Auxiliary Selection in Chinese

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Auxiliary selection in Chinese*

Feng-hsi Liu
University of Arizona
This paper argues that the distribution of the two Chinese aspectual auxiliaries
-Ie and -zhe in the locative inversion construction is determined by the semantics
of the event, in particular the interaction of lexical aspect (telicity and stativity)
and agentivity. The -le/-zhe alternation shows a gradient effect similar to the
selection of perfective auxiliaries in Romance and Germanic (Sorace 2000),
since telic verbs select -Ie, dynamic atelic verbs select and verbs that fall in
between may show variable behavior depending on other factors. The fact that
auxiliary selection with 'detransitivized' verbs (analogous to passives) is sensitive
to the same semantic parameters is offered as evidence against a purely syntactic
analysis of the -le/-zhe alternation.
1. Introduction
Auxiliary selection is perhaps one of the most studied phenomena associated with
split intransitivity, partly because it has been used to support two opposing ap
proaches to split intransitivity. On the one hand, auxiliary selection has been
considered a diagnostic of unaccusativity in Germanic and Romance languages
(Burzio 1986; Hoekstra 1984,1999; Legendre 1989, among others), which together
with other phenomena, e.g. impersonal passivization (Perlmutter 1978), and ne
cliticization (Burzio 1986), can be explained by the Unaccusativity Hypothesis
(Perlmutter 1978). According to the hypothesis, intransitive verbs are classified
into two groups: unaccusative verbs, which are assigned an underlying object, and
unergative verbs, which are assigned an underlying subject. On this hypothesis,
verbs that select 'be' are unaccllsative, while verbs that select 'have' are unerga
tive. This is a syntactic approach to split intransitivity. On the other hand, it has
For valuable comments, I am grateful to the editor Raul Aranovich, two anonymous review
ers and audiences at the Workshop on Cross-linguistic Variation in Auxiliary Selection, Davis,
California, 2003.
182 Feng-hsi Liu
also been proposed that the choice of 'be' vs. 'have' is determined by semantic fac
tors, including aspectual properties of the predicate and thematic relations, e.g.
telicity and agentivity (Sorace 2000), lexical aspect for Italian (Van Valin 1990),
telicity for Dutch (Zaenen 1993), inferable position or state for Dutch (Lieber
& Baayen 1997), and patient-like (affected) subject for Old Spanish (Aranovich
2004). In a semantic approach to split intransitivity, verbs that select 'be' are not
necessarily assigned an underlying object; rather, these verbs share properties that
are characterized in semantic terms. In addition, the choice of auxiliary is not al
ways clear-cut, but is grad able (Sorace 2000; Aranovich 2004). To date, the debate
between the two approaches has been based on European languages.
In this paper I would like contribute to the debate by examining auxiliary se
lection in a typologically different language Chinese. I will show that the Chinese
data cannot be accommodated in a syntactic analysis; rather, the data requires a se
mantic analysis. This in turn supports a semantic approach to split intransitivity.
Auxiliary selection in Chinese has not received much attention in the literature.
To my knowledge, Yu (1995), Hu (1995) and Yang and Pan (2001) are the only
studies that have examined this phenomenon. While Yu (1995) (reviewed in 5.2)
takes a syntactic approach, linking it to the Unaccusativity Hypothesis, Hu (1995)
and Yang and Pan (2001) (reviewed in 4.1) consider semantic factors that affect
the choice. All three studies cover a limited variety of verb types. A much wider
range of verb types will be examined in this study. Since the only environment in
Chinese where the issue of auxiliary selection arises is the locative inversion con
struction, I vrill first discuss aspects of the construction that are relevant for my
study; in particular, I will examine which types of verbs occur in the construction
with respect to their argument structure.
2. Locative inversion
Locative inversion in Chinese has the structure Loc + V + Asp + NP. The locative
phrase that normally occurs after verb with a preposition, as in (l b), is in the
initial position without the preposition, as in (la):
(1) a. Qianmian zhan-Ie henduo ren
in-front stand-LE many people
'In front are standing many people.'
b. Henduo ren zhan zai qianmian
many people stand at in-front
'Many people are standing in front.'
The construction is also referred to in Chinese studies as existential sentences
(Huang 1987), presentative sentences 1995), and existential structure (Yang
& Pan 200:.
verb can be ..
(2), a
(2) Yc:. ...
zhong 'pLL.
1 .
J, .
in (4)
(4) I'.
0,:,- ,

on the
(5) ,',
b. __
In (Sa), \\-:
observe is , .
same .
given verb
Auxiliary selection in Chinese 183
& Pan 2001). Two characteristics about Chinese locative inversion stand out. First,
unlike English, where only intransitive verbs enter the construction, in Chinese the
verb can be either transitive or intransitive. (l a) contains an intransitive verb, and
(2), a transitive verb:
Yuanzili zhong-zhe yixie guoshu
yard-in plant-zHE some fruit-tree
'In the yard are planted some fruit trees.'
Secondly, an aspect marker is required for most of the verbs that occur in loca
tive inversion. In (1) zhan 'stand' is marked by the perfective marker -le, while
zhong 'plant' in is marked by the imperfect marker -zhe. These sentences are
ungrammatical without an aspect marker, as in (3):
(3) a. *Qianmian zhan henduo ren
in-front stand many people
'In front are standing many people'
b. *Yuanzili zhong yixie guo shu
yard-in plant some fruit-tree
'In the yard are planted some fruit trees.'
Aspect marking is optional with compound verbs of the form V+ directional, as
in (4) (Hu 1995):
Waimian chui-Iai (-Ie) yizhen teng
outside blow-come- LE one-gust wind
'From outside blows a gust of wind.'
i\mong the non-compound verbs, only two verbs don't require aspect marking:
the copula shi 'be' and the existential verb you 'exist'. Shi 'be' cannot be marked;
on the other hand, you 'exist' can be marked by either -le or with different
meanings, as given in (5):
a. Tade lianshang zhongyu you-Ie/* -zhe xiaorong
his face-on finally have-LE/-zHE smile
'On his face finally appeared a smile.'
b. Ta duzili you *-le/(-zhe) shuo bu wan de gushi
he stomach have -LEI-ZHE tell not finish DE story
'In his stomach are endless stories.'
In (Sa), with -Ie, you is a verb of appearance; in (5b), with -zhe, you is a verb of
existence. Thus the choice of -le or -zhe is not free in (5a-b). Another thing we can
observe is that -zlle in (5b) is optional. The meaning ofthe sentence remains the
same whether -zhe is present or not. For verbs other than shi and you, however, an
aspect marker is required, and the question of which aspect marker is chosen for a
given verb naturally arises. This question will be the focus of my study.
