Midwest Labor Press Association Call and Newsletter

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Welcome to Cleveland.
While we have a great conference in store for you..We also have a great place to visit not only for you but your family as well. From the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to the newly opened Cleveland Aquarium , Great Lakes Science Center.From great food to shopping, to taking in a baseball gameWe have you covered. For you Cleveland Indians will be playing at home against the Detroit Tigers from August 5 through the 8th.ShoppingDowntown Tower

Midwest Labor Press Association Conference August 5 through 9, 2013

Its hard to believe that another year has passed since we met in Milwaukee. The Midwest Labor Press Association Educations Conference will be held August 5th through the 9th, 2013 at the recently re-modeled Cleveland Airport Marriott. The MLPA Board held its fall meeting at the hotel and we left very impressed with the facilities and the staff. For those members that will be flying, the hotel offers a shuttle service to and from the airport. Its also easily accessible to those that will be driving.

Unions and their members are under assault by right-wing politicians and their supporters again. Were facing some of the roughest City,...West Great Northern Mall , times in our combined history and we need to stand together to stop the war on workers. Southpark Mall and Croker Park. Its no longer just the problem of the UAW, FoodGreat Lakes Brewing Company, the IBEW, AFSCME, AFT or NEA. Every union is affected by whats happening in MichiLolas, FatHead Brewery, West Side gan, Ohio and Wisconsin, to name a few. We Market...And so much more can no longer stand idly by while our sisters and brother rights as union members are Family Fun Cleveland Metropark Zoo being denied by a political agenda that is determined to eliminate unions. We all know and Rainforest, Great Lakes Science that the Right-to-Work laws that are being Center, Cleveland Cedar Point (45 min- passed are just the right to work for less and ute drive to Sandusky), Pro Football Hall the politicians behind this type of legislation are not friends of labor.

new. Talk to other locals in your area and bring them along too. Dont forget to enter our annual contest for publications. Youll find entry forms in this call letter. Your registration fee includes breakfast on Tuesday through Friday, lunch on Tuesday and Thursday and dinner on Thursday night. Weve even provided some free time for you on Wednesday afternoon to explore the Cleveland area. You can visit the Cleveland Zoo, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, the Museum of Natural History, the Museum of Art or the Botanical Gardens. For the baseball lovers, the Cleveland Indians will be playing at Progressive Field that week. Im looking forward to seeing all of you in Cleveland August 5th through the 9th, 2013 and if you can, bring along another member. We can grow if we try!

of Fame (45 minute drive), Christmas Story House, Cleveland Museum of

Natural History , Childrens Museum of Cleveland, Cleveland Botanical Garden and so much more...

But do our members, friends and people in our communities understand what we all know? Thats where we come in. We are the voice of organized labor in the Midwest. If you attend this years conference in Cleveland, well have the people available to teach you how to get the correct message out with your publication. Ohio State Vice President Roy Escandon has been working hard to offer a class schedule that will be of interest to all of our members. Whether you need help writing, taking pictures or laying out your publication, someone will have an idea for you. It doesnt make any difference if youre a seasoned veteran or a rookie on the staff for your paper; youre bound to learn something

Paul Beimborn
President MLPA

Official Convention Call:

2013 Educational Conference of The Midwest Labor Press Association
All regular and associate Members of the Midwest Labor Press Association are hereby notified that this years Educational Conference will be held the week of August 5-9, 2013 at the Cleveland Airport Marriott located at 4277 West 150th Street, Cleveland, Ohio. The Executive Board will convene in an informal session the evening of August 4th; and again in regular session at 1:00 PM on Monday August 5th. Delegate Registration will begin at 4:00 PM on Monday August 5th. Conference activities include: Full General Sessions for all Delegates at 7:00 PM on Monday August 5th; and at 8:30 AM on Friday August 9th for the Election of Officers. Morning and afternoon class and workshop sessions will be held Tuesday, August 6th and Thursday August 8th; morning only classes will be conducted Wednesday, August 7th. Wednesday afternoon will be left free for Delegates to explore the sights and activities of the Cleveland and surrounding area.

