Expert Guide On Weight Loss
Expert Guide On Weight Loss
Expert Guide On Weight Loss
The Fat Loss & Getting Shredded expert guide teaches you everything you need to know about losing body fat while maintaining muscle mass. Use this guide for your fat loss plan!
Table of Contents:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. Setting Goals 2. Rate of Progress 3. Individualized Approach 4. Definition of Common Terms 5. Defining Your Body Type 6. Role of Body Type in Fat Loss 7. Calories and Macronutrients 1. 7.1. Calories 2. 7.2. Protein 3. 7.3. Fat 4. 7.4. Carbohydrates 5. 7.5. Insulin 6. 7.6. Low Carb Diets 8. Food Choices in Your Diet 1. 8.1. Lean Proteins 2. 8.2. Healthy Fats 3. 8.3. Carbohydrates 4. 8.4. Fruits & Vegetables 9. Essential Eating Times (Meal Planning) 1. 9.1. The Importance of Breakfast 2. 9.2. Pre-Workout Meals 3. 9.3. Post-Workout Shake 4. 9.4. Post-Workout Meal 5. 9.5. Before Bed 6. 9.6. Putting a Plan Together 10. High Carb Days 1. 10.1. How Many Carbs? 2. 10.2. Adjusting Total Calories 3. 10.3. High Carb Day Frequency 11. Cardio 1. 11.1. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) 2. 11.2. MISS (Moderate Intensity Steady State) 3. 11.3. How Many Sessions Per Week? 4. 11.4. Fasted Cardio 12. Weight Training 1. 12.1. Importance of Muscle for Fat Loss 2. 12.2. Weight Training for Fat Loss 3. 12.3. Ab Training 13. Supplements 1. 13.1. Whey Protein 2. 13.2. EFAs 3. 13.3. Creatine 4. 13.4. Using Caffeine Properly 5. 13.5. Green Tea 6. 13.6. BCAAs
How calculate your macronutrient requirements and plan your diet around them. How to choose the right sources of protein, fat and carbohydrates for fat loss. Plan your own meals and complete diet to fit your time schedule and workout routine. Choose the right type of cardio for fat loss and learn the differences between HIIT and MISS. Learn the importance of weight training for fat loss and body composition. What supplements can be used to increasing fat loss, and how to use these products effectively.
Too many people view fat loss like it is a secret VIP party that requires you to do or say the right thing to get invited. In one sense this is true. Those that are lean understand what must be done to lose fat without gimmicks or quick fixes. Fat loss is a biological process that does not need to be shrouded in mystery. It is not as easy as some of the gimmicks would have you believe but an understanding of the processes that lead to fat loss will allow you to make the correct decisions to get you where you want to be. This guide contains everything you need to achieve real, dependable fat loss. There are no quick fixes here. This is only for those that are willing to put in the work and reap the benefits of that work. So read up, because this is your formal invitation to the party.
Setting Goals
Before you even get started on a fat loss plan the first thing you want to do is to set goals for yourself. This goal could be to lose 30 lbs. or it could be to see your abs. Whether your goal is to lose a certain number of pounds or to just achieve a certain look you will need to set a reasonable time frame to achieve this. If you do not set a time frame there will be no sense of urgency when trying to make progress.
Rate of Progress
When it comes to the rate at which progress can be made fat loss is far different from muscle growth. Whereas building muscle is a slow process, fat loss can take place at a pretty rapid pace. We have all seen the commercials that promise to help you lose 10-20 lbs. in a few weeks. While it is entirely possible to lose huge amounts of weight in short periods of time, this is not what we are aiming for. Losing weight too quickly will lead to muscle loss. Losing muscle on a fat loss plan will only result in a lower metabolism, a less attractive physique, compromised health, and ultimately a higher chance that the weight lost will be put back on. On any fat loss plan you should strive to lose 1-2 lbs. per week. This rate of loss will ensure that all weight losses will be fat and not muscle tissue. This will also make sure that progress will continue without a metabolism stall.