There is some confusion in the literature, however, on whether a given sen
tence of the form Loc + V + Asp + is indeed a case oflocative inversion. This
is an important issue because it concerns what constitutes the data for our study.
Below I will examine the transitive and intransitive verbs in the structure. r will
show that while intransitive verbs in this construction are free to take either an
argument or an adjunct locative phrase, transitive verbs must take an argument
locative phrase.
2.1 Intransitive verbs
As noted by Huang (1987) and Yang and Pan (2001), for certain verbs the position
for the locative NP need not be filled, as seen in (6)-(7):
(6) Lai-Ie yizhi gou
come-LE one-CL dog
'There came a dog.'
b. Yuanzili lai-Ie yizm gou
yard-in come-LE one-CL dog
'In the yard came a dog:
(7) a. 5i-Ie yige ren
die-LE one-CL person
There died a person:
b. Cunzili 5i-le yige ren
village-in die-LE one-CL person
'In the village died a person:
Verbs that take an optional locative NP are directional verbs or (dis )appearing
verbs, and they are intransitive. Other intransitive verbs, however, require the
locative NP position to be filled, as in (8):
(8) a. *Zuo-zhe ren
sit-ZHE one-CL person
'There is sitting a person.'
b. Menkou zuo-zhe yige ren
doonvay sit-zHE one-CL person
'At the doorway is sitting a person.'
I will take the locative NP that is required, e.g. menkou in (8b), as an argument,
subcategorized by the verb, while the locative NP that is not required, e.g. yuanzili
in (6b) and cunzili (7b), as an adjunct, which is not subcategorized by the verb.
I assume that the contrast between (6)-(7) and (8) is due to a constraint that an
argument locative NP must be overtly expressed in the syntax, while an adjunct
an argume':
2.2 Transi::
\'Vhen the
filled, as
(9) a.
(10) a.
be c :
are writter
while in
If cheshnTc;
since as
agent. Sen:::
Auxiliary selection in Chinese 185
locative NP need not be. For intransitive NPs, then, the locative NP can be either
an argument or an adjunct.
2.2 Transitive verbs
\Vhen the verb is transitive, however, the locative NP position must be lexically
filled, as illustrated in 0):
(9) a. *Fang-zhe yiben shu
one-CL book
"'There was put a book:
b. Zhuoshang fang-zhe yiben shu
table-on put-ZHE one-CL book
'On the table was put a book:
(10) a. 'Xie-Ie yige zi
write-LE one-CL character
>"There was written a character.'
b. Heibanshang xie-Ie yige zi
blackboard -on write-LE one-CL character
'On the blackboard was written a character.'
Therefore, I assume the locative NP in sentences with transitive verbs is always an
argument. This assumption not only rules out (9a), but also excludes (11), as the
locative NP chufangli 'in the kitchen' is not subcategorized by the verb ca 'wipe':
(11) *Chufangli ca-zhe chuangzi
kitchen-in wipe-zHE window
'In the kitchen was wiping the window.'
The argument requirement on the locative NP also affects how a sentence is to
be interpreted. For example, (12) only has the interpretation that three characters
are written on the car; it cannot be interpreted as someone wrote three characters
while in the car:
(12) Cheshang xie-le sange zi
car-on write-LE three-cL character
'On the car were written three characters'
If cheshang 'on the car' is an argument, then the interpretation of (12) follows,
since as an argument, the locative NP predicates on the theme object, not the
agent. Sentences such as (12), therefore, support the argument requirement of the
locative NP in transitive sentences.
186 nou.,,-u.>l Liu
Pan (1996: notes that the locative phrase in locative inversion sentences
must predicate on the theme phrase rather than indicating the location of the
event. He gives (13), (his (50)), as an example:
(13) a. John zai zhuozishang xie-Ie yifeng xm
John at table-on write-LE one-CL letter
'John 'wrote a letter at the table'
'John wrote a letter on the table:
b. Zhuozishang xie-zhe xm
table-on write-zHE one-CL letter
'On the table is written a letter.'
(13a) is ambiguous, with the table indicating either where John was or where the
letter was, but (13b) only has the reading in which the table is where the letter was.
Although Pan does not say so, his constraint in effect requires that the locative
phrase be an argument rather than an adjunct. This constraint, when applied to
transitive verbs, as in Pan's study, yields the desirable result, but it is too strong
when applied to intransitive verbs. It would eliminate (6b) and which, as
suggested earlier, include an adjunct locative NP. :0lonetheless, the constraint can
be used as a criterion to evaluate sentences that contain transitive verbs and have
the surface sequence of Loc + V + Asp + NP to determine if they are indeed cases
of locative inversion. Consider (14):
(14) Wuli tan-zhe gangqin
room-in play-zHE piano
'In the room is playing the piano.
(14), if acceptable, is not a case of locative inversion, because wuli 'in the room'
is not an argument of the verb tan 'play', as it is not subcategorized by the verb.
Consider also (15) and (16):
(15) chang-zhe daxi
platform-on sing-zHE opera
'On the platform (people are) the opera.'
Fangjianli kai-zhe hui
room-in open-zHE meeting
'In the room is having a meeting.'
In both sentences the locative acts as an adjunct, not as an argument, as
the verbs also do not subcategorize for a locative argument. Therefore, they are
not cases oflocative inversion either. (I5) and (16) are included in Yang and Pan
(2001) as examples of the existential construction, which according to them, has
the syntactic structure of NP loc +V + NP. I will not attempt to compare locative
inversion as discussed here with the existential construction discussed by and
Pan. lor::
they are:-,:
of the dis
place ve:

above, it ,.
that in Ie: c'
deleted i:
rule as
because '
I su
the detrc,
place trc:'.,
have its
derived c, ,
naturalh' ::
locative :-:.
alized as
to the
verb froe
in syntax.'
nal argur:>
of purpo'
In this
nese rese:: ..
verb in
In su-:-'
tive inver':
take eithc: .
an argur.l:'
Auxiliary selection in Chinese 187
Pan. I only want to point out that while (15) and (16) may be existential sentences;
they are not instances oflocative inversion as discussed here.
Nowwith transitive verbs, an issue of argument expression arises. On the basis
of the discussion above, transitive verbs that occur in locative inversion are three
place verbs, and yet the construction only provides two argument positions, the
question naturally arises: what happens to the third argument? From the examples
above, it is clear that the external argument is never realized. It seems plausible
that in locative inversion an operation has applied such that the transitive verbs are
detransitivized. Pan (1996) postulates an agent-deletion rule whereby the agent is
deleted from the argument structure of a two-place transitive verb. However, the
rule as postulated is subject to a number of conditions. Rather than applying in
general to three-place transitive verbs, the rule is triggered by the presence of the
imperfective marker -zhe only. In Yang and Pan (2001), this analysis is abandoned
because the rule has 'many exceptions' (p. 194).
