Geofile China and India

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The document discusses population trends in China and India, comparing statistics like birth rates, death rates, and population growth rates between the two countries. It also examines regional variations in growth rates within each country and policies each has implemented regarding population.

Population growth rates are slowing in both countries but India's rate remains higher than China's. China's future growth is expected to stabilize more so than India's. There are also differences in projected population sizes, with India expected to surpass China in total population by 2030-2040.

In both countries, economically developed regions tend to have higher growth rates while remote and less developed areas show higher growth. Socioeconomic factors like education and health outcomes also influence regional patterns. Traditional preferences still favor male children in some areas.


Geo file 507

Alan Marriott

Demographic Change and Population

Policy in China and India
China has emerged as a major force in Figure 1: Key vital statistics for China, India and the UK (2004, except percentage
the world economy, and many urban, literacy and GDP per capita)
commentators feel that India is not far
behind. Their economies are certainly China India UK
growing rapidly, although the GDP
per capita data in Figure 1 suggest that Population (billions) 1.299 1.065 0.060
they are still significantly different Birth rate 12.98 22.80 10.88
from developed economies. Both Death rate 6.92 8.38 10.19
countries are also outstanding Infant mortality rate 25.28 57.92 5.22
demographically. They are the only Life expectancy at birth 71.96 63.99 78.27
two billionaire countries, both well Total fertility rate 1.69 2.85 1.66
ahead of the third most populous Median age 31.8 24.4 38.7
country, the USA. Percentage 0-14 years of age 27.3 31.7 18.0
Percentage 15-64 years of age 70.3 63.5 66.3
Population trends in China Percentage 65 and over years of age 7.5 4.8 15.7
Percentage urban 32.1 28.4 89
and India Percentage literate 86 59.5 99
The 2000 Chinese census revealed a GDP per capita (US$) 5,000 2,900 27,700
population of 1.27 billion increasing at
1.07% per annum in the preceding Birth rate: number of births per thousand members of the population per year
decade. The growth rate was the lowest Death rate: number of deaths per thousand members of the population per year
recorded in any intercensal period in Infant mortality rate: number of deaths in the first year of life per thousand live births
the post-revolution era. (The highest Life expectancy at birth: in years
was 2.07% per annum between the Total fertility rate: number of children a woman can expect to have
1964 and 1982 censuses.) Median age: age which divides the population into halves
Percentage urban: 2000, national definitions
India’s 2001 census confirmed the Percentage literate: percentage literate over 15 years of age, 2003 (China and India);
unwelcome passing of the one billion percentage who have completed secondary education, 2000 (UK)
GDP per capita: 2003, US dollars, purchasing power parity
milestone (the population count was
1.03 bn) but the census also confirmed
that the population’s rate of increase is Figure 2: Annual population growth in China, 1990–2000
slowing. The growth rate between 1991
and 2001 was 1.9% per annum, less
than for any intercensus decade since
1941-51. Between 1961 and 1981
population growth had exceeded 2.2%
per annum.

There are sharp regional variations.

One Indian state, Kerala, had an
annual growth rate less than 1%. The
highest growth rates are in the north
east, where Nagaland grew at 5.1%, and
other states approach similar levels. In
the demographically conservative
north central Indian heartland, growth
rates are over 2% (Uttar Pradesh 2.3%,
Rajasthan 2.5%, Harayana 2.5%, Bihar
The highest growth rates in China 2.50% and over
were associated with economic growth 2.00 to 2.49%
(e.g. Guangdong, adjacent to Hong 1.50 to 1.99%
Kong, 3.1%; Beijing, 2.4%; and
Shanghai, 2.2%), although remote, 1.00 to 1.49%
sparsely populated provinces with high Up to 0.99%
proportions of ethnic minorities also
showed higher than average growth Although India can look forward to century, overtaking China in the 2030s
rates (e.g. Xinjiang). the dubious distinction of being the or 2040s, the longer term prospects are
most populous country by mid- good. Some official projections,

Geofile Online © Nelson Thornes 2005

September 2005 no.507 Demographic Change and Population Policy in China and India

Figure 3: Annual population growth in India, 1991–2001

The demographic transition in
China and India
Figure 4 shows the progress of China
and India through the stages of the
demographic transition. In the middle
of the 20th century both had high
birth rates, India’s about 40 per
thousand, China’s 35-40, and both had
death rates that were falling from levels
of about 25 and 20 per thousand. These
characteristics are typical of stage 2 of
the demographic transition, the early
expanding stage. As death rates fall, the
rate of natural increase rises. The end
of stage 2 comes when the fall in the
birth rate outstrips the fall in the death
rate so the rate of natural increase itself
falls. This happened in the 1960s in
China, the 1970s in India. Now, China
is moving towards the final stage
where birth and death rates are more
or less in balance.

