About Public Speaking
About Public Speaking
About Public Speaking
Getting Started
Getting started introduces you to public speaking. In this section, you have the opportunity to:
learn what public speaking means find out different ways to be involved in public speaking choose a well-known or significant speech to research using the internet consider your involvement in public speaking and the benefits and challenges for you participate in some communication activities begin working on a prepared speech.
the personality and experience of the speaker the content and purpose of the speech.
People make speeches in many different situations. Consider these nine examples. Complete the questions in the three 'Discussion' boxes below.
Cartoon 1
Cartoon 2
Cartoon 3
Cartoon 4
Cartoon 5
Cartoon 6
Cartoon 7
Cartoon 8
Cartoon 9
Complete the discussion questions below. Choose three cartoons and think about the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is the situation or context? Who might make speeches in these situations? Who is the audience? What might the speakers say? What words or language might the speakers use?
Discussion 1
Discuss your responses as a class or in small groups. Think of another situation where someone might make a speech. Explain: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. the situation the purpose of the speech who the audience would be what the speaker might say the types of words or language the speaker might use.
Discussion 2
Discuss your ideas as a class or in small groups. Choose an occasion when you spoke, or you listened to someone else speak, in public. Explain to another person: Discussion 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. the situation what the speech was about how your or the speaker tried to communicate with the audience how the audience responded how successful you felt the speech was and why your feelings as you either delivered or listened to the speech.
Get involved
Maybe you've already had some public speaking experiences, for example giving a speech in front of your class. Public speaking gives you the chance to communicate your ideas, knowledge or opinions to a larger group of people. Public speaking can help you to develop important skills. It can help you learn to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. speak clearly and fluently organise your thoughts logically express ideas confidently develop imagination and spontaneity use voice, body language and words to communicate maintain audience interest.
You can become a good public speaker with practice. Activity List three challenges and benefits for you in being involved in public speaking. Share your ideas in a small group. Choose one point to tell about in a class discussion.
Every year, hundreds of students take part in public speaking competitions in NSW schools. Some students go on to compete in regional, district, state and national finals. At public speaking events, students make two speeches:
a prepared speech they have rehearsed a speech made up on the day on a topic given to all contestants.
Both speeches have a time limit. The speeches are delivered in front of an audience. Speakers are judged on how well they communicate their ideas to the audience. Participants Many public speaking events are organised like the event shown below. Explore the different roles of the participants.
Locate: 1. the speaker 2. other contestants 3. the chairperson 4. the two adjudicators 5. the audience.
Speaker delivers her speech to the audience. Audience member listens and responds to the speaker. Chairperson introduces each speaker and the topic of the speech. Adjudicator evaluates the speakers as part of a team of adjudicators. At the end of a competition, the team decides on the winner. One adjudicator announces the winner and gives general comments on the speeches. Adjudicator evaluates the speakers as part of a team of adjudicators.
Three major annual public speaking competitions for schools are:
The Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award Sydney Morning Herald Plain English Speaking Award
The competitions are organised by The Arts Unit. Visit their website for details: www.artsunit.nsw.edu.au
3. Speakers Corner
The art of public speaking is known as oratory. An orator is the person who makes the speech. For centuries, orators have used their skills to persuade and rally their audiences. Some speeches are considered significant for the context in which they are given. Others are also remembered for their powerful use of words.
Quote me Read the following quotes from five speeches. Which quotes have you heard before? Do you know who said these words and in what context? Quote 1 Quote 2 Quote 3 Quote 4 Quote 5 Activity Choose one of the quotes above and research answers to the following questions. Use the internet, books or other sources of information. To complete this activity you will need to read or listen to the speech. '...we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender...' 'To the mothers and the fathers, the brothers and the sisters, for the breaking up of families and communities, we say sorry.' We gather together to celebrate freedom, to celebrate democracy, to celebrate the three most beautiful words in the English language: We the people. 'Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country.' '...this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.'
Who said these words and what speech is it from? When and where was the speech delivered (said)? Who was the audience? What was the purpose or reason for the speech? What message was the speaker making? How does the language in the speech help to achieve its purpose? Is this a good speech? Give two examples from the speech to support your response.