I suggest that rather than deleting the agent from the argument structure,
the detransitivization operation suppresses the external argument from a three
place transitive verb. Any transitive verb that also takes a locative argument can
have its external argument suppressed so that it is not represented in syntax. The
derived argument structure, with the external argument suppressed, then feeds
naturally into locative inversion, where the locative argument is realized as the
locative phrase, while the other internal argument the Theme argument is re
alized as the single non-locative argument of the verb. This operation is similar
to the operation proposed by Grimshaw (1990) that derives the form of a
verb from the active form, where the external argument is also suppressed.
Although the external argument of a detransitivized verb cannot be expressed
in syntax, it is present in the argument structure. Grimshaw shows that the exter
nal argument of a passive verb licenses the by-phrase, and it is also the controller
of purpose clauses. Similarly, the external argument of a detransitivized verb in
locative inversion also controls the following purpose clauses, as shown in (17):
(17) Qianyuan zhong-Ie xuduo shu, xiatian hao chengliang
front-yard plant-LE many tree summer in-order-to get-cool
'In the front yard (are) planted many trees, so that (people) can get coolin the
In this way the relation between detransitivized verbs and transitive verbs in Chi
nese resembles that between the passive form of a verb and the active form of a
verb in English.
In summary, in this section I have considered what types of verbs enter loca
tive inversion with respect to a verb's argument structure. \lVhile intransitive verbs
take either an argument or an adjunct locative phrase, transitive verbs must take
an argument locative in order to occur in locative inversion. In addition, I have
188 Feng-hsi Liu
suggested that transitive verbs that enter locative inversion are detransitivized, by
which the external argument is suppressed in the argument structure. In the next
section, we will see that the detransitivized verbs actually display a wider distribu
tion in terms ofverb types in locative inversion. With respect to auxiliary selection,
however, they behave the same as intransitive verbs.
3. Auxiliary selection
So far we have considered what types of verbs can enter locative inversion in terms
of argument structure. V>le are now ready to consider these verbs with respect to
semantic properties and find out which aspect marker these verbs select. We \"lill
examine three broad classes: verbs denoting change, verbs denoting states, and
verbs denoting processes. In (18)-(24) and (26) below, the (a) sentences include
intransitive verbs while the (b) sentences include detransitivized verbs.
3.1 Verbs of change
First, we consider verbs whose meanings include change. These verbs indicate ei
ther a change of location, involving an entity going from one location to another,
or a change of state, whereby an entity transforms to another state. For change of
location, only -Ie marking is possible. This is shown in (18):
(I8) a. Duimian lai -le/* -zhe yiliang che
opposite-side come -LE/-zHE one-CL car
'From the opposite side came a car.'
b. Dishang reng -le/*-zhe xuduo guopi zhixie
ground-on throw -LE/-ZHE many peels paper
'On the ground many peels and paper were thrown.'
Similarly, for change of state, if the change is definite and has reached a resultant
state, then -le is selected:
(19) a. Lanzi Ii lan- le/* -zhe yige pingguo
basket in rot- LE/-ZIIB one-CL apple
'In the basket rotted an apple.'
b. Panli qie-le/* -zhe jipian huanggua
plate-in cut-LEf-ZHE a-few-cL cucumber
'On the plate cut a few pieces of cucumber.'
If the change is indefinite and has not reached a resultant state, however, either -Ie
or -zhe is selected. (20) is indefinite change oflocation (directed motion), and (21)
is indefinite change of state:
The de::_
Next. \', ,
verbs 2, c
tinuatii. "
wei 'Sl',
ration, '
These 'c
& Pa:-:
noted :
1. Veri>
Auxiliary selection in Chinese 189
(20) a. Nar mao-Ie/-zhe yan
over-there rise-LE/-zHE one-CL smoke
'Over there rises some smoke.'
b. Jiaoshipang sheng-Ie/-zhe yimian qi
classroom-by raise-l.E/-zHE one-cl.
'By the classroom is raising a
(21) a. Tianli zhang-lel-zhe xuduo daozi
field-in grow-l.E/-ZHE many rice
'In the field is growing a lot of rice:
b. Guoli zhu -le/-zhe fan
pot-in cook -l.E/-ZHE rice
'In the pot is cooking some rice.'
The detransitivized verbs behave the same as intransitive verbs with respect to
the selection of aspect markers. The only difference between the two is that in
the former it is understood that the situation is brought about by an external
force, whereas in the latter the situation arises by natural force; no external force
is implied.
Thus eight verb types are included under the category of change, which is
classified in terms of three features: intransitive vs. detransitivized, definite vs. in
definite change, change of location vs. change of state. Of the eight types, only
intransitive definite change of location, e.g. lai 'come' and detransitivized indefi
nite change ofstate, e.g. zhu 'cook' have been mentioned in previous literature. The
former is referred to in Yang and Pan (2001) as (dis)appearance verbs, while the
latter is called verbs of treatment. The other six types have not been studied before.
3.2 States
we consider verbs whose meanings include the concept of 'no change'. These
verbs are generally stative. Two subtypes are covered: verbs that describe con
tinuation of a pre-existing condition and verbs that describe existence of state.
Consider existence of state first. These verbs include intransitive verbs of simple
position, such as zuo 'sit', zhan 'stand', and verbs of spatial configuration, such as
wei 'surround, gather'; they also include detransitivized verbs of spatial configu
ration, such as gua and detransitivized verbs of putting, such as fang 'pUt'.l
These verbs have been considered (Huang 1987; Yu 1995; Hu1995; Pan 1996; Yang
& Pan 2001) as some of the typical verbs that occur in locative inversion, and as
noted by Yu (1995), these verbs show variable marking, as illustrated in
1. Verbs of creating an at a location, e.g. xie 'write', hua 'draw' are also included in this
190 Feng-hsi Liu
(22) a. Menkou zuo-Ie/-zhe yige jingwei
doorway sit-LE/-zHE one-CL guard
'At the doorway sits a guard.'
h. Qiangshang gua -LE/-ZHE yifu hua
wall-on hang -LE/-ZHE one-CL painting
'On the wall hangs a painting:
(23) a. Tie kou wei -le/-zhe yiqun ren
street -corner surround -LE/-ZHE one-group people
'At the street corner gathered a group of people.'
h, Zhuoshang fang-Ie/-zhe yiben shu
table-on put-LE/-ZHE one-CL book
'On the table lies a book.'