Individualized Approach
One common theme you will see as you read this guide is that fat loss is best maximized with an individual approach. To get the best possible results a cookie cutter plan will not do. Many things must be taken into account when putting together an effective plan. This guide will show you how to make adjustments based on your individual body type.
Amino Acids - Amino acids are the compounds that make up proteins. They are commonly referred to as the building blocks of protein. Different types of proteins vary in the types and amounts of amino acids that they contain. Glycogen - Glycogen is carbohydrate stored within the human body. When carbohydrates are ingested they are stored within muscle tissue and liver as glycogen. Glycogen is a primary energy source for the body. Metabolic Rate - Metabolic rate refers to the rate at which a person's body uses energy. A higher metabolic rate will use energy more quickly, leading to a leaner physique. Protein Synthesis - The process through which amino acids are arranged into proteins. Protein synthesis is the process of muscle growth. Anabolic (Anabolism) - Anabolic is the state of muscle growth. If you are building muscle you are in an anabolic state. Catabolic (Catabolism) - Catabolic is the state of muscle breakdown. If you are losing muscle you are in a catabolic state. Aerobic - Aerobic exercise is exercise that requires the presence of oxygen. Anaerobic - Anaerobic exercise is exercise that does not require the presence of oxygen. Substrate - A substrate is any material or substance upon which an enzyme acts.
Ectomorph. Ectomorphs (or ectos for short) are categorized by one word, THIN. The bone structure of an ectomorph is very narrow. This means that ectos usually have a small rib cage, narrow shoulders, and long thinner limbs. An ectomorph will struggle to add both muscle and fat, so adding body weight is usually a slow process. Even though ectomorphs will have difficulty getting bigger and stronger their typically fast metabolisms give them a huge advantage when trying to get lean. When trying to get lean muscle loss will always be a concern for the ectomorph. Mesomorph. Mesomorphs (or mesos for short) are the genetic lottery winners. They are typically athletic looking even with little to no training. Mesomorphs usually have wide shoulders and somewhat thinner waists. One of the main characteristics of a mesomorph is that they add muscle AND lose fat easily. Although mesomorphs have genetic advantages they are not immune to getting out of shape. If they wish to maintain or improve their physiques, a proper training routine and diet must be employed. Endomorph. Endomorphs (or endos for short) are somewhat the opposite of an ectomorph. They have a wide bone structure. This means that an endos rib cage, shoulders, and waist are usually wide. An endomorph will gain both muscle and fat very easily. Because of this most endomorphs struggle to maintain a lean physique. Although it is harder for an endomorph to get lean, it is not impossible. Also, their bodys ability to add and maintain muscle tissue gives them a big advantage when losing fat.
Most people are familiar with calories but few know exactly what they are. Calories are units of measure assigned to foods to show how much energy it contains. Your body expends a certain number of calories as energy everyday. If you consume more calories than you expend, the excess will be stored as body fat. If you consume less than you expend everyday your body will have to use stored body fat to meet energy needs. Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates all have calories. One gram of protein contains 4 calories, one gram of fat contains 9 calories, and one gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories. These are the calorie recommendations based on each particular body type. Ectomorph - Body weight x 16-18 = daily caloric intake Mesomorph - Body weight x 14-17 = daily caloric intake Endomorph - Body weight x 12-15 = daily caloric intake This is not the whole story though. Not all calories are created equal. Calories consumed from protein, carbs, and fat will not all be processed the same way within the body. Keep reading to find out why.
Proteins are unbelievably important molecules to the human body. Different proteins have different functions depending on the type. Some are used as contractile proteins which allow muscles to contract and lift weight. Other proteins are enzymes that cause chemical reactions within the body, and some proteins can be used for energy. On any fat loss plan protein is absolutely essential to maintaining muscle tissue. When protein is ingested the body breaks it down into amino acids and sends it into the bloodstream. Once these amino acids are in the bloodstream they will be taken up by cells within the body. The body prefers to use protein for storage as muscle tissue rather than to use it for energy. Proteins can be broken down and used for energy if the body needs it though. This process of synthesizing glucose is called glucogenesis. Glucogenesis as a result of protein breakdown is not preferred when trying to maintain muscle mass.