Turn your responses into a speech and deliver it to a small group of students or your class. The table below shows who said the words quoted in 'Quote me'. Quote 1 '...we shall fight on the beaches...' Winston Churchill, 1940 Quote 2 '...for the breaking up of families and communities, we say sorry...' Kevin Rudd, 2008
Quote 3 We gather together to celebrate freedom Benazir Bhutto, 1989 Quote 4 'ask not what your country can do for you...' John F. Kennedy, 1961 Quote 5 '...that government of the people, by the people...' Abraham Lincoln, 1863
4. Communication Introduction
Activity list 1 Really listening 2 Models 3 Tongue twisters
Good communication requires skills in speaking and listening. These activities will help you to develop your skills. When speaking:
look at the people you are addressing speak up so they can hear you speak clearly so they can understand you don't rush (don't speak too quickly) dont use lengthy pauses (dont speak too slowly)
Activity 1 Really listening Purpose: to practise looking at people while you speak and experience people really listening to you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Choose a partner to work with. Think of a topic you know a lot about (for example, your family or friends, your pets, a sport or sportsperson, your favourite place). Speak for half a minute about your topic while your partner models 'really listening'- no interrupting, comments or eye rolling. Swap roles. Discuss how it felt to be really listened to and how it felt to look at someone while talking for a long period of time. Discuss the listener's experience: Did they actually listen? How did they show they were listening? How did the speaker know they were listening? Cultural note Culture The way we communicate with others is influenced by our culture. For example, some cultures may regard maintaining 'eye contact' as disrespectful. Can you think of any ways that your cultural background influences the way you communicate with others? Remember, when relating to people from other cultures it may be important to modify your speech, tone of voice, body language or even what you wear.
Observe people as they make speeches in public (for example, at school, at sporting and social events or on TV). What do the effective public speakers do? Practise doing those things as well. Think of someone you consider is a 'good communicator'. It could be a friend, family member, teacher or member of your community or someone you've seen on TV. What qualities help to make that person a 'good communicator'?
Activity 3 Tongue twisters Purpose: to learn not to worry about making some mistakes! One aspect of good communication is speaking clearly. But everybody stumbles now and then. In a group of about four, take it in turns to say the following tongue twisters. Each is to be said twice clearly with correct word pronunciation. Top Ten Twisters
Cheap ship trips Truly plural A big black bug bit a big brown bear Canned cod comes completely cooked Bonnie burned the brown bread badly Eight grey geese grazing gaily in Greece Six thick thistle sticks The sun shines on the shop signs Tom threw Tim three thumb tacks Weak writers want white ruled writing paper
In Preparation you explore the process of preparing a speech and develop skills and techniques that can enable you to become an effective public speaker. In this section, you have the opportunity to:
learn different ways to organise your speech and important presentation techniques consider the difference between formal and informal speech as well as spoken and written language explore persuasive techniques and ways to connect ideas together build an understanding of the process or steps involved in preparing a speech complete activities to practise your skills and knowledge prepare a four-minute speech as part of your Strictly Speaking task.
1. Manner
Manner is how you present your speech. Manner includes:
Manner involves using vocal expression and body language to help communicate with your audience. How a speech is presented or delivered will depend on its purpose as well as the personality of the speaker.
As you read about manner on the following pages, consider how you can use some of these techniques to effectively deliver a speech.
Eye contact
Eye contact is when you look another person in the eyes as they look at your eyes. Eye contact is an important part of communicating when talking and listening to other people. As you give your speech, maintain eye contact with different sections of the audience to engage everyone. Some cultures consider maintaining eye contact is not appropriate when speaking to others. Always consider the audience you are speaking to when presenting your speech.
Vary your voice as you speak to add meaning and express emotion, making a more effective speech. Consider varying these aspects: Pace: how quickly or slowly you speak Rhythm: the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables (also includes elements of pace and pause) Pitch: the highness or lowness of your voice Volume: the loudness or softness of your voice Pause: a short or momentary break in delivery of your speech.
Gesture refers to the movements you make with your hands or arms as you speak. Gestures can help to stress a point or add life to your speech. For example:
clenching your hands for anger turning your palms upwards to show puzzlement.
Don't over use gestures or use them inappropriately. Avoid nervous movements such as repeatedly brushing your hair back.
Being relaxed and natural in your stance lets the audience know you are confident about what you will say. Choose a comfortable stance such as standing with your feet slightly apart. Try not to move around as you speak as this can distract an audience.
Palm Cards
Palm cards are small pieces of cardboard on which you can write the key points of your speech. You can refer to them while you speak. Don't try to read your speech from the cards. Look at them as little as possible so that you are able to maintain eye contact with your audience. Hold your palm cards in one hand so that you are also able to use gestures when appropriate.
Read these tips about 'manner'. They will help you make an effective speech, including in public speaking competitions. Follow these tips:
Be natural. Always look at your audience. Change the tone and volume of your voice but still keep it natural. If you have to think about a gesture, then don't do it. Use palm cards not pieces of paper. Make your palm cards small enough to fit into the palm of one hand. You're not allowed to sing, dance, use props or pretend to be someone else in public speaking competitions.
