Commut Stress Ride Novaco

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Commuting Stress, Ridesharing, and Gender: Analyses from the 1993 State of the Commute Study in Southern California

Raymond W. Novaco Cheryl Collier

Working Paper UCTCNo. 208

The Un~iversityof California TransportationCenter Universityof California Berkeley, CA94720

The University Transportation

of California Center

The University of California Transportation Center (UCTC) is one of ten regional units mandated by Congress and established in Fall 1988 to support research, education, and training in surface transportation The UCCenter serves federal Region IX and is supported by matching grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and the University. Based on the Berkeley Campus, UCTCdraws upon existing capabilities and resources of the Institutes of Transportation Studies at Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, and Los Angeles; the institute of Urban and Regional Development at Berkeley; and several academic departments at the Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, and Los Angeles campuses. Faculty and students on other University of California campuses may participate in

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Commuting Stress, Ridesharing, and Gender: Analyses from the 1993 State of the Commute Study Southern California


Raymond W. Novaco
Schoolof Social Ecologyand Institute of Transportation Studies University of California at Irvine Irvine, CA92717

Cheryl Collier
Commuter Transportation Services, Inc. 3550Wilshire Blvd., Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA90010

Working Paper January 1994 presented at the 73rd annual meetingof the TransportationResearchBoard,Washington, D.C.

UCTC No. 208 The University of California Transportation Center University of California at Berkeley

Abstract A stressful nature of exposure to traffic congestion in automobile commuting has been

demonstrated in previous quasi-experimental conducted with relatively

research that has been measurement-intensive but study examined commuting stress in

small samples. The present

automobile travel with a large representative telephone survey Commuting stress

sample (N = 2591) in southern California through associated with distance and the stressful effects of

was found to be significantly

duration of the commute, controlling for age and income. As predicted, long distance commutes (> 20 miles) were further much greater commuting stress

moderated by gender, spillover

as women in such

commutes perceive

to work and home. Some were

hypothesized stress-mitigating significantly drivers.

effects of ridesharing were found, as full-time ridesharers congestion and more satisfied

less bothered by traffic

with their commutes than solo commuting modes,

In analyses of prospective

adoption by solo drivers of alternative

it was found that the perception of ones commuteas having a negative impact on family life had a very significant effect on the inclination to try carpooling and train/rail, associated with distance itself. congestion that is internalized beyond the effect

Commutingstress is discussed as an external cost of traffic by the solo driver. Marketing strategies by highlighting for alternative modesof

commuting might increase their effectiveness negative impacts on family life.

stress consequences, especially

Commuting Stress, Ridesharing, and Gender:. Analyses from the 1993 State of the Commute Survey in Southern California

Among the external costs believed to be associated with traffic congestion are the human stress effects. Remaining attached to the private automobiletravel modeand constrained by the availability of affordable housing, workers endure congested commutes and absorb the stressful consequences.Indeed, the stressful effects of chronic exposure to traffic congestion and other dem~mds of long-distance driving in commuting between home and work have been

demonstratedin a series of studies (most recently, Novaco,1992; Novaco,Stokols, & Milanesi, 1990; Novaco, Kliewer, & Broquet, 1991). In these studies, understood to be stressful behavioral constraint traffic congestion has been

by virtue of its impedanceproperties.

That is, it operates as a an aversive,

on movementand goal attainment,

thus constituting

frustrating condition. As such, it elevates physiologicalarousal, elicits negative emotionalstates, and impairs cognitive performance. This research has found that high impedance commuting, indo:ed by objective and subjective dimensions, has adverse effects on blood pressure, mood, frustration tolerance, illness occasions, workabsences,job stability, and overall life satisfaction. The methodology used in this research program on commuting stress has been a

measurement-intensive, quasi-experimental field site testing procedure that has incorporated manycontrol variables as covariates in the analyses. However,this methodological rigor has comeat the expenseof assurances regarding generalizability, due to the relatively small samples sizes (each of these previous projects has involved approximately 100 participants) location (all studies were conducted with companiesin one city). The present study, therefore, examined commutingstress associated with automobile travel in a muchlarger geographic area with a large representative sample of commuters. For this purpose, several items pertaining to commuting stress were added to the southern California and the

"1993 State of the Commute"survey. Collier & Christiansen the results

(1992a & 1992b) have reported

of this survey on previous years. The newly added items sought to index commuting exposure

stress in terms of the aversiveness of the commuteand the negative impact of traffic on work and home life. Ridesharing has been promoted as an alternative pollution, and stress.