Not only does this process result in the breakdown of muscle tissue but protein also yields less energy per unit than carbohydrates or fat. So protein is best used as a substrate or building block of sorts, rather than being used for energy.
Dietary fats are essential molecules that cannot be ignored in a fat loss plan because of the important roles they play in many different bodily processes. Fat is the most energy dense nutrient. Whereas protein and carbs both contain 4 calories per gram, fat contains 9 calories per gram. The downside to fat is that it is easily stored as adipose tissue (fat). An important function of fat is its role in the production of testosterone. One thing must be understood about a fat loss diet: testosterone will be lower when calories are restricted. This is just a natural response. The body senses that energy is in short supply and decides that less energy can be spent on muscle growth. Fat acids are a substrate for cholesterol, meaning that fatty acids must be available to create cholesterol. This is important because cholesterol is eventually converted to testosterone. If fat intake is too low there will not be enough fatty acids available for optimal testosterone productions. This will lead to an even lower level of testosterone. When on a diet, fats do not serve as many functions as protein and carbs once a certain intake is reached. Since fats are much more calorie dense than protein and carbs they also are the easiest choice to cut once it is time to get serious about fat loss. The important thing is to cut fat intake when attempting to lean out, at the same time making sure daily intake does not drop so low that testosterone levels are negatively affected.
Carbohydrates (or carbs for short) are broken down into sugars within the body to produce glucose. Glucose is a primary energy source that fuels the brain, muscle tissue, and organs. Glucose is converted into glycogen and stored within muscle tissue where it is held until it is ready to be used, such as during training. Carbohydrates are extremely important to training since they are the primary fuel source for working muscles. During weight training the body uses ATP for energy. ATP is replenished through something called the glycolytic pathway. This pathway converts glucose into ATP. Glucose (carbohydrate) is obtained from the bloodstream or from carbs stored in the muscle tissue as glycogen. In the absence of sufficient carbs, your body will have to convert amino acids to glucose for energy. These amino acids may normally be stored as proteins, so you could say that carbs are anti-catabolic because they are protein sparing. Carbohydrates are essential to keeping a fast metabolism. Leptin and other fat burning hormones are directly related to carbohydrate intake and body fat levels. Leptin is a fat burning hormone that serves many functions. One of the
most important functions is the control of energy expenditure. When food intake, and most notably carb intake is high, leptin levels will be high. This sends signals to you body that it is in a fed state and this can cause your metabolism to remain high. When food intake and carbs are low, leptin levels will lower. This will send signals to the body that energy intake is low and the metabolism must be lowered to compensate for the lack of incoming energy. When carbs are kept in the diet it will help keep elevated levels of leptin and other fat burning hormones even when total calorie intake is low. Carbohydrates also regulate muscle cell volume. You will notice that when carb intake is low your muscles will appear flat and smaller, because cell volume is diminished when carbs are restricted. This is because carbs are stored in muscle tissue as glycogen. Every gram of glycogen is stored with 2.7 grams of water. This can drastically effect the size of muscle cells. When muscle cells are depleted this tells your body that food is in short supply and it will take action by lowering fat burning hormones. On the other hand, when carbs are kept in the diet they will cause muscle cells to have more volume which will signal a fed state and result in a higher metabolism. Cell volume is also a primary determinant of protein synthesis for many of the same reasons. When muscle cells are full and appear to be in a fed state protein synthesis will be higher than if muscles are depleted and are starved for glycogen. As you see, carbohydrates must remain in the diet for both muscle retention as well as optimal fat loss.
