Purpose of The Lesson: Essential Idea/Question Driving The Project
Purpose of The Lesson: Essential Idea/Question Driving The Project
Purpose of The Lesson: Essential Idea/Question Driving The Project
Lesson Objective:
Students will be able to research a geographical location (their vacation destination) outside of the United States and study its temperature and weather conditions in order to compare them to the conditions of their own geographical location in a comparison chart and summary.
(What knowledge of my students influences my instructional decision in this lesson? How will my instruction remove barriers to learning and/or build on students strengths?) Knowledge of Students: - Many students may have family members that live outside of the United States, allowing them to choose a country they are interested in can bridge connections to their personal lives - Students are still struggling with mastering the skill of summarizing, so we have opted to have students practice this skill by summarizing their findings of weather/temperature conditions in both the United States and another country Remove Barriers/Build Student Strengths: - Students will have the opportunity to utilize any previous knowledge they may have about countries outside the United States to conduct research on a chosen vacation destination - Students are able to utilize websites and technology, something many students are familiar with and confident in using - Students are able to actively engage in their learning by doing their own research, rather than having to listen to a lecture (it is a student-led activity, which is more engaging for students)
Instructional Materials:
- Computer - Graphic Organizer (to take notes on their research) - Globes/maps - Chart Outline
- Weather websites (Weather.com & NOAA.gov) - Weather Channel on television
Learning Experience
Event Procedure/Activity & Questioning Strategies
(10 min)
Ask Questions (Teacher Actions): -Decide what is hot? What is cold? -How do you know/ how can you tell that something is hot or cold? - What does it mean to you when the weather report says is is 98 degrees F? - - - What about 28 degrees F? - When would you expect to see these temperatures? -Discuss with your students the many characteristics of fall, winter, spring, summer weather Imagine (Student Activities): - If you could choose any place in the world to go on a vacation, where would you go? Why? Would it be hot or cold?
(25 min)
Research one geographical location that is in a different season than the United States that you would like to visit on your Winter Break (the location
is their choice). Answer the following questions: -Based on the average weather conditions, what season does it appear the location is in this time of year? -What type of clothing will I wear? -What should I pack for my vacation? PRESENT
(15 min)
(Student Actions): Students will share and summarize the information they discovered during their exploration of the chosen destination with two other class members. While students are sharing, the teacher may facilitate discussion by asking questions while walking around. (Teacher Actions): The teacher may ask: Why do you think it is very warm in this country and snowing in another? The teacher can then present to the class the reasons why certain geographical locations have different weather conditions for the same seasons. (Close to equator, distance from sun, etc)
(10 min)
Compare the chosen countries weather conditions and temperatures with our current conditions using a five-day forecast (weather website) and record the information within a comparison chart. Within the chart, write a summary of your key findings and explain the differences that you discovered most crucial. Lesson will conclude with a classroom discussion facilitated by the teacher. Questions to ask: - Where were your destination countries located? What was the average temperature like there? - Why are different countries in different seasons across the globe? - What made you choose the destination country you picked? What was so desirable about that country? - What was your biggest takeaway from this activity today? (use for teachers to have students self-assess)
(10 min)