commuting mode to reduce traffic,


The present study also examined the merit of ridesharing in comparison effects of long distance commuting. National trends in in the workforce, in the availability of

with solo driving regarding the stress commuting patterns have indicated

that increases

automobiles, and the shift of jobs to suburban locations have significantly by private automobile (Pisarski,

increased commuting

1987). From 1960 to 1980, travel to work by private automobile while use of public transit congestion and air quality declined from 12.6% to 5.2% management regulations have

increased from 70% to 85%nationally, (Pisarski, 1987). While increased

prompted ridesharing programs, Teal (1987) has shown with national data that the large majority of drive-alone commuters lack any transportation or economic motivation to carpool. nonexistent, gasoline remains inexpensive, is illustrated by the fact increase in

In California,

road use charges are virtually

and nearly everyone who needs a car has one. The impact of the latter that from 1980 to 1989, many California registered increased increased

counties have had a greater proportionate

automobiles than in population.

For example, the population of San Francisco County while the number of registered automobiles

by 50,400 (7.4%) during those years,

by 49,835 (18.8%). The corresponding figures

for Santa Clara County were 154,200

(12%) people and 183,643 (25.4%) autos; for Los Angeles County 1,205,900 (16.2%) people 870,191 (23.6%) autos; and for Orange County 357,990 (18o6%) people and 330,621 (30.8%) Regarding reducing the demandfor road space, transportation alternatives to solo driving

in southern California have only madesmall gains. Analyses of the first

year results of the trip

reduction mandated by Regulation XV(Giuliano, Hwang,and Wachs, 1992; Wachs& Giuliano, 1992) found that AverageVehicle Ridership increased from 1.213 to 1.246 (although there was considerable variation across sites) and that "(t)he number of work.sites meetingthe target actually decreased during the first year of the program"(p. 9). Increased carpooling accounted for virtually all of the increase in AVR. While the Giuliano et al. data from employment sites found the solo driving modeto be at 71%around mid-1991,the Collier and Christiansen (1992b) "State of the Commute" survey found the drive alone rate to be 77%at regulated sites across southern California counties, continuing the national trend of solo-driving commuting noted by Pisarsld (1987) and Liss (1991). To the extent that ridesharing mitigates commuting stress, marketing strategies might then be devised that highlight this benefit and be targeted toward the population sectors that are most at risk or whoare otherwise sensitized to stress themes. Regardingthe question of at risk or sensitized population sectors, the previous research on commuting stress has examined the hypothesized moderating role of gender, whereby domain were expected to be greater for females

comrauting stress impacts in the residential

commutingon routes of high physical impedance. Reasoning from a convergence of findings in the three areas of travel behavior, workersstress physiology, and workeffects on family life, Novacoet al. (1991) expected that female high impedancecommuters(>20 miles; > 50 minutes on PMcommute)would be highest on residential domain stress measures. This hypothesis was

strongly confirmed across multiple measures and analyses, which rigorously controlled for potentially confounding factors as covariates. The significant effects for high impedance females, relative to their male counterparts, were obtained for measuresof dysphoria, general spirits, satisfaction with location, desire to move, and ratings of the home physical environment;although not statistically significant, the

results were in the expected direction for negative mood at home,satisfaction with dwelling, and


with neighborhood. Indeed, womenin the high physical impedance commutes

appraised their commutes more negativel3) than did menin the samecondition, despite these women have higher family incomes and not differing in education, marital status, or home ownership; nor did they differ in the objective characteristics of their commutes. However, these high physical impedance females reported considerably more constraint particularly thart did men, jams,

for the AM commute - they reported being delayed more often by traffic

being less able to avoid traffic,

and being less satisfied with their commutes.They did not,

however, have more complex travel segments than did the high impedancemen in that study, hence Novaco et al. (1991) speculated that differential responsibilities) might be an explanatory factor. While the effort to explain previously obtained gender effects is an important research agenda, it is also imperative that the question of gender differences in commuting stress be examinedwith a muchlarger representative sample. Hence, this issue is pursued in the present study with the 1993 State of the Commute Survey. Gender effects were examined in various statistical designs with commuting mode(solo driving, part-time ridesharing, and full-time role strain (work and household

ridesharing) and distance (as a continuous measure and as categorically partitioned).