2. Matter
'Matter' is what you say in your speech. It relates to the topic and message or point of view you want to get across to the audience. The content of a speech is often affected by the context. For example, a speech at an Anzac Day ceremony will have different content from a speech for your science class. In public speaking competitions the content should address current issues in the media. Tips Here are five tips about 'matter'. Keep these in mind when preparing your speeches. Follow these tips:
When choosing a topic, choose one that you like and know a lot about, but also one that your audience might be interested in. Be original. That's what distinguishes one speech from others. Have a message or a point of view in your speech. Don't list possible solutions to a problem and leave the audience to decide. If you ask a question during your speech, make sure you answer it.
3. Method
Method refers to how a speech is organised. Method includes things such as:
beginning middle
ending timing.
Having a well-organised speech will help you make an effective speech. Think of the structure in three parts: a beginning, middle and end. A brief, strong beginning and end will capture your audience's attention. Develop the subject or theme of your speech in the middle. Timing refers to how long it takes to say your speech. Make sure you can deliver it in the time allowed if there is a limit. To check the timing, rehearse the speech as if you were delivering it to your audience. Beginning The beginning or introduction of your speech should be very short. Aim to capture the audience's attention so they really want to listen to what you have to say. Make the subject and purpose of the speech clear. The introduction might include:
the title of your speech (but not in a way such as 'Today my topic is...') a question that will be answered in the middle of the speech a startling opinion, fact or statement a real life example.
Middle The middle is the development or the body of the speech. It is the main part of your speech. Link it to the beginning of your speech in a logical and interesting way. In the body, the speaker gets their message across. Include a few well-explained ideas or arguments that support the topic and purpose of your speech. The points should be linked together. Don't recite them like a list. Ending The ending of a speech is called the conclusion. It is the climax or goal of your speech. Sums up the subject and purpose of your speech in a short final statement. Relate the style and content of your conclusion to the introduction. In public speaking competitions, your conclusion should be about 30 seconds long so that you can confidently deliver the final words of your speech when the warning bell rings.
Methods Below are three methods you can use to organise the content of a speech. Read the explanation of each method.
S.C.G Self: relate the topic to your own experiences (beginning) Community or Country: talk about the topic in a bigger context (middle) Global: talk about the topic as it relates to the world (ending)
P.I.N. Positive: commence with a positive thought (beginning) Interesting: develop your positive thought into something interesting (middle) Negative: conclude with something that is negative about your topic (ending)
P.P.F. Past: begin with your topic in the past (beginning) Present: develop this topic into what happens now (middle) Future: use your imagination to talk about what may occur with your topic in the future (ending)
The following points about method are useful, particularly when preparing speeches for public speaking competitions. Follow these tips:
Work towards getting your message across. Make the middle of your speech sound inspired and spontaneous. Avoid a long introduction. End with the main point or message of your speech. Avoid common endings like 'remember next time ...', and 'like I always say ...'
Many speeches try to persuade an audience to a particular point of view. For example, the purpose may be to gain:
support for a government policy votes for an election candidate action on a local issue.
When you want to win your audience to your point of view, it is helpful to use some persuasive techniques. One technique is to use strongly positive or negative words such as 'achievement' or 'disaster'.
Persuasive techniques The persuasive techniques below can be used in a speech to help win your audience to your point of view. The subject, content and purpose of your speech will help you to decide which techniques are appropriate.
Explanation Words that include the audience and imply they have an interest in the topic Words that appeal to the emotions, such as stirring patriotic feelings Witty, use of words such as puns, and images or amusing stories or situations Directions or commands (beginning with a verb.)
Example you, us, we, our it was a proud moment for our great country when dont be a drip when it comes to using water. Dont let this happen.
Direct appeal
Assertive language
Strongly positive, negative, emotional or colourful words or phrases Facts and figures that support and give authority to an argument The manner or style of the language in the text Body language, memorable graphics, charts and tables to illustrate or emphasise a point
Value, easy, free, success, disaster, devalue, failure Indigenous people earn only half the average Australian income. Casual, friendly, aggressive, formal, positive, encouraging, assertive Clenching your fist to indicate anger or passion
Expert quotes
View a list of strongly positive and negative words at the following website or complete your own web search for persuasive words. http://www.education.umd.edu/blt/unit/pgcc/PersuasiveWords.htm
Making a speech is different to having an everyday conversation. A speech uses more formal language than day-to-day talk. For example, it usually: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. omits redundant words such as like, 'sort of', 'you know' as well as 'um' and 'ah' (unless they serve a specific purpose within the speech). consists of complete sentences and varies the type of sentences used. does not use a lot of slang or colloquialisms (informal language). uses correct grammar and word pronunciation. doesnt use informal contractions. uses formal expression appropriate to the register for a formal speech.