However, further examination reveals that variability disappears in certain con
texts. For example, if the argument is inanimate, then only -zhe marking is possi
ble, as in (24).
(24) a. Menkou zuo *-le/-zhe yi dui shishi
doorway sit -LE/-ZHE one pair stone-lion
'At the doorway sits a pair of stone lions:
b. Tianshang gua-*le/-zhe yi lun mingyue
shy-on hang-LE/-zHE one -CL bright-moon
'In the hangs a bright moon:
(24a) can be compared with (22a), which has the same verb zuo 'sit', but with
an animate argument. This might suggest that animacy is a factor for existence
of state in the choice of auxiliary. However, on this analysis there is a puzzle: de
transitivized spatial configuration verbs, which so far have patterned the same as
intransitive spatial configuration verbs, don't seem to be affected by animacy. In
(22b) the argument is also inanimate, but the verb gua 'hang', which is the same
verb as in (24b), can be marked either way. On dose examination, we see that al
though in both sentences the verb gua describes a state of existence, there is
a difference in how the two states come into existence. In (22b) the state of hang
ing exists as a result of a volitional act, whereas in (24b) the state of hanging exists
as a result of natural force. in other words, in (22b) the hanging of a painting re
quires an agent, while in (24b) the hanging of the moon does not. Similarly, the
contrast between (lla) and (24a) is also due to volitionality. A guard sitting is a
volitional act, whereas a stone lion sitting is not. '\Then volitionality or agentivity is
absent, variation also disappears. As a result, only -zhe is selected. Hu (1995) also
notes that (24b) cannot be marked by -Ie. He does not mention agentivity; rather,
he suggests that -Ie implies a resultative state, and it cannot be used here because
the position of the moon cannot be the result of some previous action of hanging.
This ex(,
the actie:'.
T h e : ' ~ : '
of auxili2.::
state, the. ,
only -z};,' ,
transib':= c
position 2.:
ited by
responsi:: .
change L.
the con:,,:
(25) has ,:',
In sr.
by an age:','
implica:i: .'
position' ,
In cc
existing s::'
seen in 1-
Auxiliary selection in Chinese 191
This explanation is actually compatible with the explanation offered here, since
the action of hanging an object is agentive.
Therefore, it appears that the way a state comes about matters to the choice
of auxiliary. If volitional control is involved in bringing about the existence of the
state, then either marking is possible; if, on the other hand, no volition is involved,
only -zhe marking is possible. Positional verbs with animate argument and de
transitivized spatial configuration verbs imply a preceding volitional act, whereas
positional verbs with inanimate verbs do not. This explains the paradigm exhib
ited by (22)-(24). Thus it is not animacy, but agentivity or volitionality, which is
responsible for the behavior of these sentences.
Simple position verbs are also subject to event shifting, whereby the same verbs
change from simple position verbs to 'assume position' verbs. This happens when
the context implies a change of state. In this circumstance, only -le marking is
possible, even though the structure remains the same. This is shown in (25):
Gangcai dianli yige ren ye melYOU, zenme yixiazi
just-now store-in one-CL person also not-exist how-come suddenly
wei -lei""-zhe zheme duo ren
gather -LE/-ZHE so many people
'Just now there was nobody in the store; how come suddenly gathered so many
(25) has the 'assume position' reading, not the simple position reading.
In short, simple positions verbs can be marked either by -Ie or -zhe; however,
the variability is subject to whether the existence is understood to be brought about
by an agent. If no agent is involved, the verb selects -zhe only. On the other hand,
implication of change of state, hence telicity, shifts an event from one of simple
position to one of assume position, and limits the choice of auxiliary to -Ie only.
In contrast to existence of state, verbs that denote continuation of a pre
existing state have not been observed in previous studies. These verbs exhibit a
pattern very similar to existence of state. Variability in the choice of auxiliary is
seen in (26):
a. Keting YlJmg kong le, fanting hai liu -le/-zhe
living-room already empty PRT, dining-room still remain -LE/-ZHE
yizhang yizi
one-CL chair
'The living room is already empty; in the dining room still remains a
b. Yinhangli cun-Ie I-zhe yidian qian
bank-in keep-I.E I-ZHE a-little money
'In the bank is kept a little money:
192 Feng-hsi Liu
However, just like the simple position verbs, variability is not always possible, and
its availability depends on whether agentivity is implied. \\Then a state is main
tained because of the involvement of an agent, either -Ie or -zhe is used; otherwise,
only -zhe is selected. This explains the variability in (26a, b), as leaving a chair
in a room and keeping money in a bank both involve volitionality. (27) further
shows that the same verb liu 'leave behind' can be interpreted either volitionally or
non-volitionally, depending on the internal argument:
(27) a. Menshang liu -lei -zhe yige zitiao
door-on leave -LE/-zHE one-CL note
'On the door was left a note.'
b. Chengshili hai liu * -le/-zhe zhanzheng de yiji
city-in still leave -LE/-ZHE war DE relics
'In the city are still left relics of the war:
In (27a), a note on the door is a result of someone's volitional act; the note cannot
appear on the door by itself. In this case, either -Ie or -zhe is possible. In (27b), on
the other hand, relics of the war were left behind without intervention of an agent.
In such a case, only -zhe can be used. Thus the choice of auxiliary varies according
to whether liu is agentive or non-agentive.
3.3 Processes
Finally, we consider verbs of dynamic processes. These verbs include neither
change nor a state in their meanings. Processes are either volitional or non
volitional. For non-volitional processes, only -zhe is possible:
(28) a. Waitou chui *-le/-zhe xie weifeng
outside blow -LE/-ZHE some breeze
'Outside is blowing some breeze.'
b. Ta shenshang liu *-le/-zhe zhongguoren de xueye
he body-on How -LE/-ZHE Chinese DE blood
'In his body Hows Chinese blood:
When it comes to volitional processes, however, a mixed picture emerges. Detran
sitivized verbs select -zhe only, as in (29); intransitive verbs, however, generally
don't occur in locative inversion, as shown in (30):
(29) Zuili jiao*-le/-zhe kouxiangtang
mouth-in chew-LE/-zHE chewing-gum
'In the mouth is chewing some gum.'
(30) a. *Yaolanli ku-zhe yige xiao yinger
crib-in cry-zHE one-CL small infant
'In the crib is crying a small infant.'
in (31)- :
Both w:-'
except t:-._
(33 )
contrast --:

to Birner'
verb dot.:, _
we can
e.g. why
Auxiliary selection in Chinese 193
b. "Chili you -zhe yige nianqing ren
pool-in svvim -ZHE one-CL young man
'In the pool is swimming a young man.'
c. 'Caochangshang tiao-zhe yige xuesheng
field-on jump-zHE one-CL student
'In the field is jumping a student.'