METHOD Survey Desi_~n and Procedure The State of the Commute is an annual study conducted by CommuterTransportation Services, Inc. (CTS). The 1993 State of the Commute study is based on a telephone survey 2,591 commuterswithin Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bemardino,and Verttura Counties. Respondents surveyed included only commuters whowork full-time whomthe home is a primary work site. and excluded those for on

The survey provides updated information

commuters" travel behavior and attitudes employer transportation

about traffic

congestion, alternative

travel modes,

programs, and high occupancy vehicle lanes.

CTScontracted Interviewing Services of America, Inc. (ISA) to draw a sample based random-digit dialing using their copy of GENESYSs sampling program. This method, rather

than directories,

is used because of the high proportion of unlisted telephone numbers in the Los telephone

Angeles area. Random-digit dialing avoids the bias introduced by using only listed numbers An extensive cleaning and validation numbers in GENESYSs database probability were assigned

process was undertaken to ensure that all phone to the correct number. The survey questionnaire was area code and to increase the

of reaching a working residential

ISA was also contracted

to perform data collection.

pretested by interviewers from ISA. Since the majority of the survey questions were consistent with previous surveys, only minor formatting changes were made. using a Computer Assisted

From October 9 to December 7, 1992, ISAs interviewers,

Telephone Interviewing system (CATI), contacted respondents in the five-coun~ area. The use of a CATIsystem assures strict allows for extensive quality adherence to skip patterns, control. No interviews travel eliminates key entry errors, and

were conducted between November 19 and around the Thanksgiving holiday. and Spanish versions A

November 30 due to the unpredictable minimum of three questionnaire call-back attempts


were made. English

of the

were available

to meet the language requirements of respondents.

Five hundred

and twenty-five interviews possible.

were completed in each county in order to make county comparisons with sample sizes of 500. A two percent sampling error

A 4.5 percent sampling error is normally assodated

Regkmally, a total of 2,591 interviews was used in the analysis. is no:finally associated with sample sizes of 2,500.

Each interview began with the screener question, in your household work full-time

"Howmany persons 18 years or older of eligible respondents

outside the home?" Actual selection

was based on the person who had the most recent birthday. avoid the possible bias of surveying a disproportionate

This process was used in order to number of womenand children, since

they are most likely to answer the telephone. Once interviewing had been completed, responses were weighted by the number of eligible respondents within each household. This ensures that Furthermore, for the analysis at

small households are not over-represented in sample statistics. the regional level, data were additionally

weighted by the working population in each county

based on I990 U.S Census figures.

Commu ring Stress Measu res Four survey items constituted the commuting stress indices. "Commutingsatisfaction,"

rated on a nine-point scale, has been a item in previous State of the Commute surveys (Collier & Christiansen, 1991 & 1992), and a similar item has been a component of the subjective Thus, it is here incorporated

impedance indices in the Novaco at al. (1990 & 1991) studies.

a stress index. Three other items, rated on five-point scales, were newly composedfor the 1993 State of the Commute study: "How often do you feel bothered by traffic congestion in

commuting to or from work?"; "After your commute to work, how often do you feel a need to wind down and relax before starting work?"; and "Some people say that dealing with traffic on

their commutehome from work has a negative effect on their home life. true for you?". The first

To what extent is this of the

of these new items is intended to assess the aversiveness has been a principle components factor

commute. Aversiveness of travel

in the subjective

impedance measures of Novaco et al. (1990; 1991). The other two items aim to assess work and home domain impacts which are part of the commuting stress construct. While it is less than

optimal to operationalize the construct with these four simple items, the pragmatics of survey research demandsimplicity.

Hypotheses and Analytical Procedures 1. Commuting stress indices were expected to be significantly correlated with distance and duration of the commute,controlling for age and income. This was examined by simple

correlation and in multiple regressions with the control variables. 2. Consistent with the concept of impedance, commuteduration was expected to be a stronger predictor of stress than would be commutedistance Commutetime to work was expected to be the strongest predictor of the workarrival stress measure("need to wind down"), whereas commutetime homewas expected to be the strongest predictor of the homestress measure("negative impact on family life"). 3. Following the rationale and results of the Novacoet al. (1991) study, females

commutinga long distance (20+ miles) were predicted to have higher commutingstress than men.- i.e. females would be less satisfied with their commute,be more bothered by traffic

congestion, report a greater need to wind downon arrival at work, and perceive a greater negative impact on their family life. This prediction was tested in a 2 X 2 (distance Xgender) analy,~is of variance. In addition to the interest in replication of the previous research, distance rather than duration is used as the commuting condition factor because it is a more stable attribute of the commute. While drivers may indeed vary their route, commutedistance

fluctuates less than does duration which is affected not only by road conditions but also by ridesharing. 4. Ridesharingis expectedto buffer the stress effects of commuting, especially in the case of long distance commutes(20+ miles), comparing full-time ridesharing to solo driving.

predictions were madefor partial ridesharers. This wasexamined in a 3 X 2 analysis of variance design (commute modeX distance), and post-hoc comparisons(Scheffe tests) of the solo driver and fulltime ridesharer meansfor the stress indices.

