A Tariff For LocalReactivePower
A Tariff For LocalReactivePower
A Tariff For LocalReactivePower
Christopher Tufon, Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Alan Isemonger, California ISO Brendan Kirby, Consultant Fran Li, University of Tennessee John Kueck, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Transmission Line Inductance and Capacitance Are Much Larger Than Resistance Voltage Is A Local Issue
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At the CAISO all loads directly connected to the ISO Controlled Grid have to maintain specified power factor band of 0.97 lag to 0.99 lead, for which they are not compensated. Unless otherwise specified by contract terms, generating units at the ISO are required to maintain a minimum power factor range within a band of 0.90 lag (producing VARs) and 0.95 lead (absorbing VARs) power factors.
Reactive power cannot be effectively transmitted across long distances due to high I2X losses.
Dynamic Reactive Capacity Would be Installed with Distributed Energy (PV, Fuel Cells, Microturbines)
Dynamic sources at the distribution level would help to regulate local voltage. Dynamic reactive power is theoretically available from any inverter based equipment such as photo voltaic, fuel cells, microturbines and adjustable speed drives. The only change would be a larger inverter, and inverter control capable of performing voltage regulation. However, the installation is usually only economical if reactive power supply is considered during the design and construction phase.
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Distribution Utilities Typically Rely on Capacitors and Slow Tap Changers to Supply Reactive Power
Caps are cheap, the annualized net present value, or Capacity Cost, is $2.8/kVAR for reactive power supplied from distribution capacitors. However, this is only for static service. Dynamic reactive power can improve customer voltage regulation, prevent damaging overvoltages, and help in energy conservation. However, utilities are phasing out synchronous condensers because of the losses and maintenance costs.
How Can We Quantify the Savings for Customer Based Dynamic Reactive Support?
The supply of reactive power at the load will reduce the circuit current. Since the real power loss is I squared R, the circuit loss will be reduced. The transmission line flow will be reduced. This is equivalent to having a distribution or transmission line with bigger thermal capacity rating. The saved line capacity may be converted to savings for importing more inexpensive power using this line, compared with dispatching expensive local units near the load. An increase in power factor from 0.9 to 0.95 can increase the maximum transmission capacity stability limit - by 15%. The saved line capacity may be converted to savings for importing more inexpensive power from this line, the entity that benefits is the local distribution company. Total annualized savings for a hypothetical San Francisco distribution circuit are $2.50/kVAR.
In Conclusion
There is a growing need for local dynamic reactive power to expand the margin to voltage collapse, reduce distribution losses, and even supply reactive service at the transmission substation. This could be done using a local inverters controlled to a voltage schedule supplied by the distribution company. At present, using an analysis of a hypothetical circuit, we find the benefits to sometimes outweigh the costs. Utilities in need of more dynamic reactive supply on a circuit could contract with customers, at a fixed rate, to supply this need as required. As the cost of inverters comes down, this practice could save energy, release capacity and enhance reliability, as well as providing an additional revenue stream for customers considering alternative energy resources.