Some speeches are more formal than others because of their context and purpose. A speech at a school awards night would probably be more formal than one at a friend's birthday party.
Speak it
Our spoken language is different from our written language. When we speak we often use: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. shorter, simpler sentences personal pronouns (such as 'I', 'you', 'we', 'our') contractions (such as it's instead of it is) colloquial expressions markers (such as 'firstly' or 'finally').
A speech is not an essay you read aloud. You want to speak to your audience. Instead of writing out your speech word for word, only record the key phrases or words as prompts.
Your ideas in your speech are connected. By making the links between your ideas clear, you will help your audience follow your speech and stay engaged. Two techniques to help link ideas (words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs) are: 1. 2. using connecting words or conjunctions such as 'because', 'afterwards', 'although' repeating key words or phrases of your speech.
Connecting words Ideas can be connected by using connecting words and phrases. For example, conjunctions, such as and, but and because can link ideas. Words and phrases, or groups of words, can be used to join ideas in sentences and paragraphs. Look at the list of connecting words and phrases below. You may find some in more than one category.
additionally, again, also, and, as well, besides, furthermore, indeed, moreover or, eitheror, nor also, equally, equally important, even so, in the same way, likewise, similarly although, but, despite, in spite of, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, otherwise, still, regardless, though, yet for example, for instance accordingly, because, consequently, finally, hence, in summary, on the whole, so, then, before all in all, finally, in brief, in conclusion, in short, in summary, lastly, on the whole, that is, to conclude Earlier, eventually, finally, following, previously, last, meanwhile, next, soon, subsequently, then, until, when
Connecting words can help your audience to make connections between the ideas in your speech. However, dont overuse them. Try to think of fresh and interesting words to use to connect your ideas.
Remember these tips about language use, particularly when preparing speeches for public speaking competitions. Follow these tips on language.
Be comfortable with the language you use in your speech. Use correct grammar. Pronounce your words correctly; don't use informal contractions, for example, dropping the 'g' at the end of words such as 'looking'.
4: Research your topic 5: Structure your information 6: Preparing your S.M.E. (start, middle and end) 7: Prepare palm cards 8: Rehearse your speech Step 1 If you are able to choose your topic, choose one that you are interested in and passionate about. It could be something you already know something about or one that concerns people you know. (Remember, it should also be of interest to your audience.) If you don't have a choice, you may still need to decide what aspect of the topic you will talk about. Step 2 Think about who will be listening to your speech. At different times your audience may be classmates, friends, parents and teachers or community members. Thinking about your audience will help you to choose suitable examples, words and ideas to get your message across and keep your audience interested. In a public speaking competition the adjudicator is not the audience. The role of the adjudicator is to observe and assess the speaker's impact on the audience. Step 3 Gather all your ideas about the topic by creating a mindmap. You could work solo or brainstorm in a small group. Decide on the subject and purpose of your speech. When you brainstorm, write the topic in the centre of a piece of paper and add all your ideas around it. Don't worry how they fit together. Keep adding to the mindmap as you develop your speech. Add any personal experiences/stories that might illustrate the topic and key words and ideas for making the speech more interesting. Step 4 Research your topic. Sources of information include libraries, books, newspapers, magazines and journals, internet and interviews (for example, with family or community members). When researching, ask yourself these questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What do I know already? What else do I have to find out? Where could I find out about that? Does this information help me to achieve my purpose? How can I use this information in my speech?
Step 5 Organise your information in a way the suits the purpose of your speech. For example, will your speech persuade, inform, present a point of view or arouse sympathy? The topic often tells us about the purpose and content of a speech. It may help to complete the following sentence: 'At the end of my speech I would like my audience to ...' Begin to organise your information to suit the purpose of your speech. Remember you need to have a beginning, middle and end: The beginning or introduction is brief, aims to capture the audience's attention and establish the subject and purpose of the speech.