RESULTS Consistent with Hypothesis 1, the commuting stress indices are significantly related to the distance and duration attributes of the commute,which are muchmorestrongly associated

with the stress measuresthan are age and income. These correlations are given in Table 1 for the full sample. Table 2 partitions the sample according to automobile commute mode(solo

driving, partial ridesharing, and full-time ridesharing) giving the correlations of the stress measures with miles and minutes to work. It can be seen that for solo drivers the magnitude of each correlation is stronger than the correspondingcoefficient in the full sample, except one for whichit is the same. Except for the part-time ridesharers, the magnitudeof the correlations is generally stronger for females than for males. There is some indication in the set of coeffidents in Table 2 that full-time ridesharing attenuates the correlation between commute attributes and the stress measures, but this is more properly assessed in the ANOVA tests of

group meansreported later The differential effects stipulated in Hypotheses 1 and 2 were tested by multiple

regressions performed with age and incomeas control variables entered on the first step, and then the distance and duration measures entered as predictors in separate equations. For "commute satisfaction", time to workaccounts for 12.2%of the variance (R2 change = .122, T

16.3, df = 3,2157, p < .0001) above that are associated with the covariates of age and income, which together account for 1%. The R2 change effects for time home and for distance

respectively are .108 and .075, whichboth are also highly significant (p < .0001). The effects

follow a similar pattern for the other stress variables regressed with the covariates of age and income: ~oothered by traffic" is most strongly related to time to work (R2 change = .134, T = 18.5, df = .3,2193, p < .0001); *need to wind downon work arrival" is most strongly related to time to work (R2 change = .063, T = 12.2, df = 3,2181, p < .0001); and "negative impact on family life" is most strongly related to time home(R2 change = .057, T = 11.5, df = 3,2176, p < .0001). These findings are supportive of our predictions of differential effects.

Analyses of the effect of distance ("low" versus "high") was examined in a 2x2 ANOVA design with gender. The means, standard deviations, and ANOVA results are presented in

Table 3. The distance effect is very highly significant for all of the stress indices. Significant gender differences men. The interaction on arrival were found only for commuting satisfaction; womenare more satisfied than

of distance with gender was highly significant

for the need to wind down The interaction is more

at work and for perceived negative impact on family life.

exact]ly an additive effect, by distance. spillover

showing the moderating influence of gender on the effect produced commutes perceive much greater commuting stress

Womenin the long distance

to work and home. on the stress-inducing effects of

The hypothesized mitigating influence of ridesharing distance are presented in Table 4. There is a significant "satisfaction", "bothered", and "need to wind-down" indices,

commuting mode main effect

on the

as indicated by the ANOVA tests

given in the table. [At this time we are not presenting the results of a three-way analysis that included gender because of the complexity of the interactions.] Regarding the two-way analysis

(distaace X mode), because the differences between means on the stress variables are partly due to the part-time ridesharers, with the full-time post-hoc Scheffe tests were performed to compare the solo drivers so as to examine Hypothesis 4. Summingacross compared to the solo drivers, are significantly distance higher in


conditions, the full-time ridesharers,

commuting satisfaction and less bothered by traffic congestion (p < .05 for both Scheffe tests). Thus, Hypothesis 4 was only partially confirmed.

Determinants of Prospective Ridesharing Wefurther examined the effects endorsement of alternative of distance, gender, and stress on solo drivers"

commutemodes. Table 5 presents the percentage of respondents,

grouped according to distance ranges (1-6 miles, 7-14 miles, 15-29 miles, and 30+ miles) and gender, whostated that they would "definitely try" the various alternative commuting modes (carpool, vanpool, bus, train). These distance ranges were selected to optimize the distribution of respondents. The survey question, asked for each mode, was "Would you consider

commutingby ~ for 1 or 2 days a week to see if you like it?" The response options were "definitely try," "might try", and "not try" (If commute distance was less than 21 miles, the vanpool question was not asked. As the chi-square tests given in Table 5 indicate, there are significant effects for distance and gender for carpooling and for train/rail. try carpooling and rail modes increases significantly Thedisposition to

