Michael Lundy Honored by Huntsville City Council
Michael Lundy Honored by Huntsville City Council
Michael Lundy Honored by Huntsville City Council
13-288 WHEREAS, Michael Lundy has been the Executive Director/CEO of the Huntsville Housing Authority (HHA) for nine years. He has worked in the affordable housing industry for 36 years and served as executive director at housing agencies in Maryland and Pennsylvania before coming to Huntsville; and, WHEREAS, Mr. Lundy oversees the daily operations of 1,709 public housing apartments, 1,606 Section 8/Housing Choice Vouchers, and the ongoing real estate development efforts of the agency. Currently, the public housing and Section 8 programs combined provide affordable housing for nearly 8,000 people in the city. Thousands more are on agency waiting lists; and, WHEREAS, he believes having large clusters of public housing only broadens the socioeconomic disparity within our society. Based on substantiated evidence, he believes mixed-income affordable housing opportunities located throughout the community will create a healthier and more diverse society. So far, it is proving to work very well at Gateway Place, a senior residential facility that opened last year; and, WHEREAS, in addition to his duties in Huntsville, Mr. Lundy is active on a local, state, national, and international level in relation to affordable housing issues. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Knoxville College, in Tennessee, and a Masters of Public Administration from Xavier University in Ohio, as well as a Public Housing Management Certification; and, WHEREAS, it is well-known that homeownership is one of the primary ways that a family can acquire wealth and secure long-term financial stability. Mr. Lundy has sought to ensure that the goal of homeownership becomes a reality for many of the families that participate in HHAs public and assisted housing programs. During his administration, Mr. Lundy has instituted the Pre-Homeownership Program and Homebuyers Club, in addition to promoting the HUD Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Homeownership Program; and, WHEREAS, Mr. Lundys commitment to facilitating the dream of homeownership among HHA families has been tremendously successful. Of the 120+ families that have participated in HHAs homeownership programs, 37 families have purchased their own home. In June 2013, another HHA resident will leave public housing to move her family into their brand new home; and, WHEREAS, during Mr. Lundys tenure as Executive Director, over 200 public housing and low-income residents from the Huntsville area have received employment and job training opportunities through HHA. Furthermore, more than fifteen Resident-Owned and Section 3 Businesses have provided contract work services to HHA; and,
WHEREAS, under the embrella of the HHA the following services are also provided: Family Self Sufficiency (FSS), Section 3 Employment Opportunities, Youth Council, Boy and Girl Scouts of America, Midnight Basketball League, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boys and Girls Clubs of North Alabama; and, WHEREAS, in compliance with the Department of Housing and Urban Developments (HUD) mandate to deconcentrate public housing, through Mr. Lundys leadership HHA continues to make a concerted effort to move its families to economic independence through various affordable housing products and programs. HHAs housing products and programs are deeply rooted in the U.S. Congressional legislation which promotes homes that are affordable to low-income families in safe and healthy environments. Congress sited two major ways to accomplish this purpose: (1), facilitating mixed-income communities and decreasing concentrations of poverty in public housing; and (2) creating incentives and economic opportunities for residents of dwelling units assisted by public housing agencies to work, become self-sufficient, and transition out of public housing and federally assisted dwelling units; and, WHEREAS, for the seventh straight year, the Huntsville Housing Authority has been awarded the "High Performer" designation by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The "High Performer" designation is the highest honor HUD can give to a public housing authority. Of the approximate 3,300 housing agencies in the U.S., HHA is among a select number of housing agencies to achieve and maintain this prominent distinction. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council and Mayor of the City of Huntsville, Alabama, on behalf of the citizens of Huntsville- Madison County, Alabama and State of Alabama, express their appreciation to Mr. Michael Lundy for his outstanding leadership and exemplary performance of his duties as the Executive Director/CEO of the Huntsville Housing Authority and his dedicated and selfless service and efforts to provide housing opportunities for citizens who are those less fortunate. ADOPTED on this the 25th day of April, 2013. __________________________________________ President of the City Council of the City of Huntsville, Alabama
APPROVED on this the 25th day of April, 2013. __________________________________________ Mayor of the City of Huntsville, Alabama