However, two verbs pao 'run' and zou 'walk' are exceptions to this pattern, as
in (31)-(32):
(31) Qianmian zou -zhe yige ren
front-side walk -ZHE one-CL person
'In front walks a person.'
(32) Lushang pao-zhe yige ren
road-on run-ZHE one-CL person
'On the road runs a person.'
Both verbs can enter into locative inversion. Yu (1995) and Yang & Pan (2001)
include pao 'run' in their examples, and Yu's examples also include zou 'walk'. This
shows that verbs of controlled processes don't behave uniformly with respect to
whether they enter locative inversion.
(30b) can be contrasted with (33), where the same verb you 'swim' is used,
except that it denotes an uncontrolled process:
(33) Chili you -zhe yixie yazi
pool-in swim -ZHE some ducks
'In the pool are swimming some ducks.'
This contrast is also noted by Yang & Pan (2001: 202). According to them, the
contrast between (30b) and (33) is a consequence of a pragmatic requirement,
referred to as "compatibility requirement", on existential sentences. For dynamic
manner verbs, the verbs have to describe a typical kind of movement of an entity.
Swimming is a typical movement of ducks, but not of human beings; on the other
hand, running is a typical movement of human beings. This explanation is similar
to Birner's (1994) study regarding the discourse function of existential sentences
in English. Bimer says that in inversion, the information carried by the post-verbal
NP is less familiar than the information carried by the pre-verbal PP; further, the
verb does not carry new information - it is infonnationally-light. In this context,
we can see that movements typical of an entity carry a lighter load of information
than movements that are not typical of an entity.
This view can be used to explain some of the restrictions observed in Chinese,
e.g. why tiao 'jump' cannot occur in locative inversion, as in (31c). Jumping is not
informationally light in this context, but rather carries new information. However,
discourse function alone does not seem to be adequate in explaining the entire
194 Feng-hsi Liu
range of Chinese data. Under this analysis, it is difficult to explain why except for
pao 'run' and zou 'walk', no other verbs of volitional processes can occur in locative
The following table summarizes the pattern of auxiliary selection that we have
observed so far:
- indefinite
continuation of state, existence of state
non-volitional process
volitional process (detransitivized)
volitional process (intransitive),
'run' and zou 'walk'
-Ie /-zhe
does not enter
locative inversion
4. Semantic determinants
In this section we will consider what semantic properties are relevant for the choice
of auxiliary in locative inversion. Before I offer my analysis, however, I will say a
few words about Hu (1995) and Yang and Pan (2001). As mentioned in Section I,
they also offer a semantic analysis of auxiliary selection.
4.1 Hu (1995) and Yang and Pan (2001)
Hu's main concern is to characterize the verbs that can occur in presentative sen
tences, which correspond to locative inversion discussed here. He argues that the
aspectual nature of the verbs determines whether they can occur in presentative
sentences; further, the choice of aspect markers is determined by the aspectual
nature of the verbs. Three groups of verbs are identified to enter presentative sen
tences: verbs denoting change of state, verbs denoting state, and verbs denoting
resultative state. Change of state and resultative state select -le, while state selects
-zhe. However, Hu does not recognize variability of choice of auxiliary; instead,
when either choice is possible, he says there is a subtle difference in meaning be
tween the two forms. According to him, (35a) describes a state as a result of some
previous action, while (35b) describes an on-going state:
(35) a. Qiangshang gua -Ie yifu hua
wall-on hang -LE one-CL painting
'On the wall hangs a painting.'
Yang and_:
of state se:
that exhil' -'
-zhe. Thu' .
the past.
by associ;;.
uation \\-t
be used tc
of them c:
next secti::
and the \,C:'.
4.2 Three
Three seI".'.
(34). Telic>
telic verbs_
verbs of
in whethc
verbs of iLL':
two other -
the latter c.. _
only; as
of agenth-i
stative ver:>
Auxiliary selection in Chinese 195
b. Qiangshang gua-zhe yifu hua
wall-on hang-zHE one-CL painting
'On the wall hangs a painting:
Yang and Pan (2001) follow Hu and also take the aspectual properties of verbs as
determinants of choice of auxiliary, although the details are not identical: change
of state selects -Ie, resultative states select -zhe, and activities select -zhe. For verbs
that exhibit variability, Yang and Pan suggest that the choice has to do with what
the speaker wishes to emphasize; an emphasis on the change will result in the
choice of while an emphasis of the resultative state will result in the use of
-zhe. Thus for them (35a) implies that the state of picture hanging was not true in
the past.
vv'hile neither study gives a complete picture, due to the narrow range of verbs
considered, they have identified a major factor for the choice between -le and -zhe
by associating change of state with -Ie. However, both studies are reluctant to ac
knowledge the existence of variability. Hu mentions subtle differences between the
choices, while Yang and Pan talk about the speaker's emphasis. Actually, in a sit
uation where a picture is hanging on the wall, when asked if (35a) and (35b) can
be used to describe the situation, almost all speakers respond positively, and most
of them do not perceive a difference in meaning between the two sentences. In the
next section, I will offer three factors to account for both the choice of marking
and the variability.
4.2 Three factors
Three semantic factors can be identified which account for the pattern observed in
lelicity is the primary factor, which divides all of the verbs into two groups:
telic verbs, including verbs of change, and atelic verbs, including verbs of state and
verbs of process. Telic verbs select -Ie. DitIerence in degrees of telicity is reflected
in whether -zhe can also be selected. Verbs of definite change select only, while
verbs of indefinite change select -Ie or -zhe. In contrast, atelic verbs all select -zhe;
two other factors determine whether they also select -Ie: stativityand agentivity.
Stativity divides atelic verbs into two groups: stative verbs and dynamic verbs;
the latter are verbs of process. Dynamic atelic verbs (verbs of process) select -zhe
only; as for stative atelic verbs, they are yet divided into two groups in terms
of agentivity. Stative verbs that are non-agentive select -zhe only, while agentive
stative verbs select -zhe or -Ie. The overall picture is a hierarchy given in (36):
196 Feng-hsi tiu
(36) Hierarchy of auxiliary selection in Chinese
change (indefinite)
atelic, stative, agentive state -le/-zhe
atelic, stative, non-agentive state -zhe
atelic, -zhe
The three factors are not equal in terms of importance. Telicity is the most dom
inant factor. If a verb is telic, the other two factors are irrelevant; it selects -le
regardless whether it is stative or agentive. Thus telic agentive, e.g. lai 'come', has
the same marking as telic non-agentive, e.g. Zan 'be rotten'; and telic stative, e.g.
po 'be broken', is marked the same as telic dynamic, e.g. zou 'leave'. The factor that
is next in ranking is stativity. If a verb is atelic and dynamic, then it selects -zhe
regardless of agentivity. That is, all types of process select -zhe, whether it is voli
tional, e.g. jiao 'chew', or non-volitional, e.g. piao 'flow'. The last factor, agentivity,
is relevant only when a verb is atelic and stative. That is, it is only relevant when a
verb denotes a state. A state that is brought out by volition takes either -Ie or -zhe,
whereas a state that exists without intervention of an agent takes -zhe only.