with a commute of 15 miles or more,

especially for women in the very long distance range. In contrast, menin the 30+ mile commutes have a decreased inclination to try the alternative modes, whencomparedto those in the 15-29 mile range. Finding this significant effect for distance on the disposition to try alternative commute modes, we then examinedwhether the experience of stress would add to this inclination. Given the findings of previous research on homeenvironment consequences of commutingstress (Novaco, et al. 1991), the "negative impact on family life" index was of particular interest. Selecting for long distance solo drivers having commutes greater than 15 miles (for comparison with the data in Table 5 and to get a sufficient N for the analysis), this subset of respondents


was then partitioned into those reporting "low negative impact" (a recoding of "not at all", "a little", and "somewhat" responses) versus those reporting "high negative impact" (a recoding

"fairly much" and "very much"responses). These low/high grouping were then crosstabulated with the disposition to try commutingalternatives, performed separately for each commute

mode, for each gender, and across genders. In Table 6 are the percentages of respondents in each columncategory whoendorsed the "definitely try" response, separately tabulated for each commute mode alternative. Theeffect of the stress variable is significant for both males and for females in the case of carpooling and for train/raiL The chi-square tests are given in the table. Theefl.:ect of family life impactis especially strong for femaleswith regard to carpooling. Nearly 48%of the women solo drivers in long distance commutes whoperceive that exposure to traffic congestion has a negative impact on their family life indicate that they would definitely try carpoc,ling. This is a considerably greater percentage than that found for the long distance condit!ion itself.

DISCUSSION Wehave found that commuting stress is significantly associated with the distance and

duration of commuting, controlling for age and income. This study then replicates with a large representative sample of southern California commuterssomeof the main research findings of previous research on this topic conducted with small samples in one city. The finding that commuteduration was more strongly related to the stress measures is consistent with the concept of impedance, as developed in the previous work done by Novacoand his colleagues. In other analyses with this data set, we are examiningdegree of impedance in terms of variation in commuteduration at fixed distance points (shorter vs. longer time to travel the same


distance), and our preliminary findings are strongly supportive of the stress propositions. This will be addressed in a subsequent paper. The moderating effect of gender still remains to be understood, because we did have

some mixed results regarding our gender hypothesis and because understanding the explanatory factors requires further analysis of the data set. Contrary to our predictions, women over all were more satisfied with their commutesthan were men, although this effect for commute

satisfaction is primarily in the shorter distance condition. In contrast, a number olF our analyses found stronger stress effects for women than for men. In the long distance commutes,women report a greater need to wind downupon arrival at work and perceive greater negative impact on family life. The factors that might explain these effects remain to be examined. Travel

elements of the commute itself, differential sensitivity to commute aversiveness, and role strain are amongthe areas for examination. It is knownthat womenscommute trips tend to be more complexthan those of men, and we need to disentangle variables associated with child care and other householdresponsibilities. Someevidence was found that supported full-time ridesharing as a buffer of commuting stress, but such results occurred only for two of the four stress indices. The failure to find greater support for a ridesharing effect mayin part be a function of the few stress measures used, whichwas determinedby feasibility. It can also be expected that people select into their

commute modesand psychologically adapt to them. Curiously, there were some indications that part-time ridesharers maybe acutely sensitive to commuting stress and maybe unsatisfied with their ability to mitigate it. The characteristics of this group need to be examinedmorefully, particularly as demographic and household variables may be entangled w~ith part-time

ridesharing. The significant effects for higher commuting satisfaction and being less bothered


by traffic efforts.

congestion found for full-time


are encouraging for ridesharing


The effect of the sensitivity alternatives

to family life stress in boosting the inclination

to try

to solo driving amongthose commuterswho travel relatively for ridesharing

long distances to work these

suggests that marketing strategies potential stress

and for train commuting highlight is a salient

consequences. Concern with the quality of family life and it would seem to be efficacious to the psychological stress

theme in

contemporary American society, management practitioners

for transportation costs to the family

to call attention

associated with time-intensive,

long distance solo driving, especially for female commuters.



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Novaco, Ro W., Kliewer, W., & Broquet, A. (1991). Home environment consequences of commute travel impedance. American Journal of CommuniW P sycholowy, ~ 881-909. Novaco, R. W., Stokols, & Milanesi, L. (1990). Objective and subjeaive determinants of travel impedance as determinants of commuting stress. American journal of Community

Pisarski, A E. (1987). Commuting in America: National report on commutingpatterns and

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