Chapter 1 - Introduction PDF
Chapter 1 - Introduction PDF
Chapter 1 - Introduction PDF
Fracture of materials: lectured by Dr. Zeng Kaiyang, 6 lectures, 3hr/lecture, on Wed., from Aug. 15 to Sept 19 . Fatigue of materials: lectured by A/Prof. Lai Man On, 6 lectures, 3hr/lecture, from Oct.3 to Nov.7 . Contents of Fracture part: Chapter 1 A General Introduction. Chapter 2 An Introduction to fracture mechanics. Chapter 3 Stress intensity factor. Chapter 4 Crack tip plastic zone. Chapter 5 Energy principle Chapter 6 Beyond linear elasticity Chapter 7 Fracture toughness measurement Chapter 8 Fractography: fracture surface analysis
Continuous Assessment (CA): 30% (15% on Fracture and 15% on Fatigue) Final exam: 70% (35% on Fracture and 35% on Fatigue) Understanding of fundamental concepts of fracture and fatigue Applications of fundamental concepts of fracture and fatigue Example and Case studies
To investigate the service conditions (such as time, temperature, stress level, static or dynamic loading, and environment, etc) associated with a material failure or fracture To understand what is fracture toughness and what does it mean to material selection or design To use the principle of fracture mechanics to help the design and selection of a material for an intended engineering application To calculate and predict the stress distribution near a crack tip and the stress required to promote a crack propagation
Fracture of a material
Over-load fracture
Failure Criteria: Criteria Max. Normal Stress Criteria; Max. Shear Stress Criteria; von Mises Criteria (Yield strength)
Fracture has been studied for centuries. Many things can fracture, everything from baseball bar to window glasses to bones
Many structures are made of steel and/or concrete, and both of these materials can fracture. Civil engineers use both steel and concrete, so they must be concerned with fracture.
Source: Internet 9
In steel, fracture is often ductile and may be due to fatigue. A fatigue crack is caused when a cyclic load is applied. You are applying a cyclic load to a softdrink-can tab when you push it back and forth to break the tab off of the soda can. Concrete fracture is brittle. Brittle fracture means there is no deformation around the crack; the very grains of the material are separating, or cracking themselves.
Source: Internet 10
The Koror-Babeldaob Bridge (Palau) collapsed suddenly in 1996 after it had stood for 20 years. This occurred shortly after a replacement of its pavement. Brittle fracture of the 584ft-long Tank Barge I.O.S. 3301 in 1972, in which the 1-yr-old vessel suddenly broken almost completely in half while in port with calm seas.
11 Source: Internet
Hartford Civic Center Arena roof collapses (Connecticut) in Jan. 1978 due to some design errors and construction errors reduced the load that the roof could safely carry.
Fracture surface of a KSC 42 ship's anchor that failed due to hydrogen embrittlement at a repair weld. This kind of fracture is associated with environments.
Source: Internet
The two SEM micrographs on the left are copyright photos of SPI SUPPLIES of West Chester, PA. Upper-left: before etching, original device with glass passivation layer. Lower-right: after etching (anisotropic) with SPI Plasma Prep X 12 etcher for 90 minutes.
Left Image: In April 1966, US Army gun tube No. 733 failed catastrophically after a crack, located near the breech end of the tube, reached critical proportions. Brittle fracture was suspected since little evidence could be found for plastic deformation. The gun barrel, made of a high strength steel alloy, broken into 29 pieces which were hurled over distanced up to 1.25 km from firing site. The image at right illustrates one particular failure mechanism. When operating speeds increase, seal lip temperatures may soar. One indication of high heat is a dry, brittle lip. Flexing the lip may reveal fine axial cracks around the entire circumference.
Source: Internet 13
Right image is a Scanning Acoustic Microscopy (SCA) image showing delamination (red regions) in a micro-electronics package. Shown on the left is a Fire Department aerial ladder failure. Structural failure of a ladder is not at all an uncommon event. Failure can result, for example, from poor design, use of inferior material or fabrication methods, or from a phenomenon called fatigue. Fatigue is a failure mode which occurs in structural materials and is driven by repeat loading.
14 Source: Internet
Shown of the left are the common cases of the bone fracture, it is said that almost everyone will have at least once bone fracture in his/her life
Right image is an X-ray image of fractured bone when the patient is examined in hospital
Source: Internet 15
16 D.Broek: Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 4th Edition, Page 6, Figure 1.1
After World War II the use of high strength materials has increased considerably. These materials are often selected to realize weight savings. The high strength materials have a low crack resistance (fracture toughness): the residual strength under the presence of cracks is low. When only small cracks exist, structures designed in high strength materials may fail at stresses below the highest service stress they were designed for. The occurrence of low stress fracture in high strength materials induced the development of Fracture Mechanics.