The middle or development sets out your ideas and includes examples that support the topic and purpose of the speech. The ending or conclusion is a short final statement that relates back to the content of the introduction. It sums up the subject and purpose of the speech. Step 6 Work out in more detail what you will say in the introduction (start), development (middle) and conclusion (ending) of your speech. As you develop your speech, choose appropriate language to achieve your purpose and engage your audience. In the introduction aim to capture your audience's attention. You might include a question, statistic, story, startling fact or real life example. Avoid beginning with theatrical gestures, singing or starting with humdrum phrases such as 'The subject of my speech is...' Remember to keep your introduction short and make it clear what you are talking about. Link your development to the introduction in a logical and interesting way. Aim to get your message across by setting out your ideas and supporting examples in a logical and connected manner. Avoid reciting lists or talking about expected things. It is important that your development sounds inspired and spontaneous. Link the style and content of your conclusion to the content and style of your introduction. When summing up the subject and purpose of the speech, remember this is the climax of the speech. Step 7 Write the key points and words of your speech on palm cards. Keep the number of cards to a minimum. Number your palm cards. Avoid writing out your entire speech on the palm cards. Palm cards are prompts to help you remember what you want to say. Add notes about your delivery to the cards. You can add more directions after rehearsing. Palm cards can be made from any light cardboard. Cut your own or use small index cards (no more than 12.5 by 7.5 cm). Make sure the card fits comfortably in the palm of one hand. Step 8 Practise your speech as if you were delivering it to your audience. You could rehearse in front of a mirror, family or friends. You could record and watch or listen to your speech making. After each practice, reflect on your delivery and take on board any feedback you receive. Rehearse your speech as much as possible. Practice allows you to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. make sure you are comfortable saying the speech practise gestures and use of voice practise using your palm cards or props if appropriate remember key points in the speech check that you can present it in the time allowed make changes to improve your speech.
6. Preparation activities
Activity list 1 Who's the audience? 2 Edit for language 3 Sound structure 4 Just seven 5 Acceptance speech Complete these activities to practise techniques and skills related to the three M's of public speaking:
Activity 1 Who's the audience? Purpose: to consider how audience influences the content of a speech. Imagine that a senior student in the final year of school delivers three speeches on bullying, each to a different audience:
11 to 12-year-olds preparing for high school 16-year-old high school students A Parents and Citizens meeting.
Read the introduction of each of the following speeches. Match each speech to the audience you think it was intended for. Explain one or more language features of each introduction that helped you to decide. Speech Introduction 1: Youve heard the stories about toilet dunkings and year seven students being shaken down for their last dollar under the nose of an unsuspecting playground duty teacher. You may have even seen the evidence; the toilet water soaked shirt and the shoeless feet of the poor, downtrodden year sevens on their way home from high school. Yes, they look lovingly back at you in your safe haven of a primary school and you quake in your (still attached) shoes as you anticipate next year with growing dread. Now Im not going to lie to you and tell you that bullying is a complete myth. Lets hope it doesnt happen to anyone in this room, but it is a sad reality that some kids do get picked on when they go to high school. But I am here to tell you that all is not lost. There are ways to avoid the bully; there are strategies you can employ if you are unfortunate enough to attract some unwanted attention, and there are people who will be there to help you so you dont have to go through those messy toilet dunkings alone.
Speech Introduction 2: If we are to believe the fear mongering of the media, the biggest crisis in Australian education is not the inequity of funding between public and private systems; and it is not the difficulty of transitioning to a national curriculum; in fact it is not even the devolution of power to school principals and the adoption of the controversial business model in education. The biggest crisis in education according to a hysterical media feeding on the fears of terrified parents is an epidemic of bullying that, it would seem, no one is prepared to do anything about. Now I dont mean to belittle this very real problem. Recent statewide surveys show a worrying trend in both the occurrence and severity of bullying behaviours and this is greatly affecting our young people. But knee jerk reactions to youtube videos by politicians wishing to secure the popular vote do nothing to solve the problem and if anything have proven that the cure for bullying is almost as elusive as the cure for cancer. But I dont see anybody giving up on that particular fight in fact, there is a continuous and sustained effort by a cross section of society to combat that particular disease. Perhaps we should apply that same consistent, sustained and collaborative effort to this one as well. Speech Introduction 3: I stand before you today a victim of bullying. In fact as I look around I am pretty safe in the assumption that many of you are also victims of bullying. You look bewildered, you shake your heads, you roll your eyes and think to yourself that I have no idea what Im talking about. But consider this. If we agree that the definition of bullying is sustained and regular abuse (physical, emotional and/or mental) against an individual, designed to make that individual so damaged and afraid that they start believing they deserve this treatment, then that individual is effectively silenced. Still not you, youre thinking. Well, consider this. Every day, teenagers like you and me log on to a place where there are any number of people willing to abuse, ignore, unfriend or block because they do not like what we say or what we stand for and lets face it; when that happens often enough, we stop expressing our opinions; we self-censor; we are silenced. Activity 2 Edit for language Purpose: to practise editing language features of a text. To complete this activity use 'Introduction to speech 3' from the previous activity. Edit the introduction by making one or more edits in each of the following areas. Change one or more words or phrases:
to more strongly positive or negative words (persuasive language) to more formal language to reflect features of our spoken language by adding a connecting word or phrase between ideas.
Your changes should improve the speech and be suitable for the intended audience and content. Discuss your changes with other members of your class. Be prepared to support or justify your edits to the speech. Activity 3 Sound structure Purpose: to practise different methods of organising a speech.