Tentatively Scheduled Classes & Workshops

Planned classes and workshops include: General & Digital Photography, Web Communications with Social Media, Using Photographs or Graphics Publications Critique (please bring copies of your publication); and a Slideshow Preparation Workshop for the Annual Debs Award Banquet as well as additional classes, programs and tours of Cleveland Area Attractions.
This form is not a room reservation. Delegates are responsible for making their own room arrangements by contacting the Cleveland Airport Marriott (216) 252-5333. The Midwest Labor Press has a Conference Group Rate of $104.00 per night; but you must ask for the 2013 MLPA Conference Rate or online at http://tiny.cc/eu9zvw


CONFERENCE FEE: ($205 for each Member or Associate, $255 for non-members) ____________________IS ENCLOSED_______________ I WILL PAY AT THE DOOR

NAME__________________________INTERNATIONAL__________________LOCAL_______________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP________________________________________________________________________ PHONE _________________________E-MAIL_________________________________________________ Mail this form and payment to: MLPA Treasurer Ty Granakis PO BOX 450 Westfield Center, Ohio 44251

Welcome back to Cleveland.

Brothers and Sisters of the MLPA,
I would like to welcome you all to join us at our educational conference this August in Cleveland, Ohio. Those of you retuning will remember the many attractions and amenities the area has to offer, and both new and returning delegates will enjoy the area. I implore everyone to make a special effort to make it this year. It has been a very rough time for organized labor. I understand the difficulty many have getting the resources and time to make it; but I can assure you, it will be worth it. We have many new classes planned for this years conference. An expansion on the digital classes is scheduled, as is a course to be taught by an Attorney who worked her way through college on a Ford assembly line. Our instructors and guests are dedicated to the cause of labor, and share your common interest of informing your memberships effectively. This year for the Eugene V. Debs awards banquet, we have a very special recipient planned. We will be presenting our award to Ohios own U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown and his wife newspaper columnist Connie Schultz. Anyone familiar with the area know what great friends of labor these people are. Sherrod had fought on behalf of Ohios working families as both a congressman, and now U.S. Senator. Connie has fought the rhetoric machine in the pages of our newspapers. It is a very special honor to have them accept this award, and I hope you dont miss the opportunity to be here with these very special guests. Since the last conference in Cleveland, the area has had quite a bit added to its appeal. The city has also constructed an Aquarium, and converted the old May company building into the Horseshoe Casino. Expansions have been made to our Science Center, and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum. We also have a beautiful lakefront, and one of the finest Art Museums in the country. All of these attractions can be easily attended from our Convention site at the Cleveland Airport Marriott. Rapid Transit transportation will be available from the hotel. The Hotel itself is a fine facility, with classrooms and catering that will accommodate our conference well. We have negotiated a great discount rate of $104 per night. You MUST specifically ask for this discount. Parking is on site without charge for those driving, and for flyers, a shuttle service to and from Cleveland Hopkins airport. I thank you for your efforts to attend our conference, and visit our city. I hope that we have reached a turning point in this continued war on labor, and you all show up ready to be armed for the fight. Fraternally,

Cleveland Airport Marriott 4277 West 150th Street, Cleveland, Oh 44153 Tel: +1-216-252-5333 Fax: +1-216-252-9404

MLPA Rates and Details:

Nightly Room Rate for MLPA Members$104 Breakfast coupons provided for Tuesday Aug 6-Thursday Aug 11 Debs Award Banquet fee is included in conference fee for members, $40 apiece for guests

Dont Forget To Bring:

*Copies of your publications to share with other members *Your best work from 2012 to enter into our awards contest *Digital cameras and instructions for Photography classes *Laptop Computers if taking a computer course *Attitude of camaraderie, learning, and solidarity *Writable media if you wish to copy pictures with and for others


MLPA Executive Board

2013 Annual MLPA

Publication Contest Entry Blanks

All newspapers, newsletters, and magazines affiliated with the Midwest Labor Press Association are entitled to enter any, or all of the contest for which they qualify. There is no charge to enter, however there will be a limit of ONE ENTRY PER CATEGORY PER PUBLICATION. Please use a separate envelope or packet for each contest. Be sure to include the category and the name of the contact person attending the conference. All entries MUST HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED DURING THE 2012 CALENDAR YEAR. The date when it was printed is to be listed unless it is shown on the page submitted. Include two (2) copies for each entry. Those entering the publications contest may bring their entries to registration. Entries must be submitted by Wednesday noon. Members not attending may submit entries to: MLPA c/o Ty Granakis p.o. BOX 450 Westfield Ctr, Oh 44251

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