Telicity and stativity are both properties of lexical aspect. In Dowty's (1979)
verb classification, telicity distinguishes accomplishments and achievements from
states and activities, while stativity separates states from the other three classes. In
Smith (1997), telicity and stativity are two of the three features that define situa
tion types. Therefore, overall, auxiliary selection in Chinese is governed by lexical
aspect and agentivity.
(36) can be compared with the hierarchy proposed by Sorace (2000) for aux
iliary selection in Germanic and Romance languages, given in (37):
Auxiliary selection hierarchy Sorace (2000)
change oflocation (least variation) 'be'
change of state
continuation of pre-existing state
existence of state
uncontrolled process
controlled process (motional)
controlled process (non-motional) (least variation) 'have'
Sorace's hierarchy is set up based on telicity and agentivity. She takes a gradient
approach. Verbs are distinguished into core and intermediate verbs. Core verbs
are at the ends of the hierarchy; they show consistent marking, while intermediate
verbs are in the middle of the hierarchy, and they show variable marking.
in the (h:""
from the
in (37) a:-" _
archy vert;
the midd:"
to whic1:1 -
all intra!:'

and Rome_:_
verbs, alt:: __ _
in the hie:
< , ,
run anc _
labor am."
is not. So:' _
of impoc, _
(definite __
'have' reg,:-
as mentio:' c
is relevac
observed ::-_
mance or
variation, _
and state,
ation. As :
exists arne - _

is seen a;:'.""
Auxiliary selection in Chinese 197
As we compare the two hierarchies, we note that the types of verbs that occur
in the Chinese hierarchy are similar to the types of verbs listed in (37), but differ
from the latter in terms of classification. Different types of changes and processes
in (37) are collapsed in (36); on the other hand, states are distinguished in terms of
agentivity in (36), a distinction lacking in (37). However, there are some striking
similarities between the two hierarchies. First, just like (37), in the Chinese hier
archy verbs at the ends of the hierarchy show consistent marking, while verbs in
the middle show variable marking. Second, both hierarchies include telidty and
agentivity as determinants; further, the of telicity determines the degree
to which the choice of 'be' or -Ie is categoricaL Thus the Chinese data supports
Sorace's gradient approach to auxiliary selection.
There are also a number of differences between (36) and (37). First, since not
all intransitive verbs occur in locative inversion, (36) includes only a subset of in
transitives in Chinese, whereas (37) covers a full range ofintransitives in Germanic
and Romance languages. On the other hand, (36) also applies to detransitivized
verbs, although the two classes of verbs differ in terms of the verb types included
in the hierarchy. For intransitive verbs, agentive process is excluded except for pao
'run' and zou 'walk'; for detransitivized verbs, the full range of verb types is in
cluded. Another difference between (36) and has to do with the division of
labor among the factors. In (37), telicity and agentivity are relevant, but stativity
is not. Sorace does not specify whether the two are comparable or ranked in terms
of importance. It seems telicity should be ranked higher because while telic verbs
(definite change) select 'be' regardless of agentivity, agentive verbs do not select
'have' regardless of telicity. Rather, only atelic, agentive verbs select 'have'. In (36),
as mentioned earlier, telicity plays a much more prominent role, while agentivity
is relevant only to states. Yet another difference concerns the nature of variation
observed in these languages. Chinese verbs exhibit less variation than verbs in Ro
mance or Germanic languages in terms of both types of verbs and the nature of
variation. Two types of verbs in (36) show variation in Chinese - indefinite change
and state, while in Romance and Germanic languages most of the eight types in
(37) display some degree ofvariation, with the middle shov,ring the greatest vari
ation. As to the nature of variation, in Chinese it seems that not much variation
exists among native speakers. Judgments converge more or less as to whether a verb
selects -le, -zhe or either. There is also less individual differences among verbs of
the same type in Chinese. For example, when agentivity is implied, all stative verbs
show variation. By contrast, in Romance and Germanic languages, more variation
is seen among speakers as well as among individual verbs.
198 Feng-hsi Liu
5. Syntactic approaches
We now turn to the issue whether the data presented in Section 3 can be character
ized in a syntactic analysis. Since amdliary selection classifies verbs into -Ie marking
verbs and -zhe marking verbs, a natural question to ask is whether the distinc
tion is the unaccusative/unergative distinction, explained by the Unaccusativity
Hypothesis. As mentioned in Section 1, in Germanic and Romance languages aux
iliary selection has been considered as an unaccusative diagnostics. Is auxiliary
selection in Chinese also a syntactic manifestation of unaccusativity? Below I vrill
present arguments from two perspectives and suggest that a syntactic analysis of
the phenomenon is untenable.
If auxiliary selection is a characteristic of unaccusativity, two things should
follow: First, we would expect to see other syntactic manifestations whereby in
transitive verbs are distinguished into two classes along the same line and the
difference is explained by the Unaccusativity Hypothesis. Second, earlier in Sec
tion 2, I have suggested that detransitivized verbs in locative inversion suppress
their external argument. Given this, in a syntactic analysis, we would expect all of
the detransitivized verbs to select -Ie uniformly, in the same way that passive verbs
and reflexive verbs in Germanic and Romance languages select 'be' (Perlmutter
1978; Burzio 1986). Neither prediction is borne out, however. As for the latter,
it is contradicted by the data presented in Section 3. Tbere we saw that detran
sitivized verbs also show variable behavior; just like intransitive verbs, they select
-zhe or either. Further, except for controlled processes, the selection follows
the same broad classification, i.e. change, state, process for both intransitive and
detransitivized verbs.
As for the former prediction, so far two phenomena have been proposed (Yu
1995) as unaccusative diagnostics, but as I show in 5.2, under close scrutiny they
are not really unaccusative diagnostics. In fact, in studies of Chinese there has
been no consensus on wbat is an unaccusative diagnostic or which verb types (e.g.
cbange, state, process) are unaccusative. Below I will review three previous studies:
Huang (1990), Yu (1995) and Pan (1996).
