Article - Indian Constitution
Article - Indian Constitution
Article - Indian Constitution
(48). rebellion. (Implemented chairman is also the Prime contiguous to them. These
30. Minimum age for three times (1962, 71, 75).) Minister. merged States were included
becoming member of Lok Emergency under Article 50. The first leader of in the territories of the States
Sabha is 25 years and Rajya 356—Constitutional prob- the Opposition was Ram in Part B in the First Sche-
Sabha is 30 years. Minimum lems. (Implemented many Subhag Singh, in 1969. dule of the Constitution. The
age to be eligible for the post times, in various States like 51. The shortest Lok process of merger started
of the President is 35 years. J&K, Punjab, etc.) Sabha span was 13 days with the merger of Orissa
31. The President is Emergency under Article (12th Lok Sabha in 1998). and Chattisgarh States with
elected by members of both 360—Financial Emergency. 52. Although the Parlia- the then province of Orissa,
Houses of Parliament and (Not implemented so far). ment can pass impeachment on January 1, 1948. The last
State Legislative Assemblies. 41. The Constitution ini- motion against judges, their instance was merger of
32. The Vice President is tially recognised 14 National conduct cannot be discussed Cooch-Behar with West Ben-
elected by all members of the Languages. Later, four more by it. gal in January 1950.
Parliament. were added. These were: 53. There are at present (ii) 61 States were con-
33. To discuss an impor- Sindhi (21st amendment), 18 High Courts in India. verted into Centrally-admin-
tant topic, the normal proce- Nepali, Konkani and 54. Article 370 gives istered areas and included in
dure of the Parliament is Manipuri (71st amendment). special status to Jammu & Part C of the First Schedule.
stopped under the Adjourn- 42. To gain the status of Kashmir. (iii) The third form was
ment motion. a National Party, a political 55. The Indian Consti- consolidation of groups of
34. Decision about whe- party must be recognised in tution was the first of the States into new viable units,
ther a Bill is a Money Bill or four or more States, attaining preceding two centuries known as Union of States.
not is taken by the Lok at least 4% votes on national which was not imposed by The first Union formed was
Sabha Speaker. scale and 9% in each State. an imperial power, but was the Saurashtra Union on
35. The first High 43. The flag of the Con- made by the people them- February 15, 1948. The last
Courts in India were estab- gress party was accepted as selves, through representa- one was Union of Travan-
lished at Bombay, Calcutta, the National Flag (with few tives in a Constituent core-Cochin on July 1, 1949.
and Madras, in 1862. Alla- changes) on July 22, 1947. Assembly. As many as 275 States were
habad and Delhi were estab- 44. The new Flag Code 56. The Preamble of the integrated into five
lished next in 1866. of India gives freedom to Indian Constitution is not Unions—Madhya Bharat,
36. Maximum age to individuals to hoist the flag enforceable in a court of law. Patiala and East Punjab
remain a High Court judge is on all days, but with due It states the objects which States Union, Rajasthan,
62 years and maximum age respect to the flag. the Constitution seeks to Saurashtra and Travancore-
to remain a Supreme Court 45. The Question hour establish. Cochin. These were included
judge is 65 years. in the Parliament is observed 57. The Indian Constitu- in Part B of the First Sche-
37. The process for from 11 am to 12 noon. The tion endows the Judiciary dule. Besides, Hyderabad,
removal of Comptroller and Zero hour is observed from with power of declaring a J&K and Mysore were also
Auditor General of India is 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm. law as unconstitutional if it included in Part B.
same as that of judges of the 46. Balwant Rai Mehta is beyond the competence of 59. At the time of acces-
Supreme Court. Committee suggested a the Legislature according to sion to the Dominion of
38. Attorney General is three-tier structure for Pan- the distribution of powers India, the States had acceded
the law expert to govern- chayati Raj—Gram Pancha- provided by the Constitu- only on three subjects
ment. He can participate and yat village level, Panchayat tion, or if it is in contraven- (Defence, Foreign Affairs
speak in both Houses of Par- Samiti at block level and Zila tion of the fundamental and Communications). Lat-
liament, but is not allowed to Parishad in districts. rights or of any other er, revised Instruments of
vote. 47. First Constitutional mandatory provision, e.g. Accession were signed by
39. The idea of having a Amendment—1951—put a Articles 286, 299, 301 and which all States acceded in
Lokpal to check corruption at ban on propagating ideas to 304. respect of all matters includ-
the highest level has been harm friendly relations with 58. As part of the inte- ed in Union and Concurrent
borrowed from “Ombuds- foreign countries. gration of various Indian Lists, except only those relat-
man” of Sweden. In the 48. Planning Commis- States into the Dominion of ing to taxation.
States, we have the Lok Ayuk- sion is only an advisory and India a three-fold process of 60. The process of inte-
ta. specialist body. Its chairman integration, known as the gration culminated in the
40. There are three types is the Prime Minister. Patel Scheme, was imple- Constitution (7th Amend-
of Emergencies that can be 49. National Develop- mented. ment) Act, 1956, which abol-
proclaimed by the President. ment Council is the main (i) 216 States were ished Part B States as a class
Emergency under Article body concerned with the merged into the respective and included all the States in
352—due to war or internal actual planning process. Its Provinces, geographically Part A and B in one list.