Insulin is another very important reason to keep carbohydrates in your diet. Carb consumption causes the body to release the hormone insulin. Insulin has gotten a bad reputation as of late because it inhibits fat loss by preventing fat from being used as an energy source. I know what you are thinking, Why would I want high insulin levels if it inhibits fat loss?. While this may sound like a bad thing the benefits of insulin far outweigh the drawbacks. First off, insulin is one of the most anabolic/anti-catabolic hormones in the human body. Insulin binds with the muscle cell membrane that triggers an onslaught reactions that lead to growth. From an anti-catabolic standpoint insulin keeps the catabolic hormone cortisol at bay. One of cortisol functions is to breakdown proteins (muscle tissue) and convert it to energy. When insulin levels are high cortisol levels are lower. This is the primary anticatabolic power of insulin. For the best results insulin levels must be kept in check to optimize fat loss, but must not be totally shunned because of all the benefits of muscle retention.
Lean Proteins
When trying to build and maintain muscle mass, adequate protein intake is a must. The best choices for protein are lean animal proteins. Protein that is not derived from an animal source is that it is considered an incomplete protein. This means that it lacks certain essential amino acids necessary to build muscle. Here are some of the best choices choices for protein:
Chicken Breast Turkey Breast Fish (Salmon also contains healthy fats) Milk (especially low fat or no fat) Cheese (low fat or no fat) Cottage Cheese Greek Yogurt Lean Pork Lean Beef Whole Eggs and Egg Whites Whey Protein Casein Protein
Healthy Fats
Fats play many different roles within the body. Some fatty acids must be provided through diet since they cannot be produced within the body. These are referred to as essential fatty acids. It is wise to choose fat sources that contain high amounts of essential fatty acids. Here are some excellent choices: Fish Oil Flax Seed Oil Olive Oil Nuts Peanut Butter (without hydrogenated oils) Almond Butter Borage Oil Primrose Oil Salmon (also a great choice for protein) Egg Yolks (also a great choice for protein) One final note about choosing fat sources. Saturated fats have gotten a poor reputation but they still have a purpose within the body, and therefore should be included in the diet. Problems only arise from saturated fat intake when excessive amounts are consumed. Trans fats, on the other hand, serve absolutely no function within the body are are incredibly detrimental to health. Trans fats (also know as hydrogenated oils) should be avoided as much as possible because of their negative side effects.
Choosing Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates offer more practical food choices than both protein and fats. There are really two main types of carbs to choose from: complex carbs and sugars. Complex carbs will result in a slower and more steady rise in blood sugar, while sugars will tend to cause a more rapid spike in blood sugar. Many people have come to believe that sugar is one of the main culprits behind weight gain but this is not necessarily true. Sugar will raise insulin levels higher than complex carbohydrates which can be useful particularly around workout time. Raising insulin levels during training will decrease muscle tissue breakdown. For health reasons complex carbs are recommended for other times of the day. Here are some excellent food choices for carbohydrates: Brown Rice Sweet Potatoes Red Potatoes Oatmeal Whole Grain Cereals Whole Wheat Pasta Fruits Vegetables
Beans Whole Wheat Bread Dextrose (a sugar great for post training) Maltodextrin (a complex carb that spikes insulin like sugar, great for post training)
Pre-Training Meal
The pre-training meal may just be the most important meal of the day. This is the meal that will fuel your workout. For this meal it is important to get protein and carbs which will make their way into the blood stream around the time your training session is getting underway. The glucose in the bloodstream from the carbs will be used for energy, while the amino acids from the protein will spare stored amino acids from being catabolized during training.
Many people fail to realize that the act of working out is very catabolic. In fact, this is the most catabolic time of the day. A proper pre-training meal will help minimize the spike of catabolic hormones that is typical during training. This meal shoud be consumed 1.5-3 hours before your workout.
Before Bed
Another crucial time for protein is before bed. While sleeping the body releases a flood of anabolic hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone. This is yet another time when steps can be taken to preserve muscle while dieting. During the night we typically go several hours without eating. For this reason a slowly digesting protein would be best. This will allow a longer steady flow of amino acids that will continue to feed muscle tissue for hours. Two great options before bed are casein protein and cottage cheese. Beef would be a viable option as well. The most important thing is to ingest some sort of protein before bed. Fats are also a great way to slow the digestion of protein before bed. So adding some healthy fats to your bedtime meal is a good idea. One area of confusion of regarding nighttime eating involves the consumption of carbs. Many people are under the assumption that eating carbs at night will cause them to be stored as fat since they will not be used. This is simply not true. Carbohydrates are obviously not necessary before bed from a performance standpoint but their consumption late at night will not translate into fat gain.