Write a 30-60 second speech on cyber bullying to deliver to a Year 7 class. Organise your speech using one of these methods:
S.C.G. (Self, Community, Global) P.I.N. (Positive, Interesting, Negative) P.P.F. (Past, present future).
Optional: rewrite your speech using the other two methods. Rehearse your speech and, if possible, deliver it to a class group. Ask them for feedback on your speech. Activity 4 Just seven Purpose: to practise preparing and speaking from palm cards. Choose one of the sample speech introductions above or another speech extract of approximately the same length.
Read the text several times to become familiar with it. Put just seven words from the speech extract onto palm cards. Practise the speech using the words on the palm cards as prompts. Speak fluently and express the ideas in your own words. You do not need to use the same words each time you rehearse the speech. Deliver the speech to a group of students or your class.
spoke fluently spoke coherently had good manner successfully covered the main points in the speech (there may be different opinions about which are the main points).
Activity 5 Acceptance speech Purpose: to practise your presentation skills (manner). Imagine you are the captain of a sporting team which has just been presented with a trophy on stage in front of 100 people. You have prepared an acceptance speech to give.
Acceptance speech
'Ladies and gentlemen On behalf of the team, I would like to say how happy we are to receive this great trophy. We didn't do it on our own and I would like to thank everyone who helped us. In particular I must, of course, mention Tom, our coach. I would also like to thank the teams who played against us. They all fought hard and there were plenty of times when they had us worried. It has all made for an exciting and enjoyable season of sport. Thank you, very much.' Rehearse the speech in front of a mirror and/or family members. You may change or add words to improve the speech.
Practise eye contact, using hand gestures, varying your use of voice and speaking fluently. Deliver the speech to a class group or your whole class (but pretend you are addressing 100 people). If possible video or record everyone's speeches so the group or class can compare interpretations.
Compare the way the speech was delivered by different students. Think about the use of voice, body language (including stance, gesture and facial expression) and eye contact. Discuss which presentations were most effective and why.
consider what makes an effective speech develop strategies to overcome your nerves find out what adjudicators expect from students in public speaking competitions evaluate speeches including your own complete activities to practise your skills and knowledge deliver your prepared speech to an audience.
1. An Effective Speech
Effective public speakers communicate with their audiences using:
They speak naturally and from 'the heart'. An effective speech will have:
a clear message be easy to follow engage the audience's interest, imagination and/or emotions.
The words of a speech and how they are delivered will depend on the speaker's purpose and personality. Effective speakers:
show their true personality without being too casual come across as being genuine and sincere.
Competitions In competitions, speakers are evaluated on how well they communicate with their audience. The audience is not the adjudicator. A good speech will generally include current issues or ideas that appeal to or are of interest to most audiences. The purpose of a speech may be to inform, persuade, arouse sympathy, increase understanding, raise awareness, change an opinion or present a point of view.
Remember the following guide when preparing a speech for a public speaking competition. A public speech is not: a debating speech the structure, purpose and style of public speaking is very different to what is expected in debating a reading exercise public speaking notes should be minimal and not obvious an essay the way we communicate in writing is different to our spoken language, so don't write your speech out and memorise it a lecture the speech should not be so technical or academic that it cannot be easily followed by the audience a string of unconnected ideas there should be a definite theme and clear outcome.
Adjudicators look at three areas of the speaker's performance: Visual presentation eye contact, stance, gestures... Vocal qualities pace, tone, volume, use of pause...
Verbal skills pronunciation and use of grammar... Below are some questions the adjudicator considers when evaluating your speech. Visual Visual presentation refers to what someone looks like when they speak. Adjudicators consider: Stance Do you look comfortable and relaxed? Are both feet on the floor? Gesture Are your hand or arm gestures natural and appropriate? Facial expression Do you use facial expressions to add meaning and interest? Eye contact Do you maintain eye contact with your audience? Palm cards Do you only look at your palm cards occasionally? Do they fit in one hand?
Vocal Vocal qualities refers to what someone sounds like. Adjudicators consider: Clarity Do you speak clearly so you can be understood? Pace Do you speak too quickly or slowly? Do you vary the pace when appropriate? Pausing Do you include pauses when appropriate? Pitch Is the pitch of your voice easy to listen to? Volume Do you project your voice so you can be heard? Tone Do you change the tone of your voice? Is it appropriate to what you are talking about? Verbal Verbal skills refers to how the speaker uses language. Adjudicators consider:
Do you use correct grammar and pronunciation? Do you appear comfortable with the language you use?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Did the speaker stick to the topic? Did the speaker state his/her opinion? Did the speaker present a well-researched speech? Was the speech interesting to the audience? Did the person speak with a clear voice? Did the person look at the audience? Did the speaker use language that was appropriate to the content and audience? Did the speech have an introduction and ending? Did the speech have a clear and coherent development of ideas?
