David Ausubel
David Ausubel
David Ausubel
David Ausubel
Meaningful Learning Theory
Born: October 25, 1918 Died: July 9, 2008 Grew up in Brooklyn, New York
He graduated from medical school at Middlesex University. Later he earned a Ph.D in Developmental Psychology at Columbia University. He was influenced by the work of Piaget.
In 1973, Ausubel retired from academic life and devoted himself to his psychiatric practice. In 1976, he received the Thorndike Award from the American Psychological Association for "Distinguished Psychological Contributions to Education".
Concerned with how students learn large amounts of meaningful material from verbal/textual presentations in a learning activities. Meaningful learning results when new information is acquired by linking the new information in the learners own cognitive structure
Learning is based on the representational, superordinate and combinatorial processes that occur during the reception of information. A primary process in learning is subsumption in which new material is related to relevant ideas in the existing cognitive structure on a nonverbatim basis (previous knowledge)
Instructors should incorporate advance organizers when teaching a new concept. Instructors should use a number of examples and focus on both similarities and differences. Classroom application of Ausubel's theory should discourage rote learning of materials that can be learned more meaningfully. The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows.
For Ausubel, meaningful learning is a process that related new information relevant to the concepts contained in a persons cognitive structure. In order to be meaningful to students learning, then learning should be linked and relevant to students cognitive structures. Relevance to students cognitive structures can happen when we pay attention to early knowledge of the concepts that preceded the concept to be learned.
It is important for students to construct knowledge through learning. The essential theory of meaningful learning is a teaching which Ausubel enables students can associate the beginning of knowledge with new knowledge that will learn and how teachers can facilitate learning by preparing the facility as a presentation of the subject matter which allows students to build knowledge in discovery learning activities.