The human body will process carbohydrates the same way first thing in the morning as it does right before bed. So feel free to eat some carbs before bed. It will not hinder your fat loss one bit. In fact, newer studies have even shown that consuming carbs before bed may even lead to a slightly higher metabolism, but further research is still needed on this subject.
Some people truly love doing cardio while others absolutely despise it. No matter which side you are on the only that matters is that you have to do cardio if you are serious about getting lean. When I say cardio I am not talking about taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work. Low intensity cardio is not going to give you the real results you are after. For serious fat loss you need serious cardio.
The amount and duration of MISS sessions added per week will be on an as needed basis. If fat loss is not progressing fast enough with only the two HIIT sessions per week then 1-2 MISS sessions need to be added to the weekly cardio. Start with only 1-2 sessions of MISS per week but this can be increased up to 4 sessions per week. Simply increase the amount and duration of the MISS sessions as needed to keep fat loss moving along. Do not allow MISS sessions to exceed 35 minutes in duration though.
Fasted Cardio
Over the years fasted cardio has become an incredibly popular method used to shed fat. Fasted cardio means waking up in the morning and performing cardio on an empty stomach before breakfast. The reason this has become a popular fat loss method is because fasted cardio increases the percentage of calories derived from fat during cardio while minimizing the amount of glycogen used for energy. As discussed earlier, it doesnt matter if energy comes from carbs or from fat the fat loss will be the same no matter the substrate. Not only is fasted cardio not beneficial but it is actually detrimental to results. Fasted cardio may result in higher fat utilization but it also results in higher amino acid utilization which means more muscle tissue breakdown. As if that wasnt enough, research has also proven that fasted cardio leads to far less total calories being expended per session. This means that there is simply less fat loss from fasted cardio when compared to cardio performed in a fed state. So make sure you get some food in your system before you head out to perform your cardio.
Weight Training
Weight training can sometimes seem like an afterthought in many fat loss plans. This is a huge mistake since weight training burns an incredible amount of calories and raises the metabolism for hours after training. Many people mistakenly believe that the best way to lose fat is to stop lifting weights and focus on cardio. This will cause you to lose weight but most of it will not be fat. On any fat loss plan the distinction must be made that the goal is not just weight loss but fat loss. Stopping all weight training will set you up to burn less calories, have a lower metabolism, and have less muscle tissue. This is not the ideal recipe for a good looking body.
On any fat loss plan it is important to keep and build as much muscle tissue as possible. There are many people that think that lifting weights will make them look too bulky. For a natural lifter this is very uncommon. Often when someone looks bulky it is too much fat that is the culprit, not too much muscle. Muscle tissue is a biologically active tissue, this means that it needs and uses calories just to continue being. Some studies have shown that 1 pound of muscle can burn up to 50 calories per day by simply existing. This means that if you gain 10 lbs of muscle you can eat 500 more calories per day and still lose fat. This is just one of many reasons why it is so important to preserve muscle tissue while cutting fat.
Ab Training
Walk into any gym and you will no doubt see dozens of people doing endless sets and reps of various abdominal exercises. If you really look you will probably notice that none of them have visible abs. The reason for this is because NO AMOUNT OF AB TRAINING WILL ALLOW YOU TO SEE YOUR ABS! Ab training does not burn fat around the midsection. Ab training will only train the abdominal muscles that are underneath the layer of fat that covers them. The only way to see these muscles is to lose the layer of fat that covers them through proper diet, cardio, and weight training. Ab training will create a muscular abdominal area which will make your midsection much more attractive once the fat that covers them is gone. Treat abs just like every muscle group and train them 1-2 times per week. Doing this along with proper diet and cardio will put you on the road toward getting that coveted six pack.