Delivery Activities
look at the people you are addressing speak up so they can hear you speak clearly so they can understand you don't rush (don't speak too quickly).
Before you begin, here are some strategies for dealing with nerves.
Taming the butterflies Feeling nervous about giving a speech is not that unusual, in fact you may be surprised to learn that being nervous is actually a positive sign. It shows that you think that your speech is important and you want to do well. The secret is to not let your nerves get the better of you. Make them work for you, not against you. Read the following eight suggestions to help manage and control your butterflies. 1. Understand that everyone gets nervous, even professional speakers, before they speak in public. 2. Prepare thoroughly. Knowing what you want to say will make you less anxious. 3. Rehearse your speech (including in front of others). Being familiar with delivering your speech (and positive feedback from others) will build your confidence. 4. Do some relaxation exercises before you speak. For example, to relax your mouth, open your mouth slightly then relax your tongue on the bottom of your mouth. 5. Focus on the message you want to get across, not on how nervous you feel. This will help send your nerves in a positive direction. 6. Be positive. Turn your nerves into enthusiasm and energy that you communicate to your audience. 7. Realise that the audience are ready to support you. They are not your enemy. They want you to succeed. 8. Be ready to learn from your public speaking experience. This is a chance to build important skills. Enjoy the opportunity.
Activity 1 Circle speech Purpose: to practise recall, using your imagination and language skills Complete this activity in a group of at least eight people. It could be done with your whole class.
Sit in a circle if possible. Randomly select who will speak first (for example, by giving each person a number and then drawing a number out of a box). The first person starts the speech by saying a short phrase or idea they think of (for example, 'It's always exciting to'). The next person in the circle repeats the phrase and adds a few more words. o The new words should make sense in terms of what has come before. Use your language skills to build a colourful and flowing speech. When appropriate begin a new sentence and/or use connecting words to link your idea to what came before. Copy the manner in which each idea was first said. Continue around the circle with each person repeating the speech from the beginning and then adding a new idea. The speech stops when someone forgets part of the speech or hesitates for more than four seconds while speaking. Debrief by talking about the content, structure and language features of the circle speech that evolved.
Activity 2 Just a minute Purpose: to learn about relevance and speaking within constraints. A stopwatch is required for this activity. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The whole class is given a topic. After ten seconds, the teacher announces a student's name. The clock is started and the student stands and begins to speak on the topic. Other class members may challenge the speech on one of three grounds: irrelevance, repetition or hesitation. The teacher adjudicates on the challenge. If valid, the challenger takes over as speaker until they are successfully challenged or one minute is up. The winner is the student who is speaking when the minute is up.
The activity can be made more challenging by adding rules. For example speakers can be banned from repeating any idea that has already been brought up previously.
learn different strategies for quickly preparing a speech continue to develop skills and knowledge addressed in previous sections evaluate speeches including your own complete activities to practise your skills and knowledge deliver a two-minute impromptu speech.
An impromptu speech is a speech that is given with little preparation. The word 'impromptu' describes something
Can you think of a situation when someone might have to give an impromptu speech? Perhaps you thought of a birthday party, a farewell or even speaking on an issue in class. In an impromptu speech you won't have time to fully prepare so put your key words or ideas on palm cards and improvise the rest of your speech. An effective impromptu speech will
have a start, middle and end be easy to follow have a clear subject and message.
Students competing in public speaking competitions make an impromptu speech as well as a prepared speech. In junior years, the time limit for impromptu speeches is usually 2 minutes. Impromptu speeches are made after the prepared speeches.
Impromptu preparation
There are many ways to prepare for an impromptu speech before you know the topic. Begin developing your skills by practising impromptu speeches on lots of different topics. Here are some ways to prepare for impromptu speeches beforehand. You can:
find out what's happening in your community, around the country and the world develop your general knowledge on different subjects decide on your opinion on current issues in the media prepare issues or ideas that would suit impromptu speeches and try out different structures evaluate impromptu speeches you give and decide on ways to improve.
5 step plan In a competition, you only have five minutes to prepare your impromptu speech. So use your time wisely. Follow these five steps to plan an impromptu speech: 1 Interpret the topic 2 Prepare your start 3 Prepare your ending 4 Prepare the middle of your speech 5 Review your palm cards Find out more below. Your skills in writing and delivering prepared speeches (including manner, matter and method) will help you to make an effective impromptu speech.