5.1 Huang (1990)
Huang (1990) suggests that in Chinese verbs of existence, (dis)appearance and
location have an underlying object, but no subject; they are un accusative. On the
other hand, agentive verbs such as ku 'cry' and tiao 'jump' have an underlying
subject; they are unergative. The underlying representation of (38a) and (39a) is
(38b) and (39b), respectively:
Huang sc
subject, '
That is,
sition at
unergatiyc _
verbs is l:'_.
(39a) the'
in that UL _
all of the'
in his
vlew IS
dude not
of proces':
locative ':-_
the unde<
tionable -.
Auxiliary selection in Chinese 199
(38) a. Ren 8i Ie
person die LE
'This person is dead.'
h. [e 1 si Ie ren Ie.
die LE person PRT
'Someone is dead.'
(39) a. Yiwai zhongyu fasheng Ie
accident finally happen LE
'The accident finally happened.'
h. [e] zhongyu fasheng yiwai Ie
finally happen accident LE
~ accident finally happened.'
Huang says a strong piece of evidence for assigning these verbs an object, but not
subject, is that the 'inverted' structures of (38b) and (39b) are also well-formed. In
contrast, with unergative verbs, such inversion is not possible:
(40) a. *Hen gaoxing yige ren
very happy one-CL person
'A person is very happy.'
h. *Zheli ku-le sange ren
here cry-I.E three-CI. person
'Here three people cried.'
That is, unaccusative verbs allow their single argument to occur in the object po
sition at the surface structure. Another piece of evidence for the unaccusativel
unergative distinction that Huang offers is that the subject of unergative verbs is
usually the agent, which is the external argument, while the subject of unaccusative
verbs is usually a non-agent, corresponding to an internal argument. In (38a) and
(39a) the subject is a theme, not agent. Therefore, the two types of verbs also differ
in that unergative verbs have the external argument, while unaccusative verbs have
no external argument, but an internal argument.
Huang seems to take inversion as an unaccusative diagnostic. This means
all of the intransitive verbs that enter locative inversion would be unaccusative
in his analysis. Auxiliary selection therefore plays no role in unaccusativity. This
view is also held in Gu (1992) and Li (1990). Thus unaccusative verbs would in
clude not only verbs of existence, (dis)appearance and location, but also verbs
of processes, ego piaa 'float', chui 'blow' and paa 'run'. This raises some doubt, as
cross-linguistically the latter verbs are unergative. Further, on the assumption that
locative inversion is an unaccusative diagnostic, the post-verbal NP is an object in
the underlying representation. Yet no such evidence is provided. In fact, it is ques
tionable whether all of the post-verbal NPs that occur in the construction originate
200 Feng-hsi Liu
as objects. Pao 'run', for example, is usually assumed to have an underlying subject,
not an underlying object.
5.2 Yu (1995)
Yu (1995) offers a different view of unaccusativity in Chinese. He examines three
groups of verbs, each containing six verbs, in locative inversion.
He suggests that
verbs that select -Ie are unaccusative, verbs that select -zhe are unergative, and
alternating verbs, ones that select either -Ie or are unaccusative. For -Ie mark
ing verbs, the postverbal NP in locative inversion is an underlying object, while for
-zhe marking verbs, the postverbal NP is an inverted subject, adjoined to VP. For
alternating verbs, the postverbal NP is an underlying object when -Ie is selected,
and an inverted subject when -zhe is selected. He provides two tests that correlate
with the -lel-zhe selection: the definiteness effect and sub-extraction.
The definiteness effect can be observed in -Ie marking sentences. vVhen the
verb is marked by -le, the postverbal NP is either indefinite or, if the NP is bare,
interpreted as an indefinite expression. In a -zhe marking sentence, however, the
NP can be definite. This is shown in (41)-(42).
(41) Duimian lai-le yiliang che I*Laowang de che
opposite-side come-LE one-CL car ILaowang DE car
'From the opposite side came a car/*Laowang's car.'
(42) Caochangshang pao-zhe yige xuesheng Iwomen de laoshi
playground-on nm-ZHE one-CL student /we DE teacher
'On the playground is running a student/our teacher:
(43 )-(44) show that if a verb takes either -Ie or -zhe, the NP can be either definite
or indefinite when it takes -zhe, but the NP must be indefinite when the verb takes
(43) Taishang zuo-zhe sange ren Izhuxi tuan
platform-on sit-zHE three-CL person Ichair committee
'On the platform are sitting three people Ithe chair committee.'
2. The three groups of verbs are as follows:
Gl: si 'die', dao lai 'come', qu zou 'leavel',pao 'run away'
G2: zhan 'stand', zuo 'sit', dun 'squat', gui 'kneel', tang 'lie', pa 'lie on stomach'
G3: zou 'walk', pao 'run', fei 'fly', pa 'crawl', tiao 'jump', gun 'roll'
Verbs in G 1 select -Ie; verbs in G2 select -Ie or -zhe, and verbs in G3 select
The secc--
bal NP
lustratec .
In (45),
the quae
is not pc:_
If aver'='_
marked b
In Yu's

sense. L,,-,
the two c:
tions. In t:-,
evidence :.
That is,
position, .
is only pc"
In fact,
phenomt:: _
sub-extra . ..: .
Auxiliary selection in Chinese 201
(44) Taishang zuo-Ie sange ren /*zhuxi tuan
platform-on sit -LE three-cL person / chair committee
'On the platform are sitting three people/*the chair committee;
The second test, sub-extraction, has to do with extracting the head of the postver
bal NP to a pre-verbal position. It is possible with a -Ie marking verb, as il
lustrated in (45):
Nage diqu ren si-Ie xuduo
that area people die-LE many
'In that area people died many.'
In the head ren 'people' is preposed to a pre-verbal position, leaving behind
the quantifier phrase xuduo 'many': (46) shows that sub-extraction of the head NP
is not possible with -zhe marking verbs.
(46) *Caochangshang xuesheng pao-zhe xuduo
playground-on student run-zHE many
'On the playground students were running
If a verb can take either -Ie or -zhe, then sub-extraction is possible when it is
marked by but not when it is marked by This is illustrated in (47):
Menkou ren zhan-Ie I"-zhe
doorway people stand-LE /-ZHE a-few
'At the doorway people stood a few;
In Yu's auxiliary selection is one of the three syntactic manifestations of
unaccusativity, together with the definiteness effect and sub-extraction. However,
although the latter two phenomena correlate with auxiliary selection, neither the
definiteness effect nor sub-extraction is an unaccusative diagnostic in the strong
sense. Levin and Rappoport Hovav (1995:4) point out that in order for a phe
nomenon to be considered as an unaccusative diagnostic, the difference between
the two classes of verbs needs to be explained by different syntactic configura
tions. In the case of definiteness effect or sub-extraction, there is no independent
evidence that links them to the distinction between an object and a non-object.