Fracture Mechanics can deliver the methodology to compensate the inadequacies of conventional design concepts. The conventional design criteria are based on tensile strength, yielding strength and buckling stress. These criteria are adequate for many engineering structures, but they are insufficient when there is the likelihood of cracks. After approximately three decades of development, Fracture Mechanics have become a useful tool in design with high strength materials.
Fracture Mechanics should be able to answer the following questions:
What is the residual strength as a function of crack size? What size of crack can be tolerated at the expected service load; i.e. what is the critical crack size? How long does it take for a crack to grow from a certain initial size to the critical size? What size of pre-existing flaw can be permitted at the moment the structure starts its service life? How often should the structure be inspected for cracks?
Fracture Mechanics provides satisfactory answers to some of these questions and useful answers to the others.
Fracture is the propagation of a crack across a loaded section. The material property that characterizes fracture resistance is its toughness. Note that strength is not a material property. Toughness is related to the energy per unit crack advance. From linear elastic fracture mechanics, the units of toughness are MPam. Just as for yield strength, toughness scales with elastic modulus.
Applied mechanics provide the crack tip stress fields as well as the elastic and plastic deformations of the material in the vicinity of the crack. The predictions made about fracture strength can be checked experimentally. Materials science concerns itself with the fracture processes on the scale of atoms and dislocations to that of impurities and grains. From a comprehension of these 22 processes the criteria which govern growth and fracture should be obtainable.
Problems with wind loading The Tay Bridge Disaster
The disaster is one of the most famous bridge failures and to date it is still the worst structural engineering failure in the British Isles.
Source: Internet 23
The bridge was significantly under- designed for the wind loading
The train is also contribute to the loading to the bridge in additional to the wind
Source: Internet
Problems with wind loading Tacoma Narrows Bridge Failure The design of the bridge resulted in low torsional stiffness and so much flexibility in the wind.
Brittle fracture small cracks or defects can lead to catastrophic failure of large structural systems: T2 tanker failed in 1941 The brittle fracture in structures could be caused by a sudden overload, maybe due to human factors, even the materials may have adequate toughness measured from some testing methods. This ship with a welded steel hull failed by brittle propagation of a crack while moored in dock!
Problems with load and design - Hyatt Kansas City Walkways Collapse
Hyatt Kansas City walkways (1981) The 2nd-level and 4th-level walkways in the hotel atrium collapsed killing 114 people
Each support bar bears only the weight of its own walkway
What happened
28 Source: Internet
The implementation differed from design, invalidating the design calculations Original design required threaded rods with narrow stretches between threaded portions
Space Shuttle 51-L on Pad 39-B of Kennedy Space Center's launch complex
58.788 s
~ 73 s
~ 76 s
In part, the accident was due to embrittlement of rubber O-rings at low temperature. Many polymer (thermoplastic) become brittle at low temperatures. The lower temperature that existed during the launch time caused the embrittlement of the rubber O-rings used for the booster rockets. The temperature at launch was 36 Fahrenheit measured at ground level approximately 100 ft from the launch pad, was 15 degree colder than that of any previous launch. The Investigation Commission concluded that the cause of the Challenger accident was the failure of the pressure seal in the aft field joint of the right Solid Rocket Motor. The failure was due to a faulty design unacceptably sensitive to a number of factors. These factors were the effects of temperature, physical dimensions, the character of materials, the effects of reusability, processing, and the reaction of the joint to dynamic loading.
Material Embrittlement
The term embrittlement is used to describe a variety of phenomena causing mechanical performance degradation as a result of a stressed materials exposure to a hostile environment. There are many types of embrittlement: such as stress-corrosion cracking; hydrogen embrittlement; impurity-atom embrittlement; radiation damage etc; metals, ceramics, glasses, and polymers are all shown embrittlement one way or another.
Problems with loads and design Comet Aircraft Crashes Not long after coming into service, two planes underwent explosive decompressions of then fuselage on climbing to cruise altitude, which resulted in the loss of the planes as well as the lives of all aboard. Intensive investigation revealed that these crashes were due to In the early 1950s, the Comet fatigue cracking of the fuselage aircraft was the first jet transport at regions of high stress adjacent introduced into commercial to corners of more-or-less square passenger service. (rather than round windows).
The fatigue loading was due to the pressurization and depressurization of the cabin, which occurred in each takeoff and landing cycle. The presence of fatigue cracking was confirmed through study of the fracture surfaces of critical parts of the wreckages. As understanding by the Comet crashes, fatigue must be an important consideration in the design of aircraft.