Focus on one issue. Make sure the link between the issue/idea and the topic is clear. Decide on the purpose of your speech: ask yourself, 'What do I want the audience to get out of my speech?'
think about. Put your key words or phrases onto palm cards. The middle of your speech is also called the body. Explore the how, why, when, where, who, what, which of the topic. Middle Explain your points and link them to the main theme or idea. Choose one or two examples that support the theme or idea of your speech. Put the key words or phrases onto palm cards. Don't try to write the whole speech out in full. Review Review your palm cards. Arrange your cards in a logical order and number them. If you have time, review your speech by using your palm cards. Make sure you can present your speech in the time allowed.
These tips are useful, especially if preparing for a public speaking competition
choose an idea or subject that is less obvious (but only if you feel confident) as it may result in a more interesting speech. time your conclusion for about 30 seconds so when you hear the warning bell in a competition, you can finish your speech with confidence.
talk about what you did in the preparation room define the topic or list or explain different ways it can be interpreted start with trite phrases such as, 'What does this topic mean?' or 'The definition of this is...'. speak about the process of writing an impromptu speech, how hard the topic is or what you thought you could speak about ramble and repeat points; an audience prefers quality over quantity give lists of examples use material from your prepared speech or those of other speakers.
Impromptu activities
Activity list 1 Favourite minute 2 Hot off the press 3 Impromptu practise Complete these three activities to practise impromptu speaking. Try each activity more than once. Practising is an important part of developing skills. Remember, an impromptu speech should have a beginning, middle and end, be easy to follow and have a clear message. Only write key words or phrases on your palm cards. When delivering your impromptu speech, remember to use your presentation skills (manner). Activity 1 Favourite minute Purpose: to practise speaking fluently and clearly.
Work with a partner and take it in turns to complete the following. Choose from the following 'favourite' topics or make up your own. Think for 30 seconds about what you will say on the topic. Speak to your partner for 1 minute on the topic. Ask your partner for feedback: Did you speak fluently? Were your ideas well-organised? Was your message clear? Did you engage the audience?
Topics: My favourite food My favourite place in the world My favourite book My favourite expression My favourite person My favourite sport Activity 2 Hot off the press Purpose: to deliver a persuasive speech about a current event.
Go to a news website. Each choose a current news story that interests you. Read, listen to or watch the story. Spend three minutes thinking about the events, ideas or issues in the story and your own opinion. Spend five minutes planning a one minute speech that will persuade your partner to your point of view about the story. Put your key words or ideas on palm cards. Deliver your speeches to each other (decide who will go first.) Evaluate each speech: talk about whether the message and subject was clear and the persuasive language techniques used to convince the listener.
Activity 3 Impromptu practise Purpose: to gain experience giving 2 minute impromptu speeches.
Work with up to two other people. Together select a topic for the group (use the list below). Each prepare your own 2 minute speech on the topic. You have a 5 minute time limit for this task. Take it in turns to deliver your speech to the group. Record the speeches on video or as audio. Review the speeches: compare how each person interpreted the topic. Share two positive things about each speech and one thing that could be improved.
Changes 9 to 5 Ready or not Bargains Opportunity knocks Rubbish No guts, no glory Give and take It's no joke Haves and have nots Decisions Good news The best things in life It's never too late Back to basics
Quality teaching
Examples of ways this resource can be integrated into a program of work to support quality teaching. Intellectual quality Intellectual quality
Deep knowledge Deep understanding Problematic knowledge
Each section covers a range of key concepts. Tasks provide opportunity for students to demonstrate knowledge or applying learning through actions. By studying a range of speeches, including impromptu speeches, students recognise that speakers approach topics from different viewpoints and use language and other techniques to help communicate their ideas and opinions to an audience.
Student research, interpret and synthesize information, as part of preparing speeches; communicate and express their opinions to others Students use the language of formal public speaking when reflecting on their own speeches and those of others; technical language is defined in pop-up glossary windows.
Substantive communication
Opportunities are provided to discuss and express opinions on issues relevant to students; students interpret and reflect on their own speeches and those of others.
The following terms are used within this resource. Term
audience adjudicator body language
chairperson eye contact gestures introduction pause pace impromptu speech informative manner
the person responsible for keeping order during a public speaking competition looking at members of the audience a speakers hand movements beginning of the speech when the speaker stops speaking for a brief moment the speed at which a person talks a speech that is made up just before speaking
contains useful information the way the speech is presented, for example, eye contact, use of voice, gesture, stance, and use of palm cards
matter method palm cards point of view prepared speech projection subject matter volume
what the person says how the speech is organised a set of small cards that contain the main points of the speech view or opinion on an issue, topic, subject or event a speech that has been planned being able to be heard by everyone in the audience what the speech is about the loudness or softness of the voice