That is, it is not shown independently that in locative inversion, NPs in the object
position, but not in other positions, must be indefinite, nor that sub-extraction
is only possible in the object position, but not in other positions. Rather, Yu sim
ply characterizes differences in terms of differences in syntactic configurations.
In fact, neither the definiteness effect nor sub-extraction is necessarily a syntactic
phenomenon. In recent literature there have been semantic (Keenan 20(3) and
pragmatic (Abbott 1993; Zucchi 1995) accounts of the definiteness effect. As for
sub-extraction, it is subject to discourse constraints. Sub-extraction involves mov
202 Feng-hsi Liu
ing a post-verbal NP to a pre-verbal position, where an NP typically carries old
information. If a post-verbal NP carries new information, when it is extracted to a
pre-verbal position, the result is often unacceptable, regardless of whether the verb
is marked by -Ie or -zhe, as in (48):
(48) "Cantingli xuesheng zuo-le/-zhe yige
cafeteria student sit -LE/-znE one-cl
(Lit: 'In the cafeteria, as for students, there sits one.')
Thus the two tests that Yu provides may be explained by semantic, pragmatic or
discourse analyses.
Data from detransitivized verbs further undermines a syntactic analysis. The
definiteness effect and sub-extraction also divide detransitivized verbs into two
groups in the same way as intransitive verbs do - -Ie marking verbs are sub
ject to the definiteness effect but allow sub-extraction, while the reverse holds
for -zhe marking verbs. (49) illustrates the definiteness effect, and (50) illustrates
(49) a, Dishang reng-Ie xuduo I"zhexie guopi zhixie
ground-on throw-LE many Ithese peels paper
'On the ground many/"'these peels and paper were thrown:
b. Zuili yikuail nakuai kouxiangtang
mouth-in chew-zHE one-CL that-cL chewing-gum
'In the mouth is a piece oflthat of gum.'
(50) a.
Guopi zhixie reng -Ie henduo
peels paper throw -LE many
'ylany peels and paper were thrown.'
*Kouxiangtang jiao-zhe bushao
chewing-gum chew-zHE many
?""Many chewing gums are chewed.'
However, as discussed in 2.2, the two types of verbs have the same argument
structure - both are assigned an internal argument, with the external argument
suppressed. This means syntactic configuration cannot be the source of difference
observed in (49)-(50).
In short, while Yu has identified two phenomena that correlate with auxiliary
selection, neither is an unaccusative diagnostic; moreover, the pattern displayed by
detransitivized verbs cannot be stated as differences in the argument structure or
syntactic configuration.
5.3 Pan
just like
-zhe are
ates on a
-zhe is prc: c
tive verb '.'
is conside:: ,
transiti"i::: =
and proCe"
state (if ::-,:'
of unaccL.' :
In short.
comes frc:',' .
a syntact:: ,
for evideL: ,
it, but his
It is also
of them
ancles arc:
types, q:,
spect to
very rele
evidence, .
In this D,'.: _
found in
Auxiliary selection in Chinese 203
5.3 Pan (1996)
Pan (1996) treats all of the intransitive verbs in locative inversion as unaccusative,
just like Huang (1990), but among the detransitivized verbs, only ones that select
-zhe are unaccusative. As mentioned in Section 2.2, he proposes a rule that oper
ates on a verb's argument structure and deletes the verb's external argument when
-zhe is present. The derived argument structure is the same as that of an intransi
tive verb with a Theme argument, and therefore the derived verb, marked by -zhe,
is considered unaccusative.
On Pan's analysis, auxiliary selection plays a role in unaccusativity only for de
transitivized verbs. For him, unaccusative verbs include all types, e.g. change, state,
and process, of intransitive verbs; but among detransitivized verbs, only verbs of
state (if they select -zhe) and process are unaccusative. Notably, detransitivized
verbs that denote change are not unaccusative in his analysis. Cross-linguistically,
verbs of process are unergative, while verbs of change are unaccusative, and yet Pan
has assigned just the opposite status to detransitivized verbs. Since no diagnostics
of unaccusativity is provided, it is not possible to evaluate why unaccusative verbs
are grouped this way in his analysis.
5.4 Summary
In short, the strongest evidence against a syntactic analysis of auxiliary selection
comes from detransitivized verbs. Rather than behaving uniformly, as predicted by
a syntactic analysis, these verbs show variability, parallel to intransitive verbs. As
for evidence for a syntactic analysis, so far in the literature only Yu (1995) provides
it, but his two tests on close scrutiny don't stand up as real syntactic diagnostics.
It is also found that of the three syntactic approaches to split intransitivity, none
of them have provided a clear unaccusative diagnostic. As a result, many discrep
ancies are found among the three analyses. There is disagreement on many verb
types, e.g. verbs of process, alternating verbs, and detransitivized verbs, with re
spect to whether they are unaccusative or unergative. Auxiliary selection has been
assigned three different roles with respect to unaccusativity: not relevant (Huang),
very relevant (Yu) and partially relevant (Pan). Thus not only is the evidence for
auxiliary selection as a syntactic manifestation of unaccusativity not strong, the
evidence that unaccusativity is syntactically represented in Chinese is also lacking.
6. Conclusion
In this paper I have examined auxiliary selection in Chinese, a phenomenon that is
found in locative inversion. Chinese is unique in that both intransitive and detran
204 Feng-hsi Liu
sitivized verbs occur in the construction and both participate in auxiliary selection.
I have suggested that this fact is best accounted for in a semantic analysis. Three
semantic factors have been identified that are responsible for the hierarchy of Chi
nese auxiliary selection: telicity, stativity and agentivity, in order of importance.
There are thus two semantic dimensions that Chinese auxiliary selection is sen
sitive to lexical aspect, including telicity and stativity, and agentivity. Van Valin
(I990) proposes that lexical aspect and agentivity are the semantic basis for split
intransitivity cross-linguistically. Data from Chinese auxiliary selection certainly
reinforces this claim.
I also considered whether auxiliary selection in Chinese is a syntactic manifes
tation of unaccusativity. This question turns out to be difficult to answer because
there is little agreement in previous analyses as to what is an unaccusative diagnos
tic in Chinese. Two tests have been proposed that correlate with auxiliary selection;
however, both lack independent evidence as unaccusative diagnostics. This, to
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