A.J.McEvily: Metal Failures, Page 7, Figure 1-2. D.R.H.Jones, Engineering Materials 3, Page 131-142. 37
Crack Size
Fracture Toughness
Mode I denotes a symmetric opening, the relative displacements between corresponding pairs being normal to the fracture surface. Mode II denotes antisymmetric separation through relative tangential displacement, normal to the crack front. Mode III denotes antisymmetric separation through relative tangential displacement, parallel to the crack front. Crack growth usually takes place in Model I or close to it.
Mode I
Mode II
46 D.Broek: Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 4th Edition, Page 6, Figure 1.1
47 R.W.Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, Page 44, Table 2.1
Strength of glass fibers, as determined by Griffith. Note the inverse relationship between size and strength.
D. Green, Mechanical Behavior of Ceramic Materials, Figure 8.2 50
Temperature: temperature affects plasticity in many materials. Higher temperatures promote deformation whereas low temperatures promote fracture. In many materials, a ductileto-brittle transition can be detected as you lower the temperature.
This also illustrates the essential aspect of competition between fracture and plastic flow. If dislocation slip is easy, then even a artificially made crack will blunt by plastic flow at its tip.
Now we need to take stress concentration into account at the tip of a crack. We employ a formula by Inglis for an elliptical crack of length a and thickness b:
maximum/applied = 1 + 2a/b
The sharper the crack, the greater the stress concentration at the crack tip, maximum.
R.W.Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, Page 240, Figure 7.5
2a 2b
(a) Axial loading of notched bar (b) Axial loading of bar with fillet
57 R.W.Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, Page 241, Figure 7.6
Above-Fracture surfaces of aluminum test specimens revealing flat and slant-type failure. Toughness level increases with increasing relative amount of slant fracture
R.W.Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, Page 248, Figure 7.11, and 58 Page 249, Figure 7.12
Above-Metallographic section revealing transcrystalline crack propagation at (A) and intercrystalline crack growth at (B)
R.W.Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, Page 251, Figure 7.15
An important fracture mechanisms, common to most materials regardless of fundamental differences in crystal structure and alloy composition, is microviod coalescence. Amorphous polymers also experience failure by this mechanism. It is believed that stress-induced fracture of brittle particles, particle-matrix interface failure, and perhaps, complex dislocation interactions lead to the formation of microcracks or pores within the stressed component.
Left- Microvoid coalescence under tensile loading, which leads to equiaxed dimple morphology; (a) TEM iamge and (b) SEM image
R.W.Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, Page 253, Figure 7.16 60
Above-Microvoid coalescence under shear loading, which leads to elongated dimple morphology; (a) TEM image; and (b) SEM iamge
Consequently, these voids tends to be elongated and result in the formation of parabolic depressions on the fracture surface
61 R.W.Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, Page 254, Figure 7.17
(a) tensile stresses produce equiaxed microvoids; (b) pure shear stresses generate microviods elongated in the shearing direction (voids point in opposite directions on the two fracture surfaces); (c) tearing associated with nonuniform stress (combined tension and bending) , which produces elongated dimples on both fracture surfaces that point back to R.W.Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of crack origin. Engineering Materials, Page 254, Figure 7.18.
K.Zeng and D.J.Rowcliffe, J. Mater. Res., Vol. 9, No. 7, 1994, Page 1693-1700
Right-Cleavage facets reveal fine-scale height elevations caused by localized deflection of the cleavage crack along twin matrix interfaces; (a) TEM (b) SEM.
R.W.Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, Page 255, Figure 7.19 and 65 Page 256, Figure 7.20.
Above-Model of crack advance in association with craze matter. Region A: crack advance by void formation through craze mid-plane. Region B: crack advance along alternate craze-matrix interfaces to form patch or mackerel patterns. Region C: crack advance through craze bundles to form hackle bands
R.W.Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics 67 of Engineering Materials, Page 257, Figure 7.22,
The fracture surface appearance of the semicrystalline polymers depends on the crack path with respect to underlying microstructural features. For example, a crack may choose an interspherulitic crack path or pass through the spherulite along a tangential or radial direction. It should be noted that fractographic evidence for transspherulitic or interspherulitic failure may be obscured by extensive prior deformation of the polymer, which distorts beyond recognition characteristic details of the underlying microstructure. Left-Fracture associated with spherulites in crystalline polymers (c) Fast running crack fracture surface in polypropylene revealing the four crack paths. (d) Interspherulitic fracture in polypropylene associated with slow crack velocity.
68 R.W.Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, Page 262, Figure 7.27.
The fracture surfaces of brittle solids often reveal several characteristic regions as shown in the left. Surrounding the crack origin is a mirror region associated with a highly reflective fracture surface. This smooth area is bordered by a misty region that contains small radial ridges R.W.Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering associated with numerous microcracks.
Materials, Page 263, Figure 7.28.
The mist region in turn is surrounded by an area that is rougher in appearance and contains larger secondary cracks. Depending on the size of the sample, this 69 hackle region may be bounded by macroscopic crack branching.