Whey Protein
Whey protein is best known for its ability to increase muscle growth and recovery which becomes vitally important on any fat loss plan. Many of the benefits of whey are due to its fast digestion rate and high concentration of the amino acid leucine. It is important to remember that anything that is used to build muscle will also maintain muscle while dieting. While the muscle growth benefits of whey protein are well known, the fat loss applications of whey protein are not known to many people. Studies have shown that subjects lose more fat and retain more muscle while consuming whey protein when compared to subjects with an equal calorie intake but do not consume whey in their diet. Whey protein improves metabolic function and boosts insulin sensitivity. All of these benefits make whey protein a must while dieting. Whey should be taken immediately after training because of its fast digestion. Whey may also be used at other times of the day to meet protein needs at meals.
EFAs stand for Essential Fatty Acids. Just as the name implies EFAs are essential to the human body because play a role in many different biological processes. Essential fatty acids differ from others fats in that they cannot be
synthesized within the human body. This means that EFAs must be consumed through the diet. If not enough EFAs are consumed the body will sense that it does not have the nutrients that it needs to function properly. As a result it will essentially hold on to body fat. This is just one of the reasons EFAs are so important though. EFAs have a wide range of applications including: Decreasing body fat mass Increasing amino acid uptake Reducing cholesterol and blood pressure Improve cardiovascular health Increase insulin sensitivity Decreases inflammation Improving joint health Necessary for proper functioning of the brain Repair damaged cell membranes Increases cell membrane ability to transport nutrients into and out Serve as substrate for signaling molecules (Eicosanoids) These applications go far beyond, as well as include, fat loss. Some of these benefits may seem like they are of little or no consequence to your fat loss efforts, but it is important to note that a body that is functioning properly will also have a metabolism that is running at full capacity. A great way to get EFAs are by supplementing with Fish Oil and Flax Seed Oil. 5-10 grams per day will meet bodily requirements.
Creatine phosphate is stored within muscle tissue and is a source of stored energy used during short bouts of highintensity exercise. The creatine phosphate stored in your muscle tissue assists your bodys main energy source used during the first few seconds of performing any type of exercise, called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. Your body uses ATP for energy during the first five seconds of any exercise, such as lifting a weight, and stored creatine phosphate is then oxidized to produce an additional five to eight seconds of energy. This entire process lasts for about 15 seconds. Creatine supplements help increase the amount of creatine phosphate stored in your muscle tissue allowing you to lift more weight for more reps. Creatine may be the most scientifically proven supplements on the market. It has been proven to lead to significant muscle growth over time. Although creatine doesnt directly increase fat utilization within the body it will lead to a higher metabolism indirectly. Creatine intake boosts muscle growth and retention. That extra muscle tissue will, in turn, create a higher metabolic rate. This is why creatine supplementation is a good choice for any fat loss plan. To get the most out of your creatine simply take 5-10 grams on training days.
supplements often include a stimualnt to increase the metabolism and enhance energy. Then they are often coupled with other ingredients that are deigned to increase muscle growth. Just be sure you dont consume additional caffeine when taking a pre training product.
Green Tea
Green Tea is an excellent fat loss supplement and as an added bonus, it contains potent ployphenol antioxidants. The power of green tea comes from the polyphenols contained within. The most potent metabolism booster of these is called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG for short. This polyphenol has the ability to increase thermogensis much like caffeine but without the stimulant effect or taxing of the nervous system. Since the fat burning power of green tea is derived from the EGCG it is best to take a green tea extract product. Drinking green tea will produce minimal effects since it is rather low in EGCG, only containing around 6%-10%. Some extracts can contain 30%-50% so it is wise to look for a green tea product with the highest concentration of EGCG.
Moving Forward
As you lose weight you may come to a point where your weight loss will stall. If this happens just recalculate your diet plan with your new body weight. As you progress you will lose weight and your numbers will need to be adjusted for your new lean self. Losing fat means something different to everyone. Some are just trying to lose a few pounds, some want to get a six pack, and some want to get absolutely shredded. The goals may be different but the principles that will achieve these results remain the same. Follow this guide and your future will be filled with smaller belts, better abs, and many more excuses to take your shirt off in public.