Figure 5 shows the demographic

pathways followed by China and India,
and for comparison by Hong Kong,
now a special administrative region of
China, and Thailand. Hong Kong was
probably moving between stage 2 and
2.50% and over
stage 3 in 1950, is now in stage 4 and
2.00 to 2.49% will remain there in the next half
1.50 to 1.99% century. Thailand is approaching stage
1.00 to 1.49%
4 and will certainly be at that point by
the mid 21st century. China’s
Up to 0.99% remarkable demographic history is
clearly shown in the big movement in
birth rates and death rates between
1950 and 1975, bigger even than Hong
perhaps optimistic, anticipate that the present, the inherent growth in the Kong and taking it past Thailand in
fertility rate will fall to replacement population associated with a young age the demographic transition. In
levels by 2010 and subsequent growth structure may mean that population contrast India, which started at a very
will be that stored up in the growth continues even into the second similar point to China in 1950, will
population’s age profile. Government half of the century. still have a higher growth rate in 2050.
policy is to achieve population stability
by 2045, but this is almost certainly
not achievable. UN projections have Figure 4: Birth rates and death rates in India and China, 1950–2004
India still growing at nearly half a
percent per annum in mid century. Key
Kerala’ s fertility rate is already below 50
China birth rate India birth rate
replacement, and only slightly higher 45 China death rate India death rate
than the highest European countries.
Other southern states, Tamil Nadu 40
and Andhra Pradesh, also have low
fertility rates although, to the
Rate per thousand

confusion of those who look for easy 30

explanations of demographic patterns,
their social indicators not as good as 25
Kerala’ s. 20

China’s future population growth is 15

expected to be much less than India’s
and is expected to stabilise in the
second quarter of the 21st century. If a 5
relaxation of the population policy
means that fertility falls less quickly 0
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
than has been the case up to the Year
Geofile Online © Nelson Thornes 2005
September 2005 no.507 Demographic Change and Population Policy in China and India

Figure 5: Transition pathways the Party’s openness to data on

population trends. Population science
Growth rate became an important discipline, but
+3% +2% +1% 0 one linked to natural sciences rather
Stage 2 than social sciences, a discipline based
on quantification and forecasting
rather than understanding social
40 –1%
Once the policy was fully accepted it
was strictly enforced. However, it is
almost certainly true that, because of
30 the decentralisation of provincial
Crude birth rate

Stage 3
administration, there were differences
from one province to another. This
was partly due to the differing
proportions of ethnic minorities in the
populations (the non-Han people were
generally allowed more than one
Key child).
10 Hong Kong In recent years there have been signs of
Stage 4 Thailand the policy weakening. Prospective
India parents have become adept at strategies
to circumvent the restrictions –
reassigning ethnicity from Han
0 10 20 30 40 50
Crude death rate Chinese to minority and encouraging
multiple births, for example. (Note
that the fertility rate is well over 1, see
Some comparisons with the UK population policies. The western Figure 1.) At the same time, since the
demonstrate that, although China is viewpoint is to acknowledge the mid-1990s, the government has begun
much more demographically advanced extreme pressures which brought to gradually move away from coercion
than India, it is still not comparable about its formulation, but to deplore to a more health-oriented policy.
with a western society. It is true that its lack of respect for human rights. China has endorsed and committed
the indicators of fertility are similar. The extreme coercion has received itself to implement international
The 2004 birth rate is only 2 per attention within China, but during its agreements promoting mother and
thousand different, and the total emergence the main focus was on the child welfare. In 32 pilot counties there
fertility rate is only 0.03 higher. The damage that population growth was has been a move away from
message given by measures of causing to economic modernisation. administrative dictat towards an
mortality is mixed. The UK’s crude integrated, client-oriented approach.
death rate is higher than both China’s There was little interest in population This approach, centring on the needs
and India’s – but this is because the issues from the Communist takeover of the mother, child and immediate
British population is much older. The in 1949 through to the early 1970s. family rather than the state, is to be
infant mortality rate, the only age One of the first signs of a new introduced in more than 800
specific death rate given in Figure 1, is viewpoint came with the introduction additional counties over the next few
much higher in China than in the UK, of the Later, Longer, Fewer policy. years.
and much higher again in India. There This was a public campaign to
are also clear differences in life encourage parents to postpone their Population policy changes in
expectancy. first child, allow a longer interval
between births and have fewer
Age structures contrast strongly. The children in total. Indian demographers sometimes claim
three median ages are well spaced out that India was the first country in
and the differences in the percentage of The one-child policy emerged in the modern times to have a population
young people and, especially, old years 1978-83. If we look for a single policy. While this claim has to be
people are marked. date, September 1980 when the Fifth regarded with some scepticism – a
National People’s Congress declared its number of European countries had
Plotting annual data for China in views, is the best benchmark. The pro-natalist policies in the inter-war
Figure 4 also reminds us that the underlying background was the years for instance, an attempt to
demographic transition is not an perceived need to promote the four recover from the shocking death rates
inevitable linear process. The modernisations, in industry, of the First World War – India may
devastating impact of the Great Leap agriculture, defence, and science and well have been the first developing
Forward of 1958 on birth rates and technology. Rapid population growth country to establish birth reduction as
death rates is very clear. was seen as a barrier to economic a national objective and the first to
progress. At this time China started to recognise that rapid population growth
compare itself with the developed was a brake on economic development.
China’s population policy world rather than other developing
China’s one-child-per-couple policy is countries. As part of the reassessment India became independent in 1947 and
the most well known of all official there had been a significant change in defined its population policy,

