towards the camera and scratches his head as Tom places his hand and strokes his upper lip with his index finger. Cuts to a Birds eye view looking down to the ground where a magpie lays dead on the ground before the two boys with marbles scattered around the floor by the magpie. Cuts back to the two boys still looking down towards the magpie. Tom is looking more guilty and worried. Lewis looks towards Tom and gestures the plastic bag towards Tom who is still looking forward, and then Lewis leans forward and places the bag over the camera. Reflection in the lake - park - midday Both boys lean over and their reflection appears in the lake as they look deeply into the water and then stop and stare at their refection, before then looking at each other and nodding at each other. Lewis then brings the bag into shot and carefully drops it into the lake. The water splashes and the screen cuts to black leaving the sound of the splash. credits Produced by Sarah-Beth Cooper Directed by Jasmine Orrey Cinematography by Abigail McVeigh Sound and Edited by Harley Production Design by Sarah Beth Cooper