Geofile Online © Nelson Thornes 2005

September 2005 no.507 Demographic Change and Population Policy in China and India

essentially one of controlling with large immigration levels, like the in assemblies and councils. Both
population growth, soon after. Over oil producers in the Middle East, have countries have official publicity
the years its detailed objectives much higher levels.) Practically all campaigns against son preference.
changed. In particular there has been a developed countries and most There are variations between states
gradual shift from control (a rather developing countries have ratios in the and provinces but generally prenatal
negative aim) to welfare (much more mid or high 90s. The UK’s is 95. sex identification and sex-selective
positive). In the 1960s, for example, abortion is illegal in both China and
family ‘health and happiness’ emerged The underlying preference for male India.
as the core objective. infants remains strong in many
sections of Indian society. There are In China some provinces allow parents
The problem with improving family two trends operating in opposition. to have a second child if the first is a
welfare in the expectation of falling The positive attitudes towards women son. In India there has been an
family size is that the result emerges are strongest among the educated and improvement in monitoring and pro-
slowly. In 1975 India had its period of the positive changes in the health of daughter advocacy in recent years. But,
coercion, a state of emergency, during women affect all sections of society. at least in the short run, the situation
which normal democratic processes Female death rates are now similar to may deteriorate before it improves.
were suspended. The reasons for the those of men except among the very
state of emergency were primarily young. On the other hand there is a References
political with an economic negative impact relating to the
underpinning, but continued Dyson, T (2001) ‘The preliminary
availability of affordable techniques for
population growth was held to be one demography of the 2001 census of
sex determination of foetuses. Female
of the factors which weakened the India’ Population and Development
infanticide is long established in India,
economy. This was the justification of Review 27(2) pp 341-356.
although difficult to quantify. Indian
the 1976 policy which embraced East-West Centre (2002) The future
demographers have long assumed a sex
demanding family limitation targets population of Asia Honolulu.
ratio at birth of 110, compared with
making sterilisation near compulsory Greenhalgh, S (2003) ‘Science,
international values of 104-105. The ‘at
for those who depended on the state in modernity and China’s one-child
birth’ element is misleading – the
any way. policy’ Population and Development
difference has arisen from female
Review 29(2) pp 163-196.
infanticide before the birth is recorded.
The policy, like the state of emergency Lavely, W (2001) ‘First impressions
Now, in addition, selective abortion of
itself, was short-lived but it from the 2000 census of China’
foetuses has become more important as
significantly set back family planning Population and Development Review
antenatal sex determination has
in India. Any short-term gain in 27(4) pp 755-770.
become easier and cheaper using
reduced fertility was lost in the Marriott, A and Sanchez, J (1998) ‘The
techniques like ultrasound scanning
subsequent reaction to the controls. Integration of Family Planning and
and imaging. In fact there was a very
The subsequent emphasis was on Development Activities in India’
sharp worsening in the sex ratio
mother and child welfare; family Geography 83(3) pp 237-245.
among children 0-6 years of age from
limitation was not an issue addressed Sanchez, J and Marriott, A (1999)
106 in 1991 to 108 in 2001.
by national or regional politicians ‘Demographic Change in India’
throughout the 1980s, wary that they In China one unwelcome consequence Geofile 348.
would lose public support. of the one-child policy was a Sheridan, M (2005) ‘Fertility-drug
worsening of the sex ratio at birth from twins beat China’s one-child law’
Nevertheless time has healed that the late 1970s. This must have been Sunday Times 27 February.
wound and international thought achieved initially by infanticide of
moved on, and now India has females immediately after birth and
approved a national population policy before the birth was registered. No
designed to reflect the best practices doubt, as in India, selective abortion is
recognised in the international now much more common.
community. Several state governments
have developed their own state The policy response in the two
population policies which are normally countries has not yet been effective in
closely consistent with central reducing the differential. Both
government. countries have legislated to protect the
rights of women and in India there is a
proportion of seats reserved for women
Sex ratios
The populations of both India and
China have unusually high
proportions of males, reflecting the
Focus Questions
traditionally low status of females. 1. Explain why the UK’s death rate is higher than China’s and
India’s sex ratio in 2004 was 106 males India’s.
per 100 females and China’s 105. These
were higher imbalances than in any of 2. What is cause and what is effect in the relationship between economic
the other 20 largest countries. Only a development and demographic maturity?
number of much smaller countries,
like Afghanistan, have a larger excess 3. Is the demographic transition an inevitable progression or a general
of males. (Some very small countries trend shaped by policy and circumstance?

Geofile Online © Nelson Thornes 2005

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